For the week of Thursday, December 6th, 2012 • Volume 46, Issue 14
December 6, 2012 • 02
News Campus Beat Features Entertainment Top Story Procrastination Opinion Sports Lifestyle TLFs Students’ Union Classifieds The Meliorist: Mel-io-rism (meel’e riz’m) the doctrine that the world tends to become better or may be made better by human effort
4-6 7 8 -11 12 - 15 16 - 17 18 19 20 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 30 An autonomous body, separate from the U of L Students’ Union SU-166, 4401 University Drive West, Lethbridge, AB, T1K 3M4 Phone: 4 0 3 - 3 2 9 - 2 3 3 4
The Meliorist is the student newspaper of the University of Lethbridge, published most Thursdays throughout the academic year by The Meliorist Publishing Society, an autonomous incorporated body. Please address all correspondence to The Meliorist, 4401 University Drive, Lethbridge Alberta, T1K 3M4, or drop it off at room SU-166. Deadline for submissions is Friday at 4 p.m. The Meliorist appreciates and encourages the writing of thoughtful, concise, timely letters. However, the Meliorist will only consider for publication those letters that are signed by the author. Special arrangements may be made for those wishing anonymity, but absolutely no pseudonyms. Letters should contain the author’s legible name, address, telephone number, and student identification number. The address, ID and phone number will not be published. The Meliorist reserves the right to edit submissions and will not print libelous material. Letters may be edited for brevity, clarity, and legality.
Business Manager
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Maggie Kogut
Entertainment Editor
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Ryan Kenworthy Cover
Sam Loewen
Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, What is usually a mundane activity of collecting the mail the other day, turned into a mental and emotional assault as I found a postcard from in my mailbox, that included an extremely disturbing picture of a “first-trimester (8-week) aborted embryo” (as noted on the postcard). My first reaction was complete revulsion: how could something this graphic end up in my mailbox? This quickly gave way to anger and distress as I contemplated how others might feel as they find this disgusting piece of paper mixed in with the bills and junk mail. This letter is not to debate the correct or incorrectness of your message. We live in a place where freedom of speech is held in high regard and you are free to think and say what you want. I don’t wish to get into that argument in the context of this letter. My main concern at this time is with the photo that you chose to supplement your words. I’m sure it was chosen for its graphicness. On that point, I would contest that lowering yourself to this form of inappropriateness devalues your argument wholeheartedly. Most people will be so disgusted by the picture that they will not engage, for better or worse, in the message you are trying to put forward. Further, your website states that it is meant for people aged 13 years and older, but how can you assure that the recipient of your postcard will be in that age range? A parent should be able to determine when, where and how they discuss this matter with
their child. They should not be forced into the discussion when, for example, their eight year-old child brings in the mail when they come home from school. I’m also sure that the picture was chosen because it will bring about feelings of guilt and empathy in the recipient so that they will side with your beliefs. For anyone who has had an abortion, or has known someone who has, this picture will probably only bring about a reminder of the difficult decision they had to make. You may say that it would serve them right, that they should feel terrible about having an abortion. I’m not even going to acknowledge that thought with a response. Whatever the reason you chose that picture, you neglected to consider how a mother who has had to have a medically necessary abortion might feel when faced with it. Again, you might say that she chose abortion, medically necessary or otherwise, over life so they got what they deserve. A callous thought, but I appreciate your stance is life above all else so I’m not going to address that here. Most importantly, though, you neglected to consider how a mother who has suffered a miscarriage might feel when faced with that picture. A mother who, through no fault of her own, had to experience the emotional and physical toll that comes with having a miscarriage. A woman who feels sadness and pain when she realizes that her dream of becoming a mother has been put on hold. A woman who gets mentally assaulted when she opens up her mailbox to get her bills and magazines and is confronted
with a visceral reminder of the extremely painful experience she has had to go through. Not to mention what the father of a miscarried child will feel knowing that this is what his baby might have been. I find your postcard cruel and unusual punishment. At least if I go to your website, I have chosen to type in your address. If I watch an R-rated movie, which is comparable to the graphic image on your postcard, I have chosen to watch and know what I have gotten myself into. I did not ask to be violated as I opened up my mailbox yesterday afternoon. What this postcard amounts to is bullying, except for the fact that I am unable to confront my bully as your organization feels it necessary to drop the offending piece of paper in my mailbox and run away. That is the reason for this letter today: I feel it is the only way I might have my side of the matter heard. I understand that this postcard and the message on it is not representative of all people who believe in the pro-life sentiment, but instead is the act of an extreme group who believe in their message above all modesty. It is this thoughtlessness and careless disregard for others feelings, opinions and beliefs that I take issue with here. Sincerely, Silvana Campus
December 6, 2012 • 04
Blood Tribe elects their chief and council for 2012-2016 Leyland Bradley News Editor
Voter turnout reached nearly 49 per cent for the Blood Tribe chief and councilor elections on Tuesday, Nov. 27. Almost 100 candidates ran in this year’s election, with only four incumbents winning a continuous term. Incumbent Chief Charles Weasel Head will continue leading the council, winning his place out of five chief hopefuls. A coin toss landed the fate for one elected council member; Robin Little Bear and Kyla Crow Spreads His Wings received a tied number of votes, 395 each, resulting in a coin toss as a tiebreaker. Advanced polls opened Nov. 20, with polls closing at 6 p.m. on Nov. 27. Much of the election was covered via Twitter under #kainai and @kainai_election. Forums were held across Southern Alberta including one in Calgary for Blood members residing in Calgary. One forum in particular for youth encouraged petition signing to decrease the voting age from 21 to 18. The Kainai, or Blood Tribe, is part of the Blackfoot Confederacy, along with the Siksika, the Peigan, and the South Peigan. According to the official Kainai website, the Blood Tribe has a population of over 10,000 people.
Fort Macleod
Blood Reserve
Results Chief Charles Weasel Head (incumbent)
Al Black Water Billy Wadsworth Dexter Bruised Head (incumbent) Nolan Little Bear Marcel Weasel Head (incumbent) Dorothy First Rider Frank Black Plume Mike Bruised Head Franklyn White Quills (incumbent) Myron Eagle Speaker Lance Tail Feathers Robin Little Bear
December 6, 2012 • 05
Leyland Bradley News Editor
On Saturday, Dec. 1, the third annual Free Marc Emery fundraiser took place in Lethbridge. For the third year going, Lisa “Mamakind” Kirkman was a guest speaker for the event. She is an anti-prohibition activist, columnist, and author of Sex and Pot: The Marijuana Lover’s Guide to Gettin’ It On. Jonathon Grant, for CKXU’s Coalbanks Dispatch, grabbed an interview with Mamakind while she was in town. Below is an excerpt from the interview. It aired live on Dec. 2.
Youʼre a columnist for a couple magazines – did you want to talk about that? I got my start in publishing with Cannabis Culture for Marc Emery who was my first boss and he brought me out to Vancouver to work there. So I worked there awhile and then I worked for other magazines. I’ve written for High Times. And then Skunk back when they first started around 2005, I started doing a sex and relationship column for them amongst other things, which kind of took off and since then I have been senior editor there and I’ve been with Skunk ever since. So right now I am an editor at large and I still write lots of articles for them as well as my advice column for them, but I also go and speak and represent the magazine in other ways as part of my job.
Thereʼs another magazine youʼve recently started writing a sex column for as well?
That’s right. Hustler Canada had been running the regular Hustler column “Asshole of the Month,” which was Larry Flynt’s sort-of opinion column for the last few years; now they get other writers to write it and get guest writers to come in and do it for him, but they wanted to do a particularly Canadian “Asshole of the Month,” obviously for Hustler Canada and they asked me to be that columnist; so that’s another gig I have.
So what brought you out to the Free Marc Emery fundraiser?
I’ve been to every one; this is the third year. Number one, I went to school, I went to the U of L. And so I’ve always had an affinity for Lethbridge and what goes on here. The thing is that people don’t realize there actually aren’t a lot of fundraisers – for quite a while, there haven’t been any fundraisers for Marc anywhere. People think in terms of, well, what can I do to free him? Well, he’s not going to be free, he’s going to serve his term, but they kind of forget about him once he’s in there – that happens unfortunately to a lot of drug war prisoners, we kind of sometimes forget that they have needs and everything while they’re in there. It’s great that this group has been raising money for him; that has just made his life so much easier while he’s down there for him and his wife Jodie. I want to support that
– again, Marc was my first boss in publishing. So, I feel a close connection to him and I feel I kind of owe him a lot. He was the first person to suggest to me that I should write about sex and pot. That was his suggestion; he was like, “you know, you have a thing there,” and so, I went from there even though it wasn’t necessarily right for Cannabis Culture magazine, he encouraged me either way to do that. I think he’s someone who has always recognized that the war on sex and the war on drugs are the same war; it’s just two sides of the same coin. So he encouraged that, and again I am an
anti-prohibition activist; I support any and all activists who are doing the same thing I’m doing, and Marc was my mentor. Marc was the activist who I really looked up to and took all of my cues from and learned from, and I would like to be able to support him in any way that I can. Check out Lisa “Mamakind” Kirkman’s official website at For adults only.
