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Gamble outlines 10-year vision By Ethan Magoc !"#$%&'#(')*#+, !"#$#%&'%(')%*##%(')$*#+, %-.%/0%(#1$*2 345*%1%*4'67%8)#*4-'.%91.(%6'++#:#%:$1&); DWHV IDFH LQ WKHLU Ã&#x20AC;UVW MRE LQWHUYLHZ EXW 1+*'% 1% 8)#$(% 4"#% +#1&#$*% ', % <#$6(")$*4% &ROOHJH KDYH HQFRXQWHUHG DJDLQ DQG DJDLQ &)$-.:%4"#%-.*4-4)4-'.5*%=>;(#1$%"-*4'$(? )LYH \HDUV LQWR KLV WHQXUH 3UHVLGHQW 7KRPDV *DPEOH 3K ' LV FUDIWLQJ KLV RZQ DQVZHU ,Q ODWH -DQXDU\ KH SUHVHQWHG WR WKH %RDUG RI 7UXVWHHV D ZRUG SUHOLPLQDU\ YLVLRQ IRU ZKDW KH ZDQWV 0HUF\KXUVW WR +''7%+-7#%-.%@0@0? ´$W LWV KHDUW ZLOO EH D WRS QRWFK KLJKO\ UHVLGHQWLDO EDFFDODXUHDWH FROOHJH RI VWXGHQWV µ *DPEOH ZURWH !"#$%#&'()"#)*+,')-
Internships provide better career prospects for students
Music department to present â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Cosi fan Tutteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; at Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Angelo Center
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MORE INSIDE & ONLINE Opinion: A time to YLÃ&#x2026;LJ[ WYLWHYL for Easter Page 6
Ian Wild transitions from football to lacrosse Page 7
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March 16, 2011
Gamble presents 10-year plan Continued from cover In other words, much the same as it has always been, plus a stronger endowment, doctoral programs and additional campus facilities. History of change The founding Sisters of Mercy first faced the task of finding funding to build an infrastructure before and during the Great Depression. Back then, thoughts of the future were slightly cast aside in pursuit of merely enrolling enough women to pay tuition and help keep the doors open. But as the educational experience within Glenwood Hills’ tudor structures stabilized economically, and then grew, past presidents’ thoughts inevitably turned to the generations of students yet to arrive. By the 1960s and ‘70s, Mercyhurst had transitioned into offering a coeducational experience, and presidents Sister Carolyn Herrmann and Marion Shane, Ph.D., led the college through an unprecedented time of change. Many of the college’s current academic structures opened, including Zurn Hall, and varsity athletics were gradually established as a way to grow admissions. William Garvey, Ph.D., brought the college further into its contemporary state from the early 1980s through 2005 when he resigned. He pushed forward the construction of the Ice Center and establishment of Division I hockey programs, the Mary D’Angelo Performing Arts Center and the Audrey Hirt Academic Center. University clarification Gamble’s assumption of the presidency in March 2006 began another period of growth in college history. In January 2010, he announced Mercyhurst College would seek university status. The Board of Trustees submitted a 102page application for such a change to the Pennsylvania Department of Education in October. It remains under review but is expected to be approved in May. Gamble views the university change as the first step in refocusing Mercyhurst’s current purpose in higher education. He said the perception of the college—previously as a baccalaureate institution whose main mission is to award undergraduate degrees—had become somewhat muddled during the most recent growth periods. The college now offers six separate masters of science degrees, maintains four regional campuses (Erie, North East, Corry and Girard) and boasts a sister campus in Ireland. None of these traits are typical of small, liberal arts colleges. The title of Mercyhurst University, then, would be more apt, Gamble said. Still, if university status is approved, he said, “If you’re a baccalaureate student at
Mercyhurst in Erie, it’s going to feel a lot like it’s always felt.” Reach for $50 million While Gamble’s overall plan for the college’s growth is not grand or sweeping in scope, one aspect could carry major implications for Mercyhurst’s long-term staying power. It simply must grow its endowment, Gamble said, to survive and thrive in the future world of private higher education. “It’s a very competitive environment,” he said. “I don’t think all (private colleges) will survive the next decade. My job is to make sure we’re one of the ones that do.” To do so, Gamble told the board the endowment will reach $50 million by 2020. The college’s endowment in 2009-10 was $20.8 million, putting it alongside regional schools like the College of Mount St. Joseph and Ohio Dominican University in terms of available