1 minute read

Chancellor Letter


The Lord Jesus commissioned His followers to go into the world and make disciples. At The Master’s Seminary, we train men to do that very thing. They come through the seminary to be equipped and trained, and then they go into the world to preach and lead.


The convictions that undergird our training are clear. The Lord Jesus is the head of the church and we submit to His lordship. His Word is the authority for what we teach and how we live. And His gospel is the only message that saves sinners. Armed with these truths, our graduates are evangelizing and faithfully shepherding God’s people and standing with courage and resolve.

The result is global impact. Though impossible to fully measure, the fruit of that impact can be seen both at home and abroad. At home, the Lord continues to bring us students from all around the world. Additionally, our Spanish-language programs continue to strengthen and grow. The pages that follow will highlight the way in which God continues to bless our enrollment efforts at TMS.

Abroad, TMS graduates are currently training thousands of national pastors in dozens of countries through our partnership with The Master’s Academy International. TMAI recently informed us of the need for many more men from TMS. Some 50 additional nations desire to start a training center in their own region. We are in the process of preparing the men needed, so they can be sent to accomplish the work.

The Lord has uniquely positioned the seminary for global impact. The church, both in North America and around the world, is in desperate need of qualified and trained pastors, who will faithfully preach God’s Word. Never has the need been more apparent. Never has the opportunity been so great.

Thank you for your prayers on behalf of The Master’s Seminary. Thank you, also, for your generous support. One day soon our Lord will return, and all the world will bow the knee before Him. Until then, we will continue to send out workers into the harvest, to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and to shepherd His church.

Yours for the Master,

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