February 18, 2020- Black History Month, coronavirus, Michigan basketball and more!

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THE STUDENT PUBLICATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN-DEARBORN Editor-in-Chief: Kyla Bazzy | umd.mj.editorinchief@gmail.com Vol. XLIX, No. 17

@MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org

February 18, 2020

Three cities in Wayne County make American Lung Association’s “Most Polluted Cities” list

Detroit, Warren and Ann Arbor are 12th on the list for “by year round particle pollution” By KYLA BAZZY Editor-in-Chief @kylajustineb

The American Lung Association has an initiative on their website where they report the most polluted cities by ozone, year round particle pollution and short-term particle pollution. As of Feb. 17, the Detroit-WarrenAnn Arbor area was twelth on the particle pollution list. The good news is that this trio of cities were the only cities in Michigan on any of the lists. Wayne county’s air quality has been a concern for some time, especially in Dearborn’s southend, Detroit and River Rouge where smoke and vapors from factories are almost constantly visibly in the sky. Dearborn’s Environmental Justice Town Hall held a meeting in August 2019 to discuss the pollution and air quality issues, which State. Representative Abdullah Hammoud said have “been an ongoing problem for decades.”

Pentagon diverts $3.8 billion for border wall plans

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“As you drive down Miller Road, all you have to do is open your mouth and nose and smell the iniquity that is happening in our community,” said Representative Hammoud in a seperate meeting in Jan. 2018.

Elementary in Dearborn’s southend are also concerned with the air quality, as the school is directly next door to A.K. Steel’s plant. There are currently multiple implementation plans for Michigan to

Part of Ford’s River Rouge Complex in Dearborn’s southend. Photo//Michigan Radio According to the University Research improve the air quality in the state. They can Corridor, Dearborn’s southend asthma be found at epa.gov. hospitalization rate is two times higher than Air quality all over the world can be any other area in Michigan. checked anytime on waqi.info, a non-profit Many parents of students at Salina project run by the World Air Quality Index.

WUMD’s Broken Heart Smash

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What to watch during Black History Month

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Factories can be seen behind Salina Elementary’s sign in Dearborn. Photo//Arab American News

Wolverines basketball

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Opinion: Chinese wet markets are not your scapegoat By CLAIRE KOWALEC Staff Writer @_claire.ko

When reports of the coronavirus first appeared on mainstream news outlets in January 2020, the genesis of the virus--now named COVID-19--was unclear. Some speculation suggested the virus was transmitted from animals to humans in “wet markets” in Wuhan, China, where meat and fish are sold in open stalls, according to Global News. While Global News explains that wet markets are often seen as unsanitary, they are a traditional element of Chinese culture. They allow for the exchange of fresh products and conversation between the producers themselves and their customers, and are often more popular than the American notion of a store due to their cultural heritage. “But the narrow, crowded markets-brimming with everything from freshly caught fish to live poultry and reptiles--are ‘a breeding ground’ for new and dangerous infections, said Evangelyn Alocilja, a professor and researcher of biosystems at Michigan State University,” Global News said. One animal sold in the wet markets is the pangolin--similar to an anteater or armadillo--which is valued both for its meat in several Asian countries and its scales, which are thought to have medicinal properties, National Geographic states. The New York Times reports that there is a very

what’s inside

high probability that pangolins transmitted COVID-19 to humans in the conditions of the wet markets. In the United States, fear of the coronavirus and knowledge about the “unsanitary” wet markets across China has spurred racism toward Chinese people and their culture; however, assigning blame to people of Chinese descent for allegedly

“It is a hybrid of human, bird and swine flu viruses, and by 1999 it is the dominant flu strain in US pigs,” New Scientist said. “US pig farms try to control it with vaccines, but these attempts are largely ineffective because the virus evolves too rapidly, changing the surface proteins targeted by the vaccine while keeping its internal genes unchanged. The 2009

creating a global health emergency due to their sometimes unsanitary wet market conditions is a racist notion that reflects stilltense “Eastern” and “Western” ideologies. In 1998, a strain of the swine flu originated on US pig farms, which would later evolve into the specific strain that caused the 2009 swine flu pandemic on a pig farm in Mexico, New Scientist reports in a timeline of the swine flu.

A Chinese wet market. Photo//TheHill pandemic virus is a variant on this 1998 flu, and behaves the same way.” Health conditions in US animal agriculture can hardly be considered sanitary: pens or cages for animals--pigs in this case--are packed tightly with more animals than they can hold, and animal waste is not disposed of properly and punctually, among other offenses. For an article about one such unsanitary hog farm in North

the Michigan Journal



Carolina, visit this article by the Guardian. Wet markets in China are not immediately to blame for the COVID-19 outbreak because they are unhygienic, nor because they offer different meats and products than US consumers see as familiar. The types of animal meat different cultures consume--for example, pangolin for Chinese households and pork for American households--are not reflections of how “exotic” or “backwards” a non-American diet is. Instead, American frustration both with COVID-19’s alleged outbreak in Chinese food markets and with ChineseAmericans who could be allegedly carrying the virus are simply a function of fear in response to the global health emergency. The truth is that food preparation is often unhygienic in many industries, regardless of whether individual producers are selling their goods in an openstalled wet market in Wuhan or whether Americans are purchasing meat from their grocery store deli. Racism toward Chinese-Americans, Chinese people abroad and those who travel, and toward Chinese cultural practices is a manifestation of Americans’ own myopic attitudes toward the shortcomings of our own cultural practices in food preparation and sale. While conditions in Wuhan’s wet markets are likely to blame for the spread of the virus, wet markets’ cultural background and the components of a Chinese diet are being wrongfully condemned.


Michigan Journal


Editor: Kinsey Burnett | umd.mj.news@gmail.com 2 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX, No. 17

February 18, 2020

Pentagon diverts $3.8 billion for border wall plans

By COREY LEWERENZ Staff Writer @clorey.lewerenz

The Defense Department will have $3.8 billion diverted from its budget to build more of the border wall. Congress was notified on Thursday Feb. 13 by the Trump administration. NPR reported that this $3.8 billion is added, “to more than $11 billion that has already been identified to construct more than 500 miles of new barriers…” The money was originally intended for the purchasing of aircraft and other equipment intended for the Marine Corp, Air Force, and U.S. Navy. The budget documents also show that there will be funds diverted from updates to Army vehicles, equipment for the National Guard, and development of ships for the Navy. The expansion of the border wall budget could help President Trump in his reelection. Back when Trump first campaigned for the presidency, a border wall was part of his goal to strengthen the southern border. According to The Washington Post, the new budget for the wall, “...would give Trump enough money to complete nearly 900 miles of new barriers by 2022…” The decision to take the money and put it towards the border wall doesn’t sit well with both Democrats and Republicans alike. In a joint statement Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said, “Con-

Photo//Cedar Attanasio, AP gress, not the president, has the power of the purse - a power that cannot be nullified so the president can fulfill an outrageous campaign promise.” Republicans also voiced their concerns with Rep. Marc Thornberry (R-TX), who is on the House Armed Services Committee. Concerned with Trump and his team, Thornberry said, “Once those choices have been made, the Department of Defense cannot change them…..without the approval of Congress….Attempts to do so undermines the principle of civilian control of the military and is in violation of the separation of powers within the Constitution.”