funds. That mark fluctuates annually based on the number of scholarships awarded, the financial climate, construction projects undertaken and the overall operating budget. The higher the endowment, the more comfortable the administration feels with dishing out money in each area. The endowment is on pace to grow toward the $30 million range this year—the highest in college history. Gamble said the work of David Livingston, Ph.D., and his advancement office staff is behind this year’s growth and the ambitious 10-year goal. Livingston, a former religious studies professor, joined advancement in August 2007 at Gamble’s behest. “I figured if you can sell religious studies to college freshmen, you can sell anything,” said Gamble, laughing. “What he’s done is remarkable.” Mercyhurst set records for most money raised in its history each year since 2007. The college is now averaging between $4 and 5 million in total annual donations. Direct, face-to-face alumni contact stands as one tactic Livingston has employed successfully in his tenure. The advancement office strived to bring alumni back into the fold through dozens of events and through the admissions and career services staffs’ nationwide efforts at reconnection. Prior to 2007, Livingston said, “It was less of a focus, especially on the national level.” He said women who graduated in the college’s first 40 years possessed strong ties to the school, which translated well into donations. Graduates from the 1970s through the 2000s, though, didn’t possess the same tight affiliation. Gamble, too, had recognized this downward trend. “We had lost connection to our alums,” Gamble said. “It’s the alums and their con-
nection to the school that turns into donations down the road, but if you don’t have them, then you’re in trouble.” Livingston said if and when $50 million is reached, the goal shifts to the college’s centennial in 2026. “The real goal is to have $100 million by the 100-year anniversary,” he said. “If you want a goal for the school, that’s the one. It’s going to be very challenging.” Doctorates, facilities, prestige The board extended Gamble’s contract for another five years in October, ensuring he remains at the helm through 2015. Looking back at the first five-year crux, he paused when asked to pinpoint which of his administration’s accomplishments he was most proud of. Mercyhurst’s “vigorous” study abroad program, which includes an opportunity for a term of study in Dungarvan, Ireland, would be at the top of the list, he said. “I think a strong undergraduate education has to provide the opportunity to go abroad. Also, the four-credit interdisciplinary courses. One of those two things, I feel best about.” But he also learned from one key misstep during his first half decade. It came to mind more immediately than any successes. “I would have done the calendar change differently,” Gamble said. “That was a mess.” During the 2006-07 school year, Mercyhurst proposed switching from a trimester system to a semester system; students openly revolted against such a move. Gamble said he failed to work hard enough to inform his constituencies, particularly students, about the change’s details and benefits. “We didn’t cover ourselves in glory on that one.” In presenting a 10-year plan, he said he recognizes a greater need to keep everyone informed and involved at the beginning. When he spoke to the board and then wrote to faculty, he clearly outlined a set of goals and sought input. Perhaps the most intriguing of those goals is the establishment of one or more doctorate programs, likely in the areas of archaeology, anthropology, education or intelligence studies. Such terminal degree offerings are at least five years away. Construction expansion, at this point, is more difficult to achieve. The college is landlocked by East 38th Street to the north, residential areas on the east and west and Mercyhurst Prep to the south. Beyond the front of campus construction of the Center for Academic Engagement, which will house the intelligence studies and hospitality management programs, Gamble plans to look within campus boundaries for potential areas of improvement. “At some point, we have to do something about Briggs and Lewis (Avenues) and the
The outright contributions include money from all sources including, alumni, trustees, parents, friends of the college, corporations and foundations. *As of March 11.
Alumni partcipation includes the percentage of alumni who donated to the college during the year. *As of March 11.
