The Metal Mag n7 June - December 2014

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The Metal Mag N7 June - december 2014

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In search of a pin up I found miss Malanna who gently allowed me to use her photo with a guitar, her photo fits so well the design with the ball of fire! Thanks to the labels, Pure Steel Records and Stormspell Records. My great friend Marie made another awesome painting I had to use for the cover big kisses! Thank you for reading, ;) The Editor : Franck Michaud

#P. 4-5 Death Dealer #P. 6-7 toxik #P. 8-9 keli raven #P. 10-11 mick james #P. 12-13 moshpit justice #P. 14-15 Rik Raff #P. 16-17 scarred #P. 18-19 dissident #P. 20-22 pain clinic #P. 23 mechanism #P. 24-25 steel prophet #P. 26-27 space vacation #p. 28-29 rocka rollas #p.30 The best reviews #p.31 advert

The Metal Mag 13 Rue de la Sole - Apt 14 17000 La Rochelle France

1When 1When did did the the idea idea came came to to you? you? Sean Sean Peck Peck :1. :1. The The idea idea for for Death Death Dealer Dealer came came in in early early 2012 2012 when when Stu Stu marshall marshall finally finally got got the the courage courage to to ask ask me to do a full album with him. Ha! he just thought up the name and after a long discussion we decided me to do a full album with him. Ha! he just thought up the name and after a long discussion we decided it it would be cool to get an all star line up together and create some buzz and it just fell in to place with all the would be cool to get an all star line up together and create some buzz and it just fell in to place with all the players players that that same same night. night. 2/cage 2/cage is is welle welle known, known, did did you you want want to to proove proove you you can can sing sing like like Rob Rob Halford Halford with with DD? DD? what what is is your your chalchallenge? lenge? Sean Sean Peck Peck :2. :2. ha ha no no II have have been been compared compared to to halford halford since since the the begginning begginning first first Cage Cage record record so so no. no. Stu Stu and and II had had writtten writtten like like 55 songs songs together together buy buy then then with with Empires Empires of of Eden Eden his his project project albums albums and and II just just did did what what II did. did. When we played Bulgaria the newspapers wrote about how good halford was that night thinking When we played Bulgaria the newspapers wrote about how good halford was that night thinking II was was the the man himself. Classic! man himself. Classic! 3/you 3/you have have some some well well known known musicians musicians on on board board how how did did you you get get them them to to participate? participate? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: 3. 3. we we just just asked asked them them and and II sold sold them them on on the the concept. concept. For For some some reason reason everyone everyone was was on on board board and excited about it. Stu and I were shocked everybody wanted to be a part of it. It was and still is very surreal and excited about it. Stu and I were shocked everybody wanted to be a part of it. It was and still is very surreal to to be be in in aa band band with with Ross Ross and and Mike Mike davis. davis. 4/The 4/The album album cover cover is is aa big big warrior warrior is is it it an an idea idea of of yours? yours? what what it it means? means? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: We We wanted wanted to to show show our our guy guy in in aa fucked fucked up up future future filled filled with with all all the the violence violence any any metal metal fan fan would would want to see on the album cover and show an idea that this was a step into the future of the genre as well want to see on the album cover and show an idea that this was a step into the future of the genre as well perperhaps. haps. we we covered covered aa lot lot of of different different genres genres in in the the album, album, aa lot lot of of different different metal metal styles. styles. 5/the 5/the album album has has been been released released on on CD CD and and now now is is on on LP LP via via PureSteelrecords,how PureSteelrecords,how did did you you get get the the deal? deal? why why the delay from the first press? the delay from the first press? Sean Sean Peck Peck :We :We like like to to release release vinyl vinyl after after the the cds cds come come out. out. Pure Pure Steel Steel has has always always been been good good to to Cage Cage and and they they are all great guys. The product they put out always looks great so it was a very good thing for us to get are all great guys. The product they put out always looks great so it was a very good thing for us to get the the first first Death Death Dealer Dealer record record out out on on vinyl vinyl as as well. well. 6/is 6/is this this just just aa project project or or there there will will be be another another album? album? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: II just just got got done done writing writing like like the the 13th 13th song song for for the the album album with with Ross Ross and and Stu Stu as as II type type this this so so yes yes the the new album is almost done. new album is almost done. 7/what 7/what about about Cage?is Cage?is it it over, over, what what happened happened with with the the band band mate? mate? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: Ha Ha !! hell hell no no Cage Cage is is going going stronger stronger than than ever! ever! We We are are just just finishing finishing up up our our new new cd cd and and doing doing aa European tour starting July 15th of this Summer. Come out and witness the destruction! European tour starting July 15th of this Summer. Come out and witness the destruction!

8/this 8/this album album has has the the power power of of ‘king ‘king of of Metal’ Metal’ and and ‘‘ painkiller” painkiller” does does it it have have somthing somthing you you never never managed managed to to get get on on previous previous albums/bands? albums/bands? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: II really really like like the the ballad. ballad. This This was was aa challenge challenge for for me me some some of of these these songs songs like like the the song song Death Death DealDealer could be the hardest song to sing for me. But I always try to push the limits on my recordings. er could be the hardest song to sing for me. But I always try to push the limits on my recordings. 9/where 9/where do do you you find find inspirations inspirations for for you you lyrics? lyrics? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: II like like aa lot lot of of different different themes themes and and just just call call to to my my roots roots as as aa metal metal fan fan mostly. mostly. This This album album had had lots lots of ass kicking songs and songs and songs about rebellion. Then there were tales of fantasy like Curse of ass kicking songs and songs and songs about rebellion. Then there were tales of fantasy like Curse of of the the heretic and Devils Mile. heretic and Devils Mile. 10/do 10/do you you think think Metal Metal miss miss those those powerfull powerfull albums albums those those days? days? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: II think think so. so. II am am always always looking looking for for albums albums from from other other bands bands like like this this and and they they are are hard hard to to find find quite often quite often 11/You 11/You always always said said you you love love Black Black Metal Metal ,, ever ever tried tried creat creat aa band? band? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: Hmmm Hmmm II cant cant see see it. it. II dont dont love love black black metal metal but but II have have been been incorporating incorporating aa lot lot of of that that style style in in my writing lately. The song we wrote tonight has a sick blast beat section so who knows. I sang a killer track my writing lately. The song we wrote tonight has a sick blast beat section so who knows. I sang a killer track on on aa black black metal metal album album aa few few years years back back called called Bitterfrost Bitterfrost check check it it out. out. 12/are 12/are you you following following new new bands? bands? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: yes yes II always always try try to to keep keep up up with with shit shit and and search search for for something something that that will will kick kick my my ass. ass. battle battle Beast Beast II loved. loved. There There are are aa few few others others too too but but II am am always always on on the the lookout. lookout. 13/you 13/you know know aa lot lot of of people people in in the the musicic musicic industry industry have have you you had had demands demands to to participate participate on on projects projects or or just just aa song on other bands album? song on other bands album? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: yes yes II have have done done quite quite aa bit bit of of guest guest work work for for friends friends like like Lord Lord Volture Volture and and Emerald. Emerald. Rob Rob Rock Rock way back and others. It is cool as long as the song is up to standards. way back and others. It is cool as long as the song is up to standards. 14/which 14/which excercise excercise do do you you practice practice to to keep keep your your voice voice high? high? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: II dont dont warm warm up up and and ii just just try try to to keep keep my my cardio cardio up. up. II lost lost about about 30 30 kgs kgs and and II want want to to loose loose some some more so i can run around with my shirt off! I dont believe in oils and teas and all that shit for the voice it more so i can run around with my shirt off! I dont believe in oils and teas and all that shit for the voice it is is all all aa mind game singers should not embark upon trust me. mind game singers should not embark upon trust me. 15/is 15/is there there anything anything you you would would recommend recommend to to others? others? Sean Sean Peck Peck :: as as far far as as singing singing goes goes when when recording recording relax relax and and try try to to pretend pretend you you are are not not recording. recording. It It is is hard hard to to do. But it works great. when on the road dont drink alcohol, dont talk much do. But it works great. when on the road dont drink alcohol, dont talk much before before the the show. show. Change Change your your shirt shirt and and get get something something dry dry on on right right after after you you are done. thanks and please everybody say hi to us on facebook and at our are done. thanks and please everybody say hi to us on facebook and at our site site

1/when u released your dvd you told me the band was not meant to play again what happened?

