METRO SPIRIT October 2-8 Vol. 15, No. 9
Augusta’s Independent Voice
Inside: Summerville Tour of Homes p. 18, “Rent” at the Bell p. 24
S G N A G or Wannabes? p. 12
2 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Know The Facts Clear Channel Radio CSRA Myth vs. Fact MYTH Clear Channel Radio dominates radio in the United States FACT There are more than 13,000 radio stations in the United States with 3,800 station owners. Clear Channel owns just 9% of the stations
MYTH Clear Channel Corporate dictates what we should play and do in the CSRA. FACT Clear Channel Radio local managers make their own decisions about programming and community events.
MYTH Clear Channel Radio is not involved in the CSRA. FACT Clear Channel has helped make it possible for the Augusta Players to present it’s productions to sell out crowds. Kudos to Clear Channel for ruly caring about the arts in the CSRA. – Augusta Players Clear Channel is the united way of the CSRA – United Way of the CSRA Clear Channel helps the Augusta Mini Theatre reach the underserved... n many cases, the overlooked – Augusta Mini Theatre Clear Channel is a true team partner with our many events and sports organizations. They are an enthusiastic cheerleader – Greater Augusta Sports Council The Augusta Youth Center Inc. would like to thank Clear Channel for caring about our children. Because when the chips were down, they were around – The Augusta Youth Center Clear Channel’s sponsorship of The Mo’ Tenors gave the Symphony its most diverse audience in years – The Augusta Symphony
Not only does Clear Channel support the fund raising endeavors of the CMC throughout the year, but through the WBBQ Radiothon alone has raised over $250,000 since its beginning three years ago. – MCG Children’s Medical Center At a time most critical for our community and our United Way, Clear Channel made it possible for us to get the message of our focus on what matters to the citizens of Aiken County – United Way of Aiken County Clear Channel supported our 9/11 Remembrance Blood Drive by providing 5 free radio remotes at all of our locations. That day, 346 donors came by to give blood. – The Shepeard Community Blood Center Without Clear Channel’s support, we could not fulfill our mission of ending hunger in the 25 county area of the CSRA. – The Golden Harvest Food Bank
This message is brought to you by the 94 employees of Clear Channel Radio CSRA. We’re your friends and neighbors. We live here too. For information about Clear Channel CSRA Cares, contact John Patrick at 706-396-6000 Ext.137 or
Contents Metro Spirit
3 Drop In Anytime
We’re Dying to See You!
O C T O B E R 2 - 8 • F R E E W E E K LY • M E T R O S P I R I T. C O M
SO-oo Go-o-od It’s scary treats, temptations, tricks
Gangs ... or Wannabes?
By Brian Neill.............................................................12
Bats-Baskets-Bears-Candles-Candlesnuffers-Candy-Candy Dishes-Cards-Cats-Chip & DipCookies-Cookie Cutters-Cookie Jars-Lanterns-Mugs-Napkins-Napkin Rings-PlacematsOrnaments-Pitchers-Spiders-Spreaders-Trays-Witches 3626 Walton Way - Augusta 738-6125
Cover Design: Stephanie Bell Photo courtesy of Richmond County Sheriff’s Department
Stop By and say boo!
Reading in the Dark By Stacey Eidson ................................................................15 Summerville Fall Tour of Homes Begins Oct. 10 By Rhonda Jones ...........................18
Whine Line ......................................................................4 Words ...............................................................................4 This Modern World .........................................................4 Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down ............................................6 Suburban Torture ...........................................................6 Letters to the Editor .......................................................8 Insider ...........................................................................10
4432 Washington Road, Evans GA (across from Evans Diner) 706-228-1661
Tabernacle Baptist Church Celebrates the Sixth Pastoral Anniversary of Reverend Otis B. Moss, III
“Rent” Is Due Oct. 14 ..................................................24 “The Three Musketeers” Is a Real Guy Ballet .........32 “Dr. Faustus” Deals in Dark Themes .........................34
8 Days a Week .............................................................26
“Three Musketeers” Is a Real Guy Ballet...............................................32
Covers Gone Bad ............................................................42 Brandon Bower Purveys Music With a Message ........44 Music by Turner ..............................................................44 Music Minis ....................................................................46 Night Life .........................................................................47
News of the Weird ........................................................50 Brezsny's Free Will Astrology ......................................51 New York Times Crossword Puzzle ............................51 Amy Alkon: The Advice Goddess ................................52 Date Maker ...................................................................53 Classifieds .....................................................................55
Friday Night Live with
Movie Listings .............................................................36 Review: “Duplex” .........................................................39 Review: “School of Rock” ...........................................40 Movie Clock ..................................................................41
Everything 30% Off
METRO SPIRIT is a free newspaper published weekly on Thursday, 52 weeks of the year. Editorial coverage includes ar ts, local issues, news, enter tainment, people, places and events. In our paper appear views from across the political and social spectrum. The views do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers. Visit us at Copyright © Metro Spirit, Inc. Reproduction or use without permission is prohibited. Phone: (706) 738-1142 Fax: (706) 733-6663 E-mail: Letters to the Editor: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, Ga. 30914-3809
October 10th 7 p.m. Tickets are complimentary, but you must get yours in advance.
From the Steve Harvey Show!
TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH 1223 Laney-Walker Boulevard
M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
4 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Whine Line G
reat job, Arts Council, on a terrific Arts in the Heart this year! The Augusta Common and adjacent areas looked so beautiful! My family and I came several times over the weekend and saw great bands, amazing craft booths and had terrific food. Yeah, it’s too bad that some of the countries backed out, and that the booth fees went up, but in spite of that the festival was packed all three days with people who were doing their part to support the Augusta arts scene and the downtown area. It was a wonderful festival! Augusta has the most poorly timed traffic lights of any place that I have ever been. Why do I need to stop for a red light on Central Avenue only to find no traffic coming across the road? What is the deal with the lights on Reynolds Street? Are they afraid that we are going to turn Reynolds Street into the Autobahn? In other places, a group of 20 or 30 cars has to come to a stop so that one solitary car can pull out from an obscure side street. It makes no sense. This is to all the single mothers out there whining about how expensive school uniforms are. When you decided to have your multiple children, did it once occur to you how expensive parenthood would be? So “Weasley” Clark is finally showing his true colors: no firm standing on any issue, managing to straddle the fence on each question ... Yes indeed, he was and is Clinton’s general. President Bush is asking Congress for $87 billion to help rebuild Iraq. When you make out that check, remember there are two Ls in Halliburton. In the news: “Toughman Death Lawsuits.” Hey man —you said you were tough!
Well, Pam Tucker and Linda Fulmer in Columbia County got their way. I think it is awful that taxpayer money will go to burn up man’s best friend. Let’s get someone in there that is not so anxious to kill off everything on (Fridays) Fry Days! Thanks to the Metro Spirit and Brian Neill for having the courage to present an accurate, fair and balanced article on same sex marriage/relationships. It’s about time that someone printed the truth that same sex couples do not want special rights, but just the same rights that every other American has — health insurance survivor rights, protection against hate crimes, etc. Thanks to those couples who showed great courage and agreed to be interview and allowed us to be welcomed into their homes. Spirit! Please! That cover photo on the September 25 issue made me lose my lunch! Double puke! Live however you want, just please keep your “alternative lifestyle” in the closet where it belongs! Finally, some great news came out about the industry I love to loathe. Some new company is manufacturing bigger and better diamonds in a lab instead of the old “pipeline” way. Jewelers like DeBeers are highly upset because their “A Diamond is Forever” days are numbered. Okay gays, let me get this straight. All of you will stop your whining if you can just receive benefits like married heterosexual couples? Sure you will. I’m not sitting out back under a marmalade sky, sipping my coffee, doing crosswords with my cat; but I’ll have to say, during Isabel’s landfall I flipped away from the Weather Channel and any
Words “I know we take football serious in the South, but that’s crossing the line.” – Jefferson County (Ala.) Deputy Randy Christian told The Birmingham News after an Alabama man was charged with attempted murder for holding a gun to his son’s head and pulling the trigger following the University of Alabama’s double-overtime loss to Arkansas on Sept. 27. According to reports, the bullet barely missed the 20-year-old son, who told police that he picked the wrong time to ask his dad to borrow the family car.
other talking-meat-puppet on a cable news channel every time I saw one of those idiotic reporters trying to remain upright under hurricane conditions saying, “Hey look how bad the wind is!” Nevermind the fact that people will lose their homes and lives when it’s passed — “Look at me! It’s windy!” Why must natural disasters like that be presented as great television? ‘Scuse me, but if everyone was gay, how would the population of the world survive? Gays shouldn’t have access to children that belong to straight people. Period. Congratulations about town for the Augusta Magazine’s “Best Of” awards that they gave their advertisers again this year. What a huge disappointment the Italy booth was at the Arts Festival. It was a poor representation of what Italian food
really is. They had no authentic Italian food. They sold pizza, which around here is a Southern, American-style pizza. It is not made this way in Italy. The “Italian ice” was prepackaged frozen slush, nothing near as good as the real stuff. And don’t let me get started about those “Italian cookies”: since when are chocolate chip cookie and brownies considered an Italian dessert? Thanks for the opportunity to vent my disappointment. To the whiner complaining about the “artsy people.” It’s the artsy people that put on the “entertainment.” This year it looked like an attempt to compete with the craft show that is held at Southgate Plaza. Remember it’s “Arts” in the Heart not “siding-roofing” and “tattooing” as we had this year. My guess is you bought lottery tickets while at the festival too ... now that’s entertainment. continued on page 6
Powerful. Nimble. Reserved.
M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Introducing the redesigned HONDA ACCORD available at
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O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Thumbs Up
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Thumbs Down What’s going on over at Augusta Neighborhood Improvement Corp.? Why can’t ANIC pay the city the $750,000 it promised to contribute to the Augusta Common project? According to The Augusta Chronicle, the money is more
than a year past due. A few years ago, former state Sen. Charles Walker proudly boasted that he had brought more than $20 million home to ANIC from the state. So where’s the money?
Channel 66
2820 Washington Rd. 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday Closed Sundays 733-6747 or 800-798-6747 Member American Gem Society
continued from page 4
Suburban Torture BY
funds for the Aiken Center for the Arts. In planning the event, Aiken took a cue from much larger cities such as New Orleans, which embarked on a similar project several years ago with giant fish decorated in artistic, and sometimes humorous, ways. Way to go, Aiken.
Stuart Wild
Magnolias Flowers
Meet the New Augusta LYNX HEAD COACH
“Horseplay,” the fundraiser for the Aiken Center for the Arts, is a great idea that can only build on Aiken’s already charming character. Thirty fiberglass horses have been colorfully decorated by local artists and will be placed throughout the city. After six months, the horses will be auctioned off to raise
Thank you Brian Neill for your article on gay marriage and for sharing the lives of three couples who sound just like any married couples anywhere. If our closedminded locals would spend less time trying to be the thought and morality patrol for everyone who’s ever had an independent thought, just think of how great this community could be. Brian Halterman and his “yes” men commission have met their match in the Silver Rhino’s Tim Shelnut. Let’s get ready to rumble. Thank you so much for the article on gay unions. All of my co-workers thoroughly enjoyed the information and stated they had no idea what the true issues were involving gay rights. It was also nice for them to see that gay couples are just like any other couples. Keep up the good work! Thank you for such a lovely article on the gay couples in the Augusta area. I found the article to be very enlightening and warm. My hat is off to the three couples who were brave enough to be interviewed and photographed. They are the few brave “couples” in our area who speak for a lot
of others who fear being ostracized by our narrow-minded community for being gay. Too bad we can’t all be as loving and caring as they are. They are an asset to our community and should be applauded for their courage. I look forward to more of the same in the future issues of your paper. Thanks to the Metro Spirit and Brian Neill for having the courage to present an accurate, fair and balanced article on same sex marriage/relationships. My child in middle school has picture day tomorrow but he has to abide by uniform code or else. So the pictures that I am paying for have to have my kid in red white or blue or he gets in school detention or suspension, while my 16-year-old year old misses hours of classes last week due to bomb threats but no one cares. Now I know why Richmond County is ranked so low nationally and locally ... We have our priorities all screwed up! My whine is that a very fearful circumstance occurred to me on the Riverwalk. A man sitting on one of the benches by the play area where the children are playing at lunchtime was watching them and I thought he was a parent or guardian. I went into the bathroom and when I came out, he was on his bike which was apparently continued on page 7
continued from page 6 along the river. A few times he sped up and went ahead of me, but I could see the top of his head as he was sitting on his bike waiting alongside the wall by the steps of the amphitheatre. He didn’t say a word or make an obscene gesture, but it was very scary and unnerving. I ran up the steps of the amphitheatre and kept on running until I was in my vehicle, and now I am afraid to go walking by the river at noon. Many years ago Mike Annis was our school board trustee. I don’t care who runs against him for Superior Court in the next election. Even though I am a conservative Republican, I will vote against Annis! This is in response to the person who complained about the police presence at First Friday. If they weren’t contemplating breaking the law, they shouldn’t care how many officers were there. I am a business owner on Broad Street and, along with me, three other business owners that I know of have complained time and time again (to the sheriff) about “aggressive pan-handling” on Broad Street. Nothing is done about it, and this is a problem getting bigger and worse everyday. I can’t wait to vote so I can vote for anyone but you. Maybe if these
guys started harassing people at the Augusta Country Club you would do something about it.
Drug or Alcohol Problems?
I am so tired of hearing people say bad things about George Bush based on Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. What they need to look at is the fact that the Clinton administration cut our military by great amounts and we have been safe for the past two years. There has been a lot of talk in the last month or two concerning the new farmers market being on Broad Street, now on Reynolds Street. Why do we need a new farmers market? There is a farmers market that has been here for many, many years, located between Gordon Highway and the Exchange Club fairgrounds. The booths there are cheaper to rent than the ones that the city is having located on Reynolds St. so why not use them? Why do we have to have a new farmers market? Why can’t people go to the old one and use it and support the people who have been there for many, many years?
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M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2
1701 Wrightsboro Rd Augusta, GA 30904
— Call our Whine Line at 510-2051 and leave your comments. We won’t use your name. Fax your whines by dialing (706) 733-6663 or e-mail your whines to
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Letters to the Editor
City Should Take Care of Existing Businesses
2 2 0 0 3
Dear Editor, The powers that be seem baffled and mystified that values are down in the county and have called for an investigation of Sonny Reece, the tax appraiser. Do the mayor and council not realize that good businesses have been leaving Augusta for decades? Does the mayor not realize that Augusta/Richmond County is very unfriendly to business? Oh yes, they jump through hoops to get new businesses in, but the needs of exsisting businesses are ignored. Access streets are the lifeblood of retail business establishments, yet city streets resemble bombed out roads in a war zones, cutting off access to stores, and it will stay that way for years. On Sept. 18, 2003, half of the Gordon Highway bridge and overpass was shut down and stayed that way for months because nobody knew what they were doing or how to do it. Reynolds Street is blocked in the 700 block for some sort of artsy show, and, on Thursday no less, Ellis
Street was blocked in two places because the Board of Education needs a palace rather than a building and a school decided they needed to add a building in the middle of the street itself, permanently blocking it. Eighth Street is blocked with tents waiting to be assembled. Twelfth Street is closed at the bus station. Having little artsy-craftsy, do-good events and undercapitalized novelty shops are not going to do one thing to increase values of property in the county. Every time a business moves away, especially a supermarket, the vacant building is taken over by some religious cult that results in zero taxes due to their exempt status. The County Commission and most of the boards are living examples of unstable government. If the county wants businesses to stay around so that property values won’t take a plunge, then they should stop running them out of town. Very truly yours, Allen W. Johnson
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Letters to the Editor
Names of Korean War Vets Needed for Memorial Dear Editor, The Korean War Memorial Committee in Augusta is planning to erect a memorial and dedicate it in on or before Memorial Day, May 31, 2004. The memorial will honor Korean War Veterans from the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), which includes 16 counties in Georgia and five counties in South Carolina. The memorial Committee is seeking the names of everyone from the CSRA that served in the military in Korea, Korean waters or Korean air space between June 25, 1950 and July 27, 1953. Our memorial will be almost identical to the memorial shown here, which is in Missoula, Mont. Their memorial was dedicated June 14, 1997. The photo was taken on the 5th anniversary of its dedication, in 2002. The civilian is the Korean Consulate General from Seattle, Wash. The Air Force officer is Major General Nels Running, Chairman of the 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee. According to the Augusta Chamber of Commerce, the CSRA consists of the following Georgia counties: Burke, Columbia, Emanuel, Glascock, Hancock, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson,
Lincoln, McDuffie, Richmond, Screven, Taliaferro, Warren, Washington and Wilkes; the South Carolina counties of Aiken, Allendale, Barnwell, Edgefield and McCormick. We want the names of veterans whose home of record was in the CSRA during the Korean War, veterans who now live in the CSRA, and veterans who were living in the CSRA at the time of their deaths. We would like to have the veteran’s name; whether they are deceased; county (of residence, during the Korean War, presently, or at the time of their death); whether the veteran was KIA, MIA or was a POW; branch of service (during the Korean War); rank or rating (during the Korean War); unit or ship in Korea; dates served in Korea; and date of birth. We would like to have the information no later than December 31, 2003. We are not asking for contributions. A local Korean family is sponsoring the memorial. This is their way of thanking the American servicemen and women for saving the Republic of Korea from communist rule. The list below includes the names that we now have. They are listed in alphabetical order under the county that they now live in, lived in when they died or under the county they lived in during the
S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Korean War (if they no longer live in the CSRA). Please submit names of everyone that served in Korea during the war. If you have submitted a name before, and it isn’t on this list, please submit it again with all the required data. We may be contacted as follows: In the Aiken, S.C., area, call (803) 641-3117. Outside the Aiken area, including areas in Georgia and other states, call toll-free (877) 641-3117. These telephone num-
bers will be good until the first part of November. The information may also be mailed to The Korean War Memorial, P.O. Box 6234, North Augusta, S.C. 29861-6234 or e-mailed to Sincerely yours, Harold W. Harmon, Captain, USNR (Ret.) Committee Chairman
Korean War Memorial Aiken County Harold F. Adkison (MIA) Jack M. Adkison Jay J. Arnold Thomas Axson Ralph Barber Robert Baris Donnie E. Bell (KIA) Freddie L. Bradshaw (KIA) Charles F. Brewer, Jr. Tracy Bronson, Sr. Harold Carter (KIA) Edwin D. Chavous (KIA) Murray M. Chitty Jerry J. Clark Lawrence N. Day, Jr. David Dubose Bobby G. Etheredge Charles M. Fletcher Rudolph C. Garland (KIA) Irby T. Grant Freddie H. Gray (POW) Elmer Hammons Harold W. Harmon Sidney Hartley Robert E. Hatch (MIA) Blake Hill Jack R. Holton George Hook (POW) C. Clyde Hooks Raymond A. Hutto Robert A. Johnson
Simon E. Jones Robert V. Krepps, Sr. Silas O. Lambert Carl E. Lee Jack A. Maier F. L. “Mike” McIlvried George L. Miller Jack R. Moore Davis S. Muns (KIA) Stanley T. Obanion (KIA) James M. Pack John D. Palmer Leo H. Passmore W. Harold Prothman Roy Robinson (KIA) Carol B. Ross (KIA) Elvin A. Rutland (KIA) Thomas L. Schinskey E. C. Shuford C. D. “Don” Smith Thayer Snipes Jack H. Spearman Clifton H. Watson (KIA) Carl Weatherman (POW) Jack D. Whittle (KIA) Charles F. Wienbeck, Sr. Eugene Williamson (KIA) Jack W. Yon (KIA) Walter R. Youngblood Allendale County Hansel Bunton, Jr. (KIA)
Samie Capers (KIA) Willie L. Johns (KIA) Julius E. O’Neal (MIA) Richard B. Ready (KIA) Barnwell County L. Q. Blackwell Ralph T. Jones, Jr. Fred B. Lowe Jack E. McDonald (KIA) Elijah Odom (KIA) Jerry H. Ratliff (KIA) Sammie Sanders Daniel O. Stoudemire Burke County Fred Chambers, Jr. Charles E. Dickey Jack M. Holland Guy B. Kelly, Jr. (KIA) William J. King (MIA) Edward E. Wilson Judson H. Wynne, Jr. Columbia County Charles R. Beasley Louis W. Bontempo Edwin M. Drose, Sr. Frank Harris (KIA) John R. Howard, Sr. Edward D. Hunter (KIA) Wayne S. Lethgo
Woodburn J. Mickel, Jr. Floyd Pate (POW) John E. Pierson J. Paschall Price Jule T. Rucker James S. Thigpen Eugene R. Wilson Edgefield County Isaac Andrews (KIA) Willie C. Campbell Walter L. Dandy, Jr. Tom Dorn James R. Grice Joseph W. Hamilton (KIA) John W. Harvey Frank Litke Memminge Nicholson (KIA) Eulia Padgett (KIA) Nelson G. Smith Emanuel County M. E. “Bud” Clarkson Woodrow Collins (KIA) James L. Green (KIA) William J. King, Jr. (KIA) Luther C. Riner (MIA) Kenneth Sammons Welton P. Trull, Jr. (KIA) Glascock County Van B. Sammons (KIA)
Hancock County Benjamin Poole (KIA) Berry W. Turner (KIA) Jefferson County Paul Blackstock (KIA) Charlie L. Cato (KIA) Billy E. Gay (KIA) Warren R. Hammett (KIA) James Ray (KIA) Matthew Tally (KIA) Jenkins County John E. Hendley W. Casey Johnson Thomas M. Lane, Jr. (KIA) Walter E. Penndorf Grady L. Wilson Lincoln County George G. Bennett, (KIA) Welcome Leverett (KIA) James A. Reed Ronald E. Ward McCormick County Henry P. Agnew (KIA) James W. Britt James R. Curtis James O. Ferqueron John L. Haffeman John T. Harris (KIA)
Walter J. Vilkas Walter Zust, Jr. McDuffie County Corydon W. Benton (KIA) Forrest Crutfield William Lewis (KIA) Walter W. Perry Rogers Porter (KIA) Roger L. Reid Edward E. Sturkey Richmond County Robert Adams (KIA) William B. Adams Raymond J. Adamson Kenneth K. Badke (POW) William J. O. Barnard Raleigh E. Barton, Jr. (KIA) Otto H. Benson Joseph A. Bowen (KIA) Billie L. Braswell (KIA) Ollie R. Cain Charles M. Carswell John L. Childress (KIA) Linton J. Cowart (KIA) Earl G. Davis (KIA) James B. Davis (KIA) Howard R. Elliott Carter B. Hagler (KIA) Samuel E. Jenkins Benjamin Johnson (KIA)
Legend: KIA = Killed in Action • MIA = Missing in Action • POW = Prisoner of War
Albert T. Jones (KIA) Matthew Kitt (KIA) Hayward R. Lee (KIA) Charles W. McLeod Herman W. Miller (KIA) Walter D. Phillips, Jr. (KIA) Robert H. Powell Richard E. Prior (KIA) John M. Rooks (POW) L. Glenn Sewell Norman M. Shved John P. Singleton (KIA) Tony A. Spivey Walter P. Spivey (POW) Jessie T. Ward (KIA) Screven County Willard A. Bazemore (MIA) Nicholas M. Bragg (KIA) Crawford W. Burke (KIA) Sam L. Cochran (POW) Leonard W. Collins, Sr. Grady L. Freeman (KIA) Carson Lee, Jr. (KIA) Lyman V. Lee, Sr. Linward E. McDowell Robert H. Steele Taliaferro County John R. Allen Richard A. Chew Charles T. Edwards
D. Max Edwards Warren L. Hunter Robert Harold Kendrick Lloyd E. Kinsey (POW) W. T. “Billy” Neal R. L. “Bobby” Veazey Frank R. Yearwood R. Frank Yearwood Washington County Charles A. Lord (KIA) James W. Snell (KIA) James R. Stapleton (MIA) Charlie Wilcher, Jr. (MIA) Wilkes County Clyde Broome, Jr. Hugh Broome Robert Broome Clifford A. Chafin George L. Hale, Jr. Gartrell E. Robinson R. Wallace Rodgers James R. Schroeder (KIA)
10 M E T R O S P I R I T
Free Phone Call
O C T 2 2 0 0 3
William Sussman
———ATTORNEY AT LAW ——— 347 Greene Street • Augusta, Georgia
(706) 724-3331
See Page 46
for the Three D’s of Music:
Death, Doom and Destruction
f e r s e t b 2003 o t k O Evenings October 12TH thru 16TH • Live • Shots of Entertainment Schnapps • Special Fest • Boots of Beer Menu • Dancing in • Duck Dance the Aisles • Jaegerettes Group reservations accepted with deposit.
Children’s Week Festival Eighth Street Plaza 1-5pm Sponsored by the Augusta Richmond County Community Partnership for Children and Family. This event will feature games, an educational fair and plenty of entertainment for children to enjoy. For more information, contact Polly Peavler 706-721-7413
Opinion: Insider
On the Campaign Trail Moses Todd To Stump for Handy Former District 4 Augusta Commissioner Moses Todd is coming to town to attend a campaign event in support of former District 2 Commissioner Freddie Handy who wants his old job back. Handy was sent packing by the current commissioner from the district, Marion Williams. Todd was a popular and wellMoses Todd informed commissioner during his time in government. His integrity was never in question and while he attempted to take care of the needs in his district, he generally voted for the best interests of the entire county. He was interested in promoting the needs of his African-American constituency but he often crossed racial lines to do what he considered to be the right thing for Augusta and Richmond County. Todd was respected by his peers and most Augustans. His only drawback was that he, like a couple of other commissioners, had a propensity to talk too much at commission meetings. Todd left the commission to run for mayor in 1998. He was soundly defeated in an election that featured name-recognition heavyweights like former Mayor Ed McIntyre, then-mayor Larry Sconyers, and political newcomer and ultimate victor, Bob Young. Todd never had a chance. Handy is wise to bring Todd into the campaign. For those old-time politicos who knew and miss Todd, the campaign event will represent an opportunity to catch up with the former commissioner. The event will be held on Thursday, Oct. 9, at the Old Government House located on Telfair Street. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. and continue until 9 p.m. Grantham Taking GOP Heat Hardcore Republicans are griping that 10th District Augusta Commission candidate Don Grantham is not a real Republican. The carping started well before Grantham announced his intent to run. Card-carrying GOP’ers say Grantham has never really been involved with the local party or helped Republicans in any partisan campaigns. The fact that the crowd at the announcement of his candidacy was Don Grantham dominated by Democrat-leaning attendees also miffed die-hard Republicans, who say
they weren’t invited. Grantham is attempting to mend fences and, apparently, he’s making some progress. Republicans are extremely sensitive in these matters but when an assessment of the candidates in the 10th District is made, Grantham comes up the logical choice. If GOP types shun Grantham and back cardcarrying Republican Sonny Pittman, they will be the laughingstock of most reasonable people. More likely, staunch Republicans will fall in line with Grantham or simply not actively work for any candidate. We’ll see. Regardless, Grantham will be the next commissioner from the 10th District. Robin Williams Flying High Federal investigators have joined the investigation of possible wrongdoing at the Community Mental Health Center of East Central Georgia. Almost immediately following the take over the probe, the feds began calling witnesses in the case. The chaos at the center made headlines months ago when whistleblowers exposed Robin Williams questionable contracts and business dealings between the center and high-profile political figures. International Consulting Corp., a company with ties to former Augusta state Rep. Robin Williams, received a lucrative consulting contract from the center while several of his cronies were running the place. The deal was apparently so questionable the company returned most of the fee. Of approximately $250,000 paid to the company, $208,000 was returned to the mental health center according to press reports at the time. Two people, who were both close to Williams, were given leave from the center when the initial investigation got underway. Meanwhile, Williams is flying high, literally, and making big bucks as a consultant to governors and legislators in several states. He has become so successful that he has purchased his own plane and reportedly pilots himself and his clients all over the place. Williams took 10 years in the Georgia legislature and parlayed it into big bucks. Whether the federal probe will ground the highflying Williams is anybody’s guess. —The views expressed in this column are the views of The Insider and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher.
