The Merciad, March 13, 2013

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‘Hurst community merges to break world record



Assault case resolved Page 2

Spring Ecodemia 2013 Page 7-10

Wrestling finishes 12th Page 14

It’s going to be a rave. 18%

I’m really happy with the selection this year. 31%

It’s not my style. 39%

I’m not sure how I feel about it. 12% Total votes: 109


Page 2

March 13, 2013

Sexual assault case resolved on campus By Alicia Cagle Editor-in-chief

Each year 207,754 people fall victim to sexual assault and rape, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). Many cases, though, never get reported, leaving the perpetrator to go free. This did not happen for Jane Doe* and several other women at Mercyhurst University. A federal law and university action taken as part of that law made sure of that. In the Oct. 24, 2012, issue of The Merciad, an article titled “When she says ‘no’ and he says ‘yes’” reported on the types of sexual violence as well as what students should do when faced with this situation. One victim of sexual violence, Doe, also told her story. While Doe talked to Police & Safety, a resident assistant (RA) and other members of ResLife, her case was not pursued. According to Tobin, based on initial reports, no action was warranted.

After the Oct. 24 issue was published, several other students came forward about their own situations, each naming the same perpetrator and providing new information. According to Vice President for Student Life Gerry Tobin, Ph.D., the situation has now been resolved. He said the university launched an investigation in November 2012 after the students formally made their accusations about the alleged perpetrator. The university completed that investigation in recent weeks, convened a hearing and expelled the person. That person is no longer connected with Mercyhurst. A major part in this decision was the federal law known as Title IX. While Title IX is credited with expanding collegiate sports for women to have the same athletic opportunities as college men, it actually has a broader reach. Tobin explained that Title IX also emphasizes the need to protect people of both genders from becoming future victims. Thus, Mercyhurst was obligated under federal law to look into the matter of Jane Doe and the others.

Enforcing university compliance is the U.S. Department of Education’s Office on Civil Rights. “Title IX will be with us for a good long time so we need to understand it well and apply the principles,” Tobin said. Looking ahead, Tobin explained that students also need to look out for each other, particularly when consuming alcohol.

Some of the perpetrators may be doing something drunk that they would have never done sober.

Gerry Tobin Ph.D.

Tobin said that nationwide there are over 100,000 reported sexual assaults attributed to alcohol involvement, but that is only what is reported. “Some of the perpetrators may be doing something drunk that they

would have never done sober,” said Tobin. “There’s a responsibility we need to take for ourselves and our friends need to take for us as well.” Tobin currently meets with every freshman and sophomore after their first alcohol offense to talk about taking responsibility and to highlight the number of incidents involving death and sexual assault. He additionally suggests that all students have a friend who will remain sober or below the level of intoxication who will make sure his or her friends get home safely, and stay out of trouble. “Probably one of the saddest stories I listened to when I was director of the Counseling Center,” said Tobin, “was a student who was being criminally charged with sexual assault who wept in my office and said that he had no idea what he had even done. Now his life and someone else’s life are changed forever. That is avoidable suffering.” If it happens to you, contact Erie Police Department, (814) 870-1125; your RA; Police & Safety, (814) 8242304; Title IX Coordinator attorney Meredith Bollheimer, (814) 824-

3363; Counseling Center, (814) 8243650. A counselor is always on call even when the Counseling Center is closed. Editor’s Note: The name of Jane Doe was changed to protect identity of innocent.

If it happens to you, contact: • • • •

• •

Erie Police Department, (814) 870-1125 Your RA Police & Safety, (814) 8242304 Title IX Coordinator attorney Meredith Bollheimer, (814) 824-3363 Counseling Center, (814) 824-3650 A counselor is always on call even when the Counseling center is closed.


March 13, 2013

Professor investigates fossils in Erie area By Kierston Bromley Staff writer

Approximately 364 million years ago, a giant fish known as the Dunkleosteus swam around in the salt water ocean that once was the Erie area. Assistant Professor of Geology and Paleontology Director Scott McKenzie has been investigating and putting back together recovered pieces of a Dunkleosteus fossil, assisted by junior Patrick Nolan. Due to a heart attack and stroke, McKenzie was unable to go into the field to search for fossils. In his absence, a friend found the Dunkleosteus fossil and backpacked it out in pieces so it could be put back together again. “The Dunkleosteus was a deep ocean fish,” said McKenzie, “and when it [this one] died, its parts fell apart in one area. That’s how so much of it can be put back together.” McKenzie said he was not sure what originally interested him in the field he is now quite accomplished in.

Sami Rapp photo

McKenzie teaches geology to students at Mercyhurst.

“My earliest memory,” said McKenzie, “was picking up rocks to try and see what they were.” The Dunkleosteus fossil turns out to be a giant fossilized rock. While some fossils record a length as long as 30 feet, this recovered fossil is between 15-25 feet long. Shaped somewhat like a tadpole, it had an armored front and a soft body.

The latter has never survived so it is hard to tell what the internal organs of the fish looked like, according to Nolan. However, many things can be discerned from the fish’s armored frontal plates. “The Dunkleosteus had no teeth,” said Nolan, “and it was not a very fast fish because of its size.” The Dunkleosteus was also a predator to be reckoned with, as it ate sharks and shared a distant relation with them. “It could open its mouth very fast, in effect creating a vortex that would sweep anything in range into its mouth,” said Nolan about the Dunkleosteus’ feeding habits. Nolan’s passion for dinosaurs and ancient life in general never left him from a young age. So, when he took a geology class with McKenzie, Nolan first took an interest in the Dunkleosteus fish. Eventually he would write a research paper on a possible hypothesis for the Dunkleosteus’ extinction. McKenzie hopes to eventually display the Dunkleosteus fossil on campus in the future, though space is certainly a pressing issue because of the fossil’s immense size.

Page 3 Mercyhurst University Police & Safety

Police Log Sunday, March 3 Theft and vandalism Old Main Referred for discipline

Saturday, March 9 Public intoxication 3910 Lewis Ave. Referred for discipline Saturday, March 9 Vandalism McAuley Hall Referred for discipline Sunday, March 10 Vandalism 3923 Briggs Ave. Referred for discipline

Project Kenya raises funds for student By Katie Felong Staff writer

Through successful fundraising and donations, 14-year-old Anne from Kenya will be able to travel to Erie and obtain an education at Mercyhurst Preparatory School. In the American education system, our transition from elementary school, to middle school and then to high school is usually paid for by federal and state governments. In Kenya, high schools are private and of the boarding school nature. Fees are about $2,000 a year to attend a good school, covering tuition, uniform, accommodations and pocket money. Opportunities for girls to attend are rarer than for boys. Several years ago, a woman and Sister of Mercy, Helen Khisa, came from Kenya to attend Mercyhurst. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in special education. As she was ready to graduate, her community back in Kenya, raised money for a member of her family to come over. That person was her brother, Anthony “Juma” Khisa, and

he returned to Erie and Mercyhurst to get his bachelor’s degree. Juma, now a senior studying computer systems, plans to return again to Kenya after graduation to open up a computer college in “those [geographic] areas are where the technology is growing.” He would like to primarily service, “those still in high school, but for those on school break” who wanted to increase their skills.” During all of this, news of another Khisa family member who wanted to come to Mercyhurst was heard. Hopes arose to bring Anne, Juma’s daughter, to Erie to study at Mercyhurst Preparatory School. Unfortunately, her visa was delayed, so she had to stay in Kenya. Anne is considered an excellent student. Her intelligence was acknowledged in the fifth grade, granting her to sit in on sixth grade exams. The principal of her school noticed her potential, and wanted to help her. “He always wanted to help people who wished to have an education,” Juma said. When word of this came to Executive Director of Wellness Judy Smith, Ph.D., Vice President for Student Life Gerry Tobin, Ph.D. and Mercyhurst President Tom Gamble, Ph.D., they

Katie Felong photo

Juma thanks those involved in raising funds to bring his daughter from Kenya to Erie for schooling. asked Mercyhurst Student Government (MSG) to help launch fundraising efforts to help pay for Anne’s education in Kenya. Gamble additionally offered to match the funds raised at the events.

