September 2010 - Cliques

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The SEPTEMBER 24, 2010


res lo p x e e e u q r a M The ues liq c t a h t s t c e f the ef ol o h c s h ig h in s t have on studen

page [5] Heavy rainstorm causes chaos, floods gym page [17] Volleyball girls hold current winning streak, attribute page [21]

their success to team bond and continued talent Staff editorial supports avoiding religious discrimination after New York City mosque brings debate


[table of contents]

the marquee [newsmagazine] editor in chief luke swinney

managing editor carley meiners

photo editor

allison pryzbysz

graphics editor nathaniel thornton

news editor

carley meiners

sports editor jasmine sachar

in-depth editor

page 24 news/

lauren rose

feature editor devon miller

entertainment editor photo by allison przybysz cover design by nathaniel thornton cover photo by peter iversen

[4] RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE National and local controversy erupts after

threatened Quran burnings and a proposed Islamic center near ground zero. by jasmine sachar


[8] HURRICANE KATRINA REMEMBERED As the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina passes, three students remember their experiences. by olivia tarlton


[15] WHAT TO WATCH With a new school year comes a new season in television so The Marquee compiled a guide of what to watch this week. by luke swinney

sports/ [18-19]

DEION SANDERS JR. New starting quarterback with a famous father works to make a name for himself and live up to expectations. by devon miller and jasmine sachar

kelsey mccauley

opinion editor kelsey mccauley

business manager allison przybysz


alex cain, sarah sauer, molly spain, olivia tarlton


maria heinonen, james hubbard, jordan richards, breyanna washington


kyle anderson, becca dyer, peter iversen, sarah sauer taylor thomas


lajuana hale


gary shafferman

The Marquee newsmagazine is a student-generated publication of Marcus High School. It is produced, edited and maintained through the efforts of the school’s advanced journalism class. The Marquee is designed to serve the school and community as a forum for open discussion and student expression. The Marquee encourages letters to the editor as part of its mission to educate, inform and provide an open forum for debate. All submissions must be signed. The staff reserves the right to edit all material. Editorials reflect the opinion of the staff, not necessarily that of the administration. Signed columns or reviews represent only the opinion of the author. Advertising rates are $34 per 1/16 of a page, with discounts available. For more information call 469-713-5196. The Marquee is a standing member of ILPC, TAJE, ATPI, CSPA, NSPA, JEA and Quill and Scroll.


Drug testing suspended after funding deficit

As new year begins, district is forced to re-evaluate drug policy story by alex cain

Random student drug testing halted this fall after only two years because the district felt the program was not directed at the right students, and they wanted to cut costs. According to the Safe and Drug Free Coordinator at LISD Regina Bennett, the testing found only a small percent of the total number of students tested to be positive. Because of this small number and the lack of school funding from the troubled economy, the district decided to suspend the program. Pinnacle Medical Management was hired by the district to test 42 students a week per campus. They tested every week last year that school was in session. Bennett said out of the 1,500 students tested last year in the district, only about 20 tested positive, about 1.9 percent. To qualify for testing, a student must have participated in a UIL sanctioned activity such as band, theater or football or have a parking sticker. But statistics from have shown that students that participate in afterschool activities are less inclined to do drugs. “Students that are involved usually do not participate in drug activity as much, because they are connected, because they have something to work for,” Assistant Principal Jason Mullin said. Because the testing was random, students were required to fill out a form at the beginning of the year, which the school later gave the drug testing facility. Once a week computers at the drug testing center would randomly pick the students to test and then notify the school. “Their computer system picked the students,” Mullin said. “We had no say on who was going to be picked, and that was by design. They didn’t want schools to pick and choose who they were going to test.” But even with the computers picking the students, senior Lexi Page said she was convinced that the system was not entirely random because a few students were picked multiple times. “I think that it was a good idea to have drug testing at the school, but I don’t think it was fair the way they chose students,” Page said. “A lot of people would get chosen five times in a row and some never got chosen at all.” The district had complete control over the drug testing program because they didn’t want the schools to be able to target certain groups or students. They presented it as “a program to help students, just like here’s a new set of computers and a lab,” Mullin said. Because drug testing was a district wide policy, it cost roughly $75,000 dollars for the entire district. This is just a small portion of the entire LISD budget said Principal Gary Shafferman. But the district has stopped the random student drug testing until they can find a way to make the program more productive. The program’s original purpose was not to try to catch people doing drugs and punish them, Mullin said, but to identify that there was a problem and have ways for those students to get help. Because of this purpose, major consequences and the “Zero Tolerance” policy were not used if the student was found positive in the testing. The consequences for testing positive on the first offense were suspension from extracurricular activities for three weeks, weekly counseling for three weeks, and loss of parking on campus for three weeks. Students could then cheat the system by not doing drugs during their sports seasons for athletes, or by parking somewhere besides campus so that they wouldn’t get tested in the first place. “I don’t think that it really discouraged drugs,” senior Alan Dean said. “It’s going to happen no matter what. Kids are going to find a way around it.” But the district did not permanately stop the testing. They suspended the program so that they could work out the kinks and hopefully get a new, more efficient program together. It “someday may be back,” Shafferman said. Still, Mullin said he believes the program was beneficial. “(But) I think the way it was designed, it was not aiming at the right students,” Mullin said. 3 design by nathaniel thornton

photo by taylor thomas

Students will no longer have to urinate in a cup as the random student drug testing comes to an end in the 2010-2011 school year. The drug testing program was suspended after only 1.9 percent of students tested positive.

Drug Facts: • 55 million drug tests are performed in U.S. each year--90 percent are urine tests. • Every company can expect drug positive rates of anywhere from 5 percent to 22 percent (compared to the 1.9 percent the district got). • Of the 4.5 million people drug tested each year, age 12 and older, about 25 percent are teenagers.

september 24, 2010 | the marquee


Controversies bring religious uneasiness to forefront Talk of Quran burnings, proposed Islamic center raise questions of American spiritual tolerance story by jasmine sachar

lam) to counteract all the negatives.” As the world watched in tense appreIt wasn’t until fifth or sixth grade he hension as Terry Jones and his congrega- said that he connected the dots. Mustion of 50 prepared to burn 200 Qurans lim, terrorists, 9/11, Afghanistan, bomb on Sept. 11. Religious tension that had scares. been stewing the past few months soon The word Muslim, Imam Rashid said, boiled over onto the national forefront. means something very different. ComEarlier this year, plans to build an Is- ing from the root word “salaam” which lamic cultural center with a mosque in- means “Peace be upon you,” a Muslim by side two blocks away from Ground Zero definition translates to “submission.” incited vicious debate and discussion “The religion’s root and the meaning over First Amendment rights. Controver- of peace go hand in hand and it’s a relisies which have given rise to questions gion of peace,” Rashid said. “You have to about Americans’ feelings of uneasiness go to the roots, go to the Quran and take towards Islam. *** Across town on Peters Colony Road stands a small, tan brick building engulfed by trees. Its The religion’s root and the meaning of roof is red shingled, its windows peace go hand in hand and it’s a relisquare and simple. It’s one of gion of peace. - Imam Rashid over 14 mosques in the DFW metroplex, and the only one in Flower Mound. Imam Rashid has been leading service there for over three years. “It’s a place of worship, where you ap- time and feel.” preciate, you pray and you remind each Perhaps the reason for the uneasiness other of good things, forbid each other surrounding Islam, Bailey suggests, is of evil things,” Rashid said. “Just for that the small number of Muslims who attend purpose, we come together.” Marcus. He said he can only think of two. But the mosque is different to some “Since coming across a Muslim is such students like junior Garret Bailey. a rare instance, they’re more different to “I know people who go out of their way your eyes so I guess maybe if you were to avoid driving past there,” Bailey said. around them more, that’s the only way it The mosque is a sore subject for Bailey. could be fixed,” Bailey said. A few weeks ago when he and his friends Freshman Ali Hussein is one of those were driving to the Flower Mound-Jesuit few. Hussein, who goes to mosque at least game, Muslim kids across the street at once a week and has read the Quran in its the mosque held up signs discouraging entirety, said the image he wants associgame goers from parking in their lot. ated with a Muslim is “politeness, tolerA good amount, probably close to all ance, justice.” His religion hasn’t been of his friends, Bailey said, hold negative much of a problem at school, he said, prejudices against Muslims. With the though there are the occasional jokes. word Muslim, he said images of 9/11 spi“I’ve heard people say jokes like ‘Oh, ral into his head. His mother crying on he’s a terrorist,’” Hussein said. “If anythe living room sofa, groggily watching a thing, ‘You’re gonna blow us all up.’” second plane smash into the last standWhat bothers him though, he said, ing tower, feeling uncertain. is the media’s reiteration of the words “I didn’t really understand religions or “Muslim terrorist” when the Quran only anything,” Bailey said. “Our generation mentions violence as a method of dehasn’t had any positive influences (of Is- fense.

4 design by jordan richards

Is Marcus Islamophobic?

The Marquee decided to imitate a national Time magazine survey and ask Marcus students about how comfortable they feel with the Islamic faith.

Do you think Islam is a violent religion?

