Light Of The World 10th Anniversary

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Light of the World Christian Fellowship


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OCTOBER 11-15 2009


Message from

Bishop Dr. D. W. Whittaker and Pastor Lorraine Whittaker

The theme chosen for our anniversary this year is “Commit to Connect People to people and people to God is adopted from the Light of the World Interdenominational International Association, under the leadership of the presiding prelate Dr. Ruth W Smith. The theme is both inspirational and evangelistic in nature, in that it encourages the church to become a community based institution again, connecting its membership with the needs of the community, primary among which, is the spiritual need. The consequential result will be the reconciliation between man and his God.

Bishop D. W. Whittaker Pastor Lorraine Whittaker

Greetings On behalf of Pastor Lorraine , the Executive Council and the entire membership, I welcome you to the tenth anniversary celebrations of Light of the World Christian Fellowship here in the Cayman Islands .


Ten years ago we celebrated the birth of this ministry. Since then, we have witnessed firsthanded the fulfillment of Acts 2:47 “…the Lord added to the church daily, those who were being saved.” It would be an understatement to say we have experienced many challenges; some of which were grave enough to shatter our hopes and turn our vision into a woeful nightmare, however, the faithfulness of our God, and the resolute faith of our Visionaries as well as, the strong determination of the membership, caused us to withstand the challenges.

Instead, our stumbling blocks have been used as stepping stones to hurl us faster into the fulfillment of our destiny. Today, Light of the World Christian Fellowship stands with a greater awareness of its mandate to these islands, as well as to the world, and that is: “To evangelize contagiously, Educate continually, and to edify consistently.”

It is with much joy that I welcome the Presiding Prelate of Light of the World Interdenominational International Association, Dr. Ruth W Smith, who is providing quality leadership to this great association, and the members of her entourage, our political leaders who have been a source of strong moral support since we began this ministry, our guest speaker Bishop T.P. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, Pastors of the “New Life Christian Ministries” of Niceville, Florida. We welcome all our international delegates as well as those from within our community. We are glad you are here to participate in what God is about to do this week. We invite you to share our excitement as we celebrate the maturing of our vision. We now see with our eyes and bare witness with our spirits that God has now made room for us in the Cayman Islands . We are not oblivious of the fact that these are times of unprecedented challenges, however we take courage from Daniel 11:32 “…but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” It has been ten years’ still our zeal has not faded. Thanks to God who has been our “stone of help.” Bishop D. W. Whittaker


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Message from Bishop Ruth W. Smith Presiding Prelate

Bishop Dr. Ruth W. Smith Presiding Prelate

Greetings on behalf of the Most High who causes us to abound in every good work. There is a great excitement about what God is going to do in this conference. We are humbled and grateful to be here in the Cayman Islands. We look forward to feasting on the Word of God with all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. I truly believe that this meeting is not to be taken for granted because God is up to something supernatural! I encourage everyone to open your hearts to receive what God has in store for you. Let me extend a special thanks to Bishop Desmond Whittaker, Pastor Lorraine Whittaker and his steering committee, as well as the host church Light of the World Christian Fellowship, Grand Cayman, for all that you have done to prepare for the this conference and what you do always. Committing To Connect! People To People…People To God


Bishop Dr. Ruth W. Smith Presiding Prelate


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Message from The Hon. McKeeva Bush Leader of Government Business and Minister of Financial Services, Tourism and Development Premier Designate For Light of the World’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations 11th -15th October 2009

The Hon. McKeeva Bush, OBE, JP,

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

I have no doubt, that you have overcome many difficulties in the past decade, and that they have prepared you for other challenges to come. So as you continue on your journey, I pray that God will bless you with determination, strength, peace and grace. For we know that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Congratulations on achieving this milestone, and may God keep you all for many more years to come.

The Hon. McKeeva Bush, OBE, JP,


These words, from the book of Hebrews, chapter 12, verses one and two, remain a constant reminder that the Christian race is not for the swift; rather, it is for those who, -- like our Saviour, -- can endure the many trials and tribulations that must inevitably be faced.

