VOL. 14/NO. 17 •
Arts, Issues & Entertainment
Augusta's $89 Million Arena
M E T S P I R I T. C O M
2 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Pam Anderson, RN Breast Health Specialist
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Contents The Metropolitan Spirit
Sacred Heart Cultural Center presents
M E T S P I R I T. C O M
Based on the traditional service at King's College Chapel, Cambridge University, England featuring The Augusta Collegium Musicum - William E. Toole, Director Augusta Choral Society - Porter Stokes, Director
Augusta's $89 Million Arena
By Stacey Eidson......................................10 Cover Design: Stephanie Carroll Source: SheerGame
Tuesday, December 3, 2002 - 7:30 p.m. Sacred Heart Cultural Center Admission: $10 in advance, $12 at the door
For ticket information call (706) 826-4700
What's Going on at the Airport? By Stacey Eidson ........................................14 White-Collar Criminals Handed Sentences By Brian Neill.................................16 A Taste of India in a Southern Town By Brian Neill......................................18
Ho Ho Honda Tis the Season for Great Deals at Gerald Jones Honda
Opinion Whine Line ......................................................................4 Words ..............................................................................4 This Modern World ........................................................4 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down ..........................................5 Suburban Torture ...........................................................6 Austin Rhodes ................................................................8
Metro Beat Controversy Over Proposed Entertainment District ...12
2002 CIVIC LX $13,980
8 Days a Week .............................................................26
Interest Rates as low as 1.9% for 24 months, 3.9% for 25-36, 4.9% for 37-60 months.
The Phoenix Gallery: Where the Funky Artists Are ...23 Local Theatre Offers Christmas and Anti-Christmas .............................................................32 The Chenille Sisters Mix Music and Chuckles ..........34 Matt Stovall Photo Montage Memorial .....................34
Cinema: Close-Up George Clooney Tries To Raise the Bar With “Solaris”............................38
The Road Opens Up New Experiences for Kari Gaffney ..................................................................40 Music by Turner ............................................................42 Nightlife ........................................................................ 43
Stuff Food: Plum Pudding ....................................................22 News of the Weird .......................................................46 Brezsny's Free Will Astrology .....................................47 New York Times Crossword Puzzle ............................47 Amy Alkon: The Advice Goddess ................................48 Classifieds ....................................................................49 Date Maker ...................................................................50 Automotive Classifieds ................................................52
Civic LX Coupe - automatic (model #EM2253PW)
$179 per month, 48 months, $1575 down payment + 1st payment = $1954 + taxes, fees and dealer options.
Movie Listings .............................................................35 Close-Up: George Clooney ..........................................38 Movie Clock ..................................................................39
2003 CIVIC LEASE $15,930
THE METROPOLITAN SPIRIT is a free newspaper published weekly on Thursday, 52 weeks of the year. Editorial coverage includes ar ts, local issues, news, enter tainment, people, places and events. In our paper appear views from across the political and social spectrum. The views do not necessarily represent the views of the publishers. Visit us at Copyright © The Metropolitan Spirit Inc. Reproduction or use without permission is prohibited. Phone: (706) 738-1142 Fax: (706) 733-6663 E-mail: Letters to the Editor: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, Ga. 30914-3809
2003 CIVIC LEASE $16,390
Civic LX Sedan - automatic (model #ES1653PW)
$189 per month, 48 months, $1575 down payment + 1st payment = $1964 + taxes, fees and dealer options.
2003 ACCORD LEASE $20,980
Accord 4 door Sedan LX - automatic (model #CM5633PLW)
$239 per month, 36 months, $1490 down payment + 1st payment = $1979 + taxes, fees and dealer options.
2003 Gordon Highway Augusta
3 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
4 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Whine Line I
am a small business owner on Broad Street. I voted for Bob Young in ‘98 because at the time he seemed to be running on a probusiness platform. But in the last four years I have seen nothing but higher fees and more ordinances that threaten my business. I called Mr. Young when he instituted the restrictive sign ordinance and he didn’t seem to care one bit how it would hurt my business. And now he wants to raise the sales tax to possibly 8.5 percent! Does he know what that would do to small business owners in Augusta? Higher fees, more taxes and restrictions on business. Doesn’t sound like a probusiness platform to me. Can Augusta afford four more years of Bob Young? He’s the man who asked for the drawdown of the Savannah River costing property owners over $1 million. He consistently puts more fees and regulations on the backs of small business owners. He’s the man who cancelled the 2002 New Year’s Eve Bash. He openly lied about the qualifications of Ronnie Few and took an illegal campaign contribution from the Japanese. He intimidates the employers of his political foes and is intent on killing downtown by wanting to move the arena beside a truckstop off I20. He’s the same man who went to another county and dissed a company within his own city. And let’s not forget his asinine “City of Medicine” slogan. Of course if Bob Young gets re-elected, Augusta is going to need plenty of medicine. OK Democrats, please stop whining. It now appears that, despite your corruption, the Republicans have won and I would say that is the mandate we need to let President Bush run the nation. I was saddened to hear about the passing of Mr. Matt Stovall. Matt was a real icon in local theater and radio for many years. He ranked right up there with the late George Fisher as a radio personality and
a gentleman. OK, in the first place, the change to the state flag was not voted upon, so why should it be voted upon now? I never considered the new state flag as mine, nevertheless. Second, open your eyes: Democrats do not care about blacks any more than Republicans do. Has Don (Cheeks) received his 30 pieces of silver from Sonny (Perdue) yet? To the classy lady complaining about lint on her clothing from napkins used at finer eating establishments: Get a life! A classy woman would not resort to whining in The Met Spirit about something so trivial. You might want to try the following advice: (1) Dress in a color other than black and dark navy. (2) Bring your own lint-free linens. (3) Dine at home naked while you’re laundering your lintcovered garments. Or, you could speak to the manager, unless that would damage your credibility as a classy lady. Food for thought. When I read Clyde Wells’ guest column, analyzing the mayoral runoff candidates, I realized once again what a tremendous loss was Clyde’s retirement from journalism. It’s almost unfair to your readers that we are infrequently treated to his vast knowledge of local politics, and how politicians have impacted our community — or failed to do so. If I owned a newspaper and wanted to increase my readership and further journalistic principles, I would do whatever it takes to make him write a weekly column. Who are the Republicans going to blame now? Can you define “irony”? Fort Gordon (which is by far, Augusta’s largest employer) Golf Course initiated its new nine holes on Friday with an invitationonly tournament. The commanding general of Fort Gordon who issued the invi-
Words “That’s probably the way I’d like to be remembered, as an all-’round good guy and entertainer.” – Matt Stovall, as quoted in an article published this month in The Metropolitan Spirit, his last media interview. Matt died on November 20. No doubt, he got his wish. That’s exactly how Matt will be remembered.
“I heard her scream; it was a startled scream.” – Sybil Derry, the best friend of a woman in Gastonia, N.C. who has accused Aaron LeBlanc of rape, as quoted in The Augusta Chronicle. Derry testified she was on the telephone with the alleged victim when LeBlanc, a local man who was tried and acquitted of raping three area women, is said to have attacked her.
tations is a black female. I wonder if Hootie and the boys got theirs? Har, har, har! Austin Rhodes has repeatedly called Commissioners “nimrods” on his radio show. This shining example of under education might want to acquaint himself with a dictionary. “Nimrod” means “hunter,” which means his insult — like most of the content of his show — is pointless.. Could you Democrats just get over yourselves? You were so thrilled when Jumpin’ Jim Jeffords switched to the Democrats to thwart the will of the people, yet you’re whining like a bunch of babies now that Don Cheeks switched to the Republicans to comply with the will of the people. Hooray for Don! Why I am voting for Ed McIntyre: Has
the ability to lead county commission to positive growth plan. City employees say he’s the best mayor they have ever worked under. He has a vision for a vibrant Augusta. Conducts himself like a gentleman. Accepts responsibility for his actions; doesn’t blame others. We don’t need to worry about convicted felons, but the non-convicted ones who have and are still doing untold damage to Augusta. We’ve seen Augusta in a freefall under Bob’s leadership; we can’t afford four more years. To the lady who is fed up with the lint problem: I have this same problem in Augusta. Sometimes I even carry a dinner napkin from home in my purse. In Charleston, some restaurants have both black and white dinner napkins and will leave the appropriate one depending on the color of your clothing. I’ve heard this idea is catching on in other cities.
Maybe Augusta will catch on too.
seniority for switching parties.
Mr. McIntyre will become our mayor. He’s a gentleman. He made a mistake and paid for it. He’s well-educated and he will not be racial. He’s colorblind.
To the thick-headed people wondering what these ministers are going to get out of the election? They are going to get some honest government. They did not stand up in the pulpit and endorse Randy; they stood in public and endorsed him, then encouraged their members to vote, and did not tell them how to vote, unlike the other side. If you aren’t used to honest government, that’s because you’ve had Charles Walker all this time.
If North Augusta has such a great police department, then how come they have yet to respond to a call I made to them last week? The house next door to mine is abandoned and there have been suspicious activities going on in it for weeks. A strange man keeps wondering in and out of this house, with no running water or electricity. Sometimes at night he will go in the house and just sit there in the dark. Thanks for caring so much about your community, NAPD. Oh, did I mention that another man keeps bringing him 24 packs of beer each day? There is no freedom of speech anymore, only the freedom of politically correct speech. To Charles Walker: What part of “no” don’t you understand? To the whiners about Senator Joey Brush: He never said he would represent those of us that owned Cadillacs and live in gated communities. He said the Democrats put those Cadillacs and gatedcommunity people in his district. I can’t believe that anyone would believe Don Cheeks would lose a single day of
Thumbs Up This week the Augusta Lynx announced that Pete Budwick, one of the owners of the Augusta Ice Sports Center, has bought a portion of the city’s hockey franchise. Budwick is the first local owner of the Lynx. The
Isn’t it ironic that when Billy Morris, CEO of Morris Communications, wants a new $89 million coliseum on River Watch Parkway, the editorial page of The Augusta Chronicle can’t tell its readers enough how much Augusta desperately needs the proposed sales tax-funded facility, stating, “It is exciting to think of all that such a sports complex could do for the area.” But when it comes to
To the person who wrote in, “Chuck and Chump Walker, standing in the unemployment line, mighty fine, mighty fine.” Obviously you don’t know a whole lot about Senator Walker’s wealth. Don’t hold your breath; you might die.
She’s an upscale girl. Come on, now, this letter couldn’t be for real! I wish she had my worries and I had lint on my dress. To the whiner who suggests that the black ministers who did not support Charlie Walker were in the pockets of his opponent: Shame on you. I would sug-
I N T R O D U C I N G 2 0 0 3
announcement is good news for both the Lynx, who have taken a significant financial hit this year in ticket sales and sponsorship, and the loyal Lynx fans who were concerned about the team’s future in Augusta.
2 8
Augusta needing a new $64 million airport terminal, the editorial page calls the plan “wildly unrealistic” and a “reckless” field of dreams. This, despite the fact that the new terminal is proposed to be paid for by primarily federal and state funding and no local tax dollars. It’s an obvious reminder of who owns the local newspaper, as well as a good deal of this town.
gest to you that many, many more members of the black community asked their friends and neighbors to not vote for Charlie because he did not deserve to be re-elected. Is it just possible that these ministers came out against Walker because they are men of integrity and conviction, and believe that a bad politicontinued on page 6
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Thumbs Down
It’s a heck of a note that Augusta has a McDuffie County native for a mayor with all the smart Augustans we have.
Columbia County citizens would be better informed if Barry Paschal’s NewsTimes editorials were written about the buffoon politicians in Columbia County and not a continuous slamming of Ed McIntyre or other Richmond County politics. For instance, we never hear about Representative Ben Harbin’s “yes” vote for the Barnes 2000 Education Reform Bill. After all, it was this bill that helped boot Barnes from office. Perhaps the editorials about McIntyre avoid telling the truth about his buddy Harbin.
1801 Gordon Highway, Augusta
2 0 0 2
Suburban Torture
continued from page 5 cian is a bad politician, black or white? I think these ministers are brave men and I salute them all. By the way, I am a member of the black community and chose not to vote for either of the candidates because I thought neither deserved to win. Does anyone else believe that the terrorists may be involved in the cruise line’s medical problems?
I invited some friends over to my place. Guys from down the street, around the corner and across the way. They seem to like it here. Just getting together to watch the game, some food, laughs, a few drinks. They helped out to pay for the goods. Funny thing though, the lady from the other side of town called and said it wasn’t fair that I didn’t invite her and her friends to participate. And now she’s pitching her case to the newspaper to draw attention to the fact that all the guys here haven’t agreed to let her join in on the fun. Go figure! You’d think I had a golf course on my property.
2 8 2 0 0 2
I know now why Democrats and “20something do-nothings” are mad because the Republicans won the elections. They might have to work 40 hours a week. Oh no! Who is that person who wrote that Whine Line contributors are cowards because they hide behind anonymity?
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Join us for a special edition of Connect Live as Austin talks sports with Chris Kane of WAGT and John Hart of WJBF. Also, meet the new Augusta State Golf Coach, Josh Gregory.
It is amazing that some people say that the black ministers speaking their minds sold out the black community. Where is it written in stone that all black people must vote for black candidates? The ministers spoke their minds and people should vote with their minds also. This isn’t a whine, but a thank you for the wonderful article Clyde Wells wrote on the Young/McIntyre run-off. Made me change my vote. Thanks for a job well done and for keeping us up to date. To the chick with a lint problem: Get a life! This is a response to the letter in The Spirit (Nov. 21). The gentleman came to poor conclusions about the Republican
Party. First of all, you don’t even know what the Republican Party is, because you are a Clinton-loving Democrat. I used to be a Democrat until I woke up one day and found out exactly what the Democratic Party is about. They do nothing but tax and spend, tax and spend. Bob Young takes credit for bringing George Kolb on board as administrator. Bob, you didn’t do the taxpayers any favors. All Kolb has on his mind is money. Only Billy Morris could come up with a new Civic Center plan that gives horses a lovely view of the Augusta Canal. I want to whine about a comment made in the Special Grand Jury presentments dated Nov. 19, 2002. Under “Conclusions” there is a comment made by our county commissioner to the Special Grand Jury that they and the citizens should be focusing on customer service and not be concerned about the behind-the-scenes management. I find this very offensive. I consider Kolb to be part the problem, not part of the solution. Kolb needs to go! I got a laugh from the person using the Whine Line to complain about people being cowards and using the Whine Line anonymously to complain about other people. To the upscale lady who is fed up with lint on her skirt: I wonder if you have any idea how many starving children there are in this world. It makes me sick that you have the nerve to complain about such a thing, when the vast majority of the world’s population will never even have the chance to eat in a fast-food restaurant, let alone a fine-dining establishment. Maybe you should learn how to cook, save some of that money and donate it to charity to make up for your shameful display of ignorance. By the way I have just returned from 3 years of living in Europe, and black and navy are not classy colors; white and beige are. — Call our Whine Line at 510-2051 and leave your comments. We won’t use your name. Fax your whines by dialing (706) 733-6663 or e-mail your whines to
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The Comfort Times
Holiday To Do List…
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2 8 2 0 0 2
8 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Opinion: Austin Rhodes
Sword of Damocles Likely To Make Commission Behave
heir protector is gone. With Charles Walker dethroned, members of the Augusta Commission once notorious for obfuscation and heavy-handed behavior are likely to find religion. In the recent mayoral debates, there was great attention given to the concept of working with commissioners and building coalitions. Building coalitions with the likes of Lee Beard and Marion Williams is akin to trying to snuggle with rabid wolverines. If they do let you get close, chances are it is only to get a better bite at you when the mood strikes them. The good news is, those rabid wolverines are now staring down the barrel of a political gun. Last week I alluded to the Augusta legislative delegation’s new four-member conservative majority. We saw it at work just this week as Don Cheeks was selected delegation chairman. Democrat Pete Warren was the swing vote that gave the largely honorary title to Cheeks over Henry Howard. The same coalition – Cheeks, Sue Burmeister, Randy Hall and Warren – could easily move to change the blueprint for Augusta city government if given the slightest provocation by the erratic commission. With a GOP governor in place,
who happens to love the local Republicans, such a move would be a slam-dunk. Not that such a move will even be necessary now. The Sword of Damocles is hanging over the head of the commission, and I believe the real threat of change is likely to inspire intelligence and statesmanship where there was none before. Charles Walker’s absence looms large in this equation. Last year the local business community, which has supported him so well, demanded he help eliminate the embarrassment that had become Augusta city politics. Like the weasel he truly is, Walker signed off on a reform plan while issuing orders to his minions in the Statehouse to reject the measure, ensuring its failure. Walker’s actions fooled no one. Cheeks and Burmeister called the maneuver for what it was, and to further bolster the claim, even Walker ally Jack Connell confirmed the shenanigans. With a 200 vote margin of defeat, Walker can look back on moves like that and understand why he will be sitting in Augusta come January, rather than Atlanta. The threat of having the applecart toppled will loom large as the city commission governs over the next few months, and one thing is certain: Whoever serves as mayor will find a far more cooperative and sensible group.
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Ruben To Return to Authority? Word has it that former Augusta Coliseum
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— The views expressed in this column are the views of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. The archived Austin Rhodes columns can now be seen at
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Authority member Bonnie Ruben could soon be headed back to that troubled body. Ruben was single-handedly responsible for cleaning up in the operation years ago, blowing the whistle that led to the ouster of corrupt Authority Chairman Ernie Bowman. Members of the legislative delegation have a slew of appointments to make to local boards and commissions. Those in the know say there are few appointments that will give them as much pleasure as Ruben’s reappointment to the Authority, particularly since she will be replacing her longtime nemesis Joe Scott. While Ruben’s return would be positive for the coliseum complex, it may be a matter of providing window dressing for a condemned house. With plans for a new entertainment complex recently revealed, interest in doing anything with the arena except closing it down may be hard to inspire.
Dear Customer,
In Other News The Augusta City Commission will soon see the case featuring one of its most infamous transgressions play out in court. Kester Uzochukwu will soon be in court defending himself against felony charges of theft of services. The former owner of CSRA Waste was one of the city’s top trash collection vendors until he was charged with ripping off taxpayers by not paying landfill fees for his private accounts. The case could get more than a little interesting, particularly if Uzochukwu takes the stand and faces the scrutiny of DA Danny Craig. Craig shepherded the Augusta Special Grand Jury’s investigation of local government misdeeds, and the Uzochukwu case was central in early presentments. Those presentments alluded to Uzochukwu’s benefactors in city government, and the fact that the man reportedly operated without fear of reprisal because of his political protection. Craig may do the SGJ a favor by cutting a deal with the accused, in exchange for his candid testimony concerning his elected friends. Such an event might even inspire a visit from Court TV.
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9 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
10 M E T R O S P I R I T
N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Augusta’s $89 Million Arena
he proposed development plan for Augusta’s new, state-of-the-art regional entertainment and sports center is here. And, boy, is it a plan. Earlier this year, two tenants of the Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center – Williams S. Morris III, chairman of the Augusta Futurity and the National Barrel Horse Association, and Frank Lawrence, owner of Augusta’s arena football team – commissioned a $200,000 feasibility study on whether Augusta could support a new, 12,000seat arena. Lawrence and the editorial page of Morris’ newspaper, The Augusta Chronicle, have expressed displeasure with the current civic center. But Morris and Lawrence seem very pleased with the findings of their study. The news is: Augusta needs a $89.7 million arena funded primarily by our sales tax dollars. The study’s research team, led by ScheerGame Sports Development, LLC. from Jacksonville, Fla., found that the existing civic center over the last 20 years has become the Achilles’ heel of Augusta. “The existing building is undersized; it’s not competitive; it’s losing events; it’s losing teams; and it now has a very negative image,” said Steven Stern, chief executive officer of ScheerGame Sports Development, LLC. “As a result of all that, it’s experiencing significant operating losses and it hasn’t contributed to the economic redevelopment or revitalization of downtown.” During a Nov. 22 press conference to announce the results of the feasibility study, Stern said that the current civic center has actually acted as a wall, dividing Augusta’s neighborhoods from the downtown commercial district along the Savannah River. “It is an arena in a sea of parking,” Stern said. “It’s the kind of building we tend to find out on an interstate or out on a suburban site, rather than the center of downtown. “In a sense, it has created a barrier of a kind between the neighborhoods and the rest of downtown and the river.” And after reviewing the structural design of the current 8,500-seat arena, Stern said he didn’t believe the city
“The experience of the spectator is what drives the building. It has to be a building that people want to come back to.” – Steven Stern, chief executive officer of ScheerGame Sports Development, LLC.
could feasibly improve upon the facility. “Because the design and the structural support are on the outside of the building, it would be impractical and not cost-effective to either renovate, expand or redo the building,” Stern said. Therefore, Stern recommended that the city tear down the existing arena, for which the city still owes approximately $6.7 million in debt service, and build a new $89.7 million entertainment and sports complex along River Watch Parkway and Interstate 20. The proposed 12,000-seat arena would include 20 suites, 500 club seats, a press box, a club lounge and a privately funded equestrian facility with 600 permanent horse stalls, a covered outdoor arena and cattle-holding pens. John Shreve of HOK Sport +Venue + Event, a Kansas City-based sports development company, partnered with ScheerGame to develop the ideal layout and select a site for the proposed sports complex. One of the most important aspects of planning for a new facility was choosing a location that would provide the city with an opportunity for expansion, Shreve said. The research team looked at three potential sites: One along Wheeler Road, another on Reynolds Street next to the Savannah River and the final location off River Watch Parkway.
“The new location needs to be where the people are,” Shreve said. “It needs to be near the population center. It also needs to be accessible to the entire region.” The team quickly discovered that the proposed downtown site was too small, while the Wheeler Road location would be too congested, Shreve said. “The Wheeler Road location was a good site, but the access to and from the arena would be a nightmare,” Shreve said. “So, the River Watch site, out of these three, was unquestionably the best site. It has good access, good visibility and it has interstate presence.” Stern also said that the new arena needs to be a comfortable facility. “The experience of the spectator is
what drives the building,” he said. “It has to be a building that people want to come back to.” With all of those elements in place, Stern estimated that Augusta could have a civic arena that would potentially attract more than 660,000 people through its doors to see approximately 133 different events a year. If the new civic arena opened in 2006, Stern said that it could generate an operating revenue of approximately $5.3 million in its first year. “This building could make money,” he said. “This building could make up to $1.5 million a year before contributing to debt service.” While the plan for the new arena sounded incredible, the question on everyone’s mind was: How is Augusta going to pay for this new $89.7 million facility? According to City Administrator George Kolb, Georgia law allows consolidated governments to use Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) revenue to support debt payments on capital projects. The state also allows consolidated
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“The existing building is undersized; it’s not competitive; it’s losing events; it’s losing teams; and it now has a very negative image.” – Steven Stern, chief executive officer of ScheerGame Sports Development, LLC.
governments to extend the timeframe for collection of sales tax revenue from five years to whatever term is necessary to pay off debt for such capital projects. Therefore, Stern suggested the the city fund the majority of the $89.7 million civic arena by asking the citizens next year to vote to extend the current 1-cent sales tax at least 10 years. “Augusta can and should vote in 2003 to extend the SPLOST 10 years,” Stern said. “We think about $350 million can be raised by the SPLOST from 2006 through 2015.” Kolb said the city could ask the voters to support spending a portion of that $350 million on a variety of future city projects such as the new judicial center, the proposed 2,000-seat performing arts center, new government offices and the proposed entertainment and sports complex. “This city has the vehicle to finance all of these projects we are talking about without a tax increase,” Stern said. “You can take the existing penny and extend it for 10 years, 20 years, or even 30 years.” Augusta Mayor Bob Young stressed that the city would not be asking voters in a 2003 referendum to increase any taxes they are currently paying. “Now, I want you to keep in mind, this will not require any property taxes and it will not require a tax increase,” Young said. Stern also said that Augusta should require the maximization of private dollars through an arena partnership and request that surrounding counties invest in the new facility. While the plan stated that approximately $9.9 million would come from private investment in the arena’s horse facility, it did not state any projected funding from neighboring municipalities. “Our public neighbors, Columbia County, North Augusta, Aiken city and
Aiken County will be asked to participate not only spiritually, but more importantly, financially, to make this a truly regional development,” Kolb said. Kolb also stated that the future SPLOST dollars would not be spent only on downtown revitalization projects. “This is not an exclusive list,” he said. “The Diamond Lakes Park project still needs to be completed. The city also needs to develop recreational green space belts in south Augusta. And also there is a need to focus on neighborhood development and revitalization.” However, when the proposal to use future SPLOST funding for these “quality-of-life” projects was presented to the Augusta Commission during its budget workshop on Nov. 9, several commissioners were concerned about the impact committing those dollars to such projects would have on the city’s infrastructure. “We have become very dependent on SPLOST funding for other things,” Augusta Commissioner Bill Kuhlke said. “And so I think we need to be able to react to questions that come up from the public concerning what will happen to future projects in areas like public works that are paid for out of SPLOST now.” Even the mayor during the budget meeting warned Kolb that the city must be very careful in the way in which it presents its request to extend the sales tax another 10 years to the public. “When you put stuff on the SPLOST ballot, you are locked in and you give up your discretion to use that money for other projects,” Young told Kolb. “So, you have to know what you are doing. The (financial) figures you are requesting for each project must be hard numbers. We have to know where those figures come from. Because, once you put it on the ballot, it’s non-negotiable.”
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Controversy Over Proposed Entertainment District
fter members of a downtown synagogue on Broad Street stood up against a local businessman who wanted to open up a bar right next door to their place of worship, Augusta commissioners quickly discovered they had a serious problem on their hands. Downtown Augusta was beginning to clash. The commissioners realized, if the city didn’t hurry up and do something to help alleviate the tension that exists among some businesses on Broad Street, the result could be disastrous for downtown. For the last few weeks, City Administrator George Kolb and Augusta Commissioner Lee Beard have met with members of the downtown business community as well as several downtown religious leaders. The purpose of the meetings was to determine whether the city should establish an entertainment zone specifically meant to address downtown’s growing pains. As a result of those meetings, Kolb came before the Augusta Commission’s administrative services committee to ask that commissioners support three recommendations for the downtown area. First, Kolb requested that the city establish an official “entertainment district” that would include a significant portion of the downtown area. Kolb’s boundary lines for the entertainment district would include the Savannah River, the south side of Ellis Street, Fifth Street and 13th Street. Within this entertainment district, Kolb also asked that the city drop the requirement that nightclubs be located at least 100 yards away from places of worship, parks or schools. “We would request that the 300-foot rule (100 yards) for locating a nightclub or a bar from a school, church or park be
eliminated,” Kolb said. “And in its place we would require that a bar or nightclub not be adjacent to a church, school or religious organization and be at least 25 feet from the property line.” Finally, Kolb proposed to amend the current ordinance so as to prohibit any consumption of alcohol in public places.
entertainment district; however, several had problems with the bars’ reduced distancing requirement from churches, schools and parks. Kolb estimated there were approximately five places of worship that would currently be included in the downtown entertainment district.
- Augusta Commissioner Ulmer Bridges The only exception would be if an organization were given a special events permit that would allow alcohol consumption only within a defined area, such as the Riverwalk or the Augusta Common. “For all of Augusta, I’m proposing to eliminate any drinking in a public place including the streets, parks, sidewalks, alleys, and any areas that we would consider to be a public place,” Kolb said. “Drinking would be prohibited. “You would have to apply for a one-day special event license for the selling and consumption of alcoholic beverages.” Most of the commissioners seemed supportive of Kolb’s request for an
“It would appear to me, if you go to do something like this, that there should be some consideration given to the organizations that already exist to protect their interests,” Augusta Commissioner Bill Kuhlke said. Augusta Commissioner Ulmer Bridges agreed, stating that, since the existing churches were established under the current ordinance, those churches should be “grandfathered” into the system. Therefore, Bridges said he thought the 100-yard distance requirement should remain in place for those churches. “Basically what you are saying with this ordinance is that downtown is going
to be an area where alcohol is going to be consumed and it’s really not an environment for churches and schools, but those things already exist downtown,” Bridges said. “So, I think those people need to be protected.” Bridges said establishing downtown as an entertainment district would not help matters, but instead, would only destroy downtown. “It would basically limit downtown to a party-type atmosphere,” Bridges said. “And I think that’s wrong.” He said that the downtown area is successful because it offers diverse businesses such as shops, restaurants and apartments all on the same street. “If you create a specific zone that favors alcohol and adult entertainment, it drives out the other retail establishments and that’s all you wind up with,” Bridges said. “And I think that is a big mistake.” Rabbi Zalman Fischer of Chabad Lubvitch of Augusta, the Orthodox Jewish synagogue that objected to a bar locating next door to it, stated that he didn’t have a problem with the commission establishing a downtown entertainment district, but he felt the proposed 25foot distance requirement for bars was not sufficient to protect schools and religious organizations. “The existing ordinance says 100 yards,” Fischer said to the commission. “And going from 100 yards to 25 feet – just remember these are yards, not feet – you are talking about a really big difference. “So I would ask you to consider, if you feel the need to change the law, that you would consider at least 50 yards. We would ask for that protection.” On Dec. 3, the Augusta Commission is expected to vote on whether Kolb’s proposal should be sent to the AugustaRichmond County Planning and Zoning Commission for review and public debate.
