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Ruben's Ready to Mind the Store By Stacey Eidson
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Contents The Metropolitan Spirit
SEPT. 19-25, 2002
3 M E T R O
Waverly wallpaper and borders spell great taste in a wide range of colors and designs that lets you choose what’s right for you. Come get inspired, and help yourself to rooms that celebrate your own personal sense of style.
ON THE COVER Chuck Campbell's
A Pullout Guide to Arts in the Heart of Augusta
Cover Design: Stephanie Carroll Arts in the Heart of Augusta Photo: Red Wolf, Inc.
2825 Washington Rd. (Across from Hooters) 738-1288
Ruben's Ready To Mind the Store
By Stacey Eidson ..........................................................................................16
Announcing the Arrival of the ALL NEW
2003 Honda Accord
Opinion Whine Line ......................................................................4 Words ..............................................................................4 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down ..........................................4 This Modern World ........................................................4 Suburban Torture ...........................................................6 Letters to the Editor .......................................................7 Guest Column: Reparations Pro/Con ...........................8 Austin Rhodes ..............................................................10 Insider ...........................................................................12
Metro Beat
Coliseum Authority Finally Back to Business ............13 Augusta Three D's ........................................................14
Time Is on Their Side ...................................................20 Augusta Players Presents “The King and I” ..............22 “Plaza Suite” Tickets Going Fast ................................24
Music By Turner..............................49
Movie Listings .............................................................41 Review: “The Four Feathers” .....................................43 Close-Up: Goldie Hawn ...............................................43 Movie Clock ..................................................................44
8 Days a Week .............................................................45
Music By Turner ............................................................49 Nightlife ........................................................................ 50
Stuff News of the Weird .......................................................52 Brezsny's Free Will Astrology .....................................53 New York Times Crossword Puzzle ............................53 Amy Alkon: The Advice Goddess ................................54 Date Maker ...................................................................55 Classifieds ....................................................................57 Automotive Classifieds ................................................58
THE METROPOLITAN SPIRIT is a free newspaper published weekly on Thursday, 52 weeks of the year. Editorial coverage includes ar ts, local issues, news, enter tainment, people, places and events. In our paper appear views from across the political and social spectrum. The views do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers. Visit us at www.metspirit.com. Copyright © The Metropolitan Spirit Inc. Reproduction or use without permission is prohibited. Phone: (706) 738-1142 Fax: (706) 733-6663 E-mail: spirit@metspirit.com Letters to the Editor: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, Ga. 30914-3809
It’s Heree!e Come S It Today
2003 Gordon Highway Augusta
S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
4 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
Whine Line C
hris Naylor has begun the end of the First Friday event by putting it on the front page engulfed in controversy! Now everyone wants to come down and see what the big deal is! By trying to censor the content, they have opened a Pandora’s box. Now everyone thinks that this is some wild drunken street party because that is what Naylor and his cohorts have portrayed to the public. In doing so, they have encouraged attendance of the very people they intended to keep out. Poetic Justice.
Thumbs Up Rain. And lots of it. Though it took a migrating tropical depression to get it, we should take what we can get in order to make up for a rain deficit that has extended over a four-year period of drought.
Thumbs Down Not only did City Administrator George Kolb stick up for Purchasing Director Geri Sams in a letter to commissioners after the special grand jury released a scathing report on her conduct and suspicious business practices, he resorted to using untrue statements to do it. Kolb stated in his letter that members of the special grand jury did not suggest firing Sams for being obstructionist and engaging in questionable procurement tactics. No, Kolb argues, they merely voted to “replace” her. Once again, the apologist, flippy-floppy powers-that-be prevail. So if Kolb ever gets those hiring and firing powers we keep talking about, will he have the power to “replace” someone, as well?
What will it take for Augusta to become the second-tier city (after Atlanta) it is capable of becoming? Three things: recruiting new industry by offering incentives and seed money to establish new businesses, a one-cent additional sales tax to fund new growth projects, and the dissolution of the current county commission to make way for new ideas and new thinking. It will require big thinking to become a big city and a definite vision for the future. I do not want fast food restaurants to watch my diet or my health. That is not why I eat fast food. If I wanted that, I would hire a nutritionist. Austin Rhodes must have been in hog heaven hanging around with all the Republicans in town for their meeting. I made the mistake of turning to 580 to find out what time the Braves play when I heard Austin pandering to the white bread rich politicians. He is a total suck-up. By the way, Ollie North is not a patriot. He violated the Constitution. Republicans sure have a selective memory. Here’s another possible version of the theme song for Austin Rhodes’ radio program. If you listen to Austin Rhodes on the radio, you’ll hear an ignorant guy. Austin slings B.S. on the radio; he really lets it fly. Austin thinks his job on the radio is to toss out mire and muck! So if you listen to Austin Rhodes on the radio, don’t forget to duck. The last two issues of the Whine Line have really shown how idiotic some people can be. These idiots complained about the deputies writing speeding tickets and said that these deputies are causing accidents. First, I am sure that both of these people were given speeding tickets. Second, most of the rest of us know how to drive and are alert for situations like this so we don’t have to lock up the brakes on our cars. Third, these deputies aren’t arresting the crack dealers because there is a separate narcotics division that does that. As a taxpaying citizen and former camper, maybe Columbia County needs some good
W O R D S “(Hootie) Johnson has said that his goal as chairman of Augusta National is to preserve tradition. And so he has. And, as George Wallace’s successors might tell him, it will take decades to overcome the ignominy of the tradition that Johnson has been at such pains to preserve.” — Cynthia Tucker, editorial page editor of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, writing about the Augusta National’s continued insistence on excluding female members.
“I think Sen. (Charles) Walker is beatable.” — The Rev. K.B. Martin, pastor of the predominantly black Antioch Baptist Church, quoted in a recent Augusta Chronicle article about the Senate Majority Leader’s chances for reelection.
recreation managers. You can’t even manage what you have, so why add a 165space boat ramp to the Keg Creek side of the park when you don’t even have rangers to operate what you have? For Bob Young to speak his mind, he needs to find one first. Bob, I voted for you last time; shame on me. It will not happen again. Hello. My complaint is directed to all those Georgia Bulldog fans who are rude. That pretty much means all Bulldog fans. Can’t you just accept the fact that you have barely squeaked by two teams that were inferior to you, instead of gloating over the victories? There is no worse fan than a full-blown Georgia redneck who loves his Dawgs. It’s enough to make one ill. You’ve been lucky so far. Don’t expect your luck to hold out. I will continue to eat fast food or any other food I choose. The ridiculous guy refer-
enced in your article that is suing the fast food companies for not warning him of the dangers of fast food must be a complete idiot. This country is going to the dogs. Well Mr. Don Juan de Bubba, you must not be from ‘round here, because it is Clarks Hill and not Lake Thurmond. You don’t own the beach at Clarks Hill, so take your girlfriend and go back from whence you came for your romantic walks! Why didn’t you bother to speak to these fun-loving Southerners before making false assumptions about their character? Who knows – they might have shared their pickled pig feet with you! Soon-to-be-former state Representative Ben Allen is bitter about his defeat in the District 12 Congressional race. Now he knows how the citizens in the former Georgia House 114 District feel. Allen and his fellow Democrats in the Augusta delegation destroyed our Republican dis-
trict in an attempt to get one of their stooges elected. Savor your defeat, Mr. Allen ... you earned it. Customer service has disappeared from our planet on the retail level. I must say that 9 of 10 retail experiences I have result in total frustration at the lack of competency and concern of the people who are hired by companies to represent them in the stores. Where do they find these dregs? The war on terror (Islamist world domination) seems to be a war in slow motion going all the way back to the Gulf War. Does anyone remember the assassination attempt on Bush Sr. or the African U.S. embassy attacks? Remember the 17 sailors lost in the Cole attack (The Spanish American war started with the sinking of The Maine)? The body count started long before the horror of 9/11. Is there really a question of what we need to do? I think it’s fascinating what’s going on downtown. You have a night club owner named Hoar whose going toe to toe with a Rabbi. What a morality play; it’s just like a Bible story. Let’s bomb Iraq – what are we waiting for? This time, let’s take the country, put up an American flag and occupy. I just found out I am a constituent of Lee Beard. The manager of WJBF-Channel 6 hasn’t spoken with the same people I have. In last week’s article, Brian Neill quoted the manager as saying he hadn’t heard complaints about the hatchet job ABC and Peter Jennings did on Aiken. Everyone over here that saw the program begs to differ. Once again, our area was portrayed as backward, racist, and full of rabid religious fundamentalists. I think the Channel 6 manager was just covering his you-know-what. I was watching the Commission board on TV the other night and could not believe the “ain’t” and double negatives used. I was appalled at the use of so much incorrect language by the leaders of this community. Augusta, home of the backwater. Bring us your bigoted, very narrow minded, power hungry and greedy and obviously not very educated people, and Augusta will put them in office! This is a whine over the Wednesday headline in The Chronicle, “Walker revels in win.” Here we have Charles Walker Jr. saying, “Victory is mine, victory is mine,” and yet he can’t win his own home county! This tells you a lot about the “politician.” Is this man a chip off the old block or just a chip off the sidewalk? He looks like another fat politician looking for a dollar. It sickens me to think Augusta has dropped to this type of “winner.” Tony Mundy, no one in Columbia or Richmond County likes you, so please, please don’t ever run for office again. continued on page 6
HEALTH PAGE Take care of yourself. Let University help. “HealthTalk” on WGAC-580 AM
Tune in Monday, Sept. 30, at 8:30 a.m. to hear Don Williamson, M.D., a board-certified nephrologist and member of University's medical staff, discuss preventing the progression of renal failure, specifically in patients with diabetes.
Sept. 22 Registration: 12:30 p.m. Classes: 1-5 p.m. University Hospital Education Center, third floor BabyFest is a FREE, funfilled, informative afternoon designed especially for new and expectant parents. Pediatricians and infant care specialists conduct classes and provide educational materials designed to answer your questions about parenthood and the first year of your baby’s life. Tours of the Labor & Delivery, Postpartum and Nursery areas will be available. For more information, call 706/774-2825.
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Medicare recipients: FREE; non-Medicare recipients: $10 Call 706/738-2580.
Healthy Older Adults
Registration is required. Call 706/738-2580 or 800/413-6652 for information on the following programs: Seniors Lunch Bunch
“Women’s Health Issues” Presented by Liz Price, R.N., director of Women and Children Services Sept. 20 11:30 a.m. Bobby’s Bar-B-Q, 1897 Jefferson Davis Highway, Warrenville
Breakfast With the Doctor
“Respiratory Conditions: Colds, Coughs, Infections and More” Presented by Michael Haynes, M.D. Sept. 24 9-11 a.m. University Hospital Dining Room 1 Seniors Club members: free; nonmembers: $3
Healthy Women
Registration is required. Call 706/774-4141 for information on the following classes: Lymphedema Education for Breast Cancer Surgery Patients
Presented by Nicole Spiro, OTR/certified lymphedema therapist First Tuesday of each month 5 p.m. University Breast Health Center No charge
Breast Self-Exam Classes
Second Monday of each month 5 p.m. University Breast Health Center No charge
Healthy Parents
All classes are held in the Women’s Center classroom on the third floor unless otherwise stated. Registration is required. Call 706/774-2825 for information or to register for the following classes: Breast-Feeding
Sept. 19 7:30-9:30 p.m. Babies R Us, Bobby Jones Expressway No charge
Weekender Childbirth Preparation Class
Sept. 20, 6:30-9:30 p.m.; Sept. 21, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $100
Childbirth Preparation Class
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University Hospital Speech and Hearing Center
Appointments are required. Call 706/774-5777.
Introduction to Infant CPR
Sept. 23 6:30-8:30 p.m. $5
Mommy and Me Support Group
Oct. 1 10-11:30 a.m. Babies R Us, Bobby Jones Expressway No charge
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continued from page 5 Just go away! Ahh Champ, how does it feel to be whupped at home? Why don’t you move to Savannah and take your dad with you? Unbeatable? Not! Regarding The Insider: It’s about time Columbia County formed its own chamber of commerce. While we’re at it, we should separate from the fools in Richmond County in whatever manner possible. Columbia County problems are unique to the county and are not the same as those troubling Richmond. All this unity business is hogwash. We need to solve our own problems. I hope the people involved in creating a new chamber go all the way this time. No wimping out at the request of Richmond County bigwigs! Well it’s Saturday afternoon, time to sell some more pot over here. My neighbors have a thriving business over here and the North Augusta police are still asleep at the wheel. Call them every week, nothing; you can smell it for blocks. I congratulate you for getting the speeders and the red light violators, but I’m getting high just standing in my own yard. Bob Young, Lee Beard, and George Kolb held a meeting about downtown liquor.
Once again, the people’s business is handled by three people I wouldn’t trust as far as I can throw them. Oust them all. Should Administrator George Kolb be given the power to hire and fire? Absolutely not! He is so afraid of the three commissioners who are protecting Purchasing Agent Geri Sams, he even refuses to recommend her firing. Proof of wrongdoing by the special grand jury does not even faze him. Taxpayers wake up; your money is not spent in your best interest. I wonder why Augusta Regional Airport wants to raise a half million dollars for Continental Airlines next year. What happened to the half million dollars they raised last year? Reference, “Food Police”: eat like a pig, look like a pig. I know The Spirit is a popular newspaper, but could you increase your distribution in North Augusta? The papers are gone by Saturday each week in most locations. Can you help? — Call our Whine Line at 510-2051 and leave your comments. We won’t use your name. Fax your whines by dialing (706) 733-6663 or e-mail your whines to whine@metspirit.com
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Letter To The Editor
iio on u uaarraan n ntte ee ed d!!
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Women Lie in Whine Line
ear Editor, Women lie. No, that’s not right. Women lie a lot. I’m referring to the flood of whines from women who claim to be seeking Mr. Right. From first-hand experience and observation, I can state categorically they will leave spike-heel-shaped divots in the skull of the kind of man they claim to want while clambering over him to reach the worst rat bastard in the room. That’s the man women get, because that’s the man they really want. Unlike what most men believe, the man women desire doesn’t have to be good looking, wealthy, employed, or even particularly hygenic. If he is, that’s great, if not, that’s great too - just as long as he’s drenched in the scent of L’essence de Loser, a pheromone women find irresistible. They want a guy who’ll romance them, mattress dance ‘em and dump ‘em. I can hear the howls of outrage and high-pitched voices calling for my bobbitization with a dull pair of rusty nail clippers, but it’s true. Women deliberately date losers. What is the payoff for women who date these dirtbags? Everything a woman wants in life. First, they get romance; all women want romance, and these guys provide it - at least until their attention is attracted elsewhere. Secondly, they get drama. Women love drama, and there’s always lots in these relationships, particularly when the jerk, having the fidelity span of a fruit
fly, attracts another woman like the one he’s with and the first woman finds out about it. And, last, but probably most important, she gets the real jewel in the crown: victimhood. Because of the men she picks, it will always be his fault the relationship fails. Strange statistic: One in six men is unfaithful and one in seven women. All we hear about are the cheating men why? After all, men don’t come home pregnant with another woman’s baby. It’s because a man whose wife is cheating doesn’t talk about it. If it’s discovered, he’s presumed a sexually inadequate joke. A husband becomes a cuckold; there is no corresponding term of disparagement for the wife. Both the woman whose boyfriend is a louse and the wife whose husband is unfaithful are rewarded for telling; she becomes a martyr. By telling, she receives sympathy, support and confirmation she’s a good person. He, of course, is pond scum. No one ever thinks to question why they choose a string of seemingly identical replacement losers; instead women commiserate how they keep attracting these losers. No matter what the Whine Line says, women don’t want a decent man simply because there’s not the same payoff in a real relationship as long as they’re serially rewarded for choosing “bad boys.” — Dave Stewart
Calls Young a Race-Baiting Obstructionist
ear Editor, I am offended by Bob Young’s recent campaign literature which was just brought to the public eye. This is just one more instance where Mr. Young starts babbling about his many attempts to be a good, productive mayor but just can’t because somebody else got in his way. I disagree with his excuses, and my own opinion is he can’t get anything done because he is ineffective in his own right. His literature also implies that he’s done the very best job possible and if anyone else were elected mayor, they couldn’t do any better. The arrogance of his rantings is
overwhelming. I will admit that I’ve never agreed with much of what commissioner Marion Williams has had to say, but he hit the nail on the head when he stated Mr. Young had not done anything in this city. I am a white voter, and it is crystal clear that Mr. Young is the one who is a “race-baiting obstructionist.” As much as I am offended by Mr. Young’s letter and continued “Don’t blame me” attitude, I imagine there are a lot of black voters who are just as fed up with his name-calling and weak excuses. — Bertha Johnson
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7 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
8 M E T R O S P I R I T
Opinion: Guest Column
Should African-Americans Receive Reparations?
1 9
The Righteousness of Reparations
2 0 0 2
mericans embrace many different races, cultures and religions. Yet, the one topic Americans are least willing to discuss is race. Former President Bill Clinton attempted to establish a dialogue between blacks and whites. Unfortunately, the media played it down. Newspaper and magazine editors, book publishers, television and radio producers decided that race should only be discussed within an academic or historical context – never as a factor in our everyday lives. Consequently, most Americans remain illinformed as to the incredible social, economic and political disparities that continue to exist between blacks and whites, and we cannot understand what we do not know. Given our lack of dialogue about racial issues, we are fearful as to what reparations can mean. The assumption by most Caucasians, and nearly half the population of African Americans, is that reparations is about unjust enrichment for people of African descent, and a way to blame the descendants of slave owners for the unimaginable atrocities of slavery. Both assumptions are false and incorrect. Reparation is neither about undeserved compensation, nor blaming whites for the sins of their forefathers. Such assumptions are the result of being uneducated to American history and the legal precedence established by our system of values. Reparation is not about race. It’s about justice. House Resolution 40, the proposed reparation study commissioned by Rep. John Conyers, an African-American Detroit Democrat, would not provide any actual monetary compensation. Its purpose is merely “to establish the first federally charted commission to study the impact of slavery on African Americans and [to] recommend a range of appropriate remedies.”
Another fact that most Americans fail to understand is that the Africa Reparations Movement (ARM) is not solely limited to the United States. It is a global movement for people of Africa, and the African Diaspora. Diaspora simply refers to any people who have been displaced or uprooted. This having been said, I believe that the cause of reparations is fundamentally rooted in our very concept of justice – a justice inherent to every struggle and campaign African Americans have waged to assert their human dignity. For justice to prevail, there must be some form of restitution (1) for the iniquities perpetrated against African Americans, (2) for the uncompensated labor that created the economic foundation of America, and (3) for the systems of discrimination that extend from the 200-years-long atrocity of the slave system and its ever-present cultural mindset. As a writer, it is important that I define the righteousness of reparations within a framework of logic, law and justice. If I were merely to argue for reparation based on some sentimental appeal to the moral conscience of Caucasians, my argument would be misconceived and poorly received. In spite of the efforts by a significant number of whites to attain justice for all, America’s political and economic power structure has demonstrated a ruthless lack of conscience when it comes to African Americans. Consequently, my argument must be firmly rooted in logic, law and a universally accepted sense of justice. For reparations to become reality, the existing powers must be compelled to recognize that the rights of non-white peoples are founded in justice. Only then will our collective conscience mandate forms of legal, social and economic correction. Fortunately, most Americans accept that the
demand for justice is essential to any struggle for a just cause. It is the reason we compensate the victim of a crime. And, if the victim is no longer living, it is the reason we extend compensation to his or her estate. So it is with the claim for reparations, once you accept, as I do, the truth of three basic truths: That the mass kidnap and enslavement of more than 10 million Africans was the most wicked criminal enterprise in recorded human history. That no compensation was ever paid by any of the perpetrators to any of the sufferers. And that the consequences of the crime continue to be massive, both in terms of the enrichment of the descendants of the perpetrators, and the impoverishment of enslaved Africans and their descendants. For the reasons noted above, the claim for reparations is proved beyond any reasonable doubt. Still, some might argue that, while the claim is proved in theory, there is neither a mechanism to enforce the claim, nor any willingness for whites in America to recognize it. To these individuals, I respond with a Latin legal maxim: Ubi jus, ibi remedium (where there is a right, there must be a remedy). An injustice without a remedy is to be abhorred like a vacuum is abhorred by nature. Once proved well-founded in legal principle, and once recognized by the international community, America is set beneath a moral microscope with no choice but to create the appro-
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priate mechanisms and to fund their remedies. Reparation is not an act of charity. It is merely one means to remedy centuries of injustices directed at enslaved Africans and peoples of African descent. It is justice. It is right. And, where there is a right, there must be a remedy. — Robert A. Daniels, freelance writer and columnist for The Augusta Focus.
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reparation (rep’uh ra’ shun) n. 1 a repairing or being repaired; restoration to good condi-
Just beadin’
tion 2 a making of amends; making up for a wrong or injury 3 a) anything paid or done to make up for something else; compensation b) [usually plural] compensation by a nation defeated in a war for economic losses suffered by a victor or for crimes committed against individuals, payable in money, labor, goods, etc. (as defined in Webster's New World Dictionary)
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Reparations: “Let Bygones Be Bygones”
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had a college sociology professor make a profound statement in his introduction to the course he was about to teach. He said this: “Things are seldom the way they appear, bearing that in mind, there exist no simple solutions to complex problems.” As I considered the issue of reparation, it too is not as it appears, but I would argue that the answer to this issue is one of simplicity. As I researched the issue of reparation, I did something that I rarely ever, ever, ever do. I asked for another person’s point of view. I sought counsel, if you will. Well, let me tell you about the individual whose counsel I sought. He is an elderly gentleman who was born in 1920. He is an individual whose opinion I respect highly, and for the most part, has his wits about him in his elder years. Unfortunately, he lost his eyesight three decades ago, but that fact has no bearing upon his ability to think. He’s a sharp thinker and he has been thinking very sharply for years. This particular individual is a World War II veteran who served at a time when the United States Armed Forces were segregated. He served in a colored battalion — that was the official designation of that battalion along with the battalion number — an individual who helped raise 12 children. He recognizes the importance of family. So, I asked this elderly, wise fellow, “what do you think about the U.S.A. potentially paying certain segments or groups of American families for the past evils or wrongdoings committed during the slave era?” He said, “Son there comes a point in time when it is time to let bygones be bygones. There comes a point in time
when one has to start anew. Acknowledge the past, learn from the past, but look forward to the future.” He goes on to say this about America: “America as we all know is a great melting pot. Not only is America a great melting pot as a nation, the families that comprise America are melting pots within themselves.” I asked him to explain and he said, “Well, consider the prominent families of the surrounding counties. There are Negroes that bear the same names as their Caucasian neighbors. The reason is because they are all family. Now how does a family pay for the evils that it has committed against itself in many respects? How does one determine what is or would be equitable?” “Good point!” I said. He goes on to say this: “The issue that confronts America is not one of whether or not the atrocities committed during the slave era were just that; the issue that confronts America in this day and age, this moment in time, is whether or not America truly wants to be a nation of brotherhood. And are we a united family of countrymen not dividing itself based on genotypes and phenotypes. Face it son, in America, we are all mutts.” As I appreciated the wisdom and candor of this wise, elderly gentleman, who just so happens to be my beloved dear old dad, I have come to the simple solution to
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the topic/issue of reparation. Brothers and sisters, there comes a point in time when it is “best to let bygones be bygones. Acknowledge the past, learn from it, and look forward to the future.” May God bless America. — Alvin G. Starks, CEO & Chairman, Columbia County Republican Party.
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Opinion: Austin Rhodes
Death Comes to Broad Street
oshua Harp was surrounded by fellow Medical College of Georgia students as he spent his very last night on Earth celebrating his 21st birthday. According to police and media reports, the Aiken native took his last breath laying on the concrete sidewalk outside Crossroads Bar early last Tuesday, after a night of binge drinking finally caught up with him. The Downtown Augusta nightspot is very popular with young people, especially those who are newly “legal,” like Joshua was. But Joshua and his friends did not start the evening there, in fact, they started at the private home of one of his gang. No one knows how much alcohol had been consumed by the time the group hit Crossroads, and when final toxicology reports are finally released, even they will not tell the whole story. Witnesses say Joshua’s body began violently rejecting the excess booze, doing its best to purge the poison before the worst happened. It was too little, too late. Joshua was a novice drinker, and had no idea how dangerous his birthday games truly were. His friends report they tried to get him to slow down; ironically, these were the same people who financed most of the evening’s revelry. The story of Joshua’s death made big headlines, and the accolades from fellow students and faculty and MCG overflowed. The young man had been studying nuclear medical technology, and was thought to be one of the stars of his firstyear class. He was described as a hardworking student leader, and a budding professional with a wonderful career and life ahead of him. All true. Unfortunately, the last night of his life he was surrounded by passive acquaintances who used zero common sense in stopping the certain tragedy that was playing out before them. These were not junior high school kids watching a buddy taste tequila for the first time. These were adult people who were smart enough to be admitted to MCG. If folks of this caliber do not have the intelligence and intestinal fortitude to curb an obvious case of binge drinking gone way out of control, then we are all in a lot of trouble. Joshua Harp’s judgment was shot to hell after his first 15 minutes of drinking. He didn’t know better because for all intents and purposes, his better judgment was turned off. There were several with him that night who had no such excuse. The evidence at hand seems to indicate that those who allowed his drinking to continue, without aggressively intervening,
in fact have his blood on their hands. The sad postscript to the tragedy of Joshua Harp is that he will not be the last to die such an undignified death. It has happened before, and it will happen again. But perhaps if Joshua’s friends and others who read his story alter their own attitudes about extreme drinking, and the devastation left in its wake, the morose end to his life will not be without meaning. Morgan Livid With Chronicle Wednesday’s Augusta Chronicle ran a riveting letter written from the incarcerated accused killer of Jessica Carpenter. Robert Atkins was charged in the case after his DNA was traced back to the crime scene. The letter is quite a coup for The Chronicle, which routinely asks notorious criminals, accused and convicted, for similar interviews. Most of the time, the requests go unanswered. Atkins sits in a Georgia prison while awaiting extradition back to Aiken County, S.C., the scene of the murder. It was from there that he answered the questions of Chronicle reporter Matthew Boedy. In the article that accompanied the letter, Boedy reported that Aiken Solicitor Barbara Morgan “strongly” objected to the paper running the letter. Sources say she has even threatened the reporter with an obstruction of justice charge. As much as many of us love the aggressive Morgan, such a threat is utter baloney. First of all, if she is so concerned about pretrial publicity in the case, she should have the Georgia prison system more closely monitoring Atkins’ mail. As bad as it looks for Atkins, he hasn’t been convicted of murder yet, and he does have a right (until convicted) to say anything to anyone he darn well pleases. The letter states unequivocally that he hopes to be executed for the crime, and that he deeply regrets his actions. Morgan should be turning cartwheels to hear that. Secondly, Morgan should not begrudge The Chronicle or Boedy for doing their job. The day a handwritten confession from an accused killer gets “sacked,” and not run, is the day I open a competing daily newspaper in Augusta. Morgan needs to cool her heels and calm down. Shrill histrionics, which she apparently let flow like water, are beneath a woman of her talent and dedication. — The views expressed in this column are the views of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The archived Austin Rhodes columns can now be seen at www.wgac.com.
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REQUESTS FOR BIDS ON THE SURPLUS ITEMS Sealed Bids will be received at the J. Madden Reid Building, 1425 Walton Way, Augusta, Georgia 30901 until 3:00 PM (local time) Monday, September 23, 2002, for the Sale of Surplus Items. The items are listed below in lots. All bids will be sold as is, where is, with no warranty implied. Bids will be in the form of cash, certified check or money order and payments must be made with in THREE (3) working days after the bid is taken. The successful bidder(s) will be responsible for the safe removal of all items in the Lot(s) within TEN (10) working days from date of the Bid, the time period includes the date of the notice to proceed and the day of completion. Interested persons may request to view and inspect the lots by contacting the Augusta Housing Authority Warehouse (706) 724-4807 Craig Steedley or Bob Hayman between the hours of 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM (local time) Monday through Friday. The Housing Authority of the City of Augusta, Georgia reserves the right to accept and/or reject any and/or all bids or to waive any formalities in the bidding process. This will be a public bid opening; all bids must be delivered in a sealed envelope prior to the time of acceptance.