Leader of Government Business (Premier Designate) and Minister for Financial Services, Tourism and Development

Today, as you celebrate this marker of your tenth year as a congregation, you have demonstrated your perseverance, your commitment to the faith and to the great commission of Jesus Christ.


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Message from The Hon. Rolston Anglin Minister of Education, Training and Employment

For Light of the World’s Tenth Anniversary Celebrations 11th -15th October 2009

Hon. Rolston Anglin

Greetings and congratulations on achieving this milestone tenth anniversary!

to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.” (NIV)

Over the past decade you have been a force for Christ within this community, running the race set out for you, with perseverance and endurance.

May God bless you all.

Through your many outreach ministries, you have diligently taught the gospel to the shutins, the sick, and the incarcerated. You have also reached the wider community through your weekly services and evangelical concerts.

Hon. Rolston Anglin Minister of Education, Training & Employment

These activities and the theme you have chosen for your celebration, “Commit to connect people to people and people to God,’’ is a reflection of your continued devotion to Christ’s great commission and to raising the spiritual health of the Cayman Islands community as a whole.


Just like the limbs and organs in the human body, each member of this community serves a purpose and has contributed to the success of these Islands. Year after year your prayerful contributions have invited God’s blessings and guidance for Cayman’s residents and government. They continue to be greatly appreciated. I wish you every success, as you continue on your spiritual journey, and leave you with these words from the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, chapter 15, verse 58: “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully th

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BBishop T.P. Johnson, Sr. B

ishop T.P. Johnson, Sr., born July 30, 1952 in Cedartown, Georgia, is the fourth child of Ms. Odessa Johnson and the late Mr. P.B. Johnson. Bishop Johnson has been married to the former Annie Mae Chubb, also of Cedartown, Georgia, for 39 years. God has blessed them with four children: Rev. Melissa A. Johnson of Niceville, Florida; Mr. Tommy P. Johnson, Jr. of Louisville, Kentucky; Ms. Kimberly D. Collins of Niceville, Florida; and Bishop-elect Christopher A. Johnson, Sr. of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He has seven grandchildren: Jazlyn Collins (9), Kamyah Collins (6), Makenzie Collins (3), Christopher Johnson, Jr. (6), Jerrell Johnson (3), Micah Johnson (8 mths) and Taraja Johnson (8 mths).

Interdenominational International Association of Stockbridge, Georgia.

Bishop Johnson’s special emphasis in ministry is salvation, evangelism, crusades and revivals. In the year 2000, he led a mission team and crusade to Pignon, Haiti. As Presiding Bishop, he inaugurated the New Life Christian Ministries Interdenominational International Association by hosting a Church Empowerment Conference in June 2009 in his home city of Niceville, Florida. He is also active in mission work under the covering of Light of the World

Bishop T.P. Johnson, Sr. currently holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religious Studies and an Associate of Arts Degree in Christian Education. He also holds a diploma in Biblical Studies from the Full Gospel Baptist Christian Bible College and continues his studies with Master’s International School of Divinity.


Bishop T.P. Johnson, Sr. has been preaching the gospel for over 35 years and in the pastorate for 33 years. Since December 1995 to present, he has been serving as the Overseer and Founder of New Life Christian Ministries of Niceville, Florida. His pastorate includes New Life Missionary Baptist Church of DeFuniak Springs, Florida; Union Springs Missionary Baptist Church; and Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church of Vernon, Florida. In January 2006, Bishop Johnson was consecrated to the office of bishop, Bishop Johnson served on active duty in the United States Air Force for 10 years. He also served as a Civil Servant for 13 yeas. For 8 years, Bishop Johnson was foreman for the Entomology section of Civil Engineering. While employed as Safety Coordinator at Niceville Senior High School of Niceville, Florida, he coached Junior Varsity Football for 2 years.


