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(Re: The Path to Humility, Issue 453)
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the weekly parsha column. It doesn’t get the kind of attention that your (phenomenal) serials and features get, but it should! At my stage in life, I have hardly any time to read anything inspirational, I can’t go to shul, and I barely know what parsha it is. When I open up The Monsey View every Wednesday and start with the parsha column, I get my weekly dose of inspiration — just in time to start my Shabbos preparations. Thank you!
A Busy Yiddishe Mamme
(Re: Flying Colors, Issue 453)
I really enjoyed reading Tali Edelstein’s account about her experience taking an aptitude test. I always wondered if all those IQ tests, personality tests and aptitude tests are worth anything. It was super interesting to see which jobs the test recommended, most of which I had never even heard of. I loved being able to “hear” the writer’s commentary as she went along, so we got to see what the test was all about as well as how she felt about it.
I was a little disappointed to see the reference to AI in the article. The gedolim of our community have unequivocally directed us not to use AI. I don’t know where the writer lives, and I’m sure it was just a mistake. Please be more careful in the future.
Thanks for your amazing magazine. I look forward to every new issue.
Loyal Fan
Set up your pre-bookings today
(Re: POV, Issue 453)
I was excited to read that POV is going weekly. It’s my favorite column! It’s like standing at the bus stop or at a simcha, schmoozing with people you don’t see too often, and getting interesting and new ideas. Looking forward to seeing it in every issue! Just a suggestion: Maybe you can set up a way for readers to send in ideas for POV questions.
We value your suggestions and feedback! You can send comments and suggestions to comments@themonseyview. com.
(Re: At His Side, Issue 452)
I would like to thank The Monsey View for printing the article “At His Side” about the special Yid who has committed his entire life to learning Torah and his wife who made it possible for so many decades. I would like to share with you the impact the story had on me personally. I have been learning in kollel since I got married over a decade ago. Baruch Hashem, my wife and I have a large family. Our income is low, and our standard of living is also low. We try make it work and focus on being content with our lifestyle. As time goes on, however, it’s become harder to make ends meet. In addition, the standards of living around us has risen tremendously over the last fifteen years. All these factors have been wearing us down, leading us to question whether we need to make changes. Like the person in the article, we don’t want to… but it’s hard.
Reading the article gave my wife and myself a lot of chizuk It changed my perspective and gave me a huge boost to continue. We know what we want, and even though it’s hard, we see it can be done. Thank you for the chizuk and inspiration. Name Withheld
(Re: Crossing the Divide, Issue 452)
I just wanted to say that I loved the article “Crossing the Divide” in the Shavuos issue. When I was in elementary school, a girl from Yemen joined my class. Over the years, we slowly became friends. It was so fascinating and enriching to learn about another community and see the differences, and especially similarities, in the way we each lived. Reading your article, what struck me most is that the differences are all in the small details. On the important things, I think we all agree.
Thank you for printing such uplifting stories. May we be zoche soon to experience again the sense of “k’ish echad b’lev echad” like we did at Har Sinai, with the coming of Mashiach b’meheirah
A few weeks ago, I attended an event at my son’s school. At one point during the speech, I stepped out of the auditorium to call home and check on my kids. As I was walking back toward the auditorium, one of the organizers of the event approached me. There was another man with him whom I did not know. They asked me if I was going back into the auditorium and if I knew who a specific person was. They were looking for a mother in the school, who also happens to be a good friend of mine. They asked me if I could call her out of the room; they had been trying to reach her on her cell phone, but it was off.
When I finally found my friend in the audience, I motioned to her to follow me. Only when we’d stepped out of the auditorium did it register that the other man was a Hatzolah member. He told my friend that her son had been riding an electric scooter when he hit the curb and went flying. He had been going at high speed and was badly injured. He was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital at that point. My friend’s daughter, who had been babysitting, tried reaching her by phone, but it was off, so Hatzolah came to the school to find her.
Baruch Hashem, her son is expected to make a complete recovery. However, his injuries were significant. He was hospitalized for two days. Although this happened four weeks ago, he has not been able to return to school.
The Hatzolah members and medical team all agree that his helmet saved his life. If your child rides any kind of scooter or bike, make sure they wear a helmet. The importance of a helmet cannot be overstated. I realize that these stories circulate frequently, which may inure readers to the message, but please realize that the fact that this happens so frequently is proof that the message cannot be ignored. Wishing everyone a safe summer,
Enjoy a rejuvenating break with our fully accommodated midweek
Name one book you “grew up on.”
To receive the POV question in your inbox every week, send an email to pov@themonseyview.com with the word “subscribe” in the subject line. WHAT SPECIAL BEDTIME ROUTINE DO YOU HAVE FOR YOUR KIDS? WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE MONTH, AND WHY? HOW DO YOU KEEP EVERYONE BUSY BETWEEN SCHOOL AND CAMP?
Please submit your answer by July 1 for a chance to see it in print! Email or text pov@themonseyview.com | Fax 845-600-8483
Starting next week, your favorite column will appear in every issue! Look for it right after the Inbox. We can’t wait to hear YOUR point of view!
Y. Levenstein
When the meraglim returned to the midbar, Klal Yisroel was waiting to hear their report. “We came to the land to which you sent us,” they began, “and it is flowing with milk and honey, and this is its fruit.” Then they continued talking, but with a negative slant, relaying their view of the mighty inhabitants, their giant offspring, and the large fortified cities ( Bamidbar 13:27–28).
Rashi explains why the meraglim prefaced their lashon hara with two positive descriptions, citing the Gemara ( Sotah 35a): “Any lie that is not prefaced with a little truth in the beginning cannot be ultimately maintained.”
This concept is a bit difficult to understand. How could it be that sheker, which is 100% negative, can be maintained if it is joined by emes, which is absolutely good?
How is it possible that emes supports the sheker?
IN THE CITY OF LEMBERG, in the beis din of the Yeshuos Yakov, Rav Yakov Orenstein, zt”l, there was a chashuve talmid chacham who was tasked with overseeing the city’s eruv. His name was Reb Naftali Hirsch.
Every Friday, Reb Naftali would make his rounds of the city, inspecting the eruv and fixing whatever needed to be fixed so no Yid would transgress the issur of
hotzaah on Shabbos. All other days of the week, Reb Naftali would immerse himself in learning, to the exclusion of all else.
There was no money in the home — quite literally. Though they barely managed to scrape by, Reb Naftali’s family never complained. However, as his children grew up and his daughters came of age, a new problem arose. Without the offer of a dowry, how would he ever merit finding good sons-in-law?
Years passed, and soon there were four daughters of marriageable age, all waiting and wondering if their hair would grow white before they were wed.
At that time, the government levied a “Shabbos candle tax,” demanding a substantial sum of money for every candle lit in Yiddishe homes for Shabbos. This decree caused the already impoverished Yidden much suffering.
Many Yidden would report using just one or two candles when in fact they lit many more. The officials expected this and found no way to enforce the decree without involving the help of the Yidden themselves. Several Yidden would be responsible to collect the taxes; with these insiders, it would be hard to hide the true number of candles be-
The officials appointed a supervisor for the tax collectors, a Yid known to be a rasha
“You sell me your zechus from the eruv, and I’ll pay you enough to marry off all four of your daughters comfortably”
ing lit. The tax collectors were offered a generous percentage of the funds they collected for the unreported candles they caught.
These collectors made life miserable for their fellow Yidden. They snitched to the government at every opportunity, even on candles that had already been taxed.
To make matters worse, the officials appointed a supervisor for the tax collectors, a Yid known to be a rasha, a man who had no connection to Yiddishkeit and never came to shul — not even on Yom Kippur. He pushed the collectors to be as “faithful” as they could to their task. Needless to say, everyone tried their utmost to steer clear of this man.
One Erev Shabbos, as Reb Naftali was busy with the eruv, he heard a voice call his name. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he realized it was none other than the feared tax supervisor, who was calling out from the window of his house.
“Come inside,” the man said. “I must speak with you.”
Reb Naftali had no choice but to comply. His lips murmured Tehillim as he made his way to the supervisor’s door.
Surprisingly, the supervisor welcomed Reb Naftali warmly, offering him a recliner. Then he began speaking. “I watch you every week, and I envy you. Better said, I envy your reward. I see how lovingly you do your job, your mitzvah, and I know great reward awaits you.
“I want to make a deal with you,” he continued. “You sell me your zechus from the eruv, and I’ll pay you enough to marry off all four of your daughters comfortably.”
Reb Naftali sat, openmouthed. Should he really sell his reward? Perhaps for hachnasas kallah it was worthwhile…
The tax collector supervisor noticed Reb Naftali wavering. “Don’t
rush to reply today. Think it over, and let me know next week.”
Reb Naftali went straight to the Yeshuos Yakov.
“You should know,” said the Yeshuos Yakov, “that besides chiyus empowered by kedusha, there is no chiyus in this world. All life takes its energy from true sources of kedusha
“Even reshaim,” he explained. “They may be far from the source of kedusha, but it is only because they tapped into some iota of kedusha, which they perhaps earned from a good deed, that gives them the ability to maintain years and years of wickedness.
“This supervisor,” the Yeshuos Yakov said, “already cut himself off from anything that has a connection to kedusha. That’s why his neshamah longs so desperately for a zechus, for a mitzvah that would connect him with the source of life.
“Beware not to give this man any part of your mitzvah! If you do, you’ll be enabling him to continue to do bad, and even negatively affect Klal Yisroel.”
Reb Naftali Hirsch went right to the supervisor’s home to tell him that he was declining the deal.
Amazingly, just several minutes later, the supervisor fell to the ground without a sign of life.
