Mercury Newspaper Issue 1523

Page 9


veterans. The parade includes representation of all the combined Armed Forces - Royal Navy, British Army and Royal Airforce, there will also be Mounted Police from South Yorkshire Mounted Section and a Jackal military vehicle including crew from the 3rd Battalion Rifles Regiment.

The parade will travel along St Sepulchre Gate, High Street, Hall Gate, South Parade and end, for the first time, at Elmfield Park with celebrations

taking place there throughout the day.

Air Vice-Marshal

Richard Hill CBE MA FCILT FRAeS will take the salute from the dais as part of the saluting party before dismissing the parading troops, Colonel Toby Till MBE will also be in attendance as part of the saluting party representing the Coldstream Guards. There will be a vibrant atmosphere in Elmfield park with lots of activities, stalls, vendors, entertainment including

a performance by the Band of the Coldstream Guards, 1940’s themed vocalist Miss Marina Mae, Minden House Buglers and much more. There’s chance to meet your local Armed Forces and an opportunity for all to share memories with veterans. And at 16.28pm, a Battle of Britain Spitfire will be doing a flypast over the park at as part of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flights!

The Armed Forces Day event will take place from 11am to 6pm.


LOCAL FOOTBALL & SPORT // 7 DAY TV LISTINGS // 50+ NEWS & ADVICE ISSUE 1523 // 14TH JUNE - 20 TH JUNE The Region’s Number One Entertainment & Classifieds Newspaper Newport Road, North Cave, East Riding of Yorkshire HU15 2NU Tel: 01430 421188 Indoor & outdoor + QualIty Meat auctIon open every Sunday froM 6:30aM tIl 1pM NORTH CAVE CAR BOOT & SUNDAY MARKET NORTH CAVE CAR BOOT & SUNDAY MARKET
RE-UPHOLSTERY IS THE ANSWER! Don’t Buy New! Sofas • Chairs • Dining Chairs NO JOB TOO SMALL We visit you with our fabric samples Spring Repairs & Cushions Plus Much More or Make your sofa like new with a complete re-upholstery! Keith Simpson 0114 275 6390 or 0114 246 8477 161 Rutland Road, Sheffield S3 9PP • For more information and to arrange your FREE ESTIMATE call FRI 16th JUNE 8:30PM START FRI 14th JULY 8:30PM START UNION GAP 60’S NIGHT WITH AMEN CORNER TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM THE CLUB DONCASTER CATHOLIC CLUB WATERDALE • DONCASTER DN1 3BY TEL: 01302 364695 FOLLOW US ON FORTHCOMING LIVE MUSIC FORTHCOMING LIVE MUSIC The event looks set to be the biggest ever Armed Forces Day celebration in South Yorkshire as the city comes together to honour the Armed Forces Community, past and present. The 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, the Band of the Coldstream Guards, hundreds of people including serving forces, cadets, reservists and veterans, a huge celebration in Elmfield Park and a flypast by a Battle of Britain spitfire – it’s all happening at
Armed Forces Day event on Saturday 24th June. In celebration of City Status and to honour their Freedom of Entry which was bestowed on the regiment in 2021, the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards will be present on the day to officially exercise their right of entry with a march through the city centre. The Band of the Coldstream Guards will also be joining the parade of serving forces, cadets, reservists and GUARD YOUR PROPERTY WITH PERIMETER SECURITY DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL We can alarm the perimeter of your property with systems that link directly to your mobile phone or to our response unit CAN BE INSTALLED IN A DAY SYSTEMS AVILABLE TO BUY OR RENT FROM TERRACED HOUSES TO MANSIONS - PUBS & CLUBS TO SHOPS AND COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY • 5 Star Residential Security Services • Siren or a silent alarm • Full time surveillance monitoring of your property 24/7 • Top of the range alarm complete with a wireless control panel • State of the art infrared detectors and high definition CCTV cameras Give us a call on 07548 661 799 More info & request a callback at
Tel: 0114 276 3633 email: web: Conditions of acceptance: All submissions of editorial and advertising have been accepted in good faith. The Proprietors do not necessarily share the views of the contributors. We cannot accept any responsibility for any inaccuracies in text or advertising supplied by others. Advertisement rates are subject to Value Added Tax at the current rate. Published by Mercury Live Ltd, Unit 2, Universal House, Sheffield S9 5JF Established 1988 a safe and reliable alternative to online dating for all ages over 50 • No upper age limit • • Traditional, not Internet Dating • • Coast to Coast across the North • • Annual Subscriptions from only £59 • All cards accepted. Call or text us on 01944 768114 or 07944 789550 for a free info pack. Please leave a voice message where requested The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 2 • The Mercury Newspaper • 0114 261 0522 Visit us at 346 BRIGHTSIDE LANE • SHEFFIELD • S9 2SP YOUR ONE STOP CAR, VAN & MOTORHOME SHOP VEHICLE HIRE LTD MOT TEST CENTRE SERVICE & REPAIRS MOTORHOME RENTAL HABITATION CHECKS GAS & ELECTRIC SERVICING ALL TYPES OF DIAGNOSTICS VAN HIRE & SALES • WIDE RANGE OF VEHICLES • 24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT • DRIVER INSURANCE • CLEAN & COMFORTABLE • BREAKDOWN SUPPORT • WELL MAINTAINED VEHICLES SHEFFIELD’S PREMIER CAR BOOT SALE TELEPHONE 07966 445452 at Bowshaw Show Ground (S18 2GB) EvERy SuNDAy & BANK HOLIDAy MONDAy from 6am locaTed aT The Top of JordanThorpe parkway - The ‘circus’ and ‘fair’ field PRICE FOR SELLERS IS ONLy £6 PER CAR - ALL SIZES! PuBLIC ADMISSION IS ONLy £1 PER CAR! 100s OF BOOTERS & 1000s OF BuyERS EvERy WEEK why noT Join The Treasure TroVe facebook Group for reGular updaTes mysTery forprize 100Th carbooTer QUIZ ANSWERS: 1. Boris Johnson 2. Robbie Williams 3. Aberdeen 4. The Breakfast Show 5. Orange 6. 101 7. Hair 8. Olivia 9. Brazil 10. Nose TEAM DOORS We Specialise in Providing & Fitting Internal Doors INTERNAL DOORS SUPPLIED & FITTED OAK £150 WHITE DOORS £80 CALL ANDY ON 07957 394 899 OR FIND US ON FACEBOOK

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The global clubbing brand Gatecrasher made famous by legendary dance music events in Sheffield in the 1990s will return to its spiritual home for a one off special day of iconic classic dance music at this year’s Rock N Roll Circus at Don Valley Bowl.

From humble beginnings to a world-conquering global club brand, Gatecrasher has continued to push boundaries and dominate dance music since 1993 and is set to join forces with Rock N Roll Circus for an epic ‘Gatecrasher Classical’ all day party on Sunday 3rd September.

Building on previous classical events, plans for this one off all-day party will see legendary Gatecrasher DJs performing alongside a full orchestra, featuring some of the most iconic dance tracks as you’ve never heard them before. What started off as an ad-hoc club night became a brand so big it spawned 26 albums, played sold out venues around the world and hosted a millennium party that saw 25,000 ravers descend on Sheffield to welcome in the noughties.

Speaking ahead of today’s announcement,

a spokesperson for Rock N Roll Circus added:

“Gatecrasher was at the zenith of clubbing culture in this country for so many years and we’re proud to be able to bring it back for this one-off, all-day spectacular in its spiritual home of Sheffield. The millennium party it hosted 23 years ago is the stuff of legend, and we couldn’t think of a better way to conclude our first Rock N Roll Circus in the city with an all-out Gatecrasher party featuring all of the DJs that helped propel its brand onto the international stage.”

Gatecrasher put up Tensile

one, the world’s largest portable structure of its kind at the time – where people bagged tickets to dance to DJ sets from the likes of The Chemical Brothers, Sasha, Judge Jules, Paul Van Dyk and Tall Paul.

Rock N Roll Circus combines the best in musical talent with the weird and wonderful world of the circus. Alongside the music, guests will also be entertained by breathtaking performances from resident aerialists, stilt walkers, fortune tellers and much more. There will also be a distinct family friendly element to

this event complete with circus workshops, family activities and fun for the kids - details of which will all be announced soon.

Rock N Roll Circus 2023 is scheduled to take place at the Don Valley Bowl across three days from the 1st to the 3rd of September.

Day one will see Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds headline the big top, alongside Happy Mondays, The Cribs, The Joy Formidable and Somebody’s Child. Day two will be headlined by Yorkshire’s finest Self Esteem, with Confidence Man, Bimini, Arctic Numpties, and many more

also taking to the stage and the Sunday will close with a bang featuring Gatecrasher DJs and Gatecrasher Classical. The full DJ line up will be announced soon. This is an all-day event starting at 2 pm and closing at 10:30 pm.

Early bird tickets for Gatecrasher at Rock N Roll Circus will go on sale this Friday 9th June from 10am priced at £30.00 plus booking fees.

Tickets options for all events can be found here:

Crossword Clues

across 6) Jewel (3)

7) Retrace a path (9)

9) Negotiation (11)

11) Grinding mineral (5) 12) Egg white (7) 14) Ego (7)

14th June - 20th June

14/6/1777 The Stars and Stripes is adopted by Congress as the Flag of the United States.

15/6/1667 The first human blood transfusion is administered by Dr. Jean-Baptiste Denys.

16/6/1586 Mary, Queen of Scots, recognizes Philip II of Spain as her heir and successor.

17/6/1885 The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor.

1) Injury (9)

2) Priest (5)

3) Bowling pin (7)

5) Perform (3)

8) Very tiny (11)

10) Moderate (9)

16) Cover with cloth (5)

18) Fresh (3)

Last Week’s Solution

across: 7) Jade, 8) Ginger up, 9) Let, 10) Wave, 11) Arid, 13) Cohort, 14) Endure, 15) Powder, 18) Random, 20) Hi-fi, 21) Dice, 22) Bib, 24) Nightcap, 25) Onus

DoWN: 1) Gazebo, 2) Yew, 3) Aghast, 4) Sneeze 5) Pen and ink, 6) Junior, 12) Good night, 16) Origin, 17) Reduce, 18) Recipe, 19) Odious, 23) Hot

18/6/1984 A major clash between about 5,000 police and a similar number of miners takes place at Orgreave, during the 1984-1985 UK miners’ strike.