ITEMS FOR THE SURPLUS SALE: Behind T. Allen Childs Building
Lot #1 - Vehicle #09, 1991 GMC one-ton truck, cab and chassis only Lot #2 - Vehicle #108, 1995 Chevrolet Kodiak 25,950 GVWR, cab and chassis only Lot #3 - Vehicle #71, 1995 Ford Taurus sedan Lot #4 - Vehicle #72, 1995 Ford Taurus sedan Lot #5 - Vehicle #73, 1995 Ford Taurus sedan Lot #6 - Recessed Lighting Lot #7 - Misc. mower parts, belts and deck Lot #8 - Misc. sewer machines Lot #9 - Two long bed camper cover/shells Lot #10 - Commercial cement mixer w/o engine Lot #11 - Gravely riding mower #413 w/ deck Lot #12 - Gravely riding mower #417 w/ deck unattached Lot #13 - Gravely riding mower #558 w/ deck Lot #15 - Hydraulic bumper and tandem wheel jacks Lot #16 - 30 gallon lube can w/ hand pump and cart
Lot #18 - Misc. light bulbs and globes Lot #19 - Unused furnaces and misc. parts Lot #21 - Misc. warehouse shelving Lot #22 - Tools, tires, screws, nails, misc. parts, paint, Lincoln arc welder Lot #23 - Miscellaneous HVAC and household appliance parts Lot #24 - Plumbing items and parts Lot #25 - Various floor tile
Olmstead Homes Garage
Lot #26 - 18 A/C through-the-wall units
Opinion: Insider
Vice President Cheney Coming to Augusta
ice President Dick Cheney is coming to Augusta to help raise money for 12th U.S. Congressional District candidate Max Burns, according to local Republican officials. Cheney will be in town on Oct. 4, unless a crisis forces him to cancel the trip. Cheney’s willingness to make himself available to the Burns campaign underscores the importance with which Republicans view this race. Burns faces Democratic candidate Charles Walker Jr., son of state Sen. Charles Walker (D-Aug) in November. Meanwhile, Walker Jr. and Dad have been to Washington to confer with national Democratic leaders and consultants, who will now take over the strategic aspects of the Walker Jr. campaign. This race is important to Democrats too. This is a brand-new seat in the U.S. House of Representatives and both parties are eager to secure the office for the future. Burmeister-Bell Race Begins in Earnest David Bell called a press conference and everybody yawned. The Democratic challenger, running against Republican (GOP) state Rep. Sue Burmeister in the District 96 state house race, called on Burmeister to sign an agreement to run a clean, ethical, positive campaign. This campaign ploy is an elementary tactic meant to place Burmeister on the defensive. If she signs it, any criticism of Bell can be categorized as negative and a viola- Sue Burmeister tion of the agreement. If she doesn’t sign, Bell can claim he tried to take the high road but his opponent wouldn’t agree. Burmeister won’t sign the pledge and no politician in her right mind would sign under the David Bell circumstances. Instead, Burmeister issued a press release of her own. Neatly tucked into the release are references to Bell as a “liberal” along with an attempt to tie Bell to state Sen. Charles Walker and U.S. Congressman (soon to be ex-congressman) Cynthia McKinney. Burmeister claims Bell has begun a negative campaign of his own by implying that she would consider participating in any unethical behavior. Playing nice didn’t last long. This election is an important one. State Rep. Jack Connell (D-Aug) held the seat for
decades. His retirement and the emergence of Burmeister as a potential rising star have the Georgia GOP excited about the possibility of picking up a seat in the Georgia House of Representatives. Burmeister will have money and political strategists to help her run this race. Bell also has big bucks and political pros assisting him. No doubt, it was his campaign consultants that urged him to make an issue of his “Campaign Ethics Pledge of 2002.” In the background of this election is an old score for Republicans to settle. Bell ran against Republican U.S. Rep. Charlie Norwood for the 10th District congressional seat in 1995. Harsh feelings resulted, especially within the Norwood camp. Neither Norwood nor other Republicans have forgotten that campaign and they want to send Bell packing for good. They don’t like him. The race in the 96th will be an interesting contest but other local elections that are important to Republicans threaten to overshadow it. Political newcomer Randy Hall is challenging state Sen. Charles Walker (DAugusta) in Senate District 22 while Republican Max Burns is facing Charles Walker Jr. in the new 12th U.S. Congressional District. If Republicans were to rid the political scene of the Walker family, they could not contain their enthusiasm. We’ll keep you posted. As Reported Readers of The Spirit were the first to know about the current move underway in Columbia County to incorporate the county’s own Chamber of Commerce, separate from the Metro Augusta Chamber. Last week’s report in The Insider was officially confirmed by Columbia County officials a few days after the Sept. 12th edition of The Spirit hit the newsstands. Sources in Columbia County indicate that newly appointed Metro Chamber President Ed Presnell met with various Columbia County bigwigs to discuss the situation and many of them were unimpressed with the things Presnell said, or didn’t say. Presnell is in a tough spot. He is a popular figure in Augusta and many people are confident he has the ability to do a good job at the chamber. Unfortunately, he’s not the key decision-maker. The place is run by committee and the politics stink. In many ways, his hands are tied. Plus, he inherits a chamber in shambles. Tough job. Meanwhile, current Columbia County Chamber Executive Brian Quinsey is still on shaky ground after his financial gift to state Sen. Charles Walker was reported in the press. The political and business community in Columbia County went ballistic after learning the news. Walker represents Richmond County. As The Insider indicated weeks ago, Quinsey’s days are likely numbered. Nothing has changed. —The views expressed in this column are the views of The Insider and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.
MetroBeat Coliseum Authority Finally Back to Business
“I think if the voters in Richmond County had a chance to vote, they’d abolish the Augusta Commission quicker than they would the coliseum authority.” — Authority member Bill Maddox
Methodists that the authority wasn’t going to refund every cent of the conference’s money. “We’re doing them wrong,” Maddox said. “We’re basically telling them not to come back.” Several authority members agreed that the civic center had suffered a great public embarrassment following the United Methodists Conference and were determined not to lose any other events for the civic center. In an attempt to entice both promoters and the public back to the civic center, the authority voted to reduce parking at the facility from $4 to $3. The board estimated that it would cost the authority approximately $50,000 a year, but board member Carolyn Usry said she believed that, if the civic center didn’t address the parking fees, many events, such as Springtime in the South, wouldn’t come back. “We are going to lose the spring show if we don’t have a reduction in the parking,” Usry said. But with the reduction in parking revenue, the authority members also realized they needed to consider a more conservative budget for the civic center’s fiscal year.
t’s amazing what the AugustaRichmond County Coliseum Authority can accomplish if the board members actually attend the civic center meetings. For the first time in more than a month, the coliseum authority had enough members present for its Sept. 17 meeting to conduct business. The previous three meetings called by the authority failed to achieve a quorum because they had been boycotted by various members of the board. Finally, it was time for the authority to get back down to business and the board didn’t waste any time dealing with some of the civic center’s most controversial items. As soon as the authority’s interim chairman, Joe Scott, called the meeting to order, he dramatically announced his resignation as chairman of the board, leaving a surprised Belle Clark, secretary of the authority, in charge of the meeting. But Clark’s reign as chairman lasted only a few short minutes as she immediately called for the election of new officers. With little debate, the board quickly elected authority members Bernard Harper as chairman, Billy Holden as vice chairman, Annie Rogers as treasurer and Fred Reed as secretary. With the election of officers finalized, the board chose to address a dark cloud that has been hanging over the authority’s heads for months: How much money should be refunded to the North Georgia Conference of United Methodists? The four-day conference in June has been described by some members of the authority as a “complete failure” on the part of the civic center and its private catering company, Fine Host. The complaints about the filth of the civic center and poor food service were serious enough for the coliseum authority to terminate the civic center’s general manager, Reggie Williams, on June 25. However, the authority decided the United Methodists’ grievances weren’t severe enough to warrant a full refund. Instead, the board decided to refund a total of $38,000 to conference officials. The authority would be responsible for $10,000 of the refund, while Fine Host would have to return $28,000 to the church officials. Authority member Bill Maddox couldn’t believe after the board had listened to the problems experienced by the United
Therefore, the authority decided to approve the facility’s proposed 20022003 budget, excluding any proposed salary increases for employees. “This budget has a 7-percent salary increase for employees,” Maddox said. “I think we should consider giving our hourly employees a raise. They’re the ones that need a raise, not our top people. The top positions here are making more money than anybody in the state.” Maddox said Macon currently pays its civic center assistant general manager $46,000 and its accountant $36,000. In comparison, Augusta’s finance director for the civic center receives approximately $49,000, while the assistant general manager is paid about $53,500, Maddox said. The authority also had to deal with the lingering issue of Williams’ salary. Following the termination of Williams as general manager of the civic center, the board had continued to pay Williams his $75,000 annual salary. According to Scott, Williams had an oral agreement with the authority and its former attorney, Sam Nicholson, for a one-year contract at the civic center. Therefore, Scott said, Williams deserved the remainder of his one-year salary.
1 9 2 0 0 2
The authority has been highly criticized for continuing to pay Williams. During a recent meeting the authority had with the Augusta Commission on Sept. 13, Mayor Bob Young blasted the authority for what he saw as the board throwing money away. “Now, the authority has terminated Reggie Williams as manager,” Young said. “So, why is he still being paid if he’s fired?” With those types of decisions being made by the authority, Young said he didn’t think the local legislative delegation had any other choice than to abolish the board. “The coliseum authority has become an embarrassment to this city,” Young said. “In fact, the coliseum authority may have outlived its usefulness.” The mayor wasn’t the only one critical of the coliseum authority during the Sept. 13 meeting. Augusta Commissioner Ulmer Bridges told The Augusta Chronicle after the meeting that he was prepared to discuss abolishing the authority. Maddox took exception to Bridges’ comment. “I would like to say this: I think if the voters in Richmond County had a chance to vote, they’d abolish the Augusta Commission quicker than they would the coliseum authority,” Maddox said. While the authority may not have agreed with the manner in which Young addressed Williams’ salary, the majority of the board members agreed that Williams should not continue to receive a paycheck. After an hour-long legal meeting, the authority’s new attorney, Ziva Bruckner, recommended that the board cease payment of Williams’ salary. That suggestion was approved with a vote of 5-4, with authority members Mildred McDaniel, Annie Rogers, Belle Clark and Scott voting against the motion. Scott said the authority was treating Williams unfairly. “It’s wrong,” Scott said. “It was wrong when they voted to fire him and it’s wrong now.” Scott said he only hoped that Williams wouldn’t take the authority to court. “It would be bad for the public and bad for us here to drag this thing to court,” Scott said. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.”
14 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
Augusta's Three D's
ccording to Augusta Commissioner Andy Cheek, this city is suffering from what he describes as the “Three D’s”: Delay, deny and defer. Back in July, Commissioner Bobby Hankerson asked that the city’s internal auditor present the commission with a list of all the local bank accounts bearing the city’s tax identification numbers. The reason for Hankerson’s request was a recent finding in the special grand jury’s report on the fire department. The grand jury report stated that former Fire Chief Ronnie Few allegedly approached a local bank in 1998 and, without the permission of the city, opened a bank account for an awards banquet using the county tax ID number. “At no time did the chief notify the county finance department of his action,” the grand jury report stated. “In these documents, Chief Few declared himself ‘president’ of this ‘corporation’ with all the rights and authority thereof. “Chief Few falsely represented the Augusta-Richmond County Fire Department as an incorporated entity under the laws of the state of Georgia.” The grand jury described the account as a “slush fund.” Concerned about the possibility of other city slush funds existing in the county, Hankerson asked that the internal auditor check all the area banks for similar unauthorized accounts. Hankerson’s request was made almost two months ago, so during the commission’s Sept. 17 meeting, he inquired about the status of the auditor’s report. City Administrator George Kolb told Hankerson that it was still “a work in progress.” He said that the letters to the banks had been sent out in July and that
“The delay, deny and defer program is about to come to an abrupt end.” – Augusta Commissioner Andy Cheek
the city was just now starting to receive some responses. “How long does it take to check an ID number?” Hankerson asked. “I asked for that information, trying to be proactive and it’s been, like you said, since July. I really don’t think it takes that long to find that information out.” Hankerson said he was deeply troubled that there have been several different reports he’s asked to receive from the city and there always seems to be a delay. He told Kolb that he expects to have some report on the city’s financial accounts by the commission’s finance committee meeting on Sept. 23.
After listening to Hankerson’s concerns, Cheek sympathized with the commissioner. “First I’d like to say to my esteemed colleague, welcome to our world,” Cheek said. “This is something that we’ve been fighting for a long time. Two to three months to get information back on our finances, to me, is excessive. “The delay, deny and defer program is about to come to an abrupt end.” Cheek said it was time to see the county employees get to work. “The word needs to go down to the middle managers that I sweat in my place of business if my management comes to me and expects a short turn-around time,” Cheek said. “I don’t
see a lot of sweat being offered on some of these things.” Kolb took exception to Cheek’s comments. He said in the case of Hankerson’s request, the city doesn’t bank with all of the local financial institutions; therefore, those banks are charging the city to search their financial records. “No one has sat on this information,” Kolb said. “No one is sitting on any other information this commission asks of us, to my knowledge. We do the best we can. There’s a lot to do and we don’t want to come back with piecemeal information. “But I can guarantee you that any revenues this government receives and that we spend, we know where they are coming and going.” Kolb said it is just going to take some time to check for any accounts that might have been opened without the city’s knowledge. Augusta Commissioner Marion Williams said he was sick of hearing all of the city’s excuses. “I hear you (Kolb) say you’ve got a lot on you,” Williams said. “You make the big bucks. When you make the big bucks, we expect big results.” Williams also pointed out that Kolb has two deputy administrators and an assistant administrator to help with the workload. “Before, we didn’t have the number of staff people that you’ve got now,” Williams said. “I expect to see more.” Williams said the city had better be prepared for some changes because the commissioners are wide awake and observing the employees’ actions “Any old song will do on the day of the dead, because the dead don’t know,” Williams said. “But now we need to be accountable to the people of Richmond County. ... You can’t pay folks to do what they want to do when they want to do it. You pay folks to do what you want them to do. That’s why you pay them.”
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M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
ugustans who thought they had this year’s race for mayor all figured out got their predictions jarred a few weeks ago when a confident downtown businesswoman, known for her disdain of meddling politicians, decided she didn’t have a choice. She had to run for mayor. Bonnie Ruben says she isn’t afraid of ambushing the November election if it means she can put an end to a government that she believes has done nothing but frustrate, embarrass and cripple the entire city. “If I get elected, I swear I’m going to do everything I can to shake things up in this city,” Ruben said, sitting in the office of one of her downtown businesses, the Ramada Plaza Hotel on Broad Street. “I’m not going to play games with the (Augusta) commissioners. I think this city needs a strong mayor, and I’m not afraid to stand up for what I feel is right and what’s best for the entire Richmond County. “I have no political agendas or special interests. I’m interested in all of Richmond County because we are all in the same ship.” Ruben has been running her family business, Ruben’s Department Store on Broad Street, since 1979 and the Ramada Plaza since 1989. Her family has stayed in Augusta through both the good and bad times, but Ruben said she can’t remember a time when she’s heard from so many people disgusted with Augusta’s government. “I have heard from lots of people. Lots and lots of people who are simply frustrated,” Ruben said. “And I will do anything that it takes to change that because I live and work here. I was born here. ... I love Augusta. I love the family business. I love Broad Street and I want to make us all more successful.” One of the main reasons Ruben said she wants to run for office is because there are too many people who have worked too hard on Augusta’s future to sit back and let political games tear the city apart. “I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I don’t know of any other way to try and get this city on the right track other than to run for mayor,” Ruben said. “I have a lot invested here. After all, Ruben’s is in its 104th year downtown. It started in 1898. Granted, I didn’t run it for all 104 years, no matter what I look like in The Chronicle.” Ruben chuckled as she referred to a recent editorial cartoon that ran in The Augusta Chronicle which depicted her as an ogre-like character carrying a medieval, spiked mace into the mayor’s office. The caption read: “All This Place Needs is a Woman’s Touch.” If that cartoon means she’s going to be tough on the local government, Ruben said, then it’s on target. “I’m not confrontational. I’m not argumentative. I like to get along with people and I’ll do everything in my power to use reason and logic to convince commissioners of the important elements on every issue facing the city,” Ruben said, smiling. “And if that doesn’t work, I’ll get out the 2-by-4.” In order to make sure she gets a chance to
Photos: Brian Neill
use that 2-by-4, Ruben has enlisted the help of a very familiar face in the local political arena for her campaign: Former Augusta Mayor Larry Sconyers. “Larry Sconyers is going to be my campaign manager,” Ruben said. “He called and offered to do that and it was great news. I think he’s a good man, an honest man, and I’ll be very happy to be working with him. And I know he has a lot of insight into the local government.” With Sconyers’ help, Ruben said she believes she will be able to get the support from the “vast silent majority” who are fed up with the current mayor and commission. After all, she said, Augusta doesn’t have time for political leaders fighting among themselves and never accomplishing anything. Ruben said if, under her watch, the Augusta commissioners try to put their own political agendas before what’s best for the city, they’d better watch out. “I will expose them to the public,” Ruben plainly said. “I think if you are having trouble with commissioners not doing what’s in the best interest of the entire county, playing games and things like that, the time to speak up is when it’s happening. Not two years later. “You can’t go back and say, ‘Well, I couldn’t do it because...’ I think you need to be proactive and engaged in the process while it is happening.” However, Ruben said she honestly believes she can work with commissioners and hopes she doesn’t have to resort to “exposing” their
hidden agendas to the public. “You have to go one-on-one with each one of them (the commissioners) and make them understand that the good of the entire community is at stake,” Ruben said. “But if the commissioners don’t want to cooperate, they are going to have to explain, in front of the press, why not. “If nothing else, when I’m mayor, we’ll all have a lot of fun because we’ll be having a press conference every time we have a meeting if this type of bureaucracy continues.” Ruben said she believes many of the commissioners have forgotten why they were elected to office. Instead of serving their constituents, she said, they’re serving themselves. “Self-interest, a misinterpretation of why
they are there and hidden agendas are all problems on the commission,” Ruben said. She also said race has become a defining factor in local politics. “Without a doubt, race is a factor,” Ruben said. “I don’t exactly know why, but it’s quite apparent that it is. If you try not to acknowledge that, you are like an ostrich with its head in the sand.” In order for the commission to get beyond its petty fighting, Ruben said the city needs to deal with its race issues. “Race isn’t a factor on my part, but I think we need to try and analyze what it is that makes commissioners feel like they need to cling to racial issues rather than rising above it for the good of the community,” Ruben said. “And if
I don’t think the city has planned, at all, for development. Not a bit. And anything that does get done seems to be an afterthought or a reaction to a problem.
they can’t, then they aren’t the people who ought to be elected to the positions they hold. “I think both the black community and white community have better people to offer and I hope I’m an example of that.” However, Ruben said she realizes issues like the highly critical special grand jury reports have angered certain segments of the black community. Several local black leaders have called the reports racists because they feel like the majority of the criticism focuses on black city department heads and black politicians. But Ruben thinks those critical of the grand jury’s findings are missing the bigger picture. “I feel that they failed to really look at the content of the grand jury report and to be openminded enough to recognize the seriousness of the grand jury report,” Ruben said. “I think if you read it, it really speaks for itself. And I don’t think that it was meant to be racist in any form.
“The problems that we’ve had with the fire department and the purchasing department, all of the issues that were brought up in the grand jury reports are things that concern me as well as all the other citizens greatly. To me, we shouldn’t have had an environment in the first place that allowed those types of things to happen.” Unfortunately, Ruben said, companies looking at Augusta from the outside will rethink locating to the city when it sees the government in such disarray. Ruben said she can personally attest to the city’s lack of support when it comes to businesses in Augusta. “I don’t think government in particular does anything to help or encourage local businesses,” Ruben said. “And to make matters worse, there are all kinds of erratic episodes where they flush local businesses down the sewer.
“I don’t think the city has planned, at all, for development. Not a bit. And anything that does get done seems to be an afterthought or a reaction to a problem.” That’s not the way a government should be run, Ruben said. In her opinion, a perfect example of the city in chaos is the downtown civic center. Ruben, who is a former member of the Augusta-Richmond County Coliseum Authority, said she is outraged over the gridlock that is currently paralyzing the civic center. “A lot of people tell me, ‘Don’t talk about the civic center,’ because I was on the authority, but I don’t care what they say because I think it’s a really important issue,” Ruben said. “No, it’s not my only issue, but it’s certainly a very important issue.” There are two major problems facing the civic center: the appointees to the board and
the lack of quality management at the facility, Ruben said. “I’m a perfect example of how business can be hurt by this city,” Ruben said. “I saw it as an authority member. I saw the civic center unfold and unravel. I saw the house of cards tip into one another and fall down while I desperately tried to salvage it. “I tried to bring good management and leadership to the civic center, and when I came very close, (Augusta Commissioner) Lee Beard replaced me. And there went any hope we had of salvaging an important conference like the North Georgia Methodist Conference.” As a result, the whole city suffered, Ruben said. “This hotel has lost $80,000 worth of business which was booked for June 2003,” continued on page 18
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18 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9
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continued from page 17 Ruben said. “We need those conventions. They bring people in who stay in hotels; they buy food in restaurants; they buy gasoline; they use the instant teller machines and they are great for the economy. “Conventions reduce the tax burden on the rest of us. They’re the very thing that we should all bend over backwards to make sure that we have in this town. But that’s what happens when the wrong people, like the coliseum authority, are the decision makers. All we managed to do is run people away and give ourselves a black eye.” However, some critics question whether Ruben, as mayor, would be able to bring a deeply divided Augusta Commission together considering she couldn’t unite the coliseum authority. “On the civic center, I was one member of the authority and I was not the chairman,” Ruben said. “Had I been the chairman, I think I could have been a lot more effective than I was as simply a member who didn’t have a voting majority. “But I must say, there were many other catastrophes over at the civic center that I hope my presence helped to soften, if not avert, by my being a watchdog while I was on the coliseum authority.” Also, in the case of the mayor’s position, Ruben said she is hoping that the local legislative delegation reconsiders giving the mayor more authority, such as veto power. “I hope that we can turn the government around and make it more like a business because really, the commissioners are like the board of directors and the taxpayers are like the shareholders,” Ruben said. “So, why shouldn’t the mayor be more like the CEO of a business? “I think the voters are making a choice when
they vote for the person they want to be their mayor and that leader should have the powers needed to make a change.” Ruben said local people don’t realize that executive officers in most governments have veto power. “It’s not unusual at all, so I don’t know why it has to be such a big deal here,” Ruben said. “Maybe there’s too many fingers meddling in the pot or too many cooks in the broth.” While Ruben sounds ready to take on the city,
I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I don’t know of any other way to try and get this city on the right track other than to run for mayor.
some people wonder whether she will be able to be a full-time mayor along with running her two downtown businesses. But Ruben said being mayor will be her top priority. “I’m serious about becoming mayor because I can’t watch four more years go by and see Augusta move nowhere,” Ruben said. “I’m going to do everything in my power to change this city. And one thing’s for sure, I can’t make it any worse. I can only make it better.”
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19 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
20 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
& Entertainment Time Is on Their Side BY LISA JORDAN
ven though the temperature hasn’t dropped quite enough to make us think it’s fall, it’s not too early to plan for October concerts in Atlanta – and with acts this prolific, it’s probably better to be making your ticket reservations sooner rather than later. It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll But they like it so much that they’ve stuck with it for 40 years. The Rolling Stones are currently making their way around the U.S. on the "Licks" tour in celebration of the band’s 40th anniversary. And if you’re finding it hard to believe their first live performance was in 1962, you’re probably one of the fans who remembers when the Stones broke on this side of the Atlantic in 1964 as the dangerous and sexy alternative to the squeakyclean Beatles. Or you may be one of the fans The Rolling Stones picked up along the way with the albums "Sticky Fingers," "Tattoo You" or even "Voodoo Lounge." Either way, you’ll probably want to be making plans for the Stones’ October date in Atlanta. Besides the fact that you may
want to take out a small loan to finance your concertgoing experience – tickets for the Oct. 26 show run from $53 to $303 – you don’t want someone else to nab the last seat in Turner Field. All dates on the "Licks" tour will be unique; besides varying the setlist each night with songs from four decades and some R&B covers, the Stones are playing stadiums, arenas and even a few small clubs. Opening acts vary, as well – at the Atlanta stop, No Doubt starts the show. Thirty Years and Counting Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Famers Aerosmith have been around nearly as long as The Rolling Stones and, like the Stones, Aerosmith is also planning a trip to Atlanta in October. Their Oct. 14 show at the Hi-Fi Buys Amphitheatre features Kid Rock as the opening act. Though Aerosmith is known for rocking with the best of them, they’re also known for their power ballads, so you can expect a good mix over the course of the evening. And with multiple hits at their disposal,
Aerosmith will immerse the audience in everything from their hard-rocking ‘70s staples up through their ‘80s comeback material and most recent offerings from "Just Push Play." Tickets range in price from $40.50 to $79.50. Rush Returns to the Stage Canadian rock trio Rush brings the "Vapor Trails" tour to Philips Arena Oct. 13. The tour is in support of the album of the same name, which is the band’s first all-new studio compilation in five years. Rush bounced back from a late-‘80s slump with "Roll the Bones," "Counterparts" and "Test for Echo" in the early part of the ‘90s and "Vapor Trails" continues the tradition with its complex melodies. After the band went on hiatus, mainly due to drummer Neil Peart losing his wife and daughter in two separate incidents, Rush took its time recording "Vapor Trails" – they spent 14 months in the studio, almost three times as long as it’s taken them to record their other albums.
Now, on the road, Rush mixes songs from "Vapor Trails" with their classic material and adds visuals, video and animation for good measure. Tickets are $35.50 to $69.50. Nearly 40 Years of Phases The Moody Blues have been around long enough to steep their music in everything from the early 1960s British R&B scene to sweeping orchestral arrangements and even a later psychedelic phase. Their Oct. 19 concert at Chastain Park will encompass all of these sounds and more as the Blues take fans on the long and winding trip that is their repertoire. Expect, however, to hear some of The Moody Blues’ older pieces – the band says crowds are more responsive to their earlier works. Ticket prices are $33.50 to $38.50. If You Want To Go All shows are currently on sale through TicketMaster. Purchase tickets online at www.ticketmaster.com or charge by phone, 828-7700.
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1 9 2 0 0 2
22 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
Arts: Music
Augusta Players Presents “The King and I”
t may seem at first glance that portraying a well-known character would be a piece of cake for an actor. But digging in to a role like Anna Leonowens presents some rather unique problems for Lynn Marie Beard, who will be Anna for the Augusta Players Sept. 27-29. After all, “The King and I” is possibly only the greatest “East meets West” love story of all time. It is the tale of a woman who takes a job in Siam as governess to the king’s children and winds up imparting the American ideals of democracy and freedom, not to mention falling in love with King Mongkut himself. It is the story of two headstrong people from very different cultures who, through a series of sexually charged confrontations, find common ground. And love. “Everything about Anna is pretty much defined ... outlined in a sense in the script,” Beard said. “The sense of who she is, the character and the persona, is pretty much apparent in the script.” Beard later shared some notes on the character from the CD cover that call her a woman who is “true to her mission and her integrity,” “a woman of conviction,” and someone who becomes influential in a foreign land. But Beard finds her courageous as well, to even travel to such a faraway land during a time
when the world was a much larger place, and immerse herself in its culture. “(‘The King and I’) is based on a true story, and that gives it so much more meaning, I think, for me as an actress, to know that a woman in the 1800s sailed far away from her homeland with her son to teach in a foreign country that she really knew very little about. That takes tremendous courage and tremendous strength. “That’s something that inspires me tremendously as a woman,” she said. But making such a well-known, and wellloved, character her own comes with great responsibility, Beard said. The challenge, she said, comes with trying to stay true to the original intent of the character, while adding enough of herself to the role to bring Anna to life on that particular night. “I’m doing my best to give the character all of the qualities that I’m supposed to. I have to abide by what’s given, but I can’t help also being me.” The secret seems to lie in whether the actor and the character can find some common ground to work from. “What parts of my character that are similar to Anna – that’s what helps bring this particular woman to life.” If you’re thinking that the name Lynn Beard is a new one, you’re right. This is not only her debut with Augusta Players, but a big hello to the city of Augusta as well. She had been here
all of seven weeks before winning the part of the leading role. “I’m thrilled. I was involved in theater back home,” she said, meaning Connecticut. She cites an impressive resume, including Christine in Yeston and Kopit’s “Phantom,” Kate in “The Pirates of Penzance,” and Savage in “Savage in Limbo.” That theater experience has proven a good way for her to meet people after relocating so far away. “I’m having a wonderful time working with the people at Augusta Players. It’s just been a wonderful experience moving here and getting involved with a theater company such as Augusta Players as quickly as I have. It just helped me feel at home right away.” She’s also teaching a drama class for the Art Factory and provides private voice instruction at her home. We asked if her knowledge of the singing voice helps her do a better job with projecting her voice on the drama stage. “Yes, it’s a connection with your breath and your body. Once that’s understood and established, you can do many things with your voice.” And that comes in handy with a role like this one, in which Anna and King Mongkut (Todd Colbert) do much of the speaking in the play. “It is a challenge,” she said. But of course, it’s so much more than that.
Lynn Marie Beard “As an actor, its really a once in a lifetime role — and just a wonderful opportunity to grow as an actor and to learn more about the art of acting when you have a role such as this.” The Sept. 27 and 28 shows are at 8 p.m., with the Sept. 29 show at 3 p.m. See calendar listing for ticket info. Call 826-4707 for reservations.
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24 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
Arts: Theatre
“Plaza Suite” Tickets Going Fast
ickets for the Fort Gordon production of Neil Simon’s “Plaza Suite” are reportedly going fast, and director Steve Walpert says that’s because audiences know that Simon is a master at mixing drama and humor. “Audiences love his work. They love to come see him,” Walpert says. “His name sells lots of tickets, and deservedly so.” The prolific writer isn’t called the “dean of American playwrights” for nothing, Walpert says, praising the writer’s “great insight on human foibles.” “Plaza Suite” works as one three-act play or three one-act plays, as each act stands on its own. “All three plays are wonderful shows,” Walpert said. “They are funny, with insight into human character, and they’re all different. “Each person will have a different favorite show, and it will be based on their particular taste,” he said. Act I, or “Visitor From Mamaroneck,” features an oddball couple of a husband and wife who argue about everything from the length of their marriage to whether Suite 719 is actually the site of their honeymoon. As the marriage disintegrates, the deeper meaning in the humorous episodes becomes apparent, revealing the poignancy of human loss. Act II, or “Visitor From Hollywood,” is about a pompous Hollywood producer attempting to seduce his high school girlfriend, and Act III, “Visitor From Forest Hills,” centers around a mother and father trying to coax the bride out of the bathroom on her wedding day. “That (Act III) is the most outwardly hilarious one,” Walpert said. “The others are funny in a different way.”
But each act makes us laugh at the characters before giving us the insight into what makes them act as they do, insight that is frequently sobering. Walpert says that actors love Simon as much as audiences do. “He’s a great writer and he gives the actors something to work with. As an actor, I’ve found his work very appealing,” Walpert says. “I enjoy the rhythm of his writing and he’s so deft with creating humourous situations, which often live side-by-side with the dramatic.” Although he has not acted in “Plaza Suite,” Walpert has had other opportunities to see the “Simon effect” in action. Not only has he worked in two separate productions of “Chapter Two” and also in a production of “Barefoot in the Park,” but Fort Gordon Dinner Theatre has produced several of Simon’s shows, including “Barefoot in the Park,” “Rumors,” and “Laughter on the 23rd Floor.” “And each one has been popular with the audience,” he said. “Plaza Suite” opened in New York on Feb. 14, 1968, and played to a packed house for the next two and a half years. In 1971, a film version of the play was released, with Walter Matthau acting the three leading male roles and Maurine Stapleton portraying Karen Nash. Even the press was impressed. According to The New York Times’ Clive Barnes, the play’s end is “... Hilarious, as funny a contrivance as Mr. Simon and his demon director Mike Nichols have ever offered us.” TIME magazine once called Simon and director Mike Nichols “Broadway’s most consummate mirthologists.”