December 6, 2012 • 06
Leyland Bradley News Editor
“No longer can the world turn a blind eye to the long sufferings of the Palestinian people, the denial of the basic human rights and their fundamental freedoms, the obstruction of their rights to self determination and to independence”- Marty Natalegawa, Indonesian foreign minister Last Thursday, the United Nations’ General Assembly approved the bid for Palestine to become a non-member observer state, upgrading its status from “entity.” Canada was one of nine countries to vote against the motion – other countries include the United States and Israel. Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird expressed contempt in a statement released the following day, stating, “Yesterday’s unilateral action does nothing to further Middle East peace process” and, “This unilateral step is an impediment to peace.” The Canadian government has since decided to temporarily recall senior diplomats from Israel and the West Bank in protest of the sweeping victory. “I want to get a sense from the diplomats what they see on the ground, how they see things going, and how we can effectively respond to what could be a new reality,” said Baird regarding the government’s action in pulling the diplomats. And while the government has assured that it will not cut diplomatic ties with the Palestinians, the current $300 million in financial aid may be subject to cuts in the near future, as its five-year agreement up for review in early 2013. The Harper government recently closed embassies in Iran and Syria, severing diplomatic ties in the process. Baird delivered an aggressive speech prior to the vote, sharing the stage with ministers from Indonesia and Turkey, two Muslim allies. Both Natalegawa (Indonesia) and Davutoglu (Turkey) offered words of compassion to the Palestinian people, contrasting Baird’s comments, in which Baird said, “This resolution will not advance the cause of peace or spur a return to negotiations. Will the Palestinian people be better off as a result? No.” Davutoglu spoke against Baird’s statement about peace, stating that Gaza is proof that “thousands of people live through an inhumane blockade in an open prison.” NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar criticized Canada’s “no” vote, stating, “This government has actually made it more difficult for Palestinian representatives to enter our country. We know that because visas have not being given. And this is with the moderates. So what they’re doing is driving the moderates away from any kind of relationship with Canada.” As a “state,” Palestine is free to pursue membership in UN agencies and sign treaties. Most notable, and much
to the worry of Israel, is the potential for Palestine to take part in the Rome Statute, the treaty that created the International Criminal Court headquartered in The Hague. At the ICC, nations may bring forward cases of war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, and crimes of aggression. Alongside Canada, the other nine countries that voted “no” include the Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Panama, and the United States.
“Canada is more Israeli than the Israelis and should have no role” - Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator
December 6, 2012 • 07
Students weigh in on library proposal Leyland Bradley Campus Beat
The Meliorist asked students for their thoughts on the potential changes to the library. “To take more content out and replace it with a food kiosk seems silly. People don’t need to eat in the library. They can go somewhere else; they can go to The Zoo, or the food court, or CJ’s. I think the whole idea is silly.” -Jesse, 4th year native studies education
“I don’t care. But if I respond, will this be in the paper? It’s like a TLF upgrade.” -Anonymous, 4th year political science
“The library is not where I would go to be social. I go to the library to study, not to hang out. It’s already pretty loud as it is; I wouldn’t change the way it is now.” -Kaitlyn, 5th year management
“I saw an e-mail about the library changes, and I’m interested in what the official plans are, but as for now, I’m not convinced it’s necessary. Putting the books away somewhere else instead of leaving them where they are now for the sake of a soft-seated social space requires some convincing – at least for me.” -Anonymous, 3rd year anthropology
“I don’t go to the library. Having food there might be kind of cool and might encourage people to visit it more often, I think.” -Ashley, 2nd year art
“I don’t know; I don’t really visit the library. I’ve been in there maybe once this semester. I used to go all the time in my first year but I don’t anymore.” -Anonymous, 2nd year management
“Don’t we have Galileo’s for that?” -Marcel, 3rd–4th year management
“What happened to academia? The library is one of the few places on campus that I can get some work done. It’s my second home.” -Anonymous, 1st year psychology
“I can see the intentions behind changing it. The library could be a little more inviting and people bring food in all the time anyways. If they’re going to put a kiosk in there, I want to know what kind of food provider will operate it.” -Anonymous, 3rd year bio-chemistry
Proposals and documents concerning potential changes to the library will require further consultation from groups across the university, including official student opinions, before the end of the term. For more information about the library changes currently in discussion, see pages 16-17.
December 6, 2012 • 08
Billy Davey
Features Editor Just before Hitler rose to power, Germany’s unemployment rate was at about 30 per cent. Greece’s unemployment rate is currently at over 25 per cent. Although Greek politics are not quite the same as Germany’s during the ‘30s, there have been some interesting and alarming developments. During the parliamentary election last June, the ultra-right wing political party Golden Dawn won 18 seats and nearly 7 per cent of the vote. "Today's vote proves that the nationalist movement is here to stay," said Nikolaos Michaloliakos, the party’s leader. The election results surprised many because polls showed that Golden Dawn would slump in this election, which they did — but only by .05 per cent. The party is constantly referred to as neo-Nazi and fascist, but party members reject these labels and call themselves nationalists. They reject these labels so much that a Golden Dawn member attacked two female members of the Syriza and KKE communist parties on a live broadcast
TV show — splashing water at one and smacking the other in the face – for suggesting that the party would take Greece back “500 years.” As violently as the party members reject the fascist label, it is quite obvious that they endorse many of the tenets that make fascism: nationalism being the largest, for the party is strongly anti-immigrant and members have been involved in attacks on immigrants, attacks which the Greek police seem to be turning a blind eye to. In an interview with a senior member of the Greek police, the Guardian was told that the Greek police was letting “pockets of fascism” go unchecked. However, a police spokesman rejected these accusations, calling them “unfair” and without evidence. Golden Dawn’s activism includes giving food to the poor — poor Greeks that is, requiring that people show their Greek ID cards before receiving food. There are also videos of people in black Golden Dawn shirts walking through the streets of Athens destroying immigrant street vendors’ shops. These
raids are often led by prominent members of the party. Anti-fascist protestors, however, are also on the rise and Golden Dawn protests often clash with them. These are where many of the accusations against the police are found. Many protestors in opposition to the radical party claim the police are not only favouring Golden Dawn but are actively working with them. Some protestors even claimed the police tortured them after a clash with Golden Dawn. "On some occasions there is a blurred line between Golden Dawn and the police," said Kostis Papaioannou, former head of the Greek national commission for human rights. With a party flag that resembles the Nazi swastika, Golden Dawn seems to have no fear of becoming like Germany in the ‘30s and ‘40s. Their TV ads spout slogans like "let's rid this country of the stench," and their leader calls for a pure Greek country — no immigrants: “The day of national revolution by the Greeks has begun against those who are selling us out and looting the sweat
of the Greek people.” Before WWII, many saw Hitler as a joke – someone to make fun of rather than fear. But many European countries in the ‘30s had strong fascist movements, with the exception of Britain and Greece, gaining significant ground because of the depression. In response to hard economic times, the line before radicalism can become blurred and a government capable of atrocities, in the name of reactionary or revolutionary tenets, can rise. Thankfully, people are much more aware of radicals and reactionaries in our modern times. But as the economic crisis rages on in Greece, can they keep a golden dawn below their horizon?
December 6, 2012 • 09
Makay Murray Features Writer
This week’s topic was suggested by Taelynn. She has seen problems all throughout the year related to poor digital file management. So, this article will be about how to keep your digital files in order, and how to avoid losing them. We have all had that moment of terror when the essay or presentation you are working on is nowhere to be found, or you pressed “save” as opposed to “save as” and overwrote a very important document. Perhaps your thumb drive that had all your reports got washed with your pants and is ruined. That feeling of dread and frustration is a horrible sensation, and no one should have to experience it – especially when there is a very simple and easy solution to ensure that no one has to feel that “pit-in-your-stomach-going-to-throw-up” feeling. The best way to explain how to protect your digital files would be to walk you through how I organize, share and manage my important digital files. The first “law” of computing is that digital files are infinitely copy-able. The second “law” is they are just as easily delete-able, overwrite-able and change-able. Unlike physical paper, a computer’s entire hard drive can be wiped with a single magnet, or accidental “save” to the wrong file and your work is gone! These two “laws” of computing mean that the safest thing for your work is to have it backed up and copied to multiple locations. This way if one copy gets hosed, your work remains intact and retrievable elsewhere. To guarantee the safety of your documents every time you hit “save,” all you have to do is get a cloud-based file management service. Some are for pay but many are free. My personal favourite is Dropbox, which can be downloaded at Dropbox works by creating a folder on your computer (PC, Mac and Linux), which is continuously synched to a cloud server that is an exact mirror of all the files in your “dropbox” folder. Of course this will require an internet connection, but in today’s world an internet connection is harder to avoid than it is to find.