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13 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
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What’s Going on at the
S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Airport? T
he first quote that flashed up on a screen during a PowerPoint presentation at the Augusta Aviation Commission’s Nov. 21 meeting was, “Being responsible sometimes means pissing people off.” Aviation Commission Chairwoman Marcie Wilhelmi had brought in a lesson plan established by U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell on how to become a successful leader. But Wilhelmi seemed to take Powell’s advice a little too seriously. By the end of the meeting, the only thing she was successful in doing was pissing off Airport Director Ken Kraemer and several aviation commissioners. “Good leadership involves responsibility to the welfare of the group, which means that some people will get angry at your actions and decisions,” Wilhelmi read to the group. “It’s inevitable, if you’re honorable. “Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity.” The aviation commissioners and Augusta Regional Airport staff sat in silence as Wilhelmi continued through the list of lessons. Everyone was still in shock. Only minutes before Wilhelmi began flipping through Gen. Colin Powell’s game plan called “A Leadership Primer,”
a presentation of her own had just completely blown up in her face. The purpose of Wilhelmi’s presentation was to provide the staff with a list of goals facing the airport. “We’ve been asked by staff to clarify direction and establish some priorities,” Wilhelmi told the aviation commission. “This body has been accused many times
of micromanaging, unfairly, I believe. However, now that we have our airport director, I think it’s a reasonable request on his part. “He (Kraemer) requested clarification of what this body deems to be their biggest priorities.” Wilhelmi said there were three main goals facing the airport: Increase air
“This (organizational review) study that we paid for was $100,000 and we have yet to implement a line of that study. We have requested staff recommendations and not received them.” – Aviation Commission Chairwoman Marcie Wilhelmi
service by drawing in new, competitive airline brands; create an operating environment lean enough to support the entry of a low-cost carrier; and economically develop the field to generate non-airline revenues, create jobs and expand the tax base. “It’s the staff’s responsibility to divvy up these tasks in a timely fashion and respond to requests from this body for action so we can accomplish these things,” Wilhelmi said. So far so good. But as soon as Wilhelmi began explaining what the airport needed to do to attract a low-cost air carrier to Augusta, the presentation rapidly started going downhill. “I had to laugh. (Aviation Commissioner) Pat Owen’s face popped into my head at 5 a.m. this morning,” Wilhelmi said. “He always says, ‘This city is famous for commissioning studies that nobody uses.’ “The very first task that we put on our (airport) director’s plate when he arrived on Aug. 1 was to bring this body monthly reports on how we are implementing this organizational review. We haven’t had them yet; we are going to have them next month.” Suddenly, all eyes were on Kraemer. The organizational review that Wilhelmi was speaking of was a study
15 conducted last year that outlined what areas of the airport are overstaffed and how each area could be run more efficiently. Several people in the audience looked at one another in surprise: Was that a shot at Ken Kraemer? Wilhelmi continued with her presentation without skipping a beat. She told the aviation commissioners and airport staff that everyone needs to be working toward the three goals she had presented to the body. “Everybody better be working toward our goals,” Wilhelmi said. “If they don’t, they need to go.” These were strong demands coming from Wilhelmi. “The goal has to be on supporting these three goals,” Wilhelmi said. “Because if you’re putting your emphasis and your focus on activities that don’t add value or directly support those goals, you are wasting your time and ours.” Wilhelmi then turned her comments toward Augusta Commissioner Richard Colclough, who was attending the airport meeting as the representative for the city commission. She told Colclough that, despite the fact that County Attorney Jim Wall did not support her request, she wanted to know if the city could change the method in which people are fired at the airport. “Richard (Colclough), we are probably going to be coming to you, and Mr. Wall disagrees with me on this and I’m going to respectfully disagree with Mr. Wall, because this one issue is an issue of, how do you reinvent a county government or an airport employment structure?” Wilhelmi said. “If you have people who are in the wrong jobs or need to be reassigned or maybe need to be let go, the process is so
blasted cumbersome you can’t do it.” Wilhelmi said the city’s current firing process protects employees with tenure. “The process currently requires us to keep tenured employees even though they may not be productive employees,” Wilhelmi said. Owen took exception to Wilhelmi’s comments, referring to a recent reduction of workforce at the airport that occurred only a few months after the tragedies of Sept. 11. “We just went through a reduction in force here and did it pretty efficiently I thought,” Owen said. “I was well pleased with the results.” Wilhelmi explained that the employees who were fired last year were those with the least tenure, even though there were other, more tenured employees, who were no longer “meeting the muster.” Aviation Commissioner Bernie Silverstein was shocked by Wilhelmi’s comments. “I don’t speak for any commissioner but myself,” Silverstein said. “But what I hear you basically saying is – and if I’m wrong I’ll apologize – that our senior staff is not competent. “My question is: Where is the documentation? Is that your opinion? ... If this is your suggestion and recommendation that our senior staff is not producing in its job, then I think it’s the matter of the director to document it and prove it.” Colclough agreed, stating that tenured employees could be dismissed if their supervisor can present sufficient documentation explaining why they are not good employees. “And believe me, we have been trying to get staff to do just that,” Wilhelmi said. “This (organizational review) study that we paid for was $100,000 and we
have yet to implement a line of that study.” This time there was no doubt that Wilhelmi was criticizing Kraemer. “We have requested staff recommendations and not received them,” Wilhelmi said. “Still want to go into this?” Several aviation commissioners began wondering where all of this hostility was coming from. “I’m not afraid to go into anything that I think is either right or wrong,” Silverstein said. “But I’m just saying this is an operational thing.” Silverstein said, if Kraemer wants to fire someone and has the documentation to prove it, then so be it. But Silverstein clearly stated that hiring or firing anyone had to be up to Kraemer. “It’s not a matter of just putting it up on a PowerPoint screen and saying our staff is not doing a good job,” Silverstein said. “If you want to evaluate Ken Kraemer, let’s do it another time, Marcie.” Kraemer sat silent throughout the discussion. Wilhelmi said she was not trying to evaluate Kraemer. “You’re laying it on him,” Silverstein said. “I’m trying to get him to do what he’s supposed to be doing,” Wilhelmi said. With that one sentence, Wilhelmi had clearly gone too far. “Marcie, he’s a professional,” Silverstein said, pointing at Kraemer. “He’s been in the business. You haven’t been in the business. You’re an outside volunteer. He’s the one who operates the employees. He’s the one responsible. “Now, if we’ve got a problem with him, that’s our responsibility. But I don’t believe any other employee is our responsibility.” Several aviation commissioners asked
that Wilhelmi end her presentation. But before she did, Aviation Commissioner Brad Kyzer asked to clarify Wilhelmi’s statements. “In the interest of the morale of the group, which we have a lot of representatives from the airport here in the room, I think we ought to state that I think most people here in this airport are very dedicated, professional people who love the airport and have the best interest of the airport at heart,” Kyzer said. “And this issue we are talking about deals with relatively few people.” At the very end of the airport meeting, Aviation Commissioner Ernie Smith said he believed that there should be an evaluation of Kraemer in December. “In view of the fact that we’ve alluded to trying to move forward, I think there was a discussion made about management and leadership and I think it would be imprudent and unfair if we don’t give Ken (Kraemer) the benefit of the doubt,” Smith said. “As opposed to just coming out and blaming him for what has not been done ... I think we need to do an evaluation next month.” Aviation Commissioner Cedric Johnson asked that Wilhelmi serve on the proposed evaluation committee, but Wilhelmi flatly refused. “The chair is going to recuse,” she said. However, Johnson insisted that Wilhelmi be a part of the evaluation. “No. I think it’s very important that chair be on that committee,” Johnson said. “You work more closely with him than anybody else.” The aviation commission unanimously agreed to set up an evaluation committee for December which will include aviation commissioners Sheila Paulk, Smith, Silverstein and Wilhelmi.
“If you want to evaluate Ken Kraemer, let’s do it another time, Marcie (Wilhelmi). ... He’s a professional. He’s been in the business. You haven’t been in the business. You’re an outside volunteer.” – Aviation Commissioner Bernie Silverstein
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M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
16 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
White-Collar Criminals Handed Sentences By Brian Neill
“(Clifford) Poston and (Darwin) Schneider may have been yakking about loans. But the reality of the situation is fairly obvious.” — U.S. DISTRICT CHIEF JUDGE DUDLEY BOWEN, REMARKING ON THE ASSERTION BY DEFENSE ATTORNEYS THAT SOME OF THE KICKBACKS
lifford C. Poston uttered words in Augusta federal court last week that only seemed to underscore the defense’s unsuccessful attempts to downplay the gravity of his crimes in what was perhaps the largest corporate fraud case in local history. “Your honor, obviously this is not one of my better days,” Poston said, his grey suit-clad back to the court’s wooden benches, which held 30 or so of his friends and family members at the Nov. 22 sentencing hearing. “But I’m here because of my actions and my actions, alone.” U.S. District Chief Judge Dudley Bowen agreed, sentencing Poston, president of Thomson-based Two State Construction Company, to 30 months in prison for his role in defrauding the Monsanto/Searle pharmaceutical company out of millions of dollars through an elaborate over-billing scheme. Co-defendant Darwin A. Schneider, who had pleaded guilty to an assortment of charges ranging from mail and wire fraud to conspiracy and income tax evasion, was also sentenced to 38 months in prison for his part in the scheme. Additionally, Joseph Ribordy, who worked as an accountant for Monsanto/Searle and accepted kickbacks for his role in covering up illegal billing of the company, was ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $50,000 and placed on home detention and four years of probation. Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Goolsby told the court the multi-million-dollar fraud case was perhaps the largest and most complex of any to be brought before a judge in the Augusta federal courthouse’s history. For that reason, he asked Bowen to deny motions by the three defendants for downward departures on their sentences, despite 160 letters Poston’s friends had sent the court to vouch for his good character, and the remorse the other two defendants expressed for their actions. Goolsby further added that the defendants merely wanted a break in sentencing because they were guilty of “white-collar crime,” and that Poston had not exhibited any “super-acceptance” of responsibility. Poston’s co-counsel, Michael Abbott, referring to the correspondence sent in by his client’s supporters, said he hadn’t seen such moving letters in his 25 years of practicing law. He added that the sentiments expressed in the letters should have
served to put his client “at the top of the apex” in terms of grounds for a downward departure in his sentence. Poston asked Bowen for the opportunity to repay those from whom he had stolen. “It’s hard to look back there and see them (his friends and family) because of my actions,” Poston said. “I just ask that you give me the opportunity to pay back these people that I may have taken from.” But Bowen already had questions about the sincerity of that request. The judge pointed out that prosecutors had added two points to Poston’s federal offense level for attempting to obstruct justice, the charge pertaining to a false loan document Poston had drawn up for Schneider in an apparent attempt to cover up kickbacks after the investigation had ensued. “I’ve never seen a loan agreement for a million, 750 thousand dollars that looked anything like this,” Bowen told Poston. “Now are you trying to get me to believe that this is somehow legitimate?” Poston told the judge he and Schneider had a verbal agreement regarding the Evans Diner in Columbia County, which the prosecution maintained Poston purchased for Schneider as a kickback. Poston said he and Schneider later drew up the paperwork to formalize the agreement and he expected to be paid back for the loan, but Bowen still expressed skepticism. Bowen also chastised Ribordy for not being truthful about the amount of money he received from Schneider for his complicity in the operation. Ribordy initially told court officials back in July that the kickbacks he received totaled $10,000. During the presentencing investigation, however, that total was determined to be $50,000. Bowen questioned whether Ribordy had really been an honest employee up until his involvement in the Two State scheme, as his lawyer, Michael Garrett, maintained in court. “How did it (fraudulent behavior) come up on that one occasion, at that one time on that one job,” Bowen posited to the court, “when all the rest of his career was so spotless?” In addition to the restitution, Ribordy could have faced six to 12 months in prison under federal sentencing guidelines for
his guilty plea to one count of mail fraud. The judge told Ribordy he came close to giving him some of that time. “I’m going to put you on probation,” Bowen said. “But I will tell you that it was a very close call.” Poston potentially faced up to 37 months for each of the 42 federal counts he pleaded guilty to, which ranged from conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud to money laundering and income tax evasion. Schneider, who now works at a bar in Harbor Beach, Mich., faced 40 counts involving mail fraud, making false tax returns and failing to file a tax return, and could have received a maximum of 46 months in prison for each of the majority of those counts. Schneider’s possible sentences were increased through the federal guidelines because of his having three prior DUI convictions. Poston and Schneider will also be on three years of supervised probation at the ends of their prison sentences. All three men were also assigned 200 hours of community service. Poston and Schneider also jointly owe roughly $1.5 million to Monsanto/Searle in restitution. Federal investigators alleged that Poston and Two State’s gross profit from over-billing the pharmaceutical company on a job to retrofit a plant to manufacture arthritis drug Celebrex in Puerto Rico, alone, was as much as $11 million. Schneider and Poston will also have to pay back the IRS $2.1 million and $915,000, respectively. At the time of the sentencing hearing, attorneys for Poston said he had already paid much of the restitution he and Two State owed. The Two State company was held free from prosecution and is still operating. Bowen acknowledged that he and Poston had many common friends in the people who wrote letters on the defendant’s behalf. “You know it and I know it,” the judge told Poston. But that didn’t excuse Poston’s behavior, the judge said. “It is a case of fraud and deceit,” Bowen said. “Poston and Schneider may have been yakking about loans,”
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Bowen added. “But the reality of the situation is fairly obvious.” Bowen also said he regretted spending $45,000 a year to house a federal prisoner. However, an ability to repay a financial debt was not enough of a deterrent, particularly in Poston’s case, Bowen said prior to handing down the prison sentence to the defendant. “Many would transgress if they only faced fines and restitution,” Bowen said. “But the big stick, so to speak, that proves a deterrence in the criminal acts of others is confinement.” Sometime around 1995, Poston began conspiring with Schneider, then a construction engineer at Monsanto/Searle, to obtain construction jobs without having to bid for them. Most of the jobs were arranged personally between the two, and Two State continually charged inflated fees for the work it did for Monsanto/Searle. Poston saw his company’s net worth soar from roughly $2.7 million in June of 1995 to $12.5 million in June of 1999, investigators said. For his part, Schneider received more than 250 kickback
African Childen's Choir
payments totaling roughly $2.7 million. In addition to purchasing the Evans Diner, Schneider also bought fancy cars and wined and dined girlfriends. Through kickbacks Poston paid to him, Schneider was able to afford luxurious homes, including one valued at $2.1 million at a Canadian ski resort. Ribordy entered the picture in 1998 when Monsanto/Searle embarked on retrofitting a plant in Barceloneta, Puerto Rico, to put Celebrex production on the fast track. Two State got the construction job without having to bid for it and Ribordy, in his role as accountant, ensured the inflated work orders were paid without any questions, prosecutors maintained. At the sentencing hearing, Bowen himself expressed surprise at the paper trail the defendants left behind. “In fact, it could be said it (the case) was documented better than investigators might have expected,” Bowen said. “Because when people are involved in making money change hands as in this case, they are often more successful in concealing it than these people were.”
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W W W. N H W C . O R G
18 M E T R O
A Taste of
N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
in a Southern Town By Brian Neill
unny Kalra thinks one of the biggest mistakes Indian restaurateurs ever made was calling their food exotic. “I think that when they marketed Indian restaurants as exotic, they went wrong,” said Kalra, chef and owner of Bombay Central, an Indian restaurant in the Piccadilly shopping center on Washington Road. “There’s nothing exotic. We use potatoes, cauliflower, okra, onions tomatoes, lamb ... chicken. That’s stuff you can go to a grocery store and pick up. “There’s nothing exotic about this food. I think it’s mainstream food that’s cooked differently.” But, because many have thought of Indian food as unusual — and more specifically, spicy and hot — they’ve been reluctant to try it, Kalra and other local purveyors of Indian fare say. Some could argue that’s a shame. For the better part of six years, there has been a void in Indian cuisine in Augusta after the city’s only Indian restaurant in existence at the time, The Moghul, closed. That has been in spite of the fact that nearby Columbia has three Indian restaurants and Atlanta is estimated to have
more than 40. However, the trend locally seems to be changing. Now there are two Indian restaurants in town — Kalra’s Bombay Central and Taj of India off Walton Way, as well as an ethnic food store, Asian Choice, that is devoted to Indian cooking and on the verge of expanding to accommodate increasing business. Augustans, it seems, are starting to get it. Kalra used to work at The Moghul and cited difficulties meeting the payroll demands of a quality chef and what was perhaps an overly ambitious business plan, as a couple of reasons the restaurant didn’t last long. The main obstacles Indian food now faces are getting and maintaining quality people to work in the kitchen and convincing locals raised on Southern cooking to branch out and try new things, Kalra said. “It’s just that the labor inflow for Indian cooking is not so high, and also, Augusta, I personally think, is still a meat-and-potatoes kind of town,” Kalra said. “(As far as) ethnic cuisines, they (locals) are familiar with Mexican now, and Japanese, but Indian is just getting out there. We’ve had a lot of people who
like it and a lot of people who absolutely don’t like it.” Govind Bora, co-owner and chef of Taj of India, 1702 Jenkins St., said he’s seen a growing number of people, the majority of them non-Indian, find their way to his restaurant. He’s hoping the level of interest in the cuisine continues to grow. “What I have to basically say is, we are struggling, but we are not that bad right now,” Bora said. “Once the support comes up, we will produce a food that is even at a level of the best food in the country. That’s what I’m targeting on right now.”
Curry Not Always Hot; Tandoori Chicken Not Always Red Thanks to the Western mindset, many people pigeonhole Indian food into the singular category of curry, when in fact the cuisine encompasses a wide range of sumptuous stews, vegetable dishes, ovencooked meats and aromatic and delicate desserts. “The funny thing is, curry is, excuse my language, a very bastardized term,” Kalra said. “People use it in different ways. When we say curry at my house, we mean the liquid portion of the dish and
with a North American person — nonIndian or white Caucasian — he takes the whole cuisine and says it’s curry. But there’s no spice called curry, except the curry leaf.” Many such misconceptions have been carried across the ocean from the English. Until 1947, India was a colony of Great Britain. Through an association with India dating to the 1600s, England has gained quite an affinity for Indian food, particularly curry. Over the years, the multitude of restaurants that have cropped up in England and in this country have tended to serve more anglicized or Westernized versions of Indian food. That has led to many false notions about Indian food, most notably, that all of it is hot and spicy. In truth, even if the dish in question is in fact curry, that doesn’t mean it will be hot. “I’ll tell you something. There’s a very wrong notion about the Indian cooking that somehow people feel that Indian food means it has to be hot and spicy,” Bora said. “But where I’ve been trained in the different areas of India and culinary institutions, I have learned that Indian food basically is as mild as any other food, believe me.
Soon after opening Bombay Central, Kalra, who was raised in India, found himself having to conform. “When I started the restaurant, I was not using it for the first two months and people started questioning — you know, ‘It doesn’t look like Tandoori chicken.’ And then I had to put that dye in,” Kalra said. “Because the English, and now the Americans, have turned tandoori chicken into bright red chicken.”
Doing It Yourself Dining out on Indian food, at least locally, can be fairly easy on one’s budget. The dinner menu at Taj of India (served Monday through Saturday from 5:30 to 10 p.m.) tops out at $9.95 for lamb vindaloo, a hot and spicy dish that is a southern Indian delicacy. Another favorite among diners is chicken curry, boneless chicken cooked in a thick curry sauce and garnished with fresh coriander, for $7.95. Bombay Central also offers a wide range of entrees and appetizers for under $10, including chicken makhani, a half a tandoori chicken cooked in a fresh tomato-and-cream sauce with ginger and garlic for $9.95, and lamb Rogan Josh, morsels of lamb cooked in an onion/yogurt sauce, also for $9.95. But after trying a dish or two at one of these establishments, maybe you’re ready to strike out on an Indian adventure in
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Let us special order any item in the Orvis catalog, save you shipping and drop ship right to your doorstep! “I’ll tell you something. There’s a very wrong
notion about the Indian cooking that somehow
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hot and spicy. But where I’ve been trained in the I have learned that Indian food basically is as mild as any other food, believe me.” — Govind Bora, co-owner of Taj of India on Walton Way.
Between Fury’s Ferry & Pleasant Home Rd
different areas of India and culinary institutions,
N O V 2 8
continued on page 20
people feel that Indian food means it has to be
“Spicy food is one thing; hot food is another thing. And here I want to explain the two things: When you say the food is very spicy, basically a lot of quantity of spices is being used. And secondly, hot is made because of putting (in) red peppers and green chilies and ginger.” Bora and Kalra both agree on one thing: When non-Indian people go out to eat Indian food, more often than not, they want to see what they are getting. Taj of India and Bombay Central both offer lunchtime buffets. “I think the thing most people are apprehensive about Indian food and Indian groceries is, what will it look like,” Kalra said. “They want to see what’s on the buffet.” Even when the dishes are in plain view, however, there can still be some preconceived notions on the parts of non-Indian diners that can be hard to overcome. A good example is the trend of adding red food coloring to the popular tandoori chicken dish. A tandoor is a clay, woodburning oven that reaches high temperatures. Although technically a piece of plain, unseasoned chicken can be thrown into the clay oven and still be called tandoori chicken, the traditional version involves marinating the chicken in a mixture of yogurt, ginger, garlic, a blend of spices called garam masala and other ingredients before cooking it in the tandoor. Westernized versions of the recipe have added a peculiar twist in the form of red food coloring.
Surrey Center 387 Highland Avenue (706) 738-4536 Open Mon-Sat 10am-6pm
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20 M E T R O S P I R I T
The Perfect Gift
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Sunny Kalra, Owner of Bombay Central
continued from page 19 your own kitchen. If that adventure will merely involve you driving to the local supermarket for a container of curry powder to throw in with the pot of chicken, stop reading here. Otherwise, the first person you’ll likely want to go see is Joseph Skaria. Skaria owns Asian Choice, an ethnic market located on Shartom Drive, off Washington Road (heading west, make a left before Applebee’s), that focuses on Indian cuisine. Myriad spices, bags of lentils for making traditional “dal” dishes and ready-made curry pastes line the shelves of Skaria’s store. The aroma, with no offense meant to Kalra, can only be described as exotic. There are spices like cardamom, cumin, turmeric, fenugreek and garam masala. There are jars of mango, chili and garlic pickles, aged and cured in aromatic spices and oils. And there’s an abundance of fresh and hard-to-find whole spices and vegetables like bitter melon, Asian varieties of squash and curry and fenugreek leaves. Every Friday morning, Skaria heads to Atlanta to get his produce for weekend shoppers who flock to the store that afternoon. “If you come in on Friday around 4 o’clock there’ll be people standing in the line to get this,” Skaria said. “They don’t get this here unless they go to Atlanta.”
Demand for the spices and produce Skaria carries has grown so rapidly that he’s considering opening a second, larger location in Evans. Skaria and other people from India also believe that many of the spices and vegetables used in Indian cooking have a beneficial effect on one’s health. “All these items are very medicative. If you take naturally, it’s very good for your body,” Skaria said. “A lot of people boil this (fenugreek seeds) in the water and drink the water. It gives you a lot of energy.” In addition to assisting shoppers with finding the right ingredients for certain dishes, Skaria also keeps a book of recipes behind the counter for those new to Indian cooking or looking to try something different. Skaria said people from India eat some type of traditional food every day. “Yes, they do,” Skaria said. “From south to north, everywhere you go, spice is part of their life.” Indeed, even though Kalra long ago became acclimated to the stuff of the North American diet — hamburgers, pizzas and the like, he always has to have something home-cooked, Indian-style, at the end of the day. “I think Indians have that in their mind,” Kalra said. “Even if I’ve had a steak or something, I usually go home and look in the fridge and get some rice and dal, or something else. It’s the contentment. I think it’s just a habit thing.”
312-334 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901
(706) 724-3454 1-877-292-5324
Joseph Skaria, Owner of Asian Choice
Indian Recipes Cradle Club
Chicken Curry 3 tbsp. vegetable oil 3 cloves 5 green cardamom pods 1 half cinnamon stick 3 whole star anise 1 tsp. turmeric 6 to 8 curry leaves 1 tsp. five-spice powder 1 large, finely chopped onion
1 piece fresh ginger (2 inches long), chopped 4 cloves garlic, crushed 4 tbs. mild curry paste 3 lbs. chicken, skinned 14 oz. canned, chopped tomatoes 4 oz. creamed coconut 1/2 tsp. sugar 2 cups chopped, fresh cilantro salt to taste
Heat oil in pan over medium high heat and fry the cardamom pods, cinnamon stick, cloves, star anise and curry leaves until the curry leaves are slightly burnt. Then add the onion, ginger, garlic and fry, stirring frequently, until the onion is brown. Add the curry paste, five-spice powder and turmeric and fry until the oil begins to separate from the mix. Then add the chicken pieces and fry until all sides are well-sealed. Cover and cook on medium heat until the chicken is almost done. Add the tomatoes and creamed coconut until the coconut dissolves. Add in the sugar, salt and fresh cilantro. Allow to cook several more minutes before serving with basmati rice. Serves 4 to 6.
Join our Cradle Club today! Membership is FREE. Call 651-BABY (2229) or register online.
Prepared Childbirth Classes*
Mondays, December 2 – December 16 Tuesdays, December 3 – December 10 7 – 9:30 pm
Labor and Delivery Tour
Thursday, December 5, 7 – 8:30 pm
Breastfeeding* Thursday, December 12, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Infant CPR* Thursday, December 19, 6:30 – 9 pm
CALENDAR of CLASSES Community Health Screenings
*These classes will be held at: Doctors Hospital Campus, Cradle Club Classroom, Suite 110, Medical Office Building I, 3623 J. Dewey Gray Circle.
Wednesday, December 18 7:30 - 10:30 am Location: Doctors Hospital, First Floor, Classrooms 1 & 2. Health screenings include free cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure testing. For additional information, call 651-6280.
Community Ed Hormone Replacement Therapy
Monday, December 2, 7 pm Presented by Dr. Rafael Jordan Refreshments served. Location: Doctors Hospital, Office Building III, Senior Friends Meeting Area. To register, please call 651-2450.
Diabetes Support Group Tuesdays, 6 pm, December 10 Location: Doctors Hospital, Office Building III, Classrooms 4 & 5. An educational seminar for persons with diabetes & their families. Please call 651-2468 or register online.
In January
I Can Cope - American Cancer Society Program
Tuesdays, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm January 7, 14, 21 and 28 Location: Warren Baptist Church 3203 Washington Road. I Can Cope is an American Cancer Society four program series which consists of enlightening and educational sessions for those diagnosed with cancer, their family and friends. There is NO charge, but registration is encouraged. Please call your American Cancer Society to register at 706-731-9900 or 1-800-ACS-2345. There will be refreshments and childcare provided.