Highland Square area,” he said. “Ultimately, it’s not a good use of space right now.” The college renovated Highland Square this summer after students consistently complained about living conditions there, but Gamble would also like to see a dining hall constructed on the east end of campus. Plans featuring a type of falling water area and more vegetation are also in the works to enhance the grotto. “It could be very dramatic,” he said. Finally, he said, growth of the college’s national reputation and prestige remains the driving factor behind each portion of the 10year plan. “The best way for students to benefit is if the reputation and the profile of Mercyhurst continues to get better,” Gamble said. “If graduates can someday say, ‘I couldn’t even get in there now,’ that increases the value of their degree.”
March 16, 2011
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Students tour D.C.
News Briefs College promotes alcohol awareness Every year Mercyhurst hosts different events to promote being sober and aware of the effects of alcohol. On Wednesday, March 16, students can meet with candidates for the MSG Executive Board and drink a mock tail at 4 p.m. in the Laker Inn. Hypnotic Intoxication will take place in the Walker Recital Hall at 9 p.m. on Wednesday. In this performance, Keith Karkut will make students become intoxicated without the use of alcohol. The Peer Educators are hosting a St. Paddy’s Day Party on Thursday, March 17, in the Hermann Student Union Great Room. The party lasts from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and includes free Irish food and games. The women’s lacrosse game at Tullio Field is the final alcohol awareness week event. The event, which takes place at 3 p.m., is a green out, and the craziest fan will receive a prize.
Chief Kuhn offers St. Patrick’s Day advice After attending a meeting involving law enforcement agencies, Chief of Police & Safety Robert Kuhn learned that the Erie Police will be strongly patrolling on St. Patrick’s Day. The Pennsylvania State Police Liquor Enforcement Bureau will be assisting Erie Police. Kuhn advises students, “Don’t do anything that will embarrass your college, your family or yourself. If you keep that one rule in mind, you don’t need a laundry list of rules to follow,” he said.
Jill Barrile photos
Eleven students and two professors from the political science department traveled to Washington D.C. over the weekend. They went on tours and met with Mercyhurst alumni in the area.
Groundbreaking date set for academic building Groundbreaking for the Center for Academic Engagement is set for June 3. The original plan was to begin construction on the $9 million academic building during March.
Erie power to be shut down Penelec will shut down the power on campus Saturday, March 19, from 8 to 10 a.m. The repairs may not take the full two hours. Vice President for Student Life Gerard Tobin will send an e-mail to students Friday afternoon to remind them to turn off electronic devices before Saturday morning.
Career fair to take place at Mercyhurst The Mercyhurst College Career Fair will take place Thursday, March 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. The event is in the Mercyhurst Athletic Center. Students from Mercyhurst, Gannon, Behrend, Edinboro and Allegheny are able to attend. There will be more than 100 companies at the fair. Visit the Career Services section on the Mercyhurst Portal for a list of the companies.
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March 16, 2011
Women: Set a high target and ask By Alaina Rydzewski Features editor
On average, when women choose to negotiate their salaries, they have their salary increased by $4,000. Only 3-5 percent of women do this, and this was the subject of Sara Laschever’s speech Tuesday at Walker Recital Hall at 7:30 p.m., titled, “Ask for It! Women and the Power of Negotiation.” Laschever is the co-author of “Ask for It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Want” and “Women Don’t Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation and Positive Strategies for Change,” with Linda Babcock. “It’s not about some way that women are broken or need to be fixed, or about how we need to be more like men,” Laschever said. Rather, it’s simply about asking more. Women are less likely to ask for not only salary negotiations, but also recommendations, high profile teams or projects, or work in a different area, and this goes back to the day of birth and continues with socialization of children.
Ethan Magoc photo
Sara Laschever spoke at Mercyhurst about the power of negotiation for women in their professional lives. Nurses tend to see boy babies as more alert and stronger and girl babies as less alert and weaker, even when there is nothing to support this. Continuing this route, the toys we give children affect how they learn to act. Girls are given kitchenettes and tea sets, encouraging them to serve people, while boys are given train sets and building blocks, encouraging their self expression. This continues throughout women’s lives, leaving women to
wonder: How many other things are women not asking for? Another interesting stance on this issue is in academia. Women claim 57 percent of bachelor’s degrees, 59 percent of master’s degrees and 46 percent of doctorates, yet they only make up 23 percent of college professors. Negotiation is not something some people are born with and others aren’t, Laschever said. “It’s a skill set,” and can be learned and practiced.