MSG responded by organizing three events to help support Anne’s education: a portion of the funds from the Rowing Team’s Endurowthon event, profits from the Spring Charity Ball and the Kenyan Benefit Dinner.

The dinner began at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 5, featuring Kenya’s national dishes. Wristbands and tickets were sold in advance, but also at the door. Before the event, Juma laughed and talked with the Egan staff. “When it came to food, that was their idea... That really surprised me, especially how they prepared the food, and how the food looked exactly like it did in Kenya.” Upon entering Egan Hall guests saw, shiny silver buffet dishes filled with colorful foods, such as: Samosas (deep fried potato pastries), Sukuma Wiki (simmered collared greens) and Kuku Paka (chicken curry). The Romantic Era provided entertainment and played a set of soft, upbeat songs. Following the dining, MSG played a video about the benefit and how it began. Baskets were raffled featuring African, Mercyhurst and movie themes. Thanks to the Mercyhurst Rowing Team, MSG, Juma and the Mercyhurst staff the fundraising so far has been successful. To further help Anne with her education, remember to attend the Spring Charity Ball.


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News Brief

New Mercyhurst website launches Recently, Mercyhurst launched a new website, as well as a new look and update for Blackboard. Errors on the website have been found, as occurs with many new websites. The Marketing and Public Relations staff are collaborating and fixing the technical issues with the site. Some of the issues are with browsers and the glitches that occur, depending on which browser is being used. It was found that occasionally when an item was selected it would then disappear. The site was launched despite the errors because many issues cannot be discovered until it is loaded. According to Web Coordinator Chris Norris, “Websites are living, breathing elements to any organization.” Websites are never launched 100 percent, but the errors are being corrected quickly. The goal is to create a site as close to perfect as possible. “We strive that the little bugs there are fixed before there are bigger issues,” Norris said. The new site includes the feature of live tweeting that displays the latest and greatest news about staff and faculty. Larger photos are now shown, which follows the trend of many up-to-date websites. More videos are also incorporated into the site which highlight the academic departments and student involvement. The target of the site is to attract prospective students and make the website have a desirable look for iPads and tablets that many of these students own.

March 13, 2013

Mercyless Endurowthon breaks two world records By Juan Mendez Staff writer

From Parkhurst’s Rhonda to Louie the Laker, from the administration to the sports teams; the entire Mercyhurst community came out and supported the rowing team on their Mercyless Endurowthon, where they were able to break world records: the most people on a single erg and the men’s lightweight team achieved the longest distance in 24 hours. A total of 600 people from the Mercyhurst and Erie communities came to help the team make history, breaking the record previously held by the government of Poland for the most people on a single erg. A few minutes before 11 a.m. on Friday morning, senior Liz Lynch became the record breaker, being the 355th person in the rotation of students and faculty members. Kyle Cooke and Annie Truelove were the fastest participants. Cooke, with a time of 1:21.9, was the fastest male, and Annie Truelove was the fastest female with a time of 1:41.3. Other participants included athletes from Mercyhurst University’s teams, the Mercyhurst Prep rowing team, Mercyhurst faculty and staff, 212 Degrees of Fitness and Erie City

Sami Rapp photo

Senior Marcin Osajda helps the men’s lightweight team break the record for longest distance in 24 hours. Councilman Bob Merski. Meanwhile, the men’s lightweight team was focused on breaking their record; having a team of athletic trainers and staff that helped them with their needs; helping them stretch, bringing them drinks and food and whatever else was needed to complete the lapses of 30 seconds per person with a five-minute break. “The team really put their bodies through hell and back, but they never gave up,” Student Activities Council (SAC) chair Adam Borgman said. At the end of 24 hours, the team had broken the record with a final distance of 451,879 meters, beating the previous record of 406,000 meters. Senior rower Jake Schuppe felt very accomplished about what his team had done. “All of us really helped each other

get through it. Our coaches, Adrian and Jamie, were instrumental to us, as they kept us motivated and united,” he said. “We were all hurting, some of us were injured, but the adrenaline kept us going. When we were done, we were all overcome with a feeling of accomplishment. It was incredible.” Their average split time was 1:35.6, a full 11 seconds less than the previous record-holders. However, the team only got faster as the timer kept going, fueled by the adrenaline and the motivation the community was providing them. “The single erg record belongs to the Mercyhurst student body and the local communities. This is something they achieved; their dedication is what helped make this record what it is,” Borgman said. For more information visit: http://

Buddhist monk visits Mercyhurst, Erie By Stefani Baughman Staff writer

On Tuesday, March 12, Mercyhurst hosted a visit from Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, an accomplished Tibetan Buddhist monk, teacher and author. His morning lecture on “Discovering Peace and Well-Being in the Mind” was well attended by students, faculty and other members of the Mercyhurst community. The Rinpoche expressed the need for each person to work towards individual and world peace by using their own mind, knowledge and skills. He also explained the need to do this in a selfless way. “Without altruistic motivation, knowledge can be abused [and] severe destruction and harm are brought into the world.,” the Rinpoche explained. The visit from the Rinpoche was co-sponsored by the Religious Stud-

ies Department and the Erie Karma Thegsum Choling, a Vajrayana Buddhist meditation center, which follows the Tibetan Karma Kagyu tradition. Professor of Religious Studies Thomas Forsthoefel said this event, like the department’s courses and other programs, aimed “to broaden horizons and open minds.” Ordained a monk at the age of 12, the Rinpoche, now 89, has acquired extensive experience in meditation, philosophy and monastic arts. In 1975, he was recognized with the title of “Choje Lama,” meaning superior dharma master, by the leader of his lineage, His Holiness the 16th Karmapa. The Rinpoche is one of the few senior lamas in the world who was trained in Tibet before the Chinese invaded in 1959. The Rinpoche immigrated to the US from Tibet the following year to facilitate the development of Karma Triyana Dharmachakra, a Tibetan

monastery located in Woodstock, New York. He is currently serving as the abbot, or leader, of the monastery, which also follows the Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Among his other accomplishments, the Rinpoche has also authored two books on Buddhism, the “Wish-fulfilling Wheel, Practice of White Tara” and “Taking Refuge: A Teaching on Entering the Buddhist Path.” Each of the books discusses different elements of Buddhist practice, philosophy and thought. From the lecture, Forsthoefel hoped students would note “the ubiquitous connection between philosophy and psychology in Buddhism.” “Philosophy is never abstract reflection,” said Forsthoefel, “but aims to impact the workings of mind to issue in happiness and peace.” “You can make a difference in the world,” the Rinpoche said, “and of this I’m absolutely certain.”

Zach Dorsch photo

Buddhist monk Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche speaks to students about bringing peace and harmony into the world.


