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30 seconds jog in place, 15 seconds jumping jacks,
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15 seconds rest
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(Re: Restaurant Inspired Summer Salads, Issue 411)
Just wanted to say thanks for the amazing salads by Devoiry Feder. They were new and different, and a real taste of summer. The photos were gorgeous too. I would love to see more of her work.
Salad Addict(Re: How to Build a Campfire, Issue 409)
We took our family to the Poconos for a few days and were looking forward to spending time with each other in nature, before the school year starts and we’re stuck in the city again. One of the things the kids were really looking forward to was building a campfire at night and roasting marshmallows around it. We all read your article and were really excited to try it! Unfortunately, it rained every night, so the wood was too wet to use the next day. Finally, on our last day there, we thought of using dry wood that you can buy at a local store or gas station. The only thing we needed to search for was the kindling and larger sticks. My kids did a great job building a teepee style campfire,
and even if we had to cheat a little with cardboard to keep it going, it was an amazing experience. We sang along with the guitar in the dark, roasted marshmallows over the spitting fire, and it was both the highlight of our trip and the perfect ending. Thanks for the great contribution to our trip!
(Re: Table Talk, Issue 408)
I loved reading about all the different exciting ideas that different families have to enhance the Shabbos seuda and make it exciting for the younger children.
In our family, we have a tradition called “cholent nosh”. This tradition began with my husband’s parents. They used to entice their kids to sit by the seuda and eat cholent by offering a cholent nosh, an especially exciting, stylish nosh, for every child who sat and ate their entire serving of cholent. My husband, who has fond memories of this custom, has started the same custom in our home. The nosh is a surprise, and our kids look forward to it the whole meal. It definitely enhances Shabbos for us.
Gut Shabbos, Nachum
(Re: A Challah Bake, Issue 408)
sure how many cups of flour equals to 1 lb. Would you be able to give me the exact measurement?
You can measure 3 ½ cups of bread flour for 1 lb.
I’m writing to make people aware of a critical issue. A few months ago, I was at a computer kiosk in a local business, and I synced my Microsoft Edge profile with one of their computers. When I was done, I signed out and closed the computer, assuming that the system would be reset as indicated by the notice on the wall. However, I was alarmed when someone I know informed me that upon logging into the same computer, they were able to access my profile.
Thanks for enhancing our Shabbos table with such delicious challah! Although I’ve been baking challah for a couple of years already, I never followed an exact recipe (only my mother’s “a bit of this” and “some more of that”) and I never achieved the perfect results. That’s why I was so excited to have such a clear and detailed guide, and the results were a winner!
I just have one question which I hope you can answer. The recipe calls for 7 lbs. flour, but the groceries only sell sifted flour up to 6 lbs. I therefore bought two bags of flour, but I wasn’t
This means that anyone who opened Microsoft Edge on that particular computer could instantly view all my bookmarks, and with a few clicks could gain access to my emails, files, and other personal information. My acquaintance proceeded to check another computer at the same kiosk and discovered that they were able to log into numerous users’ email accounts and approximately 50 Chase bank accounts. It appears that their system automatically saves all passwords.
This letter is to make others aware: If you have used such kiosk services, you may want to reset your passwords and take steps to protect your accounts and data.
P.S. If you recently used a kiosk to order silicone molds on Amazon and never received them, they’re sitting in my office waiting for you.
RAV SHACH, ZT”L, once called over a close follower and asked him to find a yungerman to learn with a particular young bachur. “I would like a paid chavrusa to help this bachur advance in his learning. Come to my house every Rosh Chodesh,” Rav Shach said, “and I will give you money to pay him.”
The man was surprised. He didn’t know of any personal connection between Rav Shach and that bachur. In fact, the bachur was not even a talmid in his yeshivah, he learned someplace else. To his knowledge, Rav Shach was not related, either. Why would Rav Shach take such personal interest in this boy? he thought. But he simply did as he was told. He looked for a fitting yungerman to pair up with the bachur, and made sure he was paid the contracted amount on time each month.
One Rosh Chodesh, as the man knocked on Rav Shach’s door to pick up the money for the chavrusa, he was told that Rav Shach was in the middle of an important meeting with several askanim regarding urgent issues of the time, and he would not be able to enter. With no choice, he returned home without the cash.
The next day, he went to Rav Shach’s home again. “Why didn’t you come on Rosh Chodesh, as you do every month?” Rav Shach asked.
When he heard that he had been there the day before but had been turned away, Rav Shach apologized. “Take the money, and be sure to pay the yungerman right away!”
This was a perfect opportunity for the man to inquire
about the unusual arrangement. “I’m so happy to do this shelichus for the Rosh Yeshivah,” he said, “but may I ask why the Rosh Yeshivah troubles himself so for this particular bachur ?”
Rav Shach shared the background of his relationship with the boy. “When I was a bachur learning in yeshivah, I had only one shirt. Every week, before Shabbos, I would wash the shirt in private. I used to wait in the freezing cold for the icy winds to dry the shirt somewhat until I could wear it again. The shirt was so worn that eventually a hole appeared. Even as the hole grew larger, I continued to wear it, because I had nothing else.
“I was embarrassed by the hole,” Rav Shach admitted, “and I came up with all sorts of ways to cover up. I used to rush to be the first in beis midrash, and I sat with my back straight, pinned to the back of the bench, so no one would notice it. I sat that way for hours, until the very last bachur would leave the beis midrash, and only then would I allow myself to relieve my aching bones and return to my room.
“But as is the way of all secrets, this one, too, was discovered. An astute bachur noticed my torn shirt, and soon one of the women of the community took initiative and sent me two shirts. I felt like I had turned into a ‘Rothschild’ in a matter of moments!
“Suddenly, I had two shirts with which to alternate – one for Shabbos and one for weekday. I was finally able to stand up while I was learning to get another sefer from the shelf. Finally, I did not have to shiver in the cold as my shirt dried.
In this week’s parsha , we are warned that a Moabite may never enter kahal Hashem, since Moav did not provide Klal Yisroel with bread and water as they passed through their country (Devarim 23:5).
It seems that this action — or inaction — was simply a lack of “mentschlichkeit ”. Why was it deemed so terrible that it earned Moav such a grave punishment, one that lasts forever?
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We easily forget what an important role our eyes play in our daily lives. Vision is the most central of the five senses we constantly use. Our eyes gather the images that we see and then send them as messages to the brain. Healthy eyes allow us to focus on what we are doing. When they are weak it becomes difficult to focus and accomplish what we need to.
There are several different reasons why vision can become weak. It may be genetic, but most often it comes from aging. Our eyes weaken as we grow older. Solutions include eyeglasses and contact lenses; sometimes, surgery is needed.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
For dry eyes use drops to keep them moist.
Drink plenty of water, 6 to 8 cups daily
If you use contact lenses, take them out from time to time to give your eyes a rest.
Don’t read in the dark at night. There is also a simple exercise that can be very beneficial for your eyes. Doctors call it the “20-20-20 rule” and is intended for people who work with computers: Every 20 minutes take a 20-second break during which your focus on something 20 feet away.
Chazal tells us that our overall health is directly connected to the health of our eyes. So it’s ideal to do everything we can to prevent vision problems from developing.
It is reported that people who sit in front of computer screens all day or do all their work on a tablet or cellphone blink 50% less often than others. That can lead to problems with dry eyes.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
The most important vitamin for eye health is Vitamin A, which occurs naturally in egg yolks, liver, and dairy. Carrots are also high in Vitamin A, as well as beta carotene which is the active ingredient in Vitamin A, which is crucial for the eye: Omega 3 fish oil, Vitamins C, E, Zinc, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin are also great for eye health.
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
It was a major yeshuah!”
Rav Shach concluded his tale and explained that this bachur was a grandson of the woman who had treated him to those shirts. “All my life, I feel a real debt of gratitude to that woman for clothing me. Now that the woman has passed away, I continue to be makir tovah — to her children.
“This is why I am trying to help this bachur grow. I am overflowing with appreciation for what his grandmother did for me.” *
Here are some tips to avoid problems with your eyes:
Make sure your home and workplace are not too damp. If they are, use a dehumidifier.
Change the filter of your air conditioner often
Place wet teabags on sore eyes for a few minutes, especially goldenseal tea.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
There is this famous riddle... How can you tell that carrots are great for the eyes? Did you ever see a bunny rabbit with glasses?
Visit the Vitamin Desk by Maple for these and an assortment of other aids to help your vision. And don’t forget to use your eyes to enjoy the beauty and wonder of Hashem’s creation!.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
To your health,
The Ramban explains that the grievance against Moav was not due to their actual refusal to offer food and drink. Rather, the problem was that they were ungrateful. Generations earlier, during the war of the four and five kings, Avraham Avinu had risked his life to save Lot, the father of the nation of Moav. As such, it was expected of Moav to have hakaras hatov to Avraham’s grandchildren in their time of need.
Even though decades had passed, the obligation of hakaras hatov remained, since this middah is not limited to a benefactor alone, but carries on for generations after. One should feel indebted to the children and grandchildren of a person who has done them a favor.
The obligation of hakaras hatov is so integral to the character of Klal Yisrael that when the Moabites displayed kefiyas tovah, it inevitably invalidated their ability to join our ranks.
Adapted from the teachings of Rav Mordechai Freundlich, zt”l.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
gets vitamins at Maple.
“But as is the way of all secrets, this one, too, was discovered. An astute bachur noticed my torn shirt”
יד ראפ ענעדלאג ןראי
טימ ןעניואוו ןיוש ליוו'מ ןעוו ןבעל ןיא טייצ יד טכיירגרעד רעדעי עשי'דיסח ,עגיאור ,עליטש א ןיא ,ןכיילג ס'רעייא תוחפשמ ערעדנא
.למוט ןוא שיורעג םענופ טייוו רעבא ,םעלא וצ טנאנ ,רעפסאמטא !ץאלפ רעייא זיא סטיעטסע ןעדלאג
עשי'דיסח עכילרעה טנעמפאלעוועד
טימ רעזייה עטנאגעלע ןטייקכילמעווקאב עלא
ןוא ,לופ גנימיווס רעטנעצ יטינוימאק
תבש ןוא ןכאוו הוקמ ענייש ןוא םינינמ
גנוניואוו עגיד'תובחר א ןזיירפ עכילגנעגוצ ראפ
ןטפעשעג וצ ןטונימ ןעגנוטכירנייא עלא ןוא
טנעמטניופא עטאווירפ א ראפ ןיירא טפור
רעמ ראפ רעדא
There was a massive celebration in Minnewaska State Park on August 18 as members of Chaverim of Rockland’s Search And Rescue team found a pair of hikers who had been lost for nearly a full day.
The two young men were part of a group of 16 campers and four counselors from a South Fallsburg camp geared for individuals with special needs. The camp visited the Sam’s Point Preserve near Ellenville on August 17. A search was called for
the two campers, one eighteen years old and the other in his early twenties, after they separated from their group at approximately 5 p.m.
State police, park rangers, local sheriffs, Catskills Hatzolah and several other volunteer groups were called into the mountainous area to find the missing young men. Even during daylight hours, the search through the deeply wooded area was extremely challenging. As the hours went by, the combination of darkness, heavy fog and difficult weather combined to hamper rescuers’ efforts, reducing visibility to near-zero.
“Slippery rocks, you have to be careful with that, and up there, there’s a lot of patches with leaves which seems like solid ground, but you step on it and it’s between two rocks,” said Joseph Rosenberg of Matzil Search and Rescue.
Chaverim of Rockland’s SAR team was called in to join the search at 4 a.m. Friday morning, bringing along a mobile command center and specialized equipment. A contingent of 60 to 70 volunteers made the trip from Monsey to Ulster County in the pre-dawn hours amid soaking rains, setting up operations a short distance away from the main command center in order not to interfere with the ongoing rescue effort. Teams of trained volunteers were deployed into the wooded terrain, and the missing hikers were found less than two hours later. Both were dehydrated, scratched, bloodied and bruised after falling off a cliff that Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margaretten estimated to be approximately 25 feet high.
“Our members have wilderness and first aid training, and some are EMTs, and the hard work that they put in each year doing search and rescue training really paid off,” Margaretten told The Monsey View. “In situations like this, you really have no time to lose and Baruch Hashem, we were able to find them quickly and get them safely out of there.”
With over 100 cars broken into over the last three weekends, Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margaretten has some advice for area residents to prevent them from being
victimized by two men who have been targeting Monsey and Spring Valley.
“Lock your cars and don’t leave anything visible in your car because if they see something, they will break your windows,” Margaretten told The Monsey View
Over 25 cars were hit this past weekend alone, with the thieves venturing out at approximately 4 a.m. on Shabbos mornings looking for valuables. The two have taken items from both locked and unlocked vehicles, and are apparently aware that even if caught in the act, residents aren’t likely to call police for several hours untill Shabbos is over.
Both the Ramapo and Spring Valley police departments had extra patrols out last weekend and Chaverim’s Shabbos patrol, which has been cruising the streets as well, spotted one man breaking into a car on Elm Street. The thief was apprehended by the Ramapo Police Department, but was released because there was no one available on Shabbos to press charges against him.
Anyone who believes that they have been a victim of the Shabbos morning car thieves is encouraged to call Chaverim at 845-371-6333.
Customers who pay a significant annual fee to get through airport security using CLEAR may need to leave extra time for future travel, with the TSA (Transit Security Administration) announcing plans to require all passengers to present valid identification in order to be able to fly.
According to Bloomberg, the security crackdown comes after a July 2022 incident at Washington’s Regan National Airport, when a CLEAR subscriber was allowed through the company’s security line using a fake ID and carrying ammunition in his bag. The breach prompted a TSA investigation into CLEAR, whose customers pay as much as $189 annually to undergo a biometric scan to verify their identities instead of facing regular airport security protocols. Citing troubling findings, the TSA announced in June that it would phase in a requirement to have its agents verify all flyers’ identities, including CLEAR customers.
According to CBS News, the agency intends to bring its own facial recognition technology to airport security desks, which will compare passengers’ faces to their identification photos. The new system is scheduled to be rolled out in 28 airports by the end of the calendar year.
While CLEAR flyers will still have expedited access at airport security lines, some greeted the latest news from the TSA with frustration.
“The whole reason for CLEAR is to kind of breeze through,” said subscriber Jamie Phillips, adding, “I might as well go through a regular check.”
Others took a different perspective of the issue. Former TSA administrator John Pistole, currently a security consultant for American
Airlines, described last year’s security breach as a significant cause for concern.
“As we know, it only takes one bad actor to bring down a plane if they are a committed terrorist,” said Pistole.
Months of grassroots efforts have paid off in a big way, with Governor Kathy Hochul signing legislation last week that put an end to plans to dump contaminated water from the decommissioned Indian Point nuclear power plant into the Hudson River.
As previously reported in The Monsey View, Holtec International announced in April that it would be spilling one million gallons of treated radioactive water into the Hudson this summer, prompting an outcry from local officials and private citizens. Hochul signed the Save the Hudson bill on August 18, calling the river “one of New York’s landmark natural treasures” and vowing to “protect it for generations to come.” Hochul’s administration plans to work together with Holtec, local officials and others to find alternate ways to dispose of the contaminated wastewater, so that the former power plant can
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be cleaned up safely, efficiently and promptly.
County Executive Ed Day expressed his relief at the bill’s passage saying, “I applaud my fellow Hudson Valley county executives, our local elected officials and state and federal lawmakers for all taking action to stop what would have been an atrocity to our environment.”
Representative Mike Lawler said that he looked forward to working with others to find a fiscally viable solution to the wastewater problem that wouldn’t have negative repercussions on the environment.
