News ................ 2-5 Features 6-9 A&E ............. 10-11 Opinion........ 12-13 Sports 14-15 Laker Living.......16 MERCYHURST UNIVERSITY | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 | VOL. 96 NO. 01 PAGE 2 Welcome Back to the Hurst Lakers! 3: An action-packed Hoco weekend 14: Men’s soccer ends with a tie and a win This POLLweek’s Photo ContributedCredits:photo Online poll results We asked: What is your favorite partabout fall? What’s your favorite new station at 501 Grille (Ryan Hall)? 8: Cummings gallery exhibits hurst-made creations Sweater Weather Fall Food/ Drinks Scary PumpkinMoviesCarving PAGE 4

of mushrooms of Presque Isle.
PAGE 2 Wednesday, September 14, 2022NEWS
Tall Ships Erie is a four-day long festival that has tall ships every three years, usually to wards the end of August, at Dobbin’s Landing.
By Christina Judy Contributing Writer
Gauriloff retired from Mercy hurst near the end of 2019 when the challenges of COVID-19 struck the world.
Erie’s Tall Ships Festival is an event held every three years to ward the end of August, high lighting a selection of historical ships for maritime lovers, his tory lovers and everyone in be tween to enjoy.
corporating jokes into his lectures.
In Memory of Dr. Larry Guariloff
It was Mama Duck, also known as the World’s Largest Rubber Duck. This towering unit is more than six stories high, 64 feet wide, 74 feet long and weighs 11 tons. It takes four hours to inflate every time it makes an appearance.

Guariloff’s dedication to serv ing his students extended beyond his classroom. He took a lot of pride in his role as a pre-med ad visor and played an integral role in expanding this concentration at Mercyhurst.Hehelped students apply into medical profession programs and celebrated their success when they were Guariloffaccepted.wasalso regarded as an influential figure as he provid ed clarity during these stressful times for students. He spent the time getting to know his students so that he could best guide and encourage them in their particular field of interest.
He connected with his students through his infectious humor and grandpa-like demeanor, which al lowed students the comfort to be themselves and ask questions.
Although the duck stole the show in terms of standout val ue, the Tall Ships Festival itself is an interesting Erie tradition.
A main highlight of this festi val is the Erie Maritime Museum and its main attractions in the Lettie G. Howard and the Brig Niagara, two of the most wellknown tall ships in the Great LakesAmongregion.the
“It creates a place people can go and forget about their ev eryday problems,” said Craig Samborski, the creator of the World’s Largest Rubber Duck. “They come to our festival or event, and they forget about stuff for a few hours.”
other tall ships that were displayed this year were the Appledore IV, Empire Sandy, Pride of Baltimore II, and St. Lawrence II.
friends and I honestly thought it was a joke at first, but we just decided to go and check it out.”
A parade of sails kicked off this year’s festival on Thursday, Aug. 25, followed by four days of festival fun, including a kid’s zone, plenty of food trucks and restaurants, the Victorian Princess and Scallywags Pirate Adventures, and of course, the famed World’s Largest Rubber Duck and her baby.
“School is super stressful and it was just fun to get off campus for a little bit and see something that isn’t so heavy or stressful. It’s just a big rubber duck — what’s not to love?” said Jentz.
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Mama Duck makes her presence known
Erie News Now
The Brig Niagara leads a line of ships to the 2022 Tall Ships Festival.
Prior to visiting Erie, Mama Duck was found at festivals in Sandusky, Ohio, and Duluth, Minnesota.Hernext appearance will be in Detroit, Michigan, Sept. 17-25 for the Detroit Auto Show.
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heavy load of material they were learning and was often heard ex claiming “break time, break time!” during his lectures.
He had a way of making dif ficult subjects enjoyable to learn about, while sharing his passion with his Earningstudents.hisPh.D. in botany from the University of Georgia, he took a special interest in my cology, the study of mushrooms, and found ways to involve his stu dents in his research.
He recognized when students needed a break from digesting the
Faculty members and old friends from the Biology Depart ment remembered celebrating Gauriloff’s legacy and impact on the Mercyhurst community at his retirement party in summer of 2020.Those who were given advice from him remember his patience and calm demeanor during all the uncertainty of deciding on a fu ture career path.
The World’s Largest Rubber Duck made its debut in 2014 and has since made appearances in maritime and Tall Ships fes tivals in Los Angeles, Philadel phia, Long Island and numer ous Canadian and U.S. ports all across the Great Lakes.
By Isabella Lee Staff Writer
Ships festival in Los Angeles.

The tough, old fashioned, chalkboard style of teaching nev er deterred students from form ing lasting connections with Larry Guariloff,EducatingPh.D.young students on advanced topics under the realm of Biology such as microbiology, cell biochemistry and microor ganisms is no easy challenge.
We can all remember him as the cheerful, fun-filled, curious and caring professor that helped many people find their passions in life.
Photo of Dr. Larry Guariloff from his obituary. Wohlford,

She thoroughly enjoyed visit ing Mama Duck and would defi nitely want to see it again.
Although it is unsure when the world’s largest rubber duck will be making a return, it sure made an impact on its visitors.
Every late spring, he would take a group of students to Presque Isle to collect morels, which are edible sac fungi that are a delica cy of sorts. His line of research with mushrooms mainly revolved around documenting the diversity
Gauriloff’s passion for teaching fueled his love of learning and his zest for life.
and his wife relished and shared with their friends. He extended this kind of care and nurture to his family, which includes his wife, daughter and grandson.
She was at the festival with her Baby Duck, who stands at 10 feet tall.
Samborski brought the idea of the duck to life while work ing as an organizer for a Tall
When asked about her experi ence visiting the World’s Largest Rubber Duck, Bethany Jentz, ju nior Intelligence Studies and Po litical Science Major said, “My
Although the ships floating by were the main reason Mama Duck was able to visit Erie, Jentz said the giant rubber duck is what drew her in and compelled her to visit with her friends.
Mama Duck serves as “an inspiration to enjoy the world’s waterfronts and conserve our natural resources,” according to her official website.
At his Erie home, he spent much of his free time building a beautiful flower garden which he
Mama Duck first made her Erie debut in 2016, while her baby has been making appear ances in Erie since 2019.
Nevertheless, over his 28 years as a professor at Mercyhurst, Guariloff welcomed this chal lenge with a smile and allowed his students the space and time to ask questions and to have fun with theMichaelmaterial.Elnitsky, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Biology, emphasized Guariloff’s unique ability to have an entire class roll ing with laughter and how he ex pressed his funny character by in
Visitors capture photos of the world’s largest rubber duck
The lightheartedness of it all drew in quite a crowd, making the Tall Ships Festival an overall success this year.
However, one tall figure stood out from amongst the crowd, taller than even some of the ships on display, and it was not even a boat.
By Eva Phillips Staff writer
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his personal life as the motiva tor for his decision. Since then, he has been active in the private sector.Though his career as a public servant ended nearly 20 years ago, Ridge remains an influen tial figure in the Erie commu nity.
Former Governor Thomas Ridge and Governor Mark Schweiker

coming Alumni Tailgate pack age which includes all sorts of deals.For a more in-depth sched ule of Homecoming Weekend 2022 and to register, visit www.