Jeff Bezos pledges $10 billion to launch Bezos Earth Fund By KINSEY BURNETT News Editor @kinseyburn

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, is starting a new initiative to curb climate change, the Bezos Earth Fund. Announced via Instagram on Feb. 17, Bezos said, “I’m committing $10 billion to start and will begin issuing grants this summer. Earth is one thing we have in common - let’s protect it, together.” In his post, Bezos said, “This global initiative will fund any scientists, activists, NGOs - any effort that offers a real possibility to help preserve and protect the natural world.” In Sept. 2019, Amazon co-founded The Climate Pledge, which is “a commitment to meet the Paris Agreement 10 years early.” Amazon was the first company to sign the pledge. Companies participating in The Climate Pledge agree to “measure and report greenhouse gas emissions on a regular basis; implement decarbonization strategies in line with the Paris Agreement through real business changes and innovations, including efficiency improvements, renewable energy, materials reductions, and other carbon emission elimination strategies; neutralize any remaining emissions with additional, quantifiable, real, permanent, and socially-beneficial offsets to achieve net zero annual carbon emissions by 2040” according to Amazon’s website. “If a company with as much physical infrastructure as Amazon—which delivers more than 10 billion items a year—can meet the Paris Agreement 10 years early, then any company can,” said Bezos. In January, Amazon introduced 10,000 new electronic delivery rickshaws in India as a beginning step to fulfill The Climate Pledge. Jeff Bezos is the richest person on Earth; Bloomberg estimates his net worth is around $130 billion. He started Amazon as an online bookseller in 1994 and the company introduced the Kindle in 2007. In 1999, Jeff Bezos was Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Bezos was an early investor in Google and founded Blue Origin in 2000, a company dedicated to making space travel more available and affordable. In 2013, he purchased the Washington Post for $250 million. In Sept. 2018, he committed $2 billion of his money to support preschool programs and homeless families, and in 2019 he announced his divorce with his wife, for which she received 4% stake in Amazon, according to Bloomberg. Bezos currently owns around 11% of Amazon’s stock, having sold a few million shares in the last few years. Being the richest man alive comes with re-

Photo//Instagram, @JeffBezos

Video about Amazon’s new EV’s on Twitter Photo//Twitter, @Jeff Bezos

sponsibility, and Bezos seems to take his influence to help combat climate change seriously. Despite taking heat about his taxes, he has made a considerable effort to make a positive difference with his excessive wealth.

Sen. Richard C. Shelby (R-AL), a Republican on the Senate Appropriations Committee, says he likes the wall; “ I’ll support the president on this but I wish they’d find the money somewhere else.” There are disagreements on both sides of the isle. Some are saying that Trump has no power to allocate more funds than what congress had agreed upon. Some Republicans have argued that the way the money was diverted was done so without violating the Constitution and the separation of powers. The Pentagon said the money was allowed to be transferred by using a law that allows the Defense Department to build

fences in order to counter drug smuggling. The Washington Post reported that Robert G. Salesses, deputy assistant secretary of defense for homeland defense integration, said he was aware of the discussions about taking more money from the Pentagon budget. Salesses said that the money diverted “...will pay for the construction of 177 miles of 30-foot bollard-style barriers on federally controlled land in six border sectors: San Diego, El Centro, Yuma, Tucson, El Paso, and Del Rio. It will be contracted through the Army Corps of Engineers. “It’s clear that we are meeting the requirements that have been identified by the president to accelerate and build the border barrier…,” Salesses said. Pelosi and Schumer as well as some others believe that Trump is trying to steal money that Congress had appropriated for military funding. The White House’s new budget request includes $2 billion allocated to the border wall funds. This isn’t the first time that Trump hasn’t sought Congressional approval. Last year, Trump took $6.1 billion from the Pentagon budget for the border project. There will undoubtedly be disputes on both sides about the diversion of the $3.8 billion. It remains to be seen how everything will be sorted out and how far it will go to be resolved, but the continued actions of an alleged breach outside the separation of powers could set a dangerous precedent.

Democratic primary updates By DANIEL VIJAYASEGAR Staff Writer @dan_vijay

The Democratic primary has only just begun and we are already seeing a massive inflow of scandals, accusations and slander campaigns against the candidates. Some of these stories have yet to unfold fully, but almost all of the current candidates have had some sort of negative attention this past month. This coupled with the challenges of the Iowa caucus has made for some interesting headlines. If you’ve been on the internet in the past week, you must have heard that Andrew Yang has dropped out of the race. The news came last Tuesday when he made an announcement detailing his reasons for suspending the campaign. Yang said, “While there is great work left to be done, you know I am the math guy, and it is clear tonight from the numbers that we are not going to win this race.” He continued to say, “I am not someone who wants to accept donations and support in a race that we will not win. And so, tonight I am announcing I am suspending my campaign for president.” Many Yang supporters were regretfully expecting this announcement after the results of the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries. Yang won a mere 22 state delegate votes, compared to Sander and Buttigieg who both got over 550. Though his campaign is over, his legacy as a proponent of Universal Basic Income will live on and bring attention to the policy long after the nomination is awarded. If you’ve used Google to search anything political in the past month or so, you have likely seen the wave of Michael Bloomberg ads at the top of the page. Bloomberg has been making a big push to win the Michigan primary—so much so that he has spent a record breaking amount of money on just advertising.

Meme of the week:

As of late January, he has spent over $300 million dollars on his campaign. This has led some to believe that Bloomberg and and other wealthy candidates are making an attempt at buying the presidency. There is no doubt that increased ad spending is correlated with name recognition, however the discussion is on whether Bloomberg’s net worth puts him at an unfair advantage in our representative democracy. Bloomberg’s spending is not the only thing garnering attention for the billionaire Wall Street banker. During his time as mayor of NYC, he implemented a policy known as stop and frisk. The policy allowed NYPD to temporarily detain, question, and at times searching civilians and suspects on the street for weapons and other contraband. Citizens of the city described it as intrinsically racist because of the areas where it was implemented. Bloomberg has since issued an apology. The other candidates have also been getting their fair share of attention. While campaigning in Nevada at an event hosted by a Latin American group, candidates Tom Steyer, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg were asked about to name the current president of Mexico. Only Buttigueg correctly named president Lopez Obrador. Later during a rally in Las Vegas, Buttigieg commented that “There is more to being prepared than how many years you spent in Washington.” He went on to say that his lack of time spent in Washington is a good thing and he should be seen as a fresh start. As of now, only 64 of the total 4750 democratic delegates have been declared across two states. This means that it’s really anyone’s game right now. Keep your eyes on the news as Nevada and South Carolina run their primaries later this month.