“Protecting the Hudson River and our communities that utilize it is of paramount importance,” said Lawler. “We must work together to find a workable solution for all involved.”
A relatively new recruit to the Rockland County Sheriff’s Office celebrated her first successful rescue earlier this month, not by going out to dinner or calling a friend, but by chewing on toys and indulging in extra playtime.
Galli the bloodhound has been with the sheriff’s office since February and is the newest arrival to the county’s K9 team. When efforts to find a missing 76-year-old resident of Suffern failed, Galli and her handler, Deputy Sheriff Brian Neary, were brought in to track her scent, reported The Journal News
Galli headed into a wooded area, nose to the ground as she continued tracking the missing woman’s scent eight hours after her disappearance. After a third of a mile, Galli completed her mission, locating the missing woman, who had fallen while walking in the woods. The woman was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital as a precautionary measure, while Galli was rewarded for a job well done.
Galli is a graduate of Scent Evidence K9 in Tallahassee, Florida, and the only bloodhound among the sheriff’s office’s K9 team of nine dogs.
Lani develops the uncomfortable suspicion that the Strohs have become financially well off. Riva doesn’t show up at work the day after Yom Tov.
Riva was standing in front of the house, watching Tzippy on her bike and walking Eli around in his push car, when Fraidy arrived home from school. The sight of her daughter made her grip tighten around the bike’s handlebar, but she played it cool as she cautiously asked, “How was your day?”
“Great,” Fraidy said. Then, aware of what her mother had really meant, she added, “Chevi didn’t start up with me today.”
Riva exhaled. “Baruch Hashem.” A neighbor came over to schmooze with Fraidy, and Riva observed the casual exchange with a flutter of hope.
The next few days followed in a similar manner. Riva didn’t hear a word of complaint about Chevi, and she dared to allow herself to exhale. Whatever it was, it had been a passing stage; they could let bygones be bygones.
The relief lasted all of one week.
The phone call came when she was at work — although she wasn’t supposed to be at work. Hadn’t she decided to quit a mere week ago? Some success that had been; she had been back at work the next day, apologizing to Mr. G that she hadn’t felt well the previous day, which garnered a series of slow nods.
Now, back in the stifling cell that was her office desk, she saw the school’s number on her phone. Her stomach sank. What now?
She said hello in a low voice, but instead of a response, she heard quiet sobs.
More sobbing.
“Fraidy, tell me what happened.” Her eyes skittered toward her boss’s
Time to label up all those school supplies. Our durable and water resistant labels will keep your supplies from getting lost all year long.
desk. That, of course, triggered his radar, and he immediately looked up and caught her gaze. His small, cold, gray eyes bore through her skin, and he gave a slow, deliberate nod, as though to say, go ahead, spend your time here chatting on the phone She saw his lips move, and she could make out the words of his favorite taunt. “A hefker velt. This place is a hefker velt. What can I do? Everyone does whatever they want.”
On the phone, Fraidy started stuttering through her sobs. “Sh-sh-she sh-sh-she took my s-s-sweatband and c-c-cut it up. She th-th-threw the pieces on my head, and everyone, the whole class, l-l-laughed.”
A horrible nausea settled in Riva’s chest, and it took tremendous effort to restrain herself from bursting into tears herself. “Oy, Fraidy, that’s awful....”
Fraidy continued sniveling and stuttering, begging Riva to pick her up from school right away. Riva sat at the edge of her chair, holding the phone tensely as she watched her boss stand up and start pacing the room.
She had to get up and leave, go outside and focus on this situation with Fraidy, calm her down. But there was no going anywhere with Mr. G. strutting around like he was on guard duty.
And then her phone rang, her direct extension.
Mr. G. all but delighted at the sound. He stopped walking and stared at Riva, daring her to miss the call. Riva’s breathed rapidly. The phone — her boss — Fraidy.
“Uh… Fraidy?” she said quickly. “Can you call me again in like, five minutes?”
The call was on its third ring. Fraidy burst into a fresh round of sobs.
“I have to hang up,” Riva said urgently.
Her boss’s face boasted a victorious smirk. He wanted her to miss this call, he was waiting for it to happen.
Riva snapped her cell phone shut and grabbed the office phone.
“Hello, how can I help you?” she said with forced calm.
It was Zeyman, calling to set up a payment schedule. An ordinary call with an ordinary response. Her boss looked downright disappointed.
Fraidy didn’t call again. When Mr. Gabioff left the office to go down to a job site to oversee the work (despite the fact that he paid a person to oversee job sites), Riva went outside and called Mrs. Hilman, the school secretary.
“I think she calmed down,” Mrs. Hilman reported to Riva. “She went back to class. Should I call you if we have a problem again?”
“Yes, please do.”
When she hung up, she leaned against the wall of the building, filling her lungs with air. There was a construction site across the street, and she absently watched a crane lift beams high in the air. Fraidy’s sobs echoed over the loud noise, and with a sudden surge of anger, Riva made up her mind.
She was going to talk to Lani.
Lani answered after the first ring. “Hi, aren’t you at work?”
“I’m at work, and Fraidy’s in school, crying her heart out.”
“Huh is right. Do you know why she’s crying?”
“Uh, how would I know?”
“Well, I’ll tell you. She’s crying because your Chevi—” she spat the name out — “your Chevi cut up her sweatband, threw the pieces over her head, and made the entire class laugh at her.”
“Ummm… what? Who told you that?”
“Fraidy told me. She called me in tears, I couldn’t calm her down. She wants me to pick her up from school now, and you know something, maybe I should. How could I force her to sit in class with Chevi bullying her?”
“Bullying? Hello, Riva, could you, like, calm down? I have no idea what happened today, I’m sure there’s another whole side to this story, but either way, don’t make a whole matzav about a one-time fight in school. They’re kids.”
“One time fight!” Riva exploded. “Wake up and smell the coffee, Lani Eisdorf. I hate to break the news to you, but this is going on for a while, and guess what? I’ve had it. I gave it time, but that’s it. We’re going to make this stop.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. What’s all that noise?”
“Construction across the street. Don’t change the subject.”
“I’m glad construction’s still underway for some people,” Lani muttered.
Riva ignored her. “Well? What are you going to do about this?”
It was quiet for a moment. As she waited for Lani to answer, a familiar black BMW pulled up in a parking spot in
front of the next building. Riva’s limbs went weak as her boss jumped out and banged the door shut. Her first instinct was to bolt. He hadn’t noticed her yet, maybe she could make it safely back to her desk. But before she had a chance to move, Mr. G spun around.
“Busy day today?” he asked with the most scathing sweetness.
For the second time that day, Riva flipped her phone closed without a goodbye. Like a prisoner caught trying to escape, she marched back into the office.
There was another hour to go before she could leave for the day. It was impossible to get any work done with her nerves so tightly coiled. When the hour was finally over, Riva fled from the building.
She dialed Yaakov, hoping to let off some steam. But her call went straight to voicemail. Of course, he was probably sitting with Eric Moore, or maybe with Eli Bleich, or with some other architecture students, doing coursework together. She was so angry, she had an absurd urge to rip a bunch of grid paper to shreds.
Gittel Indig called as she stepped into the house. “I wanted to ask you, would you mind switching with me this Thursday, you take Maddie in the morning and she’ll come to me in the afternoon?”
“No, I’m sorry. I work, I’m not home in the morning.”
Her words came out sounding unnecessarily rude, and she immediately felt guilty. It wasn’t Gittel’s fault that she’d had a tough day.
“Aha,” Gittel said. “So I guess I’ll just have to cancel. My daughter’s having a play in school that day, so I’ll be out of the house.”
Well, it wouldn’t help to feel guilty, because she really couldn’t do anything to help her. But Gittel didn’t sound all that upset. She continued talking with a note of excitement in her voice. “By the way,” she started, and the moment she said “by the way,” Riva knew this wasn’t by the way at all, this was the reason for the call. “I wanted to ask you, did you ever hear about Rav Kleinman’s new tzedakah initiative? He set up this whole organization to
Select dates still open for summer!
Seforim including Chumoshim and Siddurim
help mispallelim who need financial aid. So I was thinking, you should totally tell your sister about this. I’m sure she would appreciate the help.”
There was nothing, absolutely nothing, about what Riva had said that should’ve affected Lani’s day in any way. Seriously, their girls had a fight in school, Fraidy’s sensitive neshamah was touched. Was that a reason for dramatic fireworks?
It wasn’t. And yet, from the moment Lani hung up — or rather, was knocked off — the phone with Riva, a heaviness settled in her chest, and she couldn’t shake an uncomfortable feeling of dread, as though a violent storm hung low in the air.
She didn’t like the idea, but she knew she had no choice but to talk to Chevi.
The problem was that it was impossible to find a private place in the basement to talk. She also didn’t want to make the “talk” all official, obviously seeking out a private place to conduct what would then feel like a loaded conversation.
Instead, Lani opted for an excuse to be with Chevi alone. “I’m running over to the grocery for a few things,” she told her after supper. “Do you want to come along to help me schlep the bags home?”
“Yeah, okay,” Chevi said.
Lani tried to read her daughter’s face, see if there was anything lurking. Chevi appeared to be a little tired, but nothing more than that.
At first, Lani tried to come up with a way to nonchalantly broach the topic. But there’s no nonchalant way to inquire about an ugly school fight, so when they were filling up bags with Cortland apples for a compote, Lani gave up and asked the question straight out. “Did something happen
with Fraidy in school today?”
“How would I know?”
“What do you mean, Chev? You’re classmates.”
Chevi dumped another apple into her bag. “She’s not my friend anymore,” she said flatly.
“Really? But why?”
“Because she has horrible middos and I don’t like playing with her, okay?”
Uh, not really okay. “Why do you say that?” Lani prodded.
Chevi held the bag from the top and swung the bottom so it twisted tightly over the apples. “Because she’s a huge snob and thinks she’s better than everyone else.”
They put the apples in their wagon and moved along to the peaches. Lani sniffed the fruit, trying to determine if they were in season already.
“Do you want to tell me what happened today?” she asked.
“She acted like a baby and the whole class got involved. Whatever.”
Lani ripped a bag off a roll. “Do you think she got hurt?”
“Why would she get hurt?” Chevi snapped “She was the one acting mean.”
They weren’t getting anywhere. Lani didn’t think Chevi was lying, but she also couldn’t figure out what exactly had happened and who was to blame. By the time they left the store, she didn’t feel much smarter than when they’d come, and the only thing she’d accomplished was to make Chevi brood.
They walked home in silence. When they reached the front of the house, she saw Chaim Tzvi approach from the other side of the street. Lani sent Chevi inside with some of the bags, then turned to Chaim Tzvi.
“Something happened in school today, with Chevi and Fraidy,” she told Chaim Tzvi. “They got into a fight, and Riva’s all mad. I don’t know what’s going on, Chevi’s not talking clearly.” Lani repeated what Riva had told her, and the little bit she’d gotten out of Chevi. “What do you think?” she asked Chaim Tzvi.
Chaim Tzvi dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope. He took out a folded sheet of paper, stuck it back in his pocket, and ripped up the envelope. It didn’t look like he’d heard much of what Lani had said.
“Uh, Chaim Tzvi? Everything all right?”
He stuck the ripped envelope into a different pocket. “Yes, sure, why not?”
“I’m asking you about Chevi.”
“Right, so I think the first thing is to give it time. Let’s see if anything else comes up or if it was a one-time thing.”
She’d clearly told him that it wasn’t a one-time thing. That was probably the only thing that aligned between Riva and Chevi’s stories.
But Chaim Tzvi had obviously missed that detail, and as she followed him down the steps to the basement, she couldn’t help feeling like his mind was somewhere else. There was something going on that he wasn’t telling her. TO BE CONTINUED…
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At this moment of crisp and peppy new beginnings, let’s set the mood for our (starving) back-to-schoolers with these fun and nutritious after-school snacks!
Designed for sharing. Which teen wouldn’t delight in this back-from-school snack?
¼ cup oil
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ cup honey
1½ cups oats
1 cup Rice Krispies
1 T. cocoa powder
Handful craisins
Handful slivered honey-glazed almonds
Handful mini chocolate chips
2 apples Honey
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Combine the oil, honey, brown sugar and cocoa powder in a bowl.
3. Add the oats, Rice Krispies, nuts, craisins and chocolate chips.
4. Spread out the mixture on a lined baking sheet, then flatten it.
5. Bake the granola for 12 minutes, then set this aside.
6. Slice the apples into thin slices. Spread them around a 9” plate.
7. Drizzle honey over the apples.
8. Crumble the granola mixture and place it in the center of the plate. Sprinkle some more over the apples.
9. Dip an apple into granola and enjoy!
Save the rest of granola in a jar. It can be served with fruit, in yogurt or as a snack!
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Dates are like nature’s caramels.These taste amazing straight from the freezer. Try not to polish them off before the kids even come home!
6-8 dates
¼ cup peanut butter
Honey glazed pecans
1-2 oz. dark chocolate
1. Slice the dates in half, almost until the end.
2. Remove the pit and check the fruit for bugs.
3. Fill a food storage bag or piping bag with peanut butter.
4. Cut a tiny slit in the corner of the bag, and pipe the peanut butter into the dates. Top with a pecan.
5. Melt the baking chocolate and drizzle on top.
Simple and craveworthy!
1 cup peanut butter
½ cup honey
3 cups oats
1 cup finely chopped nuts, dried fruit and seeds
½ cup mini chocolate chips
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Place oats in a single layer on a baking sheet and toast them for 10 minutes, until lightly golden.
3. Mix together the peanut butter and honey in a bowl. Add the oats.
4. Stir in the nut mixture and the chocolate chips.
5. Line a 9 x 13” pan with parchment paper, allowing the paper’s edges to drape over the sides.
6. Place the mixture into the pan and press it into an even layer.
7. Add a few more nuts and chocolate to the top of the bars.
8. Roll a glass over the top of the granola mixture to make it as smooth as possible.
9. Freeze the bars for 10 minutes.
10. Remove the pan from the freezer and remove the bars from the pan by lifting the parchment paper.
11. Use a sharp knife to cut the granola bars into rectangles approximately 4x5 inches. For a classy touch, you can wrap individual bars with parchment paper or wax paper and secure the wrapper with a ribbon.
If you’re thinking of the girl everyone calls a genius and who gets hundreds on every test, you may or may not be right, because doing well in school isn’t the only definition of intelligence.
According to Multiple Intelligence Theory, there are actually seven different kinds of intelligences, which are ways of being smart. While every person has all seven intelligences, there’s usually one or two that they are strongest in. There are geniuses in every kind of intelligence.
Leah, Libby, Suri, Kaila, Miriam, Itty, and Idy have all been part of the same class since kindergarten. They know that they’re all very different, but they’ve never been quite clear on what sets them apart from one another. Follow their journey as they each discover what kind of genius they are.
“Leah, can you write my essay for me?” Kaila begs. Every time there’s a writing assignment, there are crowds around Leah’s desk, with her classmates begging her to look over their assignments. Leah is considered one of the smartest girls in her class, because she remembers everything the teacher says without studying, and she gets great marks on tests with her articulately written answers. She’s a great tutor, because she knows how to explain things clearly.
Leah is highly intelligent in linguistics, so she understands words and languages instinctively. She’s probably good at learning new languages, loves to know new or interesting words, and has a great vocabulary.
Leah likes playing Scrabble, Bananagrams, or Boggle. (Of course she likes it — she always wins.) She spends a lot of her free time reading.
Leah wants to be either a teacher or an author when she grows up. But she’ll take any job that uses her talent for the written and spoken word.