Tandoori Chicken Since most people don’t have a tandoor at home, this recipe is best cooked using a wire-rackstyle broiling pan. If you don’t have one, you can substitute (carefully) a regular outdoor grill rack placed over the bottom half of a broiling pan. Place some water in the bottom of the pan so the sauce drippings don’t burn. To make ginger and garlic pulp, place whole fresh ginger and garlic gloves into a blender or food processor, add a few drops of water, and blend to a paste consistency. Asian Choice in Augusta also carries pre-made ginger and garlic pulp. 4 chicken quarters 3/4 cup plain yogurt 1 tsp. garam masala 1/4 tsp. tumeric 1 tsp. ground coriander 1 tsp. salt
For more information, call 651-2450 or visit
1 tsp. garlic pulp 1 tsp. ginger pulp 1 tbsp. lemon juice 1-1/2 tsp. chili powder 2 tbsp. corn oil several drops of red food coloring
Skin and pat dry the chicken quarters. Make several diagonal slits across each one and then set aside. Mix together the rest of the ingredients in a large glass or metal bowl and whisk until well mixed. Immerse in and coat the chicken pieces with the spice mixture and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, or overnight. Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Place chicken pieces on rack and cook for 25 minutes, turning occasionally. Check to ensure chicken is fully cooked through before serving. Serves 4.
Coriander (Cilantro) Chutney This is a fresh and spicy accompaniment to a hearty Indian meal. It is best served with traditional Indian naan bread. Plain pita bread works well, also. Indian cookbooks often refer to cilantro as coriander. They are the same thing. handful fresh coriander leaves 4 to 6 green chilies, chopped, with the seeds removed
4 thin ginger slices 2 cloves of garlic, chopped fresh lemon juice
Dinner Any time’s a good time for IHOP
Mix main ingredients in a food processor or blender until a paste. Add lemon juice to taste.
3651 Wheeler Road • Augusta, GA
2525 Washington Road • 738-0554
S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
22 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Dining Out
Plum Pudding Is a Plum Good Place for Christmas Shopping
f you’re looking for that perfect Christmas gift for the man in your life, why not get him something different? Something he can use to make things with? Some kind of fun gadget that he will enjoy for years to come? Something like kitchenware. Mike Enloe, co-owner of Plum Pudding in downtown Aiken, says that there are an extraordinary number of men out there who really love cooking. More than many people imagine. In fact, he says, there are so many that, when he and his sister took over the store a year ago, they were a little shocked. “It appeals to a wide range of people,” Enloe said of Plum Pudding. “We are surprised at the number of men who enjoy cooking and how many wives buy things for their husbands.” There’s an assumption, he said, that a store like Plum Pudding – which offers everything you can think of for the creation of fabulous gourmet meals, from wine and cheese to fantastic kitchen gadgets – is automatically aimed at women. “It’s really not at all,” he said. Almost everyone these days enjoys food as one of life’s great pleasures, and not just as a three-times-a day necessity. To say it simply, now food is just plain fun. Part of the reason for that, according to Enloe, probably has something to do with the proliferation of cooking shows on television. “I think the Food Network has really influenced the whole gourmet food hobby,” Enloe said, adding that he keeps a television above the in-store kitchen tuned to the network. So what got Enloe and his sister and business partner, Pam Winter, interested in Plum Pudding? They recognized the growing inter-
est that people of all kinds were taking in the culinary arts, and saw an opportunity to expand on a neat little store that had been there for years. “Plum Pudding had been here for 25 years. We thought it had a lot of potential and it needed to be developed, and I think we were right. It’s been very good for us. We thoroughly enjoy it.” And Enloe and sis are not immune to the cooking bug themselves. “Yes we do,” he said when asked if they enjoy getting out the ol’ pots and pans. “We sure do. We always have, really.” Unfortunately, whenever you turn a hobby into a business, it changes your whole relationship with your favorite pastime. You don’t have much time for it anymore. “Except for a little cooking in the store,” he said. “That’s about all the time we have to do
it now that we have the store.” Yes, cooking in the store. Remember, they have an in-store kitchen, which did not come with the original Plum Pudding. “We’ve recently added a kitchen for the cooking school that we’ll be starting soon,” Enloe said. “They will be mainly evening courses. We have a couple of local chefs who will start teaching with us in the near future.” But let’s get back to all the neat things they sell, and that covers almost everything you could possibly want. “We have a line of gourmet foods, coffees and spices,” he said. “We have wines. We’ve started getting some nice cheeses, some pates.” And all of the gourmet cookware needed to make a well-stocked kitchen. They deal with only the best products, so you can be sure that anything you get from them will be of
the highest quality. In fact, they are the only store in the Central Savannah River Area that specializes in highend kitchenware. “We have a huge selection of Vietri Italian dinnerware,” Enloe said. He emphasized, also, that he means he has it in stock. It’s all right there in the store, so you can fall in love with it and take it home all in the same trip. “Our selection includes Vietri’s newest color, which is rosso vecchio, or ‘aged red.’” Sound pretty? “It’s gorgeous,” he said. “We also have a nice selection of crystal wine glasses, All-Clad stainless cookware, Nordicware and Boos Blocks.” Boos Blocks are some of the best surfaces on which to slice and dice your ingredients, he said. “They are very famous for cutting boards.” Even if you don’t think your loved one has great panache in the kitchen, that shouldn’t stop you from coming in to see what would suit them. “Remember,” Enloe said, “everyone has to eat.” And if you think you know what Plum Pudding is all about, think again. Enloe and Winter are always making their store better and better, traveling around the country to scout for enticing, new products to offer their customers. “If they haven’t been in this year, they will be in for a huge surprise.” Located in the center of town on the corner of Laurens Street and Richland (101 Laurens St., NW). Holiday hours begin Thanksgiving day: 9:30-6:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat.; 1:30-5:30 p.m. Sun. Early-bird shoppers come the day after Thanksgiving at 8 a.m. There will be hot coffee. Call at (803) 644-4600.
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(She’s reclining on it, not wearing it.) Two of his still lifes are similarly be-draped. Perhaps the works of Garland Gooden of Greensboro, N.C., will catch your eye or maybe the Native American portraits, sketched in fiery color by Atlanta artist Attila, have got you by now. You may approach them thinking that maybe they were done with watercolor, but Attila, a recluse who will never make an appearance at Phoenix, uses only colored pencil for his drawings. Ray Pague paints at Augusta Canal a great deal and currently has a sunny, impressionistic landscape hanging in the Phoenix. His still life works are out of the ordinary, in that he chooses homey subjects like dusty bottles and jars of nails in their natural environment – on a shadowy shelf.
Works from top left (clockwise): “Still Life With Dandelions” - Michael Grenz, “Orbis Torqueré” - Anne T. Neilson, “Sleepy Hollow” - Paul Pearman, “Hopi Maiden” - Attila, from the sixpiece “Up Close and Personal” Series - Sherie Koenig rors in the corner near the door? And did that one really just light up? Or maybe by now the little reclining nude directly ahead
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The Phoenix Gallery: Where the Funky Artists Are ames Connell, the owner of the Phoenix Gallery, the new kid on the Row, sat back in his chair in the bright, airy loft office of the gallery, and smiled. He had to think about that last question for a moment. The question was: How controversial will you get? He said it was a good question. Twice, in fact. But he was having a devil of a time answering it. “Anything inside the law might be the boundary,” he said, laughing. “I think if the art was good enough ... I would put anything in here that I didn’t feel would be embarrassing to the public. Or to myself.” One had the sense that he was thinking out loud. “I wouldn’t get into heavy religious art,” he said. “Or satanism.” The human body, as well as ideas about what to do with it, also seems to upset people a great deal – almost as much as spirituality. “I’ve got nothing against nudity,” he said. “As you can see. I’ve got nudes in here. I guess my limit would be gothic art.” He said that involves sadomasochism, and doesn’t think that Augusta is ready for such a concept. Ya think? But it seems difficult for a man like Connell to make a hard-and-fast rule, sight unseen. “I think it would depend more on the skill of the artist. I would not put anything in here just for shock value. I want good art in here.” He chooses art partially based on what he likes. If he doesn’t like an artist’s work, he calls in his daughter, Leigh Breslin, who is also his gallery director. There is a third person on the committee as well, a silent and anonymous partner. He does it like that, he said, to keep from attracting only a narrow clientele constrained to his own tastes. After all, he said, “I don’t like Picasso.” And in the future, he added, “You’re going to see even more diversified stuff.” After just under three months,10 artists call the gallery home, including Connell. And that is why there is such a sense when you walk in, of being absolutely surrounded by art. Everywhere you look. You have to consciously pick a direction to focus your attention. Will it be on Paul Pearman’s mosaic mir-
has caught your eye. Michael Grenz, of Oak Island, N.C., painted her during a time when he was fascinated with black fabric.
Of Orbs and Dreams And then there’s Anne T. Nielson. I caught her in the gallery one Friday afternoon when I had gone to take photographs of the artwork. Like other artists, she paints the little nooks that she finds. But a lot of her work is idea-based. She has done a series of “Orb” paintings, which use spheres as the anchors for the compositions, and titles them in Latin. When she speaks of “Orbis Torqueré,” she calls it “Twisted.” “Basically, there are some people in life that are twisted and messed up,” she said. She wonders what has caused them to be twisted, and what sort of box their attitudes put them into. The “box” is a frame she has painted inside the composition, and is an element that shows up periodically in the Orb paintings, to symbolize the limitations put upon individuals by themselves and others. “Orbis Quark” looks sort of like a cracking egg. Nielson wonders how the quark, which is a tiny “piece” of energy, ultimately affects our lives. Her work is rife with questions. And she is playing around with the idea of providing a series of questions for patrons to read as they enjoy her work. “Because people want to know what they mean,” she said. Another piece features a circle of Orbs which represents the passage of time. It carries neither negative nor positive connotations, she said. People will just have to continued on page 24
Visual Arts
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24 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Works from top to bottom: “Pumpkin and Squash” - Ray Pague, “Round Bales” - Candice Blanton, unmarked painting by Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School student
i } { } <} { } < UP TO
1/ OFF 3
SURREY CENTER 706.736.7793 MON-SAT 10-6
continued from page 23 bring their own ideas to the piece. As for Nielson, she thinks, simply, that “time is time.” She feels that the passage of time has made her a better person. “Yeah, some things go wrong with my body, but I’m a happier human being.” She said the images come to her fully formed while she sleeps. “I started having dreams. I get up in the middle of the night with my postcards and draw them with a flashlight. They come finished in my head and I know what they’re supposed to mean.” The human form figures in her work as well – hairless representations, not of individuals, but of the human animal in general. “Fighting the Pigeonhole” is a figure physically bound in a hole, and trying, though its arms are pinned, to escape. Unlike the Orbs, these paintings won’t let you rest inside them. They disturb. In fact, there is one, titled “Guilt and Shame,” that Nielson tried some experimentation with after painting it. “I hung it in my home for a while to see if I could live with it,” she said. But she couldn’t look at it as she passed. The image is a simple one – that of a man with his hands over his face. “I wanted to see if I could almost take an eyedropper of emotion and see could I symbolize that emotion.” Earlier that day, Michael Grenz had been there. He’s the one who painted the reclining nude. He has also made several etchings of various scenes in Europe. He said that the joy of creating a piece is the act itself, and not necessarily the end result, which may explain the intricate detail he applies. He compares it to reading a book. “If you’re reading a book, you’re living it in thought.” “The experience of making the work, whatever it is, that I’m interested in, is the life that I’m living,” he added. “It’s an existence of contemplation and that’s happiness for me.”
Bread and Butter If you place Nielson’s work and Grenz’s side-by-side, you’d swear they couldn’t have come from the same gallery. And it’s that sort of diversity that Connell wants to nurture. He wants the experimental stuff, but, he says, The Phoenix is an “all-purpose” gallery. For instance, portrait work is one of Connell’s favorite things to do, and where he gets a large chunk of his commissions. And yes, in addition to his own Native American portrait work and nudes, he paints golf scenes. He even got a commission from Jack Nicklaus’ Golden Bear corporation to paint a series of Nicklaus portraits. They are pastels against copies of newspaper articles in which Nicklaus made the headlines over the span of his career. About four of those are even signed by the golfer himself. Of course, those go for a little more than those signed only by the artist. But the 10 artists’ work isn’t all that you’ll find in the Phoenix. The back moveable wall is set aside for the work of students – one side from Davidson Fine Arts Magnet High School, the other side from Augusta State University. Connell is working from a broad vision in creating the Phoenix. And yes, he is still creating. “We’re still a work in progress, too,” he said. One thing that he wants to do is run a slide show all the time. He thought to set up the projector in the loft, but that was before having the ceiling fans installed. Now, one of them is in the way, and so he’s working on a Plan B. He says it’s important for an art gallery to offer more than just a visual experience, and to that end, you can always hear music issuing from above. One afternoon, it was Simon & Garfunkel; the next it was the theme from “The X-Files.” And if Connell has anything to do with it, The Phoenix won’t have to rise again, because it won’t be going anywhere. “This is something I’ll do from now on,” he said about his art. “This gallery just gives me an outlet to do it forever.”
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Days A Week
Auditions “THE MUSIC MAN” AUDITIONS held Dec. 5 and 7 by ASU Theatre and Opera Workshop. Auditions will be conducted in the Fine Ar ts Building on the ASU campus Dec. 5 at 7 p.m. and Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m. High school and adult roles being cast at these audtion dates; childrens’ audtions will be at a later date. Be prepared to sing (accompanist provided) and read from the script. For more information, contact Linda Banister, 667-4876, or Carolyn Cope, 737-1500. “CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN” AUDITIONS for the Young Ar tists Reper tory Theatre Company’s upcoming production. Par ts available for nine males and seven females ages 8 through college. Held Dec. 2 and 3 at 7 p.m. in the Lower School Cafetorium of Augusta Preparatory Day School. Please bring a bio and your measurements to audtions. Call 210-8915 for information. “THE LARAMIE PROJECT” OPEN AUDITIONS Dec. 4-5, 5 p.m. in the O’Connell Theatre at USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center. Roles available for 4 men and 4 women ages 18 and up. Per formance dates are Feb. 12-16. Please have a 1-2 minute monologue prepared. Call (803) 641-3305. AUGUSTA CONCERT BAND rehearses Monday evenings and is looking to fill vacancies on most band instruments. Interested par ties should contact Ben Easter, (803) 2020091 or e-mail SWEET ADELINES PEACH STATE CHORUS OPEN REHEARSAL for singers each Thursday at 7 p.m. Held at 600 Mar tintown Road in Nor th Augusta. Contact Mildred Blain at 736-7740 or Mary Norman at (803) 279-6499.
Education GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART APPLICATIONS FOR TUITION ASSISTANCE are being accepted now through Dec. 20. Scholarships are available for the Winter Quar ter, Jan. 7-March 6. To request an application form, call 722-5495 or e-mail CERAMICS CLASSES at the Weeks Center Ceramics House in Aiken. Fees include one class per week and students can choose any class time: Mondays, 9 a.m. to noon or 6-9 p.m.; Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m.; or Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to noon. $30 per month. Call (803) 642-7631 for info. USC-AIKEN MUSIC CONSERVATORY PROGRAM now open. Students of all ages and experience levels welcome. Private lessons available for musical instruments and voice; instructors are USC-Aiken faculty and have at least a master’s degree in their per formance area. (803) 641-3288.
Exhibitions PHOTOGRAPHY BY GINNY SOUTHWORTH will be on display Dec. 1-Jan. 13 at the Aiken Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame and Museum. Opening reception Dec. 1, 2-5 p.m. For information, call (803) 642-7650. NORMA MCCOMBS will exhibit her paintings at the Gibbs
Library in December. For information, call 863-1946. DAVIDSON FINE ARTS EXHIBITION Dec. 3-30 at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History. Opening reception Dec. 4, 4:30 p.m. Call 724-3576. RECENT LANDSCAPES BY DICK DUNLAP will be on display at The Dunlap Studio and Gallery throughout the month of November. Call 722-7333 for information. JEFF THOMAS exhibits at the Bee’s Knees during the month of November. Call 828-3600. AUGUSTA STATE UNVERSITY FACULTY SHOW through Nov. 30 in the ASU Fine Ar ts Gallery. Call the ASU Fine Ar ts Depar tment at 737-1453. AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART: “Charleston in my Time: The Paintings of West Fraser” are on display through Jan. 5; “Rituals: Works on Paper by Romare Bearden” will be on display through Jan. 5 in the museum’s Coggins Gallery. For information, call 724-7501. THE WORK OF HEATHER CRIST will be on display at Cloud Nine Gallery, 1036 Broad Street, through December’s First Friday. For more information, call Heather Crist Designs at 951-1661. QUILT SHOW through Dec. 1 at the Aiken County Historical Museum in Aiken. Call (803) 642-2010. JOHN BRECHT displays works at the Etherredge Center Lower Gallery through Dec. 20. (803) 641-3305. WORKS FROM THE NEW HORIZONS ART FESTIVAL will be on display through Nov. 30 at the Euchee Creek Branch Library. Call 556-0594. AT THE GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART: “Walker-Mackenzie Studio First Anniversary Exhibit: Student Accomplishments Throughout the Year” is in the First-Floor Gallery at Ware’s Folly through Dec. 19; “If Walls Could Talk” is in the Third-Floor Gallery at Ware’s Folly through Dec. 19. “Ger trude Herber t Youth and Adult Student Exhibit” runs through Dec. 19; “Ware’s Folly: An Architectural Perspective” is in the First-Floor Gallery at Ware’s Folly through Feb. 21. Call 722-5495 for more information. DANIEL HAYES exhibits at Barnes & Noble Booksellers throughout November. For a preview of Hayes works, visit www.hayesar For more info, call Barnes & Noble, 860-2310. “PAINTINGS AND PRINTS: THE WORKS OF TOM CROWTHER” will be on display at the Ar t Factory Gallery, 416 Crawford Ave., through Nov. 29. The Ar t Factory Gallery is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Call 737-0008. ROBERT LEE exhibits his work at Borders Books and Music through the end of November. Call Borders at 737-6962.
Dance SINGLES DANCE each Saturday night from 8-11 p.m. sponsored by the Christian Social Organization for Single Adults. Held at Westside High School. Tickets $5 for mem-
“A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” features The Augusta Choral Society (pictured), as well as the Augusta Collegium Musicum and Bill Toole. Event is Dec. 3 at Sacred Heart Cultural Center. bers, $7 for non-members, and are available at the door. For more information, contact Doris Heath, 736-3376.
Music THE ST. PETERSBURG STRING QUARTET per forms Dec. 13 as par t of the Harry Jacobs Chamber Music Society 2002-2003 season and as par t of ASU’s Lyceum Series. Concer t begins at 8 p.m. in the Ma xwell Per forming Ar ts Theatre. For information, please call 737-1609.
and under). Call 793-8552 for reservations. “FIVE WOMEN WEARING THE SAME DRESS” Dec. 6-8 and 13-15. Tickets are $15 adult, $10 seniors, students and matinee shows, $35 for grand dinner buffet shows and $25 for matinee with English high tea. Presented by the Augusta Theatre Company and held at the Bon Air Ballroom. Call 481-9040 or visit for tickets.
SMOOTH JAZZ/GOSPEL CONCERT: Joyous per forms Dec. 1, 7 p.m., at First Family Church. For more information, phone 828-5433.
NOW ON SALE: Tickets for “Les Miserables” Feb. 11-16 at the Bell Auditorium; tickets for “South Pacific,” Jan. 2 at the Bell Auditorium. Call TicketMaster at 828-7700 or visit
RICHMOND COUNTY ORCHESTRA per forms Dec. 3, 6:30 p.m., at Augusta Mall and Dec. 10-11, 7:30 p.m., at the ASU Per forming Ar ts Theatre. Free. For more information, call 651-3529 (daytime) and 738-4681 (evening).
TUESDAY’S MUSIC LIVE CONCERT SERIES: All per formances in the concer t series held at noon at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Concer ts are free; optional catered lunch is $7 per person. 2002-2003 season schedule is as follows: Dec. 3, The Accidentals; Jan. 7, Jazzamatazz; Jan. 21, Joseph Gramley; Feb. 4, Lindsey McKee and Keith Shafer; Feb. 18, Cowboy Envy; March 4, The Augusta Children’s Chorale; March 18, Kari Gaffney and Jeff Williams. 722-3463. COMMUNITY HEALING MEDITATION DRUMMING CIRCLE hosted every third Monday of the month by IDRUM2U, the Not Gaddy Drumming Studio. Held 7-9 p.m. at the G.L. Jackson Conference Center, 1714 Nor th Leg Cour t. Fee is $5 or a donation of canned goods for the Golden Har vest Food Bank. All are welcome and drums will be available to rent. For info, phone the Not Gaddy Drumming Studio, 228-3200.
Theater “LIFT UP YOUR HEARTS, AMERICA” patriotic musical and spoken word show Dec. 6-7 at For t Gordon Dinner Theatre. Open to the public. Tickets are $30 general public, $28 senior citizens (65 and over), $25 enlisted (grades E4
THE BOYHOOD HOME OF WOODROW WILSON: Circa 1859 Presbyterian manse occupied by the family of President Woodrow Wilson as a child during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Original and period antiques, restored house, kitchen and carriage house. 419 Seventh Street. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Tues.-Sat. Tours available; groups of 10 or more by appointment only. Admission is $5 adults, $4 seniors, $3 students under 18 and free for ages five and under. 722-9828. AUGUSTA GOLF & GARDENS OF THE GEORGIA GOLF HALL OF FAME features beautiful display gardens, as well as bronze sculptures of some of golf’s greatest masters. Available for rent for a variety of functions. Group discount rates available. Closed Mondays; open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues.-Sat.; open from 1 to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $5.50 for adults; $4.50 for students, seniors and military; $3.50 for children (4 to 12); free for children 3 and under. Sundays are two for one with a Super Sunday coupon. Annual garden memberships are available. Call 724-4443 or 1-888-874-4443. Also, visit their Web site at FORT DISCOVERY/NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTER: Children and adults alike can immerse themselves in the wonders of
REDCLIFFE STATE HISTORIC SITE: 1859 mansion of S.C. Governor James Henry Hammond, held by the family for three generations until 1975. Hours are 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Thursday-Monday on the grounds. House tours are noon-3 p.m. by appointment. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission to the grounds is free. Fee for house tours is $3 for adults and children ages 6 to 17. For more information, call (803) 827-1473. 181 Redcliffe Road, Beech Island. SACRED HEART CULTURAL CENTER is offering tours of its 100-year-old building. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $1 per person, children free. 826-4700.
Monday. For more information, call 556-3448. LUNCH AT NOON LECTURE SERIES held the second Wednesday of every month at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Call the museum at 724-3576 for more information.
Special Events AUGUSTA AUTHOR ROBERT GRANT discusses his book “American Ethics and the Vir tuous Citizen” Dec. 11, 6 p.m., at Friedman Branch Library. Free and open to the public. Call 736-6758 for information.
HISTORIC COTTON EXCHANGE WELCOME CENTER: Open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun. 1-5 p.m. Riverwalk. Free. 724-4067.
DECEMBER FILM FESTIVAL Tuesdays at Headquar ters Library. Dec. 3 showing of “Rushmore”; Dec. 10 showing of “Chocolat”; Dec. 17 showing of “It’s a Wonder ful Life.” All films star t at 6:30 p.m. Call 821-2600.
THE EZEKIEL HARRIS HOUSE: Deemed “the finest 18th century house surviving in Georgia” by the “Smithsonian Guide to Historic America.” Open Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. General admission is $2; senior admission is $1 and children get in for 50 cents. For more information, call 724-0436.
TRINITY TOUR OF HOMES Dec. 6-7 in Edgefield. Candlelit tour Dec. 6, 5-9 p.m.; tour hours for Dec. 7 are 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the Joanne T. Rainsford Discovery Center on Main Street. All proceeds will be used in the Restoring Trinity campaign. (803) 637-3091.
JONATHAN MARCANTONI per forms “The Mad Poet” at Borders Books and Music Dec. 8, 7-8 p.m., and Dec. 20, 5-6 p.m. For more information, call Borders, 737-6962.
AT THE AUGUSTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY: “Mill Times” will be playing continuously in the History Theatre throughout the month of November. “Augusta, Ga.: Surviving Disaster” special exhibit on display through Dec. 31. December’s film is “Augusta Remembers.” For more information, call 722-8454. THE AUGUSTA MUSEUM OF HISTORY hosts permanent exhibition “Augusta’s Stor y,” an award-winning exhibit encompassing 12,000 years of local histor y. For the younger crowd, there’s the Susan L. Still Children’s Discover y Galler y, where kids can learn about histor y in a hands-on environment. The museum also shows films in the Histor y Theatre and hosts a variet y of programs. Located at 560 Reynolds Street. Open TuesdaySaturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m. Admission is $4 adult, $3 seniors, $2 kids (6-18 years of age) and free for children under 6. Free admission on Sundays. Call 722-8454 or visit for more information. THE GERTRUDE HERBERT INSTITUTE OF ART in Ware’s Folly exhibits works by local and regional ar tists. Ar t classes, workshops and other educational programming for children, youth and adults are held in the WalkerMackenzie Studio. Ware’s Folly galleries open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Thursday, 10 a.m.7 p.m.; and Saturday by appointment only. The WalkerMackenzie Studio gallery is open Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.5 p.m. Admission is free, but a donation of $2 for adults and $1 for children and seniors is encouraged. Call 7225495 for more info. THE MORRIS MUSEUM OF ART hosts exhibitions and special events year-round. Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sundays, noon-5 p.m. Closed on Mondays and major holidays. 1 Tenth Street, Augusta. Call 724-7501 or visit for details. THE MUSEUM OF LAUREL AND HARDY OF HARLEM, GEORGIA features displays of various Laurel and Hardy memorabilia; films also shown. Located at 250 N. Louisville Street in downtown Harlem. Open 1-4 p.m. Thursday-
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DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING PREVENTION DAY WORKSHOP 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 5 at Paine College’s Peters Campus Center. Hosted by the Paine College Georgia Institute of Highway Safety’s P.E.A.C.E. program. For more information, call NeCole Roberson, 432-0947.
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AT PHINIZY SWAMP NATURE PARK: Swamp Saturday Dec. 7, 9:30 a.m.; Phinizy Swamp Nature Park CleanUp Day, 10 a.m.-noon Dec. 14. For information, call 828-2109.
December 8, 2002
SIDE BY SIDE BY SONDHEIM January 23, 25 & 26, 2003
SALLEY CHITLIN’ STRUT Nov. 30 in Salley, S.C. Craf ts, carnival rides and chit terlings will be available. For information, call Salley Town Hall at (803) 258-3485.
TOSCA March 20, 22 & 23, 2003 Call for tickets: 826-4710
COLUMBIA COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY holds pet adoptions ever y Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and ever y Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. at PetsMar t. For more info, call 860-5020. RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL AND AUGUSTA ANIMAL RESCUE FRIENDS holds pet adoptions at Superpetz off Bobby Jones Expressway every Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Call AARF at 364-4747 or visit www.aar Adoptions also held at the Richmond County Animal Control Shelter, Tues. through Sun., 1-5 p.m. Call the shelter at 790-6836. LOW-COST RABIES VACCINATIONS: Augusta-Richmond County Animal Control holds low-cost rabies vaccination clinics the four th Sunday of every month for privately owned pets. $8 per animal. 1 p.m. at Superpetz. Dogs must be on a leash and cats in a carrier. Puppies and kittens must be three months old and current for all vaccinations. Schedule subject to change, so please call 790-6836 to verify dates and times. THE CSRA HUMANE SOCIETY holds pet adoptions every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and every Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Pet Center located
1654 Gordon Hwy. 796-1875
science through live demonstrations, vir tual realities, Starlab, KidScape and more than 270 hands-on exhibits. General Admission: $8 for adults; $6 for children, seniors and active military. Group rates available. Half-price admission daily af ter 3 p.m. Operating hours: Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.5 p.m.; Sunday, noon-5 p.m. Call 821-0200, 1-800-3255445 or visit their Web site at
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The Trinity Tour of Homes in Edgefield, S.C., Dec. 6-7 features a Friday night candlelight tour. Proceeds will be used in the Restoring Trinity Campaign. Call (803) 637-3091 for details.
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Out of Town
M E T TICKETS FOR “VAREKAI,” a production by the Cirque du R Soleil, go on sale Dec. 8. Shows are March 6-30 at O Cumberland Galleria in Atlanta. Visit S P I R I T for more information.