Bonnie Welder and Robert Schwamberger in a scene from “Plaza Suite”
The New York Daily News’ John Chapman once called “Plaza Suite” “a triple-barreled explosion of comedy.” With a play that funny on the loose, you’d better act fast if you want to plant yourself in the audience. Shows are Sept. 2021 and 26-28 at Fort Gordon Dinner Theatre. Tickets are $30 general admission, and $28 for seniors 65 and over. Call the box office at 793-8552 or visit www.fortgordon.com/theatre.htm#plaza for info.
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Courtesy of Warner Bros.
“Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever”
Movie Listings The Adventures of Pluto Nash (PG-13) —
Eddie Murphy plays the reformed convict Pluto Nash. He lives on the moon in a colony called Lit tle America and plans to put his smuggling days behind him. He's doing well and has one of the hot test clubs in the gala xy. All that changes when Mogan (Joe Pantaliano) makes a deadly of fer: Sell or be killed. Nash refuses and his beloved club is blown to space dust. He then sets out for vengeance. Nash also wonders why the club was so valuable in the first place. A down-on-herluck waitress (Rosario Dawson) and Nash's robot bodyguard Bruno (Randy Quaid) tag along for the wild ride. "Pluto Nash" shoots for the moon, but with a horrible plot and wasted talents, look for it to crash land in a video/DVD chute near you soon. Cast: Eddie Murphy, Randy Quaid, Rosario Dawson, Luis Guzman, Peter Boyle, John Cleese and Pam Grier. Running time: 1 hr., 30 mins. (McCormick) 0
Austin Powers in Goldmember (PG-13) —
No golden member, just a tin fig leaf. Mike Myers still has his crack timing and suppor ting cast (Seth Green a standout, plus Michael Caine agog with fun as Powers' dad), but the silly plot is nothing, and too many gags are just stupid frat-boy stuf f with a lacing of gay schtick. Beyonce Knowles brings a zip of sassy freshness as Fox xy Cleopatra, yet the movie is both smug and lazy, and the gaudy, pushy "style" steamrolls the humor into flatness. With numerous celebrity cameos, none very funny (the least: Steven Spielberg). 1 hr., 33 mins. (Elliot t) ★1/2 Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (R) — Bold and determined spy Sever (Lucy Liu) is in a race against sworn enemy and ex-FBI agent Jeremiah Ecks (Antonio Banderas) to obtain the latest assassination device. But af ter things get hairy, Ecks and Sever find that trusting each other may be the best solution. Cast: Lucy Liu, Antonio Banderas, Gregg Henry, Ray Park, Talisa Soto. The Banger Sisters (R) — Susan Sarandon and Goldie Hawn star as a couple of aging groupies who haven’t seen each other in twenty years. Suzet te (Hawn) is still tat tooed and, newly jobless, goes looking for a handout from old comrade Vinnie (Sarandon), who has set tled into a plush and uptight suburban lifestyle; she ends up pulling Vinnie back into their checkered past. Cast: Susan Sarandon, Goldie Hawn, Geoffrey Rush. Barbershop (PG-13) — In this day in the wacky life of a Chicago salon, the rapper/actor Ice Cube
drops his rough, gruf f image to play Calvin, the current owner of the barbershop. The shop was passed down to him from his dad and has been a mainstay of the community for years. Calvin couldn't care less, because he has a pregnant wife and wants to make money fast. In a moment of stupidity, he sells the place to the neighborhood loan shark. Af ter spending a day talking with customers and fellow barbers, he realizes the impor tance of the shop. He then has to buy back the shop at double the price. Meanwhile at the barbershop itself, tensions begin to rise. Cast: Ice Cube, Anthony Anderson, Sean Patrick Thomas, Eve, Troy Garity, Michael Ealy and Cedric the Enter tainer. Running time: 1 hr., 42 mins. (McCormick) ★★★ Blue Crush (PG-13) — It's about girls who work at cleaning a big Oahu hotel, but their hear ts are in their bikinis, and their bikinis are usually in the wild sur f. It's in the sur f that gorgeous Anne Marie (Kate Boswor th) has her big tif f with envious pal Eden (Michelle Rodriguez), teaches board skills to visiting quar terback and lover Mat t (Mat thew Davis), stares into the thong of her soul and, finally, faces the supreme test of the Pipe Masters competition on Oahu's nor th shore. Director John Stockwell knows the stakes here. He has a sur fer in danger and the girls give us the ugly truth of it: "Oooh" and "Heavy out there" and "That's got ta hur t." It makes "Point Break" seem like "Lord Jim." Cast: Kate Boswor th, Mat thew Davis, Michelle Rodriguez, Sanoe Lake, Mirka Boorem, Faizon Love. Running time: 1 hr., 39 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ The Bourne Identity (PG-13) — Bourne (Mat t Damon) was sent to kill a risky African leader on a yacht, had an at tack of qualms, then plunged overboard with holes in his back. He was saved by fishermen, the captain an amateur doctor who pulls the rounds out of Bourne, and ex tracts an implant that has the number of a Swiss bank account. In an identity fog, though now with money and passpor ts, and reflexively gif ted with all his trained skills — his sour CIA boss, Conklin (Chris Cooper), decides to snuf f Bourne as "a malfunctioning $30 million piece of equipment" — Bourne zips to Paris af ter emptying the deposit box in Zurich. "The Bourne Identity" has the identity of potent enter tainment. Cast: Mat t Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Clive Owen, Brian Cox, Julia Stiles. Running time: 2 hrs. (Elliot t) ★★★1/2
The Business of Strangers (R) —
Courtesy of Miramax & Paramount Pictures
“The Four Feathers”
★★★★ — Excellent.
Independent film with Stockard Channing as the CEO of a large company and Julia Stiles her ambitious young assistant. The power games played by the two of them unfold in their conversations, secrets and lies told in an airpor t hotel. Cast: Stockard Channing, Julia Stiles. City by the Sea (R) — Rober t De Niro is New York detective Vincent LaMarca, who lef t his bit ter wife (Pat ti LuPone) 14 years before, and their son Joey (James Franco) has gone to hell. While Vincent enjoys the lights of Manhat tan and a warm, undemanding lover (Frances McDormand), Joey and his mom are stuck in a wasteland called Long Beach. Joey has become a "cop killer," and vengeful cops forget their long admiration of Vincent as they track Joey with lethal intent. The movie revels in sordidness as if that would provide soul, and the best it achieves is some poignancy from the tidal sludge of feelings. Pulp from the hear t can be pulp from the pits. Cast: Rober t De Niro, Frances McDormand, James Franco, Eliza Dushku, Pat ti LuPone, William Forsy the. Running time: 1 hr,. 48 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ The Country Bears (G) — This benign, liveaction film follows bear cub Beary Bearington (voiced by Haley Joel Osment) as he reunites his musical idols, The Country Bears. Af ter lit tle Beary convinces the bit ter rock icons that they still need each other, the woolly second-grader makes peace with his own adopted human family. The 10-and-under crowd will love these blinking, harmonizing, restaurant-dining bears. Music-star cameos (Elton John, Willie Nelson, Queen Latifah) make the film slightly easier to digest for the tolerant parent. 1 hr., 25 mins. (Diamond) ★★ Eight Legged Freaks (PG-13) — A clunky, mildly amusing "salute" to big-bug monster movies, as toxically enlarged spiders chase, spear and web dumb-bunny humans in Arizona. The only style is TV-filler nostalgia, not the wit tier goofiness of "Tremors," and scenes like a terrified girl being wrapped in web by a giant arachnid are too ickily intimate for kids (some adults, too). Kari Wuhrer, David Arquet te and Doug E. Doug are screaming bait. Acting dies first. 1 hr., 22 mins. (Elliot t) ★1/2 Feardotcom (R) — New York City detective Mike Reilly (Stephen Dor ff) and health examiner Terry Huston investigate a series of violent murders. They determine that each of the victims was logged on to a Web site, feardot.com, 48 hours before being killed; Reilly himself logs on to find out why the leather-clad temptress on the site is luring voyeurs to their deaths. Cast: Stephen Dor ff, Udo Kier, Natascha McElhone, Stephen Rea. The Four Feathers (PG-13) — Sweeping visual epic taking Heath Ledger from the velvety landscapes of the 1800s British Empire to the scorching deser ts of the Sudan. Ledger is a British commander who resigns right before a major bat tle, causing his friends and fiancee to send him four white feathers as a symbol of his cowardice. Ledger travels to the Sudan to rescue his comrades and win back their respect. Cast: Heath Ledger, Wes Bentley, Djimon Hounsou, Kate Hudson, Alex Jennings. The Good Girl (R) — Jennifer Aniston, as Justine in "The Good Girl," is trapped in a dead life made by safe, square choices. And so the final choice that confirms her "good girl" status is, in ef fect, telling us that she remains dead. Justine has a dud job working in an ugly Texas store, Retail Rodeo. She double-dips alienation at home, where husband Phil (John C. Reilly) is a mashed couch potato, zoning on TV, taking dope and trading quips with buddy Bubba (Tim Blake Nelson). Desperate at 30, childless, bored half-stupid, Justine has a semi-secret af fair with a boyish co-worker, Holden (Jake Gyllenhaal). Justine's smar tness reeks of self-loathing and moral vacancy. Is feminism this comatose in Texas? Cast: Jennifer Aniston, John C. Reilly,
★★★— Worthy.
★★ — Mixed.
★ — Poor.
Jake Gyllenhaal, Zooey Deschanel, Tim Blake Nelson. Running time: 1 hr., 33 mins. (Elliot t) ★★
The Importance of Being Earnest (PG) —
is the film version of Oscar Wilde’s classic comedy of mistaken identity. In 1890s London, Algernon Montcrief f runs into old friend Jack Wor thing, who is in town to propose to Algernon’s cousin. Algernon inadver tently discovers Jack’s secret; that Jack has an alter ego known as Ernest, and that Ernest is trying to woo a beautiful young woman named Cecily. When Algernon devises a plan to meet Cecily, Jack must find a way to set things straight. Cast: Ruper t Everet t, Colin Fir th, Judi Dench, Frances O’Connor, Reese Witherspoon. Running time: 1 hr., 34 mins. K-19: The Widowmaker (PG-13) — is about the vir tually suicidal mission and hapless plight of a Soviet sub of that name, during a tense time (1961) of the Cold War, based on actual facts. Though said to be the pride of Soviet Russia's new nuclear fleet, K-19 goes to sea inadequately prepared, on a politically motivated mission. It must voyage under polar ice to fire a demo missile, showing the cocky new man in the White House (JFK) how virile Moscow can be. The crew's beloved skipper, Capt. Polenin (Liam Neeson), is demoted to executive of ficer under Capt. Vostrikov (Harrison Ford), a fierce patriot. "K-19" puts a clammy whammy on us when a pressure leak in one of the reactors brings on nuclear horror. This is one of the most machocentric and masochistic movies ever made by a woman; Kathryn Bigelow directed. Cast: Harrison Ford, Liam Neeson, Joss Ackland, Peter Sarsgaard. Running time: 2 hrs., 10 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ Like Mike (PG) — The rapper Lil Bow Wow plays 14-year-old Calvin Cambridge, one of the older residents in an L.A. orphanage. Calvin has two wishes – to find parents who love him and to play in the NBA like his idol, Michael Jordan. Then one day, Calvin's only adult ally, Sister Theresa (Anne Meara), discovers an old pair of sneakers that once belonged to Michael Jordan. Calvin tries them on, and they are a per fect fit. The nex t day, Calvin's dreams begin to materialize. He meets one of his idols, basketball superstar Tracey Reynolds (Morris Chestnut), during a half time contest at a Los Angeles Knights game. Calvin makes a wish to be "like Mike" and suddenly displays moves reminiscent of Jordan. He is quickly signed by the Knights, and both he and new teammate Tracey go on a journey of self-discovery. Cast: Lil Bow Wow, Morris Chestnut, Jonathan Lipnicki, Brenda Song, Crispin Glover, Anne Meara and Eugene Levy. Running time: 1 hr., 30 mins. (McCormick) ★★★ The Master of Disguise (PG) — Dana Carvey plays Pistachio Disguisey, which all by itself gives you the comedic essence. He's a perky waiter in an Italian restaurant in New York. Pistachio is heir to a family talent for magical transformation, possessors of "energico," who can morph into almost any thing. Pistachio's parents are abducted by a rich villain, envious of energico, played with almost obscene lack of comic appeal by Brent Spiner. Carvey is cute, but he doesn't seem to have a shaped and role-shaping personality. He seems locked into skit rhy thm. Cast: Dana Carvey, Brent Spiner, Jennifer Esposito, James Brolin, Harold Gould, Edie McClurg. Running time: 1 hr., 33 mins. (Elliot t) ★ Minority Report (PG-13) — "Minority Repor t" is a sci-fi thriller set in one of those futures (2054) most of us hope never to endure. At the front edge is John Ander ton (Tom Cruise), head of Pre-Crime. He works in a tech hive called the Temple, where three clairvoyants float in a tank like nearly comatose dolphins, feeding their vision of impending murders to a big computer screen. Ander ton assembles the clues,
0— Not worthy.
continued on page 42
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42 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
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continued from page 41 then leads the police team to arrest the presumptively guilty. Once Ander ton is himself accused of being a future killer, he abducts one of the "pre-cog" floaters (Samantha Mor ton). "Minority Repor t" has a kind of ugly beauty and, in its central storm of murk and rush, the suction of a compelling nightmare. Cast: Tom Cruise, Samantha Mor ton, Lois Smith, Peter Stormare, Ma x Von Sydow, Tim Blake Nelson. Running time: 2 hrs., 15 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ Mr. Deeds (PG-13) — is an update or takeof f on the 1936 Frank Capra hit "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town." In that, Gary Cooper is a gentle, gallant rube who inherits a for tune, confounds the city slickers and radiates fuzzy ideals, while Depression audiences again got to ogle the idle (but frisky) rich. Now Adam Sandler is Longfellow Deeds, who inherits $40 billion from a genial old flake (Harve Presnell). Peter Gallagher is a fairly standard corporate wheeler as the sharpie running the vast estate. But as star repor ter Babe, Winona Ryder is game and slyly charming. The real ace is John Tur turro as Deed's new manservant, Emilio. It's a fond update and funny comedy, even making good use of John McEnroe (still cocky) and the Rev. Al Sharpton (dit to). Cast: Adam Sandler, John Tur turro, Winona Ryder, Peter Gallagher, Jared Harris, Erick Avari, Harve Presnell. Running time: 1 hr., 31 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG) — Unmarried Toula Por tokalos is a 30-year-old waitress in her parents’ Greek restaurant, Dancing Zorba’s. Vowing to change, she gets a makeover and takes a job in her aunt’s travel agency, where, newly confident, she meets handsome Ian Miller — a high-school teacher who is definitely not Greek. The tale is familiar: strong and fiercely commit ted to their ethnic roots family but ts heads with the outsider wanting to marry into the group. But “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” of fers enough in the way of wit to stifle the sitcom feel a film like this might otherwise have. Cast: Nia Vardalos, John Corbet t, Louis Mandylor, Gia Carides, Joey Fatone. One Hour Photo (R) — As Sy Parrish, Robin Williams is "the photo guy" who proudly mans the pristine counter and developing machines at the photo shop of a store called Savmar t. A shy bachelor-forlife, Sy has a dull apar tment downtown, where the decor is anonymous. The one personal touch is his wall of gleaming, finely printed color snaps of the Yorkin family, suburbanites who live in an elegant modern house. Sy makes copies for himself from their photo drop-of fs, and lives vicariously through his fantasy of mom Nina (Connie Nielsen), son Jake (Dylan Smith) and yuppie daddy Will (Michael Var tan). Sy wants to be the daddy, or at least, "Uncle Sy," and this is not very dangerous as only a daydream. It becomes a danger once Sy finds, via another customer's photos, that Will is having an af fair. Sy becomes a risky nut once his dream bubble bursts. Cast: Robin Williams, Connie Nielsen, Michael Var tan, Eriq LaSalle. Running time: 1 hr., 47 mins. (Elliot t) ★★1/2 Reign of Fire (PG-13) — Christian Bale and Mat thew McConaughey star as twin towers of testosterone who join forces to fight dragons that have pret ty much destroyed the world. Bale serves as leader of the few English survivors of the dragon Holocaust and McConaughey arrives to help the crew as Van Zan the dragon slayer. But the special-effects beasts are the real star of the show. 1 hr., 40 mins. (McCormick) ★★★ Scooby Doo (PG) — is derived from the longestrunning TV car toon show (beginning in 1969 on CBS), and is mostly set in an island theme park. The 'toon gang loved by their TV fans — ginchy-dish Daphne, plain but brainy Velma, blond ego dude Fred (author of "Fred on Fred"), grinning par ty dude Shaggy — are now played by actors locked into one-note roles. Great Dane hero dog Scooby appears computer generated. They go to Spooky Island to solve a criminal conspiracy, where special ef fects and cute theme park crit ters whiz by and the top villain is revealed to be ... a puppy. This is one lollipop of a movie, OK for the 4- to 9-yearolds who like the TV show. 1 hr., 23 mins. ★★ Signs (PG-13) — Mel Gibson plays Father Graham Hess, an Episcopal priest who lost his faith and retired his collar af ter his wife was killed in an auto accident. He lives in an old farmhouse with two adorable kids, plus a younger brother (Joaquin Phoenix). Big, elegantly precise "crop signs" turn up in their cornfield. It's space aliens, and the movie teases us as the signs pile up. The aliens show up, shoving clawed hands under doors but scared by steak knives, full of evil strength, yet not able to knock down the pathetic blockade of a fruit cellar. "Signs," though handsomely shot, seems meant for viewers who need to believe in tabloid aliens, and that we can beat them with plain-spun, homeland vir tues. It should be called "Sins" for compounding the sins of bad filming. Cast: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Culkin, M. Night Shyamalan, Cherry Jones. Running time: 1 hr., 46 mins. (Elliot t) ★
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (PG) — A cheer ful theme park of a comedy about
junior spies, with a bigger budget and more inventive fun than the 2001 original (the plot is no advance). Rober t Rodriguez directed, wrote, helped with the digital ef fects and gizmo touches, including excellent creatures. The many Hispanic rif fs do not land with PC heaviness, and the lively cast includes Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara as the main kids, plus Antonio Banderas, Steve Buscemi, Carla Gugino, Alan
Cumming, Bill Pa x ton, Tony Shalhoub, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin and (still macho at 81) Ricardo Montalban. 1 hr., 27 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (PG) — This is No. 5 in the series and is visually
spectacular (entirely filmed in digital, and projected that way in some theaters). It moves swif tly and has action payof fs, but George Lucas is still a turgid story teller, and stif f dialogue drags the actors down to mere plot function too of ten. Ewan McGregor seems to be coming into his own as wise Obi-Wan. 2 hrs., 23 mins. (Elliot t) ★★1/2 Stealing Harvard (PG-13) — John (Jason Lee) is a squishy nice guy from sitcom hell, and buddy Duff (Tom Green), a "wild" mama's boy who runs a miserably inept yard-care business. John has finally saved $30,000 with girlfriend Elaine (Leslie Mann), who targets it for a home down payment. And so he can't dip into that lode when his "trailer trash" niece lucks into Harvard. He had foolishly promised to pay the girl's college fees, and with the missionary zeal of a complete idiot, he must lie, steal and blunder his way, with Duff, to the money. There are four oafishly pitiful heists. There is no shape, no style, not even a true wisp of theme. Watching junk like this induces a kind of abstract guilt, as if you were paying dues for good books unread, fine music never heard. Cast: Tom Green, Jason Lee, Leslie Mann, Dennis Farina, Chris Penn, Seymour Cassel. Running time: 1 hr., 42 mins. (Elliot t) ★ The Sum of All Fears (PG-13) — Another morbid Tom Clancy nightmare of big power and dire danger (the nuclear devil unleashed), with a trivial romance trampled by politics and spy games. Phil Alden Robinson directed with spruce if pompous flair, and the nerve-raked cast has Ben Af fleck as the hero, Morgan Freeman, Alan Bates, James Cromwell, Liev Schreiber and (ace as the Russian prez) Ciaran Hinds. 2 hrs. (Elliot t) ★★★ Sunshine State (PG-13) — “Sunshine State” takes us to Delrona Beach, Fla., to examine the intertwined lives of unhappy people. Marly runs her father’s beloved hotel and hates her job; Lester and Greg plot to buy the hotel from Marly’s father; Desiree returns to Delrona Beach for the first time since she lef t amidst scandal. Cast: Edie Falco, Angela Basset t, Jane Alexander. Running time: 2 hrs., 21 mins. Swimfan (PG-13) — "Swimfan" is a by-the-book thriller, but in this book, about a third of the pages seem to be missing – the ones that might provide the viable thrills. The swim is Ben (Jesse Bradford), who surmounted some past trouble by taking to a pool and becoming the budding star of his high school team. The fan is Madison (Erika Christensen), who cares naught for swimming, but develops a sudden, compulsive fixation on Ben. Soon af ter joining the student body, she joins his, and in the very pool of his dreams. Already warped — she has a past jock lover parked in a coma — she becomes the nemesis who cannot abide rejection. The clima x is an absurd, let'swrap rush of entrapment, and if you really believe it, please don't go into police work. Cast: Jesse Bradford, Erika Christensen, Shiri Appleby, Dan Hedaya, Kate Bur ton. Running time: 1 hr., 42 mins. (Elliot t) ★1/2 Trapped (R) — Stuar t Townsend and Charlize Theron are a rich couple whose 6-year-old daughter is kidnapped by two experienced ex tor tionists, played by Kevin Bacon and Cour tney Love. Theron and Townsend, trapped in Seat tle on a business trip, have 24 hours to get their daughter back. Cast: Stuar t Townsend, Charlize Theron, Kevin Bacon, Cour tney Love, Dakota Fanning. Undisputed (R) — What would happen if a Mike Tyson-like boxer met his match while serving time in the big house? That's the premise of this slugfest. In one corner, we have Wesley Snipes as Monroe Hutchen, resident champ of Sweetwater Prison. In the other corner, there's George "Iceman" Chambers, the undisputed world heavyweight champion in Sweetwater af ter being convicted of rape. The two are on a collision course engineered by a former mob boss (Peter Falk) with deep pockets and a fondness for the f-word. Af ter minor scuf fles here and there, the two fighters set tle once and for all who deserves the title of champ. Cast: Ving Rhames, Wesley Snipes, Jon Seda, Peter Falk, Fisher Stevens, Wes Studi, Ed Lover and Master P. Running time: 1 hr., 30 mins. (McCormick) ★ XXX (PG-13) — Vin Diesel is buf f, which is surely the main point of his playing "edge spor ts" thrill-seeker turned CIA agent Xander Cage, but he has glints of boyish vulnerability. As he grooves into playing the new agent recruited by the agency's top dude (Samuel L. Jackson), the movie finds a rhy thm that is like a more masculine, bulked-up "Barbarella." The plot is junk, about a gang of ex-Red Army crazies led by a satanic Slavic slime (Mar ton Csokas), nihilists eager to destroy the world with a superweapon. It's another movie where you must believe, or giggle. Cast: Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson, Asia Argento, Mar ton Csokas, Danny Trejo. Running time: 1 hr., 44 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ —Capsules compiled from movie reviews written by David Elliott, film critic for The San Diego Union-Tribune and other staff writers.
Cinema: Review
Personal Drama Leaves Characters Blind to Surroundings in “The Four Feathers” By Racheal Deahl
lthough it’s wrapped in the ilk of British history, Shekhar Kapur’s paean to one of England’s catastrophic campaigns in the Sudan during the late 1880s is plastered with the stuff of Yankee patriotism. “Black Hawk Down” by way of English imperialism, “The Four Feathers” delivers a compelling, if unsatisfactory, statement about the heroism of soldiering without condemning the diplomacy behind it. Heath Ledger stars as Harry Feversham, the most admired and adored soldier in his regiment. The son of a renowned and decorated senior officer and the fiancé of the beautiful Ethne (Kate Hudson), Harry is primed to begin a charmed life. But when word comes down that his regiment is to be shipped off to North Africa to squelch a Sudanese revolt, the young soldier is overwhelmed with doubts and resigns his commission. In response to his withdrawal, Harry’s friends (save his closest, played by Wes Bentley) and bride-to-be send him four white feathers as a symbol of cowardice. Unable to overcome his shame, Harry cuts himself off from everyone and everything he knows. But when he learns of the high casualty rate the English battalions are suffering, he decides to go to Africa on his own, to save his friends. Once in the brutal deserts of the foreign land, Harry hides among the natives and
sets out on a seemingly hopeless quest to fight his own battle. Helmed effectively by Kapur (who was also behind the glitzy “Elizabeth”), this sweeping vision of the A.E.W. Mason novel slips back and forth between the endless sands of Africa and the colonial grandeur of the British Empire. But, aside from the watered-down love triangle at its convoluted center, the real meat of “The Four Feathers” lies in Harry’s confusing struggle abroad. Unable to pontifi-
cate why he didn’t want to go to war in the first place (the root of it is neither fear nor political dissention, according to him), Ledger’s lost soul wanders through the desert as a displaced kind of mercenary waiting for his friends to fall into peril so he can save them. Luckily, Ledger has his own guardian angel in the form of an African drifter named Abou (Djimon Hounsou). On the surface, “The Four Feathers” is an ode to the bonds of friendship, particularly
those formed by young men on the front lines. And, like “Black Hawk Down,” which managed to spin American soldiers as heroes in a story about a decidedly dark moment in U.S. military history, “The Four Feathers” celebrates the comradery of battle without appropriately condemning the machinations behind it. Like Ridley Scott’s glossy war movie, “The Four Feathers” all but ignores the attrocities of English imperialism — most conveniently, a colonized native (Abou) is the repeated savior of a colonizer (Harry). A personal film played out on an international stage, it’s hard not to criticize “The Four Feathers” for, like its hero, being so blind to its historical surroundings. But, with a surprisingly deft trio of lead performances from its young cast and some effectively harrowing depictions of combat, “The Four Feathers” is not without its moments. The irony is that, while the battle scenes will transport some viewers back to the blood and gore of “Braveheart,” the pace and setting is going to remind others of “The English Patient.” The combination of styles and subplots leaves “The Four Feathers” in limbo somewhere between a love story, a war movie and a tale of friendship. That the film belongs solely in none of these categories is its downfall; that it touches on all three is its greatest strength.
Cinema: Close-Up
Goldie Hawn Learns To Live Like a Groupie in “The Banger Sisters”
he Banger Sisters” tells the serio-comic tale of two women who reconnect in middle age, 20 years after they were crazy young rock ‘n’ roll groupies. One of the women, played by Susan Sarandon, is now an uppermiddle-class wife whose life has turned from wild to mild. A blast from her past, in the form of tattooed gal-pal Goldie Hawn, suddenly throws Sarandon’s bland household into chaos. Curiously, Hawn’s character resembles an adult version of Penny Lane, the “band aid” played by Hawn’s real-life daughter, Kate Hudson, in “Almost Famous.” Of course, Hawn personified the day-glo hippie era when she played the adorably ditzy Go-Go dancer on TV’s “Laugh-In.” It was Steven Spielberg who rescued Hawn from dumb-blonde typecasting in 1974, featuring her in “The Sugarland Express.” Hit films, such as “Shampoo” and “Private Benjamin,” soon followed. The 56-year-old Academy Award winner is a mother of three and the longtime partner of actor Kurt Russell. Q: Would Suzette, your character in “The Banger Sisters,” have known Penny Lane? A: Yes! I think Suzette would have known Penny Lane, definitely. And Katie really helped me through this. She gave me a lot of tips and we talked about my wardrobe and hair
and ideas. She was great. It was an interesting turnabout to be able to turn to her for research. This was a really fun role to play. Q: And how about Kate’s husband, Black Crowes front man Chris Robinson? Did you turn to him for insights about rock groupies as well? A: My son-in-law? Um, I wouldn’t delve into that territory. It’s not good for a motherin-law to pry. Q: Would you say that your character seems to find a missing piece of herself as the film plays out? A: She’s starting on the road to recovery, and that’s sort of the way I looked at it. It’s hard for anybody to love her; she wouldn’t let anyone love her. And it’s even hard for her to love herself. Q: Like Sarandon’s character, did you first try to distance yourself from that period before you could embrace it? A: Actually, I didn’t ever go through it. I wish I could say I drew from knowledge or experience for this film. But I didn’t. I lived a different kind of life. I wasn’t a stoner, I wasn’t a drinker. I got married very young and I was working on “Laugh-In” and on my first television show. I was a dancer. I studied dance every day of the week. It was just not my world. Now, I did Go-Go very early on, I did dance to a lot of stuff in dance clubs and
things like that. But that was a job. It wasn’t a great job. Sometimes it was a little precarious. But in terms of idolizing rock stars and giving myself, because I was in some illusionary place of loving their music and just being young and wrapped up in dreams and hopes and marijuana, no. Not me. Q: What typifies the ‘60s for you? Is it the music, the clothing, the art? A: Well, optimism really. I think that all of it mirrored optimism. I feel it was such a beautiful time, because we were very idealistic. We thought we could make a difference, we thought that our voices mattered. And we thought that we could change things, that we really were free and that we really did have inalienable rights and we were free to pursue happiness. We felt it was our country and we have a right to holler and scream at our government. But it got increasingly difficult. I think that was eventually knocked out of us. Q: What is your role as an actress in that? How important is it that you get to say something with your work? A: It’s everything to me. I mean, every movie that I’ve ever been a part of in terms of actually producing has always been about something socially relevant, something I cared about. I care about a lot of aspects of life on this planet. So when I’m able to produce
By Joey Berlin
something like the television movie of “The Matthew Shepard Story” or celebrate women in sports, like the TV movie “When Billy Beat Bobby,” that’s a great thing. Q: Are there any more accomplishments you would like to achieve? A: Yeah. Sustaining my own personal happiness is one of them. And giving back is a huge one. And I’ve written a movie, I’m going to be writing a book and I’m working on putting together a documentary. My goals are so lofty, sometimes I wish Kurt would drag me into his boat and take me away. But you know, if we’re not inspired, what are we? Inspiration is the key to life.