Marcus 27% Yes 37% No 23% Same as other religions 15% Don’t know “I don’t think (terriosts) are Muslims,

because in our Quran it does not say that,” Hussein said. “The news tells you every bad thing. They go ‘Muslim terrorist.’ It should just be terrorist.” Assistant Principal Erum Shahzad, who is also Muslim, grew up in Flower Mound and attended Marcus. She said she never felt any discrimination “Do kids get harassed? Yes,” Shahzad said. “But I don’t think that a few peoples’ opinions should be a reflection of how Marcus feels, because overall Marcus is a pretty tolerant place.” In a recent survey of Marcus students, 37 percent said that they hold prejudices against Muslims, and of the people who had heard about the Ground Zero controversy, 80 percent said they oppose the plans. Shahzad said she has mixed feelings about the debate, but it would “send a strong message that it’s not Muslims that cause terrorist attacks, its terrorists.” She points out that the KKK is a extremist Christian Organization. “Even in Islam, it is not okay to take someone’s life,” Shahzad said. “You feel shame that (people) throw the religion out there. It makes you feel like it’s religion that’s causing it.” The problem Bailey said might not ever be fixed. “I don’t think it’s something that will ever be repaired,” Bailey said. “It’s almost subconscious. And then I get to know (Muslims) and they’re cool. It’s like a first impression. I already have a first impression of them before they even say anything.” But the problem can be fixed, Rashid said. He has frequent meetings with Pastor John from the Flower Mound Church of Christ next door. “Nobody’s changing nobody’s religion, but we have common dialogue, common understanding, common issues,” Rashid said. “With people intermingling and with interfaith discussions, slowly, these misconceptions will clear up.”

Do you believe President Obama is a Muslim or a Christian? Marcus 33% Muslim 25% Christian 42% Don’t know/Other Nation 24% Muslim 47% Christian 29% Don’t know/Other

Do you hold some prejudices against people of Islamic faith? Marcus 37% Yes 64% No

Do you favor or oppose the mosque near Ground Zero? Marcus 14% Favor 62% Oppose 23% Haven’t heard about it 2% Don’t care Nation 26% Favor 61% Oppose 13% No answer/Don’t know *based on a sample of 200 random students, national statistics based on a Time survey from August of 1,002 random Americans. +/- 3% margin of error

the marquee |september 24, 2010


Unregulated drugs

Freshman wins Idol story by luke swinney

story by sarah sauer

Highland Village voted to outlaw a powerful hallucinogen known to be as effective as marijuana. Most commonly found under the name K-2, it can also be referred to as Voodoo, Spice, Zohai or Sage. In the past it’s been lawfully sold as incense or aroma therapy in local businesses around Highland Village, but after a second reading, hearing and vote, sale or possession could be considered a Class C Misdemeanor. If the ordinance is passed, fines could be up to $500. This would give the city jurisdiction over the use of the substances, along with the bongs, hookas and pipes made to utilize them. Corporal David Harney from the Highland Village Police Department said that it’s clear action must be taken due to the strong increase in usage seen in this area. While Highland Village is one of the first to outlaw these drugs, one of Harney’s concerns is the allowance of the drugs in surrounding cities. “The unfortunate part is that it’s still legal in Lewisville and other cities in the metroplex, so it would be really easy to get a hold of,” Harney said.

photo by kyle anderson

Pumping crowds up

Screaming into the microphone, junior Robby Hobson riles the student crowd on Friday, Sept. 10 at the end of the first pep rally of the year in the new Marauder Stadium. Hobson is part of the Marcus crew, who run around and get the crowd pumped during sporting events. On Friday, Marcus played Arlington Lamar at home and won 35 to 7. It was their first game in the new $24 million dollar stadium.

Freshman Lauren Iley took home first prize in the Marcus Idol 2010 competition after singing Francesca Battistelli’s “Blue Sky.” The contest is a fundraiser for Marcus choir and had two guest judges – Highland Village’s mayor Scott McDearmont and Miss New Mexico 2009 Nicole Miner. Each judge gave 33 percent of the final score and the remaining 34 percent was decided on by the voting audience. Audience members could purchase extra votes for $1 and give them to a singer of their choice. Junior Josh Wright received third place after his rendition of Nichole Nordeman’s “Brave” and freshman Leanne Halliburton won second for Carrie Underwood’s “I’ll Stand By You.” Iley said that after seeing the competition, she was just glad she had the opportunity to sing for the almost-packed audience. “It’s just really cool,” Iley said. “I’m only a freshman and everyone else was so amazing tonight. I didn’t even think I’d make it through the auditions to be able to even perform tonight, so winning the whole thing is an amazing feeling.”

Hurricane Hermine floods gym causing floor to bubble and rise story by carley meiners

Construction is working on figuring out what caused the problem. Now that the athletic department is back to two gyms, the scheduling of who gets the gym will be more difficult. McAlister said this year the girl’s basketball, along with a variety of other sports, are back to playing in the old big gym. She said the flood caused a bitter-sweet reaction. “We started playing varsity in that gym and it’s like our home court,” McAlister said. “The new gym never really felt like home. We never lost a district game (in the old gym). So it’s kind of exciting to finish our senior year off there.” According to principal Gary Shafferman, the gym will be back up in use by fall 2011.

Excessive water caused the gym floor to bubble up on Wednesday Sep. 8. The water leaked through the gym doors and flooded into the locker rooms and gym hall, causing chaos throughout the school. Athletes and coaches scrambled to clear out locker rooms as the school called in emergency water damage experts ServPro. The company immediately began to drain the water out of the school, causing waterfalls to flow outside into the gym parking lot. Asst. Principal Jason Mullin said that as soon as the problem is investigated, new construction will begin on the gym. But Mullin also said nobody knows yet exactly what happened. “It’s too early to say it was somebody’s fault,” Mullin said. “They may not ever figure out why it happened. They just may be able to figure out what happened and what they need to fix it.” If the cause is never found, it is possible that this problem could rise again during heavy rains. Mullin said that hopefully the problem will be figured out. On that Wednesday, Hurricane Hermine caused the North Texas area to experience nine inches of rain before noon. The extreme amount of rain then caused a backup under the gym floor, making the floor rise. Mullin said that 75 percent of the water was drained in 24 hours, but the rest took a couple days. Before the gym began to rise, varsity girls’ basketball was practicing on the actual gym floor. Player Michelle McAlister said she heard the floor crack. “There was kind of a banging noise underneath and a whistling sound,” McAlister said. “We thought it was the tornado siren, but it wasn’t. My coach felt the ground moving under her, but we can’t tell because we’re running. She called Mr. Shafferman, and then we noticed Principal Gary Shafferman raises his pant legs to walk that the floor was bubbling, and we moved to the other down the flooded hallway minutes after the flood during third period. side of the court. But then it got bigger.” Currently, the floor has been taken up and Hunt september 24,2010 | the marquee

After the flood on Wednesday Sept. 8, LISD employees arrived on location to aid the efforts of ridding the gym floor of water.

To release trapped water in the basement that caused the gym floor to puff, construction workers had to drill a hole in the floor and pump out excess water.

photos by allison przybysz design by jordan richards 5

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septermber 24, 2010 | the marquee


Q & A


Bob Bush story by luke swinney

photo by kyle anderson

Vanessa Shephard, 12 compiled by lauren rose photo by peter iversen

Q: Why do feet smell and noses run? A: Good question, well I couldn’t tell you. Why do we park in drive ways and drive in parkways?

Q: If a turtle doesn’t have a shell is he homeless or

naked? A: A turtle with no shell is homeless and a little scandalous.

Q: What was the best thing before sliced bread? A: Our world was a dark place before sliced bread. There wasn’t anything better before sliced bread.

Q: What does cheese say when it gets its picture taken?

A: Cheese doesn’t talk, but if it did, I’d believe they’d say bacon.

Q: How do “Do not walk on the grass” signs get

there? A: Little magical people. They live in trees and bake cookies and crackers.

Q: Why doesn’t Tarzan have a beard?

A: Tarzan doesn’t have a beard because he’s secretly a woman.

Q: What are your plans after graduation? A: I’m planning on living with my family in Brazil for

about six months. Then I want to live in either Austin or Denton to study journalism. I want to travel to different places and live with people for two weeks and then write a book about it.

Q: If you could share one message with the world

what would it be? A: I want to show people that no matter how different we are on the outside, we are similar on the inside. From family problems, dealing with school, facing rejection and judgment to self image, we’re all the same. the marquee |september 24, 2010

Bush visits congress Senior Bob Bush lies back in his unfamiliar dorm room in downtown Washington D.C. as he listens to his roommate from Atlanta tell his life story. Abandoned at three weeks old by his heroine addicted mother. Forced to work at age seven to support himself and his sister. Frequent beatings by gang members after refusing to join them. And even with such a different background than Bush’s, both received a prestigious summer position as a page in the US House of Representatives. “Sometimes he had to stop talking for a little bit to calm himself down,” Bush said. “I can imagine it was pretty painful to tell. That really opened my eyes to the travesty of inner-city life.” Bush and the 70 other pages from around the country arrived in D.C. at the beginning of June and stayed for a month. While there, he served as a Republican page and delivered messages between the different Congressmen’s offices. However, Bush said he learned the most after he ended his shift and went back to his dorm to talk with his fellow pages. “It’s an incredible experience to meet people with fresh perspectives which you may never have considered otherwise,” Bush said. “For example, when my roommate told me about his life, I learned that I’m a little spoiled. I came to appreciate the things I had more with all the blessings I have.” When he first heard he was nominated for the Page Program, Bush said he was speechless. Not only was it a prestigious honor with only 70 high school juniors being accepted nationwide, he also said getting to spend a month exploring D.C. was exhilarating news. “I had to contain my excitement,” Bush said. “I must have looked like a little schoolgirl who was excited over getting an A. When I heard I’d get to go to the Capitol, it sounded amazing.” To get in the program, Bush was first nominated by AP Government teacher Dorrie Loughborough and then had to complete an application requiring essays and recommendation letters. Once finished, Bush had

an interview at Congressman Michael Burgess’ office where he was told he’d gotten the job. Loughborough said Bush was a good choice to be the first page from Marcus because of his natural love of politics. “He loves to debate politics,” Loughborough said. “When Congressman Burgess’ office called, I thought of him immediately because I wanted to be able to nominate someone who had a strong working knowledge of the government. Bob has that knowledge.” After meeting Congressmen and many other people from different backgrounds, Bush said it helped solidify his previous opinions and open his mind to new ones. “Sometimes you realize that the guys making these laws are actually human,” Bush said. “Congressman Burgess invited me to breakfast in the exclusive official congressional diner, which was really cool. He’s actually really shy, but he loves talking to the people of his district. Our district is one of the lucky ones that got a real honest representative.” From the brief time Loughborough has gotten to talk with Bush since his return from D.C., she said it’s obvious the experience had an effect on his political views. While his views haven’t necessarily changed, she said they’ve just become stronger like when he met current Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “He’s pretty conservative. I wouldn’t call him a big Nancy Pelosi fan,” Loughborough said. “Having that experience and meeting her, he went in with an open mind and formed stronger opinions for himself.” While Bush said he’s ideologically opposed to a career in politics because he believes spending too long in government can corrupt people, he wouldn’t mind having a few terms in the House to serve his country. No matter what is in Bush’s future politically, he said he’s definitely noticed a change in himself already. “I’ve noticed people say I’m a lot more confident now,” Bush said. “It takes a lot of confidence to walk up to a Congressman and expect them to hand you a piece of paper. I built that confidence in D.C.” design by breyanna washington 7