March 13, 2013

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Service Learning and Habitat for Humanity offer spring break trips By Daniel Tarr Staff writer

If you ask anyone what they did, or plan to do, over spring break, you’ll probably expect to hear answers related to going on vacation. But, for some students at Mercyhurst, spring break meant something more than just relaxing after a long term at school. The Service Learning program and Habitat for Humanity offered unique trips for students to spend their spring break a little differently. Campus Ministry and Service Learning have a program called the “Alternative Break Program” which offers students a variety of different trips over the break. There were two trips sponsored by the Mercyhurst Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. One was to Mississippi and the other was to North Carolina. The North Carolina trip was known as the House that Hurst Built. The trip cost $175 and covered everything from food, expenses, and housing. The trip involved a group of students volunteering to rebuild a house that was knocked down. The trip lasted for six days. The stu-

Contributed photo

Students pose for a picture on the roof during the Habitat for Humanity spring break trip. dents on the trip left the Sunday after finals week, and came back on that following Saturday. Five of those six days were work days for the students. According to junior Katy Adams, who went on the trip, there are three phases to house building. The students on this trip only focused on the first phase. “The first phase involves laying down the foundation of the house and putting up the rest of the floors and walls,” Adams said. “The second phase involves roofing and the third phase involves putting up windows and doors.” Students on the North Carolina trip

also had some down time in between working on the house building. When they first arrived, they went through an orientation explaining what they would do for that week. A special activity they did over the week was called “Secret Admirer.” This involved the students pulling names out of a hat, leaving little gifts for that person whose name they pulled for the week, and then guessing who their secret admirer was at the end of the week. They also did activities such as going to the zoo, icebreakers, playing other fun games, and going out to

dinner each night. The Mississippi trip also involved helping build a house. However, unlike the North Carolina trip, this one involved going through the first and second phases. This involved the students putting in the foundation of the house and also putting the roofing on the house. This trip cost $225 for students. Senior Kaleigh Hubert went on this trip. Hubert first joined Habitat for Humanity last year and has gone on two spring break trips in the program. These include the Mississippi trip and

last year when Habitat for Humanity went to Albany, Georgia. “They were both great trips, but I definitely think I liked this year’s trip the most,” Hubert said. Hubert says that the most memorable part of the Mississippi trip was everyone working together as a team. Another memorable part was seeing the house owner and showing him the progression of his home. “I would recommend these trips to anyone. Helping out is a big part,” Hubert said. Service Learning is already looking to the future for other alternative spring break opportunities. According to Service Learning Director Colin Hurley, they are looking at the semester break next year with the calendar change. Hurley says the trips will most likely occur during March, but the J-Term will also be a possibility. There will be approximately four to six trips planned. “Specific trips are not planned yet, but the program will look similar with the calendar change,” Hurley said. If you would like to know more about alternative spring break opportunities contact Colin Hurley at 814824-4271 or

Ewing wins Cunningham photo contest By Kayla Kelly Features editor

After the judges of the “Be Bill Cunningham” contest thoroughly considered the best submitted street fashion photograph, junior Caitlin Ewing won with her unique photo. Ewing has always had an interest in photography and took classes on the subject since high school. She is a graphic design major and photography minor. She took this photo while enrolled in Assistant Professor of Art Gary Cardot’s class for a series she did on street photography, with her particular focus on street fashion. “Ironically, I did not care for this photo, but it’s turned out to be quite the favorite,” Ewing said. Ewing explained that she tries to submit her work into as many contests as possible, so others can admire her art. The Bill Cunningham contest was just another opportunity for her to display her work.

Her sister introduced her to the Bill Cunningham documentary because she thought Ewing would love Cunningham’s passion for photography. “I saw the Bill Cunningham documentary my freshman year,” said Ewing. “I was entirely too inspired that it’s impossible to keep Cunningham out of perspective when I shoot street photography.” Ewing recommended the documentary to anyone because it is not only a well done documentary, but it is also funny and short. While Cunningham is a unique personality and individual, Ewing admires his drive for what he loves: photography. “Cunningham’s dedication is what truly inspires me; the fact that he goes out every day with no preconceived notion as to what trend is current, and can then pinpoint it to a T just amazes me,” Ewing said. To see Ewing’s full photo, visit

Ewing photo

Ewing snapped this winning street fashion photo for the “Be Bill Cunningham” contest.

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Career Fair: Stepping-stone for the future

By Garrett Erwin Contributing writer

As Lakers, we all share a common purpose, to get a job after graduation. We are fortunate enough to have the Career Development Center (CDC) on campus as a tool to help us reach our goal. On Thursday, March 21, the CDC will host a Career Fair in the Mercyhurst Athletic Center (MAC). The Career Fair is not just an event that you go to and pick up fliers and/or applications; attending gives you the opportunity to form relationships with prospective employers in, and possibly outside of, the Erie community. “Almost 80 percent of job or internship opportunities are unadvertised, so connections are extremely important when searching for a job,” Director of the CDC Kyle Foust, Ph.D., said. Attending the Career Fair is vitally important in order to meet new people and gain communication skills with real-world companies. The fair is focused on establishing connections that may benefit students in the future. According to Foust, around 20 percent of the recruiters attending the fair at Mercyhurst are alumni. Therefore, everyone is encouraged to attend because this is a major connection that is made even before walking through the doors. The senior and junior populations have dominated the fair in the past, but Foust and Career Fair Coordinator, Dolores Griswold, both believe that it is also just as important for freshmen and sophomores to attend. Attending as an underclassmen gives you a look at what will be happening in a short two years. In addition, it gives you opportunities to gain connections when preparing for internships during or after the next academic year. Griswold said she encourages students to do their research before they arrive. The fair is designed to be a conversational experience, not a formal interview. “Don’t be intimidated, but be prepared to have a conversation and know your facts as well as the history about the company that you are interested in,” said Griswold. “This could potentially impress companies and show them that you are knowledgeable about what is taking place in their business.” Although there will be around 90

companies at the fair, students should take the time and talk to whomever they want. Many companies have different departments that use a wide range of degrees. An example of the companies that will be at the event this year are: LORD Corporation, International Atomic Energy Agency/BNL, Wegman’s, JET 24 – FOX 66 – YourErie. com, Seneca Gaming Corporation, PA Board of Probation/Parole, Saint Vincent Health System, The School District of the City of Erie, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Erie Insurance Group, Marriott, and UPMC Nursing. Education majors should take special note that is the first year that The School District of Erie is attending this event. Students are encouraged to dress in business casual attire. Suits for both men and women are recommended. Also remember to bring your student ID, and 20 or more copies of your professional résumé. The CDC is reaching out to support the student body so that any student can take a copy of their resume to the DocuCenter, and the CDC will pick up the tab for all copies in support of your future. The Career Fair is being held on Thursday, March 21, 2013, from 12 p.m. until 4 p.m. in the MAC. 600 students are expected. Foust suggested to those attending, to devote at least one hour to meeting and conversing with the companies. “It is becoming increasingly rare that companies will take the time to come to college campuses to recruit possible employees and interns, so take advantage of this opportunity and get to know the companies and what they are all about,” said Foust. Simply by attending this major event, you have the opportunity to fill out a quick survey following for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Stop by the Career Development Center located on the first floor of Egan Hall, or contact the CDC via email at, (814) 824-2426, or search for them on the Mercyhurst portal or Facebook for a complete listing of companies or for any questions that you may have. By taking an hour of your day in order to meet someone, you are potentially creating a future for years to come.


