“Insight into cause has been translated into a method that works. I encourage every stutterer to join the chorus of his clients’ fluent and effusive appreciation.”
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YOU DREAM of walking to your chuppah with confidence.
YOU DREAM of transitioning into married life seamlessly.
BUT HOW? As a Kallah, you know that actualizing those dreams are challenging.
“I was inhibited and detached. I was buried under layers of stress and doubt. The Rebetzin managed to peel away every layer and barrier and put me in touch with my true feelings. I’m in awe!!!”
Sheindy F., Kallah, Manchester UK
“I had already married off six daughters but it was only after taking this course that I discovered what I had been missing out on with all my previous kallahs. This workshop was a priceless gift and helped me build a completely new connection with my daughters”
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Generations in Harmony is a revolutionary new course for women, led by Dina Friedman. The topic? Creating and maintaining a harmonious relationship with your married children.
When I married off my first child 11 years ago, I vividly remember feeling apprehensive and uncertain. My top priority was to maintain a loving relationship with both my child and my new child-in-law, but I lacked the knowledge and confidence to navigate this new chapter successfully. I had witnessed many instances where married children were disturbed by their parents meddling and it was causing harm, and I was determined to avoid that outcome. The challenge was distinguishing between what was considered mixing in and genuine helpfulness. Was offering assistance perceived as interference, or was it seen as support? Was saying “no” when I genuinely couldn't help considered rejection or an acknowledgment of my current limitations?
As a life coach, I've encountered cases where both parents and married children were upset with each other, yet neither side knew how to resolve the issues. It became evident to me that there was a real need for a step-by-step guide to help parents and married children comprehend the changes that occur when a child leaves home for marriage. They needed insights into the common problems both sides encounter and reliable solutions. What if parents and children had the knowledge to prevent many of these problems from arising in the first place? This is a program I wished I had access to, both for myself and for my children.
Understand your new role as a parent of married children and discover how to support your child's journey into complete independence.
“This program has been transformative for me, lifting the emotional weight that accompanied my relationship with my married children. It provided a comprehensive guide to navigating these dynamic shifts, freeing me from the burden of excessive responsibility and guilt. As a result, I am so much more openhearted towards my children, and they are responding in kind!
As a child speaking: From the perspective of a young married, I must admit that prior to taking this course, I often harbored judgment towards my parents and in-laws. I resented them for not providing what I needed. I now recognize that my parents and in-laws are just human and are limited. I let go of my unrealistic expectation of them being the solution to my problemsand was rewarded with a newfound level of love and connection!
The program covers critical conversations to have with your child, to set them up for success after marriage. These discussions ensure that your child is well-prepared for any situation, without the constant need for parental intervention. Topics include relationship guidance, gender roles, financial matters, pregnancy, and intimacy.
“As a parent, I recently guided my son before his marriage using the invaluable advice on this program. It enabled me to have meaningful conversations with him before his wedding and then I could let him lead his own life without my constant involvement.
This transition was challenging for me emotionally with my other married children, but this time I was equipped with the tools to navigate it successfully. I now enjoy newfound calm and peace.”
Learn to distinguish which issues belong to the parent and which to the child, along with guidelines for when it's appropriate to intervene and when not to. Discover effective ways to communicate these boundaries and maintain authenticity in your interactions with your children.
“I used to spoil my newly-married children, but this generosity led to a sense of entitlement and resentment. From the program, I learned to identify my boundaries and communicate them effectively. Now, every gesture towards them is genuine, and I no longer feel pressured to accommodate their every request. This authenticity has fostered an open and loving relationship.”
Dina teaches you how to establish policies for what you can give within your financial resources and physical capabilities. This enables you to give freely without resentment while upholding your truth and ensuring fairness between couples.
“Before this program, saying no was a challenge, even when necessary. Now, when I say yes, it's wholehearted, and if I need to decline, I do so without harming our relationship. I recently had to tell my son that we couldn't include his family in our vacation plans. Thanks to effective communication, it went smoothly and didn't harm our relationship.”
Ruptures are a natural part of close relationships. This program empowers you to recognize when repair is possible and how to successfully mend the relationship. It also helps you identify red flag situations, offering resources for addressing them within marriage or within the parent-child relationship.
“I joined this program to improve my relationship with my married child. It proved invaluable as I navigated a complicated situation that strained our family bonds. The program provided clarity regarding what I could change and what I had to accept, and how to find inner peace and serenity even in situations beyond my control.”
Who would benefit most from this course?
This course is designed for mothers marrying off their children who are invested in the successful transition of the couple into marriage and beyond. It’s also essential for young married women who want to maintain open and harmonious relationships with their parents and in-laws while nurturing their own healthy marital relationship.
What can participants expect to gain from completing the course?
Generations in Harmony equips both parents and young marrieds with invaluable information and tools to create harmonious bonds within the family.
To sign up and for more information, please visit dinafriedmanacademy.com/ generations or call 718.285.3970.
The program begins on October 25th
Experience Generations in Harmony, led by the legendar y Dina Friedman.
Lea rn to cre a te a nd m ai nt ai n lo vi ng, he al thy re la ti on sh ip s wi th you r marr i ed chil dren
T hi s p ro gra m is ta il ored f or p arent s
a nd yo ung m a rr i eds , w ho a re determ i ne d to up ho l d me anin gf ul connect i ons
Dina teaches you the fac ts of what changes when a child leaves home for marriage, the t ypical challenges both sides deal with, and dependable solutions.
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ין א , רעטנעצ ם ישובלמ ר ע מענ
ר ע סענט
הוצמ רב עלעיצעפס
עגנירג עגיטפול ;הנתמ .עשטיקעב שיט
תעשב טלאה ריא ןעוו
גונעג ריא טאה החמשה
רעזנוא ,פאק ן'פיוא
זיא עכלעוו לאקאל
א ןיא טרינאיצנאטס
טנגעג לשטנעדיזער
ערעזנוא טריטקעלפיר
לשטנעדיזער עטאווירפ
ןוא גיאור סיוורעס
ךיז טעוו ריא .דילאס
.ןגייצרעביא ןיילא סע
סארג השמ
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(Re: Excursions, Issue 417)
I was so excited to see your updated Excursions trip guide in your fantastic Sukkos edition. The guide is such a great resource; I am still using the Pesach edition! We took many trips on Chol Hamoed Pesach and throughout the summer, including a trip to Niagara Falls, using the Excursions supplement as our guide. We are careful not to use the internet, and it was a pleasure to have so many wonderful familyfriendly ideas handy along with the relevant details and contact information.
Thank you for enhancing our Yom Tov and vacation time! The Friedman Family
(Re: Shul Talk, Issues 414–416)
Thank you so much for your very necessary series titled “Shul Talk.” The following incident is one I cannot forget too fast, and is the reason I was so pleased to see these articles printed in your paper.
In honor of my friends son’s aufruf, I went to daven in their family’s shul, where I observed a disconcerting exchange. A couple of teenage
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girls who had clearly come to shul for the simcha were standing off to the side and schmoozing (which is not allowed during davening, but that is not the point of my letter). Shemoneh Esrei concluded, and Chazaras Hashatz began. The murmuring in their circle continued. Then the chazan started Kedusha, and there was no reaction.
But an adult they knew did react and began gesturing to the girls. They looked at her, clueless, oblivious as to what she wanted from them. She may have said the word “kesser,” or “nu,” or drummed her fingers on the siddur she was holding, I don’t recall exactly. But the girls still looked at her blankly. They had no idea what she wanted from them. They kept looking at her with puzzled expressions, without making a move to stand straight, face mizrach, or peek into someone’s siddur.
The woman grew very frustrated and began waving at them with urgent motions. Finally, the girls reacted. They turned on their heels and left the shul.
I was aghast. I have to assume that these girls were never taught the halachos regarding Kedusha, and never experienced saying it either. It was heartbreaking to see that frum teenagers, who are being brought up within our own homes, schools and communities, had no idea how to participate in tefillah b’tzibbur, and presumably have never tasted the sublime experience of standing with Am Yisroel and proclaiming Kedusha.
This Elul, your series served as a fantastic resource for girls and women who are not consistent shul-goers. It was like having a loving friend standing near you in shul, telling you exactly what to do.
Thank you for being such a powerful and positive resource for our community.
(Re: Court of Public Opinion, Issue 415)
I enjoy reading The Monsey View and learn a lot from your articles.
Your Rosh Hashanah issue was
fantastic, interesting and so appropriate for the time of year. I especially enjoyed the article about not judging others. The stories were so unique and each so different. I especially appreciated the introduction explaining that Hashem is the True Judge and the only One Who knows the complete story in any incident. It takes humility to understand that we know so little about others.
I once read that it’s human nature to take bits of information and turn it into a story even when we do not have all the facts; it’s uncomfortable to face a reality that we don’t understand.
Thank you for such uplifting and inspiring content!
Baila S.(Re: DIY Paint Party, Issue 411)
Thanks loads for the amazing stepby-step painting sessions provided by Chava Schwartz. My girls really enjoyed painting those beautiful Shivas Haminim canvases! Especially because they were able to do it all on their own. Thanks again!
The Kohn Family
The Monsey View has received many letters on the subject of safety while riding a taxi. It is the responsibility of every individual to educate themselves and their children on transportation safety. Some guidelines include: never getting into a taxi with tinted windows, never sending children in a taxi alone, leaving the taxi if another person enters, and calling 911 to report any incidents. Hashem yishmor tzeischa u’voecha.
ONE AFTERNOON, Rav Elchonon Moshe Kunstadt, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Kol Torah in Yerushalayim, walked into a store. He looked around. No one was there. The shelves were full, but apparently, the storekeeper had gone out for a few minutes. Before he could decide whether to wait for him to return or not, another customer walked in. From his appearance, it was clear that he was far removed from Torah and mitzvos
“Are you the storekeeper?” the man asked.
“No!” replied Reb Elchonon. “This store has no storekeeper!”
The man raised his eyebrows quizzically. “What do you mean? How could that be?”
“As I said,” Reb Elchonon repeated. “There is no owner here!”
The man looked baffled at the emphatic statement made by such a respectable-looking figure. He scanned the shop.
“Who arranged all these items so neatly on the shelves? Who decided the price of each one?” he argued rhetorically. “And who opens the store in the morning and closes it in the evening? Don’t you see that there is someone who takes care of this place?”
Reb Elchonon calmly continued his argument. “I’ll explain,” he said. “Not far from here, near the port of Haifa,
there was a massive explosion in the heart of the sea. Millions of sparks began to fly in the air from the impact, and miraculously, they landed here, creating this neat store. And now you can go shopping…”
By now, the man looked as if he thought the rabbi had lost it.
“I think you need a doctor, man,” he said. “You’re out of your mind!”
This was what Reb Elchonon was waiting for. In a kind yet no-nonsense tone of voice he said, “Am I the fool? You tell me who the fool is! Look at the world around us. Everything is arranged so perfectly! Nature is flawless — down to the last detail. If you just open your eyes and think for a moment, you’ll see there is a Creator of the world. There is obviously a Boss Who put everything exactly where it is and keeps it all running in perfect order! Could there be anything more foolish than to think that this world happened on its own?”
Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, zt”l, recounted that he once visited the Chazon Ish. It was early evening, and the Chazon Ish was in his courtyard, looking at the sky. He was so engrossed in the stars, marveling at the fascinating creation of the constellations, that tears streamed down his face. So mesmerized was he by Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s creation that he didn’t even notice that someone was standing beside him.
Nature itself tells of the existence of the Creator. It is itself the greatest testimony that Hakadosh Baruch Hu created the world and continues to control its existence.
For health reasons, Rav Shach, zt”l, once went to the sea. When he returned to yeshivah, the Rosh Yeshivah animated-
With Bereishis, we begin the cycle of Torah anew. The Torah begins with a detailed discussion of the Creation of the world. Rashi questions why we begin with Bereishis; perhaps it would seem more fitting to begin with the first mitzvah given to Klal Yisroel — the mitzvah of Rosh Chodesh.
The Ramban explains that there is a great need to begin specifically with this fundamental event — because it is the root of all emunah
So… Your sukkah is packed away, the sink is empty of dirty dishes, and the kids are back to school at last. Let’s start eating healthy.
Food definitely plays a central role during the Yom Tov season. At the same time, the Torah clearly warns us to “guard your health carefully” (Devarim 4:15). Undoubtedly that includes watching what you eat. Let’s discuss a few important points about changing to healthy eating habits.
The first step is to have a clear goal in mind. What am I trying to accomplish? If you have a clear goal, you will probably see a drastic change in your weight, sugar, cholesterol level, etc. after a few weeks of careful eating. If you aren’t clear about what you want to achieve, you will hardly succeed, So it is important to know what you want to accomplish.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Here are a few tips to help guide you on your path toward healthier eating habits. They are not “all or nothing.” Try first working with a few of them. If after a while you find that they are helping you, you can then go to the next level and take on a few more that look right for you:
Don’t overeat. It takes 20 minutes for your mind to realize that you are full, and meanwhile you may keep on eating.
It’s a good idea to eat or drink something small before a meal so that your brain gets the message early that you are not hungry anymore. When you sit down to eat after that, you will feel full much sooner.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Numerous studies show that most Americans need to change their eating habits. These changes include eating more fiber, calcium, Vitamin D, and potassium while reducing added sugars. Bad eating habits are a nationwide problem that contributes heavily to many illnesses. A good place to begin cutting is foods that are high in unhealthy carbs, such as white bread, cake, and pasta.