Now, why is Dropbox my favourite of them all? I have tried most services and found that it stood above the rest for the following reasons: It’s free! (like many other online file sync services) but it allows you to expand your free storage (2GB starting) by “whoring” yourself, by inviting friends to install the application, or just proving you are a student by entering your school e-mail. Dropbox also provides a method for sharing your files selectively with your friends or to anyone with its fantastic link creator that lets you post a link to a file in your Dropbox folder with a single click. Dropbox also creates a way to access your files when you are not at
your own computer; because Dropbox is a cloud service, you can access all your files from any computer using a browser. A browser is a program that views web pages, like Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. For example, if you are in the study centre and forgot your computer at home, you can access all your work from any campus computer, and when you’re done, all your work will be waiting for you on your laptop. Lastly, Dropbox protects from accidental deletion by keeping a record of every change made to your Dropbox folder for up to 30 days. For example, if you were to delete your 30-page essay accidentally, or delete a
large paragraph and then select “save” and effectively erase that segment, Dropbox allows you to retrieve that file by accessing the website and restoring the file you deleted. When is the last time you could do that with your thumb drive? Now that you have Dropbox installed, I’ll walk you through how to manage your documents inside of it. For all my university work I have one master folder for everything called “University.” Inside that folder I have every semester separated into folders labeled for the year and season that semester took place in; for example, “2012 spring.” Then inside that is every subject I’m taking that semester and a scanned copy of my class schedule so that I can refer to where and when every class occurs (while I’m still memorizing the class locations and teacher names). As expected, inside every class folder is a folder for lecture notes, assignments, extra-curricular resources (like movies to watch for your psychology class or chemistry tutorial videos) and lastly the class syllabus for easy reference throughout the semester. This folder structure will help you keep your classes and assignments in order. The best way to ensure that all your files remain accessible and protected from accidental deletion or misplacement is to always create, save and edit your documents inside of this folder structure you have created. Don’t e-mail your files to yourself, as that causes several versions to be held with the same name in your e-mail and can get severely confusing. To save yourself from this, just keep them in their designated place always. If you get a file from a friend for a class, copy it to this folder as fast as you can so that you will be able to find it quickly once you need to. If you liked this and would like to suggest other topics for me, drop me a line at and check out the podcast over at “” where I talk out loud for an hour about all the same kinds of stuff I write here.
December 6, 2012 • 10
Billy Davey
Feature Editor "Every year, thousands of shoppers fall victim to the holiday deals that seem too good to be true, and the bogus charity pleas that pull at the heart strings," said Sandra Crozier-McKee, president and CEO of Better Business Bureau (BBB) in Southern Alberta. Due to the significant increase in shopping and spending during the holiday season, there is also an increase in “scammers” who want to take advantage of the rushed purchases and donations that are made at a high rate. In response to this, the BBB has released some guidelines for avoiding the swindlers.
The first step is to know if the business, whether online or a shop, is credible and will actually sell you what you ask for at their listed price. Make sure the online store has a physical address and contact information, and if a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. You can check for business ratings at the BBB website:
Research charities
While most charities boast a good cause and seem well intentioned, they are not all organized to a standard that will use your donation effectively. Many donations are wasted to wages and administrative fees rather than saving lives, educating, etc. So before making a donation, check a charity-rating website like GiveWell (, or look at the BBB’s “20 Standards for Charity Accountability” (
Online bulletin boards and auctions
Before making a purchase on Craigslist, Kijiji, or eBay, make sure you meet the person and see the product before actually giving money, or — if the site is auction-based like eBay — check the seller rating and reviews/comments.
Don’t be in such a rush
It can be easy to forget your wallet, a credit card, or to protect your pin number while you are doing some last minute and rushed shopping. With all the online threats, it is important to remember that not all thieves have the internet, so they have to steal from you the old fashioned way — always keep track of your wallet.
Watch for malicious mail
Whether through e-mail, fax, or post, the swindlers will try to look as credible as possible to get your personal information and money. E-mail senders will pretend to be from Canada Post or FedEx with fake links to tracking information. Make sure you know who the sender is and be suspicious of unusual requests for information or about products you did not order. Make sure you have an up-to-date anti-virus software.
photo by Rina Pitucci
December 6, 2012 • 11
Worried about an armed robbery when working nights?
Hereʼs something to take your mind off it Billy Davey
Features Editor It has recently been suspected that sleep disruption can cause breast cancer. Higher rates of breast cancer are being reported in certain shift workers all over the world. Dr. Olga Kovalchuk and Dr. Robert Mcdonald, both at the U of L, will be focusing their research lab teams on how genetic structure can be changed by an irregular sleep-wake rhythm, and how that may be linked to cancer. This research looks at epigenetics, which is the study of how genes can be changed by environmental factors, developing illnesses and disorders that can become heritable traits. “The precise mechanisms of breast
cancer induced by circadian rhythm disruption are elusive,” said Kovalchuk. “In recent years, the role of epigenetic changes as a cause of breast cancer has been increasingly recognized, so we are going to attack this challenge from that perspective.” Circadian rhythms — common in animals, plants, and bacteria — are the biological cycles or “internal clock” that dictates biological and physiological reactions to certain 24-hour oscillations, such as daylight. In 2009, a multi-departmental epigenetic research group was started at the U of L with $3.2 million. The U of L was a part of the $666,128,376 investment that
supported 133 projects at 41 different institutions. And with the work Kovalchuk and her colleagues are doing, the U of L is developing into an effective epigenetics research centre. Early in November, Kovalchuk was also awarded $375,000 from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. With this funding and one of Canada’s “Top 25 Women of Influence” (Kovalchuk) as a researcher, we can expect some great progress from the U of L labs.
December 6, 2012 • 12
Maggie Kogut
Entertainment Editor
Photos courtesy of Last Gang Records
On Dec. 10, difficult decisions will be made, time travel will be attempted, and apparition will be hoped possible. “But why?” might you ask; fear not, I will tell you. Not one, not two, but three great shows will be in Lethbridge that night and I give you, dear reader, the impossible task of deciding which show to attend. Firstly, Mother Mother. After the release of their new album in September, The Sticks, the B.C. indie-rock band is touring Canada with special guest Hannah Georgas and will be stopping in Lethbridge for a show at Average Joe’s Sports Bar. The show starts at 9 p.m., 18+ only. Tickets are $30, and available on Throughout their last tour, in promotion of Eureka, Mother Mother’s popularity and reputation for great shows never stopped growing. They sold out 1,000-2,000 capacity venues all over Canada and played at some of Canada’s largest music festivals including Ottawa Blues Fest, Osheaga, Hillside, and the Calgary Stampede. With their new album, Mother Mother is sure to deliver more fantastic shows. For a preview, check out their video for Let’s Fall In Love. Secondly, Jimmy Rankin. The Geomatic Attic will be Christmas-rocked by Canadian artist Jimmy
Rankin on Dec. 10. The perfect way to forget about finals and anticipate the quickly approaching Christmas season, Rankin will be performing tracks from his latest (and fifth) solo LP titled Tinsel Town. The LP rings in Christmas with eight Christmas classics and four original tracks. Rankin is originally from Cape Breton, but his reputation has spread all over Canada as indicated by the various awards that he has received including 27 East Coast Music Awards, five JUNOs, and two Canadian Radio Music Awards. Rankin’s show on Dec. 10 commences at 8 p.m. at the Geomatic Attic. Tickets are $32.50 and available at Thirdly, Handel’s “Messiah” & Britten’s “Saint Nicholas” cantata. Part of the Master Series III and sponsored by Dr. Harry and Irene Penner, Lottie Austin, and Dr. George Evelyn, this Lethbridge Symphony Orchestra and soloist performance will bring even more Christmas spirit to Lethbridge. Soloist for “Saint Nicholas” is tenor Blaine Hendsbee, while soloists for “Messiah” are soprano Audrina Steciw, countertenor César Aguilar, tenor Jason Ragan, and baritone Ian Fundytus. The Dec. 10 performance begins at 8 p.m. at Southminster United Church, 1011 4th Avenue S. Tickets vary by seating from $18 to $32 for students, and are available at So there you have it: three shows, one night. Oh, what to do?
