:דחיב טימ הביבס עכילביל א ןעמארגארפ עקאמשעג
ןוא ךעלגניא ראפ
עטלייטעצ ןופ םירוחב
ןענעק וצ ,ןרעטלע
גאט ןטימ ןייגנא .ןבעל ןכילגעט
עליפ טימ ןטעטיוויטקא
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טנרעל רע טייז ןויע רועיש ושרד טימ
דחוימ זיא ק”בש ןוא גאטיירפ ,ןויעב ארמג דומע ןא ךילגעט ןעמ טנרעל ’ס”ש תרובח‘ ןיא ךיוא תויגס יד ךרודא טוט ’ב הרובח ,תופסות ןוא י”שר ארמג טנרעל ’א הרובח .הרזח ראפ ןוא ”תומוקמ יארמ סרטנוק“ א טריצילבופ ךיל’שדוח טרעוו סע .םינורחאו םינושאר יד טימ .שדוח םענופ טאלב ןעצ יד ףיוא תוניחב ראפ ןעמוק סע
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I was born and raised in Montreal, Canada, and I am married with children ranging from 7-21, both married and single. My original professional training was in the field of special education, and I have worked with children one on one and in small groups helping them overcome various developmental and behavioral challenges. My work credo was always to focus on finding workable solutions rather than concentrating on the origin of the problem.
Several members of my immediate and extended family have suffered from various sleep issues over the years. I saw first hand how much they were struggling and how significantly poor sleep affected their lives. It really bothered me that all I could do was listen and empathize with their situation but I had no practical advice or tools to offer. One day when my youngest daughter was seven she suddenly started waking up for several hours in the middle of the night. I consulted numerous doctors and other professionals, but no one had a solution. One Friday night I happened to read an article written by Doron Lazarus and decided to call him after Shabbos. Amazingly, he came up with a relatively simple strategy and within two weeks my daughter was sleeping through the night. Several months later when I saw his advertisement to train sleep coaches I knew this was for me. Instead of pointless frustration I would now be able to help the important people in my life.
A sleep coach is someone who works alongside his or her client and guides them towards finding solutions to solving their sleep issues. Depending on the client the coach will recommend various techniques and strategies to optimize their sleep experience. The reason why sleep coaching is so successful is because the programs are customized for each individual client according to their personal needs . The programs are handpicked and tweaked to address all areas of the human psyche, behavior, biochemistry, and breathing patterns. My program leaves no stone unturned. I spend time together with the client discussing his/her lifestyle, personality and background to ensure that any treatment plan will take into consideration their real-life circumstances. This customization promises the greatest chance of success.
4 5 6 7
Research has shown that as many as 1 in 3 Americans suffer from sleep issues. Many people think that insomnia, the inability to fall asleep, is the only issue. From my experience, I have worked with people who have suffered from sleep anxiety, nightmares, poor sleep hygiene, feeling constantly tired and unrested, and weaning clients off sleep medication. There are almost as many sleep issues as there are people. Often, the same label can have different causes and effects and need to be addressed individually.
Over the three months that I work with my clients they will experienced success in overcoming their sleep issues. It is always possible that the circumstances of the client will change and sleep issues can recur. My programs are designed in such a way that the clients will remain with the skills to help themselves. I am of course always available to provide ongoing support.
I recently worked with a teenager who was on melatonin consistently since the age of seven. His mother was worried about sending him to yeshiva with medication and was desperate to get him off it.Within a month of implementing a practical and easy sleep program, that included physical exercises, an audio recording that he listened to every night, and changing his sleep schedule, he is now melatonin free. Another client I worked with was a young woman who suffered from frequent nightmares. She would frequently wake up during the night in complete terror, and was afraid to go back to sleep. Using an in depth method I was able to help her very quickly, transform her dreams from terrifying to harmless.
I love working with women who like myself are very family-oriented, able to manage their lives, and enjoy accomplishing their personal goals. When it comes to sleeping well, however, they feel lost and frustrated. Sleep is the one area where they do not feel in control. We are all aware that frum society has high demands and expectations of women today. While my clients can do everything that is expected of them they simply cannot sleep well.
I’d be thrilled to speak to anybody struggling with sleep difficulties.
תלהנהב דסחו בוט תכלממ י”עש דנאפ החמש רעטסערג רעד זיא א”טילש אשיש רזעילא בקעי ’ר ח”הרה .ק”הרא ןיא תומותי ןיא םימותי הנותח טכאמ סאוו עיצאזינאגרא םימותי 400 רעביא ראפ הנותחה ליל םענופ תואצוה עלא ןקעד רימ א ריא טפלעה הנותח א ןראסנאפס ךרוד .ךילרעי ראי תומותיו .תומילשב החמש א טימ בוטש עיינ א ןלעטשפיוא המותי ענעכארבעצ
יד סיוא טלאצ רעדא ,הנותח טלעג יד טפאש
סיוא ךיז טלעוו ןופ הנותח א חול רעזנוא
לעב יד טנעז ריא ט’לעופ – החמש !סטוג סעלא הפו ח
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(Re: Summer Soups, Issue 407)
Thank you so much for the delicious recipes for summer soups. But even more, thank you for not making a whole big matzav about dairy recipes for the Nine Days. I cringe when I see ads or articles promoting special dairy delicacies for this time of mourning. That’s not what the Nine Days are all about. If you have a good fish recipe, go for it, but it’s not the right time to make a big deal out of gourmet food — even if it’s not fleishig. Thank you for printing content that is in line with Torah values.
Faygie C.(Re: Ask the Expert, Issue 407)
I just wanted to say how much I’m enjoying your Ask the Expert series. I especially appreciated the articles by Bentzion Yehoshua on earth mined diamonds vs. lab grown diamonds. It was fascinating to learn about how the diamonds are produced, and that they’re chemically identical to earth grown diamonds. I used to wonder if lab grown diamonds are “real diamonds.” Now I know. And the Tell Me Quick trivia is always fun to read!
Looking forward to more insight from the experts. Thanks for a great magazine.
Tzila Pfeifferlooks like this. Bringing Menachem home when he gets kicked out of his Knowing the favorite nosh and color — of 17 kids Giving up your desk so Yanky’s parents could Zoom that specialist Hugging often Spending weeks to land Shira her dream job — despite her limitations Laying on the floor to see the world as Shaindy does Not accepting no Getting Malky new gloves, because hers have a hole
Making a safe, loving space — even for the toughest cases
Really listening Endless paperwork Thinking about their mother Applying and reapplying if there’s the slightest chance Remembering special days Playing checkers for the fourteenth time Dealing with yet another tantrum, calmly Holding a hand Seeing her potential when no one else does Giving Shlomie a place to enjoy, so his mother can too Being there, always
Real caring looks like a Hamaspik team member.
There’s a level of heart you just can’t buy.
(Re: Boston, the Birthplace of America, Issue 406)
Thank you for the beautifully written and informative article about attractions in Boston. Having grown up in Boston, I enjoyed reading about many attractions I have personally visited.
It is important to be aware that kashrus agency standards in Boston are not on the same level as we are fortunate to have here in Monsey. Additionally, the kashrus agency standards have fluctuated over the years.
Before eating at any takeout, deli, restaurant or bakery in Boston, I strongly urge you to consult a rav in Boston who you trust regarding kashrus. Aside for chumras such as pas Yisroel, cholov Yisroel and in the area of shechita, some other issues to consider are Jewish ownership, Shabbos operations, and checking fresh produce for insects.
Hatzlacha, S.L.
(Re: Seeing the Hand of Hashem at the Finger Lakes, Issue 406)
Thank you for the article Seeing the Hand of Hashem at the Finger Lakes. I appreciate that it was framed with the perspective of having awareness of Hashem wherever we go. In general, seeing the briah is a special way to see Hashem clearly and connect to Him. Whenever we see beautiful flowers, I tell my kids that they are proof that Hashem loves us. He could have made the world plain and utilitarian, even black and white. But He made the world beautiful for us because He loves us, similar to how you would wrap and decorate a gift for someone you love.
Wishing everyone an uplifting summer,
(Re: Chesed: The Driving Force, Issue 405)
A ReaderThank you for the inside look at the amazing chesed organization that provides transportation for families of hospitalized patients. As a beneficiary of these services, it was heartwarming to read how genuinely happy the drivers are to help us during these stressful times.
Sitting in the backseat and being serviced with utmost respect and dedication gave me an appreciation both for the drivers and also for their wives and families who sacrifice their loved one’s presence, even on Erev Shabbos, during bedtime, or at other hectic times.
I was also warmed by the conversations these drivers conducted during the trips. Throughout the many rides I accepted, I heard no gossip and no negativity. Instead, I learned a lot about shechitah, different topics in halacha, the backstories of certain minhagim, inspirational nuggets and interesting stories to repeat at home. This is testimony to the special type of people who take on this sacred role.
Aharon P.Aid L'Shalom, is delighted to announce "The Spa - Ladies Evening of Wellness" - an exclusive event designed to promote wellness and self-care while benefiting cancer patients in Monsey and Teaneck. This much-anticipated evening will take place on Monday, July 31, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at, 11 Villa Lane, Wesley Hills.
"The Spa - Ladies Evening of Wellness" is an extraordinary initiative by Aid L'Shalom to offer a rejuvenating experience to attendees, while also raising vital funds to support the organization's growing efforts to care for children suffering from cancer in addition to the adults they already serve. Over the years, Aid L'Shalom has been recognized for its steadfast commitment to its motto, 'we don't say no,' and has welcomed countless children in need of care, extending compassion and hope to their families during their most challenging times.
The event promises a delightful assortment of activities and treats, tailored to cater to the attendees' well-being. Guests will indulge in a delectable buffet featuring an array of delicious foods, freshly prepared juicing, revitalizing smoothies, and nutritious acai bowls. Additionally,
a selection of mouth-watering cocktails will be available to enhance the evening's ambiance.
The activities planned are designed to revitalize the body, mind, and soul. Participants will have the opportunity to partake in water aerobics to invigorate their bodies, experience the serenity of yoga and meditation, and receive soothing massages and reflexology sessions. Guided breathing exercises will offer relaxation, and manicures will add a touch of pampering to the evening. For those seeking a creative outlet, journaling will provide a space for self-expression and self-discovery.
Over the course of the evening, there will be a live demo by the famous wellness expert Rorie. Moreover, Shani Brick will deliver a captivating live musical preformance.
High value raffles will add excitement to the evening. Some of the prizes that will be raffled off Some of the prizes include two nights at Altair plus airfare for 2. An amazing spa getaway valued at $750 from Sylk, a stunning Freida Rothman ring, Vitamin infusions from Liquidiva and much more.
"The Spa - Ladies Evening of Wellness'' will not only be a memorable occasion but also an opportunity for guests to make a meaningful difference. All proceeds from this event will go directly
towards Aid L'Shalom's efforts to support and care for people battling cancer in Monsey.
Aid L'Shalom is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing oncologist-administered integrative treatments which are not covered by insurance, to cholim facing cancer. Established on the principle of never saying no to those in need, the organization has been servicing families in our community for the last 10 years. There are currently 21 patients in Monsey alone. The budget to support these patients is $151,000 a year. We invite you to become our partner! Join us at this fabulous poolside evening event to aid the recovery of our Monsey neighbors.
Tickets for "The Spa - Ladies Evening of Wellness" are available now and can be purchased online at www.aidlshalom.org/spa-day-2/ or by calling Laurie Freidland at (914)-391-2518 or Miriam Klein at (845)-558-2724. To learn more about Aid L'Shalom, please visit www.aidlshalom.org.
(Maaser may be used for this event)
We look forward to greeting you personally,
ONE NIGHT, a group of bandits broke into the home of Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, zt”l. They were angered at the Rav’s uncompromising approach to various factions that were trying to enact changes in Yerushalayim.
Rav Yosef Chaim remained cool and in control. This incited the bandits even more, and they went wild. Still, the Rav did not lose himself and stood before them courageously. He opened his shirt to reveal his chest and firmly said, “I am prepared to be mekadesh shem Shamayim! You can take my life. I will not budge from the truth!”
The stunned bandits stood in silence, giving Rav Yosef Chaim the opportunity to continue speaking. He explained his hashkafah to them in simple terms. When he was finished, the men left the house without a word.
When the incident became known to his talmidim, they asked, “How could it be that these bandits, who just moments before were ready to take the Rav’s life, were suddenly peaceful and open to listening?”
Rav Yosef Chaim replied with a story.
In the town of Shadik, Poland, there lived a man named Getzel. Getzel had earned himself a reputation as a world-class thief. He had no issue pilfering anything he desired from the poor residents. As soon as he learned that someone possessed something he liked, he made sure it disappeared. Getzel also cultivated connections with the government authorities, and he frequently reported his fellow community members — whether the infractions were true or not.
Needless to say, Getzel grew unpopular, which served only to feed his desire for power and honor. He made himself comfort-
able on the mizrach wall of the shul and demanded that he be given the sixth aliyah every single Shabbos.
The community members could do anything but grit their teeth and seal their lips. They knew that if they fought Getzel, he would report them to the authorities.
Soon the rav of Shadik passed away and a new rav, who came to be known as Reb Nachum Shadiker, came to take his place. The kehillah decided not to tell him about Getzel. The new rav would find out what Getzel was all about in no time.
Sure enough, a short while later, Getzel’s true colors were revealed. Reb Nachum learned that Getzel was taking advantage of Mendel, a local peddler, by seizing his wares with no intention of paying.
Reb Nachum was upset. How could it be that the townspeople were letting Getzel get away with such behavior — and allowing him to act as if he were the sheine Yid in shul all the while?
The following Shabbos, when Getzel was called up for his weekly aliyah, the rav called out, “What connection does one who robs his brothers have with kedushah? How could a mouth that reports Yidden to the authorities make a bracha on the Torah?”
Getzel was shocked. He immediately lifted his hand to slap the rav, but fellow mispallelim stopped him. Red-faced, Getzel marched out of shul, not before calling out, “I’ll teach you a lesson!”
A few days later, Reb Nachum was called to perform a bris in a neighboring village. He climbed into his wagon, along with several community members. Since the conflict in shul, his devoted constituents had not left his side, fearing Getzel’s revenge.
Moments after they left town, they realized that the bris had been staged. It was just a ruse to get the rav into his wagon so Getzel and a group of bandits could attack him.
Reb Nachum was well aware of the danger, yet he remained
In this week’s parsha , we read the fundamental words of Shema, which speak of the Oneness of Hashem and our duty to love Him.
This brings up the question: How can we be commanded to love Hashem? Love is an emotion. How can it be imposed?
Tisha B’Av, the longest fast day of the year, is approaching. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy while you avoid eating and drinking.
It is very important to drink plenty of water before any fast day, especially before Tisha B’Av. Tisha B’Av falls in the hottest part of the summer months and it is easy to become dehydrated over a day of fasting. Drink large amounts of water over the last day or two before Tisha B’Av. Don’t wake up late and start drinking on Erev Tisha B’Av afternoon, because if you fill your stomach with water you won’t have room left for food before the fast begins. Instead start earlier and spread your drinking over the day.
During the fast take care to spend the day indoors and if possible in an air-conditioned setting. Definitely do not spend time in the sun, where you can become dehydrated quickly.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
time every day, your body will have a biological clock that marks off when it is time to eat again. You will automatically start feeling hungry at mealtimes, but that does not mean you truly need to eat then. If you fight the urge to eat, the hunger will pass.
So it’s a good idea to keep your mind busy over the fast day by reading, listening to shiurim or doing anything else that’s permitted, in order to take your mind off the hunger. Avoid checking the clock repeatedly during the day because this will only make you more nervous and it will make the fast go harder.
When breaking your fast, it is critically important to drink water to rehydrate. Remember that your digestive system took a day off, and overworking it suddenly can lead to cramps and stomach pains. Here are some tips to ease bac into eating:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Beginning two or three days before the fast you should cut back on sugar, spicy foods, alcohol and processed carbs such as sugary drinks, white bread, pretzels and cookies. All of these foods tend to increase your appetite and make you feel hungry. A better choice before a fast is to fill up on foods that are high in healthy fats and proteins. It is also good to consume foods with sea salt, which improves your body’s hydration.
It is always critical – not just when you are fasting – to make sure you provide your body with enough energy. One of the best sources of energy is natural sugars that are produced from healthy carbs, dairy products, vegetables, beans and legumes. Eating enough natural sugars before the fast ensures your energy is preserved and you won’t feel famished and weak even after many hours of fasting.
Eat a small meal.
Chew your food well when you break your fast, more than you usually do, and of course don’t rush as you eat.
It is much better to eat foods that are baked or cooked than raw since they are easier on the stomach.
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
calm and unruffled. He stood straight, steeped in thought. Getzel’s eyes flashed fire. The rav’s escorts formed a tight cluster around him, in a futile attempt to protect the rav. The tension was palpable.
Suddenly, Getzel drew nearer and said in a quiet voice, “I forgive the rav for embarrassing me. Will the rav forgive me for responding so brazenly?” Getzel broke down in tears, expressing his regret for his wayward behavior and promising to repent.
Reb Nachum climbed back into the wagon to return to Shadik. “Tell us,” his shocked escorts asked, “What caused Getzel’s sudden change of heart?”
If you eat your meals around the same
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Don’t try new foods when you break your fast since your digestive system is not used to them.
At the Vitamin Desk by Maple we have a vast selection of supplements to give you energy and keep you hydrated to make your fast easier. We also have slow-release caffeine supplements to help you survive the day without your standard cup of coffee.
Wishing you a healthy – and hopefully a happy – Tisha B’Av.
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To your health,
“When I saw Getzel approaching, I thought of the pasuk in Mishlei (27:19), ‘Kamayim hapanim lapanim, kein lev ha’adam la’adam – like the reflection of a face in water, is the heart of one man to another.’ I tried to be dan l’kaf zechus. I thought to myself that perhaps if Getzel would have received a proper chinuch in his youth, he wouldn’t have reached this point. I thought of how he needs such great rachamim to extract himself from his terrible state. This awakened my pity for him and I was able to remove any hard feeling I might have for him. My sentiments were mirrored by his, and Getzel softened.”