Try to eat more whole foods, such as nuts, beans and fruits, along with lots of vegetables. These should be paired with foods that are high in protein, such as fish, meat and eggs. Fruits can drive up your blood sugar level, however. Just 16 ounces of pomegranate seeds contain 450 calories and 84 grams of carbs. So when we talk about eating more fruits, it has to be kept in moderation.
Chew your food well.
Don’t drink during meals.
Try to eat when you are completely calm.
Don’t read a book or be on the telephone while you are eating. Instead, concentrate on your food.
ly described what the waves look like as they come tumbling out to the shore, only to stop short and roll right back into the big open sea.
“There is a Creator in this world!” he exclaimed. “Who set a boundary to the sea and tells it to stop right where it does? Who created all this?” In an outburst of emotion uncharacteristic of Rav Shach, the Rosh Yeshivah proclaimed, “Looking at the water, it is clear for all to see that there is a Creator in this world!”
consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.orem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz, shlit”a, used to have a chavrusashaft in his home with his rebbi, a well-known tzaddik in Yerushalayim, Rav Zundel Kroizer, zt”l
One day, when they sat down to learn, a tray of fruit was brought to the table. As it was set down, one orange rolled off the tray and onto the floor. Before anyone had a chance to pick it up, Rav Zundel, who was then past 80, bent down and lifted the orange. It was obviously an effort.
“Why does Rebbi exert himself?” Reb Gamliel asked. “The orange has a thick peel protecting the fruit. It won’t get spoiled from a fall…”
Take a walk ½ an hour after a meal.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie
Don’t sleep right after a meal because this can lead to many problems,
For any questions on nutrition and for all of your nutritional supplements, as well as a selection of supplements to improve your digestion and help you lose weight, visit the Vitamin Desk by Maple and we will do our best to help you.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam
To your health,
Reb Zundel replied in wonder, “An orange is a creation of Hakadosh Baruch Hu! Is it not worthwhile for me to bend down even if just for the zechus of holding in my hand the personal handiwork of Hashem?”
The pasuk in Yeshaya (40:26) says, “Se’u marom eineichem, u’re’u Mi bara eilah” — Lift your eyes upward and see Who created these.” The Navi Yeshaya was rousing Klal Yisroel; all you must do is look up. With but a few moments of contemplating the world around us, we instinctively arrive at the conclusion that Hashem is the One Who created the entire universe, down to the finest details. Observing the creation is enough to fill one with emunah
This is the essence of Sefer Bereishis. It teaches us to contemplate and perceive emunah openly, with a clear perception of our Creator, without distractions or obscurities. All it takes is a moment of reflection, to simply stop and feel the Creator in every step of our lives.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
Monsey gets vitamins at Maple.
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:לשמל יוו סושיא עלאַ ראַפ
• פּאָקיפּ שזדעבראַג ןעמעלבאָרפּ
• פּמעל ןסאַג ענעכאָרבעצ
• טימ ןעמעלבאָרפּ עיצקורטסנאָק
• ןענעז עכלעוו ןסאַג
אַ ןאָ ןראָוועג ןסאָלשראַפ טימרעפּ
• סלאָהטאַפּ
• וו"אא
,ןאָזעיל רעזנוא טפור עטיב
טימ ןבעגפּאָ ךיז טעוו רעכלעוו
ןפוא ןטסעב ן'פיוא ושיא רעייא .ךייש זיא סאָוו ו"יה ןטעראגראמ ףסוי ר"רה
What is estate planning? Is it
important? How do you do it?
To help us get a clearer picture of this sometimes complicated topic, we turned to Heirloom Trusts & Estates, a local law firm who has been expertly and warmly guiding clients through the intricacies of trusts, wills, and halachic concerns that accompany estate planning. We began by asking Shimi Mayer, the principal of the firm, what’s at stake here.
“We want to preserve our assets for the benefit of our spouses and families after we are gone. Without proper planning, various kinds of taxes, as well as health care costs, can steal away the lion’s share of what could have been passed on to the next generation,” he answered.
What does “Heirloom” mean to you? Is there a story behind the name?
An heirloom is something treasured and personal that is passed on in the family from generation to generation; our services help people pass on what is precious to them to the next generation. And by setting up a great plan, we weave together all the “heirs,” as if on one “loom,” evading misunderstandings that could cause discord.
What is special about Heirloom as a trusts and estates law firm?
We pride ourselves on not being cookie cutters. We tell clients, “Here is a blank legal pad—that’s the trust. Whatever you tell us is what goes in it.” We allow the client to guide how we build the plan, and it can be as individual as each family.
Our first concern, whether an estate is large or small, is making sure they don’t lose assets to longterm care and taxation. For example, if their house is not put into a trust years ahead of time, that will count against them when applying for Medicaid long-term care benefits, and they may not be able to pass the house to their children.
“In this world,” wrote Benjamin Franklin, “nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes.” One place these two certainties come together is in the subject of estate planning.
But every family is unique, and the trust should account for any eventuality. What if a widow remarries? Will assets meant for her first husband’s children be protected? Clients are often uncomfortable when I bring up remarriage protection—it’s not a pleasant topic, but it needs to be discussed. Sometimes there is already a remarriage and a blended family, which requires some deft crafting of their plan.
Another possibly thorny issue is a family business. How does it get divided? It’s not a pizza pie. One child may be fully involved, while others are not connected with the affairs of the business.
I consider it my ultimate goal to enable a harmonious transition from one generation to the next in a way that works for each family.
Sure. I’m from Washington Heights and Brooklyn, having gone to what people would call typical yeshivos After arriving in Lakewood and getting married, my wife and I decided we wanted to go to an out-of-town kollel where we could make a difference. That decision ultimately brought me to Sydney, Australia.
When we returned, we still wanted to be in a good, solid small community where we could make a difference, and so we moved to St. Louis, Missouri. At the time I was considering a career as a lawyer… or a therapist. Leaving my options open, I registered for a dual degree program in law and social work at Washington University in St. Louis.
I started law school first, but after that, I didn’t really go back to social work. I always joke that I am still partly a therapist… that’s why lawyers are sometimes called “counselors”-atlaw. I find myself listening to people’s fears and worries and helping as best I can. I really enjoy that part of my job.
Once I completed my degrees, my rebbe—the Novominsker Rebbe— advised me to come back to the New York area.
We chose Monsey because it’s a mix of in-town and outof-town. It’s a great place to live, with a warm sense of community and low pressure. At the same time, it has in-town amenities, like quality mosdos. I’ve been practicing law here since 2012.
Families are dynamic, and there is going to be a big difference between a LegalZoom form and a proper estate plan. Also, halacha must be addressed in an estate plan. Without this crucial piece, you might be going against the Torah in matters of yerusha and it leaves the will open to challenge in beis din
When your estate plan is tailored to your family, you can set it up so that it won’t leave hard feelings. Your spouse will be protected in case something doesn’t work out with the trustee. The trust will be written in a flexible way in case changes need to be made down the line.
I’m not in sales—I don’t go to people and try to convince them to deal with this eventuality. The people who come into my office are already taking responsibility. Even so, I often find reluctance to open up about potential family issues. It can take time for people to feel comfortable trusting me. Understanding the law is only part of the job, the other is understanding the people. A parent may not want to speak about their kids in a negative light, but we have to try to find out who will be a good trustee. Often spouses will have a difference of opinion—just like they do with raising kids and other matters. That is perfectly fine, but everyone must be comfortable expressing that.
It’s hard to talk about these issues, so we designed every detail of the office to give a comforting and warm feel. We
will often talk in the third person and use other names. We say, “When Reuven and Rivka die.” We keep a positive attitude, and when we’re talking with a couple we say “after 240!”
A major problem in our industry is that people walk away with a set of documents and then years later their situation changes, but no one thinks about changing those wills and trusts. You should check in every few years, or certainly when there are major life changes. For example, if someone later on buys a house in Arizona, we need to know about that to make sure it’s titled correctly so it doesn’t end up needing probate in both Arizona and New York. We encourage our clients to maintain an ongoing relationship with us.
Another benefit of keeping in touch is identifying red flags. Elder abuse is an unfortunate reality. Often we will put in the documents that trustees can only be changed with our permission. Why?
To be able to identify if one sibling is pushing the parent to do something or if some kind of abuse or neglect is going on.
Our firm has considerable tax expertise. Especially for high net-worth individuals, estate taxes require sophisticated planning. Once you go over the exemption level, New York and federal taxes combined can
take away about 50% of the remaining estate. The rules are complex, and some attorneys just refer it elsewhere. Sadly, I have seen complicated trusts set up wrong, and such mistakes could cost a family millions of dollars in unnecessary taxes.
Obviously, everything is fully confidential. That’s both a legal and moral obligation. We make it very clear to everyone who works here that anything mentioned here stays in the office. This is a small community, and they can’t go home and talk to their spouse about something they heard.
Another thing we ensure is that no one gets a surprise bill. If you’re going to get a bill, you will be told upfront that it’s charged. We charge flat fees, not by the hour. If you make a request that is an added service, we don’t quietly add it to the bill without telling you.
I want people to understand that my clients enjoy the benefits of an estate plan during their lifetime in the form of peace of mind, knowing they fulfilled their responsibilities. Seforim discuss how it’s a parent’s achrayus to make sure there’s no fighting in the family. To that end, we’re working on a project together with another law firm that will guide people on how to transmit not just assets, but values: The Ethical Will Project. There are plenty of inspirational materials and sources about making a tzava’ah, but this is intended to be a small workbook that gives a step-by-step guide to make this overwhelming task actually feasible.
The joy of Simchas Torah was marred locally by two separate attacks involving BB guns.
An unknown suspect driving an older model Dodge Caravan used a BB gun to shoot at two women on the corner of Smith Hill and Sumter roads in Airmont. A similar incident was reported on Bates Drive in Monsey.
Anyone with any information about either incident is asked to call the Town of Ramapo Police Department at 845-3572400 or Chaverim at 845-371-6333.
More than a dozen families who spent Sukkos in Guatemala found themselves trapped in Central America after political protests closed the roads, preventing them from reaching the airport for their return flights home.
Rockland Daily reported that the group includes families from both Monsey and Boro Park who traveled to San Pedro La Laguna for Sukkos. The small lakeside town in the southwestern portion of the country is located more than three hours away from Guatemala’s La Aurora Airport, the closest international airport.
“The only way to get to the airport is through a propeller plane or helicopter, a service that is very unreliable,” explained one of the stranded travelers.
As the travelers continue to try to find their way back home, the protests continue in Guatemala amid accusations that the country’s attorney general is attempting to prevent newly elected President Bernardo Arevalo from taking office in January 2024.
If you hate the hassle of schlepping to the post office to return a package, Uber Technologies doesn’t only feel your pain; it also has an easy and inexpensive solution.
Uber introduced its package return service on October 4, charging just $5 to return up to five packages to the post office, UPS or FedEx
in a single pickup, the rate dropping to just $3 for Uber One customers. Each package must be valued at under $100, be completely sealed and weigh less than 30 pounds.
The service is available in nearly 5,000 major United States cities and is provided through the company’s Uber Connect, which also gives users the ability to send or receive packages. Live package tracking is available through the Uber app, with users receiving visual confirmation or a photo of their receipt when the drop-off is complete.
Uber’s package return service does have some exclusions, including fragile or illegal items; alcohol and tobacco products; perishable food and beverages; medications, vitamins or supplements; money, gift cards, lottery tickets and transferable securities; and any dangerous, hazardous or flammable items, including medical waste.
It was a lesson in bitachon in the days before Sukkos, as the owner of a Sullivan County tallis factory refused to give in to despair even as his property went up in flames behind him.
Sullivan County Democrat reported that the fire broke out at 601 Harris Road in Ferndale the day after Yom Kippur. The
three-alarm blaze had volunteer firefighters leaving their jobs when the call for assistance came in at 12:48 p.m., with members of the Liberty Fire Department joined by crews from Swan Lake, White Sulphur Springs, Hurleyville, Loch Sheldrake, Livingston Manor, Neversink, Monticello, Youngsville, Roscoe, Rock Hill, Kauneonga Lake, Woodridge and the Town of Bethel FAST team.
The metal structure of the building that housed Farkas Talleisim, as well as the lack of an on-site water supply, hampered the firefighters’ effort to extinguish the flames upon their arrival. Liberty Fire Chief Mark Johnstone said that at times the smoke was so thick that firefighters were unable to see each other. Once the building’s roof collapsed, a highway department excavator was used to pull the structure apart so that firefighters could finally attack the fire.
Even as his building went up in smoke, owner Duvid Meir Farkas stood outside and recorded a short video clip, sharing Rabbi Nachman of Breslov’s words about accepting difficult situations, as reported on VIN News.
“When one knows that all things are done by Hashem and are for the best, he lives a life that’s like Olam Haba, because he knows nothing is by mistake,” said Farkas. “But when one forgets, then his life is like Gehenom.”
It took firefighters more than six hours to get the blaze under control. The Sullivan County Bureau of Fire and the New York State Police are investigating the cause of the fire.
Just months after it seemed as if the Food and Drug Administration would grant approval to an epinephrine nasal spray that could be used in place of the traditional Epipen, the agency withheld its endorsement, deciding that further studies were needed on the groundbreaking device.