December 6, 2012 • 13 Maggie Kogut
Entertainment Editor
Jarvis Church is a producer, a songwriter, and a frontman, but most of all, Jarvis Church is a “soul singer.” His Sam Cooke tribute album, released this October, revives classic songs like “Having a Party,” “Wonderful World” and “Cupid” – songs that you might not recognize by title, but if you were to hear them you’d be like, “Oh yeah! That song!” The inside flap of the album includes a personal introduction from Church where he says that The Soul Station Vol. 1 is “the first in a series of albums, each spotlighting the music of a different soul singer who
has touched millions with their voices as well as helping shape my own.” On his Sam Cooke tribute album, Church indeed experiments with and shapes his own voice through two original songs: “Do It Better” and “She Keeps Me Up All Night.” With an upbeat energy powering both Church’s tribute songs as well as his original songs, The Soul Station Vol. 1: The Songs of Sam Cooke – A Tribute will have you slicking your hair back Grease style and donning poodle skirts to swing the night away like it was the late ‘50s.
Ben Harper is a folk rock, blues rock artist from Pomona, California. At nine years old, Harper saw Bob Marley play in Burbank, an event which became an important influence on Harper’s music. Displaying musical talent from a young age, Harper played his first gig at 12 years old, and in his teen years (during the ‘80s), Harper started to play the slide guitar. Since then, Harper has released 10 studio albums, with new album Get Up! scheduled for release in early 2013. Harper is also the recipient of two Grammy awards, both from 2005: one for
The Fate of the World Depends on This Kiss is the second album from Canadian indie husband/wife duo Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland. If their marriage is as good as their music is, this is one very lucky couple. The album opens with the slow heavy beat of “Achilles’ Desire.” The steady beat of the tambourine and the high piano notes bring to mind an old time saloon atmosphere. And after hearing “Devil’s Got a Gun” only once, it’s been stuck in my head for days. The chorus is really catchy, but not in the annoying overplayed top 40s way, but rather in the “Dang, I want everyone to hear this” way (how-
ever, I suppose that is probably how tracks become “top 40s”). Moving on, “Mismatched Eyes (Boat Song)” showcases the vocal talent and harmony of Doucet’s and McClelland’s voices through a simple acoustic track. I also really enjoyed the track “Peterbilt Coalmine”; seriously, I don’t even have words for this album; just listen to it, okay? Finally, it’s quite a while away from now, but Whitehorse is scheduled to play in Lethbridge on Jan. 30 at the Geomatic Attic. Tickets are $32.50 and available through the Geomatic Attic website.
Best Traditional Soul Gospel, There Will Be a Light, and the other for Best Pop Instrumental Performance, “11th Commandment.” Harper’s By My Side is a retrospective album that was released this October. The album reminds me of a more musically mature Jack Johnson who doesn’t sing about curious monkeys occasionally wearing yellow hats. The second track on the album “By My Side” has a really fun Hammond B3 organ solo, and overall the album is very mellow and easy to listen to.
December 6, 2012 • 14
Maggie Kogut
Entertainment Editor
Daniel Okpala – Mc Soprano – is a local hip-hop artist who took a risk. Having left school for one year to focus on his music, Okpala finds that “it’s paying off.” Before committing himself to his music, Okpala was a student at the U of L who was busy with music, volunteering, soccer, school, and working. With these strains on his time, Okpala decided to give seven months to music. “I figured I’d put my all into it,” says Okpala. This fall, Okpala has been busy booking shows, writing music, and working on two music videos to be filmed in Lethbridge this month for his tracks “Somebody” and “What’s Us.” He is speaking with companies who’d like to sponsor a music video, speaking with producers, and generally working towards acquiring exposure for his music. As well, Okpala will of course “just continue recording and writing more songs.” In November, he performed at “10 at 10: a Hip-Hop Showcase of Beats and Rhymes” and is presently working on booking New Year’s shows. To expand musically, Okpala is learning how to play the guitar and the drums. However, Okpala says “I’m more of a songwriter,” and along with writing songs for himself, he is also working on forming a band with artists that he performed with this September during Lethbridge Arts Days. “I write for people as well,” says Okpala, and he has written songs for artists in Ontario. Personally, Okpala has recorded five songs that are now being mastered and mixed. He plans to promote these tracks in the New Year, but his current tracks, particularly “Somebody,” have already received international attention from a university radio station in the States and a radio station in Africa. Okpala writes hip-hop genre style songs but there is also a slight Afro hip-hop influence in his music which is “more energetic and bubbly,” says Okpala. While Okpala is putting together a team to help promote his music and take care of visual elements of his music such as graphic design, for now Okpala says that “I do most of it myself.” However, Okpala views this as positive, because working independently, as he says, “I establish relationships with people and websites on a personal basis.” Okpala is also “trying to branch out to different places.” Last month he was in Calgary to see a talent agency about receiving commercial exposure. “I’ve never done a commercial before, so I think it’ll be a good experience; I think it’ll be fun.” He doesn’t have an immediate focus of signing with a record label; “I’m just trying to get myself out there first of all.” A great way to do that is through Soundcloud, and you can check out MC Soprano’s tracks at Okpala started writing songs in 2009. Visiting a friend in Calgary who is also a producer, Okpala asked one day about writing a song. The producer agreed and together he and Okpala wrote a track that ended up sounding really good. He started writing and rapping to more tracks after that and has now acquired a unique sound and growing exposure to his music. “I’m more of a chill kind of slow melody,” says Okpala. “It’s almost like poetry, like I’m talking to someone.” Although working extremely hard and tirelessly to promote his music, from the sheer enthusiasm and joy with which he talked about his music, it’s clear that Okpala has passion for his work. Gaining exposure in the music sphere is a vastly difficult endeavour, but Okpala’s perseverance is sure to succeed; as he says, “no risk, no reward.”
Photo courtesy of Daniel Okpala
December 6, 2012 • 15 Maggie Kogut
Entertainment Editor The U of L Opera Workshop production of Gian Carlo Menotti’s Amahl and The Night Visitors was simply delightful. Directed by Dr. Blaine Hendsbee and conducted by Dr. Sandra Stringer-Conlon, the short 50-minute opera (sung in English) depicts the story of a crippled boy named Amahl and his poor widowed mother. Amahl notices a large star in the sky one night, and his mother, tired of hearing about her son’s imaginative lies, doesn’t believe him. However, later that night, three majestic kings, on a journey to visit a certain child, knock on the door to Amahl and his mother’s house seeking a rest, and a wondrous night of singing, fellowship, and dancing ensues. When all are finally asleep, in desperation, the mother decides to take a little bit of the gold meant for the child in order to feed her son. Unfortunately, she is caught. Everyone wakes up, and commotion fills the stage, but in true generosity and Christmas spirit, the king allows the mother to keep the gold. The cycle of generosity continues as Amahl offers the only thing he owns, his crutch, as gift to the child that the kings seek to visit… as he hands over the crutch, he finds that, miraculously, he can walk. So he joins the three kings on their journey, and all ends well in true Christmas fashion. Full of joy, hope, and kindness, Amahl and The Night Visitors encompasses everything that Christmas should be about. But not only was the story particularly heartwarming, the performances were amazing. The singing was impeccable, strong, and conveyed great emotion. One song in particular, a musical dialogue where the three kings ask the mother if she knows of the child they are seeking, truly displayed the sheer strength yet discipline in voice that opera requires. The mother, a solo female singer, overpowered the combined voices of three men singing at the top of their lungs. Her high voice pierced through their deep baritones with shiver-inducing power. The singing in the show was not only powerful, but helped in the radically quick character development that a 50-minute show requires. In the short span of 50 minutes, not only did a story unfold, but a set of characters developed that grabbed your heart and held on for the 50-minute span of the show. The audience learns very quickly how much the mother (played by Lisa Mulgrew in the 2 p.m. performance) loves her son (played by Michaela Harker in the 2 p.m. performance) even though she constantly pesters him not to tell lies and not be a nuisance. Her character development allows for understanding as to why she would steal the king’s gold. And the kings, played by Brenton Taylor, Kjel Erickson, and Ian Fundytus, each had a very unique character, yet at the same time they retained the harmony of a single majestic unit, especially when they sang together. A technical aspect of the show that was very well done was the grandeur of the kings in comparison to Amahl, his mother, and the other shepherds. The contrast of their bright colourful costumes in comparison to their grey surroundings, the seemingly endless flowing robes, and the height that their elaborate hats added to the kings, created a visual aspect that made the kings look positively larger than life within Amahl and his mother’s small house. A final interesting aspect of the show that I will mention is the way in which characters entered the scenes. All of the characters entered from the audience entrance and walked down the steps towards the stage. This created a very dynamic auditory effect, as the audience could hear the different characters singing from outside of the rehearsal hall, and could hear the voices growing louder and stronger as the characters moved into the room and down the steps. Overall, the show’s performances, music, costumes, and set were all wonderful. Joyful moments of humour lit up the show, powerful voices filled the entire hall in song and a scene of dancing – with dancers Megan Roberston and Camille Rogers – added a fun dynamic to the show. Amahl and The Night Visitors was truly a wonderful, heartwarming escape from the dull grey world of school in its final two weeks that enormously brightened my day.