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld completed his tale and explained, “That’s what I was thinking too, when the armed bandits stood opposite me.”
It’s human nature for a person to feel what is in his friend’s heart,
gets vitamins at Maple.
gets vitamins at Maple.
With his trademark ahavas Yisroel, the Rebbe declared, “I will love them so much that they will love having me here”
even without words, and reply in kind.
In a separate anecdote, when the Ahavas Yisroel of Vizhnitz, zt”l, moved to Grossvardein, Hungary, he faced many misnagdim. The city, which was composed mainly of Ashkenazic Yidden, was not very welcoming to the new chassidishe Rebbe in their midst.
With his trademark ahavas Yisroel, the Rebbe declared, “I will love them so much that they will love having me here.”
And that’s what happened. It didn’t take long before the Ahavas Yisroel was a beloved figure in the community.
Reb Akiva Eiger explains that when one awakens feelings of affection to another, that person will automatically mirror the warmth to the same degree.
When one realizes how much Hakadosh Baruch Hu loves him, he will be aroused to love Hashem.
The bracha immediately following Krias Shema ends with the words, “Habocher b’amo Yisroel b’ahavah.” We are reminded of Hashem’s love toward us, and this immediately awakens feelings of love to Hashem — “kamayim hapanim lapanim.”
Once we recognize Hashem’s love, nothing in the world can stop us from effusively fulfilling the commandment “V’ahavta es Hashem Elokecha!”
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
This week’s haftarah is the first of seven consoling Klal Yisroel. It begins with the words, “Nachamu, nachamu ami.” The double language does not indicate two; it expresses the great intensity of this ongoing comfort and consolation.
(TUE 8/1 & WED 8/2)
What is the connection between Yad L’Achim, an organization that helps rescue Jewish women and children from captivity, and Tu B’Av, the most popular day for shidduchim in Klal Yisrael?
Many years ago, when Yad L’Achim began receiving calls about Jewish women trapped in Arab villages, it established a division dedicated to their liberation, as well as to the prevention of such situations. These women are often rescued with nothing more than the clothes they are wearing at the time, and Yad L’Achim helps provide them with basic necessities to begin rebuilding their lives. With Hashem’s help, many of these women have gone on to marry bnei Torah
and establish Jewish homes.
But, recognizing that this isn’t always a quick or easy transition, Yad L’Achim arranged for talmidei chachamim to daven in mekomos hakedoshim such as Amuka and Meron so that these women should merit finding their shidduch. Soon, Yad L’Achim began accepting names for tefillah from Jews across the world, who wanted the talmidei chachamim to daven for them, too. And for many years, Yad L’Achim arranged for a minyan of talmidei chachamim to daven in Amuka (the resting place of the Tanna Yonasan Ben Uziel), an auspicious place to daven for a shidduch, on Tu B’Av, an auspicious day to daven for a shidduch.
There never was and never will be any donation required to submit names for tefillah through Yad L’Achim.
Six years ago, with the brachah and encouragement of Rav Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, Yad L’Achim launched Tu B’Av Together, when not only do the talmidei chachamim daven in Amuka, but Jews all across the
world unite to daven for all the singles in Klal Yisrael, reciting specific kapitlach of Tehillim on Tu B’Av - Together!
There are several ways to participate in this special day.
Two inspiring, uplifting events will be livestreamed on TUBAVTOGETHER.COM , both hosted by Nesanel Gantz.
The first live event will take place on the eve of TU B’AV, TUESDAY, AUG 1ST BEGINNING AT 7:30 P.M. EST, with a full program of shidduch tips and inspiration from renowned speakers as well as musical performances from today’s leading superstars.
Speakers will include:
• Reb Ari & Reb Yossi Bensoussan
• Dr. David Lieberman
• Reb Yisroel Majeski
• Reb Yonasan Schwartz
• Reb Ben Tzion Shafer
• Reb Meir Sperling • Reb Eli Stefansky
With musical performances by:
• Yehuda Green • Levi Falkowitz
• Eitan Katz • Simcha Leiner
• Shulem Lemmer • Joey Newcomb
• Ohad Moskowitz • Moshe Tischler & Zusha
On Wednesday, August 2 the much-anticipated live Tu B’Av Together tefillah event will begin at 10 a.m. EST and continue for several hours, broadcast in real time online at TUBAVTOGETHER.COM to hundreds of thousands.
Opening remarks will be delivered by Rav Yisroel Reisman, shlita. Inspiration as well as the eight chapters of Tehillim will be led by the following rabbanim shlita:
• Rav David Ashear • Rav Shlomo Cynamon
• Rav Eytan Feiner • Rav Dovid Goldwasser
• Rav Joey Haber • Rav Sholom Kaminetsky
• Rav Nissan Kaplan • Rav Paysach Krohn
• Rav Berel Lazar • Rav David Ozeri
• Rav Fishel Schachter • Rav Efraim Twerski
• Rav Yussie Zakutinsky
The following eight kapitlach will be recited:
ח”כק ,ז”כק ,ד”כק ,א”כק ,ב”פ ,’ע ,ח”ל ,ב”ל (32, 38, 70, 82, 121, 124, 127, 128)
At TUBAVTOGETHER.COM , names can be submitted for tefillah for free to the minyan of talmidei chachamim in Amuka. Over the past year, Yad L’Achim has received hundreds of messages from people who got engaged since submitting their names to last year’s Tu B’Av Together tefillah. Last year, over 500,000 Jews in places as far-flung as Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hong Kong, Cyprus, Greece, and Argentina participated in the tefillah and live events.
On Tu B’Av (8/2) a Minyan of Talmidei Chachamim will daven in Amuka for all names submitted for tefillah through Yad L’Achim. Additionally, two live events for Shidduchim will unite & inspire Jews (both single and married) to recite 8 specific perakim of Tehillim in the zechus that all singles find their shidduch soon.
A busy local roadway is one of several locations that will soon boast a new sidewalk, part of a larger effort to boost pedestrian safety within the Town of Ramapo.
Monsey Scoop reported that work is underway on West Carlton Road, with ten feet being taken off the curb line and used for a new sidewalk. The half-mile pedestrian walkway is being constructed from College Road to Pine Road eight months after a Monsey woman was tragically killed while walking on the side of the road after dark.
New sidewalks have already been installed on Elaine Place and on several blocks of College Road that lacked walkways. Similar work is underway on Francis Place, with plans in place to install sidewalks on Howard Drive from Milton Place to West Maple Avenue. Ramapo Supervisor Michael Specht said that the effort was launched “to make it easier and safer for our community to walk safely throughout the town.”
Other local safety improvements include the installation of 1,500 new street lights, enhancing visibility for both pedestrians and motorists. In addition to emphasizing the importance of wearing helmets when riding bikes or scooters, Specht encouraged area residents to pick up free reflectors at his Town Hall office to promote nighttime visibility.
“Come and see me,” said Specht. “We’ll give you as many reflectors as you and your family need.”
A plan to slap motorists with a hefty toll for traveling south of 60th Street in Manhattan encountered a legal hurdle last week, with New Jersey filing suit in federal court against the United States Department of Transportation, two of its employees, and the Federal Highway Administration to stop the plan from going into effect.
The Wall Street Journal reported that the lawsuit was filed on July 21 in the hopes of halting the nation’s first congestion plan.
Governor Phil Murphy slammed the federal government for circumventing the normal review process in approving congestion pricing, and that a fuller environmental impact study of the plan and its effects was warranted. Murphy has long been critical of congestion pricing, calling it a price grab to fund the New York City subway system that
unfairly targets New Jersey residents who already pay $17 to enter the city at the Lincoln or Holland tunnels south of 60th Street. An environmental review conducted by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which will oversee congestion pricing, has acknowledged that toll prices could be as high as $23 per vehicle during peak driving hours.
The Federal Highway Administration declined to comment on the lawsuit. A spokesperson for the MTA called it “baseless,” noting that the environmental review that had been conducted “covered every conceivable potential traffic, air quality, social and economical effect.”
Congestion pricing could be implemented as early as next spring. Supporters of the plan have said it would reduce traffic by as much as 20%, and would also improve both travel times and air quality.
A much-needed simcha hall located in the heart of Monsey will be a welcome addition to the local landscape when it opens next winter for both weddings and Shabbos events.
Monsey Scoop reported that the hall will be located on Crest Court, near Calvert Drive, inside the new Vizhnitz school building. With 200 parking spaces to accommodate guests, the 10,000 square foot Ateres Elka will hold its first wedding on Rosh Chodesh Adar. The facility is being constructed in a way that it can be split in half so that two Shabbos simchos can be held simultaneously.
A project of the Mahwah-based Chaim Horowitz Design, Ateres Elka is being billed as having a “grand and luxurious ambiance” to create “a welcoming and sophisticated atmosphere for couples to celebrate their special day.”
Lani and Riva enjoy a rare moment of closeness, which leaves Riva despondent about their strained relationship.
All Things Comfy looked like a baby stroller store rather than the robe store it actually was.
Lani parked her own stroller between a Doona and a Bugaboo Butterfly and hitched Shifra up on her hip.
“I thought if we came during school hours the place would be empty,” her mother said. “My goodness, look at this. What a mob.”
“This place is never empty. Also, the older girls are off for Pesach already.”
It took nearly an hour to pick out robes to try, and what felt like another hour’s wait for a fitting room. Lani chased Shifra around while her mother debated between solid black, black-and-white, and black with some flowers. She settled on the solid black in the end, as Lani had initially predicted.
“Look what I found for you,” her mother said, after collecting her stuff from the fitting room. “Someone left it
in there. Isn’t it gorgeous?”
Lani looked at the robe her mother was holding. It was a pretty blue color and a nice style; button-down until the waist and accordion pleated going down. She could see the style suiting her, but…
But she wasn’t buying a new robe.
“Go try it on. I’ll watch Shifra.”
She hadn’t come to this store for herself. Her mother wanted her opinion, okay, but she wasn’t spending close to $200 on herself when she had an okay robe in her closet from two seasons ago.
“Nah,” she told her mother. “I don’t need a robe.”
“Of course you do. You need to get something new for Yom Tov. Go, try it on.” She threw the robe over Lani’s shoulder and scooped Shifra up. With no choice, Lani went into the fitting room.
The robe looked amazing on her. “I’m so happy I found this,” her mother
gushed. “It was hanging on the hook in the fitting room, just this one, in your size. Mamesh ah mazel! ”
Some mazel. What was she supposed to do now?
“Uh, I’m not really sure. Blue? It’s so daring. I think I’ll leave it.”
“No way! It’s a beautiful color! You have time to wear black when you reach my age. Please, Lani, don’t be silly. It’s gorgeous.”
A few other shoppers shared their unsolicited agreement with her mother. “It looks really good on you,” said a young mother holding an armful of robes. “You really should take it.”
“I’ll think about it,” Lani muttered. She returned to the fitting room to change. When she came out, she followed her mother across the store to wait in yet another line to pay.
When her mother wasn’t looking, Lani put the blue robe down on the corner of the counter. She didn’t want to make a scene, but she also didn’t want to buy the robe.
But a mother is a mother, would always be a mother. A moment later, Mrs. Miller swept the robe off the counter and folded it over her arm. The cashier called, “Next,” and Mrs. Miller walked up. “I’ll pay for these two,” she said briskly.
Lani’s cheeks went warm. “Maaaa,” she whispered.
Her mother didn’t listen, just swiped her card and requested separate bags.
“Please, Ma,” Lani protested as she retrieved her stroller and strapped Shifra in. “What did you do that for?”
“I’m not allowed to buy a new robe for my daughter for Pesach?”
“Uh… You’re… I mean, thank you. That’s so nice of you.”
Her mother waved dismissively. “I’m chalishing for a coffee. Are you in a rush or can we make a quick stop?”
She actually was in a rush — she had a whole list of errands to take care of before returning home — but after her mother’s generous gift, she didn’t have the heart to say no. They stepped into Black Mug and ordered two lattes.
Lani stuck a bottle into Shifra’s hand, and within a few minutes, the child was fast asleep. Lani sat across
Large selection of Shell Dickies
We carry uniforms for many local schools – ask if we have yours!
from her mother, sipping her latte. She waited for the magic to happen, for the brew to work its way through her system and wake up every bone, to relax every last charged nerve. But it didn’t happen. She sat at the edge of her chair, her mind racing from one stress point to another. Around her, everyone seemed serene, enjoying a little break from their hectic day. She was the only one who couldn’t relax; it was as though a band was wound around her chest, challenging the flow of oxygen from her lungs.
“What’s wrong, sweetie?”
Lani wrapped her fingers around her cup. She was afraid to look up, afraid she’d lose it if she met her mother’s warm eyes.
“Is it the house?”
Lani nodded. “I just… can’t think of making Pesach in that basement. I can’t. I feel like I’m going to snap.”
With the words out, the band that gripped her chest loosened, and Lani let out a gust of air.
She’d been trying, Heaven knew how she’d been trying. She’d tried to hold it together, for everyone’s sake. For Chaim Tzvi, for the kids. She’d pushed herself, pushed-pushedpushed, until every last button had been pressed, until she felt like she was simply going to suffocate.
“You’re coming to me for Yom Tov,” she heard her mother say.
“You’ll come to my house. Sell your apartment for Pesach. Lock it up and move in with us. I always tell you to do that, and you never want to. So you’ll do it this year. Tatty’s going to be so happy.”
Lani raised her head to face her mother. She felt her eyes fill, and she quickly blinked the tears back. “Ma… That’s… That’s unbelievably kind of you. I’m not even going to try to
object. You have no idea what a relief this would be for me.”
Her mother beamed, her lips stretching across her face, her eyes shining. “It’s a win-win-win-win!”
Lani pulled her cup in front of her and inhaled the strong coffee aroma. This time, the scent filled her, and she relaxed in her seat, a pleasant warmth settling over her body.
Shifra was still sleeping when they finished their drinks. They stood up and threw their cups in the garbage. Her mother was about to open the door to leave the café when Lani inched up to her and wrapped her arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze. “Thank you, Ma. Thank you so much.”
The phone hadn’t stopped ringing since Riva had stepped into the office that morning. At every desk in the office, Kleenup staff members fielded calls. Riva was prepared for this; it happened every Erev Pesach. Many families moved during those two weeks and needed their new houses cleaned, and others simply hired a crew to clean their house for Pesach.
The only question was, why did people wake up at the last minute to book a cleaning company?
It was impossible to get to any of her regular AR work on such a day. “Customer service comes first,” Mr. Gabioff had made it clear to the entire staff during his last meeting. “If the phone rings, you answer.”
She’d never understood that logic. Why was customer service built into everyone’s job? Why didn’t he designate secretaries just for that, as many as needed, and let everyone else focus on their responsibilities?
But she wasn’t there to question her boss’s business model. Maybe Shuli had that kind of language with him. Riva definitely didn’t.
“I’m sorry, we have nothing on Wednesday,” she told a desperate Mrs. Meisels. “It’s just impossible. Every one of our crews have a full schedule. Even evening hours. I’m so sorry…”
“Why are you saying that?” Mr. Gabioff barked.
Oh goodness, when had he come in?
She eyed him nervously, rotating the phone away from her mouth. “I checked the schedule,” she told him quietly. “There isn’t a single crew available, and this is a new construction. She needs a full day.”
“I’ll get her a crew. Take the booking.”
Riva rubbed the phone in her hand. What did that mean? How would he get her a crew?
“Go ahead, book it,” Mr. Gabioff said.
She felt like an idiot returning to the customer. “Uh, Mrs. Meisels, my boss says he’ll get you a crew.”
The customer was delighted. “Can you arrange a full day? I need as many hours as we can get.”
Riva looked back up at Mr. Gabioff. “A full day?” she asked.
“As many hours as she needs.”
“As many hours as you need,” she repeated into the phone.
“Can they start at eight?” the customer asked.
“Can they start at eight?” Riva repeated to Mr. G.
“Yes,” he said.
“Yes,” she repeated.
Back and forth, back and forth. This was so ridiculous. Did he need her to transmit messages? Let him just take the phone and conduct the conversation on his own instead of making her feel like an ignorant new hire.
Finally, the call was over, the reservation recorded, although there was no crew listed next to the booking, because to the best of Riva’s knowledge, there was no crew left to assign to this job.
But to her boss, that didn’t seem to be a problem. “Do you enjoy turning customers away?”
“I… I mean… We don’t have a crew available…”
“We’ll have a crew available,” he told her, as though he was reassuring a nervous little kid. “We’ll make a crew available.”
The phone rang again. Riva put her hand on the receiver.
“Look out for my business,” Mr. Gabioff continued. “I can’t have you turning my customers away, you know. Do you think that’s how you do business?” He looked at her like she was some delinquent student, beyond hope. “Answer the phone,” he said tiredly.
Riva picked up the phone on the last ring, but the caller had already hung up.
Mr. Gabioff gave one of his most elaborate, long-suffering sighs.
“Turn customers away,” he muttered. “One after the other.”
Riva tapped her fingers on the silent phone.
Mr. Gabioff stood next to her desk quietly, allowing her to absorb the full scope of her inadequacy. Then he said, “I’ll need you to stay until six from tomorrow until Pesach.”
He’ll need her to what ?
“Uh, I’m not…”
“You’re not available? Well, you’ll have to make yourself available. This is our season, I need all hands on deck. Really, Mrs. Stroh, I trust you to figure out a schedule, make whatever arrangements. If you need extra babysitting hours, I’ll pay for it, don’t worry.”
Was she supposed to thank him for that kindness?
The day dragged along, the pressure mounting by the minute. She didn’t have time to exchange a word with any of her coworkers, to ask if their boss had requested that they work overtime as well.
By the time she arrived home after picking up Eli from the babysitter, she was so dizzy, she collapsed into the couch and sat there just breathing, breathing, breathing.
That’s how Yaakov found her when he stepped into the apartment a few minutes after her.
“Oh my, Riva, what happened?”