Linguistic intelligence is said to be the most common intelligence, meaning that more people are smart in this area than in others.
Libby has loved math since she was two years old and learned addition by adding legos. She can complete the teacher’s math problems on the board because she seems to naturally know what the answer should be, even before the teacher finishes teaching. Everyone asks her for help with math homework, although they can’t always understand Libby’s explanations for why the answer “has to be seven.” Her logic must work, though, because she’s always right.
Science class is another time that Libby shines, especially when there are a lot of formulas to follow.
With lots of logical intelligence, Libby finds patterns and reasoning in everything in life. She can break things down into a step-by-step process easily, and she loves to have everything neatly filed and organized. Numbers and systems interest her more than anything else.
Libby likes to play Monopoly, Chess, or Stratego. She also loves Sudoku, so she’s always in the middle of a Sudoku puzzle. For years, she’s had various collections, like a bottle cap collection, which she spends time counting and organizing every so often.
Libby wants to be a computer programmer like her father, although if she could become a research scientist that would be even more amazing.
Famous people with strong logical intelligence are Albert Einstein and Bill Gates.
When Suri makes the centerpieces for the grade Shabbos, everyone knows to expect something showstopping. She can take a bunch of pieces of what everyone else would call garbage and turn them into a beautiful masterpiece.
Another time when Suri shines is during play season, when she figures out how to construct scenery and props that dazzle, and during Color War, when no one knows quite what she’s done to create a gorgeous 3-D banner.
Suri excels in spatial intelligence. Spatial intelligence means that she can picture in her mind what a finished product will look like, whether it’s a drawing or a construction project. It means she remembers everything she sees easily, and knows if something will fit into a particular space or not. Her spatial intelligence makes her the first to notice when someone gets a new outfit or accessory. When she thinks, her brain is full of pictures rather than words.
Suri loves doing 1,000 piece puzzles and finishes them more quickly than anyone else can, because after one glance at the front of the box, she remembers exactly what the picture should look like.
Suri would love to be a party planner, or an interior designer.
People with spatial intelligence are often amazing at giving directions, but they’re also often messy and disorganized. They’re better at organizing things in their brain than actually physically putting things in place.
If you’re going to say “Dance Head,” in this classroom, you may as well say “Kaila!” Kaila is always the one everyone turns to when they need motions for a performance, and she always comes up with creative and original dance moves.
Since she was six, Kaila has been taking gymnastics lessons, and now she teaches gymnastics at a club she formed for younger girls. During recess, Kaila never sits around and schmoozes. She’s either organizing a ballgame or turning on music and doing aerobics with her friends.
Kinesthetic intelligence usually includes being athletic, but it really means being gifted in mind-body coordination. People like Kaila who are strong in this intelligence are said to use “muscle memory,” which means that they remember things best when they’ve used their muscles for it. It also means that they can control the precise timing and coordination for every move they make, so while they shine in sports and gymnastics, they might also become surgeons or other hands-on professionals.
Kaila loves all sports.
She’s been thinking of becoming an aqua therapist, or any kind of physical therapist.
Kinesthetic intelligence is said to be the least helpful in the classroom, so kinesthetically intelligent people might be considered poor students, even though they’re gifted in other areas.
Miriam puts together incredible harmonies for every choir she’s ever part of. She can spend hours practicing with a soloist until the pitch of the solo is exactly right. Miriam’s the one to ask when you need a tune, because she seems to remember hundreds, or maybe even thousands, without even trying.
Lately, Miriam has started taking guitar lessons, and her teacher is amazed at how quickly she’s progressing, becoming one of the best guitarists she’s ever taught.
Miriam has musical intelligence, the gift of understanding music. It includes understanding pitch, tone, and how lyrics match music. People with musical intelligence like Miriam hear the rhythm of everything in life, and are attuned to sound. Some people with this intelligence also have perfect pitch, which means that they can tell you what musical note every sound they hear strikes.
Miriam’s favorite thing to do is to listen to music, of course.
Miriam would love to own a recording studio where she can mix music to her heart’s content. It would also be nice to be able to compose songs.
Musically intelligent people often find themselves tapping to the beat of a song in perfect rhythm without even meaning to. Just being able to whistle a tune also shows a certain amount of musical intelligence.
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Itty is the girl who goes to speak to the principal when she feels that there’s an injustice being done. She’s the one who will ask for another day off to study before a test, or a change in policy, explaining why it would be for everyone’s benefit.
While Itty is not necessarily the girl with the most friends in class, everyone likes her, because she knows just how to make everyone feel good. Sometimes, when there are “politics,” teachers privately ask Itty to help resolve the problem. Adults say Itty is mature beyond her years because she understands other people so well.
Having interpersonal intelligence like Itty means intuitively understanding where other people are coming from and what makes people tick. She instantly picks up on what people around her are doing, what their moods are, and how they feel. Very simply put, she is the archetypical people’s person.
Itty loves spending time with her friends, whatever it is that they’re doing, even when they’re doing nothing.
Itty’s not sure exactly what she wants to be, though she does dream of being a principal. She’s pretty sure she could do a great job getting people to listen to her.
People with interpersonal intelligence are sometimes easily distracted, because they always want to see what everyone else is doing instead of focusing on their own activity.
When everyone else gets worked up, Idy stays calm. Even when something extremely upsetting happens, Idy doesn’t get flustered. Sometimes after a stressful day in school she’ll need extra time alone in her room to unwind, but she always knows how to de-stress on her own. While she doesn’t necessarily act differently from her friends, she always knows in her own mind what she really thinks and what her independent opinion is. It’s typical for other girls to confide in Idy, because they know she always has wise and sensible advice to share, and that she knows how to keep secrets. Girls tease her that she’ll be a therapist one day, which makes Idy blush, but deep down her dream is to teach other people how to help themselves.
As long as no one knows about it, Idy spends her free time writing in a journal and reading self-help books.
Idy’s pretty sure she’ll be some kind of coach.
Intrapersonal intelligence is considered the rarest kind of intelligence to have.
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Howard Gardner, the psychologist who proposed the Multiple Intelligence Theory, added an eighth intelligence to the original seven a few years after publishing his theory.
This intelligence is called the naturalistic intelligence, or nature smart. Being strong in this intelligence means enjoying nature, finding it easy and fun to learn about nature, and being good at understanding how nature works. They might enjoy having pets or growing plants, instinctively knowing how to take care of them properly.
People who are strong in this intelligence like farming and gardening, enjoy camping and hiking, and very often look for jobs that are related to nature.
A person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability
Psychology defines a child prodigy as someone under the age of ten who “produces meaningful output at the level of an adult expert.”
Personally, I think being average is highly underrated. Average people fit in with most of their peers. Not sticking out too much, whether for good or for bad, can be a blessing. But of course, there are also those who were blessed with superb intelligence and gifts that can be noticed from a young age. Some of these young geniuses go on to accomplish great things in academia or in a specific field, and truly leave their mark on history.
Some people “just” have a high IQ, while others are highly gifted with a specific skill. One of the latter was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, probably one of the most famous child prodigies. He was a world-renowned musician and composed over 600 musical works throughout his short life (he died at 35). He learned to play the piano and violin when he was only three years old by watching his father teach his older sister how to play. Soon, he was playing complex pieces. He was six years old when he wrote his first compositions and toured Europe as a young child, performing for royalty and aristocrats. He didn’t stop writing until he died, leaving behind brilliant sonatas, concertos and operas that are played around the world until today.
Chess is one of those games that I never had the patience to master but wish that I had. Maybe if I would’ve started younger, like chess prodigy Awonder Liang, I would’ve been amazing at it.
Awonder (I know, I a-wonder about his name too. Did his parents name him that when they saw that he was a child prodigy, or is it just a Chinese name?) started playing chess when he was five years old, and at eight years old became the youngest chess expert in (USCF) United States Chess Federation history.
The highest title a chess player can achieve, besides World Champion, is Grandmaster, which is awarded by the world chess organization FIDE. When Liang was nine years old, he became the youngest player to ever win a chess match against a grandmaster, and at fourteen he was awarded the title of Grandmaster himself, becoming the third-youngest American to qualify for that title.
As for the ones with “just” a very high IQ, one such child is Kim Ung-Yong, a genius from Korea who was born in 1962. He was having full conversations at just six months old, solving complex calculus problems by three, reading in four languages by the time he was four, and got his PhD when he was eight. He is recognized as having one of the highest recorded IQs, scoring at around 210 (the average person’s IQ is between 85-115, with above average scoring between 115-129). He studied to become a civil engineer and as an adult was a professor in several universities and research centers.
Numbers and I have never really gotten along, but some people are blessed with mathematical prowess; Priyanshi Somani is one of them. They call her the “mental calculator” and it’s pretty obvious why. When she was seven years old, she won the National Championship in Abacus and Mental Calculation in India and kept that title for the next few years. At the Mental Calculation World Cup in 2010 when Priyanshi was just eleven years old, she won the overall title at the competition while competing against adults. What did she do to win? Oh, just simple things like multiplying two numbers of eight digits each, getting the square root of six-digit numbers (she came in first place for that), adding ten numbers of ten digits each, and yes, calculating all of that in mere seconds just using her head.
Another child prodigy who became well known across America in the early 2000s is Gregory Smith, who was reading and reciting books when he was fourteen months old. I was barely walking at that age. When I was starting to piece words together at eighteen months old, Gregory was doing addition.
He completed second through eighth grade in one year and began high school at seven years old. He finished high school by the time he was nine and started college when he was ten. Ten!
He’s an adult today and is a researcher for gene expression. He has also been an advo cate for children’s rights and safety since he was a teenager and has been nominated five times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Imagine being able to read two pages of a book at once, with your right eye reading the right page while your left eye reads the left page, and then being able to remember every detail about what you read. Even the “regular” geniuses in this article wouldn’t be able to do that, but a different kind of genius can.
Savants are people with extremely unusual abilities. Interestingly, their abilities seem to come from impairments to the left frontal temporal lobe of the brain. Most savants have developmental delays, defects, and handi caps but are able to do amazing things with their minds.
SAVANT LESLIE LEMKE, was born with severe birth defects, had to have his eyes removed, and couldn’t stand up until he was twelve years old. When he was sixteen his mother woke up in the middle of the night to him playing a complex piece of music that he had heard earlier in the day. After that, they found out that Leslie can play any piece of music perfectly after hearing it just once.
STEPHEN WILTSHIRE was diagnosed with autism as a young child and started talking at nine years old. He has incredible drawing abilities and can draw an entire scene, down to the last detail, after seeing it just once. He was flown over Tokyo in a helicopter once and then drew a detailed and accurate panoramic drawing of what he had seen fleetingly during the ride.
DANIEL TAMMET is another famous savant. For him, every number has a unique color, texture and feel. He has described his visual image of 289 as particularly ugly and 333 as attractive. He can clearly “see” the answer to a math problem and has recited from memory the first 22,514 digits of pi in five hours. He knows seven languages and learned one of them, Icelandic, in just one week. He has been diagnosed with Asperger’s but is very high functioning in comparison to other savants, and has helped scientists learn more about how a savant’s brain functions.
So we know it’s cool to be smart, but is that really what makes a person happier and more successful in life? Because life isn’t lived in textbooks and classrooms; it’s lived with families and friendships and awkward situations and difficult dilemmas.
Writer and psychologist Daniel Goleman wrote a book called Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, in which he describes the five components of emotional intelligence. He says “emotional intelligence is about self-awareness, internal motivation, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills”.
While having a high EQ might not give you high grades in math, it’ll give you the tools to build healthy relationships and resolve challenging situations long after you’ve graduated.
I’ve heard people dismiss academic ability with the statement that “the A students work for the B students who work for the C students who run businesses in buildings dedicated by the D students.” While this idea is debatable, it’s true that there are many areas of strength that can compensate for, or complement, academic weakness. These skills help people be innovative, creative, and hardworking, which comes in handy in many areas, including careers and relationships. That’s not to say that people with a high IQ aren’t very successful in those areas too. But the impact of a strong EQ is often overlooked, when it offers just as much of an advantage as a high IQ does.
IQ testing was developed by psychologists to measure problem solving, reasoning, and how someone can use information and logic to solve problems. Most basic IQ tests take around twenty minutes to complete and include a lot of pattern-related questions.
One psychologist developed the Cognitive Reflection Test, also known as the shortest IQ test, which is just three brain teasers that assess your ability to process information rationally. Not a lot of people get all three questions right, because the answers aren’t the first thought that pops into your head. See for yourself!
1. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
2. If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?
3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?
1. Five cents. If you guessed 10 cents, you’re not alone. However, if that were the case, the bat and ball together would cost $1.20—not $1.10. On the other hand, a 5-cent ball and a bat priced at $1.05 (which is $1 more than 5 cents) would total $1.10.
2. Five minutes. Although you might have answered 100 minutes, the actual time is less than that. Since the question reveals that it would take 5 minutes for 1 widget machine to make 1 widget, you can determine that it would also take 5 minutes for 100 widget machines to make 100 widgets.
3. 47 days. At first, your gut might tell you it would take 24 days. But remember: Since the area of the lake covered in lily pads doubles every day, a patch that covers half the lake would fully cover it in just one additional day. Subtract one day from 48 days, and you get 47 days.
