Dear Readers, It gives us immense pleasure to present to you yet another interesting issue of our beloved Marksman. We have curated for you a broad spectrum of interesting articles that would enhance your understanding of marketing. Is advertising different from branded entertainment? If yes then in what sense? Learn all about it in our Cover Story “Branded Entertainment”. Our Special Story discusses about “Sharing Economy” a new concept that has gripped the Indian consumers. We would like to congratulate Shrishty Kapoor of Fortune School of International Business and Kratitva Agrawal from IIM Shillong whose articles have been featured in this issue. For the remaining entries, we would like to thank you all for your incredible response and encourage you all to keep writing to us with great enthusiasm. We’d also like to hear back from our esteemed readers on how you find this issue.Your feedback is valuable for it helps us improve our magazine. Happy Reading! Connect with us on Follow our Facebook page for more updates.
INDEX Tweets
It’s All About Ad-itude
Marketing Faux Pas
Cover Story
Special Story
Hall-Mark Campaign
Brand Markive
Featured Article
Square Head
#nuclearbutton The war of words between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the President of the United States of America over nuclear button opened a plethora of opportunities for the brands to take a jibe on their competitors. Fast food giant KFC mocked the leader McDonalds over their meal box recipe highlighting the shortcomings of the variety offered by them.
Fast food giant KFC mocked the leader McDonalds over their meal box recipe.
Brands took to twitter to express their wishes to the consumers in their unique way possible
#MerryChristmas2017 December stands important for the brands as this is the peak season for their sales due to two main reasons- Christmas and New Year. Brands took to twitter to express their wishes to the consumers in their unique way possible so that they can position themselves in the consumer’s minds. They opted for short videos, images and GIFs.
IT’S ALL ABOUT AD-ITUDE -SOHIT TELEVISION AD Titan Raga:The Masaba Collection Titan Raga has collaborated with fashion designer Masaba Gupta to launch their latest range of watches. Each watch has been designed keeping in mind the young Indian woman; suave and sophisticated. Ogilvy Bangalore has brought this fun, playful campaign to life, characterised by the flamboyant use of traditional motifs. Titan Raga has collaborated with Masaba for the first time to launch a collection of this kind. The communication needed to appeal to women in their 20’s and reflect this essence. The campaign makes the watches stand out in all their true glory while the narrative complements the philosophy behind the collection. From the conceptualization to the final output, the Ogilvy team have created this world of imagination and wonder. Masaba Gupta is a leading designer known for her bright ideas and bold designs that resonate with the modern woman of today. The association has led to unique and differentiated designs; each watch has a unique story to tell. The collection blends romance and feminity of Raga with the art of Masaba. The Collection is a testimonial to the Raga brand which has fashionably and elegantly evolved over time to suit every occasion for every woman.
Masaba Gupta is a leading designer known for her bright ideas and bold designs that resonate with the modern woman of today.
PRINT AD The wall features printed photos from Paris, Honolulu, Pisa, Mexico City, London, Moscow, Amsterdam, Los Angeles and Zurich.
Delta Dating Wall Too broke to go jet packing? Delta Airlines has one of the coolest airline campaigns you’ll see. With the help of Wieden + Kennedy New York, it has put nine exotic destinations on a Brooklyn wall so that singles can add colour to their dating profile and look like a high flyer. The wall features printed photos from Paris, Honolulu, Pisa, Mexico City, London, Moscow, Amsterdam, Los Angeles and Zurich. While the singles might not have the dough to actually fly to these destinations, the artwork emphasizes the fact that Delta flies to most destinations of any airline from New York City. The #DeltaDatingWall will be on display throughout the summer. Delta, in partnership with Tinder, will be holding a single-centric event where one gets to have a photo shoot alongside the wall by a professional photographer. 4
FAUX PAS -ANUSHA KIDIYUR Is it cool to call everything racist? Of late this has been a trend to act anti-racist, even if there’s nothing racist that has happened. There has been a huge H&M controversy on the similar lines about H&M, a Swedish clothing featured a retailer. In one of its adverts, H&M featured a black kid wearing a black kid sweatshirt with the words ‘Coolest monkey in the Jungle’ etched wearing a on it. Members of South African opposition party fled to some sweatshirt H&M stores and protested the image. Social media blew up over with the the photo and kept H&M under the fire. People called the words promotional image racist and inappropriate. Celebrities including ‘Coolest Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James and musician The Weekend monkey in joined the social media backlash against its image. To protect its the Jungle’ image and reduce the friction, H&M issued an apology removing etched on it. the sweatshirt from the site. “We have got this wrong and we are deeply sorry,” a message on the website said. More than a week over the controversy, the young boy’s parents, mother Terry and father Frank Mango spoke to ITV from Stockholm, Sweden. They didn’t feel that the advert was racist. Terry said that this is one of the hundred outfits her son has modelled and dismissed the issue as unnecessary. Although she had the backing of social media who were furious with the usage of the word ‘monkey’ as it is considered to be a racist
slur, the mother of the model found it absurd to have made a controversy over it, adding to it she said that everyone should respect different opinions based on racism. Did it really hurt people’s sentiments? Are people really offended? Or it’s just another blame game? What if the shirt was featured by a white model and then a black kid decided to buy it and wear it? Is it still considered to be racist? These questions instil a sense of doubt on the decision of H&M to publicly apologize. However, if this is considered to be a racist scandal, this is not the first time H&M drew public accusations. H&M! it’s high time you decide whether to stop doing it or rebuild your image that you don’t do it anymore.