Homewrecking Hurricane As Katrina reaches five year anniversary, three students remember devastation story by olivia tarlton photos by taylor thomas

8 design by jordan richards

It’s been five years. Five years since the 20 foot storm surge. Five years since the levees failed. Five years since the death of 1,836 people. Five years since the sixth strongest hurricane in the world. Though these five years have come and gone, to three Marcus students, the memories will forever remain. For 12 years, senior David White called New Orleans home, and he remained there with his family until Aug. 28, 2005, the day before Hurricane Katrina struck. Seniors Bailey Hodge and Taylor Beninate also lived in Louisiana. Hodge lived in New Orleans, like White, for five years and Beninate lived in Belle Chasse, about nine miles north of New Orleans, for one year. Nearly one million people evacuated prior to the storm, including White, Hodge and Beninate. Not every member of Hodge’s family was able to escape from the Category Five hurricane, though. Days before Hurricane Katrina made landfall, Hodge’s father received news that he had a kidney stone and was taken to the hospital immediately. However, the hospital was also evacuated, and he was forced to return to the family’s New Orleans home. While Hodge, her mother and her brother fled the state, her father was left to ride out the storm alone in their home. He spent most of his time in between two mattresses in a hallway closet as a form of protection, without electricity and without contact from the rest of his family. “It was really hard because we were just leaving him to die. I didn’t know even what a kidney stone was,” Hodge said. “It was hard, but he just wanted us to go and not be in danger.” As Hodge’s father was enduring Hurricane Katrina’s power first hand, Hodge, White and Beninate all watched the storm on TV in horror. Though all three students were taking refuge in different parts of the

country, all experienced the same sense of uncertainty. Beninate said it was difficult not knowing even if her home was still standing. Startling facts soon came to light about the severity of the storm. It was later learned that around 80 percent of New Orleans was underwater at one time, with some areas containing water up to 20 feet deep. “It was really shocking because every other hurricane that had happened in New Orleans hadn’t been so devastating,” White said. The category five hurricane was the most destructive storm to ever occur in New Orleans, and was ranked the third strongest hurricane to ever hit the United States. As the death toll rose, Hodge was relieved to find that her father was not included. Damage was done to White, Beninate and Hodge’s houses, though none of their homes were completely destroyed. “I was lucky,” Beninate said. Though their houses were still standing, White, Beninate and Hodge became aware that this Louisiana, the state that had become so unfamiliar in only a matter of days, wasn’t a suitable place for them to live anymore. All three moved to Texas to start new lives, Beninate and Hodge due to their parent’s careers, and White after winning a house from the Fannie Mae Organization. Fannie Mae offered mortgage relief to families affected by Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and other states. White, Hodge and Beninate have all been back to Louisiana since the storm. White said that though the area has improved, it will still take a while for the cleanup to be completed. Beninate agreed that Louisiana has “lost a lot of its charm” due to the ridding of “old, nice New Orleans.” It’s been five years since Hodge, Beninate and White relocated to Texas. Five years since August 29, 2005: the day of Hurricane Katrina. The day that Bailey Hodge, Taylor Beninate and David White will never forget.

Bailey Hodge, 12

Taylor Beninate, 12 the marquee |september 24, 2010


Members of Armed Forces back in action Student’s parents set to return to duty in Middle East, leaving son home alone with older brother story by molly spain

However, he said the time was bittersweet because he couldn’t stand their cooking. “It hit me the third night when I had cornflake fish,” is chest swelled with pride as he thought Karl said. “That stuff was so gross. My grandparents about his parents. With a reminiscent look were horrible cooks.” on his face, junior Karl Morales recalled Joining the army was an impromptu decision for Mrs. the time when his parents left him and his two older Morales. Her choice to join was based on the potential brothers, Dustin and Kyle, at home to go to training for fun travels, friends and the military benefits like free units for the army. Now it’s happening again. schooling, housing and health care. Mrs. Morales said James Morales left for Iraq in June and is expected she has no regrets about joining the military. to return in May 2011, whereas Lois Morales expects to “It’s a very good career to go into,” said Mrs. Morales. leave for Afghanistan in February 2011 and to remain “The military’s just good all-around.” there for about six to nine Mr. and Mrs. Morales months, leaving Karl and joined the army the same 23-year-old Dustin at year and met in basic home while Kyle attends training. After marrying, classes at TCU. they became reservists in Mr. and Mrs. Morales ’87 when their kids came I was devastated when my parents left. have been in the military along and Mr. Morales God has a reason for us all and He had since 1982 and are took a job at Northrop a reason for why my parents had to reservist, or part-time, Grumman, a global security leave. colonels. In 2003, Karl’s corporation. Mrs. Morales - Karl Morales, 11 parents left for the first said she is excited to go to time on a military trip Afghanistan next year. She lasting almost a year. has trained for 28 years and Karl, only 10-yearssaid she wants to be in a old at the time, said he country other than the US. was confused about his “When you train so parents leaving. long for this, you want to be a part of it,” Mrs. Morales “I was devastated when my parents left,” Karl said. said. “You want to experience it. You want to challenge “But by the fourth day I realized how to cope with it yourself with it, so that’s why I want to go. I want to be because God has a reason for us all and He had a reason a part of this war.” for why my parents had to leave.” Despite his acceptance and pride about his parents On the first day they were gone, Karl said it felt like a being in the military, Karl said there are some negative normal day. He went to school, came home and played effects. Having both parents in the military meant they video games. He said he didn’t feel the effects of their were gone at least once a week every month even when absence until that third day, when he finally broke down they weren’t deployed because they are required to and cried. Since then, he has remained strong and said check in at a military base in Houston. Still, Karl and he supports his parents with whatever they do. his brother Dustin said they understand their parents’ “What would me being sad do for them?” Karl asked. duties and why their parents had to leave. “It would be better for them if they knew I was happy “My parents went, not to just ditch the kids for a and didn’t turn into a different person, like a depressed couple months, but because they had to,” said Dustin. emo-kid. By me staying the same, it made them happy.” “They’re leaving because they’re being called up for Karl said he feels that his parents being in the active duty, so obviously I’m going to support that.” military has brought him and his brothers closer. He Although their parents are both in the army, neither said although their grandparents moved in with them Karl nor his brothers said they felt compelled to join the for that year, he was closer with Dustin. military. Karl said his parents have never pushed any of “Dustin was the one I would open up to, the one I them to join the military, but, instead, will allow their would talk to,” said Karl. “I wanted to be exactly like sons to make their own decision. Mrs. Morales said she Dustin because he’s the oldest.” would be proud if Karl decides to join the military. Karl said having his grandparents stay with them “I think he will learn responsibility really quick,” made the burden of his parents’ absence a little easier said Mrs. Morales. “The military morals and ethics of to bear since he only saw his grandparents once a year. discipline are driven into your mind. They would take


september 24, 2010 | the marquee

care of him and make him become a man.” For Karl, it’s going to be harder when his mom leaves next year because he and his mother are very close, and he said he can talk to her about anything. Mrs. Morales said she will miss Karl while she is gone because they have a great relationship. “I’ll be missing senior year of football, that’s tough,” said Mrs. Morales. “Karl always tells me stories about school and he’s funny. I’ll miss that. Our bond together is very good for a parent and son.” According to Karl, the fact that both of his parents are in the military shaped the person he is today. He grew up with military morals, loyalties and discipline that caused him to be opposed to under-aged drinking, partying and drugs. He said he thinks his life would be worse if his parents weren’t in the military because he would’ve never learned their morals. He also said he loves his parents all the more because of his upbringing. “I love my parents because they’ll always listen to what I have to say,” Karl said. “They won’t criticize, but they will give words of advice on how to improve things. They’ll always be there for me no matter where in the world they are stationed.”

photo submitted Junior Karl Morales (bottom right) poses for a portrait along with his brothers Dustin and Kyle and parents Lois and James, who are wearing their army uniforms.

design by jordan richards

take a trip east of usual LOCATION: 3090 FM 407 Suite 306 Highland Village, TX 75077 CALL: (972) 317-8809





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Cliques Where do you fit in?

graphics by nathaniel thornton

The Marquee decided to take a deeper look into cliques by interviewing Eric Campbell, a senior last year at Paris High School in Paris, TX, who was featured on the MTV show “If You Really Knew Me.s” The show follows the experiences of various high schoolers and then puts them in a situation they call “Challenge Day.” That day, students from different ends of the social spectrum came together and found similarities within their cliques. compiled by carley meiners

1. How long ago was the filming for “If You Really Knew Me”? Cambell: March or April of this year.

2. Explain the process MTV used with your school prior to the show.

Cambell: MTV came in and just kinda walked around and made an assesment on what they thought they saw and then they proceeded to pull those of us that signed up to be a part of challenge day, and interviewed us one at a time.

3. Did you go into Challenge Day thinking you were going to share a lot, or cry? photos from

Cambell: I kind of had a feeling that some emotions were going to rise up and I knew that there was the possibility that I would cry but I didn’t care. Anybody that calls themself a REAL man can cry and not care about what everybody else says.