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S G N A G or Wannabes?
by Brian Neill
“They’re (school administrators) concerned and they should be. And not only are they concerned about the fact of, what could occur as far as injuries, but again, it’s interfering with their missions, which is to teach these kids. How can you teach in that kind of environment where every two hours you’re having to evacuate the school because some fool’s calling in a bomb threat?” — Lt. John Francisco, head of the violent crimes section of the Richmond County Sheriff’s Department
ollowing a Friday night high school football game just over a month ago, two groups of teens met in the parking lot of a McDonald’s on Highway 25. It didn’t take long for some kids in the two packs to recognize each other, and taunts and angry words were soon exchanged in the parking lot. It turned out some of these teens belonged to two rival gangs — the Georgia Deadly Boys and the Fairington Gangsta Thugs, authorities say. A fight broke out and one of the teens was left beaten and unconscious in the parking lot. Richmond County sheriff’s investigators rounded up two suspects in the beating who both claimed gang affiliation. But these two teens differed from the typical gang member profile. They both made A’s and B’s in school and played for the Cross Creek High School football team. “Every one of them, except the guy that got knocked out, they were all football players,” said Investigator Kenneth Rogers of the Richmond County sheriff’s violent crimes section, adding that the fight was over a previous altercation the two groups had last school year. Immediately after the McDonald’s incident, investigators say, two acts of suspected retaliation occurred in the Fairington neighborhood, the community for which members of the Fairington Gangsta Thugs take their name. On Aug. 30 someone shot up a house on Beacon Hill Drive. The next day, a woman in the same neighborhood had a gun pointed at her by some youths in a car, authorities said. Other incidents have occurred that also point to a rising gang problem among Richmond County youth. • On Sept. 9, authorities arrested 19-year-old Frederick Orlando McNeal, on three separate charges of transmitting a false public alarm for phoning in bomb threats to Cross Creek High School. McNeal, a former Cross Creek student who
lives in the Fairington neighborhood, has not officially been linked with any gang, authorities said. Since McNeal’s arrest, there has been a rash of bomb threats. Authorities with the Richmond County Sheriff’s Department confirmed bomb threats at Butler and Cross Creek high schools on Sept. 24. The following day, there were two separate bomb threats called in to Cross Creek. “It has happened quite often here of late,” said school board spokesperson, Mechelle Jordan. “And we are in the process of trying to get to the bottom of it, working closely with the sheriff’s department, and following the procedure each time a bomb threat comes in — bringing in the K9 units, evacuating the schools. But we do realize this is definitely happening quite a bit here lately.” • On Sept. 24, authorities arrested 17-year-old Eric Allen for his alleged involvement in a Sept. 19 incident in which several carloads of men pulled up to members of the T.W. Josey High School cross-country team and threatened one team member with guns. According to authorities, Allen claimed affiliation with the Sunset Boys gang, whose members live in the Cherry Tree Crossing public housing complex. Allen, who authorities said was driving one of the vehicles, was charged with reckless misconduct after allegedly brushing against one of the runners with the vehicle as he drove away. Another man, Mikael Frails, 18, was also arrested in the incident. A third suspect, 17-year-old Javarius Wynn, was still being sought at presstime. • On Sept. 26, police charged 17-year-old Thomas Coleman Jr., and an unnamed juvenile with terroristic threats after they allegedly attacked a Cross Creek High School basketball team member who was walking home in the Fairington neighborhood. Authorities said Coleman and the juvenile, a 16-year-old male, both claimed affiliation with the Georgia Deadly Boys.
• Another former Cross Creek student, 15year-old Larry Drayton, was shot and killed outside his sister’s apartment, where he was living while attending alternative school. Authorities said Drayton was sent to alternative school because of fights he’d gotten into at Cross Creek. Lt. John Francisco, who heads the Richmond County sheriff’s violent crimes section, said the investigation into the shooting is ongoing, but no information has yet linked the killing with gang activity. Francisco said that none of the gangs found locally so far have had national affiliation. They aren’t hard-core groups of criminals like the Crips, the Bloods or the Latin Kings, he said. “You can’t associate the gang activities which we see in the larger cities with what we’re seeing here,” Francisco said, adding that most of the local gangs are neighborhood based. In addition to the Sunset Boys, the Fairington Gangsta Thugs and the Georgia Deadly Boys, who hail from the Travis Road area in south Augusta, authorities have been able to document a handful of other neighborhood gangs, including: Ninth Street Ward, from the southern portion of Ninth Street; the Old Savannah Boys, in the Old Savannah Road area; and the Southside Posse, in the Dogwood Terrace public housing community. Unlike nationally syndicated gangs, Francisco said many local gang members have fickle affiliations with their groups. For instance, in big-city gangs, one becomes a member for life and faces dire consequences if he wants to leave. In the case of these local gangs, membership rolls are often thinned with simple life progressions, like graduating from high school or getting a full-time job, Francisco said. He refers to such gang members as “wannabes.” However, Francisco warns that the actions of a limited set of local gang members should not be taken lightly. “They are very capable of doing serious damage,” Francisco said. “Because again, we’re talking 16, 17, 18-year-olds, who carry weapons.” “If you beat up the Georgia Deadly Boys, like happened at McDonald’s, the Georgia Deadly Boys are going to retaliate against you, or your family, or what have you,” Rogers added. But athletes and A students as gang members? “It’s atypical. I mean there’s no doubt about it,” Francisco said. “Again, it’s not out of character either. Yes, you have some real, live
thugs in these gangs, but at the same time, you have these others who are affiliated with a gang that are on sports teams, are good students, probably are not disruptive in school, but are still affiliated with these same thugs that are disruptive or have quit school. Some of them have futures, and some of them are thugs. They have no future. “It is a hard concept to say, ‘Why are these kids associating with these kids?’ It doesn’t make any sense, because you assume naturally that A-B (average) football kids are going to associate with A-B football kids. But again, these gangs are associated with neighborhoods. Not with schools, not with grades, not with sports events.” Francisco said it’s also unlikely that Cross Creek, Butler and Josey are any worse than other local high schools in terms of such activity. It just seems these schools have fallen victim to a fluke cycle that, likely, will soon pass, he said. Nonetheless, Francisco said he knows some school administrators are concerned. “They’re concerned and they should be,” Francisco said. “And not only are they concerned about the fact of, what could occur as far as injuries, but again, it’s interfering with their missions, which is to teach these kids. How can you teach in that kind of environment where every two hours you’re having to evacuate the school because some fool’s calling in a bomb threat?” School officials have been mostly mum on the issues of recent criminal activity among current and former students and the existence of gangs. Lynn Warr, principal at Cross Creek, turned down an interview request through Jordan, the school board spokesperson. Richmond County School Superintendent Charles Larke could not be reached for comment, despite several messages left at his office. A parent of a Cross Creek football player, contacted randomly through a team roster, said parents had been instructed not to comment on recent activities at the school. Some law enforcement officials seemed baffled when, following the bomb threats and incidents involving the football players at McDonald’s and the Josey cross-country team member, Jordan downplayed the recent criminal activity, telling The Augusta Chronicle, “I understand police are saying that gang activity exists. (We have) nothing tangible. I can’t corroborate what he’s [a sheriff’s department official] saying.” Jordan later explained that school board
officials don’t track school incidents under a “gang activity” category. “We just don’t keep a record of gang activity,” Jordan said. “We handle every case according to policy. Any students caught fighting, anybody that brings weapons, or drugs, or alcohol on campus, we have zerotolerance. We handle it that way, but as far as actually making any notations in any reports that it was gang-related, we haven’t done that.” The Metro Spirit tried to obtain records for recent bomb threats and instances of weapons being brought to schools, but the information was unavailable as of presstime. School board Trustee Barbara Padgett said she had met once with Warr, and planned to also meet with the principal of Butler High School, where at least one bomb threat occurred in recent weeks. Padgett said Warr told her there have been no fights at Cross Creek on school grounds this year. “From what I can understand, the problems are coming from outside,” said Padgett, whose district encompasses Cross Creek and Butler. “The fact is, these people (accused of crimes) have not been in that school for one year, or two years. They don’t currently go to that school.” Of the recent criminal activity, Andrew Jefferson, another school board trustee, said, “It’s pretty visible.” “Right now, we’re leaving it in the hands of the administration and public safety,” Jefferson added. “I don’t want to say anything to disrupt what type of things they are putting in place or mess up any investigations. So I’d just rather let them handle it, without making a comment to excite the situation.” Steven Sachs, a gang expert and author of the book, “Street Gang Awareness: A Resource Guide for Parents and Professionals,” said recent gang-related activity in Augusta may be heading toward more dangerous ground. “It sounds like it’s definitely a homegrown problem where there’s no national ties to speak of and it sounds like, eventually, when these people get older it’s all going to dissipate,” Sachs said by phone. “But you’ve got people that are doing some major, major felony actions with the shootings and everything else. They’re no longer wannabes; they’ve kicked it up to the next level. “Once people start brandishing guns, they’ve taken it to a whole new level. It’s no longer ‘West Side Story.’” Asked to speculate as to why athletes and
high-achieving students had gotten caught up in gang activity, Sachs said those individuals may have delved into gangs out of curiosity or to be “cool,” and recently left them to better their lives. Unfortunately, Sachs said, it’s not always easy to leave one’s gang past behind. “Maybe you have students that were former gang members, who are now wanting to turn their life around,” Sachs said. “They’re going into the athletics and they’re going into the academia, but unfortunately, the other gangs or whoever they may have crossed over the years, haven’t forgotten. And you may just be seeing the tail end of retaliation, and that type of thing.” Sachs said the recent rash of crimes could mean that the more serious gang members in Augusta are in their “proving grounds” phase. “It’s no longer just claiming gang affiliation or talk,” Sachs said. “And that’s what makes it really dangerous. Because it’s the proving grounds, there’s like a oneupmanship. ‘We can shoot up this house. What’s next? We’ll cap somebody. We’ll just actually take somebody out, and that will prove to you folks, don’t f—— with us. We really mean business.’ “That’s actually one of the most dangerous times, because the wannabes can turn into the gonnabes.” If a parent is concerned his or her child is in a gang, Sachs has simple advice. “Ask your kids if they’re in a gang,” Sachs said. “I tell parents all the time, ‘Ask them.’” Sachs also recommends taking an occasional look around your child’s room. “I don’t advocate tearing your kid’s room to pieces, but look around,” Sachs said. “Look around for clothing that maybe is of certain, predominant colors. If a gang is flying colors, your son or daughter may be flying colors with them. “If they have snapshots or photograph albums, look through those snapshots. Because gang members love to pose, and when they pose, they love to pose with their group and will always will be flashing their gang signs, or holding a gun, or something.” If telltale signs appear, Sachs suggests enlisting the help of friends and family members — particularly those of sizeable stature — to help intervene. “You know, the kid comes home from school or comes home from whatever he’s doing, and you’ve got all your uncles and cousins standing there who are a lot bigger than (the child),” Sachs said. “Well, that’s when the dialogue begins.”
“It’s no longer just claiming gang affiliation or talk. And that’s what makes it really dangerous. Because it’s the proving grounds, there’s like a one-upmanship. ‘We can shoot up this house. What’s next? We’ll cap somebody.’“ Eric Allen
— Steven Sachs, gang expert and author
Fred McNeal
13 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Reading in the Dark J
ust before 10 a.m. on a Monday morning, Liz Corley cheerfully walks across the campus of Augusta State University and into the offices of WACG 90.7 FM radio station. With her radiant smile and sunny personality, Corley is easily someone most Augustans would love to invite into their homes for a morning chat over a warm cup of coffee. And in less than 15 minutes, a few thousand local residents will be able to do just that thanks to a statewide program called Georgia Radio Reading Service (GaRRS). With more than 100,000 people in Georgia classified as legally blind or severely visually impaired and thousands of others suffering from physical handicaps like cerebral palsy, which can make even holding books difficult, GaRRS was established in 1980 to provide those unable to read the morning paper or the latest novel with a helpful voice on the radio. Someone available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to read everything from National Geographic to Christian Science Monitor to books such as Bob Schieffer’s “This Just In: What I Couldn’t Tell You on TV.” Corley’s assignment, as a local volunteer for GaRRS, is to read The Augusta Chronicle every Monday morning from 10 to 11 a.m.
For one hour a week, Corley is not only many Augustans’ second sight, but she is also a welcomed friend for some people who may otherwise feel isolated without her Monday morning update on what’s going on in Augusta. “Is there enough to read this morning?” Corley asks Allyson Stanland, coordinator for the local GaRRS program, as she points to the Sept. 22 edition of The Augusta Chronicle neatly laid out inside the radio station’s sound booth. “There is a big old article about Governor Perdue,” Stanland answers with a smile, as Corley jokingly groans. Stanland, who has worked at WACG for the last four years, said it’s up to volunteers to decide what they want to read. “GaRRS is a 24-hour service originating from Atlanta, but we have a local broadcast here in Augusta from 10 a.m. until noon, Monday through Friday,” Stanland said. “From 10 to 11 a.m., The Augusta Chronicle is read and from 11 to 12, I let the readers pick their own material. They can pick a book or a magazine article. I’ve even had people come in and do poetry. So, it’s a hodgepodge of whatever they like. “I trust all my readers. I don’t edit them. I let them make the call on what to read.” For those who read the local newspaper in the morning, like Corley, Stanland says she only highlights local stories as suggested
M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2
By Stacey Eidson
reading material since the broadcasts from Atlanta often cover the national news. “I edit the paper for local events and stories, but I never mark out any stories enough where my readers can’t read whatever section of the newspaper they want,” Stanland said. “If they decide they want to read ‘Letters to the Editor’ that’s fine with me.” As soon as Corley heard that remark, she decided to take Stanland up on her suggestion. “You know, that’s something that I read every day at home, myself. I might start reading the ‘Letters to the Editor,’” Corley said, then whispered, “I also like to read those ‘Rants and Raves.’”
The only part of the paper that Stanland strongly suggests her volunteers read are the horoscopes. “If somebody doesn’t read the horoscopes, I’ll hear about it,” Stanland said, laughing. “It used to be, we had to read ‘Dear Abby,’ but now that her column is gone, it’s the horoscopes.” Not everyone in Augusta can tune in to GaRRS each morning to hear newspapers and books being read. The daily broadcasts are transmitted by way of subchannel radios provided by the GaRRS main office in Atlanta. Those Augustans who are legally blind or suffering from a reading disability who wish continued on page 16
“I’m sure a lot of people don’t know about this and it’s a shame because it’s such a good program.” – Liz Corley, a volunteer for Georgia Radio Reading Service
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16 M E T R O
“I have a particular reader, Carl Riddle, on Wednesday at 11. ... He puts a lot of
work into what he does because he says he wants the listeners to really see it.
O C T 2
– Allyson Stanland, coordinator for the local GaRRS program
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continued from page 15 to obtain a receiver in order to listen to GaRRS programing must fill out an application available at WACG and submit the request to the Atlanta office. “I’m sure a lot of people don’t know about this and it’s a shame because it’s such a good program,” Corley said. “I know I first heard about it when I was still working at the VA Medical Center. I worked part of the day at the downtown division and part of the day at the uptown division.” A few years ago, WACG transmitted the radio reading program over the regular airwaves and everyone could tune in to the broadcast. “I remember I started listening to a book being read and I can remember the name of the book was ‘The Mists of Avalon,’” Corley said. “I loved the book because I was so intrigued. And I thought, ‘Gee, this is something I might like to do when I retire because I love to read.’” Stanland has 10 volunteer readers, two for each day, to cover the local GaRRS broadcast. “And most of them are retired,” Stanland said. “And they’re just wonderful. I have a particular reader, Carl Riddle, on Wednesday at 11. He is originally from Virginia and he has this wonderful accent. “And like many of my readers, he will go and research things that he wants to read and he will find things that are very descriptive. Things that paint a picture for the reader. He
puts a lot of work into what he does because he says he wants the listeners to really see it. He says, ‘It’s one thing for me to stand here and read it, but it’s another thing for them to be able to visualize what I am reading.’” Jack Eckert is glad there are people like Carl Riddle out there who care so much about what they read. “I’m 80 years old and I’ve only been blind, maybe, seven years,” said Eckert from his home in Martinez. “And I’ll tell you, it’s like everything else. When you go blind, you don’t know a doggone thing. That’s the first thing that happens to you, you stand there and wonder, ‘What do I do next?’ And there are very little resources out there to tell you.” Eckert said he’s often approached by family members of people going blind and asked what they can do to help their loved ones. Eckert believes having a blind person apply for a GaRRS receiver is just as important as getting a letter from their eye doctor certifying they are legally blind for tax purposes and obtaining a handicap parking sticker for the family car. “What happens is, you fill out an application, send it off and in a few weeks, they send you a radio,” Eckert said. “And the radio is tuned to just one station, that’s them, the Georgia Radio Reading Service. They are on the air 24/7. They read all day long. And they break in on occasion, from 10 to 11, and read the local newspaper.” Eckert said he usually tunes in around 3 p.m. to hear The Wall Street Journal being read.
“A couple of things happen in my house around that time,” Eckert said. “Well, about 3 o’clock in the afternoon, my wife’s soap opera comes on. And that is the same time that The Wall Street Journal comes on the radio, so I go back in the bedroom and listen to The Wall Street Journal so I don’t have to listen to her soap opera.” But Eckert said he listens to other programs and finds them equally interesting. “They read everything under the sun from dirty books to nursery rhymes to magazines to old radio programs,” Eckert said laughing. “I’m kidding you when I say dirty books. They read books and if they’re dirty, that’s what they are. They’re just normal books.” Eckert said he will also occasionally listen to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution being read in the mornings. “They will tell you what’s going on with different restaurants, like good places to eat and even one day I think you get the grocery shopping ads from the Atlanta paper,” Eckert said. For those who enjoy listening to GaRRS, Eckert has another suggestion. He recommends those with reading disabilities apply for a program offered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) called Talking Books. NLS offers full-length books and magazines recorded and distributed through a network of regional libraries. The reading material is circulated to those who are certified unable to
read regular printed materials due to a physical limitation. “Talking Books is the greatest program that the federal government ever turned out,” Eckert said. “I spend most of my time reading Talking Books. But unfortunately, there are very few people that know about these programs. And it’s sad because it’s free.” Reading materials and specialized equipment needed to listen to Talking Books are sent to borrowers and returned to libraries by postage-free mail. In the case of GaRRS, the application requests a minimal annual donation of $35 to obtain a receiver. “They ask for a donation, but if you don’t want to donate anything or can’t afford to, they don’t take the radio back or cut you off the air or anything like that,” Eckert said. “You just keep the radio and listen. And it’s a good companion.” Eckert said it makes life a little easier. “Some people don’t like to admit they’re blind,” Eckert said. “Personally I have no problem with it. I’m blind. What the Sam Hell am I going to do about it? If there is something out there that can help me, why be embarrassed? “I have a friend that’s blind. He fights it every day. He won’t go out. He won’t go to a restaurant. He won’t do anything except sit at home alone. But heck, I get out there and drive people nuts. You got to enjoy life.”
For more information on GaRRS, contact WACG at (706) 737-1661 or call the Atlanta GaRRS office at (404) 685-2820. For information on Talking Books, contact the East Central Georgia Regional Library at (706) 821-2625 and ask for an application pertaining to the Georgia Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
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17 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2
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Summerville Fall Tour of Homes Begins Oct. 10 Once upon a time, there was no Summerville Fall Tour of Homes. That’s because there was no Summerville Neighborhood Association. But in 1976, Mary Lou Garren’s friend Gene Gibson, who owned a shop called Gibson’s Flowers and Gifts, talked her into helping him found the neighborhood association. “He had just moved into the neighborhood and wanted to meet people,” she said. “I had four kids and didn’t want to do anything.” But that day she went to a zoning committee meeting downtown to deal with another issue. That inspired her, she said, to become involved in the birth of a neighborhood association for Summerville. The neighborhood, in short, was dying. In the 1970s, she said, there was an exodus from Summerville and Augusta in general. Homes in that area could be bought for under $20,000, she said. “On the way home before I could change my mind, I said I’d do it.” She and Gibson, who has since passed away, began the work of making their organization official. Part of that involved choosing their committee members, and part of it involved actually defining the boundaries of the Summerville neighborhood, which started out as a village in 1811. In 1861, she said, Summervillle was annexed into Augusta. The Village of Summerville, Garren said, radiated 1 mile from what is now known as Gould’s corner at Walton Way and Milledge. The boundaries of the Summerville neighborhood are different, she said, because some of those areas are now zoned for business. “Obviously 15th Street is not residential anymore,” she said. Also, she added, the historic district of Summerville has different boundaries as well. They did things like make sure that properties up for sale in their neighborhood were listed as belonging to “Summerville,” and not simply as being “On the Hill.” “Our goals were to preserve and protect and enhance the neighborhood and show off its specialness, and that was the reason for the first tour.” They wasted no time organizing it. Augustans began touring Summerville homes that very October. And the character of the event has pretty much remained the same. The 1976 tour included seven houses, and they tend to include anywhere from
seven to nine spots, usually with a public spot – like a church or a cemetery – thrown in with all the homes. This year, there are seven spots on the tour, all homes. Garren is no longer involved in the Summerville Neighborhood Association. She has other interests to follow now, like her grandchildren, and likens the association to a child that has grown up and gone off to do its own thing. “You have to set them free to watch them grow,” she said. And grow it has. This year, there’s going to be a street party. The Monte Sano Rock & Stroll Lara Plocha, who is the coordinator for the first-ever Monte Sano Rock & Stroll as a board member of the Summerville Neighborhood Association, said that the intent of the party is similar to the intent of the neighborhood association itself: to show the rest of the community what Summerville’s got. “The intent of the Monte Sano Rock & Stroll is to showcase the creativity and diversity of Summerville’s resident musicians and artists.” There will be bands and artists performing and showing their stuff that evening, which is Friday, Oct. 10 from 7 p.m. until midnight, she said. A few of the people who have already committed to the project are Backup Plan, a band of Aquinas High School students whom Plocha describes as having a Green Day sort of sound; Mama ‘Chelle and the Amazing Jim Daddies, which includes two Augusta State University math professors; and artists Paul Pearman, Randy Lambeth and Donna Whaley. Some of the Monte Sano merchants will be staying open as well, Plocha said. The 26th Annual Tour of Homes itself will run from Oct. 10-12, with a candlelight tour Oct. 10 from 6-9 p.m. The day tours are Saturday, Oct. 11 from noon to 6 p.m. and Sunday, Oct. 12 from 1-6 p.m. The tour costs $5 per home, $20 for all seven. Tickets are available at St. Mary’s on the Hill Catholic School at 1220 Monte Sano Ave., and at the individual homes. Admission to the Monte Sano Rock & Stroll is free. For info, call (706) 7332788 or 733-0265. Refreshments will be sold at the Rock & Stroll. Keep reading! Below you will find photos and fun facts about each house.
By Rhonda Jones
19 M E T R O
Prior Owners: Built in 1916, the house has been owned by only five families: Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rhodes (19161971), Mr. Griswold Collier (1972-1975), Mr. and Mrs. Carter Brown (1975-1976), Mr. and Mrs. Richard Crawford (19772001) and since 2002, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Murphy.
2501 Bellevue Avenue was the last of three adjacent houses built by the same builder along the then Sandy Lane. According to a newspaper notice at that time, the house rented for $60 a month. In its nearly 90 years of existence, only five owners have occupied the home.
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Other Fun Details: The extensive renovations, all in keeping with the age and style of the house, included restoring the original mahogany trim, heart pine floors and seven fireplaces. The tile in the living room fireplace is original, while the dining room and parlor tiles are recent reproductions. Each downstairs fireplace mantle is different, with individually detailed molding. On the other hand, the upstairs mantles are all the same. During that era, this was typically done as a cost-saving measure. The same is true of the brass hardware downstairs and copper upstairs. While early 20th-century exposed beams add character to the entrance porch, new cabinets, wood flooring, counters and appliances give the kitchen a bright, fresh look. Never having owned an old home, the Murphys fell in love with its charm. Originally from New York, they moved here from Greensboro, N.C., where they resided for the past 17 years. After looking in many areas of Augusta, Summerville and its historic charm was where they wanted to call home.
Address: 2501 Bellevue Avenue Homeowners: Doug and Diane Murphy
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20 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Prior Owners: No info. Other Fun Details: As you drive down the 1300 block of Glenn Avenue, you might miss the 1930s craftsmen stucco cottage tucked back amongst the Chinese maple and old oak tree. If you saw it, you might have noticed the fabulous L-shaped front porch, multi-gabled roof, and the tapered window and door frames on the front of the house. You can also see an earlier renovation from the early ‘50s where the integrity of the craftsmen design was jeopardized with the addition of a modern flat-roofed brick master suite. The Williamses consider the home a treasure, though it was in dire need of attention and love. The interior has been completely stripped to the stud walls. This old house will receive new electrical wiring, plumbing, bathrooms and kitchen. The addition of a master suite that respects the original craftsman design will complete the renovation. The work is expected to be finished in the spring of 2004.
Address: 1316 Glenn Avenue Homeowners: Bob and Dorothy Williams
Prior Owners: The former garage was built, as was the house, in 1929, by a local plumbing contractor, Mr. Henry Erbelding. Other Fun Details: The owners of the Tudor Revival home got additional support for their decision to purchase when they discovered the large detached stucco garage in the backyard. And “discover” they did, since some of the 50 or more overgrown camellias originally standing between the small back porch and the garage had completely blocked that building from view. Since then, they have converted it into a guest cottage. The former driveway has been enclosed and converted into a small garden, which attracts many butterflies and hummingbirds to delight the owners and amuse their three cats.
Address: 1112 Glenn Avenue Homeowners: Betsy Eisner and Louise Cissel Eisner
21 M E T R O
Prior Owners: Mr. Neal purchased the charming cedar bungalow at 1323 Glenn Ave. on Aug. 30, 2002. It is said that William Robinson himself once inhabited this cozy, quaint and warm house, which was built in 1913, along with the houses at 1325 and 1327 Glenn Ave. The original owners of these three bungalow houses were closely knit families who moved up “The Hill” from the downtown area to escape the Savannah River floods in the early 20th century.
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Other Fun Details: The main house has three bedrooms and two baths, while the guest cottage in the rear has two bedrooms and one bath. The second floor of the main house was converted into an apartment during the Great Depression but now serves as 5-year-old Joseph III’s room. Since purchasing this house, the Neals have breathed new life into the home through extensive, ongoing renovations. The current project involves refurbishing the butler’s pantry to include a wet bar and a wine cellar. A landscaping project of the entire estate will follow.
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The families at 1323 and 1325 Glenn Avenue continue to share dinners, stories and good times, as did the original inhabitants of these bungalow houses. History is still alive and well on this part of Glenn Avenue.
Address: 1323 Glenn Avenue Homeowner: Joseph R. Neal Jr.
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22 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Prior Owners: Mrs. Frankie C. Doughty, widow of Llewellyn G. Doughty of 2321 Kings Way, from 1924. Since then: Mrs. Doughty until 1930, Mrs. Gladys J. Jardwick from 1930-1951, Henry and Maria Bredenberg from 1953-1964 and Dorothy and Russell Moores since July of 1965. Other Fun Details: It is a classic of the Spanish Colonial style. It is also known as the Albatross. In the summer of 1965, when the Moores were young and poor, Dorothy wanted a new house out in the country and Russell wanted an old house in town. Financial considerations forced them to purchase the house in town. Dorothy hated it and cried as her furniture was moved in, likening it to an albatross around her neck. The Moores have filled their house with an eclectic collection of much-loved things such as old, yet working, telephones, clocks, oil lamps, paintings and the like.
Address: 2204 Kings Way Homeowners: Russell and Dorothy Moores
Prior Owners: No info. Other Fun Details: Built in the 1890s, this residence is a raised, 2 1/2-story structure built in the Queen Anne style. The home features a cross-gable slate roof, combination siding of very heavy stucco on the first floor and heart pine shingles in a decorative pattern on the second floor, double-hung sash windows, and a partial width wrap-around porch with round columns grouped in units of three resting atop stucco pedestals. Cabinetry was installed in the butlerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pantry and library in keeping with the homeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s historic character. Roofing has been reworked. Work on a landscape plan has begun, including the installation of a boundarydefining fence.
Address: 2429 William Street Homeowners: The Dennis-King Family
23 M E T R O S P I R I T
Prior Owners: Built in 1868 by Benjamin F. Hall (1823-1874). Original owner was an assistant postmaster and money order clerk. Second owner was a traveling circuit court judge named Hook. The third owners were Wadley/Clark (related) families. The fourth owners were Ben and Beverly Weathers, who restored the home from 1989-1991. The Bogorods purchased the home in 2001.
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Address: 2509 Walton Way Homeowners: Dr. and Mrs. David Bogorad
Other Fun Details: The style of this house is Classic Second French Empire, which includes a concave mansard silhouette roofline with decorative patterned metal shingles and brackets beneath the eaves. Originally, there was no indoor kitchen, but a detached cookhouse in the back yard. Plumbing in an upstairs bathroom has been restored to Victorian style. Lower level walkout has been converted into a home theatre.