However, if this is considered to be a racist scandal, this is not the first time H&M drew public accusations.
COVER STORY -SHRUTHI S BRANDED ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment keeps taking numerous shapes to keep us Branded engrossed, undergoing metamorphosis at each twist and turn of Entertainm an era. But what’s interesting is that we as viewers, bewitched by ent is its creativity, at times, don’t realize that we are being fed with an entertain promotional content camouflaged as entertainment. ment-based Branded Entertainment is an entertainment-based vehicle that is vehicle that funded by and complementary to a brand's marketing strategy. is funded by This generation has seen an emergence of a new breed of media and consumers who have the luxury of a variety of choices which complemen gives them the power to enjoy their content uninterrupted. tary to Making them stay hooked to an advertisement from start to end a brand's m is an ambitious quest. arketing At the same time, the world today is brimming with stories high strategy. on a cocktail of raging emotions- agony, empathy, concern, pride, nostalgia, happiness, sadness and an inner fight to come out of closets and break stereotypes. Brands have found this climate perfect to craft content that engages viewers beyond the scope of advertising. They are constantly looking for ways to interact with people as sources of information, entertainment or social currency, building a connection strong enough to make them come back for more. Sponsored brands don’t want to confine themselves to the breaks in between entertainment shows where they were entitled a blink and miss appearance of ‘brought to you by…’, they want more. They want to be etched in the storyline, at the heart of entertainment. By immersing their consumers in a believable world of
characters they can relate to, they get to hold on to them with a firm grip. Movies and Short Films We grew up watching our beloved fairytales come alive starring Barbie as the princesses. The magic of the movies diffused out of theatres and mushroomed in the stores, boosting Barbie sales, as kids eagerly looked forward to grabbing their favorite Barbie princesses. Barbie storybooks were a hot favorite of young girls for generations. Movies like The Lego movie and Marvel Productions entered the league, arresting the movie audiences with their content and connecting them emotionally to the company. OgilvyOne Worldwide Athens came up with an innovative branded entertainment campaign for Kraft’s ‘Lacta’ chocolate in Greece. The interactive love story called ‘Love at first site’ gave users the first-hand experience to control the happenings in the life of the characters. The website allowed the users to set Barbie positions and decide on how the story goes. While the product princesses. integration was organic to the story, the entertainment too was Barbie promoted in the product’s packaging, both complementing each storybooks other. The users compared the experience not to other were a hot chocolate brand commercials or media-rich websites but to the favorite of likes of romantic movies like ‘Chasing Liberty’, ‘Before Sunset’ young girls etc. for Gatorade released an engrossing 7-minutes biopic of the generations. legendary Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt called ‘The Boy who learnt to Fly’. Apart from the background advertising hoarding, Gatorade itself appeared only for a brief moment when the 8 MARKSMAN
cartoon Usain Bolt takes a sip of Gatorade drink. The Hire, a series of short films made by BMW directed by popular filmmakers from across the globe like John Frankenheimer, Ang Lee, Guy Price Ritchie and starring Clive Owen, Adriana Lima, Forest Whitaker and Madonna among many others, turned out to be a delight on the Internet. The thrilling series featured various BMW models, highlighting their performance while ‘The Driver’ played by Clive Owen, travelled from place to place, getting hired by people for transport. The Web Effect In India, an emergence of a cult of YouTube channels donning the hats as missionaries of entertainment, has all of a sudden made our life more interesting. This young strain of channels like All India Backchod (AIB), The Viral Fever (TVF) and FilterCopy have been brewing fresh content with their bang on understanding of the taste of today’s audience. Brands associate and sponsor them to create content that gets shared and talked about, and subtly acts as a catalyst for their own sales. ‘The Fashion Conversations with Mom/Between Couples’ by FilterCopy in association with Lifestyle hilariously presented our own lives and our daily conversations
Brands associate and sponsor them to create content that gets shared and talked about, and subtly acts as a catalyst for their own sales.