Clearly, even evil cannot exist without receiving energy from kedusha
* * * * *
Kedusha empowers everything in this world. Even the very opposite of kedusha can have no power on its own, if not for what it acquires from kedusha. Without that element of kedusha, it simply dissipates.
For this reason, if a falsehood contains no trace of truth, if it has no connection to the source of all good, it will inevitably not endure.
Where storage solutions are simple and stress-free
It started out with closet design. As a custom closet designer and someone with organization systems down pat, it was only natural that once their closets were complete, Tova’s clients sought her advice for setting them up.
She would advise her clients on which containers to purchase and guide them on organizing the space. But reaching the right solutions meant multiple trips — scouting out local home goods stores, a visit to Target, a trip to the Container Store, a stop at Ikea… Besides the time and hassle involved, it meant that so many people never got around to finishing the project they had already invested so much in.
Wanting to help her clients, she reached out to companies and purchased a variety of bins to have available for her clients, so they didn’t have to go through the entire hassle.
But what about everyone else? Didn’t more people in Monsey need convenient access to organizing solutions?
That was when the decision to establish a store that would fill all organizational needs in one place was reached.
Since then, Made To Order has helped hundreds of housewives, kallahs, and organizers create organized, serene spaces.
“When customers walk in, their first reaction is, ‘I love this place, it’s like a candy store for me,” Esty Brull, one of Made To Order’s in-house organizers, shares.
And as she describes everything you’ll find on the shelves of Made To Order Home, I see why. From an airtight matzah container that actually keeps the matzah fresh but is pretty enough for the Shabbos table, to a space-saving Betty Crocker stand that keeps it upright in a cabinet, to a wooden container that’s perfect for storing onions and potatoes, Made To Order is full of big and little solutions that make any balabusta’s life easier.
It’s an organizing wonderland, and it was created to be that way.
Whether a customer is looking for storage solutions for their kitchen, laundry room or playroom, Made To Order’s in-house organizers are on hand to optimize the process. The organizer displays all of the bins on the table at eye level, takes the bin measurements to determine which would work seamlessly with the customer’s space, and then works out with the customer which items will be stored in each bin.
The customer doesn’t have to take notes; the organizer is
on top of that, sticking a Post-It-Note on each container listing the contents that should go in it so setting up the space is a cinch once the customer gets home.
Every day at Made To Order brings a new challenge, and it takes the creativity of their staff to find out-of-the-box solutions. The organizers at Made To Order, Esty Brull, Esty Halpert, and Ruchy Kornitzer, are homemakers too, and they know exactly what their customers mean when they describe the unique challenges in running a Yiddishe home.
“One woman needed a solution for her silk tichlech,” Esty tells me. “She said, ‘I want to be able to see all my tichlech — the Shabbos styles, the weekday styles, the summer tichlech, the fall and winter tichlech — I need all of them accessible and organized!’”
You won’t find a tichel organizer at Made To Order, but with some creativity, the staff figured it out. Esty showed the customer how an acrylic shoe rack could serve as the perfect solution. And it was!
“We don’t go by rules,” Esty says, and indeed, the name says it all. Made To Order gives each customer a made-to-order, customized solution for their unique needs. And sometimes it means turning shoe bins into tichel holders.
“Then there was the woman with the toy bins,” Esty remembers, describing another customer’s dilemma. This customer had a huge amount of toys that she wanted to keep in large bins, and she wanted the bins to be on wheels.
Two large laundry hampers on wheels turned into this customer’s perfect toy bin. “She was thrilled with them,” Esty says.
From exclusive diffusers and acrylic boxes in all sizes, Made To Order also has a line of gorgeous gifting items curated by their staff to upgrade any space.
Made To Order specializes in working with kallahs, and offers a 10% discount on all substantial kallah orders.
A kallah-mother pair will often walk in just a week before their big day. Luckily, Made To Order is just the right address for people who are in over their heads.
When a harried mother of the kallah walks in, it’s not straight to business. A staff member will tell her, “First, sit down on the couch, and tell me how you like your coffee.” Then, once the mother is settled with a Grab1 energy bar and a hot drink, the organizer will start going through the kallah essentials that will make the difference to a brand-new home.
Working with the kallah’s budget — a week before a wedding everyone is maxed out in many ways — the organizer will point out what’s essential, and what are nice extras, making sure the apartment is accessorized with everything that is necessary without overspending.
“Something we always recommend is drawer dividers for the master bedroom furniture that enables the stuff to be organized in a neat and accessible manner,” Esty says.
With that type of understanding they display, it’s easy to see how Made To Order manages to create unique solutions for ev-
ery customer with effortless expertise.
A customer recently visited the store with an unusual request. She was starting a new cooking business and needed to organize part of her kitchen to accommodate it. The staff embraced the challenge, and put together a perfect puzzle of bins and organizers based on the space measurements.
The customer wasn’t only thrilled with her purchases, she reported that the entire order had cost only half of what she had expected to spend.
That night, Made To Order got a thank-you call from the customer. “You won’t believe the menuchas hanefesh you provided for me,” the customer said. “My husband was so excited about the changes, that I’m planning to return right away to organize the rest of my kitchen!”
That’s the kind of feedback that keeps the staff at Made To Order going, knowing that they’re bringing peace of mind to Yiddishe mothers all over Monsey.
Because when the home is organized, the brain is organized, and life feels organized and calm.
“Decanting” means transferring everything to a container as soon as you buy it. You don’t need to decant to have a neat kitchen. Many food items are best left in their original packaging and stored in a larger bin with similar items.
• Use a magazine holder in a cabinet to keep parsha sheets and school notes handy, accessible and contained in one place.
• Turntables are a great solution for storing laundry sprays, and they are space-saving too.
• Under-the-sink drawers serve as a great vanity organizer if you don’t have any shelving. They come in multiple sizing, styles and compartmentalization options.
With summer officially here and multiple bear sightings already reported, the Ramapo Police Department is reminding area residents to take steps to keep bears at bay.
Police issued a list of four “BearWise” tips issued by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. All are dedicated to keeping humans and bears safe in the coming weeks.
Residents are advised to place all trash in bear-resistant containers, or to keep their garbage indoors until the morning of their trash collections. With bears always looking for food sources, bird feeders should be taken down in the warmer months, barbecue grills should be cleaned, and pet food should be stored indoors.
The best course of action should you find yourself face to face with a bear? Remain calm, make noise, raise your arms to look taller, and back away slowly in order not to trigger the bear’s chase response.
A Gwen Lane resident had a very unpleasant surprise on June 20 when a bag that she set down near the curb for a few minutes was taken away by sanitation workers while she was inside her home.
Realizing that the Interstate Waste Services garbage truck had just passed by, the woman reached out to Chaverim of Rockland. Chaverim coordinator Yossi Margareten contacted a supervisor at IWS, who had the truck diverted from its normal route and sent directly to the dumping area in Hillburn, where it was unloaded.
Chaverim members donned protective gear and began sifting through the mountain of trash bags that had already been collected by the truck, finding the missing black tote bag nearly an hour later.
medical emergencies, with Catskills Hatzalah adding a pair of state-of-the-art ambulances to its fleet.
Hamodia reported that the four-wheel-drive vehicles were purchased with funding secured by Assemblywoman Aileene Gunther, whose district spans both Sullivan and Orange counties. They will be housed in the recently constructed Bloomingburg garage, and will be used by the dozen Hatzalah members who live nearby, to serve the Catskills region.
Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein was on hand in Bloomingburg as Hatzalah unveiled the new vehicles. He presented Gunther with a Hatzalah appreciation award, crediting his Assembly colleague for her tireless advocacy on behalf of her constituents.
Hoping to instill a sense of morality in its students, Louisiana has passed a law that will require every public school in the state to post the Aseres Hadibros in every classroom.
Signed into effect on June 19, the law would require postersized signs with an easily readable font to be placed in all classrooms, from kindergarten up, and in state-funded universities.
“If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start with the original lawgiver, which was Moses,” said Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry.
The thousands of people who will start heading upstate in the days ahead can feel confident in quick response times for
The signs will be paid for with donated funds and are intended to show that the Aseres Hadibros are foundational components of both state and national government. Similar laws
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are also being considered in Texas, Oklahoma and Utah.
Pledging to bring “common sense back to our classrooms,” Landry said he not only anticipates being sued over the signs, but is looking forward to facing the potential legal challenges.
With private jet usage continuing to rise, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has approved a plan that will bring more air traffic to Stewart International Airport, located 40 miles north of Monsey in Newburgh.
Stewart Airport was acquired by the State of New York and the New York State Department of Transportation in 1970. The Port Authority purchased the remaining 93 years of the airport’s operating lease, which was held by a private company, from the DOT for $78.5 million in 2007. The Port Authority is entering into 30-year leases with two development teams who will build and operate corporate jet hangars on 22 vacant acres of land located on the north end of the airport.
The plans call for 15 hangars, at a total cost of $119 million. The more than 300,000-square-foot will be able to house dozens of private jets, with private travel climbing 33% from 2019 to 2022. Hangar space in the metropolitan area is very limited, and New Jersey’s Teterboro Airport has a waiting list for those wanting to store small planes locally.
Leases for the new hangars at Stewart are expected to be finalized this fall, with an estimated completion date of early 2028. Sky Harbour, one of the two companies who will be developing the hangars, is also building hangars at Bradley International Airport near Hartford, Connecticut, and Hudson Valley Regional Airport in Poughkeepsie to meet the growing demand. Both are expected to be completed in 2026.