19/6/1910 The first Father’s Day is celebrated in Spokane, Washington.

20/6/1837 Queen Victoria succeeds to the British throne.

TERRY’S FURNITURE CENTRE Wordsworth Drive (Off Wordsworth Avenue) • Sheffield S5 8NP TerrysBargainCentre 0114 231 0441 3 PIECE SUITES TOP PRICES PAID! WANTED!!!

I told my wife I’m going to arrange the herbs in alphabetical order from now on. She said, “Where would you find the time?”

I said, “Easy. Right next to the sage.”

What was the cannibal given after he showed up late to the dinner party? The cold shoulder.

My favorite time of the day is 6:30

Hands down.

A copper stopped me and demanded i get out of the car. “You’re staggering” he said. “Well thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

Did you hear about the depressed ghost? He’s going through some things.

What genre are national anthems? Country.

Does anyone remember the joke I made about the Chiropractor? It was about a weak back...

I visited a monastery the other day and as I walked past the kitchen I saw a man frying chips. I asked him “Are you the friar?”

He replied “No, I’m the chip monk...”

Cop: You seen anything unusual?

Me: I saw a dolphin wearing a hat once. Cop: I mean around here?

Me: Nah, they usually live in water.

When visiting Hawaii you’re not allowed to laugh out loud. Only a low ha.

Weekly Quiz

1. Which British politician is known as ‘BoJo’?

2. Which English entertainer holds the record for winning the most BRIT Awards - having won 13 as a solo artist and five with a band?

3. Which Scottish cities would be first in a list alphabetically?

4. Chris Moyles presented which BBC Radio One show for eight years between 2004 and 2012?

5. The cartoon character Bart Simpson is usually seen in a t-shirt of which colour?

6. How many Dalmatian dogs featured in the 1961 animated film?

7. Alopecia is a term for the loss of which protein filament which grows from the human head?

8. Which girl’s name originated in the Latin word for Olive tree?

9. Which is the largest country which is entirely in the Earth’s southern hemisphere?

10. Schnozz, honker and beak are all nicknames for which body part?

14/6/1976 – Alan Carr

15/6/1964 – Courteney Cox

16/6/1991 – Joe McElderry

17/6/1980 – Venus Williams

18/6/1941 – Delia Smith

19/6/1954 – Kathleen Turner

20/6/1967 – Nicole Kidman

The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 4 • The Mercury Newspaper •
In the News This Week
15) Escape to wed (5) 17) Top performance figure (5, 6) 19) Viewing instrument
20) Pig place (3) DoWN
4) Gilded timepiece (6, 5)
13) Antique trimming (3, 4)
To sponsor our weekly Time Out page call our Sales Team on 0114 276 3633 With ANSWERS ON P2
Born this week
Karl Marx is an incredibly famous historical figure, but nobody ever mentions his sister Onya who invented the starter pistol.
The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 5 The Mercury Newspaper •


The UK is set for a continued heatwave this week with Storm Oscar set to see temperatures soaring up to 30 degrees. But while enjoying the sunshine during the day is a dream for many of us in the UK, sleeping in the heat can be a nightmare. With this in mind, experts have collated their valuable tips to help alleviate the discomfort of sleeping in the heat this year.

Eight tips for sleeping in hot weather

Use hot water bottles to lower your core temperature

Using a hot water bottle might sound like a strange way to combat heat, but James the Sleep

Geek recommends raising your core temperature slightly by placing a lukewarm hot water bottle on your feet thirty minutes before bed; that way, when you go to sleep your core temperature will drop.

Use separate covers from your sleeping partner

Use different covers if you are sleeping with a partner; although it might still be tempting


for some to snuggle up to your significant other, their body heat will only transfer to you, so use separate covers and if you can and swap out your duvet for a thin cotton sheet.

Avoid daytime naps

Hot weather can make us sleepy; as tempting as it is to have a daytime nap in the glorious sunshine, don’t. Multiple sources, such as weather presenter Abbie Dewhurst and Doctor Azmain, recommend saving your precious sleep for night time by staying in your normal routine.

Put your feet in a bowl of lukewarm water

Much like a lukewarm hot water bottle, putting your feet in a bowl of tepid water offers a longerlasting cooling process. It also avoids the shock of using ice-cold water, which can jar you awake and make it harder to get to sleep.

Open your loft hatch

Heat rises, meaning it will be hotter if your bedroom is on the top floor. According to experts, opening your loft

hatch is one way to get rid of the accumulated hot air by allowing it to escape somewhere else.

Use Aloe Vera Meteorologist Jodi Kodesh states that using Aloe Vera before bed can be even better than taking a cold shower because it absorbs into the body four times quicker than water. Apply it to your skin just before bed for a cooling effect.

Shut out the sunlight

One of the main things to help alleviate the comfort of a hot night’s sleep is to keep your house cool during the day. To do this, ensure you are shutting out the sunlight, particularly in your bedroom, by keeping blinds and curtains closed.

Swap your sheets

Lastly, why not replace your sheets and pillowcases with ones made from natural materials such as linen, bamboo and cotton. Not only are they soft and breathable - perfect for the summer heat - they also draw away moisture more effectively.


South Yorkshire’s Mayor and the Leader of Sheffield City Council have welcomed the announcement of the new Sheffield Policy Campus. The plan to create a major policy campus in Sheffield forms part of the wider work by the Civil Service to de-centralise policy and decision-making out of Whitehall. Sheffield is already a leading location for policy making, and Yorkshire is home to one of the largest numbers of Civil Servants outside of London. South Yorkshire’s Mayor Oliver Coppard said: “Sheffield has been the hidden home of the Civil Service for years, so today’s

announcement is both welcome recognition and a significant opportunity to build on our very real leadership in UK policy making. That new Policy Campus will not just offer thought leadership now, but a very real talent pipeline focussed on the policy profession right here in our region. That will mean policy apprenticeships, piloting of a regional Fast Stream programme and highquality learning across the board. This is a huge opportunity to help break down barriers between Whitehall and local and regional government and

With Child Safety Week just around the corner, NICEIC – the UK’s leading body for certified electrical businesses – is reminding parents about the importance of having sufficient measures in place to ensure electrical safety in the home for the whole family, and this year’s theme is ‘Safety Made Simple’. ‘Safety Made Simple’ provides parents with the simple changes they can make to stop the scariest of accidents happening within the home. Offering easy solutions that can fit into busy routines, the theme acknowledges the dangers that youngsters face both inside and outside of the home. In support, NICEIC says that there will be a proportion of the nation’s families who are unaware of the electrical dangers that can exist around the home; whilst for others, they may be aware but too busy to keep up with simple maintenance and vital periodic checks. Paul Collins, Technical Director at NICEIC, has provided some simple advice for families to stay safe within the home.

help us work together for the benefit of everyone across the UK. Step by step, ‘stay near and go far’ is becoming a reality in South Yorkshire.”

Councillor Tom Hunt said “The new Policy Campus is a fantastic opportunity for policy making in the UK. I look forward to the Civil Service working alongside the council, local business, and communities to make better decisions.

Paul says: “It’s no secret that electrical devices such as tablets and video games are becoming the chosen choice of entertainment for many children. As a result, many tech-savvy kids are unknowingly leaving themselves open to serious electrical dangers. Should devices such as these be handled incorrectly, especially by children, the consequences are frightening. That’s why we want to encourage parents

to take on some simple checks and measures in order to safeguard their family in and around the home. All of these devices need to be plugged in at some point in the home and parents should not overlook the potential risks surrounding these. It’s vital that the socket-outlet is not overloaded, as this can increase the risk of a fire in the home. Other simple precautions that parents can take include keeping electrical cords out of reach, checking cables for damage, keeping appliances off when not in use and never leaving younger children unattended when using a device still connected to the mains. The charity Electrical Safety First has also done some fantastic work around highlighting the sale of dangerous goods via online marketplaces. We support in their message and urge parents to shop safely online and only buy goods from reputable retailers.” With summer just around the corner, parents must not overlook the potential hazards playing in the garden may bring. The garden poses particular electrical safety risks due to the added potential for water and electricity to mix – especially with children dipping in and out of paddling pools. Paul continues: “When using electrical equipment outside, it’s important to make sure all electrical appliances are using a residual current device (RCD). An RCD is a safety device that automatically turns off electricity if a fault has been discovered. Another important tip

that may be surprising to parents is to not rely on plastic plug in socket covers. Regular sockets, that comply with British safety standards, have a built-in protection mechanism already and socket covers will not prevent electric shock if the installation is not safe.”

Crucially, NICEIC recommends that any electrical work in the home should be conducted by a certified business, such as those listed with the NICEIC, as even the seemingly simplest of jobs can be incredibly dangerous if not installed properly. Discussing the importance of child safety at home, Rory Carroll from the UK’s leading charity Electrical Safety First comments: “In the UK, online marketplaces such as Facebook Marketplace, eBay and Wish are not obliged to obey by the same laws as traditional retailers. So large numbers of dangerous electrical products are being sold to unknowing customers. As these possibly contain sub-standard or noncompliant parts, they can pose a serious risk of fire or electric shock. We want to ensure everyone stays safe within the home and urge you to only purchase from reputable retailers. If you are unsure about any areas of electrical safety inside or outside, we have various resources available on our Safety Around the Home hub and more information is available at www. uk.”


Waiting times at A&E will be longer over the Junior Doctors’ strike days (from 7am Wednesday 14th June and finishing 7am Saturday 17th June).

Sheffield Hospitals are reminding people not to use A&E unless it is an emergency. This week this is even more important than usual due to the Junior Doctors’ strike. It will mean longer waits due to having fewer doctors available. The Trust said they will prioritise the most urgent patients so you will be seen much quicker using alternatives for minor injuries and illnesses.

Opening times for

alternatives, advice on when it is appropriate to attend A&E and directions can be found at Regrettably they are also having to postpone some outpatient appointments and procedures and patients will be contacted directly if their appointment is affected. The hospitals state tehy will work as quickly as possible to re-arrange any postponed care. Please also make sure you have any medications you may need ahead of next Wednesday to prevent you needing emergency care.