TrulyMadly, the dating website, created The Creep Qawwali and The WatchBoyz videos with AIB, bringing to light the problems faced by youngsters in pursuit of a partner, in a cheerful way.
while pulling us towards that delightful bonding experience of shopping. TrulyMadly, the dating website, created The Creep Qawwali and The WatchBoyz videos with AIB, bringing to light the problems faced by youngsters in pursuit of a partner, in a cheerful way. The internet is strewn with many such examples of symbiotic relationships between brands and creative agencies, shaping a colorful future for branded entertainment.
Tapping on a Social Cause By attaching themselves to a social cause, brands leverage upon an opportunity to narrate stories and take their viewers on an emotional journey. “For Every Kind of Dream”, an 8-minute narrative by Square Inc., takes us into the life of a Syrian refugee fighting for his dream to be an entrepreneur. Square Inc., a financial services and mobile payment company, provides a perfect background for empowering small entrepreneurs. Vicks India took up the cause of accepting the LGBT community by telling the story of a transgender adopting and unconditionally caring for a child, edging on its brand values of touching lives and providing care. Brooke Bond Red Label too got the rainbow conversation rolling by associating with ‘6-pack band’, India’s first Transgender band and producing some peppy and thoughtprovoking numbers. Social experiments are another way of engaging the viewers, revealing pleasing outcomes and putting the brand in a positive limelight. “Worlds Apart” by Heineken brings together people of opposing viewpoints, asking them to complete a series of tasks. As the revelation unfolds of the differing viewpoints, they laugh it off
Vicks India took up the cause of accepting the LGBT community by telling the story of a transgender adopting and unconditiona lly caring for a child, edging on its brand values of touching lives and providing care.
and resolve it over a clink of beer bottles. Dove’s Real Beauty Sketches, tugged the hearts of everyday women with a powerful message that they are more beautiful than they believe themselves to be. Coca-Cola Middle East’s 2015 experiment of inviting 6 strangers to an iftar in dark, aimed at removing labels of prejudices based on someone’s appearance. It left us with a heart-warming Ramadan message that ‘Labels are for cans, not for people’. In Print Media With memes, Many publishers such as BuzzFeed, The New York Times, gifs and ScoopWhoop who have learnt the art of conjuring content that other forms taps on the current mood of the society and aligns with their of quickly readers, have made branded content a key part of their revenue. circulated They create content aligning with the interests of the brands content, the sponsoring their articles, while keeping their readers intrigued. wild internet Striking the Right Balance space is Brand Entertainment has its own perks and burns. Many a time, highly brands have to take the risk of not being visible. competitive With memes, gifs and other forms of quickly circulated content, and the the wild internet space is highly competitive and the brands have brands have to bear the brunt of changing winds. Yet, the realm is still ruled by to bear the creativity. The key lies in blending the product in a way that brunt of viewers don’t find it intrusive. changing However, the question that arises is, if brands are sponsoring winds. crafted entertainment and news editorials to pull us towards 12 MARKSMAN
COVER STORY Consumers respond to products and companies shouldn’t forget what their focus should be.
them, then how can we as consumers differentiate between a true entertainment and an advertisement disguised as entertainment? The fact that consumers are reacting positively to this form of ‘advertainment’ makes it all the more coveting for new companies to jump in and encroach upon the entertainment space. While we enjoy these humorous, informative and engaging pieces of content, we can’t dismiss the fact that we are denied the entertainment in its purest form. Will this thrill subside over time and viewers grow wary of being targeted by brands in their entertainment and reading spaces? Well, only time can lead us to an answer. Products come and go. Entertainment remains immortal. Companies cannot save the brands from dying by weaving them into entertainment if the consumers are not satisfied with the product. Consumers respond to products and companies shouldn’t forget what their focus should be.
Sharing Economy...Why Buy, Share it!!!
Today the generation of millennials believe in sharing and renting rather than owning a product and services.