POTTERS’ MARKET SHOW Dec. 6-7, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at Stoneware Bison Company farm near Columbia, S.C. For more information, call (803) 794-3620 or visit
N “DEFINING CR AFT I: COLLECTING FOR THE NEW MILO LENNIUM” exhibit at the Columbia Museum of Ar t in V
Columbia, S.C., Dec. 7-Feb. 23. For more information,
2 call the museum at (803) 799-2810 or visit 8
2 “PARIS IN THE AGE OF IMPRESSIONISM: MASTER0 WORKS FROM THE MUSÉE D’ORSAY” will be at the High 0 Museum of Ar t in Atlanta now through March 16. This 2
exhibition marks the first time since the Orsay opened that pieces in its collection have traveled to the U.S. For more information, visit,, or call (404) 733-HIGH. “ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL” will be presented at The New American Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta through Dec. 8. $19.50 for Thursday and Sunday shows, $22.50 for Friday shows and $24.50 for Saturday shows. Various discounts available. Optional British pub-style menu available before shows. Call (404) 874-5299 for tickets.
Benefits SHEPEARD COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER BLOOD DRIVES in various locations around the CSRA this month. The blood center is urging people of all blood types to donate in order to combat a blood supply shor tage. For detailed information on locations and times to donate, visit You may also call Susan Edwards at (803) 643-7996 for information on Aiken locations and Nancy Szocinski at 737-4551 for information on all other locations. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES at the Aiken Red Cross Blood Center on Millbrook Drive and the Augusta Red Cross Blood Center on Pleasant Home Road. The bloodmobile will also stop at various area locations this week. For a complete list, call the Aiken Blood Center at (803) 642-5180 or the Augusta Blood Center at 868-8800.
Learning INTRO TO COMPUTERS CLASS Dec. 7, 14 and 21 at the Ma xwell Branch Library. Registration is required; call 793-2020. AUGUSTA RED CROSS FREE ADULT CPR CLASS 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Dec. 7 at Cur tist Baptist Church Gym. $5 registration fee will be refunded at the end of the class. Call 724-8483 for more information or to register. AUGUSTA STATE UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCATION is now offering the following classes: Adobe Illustrator 10, Intermediate Shag II, Intermediate Investing, Digital Photography for Beginners, Adobe Photoshop 7 and more. Also, ASU offers online courses. For more information, call 737-1636 or visit
AIKEN TECH CONTINUING EDUCATION is now offering the following courses: Microsof t Word, Health Care Careers, Defensive Driving and more. Aiken Tech also offers Education to Go classes online. For more information or to register, call (803) 593-9231, ex t. 1230.
Health “SO MY BLOOD PRESSURE IS UP ... BIG DEAL!” WORKSHOP Dec. 12, 2:30 p.m. in Room 2D-114 of the Life Learning Center’s Downtown Division. Free. Call 733-0188, ex t. 7989 to enroll. DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP meets Dec. 10 at Doctors Hospital Office Building III in Classrooms 4 and 5. Pre-registration is not required. Call 651-2468 or visit for info. PEACHCARE FOR KIDS AND RIGHT FROM THE START MEDICADE of fers free or low-cost health coverage to qualifying families. Coverage includes prenatal care, hospitalization, vaccines, dental and vision care and is available to pregnant women of all ages and to children through age 19. Contact the RSM Project at 729-2086 or 721-5611 for information. YOGA CLASSES at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7-8 a.m. for $45/month or 10:30 a.m. to noon for $55/month. Call 823-6294. FREE HIV/AIDS TESTING every Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Ministry, 922 Greene Street. Free anonymous testing, pre- and post-test counseling and education. HATHA YOGA CLASSES at the St. Joseph Home Health Care Center in Daniel Village Plaza. Held 10 a.m. to noon Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 6:30-8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. $10 per class or $60 a month for unlimited classes. Mats are provided, but bring a towel and a water bot tle. Call Tess at 738-2782 for more information. A FREE WOMEN’S HEALTH CLINIC is held from 6-8 p.m. on the Tuesdays at the Salvation Army and Welfare Center, 1383 Greene St. Services include Pap smear, breast exam and the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmit ted diseases. For more info or an appointment, call the St. Vincent dePaul Health Center at 828-3444. W.G. WATSON, M.D., WOMEN’S CENTER CONDUCTS EDUCATION CLASSES at University Hospital. Course topics include Lamaze, breast feeding, parenting and grandparenting. Par tners will learn positive suppor t techniques. There are also programs designed to help older siblings adjust to new family members. Some classes are free, while others require a fee. Registration is required by calling 774-2825.
Kids CHILDREN’S LEARNING CENTER at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History open Monday-Friday, 4:30-6:30 p.m., through June. For information, call 724-3576. ACADEMIC HELP AND TUTORING available Saturdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m. at the Wallace Branch Library. Call 7226275 to make arrangements. GIRLS INCORPORATED AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM runs through the end of the 2002-2003 school year. A variety of
“TIS THE SEASON” PLANETARIUM SHOW Friday, Saturday and Monday evenings beginning Nov. 29 at the Dupont Planetarium in Aiken. Shows are scheduled for 7 and 8 p.m. and trace the development of holiday customs, reveal winter constellations and teach how the orbit of the Ear th causes seasons to occur. For information and reservations, call (803) 641-3769. HOLIDAY EVENTS IN DOWNTOWN AIKEN: Tree Ceremony Nov. 29 and Holly Days in Aiken Nov. 30. For more information, call the Aiken Downtown Development Association at (803) 649-2221. “MIR ACLE ON 34TH STREET” will be per formed by the Aiken Communit y Playhouse Nov. 29-30, Dec. 6-8 and 13-14 at the Washington Center for the Per forming Ar ts. Friday and Saturday per formances are at 8 p.m.; Sunday matinees are at 3 p.m. For information and reser vations, call (803) 648-1438. “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE” comes to the Class Act Theatre in Mariet ta, Ga., Nov. 30-Dec. 29. Tickets are $15 adult, $13 seniors and $12 children. (770) 579-3156. EMPTY STOCKING FUND CHRISTMAS CONCERT by the Augusta Concer t Band. Held Dec. 1, 4 p.m., at First Baptist Church. Admission is free, but donations will be accepted. This event marks the last concer t for Dr. Alan Drake, Musical Director. For information, call Ben Easter, (803) 202-0091. PAINE COLLEGE ANNUAL WINTER CONCERT Dec. 1. At 4 p.m., the Paine College Concer t Choir will per form holiday selections in the Gilber tLambuth Memorial Chapel; gala reception and tree lighting ceremony to follow at the Peters Campus Center. 821-8323. MARTINEZ CHRISTMAS PAR ADE Dec. 1. Parade begins at Columbia Square. For information, call 863-0785. “ARTR AGEOUS SUNDAY! CARDING AROUND” at the Morris Museum of Ar t Dec. 1, 2 p.m. Make holiday cards with local watercolor ar tist Jim Gensheer. Call 724-7501 for more information. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Dec. 2, 6 p.m., at John C. Calhoun Park in Nor th Augusta. Call (803) 441-4300 for information. TOYS FOR TOTS AT THE GARDENS: Dec. 2-8, a new, unwrapped toy donation gets you into Augusta Golf and Gardens. Toys valued at $5 or more gets one individual admission; toys valued at $10 or more get a family admission. For info, call 724-4443. THE ACCIDENTALS PERFORM MUSIC FOR THE HOLIDAYS noon Dec. 3 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Concer t is free; optional catered lunch is $7 per person. 722-3463. USC-AIKEN/AIKEN COMMUNITY BAND CHRISTMAS CONCERT Dec. 3, 8 p.m. at USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center. (803) 641-3305. A FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS brings together the Augusta Choral Society, the Collegium Musicum and Bill Toole for a holiday per formance Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. at Sacred Hear t Cultural Center Admission is $10 in advance or $12 at the door. For information and tickets, call Sacred Hear t at 826-4700. HOLIDAY SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA Dec. 5, 5-8 p.m. at Stevens Creek Elementary School. Call 8683705 (daytime) or 860-2494 (evening) for details.
The Augusta Concert Band plays Dec. 1 to benefit the Empty Stocking Fund. It also marks the last concert for musical director Dr. Alan Drake.
“HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS” benefit for the Augusta Opera 7 p.m., Dec. 5 at Saint Paul's fea-
tures hors d’oeuvres and private per formances by ar tists from the Augusta Opera. Tickets are $75 per person. Call 826-4710. COMMUNITY TREE DECOR ATING Dec. 5, 5 p.m., at Smith-Hazel Recreation Center in Aiken. Features tree decorating, refreshments, caroling, a visit from Santa and a tree lighting ceremony. (803) 642-7635. HOLIDAY CHOR AL CONCERT AND STUDENTDIRECTED ONE-ACT PLAYS Dec. 5, 7 p.m., at the Beverly J. Barnhar t Theatre Recital Hall, Rooms 124 and 135 at Davidson Fine Ar ts School. Admission is $5 adult, $4 senior citizens and children under 5, $3 for Davidson students. Call 8236924, ex t. 107 or ex t. 135 for info. CAROLS IN THE PARK Dec. 5, 6 p.m., at Creighton Living History Park in Nor th Augusta. (803) 441-4300. “ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS” HOLIDAY TOURS at the Boyhood Home of President Woodrow Wilson Dec. 5-6. Costumed candlelight tours will be conducted and tickets are $6 adult, $4 children ages 18 and under. Call 722-9828 for information. “SCROOGE!” will be performed at Stevens Creek Community Church Dec. 5-8 at 7 p.m., with a Dec. 7 matinee at 3 p.m. Tickets are $5 general admission or $10 reserved seating. Purchase tickets online at or call 863-7002. FIRST FRIDAY AT THE MORRIS MUSEUM Dec. 6 is “Christmas Rif fs: An Evening of Jazz.” Enjoy holiday-inspired jazz by vocalist Kari Gaf fney from 6-8 p.m. or go on the gallery spotlight tour at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free. Call 724-7501 for more information. AIKEN CHORAL SOCIETY WINTER CONCERT featuring Christmas carols in English and Spanish. Free admission. Dec. 6-7 at 8 p.m. in St. Mary Help of Christians Church in Aiken. (803) 628-1252. CHRISTMAS CR AFT SHOW Dec. 6-7 at the H.O. Weeks Center in Aiken. Open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Saturday. Admission and parking are free. Call (803) 642-7631 for information. NORTH AUGUSTA CHRISTMAS TOUR OF HOMES Dec. 6-7. Candlelight tour Dec. 6 from 5:30-9:30 p.m.; Dec. 7 tour hours are 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tour tickets may be purchased in advance for $15 each or the days of the tour for $18 each. All proceeds benefit Nor th Augusta Charities. Call (803) 279-5074. DICKENS CHRISTMAS CAROLING Dec. 6-7 at Riverwalk. Caroling begins at 7 p.m. Dec. 6 and at 8 p.m. Dec. 7. For information, call Charlot te Lynn, 650-1734, or Riverwalk Special Events at 821-1754. HOLIDAY POPS! at the Etherredge and at the Bell presents two per formances by the Chenille Sisters. The Chenille Sisters, along with the Augusta Symphony and the Paine College Choir, per form Dec. 6, 8 p.m., at the Etherredge Center in Aiken. For tickets, call (803) 641-3305. Dec. 7 per formance is 8 p.m. at Bell Auditorium. The Chenille Sisters per form as par t of the Publix Family Concer t Series Dec. 8, 3 p.m. at the Ma xwell Per forming Ar ts Theatre. For tickets to Dec. 7 and 8 concer ts, call the Augusta Symphony at 826-4705. “HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS” Dec. 6-7 and 13-14 at the Abbeville Opera House in Abbeville, S.C. Per formances are 8 p.m., with additional matinee per formances at 3 p.m. Dec. 7 and 14. Tickets are $15 adult, $14 for seniors (over 65) and children (under 12). Call the box of fice at (864) 4592157 to make reservations.
“THE NUTCR ACKER” will be per formed by the Augusta Ballet Dec. 6-8 and 13-15 at the Imperial Theatre. Tickets are $12-$36. For more information, visit or call the box of fice at 261-0555. COLUMBIA COUNTY CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING: Celebration begins at 4:30 p.m. at the Evans Courthouse. Free. Call 799-4581 for more information. TOYS FOR TOTS 5K RUN Dec. 7 star ts at Lake Olmstead at 8 a.m. Entry fee is $12 in advance or $15 at the event. There will also be a one-mile fun run: Entry fee is $8 in advance or $10 the day of the event. All proceeds benefit the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Campaign. Call 7362037 for information.
ORCHESTR A HOLIDAY COFFEE HOUSE AND ARTS GALLERY SHOWING Dec. 8, 3-5 p.m., at Davidson Fine Ar ts School. Held in the commons area. Tickets are $5 adults, $4 for senior citizens and children under 5, and $3 for Davidson Fine Ar ts students. For more information, call 8236924, ex t. 118. AUGUSTA CHOR ALE ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Dec. 8, 4 p.m., at the Gilber t-Lambuth Memorial Chapel on the campus of Paine College. Guest organist David Oliver and piano accompanist Angela Arrington will per form. Admission is $10 adult and $5 student. Call 481-8102 for details. JAYCEES CHRISTMAS PAR ADE Dec. 8, 3 p.m., in downtown Aiken. Call (803) 648-8955.
ACTIVITIES FOR HOLIDAY STORIES WORKSHOP Dec. 7, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at Washington Hall Towers on the Augusta State University Campus is sponsored by the ASU Literacy Center. General admission is $24. Call 733-7043 for reservations.
AUGUSTA COLLEGIUM MUSICUM HOLIDAY CONCERT Dec. 9 at the Augusta Museum of History. Concer t begins at 7:30 p.m. and is free for museum members and $5 for non-members. Reservations are required; call 722-8454.
SANTA VISITS THE LUCY CR AFT LANEY MUSEUM OF BLACK HISTORY Dec. 7. Enjoy stor y telling, refreshments and, of course, a visi t wi th Santa. For more information, contact Starchia at 724-3576.
FAMILY CHRISTMAS CONCERT per formed by the Augusta Concer t Band 7 p.m. Dec. 9 at ASU’s Per forming Ar ts Theatre. Tickets are $3$6. Call 202-0091.
“PAPER ORNAMENTS: HOLIDAY TRIMMINGS” family workshop Dec. 7, 10 a.m.-noon at the Ger trude Herber t Institute of Ar t. Open to children ages 5-11 accompanied by an adult. Fee is $7 per family and includes one child and one adult; additional children may at tend for $1 each. Call 7225495 for details. CHRISTMAS CR AFTS with Shemariah Farmer Dec. 7, 2-3 p.m., at the Friedman Branch Librar y. Call 736-6758. HOLIDAY STORYTELLERS AND CR AFTS: Dec. 7 event is December’s Family History Series event at the Augusta Museum of History. Story times begin at 1 and 2 p.m. Call 722-8454 for details. MASTERWORKS CHOR ALE CONCERT featuring “Christmas Oratorio” by Camille Saint-Saens and “Vom Himmel Hoch” by Felix Mendelssohn Dec. 7, 8 p.m., at USC-Aiken’s Etherredge Center. Call (803) 641-3305 for ticket information. CHRISTMAS DANCE Dec. 7, 8-11 p.m., sponsored by the Christian Organization for Single Adults. Dress in festive holiday at tire. Cost is $5 for members and $7 for non-members. Held at Westside High School. For more information, contact Doris Heath, 736-3376. HOLLY DAYS CONCERT SERIES Dec. 7, 14 and 21 throughout downtown Aiken. Musicians per form live holiday music at various area venues. Call the Aiken Downtown Development Association for info at (803) 649-2221. HOLLY DAYS AND THE SCIENCE OF TOYS Dec. 7, 14, 21 and 28 at For t Discovery. Special activities include science demos, ar ts and craf ts projects, workshops and enter tainment; it’s all free with paid general admission to For t Discovery. Call 821-0200. THIRD ANNUAL AUGUSTA TOYS FOR TOTS RUN Dec. 8, sponsored by Southeastern Paralyzed Veterans. Motorcycle motorcade leaves the Augusta Museum of History at 2 p.m. and arrives at Southeastern Paralyzed Veterans headquar ters at approximately 3 p.m. Bring new and unwrapped toys to donate to the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Annual Toys for Tots campaign. Contact Larry Dodson at (803) 442-3877 for information. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY CHRISTMAS PAR ADE star ts at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 8 on Broad Street. Call 722-6664 for details. “AUGUSTA OPER A AT SAINT PAUL’S: A CELEBR ATION OF EDWARD BR ADBERRY” Four international soloists, the Augusta Opera Chorus and Orchestra and the Augusta Children’s Chorale will per form. Concer ts are at 3:30 and 6 p.m. Dec. 8. Tickets are $25 general admission; call 826-4710. LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS PAR ADE Dec. 8. Parade star ts at 3 p.m. in downtown Nor th Augusta. Call (803) 279-6049 for more information.
“FEAST OF CAROLS” HOLIDAY MADRIGAL DINNER AND SHOW Dec. 9-10, 7 p.m., at the Etherredge Center in Aiken. Call the box of fice at (803) 641-3305. AUGUSTA OPER A HOLIDAY CONCERT, featuring the Augusta Children’s Chorale, Dec. 10 at the First Baptist Church in Aiken. Concer t begins at 7 p.m. Call 826-4710 for tickets. HOLIDAY SAFETY TIPS with the AugustaRichmond County Marshall’s Of fice Dec. 11, 10 a.m., at the Ma xwell Branch Library. Call the library at 793-2020 for details. HOLIDAY PUPPET SHOWS WITH BEN AND KEETER held at area libraries. Shows will be held at the Wallace Branch Library Dec. 11, at the Gibbs Library Dec. 12, at the Euchee Creek Branch Library Dec. 17 and at the Ma xwell Branch Library Dec. 18. For information, call the Wallace Branch Library, 722-6275; the Gibbs Library, 863-1946; the Euchee Creek Branch Library, 556-0594; or the Ma xwell Branch Library, 793-2020. HOLIDAY WISHES MUSICAL AND DESSERT TASTING presented by the Paul Knox Middle School Chorus Dec. 12, 7 p.m., in the Paul Knox Cafetorium. Ticket and desser t available for a $5 donation; proceeds benefit the chorus and music appreciation education programs at Paul Knox Middle School. Call (803) 442-6300 for information. “MESSIAH” will be per formed by the Augusta Choral Society Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. Held at Sacred Hear t Cultural Center. Call 826-4713 for ticket information. “‘TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS” comes to the Ma xwell Per forming Ar ts Theatre Dec. 12, with per formances at 9, 10 and 11 a.m. Presented by Augusta State University’s Born to Read Literacy Center and Patchwork Players. Tickets are $3 per person. Call 733-7043 for more information. FANTASY IN LIGHTS HOLIDAY DISPLAY through Dec. 28 at Callaway Gardens in Pine Mountain, Ga. Tickets are $12 adult and $6 child ages 6-12 to view from your vehicle, $14 adult and $7 child 612 to view from open-air Jolly Trolly, free for children 5 and under. Purchase tickets in advance and select a time slot by calling 1-800-CALLAWAY. “A CHRISTMAS CAROL” through Dec. 29, presented by the Alliance Theatre Company in Atlanta. Tickets are $18-$42. Call (404) 733-4690. HOLIDAY LUGGAGE EXCHANGE benefits local domestic violence shelters. Donations of used luggage will be accepted at the AAA of fice at 3601 Walton Way Ex t. through Dec. 31. For more information, visit or call the Augusta AAA of fice at 738-6611. “INVENTING SANTA: ART AND ADVERTISING” exhibit through Jan. 5 at the High Museum of Ar t in Atlanta. The museum is open Tuesday-Sunday. Call (404) 733-HIGH for more information.
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30 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
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Bring Spirits Home For The Holidays!
The Accidentals perform music for the holidays Dec. 3 as part of the Tuesday’s Music Live concert series. Call 722-3463 for information. programs will be offered. Services include van pick-up at select schools, evening drop-off, homework room and hot evening meal. Open to girls in kindergar ten through high school. Af ter-school program offered 2:30-6 p.m. Mon.Fri. For more information, call 733-2512. YOUTH LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SKILLS PROGRAM for teens ages 12-19 held the third Saturday of the month at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum of Black History. Call 7243576.
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SIBSHOPS Dec. 14, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at the MCG Children’s Medical Center Conference Center. This program is designed for siblings of children with special health and developmental needs. Par ticipants are between the ages of 7 and 15. Phone 721-6838 for information. WEEKLY STORY SESSIONS at all branch libraries. Visit for more information. FIRST SATURDAY STORYTELLING at the Lucy Craf t Laney Museum. In addition, there is a tour of the museum. Held 10 a.m. to noon the first Saturday of the month. Call 724-3576.
Seniors PEOPLE WITH ARTHRITIS CAN EXERCISE (PACE) meets at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-2 p.m. Call 823-5294. THE SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL OF GREATER AUGUSTA AND THE CSRA offers a variety of classes, including aerobics, quilting, tai chi, Spanish, painting, line dancing, bowling, bridge, computers, yoga and pinochle. For dates and times, phone 826-4480. ARTHRITIS AQUATICS offered Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at Walton Rehabilitation Hospital. Classes meet 99:45 a.m., 10-10:45 a.m. or 12:15-1 p.m. $37.50/month. To register, call 733-5959. SENIORNET provides adults age 50 and over education for and access to computer technology. Many different courses are offered. Contact the USC-Aiken Continuing Education Office at (803) 641-3563.
Sports UPCOMING AUGUSTA LYNX HOME GAMES: Nov. 26 and 30, Dec. 7-8, 14 and 27. For tickets, call the Lynx ticket office at 724-4423. TICKETS NOW ON SALE for the Augusta GreenJackets 2003 season. Home games at Lake Olmstead Stadium. Tickets available at or by phone at (803) 278-4TIX. There is also a TIX outlet inside Harmon Optical in Southgate Plaza. YOUTH MONTHLY SPARRING the last Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., at the Augusta Boxing Club. Call 7337533.
African Childen's Choir
Grammy Nominated
SHEPEARD COMMUNITY BLOOD CENTER is seeking donors to prevent a blood supply shor tage. To donate call 737-4551, 854-1880 or (803) 643-7996.
Meetings “DATING CLOTHING IN YOUR ANCESTORS’ PHOTOGRAPHS” will be the topic of the Dec. 5 meeting of the Augusta Genealogical Society. A narrated slide program will illustrate typical male and female dress of the 19th century. Free and held at 7 p.m. at the Augusta Museum of History. Call 592-2711 for details.
GEORGIA-CAROLINA TOASTMASTERS meets Wednesdays at noon at the Clubhouse, 2567 Washington Rd. $8 for lunch; visitors welcome. 860-9854.
GOLDEN HARVEST FOOD BANK needs volunteers during the day, Monday-Friday, to help sor t donated products and assist in their agency shopping area. Help is needed yearround. If you are able to lif t 25 pounds and would like to help fight hunger in the Augusta area, contact Laurie Roper at 736-1199, ex t. 208.
SEXAHOLICS ANONYMOUS, a 12-step program of recovery from addiction to obsessive/compulsive sexual thoughts and behaviors, meets Wednesdays at 8 p.m. and Saturdays at 7 p.m. at Augusta Counselling Services. Call 723-3688 and leave first name and phone number; a confidential reply is assured.
THOROUGHBRED RACING HALL OF FAME DOCENTS NEEDED for the upcoming season. Duties include opening and closing the Hall of Fame, greeting visitors and providing information about museum exhibits. Call Lisa Hall, (803) 642-7650 for information.
AUGUSTA TOASTMASTERS CLUB #326 meets Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church. Call 868-8431.
OLDER AMERICANS ACT SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM is looking for volunteers to serve meals to needy older residents. To volunteer, contact the Senior Citizens Council at 826-4480. For those in need of home-delivered meals, call 210-2018 or toll free at 1-888-922-4464. AUGUSTA-RICHMOND COUNTY ANIMAL CONTROL: New volunteer orientation is scheduled the first Monday of November at 7 p.m. at the shelter, 4164 Mack Lane. Schedule subject to change; call 790-6836 to verify dates and times. THE CSRA HUMANE SOCIETY is looking for animal lovers willing to donate a lit tle of their time. Volunteers are needed every Saturday at the Pet Center located behind
GreenJackets Stadium on Milledge Road. Call 261-PETS for more info.
BUSINESS NETWORKERS INTERNATIONAL Augusta Chapter meets every Thursday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. in the Par tridge Inn main dining room. All professionals welcome; breakfast provided for a fee. Call Stuar t Rayburn, 737-0050. RIVERWALK TOASTMASTERS meets Mondays, 7 p.m. in Classroom 3 at University Hospital. Call Gale Kan, 855-7071. GUIDELINES: Public Service announcements are listed in this section without charge at the discretion of the editor. Announcements must be received by Monday at noon and will be included as space permits. Send to Events, The Metropolitan Spirit, P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA 30914 or fax (706) 733-6663. You may also e-mail listings to or Listings cannot be taken over the phone.
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32 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Arts: Theater
Local Theatre Offers Christmas and Anti-Christmas
his week’s theatre offerings have sort of a Christmas-slash-AntiChristmas theme. Aiken Community Playhouse has chosen a charming story about a girl and her Santa Claus, while Augusta Repertory Theatre Company is producing a wild comic ride that is, of course, irreverent. Company Director (who is not, by the way, directing this particular production) James Worth calls it the perfect antidote to Christmas. Five Women, Same Dress Five bridesmaids who hate the bride. A bedroom used as an escape hatch where the masks of politeness come off. A Christian, two sluts and a lesbian. Tiny space, stressful occasion. Extremely funny. Very adult. That’s how director Jay Willis describes the latest Augusta Theatre offering, which opens next week at the hands of the Augusta Repertory Theatre Company. The script was written by Georgia native Alan Ball, who won an Oscar for his script for the film “American Beauty” – which is a dark, and very sexually charged, piece of humor. Ball is also currently at work as writer and director for the HBO series “Six Feet Under.” That performance record should clue audiences in to just what they will be in for with this play, Willis says. And the television connection should provide an escape hatch for those who wish to avoid the void of television land for an evening yet can’t seem to spend an entire night without their fix. In other words, the Alan Ball connection – did we mention that he is an Oscar-winner, by the way? – makes going to see “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” practically a television or movie experience. It’s just like sitting in front of the screen, except that, well, there is no screen, and the actors can hear everything that you say about them. And the dress? “It’s everything and a pack of crackers,” according to one of the bridesmaids, Willis says. If you find it a little startling to see a name other than James Worth on the director’s chair at Augusta Theatre, that’s not Worth’s fault, according to Willis — Worth has asked him several time to direct a mainstage production. “He’s had a number of different directors in the dinner theatre,” Willis said. “But he’s directed all the shows with the exception of the dinner theatre. This is the first mainstage production that he will not have directed himself.” Willis is not new to the young theatre company, however. “I’m one of the original members of the Augusta Theatre Company’s repertory cast, but this is the first time I’ve directed a show for several years, since I left Augusta Players.” If the name Jay Willis sounds familiar, that may be why. He was the executive director of Augusta Players for 14 years,
prior to Debi Ballas’ arrival in 1999. “It’s been a lot of fun to be reinvolved (with theatre),” he said. Augusta Theatre is a different experience than Augusta Players, though, right? “Oh yes. Absolutely,” Willis said. “Absolutely. It’s a whole different ballgame. The Augusta Players did this (play). We did a dinner theatre production of this same show. There was a great deal of ... how shall I say ... rewriting. To tone it down.” Worth has said many times that a mission of Augusta Theatre is to bring to Augusta works that the other theatre companies shy away from. For Halloween they have even staged “The Rocky Horror Show” for two years in a row. Before that, Augusta Theatre produced “Angels in America: Part One” – a play about dealing with AIDS. Augusta Theatre hasn’t changed one hair on the script’s head, or the dot of one I, Willis said. “It’s straight Alan Ball.” One thing the two theatre companies have had in common, however, is the search for a home. Therefore, this will not be Willis’ first experience with theatre in the round. “We had to perform in some unusual spaces and some of it was done in the round,” he said. “It’s not a new venue for me. “I particularly enjoy working in the round. It’s much more intimate.” For those of you who have yet to venture into the converted Bon Air Ballroom, it is a small arena, set up much like a football stadium – only on a much, much smaller scale. Theoretically, there isn’t a bad seat in the house. And it’s much more natural for the actors, he said, although there are still considerations they have to keep in mind. “It’s a different challenge to make sure that everybody gets an opportunity to get the actors facing their direction. On the other hand, it’s more liberating and easy on the actor because it’s very natural.” He likes what his fellow thespian has done with the space that is the theatre’s home for now. “The space that he’s created at the Bon Air is ... he’s done a great job of converting the ballroom into the theatre,” Willis said. We asked Willis if he has any favorites among the shows he has been involved with throughout his career. “Not really,” he said. “I’ve enjoyed just about everything I’ve been involved with. It’s one of the beauties of the position that I’m in now with Augusta Theatre Company. I can pick and choose exactly what I want to be involved with.” “Five Women Wearing the Same Dress” opens at the Bon Air Ballroom Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. Other 7:30 dates are Dec. 1314. Dec. 7 and 15 are 8 p.m. showings. Matinees are at 3 p.m. on Dec. 8 and 15. Tix and info: (706) 481-9040 or There will be dinners or high tea with some performances.