Editor: Jasmine Sizemore | umd.mj.studentlife@gmail.com 3 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX No. 17

February 18, 2020

Favorite buildings at UM-Dearborn By JASMINE SIZEMORE Student Life Editor @jazzmomoney

Students at University of Michigan-Dearborn tell us what their favorite buildings on campus were or currently are during their time here on campus. Azairia Spears (Alumna/CRJ/Political Science) Favorite building on campus: Natural Sciences Building

Donte Woodget (Bioengineering,Mechanical Engineering) Favorite building on campus: University Center

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

Mohamad Jaafar (Alumni, Communications/Political Science) Favorite building on campus: Mardigian Library

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

Very Raft (Women and Gender Studies) Favorite building on campus: Environmental Interpretive Center

Alanna Hall (Mechanical Engineering) Favorite building on campus: Science Faculty Center

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

Sameer Shah (Automotive Systems Engineering) Favorite building on campus: Heinz Prechter Engineering Complex

Kyla Bazzy (JASS), Emily Pruitt (English) and Jasmine Sizemore (English) Favorite building on campus:

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

Malak Al-Delahmawi (Software Engineering) Favorite building on campus: Computer & Information Science Building

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

Photo// https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

were Painted Friends, Aviva, Jenn’s Apartment, and Strange Flavor. A brief introduction video of each band was followed by five songs. The judges were Ahley Baker, the previous General Manager of WUMD; Blaine Fowler, the co-host of the Blaine Fowler Morning Show; Lauren Cohen, the co-host of the Blaine Fowler Morning Show; Matthew Laurinec, the producer of the Blaine Fowler Morning show; and Rick Marrone, WUMD alum. Ricky Hansknecht, the current General Manager of WUMD, commented, “The bands were judged on a lot of things: planning/preparedness, originality, interface with the audience, quality of performance,

presentation, and uniqueness. They had an opportunity to score 100 points with any added judge bonuses.”In this competition, two winners were selected: one was selected by the judges, and one was selected by the audience’s votes. Diana Graham, an industrial engineering student at the university and a stand-up comedian, did a stand-up comedy session after the first band’s performance. She joked about her conspiracy-driven brother, Helen Keller, and getting to intimately know people by the books they check out while working in the library. During the performances, many

Photo//University of Michigan-Dearborn

WUMD’s Broken Heart Smash

By ZEENA WWHAYEB Staff Writer Twitter @xena2001x

WUMD’s Battle of the Bands took place on February 13 from 6:30PM to 10PM in Kochoff Hall. Pizza and refreshments were provided, along with multiple games for the guests. There were also raffle tickets and prizes, such as scarves, blankets, and gift cards. The long-running Battle of the Bands, or Broken Hearts Smash, honors rising bands in the local Michigan area. Members of WUMD, UM-Dearborn’s radio station, voted on and invited four bands to participate in a competition for multiple prizes. The bands who participated this year

Photo//Rachel Divinagracia

people from the audience stood and freely danced in the open space behind the judges. The performers showed great energy on the stage. After all the performances ended, the judges took a few minutes to discuss their thoughts. A box went around the arena to get people’s votes. The count was then quickly done and the decision was made: Aviva won the judges, and Painted Friends won the most votes. Both bands were awarded a trophy, and the event concluded with WUMD giving a shoutout to CVN, the Campus Video Network, and the Michigan Journal.

Photo//Zeena Whayeb


Editor: Leah Higgins | umd.mj.opinions@gmail.com 4 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX, No. 17

February 18, 2020

Michigan Travel Guide: things only found in MI By NATHAN LAWRENCE Staff Writer

Welcome to the last part of this Michigan travel guide series! Today's article will be all about the things you can only really find in Michigan. 1. The Michigan Left I heard that a few years ago, Chicago got its first Michigan left, and the news reporters spent 15 minutes explaining how exactly that you use it. If you ask a Michigander how to use it, you will get different responses, but mainly: Every ¼ mile or so on main roads, a left turn, referred to as a Sharp Turn by Google Maps, will be seen. If your destination is on the opposite side of the road, you use them to get to them instead of having to use side roads or making an Illegal U-Turn. When you go on one, you usually have to stop at the end. There will be either a Stop Sign or a Light. You wait for the oncoming traffic to stop or be thinner, and then you can turn left onto the road. I use one to get to School! They aren’t hard, but a lot of people seem to not be able to use them right. You are allowed to Turn on Red if the traffic is clear, and no sign says otherwise. You are allowed to go straight onto a road that’s in front of the Michigan Left. 2. Party Store Usually an Alcohol Store, or a place to get cheap snacks. 3. City and Street names To name a few: • Lincoln Park = Linkin Park • Pontiac = Pawne-ak

Helpful hand-map of Michigan// Melanie Palen • Livonia = Levounya • Grand Rapids = Gran’rapids • Grosse Ile =Gro zeal • Charlevoix = Sharle voy • Ypsilanti = ‘Epselani or Yipselani • Livernois = Liver noy • Gratiot = Gra shet • Lahser = Law sur or La sher • Sault Ste. Marie = Soo Sain’t MA ree

Bois Blanc Island =Bob low Island • Dowagiac = Dow wah jak • Onondaga -On on DOG ah • Oqcueok = Ah key ock • Detroit = Deh troy’, Duh Troy or Dee troy 4. Potholes I get it. Other states have potholes. But do you have potholes that flip cars, is the ques-

tion? 5. Weather Due to the Great Lakes and all, we get some odd weather. One day it will be really hot, and might not rain for days, and then when it does rain, it might drop easily from 70 to 40. In summer. Yeah, we complain lots, so feel free to join the crew! 6. Unsalted Beaches Yep! That’s a thing. The Great Lakes are home to some beautiful beaches….but also cold water! Lake Michigan, in particular, can be pretty cold! 7. Speaking of cold, literally Some Michiganders (or people in the Midwest in general) might not care about how cold it is. I am guilty of this myself. It could be 50 or 60 out, and I would be wearing a hoodie and jeans with normal shoes on. Out of staters might gawk at this, but we’re just used to it by now. 8. Using a hand (or two) for a map Since Michigan is shaped like a Mitten, a lot of people will use their hands when talking about other places in Michigan. Look to he left for an example. Michigan is a great place to live - honest! Sure it takes some getting used to, but hey, if I can do it, you can too. Thanks for reading this explanation of what makes Michigan tick. Have any other topics you’d like to see covered by the Michigan Travel Guide? Feel free to contact me with any Michigan things that I might have missed. Hit me up at nklawren@ umich.edu.