Over 130 former Ridge staff members were present to com memorate the 25-year anniver sary of the beenlieutenantMarklastedasadministration.Ridge-SchweikerRidge’stenurePennsylvania’sgovernorfrom1995to2005,withSchweikerservingashisgovernor.Theeventhadpreviouslyscheduledfor2020but
Contributed Photo 3 alumni pose for a photo at homecoming of Spring 2022’twanttomissoutaweekendfulloffriends,andmemories!
By: Megan McKay Contributing writer
To aid in the commemora tion of Ridge’s career, the Mer cyhurst Archives sent materials from the Ridge Archives collec tion to display at the event. In cluded in the display materials were poster-size photo prints and campaign memorabilia.
Former Pennsylvania Gov ernor and Secretary of Home land Security Thomas J. Ridge is one of the most well-known Erie natives. His historic and impactful governorship was recently celebrated in a week end-long event held in Bed ford,MercyhurstPennsylvania.has long been connected with the Ridge fam ily and the Ridge Foundation.
After a day of fun, head to the Roost for another night of drinks and laughs at 8 p.m. for Alumni Happy Hour. At 8:20 p.m. follow the smoke behind Old Main to the Homecoming Bonfire to close out the day.
Friday, Sept. 30, to Sun day, Oct. 2, return home to the Hurst for Homecoming Weekend and Family Weekend! These three days are packed with all sorts of exciting events you do not want to miss out on. Throughout the weekend there will be various alumni gatherings, and all students are welcome to connect with alum ni at Beforepanels.the weekend festiv ities, there will be a kickoff speaker to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Intelligence Studies program on Thursday, Sept. 29, at 7 p.m., followed be an Intelligence Studies gather ing at 8:30 p.m. in the Roost.
The Hospitality Manage ment program will also host a networking night to celebrate its 50th anniversary on Thurs day, Sept. 29, at 7 p.m.
Guests could partake in a range of activities and gather ings, including a cocktail hour on the first night, golfing, and a formal dinner. Governor Ridge and his wife Michele, along with their family, were in attendance.
also be in full swing on Fri day. Kicking off at 4 p.m. is women’s soccer followed by men’s soccer at 5 p.m. Don’t miss out on a very competitive event later in the evening as the women’s ice hockey team hosts Colgate University at 6:05 p.m.
Homecoming Weekend offi cially kicks off on Friday, Sept. 30, at 11 a.m. with the annual Alumni Golf Outing. Golf ers will partake in golf, lunch, dinner, drinks, a raffle and an award program to offer new scholarships to students.
alumni game.
Hurst Alumni photo
Mercyhurst alumni reconnect at the 2021 Homecoming festivities at Saxon Stadium.
The Hammermill Library houses the Ridge Archives, an extensive collection of docu ments and archives related to Ridge’s personal life and career.
For those interested in a deal and either attending a football or women’s ice hockey game consider this year’s Home
An action-packed Hoco Weekend
The collection includes cam paign posters and pins, photo graphs of the Ridge family and of Ridge with famous political figures like President George W. Bush, and correspondence from Ridge’s decades-long po liticalColvincareer.selected the objects for“Thedisplay.main objects that were
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 3NEWS
On Saturday, Oct. 1, join in on an open alumni board meet ing at 9 a.m. See the alumni re turn to their old fields at 9 a.m. for an alumni baseball game, and at 10 a.m. for a softball
Ridge was popular with Pennsylvanians for improving the state’s economy, healthcare, and educational systems.
“Ridge is important for Mer cyhurst because he’s an Erie native,” said Bryan Colvin, uni versity archivist. “He supports people in Erie, he supports Mercyhurst, and the Ridge Col lege of Intelligence is named after him. He’s been a huge benefactor to the university.”
As the recent celebration in Bedford demonstrates, his con tributions to Pennsylvania and national politics continue to draw interest and recognition.
Hurst archives showcased at RidgeSchweiker anniversary celebration
Get back in on the action be fore the spring lacrosse season for two fall ball games. At 7 p.m., women’s lacrosse is put ting on an alumni game and at 8 p.m., men’s lacrosse will be following suit. The games will be located at Upper Field and Saxon Stadium, respectively.
At 10:30 a.m. there will be a men’s basketball alumni game at the MAC. Don’t forget to stop by your academic major gatherings which will be held in the Saxon Stadium lot at 12:30 p.m.A tailgate will be held during the major gatherings so stick around at 2 p.m. after catch ing up with alumni for a home football game.
After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, President Bush asked Ridge to serve as the na tion’s first head of homeland security. The Office of Home land Security—now known as the Department of Homeland Security—was created after the Sept. 11 attacks to identify and prevent threats to national se curity.Ridge accepted the oppor tunity to lead the new agency, becoming a critical figure in the national security establishment of the early Lieutenant2000s.Governor Sch weiker stepped up to fill Ridge’s role as Pennsylvania governor when Ridge departed the of fice. Ridge stepped down as Secretary of Homeland Securi ty in He2005.cited a desire to focus on
Finally, bid farewell to family and alumni at 11 a.m. at Christ the King Chapel for a Catholic Mass. You do not need to be Catholic to join; all are welcome to worship, pray and spend time with loved ones.
Still around? At 4 p.m. men’s hockey closes out its two-game series, and tickets will be avail able online or at the entrance.
was delayed multiple times due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It took place Aug. 26-28 at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort in the Allegheny Mountains.
After a day in the sun head in side Mercyhurst Ice Center for women’s hockey followed by the men’s hockey home opener at 4:30 p.m. against The Ohio StateTheUniversity.fundoes not end there! Rowing’s annual Findley Lake Classic regatta will take place at Findley Lake on Sunday, Oct. 2.
Other sporting events will
Friday’s festivities continue with the Hospitality Manage ment program’s anniversary re ception at 6 p.m. at the Mariott Café. The Intelligence Studies anniversary and panel will also take place at 7 p.m. in the Walk er Recital Hall.
selected were from his time as being governor,” he said. “They were selected because this is a 25th anniversary event about his governorship. So we tried to focus on events as he was gov ernor —the inauguration, cam paigning, ending around 2001.”
purchased by the Wom en’s Club of Erie. Gal braith was also a member of the club at the time of theAllpurchase.the information compiled on the lives of these women will be fea tured on a brochure as a part of a walking tour of the cemetery. It should be completed in October, so make sure to keep an eye out for it to get a glimpse into these remarkable wom en’s stories.
Not much is known about them due to all the attention being on their husbands or other male relatives.Ann
Aspen (Hall Director Tempest’s dog) has our vote for Class of 2026 Senator!

The lack of informa tion on these women is obvious, even in the current members. Many of them were not aware that past member Susan Brewster Little founded the Erie chapter of the
It is not too late to apply to study abroad!
The local DAR chapter gather to honor the deceased members of the organization on Friday, Sept. 2.

The women of this national society found mutual connections with past and current mem bers through being a lineal descendant from a patriot during the Amer ican Revolution. Besides that, the ladies also saw it as a way to honor and serve the Erie communi ty.
reminder to pick up your books that you ordered online. There are currently many orders that have been completed and are remaining unclaimed in the bookstore.
Lakers prepared to go beyond the gates to serve the Erie community on Monday, Aug. 22 for the annual Day of Service. photo
Silverthorn, Chapter Vice Regent, said, “We do not want this to be her husband did this or her son did that. We are really trying to make this be ‘Who is thisAnwoman?’”example of this is one founding member, Missouri Bliss Morrison, who lived at the historic Wood-Morrison house located on the current campus of the Hagen History Center.
PAGE 4 Wednesday, September 14, 2022
FSAT extendeddeadline
to Handshake under Mercyhurst and search for Front of House Usher Job #6614466.ContactPatrick Magill to ensure that all necessary paperwork is filled out and turned
The Mercyhurst Institute for Arts & Culture (MIAC) is in need of front-of-housestudentstafffor the 2022-2023
On Friday, Sept. 2, members of the Pr esque Isle Chapter of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution celebrat ed their 125th anniver sary in remembrance of their founding members at the Erie cemetery where 11 of them were buried.Specifically, it took place at the grave site of Missouri Bliss Morison, the chapter’s first regent.
Erie News Now photo
Get off to a good start this semester and stay on track - it all starts with picking up your books.
“I thought we would create a marker that not ed that these 13 wom en were founders of our chapter” said Koenig.
and employees encouragedareto attend the third annual Mercy March to promote anti-racism.
The mansion is located along Erie’s Millionaire Row and was originally built and owned by Dr. William Maxwell Wood, who was appointed the first surgeon general of the United States Navy in 1869.
Young Women’s Chris tianTheAssociation.association had no place of its own and used the YMCA as its place of meeting until it opened a headquarters on 918 French Street.
By Zaynab Jebur Contributing writer
One notable member was Sarah Reed who es tablished the ‘Home of Friendliness’ in 1871 that served as refuge for women and children. It was later renamed Sarah Reed Children’s Center in 1935 in honor of her.
This event will take place on Monday, Sept. 19, at 7 p.m. Meet in front of Old Main by the MaryComeGarden.withsigns or posters and an open mind. This event is hosted by Black Students for
While you pick them up, take a look around and get some merch just in time for Homecoming.
The members also learned that after the death of founding mem ber Winifred Downing Galbraith’s spouse, Dav enport Galbraith, Mrs. Galbraith remained in the home until 1921 which was when it was
Have a tip for Merciad in a Minute? Want to tell others about your club’s events? Email us at mercyhurst.edumerciad@
One important goal of the chapter is to com pile biographies of these founding women.
Her son was the cap tain of the USS Michi gan, which was the only Navy ship to have Erie as its home port. Not many people are aware that Mrs. Morrison served on the committee that estab lished Hamot Hospital.
Spots remain for Dungarvan, Ireland, and for the shorter trip to France where you can experience many delicacies and good tastes.Anyone, including freshmen, can apply for the shorter trips.
Curtis Zimmerman inspires new students to “Live the Dream.” photo

The football team hypes up the crowd at New Student Welcome.

Contact Janet Pasco for more information on how to apply and what you will need to turn in.
The gravestones of the other women were cleaned and decorated for the special event. Past regent of the Chapter, Mary Jane Koenig shared her input on the matter.
Erie’s DAR organization celebrates the big 1-2-5
Welcome back to the Hurst, Lakers!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 5NEWS STUDENT GOVERNMENT This campusweekend’sevents MERCYHURST CAMPUS CRIME LOG Aug. 24: Drug Violation in the PAC Aug. 25: Theft from Vehicle in Lot #5 Sept. 3: Liquor Law Violation in Warde Sept.10: Criminal Mischief in Warde Sept. 11: Public Drunkenness at the Circle Gates Check out these upcoming events:

their absolute limits.
“Cadet summer training gave us the opportunity to show others the skills and attributes we have been developing over the past three years. Going into it I was quite nervous and afraid of what the outcome may be but in the end I had faith that my program had developme me in such a way that I would knock it out of the park... and I did.”
On Wednesday, Sept. 10, the Grotto hosted their second annual Carnival Lunch. The dining hall was decorated with vibrant balloons, streamers and banners, emulating the carnival experience. A large array of tasty carnival food was served, including chicken in a waffle cone, corn on the cob, churros, s’mores pudding and whoopie pies. In addition to the many delicious carnival-style foods offered, stu dents participated in fun carnival games. Students tested their luck by playing darts to win prizes, while others waited in line for balloon animals and freshly made cotton candy. The carnival lunch left students with smiles on their faces and stomachs full of delicious food. Be sure to keep an eye out for many more fun events courtesy of Parkhurst to come this year!
Chemical, Biological Radiologi cal, Nuclear, Explosive Training (CBRNE) in which they must expose themselves to gas so that they can learn to trust their equip ment (gas masks).
“Camp was a great training ex perience that forced me to use my intuition and problem solving skills on a level I have never en countered before. Let’s just say I left not only a better cadet but a better human,” said Yohman.
PAGE 6 Wednesday, September 14, 2022FEATURES
Although CST is stressful, many cadets will remember this experience not only for the rest of their college careers, but the rest of their lives.
Mercyhurst ROTC cadets, along with prospective students, participating in “Day in ROTC” this past Au gust.
They must truly push them selves and their limits in order to prove themselves as future U.S. ArmyCSTofficers.consists of many difficult events such as land navigation, in which cadets must learn to use a compass and a map to find un known points scattered on trails throughout Fort Knox. Another challenge is confidence training, which can include a rappel tow er that cadets must make their way down, as well as an obsta cle course. Cadets also undergo
techniques and must familiarize themselves with weapons systems that are used in the Army such as the M4 Rifle.
Maddie Sipos photo
A cadet can try out the program for a few years and decide not to contract after two years if they de cide the army is not for them.
They must also complete a six, eight, and twelve mile ruck, which entails hiking with weight on their backs while maintaining a set and consistent pace.
Freshmen Dance majors Olivia Showers (left) and Montana Pastore (right) enjoyed the afternoon at the carnival event.