Stewart suffered a major blow this year when JetBlue, which had been flying out of the airport from 2006 until travel came to a screeching halt during the pandemic, announced that it was not resuming service out of Newburgh. The only airlines flying out of Stewart at this time are Allegiant and Breeze, which serve Charleston, Fort Myers, Orlando, Punta Gorda and Saint Petersburg-Clearwater/ Tampa, with Atlantic Airways and Play offering flights to Reykjavik, Iceland, and seasonal service to Denmark’s Faroe Islands.
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Gavi is wheeled into the OR for his transplant. He and Debbie say Nishmas immediately before the actual surgery, and then Debbie, her mother and her mother-in-law settle in for a long wait.
Despite the fact that I knew to expect a nineto fifteen-hour surgery, by eleven in the morning I was feeling antsy. There are only so many hours one can sit in a surgical waiting room. At this point, I’d clocked seven hours.
Finally, at 1:15 p.m., a doctor came through the swinging doors into the now bustling waiting room. He scanned the room and said, “Goldberg?”
I began shaking. For the first time since the beginning of the operation, I felt a surge of anxiety. My mother and mother-in-law hung back as I went over to the doctor.
“Surgery’s over,” he said. “It looks like it was successful. He’ll be moved up to the ICU in the next 30 minutes, and in about an hour, they’ll let you in to see him for a few minutes. After you see
him, go home. Rest. There are long weeks ahead of you. Anyway, he’s going to be sedated until tomorrow.”
An hour later, I was allowed into the ICU to see Gavi. “She can come too,” the nurse said, nodding towards Gavi’s mother, who wanted to see her son just as badly as I wanted to see my husband. We walked into the ICU — an unfamiliar world filled with beeps and monitors and muted groans. As soon as we saw Gavi, both of us started crying. He was intubated and sedated, a thin sheet covering him, with multi tudes of wires and tubes snak ing out in every direction. I said Nishmas, crying my way through the words. Then we were asked to leave.
“Straight to bed with you, Debbie,” my mother-in-law said, her hand gentle on my shoulder. She brought me to her house and sent me off to sleep.
I entered the bedroom where we had been when the call came in just 24 hours earlier. I lay down in bed and closed my eyes, but I was too uptight to sleep. I felt the adrenaline coursing through my system. I tossed and turned for a while, and then called the ICU for an update.
“No news,” the nurse answered briskly. “Everything looks good. You can come this evening, if you’d like, during visiting hours, but he’ll likely
be sedated until tomorrow.”
I tried to sleep again. My boys were safe at my sister-in-law’s house. My mother-in-law was sleeping in her room down the hall. Gavi was being taken care of, and he wasn’t aware that I wasn’t there. I tried to relax enough to sleep. Eventually, I dozed off for a few minutes.
My ringing phone woke me.
“He’s doing so well that we’ll be waking him soon,” the nurse reported. “You can come if you’d like.”
Of course I liked. I dashed out of bed and got to the hospital just as Gavi was waking up. Suddenly, the sleep deprivation, adrenaline, excitement and fear of the last day caught up with me, and I felt unsteady, dizzy, as if everything was draining out of me. I grabbed onto the nearest nurse, feeling like I was going to faint. She set me in a chair, raised my legs, and gave me a drink. When I felt a little more steady, I looked at Gavi. He was totally out of it, and kept opening and closing his eyes. I tried talking to him. He seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness.
I stopped him. “Doctor, please,” I said, a note of hysteria creeping into my voice, “Is everything okay?”
He brushed past me without replying. I waited, my nerves taut. Someone wheeled a portable ultrasound machine into the room.
“Can I come in?” I asked desperately.
“They’ll talk to you soon,” a nurse replied over her shoulder.
I waited anxiously. At about seven o’clock, the doctor came out to talk to me. He looked grim.
“We need to do an urgent CT,” he said. “The blood flow to one area of the liver seems to be impaired.” He didn’t have any answers to my questions. “We’ll know more after the CT.”
It took several nurses nearly forty minutes to transfer Gavi onto a portable bed with portable monitors and machines. When he was ready to go down, they allowed me to accompany him, but I had to wait outside during the actual scan. Again, I strained to hear what they were saying. After a while, I clearly heard Dr. Cohen barking, “Get him back into the OR; there’s a blockage.”
A rush of frenzied activity followed. Gavi’s gurney was rushed past me.
“We did it,” I whispered to him. “You did it. We’re past the surgery. You’ve had the transplant.” The words felt unbelievable even as I said them.
Two doctors, including our surgeon Dr. Cohen, walked in then and asked me to wait outside while they examined Gavi. I remained outside the cubicle and strained to make out what they were saying. To my consternation, they seemed to be discussing doing a CT scan and an ultrasound. Was this par for the course post-transplant? I had no one to ask.
Finally, one of the doctors came out, speaking on his phone, and tried to walk past me.
“Come,” Dr. Cohen called to me. “I’ll explain on the way.”
As Dr. Cohen and I jogged down the hallway to keep up with the gurney, he said, “There’s a blockage in a major artery, and it’s an absolute miracle that we found this. His life is in immediate danger.” He glanced at me as we continued running down the hospital corridor. “We checked him at four o’clock,” he said, “and everything looked good. I was leaving the hospital when I suddenly got a bad feeling about him. Something was telling me to go check Goldberg, that something wasn’t right. I can’t explain the feeling, but I came back and decided to do another ultrasound. Now we’re going to try and save his life.”
Grilled cheese doesn’t even need an introduction, but here’s one anyway.
You want an oozing cheesy lunch without putting too much thought to it. You want a simple supper that your kids will delight in. Whatever the reason, grilled cheese provides the goods.
Use the amounts listed as suggestions rather than rules; the size of bread varies, and some prefer more or less of certain components. I used sourdough bread to up my grilled cheese game; use whatever bread your family will enjoy most.
Talk about kid-friendly! This blend of salty, tangy and sweet makes this sandwich a joy for all ages.
8 slices bread
4 T. peanut butter
4 T. strawberry jam
4 oz. shredded cheddar cheese (I like to use a combination of Mozzarella and cheddar)
3 T. butter or margarine
1. Spread peanut butter on one side of a slice of bread. Spread jam on one side of the other slice.
2. Top jam with shredded cheddar cheese.
3. Place peanut butter-covered bread over top of jam/cheese bread to form a sandwich.
4. Spread butter (or margarine) on the outsides of the bread slices.
5. Heat a pan over medium-low heat. Place sandwiches in the pan. Cook the sandwiches low and slow for about 3 to 4 minutes on one side.
6. Carefully flip the sandwiches to the other side, and continue to cook for another 3 to 4 minutes or until they’re golden brown and crispy on the outside and the cheese has melted on the inside.
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These sandwiches require a bit more prep than your standard grilled cheese, but they are well worth the effort.
2 sticks butter, softened, divided
2 T. garlic powder
2 T. dried parsley Kosher salt
8 slices bread
16 slices Muenster cheese
½ cup Wondermills all-purpose flour
4 eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup panko breadcrumbs
1 cup marinara sauce
1. Combine 1½ sticks butter, garlic powder, parsley and a pinch of salt in a small bowl. Mix well.
2. Spread a thin layer of the butter mixture onto each slice of bread.
3. Place two slices of cheese onto half of the bread slices. Close the sandwiches.
4. Prepare three shallow bowls, one with the flour, one with the eggs and one with the breadcrumbs. Season the breadcrumbs with a pinch of salt.
5. Dredge each sandwich really well in the flour, eggs and breadcrumbs.
6. Heat two frying pans over medium-low heat. Add 2 tablespoons of butter to each pan, and allow it to melt.
7. Once the butter is hot, add two of the sandwiches to each pan. Cook low and slow until golden on one side, about three minutes.
8. Carefully flip the sandwiches. Cook for another 3 minutes until golden.
9. Serve with marinara sauce
SOON Only Limited slots
A fun and irresistible twist on good old grilled cheese.
Bread of choice
Shredded cheese of choice
Softened butter
1. Spread a thin layer of butter on one side of each slice of bread.
2. Turn one slice over, and place shredded cheese on top. Top with second bread, buttered side up.
3. Heat a pan to medium-low, and fry your sandwiches low and slow until deeply golden and crispy on both sides.
4. Spread a thin layer of cheese on the outside of each sandwich. Flip the sandwich and fry for a few seconds until the cheese is crisp. Repeat with the other side.
presummer special until july 1
What’s the water like for you?
Some of us swim like fish and lean into this wet and friendly element with trust and enjoyment.
Others are the wistful onlookers who retreat to beach chairs, watching said fish with both longing and terror. Water is their monster and they stay far away, lest it sweeps them into its terrifying depths.
Enter Zahava Shapiro, founder and owner of WaterWaze Swim Academy. Crusader for water safety and campaigner to end drowning incidents worldwide, Zahava is committed to teaching every person how water works so they can be comfortable and safe in any body of water. A tall order, if you ask anyone afflicted with aquaphobia.
I’d imagine a person with these credentials and this mission spends three-quarters of her waking hours in the pool. In actuality, Zahava describes herself as a four-burner person who has multiple things cooking at any given moment.
“I’m a volunteer EMT, CPR instructor, high school teacher and college professor,” Zahava says. “Year-round, I’m in the pool once a week, and from June to August, around four days a week. I focus my energies on training swimming instructors because I believe every instructor should learn to teach how to swim using a gentle approach that focuses on comfort before skill.”
According to Zahava, many instructors are self-taught and don’t know where to get information from to further their education. This leaves them with gaps in their education.
“I know this,” she adds, “because that’s what I was like fifteen years ago. I just didn’t know any better. That’s the reason I developed the WaterWaze Swim Academy Instructor course.”
