The Mercury Issue 1524

Page 12

Charity expanding ‘lifeline’ free transport serviCe

Weston Park Cancer Charity has announced its free bus service – which has become a ‘lifeline’ for patients getting to and from the site from throughout South Yorkshire – will be given a prominent new pick-up point at Meadowhall.

An area of the shopping centre’s 12,000-space car park will become a dedicated pick-up point for the shuttle bus service, which has buses running twice-daily from Rotherham, Barnsley and Chesterfield.

otherwise struggle to get to appointments. Our thanks go to the Meadowhall

management team, who have kindly let us use part of the car park, organised for clear signage to be installed, and have been very positive and proactive throughout our work together.

“The service is going from strength to strength as more people come to know about it, and we’re always looking into ways of developing it to ensure everyone facing a cancer diagnosis has access to free transport throughout their care – removing a great deal of stress and allowing them and their families to focus on what’s important.

“While initially conceived as a cost-saving measure for patients, the service has

developed to become a strong source of peer support for them and their loved ones. It’s turned into a lifeline for many people, who we’re committed to supporting at every step.”

Weston Park Cancer Charity patient transport and support officer Saoirse Cregg-Parker said: “We’re all very excited – this new pick-up point means that we can open up the service to people not just in Rotherham, but anyone who can get to Meadowhall. We can help patient get to their treatment, and take the stress out of worrying about parking, getting in on time and fuel costs. The drivers build such great relationships

with the patients. A lot of the drivers will always comment on how patients will tell each other things they don’t even tell their closest relatives because it’s a time for them to be around people who know exactly what they’re going through.

“They’re just honest with each other, and I don’t think they can get that anywhere else – they’re not just defined by their cancer, they talk to each other about hobbies, what they do for work, what’s happening in their area. Most importantly, they feel safe, and they can just relax and think about other things that are far more important than where to park.”

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A team of volunteer drivers ably drive each seven or eight-seat bus, while providing a friendly face for passengers. The new Meadowhall pickup point will further bolster the charity’s Rotherham and Barnsley services –launched in August 2022 and December 2021 respectively – and allow patients from the region to board at the shopping centre’s Green car park and continue their journey to Weston Park Cancer Centre. Weston Park Cancer Charity chief executive officer, Emma Clarke, said: “We are delighted to be able to expand our free bus service, which will help us reach so many more people who might
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Topping the bill for the first time at this year’s Download Festival, Bring Me the Horizon performed an unforgettably explosive set at the spiritual home of rock and announced to Leicestershire’s Donington Park that they will be hitting the road on a UK and Ireland tour in early 2024, arriving at Utilita arena Sheffield on Friday, 19 January 2024. Alongside the band’s tour announcement, they announced a brandnew studio album titled ‘POST HUMAN: NEX

GEN’ will be released later this year. The BRIT and Grammy-nominated, multi-platinum quintet will rock out to audiences up and down the UK and Ireland, making a hometown return to Sheffield’s Utilita Arena next January!

Special guests Bad Omens, Cassyette and Static Dress will join Bring Me The Horizon across all UK and Ireland dates. Bring Me The Horizon have had an exhilarating few years – Selling over 5 million albums globally to date, playing sold-out shows in over

50 countries, including two sold out nights at London’s O2, a night at The Forum in Los Angeles, wowing a traditionally non-rock crowd at Glastonbury Festival in 2016 and 2018 and a headline slot in 2022’s Reading & Leeds Festival. Bring Me

The Horizon are vocalist Oli Sykes, guitarist Lee Malia, bassist Matt Kean, drummer Mat Nicholls, and keyboardist Jordan Fish. Tickets are now on general sale via www. utilitaarenasheffield.

Crossword Clues


My weird talent is always being able to tell what’s in a wrapped present. It’s a gift.

It must be almost Christmas....

.... because I just saw Easter eggs for sale.

I’m not very good at skiing.

I get to the top of the mountain then it’s all down hill from there.

The salesman at the furniture store told me, “This sofa will seat 5 people without any problems.”

I said, “Where the hell am I going to find 5 people without any problems?”

I asked the doctor if I could sew up my own wound. He said “suture self”.

Did you hear about the new Italian restaurant that just opened in the afterlife?

It’s called Pasta Way.

Did you hear about the depressed Swede? He wished he’d never been Bjorn!

My friend was really proud of his heritage until he found out that his great grandfather was from Transylvania.

Now he can’t even look at himself in the mirror.

I had the nastiest, rudest, slowest cashier today. I guess it’s my own fault for using the self service checkout.

My friend said, “My kid refuses to eat fish. What do you think is a good replacement?”

Me: Cats. Cats love fish.

I was so bored sitting at home that I memorized six pages of the dictionary. I learned next to nothing.

What do you call a French guy being mauled by a lion? Claude.

Last Week’s Solution across: 6) Gem, 7) Backtrack, 9) Arbitration, 11) Emery, 12) Albumen, 14) Oneself, 15) Elope, 17) World Record, 19) Periscope, 20) Sty.

DoWN: 1) Detriment, 2) Padre, 3) Skittle, 4) Ormolu clock, 5) Act, 8) Microscopic, 10) Temperate, 13) Old lace, 16) Drape, 18) New

21/6/1982 John Hinckley is found not guilty by reason of insanity for the attempted assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan

The London Underground’s Charing Cross, Euston and Hampstead Railway opens.

World War II: the first selections for the gas chamber at Auschwitz take place on a train full of Jews from Paris.

1) The first underground rail service in the southern hemisphere was opened in 1913 in which Latin American city?

2) In 1941 who was the Japanese Emperor who gave approval for the start of their war against the USA?

3) Which undersea tunnel was completed in Dec 1990 before being opened to traffic in 1994?

4) Which car company was the first to introduce the moving assembly line in December 1913

5) Marie Tussaud the French-English sculptor who founded Madame Tussauds Wax Museum was born in December but in which century?

6) In December 1939 LaGuardia airport opened to service which city?

7) In 1942 a team led by Enrico Fermi initiated the first artificial self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. What was the project called?

8) Formed in 1971 Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai, and Umm al-Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah and which other Emirate formed the United Arab Emirates?

9) In 1976 who became President of Cuba, by replacing Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado?

10) NASA launched the Space Shuttle Endeavour on a mission to repair which telescope in 1993?

The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 4 • The Mercury Newspaper •
21st June
June across 7) Void (6) 8) Bureau (6) 9) Insect (3) 10) Prepared (5) 11) Chicken (3) 14) Budget priced (5) 15) Most perfect (7) 17) Forceful emotion (7) 19) Biblical song (5) 22) Number one (3) 23) Nymph (5) 24) Limb (3) 27) Japanese hostess (6) 28) Sung by choirs (6) DoWN 1) Send forth (6) 2) Mathematical computation (3) 3) Golden yellow (5) 4) Gangster (7) 5) Not on (3) 6) Shriek (6) 12) Lawn flower (5) 13) Angry (5) 16) Plagiarist (4-3) 18) Arrow man (6)
In the News This Week
- 27th
20) Space to manoeuvre (6)
21) The ‘final frontier’ (5) 25) Donkey (3)
26) Policeman (3)
Weekly Wit With ANSWERS ON P2
– Prince William 22/6/1964 – Dan Brown 23/6/1975 – KT Tunstall 24/6/1980 – Mick
– Ricky Gervais
– Samir Nasri 27/6/1975 – Tobey Maguire 24/6/1509 Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon are crowned King and Queen 25/6/1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn and the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer. 26/6/1848 End of the June Days Uprising in Paris. 27/6/2007 Tony Blair resigns as Prime Minister What’s blue and not that heavy? Light blue.
Born this week Weekly Quiz 21/6/1982
Fleetwood 25/6/1961
TERRY’S FURNITURE CENTRE Wordsworth Drive (Off Wordsworth Avenue) • Sheffield S5 8NP TerrysBargainCentre 0114 231 0441 3 PIECE SUITES TOP PRICES PAID! WANTED!!!
The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 5 The Mercury Newspaper •


Experts have warned that Brits should prepare themselves for potential fire hazards in their gardens and on their patios as the UK faces the possibility of another scorching summer.

The warning comes after the UK faced a staggering 28% increase in fires in 2022, with 185,437 incidents reported according to GOV UK. The unprecedented dry weather of last summer caused by record-breaking heat helped fuel the alarming surge.

Alongside commonly acknowledged fire dangers such as barbeques and fire pits, the experts have highlighted how garden furniture is an often overlooked aspect of outdoor fire safety.

Incidents last year demonstrated that some furniture may not be capable of withstanding extreme heat, as Kirsty Gawne from Stocksbridge discovered during the hottest day ever on UK record, when her £400 outdoor rattan sofa from Homebase set alight, causing significant damage to her home. Also last year, Aldi announced that certain garden furniture it had sold posed a fire risk due to an issue with the cushion covers, and would therefore need to send replacements for the items.

As Brits prepare for another summer of high temperatures, the experts have provided their top tips to mitigate the risk of fires in outdoor spaces:

• Check for fire safety labels on furniture: Look for fire safety labels that indicate legal compliance with UK standards. If uncertain, consult your furniture supplier for clarification.

• Remove glass tops from furniture in extreme heat: If possible, some

manufacturers advise removing glass tops from tables, as they can intensify heat in direct sunlight, leading to melting or burning.

• Exercise caution with garden mirrors: When mirrors reflect sun rays, they concentrate energy. This could be enough to cause combustion when directed at flammable materials.

• Maintain a safe distance around BBQs and fire pits: Keep flammable materials at a safe distance from BBQs and fire pits and have an appropriate fire extinguishing source at hand.

• Extinguish cigarettes responsibly: Smokers should ensure cigarettes are properly extinguished and disposed of in designated containers. Refrain from discarding them on the ground or in vegetation.

• Maintain vegetation: Trim and water trees, shrubs and grass in your outdoor areas regularly to minimise the risk of fire. Clear away dry debris which could fuel potential grass fires.

• Install and maintain smoke alarms: Make sure to have working smoke alarms not only throughout your home but also in outdoor spaces like sheds or garages. Test them monthly and replace batteries as necessary.

• Avoid leaving your phone in direct sunlight: Prolonged exposure to heat can cause a chain reaction in your phone’s battery causing it to set alight. To prevent this, keep your phone away from direct sunlight for long periods of time as well as away from potentially flammable surfaces like cushions and throws. Power banks can cause a similar reaction in high temperatures, so charge your phone in a cooler environment.

advICE ON waTER UsE IN HEaT wavE

With a heat health warning issued for last weekend, Severn Trent is encouraging people to consider how they use water at home.