CST is an extremely difficult ex perience, and many cadets strug gle to get through it.
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Cadets will meet other peo ple from programs all across the country to prove that they are the best of the best.
Laker ROTC Cadets push their limits at summer training camp
One of these requirements is that they must pass Cadet Sum mer Training (CST).
CST truly helps these cadets to gain the confidence that they will use throughout their entire lives.
Mercyhurst ROTC cadets participating in one of their many labs throughout the semester to gain experi ences in a simulated army setting.
As cadets are evaluated, they are awarded “blue cards” and these cards distinguish a cadet’s national ranking that will later determine their job within the army after theyCadetgraduate.Curtis
“I feel that camp this summer gave me the ability to be more confident in myself and my abil ity to be a leader. I also feel that it taught me the input of a team and how you needed the team to complete the mission,” said Fehl.
CST is a very intense six week program held at Fort Knox, Ken tucky. Here, all of the knowledge that cadets have been gaining through ROTC classes over the last three years of college pays off, as they are tested and pushed to
By Lilly English Contributing writer
However, once a cadet within the Army ROTC program con tracts, there are requirements that must be met for them to eventu ally commission as a second lieu tenant with the U.S. Army.
Cadet Jacob Yohman partici pated in the training program and described his experiences, adding all of the knowledge he gained from the experience.
Elder Mercyhurst shared how the ROTC program prepares the cadets well for this experience.

This summer, there were a to tal of ten cadets from Mercyhurst who completed CST. These ca dets include Curtis Elder, Hunter Fehl, Mariz Khalaf, Alyssa Molek, Caiden Mooney, Jack Rowell, Matthew Schroder, Esteban Waldmann, Kaitlyn Holleder and Jacob Yohman.
Cadet Hunter Fehl added that the camp helped him to gain con fidence and trust in himself.
Finally, cadets familiarize them selves with military tactics, and perform multiple field training ex ercises in order to gain this knowl edge. This is one of the main plac es cadets are evaluated, as they are placed in multiple leadership posi tions, as well as stressful situations and forced to adapt and overcome throughout this process.
The Mercyhurst community is incredibly proud of the ROTC program for their commitment and accomplishments and we cannot wait to see what the pro gram does this school year. Con grats cadets!
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This past summer, all contract ed juniors from Mercyhurst Uni versity Army ROTC (reserve offi cer training corps) program were required to attend Cadet Summer Training.Inthe ROTC program, stu dents compete for scholarships and contracts with the U.S. Army.
In addition to the many train ings, cadets learn many first aid

A few ideas for activities that were thrown around at the first meeting included making stress balls, glitter jars, and decorating cookies at Christmas time. Something else that was suggested was to just have a meeting where whoever attends just colors the whole time. The meetings are meant to be stress free and act as a distraction for students from their school work. Mihalik would also like to start collaborating with other clubs and departments on campus to be able to hold different events, such as AIM and the Social Work Club who they have collaborated with in the past.
Macrino wants students to be able to attend and is very open and flexible to ensure that everybody who wants to attend is able to.
Active Minds is additionally encouraging people to attend the Suicide Prevention Walk in Erie on Saturday, Sept. 24. Anyone interested in attending the event can reach out to Mihalik with any questions. This is a great cause and something really important to the Active Minds club. Last year, the club sponsored an on campus walk that was heavily attended by students and faculty. At the end of the walk, there were tables with resources both on and off campus for students to utilize.
There have been two ses sions already - foundations of mindfulness and mindful walk - but there are still sev eral more sessions to come.
Being a college student is a unique experience like no other.Struggling with classes, on top of the stress of being in a new place and meeting new people, really can get to be a lot.This is recognized and seen by the faculty of the Counseling Center, who have worked to create a new way for students to manage stress, learn coping skills, and engage in the process of tak ing care of their minds and bodies.Jessica Macrino, counselor at the Center, is coordinating a program this fall known as the Mindful Laker Series which has a goal of helping students deal with the stress es of school.
While working to man age your time spent on your studies, be sure to consider making time to participate in your own life and mind fulness by attending a Mind ful Laker session. You can choose one that interests you, or attend all.
By Samantha Weber Editor in chief
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Mental health is undoubtedly something that pertains to every human being, and especially in today’s world is something that is very important to manage.
The Mindful Laker Series gives students an opportunity important coping skills and mindfulness using a variety of different holistic techniques.

to practice
JOIN THE MERCIAD Write articles, get paid. Reporters meetings Mondays at 7 p.m. in Hirt L103. Email to be added to the email list.
The president, Mackenzie Mihalik, a sophomore Anthropology and Archaeology major, is very excited to take over this club and have a great year.
Next week’s session will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 20 and will be mindful beach combing.Theremaining three ses sions will include forest bathing, mindful eating, and aromatherapy. Dates for all workshops can be found on Laker Launchpad by search ing “Counseling Center” on the Events page.
For college students, this can be a challenge at times due to large workloads and other factors that cause stress. The stress is compounded by being uncomfortable reaching out due to stigma. One way to talk about mental health in a comfortable and safe environment is by joining Active Minds.
Be sure to join Active Minds or show your support to this club’s mission! It is crucial to manage your mental health and joining this RSCO is one great way to start.
Mihalik adds that any student is welcome to join, regardless of their major or concentration. Mental health is an important topic that everybody deals with, so anybody can benefit from joining. Meetings are held bi-weekly on Mondays at 7 p.m. More information is located on their Laker Launchpad organization page.
“The club actively participates in walks and marches held at Mercyhurst that involve and incorporate mental health as a theme,” said Mihalik. “We also offer DIY activities that help with stress and anxiety, and through these activities, we focus on building a safe space for students on campus.”
Be sure to RSVP if you plan on attending by contact ing Macrino at jmacrino@ so she can ensure that she has the nec essary materials and resourc es available.
She encourages students to reach out to her if they cannot make the scheduled Tuesday sessions, as she is
By Hannah Brooks Features editor
as well. Macrino says that by doing these things, as well as engaging in managing one’s own life, that great things may happen as a result.
“Stress reduction, in creased focus and concentra tion, emotion regulation and deeper, healthier connec tions and relationships are just a few of the many bene fits that can come from prac ticing,” said Macrino. “The opportunity to explore cam pus and the wonderful things Erie has to offer is a bonus. Hopefully students will feel like they can connect with one another and their shared experience as well.”
Encouraging mindful Lakers
“I believe strongly in ho listic mental health and well ness that goes beyond talk therapy,” said Macrino. “I also have a true passion for teaching people skills to live a mindful life and I wanted to give students the opportunity to try something different as well as some opportunities to see more of our campus, as well as get off campus and explore.”Macrino explained that these sessions are made to help students learn skills to “be in the present moment” and connect not only with themselves, but with others
“The purpose of Active Minds is to create a safe space for people with mental illnesses and/or want to educate themselves on mental illnesses so that more people can better understand and cope with an issue that needs to be recognized in society,” said Mihalik. “We aim to spread awareness of different mental illnesses and hope to collaborate with various clubs on campus to make awareness achievable.”
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Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 7
open to considering hold ing the sessions at different times to better accommodate students. She also adds that she has another session that is not yet scheduled, but that she is willing to hold if stu dents show interest—a sen sorial tea experience.
Active Minds is an RSCO that is focused on mental health. A lot of the meetings just involve doing activities that require little thinking and promote relaxation and stress-management. The club has a completely new executive board this year and they are ready to start raising awareness about mental health.
“In this experience, stu dents learn more about tea and different styles of brewing tea,” said Macrino. “They then are able to enjoy a tea using their five senses through a mindfulness ex perience that I walk them through.”Macrino says that she will hold this session if enough students show interest. She says that students can contact her so they can determine a time that works for all. Stu dents can sign up either indi vidually, or with a group of up to four friends.
Members of Active Minds participated in a pumpkin painting session last Fall. The club has many more fun ideas for students to participate in this year.

Incenter.addition to this, Coté also has a number of his metal-work creations on display. He did a total of three metalworks, which were “A Christian Nation,” “American Infringement,” and “Don’t Teabag on Me.” Each one of them is made of copper, nick el silver, mild steel and leaded enamel, however, “Don’t Teabag on Me” also contains sterling sil ver and brass. These metalworks each were created with intentions of holding a powerful reminder of America’s political culture and its foundation as a nation.
Nicholas Klein photo
Before earning his doctorate and establishing himself in the Erie community, McKay was first exposed to the field of psychology in high school. He attributes his initial appreciation of the field to his AP Psychology teacher, Mr. Taylor, who made the concepts fun and exciting to learn.Not only was he exposed to a college-level psychology class in high-school, but he was also involved in a local neuroscience competition. The competition was coincidentally held at Mercyhurst where he won and therefore got the chance to compete internationally in Baltimore, MD.
By Megan Mckay Contributing writer
By Nicholas Klein and Hannah Brooks Staff writer, Features editor
“Make connections with other students and faculty. It may not seem like it, but those connections can lead to major opportunities down the road. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions and for help,” said McKay.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The Cummings Art Gallery is open to all staff and faculty to come by to enjoy. The exhibition features a number of works created by talented Hurst artists.