December 6, 2012 • 18
ACROSS 1. Crusts formed over wounds 6. Put through a sieve 10. Computers by "Big Blue" 14. Small boat 15. Wanderer 16. Profound 17. Labor association 18. Destruction 19. Goddess of the earth (Norse mythology) 20. Preordains 22. Sterilized 24. Shredded cabbage 25. Dative case of the Latin for "Girl" 26. Hall of Fame bluegrass vocalist ______ Flatt... 29. ...and his partner ____ Scruggs 30. God of love (Roman mythology) 31. Ability 37. Middle-east-
Snowy Bear
ern rice dish 39. 7 in Roman numerals 40. Smudge 41. Heated box for seedlings 44. A deep ringing sound 45. Leases or rents 46. Right away 48. Territory or domain 52. 50's brother singing group 53. Residence of the President of France 54. Plays 58. Pretentiousness 59. Glided 61. City in Nebraska 62. Solitary 63. Underside of a projecting roof 64. 7 65. Comedian ____ Laurel 66. Resorts 67. Paradises
DOWN 1. Iraqi missile 2. Walking stick 3. Licorice-flavored seed 4. Loop used to pull on a boot 5. Suffering from dementia 6. Mouselike long-nosed mammal 7. Debts 8. Law enforcement agency 9. Shaving the entire head 10. Perfect concept or principle 11. Transparent precious stone 12. Princess who was consort of Jason (Greek mythology) 13. Shovel 21. Narcotics officer 23. Furs 25. Genus of baboons 26. Mongol people of northern Scandanavia 27. Chieftain
28. Alone 29. Sends forth 32. Shaped like an egg 33. Embraced or sheltered 34. Noble gas used in signs 35. Slanting surface 36. Therefore 38. Not true 42. Beginnings or origins 43. Revolutions Per Minute 47. Sleep 48. Sells 49. Poet T.S. _____ 50. Actress _____ Loy 51. City in Germany 52. Assistants 54. Prima donna 55. Highly enthusiastic review 56. At that time 57. French for "Without" 60. One circuit of a track
Easy Hard
December 6, 2012 • 19
Our truth and effort
Preserving built heritage is about more than acknowledging it exists Kelti Boissonneault Editor-in-Chief Last Thursday, Nov. 29 was a sad day for me. The City of Lethbridge announced that it will approve a demolition permit for the Piche Miron building, an empty old butcher shop between Progress Clothing and YoYo’s on 5th St. South, across from Galt Gardens. From without, the building isn’t much to look at: a leaning brick façade, blue sheets blocking the windows, and apparently the interior has succumbed to wood-rot and is crumbling. Therefore, after consultation with the owner and engineering firm Hasegawa Engineering, the City has issued a permit allowing for the demolition of this 1909-constructed building. According to the memo detailing the decision to issue a demolition permit, the city finds it “…regrettable that it [the building] has deteriorated so badly that it appears to be beyond economic reclamation.” This is not the first building the city has allowed to be knocked down, and I doubt very much it will be the last. The sad fact of the matter is that there is no bylaw or rules within the municipality governing the neglect of historical or heritage-resource buildings. The Heart of Our City Committee began in 2007 when it became apparent to the council that something needed to be done about the dilapidation of the downtown core. Since its inception, the master plan for the committee has been well developed, and much improvement has been made to the downtown core.
However, as is evident by the crumbling walls of the Oliver building, the leaning façade and trashy exterior of the Piche Miron (both of which happen to be owned by the same absentee landowner), the decay of the Bow On Tong, and the slow decline of the Greyhound building (which will be under repair soon, thankfully), it’s clear that more effort to save these older buildings is needed. The built heritage of Lethbridge offers more to the people than a pretty aesthetic surrounding our largest urban park: it offers a story. The history of Lethbridge is celebrated as unique, diverse, and controversial. Its buildings act as a reminder of the past, a history the people of Lethbridge can be proud of — something to boast about to our visitors, and something new residents can learn and fall in love with. By allowing the built heritage to disappear by willful neglect of landlords is a detriment not only to the aesthetic of our downtown area, but also to the history of Southern Alberta. People may question the validity of saving buildings that, like the Piche Miron, have degenerated so far beyond “economical reclamation,” as the city put it. If a building is too far gone, it is more
difficult to save. The tragedy here is that the building was allowed to become so dilapidated in the first place. I would encourage city council to consider a municipal tax break for owners of heritage buildings that maintain the building in its original state and in good order. Give the owners, the business people, and the residents of Lethbridge an incentive to keep this history alive and in good condition — it will dramatically help improve the aesthetic of downtown, and allow the built heritage of our city to remain for many generations to come. I would even go further than that and penalize landowners who allow their buildings to fall into disrepair. I would even go so far as to pass a bylaw that allows the city to requisition the structures if the landlords are found to be unresponsive to the needs of the building. I implore the city, please, do anything, do something to protect the beautiful built heritage of downtown. It deserves saving as much as the history of this wonderful city deserves remembering.’s clear that more effort to save these older buildings is needed.
December 6, 2012 • 20
Alex Mahoney Sports Contributor
Welcome to the life of a “professional” amateur athlete. Becoming one of the best athletes in Canada and the world is a serious undertaking. Some people say it takes about 15 hours a week, while others say 8 hours a day. In reality, it’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 11 months of the year. When you’re an athlete, it never leaves the back of your mind, influencing everything else you do. Days are built around training and optimizing recovery. They have to be, when you’re training more than 700 hours a year. Think about it – could you go for a two hour run every day for a year? You could, but the vast majority of athletes take one day a week off, as a complete rest day. That means two days a week have to have three hours of training. During April, our rest month after race season is over, everyone drops their
training time to about six hours a week. Those four easy weeks, in addition to other easy weeks spaced through the year require some weeks later in the year to be 20-30 hours of training. The math works out to four or more hours a day during those weeks. That’s the equivalent of running a decent marathon per day, every day for a week. Fortunately, we usually spend our weeks with lots of hours skiing on glaciers and pedalling road or mountain bikes. The low impact nature of those particular activities allows us to train longer hours than running alone. When you train with such volume, the time you spend not training becomes as important as the time you spend during the workout. Think back to the last time you had a week of rest, and remember how much energy you had then, in comparison to now, after a day of going to class, working a job and doing homework. There is a saying: you can be an athlete, you can go to school, or you can work – pick two. There are only so many hours in the day, and only so much stress you can put on your body in those hours. Most people can work enough during university to graduate with little
debt; athletes can work almost enough to support their own lifestyle, or work their way through university, taking two or three courses at a time. The goal of the athlete is to live a somewhat balanced lifestyle. Too much emphasis on one aspect or another usually causes both to suffer. Your sport is your life, but it can’t be the reason you live. An amateur athlete has to love what they’re doing or else they wouldn’t be able to continue for long. There is no glory in the pursuit of excellence, except when we succeed once every four years at the Olympics. The reality is that athletes put their lives almost on hold for up to a decade, often paying about the same amount per year as a university education. It is a big commitment for likely not having anything of concrete value at the end. Athletes contribute little to society during their training years, living off of parents and sponsorship – the charity of businesses. The life isn’t for everyone, but those who get the chance often take it. You can go to university later, you can work ‘til you’re 65 to retire, but you can only ever have the chance to become an athlete at one time in your life.