ן'טימ טריפעגנא טאה ,לוקס-ירפ הלמח ירעש לאוי
תונויער עכילפערט טימ טנאפשעג גידנטלאה ,םארגארפ
ןופ טנעמאמ עגיטכיוו אזא ייב גידנעייטש ןעקנאדעג ןוא
.הנשה םויס
ץ"מוד א"טילש ןייטשנטעוו 'יבוט לאלצב יבר צ"הגה
טייקלופטיידאב יד ןביוהעגסיורא טאה יסנאמ אזלעב
יד ראפ פא ךיז טעג'מ סאוו ,תרגסמ עכילרעה אזא ןופ
ןגיד'הרות ןכילרע ןא ןבאה ןלאז ייז רעדניק עטצינערגאב
גנואיצרע ןוא ןשינעפרעדאב ערעייז עלא טימ ,ךוניח
לאז סעלא סאד ןוא ,טראדנאטס ןטסכעה ן'פיוא ןעלטימ
עכילנעוועג ןופ דסומ ןשימייה א ןיא ןרעוו ןבעגעג ךאנ
אזא ןביול וצ רעטרעוו עגיטכיר יד אטשינ זיא ,רעדניק .וטפיוא עגיד'ארומ
סיורק ךינעה לארשי ר"רה ןטערטעגפיוא טאה ךאנרעד
טקנאדאב טשרעוצ טאה רעכלעוו ,םיער להנמ,ו"יה
םענופ ןרעדנירג יד ,'יחתש ןראהנייא תרמ עבושח יד
ראפ טכענ ןוא געט קעווא טעג עכלעוו ,םארגארפ
טייצ עבלעז יד יצ ןוא ,םארגארפ םענופ החלצה יד
א״טילש לדנעמ ר״רה ןאמ עבושח רהיא טגנערבעגסיורא
ןייז לאז םארגארפ רעד זא ףליה וצ ןייטש גידנעטש ןראפ .החלצה א
טגנערבעגסיורא י״נ ךינעה לארשי ׳ר טאה ךאנרעד
להנמ ן'בושח םעד ןופ טייקנבעגעגרעביא יד חבשל טרינאיצקנופ םינינפ יוו "זנאצ תונב" דסומ םענופ ינחור ,א״טילש גרעבנעזאר ףסוי לאירבג ר״רה ,רהאי ן'כרוד ענעטלעז א טימ רהאי ץנאג א רעביא ךיז טוג רעכלעוו
םוצ .םארגארפ םענופ החלצה יד ראפ טפאשיירטעג
א״טילש ףסוי לאירבג ר״רה ןעפורעגפיוא רע טאה סולש
לאירבג ברה .דמעמ םוצ םישגרה ענייז ןעגנערב וצ סיורא
דיעמ וויטקעפסרעפ דסומ םענופ טאה א"טילש ףסוי
יד ראפ ףליה א ןענעז ןסאלק-םיער יד קראטש יוו ןעוועג
עגידנעטש ייז טעג סע ,דסומ םענופ רעדניק עכילנעוועג
ןוא ,םירבח תבהאו דסח ןריציטקארפ וצ ןטייקכילגעמ
,גנירג טשינ זיא ןבעל סאד זא קילב םעד סע טעג ללכב
סאוו םיבצמ עלא ןיא ןטסעמראפ ןענעק ךיז ףראד'מ ןוא .ןבעל ןיא ןעמוקרעטנוא ןענעק
םוחנ ג"הרה ןטערטעגפיוא טאה ןרעטלע יד םשב
,בוטה תרכה ןופ שגר עגיצראה טימ ,א"טילש ןיילק ריאמ
עלא ראפ תוקזחתה ןופ תונויער עגיצילב טימ טיילגאב
,דניק אזא טימ ןראוועג ןעקנאשאב ןענעז סאוו ןרעטלע יד ןוא ,תווצמו הרות טימ ןייז ךנחמ ייז ןופ 'יכז רעזנוא ןוא סע .םעד ןופ טאה ע"שובר רעד סאוו חור תחנ עגיד'ארומ
ךנחמ רעד טריסערדא טאה רענדער-טפיוה סלא
ן'רעביא ,א"טילש רעביוט רשא המלש ברה םסרופמ סע יוזא יוו ןריטפעצקא ןוא ,ליצ ן'פיוא ןריסוקאפ" ןופ אשונ ,תוקזחתה ןופ תודוקנ עדנעצנעלג טימ גידנקיווקרעד ,"זיא
יד וצ שיטסילאער ןייז ןוא ןענעקרענא ןופ טייקגיטכיוו יד
ן'טימ רשק רעד טקראטשעג טרעוו יוזא ןוא ,עיצאוטיס
טכיירגרעד'מ ,רעגנירג לקעפ סאד טרעוו ,ןטשרעביוא
.החמש לש םייח א ןבעל ןא טבייה'מ ןוא ,שפנה תולש "עיצאטנעזערפ דיילס" א ןראוועג טגייצעג זיא סולש םוצ
עדנרעטסייגאב ףיוא טליפש סאוו ,ןסאלק עלא ןופ קילבניירא עסאווטע ןא גידנבעג ,ראי ן'כרוד ןופ סענעצס .ןטעטיוויטקא עגידלדורפש יד ןיא ןופ טדיישעג ןאד ךיז ןעמ טאה קורדנייא ןפיט א טימ ייב שינעבעלרעביא עכילרעה א ןעוועג זיא סאוו טנעווא יד .עטלמאזראפ עלא
ראי" יד ןראוועג טרעייפעג זיא זעידנארג ןוא ךיירטסייג
באטש ןוא ןרעטלע ע'בושח יד דובכל םוקפיונוצ "גנוסילש
יד ןא טייג סאוו ,גנולייטפא "םינינפ" ס'םיער ןופ רעדילגטימ
.יסנאמ טאטש ןיא החלצה סיורג טימ ראי ראפ עטצעל טלעטשעגוצ ,ןסאלק 3 ייב םויהכ ןיוש טלאה "םינינפ"
סאוו ,רעדניק עלעיצעפס ןופ סעיראגעטאק עכילטע ראפ יד ןופ ןעמאר יד ןיא גנואיצרע עראברעדנואוו א ןגירק ."זנאצ" דסומ בלאהרעניא טרינאיצקנופ סאוו ןסאלק
טרינאיצנאטס ,רעדניק ערענעלק יד ראפ סאלק א )1
ןענעז רעבא ,זנאצ דסומ םענופ חטש ן'פיוא עדייבעג א ןיא ,ןסע םייב רעדניק ןטראגרעדניק זנאצ יד טימ ןעמאזוצ
10- ןופ ךעלגנוי ראפ "סאלק ךעלגנוי" א )2 .המודכו ,ןליפש
סאלק עכילנעוועג א ןיא ןענרעל סאוו ,םזיטוא טימ ראי 13 ךעלדיימ" א )3 .זנאצ "תובא יכרד" הרות דומלת םעניא
,םוארדניס ןואד טימ ראי 14-17 ןופ ךעלדיימ ראפ "סאלק ."זנאצ תונב" ןיא סאלק עכילנעוועג א ןיא ןענרעל ייז סאוו יד ןשיווצ טעבראנעמאזוצ עוויטקודארפ יד טימ ה"ב ןעמ טאה ,זנאצ ןופ םיכנחמ יד טימ באטש-םיער ךוניח טעטילאווק עכיוה א ןריפאלעוועד וצ ןעוועג חילצמ ןעוו דניצא ןוא ,רעדניק ערעייט יד ראפ טראדנאטס
ןגייצוצסיורא טייצ עגיסאפ יד ןעוועג זיא ראי יד טסילש'מ ת"ישה וצ ביול ןבעגפא ןוא ק"הובע יד ראפ גנונעקרענא
.ךוניח ןיא סערגארפ ליפיוזא טימ ראי עגיד'חלצומ יד ראפ ןופ "םויראטידוא" םעניא ןעמוקעגראפ זיא טנעווא יד
,טייצלאמ עכייר א טיירגעגוצ ןראוועג זיא'ס ואוו ,זנאצ תונב עדנרירפסניא ןופ םארגארפ רעגיד'נכות א טימ טיילגאב .טקורדנייאאב ןעמעלא טאה סאוו תושרד תירק ןופ לאפיצנירפ ,ו"יה ןירעפלאה שובייל ר"רה
יד ראפ טעמדיוועג ןופ באטש ןוא ןרעטלע "םינינפ" םיער יירד עלא
יסנאמ "זנאצ" דסומ ןיא �יִניִנ[[ְ�
רָאי" "גנוסילשעדנריר
טרעדילגעגנייא ,ןסאלק
ןעמונעג רע טאה ךאנרעד ןוא ץייוו עטגיטייצעג ףיוא "טינש
עטנאסערעטניא עלא יד גידנגייצ ,רוט א ףיוא םירוחב יד
סע ואוו "זיוה םעראוו" סאד רעגייטש א ,ןרעמיצ ןוא סעקזייה
זיא'ס ואוו עקדוב יד ,גייצנירג ןוא ןטכורפ ענעדישראפ טסקאוו
םייח תרטע" ד"מהיב םייב ןוא ,"םענורב עטלא" יד טרינאיצנאטס
רעטנעצ עגיד'תוינחור סלא טניד סאוו "למערק םראפ סאד –.רעכוזאב ןוא רעניואוונייא םראפ יד ראפ
עמעראוו ןייז ראפ לארשי 'ר טקנאדאב ןבאה םירוחב יד
םיא גידנשטנואוו ,גנוטיילגאב עוויטאמראפניא ןוא עמאנפיוא
.הדשבו תיבב החלצהו הכרב
תבישי ןופ םירוחב ערעייט יד ןבאה ןגינעגראפ סיורג טימ ,רעטסעשט ןיא טריזילאקאל ,םיער דסומ י"עש "הרות לש םייח"
שידיא" עגיטראנגייא יד ןיא ךוזאב ןכיירטסייג םעד ןטכארעגפא
ןיא טכוזאב טייצ ערעגנעל א טאה'מ ואוו ,ןעשואג ןיא "םראפ עראטלוקירגא טימ טפעשעגנא ךיז ןוא ןעגנולייטפא םראפ עלא יוזא יוו 'ה דסחו ארובה תואלפנ עגידלאוועג יד ןוא ןטפאשנסיוו .יח לכל ןוזמ ןיכמ זיא רעטשרעביוא רעד
יד ןריוורעזבא וצ דימלת ןדעי ראפ טייקכילגעמ יד ןבעג וצ ידכ זיא ,עיצארטנעצנאק עטסלופ יד טימ םראפ םענופ ןלאטעד עליפ גידנראפסיורא ,סעפורג ייווצ ןיא ןראוועג טלייטעגנייא ךוזאב רעד ןראוועג טניורקעג ה"ב זיא ךוזאב רעדעי ןעוו ,געט ערעדנוזאב ןיא ראפ שינעבעלרעביא עדנלעווק א גידנעייז ,סעסקוס עלופ טימ
.םענייא ןדעי
ן'כרוד ןראוועג ןעגנאפטנע ךילפעה ןעמ זיא גידנעמוקנא
טאה רעכלעוו ,ו"יה סאב לארשי 'ר ,רעמראפ ןוא רעמוטנגייא ןדעי טרעלקרע ןוא ,טירש ןוא טירט ףיוא עפורג יד טיילגאב סאוו ןדאטעמ יד םורא ןלאטעד עקניציפ יד וצ זיב רודעצארפ יוזא יוו ןוא ,סקואוו ן'טימ ךיירגלאפרע ןייז וצ ןצונ רעמראפ
.טינש ן'זיב גנונצאלפ ןופ ,עזאפ עדעי טיילגאב'מ ץייוו" ןשיטקאפ א טריפעגכרוד ץאלפ ן'פיוא טאה לארשי 'ר
רוחב רעדעי ןעוו ,"לרוגה דמעמ" א פא טכער'מ ןוא ,א"טילש טשימעגסיוא טגיל סע ואוו ,לסיש םענופ לטעצ א סיורא טביולק
ןעז ןוא לטעצ םעד ןשטיינקפיוא ן'כאנ .םירוחב עלא ןופ ןעמענ יד ןפורסיוא ץאלפ ן'פיוא רוחב רעד טוט ,ןעמאנ םענעבילקעג םעד
ךילרעייפ טוט רעדעי ןוא ,רבח םעד ןופ "הלעמ" א טלעטש סע זיב ,ןטייווצ ן'כאנ רענייא טביולק רדס םעד ףיוא
עשיפיצעפס רעייז טימ םירוחב עלא ןופ עטסיל עלופ א םאצ ךיז
לעוואט ןסיורג א ףיוא טנכייצראפ טרעוו סעלא סאד .הלעמ ,ד"מהיב ילתוכ לע ןעגנאהעגסיורא טנענימארפ טרעוו סאוו
.לרוג ןגידנעמוק ן'זיב ךאוו עצנאג א גידנרעטאלפ
ןטקרעקראפ א ףיוא ןעמוקעגראפ לרוג רעד זיא ךאוו ןייא
.תולעמ טאהעג ךעלעטעצ יד ןבאה ,ןעמענ טאטשנא .גנאגוצ
טאה רוחב רעדעי
א ןבילקעגסיורא
טאה רע ןוא ,'הלעמ'
ןפערטוצ טפראדעג
לעיצעפס זיא סע רעוו
יד ןיא טנכייצעגסיוא
זיא סע .הלעמ עגיזאד
וצ ךילרעדנואוו ןעוועג
םירוחב יד טוג יוו ןרעה שינאטנאפס ןבאה .ןפארטעגוצ
יד ןיא ןראוועג טלעטשעגנייא סאווראנ זיא הרובח עיינ יד םירוחב יד סאוו רעטנוא ,"הרות לש םייח" תבישי ןופ ןעמאר ןענעקרענא ן'כרוד םירבח קוביד ןיא תוגשה ערעייז ןרעכעה ע"יז ךלמילא 'ר יבר רעגילייה רעד יוו ,ןטייווצ א ןופ תולעמ יד אלו ונריבח תלעמ הארנש" :הלפת עגיטכראפ ןייז ןיא טביירש ."םנורסח
ןעמירסיוא ןופ רעהרעד ןלאינעג א ףיוא טפיול הרובח יד טייוו יוו עיצאמאלקארפ עגיכליה א ,רבח א ןופ תולעמ יד םיברב
תונורשכ ןוא תולעמ יד ןעז וצ ראנ טריבורפ'מ ןוא ביל ךיז טאה'מ .שודגו אלמ ךאד זיא דימלת רעדעי סאוו טימ
לאמנייא .דנגלאפ יוו ,"תולרוג" ןופ םעטסיס א ףיוא טעברא סע רועיש ידיגמ יד ןופ ץיפש ןיא ,ףיונוצ הרובח יד ךיז טמוק ךאוו א
קנאדא ךיז ןבאה ןוא םארגארפ םענופ טריטעפענעב
-עלוש עשילדיימ יד ןופ טריפעגסיורא ראברעדנואוו םעד
"ןטעברא" סאד סאוו טשינ לאמוצ טסייוו'מ ןעוו ,ןראי ,אי ןעוו וליפא רעדא ,סאד טסע'מ יוזא יוו ןוא ,טיידאב ןסולשאב טשינ ןעק'מ ןוא ,טייקראלקמוא ןיא ןעמ טמיווש .גיוט'מ סאוו וצ יד טריציפיטנעדיא סאוו ,טנעמסעסא ןא ןריפכרוד ן'כאנ
סעסרוק יד וצ ןעמ טלעטש ,טציזאב'מ סאוו ןטפאשנגייא
סאוו ךאפ ןדעי ןיא גניניערט עמאקלופ א טימ
טלעטשעגוצ ןרעוו סע .טנגייאעג טריפש'מ ,סעיסעפארפ יילרע עלא ראפ סעסרוק
ןופ סעיראגעטאק עלארטנעצ יד רעטנוא גניסעסארפ" ,"עיגאלאנכעט-רעטויפמאק"
,"סיוורעס רעמוטסאק" ,"ןאשאקדארפ –
."גניטעקראמ – סענזיב"
עלעודיווידניא ראפ ןפא זיא סאלק יד טרינגיזעד ןדעי ראפ טרעוו סע .סעפורג ראפ ןוא ךיז ןעמ ןעק ןרירטסיגער וצ ךיז .ךאוו א העש עכילטע 845-328-0488 ףיוא ןדניבראפ
סלא ןראוועג טלעטשעגנייא זיא "סאלק סיעפ" יד
וצ ,ןעמארגארפ ס'םיער ןופ טייק ןיא עלעגניר עכילרעה
ןגידנע וצ ךיז ןטיירג סאוו רעדניק ענעסקאוורע יד ןפלעה
ןוא ,סעסקוס טימ ןבעל סאד ןצעזראפ וצ ,ןראי-לוקס יד
יד זיא'מ סאוו וצ טעברא עטוג א טימ ןסאפוצ ןענעק ךיז
.טנגייאעג עטסעב ךיז טאה ,גנואווש ןיא םארגארפ םעד ןזאל ן'כאנ עכילנעוועג ןופ ךיוא עגארפכאנ א ןרעה ןביוהעגנא
ןטלאוו ןוא ,ןראי לוקס יד ןגידנע סאוו ,ךעלדיימ
סאוו םארגארפ טראס אזא ןצונ טנעקעג ןוא סעיצאקיפילאווק יד טרעכייראב טראס אראפסאוו וצ סיוא טראלק .טנגייאעג זיא'מ טעברא א ןיא טרינאיצקנופ "סאלק סיעפ" יד ךילצנעג ,גנולייטפא עטאטשעגסיוא-לופ
םיער עכילנעוועג יד ןופ טרעדנוזעגפא
ךשמב טאה ןוא ,ךיז ראפ םענראפ סלא ,ןסאלק ןפלעה וצ טייהנעגעלעג יד טאהעג ראי ענעפאלראפ יד
קראטש ןבאה עכלעוו ,ךעלדיימ ענעגנולעג עגילאצליפ
םעיינ ראפ עיצארטסיגער טייהנעגעלעג - ןפא ראי ןרעל ךעלדיימ ענעסקאוורע ראפ סליקס עגיטיונ יד ןפיוקוצנייא טלעוו-סטעברא יד ןיא ןייגוצניירא
For any issues such as:
• Garbage pickup issues
• Street light outages
• Construction concerns
• Unauthorized road closures
• Road hazards like potholes, etc.
please don't hesitate to contact our community liaison, and your concern will be resolved in the most e ective manner.