Josh Christian :The phone was ringing up with promoters for the gigs. People were ready to see the music live and It has been AWESOME bringing it back out. I think we were all pretty surprised at the level of support and generosity we’ve been shown... IT’S A TOTAL HONOR

2/you seem to have lots of gigs, did you miss it and what’s the fans’ reaction, is it hard to find venues? Reaction has been excellent, the friends have been plenty everywhere we’ve played... The Toxic Family Rules!

3/most thrash band make an album and then call it a return, you haven’t done yet but already on tour,! What’s your view on this , is the bands success that leads to? I think that Toxik is one of the underdog bands from the era. A lot of the music that got signed at the time was what was hot with the labels right then. Metallica and Slayer, Anthrax, Exodus had all gained real success the labels were signing bands left and right... It was a lucky time to be in the right place but there were so many new bands that people couldn’t keep up. A bit of a two edged sword 4/you seem to be the one behind it all, have you made your own label? Booking agency..Have you learnt from experience as a musician? Owning or starting a label is almost pointless these days, although we did think about that. I have learned a great deal as musician but also as someone in the music business in general. It is not an easy industry to be in at all. You had better love what you are doing because it’s all that you have in the end. I feel super lucky to really love something as much as I do music.

5/you have your own guitar made can you tell us a bit about it?

Nexx guitars... 6/7/8 strings for now, really fast playing, top quality materials, hand crafted, lot’s of new technology, like patent pending technologies.. It will be a game changer in the electric guitar market. There’s a website being developed and we are in talks with an investment group... I think It’s going to turn into something very real within the next year. Thank you for bringing that up!!!!

6/with the numeric era have you changed your guitar rig? What do you think of this new gear?

I still use a simple set up. I want it to sound like Toxik so I use similar gear to what I recorded with back in the day.. New gear is awesome.. But the old stuff still has a personality and an earned place within the listening soundscape.

7/what were the difficulties you encountered to regroup the band? Any issues with members?

No difficulties... Tad the original drummer is super busy with his career as was Brian Boninni/Bassist ... Mike Sanders and I are the only two original members were at a place in our lives where we could pull this off. Jason Bittner of Shadows Fall is an amazing drummer and a greatly guy. He rang me up right off after a call from Tad, and we never spent one day looking for a replacement, it worked out perfectly (Thanks to Mr. Tad Leger .. and then Bill Bodily from Freya actually lives quite close to me in Upstate NY. We have a friend in common that suggested after he heard my demos for the new album, that I get in touch with William.. Which I did and we have worked together eversince... I mean it actually could not have been easier... As I have said and will continue saying, we have been incredibly lucky to be on the receiving end of so much good will, it’s amazing.

8/would you say this break has benefit your creativity? What do you think of the bands still here today and the ones reforming... Yes I feel like on a personal note I am writing better now than ever. I’m still working my way back on the guitar a bit but as a player I have definitely improved. Mike has improved as well and sounds much darker now.. His performance will be the big surprise on this record. The band as a unit is very different than it was in 1989.. Different people, different objectives... For me it’s more angry and hard than the first formation. We were always fast and edgy but we’re pretty fuckin heavy now. I won’t comment on bands putting out new material beyond saying that Its like everything else.. There’s good and bad. 9/ did you stay in touch with musicians / bands over the years? in this today’s world u always have to keep people aware you’re still here like a fight.. Yeah that is a really interesting point. It’ true too, the world isn’t getting any easier and the business is a reflection of that.

10/ you have released ‘violent omen’ CD , how this happened? Any other bands?

I like the Violent Omen guys. Serg the Bass player and I were Facebook friends and we spoke quite often. When he was recording he asked if I would do a guest solo.. I agreed after hearing the tracks.. and I am really proud to be on the release. I was on the last Chronosphere album and I did a solo for a shred guitarist named Tim Draksler... There’s more.

11/ have you had other project bands etc during those year?

Yes,, I released several solo CD’s independently and online.. I was really into the early rush of internet music sites. I actually miss Garageband and because the community was vibrant and you could play any kind of music and find an audience. You still can but it is so completely packed with people doing similar things that the dilution is too strong.

12/ are you teaching guitar?

Yes.. Email me @ JCTOXIK@GMAIL.Com if you are interested in skyping or Google vid 13/ tell us if there is any new bands you’re following and what’s your view on the metal scene change since the 90’s... there Are lots of new bands that I think are killing it and I also think that in spite of most peoples opinions there’s shit loads of killer bands and albums coming out all the time... Its just saturated so it comes down to very specific tastes. and that isn’t just in metal I don’t think.. It’s genre wide 14/ have you got many new songs? If so are they sounding close to the old ones like the new sanctuary album? Have you created them alone or as a whole band? I answered this already sort of.. I have tons of new material and I do typically write alone although that may change going forward. Also these guys all brought their own thing to it... 15/ the new bands have awesome guitarists pretty insane from what people used to play in the 80’s, is this a competition for you or just a normal evolution for the instrument? Not at all... No competition...I Don’t look at music in those terms. I am happy to bring what I can to the music community..

1/you seem to do all about yourself, are you working in a studio?

KR: Yes. 2/you state your influences are from Pop to Metal how would you describe your music to people have a listen? KR: It’s a mix of most styles of rock, progressive, industrial. There really are no limits although it has always been guitar driven ballsy/edgy rockin’ roll. We like to call it ‘MODERN EROTICA ROCK’. Honestly though, you never know what your gonna’ get from me as long as it’s heavy, passionate & melodic. 3/you say you know Lemmy motorhead, have you got envy or regrets? how long you ‘ve been knowing him and how it happened? KR: Yes I do. Lemmy has been a very close friend since the mid eighties. Why would I I have any regrets or envy? I think there is more expectation from fans & people that do not know either one of us personally so therefore it becomes a matter of ‘How come you are not famous like Lemmy?, And why doesn’t Lemmy help you get more famous? when actually people don’t understand that we are friends, brother’s & Lemmy has to work for his success just like everyone else in this business. Most people don’t even realize that it took him many many years to finally get what he has worked for over the past 40 + years. I know this because it’s the truth. I had the blessing of never giving up my sights & beliefs in what I do as a direct result of listening, learning & watching him. We have a common understanding about what we do & both have sat together while listening to each other’s new material both wondering & saying to each other ‘I’m glad you like it, I hope everyone else does too’ on many many occasions over the years. So you never know who’s buying & who’s not. 4/you’re putting a lot of pics of you, how many bands have you played in? why haven’t you reformed one of them? KR: I Played drums for many very popular local La & NYC bands in the 80’s. Then in 1990 I took the front line as KELI RAVEN.

5/do you still have contact with musicians you played with?

KR: Some.

6/after so many years in bands do you think the scene or the biz have changed if so how or why?

KR: It’s just become a mesh of people hanging out & popularity contest & area of taking ‘selfies’. By whom’s terms I have no idea. People say the ‘Bow’ on the sunset strip is like it yousd to be. I Totally disagree. The Rainbow hasn’t changed… the people have.

7/what are the bands you are following or the ones you think are the ones that kick ass today?

KR: There are many that I really like.

8/how many guitars do you own? which trade, have you got endorsement?

KR: Looking for an endorsement.

9/would you say social media help getting in touch with musicians in general and good for music?