The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 6 • The Mercury Newspaper • News, Information and Advice Sheffield Council ..................................0114 272 6444 Street Force ............................................0114 273 4567 Social Services .......................................0114 273 4908 S. Yorks Transport .................................01709 515151 First Mainline ..........................................01709 566000 Supertram ...............................................0114 275 9888 Children’s Hospital ...............................0114 275 7000 Northern General .................................0114 243 4343 Hallamshire Hospital ..........................0114 271 1900 NHS Direct .....................................................................111 Police Non Emergency...............................................101 S. Yorks Police .........................................0114 220 2020 Crimestoppers ..........................................0800 555 111 Mercury ....................................................0114 276 3633 USEFUL NUMBERS Mortomley House 2 – 4 Mortomley Lane High Green Sheffield S35 3HR Telephone : 0114 284 8202 First established in 1865, Eric Eyre has personally looked after families in the local communities of Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham since 1955. Operating from branches in High Green and Sheffield Lane Top we offer a bespoke funeral service upholding traditional values whilst progressing to cater for modern, personalised customer requirements. A selection of the services we provide: • Professional and sympathetic funeral arrangements in our office or in the comfort of your own home • Pre-paid funerals • In-house catering • Floral tributes • Orders of service • Horse-drawn funerals • Private Chapels of rest • Religious & non-religious funerals ERIC EYRE INDEPENDENT FUNERAL SERVICE Sheffield Lane Top Office 826 Barnsley Road Sheffield Lane Top Sheffield S5 0QG Telephone: 0114 327 1720 Over 60? Bored with staying in or the same weekly routine? Why Not Enjoy Good Company and Meet New Friends For Free Information Pack Ring Rita Now On THEN FIND OUT ABOUT... Singles Social and Dinner Club 0114 243 3933 DOLCE VITA TRAVEL INSURANCE WORLDWIDE POLICIES UK, EUROPE OR WORLDWIDE • For all travellers - cover up to 99 years • Existing Medical conditions considered • Flexible Travel Insurance from just £2.59* • Single Trip - 7 Days in Europe from £2.62* • Annual European Multi - Trip from £22.50* QUOTING ‘THE MERCURY’ In conjunction with Media Travel Services SIS Ltd - FCA 311208 *Premiums dependent on individual circumstances. Terms & Conditions apply. 9 Claremont Courtyard, Spital Wirral CH63 4JB CALL 0151 334 2600 SINGLE TRIP UP TO 99 YEARS Annual multi trip up to 85 years (inc)
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Friends since they were neighbours in the sixties Dave Kelly & Bob Hall have had illustrious careers in the British Blues Scene and have won many awards for their artistry. Dave Kelly, singer, guitarist and songwriter, is a founder member of The Blues Band (which has recently celebrated its 40th anniversary). Dave cut his teeth in the backing bands of Howlin’ Wolf and John Lee Hooker, and has played with Buddy Guy, Son House & Muddy Waters. The Blues Band have released around twenty albums, and Dave has fifteen more either solo or with his own Dave Kelly Band Bob Hall, singer, pianist and songwriter, is a founder member of The Groundhogs and Savoy Brown. Bob has also accompanied Howlin’ Wolf and John Lee Hooker and a host of blues stars including Little Walter, Lightnin’ Slim and Homesick James. Bob has played on well over a hundred albums, including four solo piano albums and dozens more as band leader or co-leader. Down the years Dave and Bob have had a number of critically acclaimed joint projects, have played in each other’s bands and on each other’s records. With such a pedigree it seemed natural to get together a show to exploit their joint talents. Complimenting the duo is Hilary Blythe on bass, an emotive singer of classic blues and Bob’s partner off-stage. Hilary’s rock-solid bass has been part of the A-Team, accompanying Lil’ Jimmy Reed on his UK and international tours.

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Dave Kelly & Bob Hall with Hilary Blythe

Dave Kelly & Bob Hall with Hilary Blythe



Friends since they were neighbours in the sixties Dave Kelly & Bob Hall have had illustrious careers in the British Blues Scene and have won many awards for their artistry. Dave Kelly, singer, guitarist and songwriter, is a founder member of The Blues Band (which has recently celebrated its 40th anniversary). Dave cut his teeth in the backing bands of Howlin’ Wolf and John Lee Hooker, and has played with Buddy Guy, Son House & Muddy Waters. The Blues Band have released around twenty albums, and Dave has fifteen more either solo or with his own Dave Kelly Band Bob Hall, singer, pianist and songwriter, is a founder member of The Groundhogs and Savoy Brown. Bob has also accompanied Howlin’ Wolf and John Lee Hooker and a host of blues stars including Little Walter, Lightnin’ Slim and Homesick James. Bob has played on well over a hundred albums, including four solo piano albums and dozens more as band leader or co-leader. Down the years Dave and Bob have had a number of critically acclaimed joint projects, have played in each other’s bands and on each other’s records. With such a pedigree it seemed natural to get together a show to exploit their joint talents. Complimenting the duo is Hilary Blythe on bass, an emotive singer of classic blues and Bob’s partner off-stage. Hilary’s rock-solid bass has been part of the A-Team, accompanying Lil’ Jimmy Reed on his UK and international tours.

ShrewSbury road • PeniStone • S36 6dy teL: 01226 767532

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Celebrating over 50 years since the formation of the legendary West Coast Country Rock band The Eagles in 1971, The Illegal Eagles make a welcome return to Sheffield City Hall with a brand new production, promising more of their trademark musical prowess, acute attention to detail and incredible showmanship on Friday, 14 July 2023. Tickets for the show are on sale now via www.sheffieldcityhall.

This critically acclaimed show features the very best from the Eagles’ catalogue of classics

including ’Hotel California’, ‘Desperado’, ‘Take It Easy’, ‘New Kid In Town’, ‘Life In The Fast Lane’ and many more… The latest all-star line-up of the show, produced as ever by Phil Aldridge, features Tony Kiley (formerly from 80’s sensation The Blow Monkeys) on drums, Trevor Newnham (Dr Hook) vocals and bass, Greg Webb vocals and guitars, Mike Baker vocals, guitars and keys and Garreth Hicklin vocals, guitars and keys. Garreth, Greg, Trevor and Mike effortlessly capture the vocal style and delivery of Henley, Walsh, Fry, Schmidt

and Meisner and are all masters of their respective instruments.

Extremely tight harmonies & an acute attention to detail are synonymous with The Illegal Eagles, now in their 24th year on the road. Following a number of critically acclaimed UK & European Tours, The Illegal Eagles have established themselves not only as the ultimate celebration of The Eagles, but as one of the foremost authentic and talented shows in the world. Tickets for the show are on sale now via www.

Some of Sheffield’s most popular bands and singers will be taking to the stage in Stannington this July as Minnie’s Fest returns. The popular annual music festival will run from 2.30pm on Saturday July 1 at Stannington pub The Rose and Crown, known locally as Minnie’s. Among the acts taking to the stage will be Mam Tour, Burnt Stone, 49nrs, Gigantics, Bus Pass Buskers, Mark & Pete, The Poultons and RYB.

And this year, all the proceeds will be going towards patient care at St Luke’s Hospice.

“It’s free to join us but the aim is to raise as much money as possible so there will be a collection and a big raffle

with some great prizes,” said organiser Mick Mosley.

“We’ve chosen St Luke’s because we know people who have been supported by the hospice recently so it’s the right

thing to do.

“We have a stage set up outdoors but if it rains we simply moves indoors so there’s no reason for people not to have a great time.”

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E1 710 PENISTONE ROAD • HILLSBOROUGH • S6 2DF Welcome to the Live sports shown The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 14 • The Mercury Newspaper • 2 Margetson road • Parson Cross • sheffield s5 9ls 0114 232 1529 COLLEY WMC The Best Weekend in Town!!! HIRING NOW • STAFF WANTED • CONTACT CLUB FOR DETAILS FUNCTION ROOm AvAILABLE call 0114 232 1529 or email Wed 14th june quiz & kamikaze karaoke with hi n’ lo cards FRIDAy • Quiz • Bingo with £50 jaCkPot! • SATURDAy • Bingo • oPen the Box • • 5 nuMBer draw • SUNDAy • £50 flyer & Bingo • • oPen the Box • 5 nuMBer draw • WADSLEY BRIDGE WMC HALIFAX ROAD, WADSLEY BRIDGE, SHEFFIELD S6 1LB TELEPHONE 0114 231 31 51 ROOM HIRE Why not Party C t S & Band S p RO v I d E d at COS t sun 18th june disco playlist sat 17th june disco & karaoke fri 16th june bassline brothers playing a bit of everything! WADSLEY BRIDGE WMC THE HOME OF LIVE ENTERTAINMENT HALIFAX ROAD, WADSLEY BRIDGE, SHEFFIELD S6 1LB • TELEPHONE 0114 231 31 51 live entertainment sorrel jade Come and join our club • Full Membership Just £10 per year! saturday 17th june -stunning live four piece party band friday 16th june- star young female vocalist SUNDAY 18Th jUNE • 3PM - FANTASTIC hUSBAND & WIFE DUO ok tc seaside rendezvous plus bingo, super 5 & play your cards right AFFILIATED MEMBERS WELCOME • COVID MEASURES IN PLACE new! sunday lunch 1pm - 4pm only £5.95 new! sunday lunch 1pm - 4pm only £5.95 every sunday traditional sunday lunch served 12 - 4pm les and Carolynn welcome you to... The market Place - Chapeltown • Tel: 0114 246 2570 CHAPELTOWN WmC LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY WEEKEND BINGO & RAFFLES ALL WEEKEND VISIT www.faCeBook.CoM/traxxsheffield for exCiting news & info Friday June 23rd Tickets £5 from Club Grease & Dirty Dancing Show SATURDAy 17TH jUNE greaT Boy girl duo mIDNIGHT DUO SUNDAY 18Th jUNE • 7.30PM - FANTASTIC POP DUO electric rainbow sat june 17th LISA AShLEY SUPERB ENTERTAINER FRIDAY JuNE 16Th STEVE MILLER SuPERB ENTERTAINER SATuRDAY JuNE 17Th xTRA MILE STAR MALE FEMALE DuO sat june 24th DAVE hILL star Male voCalist FRIDAY JuNE 23RD FLETCh SuPERB MALE SINGER SATuRDAY JuNE 24Th PARTY LIKE ThE 70S & 80S STAR TRIBuTE DuO SATURDAy 24TH jUNE Tremendous male vocal insTrumenTal duo STRykES TWICE