How success and hope saved me By MUSTAFA AL-ASADI Staff Writer @mwofasa

How do I define success? Everyone has their own definitions, but for me, it’s being able to take care of myself. It took me a long way to realize that I’m living a good life. That I don’t have to hide behind my disability and make up excuses or lies so that no one pays attention to me and I get to avoid responsibility. Before I arrived at Community Care Services, I had low self-esteem, and nothing to look forward to. I was told about the Community Care Services. I started seeing my first therapist, Brad, and was given a few different prescription medications that didn’t work out. When Brad left, I started seeing another therapist named Carol. Yet, before Brad left for good, he referred me to Cynthia, the employment specialist. I was completely clueless, when Cynthia asked me: “What do you want to be in 5 years?” I wasn’t even thinking that far, all I knew was that I was tired of living and death became so easy. However, Cynthia gave me a lot of hope and stuck with me. I didn’t know what “hope” meant - I thought it was a phrase that people say and have no meaning. Cynthia suggested that I join the Illness Management Recovery support group and, let me tell you, it did wonders for me. Not long after joining the support group, I got a call from Target and I worked there for about a year. When Carol left, Cynthia helped me find a therapist who specializes in autism. I was referred to an organization, named Centria Healthcare, that specializes in children with autism and I took advantage of the opportunity and applied for the Behavioral Technician position. I have now worked for Centria for a year, helping children with autism. During my time in Centria, I learned that growth isn’t easy and that it takes time, but the best part of growth is that it accommodates. There’s no time limit or expiration date here, and that growth has flexibility - even though flexibility comes with responsibility. How I define success is by education as well. I earned my associates degree as a Computer Service Technician at Schoolcraft College in May 2016. Due to the lacking job market, I couldn’t get a job with that degree. So

The definition of success // Scott Hammer I talked to Cynthia and decided that it would be a good idea to go back to college and get a bachelor’s degree. Last summer, I decided on attending the University of Michigan-Dearborn since it has the program Instructional Technology and was the only university or college that offered the program in Michigan. So, I applied to U of M- Dearborn for the Winter 2020 term in November 2019. Two weeks later, I got accepted! In December I registered for classes and I was really excited that I am continuing my education since it is one of my dreams to earn a bachelor’s degree. For me a degree, whether it’s an associate or bachelors or doctorate, isn’t just something you put on a wall and forget about. Getting a degree is a milestone of your life and the journey reaching that goal. I soon realized what the definition of a reward meant to me – it’s not just an achievement but a story in your life. A reward, regardless of small or big, has a story behind it. Education is my reward and how I define success because it’s a journey of growth. Earning an Associate’s Degree has a different reward than earning a Bachelor’s degree. Even though they are both degrees, the story is different. Education means more than just earning a degree, but it’s learning to be able to take care of yourself.

Exploring the highs and lows of growth, turning a page of the mystery, discovering treasure in unexplored lands, and being able to recover from obstacles is all about growing and learning to take care of yourself. Don’t be scared of sailing through dark waters or the storm, you’ll get through it because you have to and you’ve learned to. You want to see beyond the storm because beauty awaits those who struggle for it - there is hope ahead. I’ve sailed through dark waters and sure,

my ship got wrecked and I almost drowned, but I made it to the shore with scratches and bruises. But I made it. I can now sail again even though the vessel is different than before through this success and knowing that hope is on my side. No matter how you define success, if it’s through education or being able to take care of yourself as I do, you can achieve great things. Just know there is always hope ahead and it’s on your side. You got this.

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Editor: Kristin Orr | umd.mj.artsandentertainment@gmail.com 5 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX, No. 17

February 18, 2020

What to watch during Black History Month By KRISTIN ORR Arts & Entertainment Editor @dullgirlkrist

As Black History Month is coming to an end, it’s the perfect time to wrap up the next week watching some of these shows and movies. Not only are these shows and movies are powerful, influential, and overall worth the watch, they star a mainly African American cast. Most of these are even available on streaming services, so there’s no need to go digging for where you can find these titles. The following is a list of what you should watch as the month comes to a close, and something you could watch during your Spring Break! “Sorry to Bother You” This dark comedy sci-fi film will definitely give you a laugh mixed with much confusion. The film makes a joke of what could happen if you used your ‘white voice’ in the workplace, and whether it’s better to be money hungry or fight corporate oppression. “If Beale Street Could Talk” This 1970s based drama film is a beautiful love story between two childhood friends who have to put their future together to a halt. The film teaches a lesson about love while dealing with injustice in America. “Moonlight” Grab a box of tissues because this film is an emotional rollercoaster. This film follows Chiron, a young black boy growing up in Miami with his drug addict mother, drug dealing mentor, and his lover and friend Kevin. It’s a truly heartbreaking and bittersweet film that teaches subtle lessons about life. “Paris Is Burning” Set in 1990s New York City, this documentary features the lives of several drag queens living in the big apple talking about “house” culture and competing in underground dance

competitions. This critically acclaimed documentary also touches on sexuality, racism, and poverty.

“I Am Not Your Negro” Narrated by Samuel L. Jackson, this documentary is about poet and activist James Baldwin, who tells the history of racism in America. It is inspired by his unfinished manuscript, “Remember This House,” a collection of letters by Baldwin in the 1970s. “The Last Black Man in San Francisco” This A24 film tells the touching story of a young black man working on reclaiming his childhood home in a neighborhood in San Francisco, an area that is constantly changing. “Black Panther” Love Marvel and want some action? This superhero film (based on the comics) is about T’Challa, who takes the crown as King of Wakanda following his father’s death. After being threatened by his own cousin, he must save the future of Wakanda and the world as the Black Panther. “Selma” This film is based on the 1965 Selma to Montgomery marches, in which African Americans fought for their right to vote. The film tells the story of how James Bevel, Hosea Williams, John Lewis, and Martin Luther King Jr. paved a way for African Americans to fight injustices and ultimately gain the right to vote. “She’s Gotta Have It” Known as Spike Lee’s first feature length film, this film is about Nola, a young black woman struggling to figure out what type of a man she should date. She decides to date three men at the same time to figure out what she wants and looks for in a guy in this black and white comedy-drama.

Rather binge a show instead? Check out these following titles:

“Insecure” Starring and created by Issa Rae is this comedy about two black women, Issa and Molly, trying to navigate everyday life while battling with their insecurities. “Atlanta” If you’re a fan of Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) you’ll love this show. Glover plays Earn, a young black man in Atlanta trying to help his rapper cousin gain notoriety while also balancing his own life as a father to his daughter. “Dear White People” Based off of the film of the same name, this Netflix original follows the lives of several black college students at an Ivy League college filled with issues surrounding politically charged tones, racism, and even a party dedicated to blackface.

Photo// A24

“How To Get Away With Murder” This Shonda Rhimes produced show stars Viola Davis as a college professor who teaches a class titled “How to Get Away with Murder” and selects students to work with her at her law firm.

“Black-ish” This ABC sitcom follows Dre, Anthony Anderson, and his wife Rainbow, Tracee Ellis Ross, trying to get a sense of their cultural identities while raising their family in an upper-class predominantly white neighborhood.

“Living Single” The 90s black sitcom with a catchy theme song was recently uploaded on Hulu and is definitely worth the watch. This show is about six black friends living in a Brooklyn brownstone navigating the real world as young professionals.