Some important things for women to keep in mind for negotiating, Laschever said, are don’t accept the status quo or that everyone will be treated fairly, assume everything is negotiable, and do your research. The purpose of the books they wrote are to help women, “Build confidence and develop the needed skills,” to negotiate. World Language and Culture Department Chair Alice Edwards, Ph.D., said, “Given our history and constituency, it seems to me important that to develop our women students in a society where they face too many barriers.” Edwards said the presentation was beneficial to all students regardless of gender because, “many men don’t understand how negotiation works, like with a starting salary.” This leads to women being labeled as troublemakers and taking what they are offered. This lecture was presented by the President’s Task Force on Women and Leadership, and findings from the task force will be presented on Tuesday, March 22, at 3:30 p.m. in Mercy Heritage Hall.
Internships provide better career By Faye Clark Staff writer
In today’s uncertain economy, it is more important than ever for students to be proactive in the resumebuilding process if they want to find a job after graduation. Becoming a competitive candidate for employment more often involves having previous work experience. An internship, specifically. “Over 70 percent of employers said they prefer to hire candidates with previous relevant experience,” said Kyle Foust, Ph.D., executive director of experiential learning in Mercyhurst’s Career Development Center. In a survey of 2007 graduates of the college, students who interned received twice as many job offers as students who did not. “Salary ranges were always higher
for those that did the internship,” Foust said. Sophomore Gevaun Scott, an interior design major from Pittsburgh, wants to get an internship before she enters the work force. “I think it would make me feel comfortable before I go into my field, to get an idea of what to expect,” she said. The Career Development Center places more than 400 students in internships per year. “The vast majority are in the summer,” Foust said. “It’s not too late. If you have any inkling at all to start an internship, come in and talk to us. “We’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies, many federal agencies (especially in the Intel area) and Big Four accounting firms,” he said. Junior Amanda Stafford found internships to apply for by calling different museums in her hometown of Albany, N.Y. “It’s a great opportunity,” said
Stafford, a public history major. “A chance to learn about whatever field we’re interested in.” Foust also cites the opportunity to test how much students actually like their chosen careers beforehand. “It either confirms your career choice, or allows you to change your focus. It’s better to do that as an undergraduate before you go into the field and essentially have to start all over again,” he said. There are a few important things to consider when applying for an internship. Geographically, consider where you want to go. Can you stay at home during the summer and work out of your hometown? Or is there a specific city that is wellknown in your chosen field? Also, what type of job do you want? Most students realize early into their freshman year that there are many different ways to apply their chosen field. Students should have some idea of which fields they
are interested in pursuing, even if they intend to use the internship opportunity to narrow down the possible choices. Whether the internship is paid is not as essential. Some companies simply may not have the funds to pay an intern. “Quality of the experience is what is important,” Foust said. “All other things being equal, take the paid internship, but sometimes you will get a better experience at an unpaid internship.” Students are also encouraged to visit the Career Connect website, where they can actively search out internships and jobs, and also change the settings of their account to receive notifications for internship postings in their chosen field. Whether students use the services provided by the college or set out to find an internship on their own, being proactive is the best way to find internships and further hopes for future careers.
What will Mercyhurst look like in 2020?
