The Merciad November 17 Issue

Page 1

News .................... 2-5 Features .............. 6-9 A&E .................. 10-11 Opinion .......... 12-13 Sports.............. 14-15 Laker Living.......16 MERCYHURST UNIVERSITY

| W E D N E S D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 2 1

| VOL. 95 NO. 8

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Mercyhurst celebrates Veterans Day


Online poll results

We asked: Which core value

Photo Credits: Contributed photo

is your favorite? Socially merciful Globally responsible

3: COVID vaccine booster clinic

Compassionately hospitable Intellctually creative


11: Dance department debuts “Swan Lake” 14:Women’s soccer competes in playoffs

Reflectively aware

This week’s


Ambassadors of Service

What is your favorite thing about Christmas break?

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