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At DISABILITY INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE Take the survey bfgny.com/survey
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Crisp linen, �u�y towels, and luxurious furniture await you in your 2-40 beds villa of choice. Enjoy a relaxing, hassle-free experience with a fully stocked kosher kitchen and concierge food arrangements, in multiple convenient locations.
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Cakes + Ice Cream + Waffles got a DIY makeover! We've got 2 flavors of ice cream, 4 types of cakes, and a choice of pancakes or waffles prepped and waiting in your pantry. All that’s left to do is decide which to enjoy first. Because you want pronto, not patchke.
Come browse a mouthwatering selection of sunshine-ready eats and treats. Fluffy, puffy buns and marbled beef just begging to be made into burgers. Tangy lemonade, crimson watermelon, and juicy dill pickles. And of course – an endless parade of ice pops, ice cream, and ice-cold bottles of sparkling seltzer.
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The three weeks during which we mourn the devastating loss of our Bais Hamikdash is a time of need for the Jewish people. It is a meaningful time to give tzedakah and secure the segulos of our Tzadikim.
Chai Tammuz is the yahrzeit of HaAdmor Rav Yaakov Aryeh Guterman ל”צז, one of the fathers of Chassidus in Poland. He was known as the “Sabba Kadisha of Radzymin,” and a great Baal Mofes.
Talmidei chachomim from Kupath Rabbi Meir Kollel Polin will visit his kever in Warsaw to daven on your behalf! Send in your kvittel and these dedicated yungeleit, will storm the heavens, in the zechus of the Sabba Kadisha and the holy Rabbi Meir Baal Haness.
For a donation of $72, a minyan of talmidei chachomim from Kollel Polin will daven at the Admor’s kever for you & your loved ones.
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Using the well proven method of the lympha
(Re: Back to Camp, Issue 403)
Your nostalgic article about Camp Rav Tov was very well received by my family. Even the men, who typically shy away from reading English, read it and enjoyed it immensely.
Our family’s longtime pediatrician, Dr. Aron Grushko, was the camp doctor, invited by Reb Yidel Rosenberg to be part of the camp staff. He was on call throughout the summer and worked side by side with Reb Yidel for many years. Dr. Grushko has a trove of remarkable memories from those beautiful years. He still talks about his amazement at how Reb Yidel ran the camp with almost no compensation from the parents. In one scenario he witnessed, a father handed $400 to Reb Yidel as payment for a full summer of camp for several of his children. He watched as Reb Yidel took two of those hundred dollar bills and returned them to the father. He later explained to Dr. Grushko that he knew money was very tight in that family, and he hardly had the heart to accept even $200 from him.
My husband, who was a proud camper at Camp Rav Tov during the mid to late seventies, remembers Reb Yidel regaling the children with stories for an hour after every meal. Since there were no madrichim to keep the boys occupied, this was one way he kept them from roaming the grounds without supervision for too long.
My husband claims that even in his days they used each plate twice to save the kitchen staff work. They used the top of an overturned plate for the eggs on Shabbos, and the inside of the plate for the cholent, and yes, everything tasted of soap because the plates were never washed individually but rather soaked in soapy water and then rinsed. Nev-
Faiga had been worn out and sad. Now her smile stretched from ear to ear.
What amazed me wasn’t just that her carer came all the way to our house. That’s normal for Hamaspik. I was blown away that she knew Faiga well enough to get exactly the right thing.
— Faiga’s* motherFor Hamaspik the extra step isn’t an extra. What else can we do to bring a smile to a child? Or lift the spirits of a family? Because Hamaspik’s signature is that with us, it’s personal. Experienced
ertheless, the food, which was always plentiful, was always finished to the last drop.
Even in the late seventies, planting beans and building Tisha B’Av chairs were still the mainstay of the boys’ “activities.” They went off grounds once during the nine weeks of camp, riding the famous green bus. My husband remembers the excitement the trip garnered, even if it was just a ride for a mile or two to an empty paved area with a flagpole in the middle. The boys enjoyed running around the flagpole several times, and then it was back onto the buses!
Although we can’t turn back the clock, and today’s children expect a lot more than these boys enjoyed, it’s important for us to stop and appreciate the conveniences our camps offer today. If those children were so happy with so little, let’s try to be even happier with so much more.
A healthy and happy summer to all!
(Re: En Route, Inbox, Issue 403)
A Grateful Reader
To the person who wrote about showing appreciation to bus monitors: I absolutely agree. About ten years ago, I worked as a bus monitor. There was one mother who tipped me on Chanukah and Purim, just like she tipped the driver and presumably the rebbeim and teachers. She was the only one who acknowledged me throughout the entire year. A decade later, I still remember it with warmth.
(Re: Appreciation Is Invaluable, Your Say, Issue 402)
Dear Rebbi (and his wife),
Yes! We parents appreciate all the staff who dedicate their days to our precious children. Of course you deserve a thank you gift. But please consider a typical large family and how many “staff members” each child has. My three preschoolers each have three teachers, two bus drivers and two bus monitors. I value you all immensely and beg your forgiveness for only tipping you once a year on Purim. You definitely deserve more!
K.F.(Re: A Wake-Up Call, Issue 402)
When I saw your Birchas Hashachar contest, I was very excited. My mornings are busy, and although I’ve tried to fit brachos into my schedule numerous times, somehow the commitment never lasted long enough. Now, with this inspiring motivation, I’m davening brachos each morning, all thanks to The Monsey View
My chart is proudly displayed on my refrigerator, boast-
The summer sun is both very inviting and also very healthful. The navi (Malachi 3:20) tells us that in the future Hashem will reveal the sun as a source of healing, but even today we enjoy many health benefits from the sun. Following are some of those health benefits. To maximize the benefit you should stand in direct sunlight, not light that reaches you through a closed window:
Bright sunlight streaming into your room in the morning is an invigorating way to begin your day. The sun increases your energy level. It can help reduce blood pressure for those who suffer from hypertension. It strengthens the bones and the immune system, reduces stress and helps prevent depression.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
light over the day helps you sleep better at night. That’s because during the daytime your brain got the message from the serotonin that it needs to be awake. When it turns dark later on your mind gets the opposite message more clearly from the melatonin, that now it’s time to wind down.
The greatest nutritional benefit we receive from the sun is that it assists the body with Vitamin D production. Doctors constantly emphasize the importance of getting enough Vitamin D. Without it you could face problems with the bones such as osteoporosis, back pain, difficulty climbing stairs, hair loss, anxiety, stress and difficulty healing from skin wounds.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
The daily cycle of light and dark regulates different hormones. Light triggers the production of serotonin which makes you alert. It’s a good idea to open the curtains in the morning to allow in the sunlight and get your serotonin pumping. As soon as you get out of bed, open the window and bask in the sunshine for a few minutes to lift your mood and help you focus throughout the day. Some people make sure to work in a room with a window so they can refresh themselves with sunlight from time to time. Darkness triggers the release of melatonin, which makes you sleepy. You can see for yourself that it’s harder to wake up when it’s raining outside, and you feel drowsy the entire day. That’s because your melatonin level is higher.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
Researchers say that an hour of sun-
If you already go for a walk in the sun every day are you getting enough Vitamin D? The answer is, no. Because of the way we dress, fully covered, we receive only 10% of this benefit from sunlight. So it’s very important to take Vitamin D supplements. If you go swimming in the sun, though, even just 15 minutes of exposure can give you an extra boost of Vitamin D. Spending time in the sun provides important benefits, but at the same time be careful not to overdo it since the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can be harmful.
ing neat rows of smileys, side by side with my three-year-old’s chart. (After all, what’s a chart worth without the spirit of smiley faces?) And although I would love to win the prize, I definitely feel like a winner already!
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Thank you so much!
A Young MotherWhenever I shop in local, heimish grocery stores, I see shelves lined with beautiful fresh berries: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and blueberries. Since I am aware that these berries carry serious shailos of tola’im and some may be impossible to clean satisfactorily, I reached out to the OU, OK, Star-K, Hisachdus and Skver for clarification. All of them replied that these berries are infested with tola’im, and even washing them well is not effective. They all require a special cleaning process.
At the Vitamin Desk by Maple we were stocked with a large selection of Vitamin D and other important nutrition supplements to keep you healthy throughout the summer.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
To your health,
I shared this information with a rav I consult with. A few days later, he told me that his mispallelim told him that they eat fresh berries all the time; they assume that since they’re sold in kosher supermarkets, the berries must be kosher. Apparently, many people believe that if there was a kashrus issue with a food item, a kosher store would not carry it.
I called the managers of some local groceries. They told me that they assume that consumers know and follow the required cleaning process. They also said that they carry the berries for their non-Jewish customers as well.
Therefore, I would like to make the public aware that fresh berries carried by our local kosher grocery stores require a specific cleaning process in order to be mutar to eat. Please reach out to your own rav for instructions and clarification.
Please note that the insects are clearly visible and recognizable if a mumche shows it to you once.
A Concerned ShopperWhy did this prompt Amalek to pursue battle?
ON HIS WAY TO CONQUER RUSSIA, Napoleon Bonaparte and his Grande Armee passed the city of Volozhin. Napoleon had heard of the great rabbi, Rav Chaim of Volozhin, zt”l, and was determined to meet him. In the middle of the night, he sent messengers to summon the Rosh Yeshivah.
The troops didn’t have a hard time finding Rav Chaim. The whole town was asleep. Besides, many of the residents had fled in light of the army’s impending arrival. But in one window, a candle glowed. The troops found Rav Chaim poring over his Gemara.
When he heard why they had come, Rav Chaim agreed to accompany the entourage back to the army’s encampment. As Rav Chaim entered Napoleon’s tent, the emperor was immediately struck by the kedushah radiating from the tzaddik’s face. Napoleon decided to discuss strategy for conquering the mighty country of Russia and ask for the Rav’s opinion.
“I’ll explain the situation with a parable,” Rav Chaim said.
Once upon a time, Rav Chaim began, there was a prince who set out on a journey in his royal carriage, drawn by four strong, stately horses. Suddenly, one of the horses got stuck in mud, and he pulled the others along with him. The coach tipped to its side, and while the coachman tried to get the horses free, they were stuck and could not extricate themselves from the mire.
Just then, a simple peasant wagon, pulled by three horses, passed. These horses got caught in the mud, too. The peasant wagon driver struck his horses once, and the prince watched in astonishment as the peasant’s horses quickly jumped out of the mud, ready to continue traveling.
How could that be? he thought enviously.
Before the wagon driver could go further, the prince ran after him. “Tell me,” he said. “What’s your secret? How did your
scrawny horses manage to get out of the mud while my fine, well-trained stallions are not able to manage it?”
“It’s simple,” said the wagon driver. “Your horses are indeed of a fine breed. They are treated well and are trained to look out for themselves. However, when you harness them all together, they are not able to direct their focus upon a single objective; each one has only itself in mind. Each horse is actually happy when the next horse falls.
“But my horses are one family — a mother and her offspring. When one suffers, the other two feel its pain. They use all of their their might and combined energy to help each other out. That’s how they got out of the mud!”
Rav Chaim continued: “Your Highness, your army is strong and mighty, well-trained and well-armed. But it has one deficiency: It has combined units from Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Italy, in addition to your Frenchmen. Each of these factions strives to be the one to earn the crown of victory. They even delight in the decline of a different unit. That’s why your army has a hard time focusing its forces on a united goal.
“The Russian Army, on the other hand, is far weaker than yours, but it consists of just one nation. And they are fighting for the protection of one country: their own. The Russian troops all feel the danger above their heads and are ready to give their lives for the cause!”
It wasn’t long before Rav Chaim’s prophetic words came true. Napoleon’s army suffered a crushing defeat in Russia. Even the greatest army cannot triumph without unity.
The Chesed L’Avraham of Radomsk explains: Amalek was aware that they would have no power over
Amalek heard that Bnei Yisroel were approaching, and went out to war against them. Rashi explains that what Amalek heard was that Aharon had passed away and that the Ananei Hakavod had departed (Bamidbar 21:1).
a united Bnei Yisroel, and therefore did not attempt to go out to battle so long as Aharon, the legendary peacemaker, was alive and the Yidden were living in harmony. However, with the passing of Aharon Hakohen, Amalek surmised that Bnei Yisroel would no longer be one united front, and therefore could be overtaken.
How did Amalek know that shalom and achdus had indeed waned in Aharon’s absence? They learned it from the disappearance of the Ananei Hakavod, which so lovingly had protected Bnei Yisroel until now.
It was not just that the Clouds of Glory came in Aharon’s merit; it was a simple case of cause and effect. The clouds had demonstrated that Bnei Yisroel was one. When that unity weakened, the clouds departed.
When Amalek heard that the clouds had disappeared, they viewed it as sufficient proof that Klal Yisroel no longer had the protection of achdus, and felt confident enough to go out to war against them.
Through acceptance and togetherness, we, too, can merit the greatest protection.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
The Amalekim remembered the last battle, when they were defeated because Moshe stood with his hands raised in tefillah. This time, they came up with a different plan. They approached the encampment dressed as Canaanim. They hoped to fool Bnei Yisroel into davening to be saved from the hands of the Canaanim, while they were in fact Amalekim.
But their dress raised doubts. They were not dark-skinned like the Canaanim, and their features looked strikingly similar to those of the Amalekim. The Yidden therefore davened to be rescued from “this nation,” without using a specific name.
Ultimately, Hashem accepted their teshuvah and tefillah
The Ananei Hakavod were absent for only a short time; they soon returned to protect Bnei Yisroel — in Moshe Rabbeinu’s merit.