“The Chi” Created by “Master of None” star Lena Waithe comes this Showtime original about life in a Southside Chicago neighborhood that connects four of the show’s main characters.

“Luke Cage” Here’s an action show for Marvel fans based off the comic of the same time. This show follows Luke Cage trying to live as a normal guy, but gets reeled back from his past.

“The Wire” Voted as #2 on Rolling Stone Magazines “100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time” is this HBO original show set in Baltimore, Maryland, showcasing the relationships between law enforcement and drug dealers. The show stars many notable actors from Idris Elba to Michael B. Jordan, and a host of others.

Opinion: Was the acting in ‘Marriage Story’ really that good?

Photo// Netflix By BENJAMIN JONES Staff Writer

With the Oscar season now having passed, the cinematic face mask more or less has been shed, allowing a new slew of movies to make their way to theaters. During this time I had reflected exactly what makes these movies that were nominated so reputable. Seeing “Parasite” being nominated as well as being chosen to win was fairly clear, given the circumstances of being the first foreign language film that isn’t just put in the foreign language category, among talent and powerful storytelling. “1917” set a new precedent for filmmaking style, and while the idea of a movie being shot to look like it was all in one day isn’t exactly novel (at least for the cinephile, it isn’t), it also comes with great performances and groundbreaking special effects among other things. “Marriage Story” was in talks, and while not exactly winning awards due to how strong the competition was, the acting was what was honed in on as the creme-de-

la-creme of what makes this movie valuable. While to me, these are career best performances for Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson, they read to me a little too similar to their blockbuster counterparts in Marvel and “Star Wars” respectively, Driver playing Kylo Ren, almost to be compared to an 11-year-old Fortnite player on randomized online voice chat, and Johansson playing Black Widow, a former Russian spy who happens to be on the same team as a 15,000-year-old Nordic legend and a flesh and blood green meteor. Besides the point, they have the enormous undertaking of being in the most popular franchises at the current moment, and with that comes a lot of pressure to perform their characters, which are known for being larger than life, to the best of their ability. They do exactly that, and to excess, as each is anywhere from three to seven movies in. However, it seems a lot of actors get stuck

Photo// Wilson Webb/Netflix in wanting to play that character for the rest of their life, and while “Marriage Story” doesn’t have the exact same experience, you can feel the last gasp of their characters in their performances. With a movie that is focused on telling something that is an authentic snapshot of a real life experience, there isn’t that much room for a larger than life character, especially with the manic outbursts of Kylo Ren or the moral ambiguity of Black Widow, which usually entails a lot of flat line delivery to make sure that we don’t know what she is thinking. Not exactly ideal, however, for a story where we want the opposite, but both of these make an appearance in the movie. It seems to culminate in the final scene, a fast paced amalgamation of the emotional turmoil of the movie. You get a long scene of their final fight before divorce, and Johansson is doing a perfectly fine job, but you don’t get any emotion from her until close to when

the famed final line by Driver that drove the metaphorical nail in the coffin of the marriage. And then all of a sudden Driver’s character punches a wall. What? Where did that come from? There wasn’t any lead up to it nor would a fight that short in duration ask for a response like that. That is what plagues the acting, where these are the kinds of responses their characters would have, which is why the chains of their blockbuster ankle weights rattle in this film. “Marriage Story” definitely delivered on a few tears out of me, but there is a misplaced sense of satisfaction in saying that the performances were masterful like so many people in YouTube interviews and film twitter comment threads have been espousing for the past four months since the film’s debut. We need to recognize actors and actresses still have room to grow, even at what is perceived as their “best”.


Editor: Kristin Orr | umd.mj.artsandentertainment@gmail.com 6 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX, No. 17

February 18, 2020

‘Katy Keene’ premieres on The CW

Photo// The CW

Promotional Poster. Photo// The CW By JESSICA ATANASOVSKI based off of characters from the Archie ComStaff Writer ics. @heyitsjessnicole

What do you get when you have four best friends taking New York City by storm, trying to make their wildest dreams come true all while navigating the pitfalls of life and love? You get CW’s latest show “Katy Keene”, which premiered on Thursday Feb. 6. “Katy Keene” is a spin-off of CW’s hit “Riverdale” and takes place five years after the events of the latter. Both shows are loosely

The show’s titular character is played by none other than Lucy Hale, who is no stranger to the world of teen dramas having starred as Aria on the hit show “Pretty Little Liars” for seven years. Hale stars as Katy Keene, a budding fashion designer who works at a prestigious department store by day but wants something more for her life all while trying not to succumb to its craziness. Whether it’s dealing with her

Photo// The CW evil boss Gloria or navigating her serious relationship with boxer (and bouncer) K.O. Kelly, Katy’s got her hands full. She lives in an apartment with her brand new roommate, Josie (Ashleigh Murray), who some might recognize from “Riverdale”. New to the city, Josie has traded in her pussycat ears and arrived in New York to make a name for herself as a musician. The show also stars Julia Chan as Pepper and Jonny Beauchamp as Jorge. Not much is known about Pepper yet (after all we’re only

Review: ‘Ordinary Love’

By MUSTAFA AL-ASADI Staff Writer @mwofasa

“Ordinary Love” is a film about how cancer affects everyone. My overall rating of the film is 3.5 out of 5. The film tells a story from beginning to end, it has pleasant characters and it answers a good question: What happens when your loved one gets cancer?

A televisual anthem for starving artists trying to find their voices everywhere, something tells us fans will find this show nothing short of fun and inspiring.

Billboard’s “The Hot 100” top 20 songs right now Here’s what everyone is listening to this month: “The Box” Roddy Ricch

Directed by Lisa Barros D’Sa and Glenn Leyburn, the film was released nationwide on Feb. 14, 2020. It stars Liam Neeson as Tom, Lesley Manville as Tom’s wife, Joan, David Wilnot as Peter and Amit Shah as Steve

“Life Is Good” Future ft. Drake “Circles” Post Malone “Memories” Maroon 5

“Ordinary Love” is about a couple, Tom and Joan, trying to cope with cancer. When Joan discovers that she has cancer, she soon realizes how much cancer will affect her personal life. Meanwhile, Tom is not able to cope with the news and keeps his feelings to himself, and realizes that he needs to cherish the present. He learns that love is not just physical, but also spiritual. I think the writing of the film is brilliant. There’s a sequence in its story, and the dialogue between Tom and Joan is beautiful. The acting is phenomenal and as always, Liam Neeson and Lesley Manville give an outstanding performance. I was taken back seeing that Liam Neeson was going to be in this drama film, since he’s usually in action movies.

two episodes in) besides she’s a confident itgirl who has connections to a lot of people. Meanwhile, Jorge is trying to make it as a professional Broadway actor. When he’s not auditioning for a role, he’s doing drag and performing on stage as Ginger at the bar.