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24 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T
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community of artists struggling to live. Time is short. At least a few of them are staring down the Grim Reaper, as they are HIV-positive. They’re suffering through romantic beginnings and endings. And the rent is due. But through it all, they work on their projects, stage their performances, write their stories. They live and love. After all, the show must go on, right? “Rent,” by Jonathan Larson, has been called a great American musical, one in only five to win both the Pulitzer Prize and the Tony Award, according to information sent by the production’s “people.” The show opened off-Broadway at the New York Theatre Workshop on Feb. 13, 1996, and then moved to Broadway that April. It is strongly based on Puccini’s “La Bohe`me” which is essentially the same story – the lives and romantic trials of a community of artists while they struggle to keep body and soul together as they practice their art, and mourn the death of one of their own who dies, apparently from consumption (tuberculosis).
“La Bohème” vs. “Rent” There are so many parallels, it soon becomes apparent that “Rent” is the older story simply translated for our generation. “Bohe`me’s” poet Rodolfo and the painter Marcello, sitting in their garret on Christmas Eve become Mark and Roger – sitting in their loft on Christmas Eve. In “Bohe` me,” Colline the philosopher enters, as Collins tries to visit Mark and Roger in “Rent”, but is mugged. He meets Angel, who is akin to “Bohe` me’s” Shaunard. In “Bohe` me,” Shaunard is a musician who has been paid to frighten an English nobleman’s parrot to death with his playing; Angel was paid to play the drums until a neighbor’s dog barked itself to death. And later, Angel in drag becomes Angel Dumott Shunard (pictured). Both scripts have rent-demanding landlords – Benoit and Benny. And both scripts have their Mimis. The Mimi of “Bohe`me” is a seamstress, and a neighbor of Rodolfo and Marcello. She comes in to ask Rodolfo to light her candle, and they fall in love. The Mimi of “Rent” is a dancer, a neighbor of Mark and Roger. Guess what she asks him to do? You got it – light her candle.
By Rhonda Jones
“Bohe`me’s” Marcello is mourning the loss of his lover, Musetta; at the same time, “Rent’s” Mark is mourning the loss of his Maureen. And in each case, there is an interloper – a wealthy older gentleman on the one hand and a fellow performer on the other. Roger is also mourning the loss of his girlfriend, who slashed her wrists when she learned she had AIDS. He tries to write a song for her but can’t get “Musetta’s Waltz” from “La Bohe`me” out of his head. Both stories end with the “deaths” of their Mimis. Although in one case, it seems that Mimi is not actually dead. But we’re not telling you which one. Of the Artist and the Art Perhaps it is the musical’s gritty realism that makes it seem as though “Rent” is a play within a larger play – creator Jonathan Larson’s life. Consider one of the major themes running through the work – the “live for today, for tomorrow may not come” sentiment. After a good half-dozen years spent working on the piece, when it was finally scheduled to go on as an off-Broadway production, Larson attended the final dress rehearsal. That night, at the age of 35, he died quite unexpectedly in his kitchen of an aortic aneurysm. It went on Feb. 13. And you will find tons of stuff online devoted to Larson. Apparently, he was well-loved and an inspiration to all who knew him. Here are a few of the highlights of his life, as reported by some of these sources. First of all, he was born Feb. 4, 1960, a native of White Plains, N.Y. He was primarily a songwriter, and worked for shows like “Sesame Street” from time to time. I found quite a spooky article at, called “Late Lyricist’s Modern ‘Bohe`me’ an Eloquent Legacy.” It was written by Anthony Tommasini for the New York Times on Feb. 11, 1996, two days before the show made the stage. “The future of ‘Rent’ will hinge on its reception on Tuesday, when it opens, appropriately enough, in the East Village – at New York Theatre Workshop – directed by Michael Greif (the artistic director of La Jolla Playhouse),” Tommasini wrote. Greif, incidentally, is the director for the production that will play at the Bell Auditorium, oddly enough, on a Tuesday night.
In addition, Tommasini begins the article by describing a ballad sung by a punk-rocker who is infected with HIV. “One song/Glory/One song/Before I go/Glory/One song to leave behind.” “Rent” was Larson’s glory-song, and is the piece by which he has been remembered these seven years since his death. Larson dreamed big. “Rent” was to be the rock opera for the ‘90s, perhaps as The Who’s “Tommy” was for a generation that had come before. Tommasini also quotes Stephen Sondheim, whom Larson greatly admired, as describing the young songwriter’s intentions of blending contemporary pop with theatre music, a forbidding task. But, Sondheim reportedly said, Larson was on his way, because he understood “instinctively” the necessity of using a song’s lyrics to move forward the story.
Perhaps the most poignant thing I’ve found about Larson thus far is the quote that the New York Times writer attributed to Larson in the final paragraph of the article. It was something Larson had learned from a friend who had AIDS. And Larson reportedly said it on the very last night of his life. “It’s not how many years you live, but how you fulfill the time you spend here. That’s sort of the point of the show.” Tickets for “Rent” may be purchased by calling (706) 828-7700, visiting the Augusta Civic Center Box Office, all TicketMaster outlets, or by visiting If you would like more info about the production, visit the tour site at or the Broadway site at The performance takes place at the Bell Auditorium on Oct. 14.
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26 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
DaysA Week
AUGUSTA CHILDREN’S RINGERS is a handbell/choirchime choir for children in grades 3-6 and is looking for new members through Oct. 15. The group meets at the Westside Educational Building in Mar tinez Thursday af ternoons, 4-5 p.m. Call 306-5247. AUGUSTA CONCERT BAND rehearses Monday evenings and is looking to fill vacancies on most band instruments. Interested par ties should contact Ben Easter, (803) 2020091, or e-mail SWEET ADELINES HARMONY RIVER CHORUS OPEN REHEARSAL for singers each Thursday at 7 p.m. at Church of Christ, 600 Mar tintown Rd. in Nor th Augusta. They are on the lookout for voices in the lower ranges. Contact Mary Norman at (803) 279-6499.
ISRAELI DANCE WORKSHOP at the Augusta Jewish Community Center Sunday af ternoons, 4-5 p.m. Open to teens and adults; no experience or par tners are necessary. Cost is $2 per session, with the first session free. For information or to schedule a pre-class beginner/refresher session, contact Jackie Cohen, 738-9016. ART CLASSES AND WORKSHOPS are offered year-round at the Ger trude Herber t Institute of Ar t. Classes and workshops are open to toddlers through adults and feature instruction in drawing, painting, photography, pot tery, weaving and sculpture. For a newslet ter or detailed information on registering for classes at the Ger trude Herber t, call 722-5495. The Ger trude Herber t Institute of Ar t also offers educational tours; for information, contact the education director at the above telephone number. ART CLASSES FOR CHILDREN AND ADULTS at the Ar t Factory. The Ar t Factory also has a homeschool program and scholarships are available. Programs include voice lessons and pantomime workshops, as well as classes in dance, theater, music, visual ar ts and writing. Call 731-0008 for details. USC-AIKEN MUSIC CONSERVATORY PROGRAM now open. Students of all ages and experience levels welcome. Private lessons available for musical instruments and voice; instructors are USC-Aiken faculty and have at least a master’s degree in their per formance area. (803) 641-3288.
GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART STUDENT SHOWCASE through Oct. 3 in the Walker-Mackenzie Studio. 722-5495. “THE RED CROSS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE” will be at the Aiken County Historical Museum through Oct. 31. For more information, call (803) 642-2015. WORKS BY PRISCILLA HOLLINGSWORTH will be on exhibit at MCG’s Rober t B. Greenblat t Library Oct. 2-Dec. 2. For more information, e-mail Lisa Westrick at
PORTRAITS BY KATRINA HINTZE will be on display at the Gibbs Library during October. 863-1946. “WARE’S FOLLY: AN ARCHITECTURAL PERSPECTIVE” will be up in the First-Floor Gallery at Ware’s Folly through Oct. 24. Call 722-5495 for information. ROBERTO BOCCI exhibits at Augusta State University’s Fine Ar ts Center Oct. 2-30. Opening reception 5-7 p.m. Oct. 2. Free. Call 737-1444 for info. TWO SHOWS BY JIM BODEN, “1+1<>2” and “The Sublimity of Flesh” will be up at the Rabold Gallery in Aiken through Nov. 15. The gallery also hosts ongoing exhibits by 20 different ar tists. For information, call (803) 641-4405 or e-mail AT USC-AIKEN’S ETHERREDGE CENTER GALLERIES: the Aiken Ar tist Guild exhibits in the Upper Gallery through Oct. 29; Polish Ar t Poster Exhibit will be in the Lower Gallery through Nov. 2. Call (803) 641-3305 for information. “A SENSE OF PLACE: CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN THE NEW SOUTH” JURIED FINE ART EXHIBITION in the main gallery at the Ger trude Herber t Institute of Ar t through Oct. 24. Call 722-5495 for info. “A CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 20TH CENTURY PAINTING IN TENNESSEE” will be at the Morris Museum of Art through Nov. 9. For more information, call 724-7501. “THE NATIONAL PASTIME IN BLACK AND WHITE: THE NEGRO BASEBALL LEAGUES, 1867-1955” will be at the Augusta Museum of History through Oct. 19. Photographs and rare ar tifacts will be on display. Call 722-8454 for more information. JACKSON CHEATHAM AND HAYWOOD NICHOLS exhibit works at the Mary Pauline Gallery through Oct. 11. 724-9542. WOMEN ON PAPER GROUP EXHIBITION at the Sacred Hear t Cultural Center Ar t Gallery through Oct. 28. For more information, call 860-3374.
“THE THREE MUSKETEERS” will be per formed by the Augusta Ballet Oct. 10-11, 7 p.m. Children ages 4-10 will be admit ted free with the purchase of an adult orchestra or mezzanine ticket. For more information, call the Augusta Ballet at 261-0555.
The 10th Annual Bert Yancey Memorial Golf Tournament celebrates the life of professional golfer Bert Yancey and raises money to benefit the Mental Health Association of Greater Augusta, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill and The Depression and Bipolar Supportive Alliance of Greater Augusta. The tournament will be held Oct. 13 at Mount Vintage Plantation Golf Club. Call 736-6857 or 738-2939. members and $10 for non-members. Held at the BPOE facility on Elkdom Cour t. Contact Melvis Lovet t, 733-3890, or Jean Avery, 863-4186, for information. CSRA/AUGUSTA BOGEY-WOOGIE DANCE AND SOCIAL GROUP meets every Wednesday at 6:45 p.m. at A World of Dance Studio. Couples, singles and newcomers are welcome. For information, phone 650-2396. SINGLES DANCE each Saturday night from 8-11 p.m. sponsored by the Christian Social Organization for Single Adults. Held at Westside High School. Tickets $5 for members, $7 for non-members, and are available at the door. For more information, contact Doris Heath, 736-3376.
LUAU WITH THE SWINGIN’ MEDALLIONS Oct. 16, 7 p.m., at the National Guard Armory. Tickets are $12 in advance and $18 the day of the show and are available from Tix Online, or call (803) 278-4TIX. GALA CONCERT 8 p.m. Oct. 14 at the Ma xwell Per forming Ar ts Theatre. Free. Call 737-1444.
CLOGGING DEMONSTRATION with the Rhythm and Class Dance Studio 2 p.m. Oct. 12 at the Morris Museum of Ar t. Free. 724-7501.
JODIE MANROSS per forms Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m., as par t of the Morris Museum of Ar t’s Young Tennessee Singer/Songwriter Series. Admission is $3 for adults and $2 for seniors, students and military personnel. 724-7501.
THE AUGUSTA INTERNATIONAL FOLK DANCE CLUB meets Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. No par tners are needed and newcomers are welcome. Line and circle dances are taught. For location information, call 737-6299.
“TWILIGHT POPS ON THE RIVER” concer t with the Augusta Concer t Band Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., at the Jessye Norman Amphitheatre. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. For more information, call (803) 202-0091.
THE DANCES OF UNIVERSAL PEACE held the first Saturday of every month, 7-9 p.m., at the Unitarian Church of Augusta, honor the religious traditions of the world through song and movement. Call (803) 643-0460 for more information.
BEST OF AUGUSTA AFTERBASH Oct. 2, 7:30 p.m., at the Imperial Theatre. The top 10 bands in Augusta will each play a 20-minute set. Tickets are $5 general admission. Visit or call 722-8341.
AUGUSTA CHAPTER OF THE UNITED STATES AMATEUR BALLROOM DANCERS ASSOCIATION holds a dance the first Saturday of each month, from 7:15-11 p.m. Cost is $7 for
SOUTHERN SOUL AND SONG CONCERT SERIES TICKETS NOW ON SALE for per formances by: Ricky Skaggs, Oct. 12; Mountain Hear t, Oct. 24; Rober t Earl Keen, Nov. 4; and The
Nashville Bluegrass Band, Nov. 8. All shows are 7:30 p.m. at the Imperial Theatre. Tickets are $30 for the Ricky Skaggs show and $15 for all other shows; series subscription is $60. Proceeds benefit Morris Museum of Ar t public programming and the Imperial Theatre’s capital improvements fund. Call 722-8341 to reserve tickets. SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE at Riverwalk’s Eighth Street Plaza continues Oct. 11 from 7-11 p.m. For details, contact Riverwalk Special Events, 821-1754. AUGUSTA SYMPHONY ENCORE CHAMBER SERIES performance Oct. 11. For more information, visit or call 826-4705. AUGUSTA SYMPHONY WOODWIND TRIO per forms at the Oct. 7 installment of Tuesday’s Music Live. All concer ts are at noon at Saint Paul’s Church. For tickets, call the box office at 722-3463. FACULTY ARTIST RECITAL 7 p.m. Oct. 9 at USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center. For more information, call (803) 641-3305. THE 64TH ANNIVERSARY OF BIG RED AND THE SWANEE QUINTET Oct. 5, 5 p.m., at the Bell Auditorium. Ticket prices are $20 for the first 1,500 tickets sold and $25 for all tickets sold af ter the first 1,500; children 6-12 admit ted at the door for $8. Call 722-3521 for details. CARMAN will be at the Bell Auditorium Oct. 3, 7 p.m. Tickets are $17.50 in advance, $20.50 the day of the show and $12 for groups of 10 or more. For more information, call 722-3521. TICKETS FOR “FROM MOZART TO MOTOWN 2!” AND “A MOZART TO MOTOWN CHRISTMAS” now on sale. “From Mozar t to Motown 2!” will be staged Oct. 17 at the Imperial Theatre and “A Mozar t to Motown Christmas” will be staged Nov. 29 at the Imperial Theatre. Tickets are $30 general admission or $45 VIP admission per show. To order tickets, call the Imperial Theatre box office at 722-8341.
Theater FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE WITH JONATHAN SLOCUMB Oct. 10, 7 p.m., at Tabernacle Baptist Church. Tickets are free; make reservations in advance by calling 724-1230. “BEN-HUR” will be shown at Sacred Heart Cultural Center’s Silent Movie Night Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m. Featured organist Ron Carter will accompany the film. Tickets are $10. Call 826-4700. “RENT” will be per formed Oct. 14 at the Bell Auditorium as par t of the Broadway in Augusta theatre series. Tickets are available at the Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center or charge by phone at 724-2400. THE U.S. ARMY SOLDIER SHOW will be at For t Gordon Oct. 11-12. For information, visit www.for or call 793-8552. “A TRIBUTE TO LEWIS GRIZZARD” Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m., at Strom Thurmond High School in Edgefield. Advance tickets are $20; call (803) 637-5306. “FOR COLORED GIRLS WHO HAVE CONSIDERED SUICIDE WHEN THE RAINBOW IS ENUF” AND AN EVENING OF DANCE, JAZZ AND SONG Oct. 9-10 in the Beverly J. Barnhar t Theater at Davidson Fine Ar ts School. Tickets are $8 adult, $7 senior citizens and children under 5 and $6 Davidson Fine Ar ts students. Call 823-6924, ex t. 122. “DR. FAUSTUS” will be per formed Oct. 9-12 by the Augusta State University Theatre Depar tment. Showtimes are 8 p.m. Oct. 9-11 and 3 p.m. Oct. 12. For more information, call 729-2170 or 737-1500. “LOVE LETTERS” will be per formed by the Aiken Community Playhouse Oct. 9-11 and 17-18. For more information or tickets, call (803) 648-1438 or visit “HOW I LEARNED TO DRIVE” will be presented by the USCAiken University Theatre Players at the Etherredge Center Oct. 2-4, 8 p.m., and Oct. 5, 3 p.m. Tickets are $7 for students and $12 general admission. Call the box office at (803) 641-3305. “HARVEY” will be at the Abbeville Opera House Oct. 3-4 and 10-11. (864) 459-2157. “ONCE UPON A MATTRESS” will be per formed by the Aiken Community Playhouse Oct. 3-4 at 8 p.m. with a 3 p.m. matinee per formance Sept. 28. Tickets are $15 adults, $13 seniors, $10 students and $6 children 12 and under. For more information or tickets, call (803) 648-1438 or visit
Museums FIRST FRIDAY AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART Oct. 3, 58 p.m., features live musical enter tainment, as well as other activities. For more information, call 724-7501. BEHIND THE MASQUE will be at the Morris Museum of Ar t Oct. 5 at 2 p.m. for Ar trageous Sunday. Admission is free. Call 724-7501. “CONVERSATIONS: LOOKING AT ‘A CENTURY OF PROGRESS’” with Karen Klacsmann and Kevin Grogan 7 p.m. Oct. 9 at the Morris Museum of Ar t. Call 724-7501 for information. THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART sponsors a bus trip to the High Museum of Ar t and Atlanta Opera’s “Aida” Oct. 16. 724-7501. “IF WALLS COULD TALK” tour program at Ware’s Folly through Nov. 21. For information, call 722-5495.
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AUGUSTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY FILM SERIES in conjunction with “The National Pastime in Black and White: The Negro Baseball Leagues, 1867-1955” exhibit. All films will be shown in the museum’s History Theatre beginning at 2 p.m. and are free. Oct. 5 showing of “Kings of the Hill.” 722-8454. THE GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART in Ware’s Folly exhibits works by local and regional ar tists. Ar t classes, workshops and other educational programming for children, youth and adults are held in the Walker-Mackenzie Studio. Open Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday by appointment only. Admission is free, but a donation of $2 for adults and $1 for children and seniors is encouraged. Call 722-5495 or visit for more info. THE AUGUSTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY hosts permanent exhibition “Augusta’s Story,” an award-winning exhibit encompassing 12,000 years of local history. For the younger crowd, there’s the Susan L. Still Children’s Discovery Gallery, where kids can learn about history in a hands-on environment. The museum also shows films in the History Theatre and hosts a variety of programs. Located at 560 Reynolds Street. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m. Admission is $4 adult, $3 seniors, $2 kids (6-18 years of age) and free for children under 6. Free admission on Sundays. Call 722-8454 or visit for more information. THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART hosts exhibitions and special events year-round. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, noon-5 p.m. Closed on Mondays and major holidays. 1 Tenth Street, Augusta. Call 724-7501 or visit for details. THE MUSEUM OF LAUREL AND HARDY OF HARLEM, GEORGIA features displays of various Laurel and Hardy memorabilia; films also shown. Located at 250 N. Louisville Street in downtown Harlem. Open 1-4 p.m. ThursdayMonday. For more information, call 556-3448. LUNCH AT NOON LECTURE SERIES held the second Wednesday of every month at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call the museum at 724-3576 for more information.
HISPANIC FESTIVAL Oct. 10, noon, at Harrison-Caver Park in Clearwater. Call (803) 593-4698. JOHN DUFRESNE comes to USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center Oct. 14, 8 p.m., as par t of the university’s James Oswald Distinguished Writers Series. Call (803) 641-3305 or visit for more information. WESTERN CAROLINA STATE FAIR Oct. 16-25 at the Aiken Jaycees Fairgrounds. Events include beauty pageant, demolition derby, family shows and a rodeo. Concerts by Joe Nichols, Oct. 16; The Tams, Oct. 17; and Darryl Worley, Oct. 21 now on sale. Visit or call (803) 278-4TIX. “A DAY TO REMEMBER: COLONIAL TIMES” FESTIVAL Oct. 11-12 at the Living History Park in North Augusta. Admission is free and includes re-enactments, crafts, children’s games and more. Visit or, or contact Lynn Thompson, (803) 279-7560. SUMMERVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION FALL TOUR OF HOMES Oct. 10-12, with candlelight tour and Monte Sano merchants walk Friday, 6-9 p.m. Hours are noon-6 p.m. Saturday and 1-6 p.m. Sunday. Tickets are $20 for the whole tour or $5 per house at the door. Tour headquar ters is St. Mary’s on the Hill School. For more information, call 7332788 or 733-0265. 2003 MISS COLUMBIA COUNTY FAIR SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT Oct. 11 at Greenbrier High School. For additional information, contact Pat Becton, 863-7645, or Debbie Zapata, 863-3754. HISPANIC FESTIVAL Oct. 11 at Riverwalk’s Eighth Street Plaza. Live music, ar ts and crafts and authentic food will be featured. For more information, call 399-0664 or 724-3355. GREYHOUND MEET AND GREET with the greyhounds of GreytHound Love Greyhound Adoption at PetsMar t in Aiken Oct. 11, noon-4 p.m. For more information, visit FRIENDS OF THE AUGUSTA LIBRARY ANNUAL BOOK SALE Oct. 11, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., in the garden of the Appleby Branch Library. Call 736-6244 for information.
Special Events
ATOMIC CITY FESTIVAL Oct. 11 in New Ellenton. Live entertainment, ar ts and crafts, car and truck show and more. Call (803) 652-2214.
HORSE CREEK/MIDLAND VALLEY SASSAFRAS FESTIVAL Oct. 4 with carnival rides, antique car show, beauty pageant and more on Highway 421 in Burnettown, S.C. (803) 593-2676.
OLIVER HARDY FESTIVAL Oct. 4 in Harlem, Ga. Activities begin at 9 a.m. with a children’s parade, followed by the kickoff parade, carnival rides and games, clowns, Laurel and Hardy skits, Laurel and Hardy look-alike contest, bicycle tour, live enter tainment, Laurel and Hardy films, crafts, festival dance and more. Contact Harlem City Hall for more information, 556-3448.
BOOK SIGNING WITH EDWARD CASHIN Oct. 2, 5:30-7 p.m. at the Augusta Museum of History. Cashin will sign “From Balloons to Blue Angels: The Story of Aviation in Augusta.” For more information, call 737-1532 or 733-8970. ST. MARY’S CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL with bake sale, children’s games, live enter tainment and more Oct. 4 in Aiken. Call (803) 649-4777 for information. “THE VOYAGER ENCOUNTERS” will be at the Dupont Planetarium Oct. 3-4 and 17-18, 7 and 8 p.m. Cost is $4.50 adults, $3.50 senior citizens, $2.50 for K-12 students and $1 for USC-Aiken faculty, staff and students. Call (803) 6413769 or (803) 641-3654 for information. OCTOBER FILM SERIES Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m., at Headquarters Library. Free admission. Oct. 7 screening of “A Mighty Wind,” Oct. 14 screening of “Crumb,” Oct. 21 screening of “Swimming to Cambodia,” Oct. 28 screening of “Dracula.” 821-2600.
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AUGUSTA KENNEL CLUB FALL ALL-BREED DOG SHOW Oct. 4, 9 a.m., at Riverview Park Community Center in Nor th Augusta. Event is open to the public. For more information, call Sara, 738-9288, or visit
TASTE OF WINE AND ARTS Oct. 13 at Aiken Center for the Ar ts. Tickets are $40. Call (803) 641-9094. HORSEPLAY UNVEILED free street festival 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Oct. 4 at the Newberry Festival Center in Aiken. At 12:30 p.m., the completed decorated fiberglass horses will be unveiled. For more information, visit GREEK FESTIVAL 2003 Oct. 3-5, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. FridaySaturday and noon-6 p.m. Sunday. Enter tainment with live Greek band and dancers, traditional Greek foods and a bazaar will be available. Free admission. 724-1087. GEORGIA/CAROLINA EXPO Oct. 3-5 at the Hippodrome in Nor th Augusta. For ticket information, call (803) 278-4TIX.
BOSHEARS SKYFEST 2003 Oct. 3-5 at Daniel Field. Admission is $8 general and $100 VIP, and tickets are available through Tix Online, or (803) 278-4TIX. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE FORUM Oct. 2, 9 a.m.-noon in Butler Hall at Augusta State University. Admission is free. Contact Safe Homes of Augusta for information, 736-2499. OKTOBERFEST 2003 FAMILY FUN FAIR Oct. 2-5 at For t Gordon’s Bar ton Field and Freedom Park. Carnival, live music, crafts, fireworks and more will be featured. Open to the public. Call 791-7862 for information.
Behind Applebee's on Washington Rd. 651-1147 • Tues-Fri 10-6 • Sat 10-5
SATURDAY MARKET ON BROAD: Main Street Augusta is seeking farmers and vendors in the CSRA to market homemade and homegrown products in downtown Augusta on Saturday mornings through October 25. Market is open to the public at the Railroad Depot of f Reynolds Street 8 a.m.1 p.m. For more information, contact Mary Killen of Main Street Augusta, 722-8000, or Sheri Chambers, 664-1054 or 564-6231. MCDUFFIE FRIENDS OF ANIMALS holds pet adoptions each Saturday, 1-3 p.m. at Superpetz on Bobby Jones Expressway. Call 556-9090 or visit COLUMBIA COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY holds pet adoptions every Saturday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. and every Sunday from 1-4 p.m. at PetsMar t. For more info, call 860-5020. RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AND AUGUSTA ANIMAL RESCUE FRIENDS hold pet adoptions at Superpetz off Bobby Jones Expressway every Sunday from 1-4 p.m. Call AARF at 364-4747 or visit Adoptions also held at the Richmond County Animal Control Shelter, Tues.Sun., 1-5 p.m. Call the shelter at 790-6836. THE CSRA HUMANE SOCIETY holds pet adoptions every Saturday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and every Wednesday evening from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Pet Center located behind the GreenJackets Stadium on Milledge Rd. 261-PETS.
Out of Town
LIVE AT FIVE HAPPY HOUR CONCERT SERIES at the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in Macon Tuesdays, Oct. 7-Nov. 25. Shows begin at 5 p.m. and end at 7 p.m. $5 admission; free for members. 1-888-GA-ROCKS. “A NIGHT WITH DAME EDNA” comes to the Fox Theatre in Atlanta as part of the Broadway in Atlanta series Oct. 14-19. 1800-278-4447. POLISH PHILHARMONIC RESOVIA will be at the Newberry Opera House in Newberry, S.C., Oct. 15, 8 p.m. Call (803) 2766264 for tickets. GEORGIA MOUNTAIN FALL FESTIVAL Oct. 10-19 in Hiawassee, Ga., featuring live music, arts and crafts, children’s entertainment and more. Admission is $7; children under 10 get in free. For more information, visit or call (706) 896-4191. KOLOMOKI FESTIVAL Oct. 11, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at Kolomoki Mounds Historic Park in Blakely, Ga. (229) 724-2150. PRATER’S MILL COUNTRY FAIR at Prater’s Mill in Dalton, Ga., Oct. 11-12. (706) 694-MILL. “EDWARD HOPPER AND URBAN REALISM” will be on display at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, S.C., Oct. 4-Jan. 18. (803) 799-2810. DAVID SANBORN will be at the Newberry Opera House in Newberry, S.C., Oct. 8, 8 p.m. Call (803) 276-6264 for tickets.
Metro Eats
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HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH PROGRAM Oct. 2, 1:30-3 p.m. in Alexander Hall at For t Gordon. David Casas will speak. O C Free and open to the public. 791-6657.
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Fall Dining Guide Coming Next Week
2 2 0 0 3
will be performed by the Alliance Theatre Company 28 “CROWNS” on the Alliance Stage in Atlanta Oct. 8-Nov. 9. For ticket information, visit or call (404) 733-4600.
M E T GATLINBURG CRAFTSMEN’S FAIR Oct. 9-26, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. R daily and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sundays at the Gatlinburg Convention O Center in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Admission is $5 adults and free for S P I R I T
children 12 and under. For more info, call (865) 436-7479 or visit
NITTY GRITTY DIRT BAND will be at the Newberry Opera House in Newberry, S.C., Oct. 2 at 3 and 8 p.m. Call (803) 2766264 for tickets.