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Movie Clock REGAL AUGUSTA EXCHANGE 20 Movies Good 9/20 - 9/26 The Banger Sisters (R) Fri-Sat: 1:20, 3:50, 7:10, 9:40, 12:10; Sun-Thur: 1:20, 3:50, 7:10, 9:40 Trapped (R) Fri-Sat: 1:35, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45, 12:20; Sun-Thur: 1:35, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45 The Four Feathers (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:20, 10:15 Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (R) Fri-Sat: 1:15, 1:45, 3:45, 4:15, 6:50, 7:20, 9:15, 9:45, 11:50, 12:10; Sun-Thur: 1:15, 1:45, 3:45, 4:15, 6:50, 7:20, 9:15, 9:45 One Hour Photo (R) Fri-Sat: 1:00, 3:55, 7:00, 9:50, 12:15; Sun-Thur: 1:00, 3:55, 7:00, 9:50 Stealing Harvard (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:15, 4:40, 6:55, 9:15, 11:40; Sun-Thur: 1:15, 4:40, 6:55, 9:15 The Barbershop (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 12:00, 12:30; Sun-Thur: 1:30, 2:00, 2:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30 City by the Sea (R) Fri-Sat: 1:10, 4:15, 7:25, 9:55, 12:25; Sun-Thur: 1:10, 4:15, 7:25, 9:55 Swimfan (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:30, 4:35, 7:40, 10:05, 12:15; Sun-Thur: 1:30, 4:35, 7:40, 10:05 Feardotcom (R) 2:15, 5:10, 7:55, 10:40 The Good Girl (R) Fri-Sat: 1:40, 4:05, 7:30, 9:55, 12:25; Sun-Thur: 1:40, 4:05, 7:30, 9:55 Undisputed (R) Fri-Sat: 7:05, 9:35, 12:05; Sun-Thur: 7:05, 9:35 My Big Fat Greek Wedding (PG) Fri-Sat: 1:45, 4:10, 7:10, 9:25, 11:45; Sun-Thur: 1:45, 4:10, 7:10, 9:25 Blue Crush (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 2:05, 4:25, 6:50, 9:20, 11:50; Sun-Thurs: 2:05, 4:25, 6:50, 9:20 XXX (PG-13) 1:25, 4:20, 7:35, 10:20 Spy Kids 2 (PG) 1:55, 4:25 Signs (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:05, 3:55, 7:45, 10:10, 12:40; Sun-Thur: 1:05, 3:55, 7:45, 10:10 Austin Powers in Goldmember (PG-13) 1:20, 4:35, 8:00, 10:30 EVANS 12 CINEMAS Movies Good 9/20 - 9/26 One Hour Photo (R) Fri: 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25; Sat-Sun: 1:25, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25; Mon-Thur: 5:25, 7:25, 9:25 Trapped (R) Fri-Sun: 2:30, 4:50, 7:30, 9:50; Mon-Thur: 4:50, 7:30, 9:50 The Banger Sisters (R) Fri-Sun: 2:00, 4:20, 7:00, 9:20; Mon-Thur: 4:20, 7:00, 9:20 The Four Feathers (PG-13) Fri: 4:10, 7:15, 9:45; Sat-Sun: 1:15, 4:10, 7:15, 9:45; MonThur: 4:10, 7:15, 9:45 Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (R) Fri-Sun: 2:20, 4:40, 7:20, 9:40; Mon-Thur: 4:40, 7:20, 9:40 Sunshine State (PG-13) Fri: 4:00, 6:55, 9:40; Sat-Sun: 1:00, 4:00, 6:55, 9:40; MonThur: 4:00, 6:55, 9:40 Stealing Harvard (PG-13) Fri: 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 9:55; Sat-Sun: 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45,
9:55; Mon-Thur: 5:45, 7:45, 9:55 City by the Sea (R) Fri-Sun: 2:10, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30; Mon-Thur: 4:30, 7:10, 9:30 Swimfan (PG-13) Fri: 3:35, 5:35, 7:35, 9:35; Sat-Sun: 1:35, 3:35, 5:35, 7:35, 9:35; MonThur: 5:35, 7:35, 9:35 Importance of Being Earnest (PG) 7:10, 9:15 XXX (PG-13) 7:30, 9:50 Spy Kids 2 (PG) Fri: 3:00, 5:05; Sat-Sun: 12:55, 3:00, 5:05; Mon-Thur: 5:05 Signs (PG-13) Fri: 4:05, 7:05, 9:25; Sat-Sun: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:25; Mon-Thur: 4:05, 7:05, 9:25 Master of Disguise (PG) Fri: 3:20, 5:20; SatSun: 1:20, 3:20, 5:20; Mon-Thur: 5:20
MASTERS 7 CINEMAS Movies Good 9/20 - 9/26 Trapped (R) Fri: 5:00, 7:35, 9:45; Sat: 2:45, 5:00, 7:35, 9:45; Sun: 2:45, 5:00, 7:35; Mon-Thur: 5:00, 7:35 Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (R) Fri: 5:40, 7:50, 10:15; Sat: 3:15, 5:40, 7:50, 10:15; Sun: 3:15, 5:40, 7:50; Mon-Thur: 5:40, 7:50 Stealing Harvard (PG-13) Fri: 8:05, 10:05; Sat: 5:45, 8:05, 10:05; Sun: 5:45, 8:05; Mon-Thur: 8:05 Barbershop (PG-13) Fri: 5:20, 8:00, 10:00; Sat: 3:00, 5:20, 8:00, 10:00; Sun: 3:00, 5:20, 8:00; Mon-Thur: 5:20, 8:00 City by the Sea (R) Fri: 5:15, 7:45, 9:55; Sat: 2:50, 5:15, 7:45, 9:55; Sun: 2:50, 5:15, 7:45; Mon-Thur: 5:15, 7:45 Swimfan (PG-13) Fri: 5:30, 8:10, 10:10; Sat: 3:30, 5:30, 8:10, 10:10; Sun: 3:30, 5:30, 8:10; Mon-Thur: 5:30, 8:10 XXX (PG-13) Fri: 5:05; Sat-Sun: 2:30; MonThur: 5:05 Signs (PG-13) Fri: 5:10, 7:40, 9:50; Sat: 2:35, 5:10, 7:40, 9:50; Sun: 2:35, 5:10, 7:40; Mon-Thur: 5:10, 7:40 REGAL 12 CINEMAS Movies Good 9/20 - 9/26 Minority Report (PG-13) 2:10, 4:55, 7:55 Like Mike (PG) 2:45, 4:55, 7:25, 9:30 The Adventures of Pluto Nash (PG-13) 2:40, 4:45, 7:40, 10:05 K-19: The Widowmaker (PG-13) 2:25, 5:10, 7:50 Eight Legged Freaks (PG-13) 2:15, 5:05, 7:35, 10:00 Mr. Deeds (PG-13) 2:10, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 Country Bears (G) 2:00, 4:25, 7:45, 9:55 Sum of All Fears (PG-13) 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:30 Scooby Doo (PG) 2:35, 4:50, 7:20, 9:45 Reign of Fire (PG-13) 2:05, 4:30, 7:10, 9:40 Bourne Identity (PG-13) 2:20, 5:00, 7:35, 9:55 Star Wars: Episode II (PG) 2:30, 5:15, 8:00 ASU FILM SERIES Movie Good 9/23 The Business of Strangers (R) Mon: 7:00
Movie listings are subject to change without notice.
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Days A Week
THE AUGUSTA CHOR ALE will hold auditions for new members Sept. 23 at the Gilber t Lambuth Chapel of Paine College. Call 481-8102 to schedule an audition.
AUGUSTA CONCERT BAND rehearses Monday evenings and is looking to fill vacancies on most band instruments. Interested par ties should contact Ben Easter, (803) 202-0091 or e-mail bandforaugusta@aol.com.
SEPTEMBER ART EXHIBITS AT COLUMBIA COUNTY LIBR ARIES: Georgene Wright exhibits at the Gibbs Library and Katrina Hintze exhibits at the Euchee Creek Branch Library. Call the Gibbs Library, 8631946, or the Euchee Creek Branch Library, 556-0594, for information.
SWEET ADELINES PEACH STATE CHORUS OPEN REHEARSAL for singers each Thursday at 7 p.m. Held at 600 Mar tintown Road in Nor th Augusta. Contact Mildred Blain at 736-7740 or Mary Norman at 279-6499.
“A SENSE OF PLACE: CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN THE NEW SOUTH” exhibit up through Oct. 4 in the Main Gallery at Ware’s Folly. Reception and awards presentation, free and open to the public, Sept. 19, 68 p.m., features gallery talk and awards presentation by Karen Comer. 722-5495.
CER AMICS CLASSES at the Weeks Center Ceramics House in Aiken. Fees include one class per week and students can choose any class time: Mondays, 9 a.m. to noon or 6-9 p.m.; Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.; or Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to noon. $90 for September-May, $60 for September-December or January-May or $30 per month. Call (803) 642-7631 for info. USC-AIKEN MUSIC CONSERVATORY PROGR AM now open. Students of all ages and experience levels welcome. Private lessons available for musical instruments and voice; instructors are USC-Aiken faculty and have at least a master’s degree in their per formance area. (803) 641-3288.
AT THE GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART: “Recent Works from the Ger trude Herber t Ar t Faculty” is in the Gallery at Walker-Mackenzie Studio through Oct. 31; “Walker-Mackenzie Studio First Anniversary Exhibit: Student Accomplishments Throughout the Year” is in the First-Floor Gallery at Ware’s Folly through Dec. 19; “If Walls Could Talk” is in the Third-Floor Gallery at Ware’s Folly through Dec. 19. Call 722-5495 for more information. DANIEL HAYES exhibits his paintings through Nov. 22 at the Cafe Du Teau. For a preview of the exhibit, visit
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ON DISPLAY AT SACRED HEART CULTUR AL CENTER through mid-October: the work of Rejine Halini and ten pieces from the state ar t collection. Exhibits are in the Ar t Hall of Sacred Hear t. Call 826-4700. “PAINTINGS AND PRINTS: THE WORKS OF TOM CROWTHER” will be on display at the Ar t Factory Gallery, 416 Craw ford Ave., from Sept. 30-Nov. 29. The Ar t Factory Gallery is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.Fri. Call 737-0008.
www.hayesar t.com. For more info, call the Cafe Du Teau, 733-3505.
COLUMBIA COUNTY CHOR AL SOCIETY OPEN AUDITIONS AND REHEARSALS every Tuesday evening at First Baptist Church of Evans. For more information, call 364-5920 or visit www.ccchoralsociety.org.
“ART FOUNDATIONS 101” visual ar ts curriculum for home-schoolers in grades 1-8 begins Sept. 20 at the Ger trude Herber t Institute of Ar t. Students will explore a variety of media, fundamental concepts, ar t history, aesthetics, appreciation and production. Grades 1-4 meet from 9:15-10:30 a.m. and grades 5-8 meet 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Fee is $90 per student with an $8 supply fee. To register, call 722-5495.
AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART: “Contemporary Realist Works” and “Contemporary Non-Objective Works” through Oct 6; “Will Henry Stevens” through Sept. 29; “Personal Visions” through Oct. 20 and “Contemporary Works on Paper” through Oct. 27. For more information, call 724-7501 or visit www.themorris.org. “AUGUSTA REMEMBERS 9/11” exhibition at the Augusta Museum of History runs through Oct. 6. The Augusta Museum of History is open Tues.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sun., 1-5 p.m. Free admission of fered on Sundays. Call 722-8454 for more information or visit www.augustamuseum.org. “COMMUNITY ARTISTS UNITE: SEPTEMBER 11TH REFLECTIVE IMAGES” exhibit on display through Oct. 1. For more information, contact Victoria Durrer, 724-7501. SOUTHERN MOON POTTERY GALLERY AND STUDIO features works by Jackie Gerstein, Liz Verecrusse, Anne Fallis-Elliot, Craig Bird, Deborah Harris, Peggy Cowan, Bob Malone, Brian Thorpe, Valerie Goetz, Mary Grant and Donna Proctor. The studio also of fers classes and programs for children over 3 years of age and adults. Call (803) 641-2309. BANKER DEARING GALLERY features paintings by Karen Banker, pot tery by Julia Dearing, charcoal drawings by Mat thew Whit ford, photography by Susan Lucas and the work of Neil Combs. Call 8231060 for more information. “DE-MYTHING THE GODDESS” EXHIBIT through Sept. 29 at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History includes paintings, writings and photography relevant to historical and current perceptions of women’s self-image. Works by Rhian Swain-Giboney. Admission to the museum is $3 adults, $1 students. Call 651-8712 for information.
The circus is coming to town! The Clyde Beatty Cole Bros. Circus will raise the tent Sept. 20 at Wrightsboro and S. Belair. Performances are Sept. 20-22, and tickets can be purchased by phone at 1-888-332-5600 or online at www.tickets.com.
SAVAGE GALLERY EXHIBIT showcases the pot tery of David Stuar t and sculpture by John B. Savage. For more information, call the gallery at 736-3336. ART ON BROAD features pot tery by local ar tists Jerry Pruit t and Carol Craig. Also features oil paintings by Russ Bonin and Raku pot tery by Peter Alsen. Call 722-1028. AT THE MARY PAULINE GALLERY through Sept. 21: Arless Day exhibits “Collages & Unique Variations.” Call 724-9542 or visit www.marypaulinegallery.com for details. CARL PURDY exhibits his work at Borders Books and
Music through the end of September. Upcoming exhibits include: Alex McCain in October and Rober t Lee in November. Call Borders Books and Music at 737-6962.
LORD OF THE DANCE Sept. 26 at Bell Auditorium. Tickets for 7:30 p.m. show are as follows: $47.50 floor, $42.50 first balcony, $35.50 second and third balcony. Tickets available through TicketMaster, online at www.ticketmaster.com or by phone at 828-7700. SINGLES DANCE each Saturday night from 8-11 p.m. sponsored by the Christian Social Organization for Single Adults. Held at Westside High School. Tickets
$28 and $15 for adults and $7.50-$14 for students. Call 826-4705 for tickets.
THE ROY GOODWIN MEMORIAL CONCERT opens this season’s Tuesday’s Music Live series and features Keith Shafer on organ and Vonda Darr on harp. Held noon Sept. 24 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Call 722-3464 for information.
THE FALL CLASSIC WITH SUSAN STARR AND THE AUGUSTA SYMPHONY will be at USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center Sept. 20 at 8 p.m. An Aiken Symphony Guild presentation. Call (803) 641-3305 for tickets.
COMMUNITY HEALING MEDITATION DRUMMING CIRCLE hosted every third Monday of the month by IDRUM2U, the Not Gaddy Drumming Studio. Held 7-9 p.m. at the G.L. Jackson Conference Center, 1714 Nor th Leg Cour t. Fee is $5 or a donation of canned goods for the Golden Harvest Food Bank. All are welcome and drums will be available to rent. For info, phone the Not Gaddy Drumming Studio, 228-3200.
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$5 for members, $7 for non-members, and are available at the door; free dance lessons at 7 p.m. For more information, call 736-8004.
SOUL 2 SOUL RHYTHM AND BLUES FESTIVAL 6 p.m. Sept. 29 at the Jessye Norman Amphitheater. Featured enter tainment includes the Playback Band, Rhes Reeves and the Coyote Ugly Band and Soul Dimension. Admission is $10 in advance and $12 at the gate. Contact Cecil Jackson, 364-9700. FACULTY ARTIST RECITALS at USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. Featured musicians will be Candy Russell on trumpet, Bill Foss on clarinet and Maureen Simpson, soprano. (803) 641-3305. THE ROY GOODWIN II MEMORIAL CONCERT featuring Keith Shafer, organ and Vonda Darr, harp, Sept. 24. The noon concer t is par t of the Tuesday’s Music Live series and will be per formed in the sanctuary of historic Saint Paul’s Church. Cost is $7 and includes seated meal or box lunch. Make reservations by calling 722-3463; for information, call 724-2485. MUSIC IN WORSHIP CELEBR ATION AND WORKSHOPS Sept. 26-29. CD listening par ty Sept. 26 at 1472 Canterbury Cour t in Aiken; Music in Worship Workshops Sept. 27-28; Worship and WORD Sept. 29 at Post No. 212 in Aiken. Pre-register by Sept. 21; cost is $15 for all events or $5 for workshops only. For more information, contact Karen Gordon at (803) 6443994 (mornings) or 495-6238 (af ternoons). THE AUGUSTA SYMPHONY MASTERWORKS CONCERT WITH SUSAN STARR Sept. 21, 8 p.m. at the Ma xwell Per forming Ar ts Theatre. Tickets are $35,
S N E H AT erna Restaurant & Tav y xpresswa y Jones E 246 Bobb 868-1508
“PLAZA SUITE” Sept. 20-21 and 26-28 at For t Gordon Dinner Theatre. Tickets are $30 adult, $28 for seniors (65 and over). Call the box of fice at 793-8552 or visit www.for tgordon.com/theatre.htm#plaza. MURDER AT THE PARTRIDGE INN: “LAST WILL & TESTAMENT” Oct. 20 and Nov. 17 at the Partridge Inn. Dinner buffet served at 7:30 p.m. For tickets, call 737-8888.
Attractions “AUGUSTA’S 2 FOR $9” TICKETS of fer a special deal for admission to two of Riverwalk’s at tractions: Augusta Golf and Gardens and For t Discovery. Of fer valid through Sept. 30. Available at ticket of fices of either at traction. Call Augusta Golf and Gardens at 724-4443 or For t Discovery at 821-0200. RIVERBANKS ZOO AND GARDEN EXTENDED HOURS: Admission gates open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m. Weekday admission is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Regular admission is $7.75 adults, $5.25 for children ages 312. Call (803) 779-8717 or visit www.riverbanks.org. THE BOYHOOD HOME OF WOODROW WILSON: Circa 1859 Presby terian manse occupied by the family of President Woodrow Wilson as a child during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Original and period antiques, restored house, kitchen and carriage house. 419 Telfair Street. Open 10 a.m. 5 p.m., Tues.-Sat. Tours available; groups of 10 or more by appointment only. Admission is $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 students under 18 and free for ages five and under. 724-0436. AUGUSTA GOLF & GARDENS OF THE GEORGIA GOLF HALL OF FAME features beautiful display gardens, as well as bronze sculptures of some of golf’s greatest masters. Available for rent for a variety of functions. Group discount rates available. Closed Mondays; open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.-Sat.; open from 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $5.50 for adults; $4.50 for students, seniors and military; $3.50 for children
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FORT DISCOVERY/NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTER: Children and adults alike can immerse themselves in the wonders of science through live demonstrations, vir tual realities, Starlab, KidScape and more than 270 hands-on exhibits. General Admission: $8 for adults; $6 for children, seniors and active military. Group rates available. Half-price admission daily af ter 3 p.m. Operating hours: Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Call 821-0200, 1-800-325-5445 or visit their Web site at www.NationalScienceCenter.org. REDCLIFFE STATE HISTORIC SITE: 1859 mansion of S.C. Governor James Henry Hammond, held by the family for three generations until 1975. Hours are 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Thursday-Monday on the grounds. House tours are noon-3 p.m. by appointment. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission to the grounds is free. Fee for house tours is $3 for adults and children ages 6 to 17. For more information, call (803) 827-1473. 181 Redclif fe Road, Beech Island. SACRED HEART CULTUR AL CENTER is of fering tours of its 100-year-old building. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $1 per person, children free. 826-4700. HISTORIC COTTON EXCHANGE WELCOME CENTER: Open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun. 1-5 p.m. Riverwalk. Free. 724-4067. THE EZEKIEL HARRIS HOUSE: Deemed “the finest 18th century house surviving in Georgia” by the “Smithsonian Guide to Historic America.” Open Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. General admission is $2; senior admission is $1 and children get in for 50 cents. For more information, call 724-0436.
THE GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART in Ware’s Folly exhibits works by local and regional ar tists. Ar t classes, workshops and other educational programming for children, youth and adults are held in the Walker-Mackenzie Studio. Ware’s Folly galleries open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; and Saturday by appointment only. The Walker-Mackenzie Studio gallery is open Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission is free, but a donation of $2 for adults and $1 for children and seniors is encouraged. Call 722-5495 for more info. THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART hosts exhibitions and special events year-round. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, noon-5 p.m. Closed on Mondays and major holidays. 1 Tenth Street, Augusta. Call 724-7501 or visit www.themorris.org for details. THE MUSEUM OF LAUREL AND HARDY OF HARLEM, GEORGIA features displays of various Laurel and Hardy memorabilia; films also shown. Located at 250 N. Louisville Street in downtown Harlem. Open 1-4 p.m. Thursday-Monday. For more information, call 556-3448. LUNCH AT NOON LECTURE SERIES held the second Wednesday of every month at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call the museum at 724-3576 for more information. AT THE AUGUSTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY: “Keepers of the Faith: A History of Organized Religion in Augusta” exhibit runs through Nov. 10. 2002 R. Roy Goodwin II Memorial Lecture Series held Oct. 1 and Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. September Family History Series
program is “Automobubbling You and I: What Songs Tell Us About Our Love Af fair with Cars, and What Our Love Af fair with Cars Tells Us About Ourselves” and is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sept. 21. Model A Antique Automobile Show Sept. 21-22. Call 722-8454 or visit www.augustamuseum.org. AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART: “Seeking a Southern Aesthetic: A Symposium to Celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of the Morris Museum of Ar t” will be held Sept. 27-28. Dinner with keynote address by Dr. Charles Eldredge Sept. 27, 7:30 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel. Symposium Sept. 28, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in the museum auditorium. Tickets for the dinner are $50; tickets for the symposium are $25. Reservations required and can be obtained by calling 724-7501.
Special Events GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART FALL OPEN HOUSE Sept. 21, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Ar tist demonstrations, ar t-making activities for adults and children, fall ar t class registration, ar t exhibit and refreshments will be available. Open to the public and free of charge. 722-5495. FREE VESSEL SAFETY CHECKS provided by the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Sept. 21. Load up your boat with donations for Goodwill and get a free vessel safety inspection. Free boat winterizing seminars, boat show, refreshments, prizes and more. Held at Goodwill, Peach Orchard Road and Windsor Spring Road. Contact Melissa Brown, 650-1939 for details. HORSE CREEK/MIDLAND VALLEY SASSAFR AS FESTIVAL AND CARNIVAL Sept. 27-29 and Oct. 3-5 in Burnet town, S.C., includes beauty pageant, sof tball tournament, car show, parade, tractor show, craf ters and more. Call (803) 593-2676 for more information. STARDUST BIG BAND BALLROOM DANCE Sept. 27, 8 p.m. at St. Angela Hall, 118 York St. in Aiken. Dance to the sounds of Swingsation and Maureen Simpson and enjoy ballroom dance demonstrations by John and Carolyn Chester. Tickets are $30/person or $45/couple. Call 649-9193 or 642-0467 for more information. LECTURE ON THE BATTLE OF MIDWAY will be given Sept. 27, 3 p.m., by Dr. Tom McMullen as par t of Augusta State University’s Lyceum Series. Held at ASU’s Butler Hall Lecture Room. 737-1609. FIRST ANNUAL WRIGHT’S CROSSING JUBILEE 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 21 in Lincoln County, Ga. Local ar ts and craf ts, country store, Civil War encampment, living history exhibits, skirmishes throughout the day, candle and soap making, refreshments and more. $4 admission charge; children under 12 are free when accompanied by an adult. All proceeds benefit the restoration of the Blalock-Wright House. Take Washington Rd. towards Lincolnton, cross Lit tle River Bridge and continue 8 miles to Old Petersburg Road; follow signs to site. Call 359-3039 for info. TEACHER AND EDUCATOR OPEN HOUSE at Fort Discovery Sept. 24, 4-7 p.m. Refreshments, tour, door prizes and music by the Davidson Fine Arts Jazz Band and Fort Gordon’s Dixieland Band. For info, contact Cheryl Zimmerman, 821-0224, or James Frye, 821-0233. COLUMBIA COUNTY FALL FAIR Sept. 26-Oct. 5 on Columbia Road at the Columbia County Fairgrounds.
Free Automotive Ads For Our Readers 1/11/01
The Augusta Symphony Concerts Sept. 20-21 with John Browning are cancelled; instead, pianist Susan Starr performs. For details, see calendar listings.
“THE KING AND I” will be presented Sept. 27-29 by the Augusta Players. Sept. 27-28 shows are at 8 p.m. and Sept. 29 show is at 3 p.m. Orchestra and mezzanine tickets are $32-$35 for adults, $30-$32 for seniors and students and $24-$28 for children 12 and under. First balcony tickets are $18 for all and second balcony tickets are $12 for all. Call 826-4707 for reservations.
(4 to 12); free for children 3 and under. Sundays are two for one with a Super Sunday coupon. Annual garden memberships are available. Call 724-4443 or 1888-874-4443. Also, visit their Web site at www.gghf.org.
All proceeds are donated to various charitable organizations. For info, contact Billy Becton, 863-7645. AUGUSTA GREEKNIC WEEKEND Sept. 27-28. Festival for members of historically black greek let ter organizations, college students and alumni from historically black colleges and universities. CSRA Alumni Social Sept. 27; picnic, concer t, comedy show, stepshow and more Sept. 28 at the Exchange Club Fairgrounds. Also, various events will take place the week leading up to GreekNic Weekend. For more info, call 303-4563. WINNERS OF THE NINTH ANNUAL PORTER FLEMING WRITING COMPETITION will par ticipate in a literary program Sept. 22 at the Ar ts in the Hear t of Augusta festival. The program takes place at 2 p.m. at the Morris Museum of Ar t. Contact the Greater Augusta Ar ts Council at 826-4702 for information. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS ASSOCIATION JOB FAIR Sept. 19, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Augusta Sheraton. Open and free to military personnel of all ranks who have decided to leave active service and find civilian jobs; also invited to at tend are separated and retired veterans and family members of military servicemembers. Call the NCOA at (210) 653-6161 for details. CLYDE BEATTY COLE BROS. CIRCUS sets up shop at Wrightsboro Road and S. Belair Sept. 20-22. Per formances at 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Friday; 1:30, 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday; and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m. Sunday. Advance tickets available at all locations of the Family Y, www.tickets.com or by phone at 1-888-3325600. Prices are $14 adult, $9 child/senior and $20 ringside in advance; at the gate, tickets are $16 adult, $11 child/senior for reserved seat tickets, $14 adult, $9 child for general admission tickets and $22 for ringside seats. Tent raising 7-10 a.m. Sept. 20. Call 1-800796-5672 for information. BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Sept. 28, 3 p.m. at Hickman Park. All pets must be on a leash or in a carrier. Sponsored by the Augusta Humane Society, 736-0186. AUGUSTA CRUISE-IN Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. in front of Auto Color, 1350 Broad St. Prizes and raf fles will be featured. To reserve a space for your car or for more information, call 1-888-724-6861. POW/MIA RECOGNITION CEREMONY 10 a.m. Sept. 20 at the POW/MIA monument at For t Gordon. Call the For t Gordon Public Af fairs Of fice at 791-6001. BOSHEARS SKYFEST Sept. 28-29 at Augusta Regional Airpor t features per formances by the U.S. Navy Blue Angels, The Liber ty Parachute Team, Kent Shockley and Shockwave and more. Advance tickets available online at www.tixonline.com or by phone at (803) 278-4TIX or at the outlet inside Harmon Optical, Southgate Plaza. ARTS IN THE HEART OF AUGUSTA FESTIVAL Sept. 20-22 at Riverwalk. Live music, dancing, ethnic food, children’s ar t activities and more. Germany will be highlighted this year. $3 badges available at the gates; children 10 and under admit ted free. Call 826-4702 or visit www.augustaar ts.com for information. MISS COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT Sept. 21. Open to single ladies ages 17-24 and includes swimsuit, evening gown and talent portions. Scholarships and other prizes awarded. For entry information, contact Pat Becton at 863-7645 or 228-1661 or Debbie Zapata at 863-3754. AT PHINIZY SWAMP NATURE PARK: Family Dinner, 6-7:30 p.m. Sept. 19; Full Moon Nature Hike, 9-11 p.m. Sept. 21. For more info, phone 828-2109.
COLUMBIA COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY holds pet adoptions every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. at PetsMar t. For more info, call 860-5020. RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AND AUGUSTA ANIMAL RESCUE FRIENDS holds pet adoptions at Superpetz of f Bobby Jones Expressway every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Call AARF at 364-4747 or visit www.aar f.net. Adoptions also held at the Richmond County Animal Control Shelter, Tues. through Sun., 1-5 p.m. Call the shelter at 790-6836. LOW-COST RABIES VACCINATIONS: AugustaRichmond County Animal Control holds low-cost rabies vaccination clinics the four th Sunday of every month for privately owned pets. $8 per animal. 1 p.m. at Superpetz. Dogs must be on a leash and cats in a carrier. Puppies and kit tens must be three months old and current for all vaccinations. Schedule subject to change, so please call 790-6836 to verify dates and times. THE CSR A HUMANE SOCIETY holds pet adoptions every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and every Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Pet Center located behind the GreenJackets Stadium on Milledge Rd. 261-PETS.