Epinephrine has long been the gold standard in reversing severe allergic reactions. NBC News reported that the FDA’s advisory committee had voted to approve Neffy, a nasal spray and the first needle-free alternative to the EpiPen, back in May. But a statement released by the FDA in late September called for additional research on Neffy, saying that clinical trials didn’t present enough data and that the drug wasn’t studied in people who were experiencing an anaphylactic reaction.
Allergist Dr. Zachary Rubin of Oak Brook, Illinois, said that he was shocked by the FDA’s decision.
“There are no alternatives right now,” said Rubin.
“You basically have epinephrine auto-injector devices, needle options, and people have been clamoring for years to get a needle-free option.”
Reviewing a drug intended for life-threatening emergencies is a complicated situation, one that raises significant ethical questions because randomized controlled trials involve giving only some patients the actual treatment, while others receive a placebo. Georgetown University School of Medicine emergency medicine professor Dr. Maryann Amirshahi suggested that the drug could be used on patients undergoing severe allergic reactions in an allergist’s office or in an emergency room setting, where trusted treatment would be available at a moment’s notice. A member of the FDA advisory committee, Amirshahi voted not to approve Neffy.
“I listened to the parents in the hearing and I heard them talk about how traumatic it was to give their children a shot,” said Amirshahi. “But to me, as a parent, panel member, pharmacologist and ER doc who has seen her fair share of anaphylaxis, the scary thing was not the shot, but a drug failing in life-threatening conditions.”
ARS Pharmaceuticals, which developed Neffy, plans to submit its application to the FDA once again in 2024.
Nearly 40 years after first opening its doors to shoppers, Woodbury Common Premium Outlets is planning yet another expansion, one that will position the already large retail complex as a significant tourist destination.
Mid Hudson News reported that the shopping center announced plans in late September to add 155,000 square feet of new retail and restaurant space, a parking garage that could accommodate over 3,000 vehicles, and a 200-room hotel. The expansion would also include new walkways, improved cross-
walks and a children’s play area, generating approximately 770 new jobs once the project is completed. Construction at the site would create over 1,650 jobs while generating $250 million for local and state economies.
Local officials applauded the announcement, one that would be a boost to Orange County as well as the entire Hudson Valley.
“Woodbury Common’s improvements will benefit Orange County communities and our tourism industry for years to come,” said County Executive Steven Neuhaus. “We’re grateful that since day one, Woodbury Common has been a great neighbor, created numerous entry level and career path jobs, and has been a major driver of both sales tax revenue and regional economic opportunity.”
Citing concerns about the wellbeing of both its employees and its customers, Target will be closing nine stores in four different states as of October 21.
Announcing the news on September 26, the retail giant apologized for the closures at the 117th Street store in Manhattan; three locations each in California and Portland, Oregon; and two in Seattle, Washington.
“We cannot continue operating these stores because theft and organized retail crime are threatening the safety of our team and guests and contributing to unsustainable business performance,” said Target in a statement.
The statement also acknowledged that measures taken by Target so far to deter thieves, such as adding extra employees, hiring third-party guards and using theft-deterrent tools, failed to solve the problem.
Target CEO Brian Cornell said several weeks ago that assaults on store employees in the period from January through May were up 120% over the same time last year.
“Our team continues to face an unacceptable amount of retail theft and organized retail crime,” said Cornell. “Unfortunately, safety incidents associated with theft are moving in the wrong direction.”
A recent survey by the National Retail Federation showed that not only were in-store thefts on the rise, but the number of violent incidents had increased as well.
On Motzei Yom Tov, our nation was met with the horrific news that the Palestinian terror group Hamas launched a devastating attack in Eretz Yisroel’s southern region, murdering hundreds of innocent men, women and children. As a family magazine, The Monsey View will be refraining from printing an exhaustive report on the ongoing news about the situation in Eretz Yisroel. However, our hearts lie with acheinu bnei Yisroel as we continue to daven and await good news. May our tefillos be niskabel, and may we be zoche to the ultimate geulah very soon.
As we celebrated Simchas Torah on this side of the world, over in Eretz Yisroel, a tragedy was unfolding. A Palestinian assault — the worst breach in Israel’s defenses since 1973 — saw Hamas gunmen kill hundreds of Israelis after breaching security barriers under the cover of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza.
The following is how the events unfolded.
At about 6:30 a.m., Hamas fired a huge barrage of between 2,500 and 3,000 rockets across southern Israel, with sirens heard as far away as Tel Aviv. At least one woman was reported killed by the rockets, which reached cities as far as Yerushalayim.
This rocket barrage served as cover for an unprecedented, multi-pronged infiltration of fighters, with the Israeli military saying at 7:40 a.m. that Palestinian gunmen had crossed into Israel.
Hamas deployed a force of about 1,000 fighters, organizing them into specialized units. Most fighters crossed through breaches in land security barriers separating Gaza and Israel, but other militants entered via parachute or motorboat. It took hours until police and military forces regained control of the area.
In retaliation, the Israeli air force targeted thousands of locations in Gaza, including rocket launchers directed at Eretz Yisroel and 21 high-rise buildings that served militant activity. Hundreds of Hamas fighters were killed inside Israel and dozens more captured.
As of Monday night, the death toll on the Israeli side stood as high as 900, r”l, with over 2,500 reportedly wounded. Tragically, over 150 Israelis were taken hostage by Hamas fighters during the assault.
We may only be in the first days of what will hopefully be a short war, but it has felt different from the start.
The first clue that the matzav was pretty bad was the fact that on Simchas Torah, sirens sounded every 45 minutes or so from 8:15 to 11:30 a.m., sometimes one immediately after the other. So many sirens in such a short amount of time is unheard of in Yerushalayim. Bits of news made the rounds quickly. An elderly neighbor’s aide said that terrorists had infil-
trated the south. Some people were saying that an army base had been breached. Others claimed that terrorists had kidnapped civilians and taken them to Gaza.
We didn’t know what to believe.
In the meantime, life went on. I took my kids to shul for hakafos
and saw that everyone else had the same idea. The ezras nashim was packed with women, children and babies. The men sang and danced, and the kids ran around chasing candy, paying no heed to the sirens. Israelis sure are resilient! One woman said that she had hired
Having lived in Yerushlayim for a decade now, I’ve already lived through a war in the north, the infamous Knife Intifada of 2015-2016 (in which my husband and I walked past the body of a dead terrorist on Rechov Yirmiyahu), as well as a handful of rocket sirens in Yerushalayim.
Some people were saying that an army base had been breached. Others claimed that terrorists had kidnapped civilians and taken them to Gaza. We didn’t know what to believe
a young Israeli waiter for the seudah, but he told her he had been called up to the reserves.
That’s when I knew that things were really bad.
None of us imagined just how horrific it actually was. During one of the morning sirens, I thought of the people in southern border towns like Sderot, who experience rocket attacks far more often than we do. If the sirens were so frequent in Yerushalayim, who knew what they were going through down south?
I couldn’t have known that in the south, the problem wasn’t rockets. In the south there was a massacre. Six hundred, seven hundred, now over a thousand lives. A thousand Yidden. A thousand!
But we wouldn’t know that until later.
And then there was the quiet. Our little corner of Romema is fairly noisy at all times of day or night. But beginning Simchas Torah afternoon, everything was quiet. Kids didn’t play in the street. On Motzei Yom Tov, the garbage collectors didn’t clang the dumpsters. Cars didn’t honk. Buses didn’t rumble. All we heard was the distant roar of the fighter jets that took to the skies during Yom Tov and have been there ever since.
The sound of silence in a once-bustling neighborhood is disconcerting and eerie. Was this the calm before the storm?
My parents were visiting from overseas and staying in our building. When it became clear that my kids were worried and scared, my mother sang “Kol ha’olam kulo gesher tzar me’od” and translated the words. They caught on quickly and sang it for hours. She also told them stories of the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War, which she experienced as a child growing up in Yerushalayim. She managed to turn the whole thing into a chavaya for the little ones.
On Motzei Yom Tov, most hakafos shniyos were cancelled. The rabbanim and roshei yeshiva ruled it improper to rejoice.
Isru Chag – Sunday – was a blur of laundry, headlines and body counts. With a sickening sense of dread and disbelief, we watched as the numbers of dead, wounded, missing and captured kept going up and up (they’re still rising). The rocket attacks in some parts of the country were, and still are, endless.
There were no sirens in Yerushalayim, which lent a bizarrely surreal element to the experience, like
we were waiting for the other shoe to drop. Some sukkahs were taken down, many are still up; it’s hard to get your act together when there’s a war going on. A neighbor distributed Tehillim Mechulak, and the kids sat in the courtyard schmoozing about the war between kapitlach. Several large yeshivos announced that they would begin the zman early, starting from the day after Isru Chag. We need all the zchusim from limud Torah that we can get.
On Monday morning, we were surprised to learn that my son would have cheder. No other cheder that I knew of was in session, but I sent him
With a sickening sense of dread and disbelief, we watched as the numbers of dead, wounded, missing and captured kept going up and up
off calmly since his cheder is just down the street. At 12:00 p.m., the siren sounded. This time, my girls were more anxious than they had been on Yom Tov. We also counted more booms than ever before.
My five-year-old declared, “I’m not scared. I’m not! I don’t want to talk about it!” So we took out some paper and crayons and my kids spent the next hour drawing the war. My seven-year-old daughter drew an Arab wearing a keffiyeh, long robe, and a frown, standing next to a building full of shuttered windows. In the blue skies above, red bombs are exploding in white clouds (her version of the Iron Dome causing the rockets to explode in mid-air). I asked her why the terrorist was sad. She said, “I don’t know — I couldn’t draw him smiling!” Our children are so innocent and pure, they can’t understand how anyone can be happy about rockets and war.
By this time, Yom Tov was over in chutz l’aretz, and our families told us they had spent the previous two days saying Tehillim. Those of us in Eretz Yisroel had figured all along that everyone knew that war had broken out and that Yidden abroad were having a worry-filled Yom Tov. While you were worrying about us, we were worrying about you being worried.
Today, the weather was wet and heavy. Many local stores were open, but people moved sluggishly. This evening, a chasunah was held in a simcha hall next door, and the uncomfort-
able silence is no longer. At 9:00 p.m., we were advised to stock up on basics: water, canned food, flashlights, battery packs, battery-operated radios, medication, first-aid kits. In the last few hours, supermarket shelves have been cleared out. It’s past midnight on Monday night as I write this, and the sounds outside are normal — Israelis going about their business like it’s in the middle of the day. But sounds can be deceptive; in reality, we’re in limbo, preparing and waiting for tomorrow.
One child has just woken up with yet another nightmare, and I wonder — is this our new normal? Down south, where the horror began, survivors have either been evacuated or confined to their homes for days. Those kids are utterly traumatized.
The questions and dread and what-ifs haunt us.
How will this end?
What can we do?
But we know the answer to that last question: We do what Klal Yisroel has always done, throughout the generations, as each enemy has risen against us to destroy us. We turn to Hashem in Torah and tefillah and beg Him, Who controls all, to rescue us and save us.
In the south, where the war began; in Yerushalayim, the heart of the universe; in America or England or wherever you are, acheinu kol beis Yisroel, we’re there for each other, davening together.
We do what Klal Yisroel has always done, throughout the generations, as each enemy has risen against us to destroy us. We turn to Hashem in Torah and tefillah
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Fraidy’s therapist’s words resonate with Riva. Lani’s contract with Mother Hen is finalized, leaving her with great hope for their financial future.
Break In was officially incorporated.
At the entrance to Chase Bank, Lani gripped the bar of Shifra’s stroller and gingerly followed Chaim Tzvi through the door. The stroller wheels rolled smoothly, and her heels clicked with a sophisticated echo over the polished floor. She and Chaim Tzvi headed toward the bankers’ cubicles, where one of the bankers noticed them and indicated they should wait.
There was a staid vibe in the air. The bank was hushed, filled with backdrop sounds of keyboards clacking and low-toned conversations.
She was part of this world now. She wasn’t collecting petty cash from occasional customers anymore, no more QuickPays and small checks made out to her own name. Her business was real; it had become an entity.
The bank rep stood up. Chaim Tzvi
extended his hand and said, “Hey, good morning, Steve, how’s Pluto doing?”
She had no idea if by Pluto he meant a person, a dog, or the former planet, but one thing she knew: When people said that her husband had friends in high places, they weren’t joking.
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Eisdorf,” Steve said, tilting his head forward. The guy obviously had a large Jewish clientele; he knew not to extend his hand.
“Hi, hello,” Lani murmured. She parked the stroller in the tiny space at the cubicle’s entrance and stuck a bag of corn snacks into Shifra’s hand. Not very professional for a brand-new business owner. Oh, well.
The banker was actually amused. “Hey, cutie!” he cooed, waving fingers at the baby.
Shifra eyed him suspiciously.
“Okay, Hayim,” he said. He stepped
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around his desk and sank into his swivel chair. “So let’s hear, what are we doing today?”
“We’re here to open an account for my wife’s business.”
There was absolutely zero pride in his voice when he said that, Lani couldn’t help noticing, but Steve didn’t care about pride.
“Cool. That’s cool,” he said. “Great. Let’s get you guys started right away.”
Forty minutes later, they were all set, and Lani deposited her first Mother Hen check.
When they stepped outside, Chaim Tzvi wheeling the stroller with a sleeping Shifra, Lani saw she had a missed call from Mrs. Becker.
“It’s Chevi’s principal. She’s on my case about this therapy thing.”