KR: Yes indeed it’s a good thing but it has some very bad side effects. One being that EVERYONE these days has a computer, EVERYONE has photo shop, etc & it’s gotten to the point that ‘Fans’ have saturated the social media with a lot of (what should just be called) ‘Fan pages’, I don’t have any problem with that but I do have a problem with the so many pages with thousands of people following them because the took an old head shot from 20 years ago, photo shopped it, tagged that they are a music industry Rep, person (or whatever) & actually all they are is just some chick or dude that is a fan of music &usually weighs 250 pounds more than they say & are making money, getting backing , followers by having other ‘Real’ artists post on their pages. Again it’s cool to help everyone, but then it should be helping everyone. It’s pretty much a big land of ass kissing for all until they get tired of you & move on. It’s all about clicks & a fantasy world for some therefore making it harder for those of us indie artists to sell our music, let alone sell out shows. I remember bands helping each other back in the 80’s & 90’s. We would support each other even if we were playing the same night. Now it’s about the click & has nothing to do with talent. How many times can you go see the same band in a 3 week period I ask? There are other bands & artists out there that are mind blowing, not just the same shit different day, looking & sounding bands, but people are still afraid of change. Always have been & probably always will be.

10/isn’t hard to live in LA these days for a rock star?

KR: Well it’s definitely changed a lot in the way of everything is divided into clicks. You have your old school click (which is basically all of us that played & worked the La circuit since the late 70’s – early 80’s) Who are sole Leaders simply because we were there then & are there now. The new school click (who have been on scene over the last 10 years or less) who have a lot of followers to maintain the cost of playing the clubs but their followers have no idea about the history the sunset strip, let alone Rockin’ Roll history. And then you have the followers click (who basically are of all ages) and just cling onto whatever band they like at the moment, only go to your show’s if they are on the list or if that band is affiliated with some ‘Rockstar’ & take selfies with so you can be a ‘Rockstar’ too. There really is no loyalty. People say it but there really isn’t.

11/ do you self produce your cds ? are you creating the whole music or you have others getting involved?

Yeah, well you can purchase any of my last three cd’s at: , , I am always collaborating with select artists such as Alison ‘METALBABE’ Cohen & producing various new artists such as Elizabeth Hansen (A blues rock artist). My new release comes out this fall & we hope to get some more touring support as a result of this new album titled ‘I’LL BE YOUR SUPERMAN’. ‘KELI RAVEN’ | Rock from West Hollywood, CA

1/ you are an actor, how did you get into this world? which movies have you been into? are you still having roles or it was a moment in your life? Yes Im still acting, but my biggest priority for that is to star in my own movie with the same title as my CD “Mick James Is Dead.” Though I have made some cameos. One in a film call Lost in Darkness & another called Charlie mantle. I did a Doritos commercial & working on something now for a film called Blood on the reel With Horror film maker Johnny Daggers. 2/you made your album and seems to have a strong fan base, how did you do to get heard? (social medias or the people who already know you from previous work) Both actually, it started out with Criss Angel fans finding me from all the music I did on his shows. 1st on Myspace, then fb, twitter, Reverbnation & now that the CD is out & people are hearing my solo music, it’s spreading all over the word. I have an amazing fan base that loves to tell people Im here! 3/when did you get that idea ‘mick is dead’ and why? It was over 4 going on 5 years ago when a friend of mine said you should call your CD Mick James Is Dead. Ha, I though he was crazy but after sitting on it a bit the creative jucies starting flowing like mad. Next thing I knew I had written the outline for a movie & all the songs starting pouring out of me. It was pretty magical, Im very proud of the script & the music on the CD. I played all the instruments besides drums & special guests. It’s also my 1st time as a lead singer, so it is a major accomplish... 4/ your video has many messages , ‘don’t drink too much”, “don’t phone while driving” “rock stars have sex with many women” ..what are your trying to tell and do you want your kids to avoid that? (many wants to be a rockstar)

There is a big misconception with the video for the 1st single “Speeding like a fiend.” Im not sending any messages to mine or other kids out there. Im definitely not suggesting this is the life of all rockers either. It’s part of the story line for the movie, what it’s more about is setting up the character I play. It’s my name but Im playing an alter ego of myself, it’s not an autobiography... 5/how did you get into Criss angel ‘s show? did he asked you to write a song for him? did you know him before tell us a bit Were both from Long Island NY & although I didn’t know him we were both in the same music scene playing clubs. He was singing in a band & doing magic during the solos & what not. While I was in various bands touring ect. Then in 2003 I was asked by Criss if I was interested in writing & recording songs for his various shows. At the time he was un known. I did 16 songs for a Sci Fi channel special called Supernatural, then a Japan special. He loved the sound & style I was creating so when he was offered the Mindfreak TV show in 2005 he asked me to write the Mindfreak theme song. Thats when he totally blew up & became a house hold name. Since then I have written over 150 pieces of music for all his various TV show & specials, internet networks & his Believe show in Las Vegas... 6/you have that ‘r nr destroyed’ look is it just for the music biz or you are like this in your day today life? Haha, I have never heard it put that way, but yes I look like this eveyday. I have not done anything but music for the last 11 years. I own, produce & engineer a recording studio, write music for networks, movies ect, & now fronting my own solo project & getting the live show together for touring. So Music is my life 24/7, it’s no act it’s my life... 7/have you contacted a label or you ‘re doing it all yourself?

I have had a few contact me but for now Im staying totally indie. If things get out of control & too much for me to handle I will work a deal with a company. But I see no reason to now, Im selling CD’s & merch from my website so all is working out great... 8/have you got a full band line up or it’s just musicians participation? I have just put together a live band for touring. Were getting ready for some live shows locally here in NY, then the New England area, then some real touring... The band members are Percy Trayanov on Bass Guitar, Brian Karl on Drums, & Ku Kachoo on Guitar. All amazing players & cant wait to unleash the band on the fans... 9/you have music studio, do you live with it and whom came to record albums there? Im here more than anywhere else & spend countless hours on other projects as well as my own. I record a lot of great local bands but as far as notable people I have had the pleasure to record or do projects for. Bobby Rondinelli’s various projects who also played on 4 tracks on my CD. He is known for drumming with everyone from Balck Sabbath, Rainbow, Scorpions, Blue Oyester Cult & so many more. We have recorded songs for Over the Rainbow which is Rainbow with Richie Blackmore’s son on lead guitar. A project Kip Winger produced out of Greece, Snake Sabo from Skid Row was in recording on one of my tracks. Latin singer Yahaira & a few more I cant mention yet are due in soon... 10/you have your own signature guitar, (make me think a bit of paul stanley’s) did you design it and who made it? which trade is it?is this an old project you wanted to complete, do you think musicians are the same... It is my signature model called the Levitration 7 (I only play 7 string guitars) they are also made in 6 string versions. I did design the shape, but I dont make them phisically. it was originally made by a company I endorsed in Canada called Carperelli Guitars. Im since looking for a new company to make them, they have been around since about 2010. I do have other model ideas I would like to design & will pursue more guitar designing in the future. No I dont think all musicians are interested in designing guitars, I just cant stop my mind from creating as you will see more & more I have my sights set on for the future... 11/your music style is mixed with different tastes is it cos of the bands you’re listening? which bands are you following? I have always felt to be original & not a carbon copy is the key to success. Also as a song writer/producer I am asked to write all types of styles of music & love many styles. With the Criss Angel music I Mixed Electronic with Middle Eastern, with Heavy guitars creating a style of my own. As with my solo music it’s similar but a lot of things mixed in. It’s definitely more of a Heavy Rock band with Industrial & Middle Eastern flavors as well. But more guitar orientated more Groove, & my signature lead vocals. Im far from the best singer but again very distictive & when heard you know it’s me. I think thats why Im getting recognized, it’s got flavors of music but not like anything out there at the moment... 12/ is mick james your real name ? and what does it represents for you? No, I have a very long Italian last name, not very Rock R Roll & always missed pronounced. My brothers middle name is James & we always played in band previous & wanted to keep the same last name. So we used James & it stuck...