4. What happened after the cameras left? Did you see a change at the school?

Cambell: There was a minor change but after the cameras were gone, after about a week, most of everything that was there before was back again. It’s very sad to say that there probably is a good chance that there might not ever be a change at Paris High school.

5. What advice would you give high schoolers on the subject of judging others?

Cambell: Just think about what you’re saying about other people in your mind. Then think about the things that they probably say about you too. Don’t let it make you mad, but just realize that the hurtful things that you think about somebody else is probably what makes them think the way they do about you. So before you point fingers and call names, think of how you would feel if that person was you. the marquee |september 24, 2010

design by nathaniel thornton


TRUE LIFE: the misf it� * * One Marcus senior’s bumpy road to social stability brings her closer to her greatest passion in life story by kelsey mccauley photo by peter iversen high-school [hīʹskōōl] noun, a cozy, little dwelling where insecurities, uncertainty and cliques thrive. The stares, the whispers, the judgments, none of these are strangers to senior Christina Morris. She didn’t think she was the prettiest girl in school, she never dressed the right way and she wasn’t necessarily the most athletic of the bunch. This type of behavior didn’t just start in high school for Christina – it’s been steadily following her since her middle school years. Christina said she came to Marcus knowing that her situation wouldn’t be any different from her experiences at Downing Middle School. “I wasn’t worried about being at the ‘top’ because in middle school I was the scum on the floor,” Christina said. “Downing Middle School was one big clique. If you weren’t pretty or athletic or if you didn’t wear the right clothes, you automatically didn’t fit in. I was a dork. I was overweight. I liked the wrong things (and) I dressed the wrong way, so therefore I automatically didn’t fit in.” While Christina was fully aware of the pain that certain groups were putting her through as early as middle school, she recognized the pressure that some students have to overcome in order to maintain their social standing. “They’ve got to start feeling like they’re losing themselves in trying to fit in,” Christina said. “There was a girl (at Downing), and apparently in this one specific branch of the clique it was cool to be stupid, and she was bright, very bright. But she started to fail all of her classes to fit in, and she dropped out of school and we haven’t seen her since.” What many of Christina’s peers didn’t know was what was going on beneath the surface. Her parents had divorced when she was younger, which eventually took a major toll on her relationship with her mother, Gerri Morris. Christina said she was the “problem child” for a long time after her parents separated, and because of this she and her mother could hardly stand being in the same room together. As the tension between the two continued to escalate, Christina said she was beginning to lose herself. “I went through a sexual identity crisis,” Christina said. “I didn’t know what I liked anymore. I didn’t know if anything I had actually experienced growing up was anything that I had really enjoyed.” Sophomore year was when all her problems came to a climax. Because of the stress at home, Christina decided to move in with her father, James Morris, in Kerens, Texas. For the next year, she attended Corsicana High School. While Christina said she hadn’t noticed a sig12 design by nathaniel thornton

nificant problem with cliques at Marcus, her experience at Corsicana High was a different story. Like any Texas high school, Christina said football was a highly-prized sport in Corsicana. Pep rallies were held every week during football season and only during football season. Thousands of dollars had been spent on blazers for the players that “they’ll never, ever wear again,” she said. “They don’t care about their band. They don’t care about their choir. They don’t even have an orchestra,” Christina said. “All of the cool clubs that we have (at Marcus), they don’t have. Social-wise, here’s football,” (reaches high above her head), “and here’s everything else,” (lowers her hand to the floor). Because of this, Christina said she has gained a greater appreciation for Marcus. “(At Marcus) you have students that really love what they do,” Christina said. “These are kids that really, really care about what they’re doing.” Eventually, Christina decided to move back in with her mother so she could return to Marcus and pursue her greatest passion: music. Mr. Morris said he believes that Christina’s love for singing will help her in all her future decision-making. He said that she’s “thrilled to be back at Marcus” and that he’s noticed a major transformation in his daughter. “In the last two years, in my opinion of her, she’s kind of come out of her shell,” Mr. Morris said. “She is a much happier person today, there’s no question about it. She knows what she wants and she doesn’t bend a whole lot in terms of her goals. She smiles, and she laughs, and she talks and she is proud of herself.” As of now, Ms. Morris said that she and Christina have come back “full circle” since she left to live with her dad. “We have the relationship now that I always wanted us to have,” Ms. Morris said. Christina said that the support from her father helped her grow while she was living with him and that she has learned to take control of her life. She is currently a member of the Marcus choir and said she plans to pursue a career in music, hoping to one day attend The Juilliard School in New York. Christina does not let the stares of those around her bother her anymore. “The person that left here at the end of sophomore year was emotionally stunted,” Christina said. “Now that I’m back, because of the experiences that I went through before I left and the growing that I did while I was gone, I feel like I know who I am a whole lot more than I did when I left. And I feel much more confident as a person. Honestly, I don’t care what anyone thinks about me. It used to bug me a little bit because I was not confident in who I was and I had a feeling everyone knew and that nobody liked me. And now, I am me and you can all deal with it.”

s c i t s i t a t e s h t e h o T t g n i d r Acco Is Marcus separated by cliques? No

30% Yes

70% september 24, 2010 | the marquee


Round table digs deeper into clique problems The Marquee decided to take a deeper look into cliques by getting three students from three separate cliques and bringing them together to talk about student separation problems and other school wide drama. compiled by carley meiners and lauren rose Dalton Dallas; Crew, STUCO Matt Widdman; Brainiac, orchestra Erica Rohr; Marquettes TM; The Marquee TM: Do you think there’s a clique problem at our school? Dalton: I really don’t think there is. But everyone else thought there was. I think a lot of people hang out with a large extent of groups. Erica: I definitely think there are cliques. But I think cliques come with all the activities. You’re around those people so you’re going to be friends with them, so it creates what everyone calls a clique whether or not it actually is a clique. Matt: And a lot of times the cliques intermix. Erica: Everyone always wants to be part of that one group. You know, like there’s just groups that everyone wants to be in. Like they think “maybe if I hang out with that person I can hang out with this group.” TM: Do you think people have problems

fitting in? Dalton: I think it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be to find people to hang out with. It wasn’t like “Ahh man I want to be a part of this group.” Erica: No, I think that’s the good thing about high school, that there’s just so many groups that there’s always somewhere to go. Like if you make an effort you can be in a group of people. TM: Do you think there’s a problem with people drinking and doing drugs just to fit in? Erica: For the past couple of years, I have tried to hang out with different people and try to get where people come from so I know that people do that and stuff, but it’s just because they’re insecure. TM: Why do they feel insecure? Erica: Because the people and groups I was talking about all think they have to do that. And I guarantee that half the people don’t want to do that but they feel like they have to. TM:Are you more or less likely to hang out with people because of what they do? Matt: I’m comfortable being with anybody. Dalton: As long as I can talk to them, and just have a good time with and they share a few things

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Do you think you are part of a clique?



40% Yes


ude t s 175 f o oll p a d on e s a b

the marquee |september 24, 2010


that I like then I’m good. TM: Then why is it so rare to see a cheerleader hanging out with a nerdy kid? Erica: People worry about being judged. TM: What if the Marquettes knew you were BFF’s with all the band people? Erica: They call us the whore core. Matt: I’ve heard a lot of band people say it’s the whore core. I have no idea why they call them that though. It’s sort of like why choir hates band and band hates choir, nobody really knows. TM: How does that make you feel? (Erica) Erica: Well I mean I’ve heard it since freshman year, so I’m over it now. But freshman year I was this little innocent girl to Marcus and people were like ‘You’re part of the whore core’ and I was like ‘Alright? Cool, I already have this whole reputation and I have been here all of 8 hours.’ TM: Do you think there’s a lot of drama at our school? Matt: It’s always the people that say that they hate the drama, that cause the drama. TM: Is it like that with every clique though? Dalton: I think it’s every group. Everyone has the same stupid drama. TM:Why do you think that people start petty drama? Dalton: Usually you’re all at one person’s house and then you get tired of each other so then you’ve got to cause something. Matt: I don’t really know, just some people are designed to do that. It’s because they’re insecure. Dalton: They’re totally insecure. TM: We’re all sitting here agreeing that there’s so much drama, but why do you think that we keep hanging out with those same people and why we don’t do anything about it? Erica: Because it goes back to the whole group thing. No one wants to lose their group. And if they speak out, they’re going to lose their group and possibly all their friends. TM: Why do you think you don’t slip away and stop hanging out with those people? Dalton: Because it’s sad. That’s pretty easy to do, to slip away. Especially if you’re not afraid to get in another group. If you’re cool with another group and they really accept you, then you can slip away into the other group. TM: Who do you think is the most popular and least popular? Dalton: I don’t think there’s a popularity game. Erica: Well, popularity is all in your head. Matt: I think coolness is just a perspective. Erica: I think there are two sets of popular people, the ones that are nice and the ones who they think they’re popular, when everyone knows that all they do is cause drama. TM: Do you think people judge from Facebook? Erica: Most people make it seem like they have perfect lives, when really they’re just fake. Matt: That’s just insecurity. TM: Do you think it’s worse or better for people to not know everyone dislikes them? Erica: I feel like in reality it’s worse. TM: When you walk down the halls, who are the cliques you can pick out? Dalton: That’s what tricks me, I can’t. But I guess it’s because I don’t really care. I think it’s important to realize you just got to be true to yourself, because in a couple years you’re going to be off somewhere and you’re never going to see those people again. design by nathaniel thornton


top ten facebook dislikes

Remember Me

Forgot your password?




compiled by carley meiners

10 9 8 7 6

When adults comment on your status/wall posts…. awkward. Half the time they don’t know what we’re talking about. Have they noticed that 99% of the time we don’t respond to their comments? Stick to talking to people your own age. Getting notifications that have nothing to do with you. Everyone likes to have multiple notifications because it makes you feel like you have friends. Then you come to find out that those notifications are two people having a conversation on your photo, or something that you “liked.” How about you guys get a wall? When people +@lK l1k3 +h1s (talk like this). Not only is it extremely annoying, but it doesn’t make sense half the time. Can we all please speak English? Thanks.