“So just take her already. Why do you care so much?”
“Hello! You don’t just take a kid to therapy for nothing!”
They reached the car. Chaim Tzvi gently transferred Shifra to her car seat and collapsed the stroller.
“Is it for nothing?” he asked.
Lani yanked open the passenger door. “Fighting with a kid isn’t a reason to take a kid for therapy! I’m not interested in turning my daughter into a whole case. And that’s what happens, Chaim Tzvi, let’s not kid ourselves. They start analyzing all those subconscious layers and parts and hidden scars from toddlerhood... I’m not looking to head in that direction.”
They sat into the car, and Chaim Tzvi gunned the engine.
“Look, Lani, nobody can force you to do something, but I honestly don’t see why you’re all hysterical about this. It isn’t just a fight, this is going on for a long time. You told me you witnessed something yourself; you can’t say Chevi is totally innocent.”
Lani yanked her seatbelt down, then slapped her brandnew bank account folder on the dashboard. “I can’t deal with this now.”
Chaim Tzvi was quiet. He threw her a glance before turning his eyes to the road and easing out of his parking spot.
They didn’t talk throughout the short drive home. As Chaim Tzvi slowed the car and hunted the block for a parking spot, Lani took the folder back into her hands and ran her fingers over it.
“By the way…” she started.
“I haven’t spoken to Riva in three weeks.”
a Great International Vegetable Soup Spill, nearly choked on the fumes.
Just like that, after three weeks, out of the blue, Lani?
Her palms trembled as she peeled the gloves off her hands and picked up the cordless phone.
For three weeks, she’d been walking around with the taste of bile in her throat. The silence between her sister and herself had filled every random space in her life, stalking her like a distorted shadow. When she’d impulsively called her sister on Motzei Shabbos, her mother had answered the phone, and she never ended up talking to Lani. Since then, she’d run her fingers over the phone’s keypad hundreds of times, as though she’d forgotten how to dial, as though a fire awaited her on the other end of the line.
And now Lani was calling. Lani was the brave one.
But a minute into the conversation, Riva realized that Lani’s gesture could hardly be considered brave. Brave would’ve been to call up and say, “I’m sorry, it was wrong of me to attack you,” or even, “Can we put everything behind us? This is ridiculous. We’re hurting ourselves and each other by keeping away, I can’t stand it. Let’s just not anymore, ‘kay?”
Instead, Lani pretended to be all casual and got right down to business. “What’s happening with the anniversary? We have to finish planning this already.”
Did that mean they were on speaking terms again? Or that they were on speaking terms for the moment, to talk about the anniversary because they had no choice, that’s all?
It took a moment for Riva to find her voice. “The anniversary… uh, yeah, definitely.”
“Right, so since it’s just the two of us and our families, I was thinking we should invite all the aunts and uncles with their kids. If we’re paying for SpecTac, we may as well get our money’s worth.”
There was a note of bitterness in the way she said money’s worth, and Riva answered cautiously, “Right, okay. Good idea.”
Was she resentful about the money? SpecTac wasn’t cheap, but this was a milestone anniversary, not something they did every year. Had it been completely thoughtless of her to push this idea? It was a lot of money, for her as well, but she wanted to do this for her parents, just this once. And Lani had never complained about it, but it could easily have been her pride stopping her from objecting.
She didn’t complain now either. While Riva went on to feel awful about this whole plan, Lani went right on with technical arrangements.
“Call from, La-ni… Eis-dorf,” the caller ID announced. Riva, who’d been flooding her stovetop with St. Moritz after
“Okay, so let’s divide this up. You want to call the Miller aunts and I’ll call the Lipshutzes? And then we need to go shop for paper goods. When are you available?”
Her nonchalance was astounding.
They set up a time to go to Amazing Savings — 7:00, when their husbands were around to babysit — and hung up. As Riva pulled a fresh pair of gloves onto her slightly unsteady hands, the truth cemented in her head: Lani’s phone call wasn’t bravery, it was cowardice. The casualness was a safe way of pretending that nothing had happened, that things were totally regular between the two of them.
She hated herself for playing along. That was her own cowardice mirroring her sister’s. The issue hadn’t resolved itself; it was simply too uncomfortable to play by the rules, so they were bypassing them instead.
She scrubbed the stove with phenomenal vigor.
Cowardice aside, it was a relief that the barrier had come down, and a few hours later, when Riva met Lani at the corner of her block, she was grudgingly grateful that Lani had taken the step.
Making small talk after a three-week silent spell was like connecting q, x, and z Scrabble letters to form words. Riva found herself overcompensating with senseless chatter, until
Lani brought up the anniversary program.
“I understand that the skit is out,” she said smoothly. “What can we do instead?”
This time, Riva had to give her points for true bravery. Talking about the skit was taking the bull — or rather, the bully — by the horns.
“I’m thinking…” she said.
They arrived at Amazing Savings, and Riva nudged a wagon free. Snaking through the aisles, they quickly browsed the shelves for nothing in particular on the way to the paper goods section, because that’s what you do in Amazing Savings. Riva stopped the wagon in front of a display of scrapbook albums and accessories.
“Hey, how about a scrapbook?” she suggested. “Not one of these, don’t worry, we’re not doing any arts-n-crafts. But maybe we could collect a bunch of pictures, starting from Tatty and Mommy’s wedding up until today, and put together a photo book. What do you think?”
“Nice! It’s a great idea. It’s something they get to keep, and
it’s meaningful.”
Did she really like the idea or was she trying to overcompensate this time? Grr, why was it so challenging to have a simple conversation with her sister?
Lani planted her hands on the wagon’s handlebar and wheeled it forward. From behind her, Riva couldn’t read her face, which was probably a good thing. It was best to stay in safe mode.
They stayed in safe mode as they chose plates and flatware, napkins and cups. With both of them jumping to agree with the other’s suggestions, they were done in no time. Chaim Tzvi offered to pick them up, leaving Malky home to babysit.
“I’m waiting for the day when Fraidy will be old enough to babysit,” Riva grumbled. “It’s so convenient.”
“It’ll happen before you blink,” Lani said. “Fraidy’s a mature kid, you’ll be able to trust her.”
That was… well, if it wasn’t bravery, it sure was generous. Riva didn’t know how to respond, so she gave a little chuckle and shifted the bags in her hands.
Chaim Tzvi pulled up in front of the entrance. It took a good five minutes to shuffle the million things in the car to make room for their bags.
“Sorry about that,” Lani said. “It’s, uh, our personal sheimos truck.” She laughed self-deprecatingly.
Riva laughed right along.
Safe, safe, safe.
When Chaim Tzvi pulled up in front of the Strohs’ house, Lani gave a little cough. “Uh, do you mind, like, storing these bags in your house until the party?”
Uh-oh. This was no longer safe. She heard Lani’s mind blaring: We have no room to store an extra toothpick in our tiny basement apartment. Thanks to yours truly
“Uh, sure,” Riva said quickly.
Because they had a ton of room to store stuff in their palatial mansion, of course.
The bitter taste in her throat resurfaced, but Riva swallowed it down. She wasn’t doing this. She wasn’t getting worked up now. She did not have the energy.
As she climbed the stairs to her apartment, her phone came to life. She put all the Amazing Savings bags down on the second-floor landing and withdrew the phone from her pocket.
“Hey, Ma, how are you?”
“I’m good. Are you out?”
“I’m stepping in now. I, uh, had to run out to buy some stuff.”
“Okay. Listen, Riv, Tatty and I would love to have company for Shabbos. Would you send us Fraidy?”
“Fraidy? Just Fraidy?”
“Yes, just Fraidy. And maybe Shaya next week. We’ll give each kid a turn.”
“Umm… I don’t see why not. I’ll ask her, but it should probably be fine.”
“Great! I can’t wait! And she likes salmon, right?”
“Y-yes. She likes salmon.”
Riva hung up and stared at the phone.
It should probably be fine.
Why not?
Rebbetzin Gruner is a kallah teacher in Eretz Yisroel for over 30 years, having taught hundreds of kallahs as well as trained and guided countless kallah teachers.
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You can’t get simpler than these soups. Each recipe is defined by warmth, depth of flavor and heart.
For a soup that’s a little extra, with protein included! The delicious flavors of broccoli and garlic and the creaminess of the potatoes will make everyone stand up and ask for seconds.
Yield: 6-8 servings
1 (24 oz.) bag frozen broccoli
4 zucchini, washed well, unpeeled and diced
1 white onion, quartered
1 head garlic
4 Yukon potatoes, peeled and diced
4 chicken cutlets
3 bay leaves
3 T. oil
1 T. salt
½ tsp. pepper
1 tsp. red pepper flakes (optional)
6 cups hot water
3 T. onion soup mix
1. Preheat the oven to 425°.
2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread the broccoli, zucchini, onion, potatoes and chicken cutlets on the baking sheet, leaving space between the pieces.
3. Add the bay leaves, and sprinkle with oil, salt, pepper (and red pepper flakes, if using).
4. Cut half an inch off the top of the garlic head, then wrap the garlic head in silver foil. Add this to the pan.
5. Bake for 45 minutes.
6. Unwrap the garlic, and squeeze it into an 80-ounce container.
7. Dice the chicken cutlets and set aside.
8. Place all vegetables into the container. Add the hot water and soup mix. Blend.
9. Add the chicken cutlets to the soup. Serve and enjoy.
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This soup is my favorite when I want fresh soup but don’t want to dirty a pot. Super simple, super easy and super delicious!
Yield: 4-6 servings
1 eggplant, washed but not peeled
2 red peppers
1 white onion, quartered
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 head garlic
3 T. oil
1 T. salt
½ tsp. black pepper
1 tsp. oregano
4 cups hot water
2 T. onion soup mix
1. Preheat the oven to 425°.
2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Halve the eggplant and peppers. Slit the cut side of the eggplant halves in a criss-cross design. Place the eggplant and peppers cut side up on the tray.
3. Add the onions and cherry tomatoes to the tray.
4. Cut half an inch off the top of the garlic head, then add the garlic head to the tray.
5. Sprinkle all vegetables with oil, salt, pepper and oregano.
6. Turn the vegetables cut side down, and wrap the garlic head in silver foil.
7. Roast for 45 minutes.
8. Scoop out the flesh of the eggplant, and peel the peppers. (Since the peppers have blistered, peeling should be very easy.)
9. Squeeze the garlic into an 80-ounce container. Add the rest of the roasted vegetables.
10. Add the hot water and the onion soup mix. Blend and serve.
The combination of these delectable fall vegetables and the simplicity of putting this soup together will make everyone happy. It’s the perfect soup for that cold rainy day.
Yield: 6-8 servings
1 bag frozen butternut squash
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 Cortland apple, peeled and sliced
1 red onion, quartered
1 head garlic
3 T. oil
1 T. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
2 sprigs fresh thyme or 1 tsp. dried thyme
6 cups hot water
3 T. onion soup mix
1. Preheat the oven to 425°.
2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Lay the butternut squash, sliced sweet potatoes, sliced carrots, sliced apple and quartered onion onto the sheet pan, giving each piece its own space.
4. Cut half an inch off the garlic head and add to the tray.
5. Sprinkle all the vegetables with oil, salt, and cinnamon.
6. Wrap the garlic in silver foil.
7. Add the thyme. (If using dried thyme, sprinkle it over all the vegetables. If using fresh thyme, place it on top of the butternut squash and carrot.)
8. Bake for 45 minutes.
9. If using fresh thyme, remove the thyme and discard.
10. Squeeze the garlic into an 80-ounce container, and add the rest of the vegetables.
11. Add the hot water and soup mix. Blend and serve.
Weight-loss is not just about the food you eat. Learn to nurture yourself physically and emotionally and you will shed those extra pounds without even realizing it. Embrace inner-connection, joy and peace by gaining a thorough understanding of your body and its wonders. Do
Grocery shopping, dentist appointments, school schedules, simchos. Laundry, meals, snacks, Shabbos, Yom Tov. Pick up the kids, drop them off, work. There are so many pieces to a frum lifestyle.
In the few minutes before I began writing this article, I was Wasting Time. I guess Wasting Time is a luxury, and I know for a fact that it is a luxury that I do not have. I also think know, without a doubt, that Blimi C. would never Waste Time. Surprisingly, despite her many talents and her acclaimed organizational genius, I actually like Blimi a lot. When I asked her to do this interview, she was confused, which made her immediately less formidable and more relatable.
“I’m not a home organizer or professional party planner,” she insisted. “I just have a method of doing things that works for me.”
I had been afraid I would walk away from this interview with the discouraged, mousy feeling that running a well-oiled home for a large busy family is an impossible feat except for those wealthier and more talented than myself. But instead, I walked away feeling like I can do this too — or at least some of it, on a good day.
I admit, I was slightly skeptical at first. After all, I’m also intelligent and pretty organized, have a bunch of kids, work, and manage to hold it together in a way that mostly works for me. Why should someone else’s system be gamechanging? That’s what I was thinking until I paused Wasting Time writing this article and managed to escape my house fully dressed for a wedding on the wrong day. That’s when I realized that personal organizational skills and intelligence notwithstanding, I could use a dose of Blimi’s discipline and consistency.
Blimi is the busy mother of a large family, with a constant stream of guests, too. She’s also a high school history teacher. She teaches her students about Napoleon, whom she claims was a fantastic student as a child. (My research is more ambiguous about this point, though it seems that he was at least a good student in some subjects as he got older.) When he was asked how he remembered so many facts, Napoleon said that he had pigeonholes in his mind, and he sorted the information into these tiny cubbies where they remained organized for future recall. True
or not, that’s pretty much how Blimi’s brain works.