Zahava herself teaches swimmers of all ages, from three-month-old infants to adults in their nineties. She believes that in order to completely eradicate drowning incidents, every adult should learn to be safe and free in deep water. This ensures they’ll send their kids to swimming lessons as well. After all, why would someone send their children to learn to swim if they themselves find the water to be terrifying and unpleasant. The Gemara (Kiddushin 29a) adds to the list of obligations a father has the requirement to teach his son to swim; this is a lifesaving skill every person should learn.
An average day will find Zahava busy with intake, bookkeeping, developing her swim curriculum, training with various coaches to further her knowledge, and checking in with her swim instructors. This schedule is quite the staid turnaround from the seventy-hour workweeks she used to keep, which included twelve-hour shifts in the pool, five days a week!
After years of identifying as a workaholic, Zahava took a step back and now calls herself semi-retired. Her penchant for running headlong at challenges is how a girl with a near-drowning experience in her past evolved into a swim school owner.
“I was a city kid with limited exposure to the pool,” Zahava says, “and totally unfamiliar with how water works. On the first day of camp, the lifeguard had us stand on the pool steps while she rattled off the safety rules. I was bored and walked straight down into the water until it was over my head. And then I just stood there, frozen in place, without knowing what to do as the water flooded my nose, mouth and throat. This is something I always tell my instructors and the lifeguards I train: Drowning is silent and easy to miss if you’re not watching the pool carefully.”
Amazingly, Zahava went on to love the water. Her residual trauma showed up in her reliance on a nose clip for almost a decade after the incident, due to the fear of water going up her nose again. Despite all that, she became a WSI (Water Safety Instructor) with the Red Cross at the young age of sixteen. However, it would take more time and experience for her to learn the workings of the water in-depth (pun not intended).
“Before I learned how to teach fearful adults, I didn’t fully understand how water works and how our beliefs about the water affects our pool experience. I traveled to California and trained in Miracle Swimming, a course that teaches you how to be present in your own body and not panic when in the water. After teaching for twenty plus years, I can say that staying present in my own body allows me to access information and be the best teacher I can be.”
Weekends as a post-grad saw Zahava teaching swimming at a local swim school while keeping up an office job during the week. Slowly, swim instruction morphed from a fourth part-time job to a full-time business because that’s how Zahava takes things — all the way to the end.
“I never planned this; I always said I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!” Zahava shares. “But like many of my other jobs, Hashem threw this into my lap. My father always told me if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Cliché or not, I took that at face value, and that’s how I got to where I am today.”
When she was first hired as a swim instructor, Zahava knew she was lacking information. This was back in the day when the library was the go-to place for research. The librarian directed her to the appropriate section where I found a total of one book on swimming titled Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier
“I contacted the author Terry Laughlin,” Zahava continues, “and arranged to get certified as a Total Immersion
Coach with his wife and daughter. (At the time, there were no options for women-only classes.) Then I traveled all over the country to visit and train with different swim schools. I picked what I liked from each approach, and merged it with my own discoveries to develop my own program. That’s how the WaterWaze Swim Instructor course came to be. It includes information and philosophies from Total Immersion, MNRI and Swim Angelfish. The course is designed for anyone who is passionate about teaching swimming. I’ve even had people take the course just so they could learn how to teach their kids to swim.”
In the pool, Zahava’s love of people and fun comes to the fore.
“There’s never a dull moment,” she says, “because I have another student every twenty-five minutes. It’s extremely gratifying to teach one-on-one, and I love the fact that disciplining is not my job. I get to give each child a once-a-week experience of feeling like a rock star.”
Zahava and her students have a total blast turning the notso-fun incidents into something silly. For example, a kid swallowing water gets Zahava to open her eyes and say, “Oh my, did you make a bracha?” or, “Could you leave some for the next kid, please?”
“The freedom from needing to address the behavioral issues from a chinuch perspective gives me so much opportunity,” she explains. “Unless there’s a safety issue, we try to keep everything light and fun.”
“It’s so fulfilling to teach people a lifesaving skill,” Zahava says. “But even twenty years and a thousand students later, I still get students in the pool who show up with challenges I’ve never seen before. The feedback in swim instruction is immediate, with very obvious cause and effect, and it’s a constant learning experience.”
My goals in swim instruction are twofold: I want the kids to be safe in the water, and I also want them to love the lessons. These goals are equally important. If a child learns to swim but they hate the pool, it’s a tremendous loss.
What’s considered a benchmark for having achieved safety in water?
Being able to hang out in the deep water for ten minutes. If you can chill out for ten minutes while doing whatever you want, including frontfloating, back-floating, spinning around, treading and chatting without getting tired, then we consider you to be safe in the water.
Isn’t treading the barometer of water safety?
No. You’ll see kids who finish their two minutes of treading for their deep water test and rush to the pool wall because they don’t feel safe. But I’ve never had a kid who could hang out in the deep for ten minutes but couldn’t tread. The WaterWaze program prioritizes comfort before skill. Swimmers should be calm in deep water before they learn to tread, and once they feel calm, treading comes naturally.
Why is treading used as the barometer of safety in pools everywhere, then?
I believe it’s because of time constraints. Camps have to test so many kids in a limited amount of time.
When’s the best time to start swim instruction for a child?
If you have a pool, you can start as early as three months, but definitely don’t wait past three years. If you don’t have a pool, five or six years is a great age.
Zahava believes that fear of water should be healed, not managed. Managing your fear means pushing yourself to go on despite the pain and doing the dreaded thing 100 times. But it doesn’t get easier at time 101. Anyone who’s tried to teach themselves to swim as an adult knows this. Healing fear starts with changing your belief system about the water and getting to the root of what’s holding you back.
“We teach swimming one tiny step at a time because — and this is a strong belief of mine — the only reason you haven’t learned to swim is because steps were skipped. And learning to swim is a sequence of hundreds of small steps. This is done gently, with no projected timeframe, no rushing and no pushing. I’ve had people try to beat this system, and it never works. Ultimately, I want the people I teach to think of swimming like sitting on a chair — a completely neutral action with no negative feelings attached to it. This is especially important when it comes to older girls who will soon be graduating high school.”
Zahava’s way of hiring and teaching instructors is also refreshingly different and reminiscent of behavioral health clinics in how she looks out for the good of each child who will be taught at WaterWaze.
“My methodology is super important to me,” Zahava says, “and I feel responsible for every instructor on the WaterWaze team. I touch base with my instructors on a weekly basis to discuss every student’s progress and help troubleshoot any roadblocks that may come up. Although I’m not in the water with all of my clients, I’m still hands-on and very much involved.”
For Zahava, it isn’t enough for her instructors to understand how the water works. They also need to have an in-depth understanding about how kids operate from both an emotional and behavioral standpoint.
“I look for a very specific personality when hiring lifeguards and instructors,” Zahava shares. “They need to have the ability to accept constructive feedback. And they must either understand swimming very well, or love kids to bits. Then I can fill in the gaps with one-on-one coaching.”
Instruction with kids is a team effort at WaterWaze. Sometimes parents are bogged down by other stressors in their life when they bring their kids to the pool, ranging from issues with finding a babysitter to the financial stress of paying for lessons. Zahava cautions them about that stress fil-
Teaching a child to swim is a Torah requirement and a lifetime gift to them. How can you know if your child’s swimming instructor is not qualified enough?
The instructor is teaching more than two children at once without a lifeguard around.
They guarantee your child will learn to swim in a set amount of lessons.
They don’t get in the pool, or avoid getting their face or hair wet.
You don’t see obvious progress in the first few lessons.
There is a lack of progress, and the instructor isn’t having an open discussion with you.
The instructor doesn’t spend time getting your child comfortable with their face in the water.
Be wary of the use of kickboards, puddle jumpers or any other flotation device in context of a swim lesson.
Any instructor that throws your child into the deep end without their consent should be banned from the industry.
tering down to the kid and negatively affecting their swimming lessons. She believes nothing should get in the way of the child’s chance to have a positive experience at the pool.
It seems that nothing gets in the way of Zahava’s positive experience in the pool, because when I ask her, she says that every type of student is her favorite student.
“Kids bring out my fun side, and I get so much fulfillment knowing that I’m giving them an experience that’ll stay with them for life,” Zahava says. “Adults benefit on a totally different scale; it’s amazing to witness their transformation from neardespair to the belief that they could actually heal their fears. So many of my adult students have told me that learning to swim has changed their life. One busy bubby with a super-hectic schedule told me, ‘I’m so glad I didn’t learn this when I was a kid, because I wouldn’t have had this experience as an adult, and I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun!’”
At the end of the day, each client of Zahava’s brings out her passion for her work. Teaching them is a hugely gratifying experience. She has taught a child who had to be resuscitated after a drowning incident, an opportunity to heal trauma that she considers a privilege.
“I especially love it when multiple generations of the same family end up doing lessons with us,”Zahava adds. “It’s an organic process; grandmothers are thrilled with the lessons and bring their granddaughters, and daughters bring their mothers because they see their children learning.”
All that positivity and confidence around water extends far beyond Zahava’s lessons; that’s when she knows she’s done her job. Because when it comes to water, knowledge inspires confidence, and confidence leads to safety — Zahava’s ultimate goal.
Zahava Shapiro can be reached at 551-775-2745.
“A client of mine came to heal her fear of water and learn to swim,” Zahava shares. “The woman told me, ‘I don’t remember exactly what happened to me. I was four years old, and something happened at the beach with my aunt.’
“The adult swim course focuses on teaching clients to be present in their own body. After a few lessons, the woman sent me a text in all caps: I REMEMBER EVERYTHING.