Severn Trent is reminding people to be mindful of their water use whilst enjoying the warmer weather. Sophie EvansYoung, Customer Demand Lead at Severn Trent said: “We tend to think about Britain as a country that gets more than its share of rain, but water is a precious resource and with temperatures expected to climb in the coming days, we want to remind customers to use water wisely. It’s natural when the weather gets warmer to get paddling pools out and using sprinklers, hosepipes and pressure washers to keep gardens and cars looking lovely. However, it’s water-intensive activities such as these that can cause a sudden spike in demand.”

While the Midlands saw some wet weather through April and May, February was the driest since 1993, we only saw 55% of rainfall we would expect in May and 2022 was the hottest year on record. It looks likely that hotter and drier conditions will become a staple of our climate. Severn Trent is working on long-term solutions to address these growing pressures and ensure a continued supply of water both now and into the future.

Sophie added: “Pressures from climate change and population growth mean we all need to think about how we use water all yearround, not just during the summer. We managed to avoid a hosepipe ban last year thanks to our yearround water management plan and the fantastic support of our customers, who helped ensure there was plenty of water for everyone to take care of life’s essentials.”

Some of Sophie’s top tips

for saving water are:

• Get yourself a water butt

– it’s a great way to save water when it rains, and you can use the water for your garden when it’s dry

• When watering plants, use a watering can rather than a hosepipe

• A sprinkler can use as much as 1,000 litres of drinking water in just one hour – which is more than a family of four would normally use in a whole day! – and thirsty lawns will quickly bounce back once it starts raining again

• Think about planting water efficient plants such as Blanket flower (Gaillardia), Sea holly (Eryngium amethystinum) or Euphorbia

• Clean your car with a bucket or with leftover water from the paddling pool, rather than a hosepipe or pressure washer, it’ll save loads of water and help keep your bills down

• Ask your children to water the plants with leftover water from their paddling pool – a fun activity to keep them entertained whilst also saving money and water

If the dog needs a bath, think about using the water from the paddling pool

• Water the plants earlier or later in the day when it’s cooler and the water is less likely to evaporate Customers could also save money on their utility bills by making a few small changes to the ways that they use water around the house.

As well as saving water, people could also save money on their utility bills just by making a few small changes to the ways that they use water at home. An average family of four could see savings of up to £1,300 a year by:

• Cutting daily shower times from 10 to 5 minutes - £700 a year

• Switching off taps when brushing their teeth - £100 a year

• Fixing a leaky toilet -

£300 a year

• Changing to a low-flow shower head - £100 a year

• Cutting out two dishwasher runs per week by only running with full loads - £75 a year

• Cutting out two washing machine runs per week by only running with full loads - £50 a year

• Dripping tap (2 drips/ sec) - £15 a year

• Constantly dripping taps - £90 a year

They may see an additional saving by switching to a water meter free of charge, as they only pay for what they use, which could generate savings vs a flat-rate bill. Customers can also send a video of any suspected leaking taps, toilets or showers to Severn Trent. An engineer will review the video and we’ll make a free repair if we can or direct the customer to a WaterSafe-accredited plumber in the local area. More information on water saving can be found by visiting and searching for saving water made simple.

To book a home water efficiency check, visit and search for home water check. If you spot a leak while you’re out and about, it can be reported using our on-line form here or by calling our Leakline number on 0800 783 4444. And now you can even FaceTime an engineer to show us exactly where the leak is and how bad it is.


On the day that English golfer Matt Fitzpatrick got his US Open title defence underway, his inspiration is being brought to life at his former school. Tapton School in Sheffield has celebrated the milestone by becoming the latest school to enjoy Golf Foundation support, as the national charity helps to bring the sport to a new generation of children. As Fitzpatrick prepared to tee off in Los Angeles, pupils and teachers at Tapton School received their Golfway kit bag from the Golf Foundation team to begin their own journey into golf, marking the start of training for teachers to deliver the fun and easyto-learn golf games that can inspire children from all backgrounds to enjoy golf in school. Fitzpatrick has previously met groups of kids at Golf Foundation events, including a special meeting with some GolfSixes League winners at the British Masters back in 2017. Year 8 pupils (12-13 year olds) at his former school have now got access to Golfway kit, which is designed for all abilities, offering adapted equipment, energetic team games and underpinned by mental toughness tools such as concentration, selfreflection and emotional control, all designed to promote mental wellbeing.

COld waTER awaRENEss

Yorkshire Water is reminding people in the region of the dangers of open water, as the utility support Drowning Prevention Week, which aims to raise awareness of enjoying water safely. The Royal Life Saving Society’s awareness week runs from 17-24 June aims to encourage people to enjoy water safely and encourages parents, schools, leisure centres and communities to educate young people to help them stay safe around water. During the week Yorkshire Water will be hosting a series of live events for schools.

Anne Reed, social value & education manager at Yorkshire Water, said: “Swimming isn’t just a critical lifesaving skill, it’s a skill that opens up a lifetime of fun and adventure. The UK’s beautiful waterways should be places where everyone feels at ease, and can take pleasure from their surroundings, whatever their age, whatever their activity level. Cold water can be a killer and we’d like to start to raising awareness of water safety from a young age. Tragically, we have already seen a number of open-water fatalities in our region this year. To support Drowning Prevention Week, we are holding a series of water safety live events specifically

tailored to different age groups from Early Years to Key Stage 4. Aligning to Swim England’s water safety messaging, we’ll explain how students can help keep themselves and their friends safe, endorse messaging about where to find safe places to swim, and explain in detail why there are hidden dangers in open water areas such as rivers, reservoirs, canals and seas, and that algae in the water can cause rashes and stomach upsets.”

The session for Key Stage 3 and 4 students will be delivered in partnership with the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and the RNLI.

The live events will provide information on the potential increased risk of being near water with peers, for older students including elements of peer pressure, risk taking, alcohol and drugs, and students will receive details on how to look after their friends and help ensure they stay safe.

Anne added: “We’ll explain how students should react in an emergency situation, who to contact and that they should not enter the water. They’ll also receive a reminder about ‘Float to Live’ messaging in case they ever get into difficulty.”

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Step inSide the World of JameS herriot

Like millions worldwide, you’ve probably read his books or watched All Creatures Great and Small, or maybe you’ve heard of James Herriot on the TV series The Yorkshire Vet. Well why not come and see where James Herriot, the world’s most famous vet, lived, worked and wrote his incredibly successful series of books based on his experiences as a young North Yorkshire vet.

Walk through his fully-restored 1940s home and surgery in Thirsk; travel back in time to what life was like when James was practicing. See the car he drove, step into the TV set, try your hand at being a vet, plus so much more including interactive games for Herriot fans of all ages. A visit to the World of James Herriot is something you will never forget.

Stepping through the famous red door of 23 Kirkgate, Thirsk is to step inside the World of James Herriot, the fully-restored site of his original 1940s home and veterinary practice (known in his books as Skeldale House, Darrowby) set in the heart of stunning Herriot Country.

Explore this magical time-capsule, where the world’s most famous vet and one of the most popular writers of the twentieth century lived, worked and wrote his much-loved stories based on his experiences as a young veterinary surgeon working among the farming community of North Yorkshire.

The home retains many of the original furnishings in the family rooms, frozen in time. The dining room doubled as the practice office, where farmers’ bills were typed up at the desk; the sitting room displays original books and family photos; the basement converted to an air raid shelter during the Second World War; the breakfast room favoured for its relative warmth and the reproduction of a typical farmhouse kitchen.

As well as a family home, it was also a busy surgery with a dispensary crammed with fascinating ancient and bizarre remedies and the cramped and primitive consulting room that saw the treatment of many a poorly pet – only creatures small were dealt with by Alf in here!

There’s no telling children ‘don’t touch’ in the

Interactive Gallery! Designed to engage children, young and old, the pieces use fun and interaction to educate visitors about farm animals and how they interact with our lives.

Full of fascinating facts, the gallery gives visitors the opportunity to test their skills, knowledge and reflexes whilst learning how vets work with farmers to keep animals fit and well. Not just for children!

There is one installation that TV viewers particularly will recognise and that’s the ‘not to be missed’ opportunity to place your hand up a cow’s bottom! An essential skill that every vet has to learn, All Creatures Great and Small actor Christopher Timothy famously did his part on several occasions, much to the amusement of the cast, crew and viewing public! Take a close-up look behind the scenes of a reproduced set from the BBC series All Creatures Great and Small and experience the fascinating world of the TV studio and what was involved in the making of the TV program.

You can be the star of the show! Get in front of the camera and imagine yourself as Christopher Timothy playing James Herriot, Robert Hardy as the eccentric Siegfried Farnon, Peter Davison as Tristan Farnon, or Carol Drinkwater and Lynda Bellingham who both played James’ wife Helen Herriot.

There’s an incredible array too of veterinary paraphernalia from Herriot’s time as a young vet –in an era before advances in diagnostics, modern medicine and agricultural machinery. It is the largest collection in the world.

On display is a 4,000 piece archive showcasing veterinary instruments from the past to the modern day. These items chart the history and progress of the profession over the years. Some of the instruments appear primitive but were all designed for a particular purpose, since refined and updated for the modern vet’s practice.

You can visit for more information on the fascinating attractions plus information on the beautiful local filming locations that showed the North Yorkshire landscape at its best.

Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 9 The Mercury Newspaper

Discover our quiet, tranquil holiday park near Skegness…

Home Farm Park is the perfect place for those looking for a quiet getaway or holiday home ownership in a secluded location in the heart of the Lincolnshire countryside.

Offering the best of coast and country, this tranquil holiday park near Skegness opened for business in 2020 and offers lodge and cottage holidays as well as the opportunity to own your own holiday home in a stunning setting.

Say hello to spacious plots, manicured grounds and quiet getaways at Home Farm Park.

It is located just a mile from the picturesque market town of Burgh-le-Marsh and only five miles from the bustling seaside resort of Skegness. So, you’re close enough to enjoy all that this resort has to offer while being far enough away to avoid all the hustle and bustle, should you prefer the quiet life. And, of course, you’re only a stone’s throw from hundreds of square miles of beautiful Lincolnshire countryside, should you fancy exploring.

Home Farm Park is also a great option for those looking for a fishing holidays near Skegness, with a well-stocked lake that represents a challenge for fishermen of all abilities.

CALL US ON 01754 810833

Common Lane, Burgh Le Marsh, Skegness PE24 5HL


Rotherham's salute to armed forces community

Rotherham will come together again to say thank you to its armed forces community next week (19-24 June).