March 13, 2013

Award season’s fashion shined on the red carpet By Isabella Cardina Staff writer

The Golden Globes, the Oscars, and Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards are not always about acting, but it’s about fashion, too. To see what each celebrity is going to wear on the red carpet is one of the most anticipated feelings of the year. As each starlet walks down the carpet thousands of photographers are capturing pictures from every angle, and as celebrities they most look their best. Choosing a dress to wear to each of these ceremonies is crucial, some take fashion risks, and some play it safe. Before award season begins, actresses must choose a dress they have to make sure no one else will wear that dress, which is truly where the competition begins. The search for the perfect dress could take months. Some choose well-known designers, where as others choose new and up-and-coming designers. For the top three best-dressed choices of the Globes, the Oscars and the SAGS, each of these women choose designers who have great success and are constantly dressing celebrities. The beginning of award season starts off with the Golden Globes, which really sets the stage for the fashion choices of each actress. The bestdressed winner for the Golden Globes was Emily Blunt, a well-established fashionista. Blunt chose a gold beaded photo

Cotillard kept it classic on the red carpet in Dior. dress designed by Michael Kors. The pictures taken of this dress from a distance do not do it justice because the detail and beads create a very intricate design. The dress also features a small cut-out that wraps around the back, which is subtle, yet sexy, and is an up and coming trend. Blunt paired her outfit with fuschia colored accessories including a ring, earrings, and bracelet. Her hair and makeup really brought this outfit together, proving Blunt true to her title of fashionista.

The next award show after the Globes is the SAG awards, which is less formal. Marion Cotillard was beyond best dressed at the SAGs, with her new asymmetrical haircut. Cotillard wore classic Dior, which might have been a tribute to her French heritage. The dress was an old school silhouette, styled with a ribbon across the waist, and was shorter in the front, and longer in the back. This blue and white gown was a definite risk for Cotillard. She kept it very simple and styled it with a beautiful diamond necklace and black pointed heel shoe. The final show is The Academy Awards, or the most important ceremony for actors of the year. The bestdressed woman of the red carpet was 2012’s leading lady Jessica Chastain, who stat in Armani Prive. Her dress was a strapless figure-hugging gown that sparkled with a silver shine. Chastain’s choice was risky because her dress was a very light color, which could make her look very pale, but this champagne colored dress made her gleam. Her hair was done very simple, and she paired it with diamond earrings, and a bracelet. Overall it was a huge success for fashion during award season this year, where some stepped out of their comfort zone, and some stayed in it. It will be interesting to see if any of these new fashion trends catch on for spring fashion 2013.


Ecodemia 2013

MARCH 2013

Senior Sustainabilit� Project with Desig�UP By Megan Hopton

Senior Interior Desig� & Sustainabilit� St�dies St�dent

munities, we can easily prevent the loss of creativit� and ar� education in schools when budgets become tight. Stepping up is Desig�UP, a prog�am that invites desig� professionals and representatives for desig� materials to donate obsolete samples and ar� supplies that they no longer need/want for reuse in local schools. Instead of throwing usef�l materials into the landfill, they can be given to st�The answer is quite simple. dents to create amazing ar��ork. With help from local desig� com- This prog�am not only pushes for

creative minds to work together, but also places sustainable practices within schools by recycling materials into ar�. Desig�UP r�ns workshops that infor� teachers of how they can get in touch with the desig� communit� and reuse materials in brilliant ways with their st�dents. The creative thinking brought to the table is astonishing and the possibilities are endless!

brainstor�ed it’s time to desig� a piece of ar�! Material that was par� of one desig� becomes par� of another’s. This process may seem simple—and it is—but the key is to star� the collection process with a local desig�er and keep the process going! Ever�one can celebrate the creation of new ar��ork from the recirculation of desig� elements.

Workshop at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center for the local school dist�icts in Erie. More infor�ation can be found on our Facebook page or by scanning the code below.

Ar� Education prog�ams are increasingly threatened with ex�inction from schools and those that sur�ive must make due on rest�icted budgets. This does not allow for necessar� supplies to be purchased or maintained in the classroom. Teachers cannot afford to use money out of their own pockets to provide materials for their st�dents’ ar� education. How can we fix this problem?

The process begins with the collection of available materials from the desig� communit�. All manner of materials from car�et samples to laminate chips are collected along with an endless variet� of supplies. Nex�, the materials are sor�ed and inventoried. One of the most impor�ant steps is brainstor�ing. This is where Desig�Up comes in to help teachers think of ar� projects that st�dents can create with collected materials. Aſter an idea is

For my Sustainabilit� Senior Project I will be conducting a Desig�Up


The entire process that DesignUP follows can be seen below.

Documentar� Filmmaker Mark Kitchell to visit Mercyhurst to his latest:

A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for a Living Planet by Mar�ie Sullivan Assistant Professor of English

It’s not easy being g�een. Environmentalists have been both revered as heroes and champions or reviled for being killjoys and Cassandras. Ever� battle begins as a lost cause and even the victories have to be fought for again and again. Still, environmentalism is one of the g�eat causes of the t�entieth cent�r�, and an inevitable challenge for the t�ent�-first. At this moment in histor�, humans rival nat�re as a power capable of deter�ining the fate of the ear�h. Today more than ever, it’s the battle for a living planet. Oscar nominated filmmaker Mark Kitchell’s A Fierce Green Fire is the first big-pict�re to ex�lore the environmental movement’s promise to t�ansfor� our civilization from g�assroots and global activism spanning fiſt� years. Covering issues from conser�ation to

climate change, from halting dams in the Grand Canyon to battling 20,000 tons of toxic waste at Love Canal, from Greenpeace saving the whales to Chico Mendes and the r�bber�appers saving the Amazon, the film tells vivid stories about people fighting–and succeeding–against enor�ous odds. Two activists profiled in A Fierce Green Fire have lect�red on campus in the past, including Bill McKibbon and Lois Gibbs. Never before has a film told the f�ll stor� of environmentalism. While A Fierce Green Fire focuses on activism, it’s about movements more than issues. This is an engaging approach, f�ll of drama and passion. It’s also a more open-ended approach than cant and rant. Kitchell emphasize sy�thesis, bringing together all the pieces of the environmental pict�re to ex�lore

St�dent Green Fee by Brittany Prischak

connections, resonance, larger visions, and deeper meanings. His hope that it will be a defining film that reaches and teaches a huge and hung�� audience is working out well. Mina Hochberg of Outside Magazine called A Fierce Green Fire inspiring and stir�ing and Naomi Wolf, writing for The Guardian describes the film as historically sig�ificant. Kitchell will host a screening of A Fierce Green Fire on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:00PM in Walker Recital Hall. He will be available for Q&A aſter the film. This event was made possible by an Academic Enrichment Grant and suppor� from the Sustainabilit� Prog�am and English Depar�ment. It is free and open to the public. For more infor�ation, contact Mar�ie Sullivan at

Join the St�dent Green Team!

Sustainabilit� Officer

In fall 2011, new bylaws were passed including changing the name of the St�dent Green Fee to the St�dent Sustainabilit� Fund. Updated bylaws now allow t�o additional st�dents to be a par� of the review board and oversee the dispersal of the f�nds. In addition, the updated bylaws ex�and the acceptable range of topics for proposals from g�een energ� to any�hing sustainabilit� related. Since the changes to the st�dent g�een fee over the past year, there have been a large number of project proposals to the f�nd. The board has recently approved f�nding of new carbon accounting soſt�are for the Greenhouse Gas emissions inventor�; creation and installation of educational sig�age for the g�een roof located on the Zur� Hall ceramic st�dio; renewal of the wind offset purchase for the Erie campus’s

elect�icit� consumption; purchase of reusable To-Go containers for the 2012 incoming freshman, t�ansfer st�dents, and new commuters; par�ial purchase of t�o Ear�h Tub composters; and purchase of recycling bins for all freshman residence hall rooms, the Interior Desig� and Psycholog� depar��ent buildings, and replacement of missing bins for upper level st�dent apar��ents. Anyone interested in lear�ing more about the Sustainabilit� Fee or submitting a proposal to the review board can contact Brittany Prischak in the Sustainabilit� Office at 814-824-3829 or, or the Sustainabilit� Fee Review Board’s chair, Dr. Dyan Jones at

Some of their Spring Ter� plans include the Post-Thaw Campus Clean-up and a 5K Walk/Run to occur in April around Ear�h Day, and assisting Collegiate Academy with a raised bed school garden with a rain bar�el. Interested in joining? Contact their cur�ent president, Kate Moran, at for more infor�ation and the date for their nex� meeting.