The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 15 The Mercury Newspaper • E2 Or visit our website at Join our facebook group Firth Park WMC 56 Idsworth Road - Sheffield - S5 6UP Telephone: 0114 242 6321 FIRTH PARK WMC BINGO DOWNSTAIRS IN THE LOUNGE - WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY LIVE ENTERTAINMENT UPSTAIRS EVERY SATURDAY & SUNDAY SOUTHEY SOCIAL CLUB Southey Green road • Sheffield • S5 7QQ tel: 0114 2325768 / 0114 2311101 SAT & SUN • BINGO AS USUAL HANDSWORTH SOCIAL CLUB 13 Hall Road, Sheffield S13 9AG • Tel: 0114 269 7277 Enjoy Live Music at... LivE Ent ErtainMEnt 24TH jUNE SEASIDE RENDEzVOUS 25TH jUNE TONY LEE AN EXCELLENT RANGE OF BEERS, LAGERS & ALES - ALL AT k EEN PRICES TONY LEE SUNDAY 18TH jUNE TOP MALE VOCAL INSTRUMENTALIST SATURDAY 17TH jUNE STAR VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL DUO STRYkES TWICE BINGO & FIVE NUMBERS • every TUeSdAy • ThUrSdAy • SATUrdAy NIGhT • SUNdAy LUNchTIme & NIGhT • Function Room for Hire - Call for Details SATURDAY 17th june THOMAS MARX TOP MALE VOCALIST SUNDAY 18th june GREAT FEMALE VOCALIST HAYLEY LOU MIkE CARLTON FRIDAY 16TH jUNE 6:00PM STAR MALE VOCALIST BACkBEAT BLUES BROS STEVIE C SATURDAY 17TH jUNE TOP MALE VOCALIST SUNDAY 18TH jUNE - 5:00 PM SUPERB TRIBUTE DUO
E3 Farm Road, Sheffield S2 2TP Tel: 0114 2729947 entertainment all weekend! FARM ROAD Sports & Social Club PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB FARM ROAD Sports & Social Club PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB FRiday 16Th june - Superb entertainment RuSS elliOtt With • Quiz • Raffles • Open the Box • Sticky 13 The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 16• The Mercury Newspaper • MOSBOROUGH MINERS WELFARE STATION ROAD, MOSBOROUGH, SHEFFIELD TEL: 0114 2485546 live entertainment BINGO FRIDAY & SATURDAY nIghT/SUnDAY lUnch & nIghT MOnDAYS POKER NIGHT TRevOR Allen’S OPEN mIc NIGHT every Thursday from 8pm Vicky & Staff Welcome You to... THE BALL INN OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 2PM • SATURDAY & SUNDAY FROM NOON • 43 Mansfield Road • Sheffield • S12 2AG • sun 18th june Dj DinO’S k ARAOke & play your cards right from 5pm MuSiC quiz starts 7pm thurs 15th June Open the bOx - pluS Dj Wed 14th june games night - from 7pm Top Entertainment! EMAIL: OPEN MON-THURS 3PM-11PM FRI 2PM-11PM SAT-SUN 12PM till LATE! 56 JAUNTY LANE • GLEADLESS • S12 3DN BINGO • POOL • DISCO FOOTBALL ON BIG SCREEN TV! Every Thursday - Pub Quiz & Games NEW!! Redtooth Poker Every Tuesday! sat 17th june eMMA MAezin’S Saturday 17th June daRk lighTNiNg STAR LIVE ACT Sun 18th June - Star Party vocal Instrumental Duo REady OR NOT EmIly PETERs Sat 17th June - Star Young Female vocalist FORMiDAble SaTuRday 17Th june - Superb Male Female duo fri 16th june Dj DinO Sun 25th June - Superb Male Female Party Duo fORmIdaBlE aNdy TaylOR Sat 24th June - Top Male vocalist RetRO bROtheRS SaTuRday 24Th june - Tremendous Male 60s 70s 80s duo playing all the sounds! dragaoke
UD E4 Tel: 0114 285 1118 - LA PLATA S.C. LA PLATA S.C. 353-355 Walkley l ane Sheffield, S6 2PB • Club Offi C e 07917 063283 • The b ar 07917 063241 1 MINUTE WALK FROM HILLSBOROUGH TRAM STOP THEN UP FORBES ROAD & YOU’RE THERE! funCTion room AvAiLAbLe mondAy-fridAy - CALL for deTAiLS harTleY hOuSe SOCial Club 239 Bellhouse Road | Sheffield | S5 6HQ | 0114 249 1422 Under New Management Committee - Old & New Members Welcome binGo & LuCKy 5 SAT NIGHT• SUN LUNCHTIMES • SUN NIGHTS The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 17 The Mercury Newspaper sharon & stuart Welcome you to GReat RanGe oF DRinks inclUDinG GUest cask ales tUesDay 20th jUne 9pm tRevoR allen’s open mic niGht thURsDay 15th jUne WeiGhtWatcheRs sUnDay 18th jUne open the box FRom 6.00 FRiDay 16th jUne - 8pm qUiz & binGo satURDay 17th jUne FRom 7.00 pm Disco & kaRaoke SATurdAy 17Th june ToP SouL ArTiST the g man SundAy 18Th june GreAT femALe SinGer sunny daye SATurdAy 17Th june STAr femALe voCALiST deniSe johnSon SATurdAy 24Th june SundAy 25Th june ouTSTAndinG voCALiST marie wells big dave bopper STAr enTerTAiner SATurdAy 24Th june GreAT mALe voCALiST dereK mAdiSon
E5 Tel: 0114 285 1118 - CHESTNUT AVENUE, CARCROFT, DN6 8AG. TEL: (01302) 725497 See our website at • Tel: 01302 882936 BENTLEY WEST END SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Cusworth Road, Doncaster DN5 9RF Tel: 01302 876340 The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 18 • The Mercury Newspaper • every tuesday bingo night every wednesday quiz night BINGO Every Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday FuNctION rOOmS avaIlaBlE - call FOr dEtaIlS! tues 20th June NEW! karaOkE EvEry SEcONd tuESday FrOm 6.30 pm FREESTYLE LIvE ENTERTAINmENT EvERY WEDNESDAY LIvE COUNTRY mUSIC WITH RESIDENT BAND & GUESTS Do You Need a Licence Notice? We Believe We Offer the Best Rates in the Area! Call Us On 0114 276 3633 Sat 17th June daN kNIGht tOp malE vOcalISt Sun 18th June JuSt lIkE JOdIE FaNtaStIc GIrl-FrONtEd GrOup friday 16th June - tremendous male vocalist sunday 18th June - top male artist ant green saturday 17th June - brilliant five piece 60s band the casuals sean finch saturday 17th june superb female vocalist rachel mills Sat 17th June mEATLOAF & mORE - TOP TRIBUTE SHOW PAUL WALkER’S Sat 24th June dEBra allEN Star FEmalE vOcalISt Sun 25th June tOrONtO trEmENdOuS lIvE BaNd saturday 24th june star duo xtra mile Sat 24th June Star Live 60s & 70s Band JUkEBOx JIvE friday 23rd June - star male vocalist sunday 25th June - top male duo electric rainbow saturday 24th June - brilliant live duo ultrafonix shaun perry
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adventure, starring Chris Hemsworth and Cillian Murphy.

Channel 4

6.15 Cheers 7.40 The Simpsons 8.30

Formula 1 Canadian Grand Prix

Qualifying Highlights 9.30 Sunday Brunch 12.30 The Simpsons 2.25

FILM: Rango. (2011) Oscar-winning animated comedy, with the voice of Johnny Depp. 4.35 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 5.35 Grand Designs

6.30 Channel 4 News 7.00 Live International Football Coverage of the UEFA Nations League final (Kick-off 7.45pm), which sees Netherlands or Croatia face Spain or Italy at De Kuip in Rotterdam.

10.30 Celebrity Gogglebox Personalities including Davina McCall, Katherine Ryan and Rob Beckett turn their hand to being the country’s most opinionated viewers as they critique the week’s TV.

11.30 Formula 1 Canadian Grand Prix Highlights Action from the ninth round of the season, held at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve in Canada, where Red

(2001) A suave ex-convict assembles a gang of crooks to help him pull off the daring robbery of three casinos in Las Vegas. Crime comedy, with George Clooney, Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts.

12.35 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Motorsport UK 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Ainsley’s Food We Love