When Facebook suggests friends to you. If we wanted to be friends with someone we can do it on our own. We don’t need to become friends with every single person on the planet. If we don’t know you personally, we don’t need to know you in the “Facebook world.”

Being in the middle of a couple’s fight. No, we don’t care how many times you break up/make up. You’re either together or you’re not. Stop changing your relationship status to “it’s complicated.” Stop trying to make people feel bad for you. It’s called your personal life for a reason.

5 4 3 2 1

People with over 1000 friends. The fact that they have over 1000 friends just tells us that they really don’t have any friends. Instead of making themselves look popular, they just told the entire facebook community that they have no one that truly wants to be their friend. Facebook is a social network not your diary. We don’t need to know your drama through every status you post. We’re sorry you have lot going on, but honestly you’re just boring us. You don’t need to vent to the world about what’s going on in your life. Save it for your blog. When random people jump into conversation. If you originally weren’t in the conversation then you don’t need to be now. If we wanted to talk to you we would. Don’t just assume that you can jump into any conversation.

Places. Not only can creepers figure out where you are, it’s annoying to have someone post what they’re doing and where they’re doing it all the time. Honestly, how many people truly care? If someone really needed to know where you were, they can just text you. They don’t need to log onto Facebook to find out. Predator alert? When people have conversations through each other’s walls. It clogs up your news feed. If I really needed to read your entire conversation I would click read comments. Save some time and annoyance by clicking reply to comment, not post on their wall.

Community service opportunities Curbside Recycling

What: Help sort through used electronics in two hours shifts Where: Marcus High School, In front of the auditorium When: Sept. 25 from either 8-10 a.m. or 10-12 a.m. Who to Contact: your honor society or club president

Spanish Honor Society St. Charles Tutoring What: Tutoring bilingual children after school Where: St. Charles Apartment Complex, 1090 Charles St., Lewisville, TX When: Every Monday from 4-5 p.m. Who to Contact: Ms. Rutledge

14 design by maria heinonen

compiled by alex cain

Classroom Recycling

What: Pick up recycling from teachers’ rooms after school Where: Room B217 When: Every Thursday at 3:45 p.m. Who to Contact: Ms. Crouse

Christ Haven for Children Open House

What: Helping run booths and games at the carnival Where: 4150 Keller Haslet Road, Keller, TX When: Sept. 25, 10-2 p.m. Who to contact: Ms. Rutledge For more service opportunities try contacting: Local Public Library Christian Community Action Local Animal Shelter Humane Society september 24, 2010 | the marquee


Sunday 9/26


compiled by luke swinney

CEO’s are back again trying to go undercover in their own companies to find out what goes on beyond the corporate world. In the second season premiere, CEO Stephen Joyce of Choice Hotels International will spend a week in disguise listening to the heartwarming, and sometimes devastating, stories of lower-level employees.

IN CONCERT compiled by molly spain


With the growing number of crime shows on the major networks today, “Castle” has set itself apart with a unique premise and lovable main characters. In the second episode of the season, Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) work to find the killer of a famous psychic, but when a letter arrives from the dead victim which foretells her death, things start to get complicated.

Sept. 26 The Black Crowes with Band of Heathens 7 p.m. at the House of Blues in Dallas $47.09

NO ORDINARY An airplane crashes in a deserted location and people develop superpowers that FAMILY they never knew they possessed. Sound familiar? While it might be a shameless at-

Sept. 29 Anberlin with Crash Kings and Civil Twilight 7 p.m. at the House of Blues in Dallas $25.85

9p.m. ABC Monday 9/27

7p.m. ABC

Tuesday 9/28


Wednesday 9/29


Thursday 9/30


Friday 10/1

tempt at a “Lost” replacement by ABC, this sci-fi drama’s premiere shouldn’t be missed. Watch out though, if a smoke monster appears and the jungle starts flashing, this show could head downhill before it even really begins.

As NBC tries to dominate the Wednesday night ratings, this spy thriller follows married couple Steven and Samantha Bloom as they’re thrust into a world of lies and espionage. The second episode of the series shouldn’t disappoint after J.J. Abrams (“Star Trek,” “Lost,” “Fringe”) directed last week’s pilot, his first television episode to direct since a 2007 episode of “The Office.”

With six seasons and a cult following already under it’s belt, “The Office’s” second episode of the season (“Counseling”) follows the likable yet clueless manager Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) being forced into counseling classes with his arch-nemesis and human resources representative Toby (Paul Lieberstein). As this is Steve Carrell’s last season on the show, every episode is a must-watch for longtime fans.

As it enters its tenth and final season, “Smallville” continues the romance between Clark (Tom Welling) and Lois (Erica Durance). This superhero show will beat the Guinness World Record for the longest consecutive running American sci-fi TV program which is currently held by “Stargate SG-1.”

compiled by molly spain

Marcus goes through about 6,000 rolls of toilet paper in a single school year. Those 6,000 rolls could fill the space of a Ford Transit Van. Marcus has a square footage of approximately About six Marcus High Schools could fit in the new Cowboys Stadium, which has a square footage of three million.

There are approximately 2,000 lockers in Marcus. The new Marcus stadium seats about 9,500-10,000 people. The largest NFL stadium is FedEx Field in Landover, Maryland and seats 91, 704 people.

There are approximately 170 classrooms in the school. This year Marcus made about $2,000 from regular parking spots and $6,000 from senior parking spots. The senior parking spot funds go toward senior graduation. Funds from regular parking spots go into a general activity fund, or “Mr. Shafferman’s fund” that is used to purchase things for the school. the marquee |september 24, 2010



Oct. 1 Shakira 8 p.m. at American Airlines Center $18.98-$162.95 Oct. 2 Sara Bareilles 8 p.m. at The Palladium Ballroom $34.48 Oct. 6 Local Natives and Union Line 7 p.m. at the House of Blues in Dallas $23.80 Oct. 6 Vampire Weekend 8 p.m. at The Palladium Ballroom $42.14 Oct. 14 Matt Hires 7 p.m. at the House of Blues in Dallas $18.82 Oct. 20 The Script 7 p.m. at the House of Blues in Dallas $30.56 Oct. 21 Maroon 5 7:30 p. m. at the Center $42.60 Oct. 22 Ben Rector 8 p.m. at the House of Blues in Dallas $18.82


design by maria heinonen 15


Timeless toys from early childhood years

Playthings from our infancy remind students of their youth compiled by lauren rose


In 1991, a new gaming system was introduced to the United States by Nintendo. The Gameboy was released originally in 1989 in Japan, and due to its instant success there, it was released into the US.

In 1993, the Beanie Babies trend swept the nation. These plush toys were stuffed with plastic pellets, or “beans” instead of the typical stuffing used in toys. Beanie Babies’ sister product, “Teenie Beanies,” were featured in McDonald’s Happy Meals.

Giga Pet

In 1998, artificial pets reached a new level with Furby. Furbies were computerized toys that could talk and required regular feeding and sleep like an actual pet. The toy originally cost $35, but high demand raised the price to $100.

16 design by james hubbard

Pogs are small cardboard discs with designs on the side that came into style in 1995. Collectable Pogs called “Slammers” would “slam” down on a stack of Pogs, and the Pogs knocked down would be won by the player.


Wanting a companion of her own but without the hassle, Aki Marita created Giga Pets in 1997, the first virtual pets in the United States that you could play with while you were on the go. Giga Pets were re-released in 2007.



Beanie Baby

Razor Scooter

Razor Scooters were manufactured in the 1990’s by J.D. Corporation as a combination of bicycle frames and specialty parts. The president of the company decided his legs were too short to bike, so he created the adjustable-height Razor Scooter.

Originally intended for the Gameboy, Pokemon was created in Japan in 1996 by Satoshi Tajiri. The Pokemon franchise later became a TV show and trading card game as well as other console games and books.


Heelys, a new type of shoe created in 2000, had wheels embedded in the sole. By shifting weight to your heels, users were able to roll from place to place. The new type of shoes resulted in 51 injuries per 100,000 children.

september 24, 2010 | the marquee

Erwin sticks with rushing attack in post-Hopkins era story by jasmine sachar

Head Coach Bryan Erwin hasn’t wasted any time mourning the loss of lead running back Stephen Hopkins. Because this season as Marcus (3-0) soars undefeated into district play tonight against Plano East (2-1), they do so with a solid offensive attack that starts two running backs, seniors Rufus Mason and Dagan Newsome, who together have rushed 799 yards in the first three season openers. Hopkins, who over his three year reign rushed a total of 4,096 yards, was given the majority of carries last year, and the rest was split by Mason and Newsome. But this year, the two split carries every two running plays. “We’re not as athletic or speedy as some of our opponents,” Erwin said. “We play a ball control type of game. We control the clock.” Mason and Newsome find themselves on opposite sides of the running back spectrum. Mason’s approach is gritty. He runs through defensive lines rather than running around them. The Bull, as Erwin calls him, currently averages 8.17 yards per carry. “In my eyes, to be a running back you have to have no fear running the ball,” Mason said. “I don’t want to run away from them. I try not to look back, run on my toes, see the green. I just try to run with all my might.” Newsome’s main draw is footwork, showcased best against Lamar two weeks ago where in the first half he nimbly scored a 23 yard touchdown. He then later aided the offensive drive by essentially dancing around defense attacks, turning one way, sprinting another and jumping over would-be tackles.