The Cummings Art Gallery has an Art Faculty Exhibition up on display for all to enjoy. The Gallery is adjacent to the Mary D’Angelo Performing Arts Center lobby, and this exhibi tion features the works of many talented artists employed by the Art Department. The gallery is open from 12-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Once there, she went on top of the Earth, looked up at Space, and explored. In her exploration, she saw galaxies and a pirate ship that seemed to be leaving behind a trail of galaxies. In the end, she became the center of everything, with her body glowing in very piece created was one by Matthew Coté, by the name of “De oppresso Liber.”
After graduating high school he was accepted to Penn State Behrend where he declared Psychology as his major. After finishing his B.S. in Psychology, McKay was accepted into the University of Akron’s Ph.D. program in Counseling Psychology. McKay liked his initial experience in counseling, but after being exposed to a subspeciality in neuropsychology he had a change of heart.
To be expected just as new students struggle with new learning platforms the same applies to new faculty. Aside from the apparent difficulties navigating technology, McKay looks forward to bringing his experience into the classroom as he continues to meet new students. He encourages all students, like him, to meet other students on campus.
red, white, and blue with a top down diamond-gradient from white to blue in the background.
“I fell in love with it and decided that is what I wanted to do. I was fortunate to have faculty who helped me craft a path,” said McKay.
After becoming a neuropsychologist and eventually completing an internship and postdoctoral residency in neuropsych, he officially became Dr. McKay. McKay is not just an educator, but also a practicing clinical psychologist. McKay started his private practice called Flagship Neuropsychology in downtown Erie. He works part-time with patients and teaches part-time with students.McKay mentions how he loves teaching and interacting with his students and gets satisfaction from watching them succeed. “It makes me very happy when students tie concepts together and student interaction is by far my favorite part,” he said. McKay truly gets the best of both worlds. He can teach students first hand through experience while also continuing to gain realworld knowledge every day through his practice. After stepping on campus, McKay’s initial interaction with staff, administration, faculty and students solidified his decision. The opportunity to teach and continue at his practice was perfect as the next step in his career.
On Sept. 8, there was a recep tion introducing the Art Faculty Exhibition and promoting it to students. The reception included drinks and foods such as cheese and pretzels for guests to enjoy as they roamed around and enjoyed all of the art. The art will be on display until Oct. 6.

The exhibit contained a total of 38 works of art in many different categories. Some of the artwork currently on display includes photography, metal-work, pot tery, models, paintings, among many other forms of art. One of the three paintings was created by alumni Durim Loshaj, part of her Dogwood series. The painting is made of oil on gesso board and shows many colorful flowers of
The next artist, Jessica Stadt mueller, director of the Cum mings Art Gallery, did a series of Yunomi Sets and Yunomi Separated-Shared Flaws. Each of her sets contain a pair of cups, while the separated are well sep arated and alone. All of them were wheel-thrown and made of stoneware.JodiStaniunas Hopper, chair and associate professor in the Art department, created a series of digital collages that all display surrealism. Her artwork titles are “Adrift,” “Out of Reach,” “Reach for the Stars,” and “White Star.” Each of these collages tell a story of a person that came from the ocean and then rose above the sur face to reach the Earth.
This gadget is made of copper,
The reception was a success and the gallery is still open for students to enjoy. The reception gave students a chance to see pieces for the first time, as well as for artists to be able to take the time to explain each piece and its meaning.Besure to check out the gallery while it is up on display. The cre ative works of the talented artists of Mercyhurst are something that you will want to be sure to enjoy!
He mentions how lucky he has been to have such a wonderful support system with family and friends. “They have always supported me in what I have wanted to do in terms of education and just in life in general and I could not be more grateful,” McKay said.
McKay is not just excited for times ahead here at Mercyhurst, but also for times ahead with his growing family. McKay and his wife Christine are expecting a baby boy, Colin, due to arrive in November.
The Cummings Gallery exhibits Hurst-made creations
Mercyhurst is very lucky to have McKay as a member of the faculty. If you see him around, be sure to welcome him to the Laker family.
Dr. Derek McKay is a licensed clinical psychologist with a background in neuropsychology and was born and raised here in Erie. McKay has joined Mercyhurst this year as an assistant professor in psychology.
sterling silver, a 23-karat gold leaf, and walnut and appears to have its walnut top broken. In side the gadget, it is made of gold leaf with a piece sticking up in the
The Mercy Emissaries will be serving up tea in the Mercy Her itage Room, introducing all to Mary Graziano from Dress for Success. The entry fee is a simple donation of any of the following: costume jewelry, unopened bath and body products, personal care products, unopened cosmetics, small gift items, and notepads.
3. U.S. Inflation remains stubbornly high as food costs continue to rise
The Student Mercy Emissary Program is an annual program where students have the oppor tunity to learn more about the school’s history, the mission of Mercyhurst, and the Sisters of Mercy. At the end of the pro gram, students have the opportu nity to become an ambassador for Mercy Values. Part of the mission of Emissaries is serving the com munity.The program was originally only available to faculty and staff, but in the past few years, it was opened to students and alumni. The Mercy Emissary program was created because the cam pus community recognized that there was a decreasing presence of Sisters of Mercy working on campus. This program is an ef fort to educate a core group of employees and students on the Mercy values and to embrace the original values of the Sisters and the Catholic identity of the insti tution.
Top Artists Today Male: Bad Bunny Female: Beyonce
The Mercy Center for Women provides services for women in the community who are homeless or who need some assistance with their personal lives.
do not have the app already, stu dents should download the Digi tal ID app by Presence and verify with their Mercyhurst email. The app makes it easy to check people in and ensure they get their points.
There will be an informational session offered on Wednesday in which all attendees are welcome to learn more about the Dress for Success program, how they can become involved in the program and community, and other ways to help out.
This acronym was first created by Residence Life to guide their programming. This year it has ex panded to guide all cocurricular activities on campus.
‘ANCHORS’ aweigh, rewards for getting involved
1. As It Was: Harry Styles Bad Habit: Steve Lacy About Damn Time: Lizzo
Not only is this a great oppor tunity to help women in need—it is a wonderful opportunity to be come involved with a great orga nization and make a difference.
Afternoon tea session to explain ‘Dress for Success’
All events held on campus will fall into at least one of these cat egories if not more. However, when clubs register their event they can only tag one of the cat egories. The tags are what tell the platform to give points when a student checks into an event.
Uber, and Amazon; Airpods Pro, an Apple Watch, a backstage pass to Spring Fest for you and one friend, and more.
To redeem one’s Anchors Points, students should fill out the ANCHORS Points Redemption form on Laker Launchpad. The points must be redeemed before the raffles take place on the last day of classes, Friday, Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. Students will be emailed if they won the raffle and can pick up their prize from the Campus Involvement Center during finals week.Points can only be redeemed by traditional undergraduate stu dents and not graduate and adult students. However, it is still high ly encouraged that graduate and adult students get involved on campus.Ifyou have any questions, reach out to the Leadership & Out reach coordinator, Katie Neely, or Steph Przepiora, director of Campus Involvement.
Top Artists 7 Years Ago Male: Trey Songz Female: Iggy Azalea
2. California’s raging Mosquito Fire has destroyed 25 homes
By Sarah Beck Staff writer
Students this year can win a re served parking spot or a Ninten do Switch just by going to events onBeingcampus.part of the Laker family is all about becoming involved in all of the great things that the Hurst has to offer that make Hurst feel like home. It is also important to take a break, have fun, and meet new people.
Top 3 TV Shows 60 Years Ago The Jetsons University Challenge The Beverly Hillbillies
Historical Event: September 9, 1956
In the News:
Top Grossing Films: This Week: Top Gun: Maverick Fifteen Years Ago: Halloween
If you’ve ever found yourself on the fence about becoming in volved—there’s now incentive. You have the opportunity not only to make new memories, but also win ANCHORSprizes.Points are new this year and they are a great incentive to get involved on campus. This point system is to reward students for being engaged and involved on campus and to encourage stu dents to attend events that con tribute to their personal and pro fessional growth.
Every event is worth five points and the points must be redeemed by the end of the semester. Stu dents can redeem their points and enter into raffles for prizes, which are sponsored by Mercyhurst Stu dent
By Nadine Fox Staff writer
The most coveted prize is prob ably the reserved parking space in the CAE lot for the spring semes ter. Parking is one of the most challenging aspects on campus, so that is a highly anticipated raffle.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 9
“On Wednesday, in the Mercy
SomeGovernment.oftheprizes include gift cards to The Roost, bookstore,
1. Queen Elizabeth II has passed away at 96 years old; thousands line up throughout the United Kingom to pay their respects
On September 9th, 1956, Elvis Presley, also known as “The King of Rock and Roll” made his first appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” Elvis brought great success to this show, making it the most watched TV show broadcasted in the 1950s, drawing in more than 60 million viewers with his first debut. On the night of his performance, there was a different host for Sullivan, who was recovering from a tragic car accident. British actor Charles Laughton was in charge of leading the show and introducing the “King” who played songs such as “Hound Dog”, “Don’t Be Cru el” and “Ready Teddy” all while dancing his signature gyrating moves throughout his set. The reviews of this TV broadcast were certainly mixed, there were many angry parents that thought El vis was far too vulgar. This first debut on “The Ed Sullivan Show” led to not only a second but also a third performance bringing
The Mercy Center for Wom en can be a resource for women to find transitional housing with or without children, classes in self-esteem, building healthy rela tionships, grieving, recovery, bud geting and so much more. One of their programs is called Dress for Success.Alice Edwards, chair of the World Languages Department, said, “Dress for Success is a na tional program that hosts an event for opening a free closet full of professional clothing to women who need clothes, make up and shoes. They also help with job resumes and preparing for in terviews.”Edwards explained that Dress for Success is a “worldwide orga nization” with missions of pro moting global change and helping to break the cycle of poverty with the assistance the provided.
“The creators of Dress for Success envision a world where women do not live in poverty and are treated with dignity, respect and are strengthening their fam ilies and shaping their communi ties,” said Edwards.
Top 3 TV Shows on Netflix This Week: 1. Devil in Ohio 2. The Imperfects Cobra Kai
On the Charts This Week 15 Years Ago: According to Billboards Charts Big Girls Don’t Cry: Fergie 2. Crank That (Soulja Boy): Soulja Boy Stronger: Kanye West
Top 3 Podcasts This Week According to Spotify: 1. The Joe Rogan Experience 2. Archetypes: Archwell Audio 3. Killed: Audio Chuck
Hall, there will be cookies and tea. We invite all the Mercy Emissaries to learn about this program and how to collaborate—any student can become an emissary,” said Edwards.Inorder to get into the event, your ticket is to bring a small item. It can be a personal hygiene item, jewelry, makeup or any small ac cessories. The items will then be donated to the Dress for Success Program. The Fall Tea will in clude a presentation by Graziano, as well as food and conversation surrounding the issue of how to help women in Erie achieve suc cess and recover from financial hardships. Graziano, director of Dress for Success and Maria Ga rase, Ph.D., professor of Crim inal Justice, will be at the event discussing the closet. Addition ally, donations of men’s clothing are encouraged, as there is not as much support for men—there is a campus closet which has profes sional clothing for men.
The Mercy Emissary Program is a perfect way for anyone inter ested in gaining a deeper under standing of the values that the Sisters of Mercy have developed over decades of social work. The program educates and builds community and helps keep the Mercy tradition in their own life, regardless of their personal reli gious background. We highly en courage you to become a Mercy Emissary and learn more about how you can involve yourself in keeping the legacy of the school and preserving the values of the campus.
Every event that is held on cam pus has to be registered through Laker Launchpad, as this is the main platform students utilize to find out what is going on around campus.Students can scan in at events and earn ANCHORS Points throughout the semester. If they
There are seven different AN CHORS tags that events can have. ANCHORS stands for academic & practical skills, nor malizing diversity, equity & inclu sion; civic engagement & global responsibility; health & wellness; ongoing self-exploration; respect & consent; and finally socializa tion & community building.
Be sure to attend and scan in at lots of events throughout the semester to win some awesome prizes.
By Samantha Weber Editor in chief
Top 3 Songs This Week: According to Spotify’s Global Charts
Every question has a thought ful answer like this from the amazing employees that truly love their jobs.
An eclectic sign at the entrance of Cauldron and Thorne.
Among the recruits are Carson Shaw, Greta Gill, Jo Deluca and LupeComedianGarcia.
In case you are not a jewelry person, this store offers an as sortment of crystals that each have a special intent that, even if you are not searching for some thing in particular, will find a way to resonate with you.