“My boss asked me to stay until six from now until Pesach. I tried telling him no, but he wouldn’t listen. Maybe I’ll just sleep over there, why come home at all?” Her voice cracked. “I can’t, Yaakov. I can’t. This is the end of me.”
She sniffled. For a few minutes, Yaakov said nothing. Then he pulled up a chair to face her. “Well?” he said.
“Well, what?”
“Well, what are you going to do?”
She knew what he wanted her to say. He wanted her to tell him that she was going to quit, right then.
The phone rang before she had a chance to say anything. Riva reached for the cordless, squinting at the screen.
“Hi, this is Mrs. Schiffer calling, Fraidy’s teacher.”
“Oh, hi Mrs. Schiffer.”
The teacher started with some nice things about Fraidy, how well she was doing in school, what a mature girl she was.
It sounded forced, and with a level of dread, Riva waited to hear the real reason for the call.
“So I wanted to bring to your attention… I’ve noticed some… things going on lately. A girl has been, um, starting up with your Fraidy. I think it was only verbal until now, some, uh… teasing and stuff. I haven’t seen it directly, because it doesn’t happen during class. It’s just a sense I was getting and I wasn’t sure where it was going. But today, it got a little worse. There was this incident in the yard where she kicked Fraidy and incited other girls against her.”
Riva pulled a couch pillow onto her lap and clutched it. Her head felt like rock. “Could you please tell me who this girl is?”
“Actually, uh… It’s your niece. Chevi Eisdorf.”
.םיאשונ עלא יד הנוק ראלק זיא ןעמ זא ןכאמ רעכיז
ןאפעלעט ענעטירשעגראפ א ראג טלעטשעגוצ זיא ד"סב
סאוו ,סעיצפא ןוא ןטייקכילמעווקאב עליפ טימ םעטסיס
ןענעק וצ סאד םיפתתשמ יד ןרעגנירגראפ קראטש טוט
ןענעק וצ ייס ןוא ,רועיש ן'תעשב ייס ,ןטלאהטימ
ןפורניירא גיבייא ןעמ ןעק ךיוא יוזא .רועיש ןכאנ ןרעהרעביא
עכלעוו ייס רעביא רעטלעטשעגנייא ןא וצ ןדער וצ סיפא ןיא .טאה ןעמ הרעה
ןיא ןגאז טנעק ריא
ךיז ליוו סאוו רענייא רעדעי ראפ טנגייאעג זיא'ס
סאד ןוא ןייז הרדס ריבעמ ןופ אשונ יד ןיא ןרעסעבסיוא
ןייז הרדס ריבעמ טשינ ללכב ןעק סאוו רעד ראפ ייס .ןכיילג
דניצא סאוו ,אי ןעק סאוו רעד ראפ ייס ןוא ,ןפארט יד טימ
ןוא ,ןפראשסיוא רעמ וצ ךיז טייהנגעלעג םעד ןבאה רע טעוו
א טימ ןייז הרדס ריבעמ וצ הגירדמ עגידנעמוק ןפיוא ןייג .קאמשעג ןלייצראפ
ןופ םיטרפ
טכאנ גאטסניד רעדעי ןעמוקראפ ןלעוו םירועיש יד
ריפ ךשמב בקע תשרפ גאטסניד ןופ ןביוהעגנא ךילקטניפ
טעוו ןעמ ,העש א ךילקטניפ ןייז טעוו רועיש רעדעי .ןכאוו
ךיוא יוזא תולאש ןגערפ וצ טייהנעגלעג םעד ןבאה ךיוא
.ןעוו ייס םירועיש יד ןרעהרעביא
זיא יוזא יוו יד ןופ הרזחה רדס יד
עסיוועג טסייה סאד "תיבה תדובע" ןעמ טבעג ךאוו עדעי
ןענעק וצ יאדכ ךאוו יד רעביא ןוט לאז ןעמ סאוו ןלטימ הרזח .םידומיל יד ןייז הנוק גיטכיר
עלעיצעפס א ךאנ טלעטשעגוצ ראי-ייה ןעמ טאה עדארג
רועיש דיגמ יוו "רועיש זייסרעסקע" עצרוק עכילטנכעוו
יוזא יוו ןזייוו ןוא הרזח יד רוביצ טימ ןעמאזוצ ןייגרעביא טעוו
קלח םצע ןא ןרעוו ןלאז ןפארט יד זא יאדכ ןוט סאד לאז ןעמ .שטנעמ יד ןופ
רעדעי ןעמוקראפ טעוו "רועיש זייסרעסקע" יד
א סאד סאוו ,טונימ 10 ךרעב ראפ 9:45 העשב גאטשרענאד
רעכיז טעוו סע ,תוכיאב בר רעבא תומכב טעמ רועיש עצרוק
.ןטלאהוצטימ סאד תלעות עקראטש א ןייז
םענייא ןדעי ראפ םילכ עגיטכיר יד טבעג אטשפ זא ןגאז רימ .ןענרעלסיוא סאד ךיז ליוו סאוו
ךיז רעדעי ןעק טשינ ןעק ןעמ ביוא וליפא ?ןעגניז
ןוא ,ןשטנעמ עליפ ןופ רדסכ רעה ךיא סאוו הלאש א זיא סאד ןסעומשסיוא סאד סע ןעק ךיא זא האנה עקאט באה ךיא .םיברב ,ךלהמ ירבע יד רעביא טסעומשעג רעירפ טאה ןעמ יוו יונעג עטיובעג א סע זיא החמומ א ןופ סאד טנרעל ןעמ ביוא סאוו זיא ךאז עבלעז יד יונעג .םיללכ ערעטסקע עליפ טשינ ןוא ךאז יד ןופ הנבה יד ףיוא טיובעג ןינב א זיא סע ,ארקמה ימעט יד טימ .הרדס ןעמ ,ןוגינ ןייק טשינ ללכב זיא ןפארט ,רעטרעוו ערעדנא ןיא טכאמעג תמאב זיא'ס ןוא ,סאד טגאז ןעמ ,טשינ סאד טגניז .םענייא ןדעי ראפ עקאט טמוק ,ןגערפ געמ
,עטאר סעסקוס 100% א ןבאה רימ זא ןגאז ןעק ןעמ זא ה"ב !אי .רעטייוו ןפלעה לאז רעפעשאב רעד טגיילעגניירא ןוא ,םירועיש יד ןטלאהעגטימ ןבאה סאוו עלא ןטלאהעגטימ ךיוא ןוא ,ןייז וצ הנוק גיטכיר סאד תוחוכ ערעייז טנייה ןענעז ייז ןוא ,ןפארט יד ןעוועג הנוק ה"ב ןבאה ,תורזח יד .קאמשעג עגידלאוועג א טימ הרדס ריבעמ סגאטוצ זיא'ס זא ,ןפוא עקאמשעג א ראג ףיוא ןבעגעג ןרעוו םירועיש יד רענייב יד ןיא ןיירא טייג'ס ןוא ,ןטלאהוצטימ טנאסערעטניא
םימי ךרואל ןדירפוצ עקאט זיא רענייא רעדעי ןכאמ וצ רעכיז יאדכ ביוא זא עיצפא יד ןבעגעג אטשפ טאה טנעצראפ טרעדנוה קירוצ ןענעק רועיש עטשרע יד ךאנ ןדירפוצ טשינ זיא ןעמ .טגערפעג תולאש םוש ןייק ןא טלעג עצנאג יד ןעמוקאב
ריא טנעק רשפא יד יוזאיוו רעביא רעמ ?ןבעגעגרעביא ןרעוו םירועיש ,ץנערפנאקעלעט ווייל א ךרוד ןבעגעגרעביא טרעוו סע ןיא רועיש עדעי ,םירועיש עכילטע ןיא טלייטעגנייא יד ףיוא ףיורא םענייאניא טייג ןעמ ואוו ,םיאשונ ערעדנוזאב .ארקמה ימעט יד ןייז הנוק גיטכיר ןענעק וצ רעטייל טייקראלק עגידלאוועג א טימ ןבעגעגרעביא ןרעוו םירועיש יד רועיש ןכאנ ךיוא יוזא ןוא ,רועיש יד ךשמב .תעדו םעט בוטב ןוא ,תולאש ןגערפ ןענעק וצ טייהנגעלעג יד ןבעגעג טרעוו
טנעק ריא ביוא
עשיטקארפ יד רעביא לסיבא ?םירועיש יד
ערעווש ךרוד רוזחמ ענעגנאגראפ יד ןופ החלצה עשילרעטסיוא רעראג רעד ןופ ןזיירק ןוא ןטכיש עלא ןופ םיפתתשמ רעטרעדנוה עצרוק עכילטנכעוו א סעניוב עלעיצעפס "הנשה לש שודיח" .טלעוו יד ןייז הנוק ןוא םענייאניא ן'רזח וצ "רועיש זייסרעסקע" עקאמשעג ךלהמ עמאזקריוו עליעצעפס ףיוא םידומיל
.ךלהמ ןוא יובעג עצנאג יד סיוא
.'ד התיכ ראפ דמלמ א ןראוועג ךיא ןיב רעטעפש טצינעגסיוא ךיא באה החמומ ארוק לעב א גידנעייז יד ןענרעלוצסיוא ןביוהעגנא ןוא ,טייהנגעלעג םעד
רימ וצ טכארטעג באה ךיא .ארקמה ימעט יד רעדניק
טאה ,יובעג א ןוא ךלהמ א טאה ירבע יד יוו יונעג זא
סאוו ןרעה דניצא רימאל ראפ אטשפ' טניימ סאד
םירועיש ןייק ןלעטשוצ טשינ ריא טלאז סאווראפ"
יד ןעוועג ןענעז סאד "?ענעסקאוורע ראפ ךיוא
עלא ןופ טרעהעג רדסכ ןבאה רימ סאוו ןראטנעמאק
ןרעטלע ןופ ןעוועג ןענעז ןופרעד קלח עסיורג א .ןטייז
החלצה עשילרעטסיוא יד ןטלאהעגטימ ןבאה סאוו
יד ןעוועג הנוק תמאב ןבאה ייז ואוו ,רעדניק ערעייז ןופ
.קאמשעג א טימ ןפארט
הרדס ריבעמ ןענעז לארשי ללכ ןופ קלח סיורג א
א רעבא ,טגנאלראפ הכלה יד יוויוזא ךאוו עדעי .ןפארט יד גיטכיר טשינ ןענעק ןופרעד קלח עסיורג
קעווא אי ןיוש טעג ןעמ זא ,דאש א שממ זיא'ס
סאד לאז סאווראפ ,ןייז וצ הרדס ריבעמ טייצ ליפיוזא
עטסלופ יד ןוא ןפארט יד טימ ןייז טשינ
עירעס עטשרע יד ןעמוקעגראפ זיא ראיראפ ה"ב
יד ןביילג טשינ ךיז טזאל סע "סעטאט ראפ אטשפ"
יד ,ןעגנוטראוורע עלא רעכעה תואצות עגידלאוועג
זא ןקנאדאב וצ ףיוא טשינ ךיז ןרעה םיפתתשמ
.ןבעל רעייז טעוועטארעג טאה אטשפ
אטשפ זיא םעווראפ
ךיוא סאד זיא ?טכאמעג
?רימ ראפ טכאמעג
הוש זיא אטשפ זא הלימה ןבומ אולמב ןגאז ןעק ןעמ
,םיכרבא ,םענייא ןדעי ראפ טכאמעג זיא'ס ,שפנ לכל
.גנעגראי עלא ןופ ,הרות יציברמ ןוא םיתב ילעב
ןענעק ,טייהנעגנאגראפ יד ןופ החלצה יד ףיוא טיובעג
.ךלהמ א סעפע ךיוא רעכיז ארקמה ימעט יד ךאד
קראטש ךיז באה ךיא .'ןימאת תאצמו תעגי'
ןפארט יד רעביא םירפס טניילעג ןוא טגיילעגניירא
א טקעלפטנא ךיז טאה סע ה"ב ,קודקד ןוא
שממ ןענעז ןפארט עלא יוו ,רוא עגידלאוועג
.קאמשעג אזא טימ עטייווצ יד ןיא סנייא ןטכאלפעג
עניימ ןוא ,טייקגיטכיל א טנפעעג שממ ךיז טאה סע
ןא טימ ךילרעי-ראי ןעוועג הנוק סאד ןבאה םידימלת
.קאמשעג עשילרעטסיוא
רימ טאה ןעמ ןוא ,העומש יד סיורא זיא ךעלסיבוצ
.ארקמה ימעט םיברב ןענרעלוצסיוא ןעוועג דבכמ
שרדמה תיב ןיא רועיש א טימ סע ךיז טאה ןביוהעגנא
יוזא ,תובישי ןוא הרות ידומלת ןיא ךאנרעד ,מ"הוח
עטמיראב יד ןראוועג טלעטשעגקעווא ךעלסיבוצ זיא
.טלעוו עצנאג יד ןיא טנייה ט'מש סאוו 'סרוק אטשפ'
'אטשפ' ןעמאנ םצע יד סגאטוצ טנייה ןיוש זיא יד ןיא טנאקאב-טיירב
ריא ביוא .סאג עצנאג ןפיוא ןייז ריבסמ טנעק זיא סאוו לפאג ץיפש ?אטשפ סאד
קנאד ןוא ביול טימ רעטרעוו עניימ ןבייהנא לעוו ךיא םידסח עגידלאוועג ענייז ףיוא רעפעשאב ןגילייה םוצ ףיוא טירש ןוא טירט ןדעי ןיא 'אטשפ' טיילגאב סאוו .םענראפ עשילרעטסיוא ןא טייג סע זא הלימה ןבומ אולמב ןגאז ןעק ןעמ זא ה"ב קירוצ טשינ ןרעה רימ סאוו גאט ןייק ךרוד טשינ ערעייז ןופ רעדא םידימלת ןופ ןסירג עגידלאוועג יד ןעוועג הנוק גיטכיר ה"ב ןבאה ייז ואוו ,עגימורא .קאמשעג א טימ ןענייל ןענעק ייז ןוא ,ארקמה ימעט ןופ עירעס א זיא 'אטשפ' ,ןינע םוצ טצעי ןוא ןשימייה ןראפ טלעטשעגוצ םירועיש עלעיצעפס ,וויטקעפע ראג ןפארט יד ןענרעלוצסיוא ךיז ,רוביצ .ןייז הרדס ריבעמ גיטכיר ןענעק ןוא ריא טנעז יוזאיוו ?אטשפ וצ ןעמוקעגנא
ןוא רעדניק ראפ זיא 'סרוק אטשפ' עטמיראב יד
ןייז הרדס ריבעמ סיוא ךיז טנרעל ןעמ ואוו םירוחב
יד .ךלהמ אטשפ יד טימ קאמשעג עגידלאוועג א טימ
טאה סאד ןוא ,ראי א לאמ ייווצ ראפ טמוק סרוק
.תידרחה תודהי םייב עיצולאווער א טכאמעג שממ
הליגמ אטשפ' עטנאקאב יד ןעמוקעג זיא ךאנרעד
סאד ןבאה ןדיא רעטרעדנוה ואוו ,'סרוק הליגמ ןענייל וצ טנרעלעגסיוא ךיז ןוא ןטלאהעגטימ
.קאמשעג א טימ
,גנורידראקער עכילגעט יד ןעמוקוצ זיא סנטצעל
ךיז טאה יוזאיוו עצנאג יד ןביוהעגנא ?ךאז
ה"ב באה ךיא ,בייהנא ןופ השעמ יד ןבייהנא לעוו ךיא ןענרעלוצסיוא תוקונית דמלמ א ןייז וצ 'יכז יד טאהעג באה ךיא .ירבע ןוא תויתוא ךעלרעדניק עגיטכעל יד ךיז באה ךיא ןוא ןירעד טגיילעגניירא קראטש ךיז ךלהמ עגיד'תויחמומ עלעיצעפס א טנרעלעגסיוא ןעזעג ךיא באה ןאד ,ירבע רעדניק יד ןענרעלוצסיוא טנרעל ןעמ ןעוו ןייז המדמ טשינ שממ סע ןעק ןעמ זא טנרעל ןעמ ןעוו יוו ,ירבע רעדניק יד ראפ סיוא םתס
עקאט רימאל ,הברדא ,אטשפ' טוט סאוו ,ןרעה ?סגאטוצ טנייה ןלעטשוצ
םוצ זאטסקע טימ ךיז טיירג תידרחה תודהי סאד
"סעטאט ראפ אטשפ" םירועיש עירעס ןטייווצ
ואוו ,רוביצ ןשימייה ןראפ טלעטשעגוצ לעיצפס
קאמשעג א טימ ארקמה
You don’t have to own a big business to do some advertising and marketing. Even running a playgroup, managing a photography or music studio, or giving art lessons will require advertising or marketing.
So you might start thinking about creating an ad or building a website. The first thing you usually think you need is a graphic designer.
And that’s true. You do need a graphic designer for those marketing assets. But there’s another professional who can take those marketing assets and turn them into a tool for real results. That marketing professional is called a copywriter.
Nope, a copywriter doesn’t file for a copyright on your advertisement. A copywriter writes the strategic words on your marketing materials — the words that get people to look, and then to act. To book a session, or sign up for your class, or donate to the cause you’re advocating. Whatever the goal of the advertising, a copywriter’s job is to write the words that make it happen.
Copywriters aren’t hypnotists. They don’t have the power to force anyone to do their will. So how do they help generate actual results from marketing?
To write the powerful words that convince people to act, copywriters first need to know what type of people they’re writing to. Is it teenagers? Mothers? Businesspeople? Principals? Every kind of person speaks a different language, and for advertising to work, it needs to speak the specific language of the people they’re targeting.
WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW: Copywriting = Marketing = Psychology. It’s not just writing pretty words.
TRADE SECRET: Helping businesses uncover their uniqueness. When you’re a rare commodity, it’s easy to stand out. (And it makes the copywriting fun!)