“Dagan is a great pass receiver,” Erwin said. “He’s quick. He’s got great visions. He makes people miss. He’s really elusive.” The pair have been friends and competition since they were six when they met playing pee wee football with the Lewisville Football Association. Erwin’s name for them is “thunder and lightning.” “It’s not just Rufus, it’s not just Dagan,” Mason said. “If you mention Rufus you have to mention Dagan too.” Thrown into the rush-happy offensive mix is movein quarterback Deion Sanders Jr. The 5’7” converted wide receiver and special teams player is quick, Erwin said, but still needs to “wipe the rust off” his passing mechanics. Sanders has completed 7 out of the 14 passes he’s thrown. Still, Erwin said he’s pleased with his performance so far and his quickness. “He’s a runner himself, so that’s going to improve our running game,” Erwin said. “And then when we throw the ball if the routes aren’t open and the play gets off schedule, he has the ability to scramble. When the defense is all spread out and he scrambles we got an opportunity for some big plays.” Fumbling, a rare occurrence last year, has posed a problem. Two weeks ago, Marcus lost a fumble to Lamar two yards away from the end zone in the second quarter, making it a total of five for the season. Erwin has been emphasizing high and tight ball security in drills. Still, Plano East poses its challenges. Their quarterback Corey Weseley has thrown 10 touchdowns over 894 yards. They have six returning starters on defense and their top wide receiver has scored four touchdowns and averages 16.05 yards per catch.


photo by becca dyer Senior Dagan Newsome takes a rest after scoring a touchdown on Friday, Sept. 10 at Marcus’ homecoming game against Arlington Lamar. Marcus took the game home with a score of 35-7.

Also on their radar is running back Nathan Meadors who averages over six yards per carry. They are the first of a series of pass-inclined teams that Marcus will face in District 8-5A. “We just play to our strengths,” Erwin said. “We like to establish a very physical mindset from an offensive standpoint. We feel like it gives us the best chance to win.”

Chemistry aids court game

With all but one player returning on varsity, volleyball roars into district with solid start story by carley meiners

photo by allison przybysz Senior co-captain Mallori Sando sets the ball against Coppell on Tuesday, Sept. 7.

the marquee | september 24, 2010

The stands are packed with people. Coach Christie Liles is calmly reviewing plays. The walls of the volleyball locker are vibrating while Queen’s “We Will Rock You” is blasted throughout the room. The players are dancing around relieving nerves before the game. Among them is senior co-captain Mallori Sando, her face gleams as she throws her hands up with glee. Tonight she wants to win. Tonight means the most. Because last year for the first time in head coach Christie Liles’ eight year career at Marcus, the team lost their regular district match to major rival Flower Mound. Sando said that although the loss was upsetting, she was determined that it wouldn’t happen again. “We’ve had a successful pre-season and they haven’t made the playoffs in the past two years, so they really want to get us,” Sando said. “If we play like we should hopefully we’ll come out with a win.” On Sept. 14, Sando got what she wanted. The girls came out with a 3-1 win. Sando said the rivalry means a lot to the team because Flower Mound considers themselves “the team of the city.” Tonight, they face Allen (15-11) who ranks number three in the district right under Marcus. With a 26-4 record at press time, Liles said that the

team this year has major potential to win state. She credits this to their bond and the way they keep each other positive . “They get excited for everybody,” Liles said. “I think that that just feeds energy. It helps the whole cause. It’s easy when you’re doing good things to celebrate, it’s when we’re making mistakes that you have to keep that energy.’” This year the varsity team consists of mainly returning players, with only one senior who left. Sando said being around each other for so long and being so close helps their performance on the court. “I’ve played volleyball forever and I’ve been on teams where there is no team chemistry and you lose every game not because of your talent but because you don’t get along,” Sando said. “When things get rougher and you’re kind of arguing and stuff that really breaks the team down. I think it’s a huge advantage that we get along.” In addition to their on-court chemistry, Liles said in the past year the team has really learned how to manipulate the other team’s flaws. “Understand their weaknesses and expose them,” Liles said. “I tell them ‘You’re not machines. You’re going to make mistakes.’ It comes down to what team doesn’t make the most mistakes at the end is going to win.”

design by james hubbard 17


Into the game, out of the shadows

Starting quarterback with a name the world knows strives to lead rush-inclined team and defy expectations story by jasmine sachar and devon miller photos by sarah sauer and becca dyer

school thought we were going to lose,” Sanders said. On the field, Sanders is solemn, contemplative. He “That we didn’t even have a chance. We proved every- kneels to the side away from the bench, hand resting on body wrong.” this helmet, analyzing the defense. In the huddles, he’s Deion Sanders Jr. knows what they say in the hallHis dad, Deion “Neon Deion” Sanders, is an athletic serious. Off the field, he’s a laugh. He sits at a packed ways. megastar. He won Super Bowls with both the Cowboys lunch table every day with other football players. They say he’ll be a terrible quarterback. That he’s too and the 49ers. He played outfielder for the Yankees, the “He’s one of those people that everybody loves,” runshort. That he can’t see squat past the six-feet-some- Reds, the Braves ning back Rufus Mason thing offensive linemen. That he’s cocky. That he can’t and the Giants. said. complete passes. That he’ll never amount to anything. He has the fastRecently Sanders was That he’ll never be his dad. est recorded 40 named the number three But now, as the stands of Standridge stadium clear meter dash in the celebrity son playing high You just can’t make mistakes. You can’t--- like and grinning families, cheerleaders and Marquettes history of all NFL school football on Maxall eyes are on you. You can’t do anything stupid. swarm the field to greet exhausted players, Sanders’ players and is a The school People look up to you. eyes glance over the scoreboard. Marcus 33, Garland 13. commentator on and the media, Sanders It wasn’t supposed to happen. The previous day, NFl network. acknowledges, see him as DEION SANDERS JR. eight out of nine Dallas Morning News sports analysts It’s the shadjust that, Deion Sanders’ had cast their vote for the Owls. Garland went 9-2 in ow cast by his fason. district last year, and their quarterback Dawson Hadnot ther that Deion’s “My friends, the people was an immovable 240 pound 6-feet-1-inch wall. Gar- trying to outrace. I hang out with, the footland was supposed to crush by 12. And this unexball team, they look at But then there was Sanders. He nimbly dodged blitz- pected victory is me as their quarterback es, discreetly handed off to running backs Rufus Mason the first step. and their friend,” Sanders and Dagan Newsome, then got pinned to the turf by a said. “At first they weren’t used to me, but then we got pile of stocky Garland defense men mere seconds after *** cool with each other. ... They didn’t even say, ‘Hey, can throwing a 33-yard touchdown in the second quarter. I have your dad’s autograph?’ But I’m so used to it by “Everybody in the school, everybody outside of the Moving in from Cedar Hill where he was primarily now, it happens everywhere I go.” a wide receiver and special teams player, Sanders came to the pro*** gram as a quarterback, a position he hasn’t played since he was a It’s Friday afternoon. The conference room of the freshman. new football office is abandoned, swivel chairs scat“You just can’t make mis- tered, a model of a defensive play scribbled on the white takes,” Sanders said. “You can’t— board. All boys were dismissed to the locker room half like all eyes are on you. You can’t an hour ago, but Sanders sits in the coach Bryan Erwin’s do anything stupid. People look office in a cherry red sports jacket, hunched over a cell up to you.” phone on speaker. The lights are switched off. To Head Coach Bryan Erwin, “So Deion, what kind of relationship do you have Sanders moved in at the right with your father?” said a voice on the phone. time. The 5’7” quarterback en“Me and my father have a great relationship,” Sandtered the program just when ers replied. career leading running back Somewhat unsatisfied, the eager reporter from RiStephan Hopkins left to play for probes further through the speaker. Michigan. Sanders was fast in “How often do you get to talk to him?” pads. He was elusive, he could Sanders laughs half-heartedly. “I talk to him everyrun 40 meter in 4:55. He had “his day, he’s my father.” little dance steps” according to In truth, his dad, who lives about a 50 minute drive Erwin that confused the defense away in Prosper, comes out to almost every practice. and helped him run a 59 yard He’ll sit in the stands, he’ll analyze. touchdown against Grapevine On the weekends when he’s at his dad’s house, they in the second quarter. He was bowl. They play basketball. They go to Luby’s, his dad’s an ideal fit for the rush-happy favorite place, and then sometimes Waffle House. He empire Erwin had been trying to insists that having an athlete dad isn’t pressure. It just perfect since his arrival in 2007. helps. “He’s smiling and he’s loosey “Since he’s good, he’s going to teach me what he goosy,” Erwin said. “He’s not real knows and I’ll be even better,” Sanders said. “Other emotional. He’s always poised than that just football technique, he’s taught me most Sanders watches on the sideline as the defense holds a pass-heavy Lamar ofand under control and I don’t see of all how to be a man. I’ll have kids one day, so how to fense on Sept. 10. Marcus held Lamar 35-0 until the fourth quarter when they any fear in his eyes.” be a father, how to treat women, how to treat people.” scored, ending the game 35-7.

18 design by breyanna washington

septermber 24, 2010 | the marquee


His bed is unmade. Exactly 23 pairs of shoes line up in two rows against the wall. “I’m really color coordinated,” Sanders said. “I love matching. I will never go out of the house without matching.” A trophy sits on the ebony dresser beside Sander’s bed amidst half filled water bottles and a red sports jacket --- a faded silver man with a plaque beneath him, “Deion Sanders, Defensive Player of the Year, San Francisco 49ers, 1994.” It was gift from his dad but he doesn’t remember from exactly when. On his door are 19 colSanders talks to junior defensive back LC Wright during the fourth quarter on the Sept. 10 away game against Grapevine. Marcus won the game 56-20. lege letters taped in rows. One from LSU, two from Iowa State, two from University of Florida, two from *** University of Houston, two from Oklahoma, two from Alabama and five from UCLA. It’s been raining since 4 p.m., but Sanders sits comHe’s still not sure which school he sees himfortably on a brown leather couch watching the Tyler self playing for; he’d rather let them come to him. Lee vs. Euless Trinity game with his mom and uncle. “It’s just motivation,” Sanders said. “I got to be doing Practice was rained out and he just got back from treat- something right.” ment. Half-empty pizza boxes cover the glass coffee Still, Sanders doesn’t know if he’s to be the football table and shoes in every style and color scatter across player everyone expects him to be. From out his front the floor. Sanders dumps a package of parmesan on his door, he can see the rain letting up, the sun sinking beslice of sausage and pepperoni. The lighting is low as he neath a bed of thin clouds. takes a bite, focused on the game. He’s ready to step out of the shadow. “When you play football, you have to live, breathe, “They just compare me to my father,” Sanders said. everything football,” Sanders said. “It’s not just some- “They say ‘You’re never going to amount to him. You’re thing to do on Fridays, it’s a lifestyle.” never going to be like him.’ They’re actually right, I’m The walls of his bedroom are stark white and bare. going to be better.”