By Rhonda Jones
Four women in rehearsal. Pictured left to right: Robin Burks, Deborah Rodriguez, Lizzie Grant, Dana Hughes. Maggie Godrin not pictured.
In Search of the Christmas Spirit “Miracle on 34th Street,” on the other hand, just oozes with Christmas. The Aiken Community Playhouse production is being directed by Drew Davis, who has directed ACP productions for nearly 20 years. And they’re sticking pretty close to tradition, as well. “The production itself is based on the classic movie with Natalie Wood,” he said. “Edmond Gwen, who played Kris Kringle in the movie itself has won an Oscar for that role,” Davis said. Then, in a strange and backward turnabout, the screenwriter, Valentine Davies, wrote the book. As for the play, Davis said, there are multiple authors. For those of you who haven’t seen the movie, read the book, viewed the play or had telepathic contact with the characters, the story’s themes are pretty traditional, too. “It’s the classic story between the commercialism and the spirit of Christmas, deciding which is more important. “The plot is, we have Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s, who are always competing with each other. This particular Santa Claus shows up at Macy’s and begins sending people to other stores for betterpriced goods.” Of course, people are ticked off, and then Macy’s gets a rep for having the “true” Christmas spirit. But the fun part of the story is the little girl who has begun questioning Christmas, when she meets and becomes fond of the new Santa. Davis picked this play because it gives him, and a bunch of other people, warm fuzzies. “This is the inaugural season for the (new) playhouse,” he said. He said he and his fellow directors brainstormed to
come up with the best season possible to break in the freshly built performing arts center which replaced the old playhouse on Two-Notch Road, and opened the season with a trip back to the ‘80s via “Footloose.” Since he has such a long history with Aiken Community Theatre, we asked if Davis has any favorite productions. “Well, every one is a favorite,” he said. “That’s the good thing about Aiken Community Theatre, is that they do allow directors to choose their own material.” He added that he has an emotional attachment to every piece he chooses. “I couldn’t understand directing something that you don’t have your heart in,” he said. As for “Miracle,” the movie was made in the 1940s, so Davis, who was born at some point after the 1940s, grew up with the characters, and developed a certain fondness for them at a very young age. He recognized the danger, however, of letting that attachment get in the way of his own creativity as a director. “I tried my best not to look at the movie,” Davis said. “I wanted to take the characters for what they were worth.” He could not walk away from the interiview without giving kudos to the people who helped him put it together. “The cast and crew is perfect for the show,” he said, adding that they were working hard. “Miracle” will show Nov. 29-30, Dec. 6-8, and 13-14. Check their Web site at for ticket reservation times. Reservations are strongly recommended. Call 648-1438. Prices $13 general, $11 seniors, $9 students, $6 children.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 2002 Mobile Tour ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Toy Drop Off Locations ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ November 27th
Christmas Tree Lighting (Downtown Augusta)
November 29th
Wal*Mart Supercenter (Evans)
December 3rd
Target (Augusta)
December 5th
Kroger (North Augusta)
December 6th
PX Xtra (Fort Gordon)
December 8th
Bi-Lo (Tobacco Rd.)
December 8th
Bi-Lo (Daniel Village)
December 12th
Winn-Dixie (Robert C. Daniel Pkwy.)
December 17th
Bi-Lo (Columbia Rd.) (Evans)
Bourne Toyota
Papa Johns Pizza
Regal Cinemas Augusta Exchange 20
GLW Philly Cheesesteaks (Aiken)
Rowland Funeral Home
Gymnastics Gold
Ruby Tuesdays (North Augusta)
IGA Food Stores
Shepeard Blood Centers
Lite 98
Medical College of Ga.
Triple A
News 12
33 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
Arts: Music
The Chenille Sisters Mix Music and Chuckles
e met in a bar in Ann Arbor,” says Grace Morand of The Chenille Sisters. That was 20 years ago. She emphasizes that the members of the Michigan trio were very young at the time. “It doesn’t sound like a place where nice girls like us would meet,” she said. “But it was a place where people passed a guitar around and sang.” Eventually, Grace and Connie (Huber) formed a band. Then one day Grace, who loved singing Motown hits, wanted to add “Respect” to their repertoire. “I wanted to do Aretha. Connie said, ‘I can’t do all that sock-it-to-me, sock-it-to-me, sock-itto-me stuff by myself.’ So we recruited Cheryl. “Then we dumped the band.” “We liked working out harmonies,” she explained. “We wanted to rehearse and the guys didn’t, so they went bye-bye. We’ve been together ever since.” And that ‘ever since’ is 17 years. They’ve gone places too, like Garrison Keilor’s “Prairie Home Companion” and National Public Radio’s “All Things Considered.” Television appearances have included “Nightwatch,” “Lonesome Pine Special” and “The Home Show.” The Chenille Sisters are not a group that take themselves too seriously. They even named themselves with a chuckle under their breaths. “We named ourselves after the bedspreads and bathrobes,” Grace said. “There were lots of girl groups in the ‘60s who named themselves after elegant fabrics.” The Chiffons, for instance. “We decided to name ourselves after something a little less elegant, and more comfy,” she added. And they're a hoot.
By Rhonda Jones
Grace says humor is important. “You gotta have a sense of humor. You gotta lighten up. “Comedic timing is such an underrated skill. I think our society acts like it’s not as important if it’s funny. But to us, fun is good, and I think everybody actually really enjoys it.” She wants to emphasize, however, that she and her “sisters” take their musicianship very seriously, though only one of them has a music degree, and that’s Connie. “She studied in Minnesota. She’s probably, I would say, the musical backbone of the group. She helps our sound be what it is. Cheryl doesn’t have a lot of formal training. She used to write a lot of songs. She likes traditional British ballads.” She said they’ll probably still hang out even when they retire. “We realize how rare that is,” she said about the length of time they’ve been together already. “I think The Beatles were together under five years. It’s kind of like a marriage. There’s compromise; there’s learning to get along and accepting and forgiving each other. And supporting each other. “But without the sex.” The Chenille Sisters will perform three times while they’re in town. On Dec. 6 at 8 p.m., they will perform at USCAiken’s Etherredge Center with Augusta Symphony. On Dec. 7, also at 8 p.m., they will perform as part of the Holiday Pops series at Augusta State University’s Grover C. Maxwell Performing Arts Theatre. At 3 p.m., on Dec. 8, they will perform as part of the Publix Family Concert Series for the kiddies all by themselves. The program begins at 1:45 with skits by the Harlem High School drama students. For more info, call (706) 826-4706. For tickets, call (706) 826-4705. For even more info on the symphony or The Chenille Sisters, visit
And If That Isn’t Enough... On Dec. 3, Tuesday’s Music Live presents The Accidentals with “Music for the Holidays: The Roger Denning Memorial Christmas Concert.” Show starts at noon at St. Paul’s Church at 605 Reynolds Street. For reservations and information, call 722-3463. Also at St. Paul’s, on Dec. 8, the Augusta Opera will offer “A Celebration of Edward Bradberry.” The evening will feature five international soloists, Augusta Opera Chorus and Orchestra, and Augusta Children’s Chorale. Times are 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. General admission is $25. To purchase tickets, call 826-4710.
Arts: Theater
In Memory of
Matt Stovall Dec. 9, 1948-Nov. 20, 2002 He was a dear friend to the arts community. The photo montage represents his work in theatre over the last several years of his life, with Augusta Players Photo Montage: Laura Coleman
and other groups. He is loved and missed by many.
Cinema Hanukkah musical with a thin plot that centers around his "Whitey" character of f one of his comedy albums. Expect lots of teenage-boy humor. Cast: Adam Sandler, Tyra Banks, Jon Lovitz, Kevin Nealon, Rob Schneider.
Austin Powers in Goldmember (PG-13) —
No golden member, just a tin fig leaf. Mike Myers still has his crack timing and suppor ting cast (Seth Green a standout, plus Michael Caine agog with fun as Powers' dad), but the silly plot is nothing, and too many gags are just stupid frat-boy stuf f with a lacing of gay schtick. Beyonce Knowles brings a zip of sassy freshness as Fox xy Cleopatra, yet the movie is both smug and lazy, and the gaudy, pushy "style" steamrolls the humor into flatness. With numerous celebrity cameos, none very funny (the least: Steven Spielberg). Running time: 1 hr., 33 mins. (Elliot t) ★1/2 The Banger Sisters (R) — Goldie Hawn plays Suzet te, who is fired from her job as resident bar babe of a Sunset Strip rock club. With her free identity now turning to chaos, Suzet te wobbles of f to Phoenix to beg money and maybe soul suppor t from the longgone other half of the Banger Sisters. But past groupie Vinnie (Susan Sarandon) is now Lavinia, upscale lawyer's wife and mom of two contrasting girls (Erika Christensen, Eva Amurri), who rail against her fussy squareness, yet rely on her profoundly. Suzet te shows up as a time warp, wearing pink and leather and hair like a mosh pit, and shakes everyone loose. What about all the groupies who died of booze or drugs or AIDS? If you need to make that point, you're way too square for the funny spirit and good company of "The
Dimension Films
2 0 0 2
Banger Sisters." Cast: Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon, Geof frey Rush, Erika Christensen, Eva Amurri, Robin Thomas. Running time: 1 hr., 34 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ Die Another Day (PG-13) — Pierce Brosnan moves with energy and can fake conviction. His chest hair is superb, his voice remains Bondaceous. But he looks peaked, and we imagine he found time to remember when acting meant, well, acting. Not just pulverizing glass, plunging through ice, brandishing absurd weapons and making limp jokes. True to its Cold War roots, the series reaches for one more Rot ten Commie enemy. So bring on dear old Nor th Korea. A Pyongyang lunatic has found the resources, via diamonds, to create a satellite sun called Icarus, to burn or blind the dumb Yanks, the snot ty Brits and the greedy South Korean stooges. He captures Bond, tortures him, then zips of f to Cuba, where he is DNAmorphed into a sneery Brit named Graves (Toby Stephens). We recall Connery, and old plots that, however abundantly silly, were adventurous larks and not just plastic shelves for hardware display. Cast: Pierce Brosnan, Halle Berry, Toby Stephens, Rosamund Pike, John Cleese, Judi Dench, Rick Yune. Running time: 2 hrs. (Elliot t) ★★ 8 Mile (R) — As Jimmy "Rabbit" Smith, Eminem flunks his first hip-hop bat tle, a cut ting contest of insult rhymes at a black club, is pegged a choker, and sulks back to his grueling job at a metal-stamping mill. The simple story is how Rabbit motorizes his mouth, confirming the "genius" proclaimed by pal and club emcee Future (Mekhi Phifer). As a buzzer, it has juice. Thanks to Eminem and the rising rap momentum, "8 Mile" is engrossing. In this urban, if not urbane, fantasy, the hero takes a bad beating, gets up and goes to
“Treasure Planet”
2 8
Movie Listings Adam Sandler’s Eight Crazy Nights (PG13) — Adam Sandler puts together an animated
work, interrupts work to wow everyone at the hip-hop club, then returns to work af ter a verbal outlay that would have put even Winston Churchill in bed for days. Cast: Eminem, Kim Basinger, Mekhi Phifer, Evan Jones, Brit tany Murphy, Anthony Mackie. Running time: 1 hr., 58 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ The Emperor’s Club (PG-13) — Kevin Kline is Prof. Bill Hunder t. He wants to not just impar t learning but "mold character." Into the blessed pasture of learning comes a black sheep, maybe a goat: Sedgwick Bell (Emile Hirsch). Son of a cold U.S. senator, Bell is insolent if not quite wit ty. But "character is destiny," and af ter Bell opens a small but piercing flaw in Hunder t's Brutus-like integrity, the prof sees his dream of improvement sorely tested at the school's annual "Mr. Julius Caesar " contest. Jump ahead 25 years. Darn if there isn't even a posh restaging of the quiz show. Bell has aged from Hirsch's surly hint of kid Brando into a rich rodent (Joel Gretsch) with a creepy intensity. About as dramatic as sucking marble dust through a straw, "The Emperor's Club" is nostalgic for education as an old-school gentlemen's club. Cast: Kevin Kline, Emile Hirsch, Embeth Davidtz, Harris Yulin, Ed Herrmann, Rishi Mehta. Running time: 1 hr., 49 mins. (Elliot t) ★1/2 Extreme Ops (PG-13) — A film crew heads to the Alps to film a commercial in which three ex treme spor ts stars are chased down a mountain by an avalanche; when they capture a Serbian war criminal, hiding out in the mountains, on film, the crew and actors are forced to flee more than the elements. Cast: Devon Sawa, Rufus Sewell, Bridget te Wilson-Sampras. Frida (R) — Salma Hayek poured her hear t into this biopic about the life of Mexican ar tist Frida Kahlo. Her open marriage to Diego Rivera, characterized by ex tramarital af fairs and loyal tenderness, as well as the couple’s political and social statements and scandals, made Kahlo one of the most color ful and controversial ar tists of the 20th century. Cast: Salma Hayek, Alfred Molina, Geof frey Rush, Ashley Judd, Antonio Banderas, Edward Nor ton. Friday After Next (R) — This is the third film in the "Friday" series and features the same people, places and pals highlighted in the first two. "Friday Af ter Nex t" takes place around Christmas, as Craig and Day-Day are working as security guards af ter a "ghet to Santa" who’s been stealing presents. Cast: Ice Cube, Mike Epps, Don "D.C." Curry. Half Past Dead (PG-13) — Steven Seagal action flick about a criminal mastermind whose big plan is to infiltrate a ma ximum-security prison and obtain information on the whereabouts of $200 million wor th of gold from a death row inmate. What he doesn’t know is that planted inside the prison is an undercover federal agent (Seagal). Cast: Morris Chestnut, Steven Seagal, Mat t Bat taglia.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG) — Harry (Daniel Radclif fe) faces destiny with a
clear eye and spor ty will, not the least neurotic despite having been orphaned into a family of idiotic prigs who treat him abominably. He again escapes to Hogwar ts, to his pals (Ruper t Grint as wobble-faced Ron, Emma
★★★★ — Excellent.
★★★— Worthy.
★★ — Mixed.
★ — Poor.
Watson as bookworm Hermione) and the snippish regard of Prof. Snape (Alan Rickman) and Prof. McGonegall (Maggie Smith), and the wonder ful giant Hagrid (Robbie Coltrane) and Headmaster Dumbledore (Richard Harris, now dead). Jason Isaacs should be given more time as Lucius, the evil, white-maned father of snob Draco Malfoy. There is a sense of a grand machine greased, sometimes grinding. The "chamber of secrets" is less an exciting mystery at the center than a device to car t the bulky saga forward. Cast: Daniel Radclif fe, Ruper t Grint, Emma Watson, Kenneth Branagh, Richard Harris, Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane. Running time: 2 hrs., 41 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ Jackass: The Movie (R) — Nothing more than a big-screen version of the hit MTV series, "Jackass: The Movie" features Johnny Knox ville and pals performing hilarious and dangerous stunts and playing practical jokes on unsuspecting crowds. Don’t try this at home. Cast: Johnny Knox ville, Bam Margera, Ryan Dunn, Steve O. Like Mike (PG) — The rapper Lil Bow Wow plays 14-year-old Calvin Cambridge, one of the older residents in an L.A. orphanage. Calvin has two wishes — to find parents who love him and to play in the NBA like his idol, Michael Jordan. Then one day, Calvin's only adult ally, Sister Theresa (Anne Meara), discovers an old pair of sneakers that once belonged to Michael Jordan. Calvin tries them on, and they are a per fect fit. The nex t day, Calvin's dreams begin to materialize. He meets one of his idols, basketball superstar Tracey Reynolds (Morris Chestnut), during a half time contest at a Los Angeles Knights game. Calvin makes a wish to be "like Mike" and suddenly displays moves reminiscent of Jordan. He is quickly signed by the Knights, and both he and new teammate Tracey go on a journey of self-discovery. Cast: Lil Bow Wow, Morris Chestnut, Jonathan Lipnicki, Brenda Song, Crispin Glover, Anne Meara and Eugene Levy. Running time: 1 hr., 30 mins. (McCormick) ★★★ Maid in Manhattan (PG-13) — Jennifer Lopez takes a job as a New York luxury hotel maid in this modern-day "Cinderella" tale. She falls in love with a rich politician, who mistakes her for a society woman. Cast: Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson. Men in Black 2 (PG-13) — Will Smith (very post-"Ali") and Tommy Lee Jones (looking aged and bored) return as the alien-busting men in black, in a movie stuf fed with crit ters and special ef fects, like a vast expansion of a Mad magazine parody. Rosario Dawson is a decal of innocence; Lara Flynn Boyle a creepy space witch; the pug dog gets more lines; the fun is rather oppressive even at 82 minutes. Cast: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Rosario Dawson, Lara Flynn Boyle. Running time: 1 hr., 22 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ Red Dragon (R) — Ed Nor ton plays Graham. He hates his work, especially af ter he and Hannibal Lecter nearly kill each other. But he's pulled back by earnest Detective Craw ford (Harvey Keitel) to solve the case
0— Not worthy.
continued on page 36
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of Dolarhyde, a nerdy lunatic whose back is a slab of tat tooed muscle, whose mind is a nightmare. He kills and mutilates families in a grotesque private ritual. Much of the movie is Graham and Craw ford comparing notes, noshing through the case. Lecter drops in for preening and condescending. Ted Tally's script fills the gore quota, pops lurid surprises and peddles a kind of family-values porn. The story savors its psychos as princes of evil, warped vir tuosos of the dark side. Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Edward Nor ton, Ralph Fiennes, Emily Watson, Harvey Keitel. Running time: 2 hrs., 4 mins. (Elliot t) ★ The Ring (PG-13) — begins with the telling of an urban-legend-like tale that, for a while, seems likely to consign this movie to the slasher/horror bin: A weird videotape is circulating. As soon as you're through watching it, the telephone rings. A voice on the phone informs you that you have seven days to live. Seven days later, you die. The film boasts first-rate per formances, a gorgeous look, an engaging plot and a jangly, thrumming sense of dread. The ef fectiveness of such a movie depends entirely on the beholder. Save for a long, uneasy feeling of foreboding and one solid jolt, I didn't find it all that scary. Two young women exiting the theater in front of me, however, declared that the thing had terrified them, and I'm willing to take their word for it. Cast: Naomi Wat ts, Mar tin Henderson, David Dor fman, Brian Cox. Running time: 1 hr., 55 mins. (Salm) ★★1/2 The Santa Clause 2 (G) — Tim Allen discovers af ter eight years of being Santa that there's another small detail in his contract: In order for him to continue being the Jolly Old Elf, he's got to take a wife. But first he has to deal with his son, Charlie (Eric Lloyd), who's landed himself on the naughty list. Charlie's principal (Elizabeth Mitchell) wants him gone pronto and is a bit blue because the holidays don't mean as much to her as they once did. With 28 days to go before the contract expires, Santa's got a lot of work to do. One of his trusty elves comes up with a machine that can duplicate Santa while he's out in the real world hunting for a wife. Allen is remarkable playing Santa as funny, wise and sympathetic, all at the same time. 1 hr., 42 mins. (McCormick) ★★★ Signs (PG-13) — Mel Gibson plays Father Graham Hess, an Episcopal priest who lost his faith and retired
his collar af ter his wife was killed in an auto accident. He lives in an old farmhouse with two adorable kids, plus a younger brother (Joaquin Phoenix). Big, elegantly precise "crop signs" turn up in their cornfield. It's space aliens, and the movie teases us as the signs pile up. The aliens show up, shoving clawed hands under doors but scared by steak knives, full of evil strength, yet not able to knock down the pathetic blockade of a fruit cellar. "Signs," though handsomely shot, seems meant for viewers who need to believe in tabloid aliens, and that we can beat them with plainspun, homeland vir tues. It should be called "Sins" for compounding the sins of bad filming. Cast: Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Rory Culkin, M. Night Shyamalan, Cherry Jones. Running time: 1 hr., 46 mins. (Elliot t) ★ Solaris (PG-13) — George Clooney is psychologist Chris Kelvin, who arrives on a space station that orbits an ocean world called Solaris, only to find that the commander of an expedition to the planet has commit ted suicide and the two remaining crew members are suf fering from mental stress and paranoia. The appearance of Kelvin’s deceased wife casts him into a state of limbo, where he’s torn between the reality of let ting go and one last chance at redemption. Cast: George Clooney, Natascha McElhone, Jeremy Davies, Viola Davis.
Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams (PG) — A cheer ful theme park of a comedy about
junior spies, with a bigger budget and more inventive fun than the 2001 original (the plot is no advance). Rober t Rodriguez directed, wrote, helped with the digital ef fects and gizmo touches, including excellent creatures. The many Hispanic rif fs do not land with PC heaviness, and the lively cast includes Alexa Vega and Daryl Sabara as the main kids, plus Antonio Banderas, Steve Buscemi, Carla Gugino, Alan Cumming, Bill Pa x ton, Tony Shalhoub, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin and (still macho at 81) Ricardo Montalban. Running time: 1 hr., 27 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★ Stuart Little 2 (PG) — is a sequel capsule, as smooth and shiny as a jellybean. It brings back the Manhat tan mouse (Michael J. Fox), a computerized dearie loved by the Lit tle family as equal to their son, George (Jonathan Lipnicki), and his baby sister. The slow-star ting story is Stuar t's adventure to rescue new pal, birdie Margalo (Melanie Grif fith), a flut ter-ball of gold feathers, from the raptor Falcon (James
Woods). 1 hr. 18 mins. (Elliot t) ★★1/2
Sweet Home Alabama (PG-13) — Only a year
and two weeks af ter New York became our most tormented but inspiring city, it is upstaged by a happy hicksville called Pigeon Creek. Why? Because cute "Mel" (Reese Witherspoon) fled poor-folks marriage to Pigeon Creek sweethear t Jake (Josh Lucas). She is now a light of Manhat tan as fashion designer Melanie Carmichael. And she has the love of politically upward dreamboat Andrew (Patrick Dempsey, son of The Apple's tough but dishy mayor, Candice Bergen). Andy doesn't know that his betrothed is still married to 'Bama boy Jake, who is hur t, haunted and planning his own rise from mediocrity. Mel returns home for a divorce, puts on her corn-pone accent instantly, and rediscovers the joys of Pigeon Creek. Director Andy Tennant serves this corny material with the skill of a machine punching out Alabama license plates. Cast: Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, Patrick Dempsey, Fred Ward, Mary Kay Place, Candice Bergen. Running time: 1 hr., 40 mins. (Elliot t) ★★ They (PG-13) — A grad student witnesses a horrifying incident, which rekindles her childhood fears of the dark and night terrors. Soon, she finds herself wondering if the images that plagued her as a child were real. Cast: Larua Regan, Marc Blucas, Dagmara Dominczyk, Ethan Embry, John Abrahams. The Transporter (PG-13) — Frank Mar tin is an ex-special forces operator living the quiet life along the Mediterranean in France. He suppor ts himself by running his own courier service – with a few rules. Namely, Mar tin doesn’t want to know who he’s working for or what he’s delivering. But when Mar tin notices the package he’s transpor ting star t to move, he looks in the box and finds a beautiful and bound woman. Cast: Jason Statham, Shu Qi, Mat t Schulze. Treasure Planet (PG) — "Treasure Planet" is Disney’s latest animated of fering, and it’s loosely based on the Rober t Louis Stevenson novel "Treasure Island." Disney gives the classic a facelif t, transpor ting the story to outer space, where a young boy looking for the lost treasure of Captain Flint falls in with a band of pirates, including Long John Silver, who are also looking for the treasure. Cast: Joseph Gordon, Brian Murray, David Hyde Pierce, Mar tin Shor t, Emma Thompson. The Tuxedo (PG-13) — Jackie Chan plays Jimmy Tong, a cabby who lands a job as chauf feur for
Appreciation Week
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—Capsules compiled from movie reviews written by David Elliott, film critic for The San Diego Union-Tribune and other staff writers.
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Clark Devlin (Jason Isaacs), a wealthy industrialist. Devlin is every thing Jimmy wants to be — handsome, smar t, rich, cultured and impeccably dressed. One of Devlin's prized possessions is an Armani tuxedo that seems to be a hit with the ladies and a definite confidence-booster. But Jimmy discovers there's more to Devlin than meets the eye af ter the boss is injured by a bomb while on assignment. Before he loses consciousness, Devlin asks Jimmy to wear the suit, a prototype created by a government agency that gives its wearer abilities far beyond mor tal men. Af ter Jimmy tests out the tux, he's thrust into the spy game. Cast: Jackie Chan, Jennifer Love Hewit t, Jason Isaacs, Ritchie Coster, Debi Mazar and Peter Stormare. Running time: 1 hr., 30 mins. (McCormick) ★★ White Oleander (PG-13) — The movie is par tly a duel of eyes and wills between Ingrid (Michelle Pfeif fer) and teen daughter Astrid (Alison Lohman). The girl never knew her father, and she is used by Ingrid, a man-eater and hater, who murders her latest obsession (Billy Connolly) and draws a ma ximum prison sentence, which launches Astrid on a hard-luck string of homes. It puts viewers into a spell of pure at tention. The touch of soap opera never really lathers up; this is not Joan Craw ford territory. Even the brutally domineering Ingrid comes to seem exposed, sadly at the mercy of need. Everyone here is par tly in exile, yearning for home. Cast: Alison Lohman, Michelle Pfeif fer, Renee Zellweger, Robin Wright Penn, Patrick Fugit, Cole Hauser. Running time: 1 hr., 49 mins. (Elliot t) ★★★1/2 XXX (PG-13) — Vin Diesel is buf f, which is surely the main point of his playing "edge spor ts" thrill-seeker turned CIA agent Xander Cage, but he has glints of boyish vulnerability. As he grooves into playing the new agent recruited by the agency's top dude (Samuel L. Jackson), the movie finds a rhy thm that is like a more masculine, bulked-up "Barbarella." The plot is junk, about a gang of ex-Red Army crazies led by a satanic Slavic slime (Mar ton Csokas), nihilists eager to destroy the world with a superweapon. It's another movie where you must believe, or giggle. Cast: Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson, Asia Argento, Mar ton Csokas, Danny Trejo. Running time: 1 hr., 44 mins. (Elliot t) ★★
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George Clooney Tries To Raise the Bar With “Solaris” By Joey Berlin
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ctor George Clooney and director Steven Soderbergh are developing the kind of symbiotic relationship once enjoyed by Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese. The new sci-fi love story “Solaris” unites Clooney and Soderbergh for the third time, following “Out of Sight” and “Ocean’s Eleven.” After exiting “E.R.,” Clooney shakily transitioned to the big screen. The 41year-old Kentucky native has since found traction in Hollywood, getting his hands dirty in all aspects of movie-making and emerging as a powerful industry force. But ticket buyers are most interested in Clooney’s presence as a leading man, and that is what they will get with “Solaris.” In this intellectual remake of the 1973 Andrei Tarkovsky film, Clooney plays a psychologist of the future, investigating bizarre occurrences on a distant space station. Fantastically, he becomes reunited on the space station with his deceased wife. And following right on the heels of “Solaris” comes Clooney’s directorial debut, “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind.” Q: Did you really write Steven Soderbergh a letter begging for this role in “Solaris?” A: First of all, you should know that Steven would actually say no, because Steven’s a very direct, very straightforward guy. But I also wrote my request in a letter because I figured we’re friends and partners, so I wanted to try and separate that from work. Because it’s very hard to sit in a room with somebody eye to eye and have them say, “Nope, I’m not going to do it with you, pal.” I wrote in the letter that I don’t know if I can do it, I’d like to try, but I don’t want that to interfere. Q: Since “Solaris” is not a typical actionoriented science-fiction film, was there some trepidation about making it? A: Yeah, there’s always trepidation. But it’s much more exciting when you walk in and you have this kind of material. Acting can become really boring really quickly, because you sort of repeat a lot of the same things. And all of a sudden it just becomes, “Hey are you having fun on the set, and are you making some money?” So what you’ve got to do, if you want to survive in this, is you’ve got to start changing things and trying different things. Look, I’m just chasing good parts, chasing good scripts and good directors. I’m just trying to raise the bar, not just in films that we’re making, but personally for me. So I’ll fail, but it’s a lot more fun than repeating the same cookie-cutter thing. Q: What made the screenplay for “Solaris” attractive to you? A: What I liked about it is that, unlike some other stories, these people on the space station are all intelligent. My character’s well aware that his wife’s not alive and does not exist, but he’s willing to ignore that at some point, because the sensation is so good, and it’s so good just to feel that warm again.