If you ask Americans to name their favorite summer traditions, it is almost guaranteed that one of the activities mentioned will be Ameri ca’s pastime: baseball.
er on men’s baseball, with players drafted or enlisting to join the mil itary and perform their patriotic duty.To lift American spirits, a plan is hatched to recruit women from across the country for a wom en’s baseball league that will bring crowds to the stands once more.
The 814: Cauldron and Thorne mystifies
I was told that many people feel unsettled about their future and looking deeply into a crystal ball creates a sense of self-reflec tion that leads many people to answers on how to handle situa
Her story illustrates a reality that “A League of Their Own” skillful ly addresses: even as Black soldiers fought for freedom overseas and Black women joined the war effort on the home front, white Ameri cans continued to treat them with injustice and discrimination.
It is funny, engaging and heart warming, and it is guaranteed to make you root for each and every player. With multiple interwoven plot lines, vibrant interpersonal relationships and a stellar cast, A League of Their Own swings for the fences — and scores a home run.
Photo by Christina Judy
“A League of Their Own” has something for everyone, whether or not you like baseball.
my curiosity piqued upon see ing the endless variety of healing jewelry.From the selection of healing bands, I purchased one called Amazonite which is meant to aid in overcoming fear and obtain ing balance between my mind, body and soul.
Hurst Hot Take: ‘A League of Their Own’ (2022)
Store clerks will greet you with their experience and wisdom about products they have per sonally connected with and will also guide you to finding the ob ject you desire most.
Their hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
All the players have unique per sonalities and talents; thanks to the cast’s excellent acting, none of them get lost in the shuffle.
“A League of Their Own” has moments of comedy and drama alike.One of its greatest strengths, though, is its portrayal of nuanced characters from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds and varied sexu al and gender identities.
As I walked inside the door,
If “A League of Their Own” sounds familiar, it is because the show is adapted from a 1992 movie with the same name.

But the new show has a runtime of eight episodes and features a cast of hilarious, compelling new char acters that set the Amazon Prime release apart from the 1992 film.
Trying to find a way to start might be overwhelming, but Cauldron and Thorne offers many tools to help individuals begin on this journey.
Abbi Jacobsen plays Carson Shaw, one of the only mar ried women on the team; her hus band is a soldier in Europe, and their marriage is in a complicated spot when Shaw decides to join the Rockford Peaches without his knowledge.LupeGarcia is a star pitcher strug gling to assert her talent in a world that refuses to accept her identity as a Mexican woman, and Greta and Jo are longtime best friends from New York City with secrets of their own.D’Arcy Carden, best known for her role as Janet on “The Good Place,” shines in the role of Greta Gill, who draws the eye of men ev erywhere she goes.
Rejected from the women’s base
When I visited Cauldron and Thorne, I was introduced to a whole new way of thinking about myself and the balance in my life that I was searching for.
Each healing band has its own purpose, which is what allows it to have individualized value to find the one for you, make a wish and tie it on; when it breaks off, your wish is manifested to be true.
The desire to better oneself and create a more peaceful bal ance in our life is something many of us are looking to do.
For baseball lovers, there’s nothing like an evening at the ballpark with plenty of snacks and the chance to cheer on their favorite team.
Set in the early 1940s in the midst of World War II, “A League of Their Own” follows an all-women’s base ball team, the Rockford Peaches, as its members strive to achieve their personal dreams of baseball fame while handling the stress of losses on the field and conflicts within the team.The war effort has put a damp
This metaphysical shop was opened amidst the pandemic with the intention of providing people with the means to allevi ate stress and search in their soul for the kind of person they want to Withbecome.all the uncertainty and lack of control that the COVID-19 pandemic brought, Cauldron and Thorne sought to give people a space to look within themselves to find some peace.With a unique collection of
tions about their futures.
Max Chapman, played by Chanté Adams, is one of the most compelling characters on the show.
Baseball is intrinsically associat ed with summer, which is why “A League of Their Own,” released this August on Amazon Prime, is the perfect show to watch to capture that end-of-summer nostalgia even if you would not call yourself a base ball fan.
ball league because she is Black, Chapman fights to realize her dream of playing in the Negro Leagues despite obstacles of gender and racial discrimination and her commitments to her family.
PAGE 10 Wednesday, September 14, 2022ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
With spooky season just around the corner, its the per fect time to pay Cauldron and Thorne a visit!
By Christina Judy Contributing writer
gems and crystals, as well as over 90 scents of incense, crystal balls, tarot card readings, heal ing jewelry, magic wands, can dles and much more, customers are free to explore the depths of theirTheysoul.also put on a number of events aimed to help people con nect to the universe.
It depicts complex, nuanced queer romance, highlighting chem istry and emotional connection while not shying away from the challenges that queer characters face in concealing their sexuality in a re pressiveOverall,era.
Contributed Photo
Everyone is welcome to par ticipate in shop-sponsored ac tivities, such as leaf reading, yoga, reflection activities and full moon healing, these events bring individuals in alignment with parts of themselves that are in search of healing or health.
“A League of Their Own” is Amazon Prime’s newest comedy-drama series. It is an adaptation of the 1992 film of the same name.
By Eva Phillips Staff writer
While cars are busy buzzing up and down 8th street, some stop to take the time to reflect on themselves and inquire about theirCauldronfutures. and Thorne is a newer gem of Erie that is living up to their mission of “support ing a Magickal, Joyful, Inspired Life.”Their location, at 2724 W 8th Street, matches appropriately with their merchandise and vibe as it sits near the enchanting wa ter of Presque Isle.
When I inquired about the rea son behind reading a crystal ball, I was met with a thought-pro voking response.
It’s been well over 10 years since I last played it and I’ve seen all the changes, so I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back to it.
“As It Was” topped the Songs of Summer chart each week this year, and according to Billboard, “It’s the third song in the last four years to sweep a season.”
I still remember the username that my mom created for me: PumpkinSeed7.The“7”is because that’s how old I was at the time, and “Pumpkin Seed” was one of the many nicknames my mom called me.
By Megan McKay Contributing writer
the 80s hit will always remain a staple in “Stranger Things”, but it is best to leave the joy of bing ing and the vibrance of Bush with the summer.
The Billboard chart is based on cumulative performance on weekly streaming, airplay and sales from Memorial Day to La borBillboardDay. has just recently re leased its Top 100, and I’m go ing to share my thoughts.
It is interesting to note that popular U.K. singer’s song, when released 37 years ago, did not receive nearly the same amount of recognition as it has today. During its time, the song had reached No. 30, though Bush’s songs had never been suc cessfulWithinternationally.thepresence of Tik Tok and streaming services like Netflix, it became the most streamed song of June. With the resurgence of her song, Bush has been estimated to have made over $2.5 million and counting according to Fortune.
Before I do, I wanted to men tion, left off the top 10 list, OneRepublic’s “I Ain’t Wor ried”.OneRepublic released their hit in May, and it soared to new heights accompanied with Tom Cruise’s new film “Top Gun: Maverick.”OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder
jokingly told WRMF, “‘Top Gun: Maverick’ is a $200 mil lion music video for our song.”
However, summer’s pop hits never disappoint as music streaming services are hit yearly with lots of songs to define the summer.There were a ton of big re leases this summer, from Harry Styles to Lizzo, and fans were blessed with some of these art ists’ best songs of the year.
In addition to Harlow’s hit, TikTok has once again contrib uted to another summer hit at No. 2 with Lizzo’s “About Damn Time.”Both Lizzo’s and Harlow’s hits have become viral phenomena with choreographed dances on Tiktok.Lizzo specifically continues to blow the roof off with massive hits.The singer has won over 18 awards and just recently, at the
Fans from Erie and the east coast can even catch Harry Styles’ Love on Tour 2022.
Top 100 stay for longer than the summer months, however many have already dropped off theOnlycharts.two titles from last years’ Songs of the Summer appeared on the charts, so it is safe to say they will always be hits, but will be staying with summer.
My all-time favorite island on
Contributed Photo
“It really didn’t [get old]. I have such an emotional and per sonal connection to ‘Running Up That Hill’ and it really lent itself to tapping into the char acter,” Sink said in an interview with Vulture.
The only song of the summer not released in this decade is Kate Bush’s classic song “Run ning Up That Hill”. Coming in at No. 5, this hit is no surprise to fans of the Netflix series “Strang er “StrangerThings.”
7 with “Heat Waves” followed by No. 6 which is Bad Bunny and Chencho Corleone’s “Me Porto Bonito”.
To recap the biggest hits, Bill board’s Top 100 closes out each season with the most popular songs of the summer.
Coming in at No. 10 for Bill boards 2022 Songs of the Sum mer is Bad Bunny’s “Titi Me Pregunto.”No.9is
Harry Styles’ “Late Night Talking” and No. 8 is Be yonce’s “Break My Soul”.
Glass Animals comes in at No.
Things” is set in the 1980s and frequently features 80s blasts-from-the-pasts, so it was not expected that Bush’s hit would become a worldwide sensation when exposed to the newer generations. The song had a big influence on some of the best scenes of the season.
By Bella Lee Staff writer
I believe it is safe to assume that
He will be performing Aug. 20 through Sept. 21 at Madison Square Garden.
The villains broke out of pris on, and you had to catch all of them.Ithink I was only successfully able to capture all of the villains once, but it was still really fun to play every time I went back.
A still from Harry Styles’ “As It Was” music video. Photo