“She’d been at the beach with her aunt, and slipped underwater. Her aunt had to pull her out. During the car ride home, the girl overheard her aunt saying, ‘Let’s not tell her parents.’
“There were lots of tears, but this client graduated her lessons deeply grateful for the healing process, saying she’d gotten a gift.”
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A close-up look at pool construction and trends
Ice cream and sunshine and tans… and pools! Probably one of the most exciting scenes of summer is the rippling blue water of a swimming pool in the summer heat.
This week, Mr. Shia Levy of Five Star Pools tells us all about pool construction, safety and maintenance, and everything else that goes into making pools the highlight of the summer.
So, let’s dive right in (sorry, I had to).
“I was always passionate about construction,” Mr. Levy says, “and I knew that I wanted a career in construction one day.”
When it was time to make a parnassah after he got married, Mr. Levy consulted with his brother, who was already in the construction field, and was told that there was a big demand for good pool contractors.
“I advertised that week,” Mr. Levy continues, “and the calls started coming in.”
Building a new pool is a big, and expensive, undertaking. When new customers reach out to Five Star Pools, the first step is to sit down
with them and discuss their needs and wants.
“We want to hear what they have in mind: what size pool they want, what shape, what kind… there are a lot of options when it comes to building a pool,” Mr. Levy explains.
What will the pool be used for? Will it be used mostly for exercise and doing laps, or for family and friends? That will make a difference when planning the size and shape of the pool. The property size and the client’s budget will also come into play.
The next step is to choose what material to use when finishing the pool. Most customers choose the usual vinyl liner, which is simple, inexpensive and easily customized. Those building larger pools often choose gunite, which is concrete with a tile border. Gunite is considered more luxurious; it’s stronger and can take more abuse, which is why it’s often used in commercial pools.
• Children should always be under supervision in the pool area and should be taught not to approach the pool on their own.
• Even adults should only swim with supervision or with a swim buddy. Never go into the pool if no one else is around.
• Always take a phone along with you when entering the pool area.
• Never dive headfirst into the shallow end of the pool.
Once the plans are drawn up, permits need to be obtained. In Rockland County they’re usually not too difficult to get, and within two to
four weeks, workers can start digging.
“We give the client a schedule before we start” Mr. Levy says, “and let them know how long the entire process will take. For vinyl-lined pools, it’s six to eight weeks, and for gunite pools, it’s more like two to three months. But once we give them a timeline, we try our best to stick to it and get it done on time.”
Five Star Pools services many different counties in New York, including Brooklyn, Rockland, Westchester as well as counties further upstate.
“In Monsey, we do big pools in backyards. In Brooklyn, we’ve been doing a lot of spas with Jacuzzis and hot tubs that fit into smaller spaces. We also do a lot of commercial pools in Brooklyn; those are more common there than the backyard pools you see in suburban areas.”
Pools today are a lot more advanced than they used to be, with new technology that makes swimming even safer and more fun.
“There are now special monitors, similar to Ring doorbells, that you can install near the pool. They send you a notification anytime someone’s going into the pool,” Mr. Levy explains.
There are even apps available that allow you to set your pool’s temperature remotely.
Perhaps one of the coolest advances is a new kind of pool cover, which automatically rolls over the pool and transforms it into a floor so it’s part of the surrounding patio. With this cover, there’s no chance of falling into the water, and an additional advantage is that it keeps the pool free of falling leaves or bugs, and also keeps the heat trapped while it’s not in use.
“It’s something we’ve been installing more recently,” Mr. Levy says. “Even though it’s expensive, many families splurge on this automatic cover to ensure their children’s safety.”
Along with developing technology, pool trends have also evolved. Lately, Five Star Pools has been installing lots of cold plunges as this health trend gains popularity. They often install it as a section of the pool with an attached hot tub, so people can go from a 40 or 50-degree cold plunge to a warm hot tub.
Deep ends are not as popular as they once were; many pool owners choose to forgo a deep end and instead plan for the entire pool to measure only four or five feet deep. And even people who do own a pool with a deep end are choosing to skip a diving board; the addition of a diving board raises the pool’s insurance and isn’t really necessary when it comes to having good old-fashioned fun in a pool.
“In fact, you can probably have more fun in a shallow pool,
since you’re able to walk around and play games,” Mr. Levy adds.
Another fun option when planning a pool is extending the first step to make space for lounge chairs or a shallow kiddie pool.
Pools also have their fair share of unique designs.
“We’re currently working on a pool for a special needs camp,” Mr. Levy shares. “It’s a wheelchair-accessible pool, which means it has a beach entry.”
To accommodate the children’s physical needs, the end of the pool imitates a shore by having the floor gradually slope down. This way, children who need assistance walking or are in wheelchairs can easily be brought in and out of the water.
“This project is very meaningful to us,” Mr. Levy reflects. “It will give children with special needs the ability to have fun in the water, just like everyone else.”
The largest pool they can build is 200 square feet in size, but because of the staggering cost of building such a pool, clients who need a large pool often split it into two pools, with each one measuring 30 feet by 65 feet, which Five Star has done for several commercial projects.
Having a pool makes for special family memories and lots of good times, but there’s a lot of work that goes into owning a pool as well. What should people know before they install a pool?
“People need to remember that work doesn’t stop once the pool is installed,” Mr. Levy says. “Water is a living thing that needs ongoing upkeep. Pools need more than just chlorine; a blend of a few chemicals is necessary to keep the water clean. Then there’s the daily cleaning that’s important, things like covering the pool when it’s not in use, clearing out leaves and bugs that fall in, things like that.”
But if maintained properly and safely, a pool will definitely feature in a family’s favorite memories.
Pools are awesome all on their own, but some pool owners take things to the next level and add luxurious accessories to their pool or deck.
Imagine trying to scale a rock-climbing wall with wet hands and feet, slowly getting higher and higher until you inevitably lose your grip and go tumbling down… into the pool!
Rock-climbing walls that get installed into the sides of pools have become pretty popular and give kids (and adults) a safe, and super fun, rock climbing experience.
Any party is only as good as the food that’s served. Those who don’t want to bother schlepping food and supplies back and forth from the kitchen to the pool area simply build another kitchen outdoors! Grills are only for simple folk like us; people with the money to spend integrate entire kitchens into their decks so they can prepare feasts only steps away from the pool. Just make sure not to get any pool water in your pots…
Lighting is a popular way to upgrade an outdoor pool deck space. Lighting can be put around the pool, underwater, or hidden in the brush to light up the sundeck at night. Lighting systems usually come with a variety of settings so the deck can be transformed from a quiet, peaceful oasis to a fun setting with colored strobe lights. Who said a pool only looks pretty in the sunlight?
The first thing that comes to a Yiddishe mamme’s mind when it comes to swimming pools of any kind is naturally the question of safety. What kind of safety measures do these women have in place? Zissy from Monsey has one daughter who is still a toddler. Shani, who lives near Lakewood, and Esther from New City, have children of all ages. Their pools are surrounded by high walls with locks on the gates that can’t easily be opened by young children. The pool areas boast large signs with Hatzolah’s phone number in case of emergency, and Shani’s sign also contains instructions for the Heimlich maneuver. However, all three women agree that pool safety goes way beyond the locked gate.
Zissy’s daughter, who will be getting swimming lessons this summer, is always dressed in a puddle jumper as well as a special life vest that flips over when she’s in the pool area. Of course, Zissy never leaves her in the pool area alone. Esther agrees that puddle jumpers are a must for little kids.
Shani says that the biggest safety precaution she takes is the fear that she instills in her kids from a young age.
“From when they’re very little, they know that the pool is a no-go zone,” she says. “I warn them that if they ever go into the pool area without permission, they’re banned from the pool for the rest of the season. If it sounds like I’m very strict about this, it’s because I definitely am! I also teach them that at the pool, they must listen to me! For instance, when I say it’s time to come out, there’s zero arguing. If a kid stays in the pool by themselves, it’s just as bad as entering the pool without my knowledge. Baruch Hashem, I hardly ever have to reinforce the rules because my kids all know to obey them.”
Another of Shani’s rules applies to her own family as well as to groups who rent her pool or when her kids’ friends come over. “No one is allowed in the pool area without adult supervision. That means that if someone arrives early, they’re not al-
lowed to enter the pool area, not even just to change into swim clothes. Also, the adult in charge has to be the last one out.”
Esther would love to install a new fence, but the one she has in mind is very expensive. “My friend who lives nearby has this double alarm system for her pool. One alarm sounds the entire time the pool fence is open. The other one goes off when something is in the water, and it also sends a notification to her phone.”
Another safety factor is giving children professional swimming lessons at a young age. Shani’s kids are confident deep-water swimmers by age six, the same age her nieces and nephews are just starting swimming lessons. But even her babies are able swimmers.
“By the time my babies are one or two years old, they can already jump into the pool and put their head into the water,” she says.
Zissy, on the other hand, says her two-year-old daughter didn’t take to the water straightaway.
“My daughter didn’t love the pool last year. I tried to teach her myself, but she got scared.” She has advice for parents of kids who are anxious in the water. “You can nudge them a little bit, but it isn’t worth it to push too hard. They need to feel safe to feel comfortable.”
Shani has a private instructor teach her children how to swim, starting at age four. By the time they’re five years old, they can swim in the deep end, but she says it takes another year for
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them to be fully confident there.
“Being a deep-water swimmer is not only about knowing how to do the swim stroke,” Shani explains. “It also has to do with the physical strength that you need in order to swim the length of the pool and do the back float. So even if they know the skill, I find that I only feel confident for them to actually be strong enough to stay in the deep water for a long time is when they’re six years old.”