The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 20 • The Mercury Newspaper • U.K. EUROPE INTERNATIONAL ROLL UP! ROLL UP! AUTUMN OFFERS END OF SEASON ARTIFICIAL GRASS SALE All in Stock Same Day Delivery 100% WOOL CARPET £7.99 Sq. M LAMINATE & VINYL FROM £9.99 Sq. M HEAVY DUTY BERBER 13 DIFFERENT COLOURS £5.99 Sq. M 153 RICHMOND PARK ROAD • SHEFFIELD S13 8HR TELEPHONE 0114 327 1551 NO WEEDING • NO MOWING • 20 YEAR GUARANTEE UV PROTECTION NOW OPEN 7 DAYS The CuTTing edge Trampoline park NOW OPEN CUSTOM BUILT ARENA CALL US NOW ON 0114 270 0651 99 JOHN STREET SHEFFIELD S2 4QX (ACROSS FROM SUFC) Fall Proof Harness Training Helmets Required Constant Safety Monitoring by Our Team Must Weigh between 20kg 100kg (3st -18st) Mon/Tue/Thu 3pm-8pm Wed/Fri/Sat 10am-8pm Sun Noon-6pm A5 Flyers | Full Colour Double Sided | 135gsm including design 1000 - £145 • 2500 - £150 5000 - £175 • 10000 - £225 15000 - £280 Call 0114 276 3633 for details or email us via the website BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Father Brown 2.30 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Clean It, Fix It 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 Our Lives: The Girl Who Sails with Her Breath 8.00 Question of Sport 8.30 Would I Lie to You? 9.00 Have I Got News for You 9.30 Queen of Oz 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 The Chris & Rosie Ramsey Show 11.30 Bump 12.35 FILM: David Brent: Life on the Road (2016) 2.10 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.15 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Impossible 1.45 Eggheads 2.15 The Hairy Bikers’ Bakeation 2.45 Home Is Where the Art Is 3.30 Animals at Play 4.30 Murder, Mystery and My Family: Case Closed? 5.15 Flog It! 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 8.00 Gardeners’ World 9.00 Hidden Treasures of the National Trust 10.00 Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing 10.30 Newsnight 11.00 Weather 11.05 FILM: The French Connection (1971) 12.45 Sign Zone: Electric Cars: Is It Time to Buy? – Panorama 1.15 Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland 2.20 Forensics: The Real CSI 3.20 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 ITV News London; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s French Adventure 3.00 Tenable 3.59 ITV London Weather 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 The Thief, His Wife and the Canoe: The Real Story 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 FILM: Rocky II (1979) 12.45 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Million Pound Pawn 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Laura Whitmore’s Breakfast Show Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 The Great House Giveaway 5.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Country Lives 6.00 Channel 4 News 7.00 Live England International Football 10.00 Celebrity Gogglebox 11.05 The Lateish Show with Mo Gilligan 12.05 England International Football 1.00 FILM: Chopper (2000) 2.35 Iris Prize Best British Short: Hornbeam 2.55 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 3.45 Come Dine with Me 5.55 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free Channel 5 12.15 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.20 FILM: Lies Between Friends (2022) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits in Blackpool 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 The Good Gadget Guide: Shop Smart, Save Money 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Susan Calman’s Grand Day Out 9.00 World’s Most Scenic Railway Journeys 10.00 FILM: A Fistful of Dollars (1964) 12.05 Clint Eastwood: The Man & the Movies 1.25 Teleshopping 3.25 The Great Model Railway Challenge
Live Challenge Cup Rugby League, BBC�, �.��pm Britain’s Most Luxurious Train Journeys, Channel �, �.��pm BBC1 6.00 Breakfast 9.00 Saturday Kitchen Live 10.30 Trooping the Colour: The King’s Birthday Parade 1.10 BBC News; Weather 1.25 Bargain Hunt 2.05 Live Challenge Cup Rugby League. Hull FC v St Helens (Kick-off 2.30pm). 4.30 Garden Rescue 5.30 BBC News 5.40 BBC Regional News; Weather 5.50 The Hit List 6.35 Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel The comedian hosts the game show, joined by Chris Moyles, Clare Balding, Josh Widdicombe, Yung Filly, Frankie Bridge, Owain Wyn Evans and Rustie Lee. 7.35 Pointless Celebrities A star-studded version of the general knowledge quiz. 8.25 Casualty Hospital drama. 9.15 Annika The team investigate the murder of a man thrown in the river from a party boat. 10.00 BBC News; Weather 10.20 Annika A young woman is murdered on the Glasgow docks. Last in the series. 11.10 FILM: The Deer Hunter (1978) Oscar-winning Vietnam War drama, starring Robert De Niro. 2.05 Weather for the Week Ahead 2.10 BBC News BBC2 8.00 OOglies Funsize 8.05 Game on Grandparents 8.30 One Zoo Three 8.50 Newsround 9.00 Blue Peter 9.30 Pooch Perfect 10.30 Family Cooking Showdown 11.30 Food & Drink 12.00 Westerns: Talking Pictures 12.45 FILM: The Magnificent Seven. (1960) 2.50 Natural World 3.40 Flog It! 4.40 Hidden Treasures of the National Trust 5.40 Dad’s Army 6.10 Trooping the Colour Highlights 7.25 Today at the Test 8.25 George Michael at the BBC 9.55 Later... with Jools Holland 10.40 George Michael: Live in London 12.50 Best of Glastonbury 2022 3.00 Africa Rising with Afua Hirsch 4.00 This Is BBC Two ITV1 6.00 CITV 8.25 ITV News 8.30 Oti Mabuse’s Breakfast Show 9.25 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 11.35 John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12.35 James Martin’s American Adventure 1.35 ITV News 1.40 FILM: Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster Vacation. (2018) Animated sequel, featuring the voice of Adam Sandler. 3.30 You’ve Been Framed! 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase Celebrity Special 6.00 ITV News; Weather 6.15 Regional Programmes 6.30 In for a Penny Stephen Mulhern sets challenges to members of the public in Newport. 7.00 Capital’s Summertime Ball 2023 Highlights of the concert at Wembley Stadium, where Niall Horan, Jess Glynne, Adam Lambert, Ellie Goulding, Tom Grennan and Calvin Harris were among the scheduled line-up. 8.30 FILM: Night at the Museum (2006) Fantasy comedy, starring Ben Stiller. 10.30 ITV News; Weather 10.50 FILM: Rocky III (1982) Boxing drama, starring Sylvester Stallone. 12.30 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 James Martin’s French Adventure Channel 4 6.10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.00 The King of Queens 7.50 Frasier 8.50 The Simpsons 12.20 FILM: The Cat in the Hat. (2003) Comedy fantasy, starring Mike Myers. 1.55 Four in a Bed 4.35 Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds 5.40 The Pennines: Backbone of Britain 6.35 Channel 4 News 7.05 A Royal Guide to –Weddings Behind the scenes at royal wedding celebrations, revealing what it takes to plan one of the biggest events across the globe from a former royal press secretary. 8.10 Britain’s Most Luxurious Train Journeys Luxury train rides across Britain. 9.10 Ancient Egypt by Train with Alice Roberts Alice takes the train to Luxor to see Tutankhamun’s tomb and his mummified body. 10.15 FILM: Blackbird (2019) Premiere. Drama, starring Susan Sarandon. 12.10 FILM: First Man. (2018) Biopic of astronaut Neil Armstrong, starring Ryan Gosling. 2.30 Shocking Emergency Calls 3.20 Couples Come Dine with Me 4.15 Hollyoaks Omnibus Channel 5 6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10.25 Entertainment News on 5 10.35 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 2.35 Ben Fogle’s New Lives in the Country 3.35 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 4.35 The Blackouts of ’74: When Britain Went Dark 6.05 5 News Weekend 6.10 Only Fools and Horses: Britain’s Favourite Sitcom 7.25 Sandringham: Upstairs, Downstairs 8.25 Birds of a Feather: 30 Years of Laughs 9.50 Noel Edmonds: The Rise & Fall of Mr Saturday Night 11.15 Most Shocking Celebrity Break Ups 1.10 Teleshopping Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy, BBC�, �.��pm Grand Designs, Channel �, �.��pm BBC1 6.00 Breakfast 9.00 Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg 10.00 Politics England 10.30 Sunday Morning Live 11.30 Homes Under the Hammer 12.00 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News 1.15 Songs of Praise 1.50 Points of View 2.05 Live Challenge Cup Rugby League. Wigan Warriors v Warrington Wolves (Kick-off 2.30pm). 4.35 Spy in the Ocean 5.35 BBC News 5.50 BBC Regional News 6.00 Countryfile In an episode celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Welsh Surfing Federation, John Craven meets Linda Sharp, the UK’s first female European champion who helped shape the sport. 7.00 Spy in the Ocean Extraordinary relationships that exist among the creatures of the ocean. 8.00 Antiques Roadshow Fiona Bruce presents the show from Sefton Park in Liverpool. 9.00 Ten Pound Poms Annie is compelled to make a stand for migrants. Last in the series. 10.00 BBC News; Weather 10.25 Regional Programme 10.30 FILM: In the Heart of the Sea (2015) A whaling crew faces a struggle to survive when the ship is attacked by a vast whale. Fact-based historical
Week Ahead 12.25 BBC News BBC2 6.35 Gardeners’ World 7.35 Countryfile 8.30 Beechgrove Garden 9.00 Landward 9.30 The Edible Garden 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11.30 Family Cooking Showdown 12.30 Rick Stein’s Spain 1.30 FILM: The African Queen. (1951) Romantic adventure, starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn. 3.10 FILM: How to Marry a Millionaire. (1953) Comedy, starring Marilyn Monroe. 4.45 Flog It! 5.15 The Great British Sewing Bee 6.15 Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy 7.00 Today at the Test England v Australia. 9.00 Gods of Tennis The rivalry between Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert. Last in the series. 10.00 We Love Glastonbury 11.00 Glastonbury: 50 Years and Counting 12.30 Sign Zone: Question Time 1.30 Predator: The Secret Scandal of J-Pop 2.30 Gods of Tennis 3.30 This Is BBC Two ITV1 6.00 CITV 8.30 Laura Whitmore’s Breakfast Show 9.25 ITV News 9.30 Love Your Garden 10.30 James Martin’s French Adventure 11.00 Catchphrase 11.45 ITV News; Weather 12.00 Live British Touring Car Championship. Coverage from Oulton Park. 2.05 The Masked Singer US 3.00 FILM: Live and Let Die. (1973) James Bond spy adventure, starring Roger Moore. 5.30 The Chase for Soccer Aid 6.30 ITV News; Weather 6.45 Regional Programmes 7.00 Sitting on a Fortune Game
contestants Val, Ciaran,
in with a
of taking away up to £100,000.
Van Der Valk New
ITV News; Weather 10.20 FILM: Ocean’s
for the
show hosted by Gary Lineker in which
Sue, James, Tanya and Ali
series. The murder of a freerunning star reveals a dark heart of corruption and rivalries beneath the surface of the sport. Return of the crime drama, starring Marc
Bull’s Max Verstappen was victorious last year. 1.00 FILM: Swan Song. (2021) Premiere. A former hairdresser escapes from a nursing home to style a dead former customer’s hair for her funeral. Comedy drama, starring Udo Kier and Jennifer Coolidge. 2.45 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Skinny Fat 2.50 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 3.40 Come Dine with Me 5.45 Sunday Brunch Best Bits Channel 5 6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10.20 Entertainment News on 5 10.35 Cash in the Attic 11.05 Police Interceptors 2.05 Inside the Tower of London 4.00 The Black Death 6.00 5 News Weekend 6.05 Holiday Scams: Don’t Get Caught Out 7.00 Britain’s Poshest Farm Shop 8.00 Happy Campers: The Caravan Park 9.00 A Country Life for Half the Price with Kate Humble 10.00 The Rise & Fall of John Leslie 10.55 FILM: Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) Action thriller sequel, starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. 11.55 Entertainment News on 5 12.00 FILM: Lethal Weapon 2. (1989) Concluded. 1.10 Teleshopping 3.10 The Great Model Railway Challenge 4.20 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5.05 Divine Designs 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 YOUR WEEK ON TV Countrywise Water Coolers Ltd Wiltshire Road Hull - HU4 6PA Tel 0114 3260028 Fax 01482 358928 DO YOU NEED AN ALCOHOL/ ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE, GOODS VEHICLE OPERATOR’S LICENCE OR ANY OTHER FORM OF PUBLIC NOTICE? We offer some of the best rates in the region for statutory notices! CALL US FOR A QUOTE 0114 276 3701




Coronation Street: Amy decides to give up her fight as too many people are being affected. But as Aaron struggles to write her retraction for her, he reflects on what really happened that night.