Remember last time when you were in hurry and booked an Ola or Uber, or when you were excited about booking an Airbnb rental home for staying on vacation, or ladies the time when you were wondering whether to buy or rent an exquisite designer dress for a function of just a day!! If we happen to stop and ponder, at least to the minimum of 3 times a week, we an average urban Indian directly or indirectly access to the product or services without having ownership of it. Dear reader this is the revolutionary change brought in our lives by the growing economy. Sharing economy, wherein the consumers are sharing bikes, cars, clothes, apartments, and skills while making the most of it. Today the generation of millennials believe in sharing and renting rather than owning a product and services. The mobile youth who is switching jobs, changing cities, feels gloomy of the same kind things around, renting and sharing has turned out to be a wonderful opportunity. As mentioned above Indians are sharing from vehicles, designer wear, electronic appliance, furniture, pieces of jewelry, books and a lot more. Smartphones and its apps have been the driver of this new era of sharing and renting, referred today as SHARING ECONOMY.
As per the PricewaterhouseCoopers, the sharing economy will generate potential revenue of $335 billion by 2025 globally n India the furniture rentals has alone contributed to around Rs 800-850 crores. A string of start-ups have come up working on sharing model, Furlenco one such furniture sharing startup, talks about enabling the urban Indian to live better today in their homes, by giving them award-winning furniture and home decor on rent. As per the founder Ajith Mohan, a market where furniture was always owned, the 60% of the customers are bachelors. On its website Furlenco has done an amusing set of comparisons like this, and once you guess you are amused to know this Furlenco fact. The company claims to have furnished 20 thousand homes in the last 2 years. Furlenco website boasts of testimonials of the satisfied customers posting their rented product on their social networks and thanking furlenco, a substantial amount of them are repeat customers as well. The company is 5 years old and it is currently renting in the Top Metros namely, Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Noida, Gurugram and Pune. It has secured funding of about $ 36 million aspires to expand in tier I and II cities. Rentals for fashion and clothing has also received a good
Furlenco website boasts of testimonials of the satisfied customers posting their rented product on their social networks and thanking furlenco , a substantial amount of them are repeat customers as well.
response in Indian Market, for the young consumer, who wants everything now, irrespective of their income, rentals provide Today a immediate access at a cheaper cost. Let us discuss one such fashion typical 25rental startup Flyrobe. Flyrobe : India's First and Largest Online 35 year old Fashion Rental service assures you the100 % guarantee of the customer authentic brands and provides you with classy ethnic and festive living in wear from multiple designers including Ritu Kumar, Masaba Gupta, one of the Prathyusha Garimella, Sanna Mehan and trendy western wear outfits top metros from brands such as Armani, Hugo Boss, FCUK, Calvin Klein and finds it many more. Today a typical 25-35 year old customer living in one of logical to the top metros finds it logical to rent Rs 20000 lehenga at one-tenth rent Rs of its price. As seen in the image it has set of convenient steps 20000 making it easier for the customer to rent clothes of their choice and lehenga at get the perfectly fitting product with a promise of free delivery one-tenth followed by reverse logistics. Imagine how simplified it is to now of its price. wear a brand or designer outfit by spending merely a fraction of wear a brand or designer outfit by spending merely a fraction of money compared to the cost of buying it. These rentals work broadly under two models, under which they can be either renting their own assets like Furlenco owns all the furniture which it rents, or they can be like Ola or Uber working with virtually no assets, and renting cabs sourcing it from the car owners. In the second
model, the cost of capital is low and gives the companies a chance Needless to to spend more on customer service and improving the Quality of say that in product or services. Trust and a good reputation is are the crucial India sharing in any of rentals or sharing, as these sharing platforms have their economy has own mechanism of self-policing such as Public profiles and a bright Ratings. In fact, the entire Airbnb model has rated as one of the future with a most important parts of the business, the reviews and host growing ratings determine the crate of guests contacting the host, Airbnb urban also focuses on excellent customer service and prompt population of redressals. It makes a valid point to woo your customers and which 65 caring about them when all you are doing is showing him or her percent is only images with ratings and making him or her trust a stranger millennial. for staying at their place. This also points out to the increased power that the customers exercise today in the shared economy. Needless to say that in India sharing economy has a bright future with a growing urban population of which 65 percent is millennial, at the same time the growth in purchasing power has given them spending income at their disposal to invest in the variety of experiences out there. However, there are some hurdles which are still incumbent and will determine the growth rate of the sharing economy, for customers the trust and safety factor, security and the service quality consistency are the hurdles, meanwhile for the companies the Regulatory framework of Government, managing the vendors along with employees, dynamic technologies and pricing continues to be the impediments.