For any issues such as:
• Garbage pickup issues
• Street light outages
• Construction concerns
• Unauthorized road closures
• Road hazards like potholes, etc. please don't hesitate to contact our community liaison, and your concern will be
:לשמל יוו סושיא עלאַ ראַפ
• פּאָקיפּ שזדעבראַג ןעמעלבאָרפּ
• פּמעל ןסאַג ענעכאָרבעצ
• טימ ןעמעלבאָרפּ עיצקורטסנאָק
• ןענעז עכלעוו ןסאַג
אַ ןאָ ןראָוועג ןסאָלשראַפ טימרעפּ
• סלאָהטאַפּ
• וו"אא
,ןאָזעיל רעזנוא טפור עטיב
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא .ךייש זיא סאָוו ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
We’ve been told since toddlerhood that we’re unique. The only one with these features, with this set of DNA… and with this set of eyes.
Therefore, your eyes do not have to fit your eyeglasses. Eyeglasses have to fit your eyes!
For over a decade, Envision has been offering a totally forgettable experience.
“Our goal is to make you forget you’re wearing glasses. It’s so precisely perfect that you’ll have to pass a mirror to remember them!” says Mr. Unger, COO at Envision’s four locations.
Envision opened its first location in Williamsburg twelve years ago with a mission to provide a full service optical with professionally trained staff specializing in filling every type of prescription eyewear.
“It’s grown so much, we recently opened a second location in Williamsburg in addition to the ones in Monroe and Monsey.”
“We don’t sell shirts. We sell something that’s life-altering.” That’s the attitude of their hand-picked salespeople.
Each employee participates in months of intense training before serving clients as professional opticians. The training encompasses all areas of eyewear and fitting technique as well as how to pinpoint issues with precision.
You’ll get the perfect blend of professional, courteous and super knowledgeable staff. They won’t stop until your vision is perfect. Their goal is to get you from seeing to seeing perfectly.
You are our number one customer. Step through the exquisitely designed storefront and join our thousands of fans who see in ways they never envisioned.
Each customer becomes part of the Envision family and gets treated with royal service, selection and expertise.
So if you care about the difference between seeing okay and seeing perfectly, between fitting okay and fitting perfectly, we want to serve you.
“It’s our specialty, and every child with glasses feels the difference,” Mr. Unger says. He obviously has a passion for kids and has created a child-friendly experience with an unsurpassed selection of children’s eyewear.
It’s sometimes difficult when a very young child needs glasses, but when the mothers see the available options, it becomes an adorable accessory.
Young children with impaired vision often suffer a long time before their issue is identified as a vision deficit. Kids complaining of headaches, children who can’t sit still, and many with behavioral issues are sometimes simply not seeing correctly. That’s because children have difficulty expressing their needs and they can hardly ever pinpoint a problem with their vision.
“There are two parts to seeing well. Getting the prescription and filling the prescription!” Mr. Unger explains.
Scores of ophthalmologists and optometrists nationwide have been impressed with the quality of the lenses and constantly recommend their patients fill their prescriptions at Envision.
Prism glasses have transformed the lives of countless children and adults. Envision’s prism team has fine-tuned the art of creating the perfect prism pair.
Envision provides specialized care to aging clients. As the body ages, vision will change, too. With endless patience and years of experience, Envision will get it right.
Quick turnaround, great specials and all those hard-to-find brands are what make Envision a contact lens center. We carry all brands and help you find the best one for your needs!
5. Sunglasses and Anti-Glare Glasses
You might consider sunglasses a cool extra, but they’re not. Eye protection in the sun is no joke. It prevents illness and protects your vision throughout the months spent outdoors. En-
vision carries a full line of prescription sunglasses to ensure you see your best all summer long. The UV rays don’t stand a chance with our extensive selection of frames!
Not all sunglasses were created equal. The color of the lenses, the levels of protection and the quality of the frame all make a tremendous difference to your eyes’ safety. So stop by and our professionals will be delighted to maximize your summer plans with a perfect pair of sunglasses.
Another item that has gained extreme popularity over the years is the blue-light anti-glare glasses. It’s meant for clients who stare at computer screens all day and suffer the effects of the computer light. These glasses eliminate the symptoms such as fatigue and headaches associated with computer use by providing the correct coverage for your eyes.
Envision’s showroom is located in the front section of the Town Square Shopping Mall. I’d passed the store many times, taking a sneak peak each time – the dazzling design called my name. Problem is, I don’t wear glasses.
Now, I have the excuse to enter.
It’s worth it. The place is even nicer than I imagined. The lovely blend of lighting is strategically placed to ensure you’re seeing the very best version of yourself when trying on glasses. When it comes
CHANIE SPIRAFun in the Sun is no simple matter!
The sun is our friend, but only when we’re protected. Damaging UV rays burn mercilessly whenever the sun is out, and it is up to each one of you to protect your eyes. They are fragile and exposed, and therefore, most susceptible to sun damage.
How sunglasses protect your eyes:
1. Sunglasses serve as a filter for your eyes. The glasses block 100% of UV rays and should be worn for all outdoor activities. It also keeps foreign particles such as sand, dust and debris out of your eyes where they can irritate or damage your cornea and cause permanent damage.
2. Sunglasses help you see better. No need to squint or block your eyes from the blinding sun while spending time outdoors. In addition, being blinded is a tremendous safety concern while driving and crossing the streets and has caused countless fatal accidents.
3. Sunglasses prevent sun-related eye disease. Exposure to UV rays significantly increases your risk
for cataracts, macular degeneration and degenerative eye disease. The good news is that wearing sunglasses outside significantly decreases your risk.
4. Sunglasses protect the eyes after corrective eye surgery. Whether it’s a corrective procedure for cataracts or LASIK surgery to improve vision, as eyes recover, it’s essential to keep them out of the sun’s harmful rays so they can heal completely.
5. Sunglasses prevent headaches and migraines. Migraines are not a knock-knock joke. They’re a serious matter. If you suffer from migraines after sun exposure, you know what I’m talking about. Wearing a high-quality pair of sunglasses that blocks out the sun’s light is often all you need to, once again, have fun in the sun.
to seating, each chair has a designer element to engender warmth and modernity. The first set of chairs is E-shaped, in sync with the logo, and the barstools are perfect for children.
The service is impeccable and no one makes me feel weird, although I’m totally impolite when I stand and unashamedly stare and touch various items and chairs.
“What’s this?” I ask when I see a little booth situated in the front of the store. It almost looks like an arcade with the card slot.
“It’s like a car wash for glasses. People stop by all the time to get their lenses crystal clear. When people find their glasses yellowing or blurring from sweat or use, this power-washes it like new.
“It’s our reward to the children who get glasses. It works with a credit card slot and each child receives their own card to swipe. The machine swoops in to give their new or old pair a power wash! It transforms the experience into a real treat!”
When I finally tell the salesperson the real reason for my visit, he directs me to the back next to the lab. There’s another cool contraption there for creating completely custom glasses starting with the frame until the lenses are perfectly placed.
It’s made for customers who have their perfect pair in mind and for those who want a truly customized fit.
Frames, frames and more frames!
7,000 of them. No more needs to be said.
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תנמ לע דומלל
A disturbing video of three girls scootering down a Monsey street without helmets prompted the executive director of Rockland Hatzolah to remind parents to make sure that their children understand the hazards of the road.
The video was published on Yeshiva World News last week, with the accompanying article noting that the girls laughed at a Hatzolah member who warned them that their behavior was dangerous, and continued to ride disturbingly close to the double yellow line in the middle of the street.
Rabbi Yosef C. Golding responded to the story with a plea to parents and pedestrians to exercise caution, noting that the increase in the number of vehicles on the road makes it even more dangerous than in previous years. Rabbi Golding emphasized the importance of helmets for anyone who is biking, scootering or rollerblading, of keeping younger children out of the street, and of teaching older children traffic safety rules. Also stressed were wearing appropriate footwear, avoiding bikes and scooters and wearing reflectors when visibility is limited, and modeling good behavior by using crosswalks and obeying traffic signals when crossing streets.
The warnings also extend to drivers.
“Drivers must be aware that kids will be kids, and the drivers bear the ultimate responsibility in case of an accident,” said Rabbi Golding, cautioning motorists to be on the lookout for children at all times, especially during bad weather, and to be particularly careful when pulling in and out of driveways and backing up.
Similar warnings were issued in Boro Park, with Yeshiva World News running footage on June 21 of a young girl running into the street at the corner of 50th Street and 14th Avenue and nearly getting struck by a coach bus. The girl was crossing against the light, as were other adults who can be seen in the video.
“As the summer begins and the streets are filled with children, please educate them on the importance of safety — both verbally and by personal example,” the article stated. “Drivers too should be extra cautious as the streets teem with people.”
Drivers of Honda’s popular Odyssey minivans, as well as some of its Pilot and Passport SUVs, may be receiving recall no-
tices in the mail next month. The recall is due to an issue that can cause the backup cameras to malfunction.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the recall affects 1,198,280 2018–2023 Odysseys, 2019–2022 Pilots and 2019–2023 Passport models. Approximately half of the vehicles being recalled have a defective communication coaxial cable that can affect the backup cameras while in reverse gear, which can increase the risk of crash or injury.
Owners of the affected Hondas are being warned to be on the alert for popping or cracking sounds coming from their vehicles’ screens, as well as flickering images on the display.
Honda first received reports of issues regarding the display screen in February 2019. The automaker began taking steps in June 2020 to address the problem. By the time the recall was announced on June 8, the company had accrued 273,870 warranty claims dating back more than six years regarding this problem.
Honda will be installing an improved cable harness and a straightening cover over the coaxial cable at no cost to remedy the problem, and those who have already paid out-of-pocket for those repairs will be eligible for reimbursements.
No injuries or deaths have been reported related to the defective cameras.
Public hearings began last week on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s proposed 4 to 7% increase on MetroNorth trains for residents living west of the Hudson. Those
living across the river would see their fares rising only minimally, if at all.
A statement released by the MTA said that it was returning to its long-held practice of adopting fare and toll increases every other year, a policy it had suspended during the pandemic. According to County Executive Ed Day, the proposed Metro-North fare increases would affect riders on the Pascack Valley line from Spring Valley, Nanuet or Pearl River and those who take the Port Jervis line from Sloatsburg.
In a letter sent Thursday to the MTA, Day decried the price hikes, citing terrible service provided in the area and noting that Rockland County commuters are being unfairly targeted for increases that are greater than that on any other MetroNorth rail line.
Day encouraged county residents to make their outrage heard by calling 646-252-6777 or mailing their comments to MTA Government & Community Relations, Attention Fare Hearings, 2 Broadway, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10004.
Following an increase in local bear sightings, Ramapo officials met with representatives of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to formulate an emer-
gency plan.
Town of Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht, members of the Ramapo Police Department, and other town officials have been working closely with the DEC in recent weeks. A new permit issued to the town will allow for an improved response to bear sightings, reported Rockland Daily.
In addition to identifying steps to remedy the problem in the short term, even if only temporarily, several other options were discussed and are currently being evaluated, said Captain Daniel Hyman of the Ramapo Police Department. Follow-up meetings will be held in the near future to further assess the situation.
Because bears are attracted to food, area residents are encouraged to clean up after barbecues, keep their trash cans tightly covered and bring all food inside.
All bear sightings should be reported to the Ramapo Police Department by calling 911.
Voters in the East Ramapo Central School District gave the revised budget for the upcoming academic year a thumbs up, passing the $295 million package by a significant margin.
Under the updated budget, district residents would see no
increase in their taxes, with a zero percent tax levy, as previously reported in The Monsey View. The updated budget trimmed $3 million in spending from the district’s initial budget that fell short by just 45 votes last month.
The district website showed that 1,994 of the 2,762 votes cast were in favor of the proposed budget.
A statement on the district’s website thanked voters for supporting the district by approving the revised 2023–2024 budget and read, “By passing the revised budget, residents help the District continue to support the long-term goals in the areas of academic instruction, social-emotional learning and operations. THANK YOU for your support of #EastRamapo and for helping us maintain the schools that our students deserve.”
Patrons of the New City ShopRite store can look forward to an upgraded experience, with the North Main Street Store slated for renovations as part of a comprehensive overhaul for the New City Shopping Center located just north of the Rock-
land County courthouse.
A video released by Shuckman Realty, which is representing the shopping center for joint owners KABR and KBTF New City, promises a full renovation at the 125,000-square-foot shopping center, which sold in October for $30 million. The 55,9000-square-foot supermarket is one of 25 New York and New Jersey stores that are part of the Inserra Supermarket chain. It will be the anchor of the shopping center, which is being envisioned as a vibrant town center whose tenants will include a diverse mix of local and national businesses.
Clarkstown Supervisor George Hoehmann is looking forward to seeing significant improvements at the store, which he said will provide “an important amenity and shopping destination to the residents of New City and Clarkstown.”
The daily routine of a special needs family revolves around the unending, day-after-day care for their family member. Camp SCHI was created to provide a once-a-year relief, allowing these families to briefly enjoy what most families take for granted, and rejuvenate for the coming year. This is a vital lifeline that is crucial for special needs children, their parents, and their siblings.
I continuously observe how these few weeks literally save families.
Camp SCHI has separate camps for boys and girls, with a complete staff of special ed teachers, therapists, and medical personnel. Both camps are led by the most amazing counselors: Bochurim who spend the entire year in Yeshiva, and Bais Yaakov girls of the highest caliber, who choose to spend their summer perfecting the art of giving while learning life’s most difficult challenges. The combination of the unyielding love and the specially designed programs give the children an opportunity to flourish in ways that are impossible during the school year.