What’s the best part of owning a pool? I figure that the answer to that would be having free entertainment available all the time. Well, it turns out that owning a pool isn’t exactly free, but we’ll get to that later. Shani does agree that having a pool means that there’s no need for a full-blown getaway in the summer. She tells her children, “Why do we need to go to the country? There you’ll need to share the pool with so many other people!”
some, healthy activity.”
Esther makes a similar point. “When I was a kid, I always begged my mother to take me swimming, but she wasn’t so keen on asking people for favors. I make sure to tell my relatives and friends that they shouldn’t hesitate to ask. I’m very grateful that I’m able to help them entertain their kids.”
The benefit of exercise comes up as well. Before buying her home, Zissy liked to go swimming regularly. Now that she has a pool, she swims several times a week during the summer. It’s also a great form of exercise for her hus-
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Zissy loves spending time with her daughter in the pool. In general, she says, it allows for so much family time. “I work from home, so I can spend hours in the pool with my daughter. Plus, I get to host my mother, sisters and friends.”
Shani concurs. “We get to do a lot of sharing and hosting because we have a pool. We’re always the ones hosting the party or the Sunday afternoon activity. The kids get to spend a lot of time with their cousins.”
Shani also adds that sharing a pool is a unique kind of chesed. “I always feel that after people go swimming, they’re so happy because of the endorphins released during exercising in the pool, which makes them excited and grateful. How grateful do you feel toward your dentist? There’s something about swimming that makes it a very happy, whole-
“Everyone benefits from the exercise a pool provides,” Shani remarks. “One of my sons needed OT, and swimming regularly really helped strengthen his muscles.”
Esther is not a keen swimmer herself — “I don’t enjoy the whole bother of dressing and undressing” — but she appreciates that her husband gets his exercise by swimming daily. “It’s also amazing to see how a kid will come home from school in a bad mood, and then jump into the pool and let all that nervous energy out in the water. It’s such a great outlet!”
“Having a pool is not all fun, though,” Zissy says. “You have to make sure that the chemicals are balanced at all times and that the pool is properly main-
A pool needs daily cleaning and regular chemical checks, which can be a full-time job if you do it yourself.
“Cleaning the pool is like having to take care of another baby,” Shani says. If there are trees nearby, the pool will need to be cleaned of leaves each morning. At the end of the day, the filters and skimmers (the openings in a pool that suck the water out) need to be cleaned as well. In total, that’s about an hour of cleaning every day! So no, not exactly fun.
Zissy’s and Esther’s husbands are handy and enjoy doing most of the maintenance like cleaning the pool and keeping the chemicals balanced themselves. If the chemicals are off balance, the pool may need to be kept out of order for a few weeks until the levels are rebalanced. Most people have a maintenance guy come every week to do the checks and a deep clean, but even so,
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Zissy breaks down the annual cost of her pool. “It’s about $2,500 a season for the maintenance, heating and chemicals, plus another approximately $500 for the water. Then there’s the added property taxes because we own a pool, which amounts to an extra $2,500 a year. And you always need to account for an unexpected expense; for instance, last year the pump broke, and we had to pay $800 for a new one.”
Last year, Esther paid her pool maintenance guy around $3,200. She estimates another $1,000 for water and heating costs, and more for unexpected extras.
“Before purchasing our house, we were warned about higher property taxes for homes with pools,” Esther says, “but I didn’t find that to be the case in New City, at least not in a significant way. Insurance is more expensive, though.”
Shani’s pool costs are also at around
it’s necessary to clean the pool yourself every day.
Shani invested in a pool robot called a dolphin that cleans the floor of debris every night. Pool robots retail at $500 to $2,000.
“It was one of the best investments we made because it really keeps the pool very clean. We put it in at night, and when we take it out in the morning, we see that it has cleaned a lot of the smaller debris like sand, which the filters didn’t catch.” She still needs to clean the leaves out in the morning, though, and pays for professional weekly maintenance.
I figured that owning a pool costs more than most people think it does, but I didn’t realize just how much. After hearing about the necessary maintenance involved, I’m starting to get more of an idea of what owning a pool is all about.
the five thousand dollar mark, although she’s not sure how much extra she pays for property taxes in her New Jersey township. She also mentions that her pool area requires professional mosquito extermination, which adds to the overall costs. In addition to the necessary pool expenditures, Shani and Zissy both invest something extra into their pool each year. One year, Shani bought nice loungers, while Zissy bought an expensive heater.
I’m surprised to hear that water isn’t one of the larger expenses. Did you know that pools are rarely emptied?
“When we moved into our house, the pool was disgusting,” Zissy relates. “I thought we would have to empty it and refill from scratch, but nope! The same holds true at the beginning of every season. Even though the pool is covered with a tarp during the winter, the water still becomes gross. A few inches of water is emptied and then refilled, but most of the water stays. The pool is pumped with lots of chemicals, and it turns clear after a few days. It did take
longer to clean when we first moved in — about two weeks.”
After learning about the expenses involved, it becomes clear why so many pool owners rent out their pools. In recent years, many cities and townships have made it illegal to rent out private pools, as well as other backyard amenities, like tennis or basketball courts. Fines can run into the thousands.
However, Zissy, Shani and Esther all rent out their pools, charging $65 to $80 per hour. The busiest days are Fridays and Sundays. Esther thinks these days are popular in the Monsey area because people come from the city for Shabbos, especially in the summer.
While some people are able to rent out their pools very frequently, thereby making a substantial income, these women agree that doing so takes a lot of work. It’s hard to keep track of scheduling, cancellations, advertising, and the surprising biggie — lost items. In general, it seems that renting out a pool is a hassle that pool owners only do in order to cover some of their expenses.
Pool rules are always important, all the more so when you’re renting it out. Zissy and Shani don’t allow renters to use their tubes and floats. All the women limit groups to around ten people, and an adult or lifeguard must be present.
“A bochur once called to rent our pool,” Esther relates. “I thought he was going to come with a couple of friends. You can imagine my shock
when an entire yeshiva showed up!”
Shani doesn’t rent out her pool as often as she used to. “When my kids were little, I would rent it out as often as I could, and we would just go swimming whenever it was available. Now that my children are older, the girls and boys swim separately, so we use the pool for longer hours.”
In addition to having a fence around their pool, Shani, Esther and Zissy all have privacy screens as well, which mitigates some tznius issues that crop up when letting strangers use their pools. Many pools are visible from second-story windows, but Zissy’s and Shani’s properties have trees that completely block their pools from view both from the house and their neighbors’ homes.
Esther closes all the window shades when other people are using her pool. Zissy does this as well even though the pool is not visible from her upper floor.
“It just gives renters a sense of privacy that they appreciate,” she says.
All three women purchased their homes with pools, as opposed to installing it themselves, and none of them had a pool as a requirement for a home purchase.
“The pool was an added bonus,” they all concur.
And yes, that bonus came with a few surprises, not all of them pleasant. But the verdict is unanimous — despite all the cleaning, maintenance and expenses, owning a pool is definitely worthwhile.
* Names have been changed
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If you had to pick one word to define summer, what would it be?
/fast/ adjective
The speed at which the house goes from “spotless” to “disastrous”
There are special laws in physics that cause June-July-August to zip by. Somehow, short winter days are endless, and long summer days never even have enough time in them to allow for the emptying of soggy bathing suits from camp bags or let another batch of homemade ice pops become solid enough to eat instead of drink. When June starts, eight weeks of camp seem to stretch ahead infinitely on the cal endar, and then suddenly, two days later, there’s only one week left.
But like every important rule, there is one exception: the one to three weeks after camp ends but before school starts. During this period, the laws governing the speed of time revert to normal, and no amount of “Go play outside,” or “Let’s turn on the sprinkler,” or even “Let’s go shopping for school supplies!” can make the hands on the clock point to bedtime.
— Sarah Seplowitz
/lemə’nād/ noun
The thing you make when life hands you lemons
A sense of tranquility that usually lasts for the length of time a toddler pauses between breaths
We go to the mountains in the summer, and it feels like an escape to another world.
We leave behind our house: all the chaos of stuff, and all of the things we’re always using and taking out and getting dirty and having to clean and put away.
We leave behind our neighborhood: the hectic pace, the kids on the block, the social obligations, the squeeze for a parking spot that’s really too small and too far.
We leave the city: the square concrete towers locking us in, blocking the sky; the noise and traffic and pollution and endless urgency to keep moving, moving, moving.
We go to the bungalow. It’s small. It’s not going to look nice no matter what we do to it. We manage with the minimum, keep washing the same clothes, go to the grocery twice a week instead of every five minutes. It’s still busy, but we spend most of our time outside. The concrete and asphalt is replaced with grass, under a wide sky blocked only by the intermittent leafy canopy. The pace is slower. There’s less demand on the senses. You can absorb the sun. It’s just so much more simple and peaceful.
— Liba T.
My ultimate summer dream since childhood: swinging on a hammock in the backyard with lemonade and a book. I haven’t made it happen yet, though. But I try to savor those bits and pieces of lemonade that summer does give me.
— Malky Deutcher
/’skramb(ə)l/ verb
A disordered mixture of things, especially in a mommy’s brain
When your child comes down with a fever or strep or has an allergic reaction, you call your pediatrician, right?
What about during summer vacation? Then, too?
Of course.
As the pediatrician’s office manager, guess what that means? That I don’t get a vacation. I’m there almost every day of the year, including on Erev Pesach until a couple of hours before the Seder, and on Erev Yom Kippur before Kol Nidrei.
But my kids’ schools didn’t get the memo that this mommy (and lots of other mommies) work all year round. Finding appropriate child care for my children over the months of summer vacation is a huge headache and is always a scramble.