PIONEER -ABHA SHAH OPRAH WINFREY Actress, producer, media mogul, philanthropist, influencer are all the words we associate with Oprah Winfrey. Also dubbed as the ‘Queen of all Media’ there is a lot more to Winfrey than what meets the eye. Born to a single teen mother and having been raised on a farm, Winfrey was also a victim to sexual abuse at the hands of a number of family relatives and friends because of the neglect of her mother. Later she was sent to live with her father in Nashville, Tennessee where she turned her life around. Her exceptional oratory talent got her into Tennessee State University, where she majored in speech and drama. Soon after passing out of college and doing a stint as a co-host of the show "People Are Talking", Winfrey’s career took off and then there was no stopping the lady from making her way into people’s hearts. In an interview she once said, "I don't think of myself as a poor, deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew she was responsible for herself-and I had to make good.” As her popularity grew Oprah formed Harpo ("Oprah" spelled backwards) Productions Inc. in 1986 and she took over the production of ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’. Because of her empathetic and grounded nature she became very relatable to the masses. Oprah dabbled in publication as well when she started the Oprah’s Book Club as well as the O Magazine. She later launched her very own network called OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. By the end of the 1990s, Winfrey's $415 million talk show empire had made her the wealthiest woman in show business and one of the most powerful figures in the television industry. Oprah Winfrey had made a brand of herself. Oprah dabbled in publication as well when she started the Oprah’s Book Club as well as the O Magazine.
She openly supported the #MeToo campaign against sexual abuse as well as propagated the importance of speaking the truth and empowering millions of women to come forward to raise their voices. The most commendable thing about The Queen of Media is that she is also the Queen of Philanthropy. She has advocated various social issues over the years and is also associated with a lot of charitable trusts and foundations. The Angel Network and The Oprah Winfrey Foundation are her own initiatives. Apart from this she works towards the empowerment, safety and equal rights of women and hence has started the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy For Girls in South Africa and Rebuilding the Gulf Coast. She is a woman who is not afraid to speak her mind and her recent award acceptance speech at The Golden Globes certainly moved and stirred many hearts. She openly supported the #MeToo campaign against sexual abuse as well as propagated the importance of speaking the truth and empowering millions of women to come forward to raise their voices. She is truly an inspiration for a lot of people, old and young, women and men alike. So much so that people are rooting for her to be the President of the United States. Hail Glory to this enigmatic woman. 19 MARKSMAN
To spread a message about changing attitude of Indians, a week before International Women’s Day, Star TV launched a campaign called “Nayi Soch”
Daughters have always been special for their fathers and in no field are they less than the sons. Unfortunately, there are still many people who do not believe in gender equality. To spread a message about changing attitude of Indians, a week before International Women’s Day, Star TV launched a campaign called “Nayi Soch” showcasing Aamir Khan as a small town, middle class father who is sanguine that his daughters will proudly take ahead the legacy of his business (sweets shop). Aamir tells an appreciative customer that “Success doesn’t come to a boy or a girl. Success comes to the one with the right thinking,” and it’s his daughters who are handling all the delivery and logistics of his successful sweets shop business ‘Gurdeep Singh and Daughters’. This short ad film created by Ogilvy & Mather and directed by Dangal movie director Nitesh Tiwari was a huge success and also gathered 2 million views in a very short span of time. It is hard to accept the fact that in a nation with more than 10 million establishments, it is hard to find a shop titled as “xyz and daughters”, it’s always “..and sons”.Aamir Khan called it a “tribute
to all the proud dads and their daughters who became the beacons of change". Not stopping here, Star Plus also partnered with BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket) for a film called “Son of Devki”, which featured famous cricket stars Virat Kohli, M.S. Dhoni, Ajinkya Rahane wearing their mother’s names on the back of their jerseys proudly. The message behind the campaign was that we derive our identity as much from our mother as from our father. Not only the experts, but a huge appreciation was received from the public that the intent behind this campaign has been good, motivating and bringing the change among the masses as the penetration of Star Plus is really deep, covering almost all the parts of the nation.
Star Plus also partnered with BCCI for a film called “Son of Devki”, which featured famous cricket stars Virat Kohli, M.S. Dhoni, Ajinkya Rahane wearing their mother’s names on the back of their jerseys proudly.