Tennis breezes past Flower Mound, still crushed by Plano West

story by olivia tarlton One word: fierce. With eight teams in the 8-5A district, this is the word that Coach Kelly Langdon uses to describe the tennis team’s competition this fall. Langdon said that Plano West would be the team’s toughest rivalry. West has come home with four state titles in the past 10 years. However the team lost 13-6 to West on Saturday Sept. 18. The team had been working had to “pick up the slack,” Langdon said. Last year the top three girl’s doubles players and two number one boy’s doubles players graduated. Junior Joseph Rau said the team is doing all that it can to prepare for the fall season . “On Tuesday (Aug. 31) we had a match against Plano East (which the team won) and really focused on keeping up the enthusiasm on and off the court as well as working hard throughout the whole match and not losing any of our drive or focus,” “If the past is a predictor of the future, we’ve always risen to the challenge,” Langdon said. the marquee | september 24, 2010

New district includes state power houses story by alex cain

photo by becca dyer

Young team sets eyes for first time on state

Freshman Sydney Brown runs in the two mile race for varsity girls on Sat. Sept. 11 at the Samuel Cross Country Invitational held in Mesquite. “It was my first varsity race, so it felt good.” Brown said. Brown is one of the several key underclassmen expected to help the team reach state this year.

Marcus UIL sanctioned events are facing a reputedly tough new district this year after the state’s biannual realignment. District 8-5A now consists of Flower Mound, Lewisville and Hebron in addition to largely populated schools such as Allen, Plano, Plano East, and Plano West. Every two years, the UIL committee board meets to draw out new districts according to changes in population and new school being built. There are eight schools to a district, eight districts to a region and four regions to a state which all depend on school size and location. Having roughly 2,800 students in just their senior high schools, “the Plano schools are some of the largest in the state” Athletic Director Bryan Erwin said. A large student population makes the cut for their UIL teams more competitive. “I feel that this district is going to be more competitive for basketball, especially because we played Plano West in the regional championship last year and we have to play them twice this year,” senior basketball player Lucas Golding said. design by breyanna washington 19


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september 24, 2010 | the marquee


Religion further enflames U.S. citizens Recently, there has been bitter debate nationwide concerning the construction of an Islamic mosque near Ground Zero in New York City. While some are open to plans for the future building, many Americans consider this mosque an insult to the memory of those who died during the 9/11 attacks. Recent stunts like Pastor Terry Jones’ threat to burn the Muslim Quran have further agitated religious unrest in our country long-regarded as “the land of the free.” Americans have turned their anger over the 9/11 deaths into an anger at the Muslim religion. Instead of hurting other Americans, we need to avoid this trap of religious discrimination. Unfortunately, many Americans have started to regard all things Islam as evil. So many of us have mistakenly concluded that all Muslims are terrible human beings because a group of Muslims hijacked Americanbound jetliners and then used them to destroy an entire country’s morale. However, we can’t blame an entire religion for the misdeeds of a select few. What you don’t hear Americans brooding over is the incident involving Timothy McVeigh, the Christian man responsible for the Oklahoma City bombings 15 years ago. Before 9/11, these bombings were considered the worst terrorist act in U.S. history. This “Christian” man willfully killed a group of innocent people, and yet no one objected to construction projects involving churches. The anniversary of 9/11 is only a few years shy of the Oklahoma City bombings, yet many Americans continue to resent Muslims to this day. We should be further along in the healing process by now. In a poll conducted by the Pew Research Center, fa-

vorable views of Islam had declined since July 2005, four years after the attacks, from 41 percent to 30 percent this past August. When the group of 1,003 adults was asked how they felt about the construction of the mosque, only 34 percent supported it while 51 percent opposed. But seriously – what are we so afraid of? Religious freedom isn’t really as far-fetched as some choose to believe it is. It was established over 200 years ago in the First Amendment. Americans seem to forget why the United States is as diverse as it is, both ethnically and religiously. Among the many freedoms that our country has to offer, religion has been the most promising in the eyes of those who have immigrated to the U.S. The Puritans traveled to the Americas in hopes of escaping a church they believed was corrupt and impure. Centuries later, Christianity has branched off into numerous denominations, giving people the liberty to decide what to believe in. This freedom has attracted people of all religions to our country, so who are we to keep them from these rights? In a survey performed by the Pew Research Center, a group of 1,003 adults was asked whether they believed Muslims should have the same rights as other ethnic groups to build houses of worship within the community and 25 percent of the adults responded “no.” As students, and more importantly as U.S. citizens, it’s our duty to keep our personal feelings from denying others their rights to individual freedoms, such as freedom of worship. So speak up – if your friends, and even complete strangers, are saying things that you know

are hurtful, tell them to stop. Everyone’s rights are precious, and it’s our job to make people realize that. As far as the site of the mosque is concerned, hopefully those in charge of the project will find a way to work together to resolve this issue. But because we live in a country that’s heavily characterized by pride and massive egos, it seems a resolution is just about as distant as the native lands of our Middle Eastern counterparts.

End of drug testing leads to confusion After being introduced in 2008, Random Student Drug Testing (RSDT) has been dismissed for the time being. The system experienced many flaws with the selection process and the number of times students were chosen. The $75,000 cost of the program also played a role in the dismissal of RSDT. Because RSDT is valuable

the marquee |september 24, 2010

to Marcus, it needs to be improved and brought back to the student body. The initial goals of RSDT were to raise awareness of drug use in the Flower Mound area and act as a scare tactic towards drug users. The system was effective in achieving these goals to a certain extent as 1.9 percent

of students tested positive. However, testing was suspended because of defects in the system’s selection process. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the entire student body cannot be required to be tested, so at Marcus, only students participating in UIL activities or students who purchased parking stickers were put in the pool for testing. Because the process was random, only some students in UIL activities and those with parking stickers were selected, while others were not tested at all. It is a waste of money to test the same students over and over again. There needs to be a limit unknown to students on the number of times each person should be tested each year. This way, a student who is not associated with drugs won’t be required to pee in a cup continually throughout the year. It is a good thing that RSDT has been dismissed until the problems can be corrected. There’s no need to squander away thousands of dollars a year on a system that doesn’t work properly. After being improved though, RSDT absolutely does need to return to Marcus. Without it, there would be no program that aims towards minimizing the number of drug users at school or giving help to those who are involved with drugs. With some work, RSDT can be improved. By making changes in the selection process, such as who is tested and how many times, the system will be much more successful. The main concern is that the drug problem at Marcus is reduced. This will help make the school and its students as safe as possible, which is really what is most important. design by james hubbard 21

Tile that smiles

Traffic jams, no more

As students entered school on the first day, they were greeted by dazzling new tile below their feet. The new tile is located throughout the first floor and is already contributing to the freshness of the new year.

things we like



i’m watching you

Devon Miller

Indecision could spoil future plans

22 design by maria heinonen

Last year’s outstanding TAKS results satisfied both students and staff members. The old saying must be true then: practice really does make perfect. All that “Sprinting” sure paid off in the end. Good job Marcus!

In order to ease traffic pains, Waketon Road received a turn lane that gets students into and out of the parking lot in a speedier fashion. This new addition has certainly made life easier for those who are snooze button happy.


Carley Meiners

Friends’ biases influence opinions

Judgment #1: “He’s such a tool.” “How would you know? You’ve never even met him.” It was a typical summer night. My friends and I were gathered around the pool gossiping. That’s when Tyler* came up. Tyler is one of my best friends. He is sweet, real and always there for me. That’s why it was difficult for me to understand why someone would talk trash about him. The more people chimed in to why they disliked Tyler, the harder it was for me to back him up. I felt like a mouse up against an elephant. I didn’t want to upset anyone or cause drama so I kept my mouth closed and just listened. But all I could think about was how much I wanted to defend him. The closer Tyler and I became, the more my friends judged. The second someone found out I was hanging out with him my phone would blow up with angry text messages. This time I defended him, but it was like because it was over a text my words didn’t matter. All I got was “We’ll talk about this later.” In high school, gossip is a main component of student’s conversations. He said this, she said that. People will believe anything, but 99 percent of the time it’s all lies. And when those lies spread, judgments start replacing how the person is looked at. People will judge from one mistake, one flaw. Judgment #2: “He drops out of races on purpose.” “What? No he doesn’t. That happened once, and it wasn’t on purpose. Get your facts straight.” Being friends with someone more than half the