December 6, 2012 • 21
5:45 a.m. — Wake up and eat breakfast. Time is just a number, so long as you sleep enough. It’s no different than waking up on the east coast. There is a reason behind the madness though. Morning training usually starts at 9 a.m., since races can start as early as 9 a.m. Food also takes a couple hours for a full breakfast to be digested and the energy to have entered your system. 6:30-8:15 a.m. — Flexible time. Good to do some light stretching, perhaps some school work, recreational reading, or domestic chores. 8:15-8:30 a.m. – Preparing for training. Getting dressed for the day’s weather, preparing whatever equipment you need, filling water bottles, etc. 8:30-9 a.m. – Half hour warm-up, either skiing or running. 9 a.m.-noon – Workout: speed, intervals, time trials, strength, followed by a half hour cool down. ASAP after workout – Lunch, usually a full dinner-sized meal. Fill in training logbook during lunch. 1 p.m. – Major athlete commitments are done for the day. Time for a shift at a part time job, correspondence courses, domestic chores, physiotherapy/massages, hanging out with friends, taking a nap, looking after ski equipment, watching a movie, or wasting time on the internet. 2 p.m. – Usually time for another substantial portion of food regardless of activity. 4 p.m.-4:30 p.m. (can be as late as 6 p.m., depending on afternoon activities) – “Recovery” workout. Going for an easy run, kayak, ski, bouldering session or bike ride helps the body recover a bit faster, and helps mix things up to keep training fun. ASAP after workout – Dinner part one: usually the carbohydrate and protein portions. After dinner-9:30 p.m. – Continue living, but not in such a way that could impair the next day of training. 7:30 p.m. — Dinner part two: vegetables. 9 p.m. – Bedtime snack. Anything you want goes, except chocolate and other caffeinated products. 9:30 p.m. – Bedtime.
December 6, 2012 • 22
Victoria Wilson
Lifestyle Contributor SFSC is an alcohol awareness project created in a women and gender studies class entitled “Activism and Advocacy.” The goal was to create an activist group and get involved in the community. The result – optimal success. We began with our mission statement: we are women spreading awareness about safe alcohol consumption through highlighting the precautions before drinking and safety after consumption. With this, we made pamphlets that were distributed throughout the university and residences, started a Tumblr page (, went into high schools to give presentations, and got ourselves on the university televisions and in the newspaper – as you can see. SFSC wants those who choose to partake in alcohol consumption to be safe. We understand that not everyone chooses to drink (or chooses to drink in excess) and we applaud you. However, for those who do, we want you to have some knowledge about what you should be prepared for and what to do if something happens so you can handle it safely. We dispersed pamphlets that gave tips on how to prepare for a night out and some myths debunked. The reality is that 20 per cent of alcohol is absorbed within five minutes of reaching your stomach; the rest is absorbed in the intestine. Alcohol affects everyone differently, thus, to know the signs of alcohol poisoning is important if you are going out with friends. Remember, going out and having a good time is great, but having the knowledge to keep yourself and your friends safe is important. On our website, there are facts about how alcohol affects your body, the signs of alcohol poisoning, important emergency numbers to know, and also steps to put someone in a recovery position. With this knowledge, you will be equipped to save someone’s life. If you see someone who is unconscious from drinking too much, regardless of the situation, call 911. One of the best moments that SFSC has encountered on our journey was that the high school students told us they have an open line of communication with their parents. SFSC wants to encourage everyone at the university – whether you are already a parent, an aunt/uncle or guardian, a future parent or anyone that has children in their lives – be the person that will be available to help the teens regardless of what situation they are in. For more information regarding SFSC, check out our Tumblr page and e-mail us at To get this information out to the public we want to thank LPIRG for funding our adventure, the Alcohol Awareness Committee, the Meliorist, and groups around the university that helped spread our message. We cannot thank you enough. After doing this project, we recommend that everyone find something that they are interested in and get involved, make a poster, grab a table in the atrium, stand up in the bus loop and chant something! It will be well worth it.
December 6, 2012 • 23
$ $ $ $
Connor Thorpe
Capilano Courier (Capilano University) NORTH VANCOUVER (CUP) - Would a financial incentive make you more likely to donate an organ? A recent study conducted by the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta and the University of Calgary says yes – noting that almost half of Canadians surveyed approve of the idea, despite the fact that the sale of organs is illegal in Canada. The study – formally titled “Attitudes Towards Strategies to Increase Organ Donation: Views of the General Public and Health Professionals,” employed a web survey directed at the general public, health professionals and those affected by kidney disease. “This study came about from a discussion on how to increase the pool of potential donors. In other words, how to get more people to step forward to donate, living or deceased,” Lianne Barnieh, a researcher for the Liben Institute, says. “To do this, we did a survey and enlisted the help of a survey firm for the general public, and professional groups for those working in the area of kidney disease, and finally the Kidney Foundation of Canada to reach out to their members and supporters. We found that, on the whole, people found financial incentives for donation acceptable.” Barnieh says that there are over 3,000 people waiting for a kidney transplant in Canada, and that 82 people died while waiting for one in 2010. The study hopes to encourage methods of increasing donation that will help speed up the process of transplantation. “Being on dialysis, though life-extending, has a poorer quality of life compared with transplantation,” she continues. “As we only need one kidney to live, if we can find a way for people to consider giving their second kidney to a family member or friend suffering from kidney disease, we can reduce the waiting list.”
While the study itself did not examine ethical topics relating to financial incentives for organ donors, they did include detailed data about public acceptance of various approaches to the subject. “There were varying levels of acceptability, depending on the incentive, between the three groups: Almost half the public found cash payment to living donors acceptable, whereas only 14 per cent of health professionals found this acceptable. The most acceptable incentives were reimbursement of funeral expenses for deceased donors and tax breaks for living donors,” says Barnieh. “All of these financial incentives would be given out by a government organization. We did not, and would not, consider a system where money [would] be exchanged between individuals. For example, offering a tax break to donors would be one financial incentive that could be, and would be, treated like other donations individuals make that can be written off on their tax return.” The reasoning behind the projected increase of donations associated with a cash incentive is simple: people are often motivated by money. “When looking at human behaviour, there is no one thing that motivates people,” says Barnieh. “Though some people give from the ‘goodness of their heart,’ others may need more to motivate them to donate. We are hoping that by offering financial incentives, we appeal to this other group of people.” Barnieh dismisses the concern that low-income citizens may be exploited by the sway of a financial incentive. “Firstly, the assumption that people with lower-income are only motivated by money for a given act is a very narrow view,” she explains. “Secondly, though
$10,000 can be a large incentive, it is not sufficient to completely change someone’s financial situation. In our study, when examining the results by household income, we did not find any evidence to suggest that those with lower household income would be more willing to consider donating than those with higher household income.” Still, the ethics behind the study have come under fire – though the ethical implications behind offering financial incentives to organ donors was never a focus on the study. “The ethics of offering money, or of other strategies, has been debated and continues to be debated elsewhere,” Barnieh says. “Before going further on this topic, we just wanted to know how Canadians felt about it.” In an article for CTV, Arthur Schafer of the University of Manitoba’s Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics explained the ethical difficulties in offering financial compensation for organ donors. “Frankly, I think it would be bordering on obscene to offer financial compensation to the mother whose child has just died,” he said, suggesting that the diverse circumstances surrounding organ donations aren’t conducive to a standardized program like offering financial compensation. It’s unclear what the next step will be for both researchers and policy makers involved in organ donations. Barnieh says that the study conducted by the Libin Institute is a good start. “Now that we know Canadians find many financial incentives acceptable, we can find a way to move forward.”
December 6, 2012 • 24
** Submit your TLFs at All TLFs must be submitted via a valid uleth e-mail account. Keep in mind that libelous or offensive TLFs may be edited or omitted. The TLFs do not reflect the view or opinions of The Meliorist Publishing Society. Cancer over Ray Bans? WTF! Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you? Now I am not the type of person to judge, but I’m pretty sure you crossed a line, you arrogant, materialistic price of s**t!!! Dear guy in love, Which girl with curly brown hair in Chem 1000 on MWF? Which time on those days? ~possibly interested girl with curly brown hair Don’t sleep with someone you wouldn’t want to have a kid with. Dear Feminists Please stop using the example of rape in EVERY single argument you give. We’re not in an age where males are supremely dominant and all they do is rape women. Thanks Would this Girl Guiding Club be for those who were in Girl Guides for several years when younger and secretly miss it..? Its Still my life motto to Be Prepared To the man working at Tim Hortons, your so cheery, thanks for making the last week of classes brighter. Dear possible guy in green tank top,The name’s Rachel. Could I possibly get yours? From the girl in the blue sweater (who was in cj’s lol) To the guy who posted about me. I’m soooo dtf, come get my phone number and we will smash our naughty parts together!Sincerely, that cute girl from your class.