He doesn’t really care whether she exists or not, he just wants to feel that way again. It seemed like such a great part to play. Q: And there is also a lot of ambiguity in the story. A: It’s a film that everybody goes home that night going, “I’m not sure what I just saw.” But they talk about it and they discuss it. And questions come up and answers come up, and they’re all right. Q: You worked hard to get “Confessions of a Dangerous Mind” made. Why were you so passionate about that script? A: I tell you, you get to the position that I’m in and you think that all of a sudden everything you read is just going to be pearls. And the truth is, you read one or two great scripts a year, at best. So when you read one that makes you think, “This film has to be made,” you really fight to get it made because it’s so rare. It’s funny, there are no original ideas and good dialogue is so hard to come by. It’s really wild. Q: You are well-known for playing pranks on people. When did you start with that? A: I think it probably came out of working on sitcoms and having a lot of time. You know, when you’re working on “The Facts of Life,” and you’re, like, the eighth banana on the show, trust me, you have a lot of time on your hands and nothing else to do but play pranks. And I have good friends of mine who are just masterful, long-running prank players. So it just became a competition between us. Q: How important is humor in your life? A: I think it’s the most important thing. How’s that? Does that sound good? My father is one of the funniest men I’ve ever met. I think that we’re all in the same position here. Life gets a little boring if we’re not having some fun. And I’m in a business where you can take yourself pretty seriously, and that to me is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. You can take the work seriously, but when you take yourself seriously, I think you’re in trouble.
MOVIE CLOCK REGAL AUGUSTA EXCHANGE 20 Movies Good 11/28 - 12/5 Treasure Planet (PG) Thur: 10:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 5:45, 7:00, 7:55, 8:00, 9:15, 10:15; Fri-Sat: 10:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 5:45, 7:00, 7:55, 8:00, 9:15, 10:15, 11:40, 12:35; Sun: 10:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 5:45, 7:00, 7:55, 8:00, 9:15, 10:15; MonThur: 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 5:45, 7:00, 7:55, 8:00, 9:15, 10:15 Ex treme Ops (PG-13) Thur: 11:25, 1:50, 7:30, 7:35, 10:05; Fri-Sat: 11:25, 1:50, 7:30, 7:35, 10:05, 12:30; Sun: 11:25, 1:50, 7:30, 7:35, 10:05; Mon-Thur: 1:50, 7:30, 7:35, 10:05 They (PG-13) Thur: 10:25, 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 8:10, 10:15; Fri-Sat: 10:25, 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 8:10, 10:15, 12:25; Sun: 10:25, 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 8:10, 10:15; Mon-Thur: 12:40, 3:00, 5:20, 8:10, 10:15 Solaris (PG-13) Thur: 10:20, 1:05, 4:00, 6:55, 10:00; Fri-Sat: 10:20, 1:05, 4:00, 6:55, 10:00, 12:20; Sun: 10:20, 1:05, 4:00, 6:55, 10:00; Mon-Thur: 1:05, 4:00, 6:55, 10:00 8 Crazy Nights (PG-13) Thur: 11:10, 1:15, 1:45, 3:10, 3:45, 5:15, 5:50, 7:15, 9:25; FriSat: 11:10, 1:15, 1:45, 3:10, 3:45, 5:15, 5:50, 7:15, 9:25, 11:30; Sun: 11:10, 1:15, 1:45, 3:10, 3:45, 5:15, 5:50, 7:15, 9:25; Mon-Thur: 1:15, 1:45, 3:10, 3:45, 5:15, 5:50, 7:15, 9:25 Maid in Manhattan (PG-13) Fri: 7:40 Die Another Day (PG-13) Thur-Sun: 10:10, 10:45, 1:30, 2:00, 4:25, 5:00, 7:00, 7:30, 7:55, 10:00, 10:30, 10:55; Mon-Thur: 1:30, 2:00, 4:25, 5:00, 7:00, 7:30, 7:55, 10:00, 10:30, 10:55 The Emperor’s Club (PG-13) Thur: 10:05, 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, 9:15; Fri-Sat: 10:05, 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, 9:15, 11:40; Sun: 10:05, 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, 9:15; Mon-Thur: 1:35, 4:10, 6:40, 9:15 Friday Af ter Nex t (R) Thur: 10:00, 10:15, 12:05, 1:55, 2:25, 4:05, 4:40, 6:10, 7:50, 8:20, 9:50, 10:50; Fri-Sat: 10:00, 10:15, 12:05, 1:55, 2:25, 4:05, 4:40, 6:10, 7:50, 8:20, 9:50, 10:50, 12:00; Sun: 10:00, 10:15, 12:05, 1:55, 2:25, 4:05, 4:40, 6:10, 7:50, 8:20, 9:50, 10:50; Mon-Thur: 12:05, 1:55, 2:25, 4:05, 4:40, 6:10, 7:50, 8:20, 9:50, 10:50 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG) Thur: 11:20, 11:55, 12:15, 2:50, 3:20, 3:40, 6:45, 7:05, 10:30; Fri-Sat: 11:20, 11:55, 12:15, 2:50, 3:20, 3:40, 6:45, 7:05, 10:30, 12:10; Sun: 11:20, 11:55, 12:15, 2:50, 3:20, 3:40, 6:45, 7:05, 10:30; MonThur: 11:55, 12:15, 2:50, 3:20, 3:40, 6:45, 7:05, 10:10, 10:30 Half Past Dead (PG-13) Thur-Sun: 11:15, 7:45, 10:25; Mon-Thur: 7:45, 10:25 8 Mile (R) Thur-Sun: 10:40, 1:45, 4:35, 7:40, 10:20; Mon-Thur: 1:45, 4:35, 7:40, 10:20 The Santa Clause 2 (G) Thur: 11:50, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30; Fri-Sat: 11:50, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30, 12:05; Sun: 11:50, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30; Mon-Thur: 12:05, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:30 Jackass: The Movie (R) 12:45, 3:05, 5:40, 8:05, 10:35 The Ring (PG-13) Thur-Sun: 10:50, 1:40, 4:20, 8:00, 10:40; Mon-Thur: 1:40, 4:20, 8:00, 10:40 Sweet Home Alabama (PG-13) 10:20
EVANS 12 CINEMAS Movies Good 11/28 - 12/5 They (PG-13) Thur: 3:35, 5:35, 7:35, 9:35; Fri-Sun: 1:35, 3:35, 5:35, 7:35, 9:35; MonThur: 5:35, 7:35, 9:35 Solaris (PG-13) Thur: 4:00, 7:10, 9:45; FriSun: 1:30, 4:00, 7:10, 9:45; Mon-Thur: 4:00, 7:10, 9:45 Ex treme Ops (PG-13) Thur: 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25; Fri-Sun: 1:25, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25; Mon-Thur: 5:25, 7:25, 9:25 8 Crazy Nights (PG-13) Thur: 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9:05; Fri-Sun: 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9:05; Mon-Thur: 5:05, 7:05, 9:05 Treasure Planet (PG) Thur: 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 7:00, 7:45, 9:15; Fri-Sun: 12:45, 1:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 5:45, 7:00, 7:45, 9:15; Mon-Thur: 4:45, 5:45, 7:00, 7:45, 9:15 Die Another Day (PG-13) Thur: 3:15, 4:15, 7:15, 8:45, 9:50; Fri-Sun: 1:15, 3:15, 4:15, 7:15, 8:45, 9:50; Mon-Thur: 4:15, 7:15, 8:45, 9:50 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG) Thur: 4:30, 5:30, 8:00, 9:00; Fri-Sun: 1:00, 2:00, 4:30, 5:30, 8:00, 9:00; Mon-Thur: 4:30, 5:30, 8:00, 9:00 Frida (R) 9:45 8 Mile (R) Thur: 6:30; Fri-Sun: 12:50, 6:30; Mon-Thur: 6:30 Santa Clause 2 (G) Thur: 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40; Fri-Sun: 12:55, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30, 9:40; Mon-Thur: 5:20, 7:30, 9:40 The Ring (PG-13) Thur: 4:40, 7:25, 9:55; FriSun: 2:20, 4:40, 7:25, 9:55; Mon-Thur: 4:40, 7:25, 9:55 MASTERS 7 CINEMAS Movies Good 11/28 - 12/5 Solaris (PG-13) Thur: 4:30, 7:15, 9:45; FriSun: 1:15, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45; Mon-Thur: 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 Treasure Planet (PG) Thur: 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00; Fri-Sun: 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00; Mon-Thur: 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 8 Crazy Nights (PG-13) Thur: 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30; Fri-Sun: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30; Mon-Thur: 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 Die Another Day (PG-13) Thur: 4:05, 7:05, 9:40; Fri-Sun: 1:05, 4:05, 7:05, 9:40; MonThur: 4:05, 7:05, 9:40 Friday After Nex t (R) Thur: 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20; Fri-Sun: 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20; Mon-Thur: 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (PG) Thur: 5:05, 8:30; Fri-Sun: 1:30, 5:05, 8:30; Mon-Thur: 5:05, 8:30 8 Mile (R) Thur: 4:15, 7:25, 9:35; Fri-Sun: 1:25, 4:15, 7:25, 9:35; Mon-Thur: 4:15, 7:25, 9:35 REGAL 12 CINEMAS Movies Good 11/28 - 12/5 Spy Kids 2 (PG) 2:00, 4:25, 7:35, 9:55 The Tuxedo (PG-13) 2:05, 4:30, 7:10, 9:35 White Oleander (PG-13) 2:10, 4:40, 7;15, 9:50 Stuart Little 2 (PG) 2:15, 5:05, 7:00, 9:30 Banger Sisters (R) 2:10, 4:35, 7:40, 10:00 The Transporter (PG-13) 2:40, 4:35, 7:40, 9:40 Signs (PG-13) 2:00, 4:45, 7:00, 9:25 XXX (PG-13) 2:25, 4:55, 7:30, 9:50 Red Dragon (R) 1:55, 4:35, 7:20, 10:05 Men in Black 2 (PG-13) 2:35, 4:50, 7:20, 9:45 Austin Powers in Goldmember (PG-13) 2:30, 5:15, 7:45, 9:40 Like Mike (PG) 2:45, 5:10, 7:25, 9:30
Movie listings are subject to change without notice.
N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
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The Road Opens Up New Experiences for Kari Gaffney
ne of the best teachers in music is the road,” says jazz vocalist Kari Gaffney, who just returned home following a tour of the United States. Gaffney and her ensemble, including musical director Jeff Williams, took to the well-worn highways of America and emerged 25 states and four months later. “We covered a lot of ground,” she says. “It’s a different situation every night. I think it teaches you how to be very versatile. It teaches you a lot about what’s inside you. Really, where music is created is in your heart. It’s how to let what’s inside of you out, and the road really teaches you that: meeting so many different people, coming across so many different experiences. You grow.” In addition to discovering new fans and friends, Gaffney performed with some other talented musicians. “The first half of our tour, we got an opportunity to play with a lot of wonderful people,” she says. One of the highlights of the tour was a five-night stint with Nancy Wilson’s piano player, and Gaffney also played with Sarah Vaughan’s piano player. “These are the people in our genre that we’re trying to emulate. It was just a really enlightening experience.” Taking a break in between tours – they’re scheduled to go out again Jan. 18 – Gaffney has come home to work on her upcoming album, “Satin Doll,” and to perform for Augusta audiences. For December’s First Friday, Gaffney performs holiday-inspired jazz at the Morris Museum of Art. And on Dec. 14, the Augusta Jazz Project welcomes Gaffney to their chamber jazz series. Another project Gaffney is setting aside some time to work on is her cookbook. “I’m in the process of writing a cookbook with a CD sampler that will have romantic jazz and classical songs,” she says. Gaffney, an avid cook, has wanted to write a cookbook since she was 10 years old. “I thought, because I’m a
musician, one of the things I can bring to this cookbook is, of course, music. I wanted to have music in the background that you could have playing (at your dinner party), but not interrupt.” Unlike “Angel Eyes,” Gaffney’s last album, “Satin Doll” takes a slightly different approach to the genre. “Instead of being piano-fronted, this time it’s going to be guitar-fronted,” she says. “One of the things that really works for my type of voice – I’m a vocalist that likes a lot of space and a lot of room – you get completely different tones from a guitar than you do from a piano, beautiful sounds and spaces and rhythms that you can create with a guitar that you can’t with a piano. And vice-versa – there are things you can do with a piano that you can’t do with a guitar.” Bringing a guitar into the fold also
serves another important purpose, Gaffney says – that of making jazz music accessible to a wider audience. “With piano, it’s an instrument that not everyone can relate to because of the fact that the younger generation has really grown up with guitar: It’s in pop; it’s in rock; it’s in folk,” she says. “When Jeff would play guitar, we had young boys and younger people coming up to us and saying, ‘What kind of music is this? This is cool.’ We really need to introduce this art form, which is an American art form, to younger people, too.” Part of that mission involves playing venues that aren’t necessarily jazz clubs. On her recent tour, Gaffney played performing arts theatres, museums, in-store sessions at Borders and even television shows. The “Today” show was one of them. “It was interesting, because it’s a dif-
By Lisa Jordan
ferent setting,” says Gaffney. “You basically end up playing two, three songs, tops. You have to set up in between them doing the news. The main difference is, it was very fast-paced. You have about 15 minutes to set it up, soundcheck it. It’s a different experience, but the one thing that’s very beautiful about it is, it helps round you, because it’s another experience.” And musical experiences weren’t the only ones that enriched Gaffney while on tour. “The most wonderful thing that we did find out is that there are so many beautiful people in the United States. We had so many people adopt us all across the United States,” she says, recalling all the people who, on separate occasions, allowed Gaffney to park her bus in their driveways and hook up to their water and electricity. “There are just absolutely wonderfully loving and helpful people all across the United States. If we give people the opportunity to be giving and loving, they will be. “You get to see all different cultures, all different lifestyles,” she says. “When you just stay in one area, you hear stories about other areas, but until you go there and experience it, you really don’t know what it’s like.” On their days off, Gaffney and her ensemble hiked through national parks and explored the cities they performed in. Park City, Utah, Boise, Idaho and New Mexico were among the most beautiful locales Gaffney had the opportunity to visit. And, of course, there were some surprises. “Indianapolis really has a thriving jazz scene,” she says. “They have nine jazz clubs. Here in Augusta, we have, technically, three.” But, she also says, the adage is still true – there really is no place like home. “Being on the road helped me realize how beautiful the surroundings of Augusta are,” says Gaffney. “We really are fortunate to live here. This really is a beautiful city.”
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he Beatles are once again the top story in the music biz this week as various CDs, DVDs, and concerts from the Fabs are in the news. George Harrison’s posthumous release “Brainwashed” is in stores, his first album of new music in 15 years. The disc, completed over the past year after Harrison’s death by son Dhani along with former ELO and Traveling Wilbury hotshot Jeff Lynne, is a strong affair that ranks among his best. Harrison knew he was a dying man during many of these sessions, and his lyrical references to his plight are clever, and cynical – typical of the quiet Beatle’s sense of quirky, dark horse-style humor. His vocals are surprisingly strong and his trademark slide guitar give many of the tracks an immediately recognizable feel. Eric Clapton, Leon Russell, Tom Petty, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Ravi Shankar, Jeff Lynne and members of Monty Python are set to headline London’s Royal Albert Hall for a tribute concert for Harrison this weekend. The Nov. 29 show (the first anniversary of his death) will be recorded and eventually marketed on worldwide television and discs. Each musician will perform Harrison songs with proceeds going to his Material World Foundation, which supports the arts, music, education and people with special needs. Petty is said to be covering Harrison’s “Isn’t It a Pity,” “Taxman,” and “I Need You” with help from The Heartbreakers. Paul McCartney’s outrageously successful 2002 U.S. tour is represented on the just-issued DVD-CD “Back in the U.S.” In addition to his solo and Wings hits, the concert features Beatles standards such as “Hello Goodbye,” “Let It Be” and “Getting Better.” Backstage footage and moving musical tributes to Lennon (“Here Today”) and Harrison (“Something”) round out McCartney’s best live set since the mid-‘70s “Wings Over America” tour and album. A 5.1 surround sound mix of the show is included.
“Homesick” For Christmas Dept. “Highly Evolved,” the debut from Australian rockers The Vines was easily one of the best albums of the year. The disc has sold almost 500,000 copies to date in the U.S. alone, leaving the band time to ponder direction for their sophomore release in 2003. In true rock ‘n’ roll fashion, the band moves from balls-to-thewall rockers straight into sweet ballads reminiscent of Badfinger, Crowded House and Todd Rundgren. The Vines have been on the road almost nonstop and might be one of rock’s better hopes in the longevity sweepstakes. A surprising release from recently reunited Phish comes in the form of “Round Room,” due Dec. 10. The disc was recorded in just four days and is a preamble to their highly anticipated New Year’s Eve show at New York’s Madison Square Garden. The new studio offering is made up of 12 new originals. Turner’s Quick Notes: The Eagles will release a new album and are set to tour next summer…Billy Corgan’s postSmashing Pumpkins career begins early next year with the debut of his new group Zwan…Alanis Morissette’s DVD version of “under rug swept” is set for release Dec.10…Look for the first of many Led Zeppelin unreleased live performances sometime next year…The Augusta Players gave an “Unforgettable” tribute to the late Matt Stovall at the conclusion of their excellent performance of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” last week. Matt, a terrific actor as well, was one of the most professional radio personalities this area has ever seen and will be missed greatly. Turner’s Rock and Roll Jeopardy: A. Bryan Adams, The Doors, Cyndi Lauper, and REM made their national TV debut on this show. Q. What is American Bandstand?
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Night Life
Thursday, 28th The Bee’s Knees - Give Thanks with Shaun Piazza Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford Club Argos - Karaoke Coliseum - Thanksgiving Celebration Continuum Playa*Listic Thursday Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Fox’s Lair - Karaoke Garden City Bar and Grill - Karaoke with Mad Dog Mike Greene Streets - Karaoke I.Q. - 2 Live Crew Last Call - Thanksgiving Bash with People Who Must, The Big Mighty Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Modjeska - Thanksgiving Par ty Playground - Open Mic Night Rhy thm and Blues Exchange - Sabo and the Scorchers The Shack - DJ Billy Soul Bar - Jive Turkey Par ty Whiskey Junction - DJ Chaos
Photo: Kate Thompson
Friday, 29th
Photo: Joe White
Take advantage of the long weekend and catch New Jersey noisecore outfit Dillinger Escape Plan Dec. 1 in Atlanta.
Last Call hosts a Thanksgiving bash on Turkey Day with People Who Must (pictured) and The Big Mighty.
The Bee’s Knees - Jazz Trois Bhoomer’s Lounge - Donnie Mac and Original Members of The Eric Quincey Tate Band Borders - Miles Anderson Cadillac’s - The Fantastic Shakers Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford Club Argos - Special Guest Enter tainer Coconuts - DJs Doug and Eric Coliseum - Divas of the Trailer Park: Peg and Helen, Jamie’s Bir thday Bash Continuum - Ly thium, Undermind Cotton Patch - Sabo and the Scorchers Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band Crossroads - 420 Outback D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Five Pines Saloon - Jimmy Smithy and Sudden Thunder Fox’s Lair - Thom Carlton Garden City Bar and Grill - Karaoke Greene Streets - Karaoke Highlander - DJ Ty Bess Joe’s Underground - JAR Last Call - Tony Howard, DJ Richie Rich Luck y Lady’s - The Duke Boys Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Modjeska - Guest DJ Red Lion - Turn The Shack - DJ Buckwheat Shannon’s - Steve Chappell, Bar t Bell Soul Bar - Disco Hell Whiskey Junction - Wa x Bean, DJ Paul Whiskey Road Oyster Factory - Bogie
Saturday, 30th The Bee’s Knees - Tara Scheyer Bhoomer’s Lounge - Jemani Borders - Charson Anthony Cadillacs - The Breeze Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford
Club Argos - Cabaret Show Coconuts - DJs Doug and Eric Coliseum - Ravion Star Continuum - DJ Divine Star Cotton Patch - Sabo and the Scorchers Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band Crossroads - Crankshaf t D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Five Pines Saloon - Jimmy Smithy and Sudden Thunder Fox’s Lair - Keith “Fossill” Gregory Garden City Bar and Grill - Karaoke with Mad Dog Mike Greene Streets - Karaoke Joe’s Underground - JAR Last Call - Tony Howard, DJ Richie Rich Luck y Lady’s - The Duke Boys Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock Modjeska - DJ Boriqua Red Lion - Drop Chord The Shack - DJ Buckwheat Shannon’s - Glenn Beasley Soul Bar - Deathstar Treybon’s Backstreet Lounge - Funtime Band, Sassy Brass Whiskey Junction - Wa x Bean
Sunday, 1st Cafe Du Teau - Buzz Clif ford and The Last Bohemian Quar tet Cotton Patch - Sabo and the Scorchers The Shack - Karaoke with Buckwheat and Doober Shannon’s - Shelley Watkins Somewhere in Augusta - John Kolbeck
Monday, 2nd Cadillac’s - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t Crossroads - DJ Chris Greene Streets - Karaoke Joe’s Underground - John Red Lion - Karaoke The Shack - DJ Billy
Tuesday, 3rd Adams Nightclub - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Greene Streets - Karaoke Joe’s Underground - Happy Bones Metro Coffeehouse - Irish Music Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock The Shack - DJ Billy
Wednesday, 4th Bhoomer’s Lounge - Acoustic Musicians Cadillac’s - Karaoke with Bill Tolber t Coyote’s - The Rhes Reeves Band Crossroads - The Family Trucksters D. Timm’s - Joe Patchen and the Blue Diamond Express Greene Streets - Karaoke Joe’s Underground - Happy Bones Michael’s - Marilyn Adcock The Shack - DJ Billy
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420 Outback will be at Crossroads Nov. 29. Shannon’s - Steve Chappell, Bar t Bell Somewhere in Augusta - Keith Gregory Soul Bar - Live Jazz
Upcoming Rocking the Stocking - Crossroads - Dec. 14 The 12 Bands of Christmas - Imperial Theatre Dec. 22
Elsewhere Cat Power - The Earl, Atlanta - Nov. 28 30 Seconds to Mars - Cot ton Club, Atlanta Nov. 28 Goo Goo Dolls, Lisa Loeb - House of Blues, Myr tle Beach, S.C. - Nov. 29 Drive-By Truckers - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta Nov. 30 Del McCoury - The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. Nov. 30 Talib Kweli - Cot ton Club, Atlanta - Nov. 30 Dillinger Escape Plan - Masquerade, Atlanta Dec. 1 Lee Greenwood - Classic Center Theatre, Athens, Ga. - Dec. 1 Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band Philips Arena, Atlanta - Dec. 2; Charlot te Coliseum, Charlot te, N.C. - Dec. 8; The Carolina Center, Columbia, S.C. - Dec. 9 Aimee Mann - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta Dec. 3 Andrea Bocelli - Philips Arena, Atlanta - Dec. 6 David Allan Coe - Georgia Theatre, Athens, Ga. - Dec. 7; Senate Park, Columbia, S.C. - Dec. 13 Gran Torino - The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. Dec. 7 Interpol - Cot ton Club, Atlanta - Dec. 8 Taking Back Sunday - Cot ton Club, Atlanta Dec. 10 Jim Brickman - Spar tanburg Memorial Auditorium, Spar tanburg, S.C. - Dec. 10; Ovens Auditorium, Charlot te, N.C. - Dec. 15 Dave Matthews Band - Philips Arena, Atlanta Dec. 11 Cee-Lo - Senate Park, Columbia, S.C. - Dec. 12 Sneaker Pimps - Cot ton Club, Atlanta - Dec. 12 Josh Joplin Group - Red Light Cafe, Atlanta Dec. 13-14
Dezeray’s Hammer - Senate Park, Columbia, S.C. - Dec. 14 Southern Culture on the Skids - The Handlebar, Greenville, S.C. - Dec. 14 ‘80s Winter Benefit Concert - Roxy Theatre, Atlanta - Dec. 14 Mad Margritt - Jackals, Atlanta - Dec. 14; Flanagins, Atlanta - Dec. 27-28 Trial by Fire - Cot ton Club, Atlanta - Dec. 16 Noise Therapy - Ear thlink Live, Atlanta - Dec. 17 Holiday Music Revue - The Tabernacle, Atlanta Dec. 18 Tandy - The Early, Atlanta - Dec. 18-19 Los Straitjackets - Echo Lounge, Atlanta - Dec. 20 North Mississippi All-Stars - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Dec. 21 Derek Trucks Band - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta - Dec. 27 Cheap Trick - Roxy Theatre, Atlanta - Dec. 27 Trans Siberian Orchestra - Fox Theatre, Atlanta - Dec. 30 Gregg Allman and Friends - The Tabernacle, Atlanta - Dec. 31 Delbert McClinton - Variety Playhouse, Atlanta Dec. 31 The Gaither Homecoming Concert - Columbus Civic Center, Columbus, Ga. - Jan. 9 Hair Care Atlanta - Nine Lives, Atlanta - Jan. 18 moe. - The Tabernacle, Atlanta - Jan. 24-25 The Pretenders - The Tabernacle, Atlanta Jan. 27 David Gray - Fox Theatre, Atlanta - Feb. 4 Bon Jovi, The Goo Goo Dolls - Philips Arena, Atlanta - Feb. 13 Many tickets are available through TicketMaster outlets, by calling 828-7700, or online at w w Tickets may also be available through Tix Online by calling 278-4TIX or online at w w Night Life listings are subject to change without notice. Deadline for inclusion in Night Life calendar is Tuesday at 4 p.m. Contact Rhonda Jones or Lisa Jordan by calling 738-1142, fa xing 736-0443 or e-mailing to or
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Weird E
ven with a $1.4 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is having trouble attracting pancreatic-cancer patients for his Columbia University study (only 25 of 90 slots filled), perhaps because the treatment’s most prominent component is twice-a-day coffee enemas. A Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center doctor called the regimen “ludicrous,” but Gonzalez said the caffeine stimulates nerves in the bowel, helping the liver with detoxification, according to an October Wired magazine report. His initial pilot program reported significant benefits of the treatment but was regarded with skepticism in that it included only 11 patients. • The for-profit school administration company Edison Schools Inc., reportedly low on cash but with 20 particularly troublesome Philadelphia high schools to manage, tried to cut some corners in September until reined in by the school board. According to an October dispatch in Toronto’s Globe and Mail, Edison ran low on cash and (1) had to send back newly ordered textbooks, computers, lab supplies and musical instruments; (2) tried to move its Philadelphia executives out of their downtown offices and into vacant school-system rooms to save on rent; and (3) suggested to the school board that students could acquire valuable experience if they were assigned various work projects (for free) for Edison. The latter two ideas were thwarted by the school board, but the students were still making do with old books and equipment. Names in the News • Scheduled to marry in December in Flint, Mich.: Ms. Laura Kah and Mr. Scott Boom (although she plans to be just plain Laura Boom). And in May, the prosecutor in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., charged four men with stealing tires: Edgar Spencer, his son Edgar Spencer (Jr.), the older man’s brother Edgar (W.) Spencer, and his son, Edgar (W.) Spencer (Jr.) And the Santa Cruz (Calif.) Sentinel, in an August story on the town’s shrinking 1960s-‘70s hippie population, interviewed among others (legal names) Mr. Climbing Sun, Mr. Shalom Dreampeace Compost and Mr. (no last name) Chip; other recent residents such as Darting Hummingbird Over a Waterfall, Moonbeam Moonbeam and XXXXXXXX X were not available. Government in Action • In October, the State Department awarded a $15,000 “outstanding performance” bonus to the head of the office that permitted 13 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers to enter the country via expedited U.S. visas. Mary Ryan, who retired in September after a 36-year tenure (reportedly eased out after she defended her “visa express” program even after Sept. 11), received the award specifically for the 12month period beginning April 2001. The
express program, which was spearheaded by the U.S. Consul General in Riyadh, Thomas Furey (who also got a bonus), allowed Saudi nationals to apply over the Internet without ever being seen by a U.S. official. Great Art! • A state humanities and arts panel named Amiri Baraka the poet laureate of New Jersey earlier this year, several months after he had written a poem suggesting that Jews, and President Bush, had advance knowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks. Gov. James McGreevey, who announced the appointment in August 2002, now wants Baraka to resign, but Baraka has refused. In addition to the $10,000 the poet laureate receives from the state, Baraka has gotten several five-figure taxpayer grants for his poetry, favorite themes of which are attacks on religion, whites and Jews. • Sculptor-painter Antonio Becerra’s government-funded “Oils on Dogs” exhibition opened in Santiago, Chile, in August, consisting of the artist’s paintings (e.g., Pope John Paul and a cross, blue and orange butterflies) on the embalmed cadavers of a dozen roadkill dogs Becerra had found on the city’s streets. Becerra called the work a reflection of society’s violence and cruelty, but animal rights activists were appalled at his lack of respect for the dogs. • Retired graphics designer J. Jules Vitali has created more than 1,000 pieces of small art in his preferred medium, foam polystyrene (Styrofoam) cups (some with flourishes of acrylics or bronze), according to an October Boston Globe profile. He took up his craft with a carry-out coffee cup and a Craftsman knife 20 years ago, inspired, he said, by boredom. A display of his “Styrogami,” with pieces priced at up to $800, is housed at the Freeport (Maine) Public Library. People Different From Us • Recent paraphilias: Ian Cheeseman, 34, already locked up in Ottawa, Ontario, was charged in September with having made about 250 collect calls from prison trying to trick young girls (by offering them Backstreet Boys concert tickets, among other things) into urinating into a cup near the phone. And a judge in Omaha, Neb., ruled in October that a confession made by former teacher Mike Florea, 35, was admissible in his sex-abuse trial; he had told police that he would pay boys $20 to $25 if they would ejaculate into small containers, which Florea then stored in his freezer. Also, in the Last Month • James F. Welles, author of the book “Understanding Stupidity” and an authority on dumb decisions, was arrested for soliciting sex on the Internet from a “15-year-old girl” who was really a 40-year-old policeman (Lantana, Fla.) Mr. Besh Serdahely, 58, and his wife vacated the tree house on San Bruno Mountain (just south of San Francisco), which, for the last 12 years, they have called home (to the consternation of county officials). And health officials in Tororo, Uganda, warned prospective (but impoverished) brides that they are ruining their valuable, malaria-stopping white mosquito nets if they use them as bridal gowns. And a bold bank robber was arrested in Tehran, Iran, even though he thought he was invisible (thanks to a special piece of parchment he had bought from a man on the street for about $550). — Chuck Shepherd © United Press Syndicate
never good and rowdy. Acting relentlessly sincere can damage your credibility unless you indulge in playful unpredictability now and then. I’m not suggesting that you sneak hot sauce into your roommate’s fruit juice or tack up an alleged photocopy of your boss’s butt on the bulletin board at work. More like this: Casually tell a friend you dreamed about getting a sex change, or say you had a psychic vision of her winning a free vacation to the village of a remote Amazon tribe; make a favorable comment about a politician you despise, or crack a mocking joke about your hero. In the midst of a serious moment, break into a raucous limerick or describe a fantasy of getting yourself cloned.
