1210 Cliftee Drive l Brentwoood, TN

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Taggar t wood i saser ene,wal kabl enei ghbor hood,r i chi nhi st or yand l ocat edi n t heci t yof For estHi l l s. Thi sr enovat ed,pr i st i nehome of f er si ncr edi bl evi ews oft her ol l i nghi l l sofBr ent wood.Rel axi nt hi snat ur alset t i ng,whi l eyouent er t ai n andcr eat echer i shedmemor i es.Thi spr oper t yi sconveni ent l yl ocat edbet ween Ri chl andCount r yCl ubandRadnorLake,pr ovi di ngsecl usi onwhi l emai nt ai ni ng easypr oxi mi t yt ot hevi br antgr owt handoppor t uni t i esofMusi cCi t y . Wonder f ull ocat i on…gr eatnei ghbor hood…t hi scoul dbet hepl acet ocal lhome!

NewHar dwoodFl oor s Super i orQual i t y&Fi ni s hes Ki t c henRec ent l yRemodel ed Pant r y For mal Di ni ngRoom Li v i ngRoom Fami l yRoom wi t hFi r epl ac e&Bui l t i ns Br eak f as tAr ea Of f i c e Gues t /Mas t erSui t eonMai nLev el Remodel edMas t erBat h Mas t erSui t e/2ndLev el 2Addi t onal Bedr ooms /2ndLev el Ful l Bat h

Gues tApar t ment /I nl awSui t eLowerLev el : Denwi t hFi r epl ac e HobbyRoom/Ut i l i t yRoom wi t hGi f tWr appi ng St at i on 5t hBedr oom/Of f i c e 2CarGar age/I ns ul at edDoor s Lar gepar k i ngar ea Gues tPar k i ngAr ea/Mai nEnt r anc e UpperDec kwi t hPer gol a 1. 93Ac r eswi t hI nc r edi bl eVi ews Shed/HayBar n

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