Editor: Mar�ie Sullivan Sustainabilit� Officer: Brittany Prischak Ecodemia is periodic publication of the Mercyhurst Universit� Green Team which welcomes con- Desig�er: Samantha Link t�ibutions from st�dents, facult�, and staff from across the disciplines on any matter related to Cont�ibutors: Trish Ar�st�ong,Megan sustainabilit�, the environment, and good g�eening. Send queries, suggestions, and submissions Hopton, Lucy Koelle, Brittany Prischak, and to Mar�ie Sullivan at Mar�ie Sullivan.


Composters, located on the southeast side of the Warde Hall parking lot, were installed fall 2012. In this pict�re education g�aduate st�dent Pat�ick Zapolski and freshman Salina Bowe, load food waste into the composter on its first day of use.

Composters, located on the southeast side of the Warde Hall parking lot, were installed fall 2012. In this pict�re: Pat�ick Zapolski, education g�aduate st�dent, Brittany Prischak, Sustainabilit� Officer, and Salina Bowe, freshman.This is the first load of food waste from the Egan Dining Hall being dumped into the composter.

The Green Roof educational display located on the east side of Zur� Hall on the ceramic st�dio’s wall. This display was desig�ed by Lisa Bathor�, a g�aduate of the Ar� depar��ent’s Graphic Desig� Prog�am, with help from Jodi Staniunas-Hopper, assistant professor in the Ar� depar��ent. The ceramic mushrooms were desig�ed by Ar� st�dent, Felicia Sandino.

Leſt: The reusable To-Go containers used in Egan Dining Hall. Star�ing in the fall of 2011, Parkhurst Dining Ser�ices discontinued the use of plastic disposable To-Go containers in the Egan Dining Hall in favor of reusable containers. The Sustainabilit� Fee par�ially f�nded the purchase in 2011 and this year’s purchase in fall of 2012.

Renewed Sustainabilit� Commit�ent By Brittany Prischak

The Mercyhurst Green Team was established during the 1999-2000 school year by a g�oup of environmentally minded st�dents, and cont�ibution from Dr. Chris Magoc, Sister Maura Smith, and then President William Garvey. One of the first orders of business was to revitalize the recycling prog�am on the Erie campus. Since then, the Campus Green Team has accomplished so much in ter�s of sustainabilit� initiatives including the g�owth of the sustainabilit� st�dies academic prog�am, creation of the St�dent Green Fee, and establishment of the Sustainabilit� Office, among many others. However, this infor�al g�oup was not integ�ated into the st��ct�re of the universit�; therefore, a need to create a g�oup through which sustainabilit� concer�s can be for�ally addressed was still deemed necessar�. Due to the t�ansition of Mercyhurst from a college to universit� and to meet the cur�ent needs to st�eng�hen sustainabilit� effor�s, the Campus Green Team submitted a proposal to the Universit� Council to create a Sustainabilit�

Sustainabilit� Officer Committee within the council. Creating the Mercyhurst Sustainabilit� Committee clarifies and elevates the stat�s of sustainabilit�-related concer�s at Mercyhurst, providing an instit�tionally recog�ized means by which sustainabilit� issues can be advanced and take the for� of policy recommendations to the President. Creating an all-universit� standing committee also invites new leadership and changes the perception of these matters to a f�nctioning committee broadly representative of the universit� communit� that has a place in the gover�ance st��ct�re of the instit�tion. It also ser�es to “house” the Sustainabilit� Fund Review Board, while opening the door to more project proposals to be brought before the board through the all universit� standing committee. This committee oversees campus sustainabilit� which includes: 1. Conducting research to deter�ine the best management practices for campus sustainabilit�; 2. Recommending polices regarding energ� and water conser�ation, recycling,


const��ction, and purchasing, among others; 3. Submitting proposals to the Sustainabilit� Fund Review Board (sub-committee) for approval and f�nding. The membership of the Sustainabilit� committee consists of eight voting members including four administ�ators/staff, t�o facult� members, one representative of the Nor�h East campus, and one sustainabilit� st�dies st�dent. In addition, anyone who is interested in sustainabilit� effor�s is welcome to attend the meetings and voice their thoughts, concer�s, and opinions. For infor�ation about sustainabilit� initiatives at Mercyhurst, how to get involved with the Sustainabilit� Committee, or if you have an idea to make Mercyhurst a g�eener universit�, please contact Brittany Prischak in the Sustainabilit� Office 814-824-3829 or bprischak@mercyhurst. edu. You can check out more infor�ation about the Sustainabilit� Committee from the Mercyhurst Sustainabilit� website; htt�://sustainabilit�.mercyhurst. edu/sustainable-campus/g�een-team/.

MSG Creates Sustainabilit� Committee By Trish Ar�st�ong

Senior Business Major with a Minor in Sustainabilit� St�dies Mercyhurst Universit� prides energ� efficiency. Over 200 stickers can st�dents were able to set up their own reitself on cultivating a series of core val- be found in apar��ents, townhouses, wards accounts and begin their own perues in st�dents, including the principle academic buildings, and athletic facili- sonal recycling campaig�. Cans with the ofglobally responsibilit�.Globalization ties. This “Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark” same logo were dist�ibuted at the Winter challenges us to lear� how to steward the campaig� was deemed a successf�l and Ter� Food resources of the Ear�h wisely and to act in sustainable initiative by MSG due to the for Finals simplicit� of the prog�am and the ease of event put solidarit� with its diverse peoples. In accordance with the mission the project to be utilized again. A second on by the of the universit�, MSG is doing their par� initiative by the committee was a public S t � d e n t to be globally responsible by creating a ser�ice announcement concer�ing recy- Activities Sustainabilit� Committee to help initiate cling on campus. For the past t�o years, C o u n c i l and implement g�een procedures and Mercyhurst Universit� has been in the ( S A C ) . prog�ams not only within the senate, but possession of t�o Pepsi Dream Machines A final on campus. So far the MSG “g�een team” that collect a variet� of plastic and alu- a c c o m has been a wonderf�l addition to the sen- minum products in exchange for online plishment ate and has spent their last six months rewards. The Sustainabilit� Committee by the committee was the purchasing of hard at work. The committee is com- saw a g�eat oppor��nit� with these ma- three large recycle/t�ash receptacles for prised of three st�dents, senior Commit- chines not only raise awareness about campus. With the help of the Sustainabiltee Chair Trish Ar�st�ong, junior Emily the availabilit� of recycling bins on cam- it� Fund Review Board, MSG was able to Mashuda, and junior ChelseyStarin. The pus, but as a chance to promote their purchase three bins that accept recyclable main concer� for the g�oup from its star� committee. In October of 2012, the com- items as well as garbage. These aluminum was to raise awareness of the g�eat pro- mittee handed out a variet� of recyclable bins can be seen at the bus stops on both beverages with stickers inst��cting the Lewis and Briggs Avenue, as well as in g�ams already in place on campus. The committee kick star�ed the consumer to ret�r� the can when fin- front of the new CAE building! year by placing stickers on light switch- ished. The slogan read, “Don’t let your es across campus in order to promote planet go to the t�ash, RECYCLE!” Many