1/when did you start the band and what was the idea? 1) Everything started as my own project in 2011 ..I was working on some material while I was in the US and then decided to record it back in Bulgaria . The main idea was to create something in the likes of Sanctuary .Metal Church ..Old School Power Metal but it ended more Power/Thrash after George and Staffa came on board . 2/ the fact the singer is singing close to ross undersson is a hasard or he wanted to sound like? does it help?

2) Well this is George’s natural voice he doesn’t try to copy Russ . People actually like the similarity some even say that he sounds better than Russ But it wasn’t intentional just the style of music required this type of vocals . 3/what means the name, who found it and which image you wanted to get? 3) About the idea behind the name ....You know today when you go to a show you see all this jack asses doing spin kicks in the pit and intentionally trying to hurt people ...well some times the whole pit gets together and spreads some Mosh-Pit Justice on them ,that’s all . 4/everyone in Metal had always skull maskots why have you chosen a gorilla? 4) ha-ha who can bring the justice in the pit if not a 800 pound Gorilla named Ape Shit ,lol that’s why it goofy ?...Probably but we like it !! 5/how do you rehearse? who creates the music? isn’ t a difficulty with distance? 5) Originally I write the music then the other guys step in and bring their magic . Right now we rehears via Skype . little bit orthodox but it works since I’m in the US and the rest of the guys back in Bulgaria . 6/the singer has another band have you got another too in the states? aren’t you afraid he might have choose someday? 6) Actually the name of George’s band is The Outer Limits , Staffa also has his own band called The Revenge Project for me Mosh-Pit Justice is my main project/band 7/do you know many musicians in the states? friends? have you met overkill dudes? 7) Yes I’m a good friend with a lotta people from the scene here ..mostly from local bands from Philly ,New Jersey where I used to live before I moved to Florida ...we try to support each other in any way .Yes I met the guys from Overkill maybe 6 or 7 times was a blast every single time .

8/tell us a bit more about your instrument and how do you work? 8) I use acoustic guitar to write the music for M.P.J. , after I’m finished with the main idea George comes with the melodies and then I write the Lyrics based on his improvisations.Staffa shapes everything in form by adding the leads ,the harmonies and the drums be ready for the new Mosh-Pit Justice album! 9/Any new compositions on the way since the last cd? Yeah , the name of the album is “Justice is Served” and it will be released this fall 2014 . It’s an album with a theme’s about freedom , revolution ,breaking free ...there’s so much oppression in the world today but you can see people all over the globe rising up against the tyrants . Musically this album is little bit slower but overall much more melodic and really progressive ..I think the highlight of this album are the vocals of George he brings a different vibe more oldschool american power /thrash ....the guitar work of Staffa is perfect ....Overall this album is much stronger then our debut . 10/How can we purchase the albums? The new album can be preordered or purchased directly from the band just send us an e-mail at or send us message at ...we offer free shipping in the US and low shipping costs for the rest of the world ..other merchandise is also available . 11/what is your relation with the band The Outer Limits .? They are very good friends of mine /former band mates ...Their debut “World Metal Domination came out earlier this year contribution was that I wrote all the lyrics for the album and currently I am working on some new lyrics for their new material ...The album can be purchased at

The Metal Mag Interview 11/6/2014 1/’Above ground” is your actual band, more rock than metal, who started it and how long it’s been on? Above Ground is influenced by old school metal. The band has been evolving with the times and still holding on to the “old school” roots from which we are from….It’s old school metal inspired by the 80’s but not butt rock. Mike Holsworth-Wells is the creator of Above Ground and had been going for 5 years or so before I joined the band a couple years ago. 2/you seem to play in many bands are you sought after? are u the only one in your area? I am in 3 original bands in my local area…diverse in their own styles. As for sought after….lol, there are a lot of great drummers around this area but I have built somewhat of a reputation of being a go-to guy if you need a drummer in a pinch. I love the challenge of learning new material and yes….I’m a drum whore. Have sticks, will travel. 3/when did u start the drums? did you play other instruments? tell us a bit about your gear… I actually didn’t get serious playing drums until about 15 years ago when I acquired a kit and started working on it. I knew the basics and had played a few times so I’m pretty much self-taught…never had a formal drum lesson. When I was really young, my Mother got me a guitar because drums were too loud. It’s funny because about 5 years ago, I traded that 1974 Telecaster Deluxe for the drums I play now. I currently play a 6 pc. Pearl Vision maple kit on a Pearl rack system. There are 3 more pieces I don’t use unless I’m playing Maiden…lol. I use a Pearl Demon double-kick pedal, 17, 19 and 20” Sabian Explosion crashes, Sabian AAX Metal 14”hats, Sabian Carmine Appice 21” ride and a Paiste 21” low china. As for playing other instruments….I know enough to be dangerous but I can get my point across….lol. 4/are u working full time drum or you got another job? I’m pretty much a full time drummer. If I’m lucky, an occasional side job comes in to help the finances. 5/can you tell us the names of the bands you played in or still play in? what motivates you , and isn’t tough?! Currently, I’m in 3 different original bands ABOVE GROUND, HATLOE and TWOFACEDOWN. I have played in MAIDEN SEATTLE Iron Maiden tribute, SOUL STRIPPER acdc tribute LEED ZEPPELIN Led Zeppelin tribute and a smattering of other cover bands. I get calls to substitute a lot and spend a lot of time in the studio sometimes, depending on how busy it is. Balancing all this can be tough but I love what I do so I’m driven. 6/do you have a studio to practice? do you have your own truck to move all together? I don’t have my own studio but my bands do. I have a SUV to haul my gear around in to gigs but there are drums at all my bands studios so I don’t need to haul much around for practice. 7/How is life with a complete family? Commitments, school etc. must be hard for you no? Life in this family is good. It’s a balancing act for sure dealing with all of the “life” stuff around commitments and can get quite confusing sometimes but it’s still not as bad as booking bands for a club…lol. It’s another form of herding cats… 8/your wife has a website supporting metal bands what is she doing and are u involved into if so what do you do? SOMETHING METAL is a community page on facebook. It was created for bands and promoters to share events, music, video’s, merchandise and anything metal. We are all about unity and community and getting people to work together to be successful. SM will also be venturing in to hosting events among other things I can’t really mention right now. Tina Thompson-Webb is a woman with a vision that a lot of people, including myself, believe in. I handle booking and anything else she needs me to do like graphics, promotion and stuff like that. The scene here is thriving and getting stronger, so much great music coming out of the Pacific Northwest it’s mind boggling.

9/Your death vocals of little pig sounds like you want to do something else?! HA HA HA!!! I love to sing karaoke sometimes and 3 Little Pigs is always a winner. People love to hear that song and are usually quite responsive to the crowd participation. I have often thought about maybe fronting a metal band, I feel it’s something that is in my future, just hasn’t materialized yet. 10/how did you know Billy Boldt and have you worked with him? I met Billy on-line doing a radio show with Vox Sacrilage on KOUV internet radio. I followed him to and have been a guest on his show a couple times and occasionally co-host livecast shows he does. Billy does a lot for our local scene and Tina and I BOTH support his efforts. 11/ as u play live have you seen changing if so how, what ‘s your view on the music today mostly in the states? I don’t know if you want to hear what I really think but I am seeing a strong uprising in the metal scene here. People are getting pissed off about everything going on and metal gives them a place to vent that rage. I’ll be a metalhead til the day I die and the one thing that always gets me when we get on stage is that the fans are hungry for it. When you see people singing along with you while you’re playing, you really feel that connection with them and you can feel the love which is what drives this whole machine we call music. It will be cool to see what is ahead…. 12/ who is your drum mentor or the one that made you want to play that instrument? There are a lot of great drummers that have influenced me in different ways. The one who really captured me and is my single biggest influence, is Tommy Aldrige. I saw him on the Crash and Burn tour with Pat Travers here in Seattle and his visual is what really captured me (not to mention the amazing drummer he is). I want to be the kind of drummer I like to watch and a visual is part of that. We’re in the back so we have to “entertain” to get attention back there…lol. Tommy is the type of drummer that does that. 13/ how many hours do you need to train? are you doing some sport to avoid muscle breaking? did you have some problems that stopped you from playing? I usually get anywhere from 6 to 10 hours a week of playing time when I’m busy. I go through a stretching regiment before I play and oddly enough, playing helps the joints in my back stay loose so it actually helps my back problems….who’d a thunk huh? I’ve never had anything keep me from playing. Hell, I’ve had a five gallon bucket back there to puke in playing with a bad case of the flu….The show must go on!!! 14/what would recommend to young drummers ? Play as much as you can and don’t give up when it seems like shit isn’t going your way….That’s usually when it does. Push toward your dream with relentless abandon and most importantly….HAVE FUN!!!