Mr. Yossi Margareten
:לשמל יוו סושיא עלאַ ראַפ
• פּאָקיפּ שזדעבראַג ןעמעלבאָרפּ
• פּמעל ןסאַג ענעכאָרבעצ
• טימ ןעמעלבאָרפּ עיצקורטסנאָק
• ןענעז עכלעוו ןסאַג
אַ ןאָ ןראָוועג ןסאָלשראַפ טימרעפּ
• סלאָהטאַפּ
• וו"אא
,ןאָזעיל רעזנוא טפור עטיב
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא .ךייש זיא סאָוו
ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
He can be reached at: 845.357.5100 ext. 433 | Margarettenj@ramapo.org
* Annual percentage yield (APY) is effective as of 5/8/2023. $1,000 minimum balance to open the 7-month CD; $500 to open the 13-month CD. $1.00 minimum required to obtain stated APY. Withdrawals may result in earnings below the published APY. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. IRA CDs are also eligible, for which minimum opening deposit is $250. This is a limited time offer and may be withdrawn at any time.
As the summer wanes, we shift back into learning mode. But lots of learning has been happening in the summer, too — learning that is equally important and just as life-changing as the learning your child experiences in school.
The summer weather combined with time outdoors naturally lends itself to exploration, and the learning and discovery opportunities are endless.
This kind of learning can continue year-’round, with a parent’s perspective and gentle encouragement. Really, all that’s needed to foster a child’s exploration is an inquisitive mind. But some products are more conducive to learning than others. Let me share with you some items we’ve discovered over the years that are great for children’s growth and development.
This interesting combination of wooden rods, balls, and strings gives you a toy that is easy for a baby to grasp. As the baby’s skills develop, they can enjoy the balls that move as they turn the toy, and the “squish” when they grasp it with two hands. This toy fosters an understanding of cause and effect, and is overall a nice, simple toy for baby to engage with. It comes in a variety of color finishes.
While all blocks are recommended for open-ended play, colorful blocks add some interest to the play. Featuring a natural wood frame and different color translucent plastic centers, these blocks are interesting and fun to interact and experiment with. They com bine well with Playmags, Little People, toy animals, and other blocks.
Lacing is an important fine motor skill that can be challenging for a child to master. Rather than setting it aside for a year or two, get some strings with a wood tip. The wood tip supports your child’s attempts at getting the string through the bead and simplifies the task.
I am not at all a music expert, but research exists that correlates music with various developmental processes. Small children can enjoy interacting and creating rhythm with instruments such as maracas, tambourines, drums, and xylophones. As your child’s interest grows, you can explore other musical options as
Puzzles are great for fostering problem solving and various visual skills. What always bothered me was the gap in progression between peg puzzles and large 24 piece floor puzzles. HABA puzzles nicely bridge that gap, offering a variety of 12 piece puzzles featuring themes like animals, trucks, farm and zoo. They are great for scaffolding skills as kids learn to look for edges, pieces of similar color, and fit pieces together.
We are the proud owners of three complete toy toolkits. Unfortunately, they sit on our toy shelf most of the time. Because they don’t really do anything. Although I’m sure there are boys who enjoy using tool sets for pretend play, my boys tired of them quickly. What they do enjoy is our children’s screwdriver set, because that actually works. Our set came with a real screwdriver and a wooden case which doubles as the work surface to screw and unscrew a variety of included bolts, washers, and screws. I recommend it for three to four year old boys.
This is a product that took me longer to buy. Because every child has winter shoes, summer shoes, weekday shoes, Shabbos shoes, some kind of water shoes, snow boots, and maybe rollerblades. And all that all over again when they outgrow them the next year. Now rain boots, too? I figured we’d do without. But after I had one child who plunged goodnaturedly into every puddle regardless of their footwear, rain boots were clearly a necessity. Of course, once one child got them, siblings wanted in on the fun too. So now we have a lot of rain boots, and we haven’t regretted the purchase. I encourage all of you to try it too, even if you are squeamish about the jumping in rain puddles activity. I can’t really give you the scientific background, but I assure you that jumping in puddles is a wonderful experience for your children and is good for them, too!
Painting is a great exploratory activity, but we aren’t always ready for the setup, cleanup, and mess it entails. Enter paint sticks: A glue stick look-alike that paints! Easy to use and minimal mess, paint sticks are a lot of fun and a great tool for gorgeous artwork. Of course, real paint is fun in different ways, and a great experience for when you can pull that off, too!
This is the most educational item on this list. I generally avoid academic material as I think experiencing real life is the best way to learn. However, my daughter consistently chooses this game for family game time, so you can be sure the fun factor is there. The game consists of a deck of number cards in various formats (numerals, dice dots, random dots, and others). It contains instruction cards teaching you how to play a variety of very creative number games for a range of ages (3 to 8).Its mission statement is to give over a love of math and change the way math is taught, learned and perceived.
This is a set of magnets containing words or phrases. You arrange them on a magnetic surface to write poems, silly sentences and more.
A map of the world broadens your child’s outlook and experience way past his own immediate surroundings. A map can give your child important information about distance, and they will enjoy locating countries they hear about in current events or where family members live.
All of these are great ways for children to observe, explore, question, and learn about nature and the environment around them.
Great when paired with the magnifying glasses, binoculars, or microscopes, nature guides foster observation skills, and give children the thrill of learning about, naming and identifying local wildlife.
Our overarching goal of raising children is to serve Hashem. While in bygone generations, the success of a child was attributed to their mother’s tears, today it's easy to get sidetracked by the haze of opportunities and methodologies. Yes, of course we'll daven — and we'll do horseback riding therapy and social skills training, too! I don’t mean to minimize the importance of those opportunities or any tools we have at our disposal today. But don’t lose sight of our purpose and ultimate goal.
I touched on a variety of interests here, enough to jumpstart your child's exploration. When you notice your child is interested in something particular, go with it! Have those materials available in the environment, get books on the topic, and provide related material for exploration.
Wishing you many happy adventures together!
תולוגס עליפ ןטכערפא ךיוא געט יד ןיא ןעמ טעוו
עטנאקאב יד ייז ןשיווצ ,ערה ןיע ראפ תולבוקמ
לארשי ללכ יחולש יד ןעוו ,'יילב ןסיג' ןופ הלוגס
וצ תועושי ןוא תואופר ן'לעופ םענייאניא ןלעוו
ןופ טרפבו ,ןישיב ןיערמ לכמ טעוועטארעג ןרעוו .ערה ןיע
ןייז ךיוא טעוו 'העושי יניע' םעטמ
לארשי ללכ טאה יד ןעמונעגפיוא גנוטיירפשראפ עלעיצעפס ,תולוגסמה תוליפת יד ןופ
ב“י גאט יד תארקל , 'העושי יניע לעפמ' ךרוד
סע זא רשיה וק ןיא טגנערבעג טרעוו סאוו לולא ,ערה ןיע ןגעק תולועפ ןוט וצ םאזטאר קראטש זיא טלעטשעגסיוא רעמ ןעמ זיא געט יד ןיא דלאביוו
.ערה ןיע ףיוא
יד ןרעה ןוא
ןפורניירא ןענעק טעוו ןעמ ואוו רעמונ וצ
ןגאזטימ ןענעק
עלא זנוא לאז רעפעשאב רעד זא הליפת א טימ
ראנ ןעז עלא ןלאז רימ ןוא ,ןזייב םעלא ןופ ןטיהפא
דסחו בוט ךא ,תוימשגבו תוינחורב תובוט תועפשה
אתעייס ןוא תעדה תבחרה ,תחנ עליפ טימ ,ונופדרי .אימשד
יד ןיא ןעמענ ערעייא ןביירשנייא ריא טליוו ביוא
ןרעוו טעוו סאוו תולבוקמ תולוגס עלעיצעפס
ןוא ,ערה ןיע ןעמענוצפארא געט יד ןיא ןוטעג
ריא טנעק ,םיארונה םימי יד תארקל לעיצעפס
ףיוא ,'העושי יניע לעפמ' וצ ןפורניירא
םעראוו ןרעוו טעוו ריא ואוו 845.284.9777
.ףעטס עטרעטיירבראפ רעזנוא ךרוד ןעמונעגפיוא
ןעמ לאז געט יד ןיא זא טביירש רשיה בק רעד
לאז'מ זא םימלועה לכ ןובר ןראפ ןייז ללפתמ רעמ
זיא סע ןוא ,ןזייב םעלא ןופ טעוועטארעג ןרעוו ןופ לגוסמה הליפת יד ןגאזוצסיורא לגוסמ קראטש
זיא סאד זא לבוקמ קראטש זיא סאוו , 'תערצ עגנ' .ערה ןיע ןוא םיפשכ ןגעק טוג
דסייתנ זיא סאוו 'העושי יניע לעפמ' עטנאקאב יד
הרטמ ןטימ ,רודה ירואמו ילודג יד ךרוד ןראוועג
ןיע ןופ ןינע רעד ןיא לארשי ללכ ןפלעהוצסיורא
וצ המישמ עגילייה יד ךיז ףיוא ןעמונעג טאה ,ערה תודהי ברקב הליפת עגילייה יד ןטיירפשראפ
טעוו'מ ןעוו ,לולא ב“י גאט יד תארקל ,תידרחה
לאז ןעמ זא רוביצ ןראפ טייהנגעלעג רעד ןבעג
ןופ הליפת עגילייה עטנאקאב יד ןגאזסיורא ןענעק
.'נ תוא יד טימ ןא ךיז טבייה סעלא סאוו ,םיקוספ א"י
Shlomo was one of my campers in Yedideinu Day Camp, quite a few summers ago. He was a tall, broad, and awkward little boy from an immigrant family. His clothes were too old, too big and too dark, he was a year or two older than the rest of my Pre -1A campers, and he didn’t speak or understand English well.
Shlomo* was also strong. Very strong. Due to his poor language skills, physical violence became his primary mode of communication, and he was often found fighting stubbornly with the other boys in the class. Tragically, the boys in the class did not regard Shlomo as a peer, but rather as a dark,
brooding creature whom they tried to either provoke or avoid. If there had been a totem pole that measured social status in our bunk, Shlomo would have been all the way at the bottom.
Shlomo’s father had a disability and could not work; his mother cleaned people’s homes for a living.
One day, at the beginning of the summer, when we had no transportation and the children were supposed to be picked up by their parents, Shlomo and his younger brother Chaim were never picked up. They waited patiently with us as we spent a few hours trying to reach their parents. “Oh,” said Shlo-
mo’s mother simply, when we finally reached her, “I forgot.” Her children waited another long while until she finally arrived. They did not even seem sad or angry that they had been forgotten, only resigned.
My heart went out to little Shlomo. Beyond his angry, wild behavior, I saw a confused child who was desperate to make friends but did not know how. As his counselor, I hoped I’d be able to positively impact his life. I davened for siyata d’Shmaya
I looked for Shlomo’s strengths,
selor stopped by our room and asked for one of the boys to assist him for a few minutes, I slowly looked around the classroom, my eyes traveling up and down the rows. Boys were bouncing up and down in their seats, fingers pointing to themselves and begging, “Me! Me! Choose me! Pleeeeaase!”
“Boys,” I said, “you are all wonderful. This will be a tough decision.” I looked around again and now my eyes — followed by twenty-three pairs of eyes –rested on Shlomo. “Shlomo. Yes, I think that Shlomo Levy would be the right choice. He’s so mature, he’s already seven years old!”
The class seemed taken aback. Shlomo seemed surprised. He hesitated a bit, but then came up to the front of the classroom. When Shlomo returned after having helped the head counselor, I made a big deal about it. I called him up to the front of the room, and had him tell the class all about it. He was shy, his speech was unclear, but he slowly told the class how he helped the head counselor unload new sports equipment from his car. They stared at him with admiration.
and raced against other bunks. When we had to choose one boy to present our team for the running races, I looked around and made a big deal of choosing Shlomo to run for us. “Shlomo is the tallest in our bunk, he has the longest legs,” I told the boys, “and he’s so strong. He’s a good choice for us!”
At first, Shlomo (who seemed pleasantly surprised at being singled out and praised) ran a bit awkwardly, his movements uncoordinated and unsure. But as he gained confidence, he started running and running, gave it his all, and won the race — once, and twice, and yet again! My campers were thrilled. “Go, Shlomo, go! Go Shlomo go!” they chanted. Shlomo earned a prize from the head counselor and returned to his friends as a hero.
It was easy going after that. Shlomo had earned the respect of his bunkmates. The boys were young, and unlearned their prejudices with the ease that only five year olds can. Shlomo slowly let go of his defensive walls, as he too had not yet built up too many barriers. The pleasure of working with young, impressionable souls, like molding pliable clay!
but they were hard to find. So I resolved to focus on his age, his height and physical strength and make them very important.
“I need a strong, tall boy to take the ball down from that shelf,” I told my campers one of the first days of camp. “Shlomo!” I announced, “You’re the perfect choice. We are so lucky, boys, that Shlomo is in our bunk. Look how tall he is and how easily he reaches that shelf.”
Shlomo took the ball off the shelf with ease, his stooped shoulders straightening a bit. The boys shifted in their seats and regarded Shlomo with guarded interest, as if seeing him for the first time.
The next day, when the head coun-
Days rolled into weeks, with lots of little opportunities for me to draw out the goodness in Shlomo. Our relationship deepened. He softened. It was fascinating for me to note that much of how we communicate with each other transcends language, that our hearts carry so much more weight than the words we express. When Shlomo did get into a fight with another boy, I’d manage to calm him down. I’d wait patiently for him to string together words of broken English, as he’d tell me why he felt wronged. At times he’d burst into tears and explain that he was unfairly provoked. When incidents like that happened, I’d make it clear to all of my campers that no one — not Shlomo, nor any other boy in the class — deserved to be mistreated. I loved all my campers and looked out for all of them, but Shlomo had a special place in my heart.
Then came the Grand Camp Championship where all the bunks in our camp were pitted against each other in various sports.
We played basketball, baseball, soccer
By the end of the four weeks of camp Shlomo was one of the most highly regarded boys in our bunk. When the boys played Red Rover, they’d make sure Shlomo was on their team, as he was so strong and could easily fight his way through the opposing team’s human chain. When someone in our bunk needed help schlepping something heavy, he’d ask Shlomo for help, and Shlomo would eagerly acquiesce. When they couldn’t reach something, the boys would turn to Shlomo for help because he was so tall. As Shlomo’s confidence soared, his speech and even his gait improved; he walked around purposefully, and no one noticed anymore that he did not speak or dress like everyone else.
It’s been quite a while since I was Shlomo’s day camp counselor. Most details of that summer are but hazy memories. But the heady feeling of being able to touch a young soul so deeply and so quickly is something I will never forget. Shlomo’s face is a clearly defined image in my mind and this gentle, noble soul will always have a special place in my heart.
*names and identifying details have been changed
But today he is busy with a different kind of diamond: the gift of Shabbos, the precious gift from Hashem’s treasure vault. Mr. Katz has decided to launch an exclusive Shabbos contest with amazing prizes, exclusively for children of readers of The Monsey View. The contest, designed to encourage tosfos Shabbos, involves welcoming Shabbos ten minutes early for four consecutive weeks.