the scarce queerest and dearest blinking out like firefly lights, No other primates and less of the birds By Lucy Koelle A planet still populated by humans who Sophomore Sustainabilit� St�dies St�dent st��ggle with such a taken for g�anted ear�h, Please think of the cost, Let the senators protect the rights of other Please, bet�een, and more than bet�een, species and the generations to come, protect lunches and papers and volunteering, t�r� from the causes of many sicknesses as well the lights out when you are done, or better as they protect from theſt, yet don’t t�r� them on to begin with Think of inter�elated ecosystem effects, not Please think about the process of making just ban that which we know causes food and the right�ess of what it took to get death, it to the cafeteria, dor� room, and restau- Keep tents of far�ers markets up and have rant table. them sur�ass those foods from wastelands Please think of the landfills with food that with cramped, antibiotic pumped livestock, could be composted, with food that fills but does not nourish, Consider compost toilets, houses made of And when st�dents or citizens ask what to t�ash, or the process of making deodorants, do how to change to lessen the damage to toothpaste, shampoo, the planet, Think of the rabbits with eyes taped open, Let ex�er�s answer with t�eaks and tomorcovered in shampoo, supposedly to make row’s nor�al answer, it safe for consumers, for you, I don’t t��st And let us ask what we will forego, what them keep and notice fellow ver�ebrates as we Because when we continue to ig�ore them watch the star of the sun or many far�her we doom ourselves to nat�ral disaster, stars and planets on our walk or bike to Famine, flood and stor�, work and act as if we are cohabiters with To bar�en land with many fewer ver�ebrates, them and stewards of the ear�h

- 10 -

Upcoming Paper Drive

Not sure what to do with all your leſtover notes and assig�ments from fall and winter ter�s? Donate them to the March paper drive! MSG Senators will be around campus the week of March 11-18 collecting paper in a battle of the schools! Suppor� your favorite senators—or get to know the senators that represent you—by helping them collect the most paper by weight, while also doing your par� to help the environment. If you or your friends have any thoughts, concer�s or questions regarding MSG’s Sustainabilit� Committee please feel free to contact any one of the committee members by stopping into the MSG Office located in the Laker or by email. We would be happy to discuss g�een initiatives on campus or answer any questions! Car�e Diem!


March 13, 2013

Page 11 photo

On Screen/In Person: Abel Raises Cain

Friday, March 15, at 2:15 & 7:15 p.m. Taylor Little Theatre Directed by Jenny Abel (comedic documentary) An unprecedented glimpse into the life and career of Alan Abel, the notorious media prankster who made a name for himself with hoaxes that are just ridiculous enough to be believable. Please note, the filmmaker will only be present at the 7:15pm screening.

$6 for adults, $5 for students/seniors, $4 for president’s card holders and FREE for Mercyhurst students (with ID).

Contributed photo

Gabriel Alegria’s Afro-Peruvian Jazz Ensemble will be adding The Erie Art Museum to its extensive list of venues, bringing a combination of American jazz and traditional Peruvian music to Erie.

Erie Art Museum presents renowned jazz ensemble By Garrett Erwin Contributing writer


Jazz music in particular has always had a home not only on campus, but also is recognized as a staple in the Erie community. On Monday, March 18, the Gabriel Alegría Afro-Peruvian Sextet will display their talents during a live performance held at the Erie Art Museum beginning at 7 p.m. Coming straight out of Latin America, Gabriel Alegría, creator of the sextet and composer of much of the group’s music, claims that his music is a combination of “jazz harmonies from the United States, and Afro-Peruvian rhythms and sensibilities.” The unique formation of cross-cultural jazz is a creative concept based on the history of black music from the coastal areas of Perú. Alegría has a knack for merging the primordial rhythms of his native country of Perú and the contempo-

Albums to keep in mind by Zach Dorsch

rary jazz technique that originated in the American south in the early 1930’s. Both genres of music are heavily based on syncopated rhythms coupled with strong, prominent bass lines— making them a natural match. The Afro-Peruvian Jazz Ensemble was formed in 2005, and since then has performed in over 400 concerts all over North America. On top of that, the band has performed for the United Nations and various diplomatic agencies around the world. Most recently, the band completed the famous Tour Perú, where they gave their fans the opportunity to travel with the ensemble on a tour throughout Perú. Alegría has had the opportunity to perform with The Peruvian National Symphony, and various concerts and/ or on recordings with multiple wellknown performers. This list includes famous artists such as Arturo O’Farrill, Maria Schneider, Kenny Werner, Russ Ferrante and Alex Acuña.

View upcoming performances:

Their fun, from-the-heart and energetic music has the goal of reaching as many people as possible to create an original experience of Afro-Peruvian jazz. Alegría has had an undeniable presence on North American radio, along with his albums reaching the top of the Jazz Week World Music charts and also College Media Journal jazz charts. The Erie Art Museum is located at 411 State Street in downtown Erie’s cultural and economic zone, occupying a group of restored commercial buildings and a modern expansion. This feel-good music ensemble is certainly not one to miss out on. Admission to the concert is free, with a suggested $15 donation. For more information, contact The Erie Art Museum at their website,, or by phone at 814-4521744. Sample music and more about the band can be found at gabrielalegria. com.

www.merciad.mercyhurst. edu/arts_entertainment

Page 12


March 13, 2013 photo photo

‘Oz’ completely re-imagined By Matthew Teleha Staff writer

Released last week, director Sam Raimi’s “Oz The Great and Powerful” takes us back to that colorful land over the rainbow that we know and love so well. Realistically, it’s hard to make a follow-up, or in this case a prequel, to what many consider to be the greatest film of all time. Raimi, however, manages to accomplish this feat while also delivering something quite fresh. As the film begins, we’re brought back to the colorless world of 1905 Kansas. Here we meet carnival magician Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a womanizing trickster who refuses to settle down and desires to become famous and rich. Suddenly, a tornado whisks him

off to the land of Oz, where he’s proclaimed by a witch named Theodora the Good (Mila Kunis) to be the prophesied great wizard who would save Oz against the Wicked Witch. Oscar is certain he is not the prophesied wizard, but envious of the fame and riches that accompany being so, he puts on a ruse to trick the people of Oz. However, the threat of the Wicked Witch is quite real, and he must attempt to become the greatness he claims to be in order to live up to his lies. The visuals of ‘Oz’ are immensely captivating, especially in 3D. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that there was little given away in the trailers, and much to be discovered as the film progressed. Many people may liken this movie to Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland; however, I found that I was much more satisfied with Raimi’s final product.

In comparison, this film had a more cohesive plot, which is held in congruity with the stories we’re most familiar with. The acting at times can be somewhat wooden, but this is rivaled with a healthy dose of humor laced throughout the film. Franco plays a protagonist that you rightfully cannot trust, and by contrast there is much heart to be found in the loyal companions he gains along his adventures. While he recalls some images from his previous films, Raimi is unfortunately forced to restrict his use of violence to appease Disney, despite his deep horror roots. In my opinion, a PG-13 rating would go a long way to increasing the already immersive quality of the film by adding a bit more realism. ‘Oz,’ however, is ultimately a worthwhile journey with many surprises along the way.