To continue with the Bill board’s best hits, at No. 4 is Fu ture’s “Wait for U” ft. Drake and Tems, and at No. 3 is Jack Har low’s “First Class.”
end of August, earned a prize for her “About Damn Time” music video.Iwas surprised to not see Nicky Youre’s popular TikTok smash “Sunroof” not on the top 10 charts as it fell to summer’s No.According15. to many Mercy hurst students, “Sunroof” was a major vibe for the summer but did not out-perform the rest of the hits from the summer.
I can thank Jeff Kinney for creating two big parts of my childhood, since he was both the creator of this and “Diary of a Wimpy Kid.”
Shark Tooth Island, one of the original game-play islands within the online game.
As students get settled back into the new school year, it means summer is officially over.
When I was little, one of my favorite sites to play games on line was Poptropica.

For the next 15 days, MSG in New York City will be Harry’s House.Wehope to see Billboards
Summer music recap: Harry Styles has a hold on 2022 music
Star Sadie Sink’s character’s favorite song (“Running Up That Hill”) was prominent throughout the fourth season.
As of this past week, “Sun roof” currently sits at No. 5 on the Billboard weekly charts. Finally, we arrive at the No. 1 hit of the Rankingsummer!No.1 for the 12th week in a row with mega hit “As It Was” is Harry Styles. Styles’ song smashed the summer charts and earned MTV Awards Best Pop song.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 11ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT
Poptropica was the superhero island, the one where all of the bad guys received powers.
However, considering it’s now a game I can get on the App Store, I might just have to go back and relive my childhood experience.
The record-breaking box office film is doing all the promoting for the groups hit, which peaked at No. 12 on the charts.
The song quickly became a symbol of hope as she narrowly escaped death, therefore leading it to becoming a sort of anthem.
Nostalgia Nook: Poptropica memories
By Bella Lee Staff Writer
I will look back on my four years here knowing that I truly seized my day and that Hurst is, and will always be, Home.
The Merciad
The Merciad welcomes letters to the All letters must be signed and names will be included with the Although we will not edit the letters for content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit.
Merciad is back!
To the senior class of 20222023:We’ve made it; whether this is your last semester or second to last, we have come a long way together. Throughout our years we have had the ability to experience and learn many lessons and have memories that we will carry with us through years to come. Our aptitude for our studies and our dedication to extracurricular activities have helped shape us into the young adults we are and are continuing to become.
Now, at the time this is published, I am 241 days away from graduating.
mandate was lifted. This is the year everything began to feel so real, and the time felt as though it was going by with a blink of an eye.
I am excited for the last time I perform a theatre production here. I only joined the department last year, and my one regret is that I did not get
I am looking forward to my last Christmas tree lighting, my last SpringFest, my last karaoke session at the Roost, my last tour that I give as an Ambassador and inevitably and saddest of all, when I write my last article for the Merciad.
I am planning on forming a scavenger hunt team with my friends (if we can find a fourth person) because I want to end my experience here with a bang.
The views expressed in the opinion section of The Merciad do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercyhurst University, the staff of The Merciad or the Catholic Church. Responses on any subject are welcome and can be emailed to
At this point three years ago, I was a newly minted freshman, still figuring out where all my classes were and how to get involved with anything on campus besides marching band.
weather is coming to an end. Hopefully today is Hurst Day!
Letters are due Mondays by noon and may not be more than 300 words. Submit letters via email at merciad@
However, even as a senior, I am looking forward to my fair share of Comingfirsts.up on Sept. 19 is the third Mercy March (and the second that I have attended), but this will be the first time that I will be able to speak at one.Iam on three e-boards, but of those three, I’m new to one of them this year, so I look forward to promoting the newest club as well as the other two that I’m retuning to.

This year is my senior year, my penultimate semester on this beloved campus.
Looking forward to a final year here
involved sooner.
Fast forward to today, we are finally here, our senior year. For some we have been waiting for this to come, and for others, we have been wishing that it had not gone by so Somefast.of us do not know what the future will hold, whether with life in general or our career after we graduate. However, we have to make the most of this year. We cannot let the fear and anxiety of the unknown block our perception, we have to remember to stay in the moment. This year, enjoy your time with your friends, be kind to one another, and have hope.Our graduating class has endured so much, and we will always be remembered as making it out on the other side.
I will leave you with this: everything happens for a reason, whether for a blessing or a lesson. We are where we are supposed to be at this moment; it is okay to not know what the rest of your life will be, so do not get frustrated by the mistakes and setbacks as they happen to us all.
STUDENT EDITORS Samantha Weber Editor in Chief Victoria McGinty Managing Editor Eva Mihelich News Editor Hannah Brooks Features Editor Sydney Dietz Sports Editor Emma Coppolo A&E Editor Mackenzie Zent Opinion Editor Joey Talarico Copy Editor Kristian Biega.......................................Advisor Steph Przepiora Advisor Contact editors at
The Merciad is Mercyhurst It is published throughout the school Our office is in Hirt, Room 110.
the official student-produced newspaper of
This semester, I am in both my first anthropology and my first theatre class, and those have already been phenomenal courses, so I am glad that I could be a part of them.
PAGE 12 Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The year of masks... sophomore year. This year consisted of virtual classes which then soon led to the “A/B” days. We experienced things we never had before. Yes, we had the ability to be back on campus, but it was hard not being able to see one another and be with all our friends.Soon, we were able to recognize people with masks and that became our new normal. For most of us, we only knew what people looked like with a mask. For athletes, our seasons were not the same; we were unable to play against our opponents from the previous year; we wore masks during practice and conditioning and had to be separated into “pods.” But again, we made it through.
As sad as it sounds I am looking forward to a lot of my lasts.Since it’s the fall, I am looking forward to my final Hurst Day.
There is a lot that I am looking forward to, both old and new. There are clubs that I
As freshmen, coming to Mercyhurst we were filled with so much excitement, eagerness and a little bit of nervousness. This was a new beginning. We made friends, took some classes we didn’t love, maybe changed our majors, experienced our first parties, had our first Hurst Day, went to sporting events and went through life-changing experiences.
By ChrastonRayLynn Staff Writer letter to the senior class of
Our junior year, I would consider this our first most normal year on campus. Although we still had to wear masks within the classroom during the first semester, the campus felt happier. We began to see change and were eager for progress. We began to socialize more and be more involved on campus, which in turn brought happiness to us. Then during our spring semester the mask
fear of the unknown. Were we ever going to be back on campus again? Were we going to see our friends in person again? Is this the end of the world? So many thoughts had been going through our minds, but we made it to the other side.
have never been a part of that I am hoping to attend this year, such as Mercyhurst Equality of Women (MEOW) and Black Students for Unity (BSU). I am becoming an integral part of the Senior Class Gift Committee. I am already making new friends who look up to me and ask me forOverall,guidance.Iam looking forward to Carpe-ing this Diem like it’s never been Carpe-d before.
To put it simply, Mercyhurst has changed my life. I have made friends, I have lost friends, I have formed bonds that I hope will last a lifetime and I am hoping that I will leave an impact on this community that will continue for many years to come.When I walk across that stage on May 13, 2023, I will smile, potentially with tears glistening in my eyes.
Due to the pandemic, our freshman year was cut short. We had to endure the unfortunate setbacks COVID had caused and were sent home during our second semester. For many of us, there was

By Christina Judy Contributing writer

But, upon discovering that the Anchor Express was adding another pizza oven to their inventory, I knew they had a plan. They were preparing for an increased number of customers and for the late nighters.
Kylee Konkol, sophomore Criminal Justice Major: “The sky bridge!”
Grace Willard, senior Management and Marketing double Major: “My favorite place to study is the study room!”