O GEORGIA NATIONAL FAIR Oct. 3-12 at the Georgia National C Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, Ga. Featured concerts T include Brooks & Dunn, Oct. 4; Jupiter Coyote, Laney Strickland
Band and The Kinchafoonee Cowboys Oct. 10; and Hootie and
MOJA ARTS FESTIVAL through Oct. 5 in Charleston, S.C. For more information, call (843) 724-7305 or visit MAIZE QUEST CORNFIELD MAZE through Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-10 p.m., at Washington Farms in Watkinsville, Ga. Tickets are $7 adult and $5 children 4-12 years old, with group discounts available for groups of 20 or more. For information, visit or, or call (706) 769-0627. NETHERWORLD HAUNTED HOUSE nightly through Nov. 2 at the Georgia Antique and Design Center. Doors open at 7 p.m. Netherworld Dark Harvest ticket is $14, combo Dark Harvest and Vault 13 ticket is $20. Call the hotline at (404) 608-2484.
$28.50. For more information, call (478) 987-3247 or 1-800-
“THE CRAWLASEUM: A LIVE BUG EXHIBIT” will be at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Ga., through Oct. 31. Exhibit is free with gardens admission. For more information, call 1-800-CALLAWAY.
NATIVE AMERICAN APPRECIATION DAY Oct. 4, 8:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m. at Amicalola Falls State Park in Dawsonville, Ga. (706) 265-2703.
“A SALUTE TO 25 YEARS OF THE GEORGIA MUSIC HALL OF FAME AWARDS” runs through Jan. 18, 2004, at the Georgia Music Hall of Fame in Macon, Ga. Exhibits, programs and events honoring the 25th anniversary of the Georgia Music Hall of Fame awards. Call 1-888-GA-ROCKS for info.
2 the Blowfish Oct. 11. Concert ticket prices range from $10-
2 987-3247. To purchase tickets by phone, call (478) 988-6438 or 0 1-800-987-3247. Tickets and info are available on www.geor0 3
ADOPTION INFORMATION SESSION Oct. 4, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Independent Adoption Center in Tucker, Ga. (404) 321-6900. COUNTRY AND BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL Oct. 4, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., at Moccasin Creek State Park in Clarkesville, Ga. (706) 947-3194. “MACBETH” will be at the New American Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta through Nov. 2. For more information, visit or call (404) 874-5299. “KING HEDLEY II” will be presented by the Alliance Theatre Company on the Woodruff Ar ts Center’s Her tz Stage through Nov. 2. Tickets are $25-$31 and are available online at or by phone at (404) 733-5000. MICHAELMAS ENGLISH HARVEST FAIR weekends, through Oct. 26 at Biltmore Estate in Asheville, N.C. 1-800-323-6822. AMELIA BOOK ISLAND FESTIVAL Oct. 2-5 on Amelia Island, Fla. All-access admission ticket is $15. Visit or call (904) 491-8176. “ICONOCLASTS: SIX ATHENS-BASED ARTISTS” will be on display at the Athens Institute for Contemporary Ar t through Oct. 26. Visit or call (706) 208-1613.
It Will Get Cold Again, Won’t it?
Winter will come, you will feel the cold again and you will have to depend on your furnace for your comfort. On the first cold morning, our dispatchers at Advanced Air Technology usually schedule three weeks worth of service calls in 4 hours. Please call us for your fall furnace service early this year and avoid the panic of the first cold morning. We promise we’ll both be happier.
GEORGIA SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL runs through Nov. 2 with per formances of “Much Ado About Nothing,” “The School for Wives,” “The Tale of Cymbeline” and “The Tempest.” Tickets are $23-$32, with special $10 preview shows. Held at the Conant Per forming Ar ts Center on the campus of Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. Call (404) 2640020 for information. AT THE GEORGIA MUSEUM OF ART in Athens, Ga.: “Masters of Their Craf t: Highlights From the Smithsonian American Ar t Museum,” through Nov. 13; “Conversion to Modernism: The Early Works of Man Ray,” through Nov. 30; “Creativity: The Flowering Tornado” by Ginny Ruffner through Nov. 23. Call (706) 542-4662. AT THE HIGH MUSEUM OF ART in Atlanta through Oct. 26: “Ansel Adams and his Legacy,” “A Mat ter of Time: Edward Hopper From the Whitney Museum of American Ar t.” “The Undiscovered Richard Meier: The Architect as Designer and Ar tist” will be on exhibit through April 4, with a lecture on Nov. 18. Call (404) 733-HIGH or visit for information.
“A Mighty Wind” will be screened at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 7 at the Main Library as part of the library’s free film series.
Benefits AN AFTERNOON OF MUSIC to benefit the Wesleyan College Leap of Faith campaign 3 p.m. Oct. 5 at Sacred Hear t Cultural Center. Tickets are $15 adult and $10 student. Call 826-4700.
LIGHT THE NIGHT WALK Oct. 4, noon-9 p.m. at Augusta Common. Two- to three-mile evening walk with illuminate balloons benefits the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Walk-up registration available from 5-7 p.m. Contact Audrey Nemeth for details, 1-800-399-7312.
QUIET STORM BENEFIT CONCERT for Pamela Kearse Oct. 3, 7:30-9 p.m. at Augusta Golf and Gardens. Admission is $5 per person. Call 724-4443. “HUNGER FOR LIFE” DANCE CONCERT to benefit Golden Harvest Food Bank Oct. 4, 3 p.m., at the Jessye Norman Amphitheatre. Admission is $7 adults and $5 children and senior citizens. Children under 10 admitted free. (803) 278-3841.
“WHO’S COOKING?” CELEBRITY MEN’S COOKOFF Oct. 4, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Lake Olmstead. Tickets are $10 adult and $5 children 12 and under, and all proceeds benefit 30901 Development Corporation projects. Tickets may be purchased at Beulah Grove Community Resource Center or ASU’s Athletic Depar tment. 823-0905.
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Holiday Parties
FIRST ANNUAL CITIZENS FOR NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY AWARENESS CHARITY OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT Oct. 3, 8 a.m. at Houndslake Country Club in Aiken, S.C. Proceeds benefit Citizens for Nuclear Technology Awareness. Entry fee is $60 and deadline to enter is Sept. 26. Contact Tina Frazier, (803) 649-3456 for information.
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M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
FOR CHARITIES GOLF TOURNAMENT Oct. 9 30 CHRISTMAS at Goshen Golf and Country Club. Shotgun star t at noon. Cost is $60 per person; open to the public. Contact Pat
M Campbell, 860-4136, Dick Simpson, 860-6000, or John E T Bailey, 860-5381, for information. R O MEMORY WALK to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association Oct. S P I R I T
9 at Augusta Mall. Registration is at 7:45 a.m.; walk is at 8:30 a.m. Call 731-9060 or visit
THE SHEPEARD SHAG benefit for the Shepeard Community Blood Center will be at the Julian Smith Casino Oct. 10, 7:30-11 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person. For tickets, contact Lanie Wilson, 737-4551.
O C DOG DAY POKER RUN to benefit Leader Dogs for the Blind T Oct. 11. First bikes will leave Shannon’s Food and Spirits at
10 a.m.; last bikes are anticipated to leave at approximately 2 2 p.m. Rain date is Oct. 25. Those interested in par ticipating may contact Mike Cox, 860-3597, Shannon’s, 860-0698, or 2 e-mail 0 0 “HOPE FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE” fundraiser for Hope 3
USC-AIKEN CONTINUING EDUCATION offers Italian, Ar t for Beginners, Debt-Free Living, Financial Strategies, Taming the Wild Child, Paralegal Cer tificate Course and more. Travelearn learning vacations for adults and Education to Go online courses also available. For info, phone (803) 641-3563. AUGUSTA STATE UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCATION is now offering the following classes: QuarkXPress, A Prosperous Retirement, Intermediate Investing, Stained Glass, All Things Dutch, Origami and more. Also, ASU offers online courses. For more information, call 737-1636 or visit AIKEN TECH CONTINUING EDUCATION offers the following courses: Adobe Photoshop, Microsof t Cer tified System Administrator classes, Health Care classes, Massage Therapy courses, Intro to Floral Design, Real Estate courses, Defensive Driving and more. Aiken Tech also offers Education to Go classes online. For more information or to register, call (803) 593-9231, ex t. 1230.
WALTON REHABILITATION HOSPITAL AMPUTEE CLINIC for new and experienced prosthetic users meets the third Thursday of each month, 1-3 p.m. 722-1244. WALTON REHABILITATION HOSPITAL offers a number of health programs, including Fibromyalgia Aquatics, Water Aerobics, Wheelchair and Equipment Clinics, Theraputic Massage, Yoga, Focus on Healing exercise class for breast cancer survivors and more. Call 823-5294 for information. HATHA YOGA with Tess Stephens at the St. Joseph Wellness Center in Daniel Village Plaza. Daytime classes held from 10 a.m.-noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Evening classes held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday and Wednesday and also 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. Cost is $60 per month for unlimited classes or $10 per class. For more information, contact Tess at 738-2782. FREE HATHA AND KRIYA YOGA CLASSES at Christ Church Unity. Hatha Yoga classes Mondays and Wednesdays, 910:30 a.m.; meditation-focused Kriya Yoga Tuesdays 6-7:30
House Nov. 13, 6:30-10:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Hotel. Silent auction, live enter tainment and food will be featured. Tickets are $20 and may be purchased at Broad Strokes Ar t Gallery, La Dolce Vita Spa and Salon and Antique Market, or by calling Hope House at 737-9879.
SPOKEN HEBREW CLASS Wednesdays, Oct. 8-Nov. 12, 7:30-8:30 p.m. at the Augusta Jewish Community Center. Cost is $75. Register by Oct. 7; call 228-3636. BASIC MICROSOFT WORD TRAINING Tuesdays, Oct. 14Nov. 11, or Thursdays, Oct. 16-Nov. 13. Classes are held 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Wallace Branch Library. Registratioin is required; call 722-6275. AN INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS FOR ADULTS Mondays, Oct. 6-17, from 9:30-11 a.m. Held at the Ma xwell Branch Library. Register at 793-2020. “PRESERVE YOUR MEMORIES: CREATING PHOTO ALBUMS MADE TO LAST” Oct. 14, 1-3 p.m. at the Ma xwell Branch Library. Registration required; 793-2020. “IMPROVE INTERNET SEARCH RESULTS” CLASS Oct. 15 and 17, 9-10:30 a.m. Held at the Friedman Branch library; registration is required. 736-6758. “USING THE PINES CATALOG SYSTEM” Oct. 15, 9-10 a.m. and 6:30-7:30 p.m., at the Gibbs Library. Registration required; call 863-1946. “EXPLORING YOUR OPTIONS: A WORKSHOP FOR INDIVIDUALS INTERESTED IN RETURNING TO SCHOOL OR COLLEGE” Oct. 4, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in Room 107 of the Penland Administration Building at USC-Aiken. Cost is $5. Contact Bea Peyser, (803) 642-7170. ADULT LITERACY PROGRAM at Beulah Grove Community Resource Center. Deadline to sign up for classes or as a volunteer is Oct. 6. Contact Patina Jones or Jean Callaway at 722-4999 for info.
SPECIAL STORYTIME WITH MARY MCCALL AS THE PUMPKIN LADY Oct. 8, 10:30 a.m., at the Appleby Branch Library. 736-6244. CHILDREN’S WEEK CELEBRATION Oct. 3-10 with kick-off celebration featuring storytime with Caillou, legislative breakfast, parade, family festival, parenting seminar and more. For additional information, visit or contact Chavone Glover at 721-1869.
SAFE KIDS CAR SEAT CHECK-UP Oct. 11, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Thomson Wal-Mar t. 721-KIDS. AIKEN COUNTY PONY CLUB meets weekly. Open to children of all ages who par ticipate or are interested in equestrian spor ts. For more information, contact Lisa Smith at (803) 649-3399. FREE CAR SEAT EDUCATION CLASSES for parents and other caregivers the third Monday of every month from 9-11 a.m. at MCG Children’s Medical Center. Registration is required; those who are Medicaid or Peachcare eligible should indicate status during registration and bring a card or proof of income to class in order to receive a free car seat. 721-KIDS.
AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL is in need of dog and cat food, cat lit ter and other pet items, as well as monetary donations to help pay for vaccinations. Donations accepted during regular business hours, Tues.Sun., 1-5 p.m. at the shelter, 4164 Mack Lane. Call 7906836 for information.
RED RIBBON FESTIVAL emphasizing a life free of drugs Oct. 4 at the H.O. Weeks Center in Aiken. Open to children ages 10 and under. (803) 642-7630.
“ART THROUGHOUT HISTORY” workshop at the Ger trude Herber t Institute of Ar t for children ages 6-8 Oct. 7. Call 722-5495 or visit for information.
BERT YANCEY MEMORIAL GOLF TOURNAMENT Oct. 13 at the Mount Vintage Plantation Golf Club. Proceeds benefit the Mental Health Association of Greater Augusta, local affiliates of the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill and Depression and Bipolar Suppor tive Alliance of Greater Augusta. Team cost is $600 and player cost is $150. Registration is 10 a.m. and shotgun star t is at noon. For information, e-mail or contact Phylis Holliday, 7366857, or Hugh Green, 738-2939.
AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES at the Aiken Red Cross Blood Center on Millbrook Drive and the Augusta Red Cross Blood Center on Pleasant Home Road. The bloodmobile will also stop at various area locations this week. For a complete list, call the Aiken Blood Center at (803) 642-5180 or the Augusta Blood Center at 868-8800.
CAMP WHISPERING WIND for children with asthma will be held Oct. 3-5. The camp is free to children 8-14 years old who want to learn how to bet ter manage their asthma in a fun camp set ting with other campers who share their condition. For registration information, call 774-LUNG.
AUGUSTA SOUTH ROTARY CLUB YARD SALE to benefit the club’s community service projects Oct. 4, 7 a.m., in the Lowe’s parking lot on Peach Orchard Road. For more information, contact Sandra Gurley at 724-2601.
SHEPEARD COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER BLOOD DRIVES in various locations around the CSRA this month. The blood center is urging people of all blood types to donate in order to combat a blood supply shor tage. For detailed information on locations and times to donate, visit You may also call Susan Edwards at (803) 6437996 for information on Aiken locations and Nancy Szocinski at 737-4551 for information on all other locations.
include Lamaze, breast feeding, parenting and grandparenting. Par tners will learn positive suppor t techniques. There are also programs designed to help older siblings adjust to new family members. Some classes are free, while others require a fee. Registration is required by calling 774-2825.
The Augusta Symphony Woodwind Trio performs Oct. 7, noon, at St. Paul’s Church as part of Tuesday’s Music Live. Call 722-3463.
Health ASU HEALTH FAIR 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Oct. 8 at the Christenberry Fieldhouse. Blood pressure checks, immunizations, blood sugar and blood cholesterol screening, massage therapy, body fat analysis, vision and hearing screenings, $10 flu shots and more will be featured. Free and open to the public. 737-1725. FORE THE HEALTH OF IT ADAPTIVE GOLF CLINICS held the first Tuesday of every month at First Tee of Augusta. Physical and occupational therapists from Walton Rehabilitation Hospital will guide the course. Call 823-8691. FREE MEMORY SCREENING CLINIC sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association and MCG’s Neuroscience Center Oct. 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at St. John United Methodist Church. 731-9060. LYMPHEDEMA EDUCATION FOR PATIENTS UNDERGOING BREAST CANCER SURGERY at the University Breast Health Center 5 p.m. Oct. 7. Call 774-4141 for information. CHRONIC PAIN SUPPORT GROUP meets the first Thursday of every month, 10-11:30 a.m. at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital. 823-5294. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY “I CAN COPE” PROGRAM for those diagnosed with cancer, their family and friends. Sessions will be held 6:30 p.m. Oct. 7, 14, 21 and 28 at Warren Baptist Church. There is no charge for the program, but registration is encouraged. Call 731-9900 or 1-800-ACS-2345. BREAST SELF-EXAM CLASS Oct. 13, 5 p.m., at the University Breast Health Center. Reservations are required. Call 774-4141. STROKE SUPPORT GROUP meets the last Wednesday of the month, 1-2 p.m., in the outpatient classroom at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital. 823-5213. THE PINK MAGNOLIAS BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets Oct. 13, 7 p.m., and is open to all women who have undergone breast cancer surgery or are going through treatment for breast cancer. The Men’s Breast Cancer Suppor t Group for husbands, significant others and male family members of breast cancer patients meets at the same time as the Pink Magnolias group. Meetings held in the University Breast Health Center. 774-4141.
p.m. Voluntary offerings are accepted. Call 738-2458 for more information. THE MCG BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. and provides education and suppor t for those with breast cancer. For information, call 721-1467. DIET COUNSELING CLASSES for diabetics and those with high cholesterol at CSRA Par tners in Health, 1220 Augusta West Parkway. Free. Call 860-3001 for class schedule. PROJECT LINK COMMUNITY LECTURE SERIES is held the first Tuesday of every month and is sponsored by the MCG Children’s Medical Center. Project Link provides educational resources and guidance for families who have children with developmental delays, disabilities and other specialized health concerns. Free and open to the public; takes place from 6:30-8 p.m. in the main conference room at the Children’s Medical Center. Oct. 7 lecture is on “Autism: Making a Difference.” Call 721-6838 for information. UNIVERSITY HEALTH CARE SYSTEM COMMUNITY EDUCATION holds workshops, seminars and classes on a variety of topics: weight and nutrition, women’s health, cancer, diabetes, seniors’ health and more. Suppor t groups and health screenings are also offered. Call 736-0847 for details. PEACHCARE FOR KIDS AND RIGHT FROM THE START MEDICADE offer free or low-cost health coverage to qualifying families. Coverage includes prenatal care, hospitalization, vaccines, dental and vision care and is available to pregnant women of all ages and to children through age 19. Contact the RSM Project at 729-2086 or 721-5611 for information. YOGA CLASSES at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 a.m. for $45/month or 10:30 a.m.-noon for $55/month. Call 823-6294. FREE HIV/AIDS TESTING every Tuesday from 4-7 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Ministry, 922 Greene Street. Free anonymous testing, pre- and post-test counseling and education. A FREE WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC is held from 6-8 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Salvation Army and Welfare Center, 1383 Greene St. Services include Pap smear, breast exam and the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmit ted diseases. For more info or an appointment, call the St. Vincent dePaul Health Center at 828-3444. W.G. WATSON, M.D., WOMEN’S CENTER CONDUCTS EDUCATION CLASSES at University Hospital. Course topics
STORYTIME IN THE GARDENS Tuesdays, 4 p.m., through October in Hopeland Gardens. Local senior citizens will read children’s stories to kids ages 8 and under. All children will receive a free book to take home. Bring snacks and a blanket or chair to sit on. Rain location is the H.O. Weeks Center. Call (803) 642-7631. “TECHNOLOGY AND TENNIS FOR LIFE” FALL SESSION through MACH Academy will be held through Dec. 18 at May Park Community Center or Fleming Tennis Center. Program includes homework assistance, computer instruction, tennis and fitness instruction, field trips and more. Fee is $50 per month. For information, call 796-5046. GIRLS INCORPORATED OF THE CSRA AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM runs through May 21, 2004. Open to girls currently enrolled in kindergar ten through high school. In addition to offering specialized programs, Girls Incorporated offers van pick-up at select schools, neighborhood drop-off, homework room and a hot evening meal. For information, call 733-2512. STORYLAND THEATRE is now taking reservations for the 2003-2004 season: “Sleeping Beauty” Oct. 28-Nov. 1, “The Cour tship of Senorita Florabella” Feb. 24-28 and “Hansel and Gretel” April 13-17. Season tickets for weekday school per formances are $9 per student; season tickets for Saturday family matinees are $10.50 per person. For reservations, call Storyland Theatre at 736-3455 or fa x a request to 736-3349. YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SKILLS PROGRAM for teens ages 12-19 held the third Saturday of the month at the Lucy Craft Laney Museum of Black History. Call 724-3576. WEEKLY STORY SESSIONS at all branch libraries. Visit for more information. FIRST SATURDAY STORYTELLING at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum. In addition, there is a tour of the museum. Held 10 a.m.-noon the first Saturday of the month. Call 724-3576.
Seniors WALTON REHABILITATION HOSPITAL offers Ar thritis Aquatics and People With Ar thritis Can Exercise. Call 8235294 for information. SENIOR VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR THE NEW VISITOR CENTER AT PHINIZY SWAMP NATURE PARK to greet visitors, hand out literature and sell merchandise. Volunteers are asked to commit one Saturday or Sunday per month, 9 a.m.1 p.m. or 1-5 p.m. Call 828-2109 for information.
FIT 4 EVER LIGHT IMPACT FITNESS CLASS is $25 for 12 tickets for Aiken city residents and $45 for all others. Classes are held at the H.O. Weeks Center in Aiken on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10-11 a.m. Call (803) 642-7631 for information.
SOUTHERNCARE HOSPICE SERVICE is currently seeking volunteers to per form a variety of tasks, including relieving caregivers, reading to patients and running errands. Training is included. For additional information, contact Lisa Simpson, (803) 463-9888 or 869-0205.
THE CARE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT COMPANY, a nonprofit organization, provides transpor tation for seniors who live in the 30906 and 30815 zip code area. For a minimal fee, door-to-door shut tles provide safe, clean and dependable transpor tation 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Appointments must be made 24 hours in advance; call Linda Washington, 7338771, or leave a message for more information.
THE SAVANNAH RIVER SITE CITIZENS ADVISORY BOARD is looking for interested Georgia and South Carolina citizens to run for membership in 2004-2005. Board membership requires a 10-15 hour per month time commitment and active par ticipation on one or more issues-based committees. Female applicants are especially needed. Call 1-800249-8155 for a packet.
COMPUTER CLASSES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Shiloh Comprehensive Community Center. For more information, call 738-0089.
COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATE PROGRAM VOLUNTEER TRAINING: The CASA program is looking for volunteers 21 years of age and older to advocate for abused and neglected children in the juvenile cour t system. Volunteers need no experience and will be provided with specialized training. Call 737-4631.
AIKEN PARKS AND RECREATION offers a multitude of programs for senior adults, including bridge clubs, fitness classes, canasta clubs, line dancing, racquetball, ar ts and craf ts, tennis and excursions. For more information, call (803) 642-7631. JUD C. HICKEY CENTER FOR ALZHEIMER’S CARE provides families and caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia a break during the day. Activities and care available at the adult day center, and homecare is available as well. For information, call 738-5039. THE ACADEMY FOR LIFELONG LEARNING offers lectures, courses, field trips, discussion groups and community information seminars on a variety of topics to mature adults. For more information, contact the USC-Aiken Office of Continuing Education at (803) 641-3288. THE SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL OF GREATER AUGUSTA AND THE CSRA offers a variety of classes, including ballroom dance, aerobics, quilting, tai chi, Spanish, line dancing, bowling, bridge, computers, drama club/readers theatre and pinochle. For dates and times, phone 826-4480. SENIORNET provides adults age 50 and over education for and access to computer technology. Many different courses are offered. Contact the USC-Aiken Continuing Education Office at (803) 641-3563.
Sports AUGUSTA JUNIOR CHALLENGER TENNIS TOURNAMENT Oct. 10-12 at Fleming Tennis Center. Open to 10-18-year-old boys and girls with a current USTA membership. Entry fee is $25 per person and the deadline to enter is midnight, Oct. 4. Call 796-5046 or e-mail COLLEGE BASKETBALL PRE-SEASON TIP-OFF Oct. 13, noon, at the Radisson River front Hotel. Tickets are $20 for Greater Augusta Spor ts Council members and $30 for nonmembers; combination luncheon ticket and new GASC available for $50. 722-8326.
CSRA HUMANE SOCIETY NEW VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION PROGRAM the third Saturday of every month at the Pet Center, 425 Wood St. Orientation starts at 11 a.m. Volunteers under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian present during orientation and while volunteering. Call 261-PETS for information. THE KITTY ORTIZ DE LEON FOUNDATION needs volunteers to help promote organ donor awareness. For more information, please contact Cassandra Reed at 481-0105 or GOLDEN HARVEST FOOD BANK needs volunteers during the day, from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday, to help sor t donated products and assist in their agency shopping area. Help is needed year-round. If you are able to lift 25 pounds, can commit to at least 3-4 hours per month and would like to help fight hunger in the Augusta area, contact Laurie Roper at 736-1199, ex t. 208. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL: New volunteer orientation is scheduled the first Saturday of each month at 1 p.m. at the shelter, 4164 Mack Lane. Schedule subject to change; call 790-6836 to verify dates and times. SHEPEARD COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER is seeking donors to prevent a blood supply shor tage. To donate call 737-4551, 854-1880 or (803) 643-7996.
Meetings SOCIAL WORK CELEBRATION FOR ALL OLD, NEW AND POTENTIAL NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS MEMBERS Oct. 16, 5-7 p.m., in the outpatient building at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital. Call 738-0125 for information. SPARKLING SINGLES FOR THE 50-PLUS GENERATION meets Oct. 9, 1:30-2:30 p.m., at The Senior Citizens Council of Greater Augusta and the CSRA. 826-4480.
FAMILY Y FALL RECREATIONAL GYMNASTICS PROGRAM Oct. 27-Dec. 19. Classes are available for toddlers through teen-agers. For info, call 738-6678.
CSRA VOLKSWAGEN CLUB meets every First Friday at Six th and Reynolds Streets, behind the Train Depot. New Beetles welcome. For info, visit
INTRODUCTORY AND DROP-IN CLIMBING Fridays, 5:306:30 p.m., at the Virginia Acres Park Climbing Wall in Aiken. Cost is $5 per session. Call (803) 642-7631 for information.
THE AUGUSTA CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SINGLES GOLF ASSOCIATION meets the second Thursday of each month at restaurants in the Augusta area. For information and meeting location, call (803) 441-6741.
THE AUGUSTA RUGBY CLUB is always looking for new members. Teams available for women and men; no experience necessary. Practice is Tuesday and Thursday nights, 79 p.m. at Richmond Academy. For more information, call Don Zuehlke, 495-2043, or e-mail augustar You may also visit
Volunteer PHINIZY SWAMP NATURE PARK VISITOR CENTER is in need of volunteers to greet visitors, hand out literature and sell merchandise. Volunteers must commit to one Saturday or Sunday each month, from either 9 a.m.-1 p.m. or 1-5 p.m. 828-2109. UNITED HOSPICE OF AUGUSTA is in need of volunteers to support terminally ill patients. Scheduling and training times are flexible. Call Donna Harrell at 650-1522 for information. THE ARTISTS’ CONSERVATORY THEATRE OF THE CSRA is looking for volunteer board members, actors and production crew. Call 556-9134 or e-mail SERVICE CORPS OF RETIRED EXECUTIVES (SCORE) provides counseling and mentoring to businesspeople star ting up a new business or expanding an ongoing business. Services are provided free of charge. For more information, call the Augusta office at 793-9998.
NORTH AUGUSTA ARTIST GUILD meets 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month in the Ar ts and Crafts Room of Riverview Park Activities Center. Contact Yvonne Kinney, 8199787, for information. THE AUGUSTA ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY meets 8 p.m. Oct. 10 at Augusta Tech in Room 111 of Building 100. The public is welcome to at tend. For information, visit READ IT! ONE COMMUNITY, ONE BOOK library program with discussions of “Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence” Oct. 6, noon at Headquar ters Library; Oct. 9, 6:30 p.m., at the Maxwell Branch Library; and Oct. 16, 7 p.m., at the Gibbs Library. Call Headquar ters Library at 821-2600, the Maxwell Branch Library at 793-2020 or the Gibbs Library at 863-1946. THE AUGUSTA SKI AND OUTING CLUB meets the first Tuesday of every month in the Alamo Room at Lone Star on Washington Road and is open to those interested in outdoor recreation. For information, call (803) 279-6186. GUIDELINES: Public service announcements are listed in this section without charge at the discretion of the editor. Announcements must be received by Monday at noon and will be included as space permits. Send to Events, Metro Spirit, P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA 30914 or fax (706) 733-6663. You may also e-mail listings to or Listings cannot be taken over the phone.