The D’Angelo Department of Music Presents: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s

‘The Marriage of Figaro’ Mary D’Angelo Performing Arts Center

Friday, March 22, at 8:00 p.m. Saturday, March 23, at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, March 24, at 2:00 p.m. Adults: $15.50 Seniors/ Students: $12.50 President’s Cardholders: $7.50 Youth (12 and under): $5 Mercyhurst Students (with ID): $2.50

For more information, please visit pac.mercy or the PAC box office at (814)8243000

Mumblecore film style tests genre boundaries By Christy Moore Staff writer

In each generation, there are a collection of movies and television shows we spent an enjoyable part of our lives watching – a collection that later went on to define and determine our values and goals. Our generation grew up on such stuff as Lizzie McGuire, Even Stevens and the introduction of five new Disney princesses, then, in adolescence, moved on to The O.C., Gossip Girl, a slew of superhero movies and some Sex and the City reruns, rounded out, of course, by all 12 seasons of American Idol. Taken all together, what sort of images and lifestyles did these films and shows tell our generation was normal and to be prized? And what do

we think about ourselves and others as a result of their expectations? Glossy. Stylized. Flawless. Epic. If we’re brave enough to be honest, none of us are these things. The people around us whom we think “have it together,” whom we aspire to be, in turn aspire to be someone other than themselves, and so on. Every person whose identity and value we perceive to be so assured by something, whether intelligence, beauty or creativity, will at some point encounter an individual more prestigious than they, and so feel just as insecure and self-conscious in the light of their own shortcomings. As written by William Shakespeare, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” But in a competitive world, admitting weakness is impossible, so we continue on with our illusions of success and happiness. Glossy. Stylized. Flawless. Epic.

But with these masks of perfection alienating us from those around us. But as with any movement in any social institution, a counterculture typically evolves. A few years ago “Mumblecore” referred to a low budget style of artistic film, so named because the poor quality of the film’s audio resulted in the dialogue sounding “mumbled.” Within this genre, characteristics such as improvisation and natural dialogue were valued, rather than stiffly structured and formally delivered scripts. Non-professional actors, without makeup artists or stylists, and often in clothes from their own personal lives, embodied characters with comedy-drama story lines in aimless artistic and romantic failures. These organic, and even ugly, characters led less than perfect lives and spoke in less than perfect dialogue.

The creators of mumblecore acknowledged that “normal” was illusory, that there was no one way that life was supposed to be, and there was no one path to follow that guarantees success or happiness or acceptance. With these qualities, the mumblecore movement of film denounced the façade of perfection, and with it, the loneliness of the black and white world-view of our parents, the good vs. evil films of our youth and the glamor-oriented popular culture of our generation. No behavioral “scripts”. No expectations. The much needed freshness of such a message meant that the values of mumblecore started to go mainstream. Films such as the indie hit “Safety Not Guaranteed,” and television shows such as HBO’s hit “Girls,” are written, directed and acted by filmmakers from the mumblecore genre. “Girls” writer and actress Lena

Dunham made her debut in the coming of age film “Tiny Furniture”, in which Dunham’s frizzy-haired character’s home is her own, and her mother and sister acted by her own mother and sister. Dunham herself describes “Girls” as a TV show about the harsh reality felt by the Sex and the City generation. These individuals realized in their own lives, then translated to their films, that we’re all flawed and ugly and scared. With this came a genuinely truthful realization: That we can either pretend to be perfect alone, or we can be broken with the companionship of all the other broken people. And in this harsh honesty, we’re not so focused on being a stylized happy, or a happy for the sake of everyone else, that we forget to just be organically and strangely ourselves.

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March 13, 2013

The views expressed in the opinion section of The Merciad do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercyhurst University, the staff of The Merciad or the Catholic Church. Responses on any subject are always welcomed and can be emailed to

The Mercyhurst and Erie communities came together to successfully break two world records: most people on a single erg in a 24-hour period and men’s lightweight distance in a 24-hour period. There was no holding students back from showing what they were capable of achieving.

Students have expressed disappointment over prices of food on campus. In the bookstore, a basic salad is $4.45 whereas a large muffin or cupcake is $1.69. While healthy food is typically more expensive, these prices are slightly discouraging. So much for eating well.

Hopes abound for Paul’s filibuster St. Paddy’s block received well by most, not all party sequel By Stacy Skiavo News editor

Whether you’re full-blooded Irish or not, St. Patrick’s Day is a holiday everyone pulls out their green for in celebration. Last year, Mercyhurst was alive with celebration of high spirits and merry attitude. Those who attended will never forget the good time they had at the Lewis Street block party. The party was handled well. Students were respectful of the school and Mercyhurst respected the students by blocking off the road for safety and allowing the party to continue. Yes, underage drinking did occur and I understand this is illegal. However, behavior such as this occurs at many other colleges around the country without a care. Many transfer away from Mercyhurst because they did not find it exciting enough or are looking for a bigger party atmosphere.

Activities like the block party fulfill the desires of many students that transfer for these reasons. Aside from that, the students that do stay the entire four years would then be provided with some memories to last a lifetime. The party was handled in such a civil way, I think we deserve another chance to recreate the same this year. Students living in the townhouses even went to the extent of cleaning up any trash discarded afterward. Last year’s St. Patrick’s Day at Mercyhurst is one of my favorite college memories. It is something I hope to partake in this year as well as hear about occurring for future Lakers to enjoy. It was a celebration where students came together and had a great time in a respectable fashion. Although I feel like their is a slim chance of reviving the legendary Lewis block party, I’m wishing on my shamrock otherwise.

The Person & The Parakeet by Brady Greenawalt

An original comic about struggles in a modern world.

By Zach Yost Staff writer

Those who are even slightly into current events could not have missed last week’s historic, nearly 13-hour filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination as CIA Director by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky. Rand Paul made it clear that he was not so much filibustering Brennan himself but rather the President and his administration’s obstinacy regarding information about the drone program. This filibuster was historic in several ways. It was the longest old fashioned talk until you drop filibuster in recent times. It was historic in that it united factions of the political world who

under normal circumstances would prefer to claw each others’ eyes out. Whenever you have Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity agreeing with liberal talk show host Cenk Uygur you definitely know something is afoot. Even Van Jones, a former member of the administration who resigned after a brouhaha about his radical views, tweeted in support of Rand Paul. The left wing group Code Pink tweeted its support of Rand Paul and delivered him a heart-shaped thank you card the next day. One of the most historic things by far however surrounding this filibuster is the importance that social media especially Twitter played. Read the entire article at

If you don’t want it printed . . . don’t let it happen. Editors Positions editormerciad Alicia Cagle Editor-in-Chief newsmerciad Stacy Skiavo News Editor featuremerciad Kayla Kelly Features Editor opinionmerciad Caitlin Handerhan Opinion Editor sportsmerciad Joe Chiodo Sports Editor entertainmentmerciad Mat Anderson A&E Editor copymerciad Chelsea Schermerhorn Copy Editor photomerciad Samantha Link Graphics photomerciad Zach Dorsch Photo Editor ejohns89 Ethan Johns Web Editor admerciad Will DeFeo Ad Manager wwelch Bill Welch Adviser

The Merciad is the official student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst University. It is published throughout the school year, with the exception of finals weeks. Our office is in Hirt, Room 120B. Our telephone number is (814) 824-2376. A young tree outside of Hirt became another innocent victim due to Mercyhurst weekend shenanigans.