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Sunday Morning Worship Service October 11th, 2009 Moderator:

Elder Patrick Thompson

9: 00AM

Call to worship Bishop Dr. Desmond W. Whittaker Praise Team Deacon Gary Harris Sis. Caris Bramwell Deacon Lawrence Wood Mr. Elio Solomon

Greetings Greetings Ministry in Song Ordination

Ministry of the word

Assembly of God

LOTW Choir Bishop Dr. D. W. Whittaker Bishop Dr. Ruth W. Smith Bishop T.P Johnson Sis C. Bramwell

Monday Mid-day session 11:45AM – 1:00 PM October 12th, 2009 Praise and Worship Moderator: Presenter: Topic:

LOW Choir Bishop Dr. D. W. Whittaker Bishop Dr. Ruth W. Smith

Pastor Cynthia Pitts Bishop Ruth W. Smith Marriage and Ministry

Monday Night Service 7:30PM (Men’s Ministry) October 12th, 2009

The people I formed for myself will declare my praise {Isaiah 43: 21}


Minister Barrington McPherson

COLOR : Black / Black & White

Prayer: Scripture: Welcome:

Minister ONeil Bennett Elder Karl Bramwell Deacon Lloyd Chamberlain

Sunday Evening 5: 00PM October 11th, 2009 10th Anniversary Celebration & Ordination


Rev. Torrence Bobb

Ministry in the Word Presentation

Altar Call

Leader of the Opposition

Praise & worship Prayer Welcome Scripture Greetings M.L.A. George Town Worship in Giving Ministry in song Introduction of Guest Speaker

Hon. Kurt Tibbetts


Elder Courtney Cummings

Praise & Worship Prayer Welcome Greetings Greetings Greetings

Praise Team Bishop Dr. D.W. Whittaker Elder Courtney Cummings Bishop Ruth W. Smith Hon. McKeeva Bush Leader of Government Business – Premier Designate Hon. Mike Adams

Minister Of Community Affairs and Housing

Item Greetings

LOTW Dance Ministry Hon. Rolston Anglin

Minister Of Edducation, Training and Employment


Rev. Dave Hazle

Worship in Giviing Greetings: Item Greetings: Item: Intro Preacher: Ministry of the Word:

Ministers Clark U.P.C. Choir Pastor Clovis Wilks West Bay New Testament Choir Bishop D. Whittaker Bishop T.P. Johnson

Altar Call Even before they call me I will answer, while they are still speaking I will hear {Isaiah 65:24} COLOR : Blue / Black

Elmsli United Church th

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Tuesday October 13th, 2009

Greetings: Worship in Giving Intro of speaker:

5:30AM – 6:30AM

Ministry of the Word:

Minister Rose Harris Praise Team

Altar Call Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed, the intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. {James 5:16}

Evening 6:00PM - 7:15PM


Theme: Church Leadership Moderator: Pastor Loraine Whittaker Prayer:

Thursday October 15th, 2009

Pastor Loraine

5:30AM – 6:30AM

Ladies Ministry

Morning Revival Moderator: Praise and Worship: Prayer Session

Night 7:30PM Moderator: Sis Caris Bramwell Welcome: Greetings:

Sis Ensue Thompson Bishop L. Mitchell


Ladies Choir


Bishop Winston Leith

Theme: Youth empowered by Purpose

Moderator: Elder Patrick Thompson Prayer Presenters

Church of God of Prophecy

Ministry of the Word:

Praise and Worship: Moderator: Welcome: Greetings: Item: Greetings: Item Offertory: Intro of speaker:

For ye are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body {1Cor 6:20} COLOR: Brown & Beige

Wednesday October 14th, 2009 5:30AM – 6:30AM

Ministry of the Word: Minister Roy Allen Praise Team

Youth Pastor of Chapel Church

Chapel Church Youth LOW Youth Bishop Desmond W. Whittaker Bishop T.P Johnson

For the word of God is living, and effective and sharper than any two edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit and marrow, it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart {Heb 4:12}

Theme: True Worship requires sacrifices


Moderator: Sis Winsome Jefferson

Having been empowered, edified and annointed through these services, let us endeavour to penetrate the darkness of this world as we are called to be beacond of light

Night 7: 30PM

Praise and Worship: Moderator: Welcome: Greetings: Item:

Praise Team Sister Sandy Whittaker Brother R. Matthews Pastor Felix Manzanares

Altar Call

Evening 6:00PM - 7:15PM


Elder Patrick Thompson Bro. Richard Christian Bro. Elroy Bryan

Night 7: 30PM

Bishop Dr. Desmond W. Whittaker Bishop T.P Johnson

Altar Call

Morning Revival Moderator: Praise and Worship: Prayer Session

Minister Bertha Moore Praise Team

Evening 6:00PM - 7:15PM

New Testament Church of God George Town

Item: Intro of speaker:

Bishop T.P Johnson

Praise Team Pastor Julius Jacquie Minister C. Jarret Pastor M. Campbell Mount Calvary Deliverance Church of God

Thanks for your attendance and continued support.