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BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Clean It, Fix It 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 Waterloo Road 9.00 Best Interests 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 The Richard Dimbleby Lecture with David Harewood 11.20 Ghosts US 12.05 Question of Sport 12.30 Weather for the Week Ahead 12.35 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Tennis: Queen’s 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 8.00 Your Home Made Perfect 9.00 Africa Rising with Afua Hirsch 10.00 Glastonbury Anthems 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 FILM: Gloria Bell (2018) 12.50 Sign Zone: Big Little Crimes 1.35 Little Richard: King and Queen of Rock ’n’ Roll 3.05 Frontline Fightback 3.50 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.00 ITV News; Weather 1.20 ITV News London; Weather 1.30 ITV Racing Live: Royal Ascot 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 The Martin Lewis Money Show Live Summer Special 9.00 Litvinenko 10.00 ITV News at Ten 10.30 ITV News London 10.45 FILM: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) 1.20 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Monster Carp 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.00 Bling Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 The Great House Giveaway 5.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Country Lives 6.00 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 The Greatest Auction 9.00 Grand Designs: The Streets 10.00 Dr Death 10.55 Celebrity Gogglebox 12.00 Untold: The Cost of Being a YouTuber 12.35 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 1.25 The Simpsons 2.15 The Lateish Show with Mo Gilligan 3.10 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Jelly 3.30 Fame in the Family 3.55 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free 4.15 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 5.10 Ancient Egypt by Train with Alice Roberts Channel 5 12.15 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: Don’t Steal My Husband (2020) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Celebrity Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Motorhoming with Merton & Webster 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 The Yorkshire Vet. Documentary about vets Julian Norton and Peter Wright; 5 News Update 9.00 Jay Blades’ East End Through Time. Jay delves into the fascinating history of the East End in the 19th century. 10.00 999: Emergency Call Out 11.05 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 12.05 Traffic Cops 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 Traffic Cops 3.50 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.45 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Clean It, Fix It 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 The Repair Shop 9.00 The Great British Sewing Bee 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 Staged 11.30 Who Do You Think You Are? 12.30 Weather for the Week Ahead 12.35 BBC News BBC2 1.00 Tennis: Queen’s 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Inside the Factory 8.00 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Rivers 9.00 There She Goes 10.00 Glastonbury Anthems 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 Unspun World with John Simpson 11.45 FILM: Hero: The Extraordinary Life of Mr Ulric Cross (2021) 1.30 Sign Zone: Rip Off Britain 2.15 Big Little Crimes 3.00 The Great British Sewing Bee 4.00 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.00 ITV News; Weather 1.20 ITV News London; Weather 1.30 ITV Racing Live: Royal Ascot 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 Litvinenko 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 Peston 11.40 The Motorbike Show 12.45 Heathrow: Britain’s Busiest Airport 1.10 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Access Denied? Britain’s Mobility Problem – Tonight 3.25 Kate & Koji 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Made in Britain Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 The Great House Giveaway 5.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Country Lives 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 Location, Location, Location 9.00 Extraordinary Escapes with Sandi Toksvig 10.00 The Change 11.10 First Dates 12.10 24 Hours in A&E 1.05 Shocking Emergency Calls 2.00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 2.50 Couples Come Dine with Me 3.45 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: The Rev 4.00 Grand Designs: The Streets 4.55 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free 5.10 Location, Location, Location Channel 5 12.15 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: Danger in the House (2023) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Celebrity Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Motorhoming with Merton & Webster 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Jersey and Guernsey; 5 News Update 9.00 The Vikings: Invasion. New series. The story of the Norsemen’s invasion of England. 10.00 Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts. Staff rush to help a woman who is struggling to breathe. 11.05 Skin A&E 12.05 999: Criminals Caught on Camera 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 Traffic Cops 3.50 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.45 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures!
BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Clean It, Fix It 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.05 A Wright Family Holiday 8.35 Garden Rescue 9.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 Question Time 11.40 Newscast; Weather 12.15 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Tennis: Queen’s 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 7.45 Windrush: Portraits of a Generation 9.00 Gardeners’ World 10.00 Glastonbury 2023 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 The Unwanted: The Secret Windrush Files 12.15 Africa Rising with Afua Hirsch 1.15 Sign Zone: Dr Xand’s Con or Cure 2.00 Spy in the Ocean 3.00 Clean It, Fix It 3.45 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.00 ITV News; Weather 1.20 ITV News London; Weather 1.30 ITV Racing Live: Royal Ascot 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.30 Elderly & Evicted: Our Care Home Crisis? Tonight 9.00 Litvinenko 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 Standing Firm: Football’s Windrush Story 12.25 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage 1.25 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Farewell Doc Martin 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.00 Oti Mabuse’s Breakfast Show Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 The Great House Giveaway 5.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Country Lives 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 Five Star Kitchen: Britain’s Next Great Chef 9.00 Britain’s Most Expensive Houses 10.00 24 Hours in Police Custody: The Home County Cartel 11.05 Moors Murders: The Lost Letters 12.05 Shocking Emergency Calls 1.00 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 1.50 FILM: Walk Like a Panther (2018) 3.40 Couples Come Dine with Me 4.30 Fame in the Family 4.55 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for Free 5.10 Location, Location, Location Channel 5 12.15 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: My Mother the Murderer (2023) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Motorhoming with Merton & Webster 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Puzzling; 5 News Update 9.00 The Vikings: Rampage. Dr Xand van Tulleken and Raksha Dave track the Vikings’ brutal progress. 10.00 Secret of the Severed Heads: Viking Apocalypse. Examining the site of an ancient massacre in Weymouth, Dorset. 11.05 Police: Night Shift 999 12.05 Police Interceptors 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 Traffic Cops 3.50 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.45 Thomas & Friends BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Doctors 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Clean It, Fix It 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 Panorama 9.00 Best Interests 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 Have I Got a Bit More News for You 11.25 Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star 12.25 Weather for the Week Ahead 12.30 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Tennis: Queen’s 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 8.00 Your Body Uncovered with Kate Garraway 9.00 Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland 10.05 Glastonbury Anthems 10.35 Newsnight 11.15 Weather 11.20 Gods of Tennis 12.20 FILM: The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015) 2.05 Sign Zone: Waterloo Road 3.05 Countryfile 4.00 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 ITV News London; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s French Adventure 3.00 Tenable 3.59 ITV London Weather 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 Litvinenko 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 Secrets of the Spies 11.40 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 1.20 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Martin Clunes: Islands of America 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 James Martin’s French Adventure Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 The Great House Giveaway 5.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Country Lives 6.00 Channel 4 News 7.00 Live England International Football 10.00 The Wonders of the World I Can’t See 11.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 12.05 England International Football 1.05 Shocking Emergency Calls 1.55 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 2.40 Couples Come Dine with Me 3.30 The Dog House 4.20 Grand Designs Australia 5.10 Location, Location, Location Channel 5 12.15 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: Newlywed & Dead: Picture Perfect Mysteries (2019) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits in Blackpool 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.30 Celebrity Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Traffic Cops 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Police Interceptors; 5 News Update 9.00 Police: Night Shift 999. Sgt Gladwin stops a car that is reportedly being driven dangerously. 10.00 Ambulance: Code Red. An HGV crashes into a railway bridge on the M6 motorway. 11.05 999: Critical Condition 12.05 Police Interceptors 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 Traffic Cops 4.40 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.45 Thomas & Friends: Big World! Big Adventures! † Listings supplied by PA Media
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United have confirmed full details of the retained list that has been submitted to the relevant authorities following the conclusion of the 2022/23 campaign.

Boyhood Blade Billy Sharp, along with double promotion winning duo Jack O’Connell and Enda Stevens, head the list of those who will

leave the club this summer, with plans currently being held behind the scenes to give the trio the send offs they deserve from S2, having written themselves into the history of the club with their exploits on the field in red and white.

Re-signed by Nigel Adkins in the summer of 2015, Sharp has enjoyed some stunning

times during his third spell at the Lane.

Appointed captain by Chris Wilder, the now 37-year-old scored 30 goals in the recordbreaking League One title success, before netting a further 24 times as the Blades secured a remarkable return to the Premier League in 2018/19.

In the top-flight, Sharp netted the first goal of

the campaign in the draw at Bournemouth and the final goal before lockdown struck in a home victory over Norwich City. Last term, the popular skipper made 45 appearances in all competitions, netting three goals.

O’Connell was signed for an undisclosed fee by Wilder from Brentford and despite


Callum Paterson has put pen to paper on a new contract with the Owls.

The Scot featured 38 times for Wednesday last season, scoring eight goals as we gained promotion to the Championship via the play-offs.

A popular figure at Hillsborough, Paterson joined the Owls in September 2020 and has racked up 128 appearances in S6 so far.

The 28-year-old told “I’m really happy to be staying with Wednesday!

“I’ve really enjoyed my time with the club so far, last season in particular was really special, and I wanted that journey to continue. It was an easy decision.

“The fans have been amazing with me since I first walked through the door and I love playing in front of them every week, it’s such a big club and I just want to work hard for them

every time I wear the shirt.

“I can’t thank them enough for their support, the sight of them at Wembley and against Peterborough in the second leg are moments I will never forget!

“The bond in that

dressing room between the gaffer, staff and players is immense too, and that was shown in the season we’ve just had. It’s important we keep that togetherness and momentum in the new season and continue to improve.”

not featuring since September 2020 owing to a serious knee injury, the defender has remained a fans’ favourite and has received a glowing reference from current boss Paul Heckingbottom for his contribution off the field during his tenure as manager.

Like Sharp, O’Connell was part of both the League One

and subsequent Championship winning promotion squads of 2016/17 and 2018/19 respectively, making a total of 177 appearances in all competitions as a Blade, netting nine goals, including the promotion clincher in front of the Kop against Ipswich Town in April 2019.

Finally, Stevens leaves S2 with a lasting

legacy too, having also been signed by Wilder in May 2017 on a free transfer from Portsmouth. The Republic of Ireland international scored four crucial goals during the promotion run-in in 2018/19 and clocked up 40 appearances in the Premier League in the following season. The 32-year-old exits having amassed over

200 outings in red and white, including 13 last season.

Looking ahead to next term, the club has exercised options to retain the services of Oliver Norwood, Oliver McBurnie, Wes Foderingham and Ismaila Coulibaly, with talks ongoing regarding new deals with John Fleck, Jack Robinson and Ben Osborn.