The past few summers, Camp SCHI had only one campus in the Pocono Mountains, requiring us to rent various campgrounds, that were not always well equipped for our needs. ידסחב
םשה, we now have been able to obtain an additional campus. However, a tremendous amount of money is urgently needed to reconstruct the campground to accommodate special needs. With just weeks away from camp, I need your help!
I am beseeching you to realize the importance of this undertaking and partner with me to be
לועב אשונ with these special children and their families.
Throughout my yearslong ordeal, I felt there was a הנוילע הרימש protecting me in the תוכז of these special תומשנ. Your תופתתשה is a tremendous קוזיח for me and will surely stand by us to be הרצ לכמ לצינ and be הכוז to יד ילב דע הכרב.
With much appreciation,
Osher EisemannRecap: Riva discovers that the Eisdorfs have paused construction. At PTA, Fraidy’s teachers paint a bleak picture.
Late at night, when Lani could barely spell her name anymore, she made a spontaneous decision: She would set her alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. and start the next day with a vigorous power walk.
Getting out of bed was torture, but once she’d done it, she thanked herself for the sacrifice. The days leading up to Pesach were intense, and this walk would do wonders for her energy level over the course of the day.
It was a pretty cold morning, but ten minutes into her walk, she unzipped her jacket. This was good. This was great. She swallowed lungfuls of fresh, crisp air, feeling the oxygen travel to every last muscle and nerve in her body.
By 7:00, she was back home, feeling alert and light and surprisingly eager to greet her waking kids.
But sitting on her front steps drinking coffee, someone else awaited her greeting.
“Good morning, Missus.”
“Uh… What…? I mean…”
Andy took a gulp from his coffee cup. “My guys will be here in around five minutes. I just want to put my tools down. Do you mind opening the door for me?”
Could a power walk really perform that many miracles?
“I’ll open it, sure, just give me a minute. I’m going in through the basement.”
Once inside, she anxiously dialed Chaim Tzvi.
“Hey,” Chaim Tzvi said. “I was about to turn off my phone, we’re starting Hodu. Is this an emergency?”
“Chaim Tzvi, Andy is here, in front of the house, and he wants to come in. What’s going on?”
“Oh, Andy. Yeah, I forgot to tell you. I asked him to put in a week of work in the house, I’ll figure out the money.”
“You — oh. Okay. I mean, great. Okay, I’ll open the door for him.”
Fifteen minutes later, the screechy sound of drilling pierced the stillness in the basement. An odd heaviness settled in Lani’s stomach. The noise should’ve
We want to thank our corporate sponsor:
Your sponsorship made our all-women's event in Bellworks a resounding success. The inspiration and empowerment felt by all were thanks to your unwavering support. We are grateful for your partnership in shaping a brighter future for singles and childless couples.
been music to her ears, but for some reason, it spread tension throughout her body. She tried drawing on her power-walk energy as she helped her kids get ready for school, and while she put together the lone breakfast order that had come in for the day.
At 8:30 she was finally able to break away and go upstairs. She met Oscar and Jose in the master area. They were putting up the sheetrock in the walk-in closet.
“Good morning,” Lani greeted them. “Would you like some coffee?”
“Maybe soon,” Oscar said. “The boss says we should work fast-fast-fast.”
“Fast but good?” Lani cautioned.
Jose burst out laughing, like that was some hilarious joke.
Lani stood around watching them work for a bit. Then she walked from room to room, the heaviness in her stomach intensifying.
This was a tease, such a tease. Was this the new plan? Put up one wall at a time? Bring in a taper to do one room, then three weeks later another, and a year later maybe start the hallway? Maybe by the time Shifra was in shidduchim, they’d actually be up to spackling.
She heard the phone ringing downstairs. “I’ll be back soon with your coffees,” she told the crew.
By the time she got back downstairs, the answering machine had picked up. “Hi, Mrs. Eisdorf, this is Chaya calling from A&A Kitchens. I just wanted to let you know that your order will be ready by the end of this week, so we need to schedule delivery. Please call me back when you hear my message…”
The kitchen order was ready, but the house was not. And they couldn’t accept the delivery before they were ready for installation, because there was no safe place in the house to store all the cabinetry.
Also, accepting the delivery meant paying up the balance of the order. They certainly weren’t ready for that
She called back Chaya. “I don’t think we’ll be able to accept the delivery before Pesach,” she said.
“So when should I put this down for?”
Next century?
“Uh, I don’t know yet,” Lani said. “I need to, um, talk to the plumber. Can I get back to you about this?”
“Yes, sure. I just want to let you know that if your order sits in our warehouse for more than a month, we’ll have to charge a storage fee.”
“I… see. Okay. I’ll get back to you.”
She hung up the phone and went to prepare herself a sixteen-ounce cup of coffee. She was picking out some chocolate
to go with it when the doorbell rang. More workers?
It wasn’t more workers; it was Gittel Indig, with a sweet young lady at her side. “Hi, Lani. This is my daughter, Shaindy. She just came over to me with some tile samples, and I thought this would be a great opportunity to show her your house. Mind if I give her a quick tour? You don’t have to come up with us if you’re busy.”
Lani was so startled, she couldn’t think of a single intelligent thing to say.
Okay, so some people defied societal norms, okay. But, like, how do you tell such a person that no, they absolutely weren’t invited inside, and neither was her very sweet daughter who was forced to decide between glossy and semi-glossy tiles?
Before Lani could collect herself to cordially un-invite the pair into her house, her phone rang again. This time it was Riva.
Well, a phone call would be an excuse to push off her response.
“I wanted to ask you about Maddie,” Riva said. “She just texted me that she won’t be able to work next week Tuesday and Wednesday. So I’m just trying my luck. You think I could have her for a few hours on Thursday? Even only three hours would be a huge help. I know it’s before Pesach, but I’m going to lose it if she doesn’t come to my house next week.”
Riva’s speech made her dizzy. They’d been “sharing” Maddie for the past five years, and they’d always tried to accommodate each other with schedule changes. No, she didn’t have a problem shaving off three hours for her sister. In fact, she was ready to shave off all hours at this point.
It was probably a ridiculously impulsive thing to do, and maybe she was going to regret this very soon, but a bitter taste in her mouth made her just do it.
She walked into the house before answering, away from Indig & Co.’s prying ears.
“You know what, Riva? You could have her all day on Thursday, and whichever other days you’d like before Pesach. I think I’m done with having cleaning help around in this place. This isn’t a house, it’s a horrible basement and looks just as horrible after Maddie leaves. Also, it’s kind of impossible for her to work when it’s so crowded here, and —”
And I can’t afford her. We need all of our money to get all the silly pipes and wires connected and to get our kitchen delivered and installed. To get all the walls up, the floor down, the tiles placed, the closets built. We need money, and thanks to you, we don’t have any, so goodbye, Maddie.
“Psst, Lani?”
Gittel Indig was standing in the doorway, snapping her fingers to get Lani’s attention. Lani sent her a questioning look.
“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help overhearing. Are you talking about a cleaning lady? Does your sister have extra hours anytime during the week for her lady to come to my house?”
Mazel tov! It’s a girl!
The text from Adina came in on the Kleenup staff group text just as Riva arrived at work.
“Hey, mazel tov!” Riva told Miriam as she walked into the office.
“Mazel tov?”
“Look at your phone.”
The atmosphere in the office was upbeat for the rest of the morning. Even Mr. Gabioff was in a good mood, asking
everyone he spoke to, “Did you hear that Mrs. Gartenhaus had a baby?” He wouldn’t stay upbeat for long, they all knew, probably not even until the afternoon, because pretty soon it was going to hit him that they were going to be one secretary short all the way through Pesach, and he would go into panic mode, which was one of his less pretty modes, mildly put.
But for now, everyone rejoiced for Adina.
Miriam started an email chain with the subject: Adina baby gift
Do you guys want me to take care of a gift for Adina? Any ideas what we should get?
Over the next hour, suggestions were exchanged. A pretty blanket, a knit outfit, a gift certificate for a photo shoot.
The knit outfit got the most votes, and Miriam volunteered to stop in to Ladybug on her way home to pick one out.
Riva replied, Thanks, Miriam! And then she had a thought and continued typing. I’m thinking, her in-laws live out of town, and her mother’s probably busy with suppers and shopping for the baby. Maybe she’d appreciate if we send her a nice breakfast the morning after she comes home? My sister does such breakfast packages, so I could take care of the order. Hmm?
Shoshi was the first to respond. Yes!!! Luv the idea. Go for it.
A minute later Miriam added, Yup. Totally agree, let me know how much I owe you.
Chaya was also on board.
That left Shuli.
Miriam had cc’ed her on the email thread, but so far she hadn’t responded. What were the chances that she hadn’t read the email yet?
Riva didn’t really care. If Shuli wanted to chip in, great, and if not, it was just a few-dollar difference for everyone. It was only the attitude that bothered her. Was it below her dig-
nity to join a completely safe nonwork-related conversation? This distance she kept made Riva feel like a doofus, like she was getting excited over a simple thing, like she was somehow immature for sharing a story or a joke with her coworkers.
As if to prove it — that the staff was a bunch of babies and she was the only sensible, responsible worker — Shuli approached Riva’s desk to go over a stack of invoices.
Riva was sick of it. This girl was many years younger than her; Riva wasn’t going to let herself be intimidated.
“Did you see my email to the staff?” Riva asked, before Shuli had a chance to start with her invoices.
“Uh, I’m not sure. Which email?”
“About the breakfast?”
“Oh, yeah, your sister?”
Shuli flattened the pile of invoices on the desk. “Yeah, I saw.”
“Would you like to chip in for that? No pressure, you don’t have to. We’ll probably just write ‘From the Kleenup staff’ on the card, so it doesn’t really matter either way.”
To Riva’s surprise, Shuli’s cheeks turned red. “Uh, yeah, please. I’d like to. Thanks. Let me know my total, for this and for the baby outfit.” She restacked the perfectly stacked invoices. “And maybe, I mean, if you want, you could list everyone’s names? It’s more personal that way...”
“Yes, that makes sense. Sure, I’ll tell her. Great. Anyway, what did you want to ask me about those invoices?”
“Um, I think forget it. I had a question, but I can figure it out myself.” She stood up. “Thanks. For taking care of the breakfast, I mean. It’s a great idea.” TO
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Last week, we discussed a family that prepared to purchase a home by getting a certified preapproval. This pre-approval played an integral part in getting their offer approved — and in the couple eventually purchasing their home.
To recap, a certified pre-approval is a document a buyer gets from a mortgage lender to indicate they will likely be approved for a loan of a certain amount. Essentially, it confirms their buying power. This document makes a bid on a home more legitimate and, therefore, more likely to be accepted by the seller.
Unfortunately, many prospective homebuyers don’t speak to a mortgage advisor until they have already started house-hunting and have entered a bid on a house. When their bid is rejected, they lose a good opportunity. This is why finding and working with a mortgage advisor before you begin hunting for a house is so important.
Last spring, I was approached by a couple, Rabbi and Mrs. Greenbaum*, who wanted to move to Monsey from Brooklyn before the school year began. They’d been given the sound advice to speak with a mortgage advisor to figure out a reasonable budget — and they reached out to me.
We looked at the Greenbaums’ income and debt, and then determined their budget. For no charge, we got them a certified pre-approval to submit along with their
bid. I then put them in touch with a great real estate agent in the Monsey area, and they began looking for a home. Three weeks after getting their certified pre-approval, the right house came along. They were determined to be the owners of this house and placed a bid at asking price. Within five hours of the home being listed, the Greenbaums were one of three bids on the house.
The Greenbaums’ bid was accepted, even though one of the other bids was for $10,000 higher. Why? This couple had the certified pre-approval. The fact that this wonderful house was for sale was the talk of the neighborhood, and as private people, the sellers just wanted to get it over with fast. They didn’t want to accept an offer that the buyers might not be able to afford, only to have the buyers back out, leaving the sellers forced to start all over again.
Rabbi and Mrs. Greenbaum had a straightforward loan process. Because they both worked in chinuch with uncomplicated income sources, we got them closed in less than three weeks, and they moved in well before the school year began.
And that other couple who bid $10,000 over the Greenbaums’ bid, but without a pre-approval? The real estate agent put them in touch with us, we got them a certified pre-approval, and they closed on a different home just two months later.
*Names changed to protect their privacy.
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The best loan is the one that works for the client’s unique situation, not the one with the lowest advertised rate.
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Summer cooking means grilling! This provides us with a whole new world of tastes and techniques to experiment with. So fire up the grill and feel the magic, because, ahhh! Summer!
The components of this sandwich come together to form an epic meal! Prepare the slaw right before serving to maximize crispness.
4–6 baguettes, toasted
½ cup mayonnaise
4 cloves garlic, crushed
4 dark chicken cutlets
¼ cup soy sauce
2 T. honey
4 tsp. sesame oil
2 cloves garlic
1 cube frozen ginger
2 cups purple cabbage, shredded
½ purple onion, thinly sliced
½ jalapeño, chopped, optional
2 tsp. sesame seeds
2 T. toasted sesame oil
2 tsp. honey
2 tsp. lemon juice
Salt and pepper, to taste
1. Mix the garlic with the mayonnaise. Set aside.
2. Place the chicken marinade ingredients in the microwave for 30 seconds, and mix to combine.
3. Pour the marinade over the chicken, and allow it to marinate for 15 to 30 minutes.
4. Meanwhile, mix the slaw ingredients in a bowl. Set aside.
5. Grill the chicken over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes on each side, until the chicken is cooked through. Allow it to rest for a couple of minutes, then slice it into strips.
6. To assemble the sandwiches: Spread the garlic-mayo on the toasted baguettes. Add Asian slaw, and top with grilled chicken. Serve immediately.