The celebrations begin on Monday, 19 June when the Armed Forces Day flag is raised at a ceremony outside Rotherham Town Hall and Rotherham Minster. The flags will be raised by the Mayor of Rotherham, Councillor Robert Taylor and Frazer Avill, Chief Petty Officer, Rotherham Sea Cadets.

The flags will remain flying for the run-up to the Armed Forces Day event in Rotherham Town Centre on Saturday, 24 June (10am to 12noon).

This year’s event in Rotherham Town Centre will include a military parade, led by Nottinghamshire Pipes & Drums, followed by a parade inspection, Act of Worship and speeches, concluding with musical performances from Nottinghamshire Pipes & Drums and singer, Paul Hawksworth. Armed Forces related stalls will

be located on Effingham Street throughout the event.

Visitors on the day can take advantage of free Saturday parking in all the Council’s town centre off-street car parks (excluding Clifton Park and Museum car parks) to visit the event, as well as enjoy shopping and leisure activities around the centre.

Event Timetable:

10.20am – Parade moves off from College Street

10.35am – Parade Inspection

10.50am – Act of Worship & Speeches

11.10am – Nottinghamshire Pipes & Drums performance

11.25am – Live performance by Paul Hawksworth

12noon – Event closes

The Mayor of Rotherham, Councillor Robert Taylor said: “Rotherham has a long and proud history of supporting the armed forces community and I feel privileged to be leading our borough’s events on Armed Forces Day.

“It’s wonderful to see Rotherham pay tribute to our armed forces community, and that it is so well supported by people from across the borough. Armed Forces Day is always a highlight in the Rotherham calendar and I am sure 2023 will be no different.”

Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Keenan added: "We’re really proud that Rotherham is home to one of the biggest Armed Forces celebrations in the region. Armed Forces Day is a great opportunity for us to all come together to remember and thank those who have fought for our country as well as showing our support for those currently serving.

“But it’s not just about supporting our armed forces community on one day. The Rotherham Armed Forces Community Covenant is promise to those who serve, or who have served, and their families which says we will do all we can to ensure they are treated fairly and are not disadvantaged by their service in their day-today lives.”

Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 10 • The Mercury Newspaper AFP AFFORDABLE LUXURY MOTORHOME HIRE & SALES CALL US ON 0114 261 0522 We go the extra mile to ensure you have a great holiday. We are a family run business offering Motorhome Hire in Yorkshire. Where luxury Motorhome Hire and value go hand-in-hand. 346 BRIGHTSIDE LANE • SHEFFIELD • S9 2SP Your Choice of laid-back holidays | Luxury & Tranquillity set in
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Come and join fellow craft enthusiasts for another fantastic Crafting Live at Doncaster Racecourse this summer. Stephanie Weightman and her team of crafters will be bringing a whole host of crafty celebrities, workshops, make and takes, demos, and much more. The event will take place at Doncaster Racecourse and will be held on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th July 2023. The summer spectacular will kick off on Friday 14th July 2023 with a full day workshop with Stephanie Weightman and crafty friends including Mel, David, Amanda, Carley, Anjie and many more then continue into a whole weekend of fun! The Friday workshop will contain a range of paper craft projects, which will include materials, countless craft knowledge from our experts, all ideal for all skill levels, refreshments and goodies to take home. So if you are an experienced crafter or you’ve only just started, there are projects that you can either follow step by step or add your own personal touch to. Pre-booking is essential but you are guaranteed to have a great day, learn lots of new techniques and make new friends. The Workshop ticket also gets you into the show on any or all of the days and covers all refreshments during the workshop.

The show itself is open Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th July 2023, and is open 10am5pm on Saturday and 10am-4pm on Sunday. Throughout both days, you can visit a vast

range of exhibitors stocking stamps, dies, decoupage, fabric, ribbon, beads and much more. You can stock up on all of your craft essentials, as well as finding inspiration from brand new products and watch on-stand demonstrations. There are also refreshment options and areas to have a much needed sit down after all that shopping!

Crafting Live is home to a huge and most importantly, FREE make and take area that can be booked on the day to take part in. A number of well-known crafters will be running these mini workshop sessions and will allow you to take your finished project home with you. The make and take booking point is open from 10am each day and booking is essential. There will also be the chance to see Create and Craft shows broadcasting live from the main stage. You could get to be part of the audience and watch some of the crafty celebrities demonstrate brand new products live. There may even be a chance to meet some of your favourite presenters after the show!

Crafting Live promise to provide an abundance of inspiration and education at Crafting Live, which is something Stephanie is very passionate about. She would love to see you there!

Tickets are available from

Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 12 • The Mercury Newspaper

RoBBie wiLLiams iNVests iN sHeffieLd ticKet PL atfoRm

Robbie Williams has become the largest investor in Tickets

For Good, the leading platform providing free and heavily discounted tickets for the UK’s top live events to NHS and charity sector workers, following a seed funding round that has secured £500,000 of investment capital for the business. He joins existing Tickets For Good investors Bethnal Green Ventures and US accelerator, Comcast NBCUniversal Sports Tech, with the current investment round expected to close at the end of June.

Tickets For Good, which was founded in 2019 and is headquartered in Sheffield, will use the new equity to support the expansion of its offer, which include opening its services to more audience segments as well as new territories. The offering currently incorporates venues across the UK and live events which include

music (popular, classical, festivals), sport, theatre, comedy and more.

Through its partnerships with over 500 live events companies, including AEG Presents, the National Theatre, London Lions Basketball and more, Tickets For Good increases the accessibility of live entertainment to NHS and charity sector workers, who sign up to the platform as members for free and can secure tickets by paying only a booking fee, which is a maximum of £3.95.

Tickets For Good currently has more than 200,000 users and has processed over 300,000 free and discounted tickets. Its mission also helps to drive audience development, social impact and sustainable revenues across the live and night time industries. The Music Venues Trust recently found that every £1 spent on a ticket returned £10 to the local economy.

Robbie Williams, who is now Tickets for Good’s largest investor

outside of the founders, is one of the most decorated music artists in the world with six of the Top 100 best-selling albums in British history, a huge 80 million album sales worldwide, 14 Number 1 singles (with Take That and as a solo artist) and a record 18 BRIT Awards – more than any other artist in music history. Robbie secured his 14th UK Number 1 album with ‘XXV’, which topped the chart in its first week of release. With this amazing achievement, the music icon has now broken the record for the solo artist with the most UK Number 1 albums - only The Beatles now have more UK Number 1 albums than Robbie with 15. Robbie has also raised over £75 million to date for charity through co-founding Soccer Aid for UNICEF in 2006.

Tickets For Good members have already enjoyed access to Robbie Williams’s current tour and will continue to benefit from his input.

Robbie and his team are long term advocates of investing in the development, sustainability and accessibility of the music industry through campaigning, digital innovation and education initiatives including co-founding the industry trade body Featured Artists Coalition (FAC), higher education creative institute Liverpool Media Academy (LMA) and more.

Robbie Williams said: “Supporting access to the arts is a cause close to my heart. The magic of live entertainment is something everyone should be able to benefit from, so I’m thrilled to be working with Tickets For Good.”

Stephen Rimmer, Founder and CEO of Tickets For Good, commented: “As we continue to build the Tickets For Good offering, to have backing from one of our country’s most-loved entertainers in Robbie is a welcome endorsement of our work. Our expanded group of heavyweight investors underlines

the strength of our mission-driven business strategy and, as we evolve with the next phase of our plans, their support and insight will be invaluable.”

Highlights from Tickets For Good offerings include a multitude of festivals such as El Dorado, Generator Live, Live at Leeds, Parklife, Strawberries & Creem, Tramlines, Just For Laughs Comedy Festival, London Craft Beer Festival; pop and classical concerts from the likes of Billie Eilish, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, the English Chamber Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra and Regents Opera; shows at venues such as Brixton House, Bush Theatre, Harrogate Theatre, Ipswich Theatres and The National Theatre venues; and sports events including London Lions, international football matches, the Women’s EURO 2022 and more. It is also supported by AEG Presents.

two days of music at BoBfest 2023

A lineup of top Sheffield bands will be on stage as the 2023 BobFest comes to Crystal Peaks this July.

The two-day free festival on July 1 and 2 will be held at the Milestone Pub at Crystal Peaks and will be raising money for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice.

Saturday’s bands will include Saskia Searle, Redemption Day, Conspiracy, Brude and Velvet Asylum, along with a karaoke session.

On Sunday there will be chance to see Jamie Mallender, Blue Moon Fever, Kalidiscope, Your Next and Crooked Crows, with a special Jam session also adding to the entertainment.

Other attractions will include a bar, barbecue, stalls, raffle, real ales and a carvery.

