April 10th Edition of The Merciad

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Merciad THE



W E D N E S DAY, A P R I L 10 , 2 01 9

News ................2-5 Features...........6-9 A&E ............. 10-11 Opinion........ 12-13 Sports ......... 14-15 Laker Living ......16 |

VOL. 92 NO. 16

Students take on the Big Apple PAGE 5

Online poll results We asked: If you could have one super power, what would it be?

8: Student work showcased in Mosaic for Life show

11: Artists needed for an Arts Salon 15: Women’s lax bounces back with two wins

Invisibility (41%) Telekinesis (35%) Flying (18%) Super Strength (6%)

This week’s


What is the best thing about spring?


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