Thanks to the addition of liquid smoke, you can even try these indoors. These cutlets deliver smoky flavor with every bite.
1-2 lb. chicken cutlets, regular or dark
2 T. olive oil
2 T. soy sauce
2 T. lemon juice
1 T. liquid smoke flavoring
1 T. mustard
1 T. brown sugar
1 tsp. garlic powder
½ tsp. black pepper
1. Mix together all the marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Add the chicken and toss to coat.
2. Marinate the chicken for half an hour, then grill it over medium heat until it’s cooked through.
These mini potatoes are easy to make, look super fancy and are quite addictive!
1–2 lb. mini potatoes
1 large onion, chopped
4–6 cloves garlic, chopped
¼ cup olive oil
¾ tsp. salt
½ tsp. black pepper
½ tsp. rosemary
1. Rinse the potatoes and remove any blemishes.
2. Place the potatoes in a 9x7” pan, and fill it with water to cover. Place this on the indoor gas range, and heat just until it reaches a full boil.
3. Remove the potatoes from the heat, and pour them into a strainer.
4. Return the potatoes to the same pan, and add the remaining ingredients.
5. Place the entire pan on a hot spot on the grill.
6. Cook the spiced potatoes for 25 minutes, mixing occasionally with tongs to prevent burning.
In a world of substitute-everything and fleishig-phobes, you’d think that pareve ice cream is a mere stand-in for the real deal.
Grounded in the expertise of a family of connoisseurs, every step in creating Abe’s Parvelicous treats is thoughtful and deliberate, resulting in frozen desserts that stand out in taste and quality.
Abe’s Frozen Desserts, run by father and son Avraham Aba and Yitzchok Dov (Dovi) Weinberger, creates mostly pareve ice cream products.
The creation of any food product is more than just a science; it’s an art in terms of patience and perseverance, and takes a hefty dose of good old-fashioned grit. How did Mr. Weinberger’s family get on track with the pareve production? Who creates recipes and how? And — mmm... — who taste-tests?
It’s all in the family.
“My grandfather, Reb Moshe Leib, was a chemist with a great palate,” says Dovi Weinberger, current manager of product development. “He knew how to combine ingredients to recreate a taste exactly. I remember tasting an absolutely delicious pareve cheesecake that he developed. I’m sure he helped my father plenty with the taste-testing, back in the day.”
As for recipe-developing and taste-testing at Abe’s today, the sons took over where their father left off, continuing the tradition of quality ingredients and taste.
It’s interesting to note that Mr. Weinberger, in the footsteps of his father Reb Moshe Leib, pulled off a remarkable first in the ice-cream industry: His pareve ice cream back in the ’80s was the first of its kind. “Before they did Tofutti,” his son asserts.
Neapolitan (strawberry, vanilla and chocolate) was the first pareve flavor to be distributed in the United States. In fact, Neapolitan was the only flavor until 2006!
As consumers, we have no way of knowing what lies behind each product we behold on the shelf — the sweat and tears, creativity and courage, and at times mishaps and mayhem that it takes to bring forth the hoped-for results.
All we see is delicious ice cream, but for the past two and a half years, it’s been coming from a more comfortable place: Abe’s own factory.
“We worked with non-Jewish co-packers in the past,” Dovi shares. “One went out of business. The next one brought down the quality of our products. My father had developed his own formula, and I added to it. We further modified our recipes a few years back, but the co-packers didn’t follow it perfectly, and that affected the quality of the ice cream.”
This, of course, meant untold anguish for Abe’s, in addition to the concern that they were disappointing their customers, who were the ones taking the loss.
That’s when Abe’s knew that it was time to build their own home.
CO-PACKER: Short for contract-packer, co-packers are companies that package products for clients.
PASTEURIZATION: Named for French microbiologist Louis Pasteur, this process — on milk, fruit juices and such — eliminates pathogens and extends shelf life.
NEAPOLITAN: The flavor that brings vanilla, chocolate and strawberry together. The presumption is that it originates from the cuisine of the Italian city of Naples, and that’s how this triple-treat got its elegant name.
“Things are much better now,” Mr. Weinberger says simply. He proceeds with a verbal tour of the ice cream facility in Terrebonne, Quebec, “half an hour from Montreal and ten minutes from Tosh.”
The headquarters of Abe’s Frozen Desserts are designed for mass production. “Unlike fancy desserts that require handwork, most machines at our place run automatically, similar to big factories.”
First stop is the pasteurization room. Here, ingredients are brought together to be blended and transferred, and then pasteurized to the amount mandated by law. All of the ingredients are dissolved and mixed well, and then it’s off to the homogenizer. This machine really puts the pressure on the ingredients as it breaks down their particles to make sure
they never separate again.
The mixture is then cooled down (from the heat in the pasteurizer) and transferred to a holding tank. Then comes the flavoring tank, where unique jets of deliciousness are added to the mix.
Next it’s on to the ice cream freezer that will — you guessed it! — freeze the stuff and add air to the product. (Why air? Otherwise we’d all be eating blocks of ice, Mr. Weinberger explains. Air makes our frozen treats fluffy.)
And now for the finale: The ice cream is packed into containers of all sizes, including cones or pops.
An ice cream factory is kept at more or less typical room temperature. The production room is on the colder side, but not refrigerated. The freezer, however, is set to 21 degrees below zero.
Abe’s is so synonymous with pareve (to me, at least) that in this entire, tantalizing conversation, the fact that Abe’s dabbles in dairy totally slipped my mind. I had to reach out to Mr. Weinberger again to ask him about that.
“We’ve always manufactured dairy ice cream in Canada. Dairy ice cream can’t really be imported into Canada; it’s very expensive because of the quota system that protects local farmers.”
So Abe’s is Canada’s ice cream hero — sole provider of the frozen stuff in both chalav Yisroel and pareve
Because Abe’s is so synonymous with pareve, Mr. Weinberger says he’s gotten his share of frantic calls from customers who purchased dairy ice cream but didn’t notice the “dairy” label or the container’s round shape, and assumed their purchase was pareve. In one customer’s words: “Your pareve ice cream is so good that we didn’t taste the difference!”
Posters put up on supermarket doors have hopefully gotten customers all caught up on Abe’s product diversity.
But Mr. Weinberger’s candid assessment is that “people know we do pareve, and I stopped pushing the point.”
Nevertheless, Abe’s dairy is on the shelves, creamy in its goodness and there for the taking. Try it! It’s as good as the pareve version!
Any ice cream customer will tell you that pareve ice cream is sold in longish containers and dairy in round. This easy-to-see differentiation was first introduced by Abe’s.
Were you wondering where your favorite tri-flavor ice cream disappeared to? Were you nostalgic for Neapolitan because you came of age in a time when this was the pareve ice cream flavor sold?
Well, it’s back, better than ever!
When Abe’s struck out on their own with their new factory a few years back, they didn’t yet have enough machines to produce Neapolitan, which requires three costly ice cream machines to run at once. Mr. Weinberger says that old-timers have a soft spot for this multi-colored treat, harking back to the time when it was the only flavor produced by Abe’s, and many of them have requested its return.
Finally, now you, too, can enjoy all three flavors plus delightful fudge in one ice cream carton!
When Mr. Weinberger talks about Abe’s products, it’s obvious that the family passion runs deep. And as he demystifies the measures they take to constantly raise their own bar, it’s clear that crafting perfect ice cream is his personal mission.
“Our ice cream was more yellow in years back, but we developed it further and better, and now it’s much creamier than it used to be. Also, the ingredients we use today are much cleaner, with only natural stabilizers. We’re constantly trying to be more natural by getting rid of artificial components.”
Amazingly, Abe’s facilities have thus far managed to remain nut-free.
“Many families have kids who eat only nut-free products,” says Mr. Weinberger, “so here’s where we do our bit to be of service and to stand out with our product. We’re creamier, and also healthier.”
And it’s not only nut-free Abe’s does well. After doing a sugar-free stint a while back, I can vouch for the fact that Abe’s sugar-free ice cream gives you no reason to feel deprived.
Dairy can never be called sugar-free, since lactose turns to sugar in our blood. That’s why you’ll find the words “no sugar added” on dairy products.
As a huge fan of Abe’s Yorgoods — which are mouthwatering frozen treats featuring health benefits similar to yogurt — and their brand-new single-serve squeezies, I conclude our conversation by asking how often Abe’s debuts a new product.
“We have a lot of ideas we could roll out,” Mr. Weinberger says, “but we can’t present everything at once. We need to walk before we run.” Between the idea-untilproduct timeframe, cash-flow assurance and having a ready market, there’s nothing slapdash about this particular process.
But we’re fine. There’s plenty of Abe’s to choose from until their next new freezer friend shows up!
“We got a bracha for success from the previous Tosher Rebbe, zt”l,” Mr. Weinberger concludes. “I’m sure that his blessing is adding goodness to our ice cream.”
Classic Parvelicious: 8
Sugar-free: 4
Sorbet: 5 in real fruit, 4 in water ice
Yorgood: 3
Squeezies: 3 in real fruit, 4 in kiddie
Ssshh. Enjoy what you liked until now!
“That’s a hard one,” Mr. Weinberger admits. Because it depends on how much air the ice cream takes in and expands with, until the freezing point stops its growth. Each type of ice cream has a different amount of air added, so the end result differs, too.
“When I was younger and just started working for my father,” Dovi Weinberger shares, “I dreamed of introducing flavors like banana and fruit punch, but I had to give those up because the kosher market isn’t big enough for such specifics. Out-of-the-box flavors can work in ice cream shops where they’re prepped in small batches, but not in a factory where the machines need to be changed with every flavor. In a market where shelf-space is at a premium, you want to focus on the best-selling flavors, which are the standard ones. Those never go out of style.”
Whether you eat your ice cream on a cone or in a bowl, straight from the carton or from the ice cream truck, ice cream is an indispensable part of summer. Ice cream belongs in every lyrical description of summer bliss, right up there with the swimming pool and ocean waves. But not all ice creams are created equal. Some are far, far more equal than others. Check out these record-breaking, showstopping ice cream creations, and you’ll never look at your ice cream the same way again.
To me it looks like a scoop of regular caramel ice cream, but this bowl of ice cream is the most expensive in the world, holding the Guinness world record title. One of its ingredients is edible gold leaf — but that isn’t the most expensive part of the ice cream. The most expensive ingredient by far is the white truffle, a fungi that grows underground and costs almost $15,200 per kilogram. Because these white truffles are so important to the ice cream, it was named “Byakuya,” which means white night.
To have the privilege of tasting a 4.4-ounce serving of this ice cream, you’ll need to fork over $6,696. Eat it quickly so your money doesn’t melt!
If a $6,000 treat for dessert doesn’t suit your discriminating taste, you can try another expensive dessert. This one is the most expensive ice cream dessert in the world: a sundae that retails for $25,000. It’s called the Frrrozen Haute Chocolate Ice Cream Sundae. It’s made with 28 different cocoas and a whole lot of gold leaf. It’s also served in a goblet lined with edible gold, and you get to take home the gold spoon decorated with diamonds. You’re welcome.
You’d have to climb up on a ladder to lick this ice cream cone, and you’d need another few thousand people licking with you to finish it before it melts. This ice cream cone, created by Norwegian ice cream manufacturer Hennig Olsen, stood over ten feet tall and weighed almost a ton. It was airlifted by helicopter to the event where it was served.
Created out of 211 pounds of wafer cone, lined with 132 pounds of chocolate, and filled with over 4,500 cups of ice cream, the ice cream was also topped with 88 pounds of jam. There was enough ice cream to give 10,800 people two scoops each. When it comes to ice cream, there’s always more to go around!
Imagine if an ice cream store lets you pile up as many scoops as you could fit onto one cone for ten dollars. You might try to get five scoops onto that cone… but how about 125?
That’s the record for the most scoops of ice cream ever stacked onto one cone, set by Dmitri Panciera of Italy. He had to stack all 125 scoops onto a cone with a standard diameter of 9.5 centimeters, and all the scoops had to remain on the cone for 10 seconds without falling.
The scoops used for the record were vanilla, pistachio and strawberry. They were supposed to represent the green, red and white of the Italian flag.
No more fighting over whose scoop is bigger; just make one huge family scoop and be done with it! This enormous ice cream scoop looks like someone really liked strawberry ice cream — enough to make a scoop of it that weighed over 3,000 pounds and took about 733 containers of ice cream to put together.
It was actually made l’kavod a strawberry festival in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, by five snow sculptors who worked together to sculpt the super-sized ice cream scoop. The scoop was over five feet tall and was served to thousands of people who attended the strawberry festival.
When you stand in front of an ice cream display and just can’t choose which flavor to put on your cone, be glad you aren’t in La Casa Gelato. This store sells over 200 different flavors of gelato, Italian ice cream, every day. They rotate between almost 600 ice cream flavors, and let their customers take as many sample tastes as they’d like from all 200 ice cream flavors on display before picking the flavor they pay for. Vanilla, move over! Their ice cream menu includes weird (and, frankly, not very appetizing) flavors like chocolate chili, garlic and spicy mango. With so many flavors to choose from, it’s no wonder that customers say that choosing is overwhelming. It might just be a classic case of too much of a good thing.
Some ice cream lovers are in it for the long haul. The longest ice cream sundae in the world was created by thousands of people, used 500 gallons of ice cream, and was topped with 300 gallons of chocolate and strawberry syrup. Then it was garnished with 2,000 cans of whip cream, along with 25 pounds of sprinkles and 20,000 cherries.
