Nov 15 Issue of The Merciad

Page 1

Merciad THE



News ................2-5 Features...........6-9 A&E ............. 10-11 Opinion........ 12-13 Sports ......... 14-15 Laker Living ......16

W E D N E S DAY, N OV E M B E R 1 5 , 2 017


VOL. 91 NO. 8

Hockey takes on Canisius


Online poll results Have you gotten your flu shot?

2-4: Jefferson Educational Society Global Summit coverage 7: How to protect your mental health during the holidays 11: Choreography II class to present their work Photo by Lauren Alfieri

Yes, of course! (55%) Um no, I never do. (36%) I plan to soon. (9%) No, I am too busy. (0%)

This week’s


Where are you going for Thanksgiving break?

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