New signing Joe Ironside is excited by the project Grant McCann is building at Rovers.

The striker agreed a three-year contract to become McCann’s sixth signing of the summer and said he was sold on the vision the manager laid out for the coming campaigns.

“It was one of the main reasons why I wanted to come to Doncaster,” the 29-year-old said.

“What the gaffer had to

say and with what he’s building, it’s great to be part of something like that.

“I saw that Richard Wood had signed and he’s someone I’ve played against quite a few times and had some great battles with. It’s a statement of intent and Grant is putting together a great squad and hopefully we’re going to be at the right end of the table.

“His teams score a lot of goals so hopefully I

can get on the end of chances and score a lot of them myself.

“I’ve had a few good years behind me now and I’ve got a lot more experience under my belt. I’m ready to get the bit between my teeth and get going.

“League Two is always a tough league and anyone can get promoted, as you’ve seen in recent years. It’s going to be tough but we’ve got to prepare ourselves best

to make sure we’re the ones coming out with the wins to be at the right end of the table.”

Ironside is looking forward to returning to his home county with the move to Rovers. He said: “I’m a Sheffield boy myself so it’s great to get myself back to South Yorkshire and start a new chapter of my career which is hopefully going to be a successful one.”


Rotherham United can confirm that first team/development coach Jon Hill has left the club by mutual consent.

Jon joined the Millers from Exeter City in October 2022 and helped the Millers to secure their Sky Bet Championship status in the 2022/23 campaign.


The former Manchester United, Fulham and Wigan Athletic operator will now depart AESSEAL New York Stadium to pursue


Owen Hampson has been named the club’s Scholar of the Year at the annual Premier League Youth Development Conference at Old Trafford earlier this week.

The award recognises

new opportunities, after it was mutually agreed to end his stay in South Yorkshire.

First team boss Matt Taylor was quick to place on-record his thanks to his outgoing coach and stressed work is already under way to appoint his replacement.

“On behalf of everyone at the football club I would like to say a huge thank you to Jon for his contribution here and wish him nothing but the best for

the achievement of an outstanding scholar, the Scholar of the Year at each club is someone who has excelled in all aspects of the Scholarship Programme and is a role model to other players.

Wales youth international Hampson has just signed his first professional deal with the club after completing his two-year scholarship since joining from Manchester United

whatever comes next.”

“He’s someone that myself and Wayne knew and trusted from our time together at Exeter City and his experience and knowledge played a big part in last season’s success.

“We are incredibly grateful for everything Jon has done for us, and the role he has played in the development of our young players. Jon will remain a close contact of the club and we

in January 2021.

Hampson has been a regular in the under 21s side too, following in the footsteps of Oliver Arblaster who won the same award 12 months ago.

Dominic Roma, Academy Support Manager, commented: “Owen has excelled across all aspects of the programme throughout the duration of his scholarship, which

wish him well in his next adventure. We’ve already identified the individual we want to replace Jon and if everything goes to plan, we will have them with us for the start of pre-season.”

Everyone at Rotherham United would like to thank Jon for his effort and commitment whilst with the club and take this opportunity to wish him all the best for the future.

lead to his achievements being recognised by the education staff at the academy through his scholar of the year award.

“He has been a positive role model to his peers, with the level of work being produced across all subjects to an outstanding level. He finished his BTEC level 3 with D*D*D*, the highest grade possible. Well done Owen on your award”

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For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.

The licensing Act 2003 (Premises and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005

Notice is hereby given that I:


Have made an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Premises known as STAll 46-50, CRYSTAl PEAkS MARkET, CRYSTAl PEAkS, SHEFFIElD S20 7PH

I intend to conduct on or from the premises the following licensable activities:

The sale by retail of alcohol for consumption

OFF the premises:

Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:30

Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations to The Licensing Service, Sheffield City Council, Block C Staniforth Road Depot, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S9 3HD about this application by 9th July 2023

For information on representations, please see

For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.



FORWARD ENvIRONMENTAl lIMITED OF 10 MOORTHORPE WAY, SHEFFIElD S20 6RA is applying to change an existing Licence as follows:

To keep an extra


Owners or Occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre(s) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane Leeds LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 Days of this Notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice.

A Guide to making Representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s Office.

The licensing Act 2003

(Premises and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005

Notice is hereby given that We: MAkERS STORE lIMITED

Have made an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Premises known as MAkERS STORE, 36 PARk lANE, MEADOWHAll CENTRE, SHEFFIElD S9 1El

We intend to conduct on or from the premises the following licensable activities: Sale by retail of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises:

Monday - Friday 08:00 - 23:00

Saturday 09:00 - 20:00

Sunday 11:00 - 17:00

Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations to The Licensing Service, Sheffield City Council, Block C Staniforth Road Depot, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S9 3HD about this application by 4th July 2023

For information on representations, please see

For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.

Court and cause number, the general object thereof being: DIvORCE

If you do not file a response or a responsive pleading in said cause within thirty (30) days after the last publication of this Notice, a default judgement against you may be entered.

Ana Deardorff

1953 San Ildefonso Road Santa Fe New Mexico 87505

(505) 795-5816

Witness the Honorable Sylvia lamar, District Court Judge of the First Judicial District Court of the State of New Mexico, and the seal of the District Court of Santa Fe County, this 22nd day of May 2023.


The licensing Act 2003 (Premises and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005

Notice is hereby given that I: PRANvERA NDREkA

Have made an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Premises known as ED bAllkAN FOOD, 233 AbbEYDAlE ROAD, SHEFFIElD S7 1FJ

I intend to conduct on or from the premises the following licensable activities:

Sale by retail of alcohol: Monday - Sunday 08:00 - 23:00

Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations to The Licensing Service, Sheffield City Council, Block C Staniforth Road Depot, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S9 3HD about this application by 11th July 2023

For information on representations, please see

For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.

The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 23 The Mercury Newspaper Published 14th June 2023 carpet fitting VISIONARY BLINDS VISIONARY BLINDS 0800 5999 336 07802 496800 0800 5999 336 07802 496800 FREE QUOTATIONS & INSTALLATION Vertical • Roller • Roman Pleated • Wooden Venetian • Perfect-fit Plantation Shutters • Velux Insect-screens • Patio Awnings BLinDS ALL SIZE SKIPS HOUSEHOLD • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 95% OF WASTE RECYCLED HILLFOOT WASTE ALL MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED CHEAP RATES 6 DAYS A WEEK TEL 2331010 SKIPS AVAILABLE MINI SKIPS, 3 TON, 4 TON, 6 TON, 8 TON (SOIL, BRICK, RUBBLE/WOOD/MIXED) 16 YARD (WOOD) SKip Hire DIXONS SKIPS The Area’s Best Prices... ...We Won’t be beaten! TELEPHONE 07970 276 862 | 0114 242 3054 OPEN 6 DAyS DC TEL: 0114 242 1906 MOB: 07909 617 134 ANYTIME CARPETS • Carpets Fitted & Re-Fitted • 30 Years Experience • All Material Supplied pLUMBing & Heating Gas Central Heating Specialists Full comprehensive Service Plans including Annual Service 01246 200990 • Servicing • Upgrades • Repairs • Landlord Certificates • Full Installations • Power Flushing Blue Flame Blue Flame WANTED METALWORKING LATHES • Engineering Tools • Lathe Tools • Small Workshop & Garage Clearances Tel: 0114 2651352 Mob: 07791 490263 wanteD We offer some of the best rates in the region for.... • Licence Notices • • GV Operator Notices • • Trustee Act Notices • Call Us On 0114 276 3633 SHeDS & garageS KITCHEN REVAMPS CONTACT GARy 07792 089486 NEW WORKTOPS NEW DOORS NEW CABINETS pUBLic & LegaL noticeS LICENSED PRIVATE HIRE Available for • Weddings • Airports (All Airports) • All Coastal Work • Private Parties • Superb Vehicles Telephone Anytime 07747 787551 (Anytime) We’ll Never Let You Down! private Hire STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SANTA FE First Judicial District Court Case No: D-101-DM-2023-00244 Ana Deardorff (Petitioner) v Travis Heald (Respondent) NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF SUIT STATE OF NEW MEXICO TO TRAvIS HEAlD (RESPONDENT) gREETINgS: YOU ARE HEREbY NOTIFIED that the above-named Petitioner has filed a civil action against you in the above-entitled


18TH AUGUST 2023


Known as the English Riviera, the Torbay region of South Devon is a delight with the towns of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham all having their own uniqueness to offer no matter what the season, making the region a great holiday destination.

Hotel – Make yourself at home for a 3-night stay at The Queens Hotel in Paignton, where you’ll receive a warm welcome. The hotel is known for its high standards, friendly atmosphere, and quality food. Evening entertainment is provided on at least one evening during your stay. The Queens is one of few hotels in Paignton to boast an indoor heated pool, just made for relaxing! The hotel is just a short level walk from both the town centre and the seafront.

You’ll have a hearty breakfast each morning of your stay and a delicious evening meal. The hotel has a bar where you can choose from a selection of bar snacks, and they also offer an afternoon Devonshire Cream Tea.

Included Excursion: Totnes


dAyS OUT 2023

2023 hOLIdAyS




Northumbria’s magnificent, rugged coastline, sandy beaches, and spectacular moorland, make this holiday a perfect choice for a mid-week summertime getaway and if you’re looking for something different, you won’t be disappointed in this land of outstanding natural beauty. Hotel – You will stay for 4-nights in a 3-star standard hotel in the Newcastle area. Breakfast and evening meals are included.