After all the ingredients were put together, the ice cream treat measured almost a mile long! Once it received its official Guinness World Record certificate, though, it didn’t last very long. In less than a half hour, over 4,000 people helped themselves to portions from the lengthy ice cream treat, and soon the entire sundae was gone.
ן'פיוא טשינ ,ס'טוג ןייק טגנערבעג
יאדוא ןוא ,רעגארט תוליכר ןוא רעטכאבאאב
ןופ ןטסאמעגפא ןראוועג זיא סאוו םעד ףיוא טשינ
עניינעק" ןקורדסיוא רעד ,ןגיוא עזייב עדמערפ
ליפוצ טשינ טאה ,םעד טימ טמוק סאוו "עראה
רשפא ,הברדא ,םעלבארפ םעד ןופ ןעמונעגפארא
סאוו ףיוא אד זיא'ס אי :ןגאז וצ יוו ,טגיילעגוצ ראג
...ןייז לח לאז ערה ןיע יד
סאוו ,ערה ןיע רעביא ןגראז ךיז אי ןיוש ביוא ןוא
זיא לאמעלא ,ךעלרעדניק ערעזנוא טימ ךיז טוט
עטרעמראפ ןופ טייצ א ןאזעס רעממוז רעד
ךילגעמ ןריסאפ ייז ןופ לפיוו ןוא ,ןטנעדיצניא
יד ןרעוו יוו טשינ יוו ,אד זיא סאוו ערה ןיע בילוצ
קראטש ראג ה"ב תולעמ ןוא תונורשכ ס'רעדניק
ןטראס עלא ףיוא פמעק ןיא טגנערבעגסיורא
ףיוא ןטערט ךעל'םיקידצ ערעזנוא סאוו ,םינפוא
ןעמוק ייז יוו ןעגנולעטשראפ ןוא ס'יעלפ ףיוא
וצ ייז טגנערב סאד סאוו ,ןעגנולעג תמאב סיורא
.ערה ןיע וצ טלעטשעגסיוא רעמ ןייז
,דליב ןיא "העושי יניע" ןעמוקעגניירא זיא אד
ןענעז ןשטנעמ סאוו הפוקת עגנאל א ךאנ ןעוו
םעד ךאנ ןעמענ ערעייז ןקוקרעביא ןעמוקעג
ןבאה ייז זא טלעטשעגסיורא ךיז טאה רעמוז
ייז טאה סאוו ,ערה ןיע ערעווש א ךיז ףיוא טאהעג
,ןדאש ע"ל טגנערבעג
העושי יניע טאה
םעד טרימאלקארפ
רעמוז "ונליצתש"
לייוו ,םארגארפ
זיב ןטראוו סאווראפ
ןאד ןוא רעמוז ךאנ
ןיע םעד ןעמענפארא
סאד ןעק ןעמ ןעוו ,ערה
ךרוד ןטיהראפ
ןעמענ יד ןגיניירפא
רדסכ ןוא ,רעמוז ראפ
רעמוז םעד ךשמב
אחיקפ אניע ןא ןטלאה
תדחוימ הרימש א ךרוד
יד ןכוז ןזאלסיורא ךיז ןעמ לאז ביוא
ןופ קוליח יד ןגיילוצפארא רעטרעוו עגיטכיר
יד ןוא ,קירוצ ראי ףניפ ראפ “רעממוז”
ןפערט טשינ ןעמ טעוו ,ראי ףניפ עטצעל
לייוו ,טראוו ןגיסאפ םעד גנירג יוזא
ליוו ןעמ ןעוו טשינראג שממ זיא "טייקגיאור"
א" זיא ליפעג רעד ,ץנערפיד םעד ןייז ריבסמ ."“פאק ןופ פארא גראב
רעדניק ערעזנוא סאוו ןרעטלע עלא רימ
רעזנוא ןופ טייוו ,ס'פמעק יעד יד ןיא ןגנערבאפ
טייג ,ץראה רעזנוא וצ טנאנ טראפ ייז ןביילב ,גיוא
ןלאז ןרעטלע סאוו ייווצ העש א רעבירא טשינ
?עלעפעש ןיימ טכאמ סאוו :רעלק א ןבעג טשינ
טגארטראפ ?ףראד יז / רע סאוו סעלא רע טאה
טשינראג טאה ?אתורבח יד טימ ךיז יז / רע
ראנ ןאד ןענעק רימ .?ריא / םיא וצ טריסאפ
זא ע"שבר םוצ טעבעג עליטש א טימ ןייז ללפתמ
עגפ עדעי ןופ רעדניק ערעזנוא ןטיהסיוא לאז רע
טייהרעטנוזעג ןעמוק םייהא ןלאז ייז ןוא ,לושכמו
.תוימשגבו תוינחורב
ןיא סיורא ןראפ סאוו יד טימ ךיז טוט סאוו ןוא
יד וליפא ןוא ,םירוחב ,רעדניק יד ייס ,ירטנאק
,רעטימעג עטרעטייהעגפיוא ע'תמא טימ ,ןרעטלע
םעד ןופ סיורא לסיבא ךיז ןעמ טסייר ךילדנע זא
טעוו ןכ‡וו עטלייˆע‚ ר‡פ ןו‡
יד סאוו ,טאטש
זיא טפול
ראפ ןוא ,תוימשגבו
ןכאוו עטלייצעג
ןייז הכוז ןעמ טעוו
תחונמ לסיבא וצ
ןפעשנא ,שפנה
םעד ןוא ףוג םעד
עשירפ טימ חמ
ליק א ןוא טפול
טעוו סאוו ,לטניוו
.ערה ןיע ןא ןפאכנא טשינ הלילח ךיז לאז'ס זא
ןיא רעירפ טנעוורע ןבאה רימ סאוו זיא סאד ןוא
גראז יד "פאק ןופ פארא גראב א" ,לקיטרא םעד
ןעק סאוו ליומ ס'נשטנעמ ןיא ןלאפניירא ןופ
טשינ ךיז ןעק ןעמ סאוו ןדאש ןעגנערב הלילח
ערעייט ערעזנוא ראפ הגאד יד ןוא ,ןטיהסיוא
זיא ,טנוזעג ןעמוקמייהא ןלאז ךעלרעדניק
טימ סאוו העושי יניע ךרוד ןראוועג ןעמונעגפארא
תמכסהב תולוגס ןוא ןעלטימ עגיד'לבוקמ ערעייז
ןעמונעגרעביא ייז ןבאה א"טילש םינברה ילודג
גידנסיוו גיאור ןייז טנעק ריא ןוא ,גראז ןצנאג םעד
עטסלופ יד ןבאה ןלעוו רעדניק ערעייא ה"זעב זא
ךייא טלאז ריא סאוו םעד ןא ,פמעק ןיא האנה
ןריסאפ טשינ הלילח לאז'ס זא ,ןגראז ללכב ןפראד .ייז טימ סעפע
םעד ךרוד ןעמוקעג דנאטשוצ זיא סעלא סאד
,העושי יניע ןופ םארגארפ רעמוז "ונליצתש"
ךייא טנעק ריא סאוו הרימש ערעסעב ןייק אטשינ
ערעייא ראפ ,ירטנאק ןיא ,דואר ןפיוא ןעמענטימ
זא ןייז ריא טנעק םעד טימ ןוא ,פמעק ןיא רעדניק
ערעייא ןיא זיא סאוו עטסעב סאד ןוטעג טאה ריא
ןוא אד ןופ ןוא ,רעדניק ערעייא ןצישאב וצ טנעה
ןרעוו לבקתנ גנירג תולפת ערעייא ןלעוו רעטייוו
הלפתה תלבק ראפ םיבוכיע יד דלאביוו ה"זעב
טנאקאב זיא'ס יוו ,ןראוועג ןעמונעג קעווא ןענעז
סאוו תועפשה יד פא טלאה ערה ןיע זא םירפס ןופ
ךורב ןייז טעוו ה"זעב ןוא ,למיה ןופ טרעשאב זיא
םכאובו םכתאצ ,ךתאצב התא ךורבו ךאובב התא
.ךרבתי םשה תרזעב םולשלו םייחל
רעמוז "ונליצתש" םעד ןיא ןביירשוצנייא ךיז
845.284.9777 :העושי יניע ןיוש טפור םארגארפ
א ןבעגניירא זנוא .ראי ןצנאג םעד ראפ "טסוב"
,רעממוז יד ןופ קלח עקאמשעג יד זיא סאד
לסיבא טימ םעד טימ טמוק הז תמועל
ךרוד ךאנ סאד טדייל ןעמ סאוו ס'נשטניוועגמוא
ערעדנא ןוא ןזיימ ,עטאלב ןוא ץומש ,יוו טשינ יוו
סאד ,טייקגיניילק עדעי ראפ ךרדה לוטלט ,םיצרש
א ןגעקטנא סאד זיא סאוו ,טימ ךאנ טייג סעלא ?גאט ןיא טונימ עדעי טפול עשירפ ןאלאג
ןיא לסיבא אי טגונ סאוו קלח עמעווקאבמוא יד
?ןפערט ךיז רימ ןעייג ןעמעוו טימ זיא ,ץראה ךיז רימ ןעייג ליומ ס'נעמעוו ןיא ,טגערפעג רעסעב
ךאנ רימ ןבאה ראי ץנאג א ךשמב ביוא ?ןפערט עקיד ןעוו ,טייקטאווירפ לסיבא ןעיובפיוא טנעקעג
,ןטייווצ םעד ןיא ןכש ןייא ןשיווצ פא טלייט טנעוו ,טנעוו ריפ ןשיווצ ןא ןעייג ןטיעטיוויטקא עלא ןוא עכאווש יד ןעוו ירטנאק ןיא ןייז רעבא טעוו סאוו ןעמ ןעוו ןוא ,תודוס ןייק טשינ ןטלאה תוציחמ
תודוס עלא ןיא םענייאניא סיורא ךאנ ךיז טצעז
ןשטנעמ לייט ראפ טגנערב סאד ,סיורא ןעניר
רעייז זא טייוו יוזא טשינ ןוא ,ןליפעג ערעווש
זא סאד יוו ,ןעמוקסיורא טעוו טייז עוויטאגענ
ךרוד ןרעוו טרירעפא ןלעוו סעקשיק ערעייז
ךיז ,תורצוא ערעייז ןיא ןרעטשינ טימ ,עדמערפ
ערעייז סאוו תונורשכ ןוא תולעמ יד ןיא ןעלבירג ןריבורפ ,ןעקנאשאב ןענעז רעדילגטימ החפשמ ןוא ,ס'גניוויעס ערעייז ןופ ןרעמונ יד ןפערטוצסיוא סאוו ץנעי ןוא סאד ערעדנא ראפ דוסב ןלייצרעד .טקעדנא טאה ןעמ ןרעוו ןופ גראז א טגנערב סעלא סאד ,ןגיוא עשירעניגראפמוא ןופ ןפארטאב גידלושמוא טשינ םענייק ראפ לאמנייק טאה סאד סאוו
Why use sand to build a pyramid when you can use ice cream scoops instead? This huge pyramid stood over 3 feet tall and was made out of more than 5,400 scoops of ice cream. It earned a Guinness certificate for being the largest ice cream scoop pyramid ever.
If you’re picturing a lone ice cream man standing and scooping out over 500 pounds of ice cream onto the pyramid, think again. It’s no easy feat to build an ice cream scoop pyramid. In fact, 278 people had to work together as a team to construct its 23 layers.
This record replaced the previous record for the largest ice cream scoop pyramid, which had 3,100 scoops of ice cream. The old pyramid took more than 80 people to construct, though it didn’t last nearly as long as Egypt’s similarly shaped landmarks. This delicious pyramid stood in all its glory for about 45 minutes.
While it doesn’t hold an official world record, Blue Moon is probably the most mysterious ice cream flavor. It tastes like… well, actually, no one’s really sure. Or rather, everyone is very sure that they’ve guessed the right flavor, but each taster will tell you it tastes like something else. The truth is that there’s no way to know for sure what the flavor actually is.
That’s because the recipe for this mystery ice cream has been patented by the company that produces it, and it has remained their secret for over 50 years. Whether it’s the mystery flavor or the bright blue color that stains your tongue, something about Blue Moon has made it one of the most popular flavors in the Midwest states where it is sold.
> Weekly, midweek or weekend reservations.
> Entire property rented for parties of up to 60 people.
> We provide housing with all linen, towels etc.
> Separate large rooms for davening and eating.
> Bring your own food, caterer, minyan and Sefer Torah.
> 5 large hot tubs and 3 saunas (no pool).
> Eiruv surrounding property.
> Houses are ski villas and rented as non-kosher rentals in the winter
> All new appliances, granite countertops, and self cleaning oven.
>Vale Resorts, Mt. Snow
>Mountain biking
>Gorgeous lake with boat rentals
>Horseback riding
>Bromley Mt. Adventure Park
Six luxurious chalets meticulously designed with comfort and beauty on a quiet cul de sac, perfect for a family vacation or get away. Rent by the week or weekend while dates are available.
Besides building pyramids, you can use your ice cream to construct just about anything. Well, as long as you’re willing to see the fruits of your labor disappear, of course.
That didn’t bother the three sculptors who created this 2,000-pound ice cream sculpture shaped like a ship, using tools like a chainsaw, hammer and chisel. They earned themselves the record of creating the largest ice cream sculpture in the world, measuring 4 feet 10 inches by 5 feet 10 inches by 2 feet 5 inches.
What better place to unveil an ice cream sculpture than in an elementary school, where you have hundreds of hungry students right on hand? This sculpture was consumed by over 500 grateful and gleeful children at Robert Louis Stevenson elementary school in Burbank, California.