CBramwell for planning committe


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Morning Revival Moderator: Praise and Worship: Prayer Session

Bishop Desmond W. Whittaker



Jeremiah 1:5 Declares,” Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” This message resounds each year as we experience spiritual and numerical growth in our church. We began in July 1999, a small group of believers with the zeal and passion to spread the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amidst trials and tribulations we were convinced and inspired by the Holy Spirit to step out in faith. Starting with just twelve believers, we congregated in a small living room where our first prayer meeting was held. The Lord added to the church and the doors of Light of the World Christian Fellowship were opened with ninety nine persons in attendance.

To be a light in this dark world is what we are determined to be. We tenaciously stand on Isaiah 58:8 which declares, “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: And thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward,”

Our fellowship was sweet and enriching, the unity was strong and our efforts were dauntless. We knew we had a mandate from God to be lights in this dark world.


As a Ministry, our focus is on providing assistance wherever and whenever we can to minister to the whole man. We have sent monetary and material gifts to Jamaica and Haiti when they were in need of a helping hand. Bishop Whittaker is also the presiding Bishop of Light of the World Christian Fellowship Jamaica, Light of the World Christian Centre Fort Lauderdale, as well as Light of the World Christian Fellowship Nigeria. We have received wonderful reports of how the Lord is blessing andadding to these churches, as well.

What amazement, excitement and jubilation that was as we started our first worship service on the first floor of the Horizon Autos Building . Our hearts and eyes cried out in thrill and bliss as we watched God move among us that Sunday morning.


Through our Evangelistic Outreach Ministry, the Helping Hands Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Ladies’ Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Partner’s in Love Ministry, we have touched the lives of many in our society and our neighboring islands such as Jamaica and Haiti . The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ has been preached by our Pastor in countries as distant as Nigeria , Africa .

Many souls were convicted and were turned to God, thus we increased numerically. As our society is a transient one, so is our church. Many brethren have relocated over the years and so did the physical location of our church.

Jesus is the light of the World and we are more determined than ever to have His light penetrate the darkness of this world. With the help of the Lord we will do it.

This Ministry has affected our society to a large extent as we watched youths, middle aged, as well as the elderly turn to the Lord Jesus Christ. th

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Our Mission statement says it all…..

The vision that the Lord has given this ministry is being realized at such an amazing rate, that we are blessed with the need to expand our territory. We are currently in the process of erecting a new sanctuary with a multi purpose facility to continue to educate, and edify the people of God in various areas.


We declare that the next ten years will find us hard at work still holding resolutely to the plow and pressing on in Jesus’ name. Night is approaching, Let us work while it is still day. Let us take to heart the commandment found in Matt 5:16 which says “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

Because of this stand, our church has grown from strength to strength, both numerically and spiritually. Many can attest to the empowerment they have received through the undiluted preaching of the Word and the teaching which was delivered through schools established by our Bishop “School of the Prophet’s and International Bible Training Center .” Students including members of our congregation as well as other congregations have graduated with certificates, diplomas and Bachelor’s Degrees in Biblical Studies.

We claim God’s continuous blessing as we march on in the army of the Lord God bless you, Caris Bramwell


Light of the World Christian Fellowship Maxfield Avenue, Kingston Jamaica

Greetings Light of the World, Grand Cayman,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Grace, peace, and increase be unto you.