“Dance Monkey” Tones And I “Someone You Loved” Lewis Capaldi “Roxanne” Arizona Zervas “10,000 Hours” Dan + Shay ft. Justin Bieber “Don’t Start Now” Dua Lipa “everything i wanted” Billie Eilish “Lose You To Love Me” Selena Gomez Photo// Focus Features

“Ballin” Mustard & Roddy Ricch “BOP” DaBaby

The message of this film is profound, in that how do you exactly answer the question of your loved ones having cancer? I think the answer is pretty clear by the end of the film. It was also a good perspective to people who never had the experience of a loved one or yourself having cancer. What I didn’t like about the film was that Peter and Steve of the story were placed randomly so I didn’t feel a connection between them and I felt that it took away a bit of the story from Tom and Joan.

“Yummy” Justin Bieber “Blinding Lights” The Weeknd “Good As Hell” Lizzo “Heartless” The Weeknd “The Bones” Maren Morris “Hot Girl Bummer” blackbear

I highly recommend this film, as it’s definitely a must watch. It received a 7.4/10 on IMDb, 93% on Rotten Tomatoes, and 80% Metacritic.

“Godzilla” Eminem ft. Juice WRLD Check out the rest of the list on Billboard’s website! Photo// Aidan Monaghan/Bleecker Street


Editor: Drew Dykowski | umd.mj.sports@gmail.com 7 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX, No. 17

February 18th, 2020

Wolverines continue to roll through February, win-streak extends to four

Junior Ro’Zhane Wells looks for an open teammate. Photo//UM-Dearborn Athletics.


UM-Dearborn 83, Concordia 69 The Wolverines scored the final eight points of the first half to build up a 42-31 lead at halftime. They continued to play well in the second half and earned a commanding 8369 win over Concordia University. Junior Cydney Williams scored 14 of her career-high 27 points in the fourth quarter and was a perfect 5-5 from the field and 3-3 from deep during the frame. The Wolverines received a big spark off the bench from reigning UM-Dearborn Player of the Week Mariah Taylor. The junior finished with 19 points and five assists. Senior Sade Lemons was also important off the bench for UM-Dearborn, totaling 11 points and three rebounds. Junior Ro’Zhane Wells added 10 rebounds and eight assists to go along with seven points, while freshman Rachael Bause pulled down a game-high 12 rebounds and scored six points.

UM-Dearborn finished the contest shooting 30-65 on field goals and was lethal from beyond the arc, shooting at a 42% clip (including 6-8 from Cydney Williams). UMDearborn won the rebounding battle 40-32 and the Wolverines shared the ball well with 23 total assists. Concordia was led in scoring by Tris’styn Williams, who totaled 17 points, and Stephanie Abraham, who finished with 10 points off the bench. The Cardinal shot 27-67 from the field and 5-25 from three, but outscored UMDearborn in the paint 36-22. UM-Dearborn 73, Northwestern Ohio 56 In what was a closely contested game for three quarters, UM-Dearborn outscored Northwestern Ohio 24-8 in the fourth to pull away for a 73-56 convincing victory. The win is especially sweet for the Wolverines as it avenges their heartbreaking 82-81 overtime loss to the Racers back in January.

Hornets sting Wolverines with four unanswered goals

Junior Mariah Taylor had another strong week for the Wolverines. Photo//UM-Dearborn Athletics.

Sade Lemons carried the load offensively for UM-Dearborn for much of the first three quarters. She had 22 of her 25 points before the fourth and drilled a three with under four minutes to play in the final frame to stretch the lead to 70-56, effectively ending the game. Lemons was lethal from deep and tied her career-high with seven three-pointers. Junior Lauryn Carroll was excellent in the fourth quarter, recording 10 of her 12 points in the final 10 minutes of play to help the Wolverines pull away. Mariah Taylor had another monster game off the bench with 21 points, 6 assists, and 4 rebounds. Ro’Zhane Wells pulled down nine boards to go along with her nine points, while Rachael Bause recorded four blocks to go along with eight rebounds. UM-Dearborn shot 27-66 overall and 13-40 from deep, while winning the battle on the glass 40-33. The Racers were led in scoring by Jada Haines and Tya Bell, who finished with 13 and 12 points, respectively. Conference leading scorer, Tori Lennartz, was held in check

with only nine points on 3-12 shooting. UNOH shot 19-55 on field goals and 7-25 from deep for the game. With both victories, UM-Dearborn reaches 17 wins, which is the second most in program history (last year’s 24 wins remains the most). UM-Dearborn (17-11, WHAC 10-8) is currently tied for fifth place in the WolverineHoosier Athletic Conference with Concordia. The Wolverines have two games remaining in the regular season. They play Indiana Tech (Senior Night) at home on Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. and play on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. at Madonna. The Wolverines have clinched a playoff spot and can finish as high as fourth in the WHAC standings. They need to win out and Aquinas to drop two games to reach fourth as Aquinas holds a one game advantage over the Wolverines and have the tiebreaker because of their season sweep.

Predictions, analysis for the upcoming NASCAR season

By DREW DYKOWSKI Sports Editor @drew4636

net for UM-Dearborn. The UM-Dearborn men’s lacrosse team After the Hornets jumped played their second game out to a 4-1 lead after one of the season on Saturday quarter of play, Steindl and against Kalamazoo Col- Loudermilk both scored early lege at the Detroit Countryin the second to cut the deficit Day Fieldhouse in Bev- to one. Kalamazoo recoverly Hills, Michigan. ered, however, and outscored UM-Dearborn 4-2 for the rest The Wolverines got their season started last of the quarter to take an 8-5 Saturday with a 13-6 loss advantage into halftime. against Alma. Although In the third, the Hornets the final score appeared scored early, but the Wollopsided, UM-Dearborn verines answered with three was in the game until goals by Steindl, senior Justin the fourth quarter when Brodzik, and Ranck, respecthe Scots took control. tively. Ranck scored again The Wolverines hoped to after another Kalamazoo score improve their late-game to make the score 10-9 in execution and earn their favor of the Hornets. first victory of the season The Hornets were able to against the Hornets. rebound and scored four unanUnfortunately, the swered goals to take a 14-9 Maize and Blue were on lead into the final quarter. The the receiving end of a Wolverines outscored Kathird quarter onslaught lamazoo 3-2 in the fourth, but by Kalamazoo that saw the Hornets hung on for the the Hornets score four victory. unanswered goals. The The loss drops UM-DearWolverines tried to mount born to (0-2). They will try a comeback in the fourth, again to earn their first victory but were unable to make of the season on February up the deficit and lost 16- 29th at 4:00 p.m. in Savannah, 12. Kalamazoo’s Dylan Georgia against Point UniverMcGorisk led all scorers sity. with five goals. Junior Adam Ranck and freshman Mason Loudermilk led the Maize and Blue with three goals each. Freshman Parker Steindl and sophomore Connor Logan each added two goals. Freshman Nolan Kelley also contributed one goal and a team-high four assists. The Wolverines outshot the Hornets 53-40, which made the loss even more gut wrenching. Junior Jon Chaffee finished with 12 saves in

The 2020 NASCAR season is officially underway. Photo//AP Photo.