The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 13
send your
to / What’s On, Suite 2, 41 Catley Road Sheffield S9 5JF / Tel: 01142 763633 The Mercury Newspaper
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E1 710 PENISTONE ROAD • HILLSBOROUGH • S6 2DF Welcome to the Live sports shown The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 14 • The Mercury Newspaper • 2 Margetson road • Parson Cross • sheffield s5 9ls 0114 232 1529 COLLEY WMC The Best Weekend in Town!!! HIRING NOW • STAFF WANTED • CONTACT CLUB FOR DETAILS FUNCTION ROOm AvAILABLE call 0114 232 1529 or email Wed 21st june quiz & kamikaze karaoke with hi n’ lo cards FRIDAy • Quiz • Bingo with £50 jaCkPot! • SATURDAy • Bingo • oPen the Box • • 5 nuMBer draw • SUNDAy • £50 flyer & Bingo • • oPen the Box • 5 nuMBer draw • WADSLEY BRIDGE WMC HALIFAX ROAD, WADSLEY BRIDGE, SHEFFIELD S6 1LB TELEPHONE 0114 231 31 51 ROOM HIRE Why not Party C t S & Band S p RO v I d E d at COS t sun 25th june disco playlist sat 24th june disco & karaoke fri 23rd june dj russ northern soul & motown! WADSLEY BRIDGE WMC THE HOME OF LIVE ENTERTAINMENT HALIFAX ROAD, WADSLEY BRIDGE, SHEFFIELD S6 1LB • TELEPHONE 0114 231 31 51 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ritchie mac Come and join our club • Full Membership Just £10 per year! SATURDAy 24Th jUNE -STUNNINg LIVE gIRL-FRONTED ROCk & POP TRIO FRIDAy 23RD jUNE- STAR VOCALIST - IN ThE LOUNgE SUNDAy 25Th jUNE • 3PM - FANTASTIC FAThER & SON DUO creed jones & junior plus bingo, super 5 & play your cards right AFFILIATED MEMBERS WELCOME • COVID MEASURES IN PLACE new! sunday lunch 1pm - 4pm only £5.95 new! sunday lunch 1pm - 4pm only £5.95 every sunday traditional sunday lunch SERVED 12 - 4PM les and Carolynn welcome you to... The market Place - Chapeltown • Tel: 0114 246 2570 CHAPELTOWN WmC LIVE ENTERTAINMENT EVERY WEEKEND BINGO & RAFFLES ALL WEEKEND VISIT www.faCeBook.CoM/traxxsheffield for exCiting news & info Friday June 23rd Tickets £5 from Club Grease & Dirty Dancing Show SUNDAy 25Th jUNE • 7.30PM - FANTASTIC SOUL & MOTOWN PERFORMER the g mann sat june 24th DAVE HILL star Male voCalist FRIDAY JuNE 23RD FLETCH SuPERB MALE SINGER SATuRDAY JuNE 24TH PARTY LIKE THE 70S & 80S STAR TRIBuTE DuO SATURDAy 24TH jUNE Tremendous male vocal insTrumenTal duo STRykES TWICE SATURDAy 1ST jULy greaT mulTi-insTrumenTal duo HITz BLITz sat july 1st LINA SUPERB ENTERTAINER FRIDAY JuNE 30TH LuCY KAYE SuPERB ENTERTAINER SATuRDAY JuLY 1ST NEW JERSEY STAR DuO
E3 Farm Road, Sheffield S2 2TP Tel: 0114 2729947 entertainment all weekend! FARM ROAD Sports & Social Club PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB FARM ROAD Sports & Social Club PRIVATE MEMBERS CLUB FRiday 23Rd june - Superb entertainment RuSS elliOtt With • Quiz • Raffles • Open the Box • Sticky 13 The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 16 • The Mercury Newspaper • MOSBOROUGH MINERS WELFARE STATION ROAD, MOSBOROUGH, SHEFFIELD TEL: 0114 2485546 live entertainment BINGO FRIDAY & SATURDAY nIghT/SUnDAY lUnch & nIghT MOnDAYS POKER NIGHT TRevOR Allen’S OPEN mIc NIGHT every Thursday from 8pm Vicky & Staff Welcome You to... THE BALL INN OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY FROM 2PM • SATURDAY & SUNDAY FROM NOON • 43 Mansfield Road • Sheffield • S12 2AG • sun 25th june Dj DinO’S k ARAOke & play your cards right from 5pm MuSiC quiz starts 7pm thurs 22nd June Open the bOx - pluS Dj Wed 21st june games night - from 7pm Top Entertainment! EMAIL: OPEN MON-THURS 3PM-11PM FRI 2PM-11PM SAT-SUN 12PM till LATE! 56 JAUNTY LANE • GLEADLESS • S12 3DN BINGO • POOL • DISCO FOOTBALL ON BIG SCREEN TV! Every Thursday - Pub Quiz & Games NEW!! Redtooth Poker Every Tuesday! sat 24th june Dj tOny’S Saturday 24th June joEllE’s DISCO NIGht! fri 23rd june FRee jukebOx Sun 25th June - Superb Male Female Party Duo fORmIdaBlE aNdy TaylOR Sat 24th June - Top Male vocalist RetRO bROtheRS SaTuRday 24Th june - Tremendous Male 60s 70s 80s duo playing your favourites! soul & motown night! Sun 2nd July- Star Boy girl Pop Duo sKylINE jEssIca K Sat 1st July - Star Female vocalist ROAR SaTuRday 1ST july - Superb Male Female Pop & Soft Rock duo
UD E4 Tel: 0114 285 1118 - LA PLATA S.C. LA PLATA S.C. 353-355 Walkley l ane Sheffield, S6 2PB • Club Offi C e 07917 063283 • The b ar 07917 063241 1 MINUTE WALK FROM HILLSBOROUGH TRAM STOP THEN UP FORBES ROAD & YOU’RE THERE! funCTion room AvAiLAbLe mondAy-fridAy - CALL for deTAiLS harTleY hOuSe SOCial Club 239 Bellhouse Road | Sheffield | S5 6HQ | 0114 249 1422 Under New Management Committee - Old & New Members Welcome binGo & LuCKy 5 SAT NIGHT• SUN LUNCHTIMES • SUN NIGHTS The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 17 The Mercury Newspaper sharon & stuart Welcome you to GReat RanGe oF DRinks inclUDinG GUest cask ales tUesDay 27th jUne 9pm tRevoR allen’s open mic niGht thURsDay 22nD jUne WeiGhtWatcheRs sUnDay 25th jUne open the box FRom 6.00 FRiDay 23RD jUne - 8pm qUiz & binGo satURDay 24th jUne FRom 7.00 pm Disco & kaRaoke SATurdAy 24Th june SundAy 25Th june ouTSTAndinG voCALiST marie wells big dave bopper STAr enTerTAiner SATurdAy 24Th june GreAT mALe voCALiST dereK mAdiSon SATurdAy 1ST juLy ToP mALe ArTiST si sonata SundAy 2nd juLy GreAT mALe SinGer ritchie mac SATurdAy 1ST juLy STAr mALe voCALiST SeAn finCh
E5 Tel: 0114 285 1118 - CHESTNUT AVENUE, CARCROFT, DN6 8AG. TEL: (01302) 725497 See our website at • Tel: 01302 882936 BENTLEY WEST END SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB Cusworth Road, Doncaster DN5 9RF Tel: 01302 876340 The North’s largest entertainment weekly • Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 18 • The Mercury Newspaper • every tuesday bingo night every wednesday quiz night BINGO Every Wednesday Friday Saturday Sunday FuNctION rOOmS avaIlaBlE - call FOr dEtaIlS! tues 4th July NEW! karaOkE EvEry SEcONd tuESday FrOm 6.30 pm FREESTYLE LIvE ENTERTAINmENT EvERY WEDNESDAY LIvE COUNTRY mUSIC WITH RESIDENT BAND & GUESTS Do You Need a Licence Notice? We Believe We Offer the Best Rates in the Area! Call Us On 0114 276 3633 Sat 24th June dEBra allEN Star FEmalE vOcalISt Sun 25th June tOrONtO trEmENdOuS lIvE BaNd saturday 24th june star duo xtra mile Sat 24th June Star Live 60s & 70s Band JUkEBOx JIvE friday 23rd june - star male vocalist sunday 25th june - top male duo electric rainbow saturday 24th june - brilliant live duo ultrafonix shaun perry Sat 1st July lOuIE StEphENS tOp malE vOcalISt Sun 2nd July tOp GuN FaNtaStIc rOck GrOup saturday 1st july superb live retro band spirit of the 60s Sat 1st July TREmENDOUS DUO BACkBEAT friday 30th june - tremendous male vocalist sunday 2nd july - top male vocal instrumental duo metropolis saturday 1st july - brilliant five piece pop & soul band butterfly lee lambert

The Licensing Act 2003


Licensing Act 2003 (Premises and Club Premises Certificates)

Regulations 2005

Notice is hereby given that I: doNNA LouIse hobsoN

Have made an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Premises known as hobsoN’s ChoICe, CRysTAL PeAks, MARkeT uNIT 46-50, PeAk squARe, sheffIeLd, s20 7Ph

I intend to conduct on or from the premises the following licensable activities:

The sale by retail of alcohol for consumption OFF the premises:

Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:30

Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations to The Licensing Service, Sheffield City Council, Block C Staniforth Road Depot, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S9 3HD about this application by 11th July 2023

For information on representations, please see

For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.


Pshtewan Latef Hamaamen

Iraq No: A26355855

Telephone: 07947 941339

The Licensing Act 2003 (Premises and Club Premises Certificates)

Regulations 2005

Notice is hereby given that I: PRANveRA NdRekA

Have made an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Premises known as ed bALLkAN food, 233 AbbeydALe RoAd, sheffIeLd s7 1fj

I intend to conduct on or from the premises the following licensable activities: Sale by retail of alcohol:

Monday - Sunday 08:00 - 23:00

Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations to The Licensing Service, Sheffield City Council, Block C Staniforth Road Depot, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S9 3HD about this application by 12th July 2023

For information on representations, please see

For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.


hayley bIlton t/a

A57 AggRegATes & feNCINg LTd of 5 TAPToN house RoAd, sheffIeLd s10 5by is applying for a licence to use: 22 dARNALL RoAd sheffIeLd s9 5Ab as an Operating Centre for 2 goods vehicles and 0 trailers

Owners or Occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre(s) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be affected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at Hillcrest House, 386 Harehills Lane Leeds LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 Days of this Notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice.

A Guide to making Representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner’s Office.

(Premises and Club Premises Certificates)

Regulations 2005

Notice is hereby given that We: burrIto PICante (SheffIeld) ltd

Have made an application under Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Premises known as buRRITo PICANTe, 347 gLossoP RoAd, sheffIeLd s10 2hP

We intend to conduct on or from the premises the following licensable activities:

The sale by retail of alcohol for consumption

ON & OFF the premises:

Monday - Sunday 11:00 - 23:00

The provision of regulated entertainment, namely; playing of recorded music

Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 23:00

Interested parties or responsible authorities may make written representations to The Licensing Service, Sheffield City Council, Block C Staniforth Road Depot, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S9 3HD about this application by 12th July 2023

For information on representations, please see

For full details and to view a copy of the application please contact the Licensing Service.

Telephone: 0114 2734264 or by e-mail to

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a person is liable on conviction for this offence is a fine not exceeding £5,000.

The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 • 19 The Mercury Newspaper Published 21st June 2023 carpet fitting VISIONARY BLINDS VISIONARY BLINDS 0800 5999 336 07802 496800 0800 5999 336 07802 496800 FREE QUOTATIONS & INSTALLATION Vertical • Roller • Roman Pleated • Wooden Venetian • Perfect-fit Plantation Shutters • Velux Insect-screens • Patio Awnings BLinDS ALL SIZE SKIPS HOUSEHOLD • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL 95% OF WASTE RECYCLED HILLFOOT WASTE ALL MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED CHEAP RATES 6 DAYS A WEEK TEL 2331010 SKIPS AVAILABLE MINI SKIPS, 3 TON, 4 TON, 6 TON, 8 TON (SOIL, BRICK, RUBBLE/WOOD/MIXED) 16 YARD (WOOD) SKip Hire DIXONS SKIPS The Area’s Best Prices... ...We Won’t be beaten! TELEPHONE 07970 276 862 | 0114 242 3054 OPEN 6 DAyS DC TEL: 0114 242 1906 MOB: 07909 617 134 ANYTIME CARPETS • Carpets Fitted & Re-Fitted • 30 Years Experience • All Material Supplied pLUMBing & Heating Gas Central Heating Specialists Full comprehensive Service Plans including Annual Service 01246 200990 • Servicing • Upgrades • Repairs • Landlord Certificates • Full Installations • Power Flushing Blue Flame Blue Flame WANTED METALWORKING LATHES • Engineering Tools • Lathe Tools • Small Workshop & Garage Clearances Tel: 0114 2651352 Mob: 07791 490263 wanteD We offer some of the best rates in the region for.... • Licence Notices • • GV Operator Notices • • Trustee Act Notices • Call Us On 0114 276 3633 SHeDS & garageS KITCHEN REVAMPS CONTACT GARy 07792 089486 NEW WORKTOPS NEW DOORS NEW CABINETS pUBLic & LegaL noticeS LICENSED PRIVATE HIRE Available for • Weddings • Airports (All Airports) • All Coastal Work • Private Parties • Superb Vehicles Telephone Anytime 07747 787551 (Anytime) We’ll Never Let You Down! private Hire



Channel 4

6.15 Cheers 7.35 The King of Queens 8.30 The Simpsons 9.30 Sunday Brunch 12.30 The Simpsons

2.05 FILM: Kindergarten Cop. (1990) Comedy, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. 4.15 FILM: Bumblebee. (2018) Transformers prequel, starring Hailee Steinfeld.

