The Merciad March 16 Issue

Page 1

News .................... 2-5 Features .............. 6-9 A&E .................. 10-11 Opinion .......... 12-13 Sports.............. 14-15 Laker Living.......16 MERCYHURST UNIVERSITY

| W E D N E S D AY, M A R C H 1 6 , 2 0 2 2

| VOL. 95 NO. 13

Men’s baseball wins four away games PAGE 15

Online poll results

We asked: How do you feel about the new mask policies?

Photo Credits: Hurst Athletics

All for it! Hate it

5: Mercyhurst kicks off mask recycling initiative

It's a strange transition


I'm conflicted

9: Rec Center in-person classes resume 10: The 814: Bistro 26

This week’s


What is currently causing you the most stress?

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The Merciad March 16 Issue by The Merciad - Issuu