To Blimi, it all boils down to the real estate available in her brain, and freeing up that precious brain space for things that truly matter. To this end, everything Blimi needs to remember or know goes onto a list.
“If it’s not on a list, it doesn’t exist,” she says simply.
When a child needs something for school, he needs to leave a note on her desk so it gets entered onto that night’s list. When she needs to remember an appointment, she leaves a note on her fridge for entry onto the list. The list gets consolidated and rewritten every single night — and lest you feel intimidated, Blimi is quick to point out that most things stay on the list from day to day. The point isn’t that everything happens magically, but that it exists on the list instead of cluttering her valuable headspace.
“Our brains are overloaded,” Blimi says, “and it’s hard to keep them organized. My lists do all the work for me.”
Here is where Blimi differs from professional home organizers and typical DIY hackers. According to her, “things don’t have to be perfect.” She has absolutely no airs and doesn’t do things for show. She doesn’t use fancy notebooks for her lists or expensive bins for her organization projects. She uses whatever is available, cheap and works. Her lists are mostly on scraps of papers, and the long-term lists (like menus from previous simchos or Yamim Tovim) are in plain binders. Our conversation crackles with a sense of purpose, energy and resourcefulness as Blimi explains some of the methods that work for her — although it never even occurred to her to call them “systems” or “hacks.”
All the list-making sounds time-consuming to me, but Blimi explains that her systems make less work for her, not more. In addition to clearing her mind, her lists take all the guesswork and trial and error out of many household
Please tell me I’m not the only one this happened to!
Managing a large bustling Jewish home isn’t that much harder than managing an army!
tasks, so her efforts are focused and effective. The result is that she wastes little valuable time. And because her systems are — for lack of a better word — so systematic, she really isn’t busy with them.
“It takes just three minutes at night to rewrite my daily list,” Blimi says. And unlike me, when she starts her Yom Tov cooking, she doesn’t have to scramble to make her menu or locate recipes or ingredients.
• Every note from school goes into a binder in the kitchen.
• Every page that will be referenced during the year (calendars, bus schedules, class lists) goes into a sheet protector.
• Short term notes (school events, trip reminders) go into the front pocket to be thrown out as soon as they are obsolete.
• All recipes go into binders with categories (many are from The Monsey View !)
• One binder is reserved just for menus and simcha planning, and it contains menus from the past twenty years.
• Specific information about every Yom Tov and simcha meal gets recorded. For example:
How many guests were at each meal and who they were
Which recipes were used and what quantities were eaten or left over
What changes or tweaks should be made to those recipes in the future
Where ingredients were purchased and what quantities were used
Where tables and tablecloths were borrowed from Table configuration and table set-up
Unlike some other people we shall not name.
I bet she never went to a wedding on the wrong day.
Remember to go back after Yom Tov and add that!
Wow! Imagine going to the sock store only ONCE!
• Before the new season, take inventory for each household member. Make a list for each person, and list everything they need for the season — accessories, clothing, shoes, etc.
• Before shopping, consolidate all the lists, and arrange them by store so that you only make one trip to each store
In her pull-out pantry, Blimi uses recycled coffee jars to store all of her grains, breadcrumbs, pasta and beans in a uniform way. Since they’re transparent, she can see at a glance anything running low.
• No labeling for meat or dairy! While labeling is every home organizer’s dream, Blimi cooks everything pareve unless it actually contains meat or dairy — so no need to label for milchigs/fleishigs
• Scrapbook containers: Use these large, flat, freezer-friendly containers for everything from meatballs to gefilte fish and cookies and kneidlach. Line with parchment paper, freeze, and take out as many as needed at a time.
Now, THAT’s geshikt!
Or agonizing. Or scrambling. Or making phone calls to everyone she knows to see who might remember how many chairs were needed last time.
• Ziploc bags: Use freezer Ziploc bags for soup, compote, fried onions (just break off as much as needed) and more. They can even stand upright inside the freezer door, and you will have no containers to wash!
• Give each child a labeled bin for personal objects, like reflectors and gloves.
• When you straighten up, put any papers or personal belongings for that child into his or her bin to be sorted and put away later.
• Even if you can’t straighten up as often as you like, things should have a home so that they can eventually be returned there. If objects are “homeless,” they can never be returned, and that’s when things get out-of-control messy.
Although Blimi doesn’t specifically train her kids to be organized, some pick it up on their own as they get older. She enjoyed watching her fifteen-year-old bachur copy her as he mapped out a family vacation last year. “He made lists of clothing for each child, food and appliances to bring, shuls and minyan schedules…”
Ironically, Blimi claims that she wouldn’t be able to find anything on her husband’s desk, and she was keenly interested in the key finder/ trackers that I recently bought. Purchased for my husband’s possessions (and my shalom bayis), it was probably the best $19.99 I ever spent, and now Blimi’s purchase can be my first ever affiliate commission.
What fascinates me about my conversation with Blimi is her pragmatism, resourcefulness and competence without any thought toward trying to keep up, impress, or look perfect. She’s not sourcing fancy containers, and I doubt “tablescape” is a thing in her house. But when she makes her next beautiful simcha, she doesn’t have to do any thinking. The details have already been committed to paper and are ready to be brought to life once again.
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I never thought I would become a home organizer. Mainly because I didn’t even really know what a home organizer was. I’m a people person, I love people. Stuff doesn’t interest me. What’s a container store? An entire store for containers? You’re joking, right?
I come from a corporate family. We all work in offices, sit at desks in front of computers. That was what I had done my entire adult life, that was what everyone in my family did. I never considered anything else.
But I had gone back to work after a maternity leave — back to the office, back to the desk, back to clocking in and clocking out — and on Day 2 I was walking back to
my car when a thought occurred to me:
I am not going back to that desk.
It wasn’t a slowly dawning revelation or a possibility that I struggled to process. It was a sudden, firm decision, with no analysis or mental wrangling attached. I was not going back to that desk.
But… now what?
I drove home and got out of my car. My neighbor was standing outside, watching her toddler ride up and down the block.
“You went back to work?” she asked, by way of greeting.
“Yes,” I said, “but I’m never going back again.”
She didn’t miss a beat. “You should come work for me,” she said. “I need an assistant.”
SARA MEYERShe was a professional home organizer. To me, “home organizer” was a nice way of saying “cleaning lady.” She was offering me a job as a cleaning lady’s assistant.
I was so desperate, I said yes. * * * * *
On my first day of the job, I didn’t feel like a professional. I didn’t even feel like a cleaning lady. I felt like a visitor to another planet.
I like to think I’m a nice person, but I found myself thinking all kinds of things:
These people are nuts.
Who spends money on a professional organizer?
So gashmius’dig!
But then one day we were hired to organize Rabbi Frankel’s* house.
Rabbi Frankel’s married son was the one who called us. That was a little unusual; usually the client calls on their own and usually it’s a woman. But Rabbi Frankel had only sons, they were all married, and it was his oldest son who contacted us. His father was living alone after losing his wife, and he wasn’t used to keeping house.
“He manages fine alone during the week,” Rabbi Frankel Jr. reported, “but we made a rotation so one of us goes to spend Shabbos with him each week.” There were seven
Frankel sons. “And it just doesn’t work. He can’t possibly do all the preparation for hosting a large family of young children for an entire Shabbos. We need help.”
I remember how we came into the house and saw a typical retiree’s home: A few cups in the cabinet, half a bottle of milk in the fridge, a single box of tissues. You could tell Rabbi Frankel was a neat and tidy person. But there was no way, I thought, that a large family with young children could manage here every Shabbos.
We got to work.
By the time we were done, the house was completely intuitive. Everything a guest might need was exactly where they would be standing when they realized they needed it. We put hooks in the mudroom, a boots tray near the door, raincoats and Shaynecoats in all sizes in the closet. We stocked the bathroom vanities: cases of tissues under the sink; toothpaste,
This is my favorite basic bin. It’s transparent so you can see what’s inside, and is a convenient size for so many areas around the house.
Q: Why is it so important to throw things away? I spent good money on it! And what if I need it one day?
A: If you have a hard time throwing things away, buy fewer things! For the things you already have and don’t want to discard, you can store them in the basement or attic if you have the space available. But if not, they’re just useless items disorganizing your home. Look out for a longer discussion on this in a later issue.
toothbrushes, floss and cups in the drawer. There were coffee supplies in the cabinet over the coffee machine; diapers, wipes, onesies and Desitin in the drawers under the changing table; and best of all, we labeled every drawer, bin and container so that anyone who came for Shabbos — even if they came only once every seven weeks — would know exactly where to find and put anything.
By the time we were done, the house was homey, welcoming, and had everything you could possibly need over a weekend, no matter how old you were. It was like a self-hosting house.
I had thought an organizer was a glorified cleaning lady, or maybe a rich person’s extravagance. But now I saw how important organization could be. Now Rabbi Frankel didn’t have to be alone, and he didn’t have to be the host. His house did the work for him. Organization made it possible for a Zeidy to always be surrounded by his family.
It was a turning point for me. As I evolved from an assistant to owning my own organizing business, my mantra became, “Make your house work for you.” * * * * *
You know most people by what they look like outside their homes. You meet them at work, at simchas, at the grocery store. But I have a different view. I see what people look like inside their homes. Up close and zoomed in.
Working so closely with people has changed me over the years. I’ve become kinder and more compassionate toward others… and toward myself. I no longer feel like an alien on another planet. I’ve learned that we’re all human, with different needs (a case of water in the bedroom) and our own unique idiosyncrasies (a toothbrush in the kitchen).
Six years ago, I stood near my neighbor’s mailbox and accepted a job as a cleaning lady’s assistant. Today, I’m a professional home organizer, and I love helping clients create their best home, where they and their family can grow into their best selves.
* All names and identifying details changed
The first step to organizing is deciding which possessions you want to continue to own.
• Choose which room you want to tackle first.
• Choose which closet, shelf, cabinet or space in that room to tackle first.
• Take everything out of that space. “Everything” comes from the Latin word “every” which means “all, total, complete” and the Greek word “thing” which means “every single thing in that space without exception, even the things you think should be an exception.”
You need to do this in order to assess how big your space is, how much it can comfortably store, and which items are worth keeping.
• Once you’ve taken everything out, put it all on a table or other clean surface. Discard as many items as possible. Do not think. Do not analyze, consider, reminisce or worry. Just discard all the items you never use and don’t need.
• Now comes the tricky part. Look through what’s left. Try to discard some more items. Aim for the just-in-case items that you haven’t used in a long time but are still faithfully storing — you know, just in case. The gloves that never worked for anyone, the skincare products you never used, the wire that looks like it’s important even though you don’t know what it’s from.
• When you are sure you can’t discard any more items, the stuff remaining on the table is what is going back into the designated space. Sort it into categories, such as by season, or by the child it belongs to.
Congratulations, the things you’re keeping are sorted!
Have an organizing question? Send it to comments@themonseyview.com and look for it in this space!
Long ago, before I ever worked in a grocery store, I assumed the boxes appearing at my door made their way there by a sort of magic produced by my command. I never thought about the effort that went into preparing my order. I jotted down a list, either faxed or called it in, and voilà! A few hours later, the items I requested were parked neatly at my door. Now that I have some inside knowledge, and the experience of scores of orders put together on your behalf, here is a short overview of what your local grocery employee wishes you would know.
Iknow you can hardly imagine it, but a human being will be handpicking the items off the shelves for you. This happens at human speed. Bear in mind that the grocery employee will also need to maneuver around and exhibit patience for other customers in the store. (Computerized robots that can perform this type of job have yet to be introduced to our local stores — but we’re working on it!)
Due to further human limitations, an illegible handwriting on an faxed order, or the inclusion of items that do not exist, are likely to delay your order even more. Items that aren’t specific enough are liable to do the same. What do you mean by the impossible “plain flavored bread crumbs”? Or the as-
of-yet invented “frosted French fries”? Or the general “baby formula”?
(As another example, a customer recently asked for “8 pink Dove chocolate bars.” We used the process of elimination to figure this one out. Since we don’t carry chocolate bars in Dove pink flavor, and we knew Dove soap bars don’t come in chocolate flavor, the only remaining possibility was that
the customer was dreaming of chocolate when she was ordering soap bars. Those will be in aisle six.)
While the policy in some supermarkets is to have the employee skip the iffy item in question, or to choose the likeliest object, other groceries will have us placing a call to you to clarify what you meant. Whatever the case, this will only mean a further delay in the processing of your order.
Here are some more encounters with customers who either requested items that tripped us up, or otherwise left us scratching our heads.
ME: Hi. I’m calling about your grocery order. I just have a quick question… I see you want “icing glaze in a box.” What product are we talking about, exactly? I can’t seem to find anything called “icing glaze” in a box.
CUSTOMER: Yeah, thanks so much for calling! Well… it’s an icing glaze… that comes in a box. You know?
ME: So… is it a ready icing that you can spread, or does it come as a powder?
CUSTOMER: Um… I’m not sure.
ME: Can you give me an actual product name? Or tell me a company name like Bakers’ Choice, Gefen, Shufra or what?
CUSTOMER: What’s the difference? It’s icing in a box!
ME: (Trying to be nice) Okay, so I don’t see anything here that fits your description… Seems like we don’t have it.