Figuring out what type of people you want to talk to, and what that person would want to hear, is all part of step one in the copywriting process. Research. There can be a few parts to the research stage. The copywriter talks to the business owner or whoever is placing the ad. They might talk to previous customers to hear what they like most about the business. They might talk to potential customers to hear what would make them buy or sign up.
After all the talking and research is done, it’s time to write. The words that a copywriter writes for the ad, site, or marketing asset are all written in the customer’s language. The message in the ads will address what the customer cares most about. This kind of strategic wording in an email, brochure, or fundraising campaign helps convince many more people to take the next step: sign up, buy or donate.
Some people don’t see the point to all this research and strategy. They have some basic words to explain their business on their website, or their service in their advertisement, and pretty graphics to go with it. They think that’s sufficient.
But when you use strategic copywriting, there’s a real difference in the results. A typical person, when putting their business out there, is focusing on their own business or service. A copywriter, on the other hand, helps them focus
the marketing on the customer. Copywriters have a famous rule, “Customers don’t care about you or your business. They care about themselves.”
Here’s a real-life example: One recent CopySprings project was the website of a photographer who specializes in newborn photography. In this case, the customers are brand-new mothers of a little baby. Technically, we could have written all about the expert lighting that the photographer uses and her eye for detail.
But it was a lot more important to write about what a new mother wants. In this case, that was the pampering experience that this photographer provides. As feedback from past customers revealed, the experience was a big factor in making their session enjoyable.
On that website, the written copy mentioned what was most important to the customer:
• The breakfast every mother is served at the photoshoot
• The individualized attention each customer receives
• The patient care lavished on the newborn
Mothers who read about the experience grew excited, ready to book a session where they would enjoy such a delightful time.
Bottom line: What’s important to your customer should be important to you.
Chaya Beer is the strategic copywriter behind CopySprings, where she helps small businesses maximize their marketing to grow bigger or better. She’s not quite ready to give up creative writing, though, which is why you’ll still see her byline on the occasional magazine article in these pages. For more copywriting info, she can be reached at chaya@ copysprings.com.
A divine dessert is the perfect finale to your meal!
Creamy ice cream nestled between two soft, freshly baked cookies, topped with a generous sprinkling of crushed pistachios.
Chocolate chip cookies (recipe below)
1 tub, approximately 56 oz. pareve vanilla ice cream
10 oz. chocolate, melted
1 cup crushed pistachios
(Note: Read both assembly options before baking the cookies.)
1 ½ sticks margarine, at room temperature
½ cup sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 T. vanilla sugar
2 eggs
3 cups Wondermills flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 ½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
½ bag chocolate chips
1. Preheat the oven to 325°.
2. Cream margarine and sugars.
3. Add eggs and mix well.
4. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add it to the sugar mixture and mix.
5. Add chocolate chips and mix to incorporate.
6. Using a scooper, scoop the dough onto a lined cookie sheet.
7. Bake for 12 minutes. Do not overbake. Cool completely.
1. Thaw the ice cream until it reaches a spreadable consistency.
2. Spread ice cream onto a 9x13” pan in a layer about ¾-inch thick. Freeze.
3. Cut circles out of the ice cream using a round cookie cutter in similar size to the baked cookies. Transfer the ice cream rounds to a separate pan (line the pan for easy removal). Store the rounds in the freezer until you’re ready to assemble the ice cream sandwiches.
Sandwich each ice cream round with two cookies. Dip half of each sandwich into melted chocolate and coat it with pistachios.
1. While the cookies are still hot, cut each cookie with a round cookie cutter, to create perfectly uniform edges. Let cool.
2. Dip each cookie in melted chocolate, coating only the top of the cookie. Coat immediately in chopped pistachios.
3. Sandwich an ice cream round between two cookies.
Indulge in the perfect balance of creamy ice cream scoops with a chocolate shell coating.
1 large bucket, 1.65 liters pareve vanilla ice cream, divided into three equal portions
1 tsp. peanut butter softened
¼ cup crisp rice cereal
5 sandwich cookies, crushed, including the cream
Chocolate, for coating
Add peanut butter and crisp rice cereal to a 1/3 portion of ice cream and mix well. Store in an air-tight container. Freeze.
Add the crushed cookies into 1/3 portion of the ice cream and mix well. Store in an airtight container. Freeze.
Store 1/3 portion of ice cream in an air-tight container. Freeze.
1. Using a scooper, create scoops of each flavor.
2. Coat each scoop in melted chocolate.
This exquisite dessert features a soft, fluffy lemon cake topped with lemon cream and a light lemon-infused whipped cream, finished with fresh fruit.
Lemon cake
Bakers Choice
Lemon Crème
Lemon whipped cream
Fresh fruit (blueberries, strawberries, lemon, squeeze of passion fruit)
2 cups Wondermills flour
3 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
1 ½ cups sugar, divided
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
7 eggs, separated
¾ cup water
½ cup oil
1 ½ T. lemon juice
Zest of one lemon
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Beat the egg whites with half the sugar, until stiff. Set aside.
3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks with the rest of the sugar and the vanilla sugar until light and fluffy.
4. Add water, oil and lemon juice, and mix well.
5. Add flour, baking powder and salt. Mix until well combined.
6. Add lemon zest and mix again.
7. Pour the batter into a silicone mold (I used a double-sided donut-shape pan), filling each section three-quarters full.
8. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven and let it cool.
1 (16 oz.) carton whipped topping
1 box instant vanilla pudding
½ tsp. lemon juice
1. Beat the whipped topping until it’s stiff.
2. Add the instant vanilla pudding and lemon juice and mix again.
1. Add a spoon of Baker’s Choice Lemon Crème into each hole in the lemon cake. Top with fresh fruit of your choice.
2. Place one lemon cake at a time on an upside down glass cup (the cup’s base should be smaller than the cake). This will help with decorating the dessert.
3. Spread lemon whipped cream generously around the cake. Using a spatula, spread the cream from the bottom to top several times around the cake. (Tip: turn the cup while spreading.)
4. Top with additional fresh fruit.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any dise ase.
The aroma and taste of warm, home-baked challah brings an ethereal whiff of kedusha and joy into a home.
In the times of the Beis Hamikdash, the mitzvah of challah was to tithe a portion of the dough being prepared and give it to a kohen. Today, unfortunately, we don’t have the opportunity to fulfill this mitzvah in its completion, but on Shabbos Nachamu, we are comforted that those glorious days of old will yet return. Until then, we take comfort in nurturing our bodies and souls with this exalted mitzvah of hafrashas challah.
4 ½ T. dry yeast
1 cup sugar
3 cups seltzer at room temperature (Use a new bottle of seltzer for higher carbonation.)
4 cups warm water (For the perfect temperature, put 2 cups of boiling water into a large measuring cup, and add 2 cups of cold water.)
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup oil
7 lbs. high-gluten flour
4 T. salt
1. Place the yeast, sugar, seltzer, and water into the bowl of an electric mixer. Cover and let the yeast activate for five to ten minutes. The mixture should appear like a doughy liquid.
2. Add the eggs and oil. Cover and mix for about 30 seconds, until just combined.
3. Add three-quarters of the flour and the salt. Cover and mix for about 60 to 90 seconds, until the ingredients have barely combined and there is room in the bowl for the rest of the flour.
4. Add the remaining flour. Cover the bowl and mix, first on low and then on high, until a smooth dough has formed, about 7 minutes.
5. Spray a large bowl liberally with oil. Place the dough into the bowl, cover, and let it rise in a warm spot until it has doubled in size, about 40 minutes.
6. Divide the dough and braid your challos (see braiding step by step below). Then let them rise again in a warm spot for about 40 minutes, until they look fluffy and ready to bake.
7. Brush the challos with egg wash. Sprinkle with sesame seeds or topping of your choice.
8. Bake at 375° for 20 minutes. Reduce the heat to 350° and continue baking for an additional 40 minutes.
9. Remove the pans and cool the challos on a wire cooling rack.
10. Place the challos in bags in the freezer until ready to use.
11. Reheat challos on Friday afternoon at 350° for 30 minutes. You don’t have to defrost the challos before reheating; you can transfer them directly from the freezer to the oven.
Use heavy metal pans instead of disposable aluminum pans for a superior crust and flavor.
Brush your challos with egg wash twice, once right after they’re braided and again right before you add the seeds or toppings and bake them. This will give your challos an extra sheen and an extracrisp crust.
Every pound of flour used, makes one threepound oval challah. A seven-pound flour challah recipe makes seven beautiful three-pound challos. Use this ratio to divide dough into as many challos as needed.
Experiment with different toppings. Try poppy seeds, kosher salt, minced garlic, or everything seeds.
For added crisp, skip the cooking spray and sprinkle a thin layer of sesame seeds on the bottom of your challah pan. The challah will pop out very easily.
Shabbos morning, place your challos on top of your cholent pot or crock pot and cover lightly. The challos will taste freshly baked at your Shabbos day seudah, too!
For easy cleanup, slightly wet your counter or table and spread a plastic tablecloth on top. The water under the plastic will keep it from rolling and crumpling while you roll out and braid your challos. When done, just roll up the plastic. Your counter or table will be a breeze to clean!
Although any salt can be used when baking challah, kosher salt is the best option because of how clean it is from impurities. Also, it’s flavorful without giving the challah a distinctly salty taste. Any noniodized salt, such as sea salt or pink Himalayan salt, is a good option as well — just make sure the salt you’re using is finely ground and not coarse.
1. Divide the dough into six equal parts. Roll each one into a 12-inch strand, with the center of the strand a bit thicker than its ends.
2. Connect and pinch the six strands on top and divide into two sections, with three strands in each section.
3. Take the INNER strand from the LEFT side (white) and fold it over to the top.
4. Move the OUTER strand on the RIGHT side (blue) around and up to the left of the white strand.
5. Move the white strand over the blue strand so it lands to the INNER side of the LEFT side. This is one cycle of braiding.
6. Now for the other side; Take the outer strand from the left side (orange) and move it around and up to the right side of the top strand (blue).
7. Move the top strand (blue) over the orange strand to the inside of the right set of strands.
8. Continue, always switching the outer strand from the side that has three with the one on top, bringing the top strand down toward the opposite side — the side that had two strands.
We don’t yet have the Beis Hamikdash, but when we bake challah in our mikdashei me’at we are reminded that we, like the kohanim, depend on Hashem for physical sustenance in order to perform our mission in life.
May we be granted our deepest desire and see the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash speedily in our days.
1. When braiding, be careful not to pull the strands too tightly.
2. When the strands get too short to continue braiding, pinch all the pieces together.
3. Trim the two messy ends of the Challah so it looks neat and uniformed. Rolled the trimmed pieces of dough into a ball and place it under the center of the Challah so it appears fluffy and round.
Apale purple tints the sky, making way for deep violet, and then golden yellow and red. The sun is bowing its majestic departure, heralding the close of our holy day of rest. But the respite of body and soul, which we’ve anticipated all week long, is far from over. The profoundest moment, the highlight of Shabbos, is just beginning.
The Zohar calls this time, “ rava d’ravin,” literally translated as “favor of favors.”
The timing of seudah shelishis is auspicious, a special eis ratzon. At this point of the week, Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s Will is most favorable toward us Yidden. Our tefillos are accepted easily and we are endowed with the ability to connect with our Creator on a supreme level.
Just knowing that we are inhaling moments that are so steeped in kedusha already places the key to the treasures of the time of seudah shelishis in our hands. We can unlock the bounty by partaking in a seudah, the third of the series of Shabbos meals. (This is actually a mitzvah that even women are obligated in.) We can actualize the potency to be uplifted through songs that arouse the neshamah, divrei Torah, and heartfelt tefillah
The third and final Shabbos seudah as time for introspection and the profound inner avodah that has become a central theme in chassidus
During their travels in self-imposed galus, the brothers Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk and Reb Zushe of Anipoli learned of a very special child living in the city of Biala. It was Reb Duvid’l Lelover in his youth. They went to Biala to meet the father of this holy wonderchild, who was known to be a simple Yid. They wanted to learn what he had done to merit such a child.
When they asked this man’s wife to tell them about her husband — how he deals in business, how he behaves with food, and how he handles all other earthly matters — she replied that he was like all other simple folk. The only thing she could think of sharing was the way he sang zemiros on Shabbos afternoon. Every week, at seudah shelishis, when he sang the words “V’yizku liros banim uvnei vanim oskim baTorah uv’mitzvos,” he would cry uncontrollably. In his great fervor, he would knock his head on the wall, begging Hashem to grant him a son who would be a tzaddik. His impassioned cries would cause him to faint, and she would need to revive him.
When the brothers heard this, they called out, “Now we understand how he was zoche to a son with such an elevated neshamah!”
Before brias ha’olam, there was a ratzon elyon, a supernal Will, aroused by Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s infinite love for Klal Yisroel, that prompted the creation of the world.
The first day of creation, as we know, was Sunday. Since a Jewish calendar day begins with nightfall, the creation began on Motzaei Shabbos. Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s deep, exceptional love for Klal Yisroel, expressed through His ratzon elyon to create the world, came to pass on Shabbos afternoon, at Mincha time.
Thus, every Shabbos at Mincha, this deep-rooted love recurs, making it a most promising time for us.
Reb Chaim Mordechai of Nadvorna often repeated that when one says “V’yizku liros banim uvnei banim oskim baTorah ub’mitzvos,” while singing the zemiros of seudah shelishis, it is a time mesugal for meriting ehrliche doros
Tefillah at this time is not limited to good children, but can effect any yeshuah one may need.
Reb Pinchas of Koritz instructed his chassidim to daven for parnassah during seudah shelishis, the time of “rava d’ravin.”
There is a mashal shared by Reb Noach of Lechovitch regarding a prince who was cast aside by his father. Unlike his brothers, who received royal protection, this son wasn’t treated with noble grace. Once, the king’s friend came for a visit, and just before he left, the prince begged the friend to intercede on his behalf. Perhaps his father the king would be swayed by his friend’s counsel.
Before the king’s friend accepted the task, he had a question. “If you are being mistreated, why did you wait until now to ask for my help? Couldn’t you have asked me right when I arrived?” The prince explained that it would not have been befitting to complain immediately upon the guest’s arrival, as it could have spoiled the visit. Now that he was leaving, the prince felt it was an appropriate time to ask the favor.
Shabbos is Hashem’s beloved. All day long, we should be joyous and relaxed, as if all our worries have disappeared. Only when the time comes for Shabbos to leave do we pour out our hearts and beg Shabbos to petition the King on our behalf.
Reb Itzikel of Skver was known for his astute perception, which sometimes brought the maskilim of his day for debates. With his sharp wit, the Rebbe managed to sway many.
Once, one “enlightened” fellow came with a whole list of questions. After speaking with the Rebbe at length, he decided he wanted to do teshuvah. Reb Itzikel told the man that if he would undertake never to go to the theater again, he would be able to repent properly. But the man did not see what was wrong with the theater. “But, Rebbe, it’s really nice!”
The Rebbe replied, “If you will develop a bit of feeling, you will see that there is nothing nicer than Yidden sitting together and singing Baruch Kel Elyon!’”
The maskil took the Rebbe’s words to heart, did complete teshuvah, and merited tasting this sweetness.
The custom of sitting together for a seudas shelishes during these lofty moments dates back to the Baal Shem Tov.
Once, the Baal Shem Tov spent Shabbos in a small village. After Mincha, the local leader gathered some villagers and ate and drank with them, amid song and joy. “Why do you spend specifically seudah shelishes together?” the Baal Shem Tov asked.
“On Shabbos, we each receive a neshamah yeseirah, and on Motzaei Shabbos, it is returned. I prefer that my neshamah leave alongside others from Klal Yisroel.”
The Baal Shem Tov was genuinely moved and he and his disciples for generations to come continue the practice of
sitting and singing side by side, which amplifies our sentiments of purity.
The avodah in the court of Peshischa was reserved, with hardly an outward display. There was one time a week, though, when emotion was expressed — during the seudah shelishis tisch. It was a time of tears and introspection, akin to Neilah of Yom Kippur. With the lights turned off, the hearts turned on.
The first time the Chiddushei Harim of Gur traveled to Peshischa, he went along with Reb Chanoch Henoch of Alexander to the Rebbe’s seudah shelishis. As they stood, completely involved and mesmerized by the holy atmosphere, Reb Chanoch Henoch’s hand brushed past the Chiddushei Harim’s face. He felt tears streaming down, and he said, “I realized then that er iz fun unzere,” indicating that the Gerrer Rebbe had become a Peshischa chassid.
The Kotzker Rebbe quoted the words of Chazal in Avos, “One hour of teshuvah and good deeds in this world is more precious than all the life of the World to Come.” This, he said, refers to the hour of seudah shelishis. Since this time is not for deep learning, it’s a time for in-
trospection, mussar and teshuvah
It is the minhag in many circles to share divrei Torah during seudah shelishis with the lights turned off. In times gone by, candlelight would have waned by this point, leaving chassidim to sit in the dark. This encouraged a whole new atmosphere. When the physical light is extinguished, the spiritual light — the neshamah — has space to illuminate.
In the darkness, those who wish to immerse themselves in thoughts of teshuvah have the space to express their feelings and cry unashamed.
Keeping Shabbos alive by extending seudah shelishis into Motzaei Shabbos was not limited to chassidim, nor was it a new discovery.
With this meal, one fulfills all three. The first two, although a mitzvah, are eaten when a person is hungry and derives satisfaction from them. But when one eats a meal so soon after the preceding one, he demonstrates that he is eating for the sake of the mitzvah. Simply put, this meal completes the obligation to eat a three meal set. It is “proof” that the other two meals also were eaten for the sake of a mitzvah
The Chasam Sofer used to prolong seudah shelishis long past nightfall. Later, his son, the Ksav Sofer, would sit for at least an hour or two after the zman of Motzei Shabbos.
The sefer Ateres Tzvi on the Zohar Hakadosh writes, “Surely Reb Shimon [bar Yochai] and his acquaintances prolonged seudah shelishis…”
After all, these moments are so precious and potent… imagine if they could linger forever!
She dropped the potato she was peeling. “What happened?” she demanded.