Out of Town
CALLAWAY PRESENTS COOKING SERIES Sept. 21, Oct. 5 and 19 and Nov. 23. Each course begins at 11:30 a.m. in the classrooms of the Virginia Hand Callaway Discovery Center in Pine Mountain, Ga. Call 1-800-CALLAWAY or visit www.callawaygardens.com. ACCESSIBILITY ART PROJECT Sept. 28-Oct. 25 in downtown Sumter, S.C. Exhibition of high-quality ar twork presented in unique set tings throughout Sumter’s downtown area. Also, per formance ar t, interactive ar t, lectures, discussions and guided walking tours are par t of the project. Elvis on Parade family-oriented opening event 6-10 p.m. Sept. 28. For info, call the Sumter County Cultural Commission, (803) 436-2260. ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK FESTIVAL Sept. 28 in downtown Winnsboro, S.C. Live enter tainment, exhibits, 5K run and fun walk, classic cars, railroad ride, dance and more. Contact the Fair field County Chamber of Commerce, (803) 635-4242 or e-mail fchamber@chester tel.com. “BASH: LATTERDAY PLAYS” will be per formed Sept. 20-22 at Savannah’s Place for Ar t Culture and Education’s Black Box Theater in Savannah, Ga., and Sept. 27-29 at Armstrong Atlantic State University’s Jenkins Theater. All per formances at 7:30 p.m.; tickets are $6 for general admission, $4 for seniors, military and students and free for AASU faculty, staf f and students with AASU ID. Call (912) 927-5354 or (912) 927-5325 for more information. “THE SERVANT OF TWO MASTERS” will be presented through Oct. 6 at the Class Act Theatre in Mariet ta, Ga. Shows are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. Ticket prices are $15 adults, $13 seniors and $12 children. For reservations, call (770) 579-3156 or visit www.ClassActTheatre.com. GEORGIA LAWYERS FOR THE ARTS SEPTEMBER SEMINARS in Atlanta: free legal clinic, Sept. 24; “Legal Issues for Per forming Ar tists” and walk-in legal clinic Sept. 26. Also, Georgia Lawyers for the Ar ts is holding an Anniversary Gala Oct. 18 with live music, food and silent auction. For more information, call (404) 873-3911. “A VIEW FROM THE SOUTH: THE LOUIS AND ANN WRIGHT COLLECTION” through Nov. 17 at the
Columbia Museum of Ar t. Call (803) 799-2810 or visit www.columbiamuseum.org. AT THE HARDEEVILLE MOTOR SPEEDWAY in Hardeeville, S.C.: Lowcountry Concrete Night Sept. 21, Beach Blast Boogie Sept. 27, Hargray Fan Appreciation Night plus Lawnmowers Sept. 28, NAPA Night at the Races Oct. 5, Florida Pro Series Late Models Oct. 12, IPRA Professional Rodeo Oct. 25-26. Call (843) 784RACE or visit www.hardeevillespeedway.com. COLOSSAL FILM CRAWL Sept. 19-20 in Columbia, S.C. Multi-venue film and video festival celebrates shor t films and videos by independent and alternative ar tists in the Southeast. $5 wristbands available at Ar t Bar, Senate Park, Velvet and 1223 beginning at 6 p.m. Thursday; Friday showings of winning films at 6:30 and 9:30 p.m. at the Nickelodeon Theatre and admission is $8. Combination ticket for both nights is $10. For information, phone Amanda Presley, (803) 765-0707, ex t. 122.
may also call Susan Edwards at (803) 643-7996 for information on Aiken locations and Nancy Szocinski at 737-4551 for information on all other locations. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES at the Aiken Red Cross Blood Center on Millbrook Drive and the Augusta Red Cross Blood Center on Pleasant Home Road. The bloodmobile will also stop at various area locations this week. For a complete list, call the Aiken Blood Center at (803) 642-5180 or the Augusta Blood Center at 868-8800.
Learning SILK RIBBON EMBROIDERY CLASS 1-4 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Weeks Center in Aiken. Learn the basics of ribbon embroidery and make a project to take home. Open to those 18 and older; $30 per person. (803) 642-7631.
AT THE HIGH MUSEUM OF ART in Atlanta: “The Mystique of Rene Magrit te: Five Surrealist Paintings From the Menil Collection, Houston,” through Dec. 1; “Building the Collection: American Sculpture,” through Nov. 3; “Beyond Surrealism: Selections From the Permanent Collection,” through Dec. 1. (404) 733-HIGH.
FENG SHUI SEMINAR Sept. 21 at Borders Books and Music. From 1-2 p.m., Jacqueline Dekshenieks instructs on how to create a prosperous environment using principles from the ancient Chinese discipline. 737-6962.
Benefits LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK Sept. 28 at Riverwalk’s Eighth Street Plaza from 6-9 p.m. 2-3 mile evening walk with illuminated balloons. Proceeds benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Contact Wendy Evilsizor at 1-800-399-7312, ex t. 227. AIKEN PREGNANCY CARE CENTER LIFERUN AND LIFEWALK Sept. 28. 5K LifeRun begins at 8 a.m. at the H. Odell Weeks Center in Aiken; 2 mile LifeWalk begins at 9 a.m. also at the Weeks Center. Entry fee for either event is $10 per adult and $5 per child 16 and under. Par ticipants are encouraged to raise pledges for the center. Early registration encouraged, but late registration accepted prior to the run and walk. Call the Aiken Pregnancy Care Center at 642-3949 or visit www.aikenpregnancy.org for more information. COLUMBIA COUNTY CARES FAMILY SPAGHETTI SUPPER will be held Sept. 19, 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Marvin United Methodist Church Gymnasium. Tickets are $5 each and proceeds go towards stocking the food pantry. Obtain tickets at the door or by calling 5412834. For information, contact David Titus, 556-8090. SHEPEARD COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER BLOOD DRIVES in various locations around the CSRA this month. The blood center is urging people of all blood types to donate in order to combat a blood supply shor tage. For detailed information on locations and times to donate, visit www.shepeardblood.org. You
USING THE PINES CATALOG Sept. 24 and 26, 10:3011:30 a.m. at the Appleby Branch Library. Register by calling 736-6244.
INTRODUCTION TO EXCEL Sept. 28, 12:30-5 p.m. at the Wallace Branch Library. Call 722-6275 for registration info. WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENSE CLASS for girls and women ages 5 and up. Free class is Sept. 28, 2-4 p.m. at Mar tial Ar ts America. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 855-0516 for information or e-mail maawomense@aol.com. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS one-session class of fered Sept. 20 and 27 at the Ma xwell Branch Library. All sessions held from 9:30-11 a.m. Call 793-2020. FINANCIAL SEMINAR Sept. 19, 6 p.m. at the Gibbs Library. Financial consultant Sandra Gurley discusses the book “Smar t Women, Smar t Men and Smar t Couples Finish Rich.” Seminar is free, but reservations are suggested. Call the library at 863-1946 or Sandra Gurley at 724-2601. COLLEGE INFORMATION SESSION covering the benefits of college degrees, financial aid and more Sept. 26, 6 p.m., at Southern Wesleyan University Adult and Graduate Studies on Mar tintown Road in Nor th Augusta. Session is free, but reservations are required; call Missie Braddy at (803) 819-1106 or 1866-210-1042. “CLOWNING 101” at the H.O. Weeks Center in Aiken Sept. 21. Create your own clown persona, learn how to do clown make-up and how to make balloon sculptures. Class is held 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is $30 per person for Aiken city residents; $47.50 for children and $50 for adults who are not residents of Aiken. All children ages 6 and under must have a paying adult accompany them to the class. (803) 642-7631. SMALL BUSINESS WORKSHOP: The USC-Aiken Small Business Center will host a Business Planning Workshop Sept. 20, 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m. in Room 140 of the Business and Education Building. To register, email SBDC@usca.edu or call (803) 641-3646.
Rhythm & Blues Concert Series
Sunday September 29, 2002 @ Jessye Norman Amphitheatre Featuring:
PLAYBACK, (THE BAND) RHES REEVES & THE COYOTE UGLY BAND SOUL DIMENSION, (SHOW BAND) Showtime 6pm - 11pm For ticket locations call CJ @ (706) 364-9700
INTERNET FOR BEGINNERS Sept. 25, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the Gibbs Library. Registration is necessary and can 1 be obtained by calling the library at 863-1946. 9
NETHERWORLD HAUNTED HOUSE open through Nov. 3; open on weekends only through the end of September and daily star ting Oct. 1. Located in the Georgia Antique and Design Center in Norcross, Ga. $20 combo price for two haunted houses or $13 for the Inner Sanctum only. All ages admit ted, but parental guidance is suggested. Call the Netherworld hotline at (404) 608-2484 or visit www.fearworld.com for more information.
“BRING IN ‘DA NOISE, BRING IN ‘DA FUNK” through Sept. 29 on the Alliance Stage in the Woodruf f Ar ts Center in Atlanta. Tickets are $20-$49 and can be obtained by calling the Woodruf f Ar ts Center Box Of fice at (404) 733-5000. Also, visit www.alliancetheatre.org for info.
Voted Best Steak In Augusta For 15 Years 1987-2002 2856 Washington Rd. 73-STEAK
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2 0 0 2
STATE UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCA48 AUGUSTA TION is now of fering the following classes: SAT review
seats, $10 for second-level seats and $12 for lower bowl seats. Group discounts available. Call the Lynx ticket depar tment at 724-4423 for more information.
courses, Microsof t Word, Stained Glass, The Appeals
M E Process, Aquacise and more. Also, ASU of fers online T courses. For more information, call 737-1636 or visit R www.ced.aug.edu. O
MEN’S ADULT 3 ON 3 BASKETBALL LEAGUE begins at the end of September and runs through November at the Patriots Park Gymnasium. Organizational meeting Sept. 19, 7 p.m. Fee is $150 per team; player fees are $25 for in-county residents and $35 for out-of-county residents. Age divisions for 18-30 years old, 30 and up and 45 and up. Call 868-3458.
AIKEN TECH CONTINUING EDUCATION is now of fering the following courses: Intro to Computers, Windows 2000, Microsof t Excel, Health Care Career courses, Rape Aggression Defense, A Look at Genealogy, Real Estate, Driver Education, Pilot courses and more. Aiken Tech also of fers Education to Go classes online. For more information or to register, call S (803) 593-9231, ex t. 1230.
S P I R I T E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
TICKETS NOW ON SALE for the Augusta GreenJackets 2002-2003 season. Home games at Lake Olmstead Stadium. Tickets available at www.tixonline.com or by phone at (803) 278-4TIX. There is also a TIX outlet inside Harmon Optical in Southgate Plaza.
YOUTH MONTHLY SPARRING the last Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., at the Augusta Boxing Club. Call 733-7533.
RED CROSS FIRST AID AND CPR COURSES: The Augusta Red Cross of fers Adult, Infant and Child CPR and First Aid Sept. 23 and 25, 6-10 p.m. at the Augusta Red Cross of fice. Adult CPR and First Aid is of fered from 6-9:30 p.m. Sept. 24 and 26 at the Augusta Red Cross of fice and at For t Gordon’s Community Life Center. For information, call 724-8483.
Volunteer VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART to guide tours and teach educational programs. Training begins Oct. 1. Contact Patricia Moore Shaf fer, 828-3813.
FIBROMYALGIA/CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP presents “Families Helping Families,” a family conference Sept. 24 at the University Hospital Auditorium, 1340 Walton Way. Free admission for this 7-9:30 p.m. conference. All with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, their family members, caretakers, medical care providers, and friends are invited to at tend. For info, contact Eunice Jordan, 793-4232; Vickie Howard, 790-7774; or Peggie Begley, 793-8618. MENTAL HEALTH SEMINAR: “Worry, Worry, Worry ... Why Be Anxious?” seminar Sept. 26. Held at the Life Learning Center’s Uptown Division, Room 3C-104 at 2:30 p.m. Free class open to veterans, their families and others. To enroll, call 733-0188, ex t. 7989. FREE AND LOW-COST PROSTATE CANCER SCREENINGS available at MCG, Eisenhower Army Medical Center, St. Joseph Hospital, University Healthcare System and Doctors Hospital during September, Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Call the American Cancer Society at 731-9900 for details. PEACHCARE FOR KIDS AND RIGHT FROM THE START MEDICADE of fers free or low-cost health coverage to qualifying families. Coverage includes prenatal care, hospitalization, vaccines, dental and vision care and is available to pregnant women of all ages and to children through age 19. Contact the RSM Project at 729-2086 or 721-5611 for information. YOGA CLASSES at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 a.m. for $45/month or 10:30 a.m. to noon for $55/month. Call 823-6294. FREE HIV/AIDS TESTING every Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Ministry, 922 Greene Street. Free anonymous testing, pre- and post-test counseling and education. HATHA YOGA CLASSES at the St. Joseph Home Health Care Center in Daniel Village Plaza. Held 10 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. $10 per class or $60 a month for unlimited classes. Mats are provided, but bring a towel and a water bot tle. Call Tess at 738-2782 for more information. A FREE WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC is held from 6-8 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of each month at the Salvation Army and Welfare Center, 1383 Greene St. Services include Pap smear, breast exam and the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmit ted diseases. For more info or an appointment, call the St. Vincent dePaul Health Center at 828-3444. W.G. WATSON, M.D., WOMEN’S CENTER CONDUCTS EDUCATION CLASSES at University Hospital. Course topics include Lamaze, breast feeding, parenting and grandparenting. Par tners will learn positive suppor t techniques. There are also programs designed to help older siblings adjust to new family members. Some classes are free, while others require a fee. Registration is required by calling 774-2825.
Kids PIZZA AND A MOVIE AT THE GORDON CLUB Sept. 24 at For t Gordon. $3 pizza buf fet includes pizza, drink, popcorn and showing of “Monsters, Inc.” Buf fet open 5-7 p.m.; movie at 5:30. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Call 791-6780 or 791-7054 for info. ARTHUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL PARTY Sept. 21, 11 a.m.noon at Borders Books and Music. Celebration of the
ST. JOSEPH HOSPICE VOLUNTEER WORKSHOP Sept. 21, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at St. Joseph Home Health Care Services in the Daniel Village Shopping Center. Light lunch served. Volunteers may choose to work directly with patients or bereaved family members or assist in the office. To register, call 729-6328 or 1-800-533-3949.
Keith Shafer and Vonda Darr give the first performance of this season’s Tuesday’s Music Live concert series Sept. 24. Performance and catered lunch at St. Paul’s Church at noon. Tickets are $7 per person; call 722-3463 to make reservations. newly-released book and PBS special “Ar thur, It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Call 737-6962 for more information. FALL FAMILY CAMP WEEKEND PROGR AM Sept. 2829 or Oct. 12-13 at Family Y’s Camp Lakeside on Lake Thurmond. Indoor and outdoor activities and free time, as well as meals, are included. Family Y membership required. Call 733-1030 for information. DISCOVERY CONCERT, per formed Sept. 23-24 by the Augusta Symphony, features “Goldilocks” children’s opera, the Harry Pot ter Suite and Sousa’s Washington Post March. For reservations, call 826-4705. NFL GATORADE PUNT, PASS AND KICK COMPETITION Sept. 21, 10 a.m. at Harrison Caver Park in Clearwater, S.C. Free and open to girls and boys ages 8-15. Contact Tony Lit tles or Norm Roy at (803) 663-6142. CHEERLEADING CLINIC Sept. 28 for girls ages 7-12. Held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Patriots Park Gymnasium. Fee is $10 for pre-registered at tendees or $12 for those who register the day of the clinic. 868-3458. CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History open Monday-Friday, 4:30-6:30 p.m., September through June. For information, call 724-3576. STORYTIME IN THE GARDENS Tuesdays at Hopelands in Aiken, through Oct. 29. At 4 p.m., local seniors will read favorite children’s stories to kids ages 8 and under. All children receive a book to take home. Bring a blanket or chair and snacks; and adult must accompany children to the program. Free. In case of rain, event will be held at the H.O. Weeks Center. (803) 642-7631. FALL GYMNASTICS at the Family Y: Session II runs Oct. 28-Dec. 30. Open to toddlers through teens and held once a week at the Wheeler Gymnastics Center. 738-6678. ACADEMIC HELP AND TUTORING available Saturdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Wallace Branch Library. Call 722-6275 to make arrangements. GIRLS INCORPOR ATED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGR AM runs through the end of the 2002-2003 school year. A variety of programs will be of fered. Services include van pick-up at select schools, evening drop-of f, homework room and hot evening meal. Open to girls in kindergar ten through high school. Af ter-school program of fered 2:30-6 p.m. Mon.-Fri. For more information, call 733-2512. YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SKILLS PROGR AM for teens ages 12-19 held the third Saturday of the month at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History. Call 724-3576. SIBSHOPS every third Saturday of the month at the
MCG Children’s Medical Center Conference Center. This program is designed for siblings of children with special health and developmental needs. Phone 721KIDS for information. WEEKLY STORY SESSIONS at all branch libraries. Visit www.ecgrl.public.lib.ga.us for more information. FIRST SATURDAY STORYTELLING at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum. In addition, there is a tour of the museum. Held 10 a.m. to noon the first Saturday of the month. Call 724-3576.
Seniors SENIOR CITIZENS’ COMPUTER WORKSHOP of fered 6:30-8 p.m. Sept. 23 at the Friedman Branch Library. Registration is required; call 736-6758. PEOPLE WITH ARTHRITIS CAN EXERCISE (PACE) meets at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. Call 823-5294. THE SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL OF GREATER AUGUSTA AND THE CSRA offers a variety of classes, including aerobics, quilting, tai chi, Spanish, painting, line dancing, bowling, bridge, crochet, pool/billiards, drawing and pinochle. For dates and times, phone 826-4480. ARTHRITIS AQUATICS of fered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital. Classes meet 9-9:45 a.m., 10-10:45 a.m. or 12:15-1 p.m. $37.50/month. To register, call 733-5959. SENIORNET provides adults age 50 and over education for and access to computer technology. Many different courses are of fered. Contact the USC-Aiken Continuing Education Of fice at (803) 641-3563.
Sports FALL BRAWL 2002 KICKBOXING BOUTS at For t Gordon Sept. 21, 7 p.m. Tickets are $12 adult, $10 military with I.D. and $6 children and are available at PX Customer Service, the For t Gordon Federal Credit Union and the Augusta Mar tial Ar ts Academy. Tickets also available at the door. For info, call 855-5269 or 791-2849. AUGUSTA LYNX SINGLE GAME TICKETS ON SALE beginning Sept. 21. Tickets for the 2002-2003 home season, which star ts Oct. 11, will be on sale at the Civic Center box of fice. Season tickets are also available. Individual game tickets are $8 for upper bowl
THE GREATER AUGUSTA ARTS COUNCIL is looking for a few enthusiastic, energetic volunteers to help sell badges, beer and t-shir ts at this year’s Ar ts in the Hear t of Augusta festival, Sept. 20-22 at Riverwalk. Contact Lisa Bryant at 724-3728 or 560-3950. THOROUGHBRED R ACING HALL OF FAME DOCENTS NEEDED for the upcoming season. Duties include opening and closing the Hall of Fame, greeting visitors and providing information about museum exhibits. Call Lisa Hall, (803) 642-7650 for information. OLDER AMERICANS ACT SENIOR NUTRITION PROGR AM is looking for volunteers to serve meals to needy older residents. To volunteer, contact the Senior Citizens Council at 826-4480. For those in need of home-delivered meals, call 210-2018 or toll free at 1888-922-4464. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL: New volunteer orientation is scheduled the first Saturday of every month at 11 a.m. at the shelter, 4164 Mack Lane. Schedule subject to change; call 790-6836 to verify dates and times. THE CSR A HUMANE SOCIETY is looking for animal lovers willing to donate a lit tle of their time. Volunteers are needed every Saturday at the Pet Center located behind GreenJackets Stadium on Milledge Road. Call 261-PETS for more info. SHEPEARD COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER is seeking donors to prevent a blood supply shor tage. To donate call 737-4551, 854-1880 or (803) 643-7996.
Meetings AUGUSTA CHAPTER OF PEOPLE FIRST, a self-advocacy group for people with disabilities, holds meetings the last Monday of each month at St. Marks United Methodist Church from 6-8 p.m. For more information, call 399-9869.
AUGUSTA TOASTMASTERS CLUB #326 meets Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church. Call 868-8431. BUSINESS NETWORKERS INTERNATIONAL Augusta Chapter meets every Thursday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. in the Par tridge Inn main dining room. All professionals welcome; break fast provided for a fee. Call Stuar t Rayburn, 737-0050. RIVERWALK TOASTMASTERS meets Mondays, 7 p.m. in Classroom 3 at Universit y Hospital. Call Gale Kan, 855-7071. GUIDELINES: Public Service announcements are listed in this section without charge at the discretion of the editor. Announcements must be received by Monday at noon and will be included as space permits. Send to Events, The Metropolitan Spirit, P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA, 30914 or Fa x (706) 733-6663. Listings cannot be taken over the phone.
nights 6 a week!
Good Lunch & Dinner
OPEN THURSDAY-SUNDAY Lunch & Dinner 2510 Peach Orchard Rd (In Front of Coyotes) 790-7556
Q. Who is Arcadia? (Grace Jones was also featured on the disc.)
Plus 2 Veggies & Salad Choice
Dave Matthews Cover Band
last call 2701 Washington Road Augusta, GA 30909 706.738.8730 Behind Windsor Jewelers www.lastcallaugusta.com
While Supplies Last
Duelling Pianos
FIRST WED 10-02 Spare Wrangler Widespread Panic Tribute Band
Turner’s Rock and Roll Jeopardy: A. This 1985 side project from members of Duran Duran resulted in the top ten single “Election Day.”
n to … I
A really cool folk-blues package featuring Skip James, Mississippi John Hurt, Odetta, Muddy Waters and other influential musicians was issued this week. “Vanguard: The Roots of Blues” highlights many of the artists who recorded on the legendary label through the years. The three-CD set also spotlights many live performances from the Newport Folk Festival of the ‘60s. Selections from Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Otis Rush, and John Hammond are included.
Surf & Turf Special
mi You won’t believe a n t he this show! Ho m ne t y, I d i d n ’
The “Rumours” were true as Fleetwood Mac will tour the States in the spring. Lindsey Buckingham, Stevie Nicks, John McVie and Mick Fleetwood are all participating without the lovely and talented Christine McVie, who has retired from the road. A new greatest hits package featuring the post Bob Welch and Peter Green versions of the band is due Oct. 15, with an album of new material set to coincide with the tour next year.
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the R-rated Hypnotist
Matchbox Twenty has completed their latest, “More Than You Think You Are.” It’s due to be in stores Nov. 19, but “Disease,” the initial single from the set, should be out by the end of September. The song was co-written by the ultra-busy Rob Thomas and Mick, uh, Sir Mick Jagger, although the knighted one does not appear on the band’s version. A lengthy U.S. tour is planned.
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Lawyers, Guns and Prayers Dept. Sad news abounds as longtime rock singer-songwriter Warren Zevon has been diagnosed with untreatable lung cancer. Zevon, who, along with his contemporaries The Eagles, successfully mined the California folk-rock boom in the early ‘70s, was known for his cynical observations on life in the fast lane and its many excesses. His biggest commercial triumph was his landmark 1978 album, “Excitable Boy,” that spawned such gems as “Werewolves of London,” “Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner,” and “Lawyers, Guns and Money.” Linda Ronstadt’s cover of Zevon’s “Poor Poor Pitiful Me” was a top 40 smash that same year.
A best-of compilation, “Genius,” is due in October.
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he long-awaited Pearl Jam album finally has a title and a release date. “Riot Act” contains 15 originals from Eddie Vedder and the guys and was produced in-house by the band. The disc’s first single, “I Am Mine,” hits radio this week and the album should be in stores Nov. 12. Some of the disc’s other titles include “Thumbing My Way,” “Get Right,” and “Bushleaguer.” No tour plans are set as yet.
i a s hy pnot
Music By Turner
Greene Streets Karaoke Bar
Corner of Greene & 11th Street • 823-2002 Mon-Fri 3pm-3am • Sat 6pm-2am
49 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
50 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
Pizza Joint - The Rif f Raf f Kings Rhy thm and Blues Exchange - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Mykie G The Shack - Live Enter tainment Somewhere in Augusta - Patrick Blanchard, NFL Sunday Ticket The Spot - Live DJ
Thursday, 19th
Aiken Brewing Co. - Karaoke The Bee’s Knees - The Return of Bud Hudson Bhoomer’s Lounge - Dance to the Music The Big Easy Cafe - Karaoke with DNS Enter tainment Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford Club Incognito - DJ Mike Scratch, Bikini Contest Coconuts - DJ Coliseum - Cher Lookalike Contest Continuum - Playa*Listic Thursday Coyote’s - Rhes Reeves and the Coyote Ugly Band D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Eagle’s Nest - Richardean Norwood, Michael Johnson, Karaoke Finish Line Cafe - Blind-Draws Fishbowl Lounge - Blind-Draw Dar ts Fox’s Lair - Karaoke Fraternal Order of Eagles - Bingo Garden City Bar and Grill - Singles Night with 7 Minute Dating Greene Street’s - Men’s National Karaoke Contest Honk y Tonk - The Duke Boys Last Call - Damien the R-Rated Hypnotist Logan’s Roadhouse - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t Luck y Ladies Bar and Grill - DJ James Barber Marlboro Station - Talent Night Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Modjeska - The Word Par t III Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ Playground - Open Mic Night Richard’s Place - DJ Mike the Outlaw, Pool League Robbie’s Sports Bar - Pool and Dar t Leagues Safari Lounge Aiken - Karaoke Salsa’s Bar and Grill - Karaoke with Linda Eubanks The Shack - Bar Bingo Silver Bullet Lounge - The Big Dogs Snook’s - Open Acoustic Jam The Spot - Feature DJ Squeak y’s Tip-Top - Live Music Wheeler Tavern - Flashback and Company
Friday, 20th
American Legion Post No. 63 - Flashback Back yard Tavern - Karaoke, Horseshoes The Bee’s Knees - Jazz Trois featuring Nathan Paris, J.J. Bower and Eric Kinlaw Bhoomer’s Lounge - Magic Hat Borders - Will McCranie Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford Charlie O’s - Live Music Coconuts - Miss Hawaiian Tropic with DJ Doug Coliseum - Mary Edith Pit ts Continuum - Reggae Par ty with Rebel Lion Coyote’s - Rhes Reeves and the Coyote Ugly Band D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Finish Line Cafe - DJ Fishbowl Lounge - Karaoke with Linda Eubanks Fox’s Lair - Roger Eneveldson Greene Street’s - Karaoke with DJ Penny Highlander - Vagabond Missionaries, Saint Friday Honk y Tonk - The Duke Boys The Infield Sports Bar & Grill - Karaoke Kokopelli’s - Skip Neal and the Buster Hymen Band Last Call - Dakota West, Tony Howard, DJ Richie Rich Luck y Ladies Bar and Grill - Broken Arrow Marlboro Station - Show Night with Special Guest Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Modjeska - The Ear thling Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ Partridge Inn - Canthonica Patti’s - Free Pool Private I - Disco Red Lion - Lithium, Undermind
Monday, 23rd
Coliseum - Q.A.F. Continuum - Monday Madness with DJ Freeman Crossroads - Club Sin Dance Par ty Elks Lodge - Line Dancing Finish Line Cafe - Open Pool Tournament Fraternal Order of Eagles - Bingo Kokopelli’s - Dar t Teams Luck y Ladies Bar and Grill - Free Pool Michael’s - Karaoke with Hugh Barrow Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ Red Lion - F&B Karaoke Richard’s Place - Dar ts Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Mykie G Safari Lounge Aiken - Shag Lessons The Shack - DJ Patrick Snook’s - Free Pool
Tuesday, 24th
See the Jennifer Nettles Band this Saturday at the Soul Bar with special guest Mimi Holland. Richard’s Place - Midnight Magic Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Mykie G Safari Lounge Aiken - Shag Night with DJ The Shack - DJ Doober Shannon’s - Steve Chapell, Shelley Watkins Silver Bullet Lounge - The Big Dogs Soul Bar - (R)evolution of Dance with DJ JR The Spot - Ms. Behavin’ Competition Veracruz - Live Music Wheeler Tavern - Flashback and Company
Saturday, 21st
American Legion Post No. 63 - Karaoke Night Back yard Tavern - Karaoke The Bee’s Knees - Musique Concrete Bhoomer’s Lounge - Magic Hat Borders - Josh Pierce Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford Charlie O’s - Live Music, Military Night Coconuts - DJ Doug Coliseum - Ravionne Continuum - SPYT, P.H.D. Country Ranch - Karaoke Coyote’s - Rhes Reeves and the Coyote Ugly Band Crossroads - Black-Eyed Susan, Wa x Bean D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Euchee Creek Sports Bar - Pool Tournament Finish Line Cafe - DJ, Dar t Tournament, Karaoke Fishbowl Lounge - Karaoke with Linda Eubanks, Blind-Draw Dar ts Fox’s Lair - Roger Eneveldson Garden City Bar and Grill - Live Enter tainment Gordon Club - Salsa Night Greene Street’s - Karaoke with DJ Penny Highlander - The Vellotones Honk y Tonk - The Duke Boys Kokopelli’s - Hair Care with the Vagabond Missionaries, Romeo Delight, Saint Friday
Last Call - Tony Howard, DJ Richie Rich Luck y Ladies Bar and Grill - Broken Arrow Marlboro Station - Show Night with Special Guest Metro Coffeehouse - Galen Kipar Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Modjeska - Miami Night with DJ Boriqua Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ Playground - Barroom Olympics Private I - Disco, Live Jazz and R&B Rae’s Coastal Cafe - Live Music Red Lion - Lithium, Special Guest Richard’s Place - DJ Mike the Outlaw Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Mykie G Safari Lounge Aiken - Karaoke The Shack - DJ Buckwheat Silver Bullet Lounge - The Big Dogs Snook’s - Horseshoe Tournament Somewhere in Augusta - ESPN Gameplan Soul Bar - The Jennifer Net tles Band, Mimi Holland The Spot - Live DJ Squeak y’s Tip-Top - Live Music Time Piecez - ‘80s Night Veracruz - Live Music Wheeler Tavern - Flashback and Company
Sunday, 22nd
Adams Nightclub - Dance Par ty with DJ Tim Back yard Tavern - Karaoke Bhoomer’s Lounge - Caribbean Night with DJ Boriqua Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford and The Last Bohemian Quar tet Country Ranch - Pool Tournament Finish Line Cafe - Blind-Draw Fraternal Order of Eagles - Bingo Logan’s Roadhouse - Trivia Marlboro Station - Starlight Cabaret with Claire Storm and Lauren Alexander Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ
Adams Nightclub - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t American Legion Post No. 63 - Bingo Bhoomer’s Lounge - Dance to the Music Club Incognito - DJ Mike Scratch Coliseum - Tournament Tuesday Crossroads - Club Sin Dance Par ty Docker’s - Pool Tournament D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Elks Lodge - Line Dancing Fraternal Order of Eagles - Bingo French Market Grille West - Wayne Capps Greene Street’s - National Karaoke Contest Hooters - Bike Night Luck y Ladies Bar and Grill - Karaoke with Linda Eubanks, You’ve Got Mail Par ty Metro Coffeehouse - Irish Music Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ Patti’s - Pool Tournament Red Lion - Dancing Under the Influence The Shack - DJ Brian Snook’s - Open Acoustic Jam Somewhere in Augusta - Trivia Tuesdays with Mat t and Kevin
Wednesday, 25th
Bhoomer’s Lounge - Dance to the Music Coconuts - DJ Coliseum - Talent Search Continuum - Open Mic Night Cotton Patch - Trivia with Mat t Stovall Coyote’s - Rhes Reeves and the Coyote Ugly Band Docker’s - Free Pool D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Finish Line Cafe - Blind-Draws Fox’s Lair - Karaoke Garden City Bar and Grill - Karaoke Greene Street’s - National Karaoke Contest Hooters - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t Logan’s Roadhouse - Trivia Luck y Ladies Bar and Grill - Pool Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Mulligan’s Nitelife - DJ Playground - Golf Tournament Rhy thm and Blues Exchange - The Family Trucksters
Richard’s Place - Pool League Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Mykie G, Free Pool The Shack - DJ Patrick Silver Bullet Lounge - The Big Dogs Snook’s - Open Acoustic Jam Somewhere in Augusta - John Kolbeck Soul Bar - Live Jazz The Spot - Live DJ TGI Friday’s - Trivia Veracruz - Wayne Capps Wheeler Tavern - Flashback and Company
Swingin’ Medallions - Harlem High School Football Field - Oct. 5 63rd Anniversary of Big Red and Swanee Quintet - Bell Auditorium - Oct. 6 Atlanta Rhy thm Section - The Honky Tonk Oct. 11 Reverend Horton Heat - Capri Cinema - Oct. 13 Charlie Daniels - Aiken Jaycees Fairgrounds Oct. 17
Jimmy Eat World - The Tabernacle, Atlanta Sept. 19 Olivia New ton-John - Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta - Sept. 20 Merle Haggard - Alabama Theatre, Myr tle Beach, S.C. - Sept. 21 The Mission UK - Masquerade, Atlanta - Sept. 21 38 Special - Anderson Music Hall, Hiawassee, Ga. - Sept. 21 Bo Diddley with the Debbie Hastings Band Roxy Theatre, Atlanta - Sept. 21 Queens of the Stone Age - Ear thlink Live, Atlanta - Sept. 23 Steve Kimock Band - Atlanta’s Back Porch, Fairburn, Ga. - Sept. 27 Chely Wright - Cowboys Atlanta, Kennesaw, Ga. - Sept. 27 Juliana Hatfield - Red Light Cafe, Atlanta - Sept. 28 Bill Gaither and Friends - Philips Arena, Atlanta - Sept. 28 Sammy Kershaw, Lorrie Morgan - Anderson
Music Hall, Hiawassee, Ga. - Sept. 28 Ryan Adams - The Tabernacle, Atlanta - Oct. 1 Noise Therapy - The Masquerade, Atlanta - Oct. 3; House of Blues, Myr tle Beach, S.C. - Oct. 6 Alabama - Reaves Arena, Perry, Ga. - Oct. 5 Dashboard Confessional - DeKalb Atlanta Center, Atlanta - Oct. 5 Gwar - Masquerade, Atlanta - Oct. 5 Joan Osborne - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Oct. 8 George Jones - Reaves Arena, Perry, Ga. - Oct. 10 Travis Tritt - Fox Theatre, Atlanta - Oct. 11 Bill Cosby - Fox Theatre, Atlanta - Oct. 12 Vince Gill - Reaves Arena, Perry, Ga. - Oct. 12 Rush - Philips Arena, Atlanta - Oct. 13 Aerosmith, Kid Rock - Hi-Fi Buys Amphitheatre, Atlanta - Oct. 14 Don Henley - Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta - Oct. 18 Moody Blues - Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta - Oct. 19 Disco Biscuits - Georgia Theatre, Athens, Ga. Oct. 19 KORN, Disturbed, Trust Company - Philips Arena, Atlanta - Oct. 22 Phil Vassar, Brad Paisley - Anderson Music Hall, Hiawassee, Ga. - Oct. 26 Rolling Stones, No Doubt - Turner Field, Atlanta - Oct. 26 Voodoo Music Experience - New Orleans City Park, New Orleans, La. - Nov. 2 Widespread Panic - Macon Coliseum, Macon, Ga. - Nov. 5 Many tickets are available through TicketMaster outlets, by calling 828-7700, or online at w w w.ticketmaster.com. Tickets may also be available through Tix Online by calling 278-4TIX or online at w w w.tixonline.com. Night Life listings are subject to change without notice. Deadline for inclusion in Night Life calendar is Tuesday at 4 p.m. Contact Rhonda Jones by calling 738-1142, fa xing 736-0443 or e-mailing to rhonda_jones@metspirit.com.