“It’s the biggest segulah,” says Reb Shaul. “But don’t take it from me. Listen to this.” He plays an audio clip of Rav Elimelech Biderman. “Tosfos Shabbos… the biggest brachos come from adding onto Shabbos.” He quotes the tzaddik Rav Menachem Mendel of Rimanov: “Chazal teach us, asei Shabbos’cha chol v’al titztareich labrios. Make your Shabbos when it’s still weekday, and you won’t need help from others. It’s a bracha for children, life and wealth. The Pri Megadim says that one who prolongs Shabbos, Hashem prolongs his lifetime. The Imrei Emes of Ger used to tell petitioners, ‘First be mekabel Shabbos early and then say your kapitel Tehillim.’”
Reb Meilich repeats a story Rav Yechezkel Abramsky, zt’’l, would tell of his grandfather, the Ridvaz. One night while the Ridvaz slept, he saw the Beis Din Shel Maalah in a dream, calling out to him that the time had come for him to leave the world. The Ridvaz pleaded that he was in the middle of writing a very necessary peirush on Talmud Yerushalmi, but they replied, “You come up, someone else will finish.”
“But what about all the broken people I help and support?” protested the Ridvaz. “Who will take care of them?”
“Others will,” came the reply. “Your time has come.”
Finally, the Ridvaz said, “I am mekabel Shabbos early every week. The table is set Thursday night and I await the Shabbos Hamalkah.” Upon hearing that, the Beis Din agreed that he deserved to live. The Ridvaz awoke and merited to live and complete his sefer
“Is there anything more to say?”
comments Reb Shaul. “By adding just a few minutes to Shabbos, the gates of bracha open wide.”
It’s Monday afternoon, but the feeling here in his cozy Monsey home is all about Shabbos. “Didn’t you say today, ‘sheini b’Shabbos’? It’s all about Shabbos,” R’ Shaul asserts. “Let me tell you another story: There was a very wealthy man in Mexico who’d build massive office buildings, sell them, and turn a nice profit. While he contributed generously to the local kollelim, he himself didn’t lead an observant life. One day he decided he wants to keep Shabbos, partially — just Friday night. He’d come home from work early, his wife would light candles, he’d go to shul, have a seudah, and that was it. Shabbos day was a regular day for them.
“There was one building he invested a lot of money into, but there were no buyers. Finally, two partners from overseas started negotiating a deal. They arrived on Thursday and were hoping to get it done within the next two days. On Friday noon, the deal wasn’t ready. They needed another few hours to work out the last details. But this man got up and said, ‘I’m out of here; I need to get ready for Shabbos.’ They looked at him, unable to believe what they were hearing. The deal was almost done and here the seller wants to pause for a day! They made it very clear to him that if they don’t finalize the deal within the next few hours, they’re out. But Shabbos was coming. He said he had to go, and left. So did they. The longawaited deal was dead.
“He came home with a sense of misgiving. For so long he’d been trying to sell this building, and now, when a deal was within reach, he had just walked out. But a short while later, that area suffered a major earthquake. Many office buildings collapsed, but his building stood intact. He soon had a line of clients, including the Mexican government, who were looking to pay whatever the cost to rent or purchase the building.
“So you see, Shabbos is the source of bracha.”
Reb Shaul Katz is a diamond setter by profession. He has also given classes in diamond setting. “Some of my students came in with two left hands and walked out as professional diamond setters,” he tells The Monsey View in an exclusive interview.
1. For the next four weeks, be ready for Shabbos ten minutes before licht bentchen. Approach a parent and let them know you’re ready, and be mekabel Shabbos. No melachos may be done from that point on.
2. On Motzei Shabbos, mark your chart to indicate that you were mekabel Shabbos early.
3. After four weeks, you are eligible to be entered a raffle. Send your name and contact information to Email: earlyshabbos10@gmail.com Mail: Family Katz, 4 Nesher Court, Monsey, NY 10952
Winner of the boys’ raffle will receive a silver becher sponsored by Signature Silver. Winner of the girls’ raffle will receive a 14k gold chain bracelet sponsored by Timeless Design.
Send your submission by September 28 to be eligible to win! Raffle will be drawn October 12, be”H
Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ____________________
Shabbos #1 Shabbos #2 Shabbos #3 Shabbos #4Imagine sitting by a window, staring out at the world like my friend’s grandmother used to. She liked to sit quietly, and when asked why she’d say, “I’m listening to myself.” While this might strike you as a bit unusual, I can assure you that it’s incredibly valuable.
The swift pace of life often leaves us feeling more emotionally overwhelmed than we can comprehend. Subtle emotions like fear, joy, anger, and resentment can linger in the back of our minds, but we often fail to recognize them because they are too overwhelming or contradict our expectations.
Think of a time you felt calm when others expected you to be angry, or you felt sad when you were supposed to act more practical. We often disregard these emotions since they are unpleasant or too complicated to fully grasp. However, disregarding them can lead to more profound issues such as anxiety and depression. Recognizing and embracing our entire
spectrum of emotions is essential for the wellbeing of our minds.
So, let’s embark on a journey toward emotional well-being. It starts with giving ourselves the gift of reflection, taking some time to hang out with our emotions. Get comfortable, maybe in your room or your favorite relaxing spot, and ask yourself, “What am I feeling right now?” Don’t be afraid to dig deep into the answer. Doing this might actually uncover hidden emotions, like extra worry or forgotten sadness.
Here is something even more profound: your body is an emotional vessel and carries your feelings. It may sound a little weird, but try asking your body how it feels: “Hey
It may sound a little weird, but try asking your body how it feels:
“Hey abdomen, what’s up? How do my shoulders feel today?”
Embracing and understanding the complex range of emotions lead to greater self-awareness and mental wellbeing.
abdomen, what’s up? How do my shoulders feel today?” Maybe your arms could be craving a hug or your heart needs some solace. Your body is constantly sending you signals about how you’re feeling. Pay attention to them and ask your body what it needs. You may be surprised by how much it may reveal.
As we explore our emotions in this manner, we’ll start to notice a sense of clarity. Anxiety might blend into anger, irritation can reshape into genuine sadness, and fears can morph into compassion. Being grumpy could simply mean we’re feeling mad, and being worried might just be our way of caring. This kind of understanding is like finding a hidden treasure, except it only entails listening to yourself.
In the midst of our bustling lives teeming with obligations and tasks, self-awareness often takes a backseat. But allow this to be a kind reminder: the power to change this lies in your hands. Dedicate a moment each day to asking: “What am I feeling right now?”
As we untangle these feelings, we’ll discover a happier and more peaceful world inside us. Life’s busyness may endure, yet perceiving things from a different lens equips us to tackle any challenge. Remember, it all starts with listening to yourself and taking care of how you feel.
Life’s busyness may endure, yet you’ll start perceiving things from a different lens and be better equipped to tackle any challenge.
Have you ever dreamed of joining Mensa, the organization meant for smart people? Good news! While membership is contingent on IQ level, “perspective is worth 80 IQ points,” as one scientist said.
Founded in England in 1946, Mensa is an international society for highly intelligent people. There’s only one criterion for joining: A high IQ, or Intelligence Quotient. The candidate must be within the highest 2% of society to qualify.
To date, Mensa boasts some 134,000 members in 100 countries. The United States is most heavily represented, with twice as many members as any other country.
One out of 50 people qualify for Mensa membership, although most never consider joining.
Mensa members are men, women, and children from age four and up, but the most common age groups are 14 to 33 and 34 to 53.
The concept of IQ was designed in 1904 by two French psychologists who wanted to determine which students need extra help in school. It was German psychologist William Stern who formulated the specific IQ method of testing, which computes mental age based on chronological age.
Studies show children may develop higher IQ capacities if they are nurtured and fed well as babies.
Stimulating mental capacity in preschool may boost IQ in elementary school – but would probably not increase the scores permanently.
“Mensa” is a Latin word with several meanings; mind, table, and month. Arlington, TX, is home to the American Mensa headquarters. American Mensa’s oldest member is 102; British Mensa had a 103-year-old member.
• Surprise, surprise! Research backs the notion that there may be a link between absentmindedness and genius!
• Studies show that many people who are considered geniuses have difficulty focusing on small details. It should be noted that 7.4% of Mensa members have diagnosed ADHD, compared to 4% in the general population.
Here are some indicators that may convince you to take the Mensa test!
You listen more than you talk.
You can process new information quickly.
You can focus on one thing for hours.
You are curious and open-minded.
You like being alone.
Teddy Hobbs, a British four-year-old, joined Mensa after scoring 139 out of 160 on the Mensa entrance exam. He taught himself to read on his own at the age of two.
Haryz Nadzim, a British child, joined Mensa at age 3. He began speaking when he was just seven months old. At age two, he would recite entire bedtime stories to himself from memory.
Alexis Martin of Phoenix, AZ, scored 160 on her Mensa entrance exam, which she took at three years old. She read books to herself at age two, and even corrected her father when he made mistakes while reading to her.
At age two, U.S.-born Elise Tan-Roberts will surprise you by reciting the names of many capital cities in the world. She recognized her written name before her first birthday and recited the alphabet from memory at 16 months.
Perhaps the youngest Mensa member, Kasha Quest of Los Angeles memorized all the elements of the periodic table and knows all 50 states of America by name, shape, and location on the map — all before age two! Her pediatrician was the one to pick up on her unusual intelligence level and sent her parents to a psychologist who conducted the test.
131+ – You can join Mensa! 137 – Bill Clinton, 42nd US President
145 – Jeff Bezos, Founder of Amazon 155 – Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla 160 – Bill Gates, CEO of Microsoft 160 – Albert Einstein’s genius IQ 180 – Binyamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister
228 – Highest recorded IQ score, held by American writer Marilyn vos Savant
See how well you score on these sample questions of a Mensa IQ Test!
1. What is the missing number in this series?
7, 12, 19, __, 39, 52
a) 28 b) 26 c) 33 d) 29
2. The words gallant and valiant have __________ meanings.
a) Same b) Opposite c) Unrelated
3. A college professor teaches a class of 80 students. Fourteen students are business majors, six are education majors, and the rest are undecided. What percentage of the class is undecided?
a) 50% b) 75% c) 60% d) 25%
4. If the first two statements below are true, is the final statement true?
Mrs. Jones is responsible for collecting all of the fifth grade classes’ money for the school fundraiser.
Sally attends Mrs. Jones’ school.
Mrs. Jones is responsible for collecting Sally’s money for the fundraiser.
a) Yes b) No c) Uncertain
5. Which figure belongs in the empty spot?
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
N H 246 www.themonseyview.com 845.600.8484 The Monsey View August 23, 2023
Family name: Gold , 845-xxx-9046
Name of winner: Perela
Amount of points: 87
Names of competing players: Mommy
Some words only the winner found: spark, drape, smart, disk, seven
The longest word found on the board: amusement
A new word learned from the board: skid
Family name: Friedman, 845-xxx-3788
Name of winner: Chumy
Amount of points: 52
Names of competing players: Chaya’la, Baily, Avrumy
Some words only the winner found: toast, smart, skid, spot, spark, rust, park, silk, stem
The longest word found on the board: amusement park
A new word learned from the board: rasp, strafe
Winner: To claim your prize, bring this page to Nussy’s Cuisine.
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
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New spacious apartment suitable for playgroup or elderly couple. Regina Road, asking $2000. 845-371-2376
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Seeking warm and devoted teachers and assistants for a Yiddish speaking playgroup in Boro Park! Great environment! Great pay! Call/leave msg 646-887-5634
Looking to hire an assistant for September 2023 for a 2-year-old playgroup in Pomona. Contact Rikki 347930-9736.
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Heimishe accounting office is seeking to hire a full-time female employee. Office experience a plus. Please email resume to cpajobmonsey@gmail.com
Looking for dynamic, warm, and responsible Co-teachers to join our growing team. Get the experience of working alongside master teachers while helping young students succeed. Competitive pay and great working environment. Please send you resume to: chedermonseyeducation@ gmail.com
Family-owned investment office is looking to hire a parttime bookkeeper for about 4 hours a day. Must have prior experience using Quickbooks and excel. Should be organized and efficient. Call: 718-752-9100 ext 208 Email: info@wiseyork.com
Kitchen Company is looking for a dedicated individual for Purchasing and Customer Service. If you have an eye for detail and excellent communication skills, we want to hear from you. Email ygrunstein@kitchenlion. com Or call 718-399-2900 Ext. 2026
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Monsey office seeking f/t secretary. Good communication skills, computer literacy and office experience required. Good Pay. Email: incomingresumes1@gmail. com - Fax: 845-913-9252
Daas Wellness is Seeking to fill a secretary position. Great pay and working environment. Full time position. Please email your resume. HR@daaswellness. com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Office in Airmont is looking for a P/T Bookkeeper 20Hr a week. Knowledge of QB, EXCEL a must please email your resume to: joboffers2626@gmail.com
Heimishe office in Monsey is seeking to hire a full - time female employee. Great potential. Please email your resume to jobmonsey78@ gmail.com.
Office in the New City area is looking to hire a full time office employee. Candidate should have good communication skills proficient in Microsoft, needs to be detail oriented. Please email resume to : hershy@ streamline.finance
Pt/ft office position available. We are currently seeking an individual with strong organizational skills & ability to manage multiple tasksbasic computer knowledge & attention to detail & accuracy required. Email resume to hb.huvy@gmail.com
Looking to hire for full time in office position at a fashion retail store. Tasks include customer service, taking orders, and secretarial work. Graduates welcome. For more info or to apply call 845-4212501 and leave a message.
Heimishe office is looking to hire a F/T secretary, min of 2 years office experience. Duties: Completing applications & a variety of office duties. Candidate should have attention to detail. Please email your resume to eliezer@ bexpediting.com
Do you have what it takes to join our team? Looking for a professional dedicated receptionist to help us in our salon. Potential for growth. Please email your resume to Sales@libbyswigs.com
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Do you have people skills? Look no further.. For a limited time. B&C Industries well known sales team is now accepting applicants to join its sales team. Email Resume: SalesJob@bcpkg.com Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
High class retail store looking for sales lady 4 days a week, 12-6:30pm Must be available Sunday. Please call 845-5383993
Do you have a Passion for Fashion. Join our team New woman’s clothing retail store Located in Airmont. Looking for P/T and F/T salespeople. call/Text 646-342-5330
Upscale women’s clothing boutique is looking to hire a sales girl. Great environment with lots of room for growth. Are you friendly and outgoing with a strong fashion sense? Then this is the place for you! For more information text 718 972 7809
Bais Rochel School is looking for capable Teachers’ Assistants for the upcoming school year for Grades 1-4 in both our Yiddish and English departments. Good pay. Please email resume to: sgertner@bethrochel.org.
Retail store looking to hire talented male for inside sales position. Candidate should possess excellent social and communication skills. Reach out today! Email Mappel@ hireexteam.com
Looking for capable, warm and dedicated co-teachers for the upcoming school year to work along professional and dynamic Moros. Potential for growth. Please call 848-5250943 or email preschool@ yeshivaspringvalley.org. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of others? Our school is currently seeking dedicated and compassionate Male individuals to join our team as Teachers, Aides and Job Coaches. These are excellent opportunities for the right candidates 845729-3001 email resume to: jobsresumes613@gmail.com
Seeking full time nanny for growing family. Contact 917 971 8322 for details.