31 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
32 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Arts: Dance
“The Three Musketeers” Is a Real Guy Ballet
By Rhonda Jones
f you attended Augusta Ballet’s “The Three Musketeers” sneak preview on Sept. 25, then you probably passed an enjoyable evening, listening to director Zanne Colton and choreographer Peter Powlus talk about the technical aspects of putting together a production like “The Three Musketeers.” Especially the swordplay. In addition to that, you saw a few of the production’s scenes. Although the dancers performed in very comfy clothes, it was quite an amazing experience for at least a couple of the attendees who had never been to an Augusta Ballet production. Not to mention the munchies and wine. And you probably chatted with some of the performers afterward, while watching children play at pirouettes. The evening was short and sweet, and was designed to leave onlookers with the desire to return two weeks later for the real deal – complete with costumes and swelling music. “All these wonderful pieces we’ve heard in ballet and opera forever and ever and they’re all strung together in this piece-of-fluff story,” Colton said. She introduced the evening, saying that the audience was about to be treated to a few pas de deux, or dances for two people. But piece-of-fluff story or not, she said, men who dance “The Three Musketeers” have to work very hard to make the performance exciting and safe. But that didn’t actually come into play in the first scene, danced by Charlotte Loyd and JJ Stapleton. It was a conversation between Cardinal Richelieu and Milady de Winter. Dressed in headband and sweats, Stapleton sat astride a little red chair (which was not actually a little red chair we were informed, but a huge, black piece of Jacobean furniture). His head was bowed as Loyd moved along the table behind him (which was not actually a table). Colton set the record straight after the pas de deux. “That, by the way, is the cardinal’s desk; it’s not a therapy table,” she said, as a ripple of chuckles passed through the room. “And that is not a little red chair…” It didn’t matter, though, that the dancers were without costume and the studio was bare of setting. The movement was the thing. For the uninitiated it proved a wonderful opportunity to observe, close-up, the conversation in movement that is ballet. And certainly it made the rest crave setting and costuming, the lights and the musical score. Then it was over, and the little crowd in the dance studio applauded as if the dance studio were the Imperial itself. The next demonstration was given by
ful of extra men for the production. “This is a real guy ballet,” Colton said. Of course it has its more tender moments as well, like the dance performed by Rider Vierling and Kristy Tancred, in which her character gives his a necklace, which causes some trouble later. The piece is called “Chasing the Necklace,” and it is quite a tender little gem.
Photo: Bruce Boulineau
Powlus himself and ballet master Tom Shoemaker. He told us, basically, how theatrical swordplay works. There is, he said, at least one major difference between what performers do onstage and what serious swordsmen do with their weapons. “We’re not trying to score points and we’re not trying to hurt each other,” he said. The first thing he learned is to parry, which is the act of deflecting blows with your sword. He explained that the tight “inside the frame” work that theatrical swordsmen do is called point work, and when they venture outside the frame to make wide, sweeping gestures, it’s called cutting. And then there is the act of circling your partner’s blade with your own. “Oh, loopies!” Powlus said. “Loopies. They are as exciting as they sound.” But, of course, it’s perfectly safe. “It is incumbent upon the defender to make it appear as if it is a very dangerous thing. It’s up to Tom,” Powlus said.
“I’m just going to wave my blade at him.” In addition to not killing each other, theatrical swordsmen must also remember to let the audience see what they are doing. It should be apparent, he said, what is happening, where the action is leading. “There has to be a clear distinction of who’s defending and who’s attacking,” he said. He and Shoemaker then proceeded to play the tavern fight scene. And there was a little bit of fancy ballet stuff in the bargain. (I won’t say what – mainly because I don’t have a clue what it is called. So you’ll just have to go see for yourself.) Which brought up an interesting ... um, point. “We do fighting when it’s fighting and dancing when it’s dancing,” Powlus said. They don’t tend to mix the two. And in case you were wondering, Augusta Ballet actually hired on a hand-
Not Exactly the Cliffs Notes You will find more familiar stuff in this performance than simply the images of the rapier-wielding Musketeers – you’ll recognize the music. The Augusta Ballet Web site calls the pieces “classical pop,” because they are some of the ones made popular during Saturday mornings by the makers of those cartoons featuring the wise-cracking Buggs Bunny and his cast. It’ll be a real blast from the past. Not to mention the popularity of the story itself, and the fact that you’ve probably already read it, or at least seen it in movie form. “The Three Musketeers,” written by Alexandre Dumas is probably the ultimate tale of swashbuckling escapades. It begins with the arrival in Paris of the very young D’Artagnan, who wishes to join the Musketeers. However, being young, he offends the crème of the crop – Porthos, Athos and Aramis – and challenges them to a duel to be fought later that day. However, before they can get down to the business of killing each other, the four are set upon by Cardinal Richelieu’s guards. When the spunky young pup D’Artangnan proves himself a good swordsman, the others accept him as their friend. Then the adventure begins. If you missed the sneak preview and all the explanations and pas de deux, you can still see the actual performance, complete with the looney tunes by Bizet, Walton, Thomas, Rossini, Praetorius, Ponchielli, Delibes, Van Suppe and Warlock. And here’s the bit from the press release: The performances will be at downtown Augusta’s Imperial Theatre on Friday, Oct. 10 and Saturday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. General admission tickets range from $17 to $40. But – and this is a really cool thing – with the purchase of only one adult ticket reservation, children between the ages of 4-10 are admitted free. You may purchase tickets by calling the Augusta Ballet box office at (706) 2610555 or picking them up in person from the box office on the second floor of the Sacred Heart Cultural Center at 1301 Greene Street or by visiting the Augusta Ballet Web site at The New Visions Dance Education Outreach program will offer a school performance at the Imperial Theatre on Friday, Oct. 10 at 10 a.m. Call the Augusta Ballet for details and reservations.
33 M E T R O
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S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
34 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Arts: Theatre
“Dr. Faustus” Deals in Dark Themes
ne of the most interesting things about Augusta State University’s fall production of “Dr. Faustus” is the director himself – Doug Joiner. Part of that, of course, involves his interpretation of why the play is such an important one. But more of that later. Joiner – who was standing onstage in a sandbox the first time I saw him – is a former student from the days when Augusta State University was known as Augusta College and the shiny new building that houses his office had yet to be built. The sandbox scene was in an Augusta College production of “Endgame” a decade and a half ago. Since then, Joiner graduated, spent time in Texas, went back to school for his MFA and returned to teach at the school that gave him his undergraduate degree. He now works alongside his former professors, who are now his colleagues. I asked him what that was like. He shook his head and called it odd. “I still say yes ma’am, no ma’am, yes sir, no sir. That’s perhaps probably the most difficult thing for me,” he said. Frequently, he said, if he knew a professor while he was still a student, he cannot bring himself to use their first name. And some, he said, laughing, he just avoids addressing by name altogether. And then came the obvious question: Why return to Augusta? “It has its own gravitational force,” he said. “That red clay that runs through our blood … I don’t know.” After graduate school, he said, a lot of his classmates decided to go to faraway lands like New York to make it in the big city. But Joiner wanted Georgia. “The first four years (back), I said I’m moving as soon as I can. Then I realized I don’t want to move. I was kidding myself.” And as for the job? “I love it here at ASU. The students rock. That’s as eloquently as I can put it.” And of course, we had to get him to talk about the play itself. “For a director it has its problems,” he said. “The story is essentially about a doctor of divinity. He tires somewhat of the limits of traditional knowledge and he goes forward into that damned art.” Joiner was talking about necromancy and the occult, for which Faustus enlists the help of his friends, who teach him to conjure. “So he conjures up Mephistopheles.” He trades his soul for “four and 20
years,” which he wastes. “And he plays tricks on the Pope, cuckolds a knight. In essence he spends these four and 20 years with this power, doing next to nothing but parlor tricks. “He says he’ll command great emperors, but what happens is, he entertains the great emperors and as time grows nigh for Mephistopheles to end the pact, his anxiety of course reaches a new height and he is dragged to hell.” “That’s the essential story,” he added, “but it’s not without its comedy.” For instance, Joiner said, the tragedy is parodied by a cast of clowns – high tragedy becomes low comedy. I asked if he chose the play himself. “I did,” he said, and then found himself pondering his reasons. “I know exactly why,” he said at last. “Dr. Faustus is perhaps the first modern literary character. Because he cannot stand the limits of this traditional knowledge and he wants things immediately.” He also refuses to take responsibility for his own condition, Joiner said, refusing over and over again the chance to repent and escape the clutches of his new mistress. Mistress, because in this production, Mephistopheles is a woman. “So why did I choose this play? I just see Faustus as almost an Everyman, or Everyperson. “He is like us.” “I see Faustus in me. I see him in everyone,” Joiner added. That’s a spooky concept when one considers the poster, which depicts the face of Faustus descending from the foot of the Christian cross deep into the ground. “He’s being cultivated into hell,” Joiner said. But there are other reasons that make the play a worthwhile one to perform, he said. “Another reason I chose the play… I know quite a few people in theatre, all over the place. I don’t know one person who’s ever seen it. It’s never performed. No one, from Ohio State to FSU, that I know, has seen this play.” Asked if there was anything that the audience should know beforehand, he did come up with a thing or two. “Now there are some freaky scenes in this deal. Children probably should not come,” he said. If you would like to come, however, “Dr. Faustus” will be performed in the Grover C. Maxwell Performing Arts Theatre from Oct. 9-11 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 12 at 3 p.m. For information, call 729-2170 or 737-1500.
By Rhonda Jones
“Another reason I chose the play… I know quite a few people in theatre, all over the place. I don’t know one person who’s ever seen it. It’s never performed. No one, from Ohio State to FSU, that I know, has seen this play.” - ASU Professor Doug Joiner
35 M E T R O
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Robert Earl Keen Tuesday, November 4 at 7:30 pm
O C T 2 2 0 0 3
The innovative partnership between the Morris Museum of Art, the nation’s premier museum of Southern Art, and Augusta’s historic Imperial Theatre - commences on Sunday, October 12, with a concert by Ricky Skaggs, the reigning king of Bluegrass Music and one of America’s most popular musicians. And that’s just the beginning! On October 24, you can hear Mountain Heart, the 2002 “Bluegrass Band of the Year.” On November 4 it’s Texas bad boy Robert Earl Keen, and, concluding this first series on November 8, it’s The Nashville Bluegrass Band, stars of the recent “Down from the Mountain Tour.”
The Nashville Bluegrass Band
“Lost in Translation”
Movie Listings
2 2 0 0 3
American Wedding (R) — Jim (Jason Biggs) is going to marry his nerdy, peppy, fresh-faced, relentlessly horny girlfriend Michelle (Alyson Hannigan). This, of course, requires a bachelor par ty (strippers), a meeting of the in-laws and shopping for the wedding dress (a dance-of f at a gay bar), not to mention the catastrophe-bound event itself. "American Wedding" becomes something of a showcase for Seann William Scot t, who gets to strut his stuf f right up to, and then well over, the top. Another saving grace is the presence of Eugene Levy, once again por traying Jim's dad, and Fred Willard, as the father of the bride. All of which might sound like a recommendation, which this most cer tainly is not. But essentially, the thing is harmless. Cast: Jason Biggs, Seann William Scot t, Alyson Hannigan, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Eugene Levy, Fred Willard. Running time: 1 hr., 35 mins. (Salm) ★1/2 Bad Boys II (R) — Vulgar, brazen, crass, violent, stupid, juvenile, loud, long and pointless — "Bad Boys II" is all that, plus a thin slice of enter taining. The scene is Miami. Marcus (Mar tin Lawrence) and par tner Mike (Will Smith) are back as narcs pledged to double duty: to collar nasty crooks, and to tickle the audience with cute bonding humor. They kick of f this par ty by blowing a major drug bust while messing up a Ku Klux Klan rally at the drop site for smuggled dope. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer gives us not story, but the idea of story as gooey plot pizza; not violence, but the idea of violence as car toonish pulp; not style, but the idea of style as shiny pictures for gaping apes; not comedy, but the idea of comedy as compulsive imbecility; not fun, but the idea of fun as a migraine of lavishly cheap jolts. Cast: Will Smith, Mar tin Lawrence, Gabrielle Union, Joe Pantoliano, Jordi Molla. Running time: 2 hrs., 30 mins. (Elliot t) ★ Bruce Almighty (PG-13) — Jim Carrey is Bruce, the goofy features repor ter on a TV station in Buf falo. He aspires to become a "serious" anchor, but af ter blowing his cool on the air, loses his job and has a rif t with his sweet, please-marr y-me girlfriend
(Jennifer Aniston). There cometh unto Buf falo the Almight y (Morgan Freeman). The Lord loans his powers to Bruce. Time for some payback, some wild stunts, some sexual dazzling of Aniston, some nudges of satire. Like Mel Brooks as Moses in "Histor y of the World, Par t I," Carrey has climbed the comical Mount Sinai and, like Brooks, he has dropped a tablet on the way down. One of the pieces is "Bruce Almight y." Cast: Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston, Philip Baker Hall, Catherine Bell. Running time: 1 hr., 45 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ Cabin Fever (R) — Paul (Rider Strong) hopes that while on a week-long getaway in the woods, he and Karen (Jordan Ladd) will grow closer. Going along for the ride is self-centered Jef f (Joey Kern), par t y girl Marcy (Cerina Vincent) and boozer-jock Ber t (James DeBello). The five arrive at a time a mysterious plague is sweeping the forest. When a hermit (Arie Ver veen) stumbles to their cabin looking for help, the five kill him by accident. He lands face-first into the town reser voir, contaminating the water supply. Af ter Karen is struck with the flesh-eating virus, friends become enemies as the group struggles to sur vive. Cast: Rider Strong, Jordan Ladd, Joey Kern, Cerina Vincent and James DeBello. Running time: 1 hr., 34 mins. (McCormick) ★ Cold Creek Manor (R) — The Tilson family decides to relocate from the bustle of the cit y to the peace and quiet of upstate New York. They plan on spending their free time renovating the rundown, though once stately, house they’ve purchased. A series of frightening incidents, many of them involving snakes, lead the family to investigate the home’s dark past. Cast: Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone, Stephen Dor f f, Juliet te Lewis, Kristen Stewar t, Christopher Plummer. Daddy Day Care (PG) — Looking ver y much like the engorged warm-up for a future TV sitcom, "Daddy Day Care" stars Eddie Murphy and Jef f Garlin as cereal company promo men who lose their jobs,
MGM/UA Pictures
“Out of Time”
★★★★ — Excellent.
Focus Films
then star t a home day-care facilit y. There is an absurdly snoot y villain (Anjelica Huston), owner of a posh day-care school. The kids are central casting darlings. The movie, which has a stern warning against sugar-based cereals, is sugared cereal. Cast: Eddie Murphy, Anjelica Huston, Jef f Garlin, Steve Zahn, Regina King. Running time: 1 hr., 35 mins. (Elliot t) ★★
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (PG-13) — David Spade stars as Dickie Rober ts, adored as a child sitcom star in the 1970s, but now slumming it as a 35-year-old parking valet. Desperate to get his showbiz career back, Rober ts is convinced that if he can get an audition with director Rob Reiner, ever ything will fall into place. When he does get an audition, Reiner shocks Rober ts by telling him that because of his unusual childhood, Rober ts is not normal enough for the par t. So, what does Rober ts do? He hires a family to give him the childhood he missed out on the first time around. Cast: David Spade, Mar y McCormack, Jon Lovitz, Craig Bierke, Alyssa Milano. Duplex (PG-13) — Ben Stiller and Drew Barr ymore are per fectly nast y folks at tempting to do away with the even nastier old lady upstairs. Alex and Nancy stumble across a magnificent, impossibly af fordable duplex in Brooklyn. The only hitch seems to be the rent-controlled apar tment upstairs, occupied by one Mrs. Connelly (Eileen Essell). Her TV blares "Hawaii Five-O" all night, her macaw at tacks, her garbage splat ters, her brass-band ensemble shows up for practice and she even manages to destroy the novel that Alex has only just finished. They decide to kill her in a series of slapsick forays, damaging themselves. A fine suppor ting cast juices things up, or maybe it's just a relief to look at someone else for a minute or t wo. Get these people away from me. Cast: Ben Stiller, Drew Barr ymore, Eileen Essell, Har vey Fierstein, Rober t Wisdom. Running time: 1 hr., 37 mins. (Salm) ★1/2 The Fighting Temptations (PG-13) — Cuba Gooding Jr. plays Darrin, a junior adver tising exec with secrets. He's nearly broke and he lied on his resume to get his job. Then the worst-case scenario happens: His deception is discovered af ter he helps to
★★★— Worthy.
★★ — Mixed.
★ — Poor.
land a major account for the company. Then he learns that his Aunt Sally has passed away and he's expected to at tend her funeral as her last sur viving relative. Darrin learns that he'll gain a huge inheritance if he whips the church choir into shape in time for a gospel contest. This is where "The Fighting Temptations" falls into the pit of stupidit y. What saves the movie from being a total stinker is the music. As for Gooding, he seems to have confused charm and enthusiasm for acting. Cast: Cuba Gooding Jr., Beyonce Knowles, Mike Epps, Melba Moore, Angie Stone, the O'Jays, Montell Jordan and Rue McClanahan. Running time: 1 hr., 28 mins. (McCormick) ★★ Finding Nemo (G) — A father clown fish (Alber t Brooks) tracks young son Nemo through the Pacific to Sydney, Australia, af ter the small fr y is caught and sold for a fish tank. Ellen DeGeneres voices adorable Dor y, who is ver y pret t y and helpful as Marlin's search mate. The humans are alien invaders, big and nearly thoughtless. If "Finding Nemo" is just another of our plex distractions, then it's a giddy bummer, but as a whimsical warning with bite it arrives just in time. Helping to make the seas a lasting realm for real Nemos could be the good, giving back wash of "Finding Nemo." Cast: Alber t Brooks, Ellen DeGeneres, Alexander Gould, Willem Dafoe, Austin Pendleton, Vicki Lewis, Geof frey Rush, Barr y Humphries. Running time: 1 hr., 41 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★★ Freaky Friday (PG) — It’s the updated version of the ‘70s film, starring Jamie Lee Cur tis as a frazzled mom and Lindsay Lohan as her rebellious teenage daughter. The t wo are constantly arguing and both wish they could be someone else. When their wish comes true and the t wo end up switching bodies, they have to find a way back to their normal selves – before Mom walks down the aisle again. Cast: Jamie Lee Cur tis, Lindsay Lohan, Mark Harmon, Christina Vidal. The Italian Job (PG-13) — If you must remake "The Italian Job," the way to go is demonstrated by F. Gar y Gray's highly professional makeover. The 1969
0— Not worthy.
continued on page 37
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (PG-13) — Sean Conner y's Allan Quatermain is a former adventurer suf fering from disillusionment and a broken hear t. A mysterious Brit who calls himself "M" finds the physically fit Quatermain in Africa with predictions of impending doom and a request by Queen Victoria to help save the world. An opiumwracked Quatermain is tracked down by the Draculainspired character Mina Harker (Peta Wilson), who is introduced a lit tle later in the film, as are Captain Nemo, Dr. Jek yll and Mr. Hyde, and the Invisible Man. One might forgive some of the clunk y editing and pasted-together plotlines. Less forgivable is the contrived, bring-on-the-sequel ending. Unforgivable and completely baf fling is the dimming of Conner y's starpower. Cast: Sean Conner y, Naseeruddin Shah, Peta Wilson, Stuar t Townsend and Shane West. Running time: 1 hr., 41 mins. (Wood) ★★ Lost in Translation (R) — “Lost in Translation” follows t wo guests at a Tok yo hotel whose lives inter t wine following a chance encounter at the hotel bar. The guests are Bob, a middle-aged actor in town to film whiskey commercials, and Charlot te, the young wife of a mostly absent photographer. Unable to sleep one night, the t wo head down to the bar for a drink, where they meet and forge a friendship based on their mutual loneliness and boredom. Cast: Bill Murray, Scarlet t Johansson, Giovanni Ribisi, Anna Faris, Fumihiro Hayashi, Yutaka Tadokoro. Rnning time: 1 hr., 42 mins. Luther (PG-13) — “Luther” chronicles the life of Mar tin Luther, leader of the Protestant movement. Infuriated with Roman church of ficials selling salvation, he’s inspired to write 95 Theses and nail them to the door of the local church, thus beginning a new of fshoot of Christianit y. Cast: Joseph Fiennes, Peter Ustinov, Alfred Molina. Matchstick Men (PG-13) — As Roy, an L.A. con man, Nicolas Cage dominates easily. Sam Rock well is fun as Frank, his young par tner. Roy is a por t folio of facial tics and neurotic habits, who stays functional through medication. His new shrink (Bruce Altman) gets Roy a new t ype of pill. This calms him for a big job with Frank, but what really changes Roy is meeting his teen daughter, Angela (Alison Lohman), from his previous marriage. She wants to join him in the scams. What most hur ts the movie is its topper, its big plot t wist. If you see the cynical t wist coming, you probably haven't relished the humane moments of Cage and Lohman, and if you have liked them, the final, feel-good sop is a poor reward. Cast: Nicolas Cage, Sam Rock well, Alison Lohman, Bruce McGill, Bruce Altman. Running time: 1 hr., 56 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ The Medallion (PG-13) — In "The Medallion," Jackie Chan stars as Inspector Eddie Yang who's paired with Interpol to stop a smuggler known as Snakehead (Julian Sands) from get ting a medallion that promises superpowers and immor talit y. Yang and Snakehead spend most of the film playing cat and mouse and then square of f to see who's the tougher. Claire Forlani plays Chan's love interest, while Lee Evans adds much needed comic relief. Running time: 1 hr., 30 mins. (McCormick) ★ Once Upon a Time in Mexico (R) — Rober t Rodriguez is into roots rapture and giddy, boyish confusion. His movie goes nowhere. Should we emphasize Antonio Banderas as the thick guitar Zorro called El Mariachi? No point in dwelling on doomed
love Carolina (Salma Hayek), as she is barely around. Surely the key interest is not FBI agent Jorge (Ruben Blades). And what of CIA man Sands (Johnny Depp)? Af ter his eyes are drilled out, Depp looks like Michael Jackson as a Day of the Dead float, and he gets a street vendor kid to act as his gun eyes. Might as well focus on Willem Dafoe as drug hood Barillo, wearing such great Mexican makeup you can't decipher why he wants his face removed. Cheech Marin depar ts af ter the first scene, taking with him all hope for a genuine comedy. Cast: Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, Johnny Depp, Ruben Blades, Eva Mendes, Willem Dafoe, Mickey Rourke, Danny Trejo. Running time: 1 hr., 45 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ The Order (R) — A fox y father and renegade priest, played by Heath Ledger, takes it upon himself to investigate a string of murders. His investigation leads him to the Sin Eater, one of an order of clerics who agree to absolve the living of their sins outside the parameters of the church. Longing to have his own sins absolved, the Sin Eater’s presence threatens Ledger’s soul, as well as that of the woman he loves. Cast: Heath Ledger, Shannyn Sossamon, Mark Addy, Benno Furmann, Peter Weller. Out of Time (PG-13) — The police chief of a small Florida town borrows some cash from the evidence room to cover the cost of an operation for the woman he’s in love with. Shor tly af ter, she dies in a fire that turns out to be star ted by an arsonist. The police chief comes under suspicion and must prove his innocence in order to keep his career and his reputation intact. Cast: Denzel Washington, Dean Cain, Sanaa Lathan, Eva Mendes, Alex Car ter.
Forest Hills GRILLE
heist was for $4 million in gold in Turin, the new one is for $35 million in gold in Venice. In place of Michael Caine as the top heister, there is Mark Wahlberg. Donald Sutherland appears with his patented aura of suave, cheek y sincerit y, yet does not linger. So the crew is planning revenge against icy sociopath and ex-par tner Steve (Ed Nor ton). Steve has fled to Los Angeles with the loot. "The Italian Job" is the real kickof f of summer and also the best remake since "The Thomas Crown Af fair " got a delicious new lease on life. Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Donald Sutherland, Ed Nor ton, Seth Green, Jason Statham, Mos Def. Running time: 1 hr., 51 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★1/2 Jeepers Creepers 2 (R) — In the sequel to 2001’s “Jeepers Creepers,” a busload of high school basketball players, cheerleaders and coaches headed home from the state championships run into a terrifying, flesh-eating creature on a desolate back road. Cast: Jonathan Breck, Ray Wise, Nicki Lynn Aycox, Billy Aaron Brown, Lena Caldwell.
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continued on page 38
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (PG-13) — The movie will be a shocker for anyone expecting water y gruel ex tracted from a Disneyland-ride base. This "Pirates of the Caribbean" is an original, with clever plot ting, some rapierlike dialogue and a scur vy crew of first-rate second bananas. When the Black Pearl, the invincible pirate ship commanded by the dread Capt. Barbossa (Geof frey Rush) storms Por t Royal and kidnaps Elizabeth (Keira Knightly), the governor's beautiful daughter, what can her secret admirer, the lowly blacksmith Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), do but go af ter her? He's forced to team up with the immensely unreliable Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp). The movie lies becalmed when Depp/Sparrow is absent; when he's on screen, it's a rousing good time. Since he's on screen a good par t of the time, that makes "Pirates of the Caribbean" a rousing good movie. Arrrrr! Cast: Johnny Depp, Geof frey Rush, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightly, Jonathan Pr yce. Running time: 2 hrs., 14 mins. (Salm) ★★★ The Rundown (PG-13) — The Rock stars as Beck, a sor t of bount y hunter. He goes to South America to bag the fugitive son of an L.A. thug. The grown kid is Travis (Seann William Scot t). Travis is the wiseof f in an Amazonian town, a hellhole, slave pit and diamond mine ruled by Hatcher (Christopher Walken). Rosario Dawson, her flesh like a sweat mirage, is Mariana, "barmaid by day, rebel leader by night." Sor t of an Indiana Jones jungle par t y for wrestling fans, "The Rundown" does have the Rock, who radiates benign composure — pure nice guy until pushed too far. Briefly we hear the late Johnny Cash: "Don't take your gun to town." Of course, ever y gun does come to town. Cast: The Rock, Seann William Scot t, Rosario Dawson, Christopher Walken. Running time: 1 hr., 36 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ The School of Rock (PG-13) — A rock guitarist (Jack Black), recently fired from his band, switches careers and takes a job as a substitute teacher for a four th-grade class at a private school. Meeting a 9-year-old guitar prodigy named Yuki, Black decides to recruit him so the t wo can team up for a bat tle of the bands. Cast: Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Sarah Silverman, Mike White. Secondhand Lions (PG) — Gar th (Michael Caine) and Hub (Rober t Duvall), are rascal adventurers retired back to Texas in the early 1960s, living in a gothic farm hulk. Newly arrived nephew Walter (Haley Joel Osment) is truly spooked for a while. The old bros aren't happy when relatives visit, least of all Walter's tumbleweed mother Mae (Kyra Sedgwick), a dingbat and liar, who drops the boy with them so she can run of f and live stupid. There are pleasing moments under the stor ybook stars, and the human
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stars register well. We can rely on Caine to be tar t but graceful, and on Duvall to deliver crunchy lessons in manly vir tue without spilling them into our laps like stale corn. Cast: Rober t Duvall, Michael Caine, Haley Joel Osment, Kyra Sedgwick. Running time: 1 hr., 48 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ S.W.A.T. (PG-13) — Samuel L. Jackson is Lt. Dan Harrelson, called Hondo, who is can-do to a fanatical degree. He's the only actor of sizable presence. Time for plot! Bring on one-dude fashion layout Olivier Mar tinez as Alex, a French psycho who has killed 24 and bags No. 25 by slit ting the throat of his uncle with a knife "given me by my father." He is called "The Frog." Arrested, the swinish Alex of fers $100 million to anyone who can free him. Within hours, L.A. is crawling with crazies armed with bazookas and other big-time weapons, ready to blow Alex free, demolish subways, escor t him through sewers (yes, one has computerized bats) and land a jet plane on a street bridge. Of course, only Hondo's squad can block this evil and perhaps Francophile scheme. Cast: Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell, Michelle Rodriguez, LL Cool J, Olivier Mar tinez, Josh Charles, Larr y Poindex ter. Running time: 1 hr., 57 mins. (Elliot t) ★ Talk to Her (R) — Two men, strangers, end up sit ting nex t to each other at a moving theatrical performance. Their paths cross again at a clinic where one of them, Benigno, works, caring for people in comas. Marco is there to see his girlfriend, a bullfighter recently admit ted af ter being gored by a bull. The t wo men have more in common than they think: Benigno has fallen in love with one of his charges, a beautiful ballet student. Cast: Javier Camara, Dario Grandinet ti, Leonor Watling, Rosario Flores. Running time: 1 hr., 52 mins.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (R) — An almost unbroken stream of might y mayhem, high on the bliss of eviscerated metal. Arnold returns as the Terminator, to save the future leaders of mankind (Nick Stahl, Claire Danes) from a vicious terminatrix (Kristanna Loken) who is like the sleek evil t win of the computerized vamp in "Simone." It goes where it must, to nuclear hell, and is weirdly satisfying. 1 hr., 48 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ 2 Fast 2 Furious (PG-13) — The speed par t y "2 Fast 2 Furious" is 2 silly 2 believe and 2 cliched 2 be ver y enter taining. 2 bad. It stars Paul Walker, back as Brian from the 2001 summer hit "The Fast and the Furious," in which he was an undercover cop
and rival, then pal, of mechanic and street racer Dom (Vin Diesel). Walker gets to appear slight nex t to the big rack of torso Tyrese, cast as racer and ex-con Roman Pearce. The set ting is now Miami. The script is a chop-shop quickie with a greasy aroma of "Miami Vice." The car scenes are so heavily edited and accessorized with tech-freak dazzle that even the blasting finish collapses into a string of stunts. This film is just a motorized budget. Cast: Paul Walker, Tyrese, Cole Hauser, Eva Mendes, James Remar. Running time: 1 hr., 44 mins. (Elliot t) ★1/2 Under the Tuscan Sun (PG-13) — is based on Frances Mayes' book, a hit memoir of the Bay Area professor's seasonal life in Tuscany, refurbishing an old villa. Diane Lane plays Frances, always lovely and loveable even when in the grim throes of divorce. She makes a new life in Italy, empowered for the adventure by a lesbian friend (Sandra Oh) in San Francisco. In the book, Frances deepens gradually as the old house is remade, and the estate, food, wine and people saturate her spirit. But it's a dif ficult book to film. "Under the Tuscan Sun" suf fers the sunburn of radioactive pret tiness. This is la dolce vapid. Cast: Diane Lane, Sandra Oh, Raoul Bova, Lindsay Duncan, Vincent Riot ta. Running time: 1 hr., 52 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ Underworld (R) — For centuries, a bat tle has been raging bet ween vampires, sophisticated cit y dwellers, and Lycans, werewolf street thugs. “Under world” is a Gothic t wist on “Romeo and Juliet,” chronicling the pit falls of young love bet ween a vampire (Kate Beckinsale) and a Lycan (Scot t Speedman). Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Danny McBride, Scot t Speedman, Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen. Uptown Girls (PG-13) — It took four writers to scribble "Uptown Girls," and they must have split their crayon into four pieces. Brit tany Murphy is Molly, who kicked out of her posh Manhat tan apar tment and, though hardly moving downscale, becomes a rich kid's nanny. The kid is Ray, the packaged mini-princess Dakota Fanning, who seems from a Stepford planet. She may be the most insuf ferable film brat since Kirby Furlong in "Mame." Nanny and brat t y bond with the help of a pink pig, intrusive pop songs and a mutual zeal for inanit y. It is just mindless summer fluf f. So, forget taste. 1 hr,. 38 mins. (Elliot t) 0 —Capsules compiled from movie reviews writ ten by David Elliot t, film critic for The San Diego Union-Tribune and other staf f writers.
