1 minute read
from The Mercury 04 03 23
by The Mercury
Stay up all night cramming for that exam? We know just the spot for some shut-eye.
Comets United
Edupuganti is running for president under the ticket InspireUTD, with experience in Chi Alpha Iota, an LGBTaffirming, gender-neutral diaternity, and as SG secretary.
Edupuganti said her leadership involvement on campus allows her to recognize the importance of uplifting the voices of all to is a data science freshman running under the InspireUTD ticket with an aim to increase inclusivity, accessibility and mental and physical outreach to students.
“How can you help them? How can you make their experience the best it can be?” Sullivan said.
“How do you make people coming into UTD who aren’t entirely willing to go here want to go here as a student repre-
Healthcare management junior Anish Padala is running for Student Government president under the Comets United ticket, prioritizing increased communication and cohesion between the student body, SG and administration.

“As elected officials, we should be more available to the student population, and we should be taking in their side of the story so that we’re able to directly help and give them the changes that they desire for the people of the university,”
Sara Juneja is a neuroscience sophomore running for vice president under the Comets United ticket, aiming to connect students and admin and increase students’ belonging and recognition on campus.

“If I do get elected, I’m hoping I can have a more connected Student Government so that we can actually take everything students are telling their senators they elected and