Throughout the Word of God the Holy Spirit has called away God’s, people, to spend time with Him in a focused and consecrated way, that they may be refreshed in His presence. It is my prayer that God will pour the oil of His anointing upon this assembly and fresh revelation will come from His anointed servants. May God bless you all. Roy Allen Pastor, Light of the World Jamaica

Bishop Whitaker and Light of the World Grand Cayman, congratulations for the 10 years in Grand Cayman, and may the blessings of God undergird your every endeavor for the next ten years. May the Holy Convocation be one of the greatest ever experienced. Get ready for the impossible. For with God all things are possible. Frederick Douglas said “When you have eliminated the impossible, that which remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. The truth of your witness is evident in your existence, and we know the truth of God is permeated in our faith.


Mother Teresa once said “What we do is less than a drop in the ocean. But if it were missing, the ocean would lack something”. Grand Cayman Island would lack so much if Light of the World Grand Cayman was not there.

On behalf of Light of the World Ministry in Jamaica we congratulate Light of the World Grand Cayman on their 10th Anniversary.



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To Bishop Whitaker and your family, I love you. To the Light of the World Grand Cayman family, I love you. Be blessed, and be the Light that shatters darkness, and glorifies God. “For in the end, we will conserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” (~ Baba Dioum) Gripped In Grace, Bishop David Hartfield, Jr.

Greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Congratulations to Bishop Desmond Whitaker and Light of the World Christian Fellowship Grand Cayman church on your 10th Anniversary and Holy Convocation celebration.

On behalf of Light of the World Christian Center, Sunrise, Fortlaudade I would like to congratulate you on your tenth year anniversary.

Light of the World North – Marietta, Georgia sends our love, prayers and spiritual support toward the progression of the Gospel. We are thankful to the Lord for you and all you are doing to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.

We know for a fact it has not been easy getting to this point but the fight was more than worth it, because you have been built on a rock that cannot be moved.

In His Service,

I must continue to let you know that the name you carry could not be more fitting and more appropriate for you, because you are a true example of what the Light is.

Bishop Daryl B. Anderson Light of the World North

“Commit to Connect” is a theme that you have already been following so as we continue to live our lives based on this theme, let us expand our boundaries to teach others about this true connection with Christ and our brothers and sisters. We are very thankful to be a part of this fellowship under the leadership of Bishop Desmond and Pastor Loraine Whittaker, we know our seeds have been planted on the right soil. We are very thankful for you and all you have been doing for us here in Sunrise Florida, and we look forward to celebrating many more years with you.

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

Yours in Christ Minister Oneil Bennett Light of the World Christian Center, Sunrise, Fortlauderdale

Fresh Oil Christian Ministries Worldwide (Atlanta, Ga) We would like to take this time to thank God for his favor that he has shown to Light of the World Christian Fellowship Grand Cayman Island over these 10 years!! We thank God for opening doors “that no man can close.” We salute you Bishop Desmond Whitaker and Pastor Lorraine Whitaker for the outstanding job that you have done as leaders, not only in Grand Cayman, but also in the Caribbean and South Florida (USA). You are always in our prayers as you continue to spread “the Light” all over the world. To the members of Light of the World Christian Fellowship Grand Cayman, may you continue to be “The Light on The Island.”


Congratulations to you on reaching this very important milestone. May your achievements be even greater as you continue to labour in the Lords Vineyard.


Pastor Ronnie Roach Pastor of Hope Ministries

Bishop Tracy L. Pitts & Pastor Cynthia C. Pitts th

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As you celebrate this significant decade I am sure that you will recall certain moments when things appeared to be more difficult for you than when you first embarked on your ministry here. However, in retrospect, you can surely testify to the providential care and guidance of God-who is always with us. It is therefore important that you remain connected to your only source, God, as you seek to point your followers and your detractors to the true “Light of the World.” I pray that God, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will continue to fashion you to become an even more powerful conduit of His Light- a Light that will expose and penetrate those powers of darkness that seek to oppress the weak and strip persons of their genuine identity- A Light that will bring hope, comfort ad healing to the abandoned, the desperate ad the wounded in our community.

On behalf of my family and I, we would like to congratulate The Light Of The World Christian Fellowship, Grand Cayman zfor their great dedication in building the kingdom of God.