Sandwich for lunch, anyone? This chocolate chip cookie and vanilla ice cream sandwich would definitely be voted into anyone’s lunch box. If it could fit, that is.
But since the largest ice cream sandwich in the world weighed 2,960 pounds and was 35 feet long, it wasn’t that simple to transport it, even to its official weighing station. Putting it together required a team effort of 30 workers, who worked for five hours to create the treat.
After doing its duty as the biggest ice cream sandwich in the world, it was cut up into edible portions and donated to a food bank. Portion control, indeed.
Your cookies are sticking, your edges are burning, you’re fighting to keep that roll flat. Balebustas everywhere, are asking for something better.
Smell Something?
Most popular soft ice cream flavor
Most popular topping
Most popular hard ice cream flavor
Most popular drink
It’s summertime, the perfect season to take on a fun and creative project. This painting project will teach you many painting skills while showing you how to create beautiful artwork for your sukkah.
Over the next eight weeks, we will guide you on how to complete a beautiful, hand-painted shivas haminim sukkah decoration. Each of the shivas haminim will get a separate painting as part of this series, and the last week of instructions will be reserved for writing the names of the shivas haminim onto the completed paintings.
The paintings will be taught in a step by step manner so everyone can join and enjoy. You do not need to be an artist to create this masterpiece.
Happy painting!
For the first painting of the series, we’ll be painting a wheat field to represent chitah. I added a windmill in the background to add to the wheat field effect, and the colors were kept light and bright to create a vibrant mood.
Acrylic paint is not washable. Make sure to dress appropriately or wear a smock.
If clothes do get dirty, wash with soap and water immediately.
• Before you paint, put the paint colors you’ll be using onto the plate or palette. Fill your cup with water, and keep a paper towel nearby.
• Use baby wipes to fix mistakes while the paint is still wet.
• Keep your brushes in the water when they are not in use.
• When you finish painting, wash your brushes with soap and water.
• Smock
• Plate or palette
• Cup
• Paper towel
• 8x10” canvas
• Large brushes
• Medium brushes
• Thin brushes
• Easel (optional)
• Phthalo blue
• Yellow ocher
• Brown • White • Black
Mix blue and white to create light blue. Create a sloped horizontal line in the middle of your canvas, and fill the upper part of your canvas with blue.
Mix yellow ocher and white to create a light sand color. Fill the bottom part of the canvas with this paint.
Using a clean large brush, pull lightly upward from the sand color into the sky color. This will create the appearance of stalks of wheat filling the distance.
Mix black and white to create gray. Use this paint to draw a dome-shaped building on the right side. Fill with more gray paint.
Add more black to the gray paint to create a darker gray color. Use this dark gray to create the windmills in the middle of the upper part of the building. Add four long triangles and a little circle connecting them. Fill with more dark gray paint.
Dip the tips of a dry large brush into yellow ocher. Starting at the farthest point of the wheat field, create little lines of stalks.
Add brown to the yellow ocher. Create larger stalks in the middle of the field. Paint from the bottom of the stalk, and pull your paintbrush upward.
Use a thin brush dipped in brown paint to add thin, long stalks to the bottom of the canvas, also moving upward.
Paint some yellow ocher over the brown to add more dimension to the stalks.
Proudly sign your name!
After four weeks of saying Birchas Hashachar daily, or adding something else to your davening, participants will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $250 gift card at
Ice cream is the universal comfort food. Whether you’re young or old, sensible or silly; whether it’s five in the morning or two at night... it’s ice cream time! Now, go get yourself a cone, and let’s find out some secrets behind America’s favorite treat.
The classical cones were invented a long time ago at the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, when Albert Aboussie, ice cream concessionaire, ran out of cups at his busy stall. The stall next door belonged to Ernest Hamwi, waffle concessionaire. Noticing the lack of cups, Ernest rolled his still-warm waffles into cones, and the rest is delicious history. We couldn’t be more thankful!
Ben & Jerry’s employees get to take home three tubs of ice cream in the flavor of their choice every day. Is anyone looking for a new job?
The ice cream industry is booming. I should know, considering how much I spend on it…
But seriously, this creamy treat has a $13.1 billion direct impact on the US economy, supports 28,800 jobs and generates $1.8 billion in wages yearly. What would we do without it? The majority of U.S. ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturers have been in this vital business for over 50 years, and many are still family-owned trades.
It takes twelve pounds of milk to produce just one gallon of dairy ice cream (see, I told you it’s healthy!).
The average number of licks to finish a scoop is 50. Go on, start counting!
The most popular flavors of this delicacy in the U.S. are… drumroll, please… vanilla, with chocolate following as a close second. Do you agree?
Around 90% of Americans have some ice cream stashed in their freezer (myself included!), and the average American eats a whopping 45.8 pints of this delectable treat a year!
Some of the stranger flavors available are avocado, garlic, chili and licorice. I think I’ll stick with my good old favorites, thanks.
Thomas Jefferson was the first American to write down an ice cream recipe (it was vanilla).
Waffle cones beat sugar cones 32% to 12%, but 37% of consumers still prefer their ice cream in a sensible bowl. Which category do you belong to?
The most popular fruit that people enjoy with their ice cream is strawberries at 48% of consumers, with bananas ranking second at 36%.
July is the busiest month of ice cream consumption, when nearly three-fifths of the ice cream for the year is produced, followed by June and May.
How often? Well, 73% of consumers have ice cream at least once a week, and twothirds of those enjoy it in the evenings. Guess I’m not the only one, then!
Chana Hindy SchechterLife is a lot like ice cream. You have to enjoy it before it melts!
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
Family name: Volvovitz, 845-xxx-3032
Name of winner: Avigayil
Amount of points: 48
Names of competing players: Yitzy
Some words only the winner found: cult, mend, mode, sent, tide
The longest word found on the board: knelt
A new word learned from the board: snide
Family name: Brull, 845-xxx-2346
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 59
Names of competing players: Yiddy
Some words only the winner found: milk, mole, shelf, whole
The longest word found on the board: shelf
Last week’s bonus word:
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Great opportunity for investors, investors and contractors! Beautiful over 4-ac lot,located on Nelshore/Broadway of Monticello, zoned to build 10 2-family units. Call Idy Moses for additional information @ 845.323.9308
6 Bd Bth colonial in New Hempstead. Heated inground pool, finished basement. Call Yehuda Stanger @ 845.659.0459
Attention, developers and investors! Over 21 acres for sale in Monticello, approved to build up to 320 units! Come with water/sewer. Ready to build! Call Idy Moses for additional information @ 845.323.9308
This beautifully recently updated, like-new, 4 Bd 3 Bth dream home, Sitting at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac on park-like property, will take your breath away. This Wesley Hills stunner boasts a gorgeous gated inground pool built in 2019. Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Beautiful spacious extended 5/6 Bd 3.5 Bth colonial splanch in tranquil woodland. Gourmet kitchen, cozy family room with a fireplace, bonus room,large master suite with a walkin closet and large bathroom, finished bsmnt & 2 car garage. Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Stunning 5 Bd 3 Bth large ranch-style house is located in a peaceful and picturesque neighborhood. in the heart of Monsey, Call Leiby Moster @ 845.406.1470
New Listing! Location, location, location! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to renovate, expand, or build your dream house!! Charming 4 bedroom splanch in the heart of Forshay, with lots of potential! Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Majestic and exquisite mansion fit for royalty, features 13 uniquely designed Bds, 14 elegant Bths, located on one of the most prestigious cul-de-sac in Monsey. This elegant estate features an attached heated pool house, wet/dry sauna,marble floors, 4 fireplaces, elevator, 8 ft mahogany doors. Too many amenities to list. Call Lonna @ 914-548-0870.
Extended 6 Bd 3 Bth ranch on a quiet side street in the prime Monsey area! Huge family room. large windows, sky lights. Lower level has the 2nd kitchen. Call Abe Beyman @ 845-661-1212
2021 Hyundai Elantra SEL, color gray, 35,000 miles. Great condition, asking: $19,500. Please call 929-2893413.
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!! We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Cybex ePriam battery operated stroller to sell. Brand new rose gold frame. Grey seat in excellent condition. (845) -500-3523
D&W Master Bedroom set in great condition, Crib and Dresser, Friedrich AC 10,000 BTU, and Custom Desk. Call/ text for details 845.445.5271.
Need a file? We have an excellent file great for Nursery & Kindergarten, with all your needs! Arts & Crafts (sample), Newsletters, planbooks, pictures, great ideas… Call 845-709-5824
Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486
Master bedroom furniture in beautiful condition for sale. Please call 845-422-3268
Nearly new white glass table 60”x 36” CALL (347) 452-5265
Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
Spacious recently renovated 2 room apartment on Regina Road. $2000. 845-371-2376
Beautiful fully furnished Shabbos equipped 3 bedroom 2 bath house available for July. Call/ whatsapp 718-5410292
Fully remodeled home in Nanuet available for rent immediately! This spacious house features 4 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, and modern upgrades throughout. For more info TEXT 845.304.7090.
Off Laura in Airmont. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
Brand new 3 bedroom apt on Nesher Ct. Section 8 ok. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
3 bedroom walk in apartment, stunning brand new! C/a. Aom realty inc 845 7293284 or email to aomrealtyny@gmail.com
one bedroom apartment unfurnished for rent as of September. Private entrance, washer/dryer,central air, rear patio. call 845-304-6850.
Newly renovated small offices and Cubicle Desks for rent on LENORE AVE. Please call 845 533 2427
Beautiful fully furnished home for rent in Pomona heights 6 bdrms 4 bath very private available for long/short term 7.5k Call 3474514245
Private 7-bedroom colonial with pool and large deck for rent on a quiet cul-de-sac street New Hempstead area in Monsey, Sec. 8 OK call 845538-1857
New construction 6 bedroom home on an acre on gorgeous block in New City (Monsey). Available for 8 weeks, or shabbosim only 845-4227292
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
Two story medical building for sale in Highland Park, New Jersey on the main street. Fully equipped Dental Practice included. 2200 sq. ft. parking lot. Call 732-339-9004 or email at denalieblich@gmail.com. Asking 950K
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Is looking for a responsible adult to work one on one with a girl who is wheelchair bound. Candidate will be responsible to accompany her to trips and walks in the community with Opportunities to join the daily program. Driver’s license is a plus For more information, or to apply, Call: 845-774-0349 and leave a message or email: MKleinman@hamaspikorange.org
Partially finished Basement on Mountain ave. off college (perfect for playgroup, office etc.) 3476317247
Offices & Cubicles for rent start at $100 per Month. Call/ Text (845) 244-0843
4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
Summer home available for sale in Rosemond Terrace. For serious inquiries please call 917-202-9166
Spacious, private 6 bedroom house in Chestnut Ridge for rent July 19- Aug 16. Call 347628-7763
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Still availabe few weeks in the Summer and Chodesh Tishre. call/text 347-2245574/ 347-274-1511
7+ Bedroom house heimish Concord area. 20 beds, deck, swings, beautiful park-like property. Linen & Shabbos essentials provided. 845-5486478.
Luxurious 6 bedroom villa in the heart of Romema Yerushalayim available for rent for Summer, Yomim Tovim & Seasonal. Whatsapp only 845-445-7739
Brand new luxury villa in Tucson Arizona, kosher kitchen, gorgeous outdoor pool, 3 min walk to Shul. Booked for Chodesh Tishrei. Call 917-754-3679/347-2741511
Spacious 4-5 bedroom home available to rent all shabbosim in July and August. Located in Chestnut Ridge, beautiful backyard with a play area. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Beautiful six bedroom home, with pool, large deck, beautiful grounds on cul de sac in picturesque Chestnut Ridge available for Rent, July 31-Aug 13th. 845-213-7748 (leave msg).
Heimish Bookkeeping Firm looking to hire for Client Relations. Graduates Welcome. Reach Out @ Chaya@thekey2leads.com
Yeshiva Spring Valley (boys) of Monsey is now accepting resumes for the General Studies department for September 2023 - ‘24 School Year. Following Positions available:
• Middle School ELA Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15);
•Middle School Jewish History Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15);
•Middle School Science Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15);
•Middle School World History Teacher (M-TH 3:00 – 5:15);
•Title1 Math Teacher
•Title1 English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher. Teaching experience a must. Professional atmosphere and competitive salary. Please include references and email to gss@yeshivaspringvalley. org or FAX to 845-356-8551
Seeking experienced bookkeeper. Must know AppFoilo.com Property Management Software. Option to work remotely. F/T or P/T Email Sruly845@ gmail.com
Looking for a sixth grade teacher from 3:50 till 5:10. Easy working environment and great pay ontime. Please send a resume to principal@ imreibina.org or call 845269-0588. Also looking for Title one mentors from 3:10 till 5:10 male or female.
The Hebrew Academy of New City ( 15 mins from Monsey) is looking for warm, dedicated and experienced teachers and assistant teachers for full day preschool program for the upcoming school year. Warm and supportive working environment. Hours of school are 9:15 am -3:30pm M-Th, and Friday till 1:15pm. Competitive salary. Please email resume to ssafier@ thehebrewacademy.org or call 845-634-0951.ext.109
Seeking a dynamic and experienced teacher, high compensation, clear and successful curriculum, positive work environment. please email: chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
Monsey office seeking f/t secretary. Good communication skills, computer literacy and office experience required. Good Pay. Fax resume to 845-9139252 astutestaffinginc@ gmail.com
Real Estate Management Company has an opening for Bookkeeping/AP and various office tasks. Experience a plus—a lot of growth potential. Email resume to ohavenmgmt@gmail.com
Even if you have no degree or formal training. Even if you only have 1-2 years of office experience. Even if it’s your very first job.
FutureCare gives you company shares, not just a salary.