BRAND MARKIVE -ASHIK KURIAN Maruti Suzuki India (formerly known as Maruti Udyog) is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in India and have held that position for the past two decades. They hold a market share of about 50 percent in the domestic car segment. They offer a wide variety of cars which constitute from entry level to the premium. Some of their offerings are Maruti 800, Maruti K10 which are the entry level cars to the highly priced Maruti S Cross. They are actually the subsidiary of Suzuki Motor Corporation in Japan. The company’s Indian headquarters is at New Delhi. The Company was able to maintain their market share mainly because of three Factors-Brand Trust, Technology used and Pricing of their product. They established their company on Feb 24, 1981, as Maruti Udyog with the Government as the majority shareholder and Suzuki as a minority shareholder. Their Aim was to make affordable cars for the middle-class section of the country.They entered into a joined venture with Suzuki corporation on October 2nd and started their production and operations on 1983 releasing their first affordable car-Maruti 800. In the subsequent year, they released Maruti Omni followed by the mountain traveller Gypsy. The year 1990 witnessed the entrance of players such as Hyundai, Ford etc. into the Indian market. Maruti always used a 360-degree marketing strategy. They often roped in celebrities and superstars as brand ambassadors and also used to spend a huge amount They entered into a joined venture with Suzuki corporation on October 2nd and started their production and operations on 1983 releasing their first affordable carMaruti 800.
on traditional marketing like newspapers, radio, television, ATL etc. The main attraction of Maruti cars were their affordable pricing points. Due to this, they have built a brand loyalty among people over the years which lead to repeated purchases from the same customers. It also helped in word of mouth marketing which gave the name “Peoples Car� to Maruti 800. The USP of Maruti is their customer relationships and their channels. They have given a makeover to their existing showrooms giving them uniform design all over India (called Maruti Arena). They have also established premium showrooms for premium cars which are called Nexas. Nexa showrooms are the most innovative showrooms that Indian automobile sectors have witnessed. Being a market leader they have always tried to innovate and not stay in the comfort zone. They are bringing huge investments to the EV segment and sees Electric Vehicles as the next best thing. Nexa showrooms are the most innovative showrooms that Indian automobile sectors have witnessed.
BLUE OCEAN STRATEGY By Steve Krug Be it any product or a service, a company will face competition. There are numerous examples in the real world where organizations compete against each other to achieve a greater market share or to create a stronger brand. We have seen it when it comes to Pepsi vs Coca-Cola, Ola vs Uber and the list goes on. The book Blue Ocean Strategy gives a whole new perspective to this. It’s a strategy book written by two of the top 3 management gurus in the world where they throw light upon this inevitable aspect of competition. It breaks all the traditional beliefs that one has about strategy and gives it a whole new dimension.The book is based on 150 strategic moves carried out over the last 100 years in 30 different industries by various organizations. The main message being that in order to beat the competition, it is important to create an uncontested market space (Blue Ocean) which makes the competition irrelevant. It gives 6 principles that organizations can use to formulate a It’s a strategy blue ocean book written strategy. by two of the Overall it is top 3 a great read management as the gurus in the concepts are world where explained in they throw a simple light upon language and this inevitable the examples aspect of help explain competition. them even better.
FarEye FarEye, a Delhi based Logistics Management Software developer aims to help enterprises across the globe with the streamlining of their logistics business. They are the pioneers in designing world’s first BPM (Business Process Model and Notation) engine for logistics. They aim to make $60000 billion business more agile and efficient thereby reducing their go to market time. FarEye helps businesses to integrate the suppliers and the customer's platform which reduces the costs along with enabling growth by value addition at the top layer of the platform. The data analytics is carried on the meta layer data where the BPM engines feed on refined, analyzed and an intelligent pool of data. With the help of intelligent analytics, the real-time visibility is converted into accurate ETA (Estimated time of arrival), efficient tracking and notification and alerts. This enables the customers to experience an enhanced level of customer service and hence the growth of the business.
The data analytics is carried on the meta layer data where the BPM engines feed on refined, analyzed and an intelligent pool of data.
Founded back in 2013, FarEye implements more than 500 shipments annually, with 1,033,684,69 4 kilometers covered till February 2017. They are keen to be in the business for decades, thereby adopting sustainable means and techniques which help their clients to reduce the carbon footprint. This feature is something most startups doesn’t ponder upon. They are the convertor of software into human experiences focusing on the nuances of the logistics business which no other firm has done yet. They help organization’s master operational efficiency and customer experience. Founded back in 2013, FarEye implements more than 500 shipments annually, with 1,033,684,694 kilometers covered till February 2017. They have bagged Oscar for Logistics Awards in the technology segment at World’s Post & Parcel Awards. They empower logistics firms of over 100 large organizations and across 20 countries worldwide.