Congratulations and be blessed as you continue to bless others

-Nehemiah 4:16

Rev. Mary Graham St. George Anglican Church

Minister Troy Morris and family

Greetings To Light Of The World Christian Fellowship On behalf of our leadership, Executive council and members, we wish to congratulate you on you 10th anniversary. It is truly a significant mile-stone for the Light of the World Ministries. Hab. 2:3 say “For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: Though it tarry wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Indeed you caught the vision and have run with it, and today we see the manifestation of that which was revealed.

Congratulations On Your 10th Anniversary

May you continue to enlarge the place of thy tent; stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations: Spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stake until Jesus comes. It is our prayer that the God of all Grace, Peace, and Prosperity continue to bless you with all spiritual blessings and many successes in the future.

The fact that the Light of the World Christian Fellowship, as a Church, is now celebrating its 10th Anniversary is a testimony to the faithfulness of CHRIST JESUS’ promise that HIS Church will always stand firm and will not ever be subordinated to the powers of darkness. This assurance is taken from the Gospel of Matthew 16:18.

Congratulations, Marjorie R. Campbell Senior Pastor Calvary Deliverance Church of God

Congratulations, once again, on the achievement of this mile-stone, and it is my prayer that the HOLY SPIRIT will continue to sanctify, protect, guide and strengthen, Dr Whittaker (Bishop), the leaders and the congregation of the Light of the World Christian Fellowship, as a Body of Believers in Christ, to be Salt and Light within the Cayman Islands and the larger world community.

My Brother and Sister Labourers in the Vineyard I give thanks to God for your work and witness in these Cayman Islands as you continually live out God’s call and challenge to shed His Holy and unchangeable Light throughout the world.

Mr. George McCarthy


My family and I would like to seize this opportunity to congratulate Bishop Desmond Whittaker and the congregation of the Light of the World Christian Fellowship for your obedience, dedication and commitment to the fulfillment of “The Great Commission” as commanded by Christ Jesus [Matthew 28:19-20].



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Greeting From George Town Charge Of United Churches

As you continue to pursue and take over, We trust that if the Lord tarris for the next ten year you shall recover all. Keep up the good work and be not weary in well doing in whatever you do. For if you faint not you will reap your just reward.

On behalf of the George Town Charge of United Churches (Elmslie, Robert Young & George Hicks), I wish to extend sincere congratulations to Bishop Whittaker and the members of Light of the world Christian Fellowship on the occasion of your 10th Anniversary. One of the mandates of the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands is to promote Unity in the Body of Christ.

May the God of heaven bless you continually in His service. Rev. Clovis Wilks Evangelist Gloria Wilks New Testament Church of God – West Bay

As a minister in the United Church , it is therefore my pleasure to salute your achievements over the past 10 years and to encourage you to continue to make an impact in the George Town community. In a world of increasing compromise in matters of faith and moral conduct we need the Body of Christ to stand together and let its voice be heard. So that people in 21st century Cayman Islands and beyond will know Christ and influence our world for Him without fear or favour. May God grant many more years of ministry for your fellowship so that more persons will be equipped to radically declare the truth of the Gospel.

I wish to use this opportunity to congratulate Bishop Dr. Desmond Whittaker and the congregation of Light of the World Christian Fellowship on your 10th Anniversary Celebrations. Your labour of love in the ministry has transcend races, colour and creed and you have touched so many lives in Grand Cayman and regions beyond . Keep the torch burning and continue to plunder hell and populate heaven. I wish for you all abundant success and prosperity in all of your future endeavours. Once again CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING THIS MAJOR MILESTONE IN MINISTRY

I wish you every blessing during the special anniversary celebrations, and look forward to working with you and other churches, as together we declare the love of God across the Cayman Islands .

Cassius Feare Minister, Church of God of Prophecy.

Rev. Dr. Dave Hazle Minister – George Town Charge of United Churches

Congratulations To Light Of The World Congratulations to Bishop and Mrs. Desmond Whittaker and congregation, on the achievement of your tenth (10th) anniversary. Your presence in the community is making a difference in the lives of many. Remember that God is not unrighteous to forget your work and your labor of love. From Rev. and Mrs. Torrance Bobb and congregation of First Assembly of God.