— Tali Edelstein
The sound your heart makes when your kids climb trees while wearing rollerblades
Thud goes the basketball. (“No ball in the house!”)
Thud goes the wet towel on the floor. (“Please hang up your stuff.”) goes the front door, slamming open. (No one ever closes it.)
my heart when I realize it’s been too long since I saw this or that kid and they’re probably fine but who knows where they are and what they’re up to.
Summer is just an endless series of thuds. At least they’re happy thuds, not the thud-thud-thud of a kid storming up the stairs after a long day at school.
— Esther King
/’lôndrē/ noun
A self-regenerating organism with enormous growth capacity
Not to sound like a kvetch or anything, but for me, summer immediately conjures up the image of laundry. There’s all the swimming stuff that has to get washed all the time. The clothes that are always dirty from all the digging/ running/exploring. The camp smell that we can’t ever really seem to get rid of. The frantic rush to get everything washed before the Nine Days. The frantic rush to get everything washed after the Nine Days.
The clothes, the kids who sully them... It’s all a blessing. But in the summer I’ve learned why we call it a “laundry room.” It’s because it’s an entire room full of laundry.
— Shaina Shechter
Most of us suffer from certain foods. Unfortunately, we often fail to figure out which food is causing the problem. It can be an innocent celery. You would never blame the celery. After all, it is so healthy and low in calories. AND THIS IS THE PROBLEM
Mrs. Erblich has guided people for over thirty years to eat what is good for them. Also how much to eat. It is amazing to see how quickly our emotional and physical health improves once we go on the program.
/’fam(ə)lē/ noun
The people in your life who love you, care about you, and drive you crazy
This might be unusual for Americans, who probably spent their childhood summers in camp. But I’m English, and “family” encapsulates the magical memories of my summers. Those holidays (vacations, in American English) with my parents and siblings are so wonderful to remember and reflect on.
When I saw my father — my busy, busy father (like most fathers are) — sit in the sundrenched garden learning with my brother, the sun dappling the seforim in front of them; when I saw my bochurish brothers hocking all their shitos with us amid numerous gesticulations as we hiked mountains and coastal paths; when we sang, played silly games, had even sillier competitions... Summer was all about family.
— N. Lieberman
/stichIZ/ noun
A synonym for laughing, a popular coping mechanism “Ma?”
“Yeah?” Without turning around.
“You know that club house we’re building?”
“Yeah?” Still concentrating on my cooking.
“I’m not building it anymore.”
“Why not?”
Finally, I turn around.
There’s a gash right in the middle of his forehead. He just stares right back at me.
All I can think to say is, “Why isn’t it bleeding?”
“One of the mothers who saw me outside washed it off so the blood wouldn’t drip into my eyes while I walked home.”
It needed stitches. Duh. We had just gotten his other stitches out three days ago. And it was still June. The summer had barely started.
There’s a lot of words I associate with summer. But for some reason, none of them are “relaxing” or “vacation.”
— Yitty Fried
/līf/ noun
Existence. Outside school, at least
As a kid, I lived for summer. I hated school for many reasons, but I came alive in camp. Even years later, the association remains: summer is a time to be yourself, pursue your interests, and dig deep on curiosity.
— Breindel Stein
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The Smart Car, the tiny two-seater that managed to find parking in the most impossible spaces, was branded to be “small in stature and big on economy.”
While the term is being used for hightech cars of today, those first Smart Cars were named for the two companies that collaborated to produce it: the Swiss company Swatch and MercedesBenz: Swatch Mercedes ART.
Remember the tongue map you needed to memorize in school? Nowadays, chemosensory scientists say that tongues don’t actually have “taste zones,” with different sections picking up different tastes. The receptors that pick up sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami are distributed all over the tongue. It is true that the tip and edges of the tongues have a higher concentration of taste buds and may perceive certain tastes more intensely, but the difference is very small.
The Town of Ramapo is composed mostly of villages (Spring Valley, Airmont, Chestnut Ridge, etc.) and hamlets, among them Monsey and Viola. Viola, the area surrounding Viola Road, was once called Mechanicsville. In 1837, the tiny hamlet of Viola established The Alms House, a home for the poor and dependent, at College Road (then called Almshouse Road) and Viola Road. Today this is the location of Rockland Community College. One of the homes is still intact and part of RCC.
At the end of Forshay Road, on Grandview Avenue (then known simply as “the back road”), stood the cigar shop belonging to the namesake of this road, Spencer Forshay. The biggest attraction in Viola was Burtis’s General Store that carried all types of merchandise and was the home of Viola’s only telephone.
Horripilation (hȯ-ˌri-pə-ˈlā-shən): a bristling of the hair of the skin
Why say that you have goosebumps when you can use this awesome word to describe the same phenomenon that hints to the horror that caused it?
The number 172 can be found on the back of the U.S. $5 bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial. Some say it’s just an optical illusion. Can you find it?
Answer: A towel
We welcome town trivia, historical facts and photos, and Torah-themed riddle submissions. We’d also love to hear if you have additional answers to our puzzles! Email comments@themonseyview.com to add your very own bits of wits. Please include your name and contact information. WHAT DO YOU KNOW?
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more! Family name:
Full mailing address:
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Amount of points:
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
FAMILY NAME: Vogel, 845-xxx-1667
FAMILY NAME: Schwartz, 845-xxx-1342
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Feel free to photocopy this coloring page for the entire family. Send your colored page to The Monsey View to enter a drawing for a chance to have your artwork featured in our pages and win $10 at Toys4U! Four lucky winners will be announced each week.
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
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Yeshiva Administrator
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Custom Shop Specialist
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Custom Shop Manager
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Insurance Underwriter
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Email: Peri@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
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office Position At Kitchen
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Bookkeeper P/T
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Email: Moshe@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Recruiter/Intake Manager
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Email: Tzippy@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com
Trustee Sale, 10Cents on the dollar, one family home. Deposit NY, Also Airbnb Property $$ accepting offers lv msg/ text 212-470-1708
Beautiful 4 bedroom
colonial LT rental available immediately. Thiells. Palisades; exit 14. Close to shul. 4500 Negotiable. 201-397-3748, thiellshouse@ gmail.com
Carriage Club North, beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath, ground floor, for rent. Call: 347.499.0031
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
Retail building in haverstraw on rt 9w 4,000 sf, asking $999k, great location, text or call 845.203.1120
Monsey 5 BDRM House available Aug 15-Aug 25 845.517.8409
Beautiful private villa. 4 Master suites with kosher kitchen, huge living area, pool. Walking distance to Shul/ Kosher shopping. Call/ whatsapp 718-541-0292
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Beautiful 4 bedroom/ 2 bthrm summerhome with front and back decks for rent upstate in chalet estates/ woodbourne for month of July contact summerhomeb@ gmail.com
New Pristine Cathedral Ceiling House in Linden. 5 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. Stocked Playroom. Patio Seating. Swing set. All Shab Amenities. 5 min to shul. Located near grocery. Heated pool sep hours avail nearby/ option to rent. Call/text 718989-1406.
For the best Real Estate deals, Call: Mrs. Debby Schwartz 203.667.2785
7+ Bedroom house heimish Concord area. 20 beds, deck, swings, beautiful park-like property. Linen & Shabbos essentials provided. 845-5486478.
Beautiful 6-bedroom house to rent in Chestnut Ridge close to Shul and Mikva for July and August. Leave message 718-797-0452.
Monsey 5 BDRM House available July 14-22 845.517.8409
Tannersville NY. 3000sqft. Newly built. Mountain Views. 5br/3ba. 9beds. Gameroom. AC. Fenced. Multiple Shuls/ Mikvahs and Restaurant/ Grocery. Text 9173253002.
Newly renovated 4 bedroom house in woodbourne NY. 10 min walk to town. Available for the summer. Call/text/ what’sapp 347-338-8598
2-bedroom, 2-baths with private heated pool and spa. From $325 per night. Call/ Text: 917-382-4810, email: 1752nmb@gmail.com
3 offices + a big room + a double garage for rent (845) 579-5351
Collins Ave. Beautiful ocean view. 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Newly renovated offices for rent on LENORE AVE. please call 845 533 2427
Big Spacious House for rent in MONSEY. for the month of AUGUST. Private Backyard, big dining room, 7 bedrooms. 2168489772
Construction company looking to hire full time bookkeeper, knowledge in QuickBooks a must. Email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Yeshiva of Spring Valley Girls General Studies Department
Seeking the following Staff for the 24-25 school year: *Pre 1A and 1st Grade Teacher *Lower grade assistants *Permanent Substitutes *Lower Elementary Remedial Teacher *Upper Elementary Math Remedial Teachers. Monday – Thursday 12:50 – 4:00pm. Competitive salary, warm, supportive environment. Email resume: treitzer@yeshivaspringvalley. org and call (845)356-1400 #223
Looking for upper grade teachers for the coming school year. Hours from 3:50 till 5:10. Easy working environment and great pay ontime. Please send a resume to duviechaim@gmail.com or call 845-269-0588.
Seeking warm, capable assistants for the coming school year. Wonderful working environment. Email resume to hr@basmikroh.org
Seeking 4th grade General Studies teacher and Title 1 mentors for the coming 2024-2025 school year. Join our amazing staff of dedicated educators! Please send resume to: yshulman@ yogmonsey.org
Local boys middle school in Monsey has a wonderful afternoon General Studies position opportunity for someone who has a passion working with boys, and who is looking to make a positive impact in chinuch. Please reach out to Rabbi Kalman Rothstein at krothstein@ baishachinuch.org.