Good luck on exams and a super happy holidays to all UofL students!!! See you all in January!! To the hot guy with short brown hair in math 1410, I have 3 classes with you and I absolutely love it. Keep on being a smokeshow. Ps, you rock those glasses I’m going to buy a bunch of hermit crabs an make them live together, so when people ask “are those hermit crabs?” I can say “not anymore, they are mingling crabs” To the person interested in starting a Girl Guiding Club, please contact me at Also, anyone else who is interested in becoming a member of Girl Guides mailme Nobody cares about how you pick where you sit in class, just sit down. To the one who said they want to start a Girl Guiding Club… I’m so down for that! Been a member all my life! #Links the tlf drinking game: every hopeless romantic shout-out = 1 drink every time anthony’s bodacious bod is alluded to = 1 shot when Distracted Guy hits on library girl = waterfall Dear boy in love with curly haired girl in chem 1000, there are two classes on mwf, can you be more specific? -curious girl who has curly hair
Thank you Meliorist writers for last week’s issue! especially Kelti’s “when is same a four-letter word” column.This Uni needs more articles like these, I hope you opened many minds
she must have been tall, My office was on the third floor! She rolled her eyes at me, I picked them up and rolled them back. She hired me to investigate, the platforms were murder.
To the person who hit the “Born to Farm” car. I saw you as I was walking through the parking lot and reported you to the police. You inconsiderate bastard.
We took the elevator downstairs, It was heavy and awkward, but we made it. I asked the bell-hop to call me a cab. He said “OK, your a cab”. It was not very helpful.
Guys with loud trucks and (worse) cars: We get it, you want to be noticed. Now, take your insecurities somewhere not within earshot. Sincerely, everyone who isn’t a redneck. 3 weeks to live and we are all studying for finals, would YOLO apply for this? -CareBearStare Dear boy that sits near the front in chem 1000B, I hope you know we all count and make bets on how many times you raise your hand in class. RA KURTIS; Do not fear, Anthony has nothing on you. YOU ARE WAAAAAY SEXIER.
So, instead we tried to catch a cab, we had little success; the main problem seemed to be that the net wasn’t big enough. The taxi stopped with a jerk, the jerk got out; we got in. This semester is almost finished so are chances for people to get the courage to talk to a classmate, person on the bus or in the library outside of tlf’s. Clean the men’s change room, it smells like urinary tract infections and broken dreams. “So this guy slaps me in the face, and I was all like, ‘Come at me bro, hit me again!’” – Jesus So UofL janitors don’t clean the library on the weekend. Saaddd
Ps. I hope these make you smile (: I was working on a case, well, I couldn’t afford a table. I heard a tap at the window, “what a strange place to put a tap” I thought. I saw a tall blonde there, Cont.
To the boy who ripped my heart out and then jumped on it a couple times, I deserve so much better than you. Get over yourself, it’s your loss not mine.
December 6, 2012 • 25
May the force be ever in your favor, Mr. Potter. – Gandalf
you’re closed 15 or 20 minutes early! #hungrystudent
Dear Tim Fairs Mario, Please come to the castle. I baked a cake for you. Yours truly – Princess Toadstool, Peach (AKA- Your secret admirer)
Dear assumed 1st years in curric lab…your conversations are entertaining. I hope you enjoyed the cookies! =) ~Love, entertained coach
I am sad to see Movember come to an end. All you girls who disagree have obviously never had a moustache ride! Visual Poetry: aaaaaabbbbbbcccccc////FfffUuu CccKkk////ddddddeeeeeffffff I went to Studio last night and got super drunk! ERISMAN. you are an amazing young lad Forget Stacy’s mom. I think Stacy has got it going on. the U should get its own service like AMA for the staff/ students so there is always someone who can get you unstuck in the winter, get your keys unlocked, give you a boost, etc. Tis the (flu) season Wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze Because germs actually DO travel!! Dear food services, please stay open until the time you are scheduled to close. It’s a real piss off when I go to get food and
Looking to move? Friendly house with older students (age 23-35) has space coming available in January. 2 big rooms, fully furnished. $500/month includes everything. 403-715-5140 Dear library girl, I’m not sure if its just finals week but you look really cute in hoodies. Next week I’m going to say hi and I really hope you stay to talk. Distracted guy Someone needs to start a food cart that goes throughout the library and sells snacks. Something similar to the food cart on the Hogwarts Express. So it’s finals time, library is packed, maybe not such a good time to work on you laptop while you take up a study booth that has twin monitors…that you’re not using… To my fellow IME-ers. We made it, this far at least! Congrats =] To the girl who used to be in math, but is now in nursing, I miss you!!! And happy birthday
What’s the most fantastic way one can cook a Christmas turkey? Preferably not involving deep frying or Jack Daniels. Another lesbian here. Come to Pride Centre and hang out. XD 15 years later and I’m FINALLY done my undergrad. Since 1998, I’ve spent 12 years living, working, and or studying at the U of L. Thanks for all the memories. Please U of L, if you’re going to invest money into something useful, take a look at the keyboards in the library. Not only are they distracting and loud, they’re filthy as shit Oh Fabio in my Sociology 1000 class. I’m going to miss your golden flowing hair and sultry voice next semester. Here’s to hoping we have another class or two together! It is flu season people! It’s cold outside! If you have a runny nose pack a frickin Kleenex!!! No one wants to hear you sniffle all day!!!! PLEASE!!! It’s gross.. Does anyone else feel invisable? - invisable girl Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday and good luck on your exams! Do something nice this month for a stranger! It will make your day a little bit brighter! -ready4abreak
When the word Feminist comes up, the word Lesbian screams at me… and Anti-Abortionist… either way you’re not helping me get laid. #seriouslyneedssex To the gorgeous brunette who is taking nothing but philosophy this year, I have a valid argument for why we should hang out… Tell me, how’s it sound? Dear Social Life, She’s mine. You can have her in two weeks. Sincerely, finals. Dear human, I agree, I hate finals too. Let me help you by tearing up all of your notes. Hope you didn’t need those… Sincerely, your cat that needs all of your attention! Dear semester, Please come back! Sincerely, screwed student who’s not ready for finals… Dear Professor, Thanks for whistling the death march from Star Wars while handing out our exams. Sincerely, student that is going to fail. Any of you Chivers or Chivettes looking for a New and Enhanced ‘Keep Calm and Chive On’ T-Shirt? I have a brand new mens XL shirt for sale. Contact if interested.
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Year in Review, and Thanks to All of You!
10 tips for managing stress during exams Julia Adolf
VP Academic
corner you want to make sure that uninvited guests, such as stress and anxiety, stay away as you prepared and in control is the best gift you can give yourself as you some stress is a normal response to an anticipated event, like writing an exam, when that stress gets out of control it can be debilitating and make test preparation a very connect with yourself and make a plan to manage your stress so that it doesn’t show up when you least need it. Here are some ideas to thwart the almighty all-nighter: 1. Prepare, prepare, prepare - The best way to manage stress and anxiety around exam time is to be as prepared as possible. Keep up to date with your readings, meet with your professor if you need work through study guides, join a study group and use the Students’ Union Note Bank to catch up on any missed class notes that have
been given in previous years. 2. Prioritize - It can be overwhelming to look at all of the tasks you need to complete. Set priorities and work on the most urgent
into manageable chunks and set goals that are reasonable. Work on the tasks that take the most focus, reading a text when you are most alert and save the other tasks, such as re-writing notes or organizing PowerPoint slides for later in the day. 3. Take breaks - Healthy procrastination should be part of your time management strategy. When you schedule your study time, plan to take 10 to 20 minute study breaks periodically and do something during study breaks that rejuvenate you. If possible, work in a short study break every hour. In between study sessions, block out a couple of hours of time to relax and forget about your workload for awhile. Here are a few suggestions for both long and short study breaks: exercise, watch mindless TV, read a novel or have a snack. 4. Sleep well - Most people need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. If you are staying up late or pulling an all-nighter
to cram for an exam, you will likely not achieve your desired result. Lack of sleep results in poor coping strategies for managing stress and fuzzy thinking. Your best bet is to study often and in advance so that you can get your rest before the big day. 5. Get physical - Physical exertion provides you with an outlet for mental stress. Invite a friend to blow off steam by walking, running or getting involved in a sport. If it’s cold outside, take a walk inside on the track in the First Choice Savings Centre or go to the gym. 6. Stay clean - Although there are many chemicals, including alcohol, which can mask stress symptoms, they do not help you manage the stress itself. Turning to somenal issue you’re dealing with. 7. Honour the ‘no’ - When you say ‘yes’ to someone or something else, you say ‘no’ to yourself. Be aware of what you need in order to take care of yourself and to prepare for your exams. If someone asks you to do something but you really need to study, try to arrange a different time to help out so that it doesn’t interfere with your exam preparation.