The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and names will be included with the letters. Although we will not edit the letters for content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit. Letters are due Mondays by noon and may not be more than 300 words. Submit letters to box PH 485 or via email at


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13, 2013 September March 3, 2008

Wrestling finishes season 12th in nation By Joe Chiodo Sports editor

While competing in the 2013 NCAA Division II National Championship in Birmingham, Ala., this past weekend, the Lakers received incredible recognition that reflects a spectacular and successful 2012-2013 season. On Sunday, March. 11, Mercyhurst University wrestling was named 20122013 Academic National Champions. This prestigious recognition was awarded to the Lakers for their impressive team cumulative GPA of 3.379. Also on Sunday, head coach Mike Wehler received the Division II Bob Bubb Coaching Excellence Award, which is well deserved after leading the Lakers to a winning percentage of .833, the best in program history. Additionally, eight Lakers were selected to be a part of the 2012-2013 Division II All-Academic Wrestling team by the NCAA Division II Wrestling Coaches Association. Senior Eric Lundgren, junior Ian Grecco, senior Tony D’Urso and junior Tyler Berger were named to the Second Team. Junior Ian Abplanalp, senior Seth Stonis, junior T.J. Stanton and senior Jeffrey Pollard received Honorable Mention selections. Fellow Laker quarter finalists freshman Dylan D’Urso, Griffith and

Mercyhurst Sports Information photo

Freshman William Bohince placed seventh in the NCAA Division II Championships on Saturday, Mar. 9. Schaefer did not make it through to the medal rounds, but put up tremendous fights. D’Urso ended the season with a record of 30-7, Griffith with 25-12 and Schaefer with 24-13. D’Urso was awarded Most Tech-

nical Falls in Division II for his performance in the NCAA Division II National Championships with 11 total technical falls. D’Urso had a stupendous rookie season, holding a 19-match win streak

from Dec. 15 to Feb. 23. Additionally, his 30 recorded wins this season are the fourth most by any Laker rookie. D’Urso cites his sacrifices and hard work for such a phenomenal season. “It’s taken a tremendous amount of

hard work to get where I am right now. All the late nights spent in the gym on my own and the practices have pushed me through this year,” said D’Urso. “We’ve all given up a huge chunk of our social life to get to this point, but it’s all worth it.” On Friday, Mar. 9, Bohince clinched an impressive seventh-place all-American finish in the NCAA Division II National Championship. With this, Bohince became Mercyhurst University’s 23rd All-American. Bohince finished the season with a record of 35-7. Bohince utilized his extreme passion and dedication to have such an extraordinary season. “I just work hard in everything I do to be the best I can. I dedicated a lot of my time to working out at least twice a day; running or lifting in the morning and then practice in the afternoon,” said Bohince. “It was very helpful having great teammates to beat me up in practice and make me better.” Bohince is humble about his superb NCAA Division II National Championship seventh-place finish. “I don’t really pay attention to the rankings because I don’t want to worry about who I’m wrestling, of what I’m ranked compared to them,” said Bohince. “But, I guess it feels good to get recognized as one of the top wrestlers in the nation.

Women’s tennis remains undefeated

By Samantha Bante Staff writer

Having a small team can be a struggle for another any collegiate team, but the Mercyhurst Women’s Tennis team is stepping up to the plate and is making this year one to remember. With only just nine players on the team, the Lakers are all contributing to the solid 10-0 schedule thus far. “We are doing a little better than last year. We work hard at each match and

it is really showing. Although some of our toughest matches are still ahead, I know that the girls will be working hard to get the win,” Coach Jerome Simon said. With losing only one senior, and gaining one freshman, Devon Hubbard, the Lakers have a strong team and have been working successfully together within the past years to make the team wins their matches. “Devon is adapting very well to the collegiate level. She is in and out of our

starting line-up and is really putting forth an effort to the team,” Simon said. Caroline Bristol is one of the standouts to look for, as well as the rest of the girls who are working hard, practicing hard, and who are coming out strong in their matches. “Our biggest goal this season is to qualify for nationals. We didn’t last year, and the western side is definitely our strongest side. Our key to success is just being prepared, working

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hard and winning our PSAC matches” Coach Simon said. With a recent win against Robert Wesleyan College on Saturday with a score of 9-0, it was the Lakers’ seventh shutout win in the past eight matches. “We have a pretty comparable schedule this year,” said Simon. “Even though our PSAC matches will be our hardest ones thus far, I think we are pretty set and ready to take on those tougher teams, and in the end qualify for nationals.”

“Our season is really from a team effort,” Simon continued. “All the girls contribute to winning each match. You have to really put forth a lot of effort in order to win. Our best player can really only win once so we have to have a complete effort as a team.” The Laker’s next home match is Sunday, March 24, against Ashland University at Pennbriar Athletic Club at 1 p.m.

www.merciad.mercyhurst. edu/sports


March 13, 2013

Page 15 September 3, 2008

Rawding breaks impressive PSAC record By R.J. Niedzwiecki Contributing Writer

The Mercyhurst baseball team has just come back from a long road trip. Their trip began playing three games in North Carolina against Chowan University. The Lakers went 2-3 in that series. Then 10 days later they traveled to Myrtle Beach where they went 1-4. Two days later traveled to Florida where they went 3-2. They ended the road trip with a 6-7 record. Recently the Lakers swept Salem International in three games bringing their record to 9-7. While on the road trip, they pursued a record. Senior pitcher Ben Rawding was chasing PSAC history, the most consecutive win streak. The previous record was 14 consecutive wins and Rawding broke the record in Florida against Queens College. Rawding recorded his 15th consecutive win with a 6-1 victory. His last loss came to Slippery Rock on April 29, 2011. Rawding is very humble about

breaking the record and giving praise to his teammates for helping him along the way. “Even though it is an individual record, it’s a compliment to the teams I have been on here at Mercyhurst,” said Rawding. “Without being on such tremendous teams over my career, breaking this record would have never been possible.” Currently, Rawding’s record stands at 4-0 with a 2.49 ERA and striking out 34. Allowing around two runs a game, Rawding shows his dominance on the mound and ability to hold teams to low runs. This allows the team to manufacture their own runs to score more and feel comfortable with their lead. The Lakers will travel to Washington, Pa., on March 15 and 16. There they will play West Liberty University in a double header and Grand Valley State University the next day for two. First pitch against West Liberty is set for 1 p.m. and Grand Valley State is to be announced. They will return home for a double header against PSAC West foe California University set for 1 p.m. at the Mercyhurst baseball field.

Dave Leisering photo

Senior Ben Rawding currently holds a 2.49 ERA with 34 strike-outs.

Women’s hockey claims CHA title, NCAA bid By Lindsey Burke Staff writer

The Mercyhurst Women’s Hockey team claimed the 2013 College Hockey America (CHA) Championship in a 4-1 win over Syracuse. The Lakers advanced to the finals after defeating Robert Morris, 2-1, in the semi-final match-up. Scoreless after the first period, despite the Lakers outshooting the Orange 10-4, the second period proved to be the same. The Lakers finished the second period down 0-1 after a Syracuse power-play goal. Syracuse had all the momentum heading into the third, when a Laker scoring explosion occurred. Mercyhurst’s four goals were all scored in the third period. While Mercyhurst has claimed 14 CHA regular season titles, this CHA Tournament Championship was especially memorable after previously losing in the 2012 CHA Championship game to Robert Morris. “There was a redemption factor for the returners,” said senior goaltender Stephanie Ciampa. “However, it was

Matt Durisko photo

The lady Lakers earned the College Hockey America (CHA) Championship title on Saturday, Mar. 9.

more about accomplishing a goal we set at the beginning of the year.” The Lakers swept the CHA Tournament honors. Taking home the Tournament MVP was Ciampa, in addition to all-Tournament selections junior forward Christine Bestland, senior forward Lauren Jones and senior defensemen Stephanie DeSutter. “Receiving accolades at both the banquet and tournament allows us to have confidence and a desire to build on those heading into the NCAA Tournament,” Ciampa said. With the CHA Tournament title, the Lakers received an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament. They will face Cornell in the first round of play. The Lakers lost to Cornell earlier this season 0-4. The match-up is set for Saturday, March 16 at 1 p.m. at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. Ciampa believes the Lakers can defeat the Big Red by playing smart and together. “We have to stay calm and make plays,” said Ciampa. “Emotions are high at this time of year, but we must channel that energy the right way and come together.”

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