“Everyone’s okay,” he said. “It was amazing. I’ll tell you the whole story at the seudah.”
A little later, my older son came home.
“Hatzolah came to the office today,” my husband told him.
“What happened?” he wanted to know.
“It was amazing hashgacha,” my husband said. “I’ll tell you at the seudah.”
By the time Shabbos arrived, all of the kids knew that Tatty had a dramatic story to tell. They could hardly swallow their grape juice fast enough.
“After Hamotzi,” he promised them.
I have a large family, six-month-old baby girl to a seventeen-year-old bochur. Although we usually “lose” kids from the table as the this time everyone stayed in their seats. My husband spun the tale over the fish and soup and chicken, and most of the kids were still at the table when bentching rolled around.
My husband doesn’t have drama at work every Friday, ruch Hashem. But he started preparing a story in advance each week, and then drop
ping a few hints to a couple of kids. Sometimes he manages to spin out the story over all three seudos. He usually tells stories of hashgacha pratis, or stories about tzaddikim, or little-known midrashim. Sometimes he talks about a nisayon that he faced during the week and what his thought processes were and how he handled it. I love that my kids get to absorb lessons, values and divrei Torah “without noticing.”
By now the kids know that the table talk is going to be interesting, and they’ve become
One busy Erev Shabbos, my husband walked into the bustling kitchen and told my daughter, “Hatzolah came to the office today.”
As the seudah progressed, we would lose the kids
There is nothing worse than feeling like a parenting failure. But that’s what I felt like when my kids would fight during the seudos. Not the little kids; I consider that normal. I can handle the bickering over who got more soda and how annoying it is when your brother slurps his soup. But when the two oldest, both teenagers, spent the entire seudah sniping at each other and trading barbs, it destroyed the Shabbos atmosphere and put everyone in a bad mood.
They couldn’t let it go. As a matter of honor, they had to keep “getting back” at the other. The fighting went on for the entire meal.
For a couple of weeks, I tried to intervene. I asked them nicely to stop, I tried to distract everyone with spe cial foods, and I strategically placed a large flower ar rangement in the middle of the table so they couldn’t really see each other. But nothing helped. I tried switching some seats around, but no matter where they sat, they could still see each other, and that meant they could still fight.
One week, when the situation devolved to them flicking chickpeas at each other across the table, I had it.
I told everyone to stand up. Then I rear ranged the entire table. I moved my husband’s seat from the head of the table to the center on one side. On either side of him, I put the tormenting teenagers. My husband is very tall and well built, and sitting on either side of him, they couldn’t see each other at all. Finally!
I sat directly across from my husband, and my other kids sat around
the table. No one sat at the head.
I don’t know if I would have had the guts to do this if my stately mother-in-law or my very authoritarian grandfather had been present. Even without them, I was worried about the chinuch angle. What was I teaching the kids by moving my husband away from the head of the table? But I just knew, with certain conviction, that the toxic fighting was worse than these new arrangements.
I didn’t have to do it forever. After two weeks, I moved everyone back to their proper places. By then we had broken the cycle and moved on.
Sometimes you just need to “jam the system,” make it impossible to continue, in order to force a change. As for the chinuch concern, I hope I was mechanech my children to be flexible, creative thinkers, and not to get hung up on their own honor.
THE CHALLENGE: My kids wouldn’t stop fighting
.ןדירפוצ ןוא רדוסמ םָאקלופ ןענעז רעטייבּרַא-ןוא-בּ"העבּ זיבּ ףליה וצ ונסנרפ טייטש סנעיריפּסקע ןרָאי ריא טימ .ןלדנַאהרַאפ וצ ןוא ןפלעהוצסיורַא ָאד 'ונסנרפ' זיא ,םעלבָארפּ ַא רעטעפּש ךיז טכַאמ ביוא ךיוא
I work so hard to make Shabbos, and by the time the seudah rolls around, my feet are aching. My little helpers are more or less happy to help serve… which is not always quite so helpful. They can bring out the dips and maybe the salads, but I need to do the hot soup and large serving platters. By the time we’re ready to clear the table, I don’t want to stand up again. But clearing is much simpler than serving. With everyone able to pitch it, it should go fast, right?
Wrong. Clearing is much more boring than serving. No one is in the mood of helping anymore once the seduah is over, and that’s when everyone starts keeping track of what everyone else did or didn’t do. And at that point, I am much too tired to beg, plead, cajole, threaten or bribe the kids into clearing the table.
But I don’t want to do it myself, either. And then the recriminating thoughts start: What’s the matter with you, that you can’t get your kids to cooperate? What’s the matter with your kids, that they ignore your instructions? They’re going to grow up lazy and entitled! When they get married, their spouses are going to blame you for their poor manners, and all of your daughters-in-law will hate you!
Okay, when I get up to their future mar ried lives, I know I’m going too far. But still.
I was discussing this problem with my neighbor, and she shared this trick: When it’s time to clear the table, she says, “We’re ready to play the clearing game!”
She calls the kids to the dining room, and everyone waits for a moment while she si lently scans the table. She mentally choos es one item on the table, and then tells the kids they can start clearing. Once the table is cleared, she reveals which item she chose, and the person who happened to have
cleared that item gets an extra dessert or nosh by the Shabbos party. This way, the kids are motivated to clear as many items as possible.
Since my neighbor said this works for her, I tried it. To be honest, it didn’t work so perfectly for me. After a couple of seudos, the novelty wore off, and the same kids who weren’t interested in “helping” before, weren’t interested in “playing” now. (I find that it’s a personality thing; some kids are by nature more inclined to help, and some are more inclined to see what they can get away with.) We still play “the clearing game” every seudah, though, because it did help to some degree. I even found that just the semantics — calling it a game — changed the atmosphere a little and removed some of the stress (as well as the images of angry future daughters-in-law). Plus, there’s always the excitement at the end: finding out who cleared the chosen item. And the table does get
In our house, the hardest part of Shabbos is clearing the table.
No one wanted to clear the table
When I was growing up, my mother served the exact same menu every single Shabbos: challah, gefilte fish, chicken soup, potato kugel, chicken with duck sauce, cole slaw and apple cobbler. Shabbos day we had liver, cholent, kugel again and deli. Sometimes we had broccoli salad. Dessert was pareve ice cream. Every meal, every week.
So that’s what I did when I got married. I served the exact same menu every week, and my husband never complained. The only change I made was to add eggs and onions to the Shabbos day menu, like my mother-in-law served.
Honestly, I didn’t have a problem with the menu, and no one else complained, either. But I had a different problem: Some of my kids were not interested in being at the Shabbos seudah in the first place. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why. Maybe because they were tired, maybe be cause they were teenagers, or may be it was just a stage. They weren’t complaining about anything specific; they just weren’t particularly excited or engaged. They came, they ate, but kind of reluctantly, like, fiiiiiine.
Then, one Friday night, as I was setting the table, for one moment I mentally zoomed out and looked at the scene from a distance. I saw the little kids, all picky eaters, tired and hungry; a moody teenager on the couch; a high-strung tween flopped on the floor, and I had an epiphany: Gefilte fish is boring
The kids were tired from a long week, and Erev Shabbos is intense in general. And now they were all starving
and cranky… and not interested in gefilte fish.
I didn’t say anything to anyone, but the next week I served sushi. I served gefilte fish, too. But in the center of the table I put a sushi platter, with wasabi sauce, sweet sauce and spicy mayo.
It was like pressing a button and watching the kids come alive. I didn’t have to call anyone to the table. They all came without complaint, and everyone was in a good mood throughout Kiddush and Hamotzi. The fish course was fun, with everyone choosing their favorite kinds of sushi and trying new ones, and the good mood lasted through most of the meal.
The next week I made sushi again. I also made deli roll for Shabbos day.
And the next week I made a three-layer chocolate mousse for dessert.
I still serve gefilte fish. And chicken soup and cholent and all the basics. But I try to change up the menu so the seudah should be interesting and exciting. I think of each of my kids and try to have at least one food over Shabbos that they really enjoy.
Maybe sushi at the Shabbos table sounds a little too contemporary. But having menucha v’simcha on Shabbos is one of our most precious traditions.
THE CHALLENGE: The kids didn’t feel excited
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The haftarah begins, “ Nachamu nachamu ami yomar Elokeichem ” — be comforted, be comforted, my people, says your G-d (Yeshayah 40:1). Elokim is Hashem’s name for midas hadin, strict judgment, indicating a precise accounting. The Kedushas Levi says that this means that every single tzarah of galus will be remembered. The Crusades, the Spanish expulsion and Inquisition, every pogrom, the Holocaust, the major events of history and the minor ones, those so bitter we tried to forget them and those too painful to think about… all will be remembered. Nothing will be overlooked, and Hashem will console us for all of these episodes.
But how can we be consoled? After suffering so much, what can possibly be said to us that will console us?
The answer lies in the word Elokeichem, your G-d.
Hashem’s name Elokim expresses His leadership in the world. Elokeichem, your G-d, tells us that everything Hashem does in the world is for us. We think that current events are not connected to us, but that is inaccurate. An earthquake in Turkey, a new king in England, a war in Ukraine, the wealth in Dubai… in some way, they are all for the benefit of the Jewish nation. This is the meaning
of Elokeichem: everything Hashem does in the world is for the Jewish nation (Kedushas Levi, Nachamu).
Let’s use the wealth of Dubai and the coronation of King Charles as examples. The Kedushas Levi (Pirkei Avos 2:5) tells a mashal. A king had to banish his son from the palace due to his bad behavior, and he sent him to a place where poor people live. The king figured that his son would not want to live there, so he would repent his ways and plead to return.
Initially, it was very hard for the prince to adjust to the lifestyle in the poor city. He remembered the good old days when he ate the best foods in his father’s palace and lived a life of wealth, honor, and pleasure. Now he had to work hard all day long to earn a few pennies. At night, he drank dirty water and ate stale bread to stave off his hunger, and then he fell into an exhausted sleep on a bed made of prickly hay. But with time, he became accustomed to his new lifestyle, and he stopped yearning to go home.
The king knew that this would occur, so he sent one of his officers to the area. This officer wore royal clothing, rode an expensive stallion, and was escorted by several servants on his right and left who played music for him and told everyone to honor him. The prince saw the wealthy lifestyle and the pleasures of this officer, and he remembered that all of this, and more, used to be his, for he is the king’s son. This prince repented his wayward ways, begged the king to take him back, and the king did so.
The Kedushas Levi concludes, “All the details of this story happen to us, Bnei Yisrael, Hashem’s nation.” The reason Hashem gives wealth and success to the nations of the world is to remind us of what will be ours when we return to Hashem, with the coming of Moshiach. The wealth and glory we see in New York, Paris, Dubai, and all over the world, is so we will have a tiny inkling of what will be ours when we return to Hashem.
The Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 224) states, “It is a mitzvah to see even non-Jewish kings.” The Kedushas Levi explains that the purpose is to remind ourselves of the outstanding honor that will one day be ours.
This is the reason there is wealth in Dubai, and this is the reason that this year there was the coronation of the king of England. It isn’t for them. It is for us, to remind us of the far greater honor that will one day belong to the Jewish nation. Similarly, the purpose and the objective of everything that happens in the world is to benefit the Jewish nation.
There was a town that had only one tavern, run and owned by a Yid. The priest of this town told his congregants that they shouldn’t buy alcoholic beverages, in order to harm the Jewish tavern owner. The tavern owner ran to the Yeitav Lev, zt”l, and told him that the priest’s decree
was causing him to lose his parnassah. The Yeitav Lev replied that Hashem created the nations of the world so Yidden will have parnassah. “You have nothing to fear. They will support you, because that is why they were created.” He said that this is hinted in the bracha of Borei Nefashos: “borei nefashos rabos… l’hachayos bahem nefesh.” Rashi (Bereishis 46:26) teaches that the umos ha’olam are called nefashos and Yidden are called nefesh We say borei nefashos rabos, Hashem created many nations, l’hachayos bahem nefesh, to give parnassah to Yidden.
Soon afterward, the people in the town became ill with a contagious epidemic. The doctors attributed the epidemic to the fact that the residents had stopped drinking alcohol. They believed that since alcohol kills germs, their refraining from drinking alcohol brought on the epidemic. The priest, who was responsible for this epidemic, was punished severely.
In this week’s parsha, the pasuk states, “Gedolim v’atzumim mimchah,” – nations greater and stronger than you (4:38). The Midrash quotes this pasuk and discusses the halachos of Borei Nefashos. To explain this Midrash, the Satmar Rebbe, zt”l, tells the story above, which shows us that everything happens for the Jewish nation. The umos ha’olam were created for our benefit. He says that we should translate the words “gedolim v’atzumim mimcha” to mean “nations great and strong because of you.” The reason they are mighty and strong is for your sake, because everything that occurs is for the benefit of the Jewish nation. The Midrash connects this pasuk to the bracha of Borei Nefashos because this bracha tells us that the nefashos rabos, the many nations, were created l’hachayos bahem nefesh, to give parnassah and success to the Jewish nation. Everything is for us.
The Likutei Moharan (vol. 1 21) states, “[When Moshiach comes] even the umos ha’olam will have a lot of wisdom… and they will know that the greatness that they had in galus, and our inferiority in galus, was all our greatness. Today, it is impossible to understand this, because one cannot deny what he perceives [and it seems that the umos ha’olam are superior and we are inferior] but then there will be a lot of wisdom and awareness in the world, and everyone will know that the greatness of the nations was actually our greatness and their inferiority.”
The Maharil states that on Shabbos Nachamu, “The entire nation shall be happy and trust in the redemption.” On Shabbos Nachamu, Hashem promises us that better times are coming. The geulah is approaching. All problems, communal and private, will be resolved. Then we will be shown that even in galus, Hashem was always with us, and everything was for our good.
And then we will be consoled.
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:לשמל יוו סושיא עלאַ ראַפ
• פּאָקיפּ שזדעבראַג ןעמעלבאָרפּ
• פּמעל ןסאַג ענעכאָרבעצ
• טימ ןעמעלבאָרפּ עיצקורטסנאָק
• ןענעז עכלעוו ןסאַג
אַ ןאָ ןראָוועג ןסאָלשראַפ טימרעפּ
• סלאָהטאַפּ
• וו"אא
,ןאָזעיל רעזנוא טפור עטיב
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא .ךייש זיא סאָוו
ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
He can be reached at: 845.357.5100 ext. 433 | Margarettenj@ramapo.org
You can also contact the town to report any issues via WhatsApp at: (845) 502-0415
It’s summertime, the perfect season to take on a fun and creative project. This painting project will teach you many painting skills while showing you how to create beautiful artwork for your sukkah.
Over these eight weeks, we will guide you on how to complete a beautiful, hand-painted shivas haminim sukkah decoration. Each of the shivas haminim will get a separate painting as part of this series, and the last week of instructions will be reserved for writing the names of the shivas haminim onto the completed paintings.
The paintings will be taught in a step-bystep manner so everyone can join and enjoy. You do not need to be an artist to create this masterpiece.
Happy painting!
For week 5 of the series, we’ll be painting the rimon, the pomegranate. The pomegranate is full of symbolism and is associated with many traditions, and is very meaningful to paint. Have fun!
Acrylic paint is not washable. Make sure to dress appropriately or wear a smock.
If clothes do get dirty, wash with soap and water immediately.
• Before you paint, put the paint colors you’ll be using onto the plate or palette. Fill your cup with water, and keep a paper towel nearby.
• Use baby wipes to fix mistakes while the paint is still wet.
• Keep your brushes in the water when they are not in use.
• When you finish painting, wash your brushes with soap and water.
• Smock
• Plate or palette
• Cup
• Paper towel
• 8x10” canvas
• Large brushes
• Medium brushes
• Thin brushes
• Easel (optional)
• Magenta • White • Ultramarine blue
Mix white with some magenta for a light pink. Fill the top two-thirds of the painting.
Mix magenta with a little bit of white and fill the rest of the painting. Add more white to the magenta and add this lighter shade around the edges of the painting and blend it into the darker part.
Mix ultramarine blue and magenta. Use your thin brush to sketch the pomegranate by creating a large circle, half in the dark pink background and half in the light pink. Toward the top right, add a crown.
To the right of the large pomegranate, create a curved line using the dark purple shade created by mixing magenta and ultramarine blue.
Mix a bit of ultramarine blue and magenta. Fill the bottom of the pomegranate with strokes of this dark shade. Add more magenta to the mix and add some strokes of this above the darker strokes. Add some white to the paint mix and fill the rest of the pomegranate. With a small, clean brush, paint over the original strokes softly, to blend them in slightly.
Mix white with a little bit of magenta. Add a little circle on top of the curved line, leaving some darker spaces in between. Add more magenta to the white and fill in those spaces with a darker pink (lighter than the background, darker than the pomegranate seeds).
Add white dots to the pomegranate seeds on the top row.
Mix ultramarine blue and magenta for a dark purple. Add a dark, curved line beneath the large pomegranate and the pomegranate piece. Use a clean brush to drag and blend this line to the area below. Add more of the original pink color to blend it in, if needed.
Proudly sign your painting!
Until next time, Chava
STEP 1 STEP 4 STEP 6 STEP 3 STEP 5 STEP 7 STEP 2845.284.9777
The best decisions come with connection to your inner self, identification of your values, listening to your intuition, and trusting your gut.
Have you ever felt like you knew the answer to a tough question before really thinking about it? Did you ever find yourself utterly shocked and disappointed when a decision you made against your initial instinct didn’t go as planned? That was likely your intuition –your subtle, ever-present guide whispering the way forward in your inner ear.
We are all born with an inner compass that guides us towards the right decisions. It is a powerful innate system that does not rely on our conscious thoughts or external influences, but rather on our inner understanding, intuition, and wisdom.
Your inner self has the correct answer to every problem you face, whether in business or personal life. This natural understanding does not come as flashes of lightning, but rather as a gentle voice, subtle nudges, little inklings, or a feeling of “rightness” encouraging you to make the most balanced choices for your life. It’s almost fascinating how easily we dismiss these whisperings as fleeting, nonsensical thoughts, when in reality, they are insightful guides to choosing the options that are in our best interests.