Included Excursions: Alnwick Castle & Gardens

Holy Island & Heritage Coastline Scenic Drive

• Units available from 10 sq ft to 160 sq ft • All units are indoor - unload in the dry • Drive up - no double handling on and off trolleys • Residential and Business customers welcome Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm / Saturday 8am to 2pm CALL 01246 388333 Littlemoor Business Centre, Eckington S21 4EF ECKINGTON SELF STORAGE ON THE MAIN ROAD NEXT TO ALDI june sun 18th cleethorpes armed forces day £55.00 tue 20th cleveleys & blackpool £20.00 thu 22nd filey £20.00 sat 24th scarborough armed forces day £20.00 sun 25th skegness £20.00 tue 27th whitby £20.00 july sat 1st liverpool £20.00 sun 2nd bridlington £20.00 wed 5th lake windermere £20.00 sat 8th york roman festival £20.00 sun 9th skegness £20.00 tue 11th lancaster & morecambe £20.00 wed 12th great yorkshire show (inc admission) adult £47.50 child (5-18) £32 sat 15th annie the musical (bradford alhambra) £70.00 sun 16th blackpool £20.00 wed 19th bury market & shopper £20.00 thu 20th southport £20.00 sat 22nd coronation street tour & salford quays £55.00 mon 24th skegness £20.00 tues 25th heartbeat country & whitby £20.00 thu 27th mablethorpe £20.00 sat 29th skegness £20.00 sun 30th cleethorpes £20.00 mon 31st pickering & scarborough £20.00 august tue 1st hull - the deep - inc ticket adult £36.50 child (3-15) £32.00 thu 3rd harry potter studios adult £88.00 child £78.00 sat 5th skegness £20.00 sun 6th llandudno £20.00 mon 7th chester zoo - inc ticket adult £43.00 child (3-17) £39.00 u3 £20.00 wed 9th cleethorpes £20.00 sat 12th whitby regatta £20.00 sun 13th whitby regatta £20.00 mon 14th scarborough £20.00 wed 16th blackpool £20.00 thu 17th filey £20.00 sat 19th southport flower show (inc ticket) adult £40.00 u16 £20.00 sun 20th beamish museum (inc ticket) adult £34.50 oap £32.50 child 5-16 £27.00 mon 21st mystery day at the seaside £20.00 tue 22nd cleethorpes £20.00 wed 23rd mablethorpe £20.00 sat 26th skegness £20.00 sun 27th whitby £20.00 mon 28th whitby £20.00 tue 29th chester zoo adult £43.00 child (3-17) £39 under 3 £20.00 thu 31st bridlington £20.00 upcoming sat 28 oct shrek the musical - bradford alhambra £58.00 june 17-18 jun scarborough overnight - cumberland hotel £108.00 17-21 jun cromer - hotel de paris £390.00 17-24 jun paignton - cambria hotel £455.00 17-24 jun weymouth - carlton hotel £455.00 17-24 jun eastbourne - cumberland hotel £500.00 18-25 jun torquay - derwent hotel £487.00 19-23 jun llandudno - four oaks hotel £340.00 19-23 jun pontins sands bay £240.00 19-23 jun blackpool - ruskin hotel £353.00 19-23 jun st annes-on-sea - monterey beach hotel £281.00 24-28 jun torquay - regina hotel £378.00 24 jun-1 jul paignton - marine hotel £588.00 25-29 jun isle of man - chesterhouse hotel £536.00 25 jun-1 jul exmouth - cavendish hotel £512.00 25 jun-1 jul tenby - belgrave hotel £516.00 26-30 jun southport - prince of wales, scarisbrick, royal clifton £278.00 july 1-7 jul isle of wight - burlington hotel £413.00 1-8 jul weymouth - carlton hotel £465.00 5-9 jul great yarmouth - new beach hotel £386.00 7-14 jul skegness - savoy hotel £565.00 8-15 jul paignton - cambria hotel £455.00 8-15 jul llandudno - chatsworth house hotel £487.00 9-14 jul weston-super-mare - sandringham hotel £350.00 9-15 jul isle of wight - shanklin hotel £539.00 10-14 jul whitby - royal hotel £384.00 10-14 jul blackpool - ruskin hotel £381.00 10-14 jul liverpool - adelphi hotel £311.00 10-14 jul great highlands railway - highlander hotel newtonmore £539.00 12-18 jul summertime in ireland - killarney towers hotel £662.00 15-22 jul weymouth - carlton hotel £465.00 15-22 jul eastbourne - cumberland hotel £514.00 16-21 jul bournemouth - suncliffe hotel £440.00 17-21 jul folkestone - grand burstin hotel £299.00 22-29 jul paignton - marine hotel £588.00 23-28 jul torquay derwent hotel £390.00 23-29 jul llandudno - chatsworth house hotel £437.00 24-28 jul brighton - royal albion hotel £358.00 24-28 jul pontins - sands bay £250.00 24-28 jul st annes-on-sea - monterey beach hotel £285.00 24-28 jul scarborough - delmont hotel £315.00 24-28 jul cotswolds tour - bosworth hall hotel & spa £305.00 26-30 jul eastbourne - queens hotel £410.00 26-30 jul exmouth - cavendish hotel £396.00 29 jul-5 aug paigton - cambria hotel £455.00 31 jul-4 aug sidmouth - royal york & faulkner hotel £474.00 31 jul-4 aug northumbria coast & country windsor hotel £488.00 august 4-11 aug torquay - nethway hotel £510.00 5-9 aug ilfracombe imperial hotel £354.00 5-12 aug weymouth - carlton hotel £465.00 6-11 aug llandudno - chatsworth house hotel £393.00 7-11 aug blackpool - president hotel £302.00 7-11 aug whitby - royal hotel £384.00 7-11 aug southport - prince of wales/scarisbrick/royal clifton hotel £286.00 hOLIdAyS dAy TRIpS Award-Winning Family-Run Coach Company TELEPHONE 01709 553403 PICK UPS IN ROTHERHAM & SHEFFIELD PICK UPS IN ROTHERHAM & SHEFFIELD PICK UP POINTS: Aston/Swallownest Crystal Peaks Bus Station Penny Black – Sheffield Wilko’s – Rotherham JUNE Sat 17th Skegness or Ingoldmells ................................£18 £17 Sat 17th Cleethorpes Armed Forces Day .......................£18 £17 Sat 24th Wonderful Whitby.........................................£18 £17 Tue 27th Cotswolds Tour .............................................£19 £18 JULY Sat 1st Bridlington or Scarborough ............................£18 £17 Sun 2nd Ingleton 1940s Weekend ................................£18 £17 Wed 5th Stratford-upon-Avon......................................£18 £17 Sat 8th Hartlepool Tall Ship .......................................£18 £17 Sat 8th Woodhall Spa 1940s Festival ..........................£18 £17 Wed 12th Howarth – Yorkshire’s Bronte Vill....................£18 £17 Sat 15th Royal International Air Tattoo ........................£70 £30 Sat 22nd Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Sat 22nd RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park ....................£48 £48 Sat 29th Wonderful Whitby........................................£18 £17 AUGUST Thu 3rd West Midlands Safari Park ............................£45 £40 Sat 5th Bridlington or Scarborough ...........................£18 £17 Wed 9th Halifax Piece Hall and Hebden Bridge .............£18 £17 Thu 10th Legoland Windsor ........................................£60 £60 Sat 12th Blackpool Air Show ......................................£18 £17 Sun 13th Whitby Regatta ............................................£18 £17 Thu 17th Diggerland...................................................£40 £35 Sat 19th Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Wed 23rd Chester or Chester Zoo*** ............................£18 £17 Sat 26th Wonderful Whitby........................................£18 £17 Sun 27th Bridlington or Scarborough ...........................£18 £17 Mon 28th Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Wed 30th Skipton and Grassington ...............................£18 £17 AD OAP/CHILD Follow us on Facebook at Cawthorne’s
SEPTEMBER Sat 2nd Blackpool Illuminations ................................£18 £17 Wed 6th Historic Durham ...........................................£18 £17 Sat 9th Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Thu 14th Belvoir Castle & Cream Tea** ........................£38 £38 Sat 16th Harrogate ....................................................£18 £17 Sun 17th Wonderful Whitby........................................£18 £17 Wed 20th North Wales Tour .........................................£20 £19 Fri 22nd British Musical Firework Championship in Stockport £18 £17 Thu 28th Derbyshire Tour & Carvery .............................£28 £28 OCTOBER Wed 4th Bury Fish Market & Tea..................................£32 £32 Sat 14th Pickering 1940s Weekend .............................£18 £17 Sat 21st Blackpool Illuminations ................................£18 £17 Wed 25th Flamingo Land at Halloween ............................tbc tbc Thu 26th Blackpool Illuminations ................................£18 £17 Sat 28th Whitby Goth.................................................£18 £17 NOVEMBER Sat 11th York & Designer Outlet ..................................£18 £17 Mon 13th Bakewell Market & Castleton.........................£18 £17 Sat 18th Chatsworth at Christmas...............................£45 £45 Sat 25th Birmingham Christmas Market ......................£20 £19 Mon 27th Thursford Christmas Spectacular...................£80 £80 Thu 30th Beamish at Christmas ...................................£38 £35 DECEMBER Sat 2nd Birmingham Christmas Market ......................£20 £19 Sun 3rd Nottingham Christmas Market .......................£18 £17 Sat 9th Lincoln Christmas Market .............................£20 £19 Sun 10th Stratford-upon-Avon Christmas Market ..........£19 £18 Sat 16th York Christmas Market..................................£18 £17 Sun 17th Manchester Christmas Market .......................£18 £17
12 Jun 5-days Great Yarmouth & Stately Sandringham .................£299 pp 19 Jun 4-days Awesome Amsterdam .........................................£399 pp 3 Jul 5-days Blackpool, Bowness & The Beatles .......................£319 pp 18 Aug 4-days Torbay an English Riviera Weekend Breakaway......£299 pp 30 Aug 5-days Isle of Man, Gem of the Irish Sea ...........................£579 pp 2 Sep 2-Days Stratford-upon-Avon & Gin Tasting ........................£149 pp 11 Sep 5-days Cotswolds & The Pudding Club..............................£475 pp 18 Sep 5-days Ostend featuring Bruges & Ypres...........................£399 pp 23 Sep 9-days Tuscan Sunshine.........................................from £870 pp 2 Oct 5-days Chilled in the Trossachs .......................................£299 pp 7 Oct 8-days Jersey, A Perfect Island Break .............................£699 pp 16 Oct 5-days Discover the Isle of Wight ....................................£399 pp 30 Oct 5-days Breath-taking Bournemouth.................................£349 pp 19 Nov 5-days Valkenburg Christmas Markets ............................£499 pp 27 Nov 5-days Blackpool Turkey & Tinsel ....................................£267 pp 27 Nov 4-days Awesome Amsterdam .........................................£399 pp 1 Dec 4-days Scottish Christmas Markets Weekend Break .........£289 pp 8 Dec 4-days Torbay Turkey & Tinsel Weekend ..........................£289 pp 11 Dec 5-days Llandudno Turkey & Tinsel ...................................£259 pp 12 Dec 4-days Winter Break in Awesome Amsterdam ..................£399 pp

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