8. Develop a strong support system - People feel and do better when they are not isolated or alone. You need people in your life who you feel comfortable to talk, laugh, cry, study and celebrate success with. 9. Postive self-talk Thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are connected. Therefore, it’s important to monitor your selftalk so that you focus on the present, set realistic goals and remain appropriately optimistic. 10. Seek professional support When you’ve done everything you can to manage your stress and stay healthy and you still feel overwhelmed, can’t sleep, lose or gain yourself, it may be a good idea to seek professional support from your family physician, psychologist, on-campus health centre or counselling services. Reaching out may be the best decision you can make for your stress management and overall health and it’s not too far away—just come and see me in the Students’ Union Ofwhat support will be best for you.
Year in Review, and Thanks to All of You!
Is this your favourite shirt?
$15 and it’s yours! Stop by the Meliorist office (su-166) Tuesday afternoon.
Deadline for application is January 15th
December 6, 2012 • 30
Jobs, jobs, jobs!
Job search & networking workshops: Let us introduce you to * Friday, Dec. 7, 11 a.m. – 1:30 CES (Career & Employ- p.m. ment Services). CES is a * Wednesday, Dec. 12, 10 a.m. student service office dedicat- – 12 p.m. ed to assisting you with your career and job search needs. Visit our website We’re within the Career Co-op to find Services office in AH154, along the CES online job board! with Applied Studies and the Management and Arts & Full time • Management Trainee ~ Science Cooperative Education Guillevin Internation Co programs. CCS office hours are (Dec. 31) 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 4 • Addiction/Mental Health p.m., Monday to Friday. Students & New Grads ~ Go to our website for more Alberta Health Services detailed information on our (Jan. 2) services: www.uleth.• Office Manager; ca/ross/ces. Executive Assistant, Cgy ~ Alltech (Dec. 31) Upcoming information • Franchise Manager ~ sessions: University First Class Painters (Dec. 31) Municipal Internship • Centralized Program Intake/Referral Thursday, Nov. 29, 3 p.m. – Coordinator, Leth ~ 3:30 p.m. Canadian Mental Health AH100 – Andy’s Place (Dec. 19) • Financial Accountant, Workshops to Dec. 21 (to Drumheller ~ Canalta see full schedule and sign (Jan. 1) up go online to • Territory Sales Rep ~ Alltech (Dec. 31) orkshops) • Accounting Manager, Brooks ~ Orion LLP (Dec. CES resume/cover letter 31) workshops: • Accounting Technician, * Thursday, Dec. 6, 9:30 a.m. Brooks ~ Orion LLP (Dec. – 12 p.m. 15) * Monday, Dec. 10, 10 a.m. – • Sun Life Financial 12:30 p.m. Advisor ~ Sun Life * Tuesday, Dec. 18, 10 a.m. – Financial (Dec. 8) 12:30 p.m. • Reseller Sales Representative, Edm ~ CES interview workshops: Daktronics Inc. (Dec. 9) * Thursday, Dec. 13, 1 p.m. – • Field Sales 3:30 p.m. Representative, Cgy ~ Mondelez International CES how to network with (Dec. 12) employers workshops: • Centralized Schedule * Thursday, Dec. 13, 9:30 a.m. Coordinator, Cgy ~ Boys & – 10:30 a.m. Girls Club (Dec. 13) • Sales Representative, Career planning 101 Leth ~ Ricoh (Dec. 15) workshops: what can you • Intermediate do with your major? Reclamation Specialist, * Tuesday, Dec. 11, 1 p.m. – 3 Med Hat ~ Tera p.m. Environmental (Dec. 15) * Monday, Dec. 17, 10 a.m. – • Environmental Planner, 12 p.m. Med Hat ~ Tera * Thursday, Dec. 20, 9:30 a.m. Environmental (Dec. 15) – 11:30 a.m. • Technical Writers –
• •
• •
Vegetation, Cgy ~ Tera Environmental (Dec. 23) Junior Vegetation Biologists ~ Tera Environmental (Dec. 23) Intermediate Vegetation Biologists, Cgy ~ Tera Environmental (Dec. 23) Labour Relations Manager, Edm ~ Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta (Dec. 14) Events & Facility Coordinator, Leth ~ SAAG (Nov. 30) Sales Management Program, Leth/Cgy ~ Enterprise Holdings (Dec. 20) Claim Representative (Bodily Injury), Cgy ~ State Farm Insurance (Dec. 20) French Immersion Teachers, New Westminster ~ School District #40 (Dec. 20) Family Resource Worker, Carbon/Acme/Linden ~ Kneehill Regional FCSS (Dec. 14) Sales Representative, Trochua ~ Viterra (Dec. 7) Environmental Planners, Cgy ~ Tera Environmental (Dec. 21) French Immersion Teachers, Okanagan ~ Schl District #83 (Dec. 12) Business Underwriting Specialist, Cgy/Edm ~ State Farm Insurance (Dec. 22) Youth Worker, Cgy ~ Boys & Girls Club (Dec. 22) Overnight Youth Worker, Cgy ~ Boys & Girls Club (Dec. 22) Child Care Provider, Leth ~ YWCA (Dec. 7) Accounting Financial Assistant, Cgy ~ Chevron (Dec. 10) Recreation & Culture Business Support Coordinator, Leth ~ City of Lethbridge (Dec. 14) Web Designer/Marketing Assistant, Cgy ~ CTL Business Group (Dec. 29) Accounting Assistant II, Leth ~ U of L (Dec. 10)
• Community Engagement Leader, Cgy ~ Boys & Girls Club (Jan. 2) • Agribusiness Assistant, Various Locations ~ Richardson (Jan. 31) Temporary • Term Developmental Meat Inspector, Leth ~ Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Dec. 7) • Administrative Assistant, Leth ~ Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Dec. 7) • Human Resources Advisor, Taber ~ Summit Motors (Dec. 31) • Business Operations Assistant, Patricia ~ Dinosaur Provincial Park (Dec. 11) • Youth Support Counsellor, Leth ~ YWCA (Dec. 10) • Assessment Development Officer, Cgy ~ Bow Valley College (Dec. 7) Summer postings • Research Assistant/ Tutor, Deep River/Chalk River ~ Deep River Science Academy (Jan. 30) • Production Technician, Leth ~ Hytech Production Ltd. (Dec. 15) • Agriculture Research Assistant, Taber ~ Ag-Quest (Jan. 31) • Hybrid Canola Seed Production Assistant, Leth ~ Dow AgroSciences (Dec. 14) • Seed Genetics Product Development, Regina ~ Viterra (Dec. 7) • Program Leader/Camp Counsellor; Program Coordinator; Assistant Program Coordinator; Lifeguard; Dining Hall Steward, Beaver Mines ~ Bert Sheppard Scout Reserve (Mar. 31) • Agribusiness Student; Agronomy Student, Various Locations ~ Richardson (Jan. 31) Part time • Online Teaching Job ~ Hiknow English (Dec. 31) • Care Giver, Leth ~ (Dec. 12) • Tutor, Leth ~ Tutor Doctor (Dec. 31) • Sales Associate, Edm ~ Express (Dec. 15) • Student Position, Leth ~ U of L (Dec. 10) • Youth Worker, Cgy ~ Boys & Girls Club (Jan. 2) International • English Teacher ~ EF Changchun (Dec. 31) • Math/Science/English Teaching Position, England ~ Engage Education Canada (Dec. 31) • Internships in China ~ InternChina (Dec. 31) • Teach English in South Korea ~ Avalon English (Dec. 28) • English Teacher, Various Locations ~ EF Changchun (Jan. 22) • Teach English in Japan ~ International Education Services (Dec. 28) • Youth Ambassador, Ghana ~ Youth Challenge International (Dec. 7) • Au Pair; Children’s Camps, U.S. ~ Scotia Personnel (Dec. 8) • Internship in Chinese Wine Company ~ InternChina (Dec. 12) • Youth Ambassador, Zanzibar ~ Youth Challenge International (Dec. 17) • China Internship Program, Beijing ~ CRCC Asia (Jan. 3) • ESL Teacher ~ KNS Language Institute (Jan. 30) For details of the postings and information on the application processes, go to b-board.
Try to find this pronghorn in this week’s issue of the Meliorist. E-mail the page number and a brief description of where you found it to: You will be entered to win our monthly pronghorn draw. You can enter as many times in the month as we publish.
Janine Van Nierop Winner of the November Pronghorn Hunt Challenge
Great job finding the Pronghorn hidden within the pages of the Meliorist. Please e-mail to arrange a time to claim your prize!
Application deadline is
January 1st
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