By DREW DYKOWSKI Sports Editor @drew4636

Sophomore Cameron Godin looks to make a move for the Wolverines. Photo//UM-Dearborn Athletics.

Check out more professional sports stories at michiganjournal. org!

With the running of the Daytona 500 this past week, the 2020 NASCAR season is officially underway. It will be a season of change for the sport that should provide some entertaining racing. The schedule has been revamped with the addition of a night race at Martinsville Speedway and a double-header at Pocono Raceway. It will also be the final season that NASCAR legend Jimmie Johnson races full-time and the final season teams use the Generation 6 car before the much anticipated Generation 7 car debuts in 2021. The 2020 rookie class is also one of the deepest in years with Tyler Reddick, Christopher Bell, and Cole Custer headlining the group. All three drivers will be top competitors in the sport for years to come. Although there is a lot of change heading into the season, much still remains the same. Defending champion Kyle Busch and Joe Gibbs Racing are still the class of the field, while Penske Racing’s Brad Keselowski and Joey Logano remain their stiffest competition. Kevin Harvick will continue to add to his hall of fame career with Stewart-Haas Racing and Chase Elliott will look to build off the progress he and Hendrick Motorsports made in 2019. The 2020 NASCAR season has the potential to be the best season in years and the following is what is to be expected from the upcoming season. 2020 NASCAR Playoff Predictions 1. Kyle Busch 2. Kevin Harvick 3. Denny Hamlin 4. Joey Logano 5. Martin Truex Jr. 6. Brad Keselowski 7. Chase Elliott 8. Kyle Larson 9. William Byron 10. Erik Jones 11. Kurt Busch 12. Jimmie Johnson 13. Ryan Blaney 14. Christopher Bell 15. Matt DiBenedetto 16. Ryan Newman On the Playoff Bubble: Aric Almirola, Cole Custer, Alex Bowman, Chris Buescher, Clint Bowyer

2020 will mark the final full-time season for NASCAR legend Jimmie Johnson. Photo//AP Photo.


Editor: Drew Dykowski | umd.mj.sports@gmail.com 8 @MichiganJournal | michiganjournal.org | Vol. XLIX, No. 17

February 18th, 2020

Strong offensive showings lead Wolverines to dominant wins against Wildcats, Hoosiers By RYAN HOULIHAN Staff Writer

Michigan 79, Northwestern 54 The Wolverines started the game slowly on the road in Evanston, Illinois Wednesday night. They missed their first ten shots from the field before closing out the half on a 32-10 run and sinking 13 of their next 20 attempts to build up a 15-point lead at halftime. Out of the break, Michigan increased their lead to 20 and maintained control the rest of the way for a 79-54 blowout victory. The road win was just their second in seven games this year. After Michigan started the game missing several easy looks at the rim, junior Eli Brooks drained two threes to settle down the offense. The Wolverines then found a nice balance in the post with senior Austin Davis, who totaled seven points off the bench in the first half off a couple of sweet reverses with his left hand. Junior Isaiah Livers closed out the final minutes of the half with six points to help Michigan build a commanding 38-23 lead. The Wildcats showed some signs of life in the second half by cutting the deficit 61-48 with under six minutes to play, but Livers erased any doubt with one of the many vicious slams he had on the night. On a beautiful defense to offense sequence, freshman Franz Wagner and senior Jon Teske each blocked Miller Kopp’s attempt at the rim, while sophomore David DeJulius secured the rebound and delivered a nice feed to Livers in the middle of the floor for a nasty flush. Michigan was led by a strong performance from both Brooks (18 points on 4-8 shooting from deep) and Livers (17 points, five rebounds), who was an uncharacteristic 0-5 from deep, but had success driving to the rim and went a perfect 7-7 from the free-throw line. Davis and DeJulius were both solid off the bench with nine and seven points, respectively. Despite the poor start, the Wolverines finished shooting 47% from the field and 35% from three. It was a quiet night for both senior leaders as Zavier Simpson had four points and Teske finished with six. Simpson sat out a majority of the first half with two fouls and was not asked to do a whole lot in the second half due to the massive

Zavier Simpson picked apart the Hoosiers’ defense with 12 points and 11 assists. Photo//Mike Mullholand/MLive.com

lead. Teske had trouble all night converting from in close (3-14 on FG’s) despite the mismatch in the post against the smaller and inexperienced Wildcats. While it was not their most memorable performance, both Simpson and Teske reached 104 wins with the victory over Northwestern, which ties them with four former Wolverines, including National Champion Glen Rice, for the most career wins in Michigan Basketball history. The Wildcats were led by Jaden Jones’ 12 points and Kopp’s 10. It has been tough sledding this season for the youngest team in the Big Ten. Tuesday’s defeat was the eighth in a row for Northwestern and the Wildcats still have only posted one conference win on the year, which came against second-to-last place Nebraska. Michigan 89, Indiana 65 The Wolverines turned in their best offensive performance of the season, headlined by Zavier Simpson’s seventh game of the year with 10+ assists. After a high-scoring first half, the Michigan defense was able to stiffen up and the Wolverines kept rolling on offense en route to a 89-65 blowout victory. The beginning of Sunday afternoon gave a similar feeling to the Wolverines’ 103-91 home win against Iowa back in December. Both defenses were having trouble stopping the others’

offense and the game headed into halftime with the score 41-34 in favor of Michigan. While the Wolverine offense was operating on full cylinders, the Hoosiers were shooting 50% entering the break. In the second half, the Wolverines defense settled down and the offense kept rolling. Michigan was able to build their lead to 62-42 less than eight minutes into the second half and the Hoosiers would not come within 17 points for the rest of the contest. It was smooth sailing for most of the second half, excluding another Isaiah Livers injury scare. Livers came up wincing in pain after rolling his right ankle midway through the second half. After going to the locker room as a precaution, Livers returned to play a couple more possessions before checking out amidst the big lead. Michigan was able to do whatever they wanted on offense and it started with the lane penetration by Simpson. The Hoosiers tried to pressure Simpson by hedging the ball screens, but it was no trouble for the senior captain, who finished the game with 11 assists and only one turnover. Whether it was finding open teammates on the perimeter or taking it to the rim himself, Simpson sliced through the defense at will and left Indiana and head coach Archie Miller guessing the whole contest.