1. Your EP came out in 2009, you had big success what happened during those years? Line up problems?  ERIC: Yes, the EP did very well for the band as far as getting the name getting pushed a little further out, we had great success with international reviews as well as local. There were no issues with the band line up at that time. 2. What was the reason for the name? n logo? ERIC: From what I know the name derives from us as a society being Scarred and as far as the logo, I believe a designer in Germany came up with it.  3. A band with the same name has a page on facebook, isn’t a problem to have the same one?  ERIC: Not really. I believe the band that you speak of is in Europe. It’s impossible to come up with a band name that hasn’t been taken or already used in the past. It’s become ridiculous. Scarred, Scarred, The Scarred, Scarred For Life, Southern Scarred Band, there is just way too many.  4. Does having a girl in the band gets trouble (between musicians for ex...)? ERIC: No, we all saw Amy as a professional musician and not just an female bassist. She was just like one of the guys, very cool and an amazing bass player. 5. You have only one guitarist do you have another one for live performances? ERIC: One guitarist is all Scarred has and will ever have for recordings and live shows. I’ve always wanted two guitarist, just to get a fuller sound.. But that’s just me. 6. With all the great responses you got so far any label interest yet? ERIC: The band has had some, but not many. What are labels these days anyway and what can they really do for you that you can’t do on your own? Most bands that are smart either create their own label or just manage everything on their own. 7.You’ve got a website on your own, have you got several bands or you just wanna expand your singer experience to see where it will lead you? ERIC: Yes, I do have my own website and I actually keep all my avenues open. I believe in getting as much experience and exposure as I can and also find open doors that may lead to a broader Spectrum. I recently left Scarred for reasons within the band, I will not discuss.  I just joined a project this week that I’m really excited about.  We are working on an album and new material.  Not  Metal, but a little more progressive rock oriented in the likes of Yes, Rush, Dream Theater, King Crimson, etc..

8. What inspire your lyrics? How do you work your tunes? Are you waiting for the music or the idea is already in your head? ERIC: I usually work with recorded material that I can take home. I would start writing lyrics and melodies at that point. As far as inspiration, it would have to be a combination of different moods I would be in and what I am doing at the time or what I’m watching on tv. It’s all about the moment. 9. The songs get a wide range of Metal from 80’s to 90’s , you use some effects on your voice (pantera/ machine head) giving a life out of the average. Do you think those influences are the reason you got great songs? ERIC: I think working with a great producer is what gave our songs life. All of us had different influences, which I think gave the materials a little more dept. It only took about three days to record the “Haunting Memories” EP. We were all just happy  that we got to put out good music. 10. Tell us a bit about your equipment...  ERIC: Shure mic is what I was using with Scarred. I actually don’t have any equipment. I use to own a huge PA system at one point in my career, but it was just too much to deal with. I also had four drum sets and two electric guitars. Of course their all gone. 11.Are you working in the music industry? ERIC: I am hoping to work for the industry some time in the future, we’ll see where my musical journey takes me. 12. What do you wanna achieve as a singer? or in your life? have you got a spiritual view... ERIC: As an entertainer is to see the smile, passion and love from people when they hear my music. I would like to be recognized someday, maybe? As being one of the best vocalist that came out of California. I think I’ve worked hard and have payed my dues through the years to achieve where I am now vocally. I believe in GOD and in Heaven and Hell.  13. How many songs have you got so far? which cover do you play live? ERIC: not really sure, before I departed from Scarred, we had been working on and off with a lot new material. I remember playing “Lights out In London” by UFO at rehearsal, but never played out with it. I’ve always wanted to do a Sabbath Dio song like “Sign Of the Southern Cross”, but it just never happened. 14. Do you play any instruments at all? and have you got engineering knowledge? ERIC: I play some guitar, drums and lots of cowbell! No, but I do try and watch during recordings just to get some basic knowledge of how everything works and sound Eric Claro


1/depuis quand le groupe existe? Jeff Dissident Thrash : Le groupe existe depuis 2009

1e/Since when the band exists? The band exists since 2009

2/les groupes de thrash en france sont pas nombreux comment etes vous recu? On n’a pas vraiment un public “thrash” à proprement parler, on a de grosses influences punk, les avis sont assez mitigés, depuis notre tournée en Pologne et en République Tchèque l’année dernière on a de plus en plus de monde qui nous suit, beaucoup d’ados, ce que je trouve vraiment cool! On nous a proposé de venir jouer et on a accepté tout de suite 2/they aren’t many Thrash bands in france how have you been received? We don’t have necessarly a Thrash public, we have big punk basis so thoughts are mixed. Our tour in poland and Checz Republic last year brought lots of people and many teens which I find cool! We’s been asked and we said yes straight away. 3/avez vous des liens avec d’autre groupes? On a des liens avec beaucoup de groupes mais surtout à l’étranger 3/Have you got links with other bands? We have many mostly in foreign countries 4/avez vous commence directement par du thrash ou vous avez essayer de trouver votre voix? On a toujours joué notre propre musique 4/Have you played thrash from the first time or searched for your sound? We always played our own tunes 5/est ce difficile de trouver des concerts? Dans chez nous dans les Alpes Maritimes il y a peu de lieux pour jouer et énormément de groupes de métal donc il vaut mieux s’y prendre l’avance, de temps en temps on nous propose de jouer mais la plupart du temps on organise nos propres dates, je préfère faire comme ça parce qu’on voit toujours les mêmes groupes qui jouent la même chose, moi j’essaye de faire venir des groupes atypiques d’ailleurs 5/Is it difficult to find gigs? In our home Alpes Maritimes they aren’t many places to play and many Metal bands so you better take your ticket early, from time to time we got proposals but most we organize it all. I prefer it that way rather that seeing the same bands all the times I try to bring unusual bands. 6/quels sont vos groupes preferes ou ceux qui vous ont inspire? Slayer, The Exploited, Body Count,

6/Which bands have inspired you or your fav ones? Slayer, The Exploited, Body Count, 7/avez vous deja fait des festivals ou envoyez des candidatures? On fait des fests en Pologne et en Italie 7/Have you done festivals or sent demands? We played festivals in Pologne and Italie 8/avez vous deja des albums? On a sorti un EP en 2012 et notre premier album est en prÊparation, il sortira d’ici quelques mois! 8/Have you got albums already? We made a demo in 2012 and our first album is in the studio and will be released in few months DissidentThrashOfficial/ 153585388130429

Interview made by Kymberleigh Boldt for The Metal Mag

1. What was the band or experience that made you want to be a musician?

The first time I saw KISS on TV when I was like 9 years old. It was KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park. Was and still is the cheesiest movie ever made but it did something to me. Wasn’t until I was at a store with my mother and brother and saw Dressed to Kill album and realized they were a real band. Mother said no you can not buy it. So me and my brother put our money together and bought it without her knowing. I still have that album and every single KISS album now in plastic covers and mounted to an entire wall in my house in chronological order.

2. What instruments do you play?

I play a little guitar, piano and drums. Not enough to actually say I can play them though. My thing is vocals.

3. How old were you when signed and how did that go?

Well actually have not been signed. My old band Demension 13 was approached by a Rep for Atlantic Records and took us out to dinner to discuss a possible deal. Turned out to be them wanting us to pay them to kick start everything for us. Which was a lot of money they were asking for. Didn’t make sense to me so we passed on it. But still the fact that they told us they have heard good things about our shows meant a lot to us.