CUSTOMER: You don’t have it?
ME: Looks like we don’t.
CUSTOMER: So tell me what you do have.
ME: I am so sorry, but I am unable to name all the products and varieties from our baking aisle as we are extremely busy. Please contact us when you have a name for the item you want.
CUSTOMER: Okay, okay. So just give me any icing in a box.
ME: (Deep breathing…) We don’t have any.
CUSTOMER: Okay, so skip it, then.
CUSTOMER: I need two boxes of rise cries pies.
ME: Can you repeat that, please?
CUSTOMER: Rise cries pies.
ME: I don’t know what that is. Can you explain it to me?
ME: Um, well, I’ve never heard of it.
CUSTOMER: It’s a breakfast cereal! You know, Taanug or Kemach!
(Come on… you can do this… just think… Rise cries pies… Rise cries pies… What could this customer mean? Let’s try saying it faster… Risecriespies… Risecriespies…) WAIT! Do you mean crisp rice cereal? Rice crispies?
CUSTOMER: Yes! But you’re saying it wrong. Its rice cries pies.
I’m putting together an order when I reach the item “1 Everything Dressing.”
ME: (Calling her up) Hi. I’m calling from the grocery. I just have a quick question about your or der… You’re asking for something called “Everything Dressing,” but there’s no Everything Dressing on the shelf.
CUSTOMER: Do you know what salad dressing is?
ME: Yes.
CUSTOMER: Are you familiar with the Salad Mate brand?
ME: Yes.
CUSTOMER: Okay, then, so you should see it already! It’s a black bottle.
ME: I’m very familiar with their products, but —
CUSTOMER: Do you see the one that says “Everything Dressing”?
ME: No.
ME: I do see one here called “Not Only Cole Slaw.” Can that be —
CUSTOMER: Yes, yes, that means that it goes on everything ! That’s the one!
ME: Great. (Now I need a coffee…)
ME: Hi. I’m calling about your order. We’re currently out of the Pampers brand in size 5 diapers. Should I give you a similar item or —
CUSTOMER: Are you sure?
ME: Yes. I’m standing here near the shelf, and I also checked with the manager.
CUSTOMER: So you don’t have any?
ME: That’s correct. We’re out of it.
CUSTOMER: Can you check again?
ME: Sure. One minute. Okay, I’m here at the empty shelf, and nope, they’re still not here. So would you like me to —
CUSTOMER: But you always have them in stock!
ME: That’s right. We’re only temporarily out of stock. But I could offer you Cuties, Huggies or Luvs, or I can skip it entirely.
CUSTOMER: I don’t understand why you don’t have any! Okay, so you can just give me a bottle of garlic powder. I just realized that I don’t have any.
ME: Are you sure that you’re all out of garlic powder?
ME: Do you want to check again?
CUSTOMER: (Silence)
If you are writing or typing up your list yourself (versus dictating it to one of our secretaries or placing the order online), then organizing your order by aisle or section would make it so much easier for the person charged with putting it together. This will save everyone some precious time. 2
If your order contains some items you need to prepare supper, consider submitting it the night prior. While you may think mid-morning is early
enough, there may be 65 orders before yours waiting to be processed. 3
This tip is relevant to in-store orders only. If you have a young child accompanying you in the grocery, and you gave him or her a treat to eat while putting together your order, throw an extra one into your cart for scanning purposes to avoid a tug of war at the cashiers. You’re welcome!
One customer wrote after every item, “Be sure to call me when you get to this aisle” or “Make sure to call me when you get to the snacks” or “Very important to call when you get to the cakes.” (This was on a Wednesday, when we had 135 orders to fill.) The below is one conversation that
ME: Hi. I’m calling about your order. You wanted something from the snack aisle?
CUSTOMER: Yeah, so, tell me… (Crunch, crunch, crunch in my ear…) I need a snack…
ME: Yes? Go on…
CUSTOMER: (Still snacking) It… should be… sew tea.
ME: Okay. (And since I am Canadian, I ask for clarification about what she means by “sew tea.”)
CUSTOMER: Soooooteeeeee! (Crunch, crunch)
ME: What is that?
ME: OH. Okay, I get it now. It’s just my accent; I didn’t get the New York pronunciation of “salty.” So you need a salty snack bag?
CUSTOMER: From potato.
ME: Chips?
CUSTOMER: No, no. List me everything you have.
ME: We have about a hundred varieties in the snack aisle, so unfortunately, I cannot possibly list them all. Feel free to call us back when you know what you want, okay?
CUSTOMER: No, wait… okay… just… give me a small bag of corn pops, then.
ME: (!!!)
Airtight and practical sturdy for years of play — available in multiple sizes
Fabric in-drawer organizer — multiple styles and widths available
Decorative bins to store all those odds and ends
Adjustable hooks so every kid can reach one
No more damaged or misplaced CDs!
Super versatile and available in multiple sizes — popular for any room in the house
Magazine/ file organizer
Keep your clothes dust-free with these neat covers
Super versatile and available in multiple sizes
Measuring 28 inches long, 15 inches wide and 15 inches deep
The Kippah Keeper — makes for a great upsherin gift!
Measuring 3.5 by 2.5 by 1.5 inches — great for sewing notions, game pieces, crafts
A battery keeper — comes with a built-in battery tester
A Betty Crocker stand — no more balancing acts! Diffuser and scent
A measuring tape is a flexible tool used for calculating length. It may be made of fiberglass, cloth, plastic or metal ribbon. Think of it as a glorified flexible ruler marked in both centimeters and inches.
This useful product was invented in Sheffield, England, by James Chesterman. The year was 1829, and Chesterman was in the business of making “flat wire” for the hoop skirts that were in fashion at the time. As part of his craft, he developed a heat treatment that made the flat wire stronger. When that fashion trend faded, however, he was left with a surplus of metal tape — and that was the inspiration for our favorite tool.
Soon the measuring tape concept reached the other side of the Atlantic. Chesterman’s tapes sold in the United States for $17, which is about $300 in today’s money. That’s good money for a humble measuring tape!
Alvin J. Fellows of New Haven, Connecticut, patented the spring-click tape measure in 1868. Fellows’ main contribution to the measuring tape was the method of attaching the spring clip, which locks the tape so it shouldn’t retract until you release it. And when it accidentally does… ouch!
In 1876, Justus Roe & Sons began manufacturing steel tape measures in the United States.
The steel tape measure didn’t become popular until the 1940s. Before that, the carpenter’s folding wooden ruler was the most commonly used collapsible measuring device in the United States. (The $300 price tag on the steel variety may have had something to do with that…)
With today’s advancement in technology, tape measures are now available in digital form, and some styles use lasers and ultrasonic technology to measure.
The tape measure is easily the most used and important tool in our tool box. As the famous adage goes, “Measure twice, cut once.”
Did you ever notice that the bottom of the end hook of your measuring tape has a serrated edge? There’s a good reason for that. If you’re measuring something and don’t have a marking tool handy, you can use this serrated edge to make a mark by running it back and forth on whatever you’re measuring. Good to know!
Have you ever wondered why the blade on a tape measure is curved? The concave design helps keep the blade rigid when extended.
Next summer, remember to break out your measuring tapes and celebrate National Tape Measure Day on July 14! No, I’m not joking. This day is all about honoring the invention of the tape measure, which has become an essential tool for construction workers, architects, designers and everyone else who needs to measure something accurately. So make sure you have your tape measure handy next July 14, and join in the fun!
Hint: Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle:
Adding “s” to a word
• Abbreviations
Family name: _________________________________ Phone: __________________
Full mailing address: ____________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________ Amount of points: __________
• Proper nouns
• Contractions
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points |
8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
The longest word found on the board: _____________________________
A new word you learned from the board: __________________________
Only complete forms will be entered into the drawing.
C S 174 www.themonseyview.com 845.600.8484 The Monsey View October 11, 2023
Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $5 at Toys4U! Ten lucky winners will be announced each week!
To enter the raffle, email your colored page to comments@themonseyview.com, or mail it to 365 Route 59, Suite 239, Airmont, NY 10952. Submissions will be included in the drawing only if all information is filled in.
Phone:______________________________________________ Age:____________________ School:_________________________________________________________
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LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERS New York | New Jersey | Connecticut | Pennsylvania
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Magnificent Young Custom built in 2013 6 Bd 5 Bth Colonial on one of the most desirable cul-de-sac blocks in Forshay. Guest quarters, 2nd kitchen, oversized windows, walkout bsmnt, privacy.
Price Bargain!
Two 1-ac lots for sale! Prime Pomona! Build the home of your dream! Call Lonna Ralbag@ 914.548.0870
For Sale!
2-family house for sale in the heart of Monticello. Over an ac of property. Call Eidel Moses @ 845.323.9308
Great opportunity for investors and contractors! Beautiful over 4-ac lot in Monticello, zoned to build 10 2-family units. Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
Attention, investors!
Three 2 Bd 2 Bth renovated cottages in S Fallsburg.Rental annual income is $39K.Call Eidel Moses @ 845.323.9308
Amazing opportunity for future development with multifamily zoning in Spring Valley. 2324 sqft Victorian style home and a separate guest house.
Amazing Opportunity in Prime Monsey! Tax Exempt Congregation. 7000 sqft Combination house of worship and hope, with modern sanctuary, updated commercial kitchen, multiple baths and much more.
Office For Sale in Prime Pomona! For Sale or Lease! Fabulous 3180 office building in the heart of Nanuet. 7.5 office suites,wheelchair accessibility,more.Call Lonna @ 914.548.0870
well-maintained 5 Bd 3 Bth raised ranch in Hempstead. Call Leiby Moster @ 845.406.1470
spacious 3 Bd 2 Bth ranch in a quiet neighborhood of Monsey.Call Lonna Ralbag @ 914.548.0870
fully renovated in 2023 4 Bd 3 Bth ranch near Forshay. Call Abe Beyman @ 845.661.1212
,עיראטסיה ס’לארשי ללכ ןופ לטיפאק א ךרוד שינאמכאפ טגיילעגפארא
עשיטאמארד ןוא רעליפש עלאנאיסעפארפ
סטקעפא דנואס טימ קיזומ
רעביא ,ןח ידלי ךרוד טגיילעגפארא עידעמאק
טשינ ןעמיטש עכלעוו סעטכישעג ןריצירבאפ
תמא םעד ןעיירדראפ ןוא
ןופ חכ יד רעביא דיל עקאמשעג
עלא ץארט ,ןמז רעיינ א ןבייהנא
יד ךרוד טלעטשעגרעהא ,ןטייקירעווש
ןעזאר עשוי ברה ןופ ראכ
רעגירעיגנאל טימ עזייר עטנאסערעטניא
טלייצראפ סאוו ,דלעפנירג קחצי ר”רה רעוויירד
עלעג א ןוויירד ןופ גנוראפרע עכילגעט-גאט יד
טעברא סאב א יוזאיוו ןוא ,סאב-עלוש
ןוקית א םורא עטכישעג עטנאסערעטניא
עכילגעט-גאט טימ ןטכאלפעג ,לשיט טגיילעגפארא שינאמכאפ ,תוכלה
ןירג ’יתתמ ברה ךרוד
עטכישעג עדנעפאכראפ םעטא ןחדב רעטמיראב רעד ךרוד טלייצראפ ןיורב לאוי ברה םיכירדמה שאר ןוא
TRACK 6 טימ דיל עגיד’ךוניח ןוא עראבנרעל
םוצ ןטלאה וצ ךיז יוזאיוו ספיט
ריש עטמיראב יד ךרוד ,תמא םענייר
ראכ רעדניק חבשו
יד רעביא זנוא טנרעל בייל ’ר ןיבמ תויח רעד ערעדנא ןוא ןרעב ןופ ףאלש-רעטניוו עפיט
טליפש טייצ עבלעז יד ןיא ןוא ,ןשינעפעשאב
יד ףיוא ,תועידי יד ףיוא טיובעג םיעג א ןעמ עקעט דניקרעדנואוו
TRACK 4ןוקית םייב לשיט
עטוג א
טעוו ןעניישרע ןטפעשעג ןיא שדוח שאר ןושח ה”יא
ןוא ךעלגנוי ראפ טנגייאעג
ראי 13 זיב 5 ןופ ךעלדיימ
ןוא USB םעד טרעה םעניא ןיירא טקוק
ןייטשראפ וצ סאד ,ךוב
ןוא רעכילטנורג ליפ
ןדעי ןעניישרע טעוו .ה”יא שדוח שאר
רצוא ןא טימ טליפעגנא לכיב א עשיטאמארד ןוא עשימאק ןופ
.סמיעג ןוא ןעלקיטרא העש 2 רעביא ןופ USB א עטנאסערעטניא טימ ליפ עכייר ןוא ןעגנולייצרע
לאוי ןועמש ר"רה רעביירש ןוא רפסמ לעב רעטמיראב רעד עכיל'שדוח א ,שודיח רעכילרעדנואוו א טימ אד זיא ןיילק טלופעגנא עטעסאק א טימ םענייאניא טמוק סאוו ךוב ןוא רעביירש עטסעב יד ןופ טלעטשעגמאזוצ ןכות טימ טנאפשעג ןטלאה טעוו סאוו טלעוו עשימייה יד ןיא רעלעמ .םענראפ ןגיטפאהרעטסיימ א ףיוא רעדניק ערעייא
טפור ןאשבירקסבוס א ראפ ןענייסוצפיוא ךיז 718.517.8310 | VINDERKIND.COM
ןטפעשעג עלא ןיא ןעמוקאב וצ אד ךיוא
Local Monsey Working Restaurant for sale. Call or text +18453934516 Email: Monseyrestaurnt@gmail. com
Beautiful 3 door Italian dresser with mirror for sale. High sheen mahogany. Brand new condition. Best offer, pictures available, txt only 8457460486
Master Bedroom Furniture For Sale Excellent Condition
Please Call/Text 845. 445. 5271.