Michigan had five players finish in double figures and were led in scoring by freshman Franz Wagner’s 16 points. Wagner also pulled down eight boards to turn in a fine performance in front of his brother and former Michigan standout Mo Wagner, who came back to Ann Arbor for reunion weekend. Sophomore Brandon Johns Jr. turned in another strong performance with 14 points and five rebounds off the bench. Johns Jr. was aggressive inside, drawing four fouls and was money with the corner three (3-3). Livers and Simpson each totaled 12 points each, while Austin Davis continued his steady play with nine points and five rebounds off the bench. It was one of the best shooting performances of the season for Michigan (57% on field goals and 53% from deep), who also dominated the Big Ten’s third best rebounding team on the glass 37-21. Entering the contest with the most free throw attempts in the Big Ten (22% of their offense), Michigan’s defense did a good job of limiting the Hooiser’s trips to the line (12 attempts in the game, 11 in the second half). Al Durham and De’Ron Davis combined to score 35 of Indiana’s points. Durham finished with 17, while Davis had 18 on a perfect 9-9 from the field. Indiana finished shooting 46% on field goals, but only 3-12 on three-point attempts. The Hoosiers were limited to a post-dominant halfcourt offense for most of the contest as Michigan took care of the basketball to lessen transition opportunities and played strong defense without fouling. Both victories move Michigan to (16-9, Big Ten 7-7). They are now tied for 8th place with Ohio State in the Big Ten standings. Maryland and Penn State continue to distance themselves at the top of the Big Ten, but third and 13th place are only separated by two games. With six games left, the Wolverines have a good opportunity to improve their conference seeding come March. Michigan will begin a two game road trip starting on Wednesday night against Rutgers (18-9, Big Ten 9-6) at 7:00 p.m. on the Big Ten Network. On Saturday afternoon, Michigan will travel to West Lafayette, Indiana to take on Purdue (14-12, Big Ten 7-8) at 2:00 p.m. on ESPN.

Scores and Upcoming Games Scores

Upcoming Games

February 12th Women’s Basketball- UM-Dearborn 83 Concordia 69 Men’s Basketball- UM-Dearborn 89 Concordia 64 February 14th Men’s Ice Hockey- UM-Dearborn 11 Cleary 1 February 15th Men’s Lacrosse- Kalamazoo 16 UM-Dearborn 12 Women’s Basketball- UM-Dearborn 73 Northwestern Ohio 56 Men’s Basketball- UM-Dearborn 96 Northwestern Ohio 87 Men’s Ice Hockey- UM-Dearborn 11 Cleary 3

February 19th Women’s Basketball vs. Indiana Tech 5:30 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs. Indiana Tech 7:30 p.m. February 21st Men’s Ice Hockey vs. Rochester 7:00 p.m. February 22nd Women’s Bowling at WHAC Championship Men’s Bowling at WHAC Championship Women’s Basketball at Madonna 1:00 p.m. Baseball vs. Robert Morris (Chi.) 3:00 p.m. in Florence, Kentucky

Tomlinson’s hot shooting leads Wolverines to 2-0 week

Sophomore Elwood Tomlinson was terrific in both Wolverine wins this week. Photo//UM-Dearborn Athletics.

By CHRIS CHEETAM Staff Writer @chris_cheetam27

Heading into the week at (15-11, WHAC 8-8) , the Maize and Blue needed to win both games to help improve their Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference Tournament seeding. Before play this week, they occupied the sixth seed and the top eight seeds get a bid into the postseason. The Wolverines opened the week’s action on Wednesday against Concordia at the UM Dearborn Fieldhouse. It was sophomore Elwood Tomlinson’s night as he went off for a career-high 35 points amd was instrumental in the Wolverines’ 89-64 victory over the Cardinals. He was 13-21 from the floor and knocked down 7-12 from beyond the arc. Tomlinson provided 16 in the first half and took control of

the game with 19 in the second. He also chipped in 7 boards. Junior Jason Gigliotti had another double-double with 19 points and 13 bounds. Junior Mathew Mignault scored 10 points and knocked down a pair of threes. The Wolverines managed to shoot almost 50 percent from the floor. They also won the boards battle over Concordia 47-36 and dominated the assist category with 22 compared to 12 for the Cardinals. On Saturday, the Wolverines took down Northwestern Ohio 96-87 to cap a strong week. Gigliotti was 9-10 from the floor and 10-12 from the line en route to 28 points. He also added 10 boards for another double-double. Tomlinson scored 22 points on 8-15 shooting with three triples. Senior Cody Kegley contributed 10 points, while going 2-5 from three point land. In the loss, Nathan Lessing had 34 points for the Racers. UM-Dearborn went just 9-29 from three, but only missed 7 of 30 shots from inside the arc for an efficient 54% field goal percentage. They also outrebounded the Racers 35-23. The Wolverines improve to (17-11, WHAC 108) after their best week of the season. Tomlinson has been an unsung hero for the team, averaging 28.5 points and hitting 10 threes for the week. Gigliotti is averaging 13.9 points per game and 9.4 boards on the season after another monster week. UM-Dearborn will look to take down Indiana Tech on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the UM-Dearborn Fieldhouse. Wednesday night’s game is also the Wolverines’ Senior Night.

Men’s Basketball at Madonna 3:00 p.m. Men’s Ice Hockey at Rochester 7:15 p.m. Women’s Ice Hockey at Liberty 8:15 p.m. February 23rd Baseball vs. Robert Morris (Chi.) 12:00 p.m. in Florence, Kentucky Women’s Ice Hockey at Liberty 12:30 p.m. Baseball vs. Robert Morris (Chi.) 3:00 p.m. in Florence, Kentucky

No. 4 Wolverines score 11 twice to lay waste to Cougars

Junior John Ames scored in UM-Dearborn’s win on Friday night. Photo//UM-Dearborn Athletics.

By DREW DYKOWSKI Sports Editor @drew4636

The No. 4 University of Michigan-Dearborn men’s hockey team played a two game series this weekend against Cleary University at the UM-Dearborn Ice Arena. The Wolverines entered the series on a fourgame win streak, highlighted by a three-game series sweep of Lawrence Tech last weekend. The Maize and Blue dominated the Cougars in both games, winning on Friday 11-1 and following with an 11-3 victory on Saturday. On Friday night, the Wolverines scored four goals in the first period and seven in the second to coast to victory. Freshman Anthony Davis

led the team with four goals, while freshmen Mikhail Khudenko and Brendan West each added two. Junior Billy Brock scored one goal and finished with a team-high six assists. Juniors John Ames and Silas Johnson recorded the other two goals for UM-Dearborn. Senior Thomas Proudlock made 16 saves in the win. In Saturday’s victory, UM-Dearborn had a five-goal second period to lead them to the win. Sophomore Dakota Potter recorded his first career hat trick to lead the Wolverines. West added two goals and two assists to extend his goal-scoring streak to five games. Brock had another impressive performance with a goal and three assists. Davis and Khudenko both scored, while seniors Justin Dunn, Nic LaBurn, and Kyle Schnettler all added goals as well. Freshman Kayden Pickles recorded 17 saves in the cage for the Wolverines. The dominating sweep improves UM-Dearborn’s record to (23-6-2). The Wolverines will next play their final series of the regular season against Rochester College. The first game of the series will be Friday at 7 p.m. at the UMDearborn Ice Arena. If the Maize and Blue win both games against Rochester, they will win their second straight Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference regular season title.

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