4. What do you feel is one of the biggest mistakes todays new artists make?

I think there are more than a few things in my opinion. I think one is over-saturating your area is one. I think should be more than one person in the band doing the networking and social media and marketing. It’s not just one guy’s job.

5. Who is the artist that would make you star struck and you would love to work with and haven’t yet?

King Diamond all the way! I love everything about that man. I did get the honor of being called up on stage personally by one of my many influences Zetro Souza of Exodus and Hatriot. He called me up to sing Toxic Waltz with him at a show we played together in Reno. I was floating after that. Still can’t believe it happened. Also got to jam “A Lesson in Violence” with Rick Hunolt of Exodus with my band Pain Clinic that was cool as hell! The dude is a beast!

6. Who gave you your big break - start in the industry?

No one gave me a big break. I don’t believe in such a thing. I believe in hard work, tenacity, commitment, passion and never giving up in what you believe in. I think you make your own path by never giving up no matter who is trying to pull you down. I was just recently asked by Matt Snell (co-founder and ex-Bassist for Five Finger Death Punch) to audition for a new project he has going on. I am hoping that may work out. I would love to work with that guy.

7. What do you feel lyrically was the hardest song for you to write and play?

Well when I sang for Envirusment most of the song lyrics were already written by Jeff Stewart. I would throw in extra lines in certain places I felt needed it. He wrote excellent lyrics so it didn’t bother me that he did a lot of the writing. I did write a few songs in that band though and the way him and Wes Deputy would write were somewhat written for lyrics they were great at that. With Demension 13 me and Joe did most of all of the song writing. I wrote all the lyrics for that band and we had nearly 35 original songs. With Pain Clinic it’s more of everyone collaborating. Whether I come in with a riff in my head or a lyric melody or Jeff Grisham showing me a new riff he came up with that could possibly turn into a song. I wrote a few songs with Eric Cutler from Autopsy for his new band Necrosic. He sent me tracks through email and then I should up at practice spot in Oakland with lyrics. The most challenging one for me lately was a track I wrote lyrics to for my friend Mehl Anoma in Ca. The track he sent me was very challenging for me to write to because I couldn’t figure out a vocal pattern to lay on top. I worked through it over and over and think I came up with something cool and called it “Silver Tongue Deviloution”.

8. What are some of your future goals?

I just want to be able to give something my all. Whatever it is I do. I would love to continue playing metal and staying active in the arts whether it’s my graphic designing, painting or music. All three would be nice.

9. If you could change 3 things about your journey thus far what would they be and why?

I don’t like to think like that. Things are the way they are and happen that way for a reason. Whether it’s a new stepping stone or some kind of learning curve. I don’t wanna look back with any regrets. There are certain people I will miss in my life and def. Demension 13 and Envirusment I miss a lot but it is what it is.

10. What does your family think of your music and career?

They are all supportive about it. My dad and sisters have seen a few shows and it was cool to see them out there in the crowd.

11. What is the dumbest thing you have been hated on for?

People tell me I try too hard. Whatever! Go sit in your garage then…or jump on the internet and criticize someone else’s art/music that you didnt have the balls to create and put out there yourself. I just have always had a bigger vision in my head and my goals as to where I want to be in this business and I am willing to put all the work in that it needs to get myself there. If you are on board than great…if not don’t waste my time.

12. How do you pick your song and band titles?

I have about 5 notebooks filled with song titles, band names, album names, lyrics, poems. I write everything down. I’ve discovered if it’s not written down when it comes to me than it’s gone forever. Ya Gotta be quick.

13. What is your proudest achievement?

There are a lot of achievements I am proud of. Mostly for the bands I have had the honor of opening up for and meeting. Machine Head, Testament, Prong, Death Angel, The Misfits, Paul Dianno, WASP, Forbidden, Havok, Goatwhore, The Casualties, Anvil, 3 Inches of Blood, Soulfly, Diamond Head, Raven, Hatriot, Exodus, Huntress, Possessed, Powerman 5000, L.A. Guns, The Iron Maidens, Castle, Spiral Arms, Arhori, Hemlock.

14. What is the most embarrassing thing you have done on stage and how did you deal with it?

Not really sure about that. I guess maybe one show I kinda had a few to many to drink before a show. Which is very rare and do not like to (What I call – Celebrate too soon) but that night I did and I was told I was pretty comical. Couldn’t understand what I was saying in between songs but sang great. Also fell into the drums. Haha…ah well… it happens. But only that once!

15. Do you get stage fright?

No! I used to but I think if your prepared and know your material and are comfortable with your band mates there is no reason to have stage fright. That type of thinking and energy can ruin your performance.

16. What octaves can you sing?

I have been told up to a high C. We played a show once in bay area and some dude came up to the side of the stage to take a peek at my feet to see if I was using a vocal effect pedal after the show he came up to me and said, “You did all of that with your voice and no effect pedal?”

17. What is the biggest crowd you have played for?

I suppose it would have to be the first time we opened for The Misfits was maybe 1,000 people. Wished it was more but hey we are a local band so that was exciting for us.

18. What advice would you give to a new artist?

Never give up. Never stop. Always keep writing and creating. And that’s a quote from Alex Skolnick to me when I got to sit with him backstage when we opened up for them at The Knitting Factory.

19. Have you found anything that you could not do, grasp, or master? Holding a regular day job.

LINKS and WRITE UPs for Envirusment:!i=1627326858&k=j9HpLng LINKS and WRITE UPs for Demension 13

Local Bands that ROCK Reno, starting with “Demension 13�

Tony Delisio - Ryan renfield 1/who started the band and when? what was the idea or direction aimed? Mechanism was formed by long time friends, Ryan Renfield and Tony Delisio in late 2007. Our goal was to combine our talents and start an original metal band that stood out from other local acts. 2/did the band had another name before or changed music style other the years? Mechanism has and will always be our name. 3/ you have big support from billy boltd how long have you been knowing him and what is he doing for you? We have only known Billy for about a year, roughly, but have worked with him on several occasions. He has been an amazing friend by helping promote Mechanism through his radio show via interviews with Ryan and Tony individually and streaming our shows live on air! An all around great guy, Billy Boldt! 4/what inspires your creations lyrics... Our lyrics are inspired by a number of subjects including, but not limited too: Political/Social issues, Fantasy Characters, Conspiracy Theories, Life/Death, Love/Hate etc...etc We do our best to cover a broad range of subject matter to keep it interesting and mysterious. 5/ what’s the story behind the name and covers? Well, we do not do cover However the story behind the name is quite simple. When we formed the band we all wrote down names and went over everyone’s list. At the top of Ryan’s stood the name, Mechanism. Ryan had this name on his mind for some time before the band was conceived under the concept of having a metal band that sounded like “Well Oiled Machine”. Of course there were many good ideas that we almost went with but ‘Mechanism’, though used by a few other bands around the country and Canada was “The Last Remaining” and un-trademarked Metal Moniker. So, we all agreed it was the right name for our band. 6/what’s your view on music today? your tunes are heavy yet sometimes rock is this what you love.. We are all lovers of music. Our individual roots are very diverse so, it’s safe to say that a lot of today’s music is generic and over produced. However, there are many bands/artists that transcend that “Manufactured” sound/look/ identity. Some of these bands include: Tool, Slipknot, 5 Finger Death Punch, Disturbed, Muse, Mastodon, just to name a few... We try our best to keep it metal but have a few songs in our working set that appeal to everyone, not just the die hard metal fans.