The role of a life or business coach is not to dictate your choices or impose their understanding of your life situations. Their duty is to bridge the gap between you and your intuition, to help you tap into your inherent wisdom and draw out these readily available answers from within you. The job of your therapist is to help you to pay more attention to your gut feelings, your intuitive thoughts, and enable you to acknowledge the wisdom of your inner self.
Many people have difficulty connecting with their innate wisdom due to a number of reasons, such as fear, doubt, peer pressure, or simply being out of touch with their intuitive self. The role of a coach or healer is to assist you in clearing these blockages, so that you can connect with and trust your intuition, and make decisions that
Did you ever find yourself utterly shocked and disappointed when a decision you made against your initial instinct didn’t go as planned?
are in line with your deepest truth.
Intuition is often seen as unreliable, but it can be an extremely effective tool. It is easy to fall into the trap of relying solely on logic, hard facts, and tangible evidence. While these are indeed essential for informed decision-making, there is a great benefit to learning to trust your intuitive hunches and incorporating them into your decision-making process.
In the realm of business, for instance, a successful entrepreneur isn’t just one with a high Corporate IQ. They are the ones attuned to their intuition, aware of the subtle cues in the marketplace, and willing to act based on gut feelings.
Remember, both your personal life and business life are yours alone to navigate. The decisions taken should be genuinely yours, sprung from your gut feelings and not influenced by the views and voices of others. Your intuition is your internal compass, your personal guide.
As you journey through life, remember that the power to make the best decisions lies within you. Your healer or coach is here to support, guide and empower you — not to hand you all the answers, but to help you discover them within yourself. Trust your power, believe in your intuition and take control of your life. After all, you are your own best guide.
It’s almost fascinating how easily we dismiss these whisperings as fleeting, nonsensical thoughts, when in reality, they are insightful guides to choosing the options that are in our best interests.
Sesame seeds are flat, oval and tiny, with that crunchy and nutty texture that begs for savory exploration and is used in food around the world and in skin care.
Where do they grow? I’ll admit I never thought about it. Nothing to be ashamed of, though, because sesame isn’t quite grown in our national backyard. Far from it.
Sesame seeds are actually derived from the Sesamum indicum, native to China, India and Turkey. It’s an annual plant, which are those that give you a run for your money by producing for only one year. “You want me again? Replant me,” they say. All fuzzy dark green leaves and light flowers, the plant grows seeds in pods that are then picked and processed for their many uses.
Though you can plant a sesamum plant in your garden from seed, you’d need a long, hot summer for it to flower and produce more seeds. Hence the plethora of sesame products originating from the sunny regions, and the top five international producers of sesame being Sudan, India, Tanzania, Myanmar and China, all sun-baked countries.
How does a sesame seed travel from plant to plate? Technology has rendered the entire process mechanical. The seeds are harvested, cleaned, sorted and pressed by a variety of machines that prepare them for the consumer’s market.
Cold-pressed seeds give you aromatic salad oils, while hot-pressed seeds result in a lower-grade oil product.
Say the word sesame and see what comes to mind. Challah. Halva. Tehina. Each bursting with memories and flavors, all owing to the same humble seed. So tiny and mighty, the sesame.
Sesame seeds come in many varieties and colors, including white, black, red, brown and tan.
Approximately 0.23% of U.S. children and adults are allergic to sesame.
Healthiest way to eat your sesame? Go for hulled and roasted. These processes reduce oxalates and phytates, compounds that interfere with digestion and the absorption of protein.
Back to the Middle East! Here’s where tahini — a condiment made from sesame that is toasted, ground and hulled — reigns supreme. In Israel especially, tahini is a staple, showing up as a dressing or topping, a sauce for meat or fish, or an additive to sweet desserts. And let’s not get started on the towering chunks of halva that you can find under the cerulean Mediterranean sky! A word of caution to the enamored: though sesame is packed with protein, iron and fiber, rich in health benefits and considered a superfood, it’s also high in calories.
Numbers aficionados, this is for you.
35% 65% of sesame seeds are used in food in oil production.
Within the food area, about 36% is washed sesame, 42% roasted sesame, 10% roasted sesame seeds with salt and another 12% is ground sesame.
The ninth most common food allergy among children and adults in the United States, on January 1, 2023, sesame became the ninth major allergen required to be labeled in plain language on processed food in the United States.
An allergic person exposed to sesame has its proteins bind to specific IgE antibodies made by his immune system. This triggers his immune defenses and leads to reaction symptoms ranging from itchiness to the potentially fatal anaphylaxis. Reports suggest that the sesame allergy has increased worldwide in the last two decades — but are unclear if this is because of increased sesame presence in food products or increased awareness. Whatever the case, if you’re allergic, read food labels, carry an Epipen and make others aware of your allergy.
רעד רעדייא זיא רועיש עכילגעט
עגיטונימ 3 א אד
תוכלה ןופ ריפניירא
ענעפורעגסיוא יד ךרוד
'יחת ןאמניילק .ש .תרמ
יד ןופ קלח א סאוו םיאשונ
טקעדעג ןרעוו :ךילטנכעוו
תיב םולש * תוישפנב קוזיח * םייחה תחמש * תוישעמ עכילנעזרעפ * ...דועו*
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
H O 238 www.themonseyview.com 845.600.8484 The Monsey View July 26, 2023
Family name: Ciment , 845-xxx-7751
Name of winner: Mommy
Amount of points: 235
Names of competing players: Hindy, Itzy, Shia, Mommy
Some words only the winner found: bicker, gender, sticker, tarp
The longest word found on the board: generation
Family name: Krausz , 845-xxx-8696
Name of winner: Rochel Matty
Amount of points: 57
Names of competing players: Mommy
Some words only the winner found: clear, carp, hung, tick, mist
The longest word found on the board: moist
Last week’s bonus word: generation
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
Lonna Ralbag: Licensed Real Estate Broker in NY, NJ & CT. 67 East NY-59 Suite 308, Spring Valley NY 10977 | Cell: (914) 548-0870 | Email: lonnaralbag@gmail.com
Magnificent Young Custom Built 6 Bd 5 Bth Colonial on one of the most desirable cul-de-sac blocks in Forshay. Quest quarters, 2nd kitchen, oversized windows,walkout bsmnt, privacy.
Large 4 Bd ( potentially 5 Bd) 3 Bth raised ranch loaded with character and charm, situated on a lovely park-like property in the desirable New City area. Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Attention, developers and investors! Over 21 acres for sale in Monticello, approved to build up to 320 units! Come with water/sewer. Ready to build! Call Idy Moses for additional information @ 845.323.9308
Great opportunity for investors, investors and contractors!
Beautiful over 4-ac lot,located on Nelshore/Broadway of Monticello, zoned to build 10 2-family units. Call Idy Moses for additional information @ 845.323.9308
Brand new 2 level 4 Bd 3 Bth townhouse in the quiet neighborhood of Monsey. The unfinished attic is large enough and can be possibly used as additional Bds, playroom or office. Storage area or possible additional 2 Bds in the bsmnt for addit. cost. Call Leiby Moster @845.406.1470
Stunning extended 5 Bd 3 Bth high ranch, located in a peaceful and picturesque neighborhood in the heart of Monsey. Call Leiby Moster @ 845.406.1470
New Listing! Location, location, location! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to renovate, expand, or build your dream house!! Charming 4 bedroom splanch in the heart of Forshay, with lots of potential! Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Majestic and exquisite mansion fit for royalty, features 13 uniquely designed Bds, 14 elegant Bths, located on one of the most prestigious cul-de-sac in Monsey. This elegant estate features an attached heated pool house, wet/dry sauna,marble floors, 4 fireplaces, elevator, 8 ft mahogany doors. Too many amenities to list. Call Lonna @ 914-548-0870.
Amazing opportunity for future development with multifamily zoning. You can move right into this charming and versatile Victorian style home, featuring high ceilings, hdwd floors, separate guest house overlooking the beautiful yard and garden. Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!! We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Bugaboo Fox 3, nice condition, used for 1 year. Black base with dusty white hood. Bassinet & seat included. 347-633-1733
Selling Kyocera Cadence
S2720 Flip phones
Refurbished like new: $225. Free shipping. Limited quantity available. Call/ Text:347-380-4025
Looking to BUY used Doona in very good condition. If you have one to sell, please call or text 845-422-7898.
New Mutsy strollers - Large$100, Travel - $225. Dozens of satisfied customers. For more info/pics Text/call - 845-5216871
Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only
Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
Beautiful fully furnished Shabbos equipped 3 bedroom 2 bath house available for July. Call/ whatsapp 718-5410292
Newly renovated spacious studio apartment available for playgroup office etc . Regina road. 371.2376
Spacious recently renovated 2 room apartment on Regina Road. $2000. 845-371-2376
3bed/2bath furnished apartment. Fully renovated. Walking distance to Newday. Gorgeous patio/ backyard. Optional heated pool. MINIMUM 6 months. $3500 plus utilities. Serious inquiries only! 347-831-7433
Off Christmas Hill in Airmont. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
4 Bedroom on Blauvelt Rd option Furnished. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
5 Bedroom plus playroom flat on Westside. Section 8 ok. Call Monsey Realty 845376-0906
Luxury 5 bedroom townhouse with backyard for rent. On Miele close to 59. Call Monsey Realty 845-3760906
Blauvault Carlton area, 2 full baths and a laundry room, Please text 347-661-2857
Office suite available in a Professional office Building In Airmont Area, Approx.. 475 Sq. Ft. With private Bath. Please Call/Text 845-4595674
A penthouse in Gush 80 neighborhood in Jerusalem. Spectacular view to entire city. Apartment - 250 mtr. with additional 250 mtr. porch Price: $ 3.9 Million. Please contact + 972-53-4110335
Partially finished basement perfect for playgroup office etc. Mountain ave corner College 347-631-7247
New beautiful 1.5 bedroom apt. Spring Hill/Chestnut Ridge area. Short/Long Term. 551-228-5373
Newly renovated small offices and Cubicle Desks for rent on LENORE AVE. Please call 845 533 2427
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Summer Houses in Hunter Mountain. Few sizes. Great deals! Please call 845-5178216
Part-time options available
ערעווש ערעייז ןופ תוחפשמ עצנאג ןוא םירוחב ,רעדניק ןעיירפאב ריא טנעק ,סיפא ןא ןופ טייקכילמעווקאב יד ןופ
.עישומה ךאלמ רעייז ןייז טנעק ריא !אי .סעסיוורעס עגיטכיר יד ראפ ןעיילפא ןוא ןפערטוצ ןכרוד ,גנעגכרוד
ערעדנא ןפלעה וצ ליפעג א • סליקס עיצאקינוימאק עטוג •
גנוזעל-םעלבארפ וצ שוח א • ירגעד הבישי •
שילגנע ןביירש ןוא ןדער • סרעטויפמאק קיסעב •
:תובוט תולעמ המכ
רעפסאמטא עשי'דיסח עקאמשעג •
ןלאנאיסעפארפ ךרוד גניניערט •
טלאהעג ענייש ראג •
ןטיפענעב עלופטרעוו •
געט עיצאקאוו ןוא םיבוט םימי ראפ טלאצאב •
סנערושניא טלעה טלאצאב •
Jobs@ComfortHealthOC.org | 845.781.1288
A division of Hamaspik of Orange County
Brand new luxury villa in Tucson Arizona, kosher kitchen, gorgeous outdoor pool, 3 min walk to Shul. Booked for Chodesh Tishrei. Call 917-754-3679/347-2741511
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. Still availabe few weeks in the Summer and Chodesh Tishre. call/text 347-2245574/ 347-274-1511
Spacious 4-5 bedroom home available to rent all shabbosim in July and August. Located in Chestnut Ridge, beautiful backyard with a play area. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Walk-in fully furnished 1 BDRM apt with backyard on Francis Place. Available now for long term or short term hotel style rental. Please call 845-659-9218
Big house for rent in Monsey for this shabbos. 845-5178409
Never seen before! Just completed Mansion. Enjoy the colony, and still relax in privacy. 4 MBR w/ priv bath & balconies, VIP master suite, 21+ beds. Eye-catching panorama, Walk to shopping and minyanim centers. Available now. 347-931-4731
Looking for an assistant for a turning 3 yr old heimishe English speaking playgroup for September. Full time or part time. Very pleasant working environment. Pls call 845-406-3199
Family-owned investment office is looking to hire a part-time bookkeeper for about 4 hours a day. Must be organized and efficient. Bookkeeping and QuickBooks experience required. Background in real estate a plus. Call: 845-642-2731
Email: info@wiseyork.com
Growing bookkeeping company in Monsey is looking to hire a second QuickBooks beginner to help post & reconcile multiple accounts. Flexible hours call 201-376-4378 for more information. In Office work only.
Preschool in Monsey seeking Assistant Morahs for the upcoming school year! Do you love working with children? Are you warm, caring and eager to learn about Early Childhood Education? We offer a professional, loving environment where you will interact with the best mentors and feel accomplished. Excellent remuneration. Transportation allowance included. Full and Part time positions available. Please email splotzker@ohrreven. com or call 8455385989.
Seeks for the 23-24 school year: General Studies Computer Teacher M-Th PM hours. Computer and STEM knowledge required. Competitive salary, warm supportive environment. Email resume: treitzer@ yeshivaspringvalley.org and call (845)356-1400 #223
A Cheder in Monsey is seeking male or female general studies teachers in the elementary division for the upcoming school year. 1:45pm - 4:15pm daily. Also seeking title one teachers and title one director. Heimishe staff and pleasant atmosphere. Please call 612 408 1775 or email ygoldberg@ chedermonsey.org for more details and to apply.
BAS MIKROH ’23-‘24
Do you love Science or History? Share your passion with your students! Junior High School openings in Bas Mikroh Girls School. Please send resume to hr@ basmikroh.org
Looking for dynamic, warm, and responsible Co-teachers to join our growing team. Get the experience of working alongside master teachers while helping young students succeed. Competitive pay and great working environment. Please send you resume to Chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
Chassidish school seeking to hire remedial director with experience in Special Ed. Credentials are a bonus. Please email resume to admin@bnosbinahm.org.
Heimishe school in Monsey is looking for a full time babysitter. Please call 845521-4169
Seeking male, upper elementary, General Studies teachers. • Small classes
• Positive environment
• Competitive salary. Email resume to prapp@ baishachinuch.org
Seeking a friendly individual to encourage a mainstream/ behavioral 8-year-old girl to engage in conversations and help out with homework
Three to four times weekly
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Monsey area
Reference #746598474
Seeking an individual to sleep overnight with an autistic 8-year-old boy
Monday - Wednesday 10:00 pm - 8:00 am
Monsey area
Reference #708577657
Seeking a fun individual to take out a mainstream 10year-old girl and engage in fun activities
Monday and Wednesday Midday or afternoon
Pomona area
Reference #677580805
Seeking a capable individual to entertain a 14-year-old boy and keep him busy
Three times weekly
Afternoon hours
Spring Valley area
Seeking a warm individual to help a 9-year-old boy remain calm when playing
Two to three times weekly
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Suffern area
Reference #599313468
Seeking a skilled and reliable individual to work with, entertain and practice exercises with a 6-year-old girl with CP
Two to three times weekly
Afternoon / evening hours
New Square area
Reference #599313468
Seeking an individual to take out and entertain a sweet 6-year-old girl until school starts
Three times weekly
Afternoon hours
Monsey area
Reference #455654455
Seeking a caring individual to help a 6-year-old girl with bedtime
Three to four times weekly
Evening hours
Monsey area
Reference #455654455
Seeking a young and energetic individual to do summer homework and engage in outdoor play with a 10-year-old girl
Twice weekly
Flexible afternoon hours
Suffern area
Reference #708577657
Seeking a responsible and easy-going individual to help out with an active 5-year-old boy and/or with bedtime
Three times weekly
Afternoon / evening hours
New Square area
Reference #663255122
Seeking a competent individual to incorporate OT skill building in play with a 3-year-old girl
Two to three times weekly
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Suffern area
Reference #615040570
Seeking a home for a 24year-old female
Starting in September
Three days a week
In home Wi-Fi required
Seeking Male and Female GS teacher for upcoming school year. high compensation. clear and organized curriculum. professional environment. email: chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
Local B.Y. elementary school seeks warm, passionate Limudei Kodesh teachers for lower elementary and middle school. Small classes. Supportive, growth-oriented environment. Competitive pay. Send resume to office@ yecbb.org.
Seeking second/third grade assistant for kodesh and chol in a Bais Yaakov school. Should be passionate, flexible and interested in growing as a teacher. Responsibilities include working collaboratively with the teaching team to facilitate daily activities and at times managing the classroom independently. Email resume to jobs@prospectmonsey.org
Seeking full day preschool assistant. Should love children and bring her passion and excitement to the classroom. Email resume to jobs@prospectmonsey.org
Local Monsey girls high school looking for morning secretary. Mon-Thursday 8:15-1:15, Fri 8:15-12:15. MS Word and Excel experience preferable. Email resume to: jobs@bydrh.org.
Girls’ middle school seeking seventh grade biology teacher. Hours are Wednesday and Thursday 3-4pm. New hands-on curriculum! Please email resume to mklyne@ chedermonsey.org or call 9178917208
Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced English Teacher (male), Supportive Environment, Excellent discipline program in place, Detailed and easy to follow curriculum plan, Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-450-2538
Boys Yeshiva in Flatbush seeking teachers for 2023-24, middle school- language arts, also seeking p3 providers and assistants. Email: resumesyeshiva@gmail.com
Construction office looking to hire a full time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge in Quickbooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Seeking a female to join our office staff. Ideal candidate should be mature and have excellent organizational and communication skills to work directly with the school principal, students and parents on managerial tasks. Email crosenbluh@ chedermonsey.org or call 917755-4298.