2 for 1 All Day
–––––––––––––––––––– Monday Night Football St. Louis vs. Tampa Bay John Gruden's Monday Night Buc's Debut
Photo: Joe Wh ite
–––––––––––––––––––– 1/2 Price Wings –––––––––––––––––––– Sports Trivia with Charles McNeil –––––––––––––––––––– Lynx Coaches Show Begins in October
Club Directory
Adams Nightclub - 738-8811 Aiken Brewing Co. - (803) 502-0707 American Legion Post 63 - 733-9387 The Backyard Tavern - 869-8695 The Bee's Knees - 828-3600 Big Easy Cafe - (803) 642-6778 Big Iron Saloon - 774-9020 Bhoomer’s Lounge - 364-3854 Borders - 737-6962 Cadillac's - 364-CADI Cafe Du Teau - 733-3505 Charlie O’s - 737-0905 Club Incognito - 836-2469 Coconuts - 738-8133 Coliseum - 733-2603 Continuum - 722-2582 Cot ton Patch - 724-4511 Country Ranch - (803) 867-2388 Coyote’s - 560-9245 Crossroads - 724-1177 Docker’s - (803) 302-1102 D. Timm’s - 774-9500 Eagle’s Nest - 722-5541 Elks Lodge - 860-3223 Euchee Creek Spor ts Bar - 556-9010 Finish Line Cafe - 855-5999 Fishbowl Lounge - 790-6810 Five Pines - 738-3273 Fox’s Lair - 828-5600 Fraternal Order of Eagles - 790-8040 French Market Grille West - 855-5111 Garden City Bar and Grill - 724-5689 Gordon Club - 791-6780 Greene Street’s Lounge - 823-2002 Hangnail Gallery - 722-9899 Highlander - 278-2796 Honky Tonk - 560-0551 Hooters - 736-8454
Wednesday Thursday
2 for 1 All Day ––––––––
Tuesday Trivia Starts at 7:30 p.m.
–––––––– Augusta's Only 30 & Up Nightclub
The Tradition Continues at Cadillac's with
3 for 1
Opening Soon for Lunch!
LADIES NIGHT –––––––– DJ Crazy P
The Infield - 652-1142 Jerri’s Place - 722-0088 Joe’s Underground - 724-9457 Kokopelli’s - 738-1881 Last Call - 738-8730 Logan’s Roadhouse - 738-8088 Lucky Ladies Bar and Grill - 651-0110 Marlboro Station - (803) 644-6485 Metro Coffeehouse - 722-6468 Michael's- 733-2860 Modjeska - 303-9700 Mulligan’s Nitelife - 738-1079 Par tridge Inn - 737-8888 Pat ti’s - 793-9303 Pizza Joint - 774-0037 The Playground - 724-5399 Private I - 793-9944 Rae’s Coastal Cafe - 738-1313 Raging Bull - 722-0444 Red Lion Pub - 736-7707 Rhythm and Blues Exchange - 774-9292 Richard’s Place - 793-6330 Robbie’s Spor ts Bar - 738-0866 Safari Lounge Aiken - (803) 641-1100 Salsa’s Bar & Grill - 855-6868 The Shack - 441-0053 Shannon's - 860-0698 Silver Bullet Lounge - 737-6134 Snook’s - (803) 278-2936 Somewhere In Augusta - 739-0002 The Soul Bar - 724-8880 The Spot - (803) 819-0095 Squeaky’s Tip-Top - 738-8886 TGI Friday’s - 736-8888 Time Piecez - 828-5888 Veracruz - 736-4200 Wheeler Tavern - 868-5220 Whiskey Junction - (803) 649-0794
Friday 9/19
Saturday 9/20
DJ Eddie B
Caribbean Cowboys –––––––––
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All Night Long for the Ladies! –––––––– Happy Hour 3-8pm Everyday!
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News of the
Weird T
he 60,000 delegates (from 182 countries) to the recent World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, luxuriated not only in fourand five-star accommodations but also in an elegant food and drink layout, including tons of lobster, oysters, filet mignon, salmon, caviar, pate de foie gras, champagne, fine wines and mineral water. (An estimated 60 African children a day die from contaminated water.) The conference center (which cleared out hundreds of nearby trees to accommodate delegates’ limousines) is only a few miles from the squalid neighborhood of Alexandra, one of Africa’s poorest. (Poverty in Africa is up 35 percent since the last such summit, in 1992.) • In San Francisco, two adult dodgeball leagues have been formed recently (the San Francisco Bombardment Society and the S.F. Blood Warriors), with rules similar to the kids’ playground game. According to one organizer, the game “is a nice way of pegging people in the face (with the soft rubber ball) and getting away with it.” And, he said, “Certain things never change. Some people look like they’re going to get hit, so you go after (them).” Clichés Come to Life • Sophia Reitan fell and broke her arm when a Pentecostal Upper Room Tabernacle minister pushed the evil spirits from her forehead and no one caught her when she swooned backward; she settled with the church for $80,000 (Dix Hills, N.Y., February). And even though Clarence Cromwell, 29, fully confessed to police that he had killed a man, a judge in Brooklyn, N.Y., set him free because officers forgot to read him his Miranda rights (May). And according to a police report in the Hesperia Star (Calif.): “An elderly man who lived on the 10700 block of ‘G’ Avenue suffered a heart attack while engaged in sexual intercourse and died April 2.” Our Animal Friends • Researchers at England’s Cambridge University, and others in Tallahassee, Fla., and Cleveland, are training dogs to screen patients for prostate and lung cancers by detecting distinct smells of tumors in patients’ breath. One researcher reported a success rate of 87 percent, which rivals that of some expensive technology. (The genesis of the research was a 1989 journal article reporting that a border collie attacked a woman’s mole that turned out to be a malignant melanoma and ignored her after the mole was removed.) • Among recent animals in the news: the Asian paradise tree snake, which actually flies (by thrusting itself from high places,
flattening out and undulating its body) (reported in Singapore in August), and a species of millipede from the West Indies, which, when zoo-dwelling capuchin and owl monkeys rubbed them on their fur, caused the monkeys to go into a delirious frenzy (an “ancient primate form of hallucinogen,” according to one millipede expert), similar to the way cats react to catnip (August). • Supposedly lower orders of animals: Recently, the journal Science reported that chimpanzees in West Africa have learned to smack certain nuts with specially chosen stones at precisely the correct strength that will break open the delicate shell without obliterating the food inside (June), and that crows have been observed bending discarded wires in just the right configuration for use in retrieving food from hard-ro-reach places (August). • In a three-month period this summer, three 5-foot-long sturgeons have jumped from Florida rivers directly onto anglers, sending them to hospitals with injuries (all together: a cracked sternum, five broken ribs, two collapsed lungs, several broken teeth and various lacerations). According to a wildlife expert, sturgeons are docile, have no predators, and apparently jump only “because they can.” People Not Paying Attention to the News • An apparently harmless passenger (college student Maxim Segalov) forced the unscheduled landing of an American Airlines flight in Salt Lake City (and his subsequent ejection) when he alarmed the crew by trying to recharge a size-AA battery by heating it with his cigarettelighter (August). And the St. Louis PostDispatch reported in July that a passenger was detained at St. Louis’ Lambert Field because for some reason he had packed in his checked luggage (which happened to be chosen for random inspection) his cute personal alarm clock, which is an oldfashioned clock outfitted with six toy sticks of dynamite. Smooth Reactions • Loxley, Ala., street preacher Orlando Bethel, who was scheduled to sing at the June funeral of his wife’s uncle, was beaten by parishioners and physically tossed from the Pine Grove Baptist Church after he screamed from the pulpit that the deceased was a “drunkard” and a “fornicator” and was now “burning in Hell” and that the parishioners would be right behind him. Bethel defended his outburst by claiming that the “Holy Ghost” had ordered him to tell the truth. • Among the problem motorists cited in a July Toronto Star roundup: (1) a 26year-old man who gave the finger to an only-trying-to-help driver who had motioned for him to fasten his seat belt (but the Samaritan was a police officer in an unmarked car, and he took umbrage, stopped the man, and discovered his license has been under suspension since 1999), and (2) a middle-aged man who was let off with a warning for swerving across the road because his dog was licking his ear (and who, the officer discovered, was also shoeless, with banana peels wrapped around his feet, supposedly a remedy for bunions). — Chuck Shepherd © United Press Syndicate
Brezsny's Free Will Astrology mother sparrow who can only find enough worms to feed her babies but not herself. And yet I know your longing is not a desperate craving for food. Nor is it a yearning for impossible love or superhuman power or unrealistic miracles. You’re starving, you’re ravenous, you’re mad for something you don’t have a name for yet — a real and achievable something whose existence you’ve just begun to tune into.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
No more sour desserts for you, Aries. No more lovable danger or stylish sickness, either. In fact, once you get the hang of rejecting all the double binds that have squeezed you recently, I predict you’ll also say no to crippling luxuries, barren discipline, stupid truths, wasteful desires and irrelevant courage. The liberation that erupts in the wake of these rebellions will no doubt make you hornier than you’ve been in weeks.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Those of you who are allergic to sports may gag when I use baseball metaphors in your horoscopes. Sorry about that. But I do find that the macho rituals of millionaire athletes sometimes produce metaphors as vivid as the Greek myths. Anyway, the event around which I’m building this week’s prophecy occurred in a baseball game between the San Francisco Giants and Florida Marlins. Top Giants slugger Barry Bonds (a Leo) broke his bat as he hit a pitch thrown by Josh Beckett. Normally, this is a humiliating event for the batter. It means the pitcher has fooled him. The ball doesn’t travel very far or fast, and the batter is usually an easy out. Bonds has so much power, however, that the unthinkable happened in this case: The ball that splintered his bat into pieces soared over the fence for a home run. This is the operative metaphor for you in the coming week, Leo.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
Ready for a sneak preview of September, 2003? I predict that a physicist born under the sign of the Bull will discover the key to a commercially viable superconductor by next year at this time. In other words, he or she will create a motor that runs far more efficiently and with dramatically greater power than existing technology allows. Free associate on that theme, Taurus, and you’ll come up with an analogous prophecy for you and your own line of work or play. (P.S. Now is a favorable time to intensify the research that’ll lead to your momentous discovery.)
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
You’re ready to make the transition from plodding to soaring; from muttering confused criticisms to unleashing bright toasts; from indulging in heavyhanded acts of self-incrimination to whipping up giddy, weightless sensations. And to what do we owe this bracing turnaround in your fortunes? Probably the fact that the Era of Brazen Narcissism has arrived for you Geminis. During the coming weeks, ingenious displays of self-worship are not only permitted but encouraged. Can you stand even more good news? The cosmic omens suggest that you’ll be able to round up hordes of devotees who are also eager to celebrate your glory.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
In the course of human history, many other things have been used as money besides paper currency and precious metals. Among them have been tulips, seashells, cows, velvet, tobacco, elephant tusks, beetle legs, cheese and giant stone wheels. I hope, Virgo, that these poetic variations on the theme will inspire you to designate a new form of legal tender in the coming weeks. The cosmic omens suggest you’ll be exceptionally creative whenever you turn your thoughts to financial matters. Here are some questions to guide your explorations. What useful but undervalued beauty do you produce? Which of
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
I feel famished as I think of you stewing in your bottomless hunger, Cancerian. You almost remind me of an anorexic beauty queen or a fasting saint or a ACROSS
36 Transmission
ender 37 Korean border 5 Yak river 9 When repeated, 38 What 17-Across, 1954 Eddie 62-Across, Fisher hit 10-Down or 14 Grayish yellow 35-Down does 15 Guitar 41 Tidy sum forerunner 42 Mideast title 16 Vietnam site in 43 Overeater’s 1969 news problem 17 Child’s toy 45 Hits the end? 19 Distasteful 48 “Why not!” solution? 20 Cara and Castle 49 Blackens 21 Shuttle cargoes 51 Some cracks are full of it 23 Octave 56 Purge followers 60 River across 25 Driving spots Nebraska 26 Straight ones = 61 Rosemary and 2.0 others 28 Half a 62 Thrust producer mountaineering expedition 64 St. Teresa’s birthplace 32 Sermon 65 Article in Berlin recipients
New York Times Crossword Puzzle
1 Pop singer Lisa
66 Resort east of
Glenwood Springs 67 Prepares potatoes, in a way 68 Jam site 69 Hireling, in history
DOWN 1 Partner in exploring 2 Yellowish 3 Eastern Indians 4 Like ashes 5 Sore spots 6 Galoot 7 Not having one’s feet flat on the ground 8 Produced 9 Moseys 10 Rocket part 11 Pelvic bones 12 South African gold discovery site, with “the” 13 Not just evasions 18 Parasite 22 Legislator’s cry 24 Ooze 27 Disrespectful ones 29 Axis of ___ 30 Dudley DoRight’s beloved 31 It doesn’t take much 32 Some tourney draws
your unsung talents are finally ready to generate income? What hidden assets or neglected treasures could you turn into sources of wealth?
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
According to the poet and scholar Robert Graves, the goddess Hecate “presides at seedtime and childbirth; she grants prosperity, victory, plentiful harvests to the farmer and rich catches to the fisherman.” On the other hand, he notes, Hecate is the mistress of sorcery. She is the “goddess of ghosts and night-terrors, of phantoms and fearful monsters.” How can a single deity embody such seemingly contradictory archetypes? Graves: She symbolizes “the unconscious in which beasts and monsters swarm. This is not the living hell of the psychotic, but a reservoir of energy to be brought under control, just as Chaos was brought to cosmic order under the influence of the spirit.” In the coming weeks, Libra, Hecate will be your ally and guide.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Writing in the San Francisco Chronicle, music critic Joel Selvin panned the singing of Mariah Carey. Concerning her “relentless swoops, whoops and fluttering notes,” Selvin said, “no less an authority than Jerry Wexler, producer of Ray Charles and Aretha Franklin, calls it ‘over-souling.’” I bring this up, Scorpio, because you’re close to doing the equivalent of “over-souling” in your own life. Please step back from the brink. No matter how cool you are, no matter how skilled or smart or attuned, don’t beat people over the head with your magic and prowess.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Ancient Greek philosopher Plato said he’d ban poets from his ideal society. Why? Because of their power to rouse unruly passions, for one thing. Plato feared that a poet’s rhetorical skill could turn off his listeners’ defenses and trick them into believing wild ideas — maybe even influence them to abandon behavioral norms. For instance, if I were a poet, I might try to inspire you to protest the widely accepted ugliness you see around you every day. I’d lure you into committing brash acts of beauty and truth, and incite you to fight tenderly for love and goodness, and coax you to tell everyone you know that evil is boring and you don’t want to hear any more stories that glamorize it. But since I’m an astrologer, not a poet, I’ll simply inform you that cosmic luck will be on your side if you carry out all the above.
23 26
36 38
42 46 49 57
41 44
47 50
52 60
Puzzle by Patrick Merrell
33 Way up or down 46 “The Wizard of 34 Director Kazan
Oz” setting
55 Cosmetician
47 Broadway sign
56 Overcook
50 Terrif
57 Son of Jacob
52 Have farm
58 Philosopher
40 Broke
53 Pathfinder?
59 Cream, of
44 The Thief of
54 It’s held during
35 Once popular
39 Entre ___
Bad Gags
1960’s rock
63 ___ par
Answers to clues in this puzzle are available by touch-tone phone: 1-900-285-5656. $1.20 per minute. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/diversions ($19.95 a year). Crosswords for young solvers: The Learning Network, nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Eskimos use refrigerators to prevent food from freezing. Hyperactive kids are given amphetamines to slow them down. In this spirit, I offer you Capricorns a message designed to keep your selfesteem at a healthy level. You are one of the most important characters in the history of the world. The gifts you have to give are so fantastic, it would be a crime for you to be stingy in doling them out. The lives of everyone you know will become steadily richer if you can manage simply to be yourself in their presence. Act as if every move you make will send ripples of influence to the ends of the earth, ultimately affecting everyone alive.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You’re so close to discovering surprising new information about yourself — juicy secrets that have been hidden forever. Is there a chance in hell that you’ll be brave enough to track them down? If you are, you’ll set in motion a series of breakthroughs. An old enemy’s curse will dissolve. You’ll topple barriers that had been so insidious you weren’t even aware of their existence. Two parts of your mind that have never known about each other will finally make contact. And you’ll hook up with potential allies who have been waiting and waiting and waiting for you to notice them.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Once upon a time, your fate got tangled up with the twisted destiny of a beautiful monster. Well, technically it was a person, but “beautiful monster” is an apt metaphor. From the start, the give-and-take between you and this bigger-than-life creature was chaotic, refreshing, debilitating, and soul-deepening. Ultimately, you had to extricate yourself from the snarled web the two of you wove. Now it seems that a new version of the beautiful monster is lurking in your vicinity. I have reason to believe this one is tamer than the original, though, and less addicted to the philosophy of no pain, no gain. Still, I urge you to proceed with caution. — © Rob Brezsny You Can Call Rob Brezsny, day or night, for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope
$1.99 per minute • 18 & over • Touchtone phone required • C/S 612-373-9785 • www.freewillastrology.com/
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y (now ex-) girlfriend and I got an Australian Silk y Terrier in July 2000, when we lived together. Upon our breakup, instigated by me in December 2001, we agreed to “share” him. I get him every other week. I only call her to arrange “exchanging” him. She, however, calls two to four times throughout the week “to check on him.” She insists on keeping me informed about her “new life”; in particular, her “new beau,” who’s usually with her when she calls or brings the dog over. I tell her I don’t want to hear it, and that she should only call in an emergency — our original agreement. I’ve offered to buy out the dog for $1,000 and have him full-time but she refuses. I know she loves the dog more than she ever cared about me. But, she needs to know she can’t always get what she wants. Finally, I know the dog is far better off with me. What should I do? —Hounded Just because humans can do long division doesn’t mean we’re smar ter than dogs. Humans might be complex — complex enough to create a cof feemaker we can program to make “the ultimate double espresso” several days af ter we’ve annihilated all life forms — but dogs are smar t enough to be simple. If there were a dog dictionary, it wouldn’t even take up a whole sheet of paper. In fact, the entire dog vocabulary is probably about 15 words, most of which include exclamation points: Eat! Pee! Chase! Rub me! Scratch me! Snif f but t! About as complex as it gets is “Wasn’t me!” — that look meant to convince you that the chicken bones in the garbage came to life, leapt from the can, did a lit tle Alvin Ailey number and threw themselves all over the kitchen floor when they were done. Unlike a lot of humans, “dogs live in the moment,” says animal behaviorist Suzanne Het ts, Ph.D., and most just need to be around some person they’re bonded with to be happy. (Now, there’s an ego boost.) Should your dog get stressed about being shut tled between your place and The Meddler’s, you’ll get the message. Unfor tunately, what with dogs’ limited access to monogrammed notepaper, you’re likely to find an outpouring of sentiment in your Armani loafers.
According to your answers to a lot of prying email from me, your dog is not only unscathed by his “mobile” home life, but the most well-adjusted one of the three of you. You’d do well to emulate him. To do this, stop living in the past. Forgive your ex-girlfriend, and you might find room in your life for her replacement. Despite your billing yourself (in whole bound volumes of e-mail) as a candidate for canine-care sainthood, your ex has as much right to doggo as you do. This boils your problem down to a boundaries issue: You set them, she ignores them, you let her. If only you knew what your dog knows; namely, that he is not Kofi Annan, hence, he will not sit around negotiating with intruders: “Okay, if you take the candlesticks, I’ll only take a chunk out of your ankle. But, if you steal the silverware, too ... well, then we’re talking budget vasectomy.” Whenever the ex calls to check whether your dog still has all four paws, politely remind her of your agreement. Nex t, politely inform her that, under the terms of the agreement, you’re about to disconnect. Then do it. Then, with the time and energy you save, maybe you can figure out why dogs are seen as “lower life forms,” when clearly, they’re simply “shor ter.”