you think there is

a clique

“I’m so ready to be out of high school.” Facebook statuses like this have been filling up my news feed for the past few weeks. It’s only September and everyone already has “senioritis.” It seems like everyone’s ready to get out of Flower Mound and live a life of their own. Everyone except me. When I was younger, I dreamed of going to Yale and becoming a lawyer. I wanted to graduate at the top of my class and go on to fight for justice like my heroes on Law and Order: SVU. B’s weren’t good enough, I only had room for A’s on my report card. I was determined to be the brightest and the best. But somewhere along the way, I lost that drive. I stopped caring about homework. The B’s and C’s that I had hated so much now filled my report card. I started turning things in later until eventually I stopped turning them in at all. I wasn’t worried, though. I could always make it up in high school. As far as I was concerned, Yale was still within my reach. My lack of motivation didn’t disappear in high school like I thought. Though I was still mainly a B student, my grades weren’t nearly as high as I wanted them to be, but I kept telling myself that I’d make it up later. Now it’s my senior year, and I’ve barely made the top quarter. I haven’t even looked at an application for fear that it’s all for nothing. There’s so many things I dread about college that make it difficult for me to understand how anyone can be excited about it. By leaving I’d be giving up my home, the people I love and the life I’ve built for myself here in Flower Mound will all be gone. Yale is no longer an option for me. The dream that used to mean so much has finally moved out of my grasp. I could apply to other colleges, but I’m terrified of being rejected. If I went the college route, I could apply to as many schools as I can and hopefully get into one that I’ll like. Once I got there I could start putting effort into my work and make up for all the years of slacking. I’ve always wanted to be more independent, and maybe college could help. Maybe I’d fall in love with college life. If I stayed home, I could get a job and make friends here. I could work from the bottom up to where I want to be. The majority of my social circle would have gone off to college somewhere, leaving me alone and bored, but maybe the friends I’d make at work would make up for it. Maybe I’d be better off staying here. I’ve always liked to be in control, so having everything up in the air and undecided is really hard for me. I do know that for what I want to do, I need to go to college. I also know that I’d be miserable at home if everyone else was gone. I know that it’s ok for me to feel like this. I’m sure there are other people feeling the same way. The only way to stop feeling like this is to take a chance and get it over with. Whatever I do, I know I’ll be fine. Everyone else is ready to go. Maybe I will be, too.

‘Sprint’ to success


problem at Marcus

compiled by lauren rose photos by kyle anderson

school knows can be difficult. Everyone’s a critic. They think they know every aspect of a person’s life, when in reality they know nothing at all. When people start those rumors it can be hurtful. Tyler didn’t realize that people he had never met didn’t like him. When I told him, his face dropped. I could tell it hurt by the way his eyes glazed over. He looked like a confused puppy. All I could do was apologize even though he constantly reminded me it wasn’t my fault. And that’s just it, if people would think before they speak, this wouldn’t be a problem. If they would take the chance to get to know him, maybe they would see what I see when I’m around him. By being around people who gossip nonstop I wanted to start believing what they were saying. My friends were trying to change me. My friends were trying to control my opinions. There was so much pressure to fit in with the people who are supposed to care about me the most. People who I’m supposed to want to be around. After a while, I began to realize that all they really cared about was putting other people down. They were too busy worrying about what everyone else was doing, rather than living their own lives and having fun. Which is what high school is supposed to be about. When I started watching “If You Really Knew Me” on MTV, I started to come to terms with who I wanted to be around and who I didn’t. I was done with all the drama. I’d rather have fun than sit around and gossip. My friends thrive on other people’s flaws, but I’m done. *name changed

“Yes, there is a clique problem because you can tell how people are separated at lunch and nobody wants to be together.” Preston Kindle, freshman

“Yes, there is a clique problem because friends only hang out with each other and they don’t go out of their group.” Martin Press, sophomore

september 24, 2010 | the marquee


Outdated and overrated


things we don’t like

No girls allowed

Books are just one of the many factors that add to the familiar atmosphere of school. However, when astronomy books are ancient and English books are gigantic, the total high school experience can be less than joyful.

Making the cheerleading squad can be a difficult task for some. While joining The Crew isn’t as challenging, there are some requirements that prevent girls from becoming members, like being male.

Overcrowded curriculum

With a larger school population, class sizes have also increased exponentially. Less individual time with teachers, overcrowded rooms and other problems have upset many students.

Luke Swinney

It’s supposed to be where a kid can be a kid, but as a teenager working their first job, Chuck E. Cheese is quite the opposite from a playful wonderland. I stayed pretty calm when I was told I’d been given the honor of cleaning some little kid’s pee out of the slides. Even being stuck in the kitchen alone, I kept my cool when an unreserved birthday party decided they immediately needed 15 veggie pizzas. However, dressing up as Chuck E. and getting punched in the crotch by numerous children on a regular basis was too much for me. I wouldn’t have gotten a job in the first place if my parents hadn’t required it. I’m not someone who spends a ton of money, so not even the paychecks could keep me motivated. But by some miracle I managed to wake up five times a week, put on my uniform and make the drive to Grapevine for a fun-filled day of pizzas, screaming children and annoyed parents. Needless to say, the summer of 2010 was not the best summer of my life. Besides confirming that I don’t want children for a long, long time and showing me that health classes should take field trips to Chuck E. Cheese if they want to promote abstinence, my job revealed more about myself than any other experience I’ve had. Luckily, I was rarely scheduled before 11 a.m., but being relied on to come in to work tested my responsibility. Thankfully I succeeded in never missing work and only being late once. While it may not be fun, high school students should all get a job sometime in school, even if it’s just for the summer. Getting a job is a teenager’s first step

“No, I don’t think there is a clique problem at Marcus. I think that everybody is friends, like they can move around in groups they hang out with.” Alex Leduca, junior the marquee | september 24, 2010

Allison Przybysz

Act of kindness sheds light on life

you’re not my father

Work place changes outlook

shmallison shmibish

into this “real world” everyone’s so excited to rush into, and the life lessons Chuck E. taught me are invaluable. It hasn’t made me perfect by any means, but I know how to manage my time and adapt to different situations and personalities. Since a part-time job is a little slice of the real world, it’s sometimes filled with ridiculous and outrageous situations. When a woman complained to me that we were out of Cherry Coke and demanded I go to the store immediately and pick some up for her, I somehow remained calm and apologized, even though I did nothing wrong. Actually leaving work to get her Cherry Coke seems absurd, but sometimes people just want an apology to make them feel better. The wide range of personalities my co-workers and customers (or “guests” as we were required to call them) displayed made each day at work a new experience. Sure, cleaning every square inch of the bathroom wasn’t my ideal way to spend time, but the friends I made kept me motivated. When everyone has a mutual goal like running a successful restaurant, there’s a natural unity that most high school students don’t get to experience anyplace else. I finally quit my job before school started this year so I could focus on college, newspaper and theater, but when I made my last pizza and walked out for the final time, leaving the place where I’d slaved for hours upon end since February, I was actually sad. It wasn’t the work. I don’t have an intense love for making pizzas or dressing up like a mouse. It was my co-workers that made my days interesting, and I already miss it.

|MARQUEE REMARKS| “There is a little bit of a clique problem just because there are some stereotypes, but as a whole the Marcus student body is pretty friendly between the groups.” Allison Riding, senior

“You always have different groups of people because they have different interests and values. When all of that comes together, you’re going to have different groups of people hanging out.” Cindy Braswell, Counselor

So there I was, bawling my eyes out, big crocodile tears running down my face at a stoplight in South Dallas. I notice the man in the car next to me staring and I felt even worse because I was embarrassed. The man wasn’t staring at me, though. He was staring past me, at the man I hadn’t noticed who was walking up to my passenger’s side window. The man knocked on my window, and I looked over at him. The man was maybe mid-sixties and looked tired and hungry. I rolled down my window but told him I was sorry I didn’t have any cash to give him, which was the truth. He stared at me and opened his toothless mouth. He said to me, “Don’t cry, child. Don’t cry. It’s gonna be alright.” Then the man with no teeth tapped the top of my car, pointed to the newly green light, smiled, and waved goodbye. I stopped crying. I felt really stupid. This man standing on the side of the road, with no teeth or food or bed or money, wasn’t crying, but I was. I’m this girl from Flower Mound who has teeth and food and a bed and money, and I was crying because my friend was mad at me and I couldn’t find my Blackberry. I think of this man all the time and how nice he was to me for absolutely no reason. I’ve always wanted to ask him why he wanted me to feel better. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I think I’ve finally reached my conclusion. There’s this side of humans and it’s so rare to see. It’s the best part of humans, in my opinion. It’s true compassion, unfiltered and pure. But unfortunately, we rarely see people act this way anymore. Walk through the halls of Marcus High School and you’ll likely hear “She’s so annoying!” or “I love your hair!” or “I was gonna wear my Uggs but then they had a stain on them and I was like ‘EW GROSS’.” These are all legitimate things I’ve heard. But it’s so rare that you see or hear a complete stranger attempting to make someone else feel better. Maybe because it’s awkward. It’s awkward because it never happens, because everybody is too absorbed in their own world of annoying girls, pretty hair and Ugg boots. People would much rather talk to their own friends in their comfort zone than bother with going out of where they belong just to be nice. I’m not trying to say that it’s only Marcus kids who act this way. It’s kids everywhere. Actually, it’s people everywhere. Maybe it’s our generation. Maybe it’s just human nature. Wherever this problem is traced to, I want to change it. I’m going to change it. I want to start being nice to everybody because I can. I want to make people feel better. Everybody has this wonderful ability to make other people feel exponentially better, and I think it’s important that we embrace the awkwardness and start being nicer to each other. We can all be like the man with no teeth. design by maria heinonen 23




photos by allison przybysz




6 5) At the beginning of the Homecoming game, the Marcus starting lineup dog pile an opposing player. 6) Coming back from half time, the players run through the inflatable helmet towards the field. 7) Freshman Collin Waldorf, senior Aron Sekishiro and sophomore Sean Shane (Left to right) hold up the American flag in the preshow to the homecoming football game. 24 design by maria heinonen


1) Dressed as a car, senior Kacie Hildreth finishes the Dot Race in first place. The race was sponsored by Kwik Kar and Hildreth won $250 in scholarship money. 2) Sophomore athletic trainer Madison Leigh fills a water bottle during the football game to keep the players hydrated. 3) Senior symphonic band member Christine Bolitho plays her clarinet during the Homecoming game half-time show on Friday, Sept. 10. 4) Walking to the center of the field at the beginning of the game, senior running back Rufus Mason and senior defensive lineman Jason Neill show their team spirit.

the marquee | september 24, 2010

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