“I honestly don’t think that Mercyhurst will have changed too much, besides the new building that they’re getting ready to build. I just think they’d like to keep that ‘college’ look.” -Courtney Clair, junior
“I "igure ‘Hurst will have a few new buildings and will have renovated some others, but other than that I’m sure it’ll look pretty much the same. All the changes will just be little things like senior gifts.” -Keven Gregg, junior
“I don’t think it will look much different than it does now. The front gates and the rustic look of the buildings are what make Mercyhurst unique, and I doubt anyone would want to modernize the campus too much.” -Brittany Barko, sophomore
March 16, 2011
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Music department to present ‘Cosi fan Tutte’ By Sarah Mastrocola Staff writer
The talented students of the D’Angelo Department of Music will perform Mozart’s comic opera this weekend. “Cosi Fan Tutte” will be performed at the Mary D’Angelo Performing Arts Center on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. As one of Mozart’s most popular operas, “Cosi Fan Tutte” has a reputation for being an entertaining production. Moreover, the Mercyhurst rendition will be sung in English, making the performance more accessible to opera aficionados and novices alike. The music is lovely, having been described by director Brent Weber as “medicine for the voice, as well as for the ears and souls of the listeners.” The comedic “Cosi Fan Tutte,” which translates loosely as “This or That” or “Women Are Fickle,” comments on inconsistency in love with its tale of humorous deception. In the story, two officers, Ferrando and Guglielmo, accept a bet
Alex Stacey photo
Junior Marie Karbacka and freshman Mathew Anderson rehearse a scene of ‘Cosi fan Tutte.’ made by Don Alfonso that tests the faithfulness of their lady lovers, Dorabella and Fiordiligi. The officers pretend to go away to war, but then they come back to their
women disguised as Albanian men. Over the course of the opera, each officer manages to seduce the other’s lover and in the end have marriage contracts signed.
The officers finally reveal themselves to the women, having seemingly proven, as Don Alfonso had originally declared, that all women are fickle. As the performance is triple cast, each show will feature a different set of singers. Weber said, “The triple cast has made the rehearsal process a little crazy, but it is a great educational opportunity for the singers. “It will be a different show each night as different students interpret each role.” Junior Elizabeth Zurasky, who will perform the role of Despina on Friday night, said, “Rehearsing for the show has been really exciting. “It’s been really cool to see each actor’s interpretation of the different characters. “We’ve all helped each other with ideas and character traits and I’ve learned so much through this experience,” she said. There are also many different artists involved in the production aspects of the opera, and Weber described the process as something of a collaborative effort. “I think collaboration is what Mercyhurst is all about,” said Weber. The performance includes the Mercyhurst student orchestra conducted by Scott Tomlison, Ph.D..
Music Department Chair Louisa Jonason and alum Jessica D. Murray assembled traditional costuming characteristic of the 1700s. Dance Department professor Michael Gleason created the lighting and set design. Junior Alexandra Stacey and freshman Natalie Pertz have operated as assistant directors and stage managers. “I could not have directed this opera without them,” Weber said. The opera includes both music education and performances majors from freshmen to seniors. There will also be two guest performers, with the role of Don Alfonso played by Erie resident Ken Daub, and Friday and Sunday night’s Ferrando played by Mercyhurst alumnus Andrew Ferguson. “This is a difficult opera to produce, especially with these students’ busy schedules,” Weber said. “I am very proud of all of them for really coming to bat.” Tickets for “Cosi Fan Tutte” are only $2.50 for Mercyhurst students with ID. Tickets cost $15.50 for adults, $12.50 for seniors and non-Mercyhurst students, $5 for youths and $7.50 for President’s Cardholders. To purchase tickets, call 824-3000 or visit the PAC box office.
Mills appreciates the close-knit dance community By Emma Rischel Staff writer
Senior Heather Mills has had a passion for dance since the age of four. Her many years of training could be about to pay off as she heads into the professional dance world. Mills aspires to dance in a professional ballet company after graduating. Although she does not have a set company in mind, she would like to move somewhere that is a bit warmer. As she is going through the audition process, Mills is looking for a company with a good training program and fair amount of performances during its season. She particularly likes contempo-
rary ballet. “I can easily lose myself in the movement,” she said. Mills originally decided to come to Mercyhurst College because of the small class sizes. She especially liked the one-onone experience with professors. When asked about her experience at Mercyhurst, Mills said, “I have definitely benefited from dancing in college. It gave me time to develop into the dancer I am today. “Being able to learn from so many different teachers with each of their own past professional experience was a great opportunity,” she said. One important life lesson that Mills will take with her from Mercyhurst is not to procrastinate. The dance department’s heavy workload, as well as her choice to be a dance management major, has
taught her how to manage her time wisely. When her dance career is finished, she would like to use what she learned from the major by working in public relations for a company or opening a dance studio. One of her favorite parts of the dance department is that they are so close with each other. Because of the advantages of a small department, “we are all so close and supportive, especially the senior class this year. We really are like a family.” Yet Mills’ favorite thing about dancing, and what she wants to continue with, is the performance aspect. “I can forget everything besides the movement and just let loose and dance,” she said. “Nothing else matters. I get lost in the moment.”