FEATURED ARTICLE - SRISHTY KAPOOR Fortune School of International Business
Personalised Marketing: Creating consumer-tailored experiences The Conventional Marketing Mix At the heart of most introductions related to marketing there lies the idea of 4Ps – product, price, place and promotion which condense the responsibility of marketing manager. Before choosing a target market and promoting the supervisors must build up a deliberate arrangement to pitch to these clients and make long haul connections. These are the significant choice regions where advertising administrators dispense rare corporate assets to accomplish their deals and benefit goals. The one noteworthy modification to this approach has accompanied the coming of administrations promoting as a particular administrative train. Administrations promoting scholars have made careful arrangements to recognize administrations showcasing from item advertising. A noteworthy part of this exertion has concentrated on re-evaluating the promoting blend and demonstrating how it is distinctive for administrations. By showing that the promoting of the
The one noteworthy modification to this approach has accompanie d the coming of administrati ons promoting as a particular administrati ve train.
Personalization is the point at which the firm chooses, generally in light of beforehand gathered client information, what marketing blend is appropriate for the person. administrations requires unexpected choices in comparison to merchandise advertising requires, these scholars exhibit administrations showcasing as an extraordinary and unmistakable kind of promoting. The service marketing blend varies primarily from the 4Ps by the expansion of three new choice obligations that must be incorporated to shape an intelligent and successful advertising blend. By including personnel, physical assets, and procedures to the marketing mix, shaping the 7Ps, service marketing scholars staked out another field of administration hypothesis and practice isolate from the advertising of substantial merchandise. Personalisation:The New Era of Marketing Personalised marketing advocates for fitting of at least one parts of the association's advertising blend to the individual client. Personalised marketing shows an extraordinary type of division, with an objective section of size one. There are two types of one-to one marketing: personalization and customization. Personalization is the point at which the firm chooses, generally in light of beforehand gathered client information, what marketing blend is appropriate for the person. A decent illustration is's customized book and music suggestions. Amazon utilizes cooperative sifting to figure out what music or books to prescribe to its customers. Systems of large scale manufacturing, beliefs of standardisation, working on efficiencies, and the one-measure fits-all creation mind set have driven in the past to a rationality of business that burdens pitching a standard item to however many shoppers as would be prudent. Advertisers who try to recognize and achieve buyers more absolutely have applied a contrary draw. Accordingly, there has been a continuous move in showcasing thought and practice: mass promotions, mass marketing segmentation, and specialty marketing, personalisation. Presently, everyone 28 MARKSMAN
of these systems exists next to each other, giving supervisors a decision of vital choices. This variety of client methodologies will portray future showcasing practice. Supervisors will make a mix of methodologies, some focusing on generally extensive sections, others coordinated toward specialties. Some portion of this portfolio will be personalisation, where a few clients are focused on exclusively in an arrangement of one to- one connection. Raising levels of general customer' satisfaction with the firm by including or enhancing the administration components of the aggregate item brings about consumer loyalty and more prominent benefits. As an ever increasing number of organizations understand this, far-seeing organizations will look to the following new thought for approaches to contend forcefully. Companies have started realising that personalisation is such an essential component of the general promoting procedure that it ought to be tended to in conjunction with item improvement, and that choices with respect to the nature and level of personalisation should help manage item improvement. As chiefs build up the item they should incorporate with it the level of personalisation they plan to offer to the market. This thought could influence the way the item is made through masscustomisation or how individualized an administration ought to be. Numerous resulting advertising choices will be affected by the
Raising levels of general customer' satisfaction with the firm by including or enhancing the administrati on components of the aggregate item brings about consumer loyalty and more prominent benefits.
personalisation choice. In case of services provided to the customers, managers ought to choose whether every client gets the very same administration at one outrageous of the continuum, or whether every client gets a totally unique, customised service at the opposite end. For example a bank loan, requires a lot of individual consideration with the goal that the aggregate procedure of applying and accepting an advance is a customized involvement. How much personalisation is required is a component of buyer inclinations, working efficiencies, and consider procedure. The crux is that notwithstanding the need to settle on choices and to make procedures with respect to product, price, promotion, and place marketing managers ought to routinely consider the components of: 1) Work force associated with conveyance of the item; 2) The physical resources that go with and encompass the item; and 3) The techniques by which purchasers procure what's more, utilize the item. At last, managers must consider the degree to which they should: 1) Customize the item, making it interesting for every individual purchaser. How much personalisa tion is required is a component of buyer inclinations, working efficiencies, and consider procedure.