By Megan Mckay Contributing Writer

Don’t have an unlimited meal plan? No problem. Even if you run out of swipes, the Anchor Express takes alternative forms of payment including dining dollars, bonus bucks or credit card.You can add dining dollars to
We could not turn down the chance to walk through theelegant and lavish building.
My dad’s German friend,whom he worked with in Chicago at the state’s attorney’soffice, had invited us to staywith him. His home was breathtaking, his lake house sat
Compiled by Sarah Beck
Kamryn Moore, sophomore Fashion Merchandising Major with an English Minor: “Outside at Trinity Green or the Baldwin fountain!”
As we explored, we foundourselves walking along thestreets of the historically challenging circuit whereracers had just driven in thebeginning of the summer.
Any James Bond fans would also recognize Monte Carloas not just a city but ratherhome to the famous Casino de Monte Carlo.
Not to worry, the “swipe at night” option features Anchor Express’ well-known favorites of customized, freshly made pizzas, wraps, sandwiches, and the Cinco Cantina station, but you should hurry to get there before the rice runs out! Once a food item is gone, it is gone for the Thosenight.whohave an unlimited meal plan will benefit from the “swipe at night” because just one swipe will provide an entire meal with a drink, which can be selected from the assorted bottled drinks.
A European vacation is one for the booksFOLLOWUS!
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 13
We asked: Where is your favorite place to study on campus?
Mikayla Eyler, junior Finance and Accounting Major: “The common areas in Ryan are my favorite places to study.”

At the time of our arrival, the Tour de France, a famous bike race, was just finishing atthe Arc de Triomphe the sameweekend.Twodays later, we took atrain to the South of France. We arrived in Nice where we relaxed on the rocky beaches with the beaming sun.
atop a giant hill overlookingthe water. We spent daysrelaxing at the house andthe pool, driving around onVespas, boating, and hiking uptheNext,hill. we made stops inVienna, Slovenia and finally Hungary where we arrived inBudapest.Whatbrought us to thecapital of Hungary was theHungarian Grand Prix. Wehad never been to the country before, and wanted to explorethe world’s spa capital and itsuniqueFinally,history.Sunday was race day! As we arrived at the track we had to terrain throughmakeshift mud roads.
This dining option was created to compensate for the Grotto Commons’ shortened revised hours of operation, which was enacted at the start of the 2022-2023 academic year.Grotto used to be open until midnight during the weekdays,
When we found our seats, we were in awe of the difference from cars driving in circles.Being from Indiana, we grewup as fans of the Indianapolis500 where Formula 1 used to race.We were out of our seats the whole race and it was by farone of the more memorable experiences of the whole trip.
The Anchor Express, the convenience store and made to order retail spot located inside of Ryan Hall, has just initiated the new “swipe at night” option forBetweenstudents. the hours of 9:00pm-1:00am on Fridays and Saturdays, as well as 9:00pm-midnight MondayThursday, students are now welcome to use their meal plan swipes to get food in The Anchor Express.
After two years of theCOVID-19 lockdown, tourism has hit a surge and isrebounding to its course. Myfamily, who was eager to travel,took a trip across the pond toEurope to end our summerfun.We decided to make the most out of our time abroad and cover as much groundas possible, figuratively andliterally.Ourtrip was inspired by anobsession with the highest classof international car racing,Formula 1.
The stress of schoolwork weighs heavily enough on all
your account and check your balance through the GET app. Initially, hearing that Grotto was cutting their hours back was devastating because on the busy college days that will ensue, searching for food is the last thing you want to do.
Swipe at night is a great way to maximize the benefits of your meal plan. On those busy college days where planning a time to eat within a certain time frame begins to send a panic through your system, there is now no longer a need toPlusworry.the late night atmosphere at the Anchor Express is really fun, and you can catch up with your friends as you wait for your pizzas to cook.
and until 2:00am on the weekends. Grotto now closes at 9:00pm Monday-Thursday and 8:00pm Friday-Sunday.
Our first stop was in Parisand, to no surprise mycollege-level French class didnot prepare me for the harshjudgment of the French folk.However, the city’s architectureand food were divine.
We then made our way 20 minutes west to Monaco, a country known to be the playground of the rich andfamous. Being obsessed withracing, it was always my dreamto visit the country.
Monaco is home to one of the most famous Formula 1 Grand Prix. The race is held in the heart of the capital, MonteCarlo, and holds a uniquetradition and ambiance.
Even though we were sadto return to the states, we were grateful for a worldlyexperience to check off the bucket list.
The Anchor Express welcomes late nighters
Facebook:Instagram:@TheMerciad@mumerciadTheMerciad Tag us in your newsworthy Hurst moments!
Fronted by gold-platedMclarens, Ferraris, and worldclass celebrities, we excitedly entered.Mysiblings and I took a seatat the first roulette table that caught our eye and withouthesitation put money on 19red.This is the date of our dad’s birthday along with his favoritecolor, and he had asked us to put money on the numberjokingly. Surely the odds werenot in our favor, but we went forAllit. four of our ways were intensely locked in as the ball spun and eventually stopped.We won, 19 red had landed! Our emotions were throughthe roof as we were in disbelief at what just Continuingtranspired.west,we pickedup a rental car as we traveledhours through Italy. Westopped in Milan, the fashioncapital of the world, and wentinto the famous Duomo. We enjoyed delicious gelatosurrounded by elegant fashionbrands.Afew hours away we stoppedat Lago di Garda which is thelargest lake in Italy.
While awaiting our flightshome, we spent our remainingdays discovering the local filmfestival and savoring our lasttastes of delicious gelato and crepes.Finally, an early wakeupcalled for our departure.Thousands of miles later, we arrived safely back home.
of us, enjoying a fulfilling meal should not contribute to that. Anchor Express is making it their mission to help the Mercyhurst student body destress and enjoy their evening with their “swipe at night” diningHeadoption.tothe Anchor Express to try something new, but take your time, there is no rush to get there.
The score remained 1-0 going into half time, although the Lak
On the flip side, the Dolphins saw two scoring opportunities off of their corner kicks in the final few minutes of the second half.
The Lakers pressed on and con tinued to find scoring opportu nities. However, it was not until the 35th minute that Kerrigan connected a pass to Laker senior midfielder Tom Barry who put the ball in the back of the net to give the Lakers a 1-0 lead.
The Buffalo Bills are predicted to go to the Super Bowl this year and this game showed that.
Kerrigan maximized this oppor tunity and notched a goal for the Lakers in the 33rd minute, tying the game 1-1.
The game started off intense, with a lot of back and forth be tween the Lakers and the Storm.
The Lakers then dominated on the road as they traveled to Lake Erie College to enhance their re cord to 5-0-1. In 3-0 feet on Sat urday, Sept. 10.
Russell Wilson since it was the first time he will step foot on Lu men Field as a Denver Bronco. Wilson will be playing against his former team of nine seasons, the, however, had a packed slate. The games occur ring in the early afternoon includ ed the Philadelphia Eagles against the Detroit Lions, the Cleveland Browns versus the Carolina Pan thers, where quarterback Baker Mayfield played against the team that drafted him and the team he spent the previous four seasons with.The Baltimore Ravens play ing the New York Jets is another example of a quarterback going against their former team since Joe Flacco of the Jets is a former
Men’s soccer ends with a tie and a win
Hurst Athletics photo
Because of this trade, it was a very meaningful game for Miller since he helped bring a win against his former team.
In a grueling battle on the road, the Lakers were tested defensive ly early on in the match. In the 17th minute, Dolphin midfielder Cameron Stuart fired a shot that met the back of the net and put his team ahead 1-0.
The second half presented its own set of challenges as both teams felt the pressure to score.
Bill’s quarterback Josh Allen threw three touchdowns and ran for another one. Top wide receiv er Stefon Digg’s finished with 122 receiving yards along with a touchdown.Widereceiver Gabriel Davis and rookie wide receiver Isaiah McKenzie also caught touchdown passes. Not only was the Bill’s of fensive productive, but the defen sive was as well.
Mercyhurst kept up a strong de fense in the opening minutes of theWithmatch.a sound defense, Laker goalkeeper Jonathan Gomes de fended the goal with confidence, which shut down a scoring oppor tunity from Lake Erie.
They caught three interceptions from Rams quarterback Matthew Stafford. In addition to the inter ceptions, they also sacked Stafford seven times throughout the game.