6.30 Channel 4 News 7.00 Edward VIII: Britain’s Traitor King Documentary exploring evidence that Edward VIII may have collaborated with the Nazis, as well as the establishment cover-up of his loyalties that occurred following the war.

8.00 Princess Anne: The Plot to Kidnap a Royal Documentary exploring the 1974 plot to

an Indonesian ceremonial sword is used as a murder weapon, and the victim turns out to have a strong link with a notorious historical case.

10.00 ITV News; Weather 10.20 The Clinic The story of the Tavistock Centre’s Gender Identity Development Service.

11.25 DNA Journey Comedians Joel Dommett and Tom Allen examine their respective family histories.

12.35 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Motorsport UK 3.50 Unwind with

The North’s largest entertainment weekly Call our sales team to get your advert on these pages on 0114 276 3633 opt.1 20 • The Mercury Newspaper • U.K. EUROPE INTERNATIONAL ROLL UP! ROLL UP! AUTUMN OFFERS END OF SEASON ARTIFICIAL GRASS SALE All in Stock Same Day Delivery 100% WOOL CARPET £7.99 Sq. M LAMINATE & VINYL FROM £9.99 Sq. M HEAVY DUTY BERBER 13 DIFFERENT COLOURS £5.99 Sq. M 153 RICHMOND PARK ROAD • SHEFFIELD S13 8HR TELEPHONE 0114 327 1551 NO WEEDING • NO MOWING • 20 YEAR GUARANTEE UV PROTECTION NOW OPEN 7 DAYS The CuTTing edge Trampoline park NOW OPEN CUSTOM BUILT ARENA CALL US NOW ON 0114 270 0651 99 JOHN STREET SHEFFIELD S2 4QX (ACROSS FROM SUFC) Fall Proof Harness Training Helmets Required Constant Safety Monitoring by Our Team Must Weigh between 20kg 100kg (3st -18st) Mon/Tue/Thu 3pm-8pm Wed/Fri/Sat 10am-8pm Sun Noon-6pm A5 Flyers | Full Colour Double Sided | 135gsm including design 1000 - £145 • 2500 - £150 5000 - £175 • 10000 - £225 15000 - £280 Call 0114 276 3633 for details or email us via the website BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Father Brown 2.30 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Clean It, Fix It 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 Yarnbombers – Our Lives 8.00 Question of Sport 8.30 Would I Lie to You? 9.00 Not Going Out 9.30 Queen of Oz 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.20 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.30 Arctic Monkeys at Glastonbury 2023 12.00 FILM: The Miseducation of Cameron Post (2018) 1.25 Weather for the Week Ahead 1.30 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics UK 1.00 Tennis: Queen’s 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Beechgrove Garden 7.30 Glastonbury 2023 10.30 Newsnight 11.00 Weather 11.05 QI XL 11.50 Live at the Apollo Bites 12.00 Glastonbury 2023 2.00 Sign Zone: The Antidepressant Story 3.00 Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland 4.05 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.00 ITV News; Weather 1.20 ITV News London; Weather 1.30 ITV Racing Live: Royal Ascot 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 Litvinenko: The Mayfair Poisoning 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 The 1% Club 11.45 FILM: Rocky IV (1985) 1.30 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Million Pound Pawn 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Laura Whitmore’s Breakfast Show Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 5.00 Sarah Beeny’s New Country Lives 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 Air Fryers: Are They Worth It? 9.00 Celebrity Gogglebox 10.00 Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2022 12.00 The Wonders of the World I Can’t See 12.55 FILM: 47 Metres Down (2017) 2.25 Ramsay’s Hotel Hell 3.10 Come Dine with Me 5.20 Location, Location, Location Channel 5 12.15 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: Killer Dearest (2018) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 The Good Gadget Guide: Shop Smart, Save Money 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Inside the Steam Train Museum. New series. Return of the documentary following life at Norfolk’s Bressingham Steam Museum. In the first episode, locals are preparing for its anniversary steam gala event. 9.00 The Vikings: Conquest. The Viking invaders prepare for a final showdown for the crown of England as the two would-be kings, Edmund Ironside and Canute, are ready to fight to the death. Last in the series. 10.00 FILM: Hannibal (2001) 12.30 Criminals: Caught on Camera 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 3.50 Traffic Cops 4.35 Britain’s Great Cathedrals with Tony Robinson 5.25 Divine Designs 5.55 Entertainment News on 5 FRIDAY £ 5 9 9 9 9 NOWONLY W A S £ 8 9 9 99 X - G O T R A V E L S C O O T E R SAVE £300 TODAY Callnowon 03330155000 Mon-Fri:8amto7pmSat&Sun:8amto6pm Orvisit FREEDELIVERY TOYOURROOMOFCHOICE NationwideShowrooms Visityourstoday-Open7daysaweek Rated Excellent after 38,000 reviews OFFERSEND30thJune‘23 Test dr ve it today in your local store PLEASENOTE:PricesexcludeVATandareavailabletothosewithalongtermmedicalcondition. OFFERCODE:RTV01 HURRY! LIMITED TIMEOFFERS OFFERS END 30th June ‘23 PLE ASE NOTE: Prices exclude VAT and are available to those with a long term medica condition. OFFER CODE: RTV01 Quickandeasy todisassemble Usejustonehandto accelerateandreverse Speed 4mph Range 10miles MaxUser 21stone TillerType Delta Sleek,slimlineandstylish,theX-GoCosmicissimpleto storeanddesignedforcomfortwithextralegroom Freeinterchangeable shroudsinblue&red SAVEON100’SMOREMOBILITYPRODUCTS OUTOFTHISWORLD MOBILITYSCOOTER
Glastonbury ����, BBC�, �pm ITV Racing Live: Royal Ascot, ITV�, �.��pm BBC1 6.00 Breakfast 10.00 Saturday Kitchen Live 11.30 Nadiya Bakes 12.00 Homes Under the Hammer 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.15 Tennis: Queen’s. The cinch Championships. 5.20 BBC News 5.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 5.40 The Hit List. With Chris Moyles, James Buckley, Rickie HaywoodWilliams, Charlie Hedges, Sam Quek and Martel Maxwell. 6.25 Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel The comedian hosts the game show, joined by Dermot O’Leary, Nicola Adams, Alexander Armstrong, Denise Van Outen, Olly Smith, Gloria Hunniford and Rhys Stephenson. 7.25 Pointless Celebrities A star-studded version of the general knowledge quiz. 8.10 Casualty Hospital drama. 9.00 Lewis Capaldi & Lizzo at Glastonbury 2023 Clara Amfo introduces Lewis Capaldi and Lizzo on the Pyramid Stage. 10.00 BBC News; Weather 10.20 FILM: Misbehaviour (2020) Comedy drama, starring Keira Knightley. 12.00 NBA Finals Highlights 1.00 Weather for the Week Ahead 1.05 BBC News BBC2 7.05 Shaun the Sheep 7.15 Dennis & Gnasher Unleashed! 7.25 Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese 7.40 The Deep 8.00 OOglies Funsize 8.10 Game on Grandparents 8.30 One Zoo Three 8.50 Newsround 9.00 Blue Peter 9.30 Deadly 60 10.00 Pooch Perfect 11.00 Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall 12.00 Family Cooking Showdown 1.00 The Best Dishes Ever 1.15 FILM: The Long, Hot Summer. (1958) 3.10 Natural World 4.00 Your Home Made Perfect 5.00 Glastonbury 2023 9.00 QI 9.30 Live at the Apollo 10.00 Guns N’ Roses at Glastonbury 2023 2.00 FILM: Good Morning Karachi. (2013) Pakistani drama, starring Amna Ilyas. 