FEATURED ARTICLE -KRATITVA AGRAWAL, IIM Shillong RISE OF REBEL BRANDS “It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.” -Oscar Wilde Rebel brands or Outlaws are the rule breakers, they have the personality to challenge status-quo and expose what isn’t working and the overturn it. Such brands are actionoriented and bring a fresh perspective to the table – a new outlook and are often gifted by loyal followers and everlasting cults. Consider brands like Vice, Harley Davidson, Donald Trump or Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer – in an analogy, they do not have anything common but do they have a lot of similarities than one might assume. All above brands adapt to very definitive and polarizing positions, as their behaviour contrasts with the traditional thoughts – their very own essence is a reflective of a societal shift away from centrist viewpoints; this is drawing them more audience than ever as the new generation takes the lead. With the emergence of better technology in terms of mass media – brands are now finding it easy to draw the attention of the only desired audience, this has allowed them to not play mediocre – Brands are becoming more confident and don’t feel the need of appealing to the masses. This change is encouraged by the global phenomenon where leading generation is more attracted to brand personalities that have a definitive identity, even if somewhat polarizing.
Consider brands like Vice, Harley Davidson, Donald Trump or Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer – in an analogy, they do not have anything common but do they have a lot of similarities than one might assume. 31 MARKSMAN
Considering field of journalism, Vice for Bernie example; it’s a print Sanders and magazine, in 1996 Donald Vice became known Trump, both for its politically far-left and incorrect and far-right, provocative content respectively, – in the era of have dotcom bubble it attracted was highly and inspired appreciated for its people in disruptive reporting droves and writing, its either during the via crafty titles or US hard hitting topics of presidential realities of life – race. success of it can be measured as later in in 2002 it was adopted by the UK for its British Edition and later by 2013- 24 foreign edition of Vice magazine were published- with global circulation 1,147,000 – highest ever recorded in that year; today Vice media is worth $ 2.5 billion and have captured a loyal readership particularly in Gen Z demographics. Take a look at global politics, for example. In 2015, Alexis Tsipras and the far-left Syriza party was elected in Greece; Jeremy Corbyn — a far-left MP — was elected leader of the center-left Labor party in the UK; and recently, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, both far-left and far-right, respectively, have attracted and inspired people in droves during the US presidential race. Just as the patterns follow there are times in history when we seek out leader or groups that are reflective of more populist views, but other times a rebellion is required to break the wheel of traditional thoughts. #Sharetheload campaign of Ariel, a detergent brand under the umbrella of P&G is another example- ad features striking imagery of an aged father confronting traditional thoughts, this campaign boldly calls out to those who think household chores are the responsibility of women only. Ariel’s attitude and personality come through very clearly as the result of which campaign gained huge popularity and was ranked 2nd in WARC (World Advertising Research Center). In a category of $ 4.5 billion, Ariel Matic sales grew by 60% compared to previous year. Recently in discussion “same-sex marriages” divided world into opinions but big brands 32 MARKSMAN
The latest brand campaign “Makeba” by LEWIS openly declares that we all are equal irrespective of our taste, culture or sexuality- this was highly appreciated by awaited fans of LEWIS. like Coca-Cola, Expedia, ANZ and LEWIS took pride in announcing that they don’t discriminate, in Australia Coca-Cola painted there hoarding with 7 colours of gay-pride, a similar display of affinity was chosen by many brands. LEWIS has been a supporter of the campaign since the very start of its cult culture which made it popular among hipsters, this strong position is not for everyone and LEWIS knows that. The Brand isn’t for everyone. And those who love it; it’s because of its history of strong, polarizing messaging has created brand affinity. The latest brand campaign “Makeba” by LEWIS openly declares that we all are equal irrespective of our taste, culture or sexuality- this was highly appreciated by awaited fans of LEWIS. Mass branding has lost its appeal, sapless and banal positions are no more able to draw audiences.“This is who we are, take it or leave it”. Brands that stand up for themselves know who they are and their identities are being rewarded, knowing one's stances and expressing it through brand experiences increases your relevance to the like-minded customers, also shows a genuine authenticity to everyone else. Challenger brands are slowly realizing this and moving into islands of a niche market and rebel marketing; ever since Steve Jobs appeal with apple to “Think different” – the concept is widely accepted by consumers and marketers. Unlike 10 years before many brands are using featuring ads that go against the traditional culture but aligns with their personalities and have forced consumers too to question the existing monotony. 33 MARKSMAN
ACROSS 3. _______ announce “One Brand” strategy. 6. ________ Tequila overtaken by Bacardi. 8. Headquarters of Royal Enfield in India. 9. Sports brand facing unprecedented headwinds.
DOWN 1. _______ is considered healthiest bread. 2. _______ overtakes Intel as the biggest chip-maker. 4. Brand Ambassador of Bridgestone India. 5. Beauty brand named after French Opera. 7. Recent addition to Kitkat Nestle.
Down: 1. Multigrain, 2. Samsung, 4. PV Sindhu, 5. Lakme, 7. Ruby Answers Across: 3. Coca-Cola, 6. Patron, 8. Chennai, 9. Nike
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