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lmost 50 years ago, Ealing Studios in England made a small film called “The Ladykillers.” It featured Alec Guinness and a newcomer named Peter Sellers in a comedy about some perfectly nasty folks attempting to do away with the sweet old lady downstairs. “The Ladykillers” is one of the funniest movies ever made. Just about everything in it is perfect. This week, Miramax releases a film called “Duplex.” It features Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore in a comedy about some perfectly nasty folks attempting to do away with the even nastier old lady upstairs. “Duplex” is a disaster. Just about everything in it is wrong. Alex (Stiller) and Nancy (Barrymore), an I-want-it-now yuppie couple, stumble across a magnificent, impossibly affordable duplex in Brooklyn. The only hitch seems to be the rent-controlled apartment upstairs, occupied by one Mrs. Connelly (Eileen Essell). But the apple-cheeked old dearie shouldn’t prove much of a problem at all. Until her TV blares “Hawaii Five-O” all night, her macaw attacks, her garbage splatters, her brass-band ensemble shows up for practice (oh, for the musical sessions in “The Ladykillers”!) and she forces Alex to accompany her to the pharmacy, where she counts out pills; to the grocery store, where she counts out grapes; to the bank, where she counts out pennies. She even manages to destroy the novel that upand-coming-writer Alex has only just finished. Wheedling one moment, snide, even cruel, the next, she drives them slowly — much too slowly, actually — insane. They decide to kill her (who wouldn’t?), and in a
series of slapsick forays so badly timed that it’s as if Wile E. Coyote never existed, they of course fail, damaging themselves (tszit! goes the electricity; out goes Nancy’s hair, Elsa Lanchester-style) in the foolish process. Director Danny DeVito has scorched this earth before, in “Throw Momma From the Train” and “The War of The Roses.” Here, for all his practice, he seems to have gotten exactly one bit right: a showdown — it almost has the character of a smackdown — featuring a clapper, one of those gadgets that turns off appliances with two claps of the hands. It’s so weird and demented, as the saying almost goes, that you forget to laugh. Most of the gags, however, are constructed around the premise that old people are really, really disgusting, which, without getting holier-than-thou-or-anybody-else about it, is really, really disgusting. Among the many other miscalculations in “Duplex” is the character of the couple: They simply aren’t appealing, and if you’re going to try to off even a vile old lady and get laughs doing it, you’d better have the mob on your side. They lost me when 1) Nancy came home cheerily from work and asked the seriously blocked Alex how much he’d written that day; and 2) Alex did not respond by shrieking “shut up, shut up, shut up!” Are we supposed to believe in these people, or aren’t we? A fine supporting cast — Swoozie Kurtz, James Remar, Robert Wisdom, Wallace Shawn, and Harvey Fierstein channeling Divin — juices things up every now and then, or maybe it’s just a relief to look at someone else for a minute or two. Get these people away from me. Throw Danny from the train.
M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
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Cinema: Review
“School of Rock” Is a Course Worth Taking By Rachel Deahl
O C T 2 2 0 0 3
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very young music fan has, at one time, probably sat in his high school music class wondering why he couldn’t be learning about Led Zeppelin or charting the rise of hip-hop. And, as someone with a strong sense of music history and an equally strong disregard for authority, director Richard Linklater was undoubtedly one of those kids. Like the aimless Texas teens who occupied his irreverent and timely "Dazed and Confused," Linklater has demonstrated a scholarly knowledge of that most deviant and rebellious form of music: rock ‘n’ roll. And, with "School of Rock," the director delivers a warm-hearted and irresistible valentine to the music he loves. Written by Mike White (who has penned such notable films as "The Good Girl" and "Chuck and Buck"), "School of Rock" is essentially a fable about growing up … and managing to remain cool in the process. Mostly it’s an examination of how you can stay true to your rock ‘n’ roll roots once you’re too old to be dazed and confused. Here, Jack Black stars as Dewey Finn, a down-and-out singer who can’t pay his bills but is still unwilling to give up on his rock ‘n’ roll dreams. Urged to get a job and clean himself up by his strait-laced roommate, Ned (played by White), Dewey stumbles on a seemingly quick and easy way to make rent. When Ned gets a call for a substitute teacher position at an upscale prep school, Dewey takes the job.
Posing as Ned, Dewey blows onto campus in his dilapidated black van and attempts to sleep his way through the first day of class. But, after hearing his little tykes in music class, he decides to turn his students into a first-rate rock band. Inaugurating himself as the lead singer, Dewey starts prepping the kids to enter the local battle of the bands – an event he was supposed to compete in with his former bandmates. Starting his course in Classic Rock 101 with intensive music appreciation, Dewey hands out CDs to his young protégés – everything from Yes to Rush to Aretha Franklin. And, as he pontificates on the musical styles of Hendrix and Paige, he starts to become enthralled with his new unlikely post as teacher. Seemingly written with Jack Black in mind, "School of Rock" is a perfect vehicle for the energized comedian. Showcasing his musical talent as well as his uncanny knack for Belushi-like physical comedy and facial contortions, Black has finally found a film that takes advantage of his talents. Improving the alreadysolid material, Black manages to eke a laugh out of almost every line in the film … even the most mundane. And, when the band — which the kids appropriately coin School of Rock — finally takes the stage and the kids start jamming their punked little souls out, it’s clear that this class is definitely worth taking.
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MOVIE CLOCK REGAL AUGUSTA EXCHANGE 20 Movies Good 10/3 - 10/9 Out of Time (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:20, 2:15, 2:55, 4:45, 5:25, 7:15, 8:05, 10:05, 10:35, 12:35; Sun-Thur: 12:20, 2:15, 2:55, 4:45, 5:25, 7:15, 8:05, 10:05, 10:35 Lost in Translation (R) Fri-Sat: 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00, 12:30; Sun-Thur: 12:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00 Under the Tuscan Sun (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50, 12:25; Sun-Thur: 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 9:50 Luther (PG-13) 12:50, 3:55, 7:05, 9:55 Duplex (PG-13) 1:05, 3:25, 5:40, 8:10, 10:45 The School of Rock (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:10, 1:30, 2:40, 4:10, 5:10, 6:45, 7:45, 9:20, 10:20, 11:55; Sun-Thur: 12:10, 1:30, 2:40, 4:10, 5:10, 6:45, 7:45, 9:20, 10:20 Under world (R) Fri-Sat: 1:00, 4:05, 7:00, 9:45, 12:30; Sun-Thur: 1:00, 4:05, 7:00, 9:45 Cold Creek Manor (R) 2:00, 4:55, 7:35, 10:25 The Rundown (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 2:10, 3:00, 4:50, 5:30, 7:20, 8:00, 9:50, 10:30, 12:20; Sun-Thur: 12:30, 2:10, 3:00, 4:50, 5:30, 7:20, 8:00, 9:50, 10:30 Once Upon a Time in Mexico (R) 12:25, 2:50, 5:20, 7:55, 10:30 Matchstick Men (PG-13) 7:50, 10:40 Cabin Fever (R) 12:15, 2:45, 5:15, 7:40, 10:05, 12:20 The Fighting Temptations (PG-13) 1:40, 4:35, 7:25, 10:10 Secondhand Lions (PG) Fri-Sat: 1:35, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25, 12:00; Sun-Thur: 1:35, 4:15, 6:50, 9:25 Dickie Rober ts (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 11:55, 2:10, 4:30, 6:55, 9:15, 11:40; Sun-Thur: 11:55, 2:10, 4:30, 6:55, 9:15 Jeepers Creepers 2 (R) 4:40, 10:15 Freak y Friday (PG) 12:45, 3:15, 5:35 S.W.A.T. (PG-13) 2:05, 7:30 Pirates of the Caribbean (PG-13) 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10:00 EVANS 14 CINEMAS Movies Good 10/3 - 10/9 Lost in Translation (R) Fri: 4:20, 7:05, 9:25; Sat-Sun: 1:20, 4:20, 7:05, 9:25; Mon-Thur: 4:20, 7:05, 9:25 Out of Time (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 2:00, 4:40, 7:40, 10:00; Mon-Thur: 4:40, 7:40, 10:00 Duplex (PG-13) Fri: 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30; Sat-Sun: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30; MonThur: 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 The Rundown (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 2:10, 4:30, 7:30, 9:55; Mon-Thur: 4:30, 7:30, 9:55 Under the Tuscan Sun (PG-13) Fri: 4:00, 7:00, 9:45; Sat-Sun: 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45; Mon-Thur: 4:00, 7:00, 9:45 School of Rock (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 2:30, 5:00, 7:15, 9:45; Mon-Thur: 5:00, 7:15, 9:45 Under world (R) Fri: 3:55, 6:50, 9:20; SatSun: 1:25, 3:55, 6:50, 9:20; Mon-Thur: 3:55, 6:50, 9:20 The Fighting Temptations (PG-13) Fri: 4:10, 7:10, 9:35; Sat-Sun: 1:50, 4:10, 7:10, 9:35; Mon-Thur: 4:10, 7:10, 9:35
Secondhand Lions (PG) Fri-Sun: 2:20, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40; Mon-Thur: 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 Cold Creek Manor (R) Fri: 4:45, 7:25, 9:50; Sat-Sun: 1:45, 4:45, 7:25, 9:50; Mon-Thur: 4:45, 7:25, 9:50 Matchstick Men (PG-13) Fri: 4:25, 6:55, 9:25; Sat-Sun: 1:40, 4:25, 6:55, 9:25; MonThur: 4:25, 6:55, 9:25 Dickie Rober ts (PG-13) Fri: 3:10, 5:25, 7:45, 10:00; Sat-Sun: 1:05, 3:10, 5:25, 7:45, 10:00; Mon-Thur: 5:25, 7:45, 10:00 Freak y Friday (PG) Fri: 3:05, 5:15, 7:25, 9:35; Sat-Sun: 12:55, 3:05, 5:15, 7:25, 9:35; Mon-Thur: 5:15, 7:25, 9:35 Pirates of the Caribbean (PG-13) Fri: 4:35, 8:00; Sat-Sun: 1:10, 4:35, 8:00; Mon-Thur: 4:35, 8:00
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MASTERS 7 CINEMAS Movies Good 10/3 - 10/9 Out of Time (PG-13) Fri: 5:00, 7:30, 9:45; Sat-Sun: 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 9:45; Mon-Thur: 5:00, 7:30 School of Rock (PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:45, 10:00; Sat-Sun: 2:45, 5:15, 7:45, 10:00; Mon-Thur: 5:15, 7:45 Duplex (PG-13) Fri: 5:30, 8:00, 10:10; SatSun: 3:05, 5:30, 8:00, 10:10; Mon-Thur: 5:30, 8:00 The Rundown (PG-13) Fri: 5:20, 7:55, 10:05; Sat-Sun: 2:50, 5:20, 7:55, 10:05; Mon-Thur: 5:20, 7:55 Secondhand Lions (PG) Fri: 5:25, 7:50, 10:00; Sat-Sun: 3:00, 5:25, 7:50, 10:00; Mon-Thur: 5:25, 7:50 Under world (R) Fri: 5:10, 7:40, 9:50; SatSun: 2:40, 5:10, 7:40, 9:50; Mon-Thur: 5:10, 7:40 The Fighting Temptations (PG-13) Fri: 5:05, 7:35, 9:55; Sat-Sun: 2:35, 5:05, 7:35, 9:55; Mon-Thur: 5:05, 7:35
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REGAL 12 CINEMAS Movies Good 10/3 - 10/9 The Order (R) 2:00, 4:55, 7:45, 9:55 The Medallion (PG-13) 1:55, 4:25, 7:05, 9:30 Finding Nemo (G) 2:35, 4:45, 7:40, 9:55 Uptown Girls (PG-13) 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:20 League of Ex traordinar y Gentlemen (PG-13) 2:45, 5:05, 7:20, 9:40 Bad Boys 2 (R) 2:05, 5:00, 7:50 American Wedding (R) 2:40, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50 The Italian Job (PG-13) 2:10, 4:50, 7:20, 9:40 Terminator 3 (R) 1:55, 4:20, 7:00, 9:25 2 Fast 2 Furious (PG-13) 2:15, 4:55, 7:25, 9:45 Bruce Almight y (PG-13) 2:25, 4:35, 7:25, 9:35 Daddy Day Care (PG) 2:30, 4:30, 7:35, 9:50 ASU FALL FILM SERIES Movie Good 10/6 Talk to Her (R) Mon: 7:00 Movie listings are subject to change without notice.
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Movie listings are subject to change without notice.
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42 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Music Covers Gone Bad
he song garnering the most airplay on many radio stations recently was, surprisingly, a song you would have heard on the radio several decades ago. The tune is “Drift Away” by Uncle Kracker, and it’s a remake of a 1970s song of the same name by Dobie Gray, who also appears on the new version. This past week “Drift Away” Part Deux drifted all the way to No. 1 on the adult contemporary singles chart. Unfortunately, the new version stinks. It really, really stinks. For as long as some artists have written music, others have heisted it. This practice of reinterpreting a songwriter’s work is commonly called “covering” an artist, and the results are “cover songs.” Sometimes it works (Jimi Hendrix singing Bob Dylan’s “All Along the Watchtower” is a prime example), but other times it’s the musical equivalent of using a copy machine — the copies rarely turn out as good as the original. Below is a list of the 25 worst cover songs of the all time. It’s the result of several long conversations and e-mails between music fans and the staff of the Peoria (Ill.) Journal Star and a popular Illinois rock ‘n’ roll radio station. The rules were simple: • The original song or the cover had to be a mainstream hit. • Parodies and samples don’t count. That eliminated most rap songs (think P. Diddy’s butchering of The Police’s “Every Breath You Take”) and anything to do with Weird Al. • The song had to exist on an album. Every band covers stuff live, but only a few are daring enough to do it on a CD. Our suggestions are sure to anger some, but if you disagree you could always conceive your own list. Of course, that would mean you’d be remaking our list, and, well, a copy is rarely as good as the original. 1. “American Pie” by Madonna (2000). Forget the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly — the day Madonna’s ultra-lame “American Pie” remake hit the airwaves was the real day the music died. Don McLean’s 1971 opus wasn’t just a song, it was an 8 1/2-minute coming-of-age story about innocence lost during the turbulent
By Brad Burke
honor of another dead blonde, Marylin Monroe. Didn’t both gals deserve their own tune? As one Canadian music critic noted: “You’d think Elton could’ve at least come up with a new song (for Di).”
3. “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” by The Bee Gees and Peter Frampton (1978). Long before “From Justin to Kelly” or “Glitter” came the mother of all terrible rock movies, “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” Loosely based on the 1967 Beatles album, the project was just a lame vehicle for a soundtrack of Beatles covers. The film flopped, the soundtrack bombed and the world spent the next 20 years trying to forget the sight of the Gibb brothers in those God-awful, multi-colored Sgt. Pepper’s uniforms. 4. “Stairway to Heaven” by Dolly Parton (2002). Seriously, it happened. Parton is a country legend, but she had no business transforming the Led Zeppelin standard into a weepy, self-indulgent reaction to the Sept. 11 tragedy. The result was, with no pun intended, just a big ol’ bust. 5. “When a Man Loves a Woman” by Michael Bolton (1991). Bolton’s rigid jawline and Fabio-like hair made him a hunk in the early 1990s, but his sappy version of Percy Sledge’s classic helped him become a national punch line a few years later. The song’s strained, groaning vocals are supposed to be soulful, but actually just make Bolton sound constipated.
1960s. The Material Girl replaced McLean’s acoustic guitar with an eerie techno beat that sounded like elevator Muzak, and her drab, emotionless vocal work stripped the emotion from McLean’s melancholy lyrics. On the bright side, record executives released a shorter version of Madonna’s song that they deemed more “radio friendly.” It wasn’t any better, but at
least it ended sooner. 2. “Candle in the Wind ‘97” by Elton John (1997). It may seem crass to lambaste John for remaking a song — his own, at that — to honor the late Princess Diana after her death in 1997. But it’s easy to forget that the original “Candle in the Wind,” with lyrics from Bernie Taupin, already were in
6. “Last Kiss” by Pearl Jam (1999). Oh where, oh where could Eddie Vedder’s dignity be? Pearl Jam’s rendition of Wayne Cochran’s 1962 rhythm-and-blues diddy about a tragic car crash put the hard-rockin’ kings of Seattle grunge into regular rotation on adult contemporary radio. It’s hard to enjoy teen angst when your mom’s suddenly borrowing your Pearl Jam CDs. 7. “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” by Guns ‘N Roses (1991). It takes talent, charisma and plenty of guts to tackle a Dylan song, especially one as famous as “Knockin.” GNR had all three, but by the end of this track
Axl Rose’s whiny voice begins to sound like an outdoor tornado siren. 8. “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Sheryl Crow (1999). Turnabout is fair play, and Guns ‘N Roses paid for their own cover-song sins (and the awful “The Spaghetti Incident”) when female singer/songwriter Crow butchered the metal band’s “Sweet Child O’ Mine” for the “Big Daddy” soundtrack. Axl sang it better, and, frankly, he was prettier. 9. “I Think We’re Alone Now” by Tiffany (1990). Not only did teeny-bopper Tiffany ruin a perfectly good Tommy James & The Shondells song with her bubble gum remake, her subsequent mall tour — and the waves of copycats it spawned — was the reason you avoided shopping for most of the early 1990s. 10. “Hazy Shade of Winter” by The Bangles (1987). Fresh off the group’s “Walk Like an Egyptian” success, The Bangles updated this Paul Simon tune for the movie “Less Than Zero.” The girls’ faster tempo and blissful humming makes one wonder if they even bothered to read Simon’s melancholy lyrics before recording. 11. “Come Together” by Michael Jackson (1995). Jackson’s Beatles remake is wrong for three reasons: (1) it appeared on the blatantly self-righteous “HIStory” album; (2) Jackson, who out bid ex-Beatle Paul McCartney for the Beatles’ music catalog, probably paid royalties on the song to himself; and (3) the Jackson version somehow was worse than Aerosmith’s “Come Together.” 12. “California Girls” by David Lee Roth (1985). “Diamond” Dave made a playful Beach Boys ode to women seem misogynistic and perverted. Ironic, considering he was more a blond bimbo than the bikiniclad girls he sang about. 13. “Cat’s in the Cradle” by Ugly Kid Joe (1992). Man neglects son, son grows up, son neglects dad. To hear Harry Chapin sing the story described in “Cat’s in the Cradle” was moving. To hear a group of long-haired punks sing it was blasphemous. Go call your dads, you snotty kids. 14. “American Woman” by Lenny Kravitz (2000). A needlessly sexed-up version of what once was a subtle war-protest song by The Guess Who. 15. “Wild Nights” by John Mellencamp with Me’Shell NdegeOcello (1994). Perhaps covering Van Morrison was too tall a task for Mellencamp to handle alone. That’s why he enlisted the help of female bass player Me-Sch-, Me’Shell De-, Me’Shell Ndeh-. You know, that bald chick.
16. “I Love Rock ‘N’ Roll” by Britney Spears (2001). If you see Britney’s version of the Joan Jett classic on the jukebox, don’t put another dime in, baby. 17. “9-1-1 is a Joke” by Duran Duran (1995). A pop-rock band swiping a song from a rap group like Public Enemy? Maybe that’s why Will Smith and Co. ruin so many old rock songs these days — just for payback. 18. “Faith” by Limp Bizkit (1997). It’s just too darn easy for rock bands to get their big break by remaking a cheesy pop tune (see Alien Ant Farm’s “Smooth Criminal” or Orgy’s “Blue Monday”). Say what you will about George Michael, but here’s guessing he looks better shaking his booty in ripped, skin-tight jeans than Fred Durst. 19. “I Shot the Sheriff” by Eric Clapton (1974). What was Clapton smoking when he decided to turn Bob Marley’s reggae masterpiece into a flat blues tune? Come to think of it, don’t answer that. 20. “Mack the Knife” by Frank Sinatra and Jimmy Buffet (1994). Sinatra’s first “Duets” album was such a success he followed it with a second. Bad idea. This collaboration between the Chairman of the Board and boat-drunk Buffet, the worst on the “Duets II” album, is the most uncomfortable union since Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley got married. 21. “American Pie” by The Brady Bunch (1993). Recorded in the 1970s and released on a campy collection of Brady hits a decade ago, this borderline parody has the happy-go-lucky Brady kids cheerily singing “Helter skelter in a summer swelter” like they have no idea to what it refers. 22. “Dancing in the Streets” by Van Halen (1982). Some would argue that David Bowie and Mick Jagger’s version was worse, but, come on, Mick just looked so cool doing that trippy dance in the video. 23. “Turn the Page” by Metallica (1998). An emotional, introspective Bob Seger song turned into a raging pile of male aggression by Metallica. Fans enact revenge by downloading the track on Napster.
43 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T
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24. “Hair of the Dog” by Britny Fox (1989). Next to this despicable Nazereth cover, Britny Fox’s original material sounds good. Well, almost. 25. “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting” Nickelback and Kid Rock (2003). Believe it or not, their version is so passionless that it makes the Elton John original sound intimidating.
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Brandon Bower Purveys Music With a Message By Lisa Jordan
inger ROBERT PALMER’s sudden passing last week brought back great memories of his 1977 Bell Auditorium appearance in Augusta. Palmer, then promoting his extremely funkified “Pressure Drop” album, opened several dates with GARY WRIGHT, just hitting paydirt with “Dreamweaver.” At the time, Palmer had just completed working on the disc with LOWELL GEORGE and members of LITTLE FEAT, and this unlikely combination of slide guitar and English soul gave him and his career a second wind. Palmer’s performance that night was simply mesmerizing as the locals, impatient for the headline act, grooved to tunes such as “Man Smart, Woman Smarter,” and other selections from his terrific album “Sneakin’ Sally Through the Alley.” WGOR-FM’s Steve York, then a jock with WAUG-FM (Augusta’s cool rock station at the time), spent most of the day with Wright conducting interviews and the like. York remembers the show vividly. “It was obvious Palmer was star material. My first impression in seeing him backstage was that he really was a sharpdressed man.” York’s assessment was right on the money as Rolling Stone magazine named him “Best Dressed Male Singer” some 13 years later. Palmer’s legacy will be not just as a great writer for himself (“I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On,” “Every Kinda People,”) but also as one of the major influences on early music videos with “Addicted to Love.” His lead vocals graced his unlikely Power Station project with members of DURAN DURAN and CHIC that resulted in the top tenners “Some Like it Hot” and “Get it On (Bang a Gong).” Even Palmer’s album covers were white-hot as scantily clad ladies were featured in provocative poses with Palmer that would have made
fellow soulsters THE OHIO PLAYERS envious. Palmer was 54. Born to be an Owner Dept. From Arena Rock to Arena Football Dept. JON BON JOVI and RICHIE SAMBOURA have purchased interest in the new Arena Football League team the Philadelphia Soul. Former Philly NFL great QB Ron Jaworski will run the team while the twosome are hitting the road. Hey guys, need a backup quarterback? The Atlanta Falcons have this guy named Johnson whose skills should be perfect for your team. Another new crop of music DVDs are in the stores this week. They include NEIL YOUNG’s “Greendale,” THE WHO’s “The Kids Are Alright,” ERIC CLAPTON’s “Live 1986,” 3 DOORS DOWN’s “Away From the Sun,” SHERYL CROW’s “The Globe Sessions,” DIANA KRALL’s “Love Scenes,” MEGADETH’s“Peace Sells,” and JERRY LEE LEWIS’ “The Show.” Most feature 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound and other extras. Turner’s Quick Notes PEARL JAM has a live DVD due soon. “Live at the Garden,” was taken from their performance earlier this year in NYC. Ben Harper guests ... JANE’S ADDICTION has a documentary of their ill-fated 1997 reunion — “Three Days” is in the stores next week ... AL GREEN returns Nov 18 with “Get Up.” The Reverend Green’s original producer, Willie Mitchell, is at the helm and the disc, of course, was cut in Memphis ... Bluesman SAM MYERS was extremely impressive last weekend, as his Friday night gig at the Blind Pig in downtown Augusta was packed. Turner’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Jeopardy A. This was the first Augusta radio station to play album cuts instead of Top 40 rock. Q. What was WFNL- AM?
Jane’s Addiction
Photo by Joe White
or Augusta musician Brandon Bower, performing is more than just a hobby – it’s his calling. “I love impacting people with music,” he says. “My original music definitely has a spiritual connotation. The message is, there’s more for you; there’s purpose for everyone in life. I’ve been to different parts of the world and country – it just kind of confirmed that this is what I’m meant to do.” Bower’s travels began when, as a teenager, he started leading youth worship and noticed that some of his colleagues were using music as ministry. “I thought, maybe this is something for me. It’s a tool of God, and he’s given it to me,” says Bower. “I was in a Christian band playing drums and traveled on the road for about two years. I love to play the drums, but we’d switch (instruments). I noticed when I was singing and playing, people were really receptive. They knew that there was a passion. There was intimacy. I thought, I need to be doing this more, singing and playing.” After Bower returned to Augusta, he enjoyed a stint in local favorites The Big Mighty and continued his on-the-road adventures with the band. “I moved home in 2000,” he says. “It was 2001 when I started actually playing in town. Pat (Blanchard) was playing in a band called The Big Mighty. He wanted to take a break and asked me if I wanted to take over The Big Mighty. So, from there, I traveled with The Big Mighty for about a year and a half, played over 400 shows, and decided to take a break.” Since striking out on his own, Bower has become a fixture of the Augusta music scene. It’s now a career for Bower, who plays a crowd-pleasing blend of cover music and originals. And, although he admits he doesn’t generate songs in abundance, his songwriting skills and
off-the-cuff lyrics ensure Bower’s act stays fresh. “I don’t spit songs out every day. I don’t write a song until I know it’s good for me. I don’t write until I think I have a good idea,” he says. “Usually when it’s out, for me, it’s pretty much done. I improvise a lot. I make up a lot of lyrics. Not a lot of folks around here do that. It’s kind of tough, because you have to have a point, and you have to be consistent throughout. It’s not just the same way every time. I’ll play the same old songs, but people will come out and see me for something different. “Sometimes, you get cool insight. Like if I see someone’s down, I’ve sung and seen people overcome that circumstance from just an encouraging word.” Moments like that, Bower says, are when he sees the impact that music can have on people. “People say, ‘Don’t you want to be big and famous and rich?’ No. I just want to take my music to as many people as I can,” he says. “I like ministry in that way. You can talk to people. They can ask me when I’m done, ‘What did you mean by that?’ It just opens doors and lets me know they were listening; lets me know they’re not just listening to the song, but that it pertained to them. “I think music is very powerful. I think it’s a link from the spiritual world to the natural world. It helps if the person that’s playing is different or exciting. Then people are going to be more receptive. When they’re receptive, it feeds more energy into your music. … I like the idea that the more people feed into you, you feed into them. I’m playing actually because I love people. That’s what I love more than the music. I don’t want to be successful in mainstream society. I want to be successful in people’s hearts.”