Brezsny's Free Will Astrology ARIES (March 21-April 19)
Lately, Aries, you remind me of an oak that’s growing sideways out of a hill. You’re healthy and strong, yet at odds with the more vertical route the other oaks are taking. Personally, I see nothing wrong with this. But then I’ve made a career out of going against the grain. If you do want to continue evolving in your current direction, you should probably thicken your bark … I mean, skin. The Guardians of the way things have always been done will be coming around soon to ask you loaded questions.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
“Use your enemy’s hand to catch a snake,” advises a Persian proverb. Store that bit of wisdom in the back of your mind, Taurus. It may come in handy between now and the solstice, which should constitute one of the most interesting adversarial seasons in years. Here’s another counsel to guide you during this serpentine time: “Love your enemies. It’ll drive them crazy.” Perhaps the most useful epigram comes from Havelock Ellis: “Our friends may be the undoing of us; in the end it is our enemies who save us.”
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
Why it’s always double great to be a Gemini, but especially now. 1. You get to enjoy both the odd pleasure of being your own evil twin and the difficult pleasure of forgiving your evil twin. 2. You’re endowed with the ability to have two opinions at the same time, sometimes completely contradictory, thereby imitating God’s expansive perspective. 3. You can put yourself into and out of everybody’s shoes with such slippery ease that you not only never get bored with yourself, but also have a knack for avoiding other people’s hells. (Thanks to Dominique in Toronto for the inspiration.)
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
The Sun is cruising through your astrological House of the Blues, while the planet Venus is slinking through your astrological House of Song. As a result, you have a knack for singing the blues with
special poignancy. It’s a great time to act as if the whole world were the shower stall where you do your most soulful wailing. You’ll be amazed at how healing it is to swim to the bottom of every last feeling, all the while making beautiful groaning noises.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Unusual fantasies may soon tempt you, Leo, like taking a ride in a 100-foot-long limousine with a king-size waterbed, or making your way to Bangkok’s Hard Rock Cafe and dancing on table tops in skimpy clothes. You may imagine it would be fun to stick your head inside a lion’s jaws while reciting poetry, or wonder what it’s like to become a romantic pen pal with a prisoner on death row. But while I approve of you feeding the adventurous, risk-taking spirit that’s rising up in you, I’d prefer to see you express it in more constructive ways. How about daring yourself to love wilder and wiser than you ever have before?
You’re a gorgeous mystery teeming with noble aspirations. But like all of us, you also carry around an unripe mess of delusions and bad programming. Psychologist Carl Jung called this mess the shadow, but I prefer astrologer Steven Forrest’s name for it: stuff. “Work on your stuff,” he says, “or your stuff will work on you.” In other words, it’ll sabotage you if you’re not proactive about transforming it. According to Forrest, your tribe has more stuff than the other signs, but you also have more tools to deal with it. According to me, you’re now in a grace period when you could get away with not having to work as hard as usual on your stuff. On the other hand, why not see if you can use this time to build up a surplus of karmic credit?
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Tropical rain forests produce one-fifth of the earth’s oxygen, contain half of all plant and animal species, and provide ingredients for one-fourth of our pharmaceuticals. So what’s behind the shortsighted destruction of this treasure? Here’s one cause: Indigenous tribes often believe they can make a better living by chopping down the forests and using the land for farming. Why should they care about the global perspective, they argue, when they’re struggling to survive? Only recently, though, evidence has emerged that proves the locals can actually make more money from wild-harvesting sustainable resources like medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, and oils than they can from growing subsistence crops. Now let’s take this vignette and apply it as a metaphor to your current life situation, Virgo: By clinging to a source of meager value, you’re depriving yourself (and the world) of a richer alternative.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Philosopher William James proposed that if our culture ever hoped to shed the deeply ingrained habit of going to war, we’d have to create a moral equivalent. It’s not enough to preach the value of peace, he said. We have to find other ways to channel our aggressive instincts in order to accomplish what war does, like stimulate political unity and civic virtue. Astrology provides a complementary perspective. Each of us has the warrior energy of the planet Mars in our psychological make-up. We can’t afford to simply repress it, but must find a positive way to express it. I bring this up, Sagittarius, because it’s prime time for you to find your own moral equivalent of war.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
The party’s over. Spilled wine is drying on the rug. The cheese dip is rancid. You’d go to bed but the pleasurable hum in your head turned into a nasty
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Being good can become sterile, Libra, if you’re
buzz a while back. But wait. What’s this? As you grab your toothpaste from the medicine cabinet, you see a piece of folded paper. Opening it up, you find a mysterious invitation. Did someone at the party leave it here? “I didn’t have a chance to get you alone at the party,” it reads, “but I have important questions to ask you about mutually beneficial matters. Call me soon.” A phone number follows. The scenario I’ve described may not literally occur this week, Capricorn, but it’s an apt metaphor.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Most modern intellectuals laugh at the subject of angels, dismissing them as superstitious hallucinations or New Age goofiness. But not all deep thinkers have shared their scorn. Towering authors of old like Milton and Blake regarded angels as worthy of their explorations. Celestial beings have also received serious treatment by authors like Saul Bellow, E.M. Forster, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and Leo Tolstoy. Of course just because smart people have considered the possibility that angels can have real effects on the material world doesn’t mean you should. But if you’re willing to open your mind, the coming weeks will present you with fascinating evidence.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
Your homework is simple: Track down five fresh experiences that delight and amaze you. I’m not talking about well-worn standbys you always turn to when you’re feeling blah. I don’t mean trivial distractions that help numb you to the daily pain. Your mandate is to be inexhaustibly resourceful as you search high and low for revolutionary sources of pleasure. It’s a quixotic quest, I admit. You’ll have to fight off knee-jerk skepticism, evade habits of mind that attract swampy feelings, and remain undaunted when cynics make fun of you. But if you can pull it off, Pisces, it’ll give you a tough new advantage over the uncontrollable moods that sometimes knock you all over the place. — © Rob Brezsny You Can Call Rob Brezsny, day or night, for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope
$1.99 per minute • 18 & over • Touchtone phone required • C/S 612-373-9785 •
New York Times Crossword Puzzle
y ACROSS 1 Gossip 5 Gossips 9 Geode material 14 Place for a comb 15 “New Jack City” co-star 16 Interlaced 17 Penny, perhaps 18 Mirth 19 Rack sites 20 Casino game that requires thought? 23 Parent of Ameritech, Nynex, etc. 24 Haikus, e.g. 27 Boring Hyannis Port figure? 31 Less ruddy 32 Pearl Buck heroine 33 Prayer starter
37 Article in Le
38 Response to
“You won’t believe this!”
39 Goalie’s feat 40 Ab exercise 42 Papers with
poorly reasoned arguments?
47 Ones providing
coverage at the Pillsbury BakeOff?
48 Freshen 50 Stock exchange
worker who was cheated?
54 Hubert’s
56 “Nerts!” 57 Actress
58 Where Garth
Brooks hails from
59 Shrek, e.g.
60 They precede
61 Anarchic
62 Bring up
63 Place for a
2 Suggest 3 Conduit in an
4 Vital 5 Hired escorts
7 14-Across
8 Rung 9 Disturbed 10 Person in a
11 With reluctance
13 Rank on the
U.S.S. Enterprise: Abbr.
21 War story 22 Finished 25 Gouda
48 50
31 33
6 Org. involved in
the Scopes trial
DOWN 1 Gorge
Puzzle by Todd McClary
30 Laments
40 “___ fan tutte”
33 Bones,
41 Prate
43 Raid
34 Arctic European 44 Clean, now 35 Not just stuff 45 Yet 36 Contingency
38 Belonging to
46 Some leathers 49 Britain’s Betty
___ Prize (literary award)
51 Renuzit target 52 Desire 53 1986 #1 hit for
54 “Rugrats” dad 55 Many an
“Airplane!” gag
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’ve been dating a fabulous guy for about a year. The other day, he walked into my house and declared that we should break up. (We had been squabbling more than usual, and he was frustrated.) Well, when he announced this, I was devastated. We ended up talking the problems out and deciding to give the relationship another shot. I’m glad we didn’t break up, but now I feel that maybe he’s sticking around so he doesn’t hurt me. I’m also a little perturbed that his frustration would lead to such a drastic consequence (one he said he was glad didn’t actually come through). Once a breakup is on the table, is there a way to move past it? Or, by getting back together, are we just prolonging the inevitable? —Breakup Limbo Imagine if people went on first dates looking and acting like they do af ter a year in a relationship. You’d see burping, far ting, unshaven slobs with beer bellies wearing tat tered remains of hockey jerseys — unlaundered since purchase decades before, perhaps on the of f chance the authorities demand forensic evidence of every meal the person’s ever eaten in front of the TV. Frightening, huh? And those are just the women. A breakup should always be on the table — if you want to keep your relationship together. Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but relationships, these days, tend to have the tensile strength of a potato chip. Believing yours could crumble at any moment is the best way for you and your par tner to keep from mistaking each other for oversized skin tags — benign, fleshy grow ths that go pret ty much unnoticed until they get caught in a zipper. As a fringe benefit, it should also prevent the two of you from turning bathing into a ritual reserved for special occasions — like leap year. Conflict is actually a good thing. You could consider it a navigational aid, much like those giant lights that help pilots land planes on the runway instead of in your spare bedroom. It points out areas in the relationship landscape that might call for an ex tra baggage handler or two. Or, perhaps, fire trucks and the bomb squad. To solve problems, don’t rely on gimmicky tricks like that “active listening” hoo-ha, in which you’re supposed to repeat your par tner’s words back to him: “I’m hearing that you loathe me so deeply that your life dream has become
watching me be gnawed to death, very slowly, by an ex tended family of rabid squirrels.” The best predictor for relationship tenure, according to ex tensive research by psych professor John Got tman, isn’t total erasure of conflict but acting out of what he calls “deep friendship” — truly liking and respecting your par tner, and caring about their needs like they’re your own (“The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work,” by John Got tman). This means that your boyfriend’s hissy fit isn’t necessarily a sign that it’s time to soap down the tarmac. It’s just conflict about not dealing well with conflict. It is time the boy came up with a communication style that isn’t modeled on a bot tle of Coke shaken by a 10-year-old. Encourage him to share issues as soon as they star t burning and itching (especially any pending breakups), as opposed to bot tling them up until his head hits DEFCON 1. (On a side note: As upset ting as his lit tle tantrum must have been, it is refreshing that, these days, even little boys can grow up to be drama queens.)
There’s this gorgeous girl in grad school with me who says she loves hanging around me because I make her laugh so hard she practically passes out. She has a boyfriend of three months who, she tells everyone, is always putting her down. Someone suggested she dump the guy and go out with me. Would it be a mistake to ask her to let the put-down guy go in favor of a guy whose obnoxiousness she finds amusing? —Stand-Up Guy Rodney Danger field is pret ty funny, too, but it’s unlikely your dream girl is fantasizing about him while she’s in bed with her mean boyfriend — and chances are, that isn’t because her thoughts are already crowded with dir ty pictures of Gilber t Got t fried and Bobcat Goldthwait. Women might say they want a guy who makes them laugh, but that’s not all they want. Just because you fail to see the allure of cruelty, debasement, and displaced rage doesn’t mean they’re without appeal to her. In other words, there’s a reason she’s with this guy, and it isn’t because you have yet to pop up to ask her to ditch him. Do it, and there’s a very good chance that all you’ll leave rolling in the aisles are the dustballs she kicks up while scurrying to escape you. — © 2002, Amy Alkon
Got A Problem? Write Amy Alkon
171 Pier Ave., Box 280 • Santa Monica, CA 90405 or e-mail
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GENUINE GEMINI Sweet SWF, 21, 6’, in medical field, enjoys Nascar, long walks. Seeking tall SWM, 2535, with similar interests. Friendship first, possible LTR. ☎848654 SINCERE BEAUTY Sophisticated SBCF, 23, 5’2”, 140lbs, interested in seeking educated, independent, employed SBM, 23-30, long walks, stimulating conversation, friendship, dating, more. ☎849311 I LIKE LIFE Single mom, 32, looking for a man with a vibrant personality and a love for living. ☎844138 I’LL WRITE YOU A POEM! SF, 25, 5’4’’, 150lbs, Virgo, enjoys reading, cooking, music, movies. Seeking a man who likes to try new things. ☎841437 OLD-FASHIONED VALUES Honest, relaxed, christian SBF, 56, Aries, N/S, enjoys cooking, dining out, quiet times at home. Seeking marriage-minded, financially secure SBM, 50-56, N/S, for LTR. ☎829149 WILLING TO MAKE TIME Busy, hard-working SBF, 31, nurse, mother of one, Taurus, N/S, enjoys traveling, walks, shopping. Seeking SBM, 31-39, N/S, for LTR. ☎836074 COMPATIBLE? Funny, smart SBF, 19, fun-loving, friendly, enjoys movies, clubbing, hand holding, dancing. Seeking SM, with like interests and qualities for friendship and possible LTR. ☎701088 TAKE A CHANCE Laid-back SF, 30, enjoys dining in/out, going to the movies, church activities. Seeking SM, secure in himself to share those things. ☎767576 BRAINS & BEAUTY Spirited executive SBF, 41, 5’8”, 138lbs, Gemini, enjoys dancing, dining, intellectual conversation, laughter, picnics, adventures. Seeking humorous, classy gentleman, 3545, with kindred spirit. ☎751454 SKATE, RIDE, BOWL, ETC. African-American mom, 23, 5’, 159lbs, mother of two, currently in school, looking for honest, trustful family-man, 20s-30s, who’ll give his 100%. ☎751642 I’M YOUR VENUS SWF, 44 (looks younger), 5’, blonde/blue, with a full-figure, seeks HM, 5’5”-6’, who is secure. ☎747133 WORK OF ART Voluptuous SBF, 28, loves fishing, swimming, cooking. Looking for a man with the same passions. ☎747775 TWO PIECES OF A PUZZLE Full-figured, very attractive, independent woman, 31, 5’2”, seeks someone special to spend time with. You: honest, fun-loving, varied interests. ☎685405 I’LL COOK Fun-loving, intelligent SBF, 22, Capricorn, N/S, student, mother of three, seeks man, 21-30, to accompany me in life. Kids a plus. ☎647824 SENSE OF HUMOR REQUIRED SF, 33, 5’, full-figured, cocoa complexion, looking for friendship leading to relationship with SM, 25-40, who doesn’t play games. ☎579505 IMPORT FROM EUROPE This foreign born SWF, 40, Aries, N/S, seeks a fine BM, 35-50, smoker, for friendship and dating. ☎744559
ATTENTION... your miracle date is in Augusta. SF seeks military male, 28-50, with good qualities and values. Children ok, race open. ☎732101 COMPANIONSHIP DWF, 48, enjoys antiquing, travel, dining out, movies and more. Seeking DWM, 48-58, for loving, tender relationship. ☎732056 AQUARIUS HERE SWF, 18, brown/brown, loves, reading, travel, movies, outdoors. Seeking mature companion with an easygoing attitude, for friendship, possibly more. ☎732141 GOD LOVER Athletic, shy SBF, 33, 5’5”, 160lbs, Gemini, smoker, enjoys church, dining out, cooking, traveling, shopping, reading. Seeking outgoing man, 35-50, smoker, for LTR. ☎709843 LOOKING FOR FRIEND SWF, 29, 5’7”, 129lbs, Gemini, N/S, enjoys sports cars, movies, and more. Seeking SWM, 21-35, kids ok, for friendship first. ☎706587 NEED A SPARK... try me. Attractive, petite SWF, 57, fun, friendly and affectionate, raising grand children, seeks SWM, mid 50s-60s, trustworthy with open heart, for dining, movies, music. Friendship first. ☎702738 NO GAMES PLEASE DWF, 33, 5’10”, full-figured, brown/hazel, self-employed mother of three, seeks WM, 25-45, honest, faithful, devoted, for fun, friendship, LTR. ☎680330 ABSOLUTE ALTRUISM SBF, 42, 5’7”, 125lbs, seeks emotionally secure gentleman, 35+, with honor, wit, and wisdom. ☎605946 STRONG WILL SBF, 45, outgoing, attractive, youthful, enjoys writing, music, traveling. Seeking mature, strong-willed SBM, 35-48, for friendship. ☎965893 ALL I THINK ABOUT IS YOU SBF, 28, enjoys cooking, reading, traveling, spending time with my kids/family. Looking for a male, 25-40, who likes similar things, friendship first. ☎672206 WANNA KNOW A SECRET? I’m available! BF, 47, serious about life, seeks single African-American male, 40-50, with similar sentiment. ☎660976 SELF-SUFFICIENT... hard-working DWF, 38, full-figured, Leo, smoker, with one child, seeks DWM, 38-50, smoker, children are fine. ☎659397 TIME TO HAVE A BLAST Honest SWF, 43, enjoys spending time with my daughter, bowling, dining out, Nascar, movies, baseball games, camping. Seeking honest, genuine SWM, 43-50, for fun and friendship. ☎554752 NOW IS THE TIME SWPF, 55, likes dancing, walks, movies, the lake, dining out. Seeking SWM, N/S, 48-65, for fun and friendship, and who knows what later! ☎653476 POSITION AVAILABLE! Mother of two lovely daughters, 34, employed with the Board of Education, seeks SW/HM, 33-48, to begin with friendship and possibly evolve into an LTR. ☎651992 KIND-HEARTED, REAL Petite, green-eyed SWC mother, 39, Scorpio, N/S, seeks WM, 33-45, N/S, to build a love that lasts a lifetime. ☎648419 TIME WITH YOU Voluptuous BF, 39, seeks a BM, N/Drugs, social drinker ok. I enjoy reading, dining out, movies, church activities. ☎646176 IN SEARCH OF MY SOULMATE He must be a tall (5’10”-6’4”), Christian man, 42-55, N/S, who is honest, faithful, devoted and lively. I am a SBPF, 5’6”, 150lbs, and looking for LTR. ☎641005
TAKE IT SLOW SWF, 49, 5’6”, reddish/blonde hair, outgoing personality, wants to build a serious relationship with a SWM. ☎642309 BIG AND BEAUTIFUL BF, 43, brown/hazel, loves free time, books, weekend travel. Seeking a mature companion with an easygoing attitude, for friendship, dating, and more. ☎643199 THE MAN OF MY DREAMS... is easy to get along with, and has a great sense of humor and fun. Single mom, 28, 5’, brown/blue, is looking for her soulmate. ☎640587 MOVIES AND MORE Seeking a man with a lively attitude who likes movies. I am a SF, 42, looking for love. ☎636995 GOOD-HEARTED DWF, 61, 5’9”, honest, neat in appearance, with a good sense of humor. Seeking WM, 60-70, who’s honest and caring. ☎574264 THE BELLS ARE RINGING Slim SBCF, 29, 5’3”, student, employed, Pisces, N/S, seeks marriage minded BM, 27-36, N/S, for life’s journey. ☎633606 WE’LL STILL B TOGETHER... on down the road. SWF, 23, Capricorn, N/S, seeks sweet, gentle BM, 22-35, who is interested in a friendship. Let’s become a family! ☎631605 WHO NEEDS A HEADLINE? SWF, 33, full-figured, blonde/blue, Pisces, smoker, likes hiking, camping, and quiet evenings at home. Seeking WM, 25-45, smoker, for LTR. ☎628677 SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL Multiracial SF, 56, 5’7”, animal lover, mother professor of languages, loves beaches, travel, collecting art, reading, and listening to music (Latin and classical). Seeking SM, to share life and love. ☎610690 LONELY WOMAN SBF, 32, single mom, seeks SWPM, quality military man who has old-fashioned values, financially secure, for LTR. ☎591885 OPEN-MINDED Fun-loving, humorous SF, 18, 5’4”, blond/blue, likes shopping, clubbing, sports. Seeking SM for friendship and casual dating. ☎589903 START AS FRIENDS SF, 33, likes reading, writing poetry, fishing, travel. Looking for a man who needs a nice woman in his life. ☎579852 PECAN TAN SF, 34, 5’3’’, 145lbs, looking for a kind, caring, and sweet man, 25-45, who can be my friend first. ☎581256
We Purchase Fine Swiss Watches, Estate Jewelry and Diamonds.