3.25 This Is BBC Two ITV1 6.00 CITV 8.25 ITV News 8.30 Oti Mabuse’s Breakfast Show 9.25 James Martin’s Saturday Morning 11.35 John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12.40 James Martin’s Great British Adventure 1.10 ITV News; Weather 1.30 ITV Racing Live: Royal Ascot. Ed Chamberlin presents coverage of the fifth and final day of the festival. 6.00 ITV News; Weather 6.15 Regional Programmes 6.30 In for a Penny Stephen Mulhern sets challenges to members of the public in Portsmouth. 7.00 Celebrity Catchphrase With Katie Piper, Kiell Smith-Bynoe and Shaun Williamson. 8.00 The Chase Celebrity Special With AJ Pritchard, Hollie Arnold, Giovanna Fletcher and Russell Watson. 9.00 The 1% Club Quiz, hosted by Lee Mack. 10.00 ITV News; Weather 10.20 FILM: Pitch Perfect (2012) Comedy, starring Anna Kendrick. 12.30 Bradley & Barney Walsh: Breaking Dad 1.05 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Ainsley’s Food We Love 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Fishing Allstars Channel 4 6.10 Everybody Loves Raymond 7.00 The King of Queens 7.50 The Simpsons 11.45 Couples Come Dine with Me 12.50 The Secret Life of the Zoo 1.50 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 2.50 Four in a Bed 5.25 The Pennines: Backbone of Britain 6.25 Channel 4 News 6.55 A Royal Guide to – Travel The royal family’s travels around the world. 8.00 Britain’s Most Luxurious Train Journeys The historic Settle to Carlisle line, travelling through Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria. 9.00 Ancient Egypt by Train with Alice Roberts Alice visits upper Egypt and completes her journey in the city of Aswan. Last in the series. 10.00 FILM: Air Force One (1997) Action thriller, starring Harrison Ford. 12.20 Jamie’s Comfort Food 12.30 Live Formula E Portland ePrix. Coverage of the 12th race of the season (Start-time 1.03am). 2.30 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 3.20 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: A Fox in the Night 3.35 Hollyoaks Omnibus 5.40 Jamie’s One-Pan Wonders 5.50 Fame in the Family Channel 5 6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10.25 Entertainment News on 5 10.30 Bargain-Loving Brits in the Sun 1.20 FILM: The Searchers. (1956) 3.45 FILM: The Last of the Mohicans. (1992) Historical adventure, starring Daniel Day-Lewis. 6.00 5 News Weekend 6.05 Dad’s Army: Secrets & Scandals 7.30 Sid James: Comedy Icon 9.00 The Year Britain Burned: Summer ’22 10.30 Jeremy Clarkson’s Most Shocking Moments 12.30 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 1 .20 Entertainment News on 5 1.25 Teleshopping 3.25 Sinkholes 4.15 The Funny Thing About Holidays 5.05 Divine Designs Elton John at Glastonbury ����, BBC�, �pm Edward VIII: Britain’s Traitor King, Channel �, �pm BBC1 6.00 Breakfast 9.00 Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg 10.00 Politics England 10.30 Sunday Morning Live 11.30 Bargain Hunt 12.10 Points of View 12.25 Songs of Praise 1.00 BBC News; Weather 1.15 Tennis: Queen’s. The cinch Championships. 4.05 Garden Rescue 4.35 BBC News 4.50 BBC Regional News; Weather 5.00 Rick Astley & Blondie at Glastonbury 2023. Lauren Laverne presents Rick Astley and Blondie on the Pyramid Stage. 6.00 Countryfile Adam Henson celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Rare Breed Survival Trust. 7.00 Spy in the Ocean The final episode explores the challenges that ocean life must overcome. Last in the series. 8.00 Antiques Roadshow Fiona Bruce hosts from Woodhorn Museum
in Northumberland.
Elton John
Glastonbury 2023 Clara Amfo,
UK tour. 11.05 BBC News; Weather 11.30 Regional Programme 11.35 FILM: Tulip Fever (2017) Historical romance, starring Alicia Vikander. 1.10 Weather for the Week Ahead 1.15 BBC News BBC2 6.15 Gardeners’ World 7.15 Countryfile 8.10 Beechgrove Garden 8.40 Landward 9.10 The Edible Garden 9.40 Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11.10 Family Cooking Showdown 12.10 FILM: Clash of the Titans. (1981) Mythical adventure, starring Harry Hamlin. 2.00 Laurence Olivier: Talking Pictures 2.35 The Great British Sewing Bee 3.35 Spy in the Ocean 4.30 Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy 5.15 Flog It! 6.00 Glastonbury 2023 Including folk singersongwriter Yusuf/Cat Stevens in the Legends slot. 9.00 FILM: Dunkirk (2017) Drama, starring Kenneth Branagh. 10.35 Live at the Apollo 11.05 Glastonbury 2023 With highlights of the sets by Phoenix and Rudimental. 12.20 LGBTQ+ Hits at the BBC 1.20 Sign Zone: Question Time 2.20 Africa Rising with Afua Hirsch 3.20 This Is BBC Two ITV1 6.00 CITV 8.25 ITV News 8.30 Katie Piper’s Breakfast Show 9.25 Love Your Weekend with Alan Titchmarsh 11.25 Love Your Garden 11.55 The Masked Singer US 12.50 ITV News; Weather 1.05 FILM: Rio 2. (2014) Animated comedy sequel, with the voice of Jesse Eisenberg. 3.05 FILM: The Man with the Golden Gun. (1974) James Bond adventure, starring Roger Moore. 5.30 The Chase Celebrity Special 6.30 ITV News; Weather 6.45 Regional Programmes 7.00 Sitting on a Fortune Game show hosted by Gary Lineker, with contestants Mick, Peggy, Sharon, Aaron, Johanna and Jamie answering questions to remain in with a chance of taking away up to £100,000.
Van Der Valk The detective investigates when
Lauren Laverne, Jack Saunders and Jo Whiley present the final performance of this year’s festival, as Elton John makes his Glastonbury debut to end his
Ainsley’s Food We Love
kidnap Princess Anne. 9.00 Before We Die New series. Return of the crime thriller, starring Lesley Sharp. 10.00 Celebrity Gogglebox A rolling cast of famous faces appraise the week’s television. 11.00 Gogglebox Opinions on Heartstopper, Made in Chelsea, and The Circle. 12.00 Walter Presents: Spiral of Lies 1.10 FILM: God’s Own Country. (2017) Drama, starring Josh O’Connor and Alec Secareanu. 3.00 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Nant 3.20 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 4.05 Couples Come Dine with Me 5.00 The Dog House 5.55 Kirstie’s House of Craft Channel 5 6.00 Milkshake! 10.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10.20 Entertainment News on 5 10.30 Cash in the Attic 11.00 Police Interceptors 2.00 Inside the Tower of London 3.55 Henry VIII & His Six Wives 5.55 5 News Weekend 6.00 Argos: How Do They Really Do It? 7.00 Britain’s Poshest Farm Shop 8.00 Happy Campers: The Caravan Park 9.00 A Country Life for Half the Price with Kate Humble 10.00 999: Motorway Emergency 10.50 Police Code Zero: Officer Under Attack 11.55 FILM: The Transporter (2002) Action adventure, starring Jason Statham. 12.55 Entertainment News on 5 1.00 FILM: The Transporter. (2002) Concluded. 1.30 Teleshopping 3.30 Sinkholes 4.20 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 5.05 Divine Designs 5.30 House Doctor YOUR WEEK ON TV Countrywise Water Coolers Ltd Wiltshire Road Hull - HU4 6PA Tel 0114 3260028 Fax 01482 358928 DO YOU NEED AN ALCOHOL/ ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE, GOODS VEHICLE OPERATOR’S LICENCE OR ANY OTHER FORM OF PUBLIC NOTICE? We offer some of the best rates in the region for statutory notices! CALL US FOR A QUOTE 0114 276 3701




