Merciad THE
News ................2-5 Features...........6-9 A&E ............. 10-11 Opinion........ 12-13 Sports ......... 14-15 Laker Living ......16
W E D N E S DAY, S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 01 8
VOL. 92 NO. 3
Mercyhurst Celebrates Mass of the Holy Spirit PAGE 4
Online poll results We asked: How are your classes going this semester?
3: Political Science department registers students to vote
7: Alumni Speaker Series presents first guest 14: Women’s ice hockey honors program alumni
Lots of work, but interesting! (41%) Is it winter break yet? (26%) Can’t complain (18%) I love my classes! (15%)
This week’s
What is your favorite fall activity?