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!! We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. New! Option of shipping
case of 6 Kendamil directly to you from England. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Beautiful fully furnished Shabbos equipped 6 bedroom 2 bath house. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Large 2 bdrm in pomona available. walk in,s.s. apliances, w/d,,sep a/c ,sep entrance. plz text 848-5259112.
Beautiful 4 room, 2 baths, private walk in apartment for rent on Elaine Pl. (No smoking) 845-538-5548/ 845-642-3213
Newly renovated apt avail immed : 2 bedrooms: stunning bathroom: spacious kitchen: quartz counters; fancy lights: elegant flooring: Spacious Storage Shed: Very big backyard. TEXT ONLY. (917)830-6341
***BRAND NEW*** 9’ ceiling, walk in, 4 room apt for rent on Scottland Hill Rd. Chestnut Ridge. can also be great option for offices! 845608-9243
Beautiful villas with saltwater heated pool on gorgeous property. All amenities and kitchen accessories included. Near shul & Kosher grocery. call/ text 347-224-5574/ 347-2741511
3 room apartment great for Chosson/ Kallah in Newday area Call Monsey Realty 845376-0906
House For Rent in Wesley Hills. Recently Renovated, 5 Bedrooms 3 Full Baths, avail immediately Call 347.385.7482
Private Home (Monticello, NY), 4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Lg Basement. Front & Enclosed Backyard. Call: 718-853-8114 Section 8 ok
5 Bedroom plus playroom flat on Westside. Freshly painted and scraped. Section 8 ok. Call Monsey Realty 845-3760906
4 bedroom Semi attached private house, big backyard, and big playroom. Freshly renovated. On Wolf. Call Monsey Realty 845-376-0906
House for rent short term (approx a year), 4 bedrooms in the Jacaruso area call/text 845-274-7737
Seeking an individual to entertain a behavioral 3-year-old boy
Seeking a Yiddish-speaking individual to help a 5-year-old with focusing skills through play
Flexible hours and days of week
Spring Valley area
HS diploma required
REFERENCE#7 794116963
3-year-old boy to his therapy appointments
Seeking an English-speaking individual to supervise a 1-year-old girl work on skills through play
Four times weekly
Afternoon hours
Monsey area
Seeking a caring Yiddish-speaking individual to help a mom with a 1-year-old infant with Down syndrome
Four to five times weekly • Afternoon hours
Three to five times weekly • 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Spring Valley area
HS diploma required
REFERENCE#7 794115057
Monsey area
Seeking a caring Yiddish-speaking individual to babysit a 5-year-old with CP Nights
Spring Valley area
REFERENCE#7 777312447
Seeking a Yiddish-speaking individual to entertain and help care for a medically fragile 3-year-old boy
Monday - Thursday • 7:00 pm - 9/10:00 pm
HS diploma required
Monsey area
HS diploma required
REFERENCE#7 728984370
Seeking an individual to entertain a behavioral 3-year-old boy
Three to five times weekly • 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Monsey area
HS diploma required
Seeking an individual to entertain a behavioral 3-year-old boy
HS diploma required
Seeking an English-speaking individual to help out with a 2-year-old boy and his siblings
Seeking an indivi 3-year-old b appo
Flexible days of week • 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Three to five days weekly • 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Spring Valley area
HS diploma required REFERENCE#646079700
Three to five times weekly • 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Seeking a Yiddish-speaking individual to babysit a 5-year-old boy with CP Night hours
Flexible days of week
Monsey area
Spring Valley area
Monsey area
Seeking a Yiddish-speaking individual to entertain and keep a 3-year-old boy busy
HS diploma required
Flexible days of week
Afternoon hours
Monsey area • HS diploma required
Drivers license required
Seeking an individual to accompany a 3-year-old boy to his therapy appointments
Monsey Drivers license
Flexible days of week • 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Monsey area
Drivers license required
Hawthorne, NJ (30 min. from Monsey area)
Manage real estate purchase and leasing deals nationwide from inception to completion.
Experience in full deal process from sourcing and underwriting through closing
3 years of Commercial Real Estate experience preferred
Well-developed industry network needed
Regular travel required
Hawthorne, NJ (30
Liaise between clients and internal departments
Move projects forward, and manage communications for senior executive
Hawthorne, NJ (30 min. from Monsey area)
Experience in Real Estate and financial analysis a plus
Project Management experience preferred
To apply, send resumes to:
To apply, send resumes to:
To apply, send resumes to:
2/3 bedroom House for rent in Dexter park neighborhood in Chestnut Ridge. Available immediately. Please TEXT 845.304.7090
Newly renovated small offices and Cubicle Desks for rent on LENORE AVE. Please call 845 533 2427
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
Retail building in haverstraw on rt 9w 4,000 sf, asking $999k, great location, text or call 845.203.1120
Double Garage For rent In Viola/Union Area For More Info Text 347. 522. 4872.
Brand new, beautifully furnished, hotel-style suite available for Shabbos and weeks. Also available temporarily for chosson kallah. For more info call: 845366-6553.
Shared office space available for women only. Located in Chestnut Ridge. Professional and supportive environment. 8453760721
Beautiful size, unrenovated basement for storage space on Nesher Court available for rent as of November. Please call/text: 845-422-7274
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Brand new luxury villa in Tucson Arizona, kosher kitchen, gorgeous outdoor pool, 3 min walk to Shul. Call 917-754-3679/347-274-1511
8 Bedroom House with pool, jaccuzi and Sauna in the Spring Valley area available for Shabbos & Yom Tov 845499-7445
Looking for someone to do subbing for a babysitting group in a school setting, warm atmosphere. Please call: 845-490-0491
Looking to hire an assistant immediately for a 2-yearold playgroup in Pomona. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736.
Amazing opportunity for the right candidate with lots of potential to grow.
Established, small ABA company is looking to hire a mature, detail oriented secretary with strong communication skills to manage all aspects of the office including but not limited to payroll, insurance billing, HR, and service coordination.
Full training provided. Flexible hours. 2 years of office experience preferred. Email: office@abatalks.com Call: 845-579-6080 ext.101
Construction company seeking self motivated, experienced estimator/ bookkeeper. Great pay for the right individual. Great Environment. Please email resume to construction9948@gmail. com
Our dynamic, exciting and lovable pre1a and first grade classes are looking for an assistant teacher. Please contact Pfriedland@ chedermonsey.org or call 845-270-8796. This is a great learning opportunity for the right person.
Local chassidish school seeks capable, bright, knowledgeable person to assist in english curriculum. 845-402-6118
Local chassidish girls school seeks capable and hardworking assistants for first and second grade. Great working environment, great pay. 845-402-6118
Local chassidish girls school seeks 8th grade history holocaust teacher 2 afternoons per week. Great working environment, great pay. 845-402-6118
Property Management Office
Hiring for Admin Assistant and bookkeeper in Montale NJ Please email resume to nk@papercitypm.com
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Are you seeking a rewarding office role? We are a Real Estate company located in Monsey hiring a fulltime Accounting and Administrative Coordinator. Some prior office experience along with basic proficiency in Excel and Word preferred. Please send your resume to hr@wepgr.com.
High school office is looking for a F/T secretary. Must be computer literate, able to multitask and have good communication skills. E-Mail resume to newsecretary18@ gmail.com or Fax 845-3560854
Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume: jewelrypersonal@gmail.com
Layettes (845) 213-3646
Layettes Text 718-551-1732
Doula 845-587-1649
Labor Bag 347-604-3274
Pidyon Haben Accessories 845-6427256
Pidyon Haben 845-659-6704
Pidyon Haben Gemach 845-356-3568
Formula 347-267-3640 Or 216-889-
Neocate Formula 718-853-4090
Neocate Formula 845-517-9221
Formula Gemach 845-371-3232
Carseats, Bassinet & Pack N Plays. 425-1202
Carseats, Pack N Plays, Strollers, Pumps 845.425.6826
Doona Car Seat 845-445-7474
Brass Iron Bassinet 917-280-4559
Preemie Clothing 845-520-0475
The Preemie Box 845.664.5768 Or 718.688.5814
Baby Scale 845-578-5639
Baby Headphone 845 356 6797 Or 845 558 9370
Baby Scales 845-694-8985
Easy birth from Koznitzer Maggid 917-514-9461
Bris Accessories 617-955-3630
Bris Accessories 845 425 8359
Bris Accessories 425 3873
Bris Accessories 425-6574
Bris Accessories 356-6215
Blue Light 845.425.1919
Poya and bris outfit w/ tefillos 845425-0672
Bris outfit & Poya 917-909-4072
Bris outfit poya, also tefilla cards 845 3564859 Ralph area
Pillow/Benchers 845-213-0602
Knife Sharpening For Mohalim 718384-6214
Segula Stone 347-699-6418
Preemie Outfit 845.558.7065
Krias Shema Board With Stand 4254540
Free Mohel 347-383-5696
Gowns 845-517- 8808
Mother & Sister Gowns 845-426-7496 Or 845-352-3031.
Gown And Petticoats 347-278-1278
Ivory/white/dusty blue gowns 845371-1765
Floral Bisomim 845-629-2785.
Hats $25. 347-351-1604
Elegant Hats 845-517-0838.
Bands & Berets 845-371-3556
Tichel 845-548-0014
Mechitza’s, Tables, Chairs Etc. Call 845445-8015
Hot Water Urns 845-425-9211
Ear-Plugs 845-202-0105.
Toys 845-578-6513
Toys 917-538-3453.
Clics 845-352-5820
Tablecloths (845) 371 2105
Tablecloth 352-8292
Tablecloths 352-8292
Gold Chargers 845-573-9772
shelves, stands, trays & centerpieces
Siddurs. Sfard: 845-608-7830 Ashkenaz: 845 352 1756 Or 845-826-6718
Siddur/Chumash 558.4774
Benchers 845-642-0910
Bentchers 347-404-2204
Bechers 845-377-5671
Becher, Challah Deklich, Zemiros 845425-0498
Coat Rack And Hangers 845-356-9841
Chuppa Cards 347-278-1278
Chupah Cards 845.222.0456
Chuppah Tefillos Booklets. 845-213-
Wedding Kit 845-425-2036
Wedding Kit 845-371-2947
Simcha Powder Room Kit 845-263-
Accessories Basket 845-371-6857
Children Hair Pieces 3473001679
Portable Chuppah 845-425-4790
Sound System 917-382-8809
Evening Bags 845-549-2929
Shmiras Halashon Cards 537-0069
Earplugs for Simchos 845-328-1071
22 qt crockpots, big hot plates, big pots, perculator
Simcha table centerpieces
Centerpieces 845-570-7755
Wedding guest accessories basket 845-425-0963
Yom Hachuppah Cd 845-352-2560
Crowns, veils, shoes, capes 426-0767
Headpieces, Tiaras, Veils 845-425-
White Sneakers 917-613-6579
White Shoes 845-200-0211
Kallah Hand Bouquet 845-459-3567
Dress your kallah stress free. Book 1
week in advance 518-306-1167
Kallah Dresser 845-300-5767
Ribbis Question? 347-977-0628
Notary Public 347-228-8825
Fix necklines 845-238-6691
Hairstyling 845-540-3731
Hair styling 845-502-6558
Haircuts & Styling 845-352-8101/ 845-499-3218
Wash & sets $25, 347-944-0003
Haircutting/Styling 845-263-7057
Haircutting & Styling 845-422-5337
Hospital Supplies 746-8293
Hospital Gown 845-425-8687
Hospital Gown 845-426-4695
Hospital Gowns 845-356-5364
Medical Equipment Email Slmw50@
DVDS & players for Cholim/Homebound 425-2660
Simcha Maternity 845-425-1725
Maternity Coats Text only 845-521-
Bed Rest? Laundry Help. 213-7437
Maternity Clothing 845-445-9687
Maternity Coat Text Only 8455212912
Twin Boppy Pillows (845) 445-9298
Proposal Gemach 347-277-4072
Makeup 845-517-7128
Gps & Waze 845-352-2588 (Minimal
Kosher Waze 845.587.1708
Roof Carriers 845-659-1863.
Pack N Play Sheets Included. Text: 845-216-4885
Pack n plays 845-426-1177/ 347-6318183
Beautiful nishmas cards 845-729-7390
Poya (outfit, hat, booties) 845-4250672
Help-a-mom. to volunteer call 347977-6816
Phones For Emergencies. 845-3760738
Reflectors 845-356-0815
Reflectors 347-977-6816
Feeding Supplies 845-366-6398
Natural Health Support, text 347 2287578
Ostomy Supplies 845-637-6231
Moving Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Boxes 845-425-6826 Or 845-6087830
Boxes 845-642-5286
Boxes Text (845) 641-5536
Heaters 845 362 8666
Phone Gemach 845-445-7422
Air Mattresses 9176537170
Air mattress gemach Text/WhatsApp
Coat racks & Hangers 845-352-4640
Baby scale 845-540-1710
Cuddles n Cradles 347-243-7495
Outfit and pillow 914-715-2672
Suitcases 845-371-9121
Bike Racks 845-659-1863.
