*luxurylist presentation

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DonnelMi l am,Br oker

4Bedr oomsl4Ful lBat hsl1Hal fBat hl4865SF Whatagr eatpl acet ocal lhome.St unni ngcust om si ngl el evelhomeon2. 7acr es.Openf l oorpl anwi t h I t al i ani nf l uencesandt hef i nestappoi nt ment s. Al lbedr oomshaveensui t es. Thever andaf eat ur esast ackst onef i r epl ace,bui l t i n gasgr i l landover l ooksaguni t esal twat erpooland gar dens.Per f ectspotf orf ami l y& ent er t ai ni ng.

Of f i ce:615. 414. 9069 Di r ect :615. 400. 4211 Donnel @TheMi l amGr oup. com

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