Interview with Steve Kachinsky November 2014

1/you albums have been repressed as LP by pure steel records, how did it happen? who remixed them? i suposed it makes u happy Well, I ran into Andreas at the Keep It True festival when we played there a couple years ago and he let me know Steel Prophet is one of his top 3 bands EVER! So he really wanted to do the vinyl rereleases and to have a music fan that loves your band take over a task like that really makes a lot of sense. They are not remixed, just remastered. I’m not sure of the name of the guy that did the remastering as we’ve never been introduced, but he did a great job! 2/what happened since your last album? Well, a lot has happened! I was focusing on my family, playing football, physics, my engineering job and getting better and more creative with music. I had a bunch of cool adventures hanging out in the wilderness in Maine and New Hampshire that inspired songs like “Call of Katahdin”. I didn’t really think I would do another Steel Prophet album again. I didn’t really have the desire to put all the work in. It seemed like something I had already done many times and there wouldn’t be anything to learn from it. I felt like the the music business was just an entity that didn’t care about what the actual music was on those little discs they were producing, as long as it sold well. And it seemed like a lot of fans just picked their music based on hair styles, clothes and whatever they were told by the hype magazines to buy. But, eventually Vince started coming around my house wanting to write songs and even though I wasn’t ‘all in’ at that point we started rolling. I figured I would just tell him I wasn’t interested at some point, but I was enjoying his company hanging out and eventually I bought some recording gear because the stuff he let me borrow was garbage and then I was hooked. We had to make the best, most interesting album of our careers was my reason to go ‘all in’ finally. 3/you have a new album coming ,what difference from earlier ones , is it another challenge? It is more polished and sophisticated than any of our past albums. We didn’t really set out to recreate one of the earlier albums, but I think it’s very reminiscent of “Dark Hallucinations”, “Into the Void” and “the Goddess Principle” when I listen to it. It was a huge challenge to ourselves to make something more special than anything in the past, but it is an unusual album to be sure. Not for everybody I think. 4/are there any line up changes, are you working in another project? I have not been working with any other projects as a musician, but one as a producer called Mock the Mockingbird. As far as line up changes there were a couple in 2012. It’s been difficult over the years to maintain a line up because a lot of musicians don’t care so much about the music they’re making, but more about getting paid. I understand that. When you are a small underground band the money isn’t so good. In the Inner Ascendance days the guys that were in the band were fully committed to the music we were making, and now that we’re together again I wouldn’t do it with anyone else except Rick, Vince, Jon Paget and John Tarascio. Reuniting the “Inner Ascendance” line up was like a revelation to me. I really do this band mostly as a social outlet to hang out with these guys because I value their friendship and camaraderie. We have a great time playing this music. I love music and it’s my passion, but I can indulge my passion at home by myself experimenting listening, reading and trying things out. Steel Prophet is a private club for only the five of us from now on as far as I’m concerned. We have a rich and amusing history and stories we love to tell when we get together. It’s like a family.

5/what’s the idea behind the album, a story or just lyrics written for any inspiration? The idea behind the album is pretty complex, but essentially it’s like this; a museum curator discovers an ancient text that promises unlimited power and omniscience if the proper insights are taken from 12 situations the seeker must visit. There are a lot of twists and it’s a psychic, spiritual and physical journey. Each of the 12 places are symbols on a map and they correlate to the 12 songs of the “Omniscient” concept album. It’s all tied together very carefully, but hard to follow if you don’t have the lyrics. You’ll never guess how it turns out! The complete story is in the deluxe edition booklet. There will also be a link to the story on the Cruz del Sur website, so when you buy the regular CD version or digital download you can get the story. Lyrics and illustrations are in all physical versions. I wanted the concept story and artwork to be something that would spark the listener’s imagination and engage them in a way only the most unusual albums do. That is why the concept and story “Omniscient” tells was so important to me. I want the listener to think and decide where they stand on all the different points of view we discuss. From what makes us different from animals, to what the nature of art really is, and the origin of consciousness… 6/who did the cover artwork? Timo Wuerz, a great German artist. We think it’s our best artwork ever. The deluxe package is awesome! 7/although u are well known you seem to be underrated , what’s your view on this? I think we came out to most people in the 90’s and that era was not very good for traditional, heavy, progressive power metal, and that was our style. Also, I think some of our music is a little too polished for some. Some of the songs aren’t as dramatic and impactful as some other bands. Its’ very musical, but doesn’t always go for the jugular if you catch my meaning. In the end I just make the albums I want to hear and then the fans decide whether we are relevant or not. I can’t really control the reception we get to our music. Otherwise I would command everyone in the universe to buy a copy of our records!

1/how did you got the band started? is your brother meant to be part of it in the first place? Scott Shapiro :My Brother Jay, who was the original bass player in the band (2008-2012) started it all. It was his brainchild. The music scene was super lame and all the bands took themselves way too seriously. We wanted to play music that we were into for our friends. Heavy metal music for heavy metal fans: that’s what we’re about.  My brother Mark joined up on bass in 2013 after deciding to move out to San Francisco from Boston. So at one point all three of us Shapiro boys have played bass in Space Vacation. 2/ who had this bands name idea? is it a joke towards the business? Like most bands we had a really hard time coming up with a name. We don’t really take ourselves too seriously so the thought of calling the band something just to sound evil or violent seemed pretty fake and contrived to us. A Space Vacation is what happens when you are staring off into space while you are supposed to be doing something else like work or school. We are the soundtrack to that daydream. 3/who did the logo and made the cover? The cover for Cosmic Vanguard is a painting by Peter Andrew Jones.  Mark designed the updated Space Vacation script for 2014. 4/ how did you get signed by puresteel records? what do you appreciate with this label? When we finished our last record “Heart Attack,” we just sent promo CDs to every metal label we could find an address for. Andreas at Pure Steel showed the most interest so we signed with them. They have been great about promoting us in Europe to fans who would not have otherwise heard of us. 5/your compositions are full of great Metal history influences do you listen certain bands before creating? We are firmly stuck in 1983. All of our influences come from bands from that era. We don’t sit down and say, “hey lets write a tune that sounds like Thin Lizzy,” but because we love that style of music, it just comes out that way. Basically we are totally unoriginal. 6/did you have line up changes or you’re good friend enough to get along? The line-up changes occurred mainly because life moves forward and people’s priorities tend to change over time. Jay left the band because he wanted to move his family to Los Angeles away from San Francisco. Andy (Drummer 2008-2012) left because he wanted to play other kinds of music. There are no hard feelings with either of those guys. Eli (drummer 2012-2013) was really just filling in for us while we supported “Heart Attack” and when his other band Hatchet got signed, he had to hit the road with them. Mark also recently left the band to move out to Austin, Texas in order to get a better work situation for himself, so now we have Kai Sun (Immigrant), who is another monster player, shredding the bass with us. All those dudes will always be part of the history of the band and I truly wish them all the very best.  Or maybe I’m just an asshole and no wants to play with me. 7/you have a song called ‘Boston Massacre’ are you talking about a disaster and do those things help you write lyrics?

“Boston Massacre” is actually about an incident that took place in Boston on March 5, 1770, in which British Army soldiers killed five male civilians and injured six others in Boston Common prompting the start of the American Revolution. The song is historically accurate. From a songwriting perspective, I like to tell stories rather than just blab about random ideas and this one happens to have a basis in fact. Cosmic Vanguard, on thee other hand, is written from the perspective of an astronaut who witnessed the earth’s destruction from outer space and his coming to terms with the fact that he is the last human being in the universe and how he chooses to deal with the lonliness that comes with that realization.  So even when I choose to write lyrics about disasters, I try to approach it from a human perspective making the concepts more universally understood and told through a story. 8/ one of you has played in Vicious Rumors and this band had many great musicians so that might help? Kiyo played in Vicious Rumors for about 5 years. He is an absolute animal on the guitar and having him in the band makes all of us better. Plus he is amazing on stage and a rad dude to be stuck in a van with on tour, except he snores like a motherfucker! Joking aside, I have never seen anyone play with the skill and feel he demonstrates.  I’m still not sure why he joined up with SV.  Maybe I’m not such an asshole after all;-) 9/how do you see your evolution since the first record? did you think it would go that fast? The first record we were just figuring out what we were capable of and were really just looking for our sound. The second album was the first with Kiyo, so the guitar work and the twin leads were something we were not previously able to do. “Cosmic Vanguard,” from a songwriting and production standpoint is really the best of the first 2 records but cranked up to 11!   10/ tell us which bands are your inspiration or the one that made you want to get that awesome band?   Bands that get us stoked are Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy, UFO, Judas Priest, Manowar, Van Halen, early Def Leppard when they still played metal, Yngwie, Angel Witch, Motorhead, Diamond Head. That stuff is soooo much better than anything coming out now. Those bands were battle tested and the way the industry used to work, they were able to only focus on music. Now if you want to play music you have to have a day job, so finding the time to get awesome and immerse yourself in your art isn’t as easy as it was 30 years ago. Naturally, there is a significant drop off compared to what we hear today.  11/so far are there new bands you’re following? Natur and Iron Force out of Brooklyn are amazing. Hell Fire from San Francisco has the best pure metal vocalist I’ve heard since the mighty Bruce Dickenson, Gypsyhawk and Holy Grail from Los Angeles, Mothership from Texas, Magic Circle from Boston are all super rad bands. 12/which known band have you played with so far? which one would you like to play with? We played a sold out gig with Satan a few weeks ago and played with Natur and Iron Force last month. I would love to share a stage with Iron Maiden – that’s the dream that keeps us going.  After all, More is More!