I’m a newly single straight guy in my early 40s, and my hair is suddenly gray. I want to color it, but I’d be too embarrassed to go to a salon. Maybe I could go to a drugstore at midnight on a holiday. But then, I wouldn’t know what color to get. How can I fake the natural look — the good old dark brown-haired me? —Hue-less Home hair coloring, like home appendix removal, is practically guaranteed to end badly. If you want natural-looking hair color, hire somebody who’s exper t at faking it. How exper t? Well, in terms of financial outlay, think mor tgage payment, car payment, hair payment. In terms of “the embarrassment of going to a salon”; trust me, it isn’t anywhere near as embarrassing as leaving the house with hair the color of ripe eggplant — the telltale sign of a man with a home dye-job. As eager as you are to look like the (young) old you — do keep in mind that many women find a man with gray hair sexy — especially when the alternative is a man whose life revolves around touching up his roots. — © 2002, Amy Alkon
Got A Problem? Write Amy Alkon 171 Pier Ave., Box 280 • Santa Monica, CA 90405 or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com
55 M E T R O S P I R I T
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To respond to ads using a SIMILAR INTERESTS? SWF, 50, enjoys the outdoors. Seeking WM, 51-61, 5’8”+, friendship first, possible LTR. ☎567446 READY FOR LOVE AGAIN Widowed WF, 45, 5’5”, blonde, 130, marriage minded, no rocking chair for me, let’s go! Seeking SWM, 45-65, that is ready for LTR. ☎569448 LONELY HEART Hard-working DWF, 41, 5’5”, 234lbs, brown/ blue, enjoys conversation, music, poetry, cuddling. Seeking DWM, 38-42, who still dreams of that one true love. ☎563879 FULL FIGURED SWF, 25, enjoys animals, bowling, dining-out, movies. Seeking WM, 20-39, for LTR. No games. ☎559564 LOOKING FOR LOVE SWF, 55, dark/blue, 135lbs. Seeking WM, 4555, for honest, romantic, and fun-loving relationship. ☎552267 GOOD GIRL HUNTING SWF, looks 35, 5’4”, 145lbs, blonde/hazel, seeks tall WM, 32-45, with good morals, that likes to have fun. ☎527072 LOOK NO FURTHER Attractive BF, 40, 5’7”, H/W proportionate, no kids, very spiritual, enjoys cooking, dining, outdoor activities. Seeking BM, 37-45, with similar interests. ☎965912 ARE YOU THE ONE? College educated SWF, early 40s, 5’6”, 136lbs, extroverted, enjoys camping, country living, animals, movies, traveling. Seeking same in SWM, 40-50, similar interests. ☎965910 THAT GIRL DWF, 39, brown/brown, attractive, financially secure, enjoys travel, loves to be spoiled. Seeking WM, 36-50. ☎965911 AN AUTUMN SPECIAL Hard-working WF, 38, 5’4”, 100lbs, blonde/ brown, enjoys biking, watersports, cooking, and travel. Seeking WM, 35-50, for possible LTR. ☎965904 GIVE ME A CALL SWF, 50, looking for friendship, possible LTR with SWM, 48-53. ☎965917 BEING YOURSELF SBF, 27, N/S, 5’6”, 180lbs, brown/brown, openminded, fun-loving, enjoys bowling, poetry, movies, quiet evenings. Seeking strong-minded SBM, 26-39. ☎965916 MUCH MORE!! SWF, 32, 5’3”, full-figured, reddish/brown hair, brown eyes, enjoys swimming, poetry, horseback riding, shooting pool. Seeking secure, respectful SWM, 29-49. ☎965914 SOMEONE JUST FOR ME DWPF, 44, 5’5”, 135lbs, very pretty, ethereal, enjoys gardening, reading, working, animals. Seeking SCM, 40-50, with similar interests. ☎965913
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PAINT THE TOWN RED Medical student DWM, 41, just moved from Atlanta, seeks casual relationship with intelligent, articulate SBF, who knows Augusta and can show me the sites, dining, and dancing. ☎675071 READY DWPM, 5’5”, 155lbs, 54, stable, secure, fit, pleasant, educated, adventurous, N/S, who enjoys most anything. Seeking W/A/HF, petite, pleasant, intelligent, active, secure, honest, positive attitude, caring, open, N/S, for LTR. ☎672623 THE TRAVELER European SWM, 44, loves traveling, reading, dining out, sports, ping pong, soccer. Interested in meeting female, who loves traveling, reading and dining out as well. ☎685545 FUN-LOVING SBM 38, 5’7”, 170lbs, waiting in the wings to spot the woman of my dreams. Friends first, work together on loving/understanding relationship. Enjoy dining out, traveling, quiet evenings. Seeking SF, 25-45. ☎672722 LOVING SOUL MATE SWM, 60, 5’8’, 160lbs. Enjoys sports, long walks and quiet evenings. ISO caring, affectionate SF, 45-55 for friendship, possible LTR. ☎668813 YOUNG LOVE SWM, 19, fun-loving, humorous, Virgo, smoker, loves clubbing and sports events. Seeking WF, 18-23, for casual dating, perhaps something greater. ☎625248
REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA Brown/green, 6’2”, 160lbs, former police officer. I like everybody. Hard-working, nice guy, lots of time off and money to spend. Seeking compatible female, please call me! ☎574304 ONE LOVE SBPM, 28, 5’11”, Capricorn, N/S, business, enjoys reading, cooking, music, movies. Seeking woman, willing to try new things. Age, race, weight unimportant. ☎656945 WHAT ABOUT YOU? Tall, blue-eyed blond Southern man, 6’4”, 265lbs, mows lawns for a living. Looking to meet simple, quiet gal, around 25, who likes the country lifestyle. ☎651620 LET’S DANCE! DWM, 37, seeks WF, kids ok, with a vivacious personality, a love for dancing, and an interest in relationship. ☎645955 I’M SERIOUS! ARE YOU? SWM, 25, 5’10”, 165lbs, brown/blue, wants to share quiet evenings at home with a sweet caring SWF. ☎644397 HOPELESS ROMANTIC Hard-working DWM, 41, 5’10”, 140lbs, N/S, N/D, two kids, enjoys movies, bowling, fishing. Seeking easygoing WF, 35-45, with similar interests. Friendship first, possible LTR. ☎631228 SENSITIVE, BUT STRONG SBM, 31, 190lbs, athletic build, handsome, enjoys church, working out, movies, and sports. Seeking woman, 21-35, with similar values. ☎626248 TIME OF YOUR LIFE Fun-loving BM in search of sexy WF, openminded, for casual dating and a great time. Ages 18-35. Me? I’m 28. ☎622537 THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE Independent SWM, 32, looking for a sweet, romantic, financially secure lady, who loves kids, enjoys Nascar, long walks on the beach, cuddling, horseback ridding and spontaneity. Why not call? ☎616508
TWO PIECES OF A PUZZLE Full-figured, very attractive, independent woman, 31, 5’2”, seeks someone special to spend time with. You: honest, fun-loving, varied interests. ☎685405 NO GAMES PLEASE DWF, 33, 5’10”, full-figured, brown/hazel, selfemployed mother of three, seeks WM, 25-45, honest, faithful, devoted, for fun, friendship, LTR. ☎680330 ALL I THINK ABOUT IS YOU SBF, 28, enjoys cooking, reading, traveling, spending time with my kids/family. Looking for a male, 25-40, who likes similar things, friendship first. ☎672206 IN SEARCH OF MY SOULMATE He must be a tall (5’10”-6’4”), Christian man, 42-55, N/S, who is honest, faithful, devoted and lively. I am a SBPF, 5’6”, 150lbs, and looking for LTR. ☎641005 SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL Multiracial SF, 56, 5’7”, animal lover, mother professor of languages, loves beaches, travel, collecting art, reading, and listening to music (Latin and classical). Seeking SM, to share life and love. ☎610690 SEEKS GENTLEMAN SWF, 29, 5’11”, 145lbs, enjoys outdoors, dining, movies, bowling and quiet evenings at home. Seeking honest SM, 29-39, for LTR. ☎550425 WANNA KNOW A SECRET? I’m available! BF, 47, serious about life, seeks single African-American male, 40-50, with similar sentiment. ☎660976 SELF-SUFFICIENT... hard-working DWF, 38, full-figured, Leo, smoker, with one child, seeks DWM, 38-50, smoker, children are fine. ☎659397 NOW IS THE TIME SWPF, 55, likes dancing, walks, movies, the lake, dining out. Seeking SWM, N/S, 48-65, for fun and friendship, and who knows what later! ☎653476 POSITION AVAILABLE! Mother of two lovely daughters, 34, employed with the Board of Education, seeks SW/HM, 33-48, to begin with friendship and possibly evolve into an LTR. ☎651992 KIND-HEARTED, REAL Petite, green-eyed SWC mother, 39, Scorpio, N/S, seeks WM, 33-45, N/S, to build a love that lasts a lifetime. ☎648419 I’LL COOK Fun-loving, intelligent SBF, 22, Capricorn, N/S, student, mother of three, seeks man, 2130, to accompany me in life. Kids a plus. ☎647824 TIME WITH YOU Voluptuous BF, 39, seeks a BM, N/Drugs, social drinker ok. I enjoy reading, dining out, movies, church activities. ☎646176 TAKE IT SLOW SWF, 49, 5’6”, reddish/blonde hair, outgoing personality, wants to build a serious relationship with a SWM. ☎642309 BIG AND BEAUTIFUL BF, 43, brown/hazel, loves free time, books, weekend travel. Seeking a mature companion with an easygoing attitude, for friendship, dating, and more. ☎643199 THE MAN OF MY DREAMS... is easy to get along with, and has a great sense of humor and fun. Single mom, 28, 5’, brown/blue, is looking for her soulmate. ☎640587 MOVIES AND MORE Seeking a man with a lively attitude who likes movies. I am a SF, 42, looking for love. ☎ 636995
SENSE OF HUMOR REQUIRED SF, 33, 5’, full-figured, cocoa complexion, looking for friendship leading to relationship with SM, 25-40, who doesn’t play games. ☎579505 ABSOLUTE ALTRUISM SBF, 42, 5’7”, 125lbs, seeks emotionally secure gentleman, 35+, with honor, wit, and wisdom. ☎605946 GOOD-HEARTED DWF, 61, 5’9”, honest, neat in appearance, with a good sense of humor. Seeking WM, 6070, who’s honest and caring. ☎574264 THE BELLS ARE RINGING Slim SBCF, 29, 5’3”, student, employed, Pisces, N/S, seeks marriage minded BM, 2736, N/S, for life’s journey. ☎633606 WE’LL STILL B TOGETHER... on down the road. SWF, 23, Capricorn, N/S, seeks sweet, gentle BM, 22-35, who is interested in a friendship. Let’s become a family! ☎631605 WHO NEEDS A HEADLINE? SWF, 33, full-figured, blonde/blue, Pisces, smoker, likes hiking, camping, and quiet evenings at home. Seeking WM, 25-45, smoker, for LTR. ☎628677 STRONG WILL SBF, 45, outgoing, attractive, youthful, enjoys writing, music, traveling. Seeking mature, strong-willed SBM, 35-48, for friendship. ☎965893 TIME TO HAVE A BLAST Honest SWF, 43, enjoys spending time with my daughter, bowling, dining out, Nascar, movies, baseball games, camping. Seeking honest, genuine SWM, 43-50, for fun and friendship. ☎554752 LONELY WOMAN SBF, 32, single mom, seeks SWPM, quality military man who has old-fashioned values, financially secure, for LTR. ☎591885 OPEN-MINDED Fun-loving, humorous SF, 18, 5’4”, blond/blue, likes shopping, clubbing, sports. Seeking SM for friendship and casual dating. ☎589903 START AS FRIENDS SF, 33, likes reading, writing poetry, fishing, travel. Looking for a man who needs a nice woman in his life. ☎579852 PECAN TAN SF, 34, 5’3’’, 145lbs, looking for a kind, caring, and sweet man, 25-45, who can be my friend first. ☎581256 MAKE MY HEART LAUGH SBF, 22, 5’8”, 155lbs, part-time student, seeks sensual, kind man with a great heart, for movies, dining out, and open-minded conversation. ☎565120 CHRISTIAN MAN WANTED SBF, 39, great sense of humor, great listener, desires a mate who possesses similar skills to enjoy various interests such as conversation, walks and Christian activities. Friendship first. ☎564814 INTERRACIAL SBF, 23, 5’8”, 140lbs, one daughter. Seeking honest and trustworthy SWM, 23-37, great body, great eyes, good personality. ☎566526 LOVE AND SHARE SWF, 45, N/S, mother of two, dog lover, seeks monogamous WM, 35-60, N/S, for friendship first, possible LTR. ☎566590 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SBM, mother of two, self-sufficient, 5’1”, 128lbs, seeks trustworthy, romantic SM for casual friendship, dating, possibly more. ☎574955 CHRISTIAN WOMAN Intelligent, sexy SBF, 28, 5’6”, 135lbs, entrepreneur, educated, enjoys fishing, Jesus, dancing, working out, poetry, theater. Seeking SW/BCM, 26-38, for possible LTR. ☎570636 SWEET STRAWBERRY-BLONDE Kind, loving SWF, 28, strawberry-blonde, 5’7”, 196lbs, enjoys dining, movies, traveling, music. Seeking honest, responsible, kind, loving SWM, 28-35. Must like kids. ☎564951
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To respond to ads using a DOWN AND OUT SBPM, 50, 5’8”, 190lbs, enjoys sports, travel, the city and more. Seeking nice WPF, 35-45, N/S, to enjoy each others company. ☎599875 LETS HAVE DINNER Honest, caring, considerate SWM, 42, 5’7”, 150lbs, enjoys cuddling, romance and more. Seeking compassionate WF, 32-45, N/S, for LTR. ☎595934 HOME IS WHERE The heart is. Educated SWM, 33, self employed, veteran, enjoys family and friends. Seeking HF, 24-31, for LTR. ☎601113 SOMETHING WE BOTH NEED Is friendship. SBM, 22, seeks woman, 20-29. So if your sweet, caring and kind then we can be friends and maybe more. ☎603104 LAID-BACK SBM, 22, seeks cool, laid-back, open-minded SBF, 20-25, N/S, for friendship and possibly more. ☎571587 SOMETHING SO RIGHT I am looking for a WF who likes long walks, romantic evenings and bowling. SBM, 29, is looking for love. ☎646710 NOT A JOCK 5’11”, 40, brown/blue, 200lbs, handsome, intelligent, business owner, part-time chef, some real estate, enjoys making money, traveling, jazz, rock. Seeking beautiful, broad minded, peace-loving woman, 25-35, no Nascar please. ☎570889 LONELY AND WIDOWED SWM, 58, seeks nice, caring, understanding WF, 45-60, N/S, for quality times and friendship. Let’s fill each others life with joy and happiness. ☎599636 LOOKING FOR LTR SM, 41, 5’10’’, likes playing basketball, chess, long walks, picnics. Would like to meet a woman who has the same interests. ☎594412 THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER SM, 46, 5’10”, 200lbs, likes sports, chess, movies, quiet walks and evenings, socializing. Seeking mature, full-figured SWF with inner and outer beauty. ☎590295 SEEKING SF, 21-46 SBM, 35, looking for casual relationship first, possible LTR. I enjoy malls, movies, rivers, quiet times at home. ☎579190 THE FUTURE IS WIDE OPEN SWM, 38, works in construction, enjoys movies, sports, hiking, mountains, camping. Looking for serious relationship with SF, 3060. ☎578727 VERY ROMANTIC SWM, 53, loves beaches, outdoors, sports, flea markets. Seeking a woman who can be honest and would appreciate a one-woman man. ☎576845 IN SEARCH OF TRUE LOVE WM, 40, 5’7’’, 140lbs, very loving, affectionate, passionate, caring, honest, sincere, with great personality, seeks open-minded female, 2040, who knows the meaning of true love and commitment. ☎579693 LET’S MEET Shy SWM, 32, 5’9”, 221lbs, brown hair, enjoys bowling, ballgames. Seeking honest, friendly, caring SWF, 22-40. ☎966028 AUTHOR SWM, 29, 5’11”, 198lbs, published writer, cook, enjoys reading, writing, movies, intelligent conversation. Seeking slender, intelligent, loving WF, 25-33, who likes kids. ☎565627 A GOOD MAN. SWM, 31, 5’10”, 165lbs, brown/brown, good shape, good job, variety of interests. Seeking down-to-earth SWF, 20-35, friendship first, possible LTR. ☎567940 LIFE IS FUN Sensitive SBM, 44, enjoys bowling and sports. Seeking woman, 25-50, for LTR. ☎553053 HARD WORKING SWM, 51, 5’10”, 198lbs, retired from the military, enjoys travel, tv, movies. Seeking woman, 35-56, for LTR. ☎552587 LISTEN UP! WM, 45, 6’, 220lbs, dark blonde hair, outgoing, loves music, animals, outdoors, pleasing person. ☎966005 INTERRACIAL SBM, employed, enjoys chess, basketball, auto mechanics. Seeking WF, 33-55 for possible LTR. ☎965999 GIVE ME A CALL! SBM, 6’1”, 270lbs, seeking SBPF, 35-50, for friendship, movies, walks in the park, and dining out. ☎965993
GREAT SCOTT Retired DWM, 52, 6’4”, 155lbs, reddish/blonde hair, enjoys dancing, seeks similar female. ☎965991 COMPASSION SM, 53, 6’, 180lbs, musician, loving, communicative, loves bowling, dancing, walks, car racing. Seeking attractive, compassionate SWF, 21-60, for a LTR. ☎965990 LOOKING FOR MY LADY SWM, 35, 6’1”, 195lbs, blond/blue, enjoys cooking, dining, dancing, quiet evenings. Seeking SWF, 25-40, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎965988
OUT SPOKEN SWM, 32, 5’11”, 145lbs, enjoys camping, fishing, Nascar. Seeking laid-back WM, 23-35, for LTR. ☎560095 YOU NEVER KNOW Fun-loving, easygoing GWM, 51, 5’11”, 198lbs, enjoys cooking, movies, fishing, walking. Seeking interesting GWM, 18-33, who’s full of life, for casual relationship, possibly more. ☎676662 OUTGOING SEEKS SAME SM, 35, who enjoys gardening, working out, sports, fishing, long walks in the park, would like to meet an outgoing man for LTR. ☎594617 YOUNG MAN WANTED GWM, 22, brown/brown, pretty good-looking, in search of cute, down-to-earth GWM for movies, dinners, shopping, roller blading. ☎576230 GIVE LOVE; GET LOVE BACK SM, 35, 6’2’’, 190lbs, black hair, medium build, seeks understanding, achieved man who is escalating himself in life. ☎576303 ARE YOU MR. RIGHT? SWM, 51, 5’8’’, 150lbs, likes dining out, quiet evenings, walks and hugs. Seeking SWM, 2035, slim build, with similar interests. ☎584644 SEEKING MAN OF COLOR GWM, 31, 5’8”, 164lbs, brown/gray, moustache, goatee, down-to-earth, very openminded, seeks SB/HM, 23+, for friendship, maybe more. ☎575272 DOCTOR FIX IT GBM, enjoys chess, racquetball, auto mechanic. Seeking WM with similar interests. ☎566315 GUY SWEET TALK SWM, 6’2”, 240lbs, brown/blue, 52, dating first, possible relationship, enjoys walking, hand holding and talks. Seeking SWM, 30-40, with feelings. ☎966007 BE MY TEDDYBEAR Athletic SBM, 23, college student, enjoys basketball. Seeking heavyset SWM, 35-48. ☎966035 WARM AND LOVING GWM, 18, 5’8”, 145lbs, blue eyes, outgoing, friendly, loves shopping, arts & crafts, photography. Seeking GM, 18-45, for a committed relationship. ☎966034 AWAITING YOUR CALL Outgoing SWM, 38, likes drinking, playing pool. Seeking fun-loving SWM, 25-45, for good times, future commitment. ☎966032 MAKE IT HAPPEN SBM, 32, 5’11”, adventurous, likable, likes drawing, more. Seeking SAM, 18-35, respectful, fun-loving, for LTR. ☎966031 QUIET TIMES Well-built SWM, 48, enjoys hiking, movies, dining out, beach walks. Seeking SWM, 3540, for intimate relationship. ☎966030 NICE Outgoing, nice SBM, 31, 5’8”, 153lbs, seeks sexy SBM, 25-39, ☎966022 SPECIAL SOMEONE Open-minded GWM, 38, seeks GWM, 30-50, for LTR. ☎966021 WHAT DO YOU WANT? SWM, 31, 5’8”, 175lbs, masculine, muscular, passionate, dedicated, open, enjoys simple things, time with friends. Seeking SWM, 3045, for LTR. ☎966019 GET TO KNOW ME SBM, 30, N/S, enjoys having a good time. Seeking SBM, 20-40. ☎966018
How do you
TRY NEW THINGS SWM, 45, outgoing, sociable, open-minded, enjoys fishing, golfing, reading, quiet times. Seeking SM, 25-45, for friendship, possibly more. ☎966017 GET TOGETHER GHM, 30, 5’6”, 165lbs, extroverted, enjoys sports, movies, walks, cuddling. Seeking outgoing GWM, 25-35, for friendship. ☎966016 MELODY OF LOVE WM, 40, 6’, 185lbs, enjoys sports, swimming, cycling and movies. Seeking WM, 25-50, to spend time with. ☎966015 FRIENDSHIP Or companionship. BM, 26, 5’8”, father, not into playing games, enjoys quiet walks. Seeking male, 21-35. ☎966014 NEW TO TOWN GWM, 31, 5’8”, 175lbs, brown/brown, masculine, country boy, passionate, dedicated, HIV positive. Seeking GWM, 30-45, for LTR. ☎966013 ARE YOU READY? SWM, 42, 5’7”, 160lbs, blue-eyed, athletic, outgoing, enjoys quiet evenings. Seeking SWM, 21-55, adventurous, for casual times. ☎966012 LIVES THE MOMENT GWM, 51, romantic, adventurous, young-looking, 5’10”, 165lbs, likes quiet evenings, movies. Seeking SWM, 35-50, sincere, blond preferably, fit. ☎966011 SIMILAR COMPLEX BPM, 37, enjoys going out, movies, shopping, quiet evenings. Seeking GBM, 35-40, who’s real, down-to-earth, knows what they want. ☎966010 GIVE ME A CALL! Outgoing, friendly GWM, 35, N/S, seeks GM, 21-50, for friendship and fun. He likes movies, cooking, malls, and quiet times. ☎966009 \LISTEN UP! 5’9”, 190lbs, short haircut, SBM, 25, nice personality, many interests. Seeking SM, 23-40, friendly, down-to-earth. See where this goes. Call me. ☎966004
I’M LOOKING 4 U Easygoing, loyal SBF, 31, 5’3”, 155lbs, security officer, people person, fun-loving, nice, caring, honest, enjoys bowling, movies, cuddling at home. Seeking trustworthy, outgoing SBF, 26-35, for friendship, maybe LTR. ☎965835
I’D LOVE YOU TO LOVE ME SBF, 41, no children, loves to read, chat on the internet, and more. Seeking a woman who is a romantic at heart, very good-looking, loves pets, family and God. ☎645876 IT COULD BE SWEET Laid-back SBF, 25, 5’4”, medium-built, into chats, pool, various films, music, books. Seeking caring, understanding SF, N/S. ☎965833 IT’S ALL IN YOUR HANDS Nice, available stud wanted. I’m a teacher in Augusta, 40, who would like to start a friendship with another female, and progress into something more. ☎664842 BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SEEKS... beautiful woman. I’m 5’3”, physically fit, 132lbs, would like to meet fit female, 25-40, who would enjoy going to movies. Please be discreet. ☎661884 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP Tall, slim, attractive SWF, 34, single mom, enjoys travel. Seeking athletic, easygoing, humorous, fun SWF, 26-45, to go out and have good times. ☎572618 SECURITY GUARD Laid-back female, 41, likes movies, dining out, cooking, quiet evenings. Seeking similarminded male for companionship. ☎589877 ARE WE POSSIBLE? GBF, 24, seeks GW/HF, 25-35. I’m outgoing, beautiful, intelligent, with a great mind. Hoping to meet a woman with a willingness to enjoy life. ☎566252 FRIENDS FIRST SBF, 40, 5’3”, 160lbs, laid-back, outgoing, enjoys reading movies, cuddling and dining out. Seeking SBF, 30-55, for friendship first. ☎965834 ZEST FOR LIFE Articulate, adventurous WF, 32, 5’8”, brown/ brown, enjoys animals, running, movies and dining. Looking for WF, 25-40, for friendship. ☎965827 WASTE NO TIME GBF, 36, enjoys dining out, cooking, dining out. Seeking attractive, open-minded, fun, nice GF, 2545, for friendship and possibly more. ☎965823 LOOKING FOR A QUEEN SBF, 30, one child, articulate, athletic, sense of humor, enjoys dancing. Seeking SF, 24-35, for conversation, friendship. No head games. ☎965822 GIVE ME A CALL GBF, 20, down-to-earth, likes dancing, movies, walks in the park. Seeking GF, 21-35, for friendship and conversation. ☎965826
I’m easy...
ISO SOMEONE SPECIAL Fun-loving, romantic, sincere SBPF, 25, 5’1”, 170lbs, enjoys shopping, cooking, dining out. Seeking open-minded, romantic, fun-loving SBF, 21-28. ☎965842 NO ORDINARY LOVE SBF, 27, seeks feminine SF for companionship, dining out, someone who wants something real. No games. ☎965832 GET TO KNOW THE REAL ME Dark-skinned young woman, 23, 4’9”, attractive, fun-loving, nice, caring, honest, laid-back. Seeking GF, 23-29, for casual relationship. ☎635372 SOMETHING SPECIAL Bi-SWF, 41, attractive, kind of shy, smoker. Wants to meet a SWF, 30-45, for special times together. ☎965841 YOU DECIDE GBF, 21, 5’7”, 140lbs, enjoys quiet times at home. Seeking fun GBF, 19-28, for conversation and possibly more. ☎965840 WOULDN’T IT BE NICE? Shy, honest GWF, 40, 5’1”, 128lbs, salt & pepper hair, brown eyes, loves outdoor activities, traveling. Seeking GWF, 30-45. ☎965839 UP FOR GOOD TIMES GBF, 20, 5’3”, 130lbs, friendly, outgoing, loves meeting new people, reading, writing. Seeking outgoing, friendly GBF, 19-25. ☎965838 ISO YOU SBF, 25, mother, adventurous, N/S, loves art, poetry, animals. Seeking SBF, 25-35, goal-oriented, for a casual relationship. ☎965836 BEST IS YET TO COME! GWF, 40, seeks GF, 30+, for casual friendship. No stress needed, but willing and ready for what comes my way. ☎965830 FRIENDSHIP FIRST! Funny, smart, down-to-earth GBF, 5’6”, 125lbs, loves long walks, hand holding. Seeking GF, 21-30, who likes kids and doesn’t play games. ☎965829 LET’S GET TOGETHER SF, 24, 5’4”, 185lbs, dark brown hair, likes singing and family-oriented activities. Seeking SBF, 22-33, for friendship, possibly more. ☎965828 WHY NOT? GBF, 24, 5’4”, 145lbs, dark-skinned, short hair, has a wide variety of interests. Seeking GF, 2130, for friendship and conversation. ☎965824 SOMETHING DIFFERENT SWF, 41, 5’3”, 115lbs, blue-eyed blond, enjoys casual drinking, movies, dining. Seeking WF, 35-45, with similar interests, for fun, exciting times. ☎965821 KIND AND CARING GBF, 24, 5’2”, 170lbs, blond hair, energetic, loving, enjoys movies, shopping, cooking. Seeking romantic, outgoing GBF, 21-27. ☎965819
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Classifieds Employment
Mind, Body & Spirit
Miscellaneous For Sale
NOW HIRING: Companies desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. GA-3139 (09/19#7812)
LOVE HERBS Men/Women Ma ximum stamina - RX available at The Herb Shop also Urine Luck Absolute - De-Tox 790-3565 , Visa/Mastercard (09/19#7806)
Pageant Gown - Black w/ Beading - Size 8 Brand New- “Mom and Dad, it’s appropriate for prom night, too!” $200 - 803-640-7694 (12/05#7826)
HELP WANTED Video game programmer wanted For unique ground floor business oppor tunity. Call Greg for more info 706-394-4570 (09/26#7805)
Models FILM EXTRAS NEEDED Cash paid daily. Large or lovely couples encouraged. No experience necessary. By Appointment Only. 1-866-938-1292 (09/19#7811)
Equipment High Quality • Low Prices WOLFF TANNING BEDS Payments From $25/month Home Delivery FREE Color Catalog Call Today 1-888-839-5160 www.np.etstan.com (09/19#7696)
Fitness Gear 4 Less Quality Health Club Gear Lowest prices available Service, Delivery, Warranty See our site: fitnessgear4less.com/2499053 or Call 855-0769 Treadmills, Elipticals, Stairmaster & More (09/19#7813)
Medical Research If you have chronic headaches, regardless of severity, you may be eligible for admission to a non-drug VA and MCG study. Biofeedback or rela xation treatments are provided at no cost, and subjects may receive a fee for completing study requirements. Please call (706) 733-0188, ex tension 2678, for additional information. (10/31#7808)
Mind, Body & Spirit Full Body Massage! Therapeutic tension relief, intense or tender touch, rela xing music, aromatherapy, by appointment only - $49.00/hr. Call Joy - 771-9470 or John - 474-1314 (10/10#7750)
Since 1997 from California
OPENING SPEC IA G $39 Mon - Tues only LS ND RA
1 Hr Session 8am-8pm Mon-Sat By appt. only Gift Certificates Available Boné Studio 3529 Wrightsboro Road
Massage Therapy $5.00 OFF, call 803-441-0001
Mrs. Graham, Psychic Reader, Advises on all affairs of life, such as love, marriage, and business. She tells your past, present and future. Mrs. Graham does palm, tarot card, and crystal readings. She specializes in relationships and reuniting loved ones.
341 S. Belair Rd. Open from 9 a.m. til 9 p.m. Call (706) 733-5851
Skinny Dip Much? We do! Yah even in the winter! Well at least in our spas. The Augusta Naturists Check us out @ ht tp://members.aol.com/nudlikeme2/ augusta_naturists.htm Or Write PO Box 3152, Augusta, GA 30904-3152 (09/19#7797)
Smoking Lose Weight
Get Answers Angel Harp Therapy Reiki Classes 1, 2 & 3
Betty L❤ ve, CHT Intuitive Counselor 2477 Wrightsboro Rd.
733-4187 ❤ 733-8550 Professional Massage By experienced male. Designed for healthy men 18 - 45. To relieve stress and rela x entire body Discount for all hotel clients Out hotel only. 706-739-9139 (10/10#7824)
Recording Studios
Studio 56
Recording Studio In House Sound Track Productions
40 Digital Tracks - $40/hr 706-836-3626
Religion Metropolitan Community Church of Our Redeemer A Christian Church reaching to all: including Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered Christians. Meeting at 311 Seventh Street, 11 am and 7 pm each Sunday. 722-6454 MCCAugusta@aol.com www.mccaugustaga.homestead.com/home.html
Sanyo 12” T.V. & Haier Dorm Refrigerator, bought for college, she decided not to go. Paid $300, sell for $175. 706-564-1157 (12/05#7827 Matress & Box Spring Set, Full size, good condition. Asking $80.00 Call 830-0984 (12/05#7828) Waterbed For Sale. $75. Includes headboard, padded bumper rails, and waterbed sheets. Call (706)729-0497 (12/05#7830) Baby Crib, solid wood, excellent condition. Paid $250, Asking $120. Call 830-0984 (12/05#7829) Brown Sofa & Hide a Bed Love Seat Set Like new for sale $225. Call (706) 495-3532 (11/28#7819) Jewelry glass showcase, 3f t.(h) * 5f t.(w), like new, $200 OBO. Contact Bryan at 706294-2933 (11/28#7815) Computer Laptop Toshiba, T2400CS 486/50MHZ Windows 95 56k Modem, PMCIA Slots, Power Supply, Carry bag $189 OBO. 706-444-8619 (11/28#7816) Book, 1st Thus. “Red Book of Appin” pub. James Miller. 1866. Good+, Cloth. Tex t concerning the supernatural. $200. 2846429, David. (11/07#7807) Rascal Electric Scooter Excellant Condition $3,000.00 Call, 722-0451 B/T 1:30 - 4:30 or Evenings 722-0119 (10/24#7782) Aluminum Racing Seat, $175, 14” Black cover, Kirkey, NEW 706-860-1237, Evenings. (10/24#7784) Transmission for 1984 Ford Ranger, 5 spd 2 wheel drive, $400 OBO, Call 706-7366159 (10/24#7787) Three older couches $30.00 each, One 70 pound punching bag w/accessories $50.00. One light metal frame computer desk with rolling chair $20.00. Call or Leave message, 772-9228 (10/24#7788) Nice Queen Size Sleeper Sofa Navy with Pansies, Wing Chair to match $150.00, Call af ter 5:00pm - 868-1384 (10/24#7786) Store Clothes Fix tures. 8 Total, with 2 or 4 arms on each. $25.00 Each, 803-594-9099 (10/24#7789) Crystal Stemware, Mikasa Venezia, Iced Tea, 12, Mint Cond, Paid $150, Asking $80.00 (706) 840-8635 Leave message. (10/24#7783) HP Laser Printer-600x600 dpi, Like new, $250.00, 706-793-8834 (10/24#7780) Silent Flame Wood Stove with fan pipe too. $250.00 706-595-8832 or 595-4883 (10/24#7779) Floral Paintings California Roses & Apples of Spring $10.00 Each, 737-9335 (10/24#7778) Golf Club Hippo Driver 9° Ultra light shaf t, Like new $80.00, 738-4270 (10/24#7790) Book For Sale The Black West Buf falo Soldiers 10th Cav., $225.00 OBO 706-5609782 (10/24#7776)
Call 738-1142 to place your Classified ad today! Alt. Lifestyles
“Formerly the home of The Barracks & Sidestreets” will celebrate it’s Grand Opening on Friday, October 11th, 2002 Come celebrate the return of one of the coolest alternative nightclubs in Georgia and the CSRA Club Argos will be open Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat at 9:00 pm Cover on Friday & Saturday - $4.00 and your first drink is always FREE! Located at 1923 Walton Way Parking and Entrance in back on Heckle St. 481-8829 Talk Line VEGAS XXX TALK! Luscious Sin City Girls! ** Live One on One ** CHEAP 66¢ to $1 per minute Choose the Model you want Unrestricted 24 hrs. 18+ 1-702-216-3500 CC/Checks accepted A-10 (11/14#7721)
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1632 Walton Way • Augusta, GA
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Marlboro Station Where the Party Never Stops!