Heather Mills hopes to dance professionally.
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March 16, 2011 September 3, 2008
The views expressed in the opinion section of The Merciad do not necessarily reflect the views of Mercyhurst College, the staff of The Merciad or the Catholic Church. Responses on any subject are always welcomed and can be e-mailed to opinionmerciad@mercyhurst.edu.
Program benefits, prepares students with Asperger’s By Mike Lado Staff writer
I’m not usually the person to comment about campus happenings, but today I decided to give it a shot. As you know, Mercyhurst College has many academic and support programs. Today’s topic is about one of the more beneficial programs: AIM. AIM stands for Asperger’s Initiative at Mercyhurst. Basically, this is a program for college students who have Asperger’s Syndrome. What is Asperger’s Syndrome? It is a neurobiological learning difference characterized by difficulties in social interaction, problems with emotional regula-
tion, an intense repetitive interest in a certain area and an average to above-average intelligence. Mercyhurst’s Learning Differences Program, led by Dianne Rogers, started the program a couple years ago to cater to the needs of students with Asperger’s Syndrome. Mercyhurst is one of a handful of schools in the country that has a program specifically for students with this condition. From my dealings with both Dianne and Brent Martin, the program’s director, I can say that they are both dedicated to their jobs and students. Furthermore, Brent goes above and beyond the call of duty to help his students succeed. The AIM program provides its students with access to assistive technologies, testing accommoda-
tions, special living arrangements, social supports (such as monthly trips) and priority registration to ensure that course loads cater to each student’s interest. This program is great because it offers support to students who would otherwise have difficulties in a regular college environment. Mercyhurst also offers a summer transition program for students with Asperger’s Syndrome who are in high school. It provides them a chance to earn three college credits while also having a preview of college. The college has really stayed true to its mission with a program like this. It opened college to a group of people with untapped talent and is helping students prepare themselves for employment and a successful transition to adult life.
The Good
The potholes on Briggs were finally fixed. No more danger of breaking an axle.
The Bad
Campus won’t have power Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Hopefully, your alarm clock runs on batteries.
The Ugly
Mercyhurst is the host school for the women’s Frozen Four, but the team lost to Boston University and won’t be playing this weekend at Tullio Arena.
If you don’t want it printed . . . don’t let it happen.
Time to prepare for Easter By Kathleen Vogtle Staff writer
It is common knowledge that Easter has become a “popularized” holiday in many communities. It seems to have been written off as another holiday stepping stone between Christmas and the tantalizing future of summer, lining up with Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day to provide a break in late-winter drudgery. Outside of those organizations which hold Easter in religious regard, very little preparation is conducted to prepare for the holiday. The season of Lent, which
began for many Christians last Wednesday, is meant to be a time of spiritual preparation for the Easter season, marked by fasting, prayer, and giving to those in need. If you speak to a Christian during this time, many will say that they have “given up” something for Lent as a way of individual preparation. There is the obvious temptation, however, for Christians and non-Christians alike to make the next month just another time of the year. We are all struggling to make our way through the last weeks of winter, knowing that spring, warm weather, graduation and summer break are just around the corner. As such, the importance of service toward others is often left by the way-
side. In these weeks leading up to Easter, though, this task is of particular value. Turn on the news and you will undoubtedly see coverage of the devastation left after an 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan earlier this week. It is said to be the fifth strongest earthquake recorded, and the longterm impact of this event will be felt for years. Such an occurrence has a tendency to put things in perspective, especially in our individual lives. Even though we anticipate Easter for different reasons, this is still undeniably a season of preparation. I hope we can all find some way to make it meaningful and worthwhile, both for ourselves and for others.
For more columns, visit merciad.mercyhurst.edu/opinion.