Raven.The Pittsburgh Steelers played the Cincinnati Bengals. The last match-up was the Jacksonville Jaguars against the newly named Washington Commanders.
The NFL season is a very an ticipated and exciting sport in the United States.
By Bella Lee Staff writer
by two in the 51st minute. This was Kerrigan’s seventh goal of the season. Following up on that success, defensive senior, Martin Grzywa, scored his sec ond goal of the season in the 57th minute.Because the Lakers capitalized on their scoring opportunities
NFL season returns to the small screen
PAGE 14 Wednesday, September 14, 2022SPORTS
Defensive player Von Mill er won the Super Bowl with the Rams, however got traded to the Buffalo Bills during the off season.
Midfielder Axel Aronsson had a header off of one of the Lakers six corner kicks that nearly went in during the 70th minute.
Turf Show Times
Buffalo Bill’s defense sacking LA Ram’s quarterback Matthew Stafford during the Thursday night game.
they were able to pull away with a solid win against the Lake Erie Storm.Cheer on the Lakers in action on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at 7:30 p.m. at home against Daeman University.
By Christina Judy Contributing writer
The first game of the season oc curred on Thursday, Sept. 8, with the Buffalo Bills defeating the Super Bowl Champions, the Los Angeles Rams, 31-10.
Carrying that momentum into the second half, Kerrigan locked away a shot into the right side of the net, putting the Lakers ahead
The Lakers answered by putting pressure on Le Moyne’s defense. Through this relentlessness, Laker sophomore midfielder Sean Ker rigan was fouled inside the box, which resulted in a penalty kick.
It is September, and we all know what that means: football season is back.Theperiod between February and August is always a difficult time because there is no football happening. There is of course the NFL Draft, preseason games and trades to look forward to.
It will be a blast figuring out who will make it to the Super Bowl this year!
the net and maintaining the score at With1-1. high stakes in mind, this game was physical and aggressive as there were 33 total fouls and seven yellow cards concluding the match.Sophomore goalkeeper Mat tias Odelius obtained three saves in only his second recorded full game in the goal this season.
The highly anticipated Sunday Night Football game was held be tween the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Dallas Cowboys with Tampa Bay taking the lead with a score of Cowboys19-3. quarterback Dak Prescott suffered a thumb injury during the game and will not be returning for several weeks.
The late afternoon slots were Green Bay Packers versus the Minnesota Vikings, the New York Giants against the Tennessee Ti tans, the Las Vegas Raiders facing the Los Angeles Chargers and the Kansas City Chiefs playing the Arizona Cardinals.
ers gave the Storm a scare within the last seven minutes when soph omore Dylan Sumner headed the ball, only missing by a margin over top of the goal.
LET’S GO, MD17,Saturday,LAKERS!Sept.Frostburg,@1p.m. Women’s field hockey UniversityFrostburgvs.State Saturday, Sept. 17, Erie, PA @ noon Football UniversityKutztownvs. Saturday, Sept. 20, Erie, PA @ 7 p.m. Volleyball vs. Gannon
However, it is not the same as when there is no football every Thursday, Sunday and Monday.
All credit to the Lakers’ sound defense for keeping the ball out of
The Monday Night Football game was a match-up between the Denver Broncos and the Seattle Seahawks.Thisisa meaningful game for
Sophomore midfielder Dylan Sumner assisted the Lakers in their victory against Lake Erie College.
The men’s soccer team came away with a tie against the Le Moyne Dolphins on Wednesday, Sept. 7.

scored the final touchdown of the game from a nine-yard run leav ing the ending score at a dominat ingFootball49-7. Head Coach Ryan Rie medio became the first coach in Mercyhurst history to have won his first two career games on the road.The Lakers were awarded 94 points between their two wins,
On Friday, Sept. 9, Altoona held off the SeaWolves ending in a loss
The Erie SeaWolves are chasing the post-season playoffs and have been off to a great start thus far. The team is also about to surpass a franchise record with over 167 home runs this season.

On Saturday, Sept. 10, Altoona took their fourth win of the series, the SeaWolves fell 6-13.
By Megan Mckay Contributing writer
Erie SeaWolves continue their hunt for the playoffs
Erie’s AA SeaWolves are affili ates with the Major League Base ball’s (MLB) Detroit Tigers. As opposed to Erie’s success, Detroit has struggled this season. The Ti gers stand in last place in the AL CentralHowever,division.Erie’s young talent is hoping to turn things around. Throughout the season, five Sea Wolves players were called up to play for the Tigers.
The Erie SeaWolves play a homestand at UPMC Park against the Altoona Curve. The Curve took the lead in the series 4-2.
With this growing energy and grit, Shoaf ran the ball five yards to record his second touchdown of the night and gave the Lakers a 21-7 lead.
The Lakers hope to continue with this success as they will host Kutztown University on Saturday, Sept. 17, at noon in their home opener for the season.
of the third to extend their Lakers lead to 35-7.
By Christina Judy Contributing writer
Fans who sell 75-200 or more
Not only do the SeaWolves or ganization give back to the com munity, they also provide fund raising opportunities.
is set to clinch their playoff berth.
Park.The SeaWolves now have six games remaining in the regular season. From Sept. 13 through Sept. 18, they travel to Richmond to play the Flying Squirrels. To recap the SeaWolves’ suc cessful season thus far we would like to thank the organization for giving back to the Erie communi ty.The team annually contributes
Visit Erie photo
At the end of the third quarter, junior wide receiver Trevon Tate reeled in a 24-yard pass from Low ery, advancing the lead to 28-7.
Junior linebacker Dillon Fer retti secured a pick six at the end
After seeing all the offensive fun, the Lakers defensive team wanted in on the action.
over $250,000 in goods and ser vices to support charitable efforts.
Graduate student and linebacker Jacob Holl celebrates after a great play against Lock Haven University. The Lakers took down the Bald Eagles 49-7 on Saturday, Sept. 10.
which is the most points they have had to begin their season.
The Lock Haven quarterback took advantage of this field posi tioning as he ran the ball in for a touchdown, putting his team up 7-0 in the first period.
The Lakers also defended their record against the Bald Eagles as this win gave them an 8-0 clean sheet all-time over them.
Building a monstrously strong momentum, the Lakers outscored Lock Haven 43-0 in the second half to secure the win.
Responding with two field goals and solidifying their defense, the Lakers closed the half, down by only one point.
The Lakers came out of the locker room for the second half with a fiery flare as they scored on their opening drive in the third quarter.Trudging through 69-yards of the field in 10 plays, redshirt ju nior running back Dustin Shoaf found the end zone with a run up theMercyhurst’smiddle.

Among the young stars mak ing their debuts include Spen cer Torkelson, Josh Lester, Ryan Kreidler, Kerry Carpenter and No. 2 overall prospect Riley Greene.
Contrary to the resulting score of the game, the first few minutes actually belonged to the Bald Ea gles as they scored early on. Laker linebacker Jacob Holl shut them down on their first scoring drive with an However,interception.theLakers could not capitalize as their punt was blocked, which gave the Bald Eagles an ideal position just two yards from the goal line.
After1-3.Friday night’s close game, fans enjoyed spectacular Zam belli fireworks. Fans were able to watch the sky light up from inside the SeaWolves dugout and on the home field.
Tigers manager, A.J. Hinch, told the Detroit Roots, “There are jobs to be won here. There’s also experience to be gained…One of the things that some young players do better than others is to develop a process that they stick with.”
The defensive turning point was
At the beginning of the month the wolves finished a 5-game se ries against the Bowie Baysox with threeLastwins.week, the team played a series of home games against Al toona. Altoona unfortunately took the first two games on Tues day and Wednesday. However the SeaWolves bounced back Thurs day night winning 9-2.
The organization has also estab lished the SeaWolves Community Fund which emphasizes support ing youth programs focused on education, baseball and wellness.
tickets can receive cash back in centives and unique opportunities such as throwing the first pitch at a game. Show your support, since the season is almost over! You will not want to miss out on the chance to visit UPMC park and experience a night out in downtown Erie.
Hurst Athletics photo
Graduate kicker Brian Al sobrooks sent two field goals through the goal posts, which put six points on the board for the Lakers going into halftime. One of which was a 39-yard kick.
The Lakers did not let up in the fourth quarter as they scored a pair of Freshmantouchdowns.Jaylen Butera, made his presence known as he scored his first collegiate touchdown on a five-yard rush, extending their lead to Running42-7.back Ayron Rodriguez
The SeaWolves closed their last two home games of the season against Altoona over the weekend.
Football starts season with two wins
For any fans interested in Sea Wolves promotional home games, Thursdays are two buck Thurs days and Fridays are fireworks. Kids also have the chance to run the bases after games. Be on the lookout for free giveaways, fun promotions and great entertain ment next season back at UPMC
two-point conver sion attempt was successful as se nior quarterback Michael Lowery connected to Diondre Cooper to give the Lakers a 14-7 lead.
The SeaWolves finished their fi nal home game of the regular sea son with a quick turnaround on Sunday, Sept. 11, where they won in the eleventh inning.
Under manager Gabe Alvarez the SeaWolves organization has rocketed this season and has been well-liked all around. With six away games remaining the team
In a 49-7 win over Lock Hav en University, the Laker football team advanced their overall record to 2-0 on the road this past week end on Saturday, Sept. 10.
led by defensive back John Allen, when he blocked a Bald Eagle field goal early in the second period.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022 PAGE 15SPORTS
Erie’s very own minor league baseball team is currently tied in first place in their league.
LIBRA (September 23 to October
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem ber 21) A more positive picture of what lies ahead is beginning to take shape. But there are still too many gaps that need to be filled in before you make definitive plans.
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)
CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Work prospects are back on track. But, watch what you say. A thought less comment to the wrong person — even if it’s said in jest — could delay or even derail your progress.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Give that special someone in your personal life a large, loving dollop of reassurance. That will go a long way toward restoring the well-being of your ailing relationship.
BORN THIS WEEK: You are a delightful paradox. You like things neat and tidy. But, you’re also a won derful host who can throw a really great party.©2022
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A col league might try to goad you into saying or doing the wrong thing. It’s best to ignore the troublemaker, even if they rile your royal self. Your sup porters stand with you.
EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of Sept. 19, 2022.
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22) Although it’s not quite what you hoped for, use your good business sense to make the most of what you’re being offered at this time. Things will improve down the line.
AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru ary 18) You’ll find that people are hap py to help you deal with some difficult situations. And, of course, knowing you, you’ll be happy to return those favors anytime. Won’t you?
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ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This week could offer more opportunities for ambitious Lambs eager to get ahead. But, don’t rush into making decisions until you’ve checked for possible hidden problems.
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VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Be careful not to let your on-thejob zealousness create resentment with co-workers, who might feel you shut them out. Prove them wrong by including them in your project.
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20)
SALOME’S STARS #12345_20220912
PAGE 16 Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Although you might want to protest what seems to be an unfair situation, it’s best to keep your tongue and tem per in check for now. The full story hasn’t yet come out.
Some light begins to shine on profes sional and/or personal situations that have long eluded explanation. Best advice: Don’t rush things. All will be made clear in time.
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Sea Goat’s merrier side dominates this week, and this means that, despite your usual busy schedule, you’ll be able to squeeze in parties and all sorts of fabulous, fun times.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Continue to hold onto the reins so that you don’t charge willy-nilly into a situation that might appear attractive on the surface, but that actually lacks substance.