Opwdd Sd Advice Email Slfydhm@ Gmail.com
Dating Game perfect matches
Teacher’s Bulletin 845-425-8046
Computer Advice (862) 248-1931
Loans 347-385-1408
Moving Help packing/unpacking 845281-5900
Pack N Plays with sheets text 845280-3470
Digital Cameras 8264062
Phone With Service 845-445-7422
Eczema Cream 845-274-7858
Single parent? Help with shopping etc. 516-203-2616
Kids Wardrobe 540-9375
Hairstyling 845-570-7121
Washing Stations 845.428.9014
Yiddish & English Poems 845-587-3018
Shabbos lamps (914) 391-3787
Lev Simcha music groups/visits
Sefer Torah 347-598-0357
Free-shalom bayis 845-213-0602
Mezuzos 845-540-1802
Drop in babysitter - (845) 445-9391
laminators & paper cutters msg 845263-7115
Kendamil formula 914-523-0592
Zichron Eliezer mailing Gemach 845213-5617
Hachnosas Kallah loan gemach 347415-1525
Heimish Chicken soup 845-352-3959
Costume Used or new 8455380990
Title insurance company in Monsey is looking to hire a full time employee. Must be detail oriented and organized. Please email resume to monseyresume123@gmail.com
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/WhatsApp 732800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
Be Your Own Boss! Join New York Life Insurance Co. as a seasoned salesperson or our fast track to management program. Experience top training, support, and retirement benefits. Make an impact, secure your future. Connect today! dglick@ newyorklife.com or Call 845-6395216
A marketing agency is looking for a part time graphic designer that knows bookkeeping as well. from 10:30am- 1:30pm MonThurs. Candidate must have whatsapp and great communication skills. $35 an hour. Please email resume to Workfromhomeparttime10952@ gmail.com
We are looking for female staff to work with students on a one to one basis.Excellent pay and training provided. Please call 845-729-3001.
Heimishe cheder seeking tutors for the upcoming school year: man for the older grades, and lady/girl for the younger grades. Afternoon hours. Reading and math skills. Please send resume to title@vienmonsey.org or fax to 845.208.0440.
• Business Development Specialist, Healthcare/SNF experience / sales leadership required, 300k, Monsey
• CTO, supply chain/3PL experience, 200k, Edison NJ
• Customer Service Manager, 120k, Ridgfield Park NJ
• Amazon PPC Manager, w/ extensive PPC experience, 175k, Monsey
• Financial Controller, CPA/healthcare experience preferred, 150k, Monsey
• Controller, CFR/ non-profit experience a plus, oversee Fiscal dept, 120k - 150k, Monsey
• Property Asset Manager, minimum 3 yrs. experience, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Accounting Supervisor, 3+ yrs. as an Accountant, 130k+, Monsey
• Team Lead, oversee remote project managers, strong technical background w/ software development knowledge required,125k, Edison NJ
• Architectural CAD Drafter, 2 yrs. experience, full-time, 120k+, Newark and Ridgefield NJ
• Commercial Insurance Underwriter 2+ yrs. experience, excellent salary, REMOTE or Bklyn
• Skilled Social Media In-house Content Creator, w/ large brand experience, 120k, Newark
• Project Manager, ERP/tech-savvy a plus, 115k, Newark or Monsey
• Product Owner w/ERP Experience required, 115k, Newark or Monsey
• Skilled Product Description Writer, [please share your portfolio] 100k, Newark
• Corporate Sales Rep, 2 yrs. experience w/ closing corporate sales, great communication, self-motivator, 100k base salary plus commissions.
• UI/UX Designer, 2 yrs. experience, 100k+, Monsey
• Payroll Manager, oversee 6 payroll admins, 100k+, Clifton, NJ
• Payroll Implementation Specialist, be technical, detailed, multitasking –will train. 80k+, Clifton, NJ
These people were all unemployed before!
• NetSuite Admin, 1+ yr. experience required, 85k - 100k, Monsey
• HR Director, female office, experience with recruiting and onboarding, Yiddish speaking a plus, 9am-4pm, 90k, Monsey
• Buyer, communication, detailoriented, negotiating w/ writing skills, 80k, Monsey
• Executive Assistant to CEO, full-time position, relevant experience required. 80k, Monsey
• Client Relations Admin, great communication skills, 75k+, Monsey
• Fundraiser, in-office, full-time position, salary plus commission, Monsey
• Male Day Service Supervisor- Oversee boys day-hab and respite programs, Monsey
• Resident Manager Male/Female, for a homecare agency, 70k, Monsey
• IT Level 1 and 2 Support, 60k-85k, Monsey
• Male/Female Care Manager, [BA or First Talmudical degree required], $30+/hr. Monsey and Monroe
• Service and Intake Coordinator positions, Female office. Great communication skills required. $27/ hr. Monsey
• Have real estate title insurance? Great full-time position in a Real Estate firm, Monsey
• Male/Female - Customer Service and Quality Control JOB OPENINGS, great pay, Edison, NJ
• Handyman, full-time, beginner ok, must have a strong knack at handywork, 65k w/growth potential, Monsey
• Executive Assistant, Real Estate. Office experience required, 9am-4pm, $2530/hr. Monsey
• Office Assistant, help with basic admin tasks. Must have car. 15 hours weekly, $22/hr. Monsey
• Multiple full-time office admin positions, $25-32/hr. Monsey
• Entry-level medical biller positions, female office, full-time, $22/hr.+ Monsey
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well-paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Grocery now hiring women/girls to carefully pick and fulfill customer orders. Looking for people who are detail oriented and can communicate well. To apply, send your resume to Idy@thekosherhive. com or call 845-357-9500 ext 208.
200+ clients employed in high-paying positions. Contact Sarah Menczer, Certified Copywriter thejewishwriter@gmail.com Call/Text 347-409-5182
Seeking male and female DSPs to work with children. Must have HS Diploma. Contact: info@ ascendservicesny.com, 845280-9204
Asst Yeshiva Administrator/ Facility Manager- Monsey Area. Building Maintenance, Kitchen Management, Grants, Events and Special Projects. Must be organized, responsible, see things through. Email Resumes: polyequities@gmail.com
Join Skyscraper Insurance as an underwriter/client service specialist, it will open a world of opportunities and rewards. With the ever-growing demand for our services, you’ll have the chance to soar to new heights professionally, with unlimited potential for career advancement in excellent environment. Please email your resume to HR@skyscraperinsurance. com
A busy company in Suffern is seeking a highly motivated girl with excellent communication skills for its AR Dept. Great pay for the right candidate. Email RESUME@shifl.com.”
Monsey Cheder is seeking an English Principal/ Curriculum Director with excellent leadership skills. Call 845-579-6200 #0
A behavioral health company is seeking an HR associate to onboard new direct support staff, and ensure they meet all requirements. Requires excellent communication skills and attention to detail. FT hours. Email resume to aklaver@aylondon.com
Grocery now hiring qualified people to take customer orders over the phone. Remote position. If you’re good at talking with customers and paying attention to details, we want you! Send your resume to Idy@thekosherhive.com or call 845-357-9500 ext 208.
Looking for a Junior Accountant who will be responsible for overseeing in-house accounting tasks including payroll, A/P, A/R, bank reconciliations, and expense analysis. Ideal candidate has at least 1-2 years of accounting experience, keen attention to detail, and excels at
multitasking within a fast-paced environment. Full-time, hybrid position. To apply, email resume to hr@ arkmortgage.com.
Newborn babysitter 0-6 months warm experience, Babysitter, excepting very few babies to give them their individual attention MonThu 9-4:30 great references 845-274-5450
An accounting manager with over ten years experience, is available a few hours a week, to manage your books, 347.496.5242
For all your bookkeeping and office work needs call: 845709 -7357
On demand Torah lectures Video-Audio-download All for free Computer or App for iPhone/Android Or Hotline 718-298-2077. YiddishHebrew - English
For all your custom closets please call or text 1347.522.4872
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Release blockages, pain and trauma thru craniosacral therapy. Booking now in October with Simi Steiner, from Israel. Limited slots still available. Call 845-608-7624 if no answer leave a message.
“Change your Water.. Change your life” Alkaline - AntiOxidant - Super Hydrating Call for FREE supply and feel AMAZING! 917-681-0003
Complete your look! Adult & kids petticoats for rent, Beautiful floral wreath & crown headpieces for rent, Adorable kids jewelry, and more! Call 845-5020153 leave msg
Great prices. Call Miri 845426-7561
--In The Comfort of Home--
*Swedish *Deep Tissue
*Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Professional music lessons on the phone, available in Yiddish or English. Try it free! 718-435-1923
NEW WEBSITE? Get your Beautiful, Fast, SEO-Friendly Website done in 14 days, guaranteed. Email efraim@rapidquill.com
The perfectly designed photo album, Baby-Bar MitzvahWedding-Other. i-Pic Design, 845-379-ipic / bookipic@ gmail.com
Expert help for all your computer / IT needs. Serving homes and businesses. SrulTech Solutions (201) 815-4410
Enthusiastic entry-level software developerfemale, looking for a remote job. Proficient in C# and SQL. Please email softwaredevelopermtl@ gmail.com
For all your digital & print design needs! Designbydevorah@gmail. com | designbydevorah.com | 929.324.7247
Keyboard lessons By Miri. Great Prices! Call 845-4267561 or 845-263-6437
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Of toys, arts & crafts, or supplies, in good condition, for a Heimishe Moised. Call 845.500.3100
NEW! NEW! NEW! Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
9 Day Detox program which will jump start your journey to a slimmer and healthier you! After Yom Tov Sale! Call for details! 845-587-0293
Silver/Grey colored gown size 2-4 8455380391
Very Elegant, Winter White trimmed with Black Velvet, girls size 12/14 for sale. Please Call 845-709-7161.
Adorable gold gown by Dassy available to buy or rent. Toddler size 4. Call 422-5596 for more info
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Sister of the bride white, shirt dress style gown. Size 0-2. Please call 845-694-2026
Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
Navy penny loafer sz 29 at Viola on Chol Hamoed. If you took size 29 instead of 27 call 845-237-2428
Iphone chol hamoed at Hamaspik of Rockland fair 718-834-8836
האדוהו חבש בורב
ודסח בור לע םלוע ארוב לקל
לודג קלח ךנחל וניכזש ךרבתי
דואמ רצק ןמזב תראפתלו םשל הנבנש
ןינבה לש ר"עטקארטנאק
ךשמב שדוקה תרמשמ לע דמעש
האלפנ תוריסמב ןמזה לכ
לאומש השמ ר"הומ ו"יה גרעבנעטטאר
לש ראטארטסינימדא 'קה וניתודסומ
דעצו דעצ לכ לע דמעש
'ינבה תכאלמ לכ ךשמב
'קה וניתודסומ לש רעשזדענעמ
ןמזה ךרוא לכל הבורמה ותרזע לע
ו"יה ןילטייצ למעל ר"הומ ו"יה שטיוואסאקניפ השמ ר"הומ
השודקבש רבד לכל ץרמנ ןקסע
ןמזה ךרוא לכל הבורמה ותרזע לע
אנמחרד החולש ירת
ןבייה רימ ןא ןיוש
ברה תלהנהב םולש רזעילא איקצנאדאב
תורחבה ימיידוצךידבייהרעד
רעמ ראפ ךיז ןוא םיטרפ ןביירשוצנייא טפור עטיב יתומירה‘ יד ’ןייל-טאה
845. 501. 9898
!הרובח א סיוא טלעוו
ןא טצעי ןבייה רימ רוזחמ עיינ א 8
ם‡ר‚‡רפ ר‡י ﬠבú‡‰
The crowds thoroughly enjoying their Chol Hamoed outing rented out exclusively for Hamaspik of Rockland at the St. Lawrence Community Center
Individuals and their families delighted in the numerous activities available: Arcades Carnival ~Balloon Sculpting~Amusement Rides~Inflatable Fun~Craft Workshops~Circus Shows~Petting Zoo plus an assortment of Kosher fruits and treats. To wrap up the Chol Hamoed extravaganza each family went home with a personalized good-bye package
:ןופ לאווסיוא עגיזיר א ןבאה רימ
ךעלפ‡˜ ■ ˙יˆיˆ ■ ןט‡ל‡ח ■ ן˜‡ז ■ ˘עוורעטני‡ ■ רע„מע‰ ןרע‰ע‚וˆ על‡ ןו‡ ■ רע‚ייזרע˜עוו ■ ךעלטר‡‚
Editor in Chief: D. GORALNIK
Content Editor: R. REESE
Associate Editor: E.M. NEIMAN
Food Editor: M.P. WERCBERGER
Creative Director: AJ WACHSMAN
Project Coordinator: R. ITZKOWITZ
E-mail: ads@themonseyview.com
Website: www.themonseyview.com
MISSION STATEMENT: The Monsey View is a weekly publication designed for every segment and age group of our diverse community. Under rabbinical guidance, we bring Monsey’s top talent together to provide high-quality, informative and current reading material, keeping you up to date on sales, events, news and issues of concern and import happening right now in the Monsey community.
DISCLAIMER: We do not endorse any ad found in this publication. We are not responsible for typographical or grammatical errors.
COPYRIGHT: All content found in The Monsey View is copyright and may not be reproduced, published, distributed or duplicated for public or private use without written permission from The Monsey View.
Limit one (1) per family