☺ Smilin’ Tours Inc. 706-733-2511
Oct. 19-20
Gambling, Site Seeing Brunswick/Savannah-$115 PP/DO
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Nov. 10-13
Gambling Resort Biloxi, MS-$249 PP/DO
FRIDAY & SATURDAY Show Night w/ Special Guests
Nov. 22-24
2 Christmas Shows, Shopping Myrtle Beach, SC-$249 PP/DO
Dec. 12-15
2 Broadway Plays, Site Seeing New York City-$679 PP/DO
SUNDAY NIGHT Starlight Cabaret w/ Claire Storm & Lauren Alexander Wed-Fri 8pm-5am Sat 8pm-3am; Sun 8pm-5am 141 Marlboro Street, Aiken • 803-644-6485 w w w.marlboro.4mg.net 18 to Party • 21 to Drink
Services Missy’s Maid Service Too busy to clean? I do it all, inside and out! Call for appointment for Free Estimate 706-825-5113 P.S. I specialize in deep cleaning. (09/19#7821) Auto/Equipment Transport Prompt, Personal & Reliable Delivery of your vehicle/equipment. Chauf feur Service Available FREE Consultations. References 706-284-5757 (10/03#7831)
Yard Sales Combined Yard Sale 421 Parliamont Place Mar tinez, 30907/Saturday the 21st Star ting at 7:30 - Until Household items, Baby Clothes & Accessories Men & Women’s Apparel If weather does not permit, please come nex t Saturday the 28th. (09/19#7825)
Dead Bodies Wanted
We want your dead junk or scrap car bodies. We tow away and for some we pay. 706/829-2676
Club Argos
1980-90 Police Impound Cars from $500, for listings, 800-719-3001 x3979 (9/19#7823)
1 9 2 0 0 2
58 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
■ Automotive Spirit
Free Automotive Ads
Cars 1958 RAMBLER AMERICAN, 2dr, new paint and tires, beautiful old car, $1800, 803-648-2417 (468/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1972 BMW 2002 Classic, brand new, completely remanufactured engine, under 1000 miles, run terrific, $2000, OBO, 706-738-5606 (99/926) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1976 CHEVY CORVETTE Stingray, red, t-tops, luggage rack, great condition, new tires, $8500, 803641-8171 (280/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1976 MUSTANG COBRA, 7-70 1/8, 12.30 1/4, $3500, 803-6482417 (469/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1985 DODGE CHARGER, white/black, good body, rebuilt motor, needs carburetor work, 4 new tires, $400, OBO, Bob 706793-0933 (540/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1986 FORD LTD, 4dr, loaded, extra clean, V6, $1000, 706-736-8931 or 803-561-3626 (pgr) (467/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1985 MAZDA GLC, 5spd, am/fm, cass, blue/grey, 30 mpg, runs, $700, 706-863-6896 (440/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1986 BCW CONV, (1952 MG/TD replica classic) beige, 4cyl, 4spd Chevy Chevette chassis/drive train, $7000 firm, 706-736-3393 (441/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1986 TOYOTA CRESSIDA, 108K, white, 4dr, auto, all power, alarm, VGC, $3800, leave message, 706364-2233 (567/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1988 PONTIAC GRAND Prix, good running condition, needs radiator and paint job, $500, OBO, 803641-2911 (478/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1989 CADILLAC SEVILLE, 4dr, leather, blue, tip top condition, $4000, 706-556-6124 (553/1017) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
1989 HONDA ACCORD, LXI, 4dr, PW, PL, runs great, no AC, 165K, $1800, OBO, 803-641-0163 (547/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1990 HONDA ACCORD, auto, runs good, AC, interior & exterior XC, $3000, OBO, 706-554-4887 (548/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1990 TOYOTA COROLLA, white, 5spd, am/fm, AC, great student car, $1800, 706-564-1157 (499/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1990 VW JETTA, AC, new clutch, new timing belt, 4dr, sunroof, black/grey, GC, runs great, $1800, 803-439-9644 (550/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1990 VOLVO 740GL, 4dr, silver/black, $3300, 706-564-0422 (569/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1991 ACURA LEGEND, 4dr, sunroof, CD, AC, am/fm, champagne, GC, well maintained, MSTA, $6000, OBO, 706-863-2738 (436/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1991 MERCEDES 420 SEL, 138K, charcoal grey/grey leather, good condition, service records, $11,900, 706-863-4417 or 706-373-6429 (532/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1992 ACURA LEGEND, midnight blue, stick shift, CD, hardmount phone, looks great, fun to drive, 180K, $6200, 706-829-0208 (603/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1992 FORD TEMPO, good work car $350, 803-502-1512 (477/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1992 SATURN SL2, 109K, twin cam, sunroof, 4dr, leather seats, white, $3000, 706-863-0372 (571/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1993 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX, V8, 2dr, auto, power moonroof, includes all the extras, everything works, well maintained, XC, $2500 803-279-5047 (542/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1993 HONDA ACCORD, SE, leather, AC, auto, fog lights, SR, ABS, 1 owner, CD, Bose speakers,
the power of dreams
HONDA 2 0 0 3 G O R D O N H I G H W AY • A U G U S TA , G A • 7 0 6 - 7 3 3 - 2 2 1 0 • W W W. G E R A L D J O N E S H O N D A . C O M
$7995, 706-863-3441 (429/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1993 NISSAN ALTIMA, 4dr, auto, PL, PW, ABS, AC, CD, new tires, well-maintained, $4000, 706-8366495 (566/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 ACURA INTEGRA LS, 4dr, 1 owner, very clean, $5995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (578/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 ACURA LEGEND, all power, sunroof, leather, new tires, Bose radio w/tape player, V6, x-clean, black, $11,995, 706-597-7075 (442/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD, gold, moon roof, good condition, 140K, $5500, 803-279-5541 or 803-215-2418 (475/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 CHRYSLER LHS, 3.5, V6, auto, tilt, cruise, AC, power everything, red/gray leather, CD, 102K, $4500, 706-860-5001 (432/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 FORD MUSTANG LX, very
FREE AUTO CLASSIFIEDS * Automobiles for sale by an individual may be placed in our FREE Auto Classifieds. The same ad will run continuously for six weeks or until the vehicle sells, whichever comes first. After two weeks, if you want to keep running the same ad, you must call The Metropolitan Spirit by 5 p.m. on Friday or we will assume you sold the vehicle and will delete the ad. All vehicles must indicate price. FREE Auto Classified ads are offered to individuals only and are not offered to commercial companies or dealers. TO PLACE YOUR AD: Mail: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA 30914-3809 Email: classified@metspirit.com Fax: 706-733-6663 Website: www.metspirit.com Visit Us At: 825 Russell Street, Augusta, GA MUST BE MAILED, FAXED OR EMAILED ON SPECIFIED FORM. ADS ARE NOT TAKEN BY PHONE.
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clean, new tires, won’t last long, $5995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706733-2210 (575/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 FORD TEMPO, 4dr, auto, cold AC, clean, no damage, new CD, white, $2200, OBO, day 706399-1829 or eve 706-560-2025 (283/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 LEXUS ES 300, black/tan leather, auto, am/fm, CD, AC, SR, 99K, XC, must STB, below book $8900, 706-793-6046 (344/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 LEXUS SL 400, gold pkg, fully loaded, 77K, pampered, garaged, XC, $17,000, 706-8637021 (433/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 NISSAN MAXIMA SLE, V6, 5spd, white/tan leather, all power, CD, spoiler, moonroof, VGC, $5000, 706-294-2691 (473/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 OLDSMOBILE CUTLESS Ciera, white/burgundy, am/fm/cass, AC, nice clean car, super ride, $4600, OBO, 803-594-1222
(605/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 CADILLAC CONCOURS, 32 valve, NavStar, 79K, loaded, wheels, CD, cass, leather, heated seats, new Michelins, $7999, 803648-7375 (439/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 CADILLAC SLS, local trade, super nice car, P-3111B, $10,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706724-0111 (492/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 CHRYSLER LEBARON, convertible, auto, 3.0L, runs good, needs a little exterior work, must sell $2800, OBO, 706-437-1133 (273/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 BUICK RIVERA, power sunroof, leather interior, CD, super charger engine, $6500, 803-4390669 (438/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 GEO STORM, 5spd, blue/grey, excellent gas mileage & AC, $2000, 706-855-2288, 706513-6713, 706-834-2338 (295/905)
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 FORD TAURUS Wagon, one owner, 64K, garage kept, well maintained, $4800, 803-502-1251 after 5pm. (602/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 LEXUS LS400, pearl w/tan leather, original owner, sunroof, phone, CD changer, memory seating, no sales tax, $15,000 706-7932975 (275/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 LEXUS SC300, leather, power everything, sunroof, CD changer, 48K, $16,000, 706-7369144 (568/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, hunter green/brown leather, V8, air, all power options, 4dr, x-clean, $6900, 706-722-7542 or 706-7364530 (435/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1996 ACURA 3.5RL, black/grey leather, 82K, XC, $14,500, 706481-8777 (day) (474/1010) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
continued on page 60
DEADLINES: In person - Monday at 3PM By mail, fax or email - Friday at 4PM
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1996 Lincoln Town Car Nice Car - Local Trade (P-3191A)
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2000 Cadillac Seville SLS w/ sunroof - $22,900 (P1153)
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60 continued from page 58 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
1996 BUICK LESABRE, leather, loaded, local trade, A5304A, $6900, Johnson Motor Company, 800-57BUICK (497/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1996 CHEVROLET CAMERO, 41K, factory purple, 5spd, AC, FM, Cass, immaculate, one owner, $9000, OBO, 706-868-0090 (472/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1996 LINCOLN TOWN Car, nice car, local trade, P-3191A, $10,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-7240111 (491/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1996 PLYMOUTH BREEZE, 4dr, auto, PL, PW, cruise, SR, CD changer, 110 highway miles, well maintained, runs great, 706-8549920 (535/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1996 TOYOTA COROLLA, auto, AC, 67K, nice one owner car, $6995, Bobby Jones Ford, 706738-8000 (403/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 FORD ESCORT, excellent condition, $2990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (331/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 FORD MUSTANG GT, convertible, V8, 25K, $13,990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (523/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX, auto, AC, cass, PW, PL, tilt, cruise, perfect, $7990, Auto Liquidators, 706-560-0667 (487/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 HONDA CIVIC EX, auto, 89K, black, sunroof, 10 CD changer, $6000, 706-738-8211 (509/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 INFINITI I30, leather, brown/tan, sunroof, low miles, $11,990, Auto Liquidators, 706560-0667 (485/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE, brand new motor, and transmission, 5spd, more mods, tinted windows,
$8000, OBO, 803-593-3265 (479/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE, clean, loaded, $4990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (323/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 TOYOTA COROLLA, local trade, $6990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (321/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 ACURA CL 3.0 premium 59K, must sell, excellent condition, $1000 of extra’s, $14,500, OBO, 706-284-2488 (96/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 BUICK LESABRE, 25K, leather, local trade, A5172A, $15,900, Johnson Motor Company, 800-57-BUICK (493/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 CHEVY MONTE Carlo SS, PS, PB, AC, cruise, new tires, $6000, OBO, 706-771-1550 (539/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 FORD CONTOUR, 4dr, auto, air, p/w, p/l, pacific green, 62K, VGC, $5000, 803-648-2417 (470/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 HONDA ACCORD, 4dr, auto, sunroof, AC, $13,470, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (514/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 HONDA ACCORD EX, V6, certified, $13,990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (322/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 HONDA CIVIC, EX, black, AC, 5spd, PW, PL, PS, tilt, cruise, am/fm/cd, new tires, one owner, non-smoker, 42K, XC, $10,500, 706-860-1574 (545/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 INFINITI I30, low miles, $16,990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (330/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL, $15,990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (324/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 MERCURY TRACER GS, local trade, 55K, platinum w/cloth
interior, auto, AC, CD & more, $5995, Pontiac Master, 706-8559400 (586/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 PONTIAC GRAND, AM, GT, 2dr, V6, sunroof, low miles, P1122, $8900, Johnson Motor Company, 800-57-BUICK (496/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 AUDI A6, loaded, alloys, roof, power pkg, auto, $18,370, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (521/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 BUICK CENTURY, custom, fully loaded, GC, 79K, $9500 negotiable, 706-598-0381 (437/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 BUICK PARK Avenue, white, leather interior, all power options, $15,500, OBO, 56K, 706-860-3338 (537/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 CADILLAC CATERA, sunroof, loaded, special, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (327/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD MUSTANG, 35th Anniversary Edition, red, auto, XC, $12,200, OBO, 803-2706450/803-593-5726 (543/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD MUSTANG, new tires, leather, spoiler, wheels, mach audio, convertible, $14,350, #B8771, Bobby Jones Ford, 706-738-8000 (406/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD TAURUS SE, 17K, one owner, off-lease vehicle, 24 valve, V6, 16” wheels, rear spoiler, like brand new, $9999, call Cardell@ Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (419/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 HONDA ACCORD EX coupe, auto, sunroof, loaded, $13,840, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (513/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 HONDA ACCORD LX, silver, PW, PL, 5spd, v-tech, immaculate, 72K, $11,500, 706-394-4865 (549/1017) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
1999 LINCOLN TOWN Car, Signature Touring Sedan, 34K, chrome wheels, power moon roof, leather, CD, one owner, $19,999, Acura of Augusta 800-851-5158 (421/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 MAZDA 626, auto, clean, $11,990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803279-9143 (526/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 MAZDA 626, auto, clean, $11,490, Andy Jones Mazda, 803279-9143 (527/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 SATURN SW2, local trade, 24K, $9990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (329/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 TOYOTA CAMRY, 30K, local car, $12,988, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (530/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 TOYOTA COROLLA, 4dr, VE, auto, loaded, cold AC, $8995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-7332210 (581/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 BUICK LESABRE, just trade, 33K, white on white, grey cloth, power everything, non-smoker, extra sharp, $13,995, Pontiac Master, 706-855-9400 (584/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 CHEVY CAVLAIER, auto, 4dr, local trade, P1134A2, $6900, Johnson Motor Company, 800-57BUICK (495/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 CHEVY MALIBU LS, 4dr, white, PL, PW, AC, GC, 706-4149402 pager or 803-441-9880 (538/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 CHEVY Z-28, t-tops, burgundy, auto, loaded, Budget Car Sales, Pic Gibbs, 706-228-5227 (601/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 DODGE NEON, 4dr, auto, AC, 34K, super clean, $6800, #28143B, Bobby Jones Ford, 706738-8000 (409/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD FOCUS, 31K, clean,
factory warranty, $8995, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (529/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD TAURUS Wagon, 18K, certified, $224/mo, #B8689, Bobby Jones Ford, 706-738-8000 (408/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 HONDA ACCORD EX, V6, leather, moon roof, CD, one owner, rear deck spoiler, 30K, save $ thousands $, Acura of Augusta, 800851-5158 (608/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 HONDA CIVIC EX, auto, low miles, $13,190, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (328/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE, 4dr, auto, AC, local trade, 35K, $7000, #P8790A, Bobby Jones Ford, 706738-8000 (400/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 SATURN SL1, 1 owner, 4dr, like new, AC, cass, $6999, call Lloyd@ Acura of Augusta, 800-8515158 (426/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 CAVALIERS, ESCORTS, Sunfires, Neons, and Kia Sophias, 20 to choose from starting at $5999, Acura of Augusta, 800-8515158 (609/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 CHEVY CAVALIER, 4dr, auto, AC, hunter green, #280878, $9350, Bobby Jones Ford 706-738-8000 (401/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 FORD MUSTANG GT, convertible, white, premium sound, auto, Budget Car Sales, Pic Gibbs, 706-228-5227 (600/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 FORD TAURUS SE, 4dr, bucket seats, sport & power packages, alloy, $9860, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (515/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 HONDA ACCORD EX, 2dr, V6, black, leather, roof, very low miles, certified, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (573/919) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
2001 HONDA ACCORD LX, 4dr, 3K, silver, auto, all power options, $16,995, Pontiac Master, 706-8559400 (582/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 HYUNDIA ACCENT GL, 4dr, black, fully loaded, $6995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (574/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 MAZDA MIATA, low miles, $18,900, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (326/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 PONTIAC SUNFIRE, 4dr, spoiler, still under factory warranty, $10,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (580/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 VOLVO S-80, leather, roof, alloys, 7yr/100,000 factory warranty, $27,200, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (520/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 CADILLAC DEVILLE, white, tan leather, very clean, low miles, like new, $33,900, Budget Car Sales, Ernie, 706-228-5227 (587/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 DODGE INTREPID, clean, factory warranty, $15,988, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (524/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 FORD MUSTANG, 3.8, 6cyl, auto, red, custom wheels, priced to sell, Budget Car Sales, Ernie, 706228-5227 (588/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 KIA SPECTRA, If you’re looking for a new car ride without paying a new car price, this is your car! Budget Car Sales, Tommie Mack, 706-228-5227 (591/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 KIA SPECTRA, silver, 2300 miles, great for students, $12,900, Budget Car Sales, Carla Newsome, 706-228-5227 (597/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 MAZDA MILLENIA, diamond white, super low miles, leather, moon roof, CD, compare to new, $19,999, Acura of Augusta 800-
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851-5158 (425/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 MITSUBISHI GALANT ES, auto, low miles, factory warranty, $14,420, Gerald Jones Select, 706733-1035 (519/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA SE, luxury at the top of the class, You can’t buy more car at any price. Budget Car Sales, Tommie Mack, 706-2285227 (592/919)
Motorcycles 1996 BMW K1100LT, red, 38.5K, sport touring, many extras, 706303-6021(d) 706-738-6021(e) (464/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 HONDA XR650R, enduro/trail bike, XC, many extras, MSTA, $4000, OBO, after 7pm, 706-3099526 (458/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 SUZUKI DRZ400E, brand new, showroom quality, no time to ride, will deliver, new $5300, asking $3800 firm 706-799-9324 (277/905)
SUVs 1987 FORD BRONCO, full size, V8, auto 4WD, $3990, Auto Liquidators, 706-560-0667 (486/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1987 GMC JIMMY, low price, body in good shape, letting it go in a hurry, 706-466-2148 (465/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1989 FORD BRONCO, red, w/white stripe, great condition, power windows & locks, AC, 120K, everything works, $4000 OBO, 706399-1816 (570/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1990 JEEP CHEROKEE Laredo, 2dr, 4X4, auto, AC, PS, PB, PW, PL, cruise, am/fm, cass, 114K, 20K on rebuilt, $4800, 706-832-2475 or
706-860-2822 (544/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1991 FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer Edition, sunroof, green/taupe, 4 new tires, $2800, 706-798-5272 (606/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1992 JEEP CHEROKEE, 4wd, blue, must sell $2600, 706-5412088 (481/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1993 JEEP CHEROKEE, 4dr, 2wd, white, x-clean, air, runs good, $3300, 706-722-7542 or 706-7364530 (434/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 MITSUBISHI EXPO, LRV, auto, AC, cargo space, good tires, one owner, no accidents, $2400, 706-855-8062 (607/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 CHEVY S-10, silver/black, extended cab, 4.3L, V6, auto, AC, cass, cruise, 84.5K, one owner, $5000, 706-785-5823 pager (533/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 FORD EXPLORER Eddie Bauer Edition, green/tan, low miles, new tires, XC, hitch, running boards, one owner $8500 706-651-9859 (318/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 GMC SIERRA, x-cab, 4X4, loaded, low miles, white/burgundy, must sell $12,500, real sharp truck, Ray@706-863-1543 (512/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 CHEVY TAHOE LS, V8, clean $13,990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (320/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 ISUZU RODEO, V6, 5spd, 52K, towing hitch, PL/W, silver/grey, XC, must see, $9100, 803-6639781 (445/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 ISUZU TROOPER Ltd, fully loaded, power everything, 4WD, great condition, 89K, $10,500, 706284-7883 (274/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 SUBARU OUTBACK, $8990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-2075771 (319/919)
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 HONDA CRV, auto, cass, PW, cruise, garage kept, non-smoker, green, XC, 38K, $13,850, OBO, 803-279-6287 (444/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo, 4x4, limited, V8, fully loaded, $16,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (577/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 MITSUBISHI MONTERO Sport, 4X2, auto, AC, PW, PL, V6, great vehicle, $12,800, #28129A, Bobby Jones Ford, 706-738-8000 (407/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 MITSUBISHI MONTERO XLS, all equipment, low miles, auto, $14,740, Gerald Jones Select, 706733-1035 (518/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD EXPLORER XLS, low miles, extra clean, $15,700, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (395/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD EXPEDITION XLT, black, low miles, loaded, priced to move, Budget Car Sales, Carla Newsome, 706-228-5227 (596/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD EXPLORER XLT, only 15K, #P-3114, $17,500, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (488/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD RANGER XLT, V6, 5spd, 26K, power package, dual media, bedliner, blue book $12,000, asking $9000, 706-869-0617 or 706-339-7023 6-9pm (510/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 GMC JIMMY SLT, 4dr, P1125, $15,900, Johnson Motor Company, 800-57-BUICK (494/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 HONDA PASSPORT, V6, low miles, $16,990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (325/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 ISUZU RODEO LS, white, V6, auto, custom wheels, very low miles, priced to sell, Budget Car
1999 Nissan Altima GLE
Hiltop Conversion Van, Absolutely Perfect, Low Miles
Sunroof, Leather, Like New!
1987 BMW 528E
2000 Pontiac Grand Prix
Auto, Sunroof, Alloys, Sharp!!
Pewter, All the Equipment!!
1999 Ford Ranger XLT
2002 Stingray 220 LX
1998 Honda Civic
Quad Cab, V6, A/T, Alloy Wheels, Cassette, Very Clean $10,980
22 ft., Open Bow, V8, CD, Tandem Trailer, Great Family Boat , 3 year Warranty, New, No Tax, Compare at 28,000
TRUCKS 1996 Mazda B2300 V6, Cold A/C, Low Miles, Ext. Cab, Like new! $6,990
1986 Chevy Silverado V8, Auto, Cassette, runs great, Alloy Wheels!! $3,990
1977 Chevy Fullsize
Big Discounts For Cash!
1998 Pontiac Bonneville SE Xtra Sharp, Loaded!!
Extra clean, Only 52,000 miles
1992 Mercedes I90
1996 Toyota Camry
4 Dr., Sunroof, Auto, Very Clean!
4 dr., Auto, PW, PL, Cassette, Clean! $6,990
1998 Chevy Cavalier
2001 Ford Ranger Edge
1993 VW Passat
1997 Pontiac Bonneville SSE
Ext. Cab, V6, Cassette, Alloy Wheels, Very Sharp $12,990
4 Door, 5-Speed, V6, Cassette, A/C, Clean! $3,990
1993 Mercedes 190
1997 Dodge Stratus
Only 75K Miles, Immaculate!
4 dr, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Auto, Xtra Clean $5,990
Auto, A/C, Cassette, PW, PL, Tilt, C/C, Perfect! $7,990
4x4, Good Hunting Truck
40th Anniversary, Has It All, Best Seats for a Bad Back $8,888
1997 Infinity I30
1995 Chevy Monte Carlo
Like new, Loaded
Leather Brown & Tan, Sunroof, Low Miles $11,990
Z-34, Auto, A/C, PW, PL
1996 Plymouth Voyager
1999 Mitsubishi Diamante
1988 Ford Crown Victoria
Sunroof, CD player, Alloys, Very Nice $11,990
Great Transportation
1998 Plymouth Grand Voyager $9,990
7 Passenger, Cassette, Sport Wheels, Very Clean $6,780
LIQUIDATORS 1546 Gordon Highway, Aug. (Next to Honky Tonk)
Trucks FORD RANGER Super Cab XLT, flareside, auto, AC, all power, well maintained, bed cover, stereo CD/cass, $9990, Bobby Jones Ford, 706-738-8000 (405/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1982 FORD F150, new engine 302, needs paint, 4x4, $1500, OBO, 803-640-9561 (480/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1988 FORD F700, 24’ flatbed w/dovetail, 101K, $7800, 803-2795541 or 803-215-2418 (476/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1990 NISSAN, SB, x-cab, red, 4wd, rebuilt, 5spd, CD, bedliner, toolbox, real cold AC, GC, 803-4427619 (482/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1993 FORD F-350, dually, 7.3 diesel, auto, AC, PS, PL, 4dr, 38K, $14,500, 803-202-9401 (471/1010) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1993 MAZDA B2600, auto, tint windows, air, x-cab, burgundy, clean, $4100, 706-597-7075 (443/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1994 CHEVY SILVERADO, fully loaded, camper shell, dark blue, XC, one owner, 84K, $6700, 803-2792363 (604/1024) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1995 FORD F150, LXT, 4X4, chrome tailgate & brush guard, new motor, loaded with too many extras, XC, $11,000, 803-502-0923 (272/905) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
1996 CHEVY S10 LS, pick up, AC, rims, low miles, $4995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (576/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 MAZDA B2500, alloys, loaded, $9260, Gerald Jones Select, 706-733-1035 (516/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD F150 Lariat, low, low miles, extended cab, extra clean, Budget Car Sales, Carla Newsome 706-228-5227 (598/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD F150 XLT, pick up, PW, PL, cruise, $12,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (572/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD RANGER XLT, many to choose from, auto, 5spd, 4 & 6 cyl, regular and extended cabs, starting at $6995, Acura of Augusta, 800851-5158 (466/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 CHEVROLET SILVERADO Z71 Quad cab, 23K, #P-3188, $22,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (489/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 GMC SONOMA SLS Sportside, 1 owner, local trade, 14K, white w/cloth interior, loaded, include sport appearance package, 16” alloys, CD & more, non-smoker, $9995, Pontiac Master, 706-8559400 (585/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 MAZDA B2500 SE, shortbed, black/grey, 4cyl, auto, AC, CD, 20K, $12,000 negotiable, 803-279-8960 (431/103) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 TOYOTA TACOMA SST, metallic green, 15K, auto, bedliner, bedrails, alloys, RWL tires, AC, window shields, $12,500, 706-8687287 (278/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 DODGE DAKOTA Quad cab, (3) to choose from, fully loaded, with all the power options, staring at $14,999, call Bob@ Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (427/919)
continued on page 62
01 Audi Quatro $42,500 Audi Assured 100K Mile Factory Warranty, Demo, 2.7T, Leather, Roof
96 Grand Prix GT $5,300 Alloy Wheels, Sunroof, Automatic, Low Miles
4 dr, Auto, A/C, Cassette, Extra Clean! $5,990
1999 Chevy Lumina Auto, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Clean!!! $6,570
1997 Ford Thunderbird LX
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 NISSAN PATHFINDER, silver, auto, loaded, leather, Bose, GPS navigation, DVD entertainment system, keyless entry, sunroof, 26K, $27,500, 706-231-1009 (278/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 TOYOTA HIGHLANDER, V6, 10K, light blue/grey, one owner, beautiful mid size SUV, $26,000, OBO, 706-726-3621 (279/905)
1997 Saturn SL1
2 Door, A/C, Cassette, Sunroof, Sporty!
Sales, Ernie, 706-228-5227 (590/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 ISUZU RODEO, Need an affordable, SUV? The 2000 Isuzu Rodeo has all the answers, nicely equipped and ready to go. Budget Car Sales, Tommie Mack, 706-2285227 (593/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 JEEP CHEROKEE Classic, fully loaded, new tires, PW, PL, cruise, tilt, $9995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (579/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 JEEP GRAND Cherokee Laredo, 44K $16,990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (528/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 TOYOTA 4RUNNER, SR5, 49K, clean, $18,988, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (531/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 TOYOTA 4RUNNER, Tired of buying vehicles with no resale value, poor quality, lousy gas mileage, you need this vehicle. Budget Car Sales, Tommie Mack, 706-228-5227 (595/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 DODGE RAM Club cab, manual trans., 5.2L, V8, burgundy, CD, AC, bedliner, XC, $14,800, OBO, leave message, 706-840-5993 (541/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 FORD ESCAPE XLS, 13K, all power, $14,590, #B8731, Bobby Jones Ford, 706-738-8000 (404/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 FORD SPORT Trac, PW, PM, PL, tinted windows, premium sound, Budget Car Sales, Pic Gibbs, 706-228-5227 (599/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 ISUZU RODEO LS, 4X4, 25K, auto, loaded, $15,999, call Alex@ Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (428/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 ISUZU RODEO LS, 4dr, auto, power package, loaded, low miles, $17,740, Gerald Jones Select, 706733-1035 (517/919)
560-0667 Your Pre-Owned Bargain Headquarters! Todd Williams - David Berry - Dennis Smitty Smith FOR EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE AND HUGE SAVINGS
01 Mitsubishi Gallant $11,750 Automatic, Power Package, Low Payments Available
97 Passat GLX VR6 $9,700 Leather, Sunroof, Alloy, Automatic, Low Miles
GERALD JONES SELECT 1775 Gordon Highway (next to Gerald Jones Volvo)
61 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
62 continued from page 61 M E T R O S P I R I T S E P T 1 9 2 0 0 2
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 DODGE RAM SL, local trade, 22K, tilt, cruise, V8, auto, chrome wheels, sport appearance package & more, $14,995, Pontiac Master, 706-855-9400 (583/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 FORD F150 XLT Quad cab, blue, V8, auto, CD, low miles, Budget Car Sales, Ernie, 706-2285227 (589/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2001 FORD RANGER XLT Quad cab, V6, auto, cass, alloy wheels, very clean, $10,980, Auto Liquidators, 706-560-0667 (483/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 GMC SONOMA, 2700 miles, king cab, $13,990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (522/919)
Vans 1985 FORD HI-TOP conversion van, 351 w 100K, trans, 12K, CD, color TV, good tires, new front brakes, AC compressor 5yrs old, $1300 negotiable, 706-793-4440 (281/905) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1991 FORD AEROSTAR Cargo XLT, 96K, new 134 air, auto, cruise, PS, PB, cage, $3100, 706-7384270 (551/926) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1992 MAZDA MPV, burgundy, sunroof, CD, auto, AC, reliable, $2900, 706-854-1278 (534/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1996 MERCURY VILLAGER LS,
auto, AC, V6, 7 passenger, XC, $7500, #P8742A, Bobby Jones Ford, 706-738-8000 (402/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1997 MERCURY VILLAGER LS, all options, 47K, leather, power sunroof, 6 CD changer and power lift for scooter, $13,000, OBO, 706860-3338 (536/1017) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1998 PLYMOUTH GRAND Voyager, like new, loaded, $9990, Auto Liquidators, 706-560-0667 (484/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 FORD WINDSTAR, Family getting bigger, running out of room, want to take a vacation, this vehicle can solve all your transportation needs. Budget Car Sales, Tommie Mack, 706-228-5227 (594/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1999 HONDA ODYSSEY EX,
$19,990, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (332/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 FORD E350, 15 passenger van, 43K, loaded, dual AC, $15,999, call Roger@ Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (420/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 OLDSMOBILE SILHOUETTE Premiere, $17,490, Honda Cars of Aiken, 800-207-5771 (333/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2000 PONTIAC MONTANA, blue/gray bottom, #P-3144, $14,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (490/919) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 PONTIAC TRANSPORT, factory warranty, $18,990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-279-9143 (525/919)
Visit our Web Site at www.metspirit.com Due to the recent brush fire in Aiken, we missed several days of sales & service ... to catch up with sales objectives we are having a
2002 Civic LX
2002 Accord LX 4 Dr Equipment: Air, power windows & locks, AM/FM with CD, 6 speaker sound system, cruise control, child safety anchors & tethers, fold down center arm rest, trunk pass through with lock, cup holders (front & rear), center console arm rest with storage, sunglasses holder, locking glovebox, micron air filtration system, remote trunk release, intermittent windshield wipers, rear window defroster with timer, illuminated dual vanity mirrors, map lights, floor mats, power rear view mirrors, 4 wheel double wishbone suspension, Michelin tires and more!
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2001 Chevy Camaro, Sharp! $15,948 1999 Ford Explorer
Sunroof, Clean!.................$14,931
1999 Honda Accord
$850 Automatic
Low Miles, Certified!.........$15,943
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Visit our website www.csrahonda.com *Must choose from in stock units in dealer’s inventory. Glamour color additional $400. Automatic additional $850. All prices plus tax, tag & fees & include any applicable incentives. Dealer installed accessories may vary on units. **$0 Down: With approved Credit