Editors Ethan Magoc Kelly Luoma Alaina Rydzewski Victoria Gricks Spencer Hunt Alex Stacey Kaitlin Badger Tyler Stauffer Ethan Johns Daniela Carcamo Bill Welch Brian Sheridan
Positions @mercyhurst.edu Editor-in-Chief editormerciad News Editor newsmerciad Features Editor featuremerciad Opinion Editor opinionmerciad Sports Editor sportsmerciad A&E Editor entertainmentmerciad Graphics photomerciad Photo Editor photomerciad Web Editor ejohns89 Ad Manager admerciad Adviser wwelch Adviser bsheridan
The Merciad is the official student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College. It is published throughout the school year, with the exception of finals weeks. Our office is in Hirt, Room 120B. Our telephone number is (814) 824-2376. The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and names will be included with the letters. Although we will not edit the letters for content, we reserve the right to trim letters to fit. Letters are due Mondays. by noon and may not be more than 300 words. Submit letters to box PH 485 or via e-mail at opinionmerciad@mercyhurst.edu.
March 16, 2011
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Ian Wild stars in two sports with no problem By Matt Cirell Staff writer
Mercyhurst junior Ian Wild can juggle many challenges within his schedule, but the way he carries himself on and off two playing fields is anything but a circus act. Wild competed for the PSAC championship-winning football team in the fall, then made the transition this winter to his second Ian Wild sport, lacrosse, for the spring. Continuing his dichotomous involvement, he is double majoring in accounting and finance all while maintaining a 4.0 GPA. As a result, Wild earned many academic honors, including ESPN Magazine First Team Academic All-District and ESPN Magazine Academic AllAmerica during the 2010 football season. As a defensive back, Wild has
proven to be a strong asset to the Laker football team, as it posted a 10-3 record last fall en route to an NCAA playoff run. Wild was third on the team with 79 tackles, and he also forced three fumbles. Heading into his senior season, Wild has high expectations for the Laker defense next fall. Following a year spent on the sidelines as a medical redshirt, the junior is back with the lacrosse team this spring. The Lakers hold a 3-1 record so far, and, through four games, Wild has four goals and won more than half of his 43 face-offs. “The two sports are difficult in their own way,” said Wild, a 6-foot, 2-inch 200-pound athlete. “They are both tough to keep up with mentally and physically. We do, however, do a little bit more running with lacrosse.” The transition from football to lacrosse is certainly not an easy task. But even with a high course load, Wild continues to stand out in both sports. Fans can see Wild and the rest of the men’s team in action for its first home game of the season at Tullio Field Saturday at 1 p.m.
Cheerleading tryouts scheduled for April Tryouts for the 2011-12 cheerleading team will be Saturday, April 9 from noon to 3:30 PM, in the wrestling room at the Mercyhurst Athletic Center (off the main lobby). To try out, students must have previous cheerleading experience. Stunting experience is preferred, but quick learners with no stunt experience can still try out. Tumbling is a bonus, but not required. The Mercyhurst College cheerleading team consists of 20 to 25 cheerleaders. Males are always welcome. Cheerleading at Mercyhurst includes sidelines, floor cheers, dances and stunting at football and basketball games, as well as some wrestling matches. Cheerleaders practice at least twice a week and attendance at games and practices is mandatory. If you have any questions, please contact coach Pam Zimmer by email at pczimm@roadrunner.com.
Ethan Magoc photo
Mercyhurst junior Ian Wild is the starting safety for the football team and also the starting mid-fielder for the men’s lacrosse team.
March 16, 2011
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Women’s hockey team falls short By Spencer Hunt Sports editor
The Mercyhurst women’s hockey team had the stage set. It was one of the top teams in the country all season long. The team won a ninth consecutive College Hockey America championship to earn a trip to the NCAA tournament. The Frozen Four, which the Lakers had reached in back-to-back years, is taking place at Erie’s Tullio Arena. Even though this season had the makings of a historic one, the Lakers fell a game short. The Lakers had a 30-3-3 season in 2009-2010. Heading into the year, the team had star forward Meghan Agosta returning from a season off to play with team Canada in the Olympics. She led all of women’s hockey this season in total points, assists, power-play goals, and tied for the lead in short-handed goals. Agosta also set the NCAA record for points and goals in a career. The Lakers also had the Patty Kazmaier award winner from
Ethan Magoc photo
Mercyhurst women’s hockey team fell short of a third-consecutive Frozen Four apperance, a disappointment made worse by the school’s opportunity to host this year’s championship. 2010 in senior Vicki Bendus. This year’s team was loaded with senior talent. The other seniors included forwards Jesse Scanzano, Kylie Rossler, Bendus, and Agosta, and defensemen Cassea Schols and Melissa Lacroix.