To God be the glory great things He has done, It is certainly a pleasure to be given the opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to you. I want to say big thanks for your many efforts of imparting the undiluted Word of God unto me for such a time as this. You have prepared me to be more vigilant and ever ready to face the challenges of life… Through your teaching, and preaching I have been educated and strengthened to be more confident in the Word of God and because of you I have been able to keep the Word of God on my lips and in my heart for the work of excellence in my life!

To God be the glory great things He has done.


Greetings To Light Of The World Christian Fellowship

Rev. & Evangelist Wilks would like to congratulate the Light of the World Church on their 10th anniversary With the help of the Lord; you have come this far by faith leaning on the Lord. Had it not been for the Lord on your side you would have given up, but He kept you.

I love you and may God continue to bless you and your family for your faithfulness in building the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ! CONGRATULATIONS TO LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

We do believe that many times when you felt discouraged you said like David, “I will encourage myself in the Lord.”

Donna Wilson


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What a thrill to bring greetings as you mark this significant milestone in the history of Light of the World Christian Fellowship. HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS, Bishop Whittaker and all my brothers and sisters who have labored so hard to bring this vision to pass! ‘This is the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in our eyes’ for we have shared your journey from the beginning as part of your extended family.

10 years of service to the Lord! An accomplishment in the Kingdom for the Glory of the Ultimate King! Light of the World Christian Fellowship, I encourage you to step out of the norm of ‘church as usual’ to ‘love unusual’ as we prepare for the return of Jesus Christ. CONGRATULATIONS. GOD BLESS YOU. With love in Christ, Donna Dandie Give thanks to your God, among the Gentiles, and sing praises to His Name. - Psalm 18:49

“May the Lord who has begun a good work among you bring it to completion in His time and way “,(Phil. 1:6) ~Michael & Gloria Whilby Murray

Greetings To Light Of The World Christian Fellowship

“This is a tremendous milestone, and one that we can look back in thankfulness and appreciation to God who has led us over the years to this stage. I pray for continuous blessing always. Happy 10th Anniversary.”

Congratulations on your 10th Anniversary Celebrations

Blessings Rosie Cargill

Continue to press forward in His grace. Preach the word in and out of season. Sis Yvonne Rose

Greetings to light of the World Christian Fellowship

May God’s blessings continue to be upon this Ministry as it grows from strength to strength.

The Ladies Ministry, reaching for the ultimate truth in God. As a group of ladies seeking God, it is our desire to follow Him in obedience, and to share His love with others.

Sister Ensue Hylton Thompson Chairperson Ladies Ministry

The ladies Ministry takes this opportunity to congratulate Light of the World Christian Fellowship on this their 10th anniversary. th

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LADIES’ Ministry


MEN’S Ministry


Saints of God I take this opportunity to bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It has been ten years since the inception of Light of the World Christian Fellowship in the Cayman Islands. Truly a milestone has been reached and many goals have been accomplished. However there are still many battles to fight, and as always with the help of God we shall prevail. The Men’s Ministry is indeed delighted to be a part of this year’s celebrations. The members of the Men’s Council have marked the occasion not only as a major achievement but as a stepping stone to propel us into higher heights of ministry.


We as men must now recognize and understand the times we are living in. In 1 Chronicles 12:32 we learn about the “Men of Issachar.” These were “men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” Exploring our own times can be discouraging, unless we discover what to do. The church is not winning the current generation of nonbelievers to the faith, nor is it keeping those who grow up in church. According to Thom Rainer

in The Bridger Generation, if current trends continue, the church will win less than four percent of those born since 1984, and we will retain only about six percent of those young people now growing up in the church. If this trend continues, the church will have very little impact on the culture as it moves further into this millennium. To fully understand the times we, as men of God, must position ourselves to interpret God’s written word by recognizing the significance of past events and applying the lessons to the present and the future. The men of Issachar understood exactly what God was doing, and they played a significant role in establishing the new kingdom for David. David needed such men during this crucial time in Israel’s history and today our leader, Bishop Desmond Whittaker, requires such men to avail themselves. I charge you therefore to let us be the “Men of Issachar” of today. Let us, on this our tenth anniversary, rise to the occasion and stand out in our society. Let us effect the change that is necessary to decrease crime, domestic abuse and violence. Let us make that difference today. God bless you all. Lloyd Chamberlain Chairman - Men’s Council