Future Care and its subsidiaries are poised for substantial growth in the near future. The company's recent and forthcoming acquisitions, backed by our private equity firm, are expected to drive a significant increase in its stock value.
Since its inception in 1997, FutureCare has grown to a team of 500+ employees managing billing & finances for 200+ nursing homes. And right now, thanks to an investment by a private equity firm, company share value is about to rise significantly. This means you can join our team now, stay in a job you love, and accrue company stock as it rises in value.
Opportunities like this don’t come up every day. So while it’s always a good time to join FutureCare, now is a highly opportune time to do so.
BAS MIKROH ’23-‘24
Do you love Science or History? Share your passion with your students! Junior High School openings in Bas Mikroh Girls School. Please send resume to hr@ basmikroh.org
Busy mortgage office seeking F/T assistant/ processor. Individual must be organized, computer savvy, detail oriented and hardworking. Please send resume to saram@ everestequity.com
Women’s owned business is looking for a bookkeeper. Could work from home. Must have Quickbooks experience. Email resume Hobbyhouse14@gmail.Com
Yeshiva Ohr Reuven boys elementary school seeks a dynamic, child-focused teacher for 5th grade general studies. Teacher would be responsible for all subject areas, including language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. We are a child-centered school in need of a teacher who will create a warm, positive, safe, friendly classroom environment supporting all students in their academic, social, and emotional needs. Please email your resume to rabbigottlieb@ ohrreuven.com.
TAG Rockland is looking for an FT energetic & mature individual for client assistance and data management. Must be a quick learner, possess strong multi-tasking and interpersonal skills, and be proficient in English and Yiddish. Tech-savvy is a plus. Email hr@tagrockland.org, fax 845-209-3145, or leave a message at 845-393-1824.
Due to expansion, there are a number of teaching opportunities in the lower elementary grades, including assistants, and gym teacher. Join our team of professional teachers. Competitive salaries and excellent working conditions. Please send your resume to gss@ yeshivaspringvalley.org.
Look for a full-time girl/ women for a unique office position to interact and assist customers. Must be organized, detail oriented and be able to multi-task. Please email resume to jobs@ ezdriveny.com.
Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male), Supportive Environment, Excellent discipline program in place, Detailed and easy to follow curriculum plan, Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538
Seeking a part time remedial teacher for math and computers either in the morning or the late afternoon. Please call 845502-4646 or email office@ ashiraprogram.com
Boys Yeshiva in Flatbush seeking teachers for 2023-24, middle school- language arts, also seeking p3 providers. Email: resumesyeshiva@ gmail.com
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office
Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to rcmanageoffice@gmail.com
Construction office looking to hire a full time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge in Quickbooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Seeking a warm and caring individual to take out a 4-year-old boy for a walk and supervise
Fridays • Afternoon hours
Airmont area
Seeking an individual to help a 9-yearold boy with homework while teaching him how to regulate emotions
Three to four times weekly Evening hours
Monsey area
HS Diploma required
Seeking an individual to entertain a sweet and high-functioning 6-yearold boy
Afternoon hours
Adar Ct area
HS Diploma required
Seeking a young and exciting individual to play with and teach simple skills to an adorable 2-yearold girl
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Three to five times weekly
Spring Valley area
HS Diploma required
REFERENCE#732555358 -
Seeking an entertaining individual to take out two active and sweet sisters and help them deal with frustrating situations
Sunday - Thursday 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Pomona area
Drivers License preferred HS diploma required
REFERENCE#7 732104358
Seeking an individual to entertain an active and fun-loving 7-year-old boy
Sunday midday hours
New Square area
HS diploma required
REFERENCE#5 596661314 -
Seeking a competent and caring individual to help care for a medically fragile 2-year-old girl
Three to five times weekly
Flexible hours
Monsey area
HS diploma required
REFERENCE#4 457979987
Are you looking for a fulfilling office position? Are you motivated, responsible, organized and possess the ability to multitask? We are a Real Estate company based in Monsey with a frum environment and are seeking to hire a full-time administrative assistant/ bookkeeper. Some office experience as well as basic knowledge in Excel and Word is required. Please email your resume to hr@wepgr.com.
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Heimishe office located in Spring Valley Looking to hire a full-time Female employee with a lot of potential for growth for the right candidate in a stimulating fast pacing office position please email your resume to HR@Expresselectricinc.com or call 845-517-1655
Office in Airmont is looking for a P/T Bookkeeper 20Hr a week. Knowledge of QB, EXCEL a must please email your resume to: joboffers2626@gmail.com
An office located in Suffern is looking for an administrative assistant F/T. No experience necessary will train. Nice environment. Please email resume to hr@itconinc.com
Looking for capable, warm and dedicated co-teachers for the upcoming school year to work along professional and dynamic Moros. Potential for growth. Please call 848-5250943 or email preschool@ yeshivaspringvalley.org. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Manager, Tuesdays. Requires phone and computer skills, personable and detail oriented, will train. Respond thalerorthodontics@gmail. com or 4257655
Office in Monsey is seeking a capable individual for an open position within the finance department. Great opportunity with potential, good pay and Heimish environment. Graduates are welcome. Please email resume to leahf@ easterndrayage.com
Heimish construction office looking for FT female secretary. Must be very organized, thorough and detail oriented. Great pay. Full training provided. Please email resume to office@ roseimprovement.com.
Music ‘n Motion is looking to hire an additional music teacher to join our Monsey branch. Female only. Qualifications are, responsible, dedicated, energetic and great with children. Call 929-322-4202 ext 202 or email resume to info@mnmotion.com
Seeking skilled and compassionate Registered Nurse for a group of medically fragile babies and toddlers. Ideal candidate adores kids. Role includes nursing duties + paperwork. BA Degree Required. Monday – Thursday flexible P/T hours. Competitive Pay. apply1554jobs@gmail
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
ABA riders is looking for a male ABA para to work with a 6 year old boy in a daycamp half/full day for the month of July and part of August. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Esti 8452440892.
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 7-year-old half/full day starting September. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/ info@abariders.com.
Digital Marketing Agency in Monsey looking for a project manager WITH experience Full time- in office. emailHR@HouseofAMZ.com
For summer program. Work with a 9 yr old girl. Call for more info 845-729-3001
• Director Of Operations, Food manufacturing facility, 5 yrs. relevant experience required, 175k+, near Monsey
• Software Developer, develop, test, and maintain apps using JavaScript, Python, SQL, and API integration. EDI systems and NetSuite ERP, 150k, Monsey
• Property Asset Manager, minimum 3 yrs. experience, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Senior Bookkeeper/Accountant, Monsey/ North NJ, 120k
• Tax Auditor, CPA preferred, 120k, Monsey
• Inventory Analyst, manage/forecast delivery of products, logistics experience required, North NJ, 110k
• Boutique Jewelry Store Manager, 100k, Monsey
• Warehouse Manager, warehouse management experience required, 90k+, Middletown, NY
• Supervisor of Day Services, Management/ marketing/budgeting/communication skills required, 100k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Director of Human Resources, Staffing/ employee relations/management skills, 90k, Monsey
• Store Facilities Manager, Management/ communication, 85k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Accounts Payable Team Leader, female office, 85k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Executive Assistant to CEO, full-time position, relevant experience required. 80k, Monsey
• Payroll Specialist, 80k + benefits package, Monsey
• Government Housing Voucher department, male office, detail-oriented, 75k, Monsey
• Client Relations Lead for tech company, Tech Savvy, great communication skills, 75k+, Monsey
• Logistics Coordinator, 75k, Monsey
• Billing Specialist, Healthcare, 75k, Monsey
• Fundraiser, in-office, full-time position, salary plus commission, Monsey
• Service and Intake Coordinator positions, Female office. Great communication skills required. $27/hr. Monsey
• HR Assistant, 60k plus benefit package, Monsey
• Payroll processor, male office, Microsoft Office and Customer Service skills, will train, 65k, Monsey
• Resident Manager Male/Female, for a homecare agency, 70k, Monsey
• IT Level 1 and 2 Support, 60k-85k, Monsey
• Amazon Listing Specialist – optimize listings on Amazon, 60k+, Monsey
• Customer Service/AP/AR rep. positions, 60k+, Monsey
• Bookkeeper for female office, beginners welcome, + benefit package, 52k, Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $30+/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• P&C Insurance Producer, commercial lines insurance experience required, Monsey or REMOTE
• Salesman, IT Company, Monsey
• Salesman, Business loans, Monsey
• Enjoy analytics? Ladies’ office looking to hire, full-time position, 50k+, Monsey
• Have real estate title insurance? Great full-time position in a Real Estate firm, Monsey
• Inside Sales, no experience necessary, Full-time position, growth potential, 50k, Monsey
• HCBS Coordinator, female office, 55k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Quality Assurance assistant, female office, 55k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Male/Female - Customer Service and Quality Control JOB OPENINGS, great pay, Edison, NJ
• Truck driver, great pay, out of Edison, NJ
• REMOTE BOOKKEEPER, 2 yrs. experience required in PUBLIC Accounting, $35/hr
• REMOTE Office Admin, QuickBooks and Microsoft Office experience required, Monsey
• Architectural Drafter, female office, Parttime/Full-time, Monsey
• Real Estate Title Officer, experience required, Monsey
• Purchasing/Account Assistant, Computer /CSR skills required, Monsey
• Office secretary, Microsoft Office/Excel required. Yiddish speaking a plus, fulltime, 60k, Monsey
• Financial Controller, healthcare experience preferred, 150k, Monsey
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter thejewishwriter@ gmail.com Call/Text 347-409-5182
Company in the construction field is looking to hire to fill a position for Customer Service/Accounts receivable 917-740-2578
Want to make a difference in someone’s life? We are looking for someone to work with special needs teenagers. email resume to jobresumes613@gmail.com or call 845-729-3001
Bais Rochel School is looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants for the upcoming school year for Grades 1-4 in both our Yiddish and English departments. Good pay. Please email resume to: sgertner@ bethrochel.org.
Focus on what’s ahead and Create a better future for yourself!! Are you looking for a better opportunity? Leave it up to us to get you the right one! Email Chaykes@ blackbirdrecruiting.com today to End The Search, Get Employed!
An office in Spring Valley looking for F/t female secretarial/ Bookkeeper to fill an open position, lots of potential for the right individual Please send in your to: hr@expresselectricinc.com or call: 845517-1655
Well established primary care office in Monroe looking to hire a female medical assistant. Email resume to jobehc@ gmail.com. Great potential for the right candidate. Willing to train.
Property Management company looking for a Bookkeeper/Accountant, experience is a must. Send your resume to: tmuser@ colonialpropertymanagement.com
Unique opportunity for a yungerman to enter the world of chinuch. A local yeshiva has an available position for an assistant Rebbe with potential for growth. For inquiries and/or to request an interview, please email jobsyeshiva356@gmail.com.
Seeking morning secretary with experience to run front office beginning at 8:30 am. Multi tasking, computer, and interpersonal skills necessary. Please send resume to admin@ bysmiriam.org
Join Skyscraper Insurance as an underwriter/client service specialist, it will open a world of opportunities and rewards. With the ever-growing demand for our services, you’ll have the chance to soar to new heights professionally, with unlimited potential for career advancement in excellent environment. Please email your resume to HR@skyscraperinsurance. com
Do you have a knack for language? Are you looking for some extra income?
Seeking freelance translators English into Yiddish. translateintoyiddish@gmail. com
Monsey Care Managing Agency looking to hire care managers, with the option to work in-office or remotely. BA required. Amazing pay! Email: Jobs@prime-care.org
Established agency seeking to hire compassionate LCSW with strong counseling capabilities & excellent communication skills both verbally and in writing. Competitive pay + perks and benefits joboffersmonsey58@ gmail
ABA experience preferred, call 845-729-3001 email your resume to jobresumes613@ gmail.com
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions. Please email resume: cs@ affordabledws.com
A well established and progressive business is seeking for a motivated and skilled female accountant/ bookkeeper. For more information, please email Deals@371wheels.com.
Looking for an HR associate. Candidate should have experience in employee relations, recruitment, onboarding and benefits. 85k plus benefits, Flexible schedule. email sheindy@ hiresolutionsny.com for more details. or call 845-274-0628
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work 3:30-5:30 pm twice or 4 days a week with an adorable yiddish-speaking 4-year-old in his home in Monsey. Will train, well paid. Car service paid. Contact Rikki 347-9309736/info@abariders.com.
A program for special needs children is looking for a mature secretary, Computer and Management skills required,Hours 9:30-3:30,Email resume jacobg1402@gmail.com call 347.460.0204 and leave a message.
Heimishe office looking for a female employee for an entry level position, email resume to jacobg1402@gmail.com or call 347.460.0204 & leave a message.
Seeking a man to spend time and take out a charming 35 year old man. Must have car. Hours: After 6 PM, 3-4 hours, S-Th. Pay: $20 - $22/hr. (845)510-4617. Location: Blueberry Hill
Yedidos Daycamp looking for lifeguard. Please call 845-826-6952. If no answer, please leave a message.
Software company looking for a full time remote programmer. Send resume to mk@adsfo.com
Chassidishe cheder looking for a male tutor for title one. 3:30-5:30. Please call 8452637445
Looking for a saleslady for July & August, afternoon hours. Great pay! 845-2764148
We are looking for a Title one Teacher. Please call 845-7293001 or email frontdesk@ ohreduction.org
Looking to hire a Morah for September 2023 for a 2-yearold playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Looking to hire an assistant for September 2023 for a 2-year-old playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Discover the opportunities with the fastest-growing recruiting agency in the Tri-State area. Our expert approach is the perfect match for your career aspirations. Browse a wide range of top jobs and find your perfect fit among our 100+ open positions.