Local property Management Company is looking for a f/t secretary. office Experience required. Great environment, Great pay. Please email resume to rcmanageoffice@gmail.com
Daas Wellness is Seeking to fill a secretary position. Great pay and working environment. Full time position. Please email your resume. HR@daaswellness. com
Come and join our amazing and exciting preschool staff. Yeshiva Bais Mikroh is looking for co-teachers. Great pay! Please email office@ baismikroh.org
Are you looking for a fulfilling office position? Are you motivated, responsible, organized and possess the ability to multitask? We are a Real Estate company based in Monsey with a frum environment and are seeking to hire a full-time Accounting and Administrative assistant. Some office experience as well as basic knowledge in Excel and Word is required. Please email your resume to hr@wepgr.com.
Real Estate Management is looking for a full-time Detail oriented experienced operator. •Experience a must •Great potential, mgmtjobbp@gmail.com
Small growing real estate office in chestnut ridge is seeking a full time secretary, Ideal candidate should be good communication skills, excellent organizational skills. Please email resume to Help@prospectrealtor.com
A local publication is looking for a part time secretary 5 – 6 hours per day, 4 days a week. Should be able to speak English and Yiddish. Typing in Yiddish a must. Knowledge of computers, Microsoft Word and Excel. Please email your resume to sec10952@gmail.com
Seeking morning secretary to run front office. Experience a must. Multi tasking, computer, and interpersonal skills necessary. Please send resume to admin@ bysmiriam.org
Seeking someone very reliable, with basic tech knowledge. Any age. No experience or resume necessary. Flexible hours, mostly remote. Shmaryahu. Mandelbaum@gmail.com.
Monsey business is seeking to hire a female for part time work, flexible hours, either mornings or after 3pm. Basic computer skills needed, will train. Best suited for an individual who prefers a quiet environment and non-creative work. Please send resume to: adele@ yearbookscanning.com
Achieve Behavioral Health is growing, and we want you on our team!
BA required
Email resume to fmossberg@healthlinx.org
For more information on this position, please contact M. Grunfeld ext. #1100
• Amazing training opportunities for beginning and advanced therapists
• Yiddish and English speaking
• Very competitive salaries
• Great benefits
• Flexible hours
Email resume to kmendlowitz@achievebh.org
To join our team apply on our website www.achievebh.org
Looking for a job opportunity with the potential to grow?!?! Do you have the get it done attitude? Are you someone that likes to feel accomplished at the end of the day? Are you someone that would like to make a difference, and grow personally and professionally? A fastgrowing company located in the Spring Valley area is looking for motivated employees to join our team. Open position: Assistant Project Manager- Ideal candidate needs to have outstanding communication skills, be organized, and be able to do multiple tasks. Competitive pay with great benefits and lots of potential for growth for the right candidate. Email resume: Noemi@culinarydepot.com Call/WhatsApp 845-414-2237
Bais Rochel School is looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants for the upcoming school year for Grades 1-4 in both our Yiddish and English departments. Good pay. Please email resume to: sgertner@bethrochel.org.
Monsey based, well known organization seeking for FUNDRAISER, great potential for growth. Bruchy@hiresolutionsny.com or call 845 422 8098 ext 103
Kochavim’s class for medically fragile and immunocompromised children is seeking to hire a qualified assistant for the upcoming school year. Email resume to hbiller@ kochavimcare.org or call 845-540-4470
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
ABA riders is looking for a male ABA para to work with a 6 year old boy in a daycamp half/full day for the month of July and part of August. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Esti 8452440892.
Construction company Seeking self motivated experienced estimator/ bookkeeper. Great pay for the right individual. Great Environment. Please email resume to construction9948@gmail. com
Looking for capable, warm and dedicated co-teachers for the upcoming school year to work along professional and dynamic Moros. Potential for growth. Please call 848-5250943 or email preschool@ yeshivaspringvalley.org. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Bas Mikroh Girls School is seeking a Gym/Dancing Teacher 2-3 days a week, and assistants/co-teachers. Bas Mikroh Daycare is seeking full time or part time assistants. Please send resume to hr@basmikroh.org
Be Your Own Boss! Join New York Life Insurance Co. as a seasoned salesperson or our fast track to management program. Experience top training, support, and retirement benefits. Make an impact, secure your future. Connect today! dglick@ newyorklife.com or Call 845639-5216
Want to be your own boss without the cost of overhead? Looking to hire a young motivated individual. Commission Based, Real estate field, must have a vehicle. Office located in Passaic NJ. TREMENDOUS POTENTIAL 973-286-6141
Experienced Administrative
Professional wanted for Bankruptcy and Foreclosure law firm in Monsey, NY
Seeking mature woman with the ability to communicate in a professional manner by phone and email with clients, other law firms and Court personnel. Yiddish helpful. Computer proficient, organized and detail oriented. This is not a filing or typing job. We are looking for someone to become a long-term part of our team. Schedule Mon-Thurs. Excellent salary depending on experience. Email resume to akolber@kolberlegal.com.
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work with a 7-year-old half/full day starting September. Driving is required. Competitive pay. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/ info@abariders.com.
Looking for a young teen or lady to watch a 3 1/2 year old boy 3:30-7:00pm Sunday thru Thursday, Great Pay! 718-308-6904
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter thejewishwriter@gmail.com Call/Text 347-409-5182
Proven work experience as an HR Administrator, HR Administrative Assistant or relevant role
• Computer literacy (MS Office applications, in particular)
• Thorough knowledge of labor laws
• Main administrative duties include maintaining personnel records, managing HR documents (e.g. employment records and onboarding guides) and updating internal databases. Our ideal candidate has experience with HR procedures and can juggle various administrative tasks in a timely manner.
• Excellent organizational skills, with an ability to prioritize important projects
• Strong phone, email and in-person communication skills
High level of confidentiality
Supervise HR staff Prepare HR documents, like employment contracts and new hire guides
Revise company policies as needed
• Liaise with external partners, like insurance vendors, and ensure legal compliance
Excellent salary, benefits, all-women working environment
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking dedicated and compassionate Male individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845659-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking female dedicated and compassionate individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845659-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Yeshiva Ohr Reuven boys elementary school seeks a dynamic, child-focused teacher for 5th grade general studies. Teacher would be responsible for all subject areas, including language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. We are a child-centered school in need of a teacher who will create a warm, positive, safe, friendly classroom environment supporting all students in their academic, social, and emotional needs. Please email your resume to rabbigottlieb@ohrreuven. com.
Seeking a financial coach. Must have experience in finance and coaching. 120k. Email resume to rivky@ hiresolutionsny.com
Cheder Chabad Girls of Monsey is hiring. Come join our dynamic & talented team of teachers. Elementary & middle school afternoon positions avail. Please call 845-270-8796 or email your resume to pfriedland@ chedermonsey.org.
Looking for Vocational Coordinator to work on job placements with special needs adults. Flexible hours. Driver’s licence preferred. Amazing opportunity for right individual. 845-729-3001 email to: jobresumes613@gmail.com
A big company is looking to hire a financial controller. Must have experience in the financial sector. contact blimiew@theprimestaffing. com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Local marketing firm seeking experienced female graphic designer to join our team. Please send resume and portfolio to monseymarketing2@gmail. com
Join Skyscraper Insurance as an underwriter/client service specialist, it will open a world of opportunities and rewards. With the ever-growing demand for our services, you’ll have the chance to soar to new heights professionally, with unlimited potential for career advancement in excellent environment. Please email your resume to HR@skyscraperinsurance. com
A busy independent pharmacy looking for experienced bookkeeper, knowledge in QuickBooks AP-AR excel and basic office duties. Part time, flexible hours. Please send resume to pharmacy10977@gmail. com
Well known established organization looking for an experienced CONTROLLER to manage their financial department. Bruchy@ hiresolutionsny.com or call 845 422 8098 ext 103
Preschool looking for a warm & loving Assistant, Hours 9-4. Great atmosphere, excellent pay! Text or call & lv msg 845587-5813
Office in Monsey is looking to fill a part-time secretarial position. Basic knowledge of Microsoft word and excel required. Must know how to type Yiddish. Send your resume to employeeslovetoworkhere@ gmail.com
Do you have 10+ years of work experience? Do you want a flexible schedule career with unlimited income ? Email a resume TopCareerNY@ gmail.com to apply. (Female oriented career)
Are you an experienced recruiter earning under $100k annually? Email TopCareerNY@gmail.com to earn more and work a flexible schedule.
Looking to hire a Morah for September 2023 for a 2-yearold playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Office in Monsey is looking to hire a service coordinator to facilitate services for children who have chronic health and/or mental health conditions. Minimum of two years’ experience in this field required. Flexible PT/FT hours. Great salary with potential for growth. Paid holiday and vacation. Forward your resume to jobopening142@gmail.com.
Seeking an experienced HR director for a big agency. contact blimiew@ theprimestaffing.com
Are you back from Seminary?
Are you a mature woman looking to rejoin the workforce?
• Multi-faceted, stimulating position
• Teaching opportunities embedded within position
• Co-Teacher deemed prime candidate for master teacher position for the following school year
• Warm, positive environment & fantastic staff
Email: hr@tiferesby.org or call: 845-533-6890 ext. 390
Do you love working with anything Medical related? Medical billing and receptionist positions available in a well established medical clinic in Monsey. Great pay and a positive environment! Graduates are welcomed so apply today! Malka@hiresolutionsny.com 845 422 8098 ext 106
Office in Monsey is looking to hire a Self-Direction Coordinator. Someone to assist individuals with their services, network with staff and family, and oversee payroll reimbursements and service approvals. Willing to train the right candidate. Flexible hours. Paid vacation, sick days, and holidays. Send your resume to joboffersmonsey58@ gmail.com
An established agency in Monsey is seeking a male supervisor to oversee various programs. Managerial skills required. Candidate should be innovative and be able to delegate work effectively. Great salary and benefits. Email your resume to hiringmanager10952@gmail. com
A conference room in the center of Monsey is available for rent by the day or hour. Text or WhatsApp 347-4649066
Looking for a female experienced office manager. 75k+. Email resume to rivky@ hiresolutionsny.com.
All Ages, Specializing in Age 35 and up. References Available, call for a Free Consultation. 845-275-3810
ABA therapy with a high functioning boy in the New Hampstead area
Monday-Thursday, during the hours of 4:30-8:00.
Great pay!
Training provided by an experienced BCBA.
Reach out for more details: 845-477-5000 x 128
Monsey based property management company seeking an experienced Regional Property Manager for a portfolio of residential properties to work out of our corporate office in Monsey, NY. This position will require frequent travel to the assigned properties in the portfolio. Please sumit your resume to hr@lexingtonpg. com
We are seeking a parttime experienced female Operations & Sales Manager for a large team. Great pay & growth. Email GreatMonseyJob@gmail.com
For a list of part-time and full-time career opportunities. Email TopParttimeJobs@gmail.com
Earn a minimum $50k a year while only working 20 hours a week, We are seeking to hire additional female part-time recruiters in-office recruiters. Email TopCareerNY@gmail.com to apply.
Job Opening: Creative Manager. Join our team in managing pictures and design development! No prior experience is needed. great opportunity. Email: hramazon.ige@gmail.com Phone: (845) 682-0140
Bungalow colony in Monticello looking for boys lifeguard, Monday to Thursday 6:45 -8:00, Fridays 3:30 - 5:30. Please contact (917) 648 2678
A growing company (healthcare industry) located near Monsey is looking to hire an in-house fullstack developer with the potential to lead an entire team. Must be sufficient in C#, Angular, SQL, and knowledge in .net languages, fronted frameworks, and a great understanding of database architecture, and development life cycle. 3+ years experience required. Send your resume to: Jobs@ drgclaims.com
Looking to hire an assistant for September 2023 for a 2-year-old playgroup in Pomona. Well paid. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Hours 1-4, great atmosphere & Excellent pay! Text or call & lv msg 845-587-5813
Looking for a secretary to assist with workload for bidding contracts. please email yidel7118@gmail.com
ABA Riders is looking for a female ABA para to work 3:30-5:30 pm twice or 4 days a week with an adorable yiddish-speaking 4-year-old in his home in Monsey. Will train, well paid. Car service paid. Contact Rikki 347-9309736/info@abariders.com.
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Heimishe kitchen company in Suffern is looking for a full time kitchen layout designer. Well paid for the right induvial. 718-930-2918
For upcoming year starting September. Warm, experienced Morah, centrally located on Glenhill. Approx 12-18 months. Great Benefits! Rochel David 845587-1617
On demand Torah lectures
Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Camera טימ
Photography course in Yiddish. No internet/ computer needed. 8452321271
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Enhance your gown with just the right petticoat! Kids and adults petticoats for rent! In the Bates area. Please leave a message 845-502-0153
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
Sew Elegant is now accepting alterations for the upcoming season. To make an appointment please call Mrs. Adams 845-290-6129/ 347-263-0114
who has full time flexible hours including some evenings and weekends.
If you have a passion for medicine, are very energetic and think you would enjoy working with pediatrics, THIS JOB MAY BE FOR YOU!
Must have excellent phone mannerism , ability to multitask under pressure, be very responsible, a real team player, have the ability to have good problem solving skills, and able to handle complex situations,as well as organizing imaging studies for review and interpretation.
• Amazon PPC Manager, w/ extensive PPC experience, 175k, Monsey
• Financial Controller, CPA/healthcare experience preferred, 150k, Monsey
• Controller, CFR/ non-profit experience a plus, oversee Fiscal dept, 120k - 150k, Monsey
• Software Developer, develop, test, and maintain apps using JavaScript, Python, SQL, and API integration. EDI systems and NetSuite ERP, 150k, Monsey
• Property Asset Manager, minimum 3 yrs. experience, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Commercial Property Asset Manager, 2 yrs. experience required, 120k - 150k, Monsey
• HR Director, female office, experience with recruiting and onboarding, Yiddish speaking a plus, 90k, Monsey
• Tax Auditor, CPA preferred, 120k, Monsey
• Inventory Analyst, manage/forecast delivery of products, logistics experience required, North NJ, 110k
• Boutique Jewelry Store Manager, 100k, Monsey
• Warehouse Manager, warehouse management experience required, 90k+, Middletown, NY
• Director of Human Resources, Staffing/ employee relations/management skills, 90k, Monsey
• Payroll Workforce Management, 80k –100k, Monsey
• Accounts Payable Team Leader, female office, 85k+ full benefits package, Monsey
• Executive Assistant to CEO, full-time position, relevant experience required. 80k, Monsey
• Property Management Maintenance Manager, must be handy, organized, self-motivated, communication skills, 70k, Monsey
• Software Coordinator, Implement/Support systems, Technical writing skills, database knowledge a plus, 75k, Monsey
• Client Relations Admin, Tech Savvy, great communication skills, 75k+, Monsey
• Finance Team Lead, female office, 80k+, Monsey
• Billing Specialist, Healthcare, 75k, Monsey
• Medical Biller Supervisor, female office, 75k plus benefit package, Monsey
• Fundraiser, in-office, full-time position, salary plus commission, Monsey
These people were all unemployed before!
• Payroll processor, male office, Microsoft Office and Customer Service skills, will train, 65k, Monsey
• Resident Manager Male/Female, for a homecare agency, 70k, Monsey
• IT Level 1 and 2 Support, 60k-85k, Monsey
• Amazon Listing Specialist – optimize listings on Amazon, 60k+, Monsey
• HR Assistant, 60k plus benefit package, Monsey
• Customer Service/AP/AR rep. positions, 60k+, Monsey
• Bookkeeper for female office, beginners welcome, + benefit package, 52k, Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $30+/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• Service and Intake Coordinator positions, Female office. Great communication skills required. $27/hr. Monsey
• Salesman, IT Company, Monsey
• Have real estate title insurance? Great full-time position in a Real Estate firm, Monsey
• Inside Sales, no experience necessary, Full-time position, growth potential, 50k, Monsey
• Male/Female - Customer Service and Quality Control JOB OPENINGS, great pay, Edison, NJ
• Truck driver, great pay, out of Edison, NJ
• Architectural Drafter, female office, Parttime/Full-time, Monsey
• Real Estate Title Officer, experience required, salary DOE, Monsey
• Purchasing/Account Assistant, Computer / CSR skills required, Monsey
• Office secretary, Microsoft Office/Excel required. Yiddish speaking a plus, fulltime, 65k, Monsey
• Handyman, full-time, beginner ok, must have a strong knack at handywork, 65k w/ growth potential, Monsey
• Furniture repair technician, full-time, 60k+, Monsey and surrounding areas
• Executive Assistant, Real Estate. Office experience required, 9am-4pm, $25-30/ hr. Monsey
• Office Assistant, help with basic admin tasks. Must have car. 15 hours weekly, $22/hr. Monsey
• Multiple full-time office admin positions, $25-32/hr. Monsey
• HCBS/ FI Coordinator, $25/hr.+, Monsey
• Entry-level medical biller positions, female office, full-time, $22/hr.+ Monsey
--In The Comfort of Home--
*Swedish *Deep Tissue
*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Makeup – Facials – Waxing. At your home or mine in Forshay. Call or text 305-7905303
Chumy Brown 845.533.2521
IG makeupbychumy
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ gmail.com
$250 per session. Call Chanie at 845.461.5626
Gorgeous heated pool for rent daily in Chestnut Ridge, $65/ hour. Please text 8453760721
Dreaming of an organized home? Book your customized consultation for guidance on how to do it by yourself. Discounted prices on bins with free delivery. Call More Space Organizing 347-9309544
Beautiful large pool in New City. Heated. Private bathroom and changing room. $65 hr. 845 538 6411
Calvert/Sands Point Area. Full mechitza, beautiful heated pool, with 3ft shallow & 8ft deep, 6 person Hot Tub, and bathroom, available for $95/hr. 845-213-8423 or 917860-2311
Tired of a lifetime of hair removal appointments?? Contact Electrolysis by Hindy @ 845-587-8848 to find a PERMANANT solution!
Remove fears, anxiety, sleeplessness, constipation, allergies, asthma, bedwetting, improve self esteem. Quick and effective, all ages. Experienced male and female therapists available. Children’s specialist on board. Endorsed by Rabbonim. Call Mrs. Yuhanan 845-825-9342.