This was the year everything was supposed to come together. But the Lakers were given a sixth seed in the tournament and were forced to travel in the quarterfinal round. Additionally, the Lakers had to face Boston University, the team
the Lakers beat in last year’s tournament, who were given a No. 3 seed. The BU game was not considered an easy one, but one most fans expected the Lakers to get through and come home to play in the Frozen Four.
Instead, they were defeated, 4-2. The Lakers battled in the game, tying it on two separate occasions including once in the third period. Still, the team had plenty to be proud of. The senior class was a combined 116-23-6 record after this year’s 29-6 season. “It’s a big disappointment, and we feel like we let people down since we (are hosting) the Frozen Four,” senior forward Kylie Rossler said. “We just need to keep our heads up and be proud of what we accomplished over the last two years.” Going forward, the senior class left big shoes to fill. Juniors Bailey Bram and Kelley Steadman will step into the holes left by Agosta, Scanzano and Bendus. All-conference defender Pamela Zgoda will also be back, along with Samantha Watt to anchor the defense. The Lakers may never have as golden a chance to win a championship as this year, but their chances are by no means gone. Next season, Mercyhurst hopes to earn its 10thstraight CHA championship and avenge this year’s early play-off exit.
Men’s hockey season ends in overtime loss By Spencer Hunt Sports editor
Over the course of a season, many college hockey teams need to fight through injuries and harsh schedules to come out on the other side as a stronger team. For the Mercyhurst men’s hockey team, this is an understatement. The Lakers fought through a season loaded with injuries. Six forwards who started the season on the team were not with the team by season’s end. Key players such as starting defensemen Pat Goebel and Kevin Noble both had to fight off nagging injuries that cost them a combined 19 games. Senior forward Steve Cameron missed six games this season, after missing eight last year from a concussion, and freshman Kyle Just left the team after he
Ethan Magoc photo
Mercyhurst men’s hockey team closed out a rough season with a 3-2 overtime loss at Connecticut Saturday night.
and goaltender Jordan Tibbett were charged with sexual assault. Despite all the adversity, the Lakers managed a sixth seed in the playoffs. They beat a Robert Morris
team that most guessed would advance well past the first round. The Lakers handed RMU a 5-1 loss and advanced to face the University of Connecticut in the second round.
Against the Huskies in a bestof-three series, the Lakers’ rocky season finally came to a close. Even in defeat, the Lakers played hard and fought back from deficits to make both games extremely competitive. In Friday’s game one, the Lakers were in a two-goal hole after the first period before tying it in the second. Then on Friday, in what became the final game of the Laker season, the team fell in a three-goal hole but came back and forced overtime. In the overtime loss, the Lakers outshot the Huskies 56-32 but were unable to take the lead. “We played very well against Robert Morris, but against (Connecticut), we just couldn’t score. Our guys played their tails off,” coach Rick Gotkin said. “I’m very proud of how they played and the season they had. They came to the rink every day and did everything we asked of them.” The team finished with a 15-184 record, but given the issues this
team has faced, it was a very solid year. Two top forwards accepted professional contracts mid-year, two freshmen were charged with sexual assault, and only seven players played in every game. Through it all, the team played hard and stuck together. “We have the makings of a real good team. We proved we can be very competitive even without some of the guys and were right there in the conference. We can take the situations from this year and learn from them and come back stronger next season,” Gotkin said. The Lakers return a strong core of players next season, headlined by freshman forward Taylor Holstrom and sophomore Paul Chiasson, along with returning defensemen Noble and Goebel. Despite a long, brutal season, the Lakers are hoping the hard times are behind them and can again climb atop the Atlantic Hockey Association in 2011-12.