Coronation Street: Adam urges Nick to cut Damon adrift as the man is poisonous. Will Nick put family first? Ryan has worked out that Daisy was the catfishes - but despite her pleas Ryan threatens to tell Daniel all! Max panics when Bec wants to go to Speed Daal. Shona assures Max that if he’s truthful with Bec about his past, she’ll realise he’s a changed person and appreciate his honesty - but Alya gets in first! Paul is furious with Bernie for her trying to raise funds on his behalf. Toyah tells Amy that she knows what she’s going through as she was raped too. Recommending a counsellor, she urges Amy to book an appointment. Yasmeen invites Roy to a book reading at the library, much to Evelyn’s annoyance.

Emmerdale: Mandy suggests Paddy stays the night and is stung all over again when he comes up with another excuse not to get close to her. Why is Paddy keeping Mandy at arm’s length? Amelia’s really excited about her mission to make money on social media and is trying to get her dad on board. Deeply worried that Belle is in a dark place mentally, Tom panics when he fails to reach her. As Chloe reaches another important juncture in her life, Amy’s on hand with advice. Will Chloe listen? At Mulberry tensions rise as Jai and Laurel discuss whether they can afford a family trip to Australia.


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BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Animal Park 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Antiques Road Trip 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 Waterloo Road 9.00 Sort Your Life Out with Stacey Solomon 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 Man Like Mobeen 11.30 Ghosts US 12.15 Question of Sport 12.45 Weather for the Week Ahead 12.50 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Tennis: Eastbourne 5.15 Flog It! 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 NHS at 75 Live: Fit for the Future? 8.00 Your Home Made Perfect 9.00 Africa Rising with Afua Hirsch 10.00 The Lenny Henry Show 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 FILM: Phantom Thread (2017) 1.20 Sign Zone: Big Little Crimes 2.05 The Great British Sewing Bee 3.05 Frontline Fightback 3.50 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 ITV News London; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s French Adventure 3.00 Tenable 3.59 ITV London Weather 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Paul O’Grady’s Little Heroes 8.30 Love Your Garden 9.00 Long Lost Family: Born Without Trace 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 On Assignment 11.15 Litvinenko: The Mayfair Poisoning 12.10 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Long Lost Family: Born Without Trace 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 James Martin’s French Adventure Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 Chateau DIY 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 The Greatest Auction 9.00 Before We Die 10.00 Boris, the Lord and the Russian Spy: Dispatches 11.05 Dr Death 12.05 Untold: The Secrets of UK Prisons 1.00 24 Hours in A&E 1.55 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 2.45 The Change 3.40 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Fluorescent Adolescent 3.50 Extraordinary Escapes with Sandi Toksvig 4.45 Ancient Egypt by Train with Alice Roberts 5.40 Fame in the Family Channel 5 12.40 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: The Secrets We Keep (2023) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Cornwall: A Year by the Sea 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 The Yorkshire Vet; 5 News Update 9.00 Jay Blades’ East End Through Time 10.00 999: Emergency Call Out 11.05 Motorway Cops: Catching Britain’s Speeders 12.05 Traffic Cops 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 Sinkholes 3.50 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 4.40 Divine Designs 5.05 House Doctor BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Animal Park 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Antiques Road Trip 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 The Repair Shop: NHS Special 9.00 The Great British Sewing Bee 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 Staged 11.50 Who Do You Think You Are? 12.50 Weather for the Week Ahead 12.55 BBC News BBC2 1.00 Tennis: Eastbourne 5.15 Flog It! 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 8.00 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Rivers 9.00 The Trouble with KanYe 10.15 Ellie & Natasia 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 Unspun World with John Simpson 11.45 Africa Rising with Afua Hirsch 12.45 Sign Zone: Your Home Made Perfect 1.45 Rip Off Britain 2.30 Big Little Crimes 3.15 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 ITV News London; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s French Adventure 3.00 Tenable 3.59 ITV London Weather 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 Long Lost Family: Born Without Trace 10.10 ITV News; Weather 10.40 ITV News London; Weather 10.55 Peston 11.50 British Touring Car Championship Highlights 1.00 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Elderly & Evicted: Our Care Home Crisis? Tonight 3.25 Kate & Koji 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Long Lost Family: Born Without Trace Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 Chateau DIY 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 Location, Location, Location 9.00 Before We Die 10.00 The Change 11.05 Jeremy Kyle Show: Death on Daytime 12.20 Celebrity Gogglebox 1.15 The Wonders of the World I Can’t See 2.10 Ben Elton: The Great Railway Disaster 3.05 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 3.55 Couples Come Dine with Me 4.50 Grand Designs Australia 5.45 Find It, Fix It, Flog It Channel 5 12.40 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: The Woman in the Window (2020) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Cornwall: A Year by the Sea 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Jersey and Guernsey. The world’s largest wooden sailing ship arrives at St Helier’s Port in Jersey; 5 News Update 9.00 999: Critical Condition 10.00 Cold Case Killers 11.05 Police: Night Shift 999 12.05 999: Criminals Caught on Camera 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 The Yorkshire Vet 3.50 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 4.40 Divine Designs 5.05 House Doctor 5.30 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.45 Paw Patrol
BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Animal Park 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Antiques Road Trip 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 A Wright Family Holiday 8.30 Garden Rescue 9.00 Who Do You Think You Are? 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 Question Time 11.40 Newscast; Weather 12.15 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Tennis: Eastbourne 5.15 Flog It! 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 8.00 Grand Tours of Scotland’s Rivers 9.00 Inside the Iranian Uprising 10.00 Big Train 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 Parole 12.15 Sign Zone: Dr Xand’s Con or Cure 1.00 Spy in the Ocean 2.00 Windrush: Portraits of a Generation 3.15 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 ITV News London; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s French Adventure 3.00 Tenable 3.59 ITV London Weather 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.30 Scam Britain: How to Stay Safe – Tonight 9.00 Secrets of the Bay City Rollers 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 The Motorbike Show 11.40 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage 12.35 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Long Lost Family: Born Without Trace 3.55 Unwind with ITV 5.05 Oti Mabuse’s Breakfast Show Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 Chateau DIY 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 Britain’s Best Beach Huts 9.00 Before We Die 10.00 24 Hours in Police Custody: The Home County Cartel 11.30 Jeremy Kyle Show: Death on Daytime 12.40 Moors Murders: The Trial 1.35 The Secret Life of the Zoo 2.00 FILM: Super Troopers 2 (2018) 3.40 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: Tommies 3.55 Couples Come Dine with Me 4.45 Grand Designs Australia 5.40 Fame in the Family Channel 5 12.40 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: Ruby Herring Mysteries: Prediction Murder (2020) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Cornwall: A Year by the Sea 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Puzzling; 5 News Update 9.00 HMP Long Lartin: Evil Behind Bars. Life inside Long Lartin prison in Evesham, Worcestershire. 10.25 Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts 11.25 Skin A&E 12.25 Police Interceptors 1.20 Teleshopping 3.20 Inside the Tower of London 4.10 The Funny Thing About Holidays 5.00 Divine Designs 5.25 Entertainment News on 5 5.35 Fireman Sam 5.45 Paw Patrol BBC1 12.15 Bargain Hunt 1.00 BBC News at One; Weather 1.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 1.45 Animal Park 2.15 Money for Nothing 3.00 Escape to the Country 3.45 Garden Rescue 4.30 Antiques Road Trip 5.15 Pointless 6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather 6.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 7.00 The One Show 7.30 EastEnders 8.00 Is China Watching You? – Panorama 8.30 Scam Interceptors 9.00 Rose Ayling-Ellis: Signs for Change 10.00 BBC News at Ten 10.30 BBC Regional News; Weather 10.40 We Hunt Together 11.25 Glow Up: Britain’s Next Make-Up Star 12.25 Have I Got News for Boris: A Special Tribute 12.55 Weather for the Week Ahead 1.00 BBC News BBC2 12.15 Politics Live 1.00 Tennis: Eastbourne 5.15 Flog It! 6.00 Richard Osman’s House of Games 6.30 Great British Railway Journeys 7.00 Today at the Test 8.00 Your Body Uncovered with Kate Garraway 9.00 Parole 10.00 The Perfect Morecambe & Wise 10.30 Newsnight 11.10 Weather 11.15 FILM: The Last Right (2019) 12.55 Sign Zone: Countryfile 1.55 Waterloo Road 2.55 Gods of Tennis 3.55 This Is BBC Two ITV1 12.30 Loose Women 1.30 ITV News; Weather 1.55 ITV News London; Weather 2.00 James Martin’s French Adventure 3.00 Tenable 3.59 ITV London Weather 4.00 Tipping Point 5.00 The Chase 6.00 ITV News London; Weather 6.30 ITV News; Weather 7.30 Emmerdale 8.00 Coronation Street 9.00 Long Lost Family: Born Without Trace 10.00 ITV News at Ten; Weather 10.30 ITV News London; Weather 10.45 Secrets of the Spies 11.40 All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 1.20 Shop: Ideal World 3.00 Martin Clunes: Islands of America 3.50 Unwind with ITV 5.05 James Martin’s French Adventure Channel 4 12.00 Steph’s Packed Lunch 2.10 Countdown 3.00 A Place in the Sun 4.00 Chateau DIY 5.00 Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 6.00 The Simpsons 6.30 Hollyoaks 7.00 Channel 4 News 8.00 Ben Elton: The Great Railway Disaster 9.00 Before We Die 10.00 The Wonders of the World I Can’t See 11.05 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 12.10 Larry Dean: Fandan 1.05 The Extraordinary Life of April Ashley 2.00 Iris Prize Best British Shorts: The P**s Witch 2.10 Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 3.00 Grand Designs 3.50 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 4.40 Grand Designs Australia 5.30 Fame in the Family 5.55 Kirstie’s House of Craft Channel 5 12.40 Alexis Conran 1.40 5 News at Lunchtime 1.45 Home and Away 2.15 FILM: The Stalker (2022) 4.00 Bargain Loving Brits by the Sea 5.00 5 News at 5 6.00 Eggheads 6.55 5 News Update 7.00 Traffic Cops 7.55 5 News Update 8.00 Police Interceptors; 5 News Update 9.00 Police: Night Shift 999 10.00 Ambulance: Code Red 11.05 999: Critical Condition 12.05 Police Interceptors 1.00 Teleshopping 3.00 Sinkholes 3.45 GPs: Behind Closed Doors 4.35 Divine Designs 5.00 House Doctor 5.25 Fireman Sam 5.45 Paw Patrol £ 5 9 9 9 9 NOWONLY W A S £ 8 9 9 99 X - G O T R A V E L S C O O T E R SAVE £300 TODAY Callnowon 03330155000 Mon-Fri:8amto7pmSat&Sun:8amto6pm Orvisit FREEDELIVERY TOYOURROOMOFCHOICE NationwideShowrooms Visityourstoday-Open7daysaweek Rated Excellent after 38,000 rev ews OFFERSEND30thJune‘23 Test drive it today in your local store PLEASENOTE:PricesexcludeVATandareavailabletothosewithalongtermmedicalcondition. 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Sheffield Wednesday have announced that manager Darren Moore has left the club by mutual consent.

Moore joined the Owls in March 2021 and departs with Wednesday having won promotion to the Championship this May via the play-offs following two seasons in League One.

Moore’s backroom staff


Rotherham United are delighted to reveal that the design of their 2023/24 Primary Strip will have the Rotherham Hospice logo proudly emblazoned across the chest as a result of an innovative commercial deal which has seen six businesses come together as ‘Diamond Partners’.

This season’s jersey welcomes a return for a ‘proper’ polo neck collar which – like the cuffs of the sleeves – is

also depart S6. Chairman Dejphon Chansiri told swfc. “Both parties believe that now is the right time we go our separate ways.

“The journey of Sheffield Wednesday with Darren has been in many ways unique and always as a team. In the football industry, journeys come to an end and now is that

complemented by a subtle red trim. Following the success of the sublimation of imagery into last season’s design, the club were keen to once again give the red body of the shirt further detail and have this season turned to incorporating a silhouette of iconic floodlights of AESSEAL New York Stadium and roof of the Ben Bennett Family East Stand into the shirt’s aesthetics.

The structures which stand imposingly over the playing surface at the Millers’ home and are visible on the Rotherham skyline from vantage points some distance from the ground, serve as a metaphor for the Hospice - whose branding the shirt proudly carries – and the huge influence

time, which we both agree.

“The mutual respect we have for each other is immense on a personal and professional basis and I offer my sincere thanks for the dedication and commitment Darren has given to our club.

“Darren will always be welcome at Hillsborough.”

Moore told swfc.

they carry in our town and with our supporters. The ‘classic’ look continues to honour Rotherham United tradition with white sleeves accompanying the trademark red torso of the shirt, which has once again been created using Puma Teamwear’s dryCell performance technology which is designed to wick moisture from the body and keep the wearer free from sweat during exercise.

The shirt is made up of 100% recycled material –excluding decorations – as both Puma and the club look towards a ‘greener’ “I would like to take this time to acknowledge the chairman, Mr Chansiri, for giving me the opportunity to manage this great football club in Sheffield Wednesday, it’s been a journey in every sense.

“Both the chairman and myself have been determined to get this club back into the Championship.

existence. The famous Rotherham United crest sits opposite the Puma Teamwear logo on the left and right upper of the shirt respectively.

The kit is completed by white shorts - which feature an elasticated waist with a twin needle hem and also sport the club windmill crest and the Puma Cat on the legs –and red socks.

A further announcement on when the 2023/24 Primary Strip will be available to purchase will follow in due course on

In The

In The


I’m delighted this has been achieved, and I hope the football club continues to develop and will soon fulfil the dream of mine, which was to take them back to the Premier League where they belong.

“I would like to thank all the players, past and present, that I have had the joy of working with over my time here. For the many hours spent

on the training ground and in the classroom, I thank you all. The staff who have worked so hard day in, day out, I thank you for your commitment and help throughout my campaign.

“Now to the loyal fantastic fans, all you Wednesdayites, I want to thank you personally and from the bottom of my heart. With all your

support and passion we have created history this season and achieved our goal of promotion.

“This was most apparent during the second leg of the playoffs at Hillsborough when so many people around the country thought it wasn’t possible, we rallied together to achieve the impossible. Also the

scenes I witnessed from the technical area at Wembley, especially for the winning goal, will be images I will never forget.

“Onwards and upwards to you all at SWFC and please stay together as one. WAWAW.”

The process to appoint a new manager is now underway and the club will make no further comment at this time.


Ritchie Humphreys is kindly asking for the backing of his fellow Blades as he prepares to embark on Big John’s Promotion bike ride tour, in memory of his late father John who passed away last year.

The PFA delegate liaison executive will

be starting his 500-mile trip at Bramall Lane, before embarking to the three clubs where his dad saw United win promotion, Darlington (1982), Wolves (1989) and Leicester (1990), with all proceeds going to St Luke’s as a show of appreciation from the family for the care

John received at the hospice prior to his sad passing.

Along with a number of close friends, Humphreys will cover the mammoth trip over just five days, with the ride to take place between Friday 23rd June (departing at 8.30am for anyone

who would like to pop down) and Tuesday 27th June, with approximately 23,000 feet of climbing to be overcome.