The perfectly designed photo album, Baby-Bar MitzvahWedding-Other. i-Pic Design, 845-379-ipic / bookipic@ gmail.com
Exciting Puppet Show in Yiddish, perfect for girls day camp, Preschool and lower elementary. Limited slots available 845-352-1524
3 olympic size pools available for daily or one-time swim. 845-323-6001
Large heated pool with diving board available in monsey, towels, bathroom & dressing rooms on-premises. Call: 347-228-8048
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
Offering an all-new beautiful Tisha B’Av lesson to give meaning and inspiration to children on Tisha B’av. If you would like to organize a group in your area, please reach out to us and we’ll be happy to send you the lesson. 845-587-4295 tishabavlesson@gmail.com
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent.
Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Sister of the bride white, shirt dress style gown. Size 0-2. Please call 845-694-2026
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693
Magnificent Kleinfeld Kallah Gown size 8-10 for sale 845659-3855
Earphones (black and blue colored wire) in “Park in
Diamond ring and 2 bracelets in Eugene levy park July 23, 9176133865
Playgroup in Pomona looking for warm, loving Morah. Driving a plus. Please contact 845-422-6043
Looking to hire smart, personable and confident twelve grade graduate for customer service rep/phone orders. Great people skills and fast computer work is a must! Flexible hours available. Good pay! Email resume to kjobresume@gmail.com
Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646
Layettes Text 718-551-1732
Doula 845-587-1649
Labor Bag 347-604-3274
Pidyon Haben Accessories 845642-7256
Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704
Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-3563568
Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216889-3643
Neocate Formula 718-853-4090
Neocate Formula 845-517-9221
Formula Gemach 845-371-3232
Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202
Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826
Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474
Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559
Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475
The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814
Baby Scale 845-578-5639
Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370
Baby Scales 845-694-8985
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Bris Accessories 617-955-3630
Bris Accessories 845 425 8359
Bris Accessories 425 3873
Bris Accessories 425-6574
Bris Accessories 356-6215
Blue Light 845.425.1919
Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845425-0672
Bris outfit poya, also tefilla cards 845 3564859 Ralph area
Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602
Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718384-6214
Segula Stone 347-699-6418
Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065
Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540
Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Gowns 845-517- 8808
Mother & Sister Gowns 845-4267496 Or 845-352-3031.
Gown And Petticoats 347-278-1278
Ivory/white/dusty blue gowns 845371-1765
Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785. Hats $25. 347-351-1604
Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.
Bands & Berets 845-371-3556
Tichel 845-548-0014
Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015
Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211
Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105.
Toys 845-578-6513
Toys 917-538-3453.
Clics 845-352-5820
Tablecloths (845) 371 2105
Tablecloth 352-8292
Tablecloths 352-8292
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772
shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces 845-425-1721
Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830
Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845826-6718
Siddur/Chumash 558.4774
Benchers 845-642-0910
Bentchers 347-404-2204
Bechers 845-377-5671
Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498
Coat Rack And Hangers 845-3569841
Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278
Chupah Cards 845.222.0456
Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845213-0602.
Wedding Kit 845-425-2036
Wedding Kit 845-371-2947
Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-2634342
Accessories Basket 845-371-6857
Children Hair Pieces 3473001679
Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790
Sound System 917-382-8809
Evening Bags 845-549-2929
Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069
Earplugs for Simchos 845-328-1071
22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570
Simcha table centerpieces 8456087715
Centerpieces 845-570-7755
Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352-2560
Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 4260767
Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845-4254221
White Sneakers 917-613-6579
White Shoes 845-200-0211
Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-4593567
Dress your kallah stress free. Book
1 week in advance 518-306-1167
Kallah Dresser 845-300-5767
Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628
Notary Public 347-228-8825
Fix necklines 845-238-6691
Hairstyling 845-540-3731
Hair styling 845-502-6558
Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218
Wash & sets $25, 347-944-0003
Haircutting/Styling 845-263-7057
Haircutting & Styling 845-422-5337
Hospital Supplies 746-8293
Hospital Gown 845-425-8687
Hospital Gown 845-426-4695
Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364
Medical Equipment Email Slmw50@ Gmail.com
DVDS & players for Cholim/Homebound 425-2660
Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725
Maternity Coats Text only 845-5212912
Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437
Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687
Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912
Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298
Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072
Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal Fee)
Kosher Waze 845.587.1708
Roof Carriers 845-659-1863.
Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885
Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347631-8183
Beautiful nishmas cards 845-7297390
Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845-4250672
Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347977-6816
Phones For Emergencies. 845-3760738
Reflectors 845-356-0815
Reflectors 347-977-6816
Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398
Mezuzos 587-4533
Natural Health Support, text 347 2287578
Ostomy Supplies 845-637-6231
Moving Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845-6087830
Boxes 845-642-5286
Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Heaters 845 362 8666
Phone Gemach 845-445-7422
Air Mattresses 9176537170
Air mattress gemach Text/WhatsApp 9087831676
Baby scale 845-540-1710
Cuddles n Cradles 347-243-7495
Outfit and pillow 914-715-2672
Suitcases 845-371-9121
Bike Racks 845-659-1863.
Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfydhm@ Gmail.com
Dating Game perfect matches
Mani/Pedis 845-594-8787
Teacher’s Bulletin 845-425-8046
Computer Advice (862) 248-1931
Loans 347-385-1408
Moving Help packing/unpacking 845-281-5900
Pack N Plays with sheets text 845280-3470
Digital Cameras 8264062
Phone With Service 845-445-7422
Eczema Cream 845-274-7858
Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616
Washing Stations 845.428.9014
Yiddish & English Poems 845-5873018
Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787
Lev Simcha music groups/visits 8456082676
Sefer Torah 347-598-0357
Free-shalom bayis 845-213-0602
Mezuzos 845-540-1802
Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391
laminators & paper cutters msg 845-263-7115
Kendamil formula 914-523-0592
Zichron Eliezer mailing Gemach 845-213-5617
Hachnosas Kallah loan gemach 347-415-1525
Heimish Chicken soup 845-3523959
Costume Used or new 8455380990
השמח ןופ טייצ םענעביוהעג םעד ןיא
ןפערט וצ טייהנגעלעג יד טפאכ ,באב רשע
א ,ךייא ראפ ךודיש עגיטכיר ןוא עטוג יד
.רבח א רעדא דילגטימ עילימאפ
םייב ללפתמ זיא סאוו ללוכ םילהת
ןופ ושדק ןויצ לע ,הקומע ןיא עובק םוקמ
םעד ןצינסיוא טעוו ,לאיזוע ןב ןתנוי אנתה
לעיצעפס זיא סאוו טייהנגעלעג ןסיורג רעייא ן׳לעופ וצ םיכודיש ראפ טנגייאעג !העושי
ןוא רועיש א זיב השעמל ףיוא ןפלעהסיורא ןוא הרובחה
.המודכו אתורבח
יבר צ"הגה ןעוועג לבקמ ןעמ טאה שדוק תדרח א טימ ראפל ןעמוקעג זיא רעכלעוו א"טילש םיובלטייט לאוי
ןרמ ק"כ לודגה ויבא רמ ןופ שדוקה תוחילשב שארב
ןטלעז א טגנערבעגטימ ייברעד ןוא א"טילש ר"ומדא
הממורה םויס תגיגח רעד תארקל שדוק בתכמ רעמראוו
זיא ןוא שדוקה תביחב טניילעגראפ ןראוועג זיא ןוא
.עדנעזעוונא עלא ראפ ׳יחת לש לט א יוו ןעוועג
םוצ טרעהעגנייא ךיז ןעמ טאה דובכ תרדה א טימ
א"טילש לאוי יבר צ"הגה ןהוז סנ׳יבר ןופ השרד עמעראוו
ןופ ןליפעג ענייז טעמדיוועג וירבד תלחתב טאה סאוו
הריתי הביח רענעטלעז רעד ןוא םימש םשל ׳יסנכ םעד ן׳יבר םייב המינפ בלה ברקב טאה יסנאמ בל בטי סאוו .טנוזעג ןייז לאז
םעונב טאה א"טילש צ"הגה
רשק יד טגנערבעגסיורא ויתפש
ןיב ימי יד וצ הרותה דומיל ןופ
רעגיטצעי רעד טרפב םירצמה
םירבח ךאנ ןעסילשנא ןופ הרטמ
טאה ןוא הרובח עגילייה יד ןיא
ןופ רעטרעוו יד טריטיצעג ייברעד
אלגרמ זיא סאוו שבד תורעי ןגילייה
זא א"טילש וניבר ןופ הימופב
זיא םנח תאנש ןופ םגפ רעד הרואכל
הביס יד ראנ ןקותמ הרואכל ןיוש
לייוו זיא תולגה תוכירא יד ןופ
רענייא ררועמ טשינ ךיז זיא ןעמ
רענייא קזחמ ןוא ןרעדנא םעד
,סיוא טלעפ סע ןעוו ןטייווצ םעד
עטסגיסאפ רעד סאד זיא אליממ
ןברוח לע תולבאה ימי יד ןיא ךאז
ךיז ןוא ןייז קזחמ ךיז וניקלא תיב
ךאז עטסבושח יד ןיא ןבייהרעד
רעד טגאמראפ לארשי ללכ סאוו
השרדה םויס םייב ,הרות רעגילייה
תוכרב טימ ןעוועג םייסמ רע טאה .להקה לכל בורל
דבוכמ זיא ןוזמה תכרב טימ
׳ר ח"הרה ׳ינסכא לעב רעד ןראוועג
.ו"יה סייוו לשרעה
ןעוו ןעוועג זיא דוה הזחמ א
ןבאה םינקסע רעגילדנעצ יד
טלעטשעגרעהא סעטסיל טכאמעג
םעטסיס עטריקעטסיפעס א ףיוא
ןגיטכיר םעד טכאמעג םעד טימ ןוא
הפיסאה תרטמ םענופ לביק ילכ
הרידאהלו הרות לידגהל
רעראדנעגעל רעד טראוו סאד ןעמונעג טאה ךאנרעד קחצי ברה ןוילע דסחב םאונו שעמה שיא רעראמטאס הרובח יד ןיא ש"יגמ א סניילא א"טילש לאקסאד קיזייא םע בורב תוחנמ תכסמ ןעוועג םייסמ טשרעוצ טאה סאוו ,הרותה דובכל הדועס א טריוורעס ןעמ טאה ייברעד ןוא ןטירטפיוא ערערעמ ענייז ןשיווצ טאה ש"יגמ רעד טאה דיא א סאוו ליפעג ןוא 'יכז רעד טגנערבעגסיורא ידמ רובעי אלו קח הרותל םיתע עבוק זיא רע ןעוו א טניימ סע סאוו ןוא םיברה חכ א טימ טרפב ומויב םוי שפנה ןוזמ רעד זיא סאד זא ןוא םיתע תעיבק טימ ב"העב טאה דחוימב ,ןבעל ןיא ןייגוצנא ןבאה זומ דיא א סאוו םינקסע עלא ואוו טנעווא םענופ ליצ רעד טריסערדא רע ןעמונעג הרותה תחמשו רעייפ ענעטלעז א טימ ןבאה הרותל םילייח ןסילשוצנא תובייחתה םעד ךיז ףיוא ינבמ גיצנאווצ ןוא ףניפ םורא עטמיטשאב ןפורנא ןטימ
גיצכעז טימ הפיסא עגיד'הרות עטגינייאראפ א םעד ןראוועג ןטלאהעגפא זיא םינקסע עטנעדאלעג רעראמטאס רעד בלאהרעניא ןנחתאו תשרפ גאטנוז ןדלעה עיירטעג יד ךרוד טרישזנארא ורכז הרובח הרות השמ לאויו להק י"עש בל בטי האריו הרות תרובח ןופ ןופ בוטש ןיא ןראוועג ןטלאהעגפא יסנאמ ראמטאסד גנוטיירגראפעב ןיא ו״יה סייוו י״רב לשרעה ׳ר ח״הרה םויס תגיגח רעגיטראסיורג רעד ןנברל אבט אמוי םוצ ןגידנעמוק םעד ןרעוו טרעייפעג טעוו סאוו תוחנמ תכסמ יסנאמ יבשות ראמטאס ידיסח תולהקמב האר גאטנוז םכלמו א"טילש ד"באגה ק"כ צ"הואגה םינברה תושארב ןרמ ק"כ וניעור וניבא הרובחה דסיימו אישנ םשארב א"טילש וניברו ונירומ ונינודא קיטש ןייא ןעוועג זיא הפיסא רענעגנולעג טסכעה רעד הרות םעד םורא ךיז טיירד סעלא ןעוו הרותה קסע רעגיד'תוישפנ ןוא גנוטסעפ
םעד דחאמה חכ רעראמטאס
תרובח ושפנ תאשמ סנ'יבר םענייאניא טאה ןעמ ואוו ורכז ןוא רענעלפ ןעוועג הצע סכטמ הרידאהלו הרות לידגהל ןעקנאדעג הרותה חכ םעד ןבייהפיוא וצ
וצ ןוא טאטש ןיא הרובחה ברקב תותורבח עשירפ ןריזיליבאמ
םיברב םירועיש ערערעמ ןוא
ןטירד םעניא גידנעטערטניירא
טכערפשנייא סאוו תכסמ םישדק עריא ןטיירפשראפ וצ עקאט ןוא םיתב ילעב ןשיווצ ןעלגילפ ראמטאס ידיסחו ידימלת טיילעגניא ןראוועג טנעפעעג זיא הפיסא רעד השמ םייח ר"רה ר"וי ןכרוד טימ טאה סאוו ו"יה ןייטשדלאג טגנערבעגסיורא םידומיל ןושל ןייז ןציז סע ןעוו תובלה ישגר יד תכאלמ יקסוע ליפיוזא ןעמאזוצ ןעמ ןעוו יסנאמ ןיא טרפב שדוקה ,טיירפשוצ ןוא טייזוצ טניואוו ןפורעגפיוא רע טאה ייברעד א"טילש גרעבנזאר ללה ׳ר ג"הרה סאוו וניללוכב הרובחה ישארמ ורכז ןופ תובישח יד טנעוורע טאה ק"היבר יוויוזא טקנופ זא גידנעגאז םיללוכ ןעוועג דסיימ טאה ע"יז
יד ןפערט טשינ לאז ןעמ יאדכ
ק"כ טאה דמערפ יד ןיא קילג
ןעוועג דסיימ א"טילש וניבר ןרמ
ראפ ורכז ןופ הרובח
can do better!
רעייא טבייה רעטעברא רעייא טבייה
ךיז ןלעוו רעטעברא עשימייה רעייא
ןבעגוצ ,'באה יד' ןיא טלעוו א ןענרעל ,סענזיב רעייא וצ סעסקוס עמאנסיוא
.ןלפאטש ערעכעה וצ ןעמענ סע ןוא
.סעשזדעקעפ עלעיצעפס יד ןגעוו זנוא טגערפ
גילאמטשרע גיטראנגייא ןוא
יד זיא לעוועל עכלעוו
?ריד ראפ עטסעב 1. BASIC 2. INTERMEDIATE 3. ADVANCED
עיגאלענכעט ןוא
יירפ א ןיא םענייאניא
ןטסלופ ן'טימ ,סאלק
עגיטייז ןייק ןא ןעגנורעטש
א ףיוא טיילגאב
,ןפוא עכילנעזרעפ
ןענרעל ןוא ןסקאוו
עטסרעמ סאד ךילגעמ
יד טאהעג ה"ב ןבאה רימ זא ךרבתי םשה וצ קנאד ןוא ביול טימ !לכה ןודאל חבשל ונילע ןוא עוויסאמ ,עטמיראב-טלעוו ערעזנוא טימ לארשי ללכ ןייז וצ הנהמ 'יכז עכילביולגמוא
ןליפש "קיפע" ענעגנולעג !ךילביולגמוא
ראג ד"סב טליפשעג פארא ,סעטכישעג עגיד'נכות ,עגיטפאהרעטסיימ עשיטאמארד
עכלעוו ןופ ,טאמראפ ענעטלאהעגסיוא ןוא עלעדייא ןא ףיוא ,ךילרעה ןוא לאנאיסעפארפ
םענעטלעז א ףיוא טאהעג האנה ה"ב ןבאה טלעוו יד רעביא ןדיא רעטנעזיוט רעגילדנעצ .םענראפ
ןדנעפאכראפ-םעטא ,עכילרעה ,עטפניפ רעזנוא ףיוא לאמארעדיוו ךיז רימ ןטיירג דניצא א רימ ןטעב ,םשה תרזעב ט"לעבה תוכוס דעומה לוח ןגידנעמוק םעד ,ליפש טאמכאש ןבלעז םעד ףיוא לארשי ללכ ןייז וצ הנהמ לאמאכאנ ןייז הכוז ןלאז רימ ,דיתעה לע השקב .רעטקאראכ םענייר ,ןלעדייא ןוא ןכיוה סנעמעוו ,רעדניק עשידיא ראפ טלעטשעגוצ טרעוו ליפש רעזנוא :תוצראה ייוגכ ונשע אלש ןעגנערבראפ וצ בוט םוי תחמש דובכל ,תווצמו הרות ןוא טייקרעכעה ףיוא טעיובעג זיא ןבעל טיילגאב ןוא טפיזעגכרוד טרעוו סאוו ,ש"ריו ןכות אלמ ליפש א ייב ,הביבס עשימייה א ןיא .א"טילש םילהנמ ןוא םיכנחמ ע'בושח ךרוד
ליפש רעזנוא רעביא תועדומ עגידנעמוק יד ןלעוו א"טילש םיכנחמ יד ןופ גנאלראפ ן'פיוא ה"זעב ןפאה רימ .טפיוקראפ ןרעוו ןלעוו סטעקיט יד ןעוו ,ליפש םוצ טנאנ זיולב ןעמוקסיורא .בוט םוי תחמש ןגיטכיר א טימ ןראי עגנאל ףיוא לארשי ללכ ןייז וצ הנהמ
עילימאפ ךילביולגמוא יד ןוא
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
Website: www.themonseyview.com
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.
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