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Alumni Impact
“It is reassuring to look back over my life and see the purposeful journey that reflects God’s pathway for my life. Several years ago, unbiblical decisions were made by the general assembly in our family church, and my husband and I decided to leave. After searching on our own, we could not find a church that we both agreed on. I decided to pray and ask God for His direction. I received an immediate response with an invitation in the mail. Pastor Dave and the church were welcoming the community to attend their services. I went that Sunday, and my husband and I continue to experience the growth of faith shared by all that come. Pastor Dave’s leadership of foundational truths are building disciples for God’s witness throughout the community. I have never experienced such depth and understanding of the Bible that expository preaching gives. Pastor Dave is always well-prepared, giving bold truth with accuracy of inspired scripture. He encourages us all to examine our lives continually and to live with an eternal perspective.”
KAREN, Virginia
“Pastor Manny is one of the finest Bible teachers I have ever had the privilege to sit under. He weaves sound doctrinal teaching with a shepherd’s heart. It’s the kind of teaching that changes lives and brings glory to Christ. What makes Manny’s teaching great is that he makes much of Christ in his sermons. One who sits under his teaching knows, without a doubt, that it is Christ-centered preaching. It’s obvious, too, that he spends much time studying because he unpacks great biblical truths that are only to be found by those who spend much time, not only studying the passage, but also in meditating on the passage of Scripture. In addition to his excellent teaching, members of his congregation learn how to pray by his example. When he prays, it’s from the intellect and heart. I personally have heard few people who have prayed and blended the intellect with emotions of the heart. I know that my own prayer life has become much richer because of Manny’s public prayers.”
DAVID, California
“An arduous year-long search allowed our search committee to become familiar with Caleb when he initially submitted an application, and as God worked through His plan, He graciously allowed Caleb to be considered for the senior pastor position. In fact, he became the clear and only choice. It became obvious in a short amount of time that his credentials, his training, and his biblical knowledge were an ideal fit for our congregation. This was a man trained to preach God’s Word. His expository style is very refreshing and the conviction which he preaches bring God’s Word to life. We attribute his biblical understanding to the solid teaching and instruction he received from The Master’s Seminary.”
MELANIE, Wisconsin
“We thank God for The Master’s Seminary and for our Pastor Terry and his commitment to proclaim and defend the divine truth of the Bible. My husband and I moved to town several years ago to care for my father in his later years. We started attending the church after listening to sermons on the church website before we had moved. It is God’s church, with a love for Jesus Christ and His Holy Word. We have had many opportunities to sit and talk with Pastor Terry personally. He is compassionate and humble, with a true servant’s heart. We know we can follow him as he follows Christ. Pastor Terry preaches the Scripture with true conviction and clarity. In the providence of God, he is here in our area to minister to the needs of young and old and everyone in between. He continually challenges us to “hear, believe and obey”. We thank God for our pastor and his willingness to follow God’s call and be here among us, preaching with boldness God’s truth which is so needed.”
DIANNE, New Hampshire