Those supporters who are able to sponsor the Unitedite, can do so by visiting www. ritchie500mile


Sheffield United are delighted to confirm

Matt Thorpe as the club’s new under 18s head coach ahead of the new Professional Development League season.

Thorpe coached the club’s under 16s team last season after arriving from Liverpool in October where he was head coach of the club’s under 15s, following on from an eight-year spell at Derby where in 2020 he became the club’s Youth Development


Grant McCann says the hunger and determination shown by Owen Bailey over his career so far ticked plenty of boxes for a potential Rovers signing. The midfielder - who agreed a two-year deal with Rovers earlier this month - spent the

Phase Lead, he replaces Paul Quinn, who left the club last month.

During Thorpe’s time with the Rams, he headed up a programme which helped produce players such as current United star Max Lowe and steps up to the role with plenty of experience to lead an exciting group of young Blades this season.

On his new role, Thorpe commented: “Firstly, I would like to thank Del (Geary) and

last two seasons with Gateshead following his release by boyhood club Newcastle United.

And McCann has been impressed by the impact the 24-year-old made with Gateshead in his bid to fight his way back to league football.

“He had the knock back from Newcastle and he had to build himself back up again. For the last two years he’s been outstanding for Gateshead and everyone you speak to will tell you that. Now he’s got

senior staff at the club for trusting me with a wonderful opportunity to play a small part in the development of our players.

“After joining the club from Liverpool in October, I have been fortunate to understand the hard work and effort that goes on behind the scenes throughout the club and I will ensure that is on display from the players every day. We are really excited for our pre-season to begin with a talented group of scholars.

the benchmark to go one more into League Two and hopefully be successful with us.

“These are the type of people that we want to work with - with hunger, determination and the winning mentality.

“Owen has won a title and he’s been involved in a team that was successful last year in their first season in the National League.”

Bailey also impressed McCann with his desire to join Rovers.

The midfielder spent time

Academy boss, Derek Geary, added: “We are delighted to announce Matt as our new U18 lead coach. He’s got an excellent pedigree in youth development and we believe he will go on to excel in developing our next batch of young talent that’s coming through the system. I wish him all the very best in his new role.

“I’d also like to thank Paul (Quinn) for his contribution in the academy last season and also wish him the best in the future.”

on trial with the club two years ago and admitted he has always remained keen on securing a permanent stay. “There was quite a bit of interest in him, particularly from the Scottish Premier League with clubs wanting to get him,” McCann said. “Once we firmed it up and got speaking to the agent and the player, it was pretty obvious we were his number one choice and we’re really pleased with that. We’re pleased to get him.”

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18TH AUGUST 2023



Known as the English Riviera, the Torbay region of South Devon is a delight with the towns of Torquay, Paignton and Brixham all having their own uniqueness to offer no matter what the season, making the region a great holiday destination.

Hotel – Make yourself at home for a 3-night stay at The Queens Hotel in Paignton, where you’ll receive a warm welcome. The hotel is known for its high standards, friendly atmosphere, and quality food. Evening entertainment is provided on at least one evening during your stay. The Queens is one of few hotels in Paignton to boast an indoor heated pool, just made for relaxing! The hotel is just a short level walk from both the town centre and the seafront.

You’ll have a hearty breakfast each morning of your stay and a delicious evening meal. The hotel has a bar where you can choose from a selection of bar snacks, and they also offer an afternoon Devonshire Cream Tea.

Included Excursion: Totnes


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the deep - inc ticket adult £36.50 child (3-15) £32.00 thu 3rd harry potter studios adult £88.00 child £78.00 sat 5th skegness £20.00 sun 6th llandudno £20.00 mon 7th chester zoo - inc ticket adult £43.00 child (3-17) £39.00 u3 £20.00 wed 9th cleethorpes £20.00 sat 12th whitby regatta £20.00 sun 13th whitby regatta £20.00 mon 14th scarborough £20.00 wed 16th blackpool £20.00 thu 17th filey £20.00 sat 19th southport flower show (inc ticket) adult £40.00 u16 £20.00 sun 20th beamish museum (inc ticket) adult £34.50 oap £32.50 child 5-16 £27.00 mon 21st mystery day at the seaside £20.00 tue 22nd cleethorpes £20.00 wed 23rd mablethorpe £20.00 sat 26th skegness £20.00 sun 27th whitby £20.00 mon 28th whitby £20.00 tue 29th chester zoo adult £43.00 child (3-17) £39 under 3 £20.00 thu 31st bridlington £20.00 upcoming sat 28 oct shrek the musical - bradford alhambra £58.00 june 24-28 jun torquay - regina hotel £378.00 24 jun-1 jul paignton - marine hotel £588.00 25-29 jun isle of man - chesterhouse hotel £536.00 25 jun-1 jul exmouth - 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park royal hotel £470.00 11-14 aug morecambe - auckland hotel £268.00 12-19 aug weymouth - carlton hotel £465.00 13-18 aug weston-super-mare - sandringham hotel £350.00 16-20 aug torquay - metropole hotel £394.00 16-20 aug scarborough - cumberland hotel £370.00 18-19 aug legoland weekend - holiday inn heathrow, bath road £206.00 19-26 aug paignton - cambria hotel £455.00 hOLIdAyS dAy TRIpS Award-Winning Family-Run Coach Company TELEPHONE 01709 553403 PICK UPS IN ROTHERHAM & SHEFFIELD PICK UPS IN ROTHERHAM & SHEFFIELD PICK UP POINTS: Aston/Swallownest Crystal Peaks Bus Station Penny Black – Sheffield Wilko’s – Rotherham JUNE Sat 24th Wonderful Whitby.........................................£18 £17 Tue 27th Cotswolds Tour .............................................£19 £18 JULY Sat 1st Bridlington or Scarborough ............................£18 £17 Sun 2nd Ingleton 1940s Weekend ................................£18 £17 Wed 5th Stratford-upon-Avon......................................£18 £17 Sat 8th Hartlepool Tall Ship .......................................£18 £17 Sat 8th Woodhall Spa 1940s Festival ..........................£18 £17 Wed 12th Howarth – Yorkshire’s Bronte Vill....................£18 £17 Sat 15th Royal International Air Tattoo ........................£70 £30 Sat 22nd Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Sat 22nd RHS Flower Show at Tatton Park ....................£48 £48 Sat 29th Wonderful Whitby........................................£18 £17 AUGUST Thu 3rd West Midlands Safari Park ............................£45 £40 Sat 5th Bridlington or Scarborough ...........................£18 £17 Wed 9th Halifax Piece Hall and Hebden Bridge .............£18 £17 Thu 10th Legoland Windsor ........................................£60 £60 Sat 12th Blackpool Air Show ......................................£18 £17 Sun 13th Whitby Regatta ............................................£18 £17 Thu 17th Diggerland...................................................£40 £35 Sat 19th Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Wed 23rd Chester or Chester Zoo*** ............................£18 £17 Sat 26th Wonderful Whitby........................................£18 £17 Sun 27th Bridlington or Scarborough ...........................£18 £17 Mon 28th Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Wed 30th Skipton and Grassington ...............................£18 £17 SEPTEMBER Sat 2nd Blackpool Illuminations ................................£18 £17 AD OAP/CHILD Follow us on Facebook at
Travel Wed 6th Historic Durham ...........................................£18 £17 Sat 9th Skegness or Ingoldmells ...............................£18 £17 Thu 14th Belvoir Castle & Cream Tea** ........................£38 £38 Sat 16th Harrogate ....................................................£18 £17 Sun 17th Wonderful Whitby........................................£18 £17 Wed 20th North Wales Tour .........................................£20 £19 Fri 22nd British Musical Firework Championship in Stockport £18 £17 Thu 28th Derbyshire Tour & Carvery .............................£28 £28 OCTOBER Wed 4th Bury Fish Market & Tea..................................£32 £32 Sat 14th Pickering 1940s Weekend .............................£18 £17 Sat 21st Blackpool Illuminations ................................£18 £17 Wed 25th Flamingo Land at Halloween ............................tbc tbc Thu 26th Blackpool Illuminations ................................£18 £17 Sat 28th Whitby Goth.................................................£18 £17 NOVEMBER Sat 11th York & Designer Outlet ..................................£18 £17 Mon 13th Bakewell Market & Castleton.........................£18 £17 Sat 18th Chatsworth at Christmas...............................£45 £45 Sat 25th Birmingham Christmas Market ......................£20 £19 Mon 27th Thursford Christmas Spectacular...................£80 £80 Thu 30th Beamish at Christmas ...................................£38 £35 DECEMBER Sat 2nd Birmingham Christmas Market ......................£20 £19 Sun 3rd Nottingham Christmas Market .......................£18 £17 Sat 9th Lincoln Christmas Market .............................£20 £19 Sun 10th Stratford-upon-Avon Christmas Market ..........£19 £18 Sat 16th York Christmas Market..................................£18 £17 Sun 17th Manchester Christmas Market .......................£18 £17
12 Jun 5-days Great Yarmouth & Stately Sandringham .................£299 pp 19 Jun 4-days Awesome Amsterdam .........................................£399 pp 3 Jul 5-days Blackpool, Bowness & The Beatles .......................£319 pp 18 Aug 4-days Torbay an English Riviera Weekend Breakaway......£299 pp 30 Aug 5-days Isle of Man, Gem of the Irish Sea ...........................£579 pp 2 Sep 2-Days Stratford-upon-Avon & Gin Tasting ........................£149 pp 11 Sep 5-days Cotswolds & The Pudding Club..............................£475 pp 18 Sep 5-days Ostend featuring Bruges & Ypres...........................£399 pp 23 Sep 9-days Tuscan Sunshine.........................................from £870 pp 2 Oct 5-days Chilled in the Trossachs .......................................£299 pp 7 Oct 8-days Jersey, A Perfect Island Break .............................£699 pp 16 Oct 5-days Discover the Isle of Wight ....................................£399 pp 30 Oct 5-days Breath-taking Bournemouth.................................£349 pp 19 Nov 5-days Valkenburg Christmas Markets ............................£499 pp 27 Nov 5-days Blackpool Turkey & Tinsel ....................................£267 pp 27 Nov 4-days Awesome Amsterdam .........................................£399 pp 1 Dec 4-days Scottish Christmas Markets Weekend Break .........£289 pp 8 Dec 4-days Torbay Turkey & Tinsel Weekend ..........................£289 pp 11 Dec 5-days Llandudno Turkey & Tinsel ...................................£259 pp 12 Dec 4-days Winter Break in Awesome Amsterdam ..................£399 pp

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