1/who started the band? when? 1. I did, in 2007 or something like that. I’m not very sure. 2/are you all judas priest fans ? was it hard to convince every members to choose this name? 2. Well, I think only really me and the new singer (Marcus Olkerud) are big into Judas Priest, and the other guys more or less. No because it all started out as my solo project so I didn’t even have any other members to argue with hahaha! 3/ did you have another name before or just playing covers? 3. I had a few different names before settling with Rocka Rollas... Really shitty name, since we’re going all out medieval and power metal from now on, so it doesn’t fit the music at all. But the logo is still great so we will keep it, haha. I haven’t played any Judas Priest covers. 4/how did you got the deal with stormspell? what made your choice rather than another one? 4. It’s all thanks to Mike Mendyk (Swords & Chains Records). When the first album was being recorded I was mailing around different labels, getting no attention. I skipped on the “bigger” labels because I thought nobody would release a one-man project anyway. But Mike refered me to Stormspell (which I skipped mailing at first) and here we are! I think Stormspell is a really nice label to work with, he has full trust in my music and productions and give me all the artistic freedom I want. He seems to like most stuff I record anyway, so I think it’s working out just fine! 5/your album is a masterpiece, have you played in known bands before? how did you get that experience? 5. Thanks a lot man! I haven’t played in any well-known bands at all. Mostly just a bunch of different punk and crust bands, but Rocka Rollas is where my heart is at for the moment. My experience is all from my dedication to music, I simply love writing and recording new shit all the time! 6/how the band got formed? did you choose special skilled individuals or you are old time friends? 6. It was a one-man project from the beginning, even tho I hired session singers because I had no idea how to sing back then. But the demand for live shows started to rise so I thought that what the fuck, I will look up for some guys and Emil (guitar) actually contacted me about buying the first album and I told him I was searching for members and he was on in an instant. He knew Billy (drums) and he’s great too. Then I knew Henke (bass) since a few years back so it’s pretty much like that.

7/have you been to musical school? 7. Yep, I have... But I learned very little, honestly, hahaha! I was always a step beyond in guitar class and shit. Now I’m really a few steps behind Emil and other guys. Hahahah! 8/who did that awesome cover and did you send him the music? 8. If you mean the latest album it’s a guy called Alan Lathwell, I have no idea if he have heard us at all, I haven’t spoke to him at all, it’s all through Stormspell. 9/when did you discover heavy metal? 9. I was maybe 10 when Iron Maidens Brave New World came out. I was completely into that at the time, and still 14 years later it’s my favorite album of all time, I simply cannot get tired of that one! 10/which bands are your inspiration? which ones have you played live with or want to play? 10. I used to be very inspired by Judas Priest and Riot, but I’m leaning more into “progressive” stuff, but that wont be heard until next album. Actually there’s not a lot of “progressive” elements like most think of when they hear that term, it’s just we incorporate much more than just fast riffing and double bass on the next album. The speed elements however wont go away at all. Actually, despite the next album will have much more intricate song structures and shit like that, it’s also going to be the only album with no real slow songs haha! Only fast songs. With a few slower parts occasionaly. But no slow songs. 11/have you got feedback from known bands? how is the response so far from the world? 11. We have been approved by Janne Stark from Overdrive which is a big honor. He also even did a solo guitar appearance on our last album! We have not recieved much negative feedback which is surprising, but as we evolve the sound, I’m sure a lot of people will be turned off, if they expect simple speed metal. If they want to hear the core Rocka Rollas sound complete with medieval folk influences and shit like that, I’m sure they will be pleasantly surprised! 12/ have you got musicians friends you play often with live? 12. Well I got the band mates in Rocka Rollas! Hahaha. Otherwise I play d-beat punk drums in Anger Burning and drums in the dark metal band Lector. Thanks a lot

REVIEWS Some of the best for 2014 but check the site for all bands Self Titled : “ Defaced” CD 2013 CD UK Hard Rock/ Heavy Metal . For sure the band needed to be recognized over the boundaries due to a name really unusual ! I’ve received this album to review and seemed to be already out few months ago before the new year. This is really a great ablum with awesome mix. This is perfect for the actual powerfull music that ranging today in the Metal world mixing influences from Metallica , Black Label Society, Alice in chains, Crucified Barbara, White Zombie... and many more. The singer has a very tough heavy voice that powers the whole thing, heavy rythms and melodic solos. This a band that will kick out many and loved by many!!! Sometimes some bands with unusual name or even image brings the best into the music. They will mark it with a big S stamp ouch it will burn 100/100 Metalsteel : “ This is your revelation” CD 2014 Parole Productions. Slovenia Heavy Metal band with a brand new album coming out this month March. This 5th album has been mastered by James Rivera in Finland giving this Ep a tigh Metal sound. Heavy riff sometimes close to late Metallica, a singer with melodic voice giving wide influences from Skid Row, Iced Earth, Dokken, RAM. Helloween, Malice, Sabaton... really good album that will get high rated enjoyment. A band I’ll see well in Wacken Open Air where this Heavy Metal reach lots of fans!!! Many will hear some 80’s influences yet very actuall Metal with lots of mixture making it a unique sound and creation. Go on I can hear you wanna support this cool band ;) 100/100 Garage Days : “Passion of Dirt” CD 2014 Rocksector records Austrian Heavy / Thrash Metal. This new album has still Andy Laroque on mix but the addiction of Ralf Scheepers who produced it and of course added his voice on several songs. So it is more melodic than the first one and sometimes really make me think of Metallica.. and those powefull guitar riffs that kick ass make this album a really good masterpiece to own. The lyrics stay dark and real making this powerfull (bleeding death, Scars of life, Razorblade...) . The band hasn’t changed its style the sound is just more ‘worked’ i guess (only the logo has been rewritten making it easier to read and neater) , so if you follow the band you will love this one!!! Ralf ‘s touch will bring more fans for sure. The band is on the way to concquer the world and become one of the standard Metal band on the planet!!! I wish them big success and to gig on tour with all those great legends cos they deserve it. Excellent album mate ;) 100/100 Gang : “ Inject the venom” CD 2014 Emanesce Metal . No need to present again that great Heavy Metal french band. The doctor strikes again! After making his creation on the last album he now injects the Metal into the babies at night while they sleep. The band keeps on his line of pure 80’s Heavy Metal melodies and kick ass songs. Iron Maiden , Judas Priest, Loudness, Tokyo Blade, Blitzerieg (on some riffs), Kiss, Satan joker, Killers... and else are very present in their influences. This album will once again reach all the Metal Maniacs outhere. Neitherless the artwork is again amazing (the twisted sister sugar pop lol) . Check’em out this will heavy your ears with pleasure! They keep on beeing better and better! 100/100

To be continued.... on the website many great albums to check!!!


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