A Construction Supplies Company is seeking a Bookkeeper to join their team.
An eCommerce Company is seeking an experienced Controller who has 5+ years working as a Controller in an eCommerce business.
An eCommerce Company is seeking an Amazon Expert with a deep understanding of buying and selling on the Amazon platform.
SALARY: $100-150K
A large Manufacturing Company is seeking a Shop Ambassador for their manufacturing department.
SALARY: $75-90K
A Real Estate Investment Firm is seeking to hire an organized and detail-oriented Bookkeeper with experience in Real Estate.
An IT Solutions Company is seeking an IT Level 1 or 2 Technician in Williamsburg or Boro Park.
A Construction & Design Company is seeking to hire a Project Manager ideally with experience in cosmetic construction.
SALARY: $90-110K
An eCommerce Company is seeking a fast-paced and energetic Office Manager to join their team.
TEL: 929-538-HIRE (4473)
Bas Mikroh Girls School is seeking a Gym/Dancing Teacher 2-3 days a week, and assistants/co-teachers.
Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking full time or part time assistants. Please send resume to hr@basmikroh.org
Experienced tutor availabe to tutor your child Kriah and reading. Please call & leave a msg 845-659-9357
Highend designer buyout. Sell your shoes, bags, clothing for profit. Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Ferragamo ect. Immediate payout. Authentic only. call/ text miriam 845-422-0272
On demand Torah lectures
Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
Clears fats of artery walls thereby preventing heart attack, also heals migraine and vein issues. Please call- Ratio845-352-0725/ The Vitamin Desk-845-3881599
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Master Faster is looking for a staff to provide ABA therapy for a 17-year-old boy. Great pay and training provided.
Flexible schedule:
Monday - Thursday 2 hours between 6:30-9:00. Sunday any time between 4:00-9:00.
Friday anytime from 2:00. Potentially Shabbos too.
Reach out to: 845-477-5000 x 128
Experiencing chronic pain/ symptoms? There is a way out! Heal based on the Sarno method! Call Binah Schiff RDCS, Mind Body Educator and Coach 917-446-5360
Available to do beautiful, uplifting kumzitz for any occasion. Special exciting experience for camps and daycamps. Call the Miriams: 347-939-9846
Makeup by Devorie. Reasonably priced. Call/text 845-642-6833
--In The Comfort of Home--
*Swedish *Deep Tissue
*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ gmail.com
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
All female heimish office seeking motivated individuals to join our dedicated team.
Candidate must be detail-oriented and possess excellent computer and phone skills.
Please send resume to: raronowitz@chesed247.org or call: 845-354-3233 ext.1112
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING!
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please leave a message 845-502-0153
Create your custom slideshow or video by an experienced graphic designer. Call 845213-9881
Gorgeous heated pool for rent daily in Chestnut Ridge, $65/ hour. Please text 8453760721
3 olympic size pools available for daily or one-time swim. 845-323-6001
Bring up the level of your camp with our CAMP LOGO COOKIES! OR: for food decorating activity. To order call BAKE BASH: (929)4488025
SEWING MACHINE SALE! Sale extended, final 6 days!!
The #1 sewing machine manufacturer is the worlds leader for over 75 years. These brand new 2023 sewing machines are ideal for alterations.
Brand new in box, Price originally $499.95 now $279.95. This heavy duty model has a 10 year manufacturer warranty, metal parts, sews all fabrics, invisible blind hem, automatic button hole, hard cover case and merrow stitches. Book of instructions included. Also avail deluxe professional upgraded Bernina/Eversewn model now $379.95 Limited quantity available.
Credit cards & checks accepted. Please call 732-337-1010
Estee Stessel*30 years experience *House calls *After Chuppah service
*Wedding Dresser 845-6427229
Calvert/Sands Point Area. Full mechitza, beautiful heated pool, with 3ft shallow & 8ft deep, 6 person Hot Tub, and bathroom, available for $95/hr. 845-213-8423 or 917860-2311
Beautiful large pool in New City. Heated. Private bathroom and changing room. $65 hr. 845 538 6411
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Seeking overnight job as PCA, CDPAP, or ResHab worker $14/hr. Zoom tutoring
in Art, ASL, K-12 etc. $26/hr. Yosefneurofeedback@gmail. com (845)243-1984
few slots left for Summer (English speaking). Many years experience. Exciting activities in our spacious indoor and outdoor grounds. Lunch & Snack included 845521-1405
Montessori toddlers starting in September. Small group and amazing environment. Just a few slots left. For more information call morah Chaya 845-276-0828 or email morahchayar@gmail.com
Small Playgroup in the Spook Rock area has 2 open slots for the summer, And 2 slots for the upcoming year. Please call (845)587-7904
Leading Real Estate and Hospitality company is expanding! Job opportunities available!
Manage guest experience and feedback for leading provider of luxury hospitality nationwide.
Analyze and manage variety of online review platforms
Develop strategies for increasing review volume
Implement tools to improve quality and nature of reviews
Manage projects and communications on behalf of senior executives.
Liaise between departments
Project Management, Real Estate, and financial analysis experience a plus
Fast-paced, multi-tasking environment
Working with incoming leads for hotel bookings to close sales.
Excellent communication skills required both phone and email/live chat
Maintain accurate records of availability and accounts
Manage lead process, conduct calls to potential and existing customers, quote prices and credit terms
Optimize company expenses across departments and improve financial performance.
Analyze spending patterns, negotiate vendor contracts, implement cost-saving strategies, and collaborate with crossfunctional teams
Proven experience in cost management required Strong analytical and communication skills are a must
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
WhatsApp us to buy or sell new or gently used items including clothes, shoes, gowns, designer accessories, baby gear, and furniture. 845-402-8134
Attention parents of 2-10 year old girls and boys! We are looking for models to work with and offering professional photos for free. We pay $100 per session. Submit a headshot and full-length picture to
modelingagencyny@gmail. com or call/text (419) 5288604.
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Sister of the bride white, shirt dress style gown. Size 0-2. Please call 845-694-2026
odds & ends N gowns N lost & found N free giveaways
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693
Gold bracelet in or around Atrium call/text 908-7837979
Gold chain Bracelelt Ateres Chaya Sura 845-538-5627
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
Diamond earring on Maple 845-422-6378
Tehillim in International Taxi, with name Reizel Schleisinger 845.709.0973
Watch with gold rim in 18 Forshay parking lot 845-3764011
Ladies gold watch on Shavous in Gibbers 845-794-3516
Dining room furniture, table & 10 chairs/china closet/ buffet Great condition P/U in Willi 917-468-0095
Breakfront, DR table & 4 chairs, coffee table, 2 end tables, electric fireplace, cabinet with shelves, desk, cart, 2 hi riser beds 845-352-5942
Mouser kitchen solid wood Full set cabinets/pantry/Granite countertops, 2 sinks with 2 faucets P/U in Willi 917-4680095
Looking to hire an experienced chef for a commercial kitchen in the Pomona area, great opportunity with lots of potential for the right candidate. Please call 845.293.2107
Beautiful heated saltwater pool with mechitza, hot tub, large shallow area, fire pit, grill, bathroom and changing area available in Chestnut Ridge. Call or text 845-798-9320
Many great job opportunites available call 845-392-8682 email resume leah@hireexteam.com
Looking for full time female employee for fast past office work. Must be responsible and able to multi task. Centrally located. Email leah@202rx.com
I said Chapters ,
Do you have ‘’Selectel’’ or ‘’Tracfone’’ Service? New flip phones, Talk & Text, already ‘’tagged’’ only $100. Call 914-6885139 lv msg voice only
Italian made Dining room table with 2 leaves, great condition. Asking $850. Located in Monroe. Call 917-456-2454
Looking for a super flexible and rewarding job? Do you have your BA? Please call 347-452-4816
Looking for a reliable delivery driver to work two hours every morning, Sunday through Friday. Please send resume to jobsmonsey1@gmail.com.
Looking for a director for a babysitting group in a school setting. Email fdesk520@gmail.com
Be Your Own Boss! “Be in business for yourself not by yourself” best training + support provided, great benefits and retirement package. Please email dglick@ newyorklife.com or call 845-639-5216
If you have an eye for color and design this job might be for you. Seeking a photo editor to cull, color-correct and enhance photos. Flexible hours. email: thealbumfactoryny@gmail.com
I asked for a request and saw an amazing Yeshua.
Bas Mikroh daycare (located on Viola Road) has 1 slot for a Baby / 18-24m for the summer 9:45-2:45 Please call (no text): 845-659-7189
Kids shoe store is looking for lady or girl. (Morning and some afternoons). Willing to train the right individual. Call 845-5218512.
Great opportunity for practitioner to accept patients in KJ! Beautiful exam room available for rent in the heart of KJ. Option of choosing one day of the week. Call for details – 845-513-0090 Ext. 1
Ramapo Cheder is currently seeking an Assistant Rebbi for our lower elementary grades. This is a fantastic opportunity to join a great team and get hands on chinuch training. Please contact 845362-7701 Ext. 203 or ysonnenschein@ ramapocheder.org
Summer program is hiring a female Nurse/EMT. Great pay, State of the art accommodations. For more information please call 347 267 2857
A heimish Camp Looking for a dedicated bus driver in the Catskills part-time/ full-time available (732) 734-1387
Careers works to find the position that’s just right for your personality and talents, and start you off on a path
טימ ןפלאהעג טרעוו
םיכודיש ןוא הסנרפ תואופר תועושי טעוו סאוו ל’םילהת ןגילייה ןכרוד סטוג
ןיגילייה םייב תופיצרב געט 40 ןרעוו טגאזעג טייצראי ןסיורג םייב ןביוהגנא .םייחה רוא .לולא ח’’ר זיב זומת ו’’ט
ל”צז שטיוואבוילמ ר”ומדאה ןופ אלוליה םייב רעטנעזיוט
ללאמ ’’רעווקס ןטנואמ’‘ ןטמיראב םענופ רעמוטנעגייא יקסנאדאב הדוהי ’ר דבכנה ינברה ראפ אלעסיטנאמ תודסומ ןיא ןטלאהעגפא בוטה תרכה תביסמ
ס”לשב ק”הראמ םיניע תריאמ ד”באג צ”הגה יסנאמב ושרדמ תיבב
ךורע ןחלש ושרד םענופ גוניישרע ןשיראטסיה םוצ םייחל םייב םילשורי ד”באר רודה קסופ רעד ךוניחה תיב תבישי ןיא ןמזה םויס
הנכהכ הפקשהו ןיליפת ’לה ירועיש
ךנחמ ןגירעיגנאל ן’כרוד טריפעגנא
רקיה ונדידיל בוט לזמ תכרב ךרבל הזב וננה החמש אלמ בלב לכ יפב חבושמו ללוהמ ,תובהוזמ תודימב רתכומ
’ר ה”ומ
הארתו ,החלצהו הכרב עפשב ךרבתהל אימשבד ןוהובא םדק ןמ אווער אהי הדובעו הרותל םכנחלו םלדגל ח"צוי לכמ השודקד תחנו גונעת בר הכזנ ידע ,יד ילב דע חילצתו ליכשת הנפת רשא לכבו ,םימש תאריו .א"בב הריחבה תיב ןינב תוארל הצידו הניר ךותמ
ףרטצמ ינא םג רעביולג יבוד
קסוע ,אריקי ארבג יאה דובכ תלעמ לא ,הרקוהו דובכ תותואב ,הרוגש ךילא תומחה וניתוכרב ,הלוגס םע ברקב ,תוכרב בר תודומח שיא ,תוכי-לה םיענו תודימה ליצא ,ארידת דסחו הקדצב
הללוהמה אמריפה לעב
ונועמב הרושה הלודגה החמשה לגרל
ו"ינ ריאמ בושחה ונב יסוריאב
ו"יה רעגרעב שרעה אדוי ןרהא ר"הומ ונתוחמ תב ג"בע
ת"שכ ,םילענו םיגלפומ םיראותבו ,םילוליהו םיחבשב חבושמו ללוהמ ,הליהתל ומש אצי ייח ינב ,הבצק ןיא דע רשועו רשוא ,הכרבל וערזמ השודקד תחנ בור האריש ת"ישה רוזעי
.ןמאו ןמא תומילשה תואירבב ,ויהי םיננערו םינשד הבישב ןובוני דוע ,יחיור ינוזמו יכירא
זוע תודידיו הבהאב םיכרבמה
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
Website: www.themonseyview.com
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View.
Limit one (1) per family
I operate three store locations on one server, using Google Sheets and Excel (integrated with Quickbooks), and keep inventory and sales separate per location. Oftentimes, technical issues arise and speedy software support is needed
It must be resolved A.S.A.P. My magic formula?
I instinctively contact Geeker. The Geeks help me target and resolve the issues efficiently and effectively.
•Pay as you go.
•On-demand assistance. 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
•My shops run smoothly. Technical glitches aside.
I am the owner of a well-run business. And a Geeker fan.
א״טילש טענאפ באז השמ ברה תלהנהב
ןענרעל טעוו דניק רעייא
ךיז ןוא - ן'רזח רעביא:ןרעהראפ
ןיליפת תוכלה « ןומיז תוכלה « רוביצ חילש « הרותה תאירק תוכלה « ןינמב הלפת « הנמזב עמש תאירק « תורחבה ימיל הכרדהו רסומ « (טאווירפ) לטעשפ הוצמ רב «
עיינ יד ה"יא ןא ןבייה רימ
רעדניק יד ראפ
הוצמ רב ןרעוו סאוו
יד ןיא
הוצמ רב