At the Stocking Exchange. Part time ok, must include Sundays and afternoons. Call 845-548-7015
Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume: jewelrypersonal@gmail.com
• CTO, supply chain/3PL experience, 200k, Edison NJ
• CFO, Cost Accounting and Strategic Acquisitions Expert, 200k+, Edison, NJ
• Machine learning Engineer (A-I) 2+ yrs. experience, 200k+, Newark
• Amazon PPC Manager, w/ extensive PPC experience, 175k, Monsey
• Financial Controller, CPA/healthcare experience preferred, 150k, Monsey
• Controller, CFR/ non-profit experience a plus, oversee Fiscal dept, 120k150k, Monsey
• Software Developer, develop, test, and maintain apps using JavaScript, Python, SQL, and API integration. EDI systems and NetSuite ERP, 150k, Monsey
• Property Asset Manager, minimum 3 yrs. experience, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Project Manager with Industrial Mechanical Engineer experience, 120k+, Newark, NJ
• Accounting Supervisor, 3+ yrs. as an Accountant, 130k+, Monsey
• Commercial Insurance Underwriter 2+ yrs. experience, excellent salary, REMOTE or Bklyn
• HR Director, female office, experience with recruiting and onboarding, Yiddish speaking a plus, 90k, Monsey
• Skilled Technical Writer, 100k, Newark
• Skilled Social Media Manager, 100k, Newark
• Senior Graphics Designer, 100k, Newark
• Front-End Developer, 2 yrs. experience, 100k+, Monsey
• Payroll Manager, oversee 6 payroll admins, 100k+, Clifton, NJ
• Payroll Implementation Specialist, be technical, detailed, multitasking – will train. 80k+, Clifton, NJ
• Inventory Analyst, 100k, Monsey
• NetSuite Admin, 1+ yr. experience required, 85k – 100k, Monsey
• Executive Assistant to CEO, full-time position, relevant experience required. 80k, Monsey
These people were all unemployed before!
• Software Coordinator, Implement/ Support systems, Technical writing skills, database knowledge a plus, 75k, Monsey
• Client Relations Admin, great communication skills, 75k+, Monsey
• Fundraiser, in-office, full-time position, salary plus commission, Monsey
• Payroll processor, male office, Microsoft Office and Customer Service skills, will train, 65k, Monsey
• Male Day Service Supervisor- Oversee boys day-hab and respite programs, Monsey
• Resident Manager Male/Female, for a homecare agency, 70k, Monsey
• IT Level 1 and 2 Support, 60k-85k, Monsey
• Listing Specialist – optimize listings on Amazon, 2+ yrs. experience, 65k+, Monsey
• Inside salesman - Customer service, full-time, $30/hr. + commissions, near Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $30+/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• Service and Intake Coordinator positions, Female office. Great communication skills required. $27/ hr. Monsey
• Have real estate title insurance? Great full-time position in a Real Estate firm, Monsey
• Male/Female - Customer Service and Quality Control JOB OPENINGS, great pay, Edison, NJ
• Architectural CAD Drafter, full-time, Monsey, Newark and Ridgefield NJ
• Handyman, full-time, beginner ok, must have a strong knack at handywork, 65k w/growth potential, Monsey
• Executive Assistant, Real Estate. Office experience required, 9am-4pm, $2530/hr. Monsey
• Office Assistant, help with basic admin tasks. Must have car. 15 hours weekly, $22/hr. Monsey
• Multiple full-time office admin positions, $25-32/hr. Monsey
• Entry-level medical biller positions, female office, full-time, $22/hr.+ Monsey
Baby Layettes (845) 213-3646
Layettes Text 718-551-1732
Doula 845-587-1649
Labor Bag 347-604-3274
Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-6427256
Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704
Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-356-3568
Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216-8893643
Neocate Formula 718-853-4090
Neocate Formula 845-517-9221
Formula Gemach 845-371-3232
Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202
Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826
Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474
Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559
Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475
The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814
Baby Scale 845-578-5639
Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370
Baby Scales 845-694-8985
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Bris Accessories 617-955-3630
Bris Accessories 845 425 8359
Bris Accessories 425 3873
Bris Accessories 425-6574
Bris Accessories 356-6215
Blue Light 845.425.1919
Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845425-0672
Bris outfit poya, also tefilla cards 845 3564859 Ralph area
Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602
Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718384-6214
Segula Stone 347-699-6418
Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065
Krias Shema Board With Stand 425-4540
Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Gowns 845-517- 8808
Mother & Sister Gowns 845-426-7496 Or 845-352-3031.
Gown And Petticoats 347-278-1278
Ivory/white/dusty blue gowns 845-
Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785.
Hats $25. 347-351-1604
Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.
Bands & Berets 845-371-3556
Tichel 845-548-0014
Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845-445-8015
Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211
Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105.
Toys 845-578-6513
Toys 917-538-3453.
Clics 845-352-5820
Tablecloths (845) 371 2105
Tablecloth 352-8292
Tablecloths 352-8292
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772
shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces
Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718
Siddur/Chumash 558.4774
Benchers 845-642-0910
Bentchers 347-404-2204
Bechers 845-377-5671
Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845-425-0498
Coat Rack And Hangers 845-356-
Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278
Chupah Cards 845.222.0456
Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-2130602.
Wedding Kit 845-425-2036
Wedding Kit 845-371-2947
Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-263-
Accessories Basket 845-371-6857
Children Hair Pieces 3473001679
Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790
Sound System 917-382-8809
Evening Bags 845-549-2929
Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069
Earplugs for Simchos 845-328-1071
22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator 8453238570
Simcha table centerpieces
Centerpieces 845-570-7755
Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352-2560
Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767
Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845-425-
White Sneakers 917-613-6579
White Shoes 845-200-0211
Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-459-3567
Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1
week in advance 518-306-1167
Kallah Dresser 845-300-5767
Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628
Notary Public 347-228-8825
Fix necklines 845-238-6691
Hairstyling 845-540-3731
Hair styling 845-502-6558
Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218
Wash & sets $25, 347-944-0003
Haircutting/Styling 845-263-7057
Haircutting & Styling 845-422-5337
Hospital Supplies 746-8293
Hospital Gown 845-425-8687
Hospital Gown 845-426-4695
Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364
Medical Equipment Email Slmw50@
DVDS & players for Cholim/Homebound 425-2660
Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725
Maternity Coats Text only 845-5212912
Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437
Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687
Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912
Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298
Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072
Makeup 845-517-7128
Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal
Kosher Waze 845.587.1708
Roof Carriers 845-659-1863.
Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885
Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347631-8183
Beautiful nishmas cards 845-7297390
Guest Baskets 845-425-0963
Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845-4250672
Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347977-6816
Phones For Emergencies. 845-3760738
Reflectors 845-356-0815
Reflectors 347-977-6816
Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398
Natural Health Support, text 347 2287578
Ostomy Supplies 845-637-6231
Moving Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845-6087830
Boxes 845-642-5286
Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Heaters 845 362 8666
Phone Gemach 845-445-7422
Air Mattresses 9176537170
Air mattress gemach Text/WhatsApp
Baby scale 845-540-1710
Cuddles n Cradles 347-243-7495
Outfit and pillow 914-715-2672
Suitcases 845-371-9121
Bike Racks 845-659-1863.
Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfydhm@
Dating Game perfect matches
Mani/Pedis 845-594-8787
Teacher’s Bulletin 845-425-8046
Computer Advice (862) 248-1931
Loans 347-385-1408
Moving Help packing/unpacking
Pack N Plays with sheets text 845280-3470
Digital Cameras 8264062
Phone With Service 845-445-7422
Eczema Cream 845-274-7858
Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616
Kids Wardrobe 540-9375
Washing Stations 845.428.9014
Yiddish & English Poems 845-5873018
Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787
Lev Simcha music groups/visits
Sefer Torah 347-598-0357
Free-shalom bayis 845-213-0602
Mezuzos 845-540-1802
Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391
laminators & paper cutters msg
Kendamil formula 914-523-0592
Zichron Eliezer mailing Gemach
Hachnosas Kallah loan gemach 347415-1525
Heimish Chicken soup 845-352-3959
Costume Used or new 8455380990
Stand out with a professional, effective resume. Land more interviews and job offers. Written by a career expert who reviews 100’s of resumes weekly. Text/WA: 845-243-7119 Email: Yaakov@ ExcelsiorCareerServices.com
Looking to hire an executive assistant to the CEO of a real estate investment office. Ideal candidate would be someone efficient and possess strong communication skills. Full computer literacy required. Office located in Spring Valley. Call: 718-752-9100 ext 208 Email: info@wiseyork.com
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter thejewishwriter@ gmail.com Call/Text 347-409-5182
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well-paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/info@abariders.com.
New kids shoe store in Monsey looking for a manager. Part time and temporary help also available. No experience necessary. For more information text 845-548-2314.
Upscale women’s clothing boutique in monsey is looking to hire a salesgirl. Lots of room for growth in a friendly environment, For more information text 718-972-7809
Expert help for all your computer / it needs. Srultech solutions (201) 815-4410 serving homes and businesses
Broad Management Group located in Montvale, NJ, is actively seeking a dedicated individual to join our Accounts Payable Department. Efficiently manage the accounts payable process for select properties. Strong attention to detail and organizational skills. Open to candidates with entry-level experience, post-seminary graduates, or those with some professional background. Please submit your resume to Hr@broadmg. com.
Join Skyscraper Insurance as an underwriter/client service specialist, it will open a world of opportunities and rewards. With the ever-growing demand for our services, you’ll have the chance to soar to new heights professionally, with unlimited potential for career advancement in excellent environment.
Please email your resume to HR@skyscraperinsurance. com
Join our team as an RPA Business Analyst! Leverage your experience in business analysis, along with strong communication skills and a commitment to our core values. Looking to hire a female for this position. Great pay for the right candidate! Email your resume to Mappel@hireexteam.com
Experienced female RPA developer wanted to craft and maintain RPA solutions automating manual processes, provide tech support, and drive innovation. Join our team today!! Email your resume to Mappel@hireexteam.com
Healthcare Company in Monsey is looking to hire a Web Developer to build and maintain software code, collaborate on features, and optimize performance. Apply now! Send your resume to Mappel@hireexteam.com
Are you eager for growth in your career? Ark Mortgage is seeking ambitious individuals to be part of our top-tier sales team. Prior sales or mortgage experience isn’t a hurdle - we provide comprehensive training to help you reach your highest potential. Commission based role with unparalleled earning opportunities.
Jumpstart your journey to success - email hr@ arkmortgage.com or call 845503-6502.
Seeking an organized and detail-oriented individual with experience working on projects and providing executive support within financial department. Candidates must have good computer and writing skills. We offer an excellent salary/ benefits package, supportive working environment and room for growth.
Send resume to hiring@ hamaspikcare.org
Great opportunity for the right candidate! Established agency in Monsey is looking to hire a Day Program Manager to be on top of and run our special needs program. Candidate should be responsible, hardworking, and have a passion to help individuals. Flexible PT hours. Great pay with full benefits package. Send your resume to: apply1554jobs@ gmail.com
Established office in Monsey is looking to hire a female finance team leader to oversee a group of employees. Candidate should be capable of leading a team and managing responsibilities. Some finance experience required. Willing to train the right candidate. Great potential for growth. Flexible hours, great pay, complete benefit package. Please send your resume to hiringmanager10952@ gmail.com.
Seeking talented & compassionate art teacher for a small group of challenged girls. Experience working with children with disabilities required. Excellent pay. Every Sunday afternoon. 845-503-0153 pereld@ comforthealthrc.org
We are looking to hire a speech therapist, for this upcoming school year. Make a positive impact on lives. If you’re a speech therapist, we want to hear from you. Please call 845-729 -3001.
Looking for a creative, artistic and responsible 12th grader or out of school girl to work in a Sunday art program. Please call 347- 684- 4589
Local agency in Monsey is looking to hire a male supervisor for one of our departments. The right candidate should have excellent communications skills, be able to understand and implement requirements and regulations and keep up to date with evolving regulations. Office experience required. Great pay with excellent benefits. Email your resume to: recruitmentdepartment845@gmail.com.
Looking for a full-time girl/ woman for a fast-paced office position. Must be organized, detail oriented and be able to multi-task. Please email resume to jobs@ezdriveny. com.
Seeking male and female DSPs to work with children. Must have HS Diploma. Contact: info@ ascendservicesny.com, 845280-9204
A local publication is looking for a part time secretary, 5 – 6 hours per day, 4 days a week. Should be able to speak English and Yiddish. Typing in Yiddish a must. Knowledge of computers, Microsoft Word and Excel. Please email your resume to sec10952@gmail.com
Proven work experience as an HR Administrator, HR Administrative Assistant or relevant role
• Computer literacy (MS Office applications, in particular)
• Thor ough knowledge of labor laws
• Main administrative duties include maintaining personnel records, managing HR documents (e.g. employment records and onboarding guides) and updating internal databases. Our ideal candidate has experience with HR procedures and can juggle various administrative tasks in a timely manner.
• Excellent organizational skills, with an ability to prioritize important projects
• Strong phone, email and in-person communication skills
High level of confidentiality
Supervise HR staff
Prepare HR documents, like employment contracts and new hire guides
• Revise company policies as needed
• Liaise with external partners, like insurance vendors, and ensure legal compliance
Excellent salary, benefits, all-women working environment,
email: MonseyElite@gmail.com
A well established and progressive business is seeking for a motivated and skilled female accountant/ bookkeeper. For more information, please email Deals@371wheels.com.
Looking for caring individuals, to work with special needs children in a pleasant and stimulating environment. Send resume to job@mesikos. com or call 914-236-0438 leave message.