45 M E T R O
What’s College Football Without Tailgating? ENTER TO WIN A TAILGATE PARTY PACK FOR TEN! Presented by:
Each week Metro Spirit will select one winner from all entries: • Tailgate Package for 10 from Wife Saver • 10 Koozies from Metro Spirit
REGISTER TO WIN: Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number_____________________________
MAIL, FAX, OR EMAIL YOUR ENTRY TO: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA 30914 • Fax (706) 733-6663
S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
46 M E T R O
FRI & SAT Playback featuring TuTu D’Vyne
MON Pat Blanchard
2 2 0 0 3
TUES Jam Session WED John Kolbeck
Robert Palmer Dies in Paris He was 54. He died last week of a heart attack. You may remember his hits “Simply Irresistible,” “Get It On” and “Addicted to Love.” Well, he did tend to surround himself by beautiful, scantily clad women.
Photo: Joe White
y T e a vern r r u S 471 Highland Ave. | 736-1221
Great White not Doing so Great As if things weren’t bad enough for rock band Great White, who were involved in the Rhode Island bar fire that killed 100 people, they could very well have lost their drummer on Sept. 22. Just before work that day, a car crossed over the center line and struck the vehicle of Derrick Pontier, who in turn was knocked into yet another vehicle. He had only minor injuries, however. Close call.
| Open Mon-Sat at 4 pm until
Oh, Puh-leeeeeeze! Samuel Bourdin has lost his mind. He’s sued Madonna for copying his fashion-photographer father’s (the late Guy Bourdin) images in her video for her song “Hollywood.” Apparently, since the elder Bourdin had one flesh-flashing
model peer into a round mirror and another squatting with a television-screen-thingie between her legs, no one else in the universe may ever again adopt those poses on film. Have to side with the Material Girl on this one, we’re afraid. Rock-Band Assisted Suicide Banned in St. Pete Hell on Earth, a rock band who has reportedly been known to grind up live rats in a blender onstage, had planned a concert in which a terminally ill person would commit suicide on stage, but that plan has been thwarted by the St. Petersburg, Fla., city council’s passing of an emergency law on Sept. 29 to ban entertainment suicide. Band leader Billy Tourtelot says the public suicide was planned to bring awareness to right-to-die issues, and says that it will still go on in an undisclosed location and be broadcast on the band’s Web site. They make Alice and Ozzy seem like fuzzy Teddy bears, don’t they?
COMPILED BY RHONDA JONES Information compiled from online and other music news sources.
Night Life Jeremy’s - DJ Dick Joe’s Underground - Keith “Fossill” Gregory Last Call - DJ Richie Rich, DJ Rainer Marlboro Station - Lauren Alexander Metro Coffeehouse - New Ar t by Billy S. Michael’s - Mike Swif t Modjeska - DJ Ted For tenberry Ms. Carolyn’s - Live Band Partridge Inn - Jazz Soulstice with Anthony Carpenter The Pourhouse - Medicine Hat Red Lion - Shinebox, Pit Boss Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Eric Rumors - DJ Doug Romanella The Shack - DJ Chip Shannon’s - Bar t Bell, Allen Black Soul Bar - Super*Stereo*Hi-Fi*Mix, DJ Sandinista, Josh Pierce, Sky City, Shaun Piazza Band, New Ar t by Shishir Chokshi Stillwater Tap Room - Boo Hoo Ramblers Surrey Tavern - Playback with Tutu D’Vyne
Saturday, 4th
Stillwater Tap Room hosts The WIYOS Oct. 2.
Thursday, 2nd Adams Nightclub - DJ The Bee’s Knees - Meditate on This! Blind Pig - Randy Carver Jr. with Coupe DeVille Cafe Du Teau - Bernard Chambers Club Argos - Karaoke Dance Par ty with DJ Joe Steel Coliseum - Karaoke with Travis, Hi-Energy Dance Continuum - Playa*Listic Thursday Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Finish Line Cafe - DJ Greene Streets - Karaoke Jeremy’s Nightclub - DJ Dick, Hari-Karaoke with Kap’n Karaoke Joe’s Underground - John Michael’s - Mike Swif t Modjeska - DJ Richie Rich Playground - Open Mic Night The Pourhouse - Karaoke with The Pourhouse Friends Red Lion - Paul Arrowood Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Doug Romanella Shannon’s - Karaoke with Peggy Soul Bar - Grand Fury, Billy S.
Stillwater Tap Room - The WIYOS Surrey Tavern - Jayson Sabo
Friday, 3rd Adams Nightclub - DJ Andy’s - Lola Back Roads - DJ The Bee’s Knees - Projections and Selections with DJ, New Ar t Exhibit Blind Pig - First Friday Par ty with Shameless Dave and the Miracle Whips Borders - Tristin, Josh Pierce Cafe Du Teau - Bernard Chambers Club Argos - Rocky Horror Picture Show Coliseum - Petite DeJonville Cotton Patch - John Kolbeck Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band Crossroads - Jemani, Knowface, Shanda Mary D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Eagle’s Nest - Karaoke with DJ MJ Finish Line Cafe - DJ Greene Streets - Karaoke Hangnail Gallery - The Kilpatrick Project, Tur tleneck, Girlish Figure, Diary of December Highlander - Grüv Union
Adams Nightclub - DJ Andy’s - Benefit Concer t for Bear from Eric Quincey Tate with Lola, Bob Willet t and more Back Roads - DJ The Bee’s Knees - Jazz Sessions with Moniker Blind Pig - Shameless Dave and the Miracle Whips Cafe Du Teau - Bernard Chambers Club Argos - Argos Angels Cabaret with Claire Storm, Sasha and Special Guests, DJ Joe Steel Coliseum - Brasia Cotton Patch - Jayson Sabo, Michael Baideme Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band Crossroads - Knowface, Grüv Union D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Finish Line Cafe - DJ, Karaoke Greene Streets - Karaoke Hangnail Gallery - Estrela, The Residence, Diary of December, Knee Deep and Drowning Jeremy’s Nightclub - DJ Dick Joe’s Underground - Paul Arrowood Last Call - New Day, DJ Richie Rich, DJ Rainer Marlboro Station - Miss Peg Metro Coffeehouse - Live Af ternoon Bluegrass with Eryn Eubanks and the Family Fold Michael’s - Mike Swif t Modjeska - DJ Boriqua Ms. Carolyn’s - Live Band Partridge Inn - Sandy B. and the All-Stars The Pourhouse - Medicine Hat Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Eric Rumors - DJ Doug Romanella The Shack - DJ Buckwheat Soul Bar - Near Ear th Object CD Release Par ty, Keith “Fossill” Gregory Stillwater Tap Room - Shaun Piazza and Friends Surrey Tavern - Playback with Tutu D’Vyne
metro a coffeehouse
Espressos & Cocktails
Cocktail Hour Nightly 5-8 pm First Friday Oct. 4
New Art Opening by
Billy S sat 5th
Bluegrass in Broad Daylight w/ Eryn Eubanks & The Fold $5 Bacardi Rumtinis All Night
mon 7th
Monday Night Football Party!! $1 PBR & Miller High Life Chicken Wings by Wing Stop during Game
tues 8th Irish Night Live Celtic Music w/ Sibin $2.50 Guinness & Harp
Sunday, 5th Adams Nightclub - DJ Cafe Du Teau - The Last Bohemian Quar tet Cotton Patch - John Kolbeck Marlboro Station - Claire Storm Mellow Mushroom - Redbelly
continued on page 48
1054 broad • downtown (on corner of 11th & Broad) 706-722-6468
47 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
48 M E T R O
continued from page 47
Register to win a pair of tickets to see
Orange Moon - Smooth Jazz Sunday with Emery Bennet t Pizza Joint - Michael and Jayson Robbie’s Sports Bar - DJ Doug Romanella The Shack - Karaoke with DJ Joe Steel, Sasha Shannon’s - Roulet te Somewhere in Augusta - Brandon Bower
Monday, 6th Blind Pig - Live Music Coliseum - Q.A.F. Continuum - Monday Madness Crossroads - Dance Par ty with Mykie G Greene Streets - Karaoke Jeremy’s - DJ Dick Joe’s Underground - John Michael’s - Mike Swif t Surrey Tavern - Pat Blanchard
O C T 2 2 0 0 3
Tuesday, 7th Adams Nightclub - DJ The Bee’s Knees - 12*Tone Lounge Blind Pig - Mike and Jayson Unplugged Coliseum - Tournament Tuesday D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Greene Streets - Karaoke Jeremy’s - DJ Dick Joe’s Underground - John Metro Coffeehouse - Irish Night with Sibin Michael’s - Mike Swif t Surrey Tavern - Tuesday Night Jam Session
Wednesday, 8th
October 14, 2003 by rought to you B ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY!
Adams Nightclub - DJ The Bee’s Knees - Heliocentric Cinema Blind Pig - Shameless Dave Unplugged Club Argos - DJ Joe Steel Coliseum - Wet ‘n’ Wild Talent Search Continuum - Open Mic Jam Sessions Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Greene Streets - Karaoke Jeremy’s - DJ Dick Joe’s Underground - Ruskin Michael’s - Mike Swif t Playground - Hari-Karaoke with Kap’n Karaoke The Pourhouse - Mic Fright Therapy Night with Edmond “The Lurch” Kida Shannon’s - Bar t Bell, Allen Black Somewhere in Augusta - Patrick Blanchard Soul Bar - Live Jazz Surrey Tavern - John Kolbeck
Upcoming Gary Conrad’s Hypno-Halloween - Cadillac’s - Oct. 9 Hope for a Golden Summer - Soul Bar - Oct. 9 Mark May - Andy’s - Oct. 10 Anthony Gomes - Blind Pig - Oct. 11 Electric Eye Judas Priest Tribute - Crossroads Oct. 11 The Goodies - Soul Bar - Oct. 11 The Code Talkers featuring Col. Bruce Hampton Blind Pig - Oct. 25 KISStory Rock and Roll Halloween Ball - Jeremy’s Nightclub - Oct. 31 Redbelly, Buckner, Daze of Haze - Imperial Theatre Oct. 31 Paradise City Guns ‘N’ Roses Tribute - Red Lion - Nov. 1 Edwin McCain - Red Lion - Nov. 6
Elsewhere Joan Baez - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Oct. 4; The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. - Oct. 5 Peter Frampton - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Oct. 5 Evan Dando - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Oct. 7 Ani Difranco - Tabernacle, Atlanta - Oct. 9 The Raveonettes, Stellastarr - Echo Lounge, Atlanta - Oct. 9 Built To Spill - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Oct. 9 R.E.M. - Philips Arena, Atlanta - Oct. 11 Asylum Street Spankers - The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. - Oct. 15 Randy Newman - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Oct. 15 My Morning Jacket - Cot ton Club, Atlanta - Oct. 20 The Doors: 21st Century - Chastain Park Amphitheatre, Atlanta - Oct. 24 Diamond Rio, Mark Wills - Georgia Mountain Fair, Hiawassee, Ga. - Oct. 25 Average White Band - The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. - Oct. 29 Southern Culture on the Skids - The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. - Oct. 31 Voodoo Music Experience - New Orleans City Park, New Orleans - Oct. 31-Nov. 2 Oak Ridge Boys, Phil Vassar - Georgia Mountain Fair, Hiawassee, Ga. - Nov. 1 Steve Earle and The Dukes - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Nov. 1 Bill Gaither Christmas Homecoming Concert Philips Arena, Atlanta - Dec. 6 Many tickets are available through TicketMaster outlets, by calling 828-7700, or online at Tickets may also be available through Tix Online by calling 278-4TIX or online at Night Life listings are subject to change without notice. Deadline for inclusion in Night Life calendar is Tuesday at 4 p.m. Contact Rhonda Jones or Lisa Jordan by calling 738-1142, faxing 736-0443 or e-mailing to or
BISTRO 491 Registration Deadline Friday October 10th Name________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ Daytime Phone Number_____________________________
MAIL, FAX, OR EMAIL YOUR ENTRY TO: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA 30914 Fax (706) 733-6663
Near Earth Object, the band formerly known as Juice, holds a CD release party at the Soul Bar Saturday night.
Awesome Entertainment! taproom THURSDAY THURSDAY 22 THE THE WIYOS WIYOS
2 for 1 Well Drinks 7 Days a week til 8pm
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49 M E T R O S P I R I T O C T 2 2 0 0 3
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Weird A
man, so far unidentified, created a frenzy in London in September when he began offering a free call-in service in which he (dressed in a full “superhero” costume of colorful tights, cape and mask), armed with a metal-cutting circular saw, would dispatch himself to help motorists whose cars had been immobilized by unpopular, police-installed wheel clamps (called in many American cities the “Denver boot”). “Angle Grinder Man,” with a Web site and hotline number, said he had freed 12 cars so far and doesn’t mind breaking the law because it’s a “public service.” “And I like wearing the costume.” People Different From Us Matthew Long was acquitted of assaulting his girlfriend, Vicki Smith, in Cincinnati in September. Smith (250 pounds) had accused Long (116 pounds, one leg) of choking her with their dog’s leash (although before the leash could be introduced as evidence, the dog reportedly ate it). Long testified that what really happened was that he grabbed Smith in a desperate attempt to prevent her from walking out, clinging to her as she dragged him through the house. (“Love does that,” Long added.) When Smith admitted that she could throw Long around “like a rag doll,” the judge found him not guilty. Both Smith and Long are married to other people.
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More Things to Worry About The Cambodian government is planning a tourist attraction (museum, theater complex, food service) at the site of the cremated ashes of Pol Pot, the dictator who directed the “killing fields” murders of 2 million people. And several established, online gambling parlors ran full betting boards in August on this year’s Little League World Series, according to “Editor & Publisher” magazine. And Derrick and Patricia Cogan of Devon, England, still managed to enjoy a scheduled September holiday in their mobile home, despite the fact that just days before, it sustained about $3,400 U.S. in damage after being hit by a flying cow that fell off of a 30foot cliff. Least Competent Criminals • Easy Collars: Pamela J. Reardon was arrested in Monroe, Ohio, in August and charged with buying groceries using a stolen check; she was easy to track down because she had tried to save even more on her purchase by using her own Marsh Supermarket discount card. And Mr. Lem
••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• •••••
Lom was arrested in Janesville, Wis., in August after he had allegedly stolen an electronic gadget from the front yard of a home; it turns out that the device was the base station for the pre-trial-release ankle monitor worn by the home’s resident, and removal of the base station automatically signals the police, who can track its whereabouts easily. • Lyle Hartford Van Dyke Jr. was convicted in July in Portland, Ore., of trying to pass $3 million U.S. in bogus currency that featured a photo of the Queen of England. And in September, Michael Christopher Harris, 24, was arrested after he tried to pass a $200 bill with a photo of George W. Bush at a Blue Flame convenience store in Roanoke Rapids, N.C., but then police found out that before that, he had actually gotten a cashier at a Food Lion in town to accept one, and give him back change. Science on the Edge • In August, scientists from the Australian Antarctic Division, traveling by boat on a research mission to attach satellite-tracking devices to whales to study their habitats, managed to capture what they believe is a historical first photo: the water pattern that results from the bubble when a huge whale releases flatulence. Said researcher Nick Gales, “We got away from the bow of the ship very quickly. (I)t does stink.” • Scientists working out of the Lawn Hill (Queensland) National Park in Australia announced in June that they had found a male Lavarack’s turtle, which was thought to be extinct but has apparently survived relatively unchanged for thousands of years. The turtle’s primary distinction is that its sex organs and its breathing apparatus are located in the anus. • Awesome: In August, surgeons in Beijing successfully removed a year-old baby’s third leg, which was growing in her back and was actually her undeveloped twin’s leg. And in June, a 26-year-old woman gave birth to a baby girl with one body and two heads at the Abu al-Reesh hospital in Cairo, Egypt. And in Rensselaer County, N.Y., two unrelated groups of girls out hiking discovered a turtle with two heads (Poestenkill, N.Y., May) and a frog with no eyes (Raymertown, N.Y., July). Leading Economic Indicators • The New York Post reported in August that some corporate meeting planners in New York and Los Angeles are scheduling upscale gourmet buffets in which the food (sushi is the favorite) is served on the body of a young nude or semi-nude woman who lies on the buffet table for up to three hours. Raw Catering (New York) and Global Cuisine (both cities) charge up to $700 per guest. • An August New York Daily News report on Manhattan’s housing scarcity revealed these recent offerings: a 250-square-foot condo near Gramercy Park, $167,500; a 240-square-foot walkup on West 10th Street, $179,500; and a 160-square-foot co-op in the West Village for $135,000 (quickly taken). Said one agent, “It’s owning a piece of Manhattan.” — Chuck Shepherd ©United Press Syndicate
Brezsny's Free Will Astrology ARIES (March 21-April 19) Today and every day, five million lightning bolts will flash between earth and sky somewhere on our planet. At any given moment, two thousand thunderstorms are raging. While you may not be in the literal presence of one of these elemental outbreaks in the coming week, Aries, I believe you will channel a similar kind of energy: You’ll be fiercely and tenderly alive with the blended force of primal fire and water. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll careen out of control; you may be able to express the booming power in its most constructive form, cleansing and clarifying everything you touch. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) My investigation of recent Taurean behavior reveals that you have committed two spankable offenses. I will not, however, authorize any enforcers to turn you over their knees and apply their palms forcefully to your buttocks — not yet, anyway. First I want to give you a chance to atone, by filling in the gaps in your understanding and ripening the attitudes that led to your deviation from the righteous path. Or would you prefer to avoid the hard work of making amends and instead just accept a spanking? GEMINI (May 21-June 20) I should caution you that this horoscope may be banned in certain parts of Louisiana, South Dakota and Arkansas, as well as a number of other areas around the world in which silky uproarious techniques of sacred yumyum are considered dangerous to the status quo. The fact is, Gemini, you have the potential to be a genius of love in the coming weeks. You are poised to discover higher forms of pleasure that would make plain old ordinary hedonism irrelevant. A previously unimaginable level of erotic mastery is within your reach. Now memorize this coded message: “freesurgingfearlesswideawakerapturewrestler.”
CANCER (June 21-July 22) Help Wanted: Practical dreamers with high emotional intelligence needed to become experts in the following subjects: the art of possessing abundant resources without feeling greed or a sense of superiority; the science of cultivating luxurious comfort in a way that does not lead to spiritual sloth; and a knack for enjoying peace and serenity without diluting one’s ambition. Applicants should be members of the Cancerian tribe. Send evidence of your skills to Poised Plenitude, c/o LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Your natural scent is strong and good these days. Your body is more flexible than usual and your willpower is extraordinarily supple. Even when you’re tired, your voice is a healing melody; when you’re well-rested, the words you express can disperse tensions that have lingered for a long time. Your ability to protect and inspire others reminds me of a mother dispensing snappy wisdom to her children. And your courage is teeming with innocent savvy. I swear you could hypnotize an agitated rattlesnake or gently crack open a closed mind. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Do you have affluenza? The PBS TV show “Affluenza” ( defined it as follows: the sluggish, unfulfilled feeling that results from struggling to keep up with the Joneses; the stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness caused by an addiction to consumer goods. Signs that you suffer from this malady include the following: 1. You’ll pay more for a t-shirt if it has a cool corporate logo on it. 2. You’re willing to work 40 years at a job you hate so you can accumulate lots of stuff. 3. You believe that if you buy the cocktail dress, the cocktail party will come. If you have even a mild version of affluenza, Virgo, I recommend that you seek a cure
New York Times Crossword Puzzle
Note: Twelve answers in this puzzle are to be entered in an unusual way, for you to discover. ACROSS 1 E.R. amts. 4 Geographical name that means roughly “great land” 10 “An Essay on Criticism” essayist 14 Leftover bit 15 Reading of 98.6°, e.g. 16 Casual footwear 17 First-rate 18 Singles’ world 20 Pre-Red head 22 Tiny complaints 23 Oklahoma tribe 24 Moving 26 Tries 28 Lap dog 30 Kind of radio
34 Alphabet trio 37 Stalled
43 Station rating 44 Speaker in the
45 Shropshire
female 46 Some Joe Frazier wins 47 Irons 50 Drang’s partner 51 Yellow parts 55 Cause for a blessing? 59 Hike 61 A millionth of a milli-
A B D T R E C A R T R T W I H U N O R G U S D S T O Note:
Nickel-nursers Not go straight Rabble Phone button Hosp. readout Cards traded for Musials, maybe 70 Burly 71 Blue hue
62 65 construction 66 38 For some time 67 40 Peter 68 Cottontail’s pace 69 42 Ella Fitzgerald
= “block” in the eight adjoining answers.
DOWN 1 White vestment 2 Traverse back and forth 3 Annual parade honoree, briefly 4 Clause joiner 5 Museum deal 6 Craftsmanship 7 Lovestruck 8 Part of the Louisiana Purchase 9 H.S. subj. 10 Sgt.’s charges 11 Olive genus 12 Rec room activity 13 It involves a wave of the hand 19 Terse radio message 21 Basket feature 25 Six-Day War figure 27 “Out!” 29 Trendy 30 Spa sounds 31 Stand-up’s prop
in the coming days. The astrological time is ripe to learn about having fun and living successfully without spending lots of money. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) On my 20th birthday, I found a big bag on the ground while walking across a vacant lot in Durham, NC. Odd symbols adorned the outside. Inside were taxidermically preserved specimens of a hummingbird, snake, bat, lizard, frog and praying mantis. I brought the find home and sought the counsel of my roommate, who was knowledgeable about strange phenomena. He speculated that the animals were raw materials for a magic spell, and said the symbols were ancient alchemical formulas. Maybe it was coincidence, but the next month was a miracle. I met two new lifelong friends, discovered the person who became my greatest teacher and got a glimpse of my life’s purpose for the first time. I predict that if you’re alert as you wander through the world, Libra, you will come upon a comparable good luck treasure this week. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) By a margin of 4-1, my Scorpio readers have voted to impose on me a six-week ban on all references to maddening ambiguity. You have informed me that you’re weary of grappling with enigmas wrapped inside conundrums. You want earthy instructions and simple truths. Maybe I’ll start obeying your orders next week, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t let you know that you’re about to be offered odd gifts from people in transition, benevolent interventions that require major course corrections and mysterious help from the Great Beyond. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) To the naked eye of the casual observer, there won’t seem to be enough love or money or other good stuff to go around this week. But if I’m reading the astrological omens correctly, you will be able to magically stretch and expand the resources to fulfill not only your own needs but those of a small multitude. Just assume, then, that you’ll have the same mojo that Jesus allegedly had when he fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fishes. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) “New studies of the brain suggest that play may be
42 44 47
50 57
$1.99 per minute • 18 & over • touchtone phone required • C/S 612-373-9785 •
You can call Rob Brezsny, day or night, for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope
28 34
as important to life as sleeping and dreaming,” writes Stuart Brown in “National Geographic.” In other words, science is on the verge of confirming what we play activists have always preached: To be a healthy master of reality, you have to play every day. This is always true, of course, but it’s twice as true for you right now. To make sure you know exactly what we’re talking about here, Capricorn, study Brown’s definition: “Play is spontaneous, pleasurable behavior that has no clear-cut goal and does not conform to a stereotypical pattern.” AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Are you afraid of what you want? Are you suspicious of success? Are you suffering from a hope deficit? Do you tend to go numb when in the presence of possibilities that should excite you? Then this week will be a boon. You will have the chance to pull off a rare form of exorcism — an exorcism not of grotesque demons and dumb ghosts, but rather of the jaded cynicism that subtly corrodes your intelligence. Take this opportunity, my dear Aquarius, to cleanse yourself of the reflexive doubts that the world around you has brainwashed you into regarding as normal. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) The daily grind is on the verge of crushing your spirit; you’re way too close to giving in to the petty pressures of everyday insanity. In my astrological opinion, therefore, you’re ready to indulge in what French poet Charles Baudelaire called “a taste for the infinite.” More than that: You desperately need to cultivate a voracious hunger for the infinite. Call it going back to your spiritual roots if you like. Think of it as talking to God or expanding your consciousness or meditating ‘till your heart melts into a state of union with your eternal source. You’ve got to get yourself some deep and intimate communion with the Divine Wow. — © Rob Brezsny
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Puzzle by Patrick Merrell
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44 House mover? 48 Old arm 49 Roughly one of
every two deliveries accompaniment 50 Pacifier 36 Capable of 52 Lolls 39 Spineless 53 Trinket 41 ___ de deux 42 Perfumed 54 Damp 35 Pendulum
55 Prefix with
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’m 34, as is my boyfriend of two years who just broke up with me. He sweepingly cites “incompatibilities,” and refuses to go to couples counseling. I’m devastated, as I was finally coming to believe he was “The One.” I’d always assumed my “investment” in him would eventually pan out, and he’d want commitment as much as I do. Well, he remains content to continue living with his parents, only seeing me one night a week (after which, if sex happens, he insists on going home). He lunches with me occasionally, but wants to “play it by ear” when I try to schedule romantic activities. We’ve never broken this routine, which is dictated by his family, work, solitary hobbies and male friends (in that order). I envy girlfriends whose significant others treat the relationship as an integral part of life. Was my asking for quality time and more togetherness too demanding? Should I consider this relationship a lost cause, and is my prognosis as bleak as I feel it to be? I still love him and can’t imagine many other fish in the sea will make me feel the way he did. — Still Hooked You’re wise to assume that guys who catapult out of bed immediately after sex aren’t hanging around in every bar on the planet. After all, there are a number of lesbian establishments where such guys are in extremely short supply. But, ooh, the way this guy made you feel! How — like he was paying for the room by the hour and didn’t want to go into overtime? How ... special. The first night he made the mad dash back to mummy and daddy’s after sex was the time to remind him that he’d been in your bed, not the express lane, and to point out that it was a regular old bed, not a “Craftmatic Ejectable.” Since you never drew the line, all that got drawn was your face, and he took this as your tacit “go right ahead!” for his continuing weekly quickies and for using you as a social buffer zone when all his other options fell through. Had you stood up for what you wanted from the start — being treated more like “The One” than “the one-night stand: super-saver package” — you would have discovered two years ago that expecting “quality time and more togetherness” from this guy is like trying to hold up a bank with half a ham sandwich. He’s simply the wrong tool for the job. Nevertheless, you decided to wait him out —
even though he gave you no reason to believe you’d ever get more of an emotional return on your “investment” than you’d get from a goldfish. Perhaps you’d come up with a plan, like the notion that you might get him to stick around for 20 more minutes after sex if you hid his shoes and socks. Love is blind, huh? Well, maybe it’s time love got a seeing-eye dog. If you weren’t so desperate to avoid looking at anything but The Road to The Aisle, you wouldn’t be where you are now: wondering why your best bet for lifelong intimacy isn’t a man whose idea of great sex incorporates a clean getaway, and whose romantic m.o. appears to be modeled on the Berlin Wall. (Okay, that’s not completely fair; it’s possible to hold on to a piece of the Berlin Wall.) I’m divorced, as is the single mother I’ve been seeing all year. We’re keeping our relationship secret because she doesn’t want men in and out of her children’s lives, and I don’t want children, step- or otherwise. Instead of going out in public, we meet at hotels, which is exciting for both of us. We laugh constantly, have great discussions and great sex, but since we both know nothing will come of this, aren’t we just wasting our time? — Enjoying Going Nowhere Clandestine fantasy fun not doing it for you? Need a little more reality in your reality? Flip through pictures in magazines of happy families. These are advertisements. They’re supposed to make you want to be like the people in them. Of course, in real life, the handsome young dad is probably gay, the smiling mom’s probably a model who eats only amphetamines and the chocolate lab and the children are rented. In much more real life, everybody’s screaming over the ringing phone, the barking mutt and the under-parented delinquents. This is considered a “productive” relationship. You, too, could be out pounding the pavement and the personals for the child-free version of “productivity.” Or you could simply content yourself with being content. Come on — think about how lucky you are: You’re a mister-ess. You’ve got all the excitement of an affair and none of the betrayal. It’s working for you, and it’s working for her. Count your blessings, and use plenty of birth control. — ©2003, Amy Alkon
Got A Problem? Write Amy Alkon 171 Pier Ave., Box 280 • Santa Monica, CA 90405 • e-mail
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To respond to ads using a A GOOD-HEARTED WOMAN Honest SWF, 5'4", long dark brown/hazel, would like to meet a trustworthy SWM for a good, honest, open relationship. I smoker, so another smoker is preferred. Grovetown. ☎111411 BE MY FRIEND Attractive SWF, 29, 5'7", 129lbs, brown/brown, N/S, no kids, never married, seeks SWM, 20-37, in shape, friendship first, possible LTR. ☎945103 SERIOUS ABOUT LIFE SBCF, 50, 165lbs, Scorpio, N/S, church-goer, mother of one, seeks outgoing, christian SBM, 50-60, N/S, with good heart, who is serious, for LTR. ☎885036 GOOD GIRL Attractive SWF, 38, 5'4", 145lbs, blonde/hazel, N/S, Pisces, enjoys outdoors. Seeking tall SWM, 30-42. ☎864247 OLD-FASHIONED VALUES Honest, relaxed, christian SBF, 56, Aries, N/S, enjoys cooking, dining out, quiet times at home. Seeking marriage-minded, financially secure SBM, 50-56, N/S, for LTR. ☎829149 COMPANIONSHIP DWF, 48, enjoys antiquing, travel, dining out, movies and more. Seeking DWM, 48-58, for loving, tender relationship. ☎732056 LEO SBF, 31, wants to share quality time with a man who loves movies, dining out, quiet times, for friendship. ☎202217
HERE I AM! SM, 43, likes playing golf, the outdoors, nature, country music, some rock-n-roll. Would like to get together with a young lady, 27-45, who likes the same things. ☎703650 HELLO LADIES SM, 51, enjoys fishing, travel, movies, quiet moments. Seeking attractive, nice, ambitious, open-minded, non-judgemental SF, with big heart, who loves the lord, to share friendship, good times and possibly love. ☎620256 COMMITMENT-MINDED SWM, 5'7", slim build, new to area, enjoys reading, movies, dining out, travel, sports. Seeking SF, 25-47, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎695638 SEEKS WARRIOR QUEEN Warrior SBM, 29, likes movies, horseback riding, travel, romantic evenings. Seeking warrior queen, 18-29, with similar interests. ☎695792
We Purchase Fine Swiss Watches, Estate Jewelry and Diamonds.
Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm 2635 Washington Road | Augusta, Georgia 30904 | 706.738.7777 LOOKING FOR YOU SWM, 43, Taurus, smoker, likes funny movies. Seeking WF, 29-35, smoker, for friendship, possible romance. ☎693348 GETTING TO KNOW YOU SWM, 54, Libra, N/S, loves baseball, jogging, and swimming. Seeking WF, 40-55, for friendship, possible romance. ☎685199 A SMILE SAYS IT ALL Easygoing SBM, 32, new to area, enjoys dining, sporting events, quiet times home. Seeking SF who enjoys sports and doesn't always need to be on the go, for romance, LTR. ☎683984 ARE YOU LOOKING 4 LOVE? you've found it! Honest, trustworthy SM, 33, enjoys drives, cruises, quiet times at home, time with friends, good conversations. Seeking communicative, outgoing, intelligent lady to share friendship and maybe relationship. ☎681924 PRINCE CHARMING SM, 25, 6', 180lbs, brown/brown, truck driver, likes movies, reading, dining out, dancing, sports, travel. Seeking mature, outgoing woman who knows what she wants. ☎675675 SINGLE DAD Attractive, outgoing SWM, 27, 5'6", 160lbs, likes movies, dining out, travel, conversation. Seeking outgoing, caring woman, 18-35, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎677721 WAITING FOR YOU SBM, 19, with a brown complexion, wants to meet a woman who is through with games, for the fun stuff of life. ☎656637 SEEKING CHRISTIAN WOMAN Friendly, committed, independent SBCM, 43, 5'11", enjoys quiet evenings. Seeking attractive, committed, independent SBCF for friendship, possible LTR. ☎796760
OUT OF THE ORDINARY SWM, 21, smoker, likes Nelly, break dancing, ideal date would be dinner followed by something out of the ordinary, such as time at the shooting range, seeks SBF, for LTR. ☎651750 ALL EARS SBM, 26, Gemini, N/S, very outgoing, loves working out, easygoing, loves to have fun, seeks outgoing woman, 19-31, who likes to have fun. ☎654007 MAKE ME LAUGH SWM, 19, 5'10", 165lbs, dark features, goodlooking, seeks very outgoing woman who can adapted to most any situation, possible relationship. ☎631029 COMPANIONSHIP SBM, 34, enjoys cooking, dining out, movies, sports and more. Please consider me for a candidate for a relationship with you. Don't miss this opportunity. Call! ☎619405 HANDY MAN Medium-built, tolerant, clean, financially secure DWM, 48, 5'10", Aquarius, smoker, with a good sense of humor, enjoys cooking, house work, gardening, reading, music, cuddling. Seeking woman, 35-55, for long-term relationship. ☎607612 WELL-ROUNDED MAN Educated SBPM, 41, 5'11", loves reading, working out, the arts, dining out, travel, quiet times. Would like to meet SWF, 30-45, with similar interests, for fun, friendship, and maybe more. ☎442021 COLLEGE-EDUCATED SWM, 51, 6'1", 193lbs, with blue eyes and a laid-back attitude, seeks a woman with a spontaneous, creative spirit. ☎434997 WORTH A TRY SWM, 21, seeks SF, 20-30, who loves having fun, has a good personality and is looking for a lasting relationship. ☎622681
SOUND IN MIND SWF, 40, 5'6'', brown/green, mother, Pisces, N/S, N/Drugs, seeks attractive, good guy, sound in mind, body, and soul, for friendship, dating, possibly more. ☎701180 NEVER SAY NEVER SWF, 41, 5'2", blonde/blue, cuddly, new to area, Kentucky girl, Capricorn, N/S, enjoys cooking, waterfalls, kissing, long walks. Seeking WM, 38-46, for friendship, and who knows? ☎686314 LIGHT UP MY LIFE Beautiful BF, 60, 5'11", with a brown complexion, N/S, N/D, has lots of love and passion to share with a SBM, who goes to church. ☎383766 I'D LIKE TO HEAR... what you have to say. SBF, 18, 5'5", darkskinned, pretty, Aries, N/S, enjoys shopping, vacations, and movies. Seeking a man, 2028. ☎578781 WHOLE LOTTA LOVE SBF, 33, would like to share movies, dinners, quiet evenings at home, the usual dating activities, with a great guy. ☎463610 SOMEONE YOU KNOW? Full-figured SBF, 62, 5'11", H/W proportionate, brown/brown, loving, likes church, singing, movies. Seeking a good man who knows what he wants. ☎676011 LEASING W/OPTION TO BUY SBF, 30, fun, outgoing, romantic Pisces, N/S, enjoys song writing, music, traveling, and conversation. Seeking man, 30-50, for friendship and more. ☎567142 LOOKING FOR LOVE SWF, 24, blonde/brown, attractive, compassionate, easygoing, desires SWM, 24-34, honest, open-minded for friendship and companionship. ☎323553 LOVES TO LAUGH Attractive SWF, 19, 5'9", Libra, smoker, seeks WM, 18-35, for a solid, good, honest friendship leading towards LTR. ☎455393 BEACH BUM SBF, 31, with bachelor's degree in communications, Taurus, N/S, loves dining out, movies, working out, and reading. Seeking man, 2636. ☎869451 SOUTHERN BELL SBF, 50, with a pretty face, wants to meet a BCM, who loves to dance, shop and needs more fun in life. ☎660334 SINGLE MOM Plus-sized female, 29, 5'3", brown/hazel, cute, independent, enjoys conversation, movies, dining out. Seeking a man with a life of his own and would like to share mine as well. ☎634069 I LOVE ROSES SBF, 31, likes dining out, movies, travel, sports, music. Seeking SBM, 31-40, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎675623 FIRST TIME AD Attractive SBF, 27, light-complected Pisces, non-smoker, seeks BM, 26-30, non-smoker, who is honest and interested in a long-term relationship. ☎603443 YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO SBF, 39, Leo, N/S, seeks BM, 38-45, downto-earth, very direct and straightforward, to have fun with. ☎582549 RAINY DAYS AND COOKING... are a few of my delights. DBF, 38, 5'5", 125lbs, pecan tan complexion, laid-back, down-to-earth, Aquarius, smoker, N/D, seeks BM, 30-45. ☎569952
JUST BE THERE FOR ME SBF, 23, 5'2", Pisces, N/S, enjoys traveling. Seeking a romantic WM, 25-31, N/S, for LTR. ☎576613 MAKE YOUR OWN DESTINY Loving, intelligent SBF, 34, seeks SBM, 3545, for companionship, long walks, movies, dining out and more. ☎550597 SINGLE MOM SEEKING SBF, 20, Gemini, N/S, mother of twins, likes going to the park, spending time with family, going to the mall, movies, seeks compatible SBM, 18-35, N/S. ☎532672 GREAT PERSONALITY SWF, 45, 5'2", blonde/blue, likes cooking, bowling, movies, travel. Seeking affectionate, caring, compassionate SM, N/S, financially secure, for dating, possible LTR. ☎525164 WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE? SWF, 48, Cancer, N/S, seeks WM, 40-56, who wants to have a great relationship. Why not give me a call? You never know. ☎511453 BIG HEART, BIG BRAIN? Creative, expressive SF, 41, graphic artist, loves the country, with passion for gardening, nature, flora/fauna, needlework( knitting, crochet, quilting). Seeking creative, spiritual man, to share hopes, dreams, desires. ☎483300 MAYBE YOU'RE THE 1 SBF, 30, 5'7", brown complexion, auburn/brown, thick, seeks independent, loving SM, who's fun, active, commitment-minded, a handyman type, to share romance, fun, friendship and a possible lasting relationship. ☎488232 ARIES/TAURUS DWCF, 52, 5'4", brown/green, likes the beach, playing pool, sailing, flea markets, dining, movies at home, stargazing. Looking for tall, honest, kind, affectionate, Christian man, 3958. Let's adore each other. ☎479572 ALL I WANT IS YOU SB mom, 28, is in search of a man, 25-45, who would want to start off as friends, leading into more. ☎459939 DON'T PASS ME BY SHF, 18, 5'1", 126lbs, short/brown, would like to meet a guy for bowling, dancing and romance. ☎463061 LOOKING FOR YOU SWF, 37, 5'6", Scorpio, N/S, enjoys mountains, bowling, the beach and music. Seeking WM, 35-48, N/S, to be a companion, friend. ☎456544 NO INTRO NEEDED SBCF, 26, 5'4", 130lbs, single parent of a 7year-old son, very independent, Gemini, N/S, seeks BM, 27-40, to be my friend. ☎432010 SEARCHING FOR MR RIGHT SBPF, 39, Libra, loves church, traveling, movies, and dining out. Seeking SBPM, 3760, for possible LTR. ☎421273 MORE THAN AVERAGE Slender SBF, 53, 5'2", independent, Aries, smoker, loves music, conversation, laughter. Seeking independent, mature SBM, 48-65, for friendship first. ☎369627 STILL SEARCHING SWF, 47, 5'8", 148lbs, Sagittarius, smoker, interests vary, seeks SWM, 37-48, for LTR. ☎342017 A LOT TO OFFER SWPF, 39, 5'2", 155lbs, loves, sports, dining out, cooking, movies, walks in the park, playing pool, travel, dining out. Seeking young man, with similar interests, for friendship and companionship. ☎321666 ENVELOPING EMBRACE Kind-hearted SBCF, 52, non-smoker, enjoys dining out, attending church. Seeking loving SBCM, 52-65, with similar interests. ☎287845 FIRST TIME AD! Employed SBF, 35, no children, wants to meet a laid-back, spontaneous man, 33-41, race unimportant, to get to know as a friend and maybe progress to more! ☎280007
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To respond to ads using a MAYBE IT'S YOU? SM, 36, 5'11", enjoys working out, auto racing and car shows, mountains, beaches and more. Seeking easygoing, honest, fun-loving SF to share these with, friendship first, possible LTR. ☎625970 A LITTLE TLC DWM, 47, hardworking, secure, seeks SWF, 35-46, who wants a LTR. ☎627154 LOOKING FOR YOU Handsome SBM, 27, 5'8", Aries, non-smoker, seeks woman, 24-33, non-smoker, who is independent and likes to have fun. ☎596431 FROM THE HEART Handsome, outgoing, fun, young-looking SWM, 42, Virgo, N/S, seeks WF, 34-46, who likes to go out and is very nice. ☎605027 MUTUAL RESPECT SWM, 28, 5', brown/blue, Sagittarius, N/S, loves line dancing, shooting pool, and long walks. Seeking WF, 18-35, N/S, good-natured and good-hearted. ☎583044 FLEXIBLE AS A RUBBER HOSE DWM, 56, Leo, smoker, enjoys traveling, and partaking of the area restaurants seeks WF, 45-55, with an agreeable disposition. ☎583222 EASYGOING ALL-AROUND SBPM, 6'2", 196lbs, educated, very secure, Leo, N/S, loves romantic moments, live music, and family time. Seeking BF, 28-42, N/S. ☎583499 EVERYDAY MAN SBM, 19, 5'7", very outspoken, very outgoing, all ears, Capricorn, N/S, seeks BF, 18-28, N/S, for movies and mall shopping. ☎585897 DELICATE HANDLING DWM, 27, 5'4", Libra, N/S, does glass work, non-custodial dad, seeks a serious WF, 2035, N/S, to settle down with. ☎589673 SUMMER FUN SWM, 60, self-employed, enjoys casinos, reading, travel, sports. Seeking SWF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. Serious inquiries only. ☎556936 NEW TO AREA SBM, 30, 5'7", medium build, caramel skin, Gemini, smoker, works in health care field. Seeking BF, 25-35, sure of herself. ☎568136 FUN AND ROMANTIC DWM, 36, 6'1", Gemini, N/S, likes talking, movies, exercising, and traveling. Seeking woman, 21-45, N/S, in shape, for romance. ☎573045 COUNTRY DAD Male, 39, 6', 205lbs, sandy brown hair, with 2 children, Gemini, seeks and outgoing country woman, 28-45. ☎578137 LOOKING FOR MS. RIGHT SWM, 37, 5'9", 180lbs, enjoys biking, sports, travel, dining out. Seeking outgoing, attractive SF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎557954 SUN AND FUN SWM, 43, 5'7", 160lbs, medium build, enjoys reading, movies, dining out, travel, dancing. Seeking SF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎558039 NEW TO AREA SBM, 5'3", 185lbs, enjoys travel, working out, sports, music, reading. Seeking attractive, outgoing SF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎559583 ARE YOU THE ONE? SBM, 34, 5'10", 170lbs, enjoys bowling, movies, travel, dining out, reading. Seeking positive, active woman to enjoy life with. ☎561078 HEART OF GOLD SWM, 31, 6'3", 210lbs, brown/blue, enjoys reading, movies, travel, sports. Seeking outgoing, attractive SF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎556440 LET'S HOOK UP 34-year-old SBM, 5'9", 180lbs, Aquarius, nurse, bald head, new to area, open-minded, fun-loving, hopeless romantic. Seeking woman who loves to be romanced. ☎849401 YOU WIN MY HEART SWM, 44, N/S, seeks clean, sincere, honest, intelligent, wise, crafty SBF, 35-45, N/S, for life mate and deep friendship. ☎611238
SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SBM, 6'1", 214lbs, enjoys indoor activities. Seeking masculine SW/BM, honest, sincere, who is looking for new friendships. ☎737679 IT'S YOUR CALL GWM, young 46, 5'11", 200lbs, brown/brown, masculine, outgoing, enjoys travel, dining out, movies, shopping, Nascar. Would like to meet honest, passionate GM, with similar interests, for dating, possible LTR. Serious inquiries only. ☎792384 ARE YOU THE ONE? SWM, 34, 6'1", 195lbs dark blond/blue, goatee, enjoys quiet nights home, going out with friends, travel. Looking for masculine, easygoing SW/HM, 18-38, for casual dates, possible LTR. ☎502698 A LOT TO OOFER Outgoing SWM, 5' 10", average build, 44, Capricorn, smoker, seeks WM, 40-50, smoker, to date and enjoy a lifetime companionship. ☎691527 DONT MISS OUT Fun-loving GWM, 24, likes sports, dining out, movies, quiet evenings at home, music. Seeking romantic, affectionate GM, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎675371 TAKE A CHANCE GWM, 43, 6'2", 195lbs, black brown, seeks other GWM, for fun times and maybe something more. ☎493530 COULD IT BE YOU AND ME? GWM, 24, enjoys quiet evenings, movies, quiet evenings at home, dining out. Seeking fun, outgoing GM, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎471342 SPRINGTIME BLOOM SWM, 33, with an education in business, seeks a man who loves country music, karaoke, springtime, and making a connection with a good person. ☎659296 ROAM IF YOU WANT TO SWM, 42, loves cool weather and the renewal of Spring. Seeking a man who is strong both physically and emotional. ☎661792 SEA OF LOVE SWM, 29, Pisces, smoker, 5'7", 175lbs, swims like a fish, likes water-skiing, bowling, movies, time at home, seeks compatible SWM, 30-40, for LTR. ☎647347 MASCULINE AND FIT SWM, 39, Libra, smoker, 5'8", brown/brown, masculine, works out, fit, likes movies, riding bikes, camping, cooking, time at home. Seeks SWM, 30-43, with similar interests. ☎545309 LET'S MEET FOR COFFEE Good-looking GWM, 36, 6', 200lbs, muscular, tan, enjoys working out, yard work, spending time with my dogs. Looking for attractive SM, 32-48, for dating, maybe leading to LTR. ☎436231 GREAT PERSONALITY SBM, 18, 6'3", 220lbs, masculine build, seeking SBM, 18-29, very masculine, energetic, fun-loving, to go out for dinners, walks and more. ☎627150 LOOKING FOR LOVE Outgoing, spontaneous, loving, down-to earth SBM, 24, Sagittarius, non-smoker, seeks man, 19-50, to date and enjoy life. ☎602634 RELAXING AT HOME SBM, 35, Virgo, N/S, likes relaxing at home, fun, concerts, trips going to the beach. Seeks fun, spontaneous SBM, 26-37, N/S. ☎532700 A NEW START Retired, fit, outgoing GWM, 44, enjoys walks, movies, sports, reading. Seeking outgoing GM, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎527836 BOY NEXT DOOR SAM, 27, 5'9", 147lbs, Sagittarius, smoker, seeks WM, 25-45, who enjoys fun times and a true friendship. ☎456425
How do you
ME IN A NUTSHELL WM, 18, brown/blue, medium build, looking for fun, outgoing, energetic guy, 18-30, for movies, hanging out, quiet evenings at home, and more. Friends first, maybe becoming serious. ☎425471 ENJOYS ALL THAT LIFE HAS GWM, 40, shaved head, goatee, Pisces, smoker, seeks very special, attractive, strong, fun-loving GBM, 30-50, for dating, possible LTR. ☎257126 YOU CAN MAKE MY DAY Male, 60, Cancer, N/S, seeks a WM, 49-65, N/S, for casual relationship. Why not call me? ☎927707
WHY WAIT? SWF, 38, 5'6",140lbs, short brown hair, easygoing, enjoys playing golf, the beach. Seeking feminine female, 20-40, to have fun times and more. ☎448489 SEEKING STRONG FRIENDSHIP BiWF, 27, 5'8'', 145lbs, student, enjoys romantic comedies, fall, quiet restaurants. Seeking female for clubbing, shopping, dancing, dining, movies, television. ☎700095 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND GBF, 38, black/brown, medium build, N/S, likes dining out, movies, travel, sports. Seeking kind, sweet, honest GBF, 30-38, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎695904
OPEN-MINDED CHIC Broken-hearted GWF, 30, Libra, smoker, seeks woman, 20-45, to mend my heart. Let's not be afraid of who we are. ☎370110 ENJOYS BOWLING SBF, 32, Gemini, N/S, 5'3", 145lbs, mother of one, enjoys movies, the mall, dining, going out to eat, bowling, quiet times at home, seeks woman, 21-38, for friendship, possible romance. ☎646271 FALL FEVER SWPF, 46, 5'6", 129lbs, college graduate, enjoys reading , home movies, camping, country-living, seeks same in SWF, 45-50. ☎965910 GIVE ME A TRY GWF, 27, 5'7", 150lbs, brown/blue, enjoys dancing, movies, travel, conversation. Seeking attractive, warm GF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎553580 LOOKING FOR LOVE GBF, 19, enjoys reading, movies, dining out, travel, sports. Seeking GF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎554721 WAITING FOR YOU GWF, 18, 5'4", blonde/blue, enjoys music, movies, animals, travel, dining out. Seeking outgoing, honest GF, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎527575 IS IT YOU? SGF, 42, soft stud, loves movies, cuddling, traveling, plays, comedy. Seeking feminine Christian female, compassionate and understanding, with like interests, to share friendship, good times and maybe something more. ☎487095
SEEKING A RELATIONSHIP GBF, 24, enjoys dancing, sports, movies, music, quiet evenings. Seeks goal-oriented GPF, 24-33, who knows what she wants. ☎474251 HAVE A GOOD TIME SB mom of two, 35, wishes to spend time, conversations, friendship and life with a great lady. ☎458794 LOVES CHILDREN Easygoing, nice SF, 32, looking for someone with the same qualities, 29-39, and a people person. ☎388943 "EVERYONE'S BEST FRIEND" GWF, 26, 5'6", medium build, likes watching movies, bowling, hanging out, malls, phone conversations. Seeking fun-loving, seriousminded GWF, 22-35, medium build, for friendship and possibly more. ☎335046 BEAUTIFUL AND FEMININE GWF, 32, 5'7", 135lbs, enjoys reading, movies, dining out, travel, sports, music, movies. Seeking GWF, 25-39, with similar interests, for friendship, possible LTR. ☎329063 A REFRESHING CHANGE SWF, 30, Libra, smoker, is hoping to find it in a woman, 25-45. Will show a lot of a affection. ☎307177 LOOKING FOR LOVE SBF, 32, 140lbs, 5'8", down-to-earth, likes clubs, movies, and quiet times. Looking for a female, 30-35, with the same interests. If you're the one, call me. Aiken, South Carolina. ☎113533
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iLOVE IS ALL I HAVE TO GIVE Affectionate SWF, 32, 5’4’’, looking for a tattooed, skateboarding bad-boy, 18-21, who likes punk music and isn’t afraid to get to know somebody! ☎27904
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Alt. Lifestyles
Help Wanted
Private Investigator
Don’t Miss This Friday Rocky Horror Picture Show!
59 People needed to lose weight! All natural, doctor recommended 100% Guaranteed Call for free sample, 706-284-7650 (10/02#8171)
R AY WILLIAMSON & ASSOCIATES Private Investigations 17 years experience Domestic Relations and Child Custody Cases Licensed and Bonded in Georgia & Carolina 706-854-9672 or 706-854-9678 fa x (10/02#8207)
The Shack ... Monday-Sunday Happy Hour from 4pm-12 midnight $2 Long necks $3 Wells
1923 Walton Way Open Mon-Fri for Happy Hour @ 6:00pm with $1 off everything Wed Blue Party w/ Guest DJ “BJ” Trippin & Rollin Light Show Free Draft Beer - No Cover Free Music CDs to first 20 customers Thu Karaoke Dance Party with DJ Joe Steel Fri Rocky Horror Picture Show Sat Argos Angels Cabaret with Claire Storm, Sasha & Special Guest $2.50 Absolute Cape Cods All Night
Billy Dare & The Pumps
Fri, Oct. 24
Turnabout, Argos Nights on Broadway
Argos welcomes Gay, Lesbian, Bi, BDSM, Swingers, TVTS & all openminded patrons
Call us @ 481-8829 or email us at
WOLFF TANNING BEDS AFFORDABLE • CONVIENENT Tan At Home Payments From $25/month FREE Color-Catalog Call Today 1-800-842-1305 (10/02#8131)
You’ll Be Back
DJ Chip
DJ Buckwheat
Karaoke 8-12 with DJ Joe
Professional Massage By experienced male. Designed for healthy men 18 - 45. A great way to rela x House & Hotel Calls Only 706-589-9139 (10/02#8216) READINGS BY
Sasha Sundays Her showcast is not just Drag it’s pure talent. Come let us entertain you. Show starts at 12:30am.
(803) 441-0053 425 Carolina Springs Rd North Augusta, SC Come have fun where the party doesn’t end!
Mrs. Graham, Psychic Reader, Advises on all affairs of life, such as love, marriage, and business. She tells your past, present and future. Mrs. Graham does palm, tarot card, and Chakra balancing. She specializes in relationships and reuniting loved ones.
341 S. Belair Rd.
ATTENTION! If you own proper ty or have family buried at Westview Cemetery and are concerned about cemetery maintenance and perpetual care. send your name and address to: Westview Cemetery Association P.O. Box 14547 Augusta, GA 30919 Also we invite you to meet with us each Friday at the Senior Citizens Council Building located at 535 15th Street (nex t to Kroger) in Augusta at 1:00 pm. (11/12#8219)
Summerville Ace Package Store We are looking for par t-time help No phone calls please. We’ll be taking applications from Friday to Friday from 10:00 - 4:00 pm. Located at 2065 Walton Way (10/02#8218)
Volunteer in Africa Info meeting in Atlanta - Oct 18th Teach children/Work with HIV/AIDS outreach. No Experience necessary - Star t November/December. 14 mon program including 6 mon training Fees apply/scholarships available. Email: or call 1 413 441 5126. <ht tp://> (10/02#8225)
Hot! Hot! Hot! Mor tgage Loan Agents Needed No Experience - Will Train Hot! Oppor tunity Call Diana 706-394-5885 (10/02#8229)
Help Wanted Managers Needed National Roll-out Fresh Air - Wind Energy The Enzyme Diet Will train 1-888-681-5090 (10/02#8231)
Open from 9 a.m. til 9 p.m. Call (706) 733-5851 **Autumn Special** $10.00 Of f 1 Hour Therapeutic Massage by cer tified massage therapist. Call for an appointment with Linda at 733-2040. Good through Oct 31, 2003 Regular Price $60.00 (10/02#8239) Full Body Massage! Therapeutic tension relief, intense or tender touch, rela xing music, aromatherapy, by appointment only - $49.00/hr. Call Joy - 706-771-9470 or John - 706-868-5598 (10/02#8233)
2 2 0 0 3
Share furnished 2 BR, 1 BA (need own bedroom furniture), near Our Lady of Peace in N, Augusta, $300 mo, 1/2 utilities, non-smoker, 20-35 yos, 6/12 mo. lease, 706-829-8633 (10/16#8228)
Mind, Body & Spirit
Religion Metropolitan Community Church of Our Redeemer A Christian Church reaching to all: including Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered Christians. Meeting at 311 Seventh Street, 11 am and 7 pm each Sunday. 722-6454
Services AUGUSTA HOME MAINTENANCE *Find business to make your Home beautiful! *Home Maintenance business List and get found! 706-364-2944 (10/23#8200)
Turn Your “Trash”* Into Cash! Sell your unwanted items or advertise your garage or yard sale in Metro Spirit Classifieds.
Call 738-1142
Free Audio Tape Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and other Chronic illnesses, there is hope. Free audio tape. Call 877-672-6512 (toll free) (10/02#8212)
*And remember ... one person’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Poor Water Drainage?
Dead Bodies Wanted
• French Drains • Gutter Drains • Catch Basins • Erosion Control • Waterproofing • Crawl Space
Roomate Wanted
Club Argos Dance Club & The Tower of Argos Leather Bar Augusta’s Premier Progressive House Dance & Entertainment Zone with DJ Joe Steel.
We accept VISA or Mastercard.
We want your dead junk or scrap car bodies. We tow away and for some we pay. 706/829-2676
Metro Eats Fall Dining Guide Coming Next Week
Come see us for all your VW/Audi service needs! David & Andy Jones
Gerald Jones Volkswagen/Audi 706-738-2561 Located in the former Columbia Square Shopping Center in West Augusta