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PARTNERS in love

Gen. 2:22-25 KJV And the rib, which the Lord God has taken from man made he a woman, and brought her unto the man and Ad’-am said, This is now bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. We are called to love each other and bear true image of God’s love. John 13:34 KJV A new commandment I give unto you, that ye should love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. We the co-coordinators of this ministry are pleased to identify with a very vital arm of Light of the World Christian Fellowship. Our ministry has been blessed with very faithful couples, who by God’s grace are developing exemplary relationships that are to be emulated. We have heard partners share experiences within the group which undoubtedly help to enhance other relationships. Our Fellowship times have been enriching and genuine. We seek to inspire, encourage and empower our relationships so that we can experience what true love is. We invite all couples (man and wife) to share these experiences with us. Many couples have been helped and we have been encouraged and taught by faithful and blessed servants of God who speak from their everyday experiences, at our various meetings.

Marriages are made in heaven but they are lived on earth, how true! Marriage is a divine institution, designed for the good of human existence on earth. It is perfect in design, and wholesome as is. God designed marriages to be a place where each person in the relationship could grow and be a healing agent of love. Ephesians 5:28-29 KJV So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church. These verses provide us with a good conclusion. They speak to husbands while Ephesians 5:22-23 speak to wives. It is on these truths that we stand and have the confidence that this ministry which is a vital part of our church will continue to impact not only our immediate church family but the entire nation. Elder Karl & Caris Bramwell th

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To all those who believe married love really can last a life time, and for all who may need some encouragement to believe.


YOUTH Department

only participated in, but we came out victorious by becoming the champions n the competition. The Youth Department greets the church in the Mighty name of Jesus, our soon coming King We the leaders of the Youth Department are prepared to help educate our youths in the precepts of Christ. We are prepared to help them discover their purpose. We believe our youths are blessed with great potential but they need motivation to become the best that they can be. We saw their potential displayed in a Bible debate, which we not

As the leaders we are prepared to do whatever we can to help them grow in Christ. This Ministry has experienced significant growth in number and has seen the youth mature both spiritually and mentally. Every fourth Sunday is Youth Sunday and the youths are in charge of the worship aspect of the service. They have done exceptionally well. We are proud to make mention of Jawara and Jodie who have both passed their exams with excellent results and have now gone on to pursue their college education. We continue to pray and support them in all of their positive endeavors. Youth Ministry leaders, Brother Reynold Matthews Sister Patsy Brown

PRAYER Ministry Light of the World Prayer Ministry extends heart felt greeting in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


We count it an honor and a blessing to be in the service of the Lord as Warriors in the army of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Isaiah 62:6-7 is the portion of scripture that the Lord has mandated us to stand on. “I have set watchmen upon the walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night; ye that make mention of the Lord keep not silence.

And give him no rest till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem praise in the earth. God being our help, this is what we will ever seek to do. WE WILL NOT KEEP SILENCE, AND WE WILL NEVER COME OFF OF THE WALL. Congratulations on 10 years of stead fast service unto the Lord. Minister Bertha Moore Light of the World Prayer Ministry th

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DANCE Ministry

Ps. 149:3, 150:4 – We are exhorted to praise God’s name in the dance and praise Him with the musical instruments and dance. Our vision is to use the dance Ministry to evangelize the lost and minister God’s healing, and salvation to the world.

Minister Dona Bailey Dance Ministry

THEME song We’ve come this far by faith


But I can truly say, the Lord has made a way He’s never failed me yet

Chorus Oh’Can’t Turn Around We’ve come this far by faith

Verse Just the other day, I heard a man say He did not believe in God’s word th

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Chorus We’ve come this far by faith Leaning on the Lord Trusting in His Holy word He never failed me yet Oh’ Can’t Turn Around We’ve come this far by faith


Congratulations Light of the World Christian Fellowship on your 10th Anniversary from

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