Hiring hall manager for upstate venue. Responsible for event operations. Apply today! Email resume to Mappel@hireexteam.com
Auction Mart is looking for a part time worker, morning hours. Heimishe Atmosphere. Please call Mrs. Kizelnik 845-323-1011 or Mrs. Spira 845-354-8075
– F/T
Seeking a motivated individual with strong attention to detail to handle billing processes, resolve billing issues, and ensure accurate payment verification. New graduates are welcome to apply, we provide training. Excellent salary, benefits and supporting work environment. Send resume to hiring@hamaspikcare.org
– F/T
Seeking to hire an organized and compassionate individual to welcome new clients, coordinate care services and ensure a smooth onboarding process. If you are great at problemsolving and have excellent communication skills, apply now and help us provide top-notch services to those in need. New graduates are welcome. We provide training, excellent salary, benefits, and supportive work environment. Send resume to hiring@hamaspikcare.org
sales@mrcancleaning.com www.mrcancleaning.com
Join B.Y.E. ‘s Co-Teacher’s Program and gain paid professional courses as part of your salary and field experience as a co-teacher/assistant. Fantastic opportunity for the right candidate. Email resume to resumes@ baisyaakovelementary.org
Full-Time Executive Assistant to CEO - Real Estate and property management Dynamo. Ready to amplify your career? Dive into the heart of a dynamic real estate world as a Full-Time Executive Assistant to our visionary CEO. Be the mastermind behind seamless project coordination, financial wizardry, and office management. Your organizational finesse will shine as you juggle tasks, ensuring every detail is on point. With a competitive salary of $100,000+ and a chance to immerse yourself in a fast-paced environment, this is your opportunity to make a real impact. This
position is open to both male and female candidates. Ready to seize the reins and be the powerhouse behind our success? Contact us now and take the leap into a thriving future. Contact 845.422.8098 Ext 101 or email your resume to ruchy@hiresolutionsny. com
Bais Yaakov seeking permanent sub for Junior High department (grades 6-8). Wonderful environment and excellent well-paid position for the right candidate. Email your resume to resumes@ baisyaakovelementary.org
Join an impactful team! Elevate your career as a Front Desk Secretary , a cutting-edge internet filter company making waves in the digital world. This isn’t your ordinary desk job – it’s a dynamic, fast-paced role where you’ll be the face of an innovative mission. If you’re tech-savvy, a communication ace, and thrive in a high-
energy environment, this is your chance to shine. Your organizational finesse will ensure smooth office operations, and your friendly demeanor will greet clients and guests with warmth. With every call you answer and every visitor you welcome, you’ll play a crucial part in the mission to impact lives positively. If you’re ready to be the driving force behind a vibrant office, apply now and let your tech prowess and people skills shine in this exciting opportunity. call 845.422.8098 Ext 101 or email ruchy@hiresolutionsny.com
Are you looking to make a difference in the life of a young lady? Very part time position available to lead a small group in a dayhab. Please call Haddasa Yankovitch at 845-354-3233 ext. 1158
Amazing opportunity for the right candidate with lots of potential to grow. Established, small ABA company is looking to hire a mature, detail oriented secretary with strong communication skills to manage all aspects of the office including but not limited to payroll, insurance billing, HR, and service coordination. Full
training provided. Flexible hours. 2 years of office experience preferred. Email: office@ abatalks.com Call:845570-6080 ext.101
Join a Financial Adventure: Embark on a short-term journey as a Temporary Controller in Monsey. Are you ready to showcase your financial expertise and steer a company’s ship through temporary waters? This role is your chance to dive into a fast-paced world of numbers and make an impact. If you’re an accounting aficionado with an eye for detail, a knack for compliance, and a passion for precision, we’re eager to welcome you aboard. With flexible hours and competitive compensation, this opportunity is your ticket to both professional growth and an exciting chapter in your career. Ready to navigate the financial seas? Apply now and let’s set sail together! email ruchy@hiresolutionsny. com for more details or call/ whatsapp 845.422.8098 Ext 101
Little Explores playgroup still have limited spots available contact 845-512-9223 call / text
Experienced babysitter in Oak Glen area has few slots available. Hours 9-4. 5+ hours only. Call/text 347-988-0333
Warm, devoted babysitter still has some limited slots available for September. Edwin/Maple Ave area 845425-1724
One slot left in a very one on one newborn playgroup. Warm, loving & with the most care and attention. Message: 845-274-5138
Professional music lessons on the phone, available in Yiddish or English. Try it free! 718-435-1923
Beautiful large pool in New City. Heated. Private bathroom and changing room. $65 hr. 845 538 6411
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Complete your look! Adult & kids petticoats for rent, Beautiful floral wreath & crown headpieces for rent, Adorable kids jewelry, and more! Call 845-5020153 leave msg
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
--In The Comfort of Home--
*Swedish *Deep Tissue
*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
The #1 sewing machine manufacturer is the world’s leader for over 75 years. These brand new 2023 sewing machines are ideal for alterations. Brand new in box, Price originally $499.95, now $259.95!
This heavy-duty model has a 10 year manufacturer warranty, metal parts, sews all fabrics, invisible blind hem, automatic button hole, hard cover case and merrow stitches. Book of instructions included. Also available entry level school machine w/ 32 stitches, $219.95 All machines have steel frames, and steel parts. Limited quantity available. Also available upgraded professional deluxe machine w/extension table, embroidery, 197 stitch patterns, originally $649.95, now $359.95
Please call 732-337-1010 | Credit cards & checks accepted
Lusheves would like to wish a הבוט המיתחו הביתכ for our most dedicated team:
Bailu Schwimmer, Breindy Steif, Bruchy Oberlander, Carol Feldheim, Devory Fischer, Esty Ganz, Etty Zafir, Faigy Berger, Faigy Braun, Faigy Stauber,Hentcha Perri Kramer, Henny Vogal, Hindy Feldman, Leah Ungar, Malky Gelb, Mashy Deutsch, Miriam Kramer, Numi Oshry, Nissy Herman, Raizy Feldman , Relli Kohn , Rachi Prinz, Rivky Green, Rivky Waldman, Ruthy Schonfeld, Simi Phillipson, Sury Schneebalg, Toby Atias, Yenti Frost, Chany Lichtenstein, Miriam Margulies, Ester Yachet Indig, Chumy Katz, Miriam Rousman, Esty Langsam, Suzzy Bernath, Ossnat Shaw, Guly Klien, Esty Lax, Yudit Friedmann, Frady Kohn, Leah Hurwitz, Rivky Meisels, Yenty Hershkowitz, Leah Frankel, Perry Kaler, Chana Rioza Teilbaum, Leah Luria, Simi Luria, Henna Faiga Einhorn , Chany Hager, Leah Udel Hager, Reb Chany Goldman, Rebetzin U. Wachsman, Rebetzin Moskowitz, Rebetzin F. Schneebalg
— LUSHEVES SHIDDUCH OFFICE — email: 1845-205-3544 | email: lusheves@gmail.com | website: lusheves.org
To apply, email your resume to: Jobs@harmonycaregroup.com
On demand Torah lectures
Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
3 olympic size pools available for daily or one-time swim. 845-323-6001
Calvert/Sands Point Area. Full mechitza, beautiful heated pool, with 3ft shallow & 8ft deep, 6 person Hot Tub, and bathroom, available for $95/hr. 845-213-8423 or 917860-2311
Discover the Magic of Living a Life of Purpose. Find Clarity this Elul. Chantzy Friedrich 732-618-0368 ChantzyFriedrich@gmail. com Now at introductory rate.
Advanced hair removal with the latest model machine, Flexible Hours & Great Price. To schedule an appt call Rivky 845-596-6173
Biggest selection of balloons for all occasions in the Weiner drive area call 8454223988/ Flyhighbal@ gmail.com
The perfectly designed photo album, Baby-Bar MitzvahWedding-Other. i-Pic Design, 845-379-ipic / bookipic@ gmail.com
Are you tired and overwhelmed with Laundry? Call us to schedule a pickup 8458777573 WeClea.com
NEW WEBSITE? Get your Beautiful, Fast, SEO-Friendly Website done in 14 days, guaranteed. Email efraim@rapidquill.com
Have your Bookkeeping / Secretarial Work done without the headache, Please call/Text 917-426-2247 Email: arqbservices@gmail.com
Looking to SETTLE your SBA or COMMERCIAL LOANS. Contact the experts at DR Financing 347-461-3859 or Zalman@DrFinanceInc.com
Beautiful private heated pool & hot tub, firepit, great for a day or night swim! Large zipline. Call for hourly rates 845-664-5521
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
ןוא ךעלגנוי ראפ טנגייאעג
ראי 13 זיב 5 ןופ ךעלדיימ
ןוא USB םעד טרעה
םעניא ןיירא טקוק
ןייטשראפ וצ סאד ,ךוב
ןוא רעכילטנורג ליפ
.רעטנאסערעטניא ןדעי ןעניישרע טעוו .ה”יא שדוח שאר
רצוא ןא טימ טליפעגנא לכיב א עשיטאמארד ןוא עשימאק ןופ
.סמיעג ןוא ןעלקיטרא
העש 2 רעביא ןופ USB א עטנאסערעטניא טימ ליפ עכייר ןוא ןעגנולייצרע
ןועמש ר"רה רעביירש ןוא רפסמ לעב רעטמיראב רעד ,שודיח רעכילרעדנואוו א טימ אד זיא ןיילק לאוי
א טימ םענייאניא טמוק סאוו ךוב עכיל'שדוח א
יד ןופ טלעטשעגמאזוצ ןכות טימ טלופעגנא עטעסאק
טלעוו עשימייה יד ןיא רעלעמ ןוא רעביירש עטסעב
א ףיוא רעדניק ערעייא טנאפשעג ןטלאה טעוו סאוו .םענראפ ןגיטפאהרעטסיימ
טפור ןאשבירקסבוס א ראפ ןענייסוצפיוא ךיז 718.517.8310 | VINDERKIND.COM
ןטפעשעג עלא ןיא ןעמוקאב וצ אד ךיוא
ךישמהל םהילע ןגי תובא תוכז
,א"טילש יקסרעווט םוחנ םחנמ יבר צ"הרה רבח תשא , א"טילש בונראבמ ר"ומדא ק"כ רבח תשא ,א"טילש עשימאייק ץינזיוומ ר"ומדא ק"כ רבח תשא
א"טילש יקסרעווט ןרהא יכדרמ יבר צ"הרה רבח תשא ,א"טילש יקסרעווט יכדרמ יבר צ"הרה רבח תשא
ושפנו ובבל ימינ לכב רשא 'ה שודקו קידצ לש ותוקלתסהב הרומת הל ןיאש הדיבאה לע הלוק ןתת םילשורי ת"בחו הכבת רמב ןויצ
ע"יז םישודקה ויתובאש ךיא המש 'ה ריעב םדק ימימ ונל דיעה םגו ,וקדצ ןימיב ונתוא ךמתו דודיע הרוהטהו השודקה
ק"הרא יינע היחמהו קיזחמה השודקה ונתפוק תקדצ לדוג לע ורבדו ובישחה
ויחיש השעמ ישנאו םידיסחה לש שדוקה טהל תא 'קראפ אראב ריעב אקווירטסימחאר לודגה שרדמה תיב' יבר לש ושרדמ תיבב םינשב תובר הז םיאור הכו
,םילשורי ןינבו ןויצ תמחנ םע דחיב ,םיילפכב המחנ אקווירטסימחאר תיב לכו םוקמה םתוא םחני
.םימת ךלוה 'ה תאיבב הכזנ ידע ,םימוחינ ואצמי ת"ורוהטה ו"יתורמאכ תושודקה ויתוכרדה תכשמהב
רעלדנעהטכורפ המלש ברה ק"הראב ללוכה להנמ ללוכה תלהנה םשב
אווארבמאדמ ןיבור שירעב רכשי ברה
ב"הראב ללוכה
םיקלאה ןורא ונממ חקלהב הרמ םיכבמ ונא ,לארשי תיב לכ םע דחי ,העד רודל דירש ,םינשב תובר לארשי הנחמ ינפל ךלהש שא דיפל
"העושי יניע" לעפמ
ךמת הדסווה םוימ רשא
ןימיל דמעו ,ונב דדעו
צ"הגה ונירומ וקדצ
,לעפמה אישנ א"טילש
תוכרבמ ליצאהו ךמתו
ונילעפמ לע ושדק
א"טילש םיקידצה וינב םדק רגשנ ןימוחנת סוכ
הפירשה הרמ םיכבמה הממורה החפשמה לכלו הכזנו חצנל תומה עלוביש ר"הי 'ה ףרש רשא א"בב ןויצ 'ה בושב "ןיעב ןיע" תוארל
ק"הגה ר"ומדאהק"כ אקווירטסימחארמ ל"קוצז
ןרעוו ן'כָאנ ,לעטשפָּא ןַא וצ ןעמוקעג
ןיב ךיא .ןטייז עלא ןופ טצעזעצ
־טסנעפ םענעכָארבעצ םענופ ןכָארקעגסיוראַ
טשינ ,טנַאה רעד ןיא המשנ רעד טימ רע
טריסַאפּ טשרעה טָאה'ס סנ א סאוו גידנביילג
ַאזַא ןופ ץנַאג סיורא ןיב ךיא זַא ,רימ טימ ״.טנעדיצניא
לָאז'מ זַא טלָאוועג טָאה ןאמרעגנוי רעד
סַאוו רעגָאז -םילהת יד רַאפ ״םייחל״ ַא ןבעג
.׳ללוכ םילהת׳ ןיא גָאט ןדעי ןיזניא םיא ןבאה
ןסיוו טזאלעג ךיז טייטשראפ םיא ןבָאה רימ
רע ׳ללוכ םילהת׳ םענופ גייווצפָּא ןכלעוו ןיא
טרָאד זיא םייחל רעד ןוא ,ןבירשרַאפ זיא
ראפ בורב סגרָאמוצ ןרָאוועג טעווַארפּעג
ןעוו ןופ גָאט ןטסגיסיירד םוצ טקנופּ ,רדהו
תואלפנ השועל .ןפָאלרַאפ ךיז זיא סנ רעד
!ודסח םלועל יכ ,ודבל תולודג
רענעבירשעגנייא ןא זיא סאוו רעצימע
טָאה ,רָאי רָאפַּא ןיוש רעבמעמ ׳ללוכ םילהת׳
־רעדנואוו ןייז ןלייצרעד ןפורעג סנטצעל זנוא
טאה סאוו דנגלאפ יוו עטכישעג-םילהת עכיל
שינעעשעג ענעביוהרעד א טימ טגלאפעגכאנ
׳ללוכ םילהת׳ ןלאקאל םענופ טנעוו יד ןשיווצ :דיא םעד ראפ טעב׳מ ואוו שטנערב
סנטצעל ןיב ךיא .אדאנאק ןיא ןיואוו ךיא״
קרָאי-וינ ןיא פּירט סענזיב א ףיוא ןעוועג
.טעשטומעגסיוא רעייז ךימ טָאה עכלעוו
ךיא ןיב לַאירטנָאמ ןייק םייהא געוו ן'פיוא
,עדנוקעס ַא ףיוא לדער םייב ןפאלשעגנייא
טריבורפ ןפַּאכפיוא םייב באה'כ ןעוו ןוא
ךיא באה ,דואר םוצ רַאק םעד ןעיירדוצקירוצ
ןיא רַאק םעד ןבירטעגניירא קינַאפּ סיורג ןיא
ןוא ןגיולפעג רעטייוו זיא ראק רעד .טנַאוו ַא
זיא'ס רעדייא ,לדיירד ַא יוו טיירדעג ךיז
ןביירשנייא וצ ךיז טצעי טפור :פישרעבמעמ עכילרעי א ראפ
ךמע יחולש' יד וצ ךייא דנעוו
וניסנרפ ינקסע 'לארשי
ונריעב תולודגה תוליהקב
תוסנרפ יניינעב דחאו דחא לכ ןימיל םידמועה
ייס ןופ ריא טסייוו
Parniseini@gmail.com וצ עיצאמראפניא יד טקיש עטיב 845.356.9600 #116 טפור רעדא
??ארומ וטסאה סאוו ןופ
רעהרעד עיינ א ןוא טייקראלק א טמוקאב
תוכוס ,רופיכ םוי ,הנשה שאר ןיא
דחוימ חרואה י"ע 'יחיש
ןאמדירפ סינאמ ברה
םימשבש םהיבאל לארשימ כ”וכ לש םבל ברקל הכזש
אובת יכ תשרפ ישיש לילב
9:30 העשב • ט״לעבה לולא ו״ט םויל רוא
אפאפ ת״ת י״עש םלואב
םוקמב לק דוביכ
יסנאמ ןיא .טס ןיעמ ףיוא גרובנעזיולק זנאצ ד”מהיב ןיא ןטק רופיכ םוי ןגאז םייב גרובנעזיולק זנאצמ ר”ומדאה
רוקיבב ףינשטערקמ ר”ומדאה ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה לצא
ליהעווז תליהק י”ע - ףינשטערק - ליהעווז - אריווקס תיבב תוכרב עבשה תחמש ןילמוג רוקיבב אריווקסמ ר”ומדאה יסנאמב ףינשטערקמ ר”ומדאה לצא
רוקיבב ליהעווזמ ר”ומדאה אקניפסמ ר”ומדאה לצא
Bestselling author Yisroel Besser offers us a place of honor at Reb Meilech’s shiurim. Here are his divrei Torah, stories, and, of course, his incomparable chizuk — for every month of the Jewish calendar. Unique descriptions of Reb Meilech, as he energizes and elevates the thousands who come to see and hear him, let us actually feel the excitement and passion that characterizes his every word.
Open this book and prepare to be transported to a shul in Yerushalayim, a beis medrash in Bnei Brak, or alongside a blazing bonfire in Meron — surrounded by the wondrous joy of Reb Meilech’s world.
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
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