Monday-Saturday 10am-9pm 2635 Washington Road | Augusta, Georgia 30904 | 706.738.7777 MAKE MY HEART LAUGH SBF, 22, 5’8”, 155lbs, part-time student, seeks sensual, kind man with a great heart, for movies, dining out, and open-minded conversation. ☎565120 ARE YOU THE ONE? College educated SWF, early 40s, 5’6”, 136lbs, extroverted, enjoys camping, country living, animals, movies, traveling. Seeking same in SWM, 40-50, similar interests. ☎965910 AN AUTUMN SPECIAL Hard-working WF, 38, 5’4”, 100lbs, blonde/brown, enjoys biking, watersports, cooking, and travel. Seeking WM, 35-50, for possible LTR. ☎965904
LET’S HOOK UP 34-year-old SBM, 5’9”, 180lbs, Aquarius, nurse, bald head, new to area, open-minded, fun-loving, hopeless romantic. Seeking woman who loves to be romanced. ☎849401 ARE YOU LONESOME? SM, 37, 6’5’’, 350lbs, would like to meet a nice female, 18-40, to get to know first. Let’s see where this leads! ☎780940 HEY LADIES! Outgoing happy SM, 24, 5’6”, 150lbs, slender and fit, brown complexion, braided hair, seeks SF, who’s open-minded and down for whatever. ☎767971
POET SEEKS MUSE SBM, 45, loves all sports, board games, fishing, travel. Seeking a woman to share movies, dining and romance with. ☎843396 EARLY XMAS GIFT Very romantic SBM, 31, 6’1”, 255lbs, Scorpio, N/S, enjoys church, dining out, cooking. Seeking stable SBF, 25-35, for friendship first, leading to something longterm. ☎837718 OLD-FASHIONED GUY SHM, 34, 5’4”, 170lbs, Virgo, N/S, writes and loves country western music, helping the homeless, church. Seeking SHF, 32-36, N/S, with similar interests. ☎835306 DARE TO DREAM Outgoing SBM, 21, 5’9”, 165lbs, Capricorn, N/S, loves going out, outdoors, children. Seeking SWF, 20-26, N/S, for possible family. ☎835444 LET’S TALK SM, 28, 6’5”, 320lbs, enjoys sports, reading, movies, dining out, travel. Seeking attractive, intelligent, sensual SF, with similar interests, for dating and more. ☎796390 LET YOUR HAIR DOWN SHM, 26, Leo, N/S, lives a regular, clean-cut lifestyle. Seeking a petite, active woman, 1830, sophisticated southern belle, with back woods babe heart. ☎790345 I’M HERE FOR YOU SM, 42, teacher, seeks honest SF, 21-42, for friendship, possibly more. I like music, movies, conversation. How about you? ☎779153 LOVING SOUL MATE SWM, 60, 5’8’, 160lbs. Enjoys sports, long walks and quiet evenings. ISO caring, affectionate SF, 45-55 for friendship, possible LTR. ☎668813
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To respond to ads using a THE TRAVELER European SWM, 44, loves traveling, reading, dining out, sports, ping pong, soccer. Interested in meeting female, who loves traveling, reading and dining out as well. ☎685545 FUN-LOVING SBM 38, 5’7”, 170lbs, waiting in the wings to spot the woman of my dreams. Friends first, work together on loving/understanding relationship. Enjoy dining out, traveling, quiet evenings. Seeking SF, 25-45. ☎672722 READY DWPM, 5’5”, 155lbs, 54, stable, secure, fit, pleasant, educated, adventurous, N/S, who enjoys most anything. Seeking W/A/HF, petite, pleasant, intelligent, active, secure, honest, positive attitude, caring, open, N/S, for LTR. ☎672623 ONE LOVE SBPM, 28, 5’11”, Capricorn, N/S, business, enjoys reading, cooking, music, movies. Seeking woman, willing to try new things. Age, race, weight unimportant. ☎656945 WHAT ABOUT YOU? Tall, blue-eyed blond Southern man, 6’4”, 265lbs, mows lawns for a living. Looking to meet simple, quiet gal, around 25, who likes the country lifestyle. ☎651620 LET’S DANCE! DWM, 37, seeks WF, kids ok, with a vivacious personality, a love for dancing, and an interest in relationship. ☎645955 I’M SERIOUS! ARE YOU? SWM, 25, 5’10”, 165lbs, brown/blue, wants to share quiet evenings at home with a sweet caring SWF. ☎644397 NOT A JOCK 5’11”, 40, brown/blue, 200lbs, handsome, intelligent, business owner, part-time chef, some real estate, enjoys making money, traveling, jazz, rock. Seeking beautiful, broad minded, peace-loving woman, 2535, no Nascar please. ☎570889 YOUNG LOVE SWM, 19, fun-loving, humorous, Virgo, smoker, loves clubbing and sports events. Seeking WF, 18-23, for casual dating, perhaps something greater. ☎625248 SENSITIVE, BUT STRONG SBM, 31, 190lbs, athletic build, handsome, enjoys church, working out, movies, and sports. Seeking woman, 21-35, with similar values. ☎626248
YOU WON’T BE SORRY Real, honest, and sweet GBM, 18, 5’11”, dark-skinned, Gemini, N/S, seeks friendly GBM, 18-35, not into games. I’m ready for a commitment. ☎831448 NEW TO THIS BiWM, 49, 5’10”, thick, black/blue, Libra, N/S, seeks friendly, fun-loving GWM, 35-65, N/S, for possible LTR. ☎839145 IT’S YOUR CALL GWM, young 46, 5’11”, 200lbs, brown/ brown, masculine, outgoing, enjoys travel, dining out, movies, shopping, Nascar. Would like to meet honest, passionate GM, with similar interests, for dating, possible LTR. Serious inquiries only. ☎792384 FREE SPIRIT SBM, 24, loves having fun, enjoys tennis, racquetball, waterskiing. Seeking SM, to share a night out on the town, friendship and maybe a lasting relationship. ☎768054 BEYOND SWM, 32, 5’11”, 155lbs, light hair, looking for good time with GM, 18-45, ☎966003 SHOW ME THE TOWN... and what there is to do around here. Me: SWM, 42, N/S, new to the area. You: SWM, under 51, anxious to show me how wonderful Augusta is. ☎719366
How do you
TAKE THAT CHANCE Brown-skinned GBM, 35, 5’11”, 150lbs, who likes quiet evenings, reading, dining out, movies and stimulating conversations. Seeking SB/HM, 30-50, for friendship, possibly more. ☎753854 LOOKING FOR LOVE GWM, 41, 5’8’, 140lbs, Pisces, enjoys fishing, television, wood working, gardening, arts, crafts. Seeking GWM, 25-45, for friendship first, possible LTR. ☎705204 I KNOW WHERE IT’S AT SBM, 25, practical yet fun, outgoing, Aquarius, smoker, seeks a masculine, alluring, well-rounded BM, 23-45, smoker, with his priorities in order. ☎695448 YOU NEVER KNOW Fun-loving, easygoing GWM, 51, 5’11”, 198lbs, enjoys cooking, movies, fishing, walking. Seeking interesting GWM, 18-33, who’s full of life, for casual relationship, possibly more. ☎676662 OUTGOING SEEKS SAME SM, 35, who enjoys gardening, working out, sports, fishing, long walks in the park, would like to meet an outgoing man for LTR. ☎594617 YOUNG MAN WANTED GWM, 22, brown/brown, pretty good-looking, in search of cute, down-to-earth GWM for movies, dinners, shopping, roller blading. ☎576230 GIVE LOVE; GET LOVE BACK SM, 35, 6’2’’, 190lbs, black hair, medium build, seeks understanding, achieved man who is escalating himself in life. ☎576303 ARE YOU MR. RIGHT? SWM, 51, 5’8’’, 150lbs, likes dining out, quiet evenings, walks and hugs. Seeking SWM, 20-35, slim build, with similar interests. ☎584644 SEEKING MAN OF COLOR GWM, 31, 5’8”, 164lbs, brown/gray, moustache, goatee, down-to-earth, very openminded, seeks SB/HM, 23+, for friendship, maybe more. ☎575272 DOCTOR FIX IT GBM, enjoys chess, racquetball, auto mechanic. Seeking WM with similar interests. ☎566315 OUT SPOKEN SWM, 32, 5’11”, 145lbs, enjoys camping, fishing, Nascar. Seeking laid-back WM, 2335, for LTR. ☎560095 NEW TO TOWN GWM, 31, 5’8”, 175lbs, brown/brown, masculine, country boy, passionate, dedicated, HIV positive. Seeking GWM, 30-45, for LTR. ☎966013
SOMEONE TO LOVE GBF, 21, with brown complexion, seeks femme GBF, 21-30, with no baggage, and her priorities straight. ☎843696 WASTE NO TIME GBF, 36, enjoys dining out, cooking, dining out. Seeking attractive, open-minded, fun, nice GF, 25-45, for friendship and possibly more. ☎965823 CHURCH-GOER SBF, 38, Virgo, N/S, heavy-duty equipment operator, seeks BF, 30-45. Enjoys motorcycle riding, playing bass guitar. ☎799776 VERY PRETTY SBF... 28, two children, confident, feminine, seeks female, 20-35, with the same qualities, who is not into head games. ☎785531 A GOOD HEART SF, 39, goes to church, works for a living, likes having fun, going on trips. Seeking a similar female, 37-49. ☎780112 ZEST FOR LIFE Articulate, adventurous WF, 32, 5’8”, brown/brown, enjoys animals, running, movies and dining. Looking for WF, 25-40, for friendship. ☎965827 GIVE ME A RING Cute SBF, 30-something, seeks attractive SF, 25-45, for friendship, maybe more. No games. ☎965825 SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP Attractive, feminine SWF, 41, 5’4”, seeks a very open-minded WF, 35-48, for fun and exciting times. ☎775074 SECURITY GUARD Laid-back female, 41, likes movies, dining out, cooking, quiet evenings. Seeking similarminded male for companionship. ☎589877 RAINBOW SEEKER Seeking my butch. SWF, 41, 5’2”, enjoys movies, walks, reading, quality snuggle time. Honesty is a must. Seeking SWF, with no drama, 30+. ☎754885 FRIENDSHIP FIRST! Funny, smart, down-to-earth GBF, 5’6”, 125lbs, loves long walks, hand holding. Seeking GF, 21-30, who likes kids and doesn’t play games. ☎965829
© 2002 TPI GROUP
SOMETHING SO RIGHT I am looking for a WF who likes long walks, romantic evenings and bowling. SBM, 29, is looking for love. ☎646710 KNOCK-KNOCK, WHO’S THERE? Call me and find out. SWCM, 34, Cancer, N/S, loves to tell jokes. Seeking WF, 25-39, N/S, for friendship and relationships. ☎775609 CALL ME SM, 51, fun-loving, enjoys sporting events, movies, dancing more. Seeking fun woman with similar interests. ☎761290 SEEKS MATURE Spontaneous, sincere SM, 20, seeks older, loving lady, to explore life with, possible LTR. ☎767728 LET’S BE FRIENDS Outgoing, active SM, 31, enjoys sports, traveling, movies, dining out, and fun. Seeking SF,with same interests. ☎769857 FIT FOR A QUEEN Restaurant manager SWM, 40, 6’, black/green, moustache, enjoys outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping, movies. Seeking big beautiful woman, 25-50. Tell me about you. ☎754399 PAINT THE TOWN RED Medical student DWM, 41, just moved from Atlanta, seeks casual relationship with intelligent, articulate SBF, who knows Augusta and can show me the sites, dining, and dancing. ☎675071 HOPELESS ROMANTIC Hard-working DWM, 41, 5’10”, 140lbs, N/S, N/D, two kids, enjoys movies, bowling, fishing. Seeking easygoing WF, 35-45, with similar interests. Friendship first, possible LTR. ☎631228 SEEKING CHRISTIAN WOMAN Friendly, committed, independent SBCM, 42, 5’11”, enjoys quiet evenings. Seeking attractive, committed, independent SBCF for friendship, possible LTR. ☎796760 YOU WIN MY HEART SWM, 44, N/S, seeks clean, sincere, honest, intelligent, wise, crafty SBF, 35-45, N/S, for life mate and deep friendship. ☎704669 GREAT CATCH SWM, 53, enjoys church, music, dining out, travel and more. Seeking kind, understanding SCF, with similar interests. ☎732175 CHANGE R LIVES 4 THE BEST Outdoorsy SWM, 57, enjoys fishing, quiet conversation seeks the right woman to be at my side. Let’s accomplish much in life! Looking for a SW/HF, 45-60. ☎718103 ARE YOU 26-48? WM, brown/blue, likes fishing, camping, scuba diving, travel, and woodworking. If you would like to jon me, call! ☎715263 RESPECT AND DESIRE SBM, 37, 5’8”, 164lbs, hazel eyes, Virgo, N/S, enjoys walks, traveling, mountains, cooking, candlelight dinners. Seeking hardworking SBF, 38-55, business owner, for LTR. ☎707443 TRUE TO HEART SWM, 42, 6’, brown/blue, no children, home-owner, Pisces, N/S, seeks spontaneous SW/A/HF, 21-42, loves the beach, movies, sailing, bike rides, for faithful relationship. ☎709121 R WE A MATCH? SWM, 40, 6’1”, 160lbs, brown/blue, enjoys classic rock, movies, dining, more. Seeking nice, friendly SF, 25-45. ☎965931 ANYONE OUT THERE? SWM, 51, 5’11”, 190lbs, brown/green, seeks SF, for conversations, casual dates and maybe something more down the line. ☎701908 TAKE THE CHANCE Open-minded SM, 25, father, loves Nascar car and Nascar car races, walks, time with someone special. Seeking caring, considerate, commitment-minded woman, for friendship and LTR. ☎699632 GOOD MAN IS HARD TO FIND SWM, 44, piano player, in search of WF, 3555, H/W proportionate, N/D, N/S, drug-free, who enjoys music and backyard swings. ☎695975
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INTERESTED? SF, 33, 5’7”, long hair, slim, and would like to meet someone outgoing who like to spend time doing different things like movies and going out. ☎715481 JOIN ME GBF, 32, nurse, part-time student, Capricorn, N/S, enjoys bowling, movies, shopping, traveling. Seeking casual relationship with woman, 25-45. ☎711628 BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN SBF, 58, mature, attractive, young-at-heart, Sagittarius, N/S, seeks woman, 48-62, N/S, who is ready to live again and likes traveling, playing cards, and bowling. ☎691703 TO THINE OWN SELF... be true. SBF, 27, 5’5”, 165lbs, Sagittarius, N/S, has 2 kids, enjoys walks, movies, and quiet times. Seeking an honest woman, 2735, N/S, for friendship first and foremost. ☎693934 IT’S ALL IN YOUR HANDS Nice, available stud wanted. I’m a teacher in Augusta, 40, who would like to start a friendship with another female, and progress into something more. ☎664842 BEAUTIFUL WOMAN SEEKS... beautiful woman. I’m 5’3”, physically fit, 132lbs, would like to meet fit female, 25-40, who would enjoy going to movies. Please be discreet. ☎661884 I’D LOVE YOU TO LOVE ME SBF, 41, no children, loves to read, chat on the internet, and more. Seeking a woman who is a romantic at heart, very good-looking, loves pets, family and God. ☎645876 GET TO KNOW THE REAL ME Dark-skinned young woman, 23, 4’9”, attractive, fun-loving, nice, caring, honest, laid-back. Seeking GF, 23-29, for casual relationship. ☎635372 I’M LOOKING 4 U Easygoing, loyal SBF, 31, 5’3”, 155lbs, security officer, people person, fun-loving, nice, caring, honest, enjoys bowling, movies, cuddling at home. Seeking trustworthy, outgoing SBF, 26-35, for friendship, maybe LTR. ☎965835 ARE WE POSSIBLE? GBF, 24, seeks GW/HF, 25-35. I’m outgoing, beautiful, intelligent, with a great mind. Hoping to meet a woman with a willingness to enjoy life. ☎566252 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP Tall, slim, attractive SWF, 34, single mom, enjoys travel. Seeking athletic, easygoing, humorous, fun SWF, 26-45, to go out and have good times. ☎572618
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Cars 1979 TOYOTA CRESSIDA, runs, new brakes, as is, $350, cash only, 706-738-3065 (727/125) ————————————— 1980 BMW 528i, new shocks, struts, clutch and clutch slave cylinder, clean car, runs great, $2000, 706-736-4858 (756/1219) ————————————— 1984 OLDSMOBILE CUSTOM Cruiser SW, $700 OBO, 706437-1726 (696/1128) ————————————— 1987 SUBARU GL, Station Wagon, power everything, rear wiper, lots of new stuff, runs and looks good, but has head gasket leak, $497 OBO, 803-4418744 (673/1121) ————————————— 1988 CHEVY CORSICA, blue, 4dr, needs some TLC, runs good but has been sitting for over a year, $500 OBO, 706868-1743 (674/1121) ————————————— 1988 FORD MUSTANG Convertible, red/white top, 5.0, auto, 2dr, PL&W, AC, clean, runs good, CD, am/fm, $4800, 706-742-7701 (752/1219) ————————————— 1989 CADILLAC SEVILLE, 4dr, leather, blue, tip top condition, $4000, 706-556-6124 (553/1219) ————————————— 1989 FORD TEMPO, 44K, new AC & ignition, less than 2K on tires, one owner, very good condition, $2150, 706-860-0120 (773/1226) ————————————— 1989 TOYOTA CAMRY, nice running car, 133K, $1500, 706736-6545 after 4 pm. (779/0102) ————————————— 1990 NISSAN 300ZX, 5spd, AC, loaded, red, grey cloth, ttops, CD, new tires, good condition, $6100, 706-833-0797 (671/1121) ————————————— 1991 MAZDA MX5, convertible, hard top, white, mint condition,
85.5K, $7400 OBO, 706-7378047 (669/1121) ————————————— 1992 BMW 525i, gold, sedan, 154K, all power, leather interior, good condition, $5990, 706495-9900 (782/0102) ————————————— 1992 GEO STORM, blue, cold AC, 100K, $1300 OBO, 706855-2288, 706-785-0163 (726/125) ————————————— 1992 MAZDA PROTEGE, PS/PB, AC, power window locks, sunroof, cruise, CD, great gas milage, reliable transportation, $1500 OBO, 706-3997145 (701/1128) ————————————— 1993 BUICK LESABRE, green, 57K, local trade, great first car, P3168A, $4995, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (785) ————————————— 1993 BUICK ROADMASTER, Estate wagon, fully loaded, XC, 60K, has Bruno Scooter lift model V550, $6000, 803-2795857 (736/1212) ————————————— 1994 CADILLAC EL DORADO, 92K, new tires, hard pressed to find one any nicer, $8900, won’t last, 706-373-6425 (739/1212) ————————————— 1994 LINCOLN TOWN Car, pearl white, white interior, leather, black tie package, excellent condition, $6800, 706-5419190 (771/1226) ————————————— 1995 BMW 325I, white, standard 5spd, premium package, 70K, XC, no accidents, fairly new tires and brakes, $13,000, 706-722-0665 (753/1219) ————————————— 1995 MERCURY GRAND Marquis LS, clean, all power, cruise, wire wheels, $6250, 706267-1497 or 706-730-2697 (705/1128) ————————————— 1995 MERCURY SABLE, blue, clean, maintained, good conditiion, may be seen at Washington Road, above Center West Parkway, $4200, 706-736-7143 (772/1226) ————————————— 1995 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS
the power of dreams
HONDA 2 0 0 3 G O R D O N H I G H W AY • A U G U S TA , G A • 7 0 6 - 7 3 3 - 2 2 1 0 • W W W. G E R A L D J O N E S H O N D A . C O M
Supreme, black, 23K, one owner, local trade, C2297A, Johnson Motor Company, 706724-0111 (784) ————————————— 1995 TOYOTA TERCEL, new tires, CD changer, 5 spd, C2438A, $4995, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (783) ————————————— 1996 BUICK CENTURY, white/burgundy, 4dr sedan, 6 cyl, non-smoker, 45K, VGC, $4000 OBO, 706-854-9733 (741/1212) ————————————— 1996 CHEVROLET CAMERO, 41K, factory purple, 5spd, 6 cyl, AC, FM, cass, immaculate, one owner, $8000 OBO, 706-8680090 (472/1226) ————————————— 1996 GEO SPRINT, beige, 4dr, sedan, AC, cassette, new tires, great condition, $3500 OBO, 803-442-4592 (670/1121) ————————————— 1996 LINCOLN TOWN Car, white, leather, loaded, P3191A, $10,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (786) ————————————— 1996 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE Spider convertible, red/grey, 78K, 1 owner, service records
available, $8500, must sell, divorce, 706-210-0530 (728/125) ————————————— 1996 NISSAN 200SX, green, 5spd, cruise, CD, well taken care of, $3400, 706-267-1295 (780/0102) ————————————— 1996 NISSAN 200SX, green, 5spd, cruise, CD, well taken care of, $3400, 706-267-1295 (780/0102) ————————————— 1996 FORD NISSAN SX, red, good condition, CD, two door, AC, PW $6000 OBO, 706-8603598 (776/0102) ————————————— 1996 PONTIAC GRAND Prix GTP, white, tint windows, 3.4L, V6, well cared for, 129K, Jim 706-721-3365 days or 706-5477878 eve. (754/1219) ————————————— 1997 ACURA 3.2TL, Premium, loaded, great ride, new tires, remote keyless entry, power locks & windows, AC, climate control system, Bose radio/cassette/CD, remote sunroof, $11,900, 803-279-8326 (738/1212) ————————————— 1997 MAZDA MX6, auto, V6,
leather, loaded, 67K, XC, female adult driven, take over payments, details, 803-302-8660 (737/1212) ————————————— 1997 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE, black, cruise, alarm, keyless entry, 63K, current tune ups, XC, $9995 OBO, 706-823-2420 (697/1128) ————————————— 1998 CADILLAC DEVILLE Sedan DeElegance, frosted tan, fully loaded On Star, voice activated phone, extended warranty, CD/tape, leather, mint condition, 78K, $18,500, 706-721-1896 (751/1212) ————————————— 1998 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88, gold, leather interior, 30K, P3233A, $7900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (792) ————————————— 1999 LEXUS ES300, Coach edition, 35K, loaded with every option, only one owner, $18,999, Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (683) ————————————— 1999 LEXUS GS300, black, tan interior, $29,900, Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (678) ————————————— 1999 LINCOLN CONTINEN-
TAL, white, 54K, warranty, 100K, new tires, loaded, CD, moonroof, immaculate, one owner, garage kept, looks new, $17,500, 706-863-9152 (676/1121) ————————————— 1999 MAZDA MILLENIA, gold, automatic, leather, sunroof, $15,995, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-202-0002 (744) ————————————— 1999 SATURN SL1, GM off lease, 28K, loaded, power windows, locks, & sunroof, stereo, won’t last long, $6995, Master Pontiac, 706-855-9400 (796) ————————————— 2000 ACURA INTEGRA LS, silver, 2dr, 5spd, all power, CD, sunroof, cold-air intake, warranty, XCm $15,000 OBO, 706294-2691 (755/1219) ————————————— 2000 CHEVY LUMINA, red, local trade in, great family car, C2152A, $8900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (789) ————————————— 2000 DODGE STRATUS SE, extra clean car, one owner, $9995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (712) —————————————
continued on page 54
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53 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V
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S TA R T I N G AT $23,995* - All wheel drive - Open Cargo bed - Switch back system expands cargo bed into passenger area for hauling longer items
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GERALD JONES 1801 Gordon Highway, Augusta
54 M E T R O S P I R I T N O V 2 8 2 0 0 2
* Automobiles for sale by an individual may be placed in our FREE Auto Classifieds. The same ad will run continuously for six weeks or until the vehicle sells, whichever comes first. After two weeks, if you want to keep running the same ad, you must call The Metropolitan Spirit by 5 p.m. on Friday or we will assume you sold the vehicle and will delete the ad. All vehicles must indicate price. FREE Auto Classified ads are offered to individuals only and are not offered to commercial companies or dealers. TO PLACE YOUR AD: Mail: P.O. Box 3809, Augusta, GA 30914-3809 Email: Fax: 706-733-6663 Website: Visit Us At: 825 Russell Street, Augusta, GA MUST BE MAILED, FAXED OR EMAILED ON SPECIFIED FORM. ADS ARE NOT TAKEN BY PHONE.
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continued from page 52 2000 FORD ESCORT ZX2, black, 2dr, auto, 43K, loaded, $6999, Acura of Augusta, Ron Sumler, 800-851-5158 (685) ————————————— 2000 HONDA ACCORD SE, 4dr, auto, ABS, PW/L, cruise, CD, cassette, trunk liner, cargo net, 31.5K, $16,000, 706-7336807 (700/1128) ————————————— 2000 HONDA CIVIC EX, white, 4dr, auto, PL/W, sunroof, CD, low miles, $13,400, 706-2109590 (702/1128) ————————————— 2000 HONDA CIVIC EX, silver, 42K, 5spd, 2dr, sunroof, CD, XC, car in Augusta, 610-7635202 (695/1128) ————————————— 2000 MAZDA MIATA, green/tan top, leather, factory warranty, $15,995, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-202-0002 (746) ————————————— 2000 MAZDA MIATA, black, 5spd, PW, CD, appearance package, 47K, $13,500, 706951-0805 (672/1121) ————————————— 2000 MERCURY MYSTIQUE, automatic, 30K, $9990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-202-0002 (748) ————————————— 2000 PONTIAC GRAND Am, black, 2dr, coupe, loaded with equipment, 48K, $8999, Acura of Augusta, John Peterson, 800851-5158 (684) ————————————— 2001 BUICK CENTURY Custom, grey, cloth interior, nice car, P3101, $12.900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (790) ————————————— 2001 BUICK LESABRE Custom, blue, 29K, P3099, $14.900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (791) ————————————— 2001 CHEVY CAVALIER, white, 4dr, auto, AC, brand new radials, $7999, Acura of Augusta, John Bell, 800-851-5158 (681) ————————————— 2001 CHEVY IMPALA LS, On Star package, alloys, CD and much more, $14.995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (713) ————————————— 2001 CHEVY MONTE Carlo SS, white beauty, gotta see it, $14,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (714) ————————————— 2001 FORD ESCORT SE, 2 to choose from, auto, full power, like new, $6999, Acura of Augusta, Rogers Gotier, 800851-5158 (686) ————————————— 2001 FORD TAURUS SES, alloys, CD, theft deterrent system, $11,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (715) ————————————— 2001 INFINITI I-30, rare find, has navigation system, 15K, all optional equipment, $24,995, no sales tax, 706-869-9007 (730/125) ————————————— 2001 MERCURY SABLE LS, premium package, alloy wheels, CD and much more, $11,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-7332210 (708) ————————————— 2001 OLDSMOBILE ALERO, fully loaded, all power options, fully serviced, $9999, Acura of
Augusta, Donald Jackson, 800851-5158 (679) ————————————— 2001 PONTIAC GRAND Prix GT, white, 4dr, loaded, all the power options, CD, $11,999, Acura of Augusta, Cardell Burton, 800-851-5158 (680) ————————————— 2001 VW BEETLE, black beauty, auto, gotta have it, $13,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-7332210 (709) ————————————— 2002 AUDI A4 Turbo, 4dr, dark green/tan leather, all power, AM/FM, Cass/CD, 8K, $31,850 OBO, 706-863-1941 (729/125) ————————————— 2002 HYUNDAI ELANTRA, 5spd, power package, factory warranty, 11K, $10,990, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-202-0002 (747) ————————————— 2002 SATURN SL1, auto, power steering, power brakes, AC, AM/FM/CD, factory warranty, 19K great condition, $9500, 706-863-7071 (781/0102)
Motorcycle 2001 HONDA NIGHTHAWK, 250cc, showroom condition, 400 miles, excellent first street bike, $2600 OBO, 803-2783442 (677/0102)
SUVs 1979 FORD BRONCO, needs work, first $500 takes it, 706790-3305 (703/1128) ————————————— 1997 FORD EXPEDITON XLT, green/tan cloth, 5.4L, 3rd seat, rear air, power everything, hands-free phone, 132K highway miles, XC, $8500 OBO, 706-364-5347(699/1128) ————————————— 1997 FORD EXPLORER Sport, loaded, good condition, $7995, 706-860-0860 (775/0102) ————————————— 1999 FORD EXPEDITION XLT, leather, fully loaded, 6 disc CD changer, excellent condition, 51K, $18,000, 706-854-9194 (778/0102) ————————————— 1999 JEEP GRAND Cherokee, Limited Edition, leather, power roof, $15,995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (711) ————————————— 2000 FORD EXPLORER XLT, wedgewood blue, local trade in, leather interior, alloys, running boards, power seats, CD/cassette, power sunroof & more, non-smoker, $13,995, Master Pontiac, 706-855-9400 (795) ————————————— 2000 JEEP CHEROKEE Classic, extra clean, new tires, won’t last long, $9979, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (706) ————————————— 2000 KIA SPORTAGE, 4dr, auto, all power, AC, CD, one owner, runs great, XC, $11,500, 706-840-0957(698/1128) ————————————— 2000 NISSAN FRONTIER, auto, low miles, local trade $6995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (707) ————————————— 2002 MITSUBISHI MONTERO Sport LS, 4dr, this one owner has only 5,000 miles, V6, auto,
power windows & locks, C.P. Sport package, alloy wheels, $17,995, Master Pontiac, 706855-9400 (793)
Trucks 1985 CHEVY, 4X4, new 350 and transmission, XC, low miles, $7000 OBO, 706-830-1455 OR 803-302-8660 (777/0102) ————————————— 1989 MAZDA B2000, white, 5spd, AC, bedliner, fiberglass shell, new clutch & tires, 159K, $1500 OBO, 803-725-3581 (740/1212) ————————————— 1994 CHEVY S10, midnight black with cloth 60/40 seats, 65K, local trade in, equipped with 4.3 V6, auto sport wheels, CD & more, $5995, Master Pontiac, 706-855-9400 (797) ————————————— 1999 FORD F-150 Sport, silver, shortbed, auto, chrome wheels, XLT trim, $10,999, Acura of Augusta, Dwayne Eisenhower, 800-851-5158 (686) ————————————— 1999 MAZDA B3000, 4.0L, auto fully equipped for only $10.995, Gerald Jones Honda, 706-733-2210 (710) ————————————— 2000 CHEVY Z-71, white, 4dr, 4 WD, CD player, P3188, $21,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706-724-0111 (787) ————————————— 2000 FORD RANGER XLT, burgundy, 4cyl, auto, AC, disc player, tinted glass, 22K, short bed, factory warranty, no tax, $9150, 706-736-8032 (648/0102) ————————————— 2000 TOYOTA TACOMA, oxford white, cloth bucket seats, 4X4, local trade in, 49K, alloys, CD, Cassette, AC, bedliner, & more, non-smoker, well maintained, $12,995, Master Pontiac, 706-855-9400 (794) ————————————— 2001 CHEVY 1500, 4dr, 19K, great shape, T3196, $20,900, Johnson Motor Company, 706724-0111 (788)
Vans 1995 CHEVROLET ASTRO Van, V6, 4.3L, 7 passenger, luggage rack, rear air, power seats and mirrors, $7000, 706-7330526 (694/1128) ————————————— 1997 FORD WINDSTAR GL, dark red, 7 passenger, 3.8 V6, AC, tilt, power windows, 146K, $4200 OBO, 706-860-5001 (774/1226) ————————————— 1999 HONDA ODYSSEY EX, top of the line EX model, electric doors, dual air, every option, $17,999, Acura of Augusta, 800-851-5158 (682) ————————————— 1999 PLYMOUTH GRAND Voyager Expresso, white, 51K, 10 speaker infinity sound system, cassette, CD, rear air, captain’s chairs, new tires, great condition, $13,600, 706-8681045 (770/1226) ————————————— 2001 DODGE GRAND Caravan, blue, 39K, V6, auto, $14,995, Andy Jones Mazda, 803-2020002 (745)
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