Seeking teachers assistants for summer/School year 2024-25 for special needs children. Hours are 9:30-3 M-T 9:30-12 F. Positive work environment, should have interpersonal skills.Needs to love working with children. Please call:845-885kids/5437( option 2)
Cheder Chabad of Monsey Preschool is looking to hire for the upcoming school year. We are looking for a preschool secretary, teacher assistants and afternoon Morahs. Please send your resume to Ybialestock@ chedermonsey.org
Looking for an Early Intervention case manager to join our team. Experience in early childhood development required. Good communication and computer skills needed. Part time/Flexible hours. Call 845-354-3233 ext. 1102 or fax your resume to 845-734-1614.
Tiferes Bais Yaakov is seeking an experienced Title 1 mentor. Option for morning Kriah remediation hours as well. Please send resume to hr@tiferesby.org
Girls’ elementary school has the following positions available: *Full time Junior High Math and Science teacher *Gym teacher/ office assistant. Warm, positive, and growth oriented work environment with competitive pay ON TIME. Please send resume to bschwartz@bnosbinahm.org
is seeking ELA/Math Remedial Teachers, Permanent Substitutes, Gym Teacher, Co-teachers and Teachers Assistants for the ‘24-’25 school year. Join our supportive, warm environment and help our students thrive! Please send resume to Hr@basmikroh. org
Local Yeshiva is looking for an afternoon teacher. Past experience a plus. Great and on time pay. Please send resume’ to yshivads@gmail. com or call 347-541-4417 and leave a msg.
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well-paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347930-9736/info@abariders. com.
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions. Please email resume: cs@ affordabledws.com
Office position available at Feldheim Publishers’ Nanuet office. Applicant should be creative, personable with good language and communication skills; proficient in Word, Excel, email, and internet applications; be meticulous and detail oriented; ability to multitask. Great work environment. Contact eli@ feldheim.com.
Join B.Y.E. ‘s Co-Teacher’s Program and gain valuable experience in the classroom. Fantastic opportunity for the right candidate. Email resume to resumes@ baisyaakovelementary.org
Looking for female secretary to manage light-construction office. Candidate should be organized and efficient. Send resume to 4062071@gmail.com
Create a successful retail business from the comfort of your own home! Help others while earning an income. Full training and support. No risk. 8455792069 Lve msg or text
Heimish office with separate female seating is looking to expand their staff, multiple positions available. Fabulous working environment –Please email resume to monseyjob123@gmail.com
Looking for a full-time, responsible, organized person with excellent communication and computer skills. Please forward resume to Rocklandjobs@hcsny.org
Seeking to hire a full time female secretary for a customer service position, Great pay awaits the perfect candidate. Apply Now Deals@371wheels.com.
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@gmail.com
Real estate company looking for a secretary/admin assistant, experience not a must, email Muchyg1@gmail.com
Monsey office looking to hire a fulltime female secretary. must have great communication skills, and be highly motivated . Graduates welcome. training provided. Hiringmonseysec@gmail.com
Seeking detail-oriented secretary with office experience for small company. Responsible, accurate work required. Great pay for the right candidate! Email resumes to cfaresumeapp@gmail.com
Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume: jewelrypersonal@gmail.Com
Local Home organizing store is seeking a saleslady with a passion for Home organizing. Must speak Yiddish. Hours: Monday-Thursday 2:30-6:30 and Sunday 12-6:45. Call 845-459-3950 lv msg
Seeking a Sales Female for Furniture Showroom. Salary Plus Commission. Sunday - Thursday 11:00am to 6:00pm. Send resumes to: Hershell@ ChurchillLiving.com
Looking to hire entry-level candidates. This is an ideal position for motivated individuals looking for a career that is stimulating and rewarding. We provide comprehensive training, benefits, and a competitive compensation package. For more information, please reach out to hr@arkmortgage.com or call 845-5036502.
Better known known as the “Tzadik of Yerushalayim” for his work on behalf of the poor and sick. Also known as the “Father of Prisoners” for his visits to the central prison of Jerusalem during the British Mandate. Did not leave this world before giving over to his grandson the Koach to bring Yeshuas to Klal Yisroel.
A couple of weeks ago his grandson Rabbi Aryeh Yudalowitz Shlita from Bet Shemesh, was able to see anyone seeking a Brocha and many saw great Yeshuos B’H.
We are now offering an exclusive opportunity by having the Rav come to your home or office to do this special Tikun he received from his holy grandfather. The Tikun is known to remove any obstacles or blockages that may withhold your Hatzlocha in life.
Rav Chaim Kanievsky Z’L said to the Rav, that “Hashem has given him a special Koach”. As a result, B’H thousands have been helped through his special Tikunim and Tefilos.
Last visit in Lakewood resulted that a family with 3 unmarried girls were Zocha to have 2 engaged within a month after having that special Tikun done in their home
Another success came to a well-known businessman selling high -end jewelry. The man had been sitting with merchandise for over 18 month and business was declining. A Tikun was done in the office and t oday he’s B’H one of the largest in the industry with over millions of dollars in sales.
A woman was suffering of a severe illness in her intestines. The doctors gave it a very slim chance of recovery. B’H after the Tikun was done at the home of this women, she was cured completely.
Now it’s your opportunity to get the Yeshuah you have been waiting for. B’ezras Hashem we should all be Zoche to have the ultimate Tikun that will bring
Text or WhatsApp: 609 -300-4326 to schedule your appointment for a Tikun • Monday – Lakewood 7/1
Tuesday – Monsey 7/2
You may come see the Rabbi by booking a 15-minute meeting at
Construction office looking to hire a full-time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge of QuickBooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Seeking to hire a part time QA Coordinator to be responsible for conducting quality audits and organizing/updating the company’s projects to comply with Policies and Procedure. Candidate should be able to read and understand memoranda with great writing skills. Minimum of one year office experience is required. Great salary with potential for growth. Paid vacation and holidays. Email your resume apply1554jobs@ gmail.com
Seeking teenage girl for counselor position in backyard daycamp. Chestnut Ridge July only, no transportation provided, good pay.845-290-7040
Busy salon seeking a dynamic front desk manager: Do you excel in communication, thrive in a fast-paced office environment, and possess outstanding interpersonal skills? If you are a master of organization, a wizard of communication, and a people person at heart, we want you to be a part of our team! Pls email your resume to jobs@ tranees.com
Great title company looking to hire a full time candidate. Great position, great pay. Experience a must. Please reach out to 845-925-1714 Or tfeder@hireexteam.com
Looking for devoted volunteers to help mother with newborn twins. 2 hr shifts. Call or text 845-5179356 or email rivkyfekete@ gmail.com
Establish clinical model, recruit clinicians, and provide program leadership & oversight. Requires LMSW/ LCSW certification and field experience. Email resume recruiting@elevateny.org
Seeking clinicians licensed as LMSW, LCSW, LMHC for Intake Evaluations, Treatment Planning, Supervision, and Individual Therapy. Email resume to recruiting@elevateny.org
Behavioral Health program seeking experienced admin to support clients, clinicians, and referral sources, manage and schedule appointments. Email resume recruiting@ elevateny.org
Local company is looking to fill a FULL TIME layout and pricing position, experience a must. Email your resume to kitchenjob2@gmail.com
Looking to hire a commercial construction site manager. Experience a must. Please reach out to 845-925-1714 Or tfeder@hireexteam.com
A Heimisha Financial services office in Spring Valley NY is seeking a full time Female Sales Associate to join our female team. Responsibilities include scheduling, client relations, etc. Candidate should have excellent verbal (telephone), & writing skills, mathematics and ability to multi-task. sales experience preferred. For more information please email your resume to Molanservices@gmail.com
Behavioral Health program seeking experienced HR admin to onboard new program staff & ensure requirements are met. Email resume recruiting@ elevateny.org
Join our team at Ascend Services!
We are looking for an experienced Full-Time Intake Specialist for our Rockland office. Competitive compensation based on experience.
Experience in the HCBS/OPWDD field or Intake is required. Must be proficient in English. Spanish speaking a plus. To apply, send your resume and specify the position to Jobs@nycommunityresources.com
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Busy office in Monsey is looking to hire a Software Implementation Specialist to be responsible to implement, support usage, and create documentation for a custom software. Technical and logical mindset a must. Software entry level positions. Full benefit package plus paid vacation and holidays. Lots of potential for growth. Email your resume to amazingjoboppertunity@ gmail.com
Behavioral Health program seeking intake admin to manage onboarding and enrollment, and guide clients through program details and initial process. Email resume recruiting@elevateny.org
HCS is looking for a full-time, responsible, and organized person with excellent communication and computer skills to work with parents, workers and care managers. Responsibilities include coordinating services, recordkeeping and collaborating with a team. Please forward resume’ to Rocklandjobs@hcsny.org
Little explorers, Experience teacher, hot lunches, Outdoor play. Union / Maple. 18m-24m. Spots available for summer and September 845512-9223 Call
a creative, lively, fun loving individual with good play skills, to provide in home ABA therapy through play sessions for a 12-year-old girl located in NJ. (30-minute drive from Monsey, Passaic or Teaneck.) Monday-Thursday, Friday preferred. 9:00-1:15 Email: secretary@abatalks.com Call: 845-579-6080 x 101
Montessori group has just a few slots left for a 3-4 year old class starting September. No transportation. For more information call Morah Chaya 8452760828 morahchayar@gmail.com
Babysitter on spruill. Available Sunday Friday, reasonable price, space is limited. 4064799
An experienced tutor available to tutor your elementary daughter Kriah, Reading & Math. Please call 845-659-9357 lv msg
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Learn to make your own sourdough from scratch! 2hr class. All supplies included. 249$ call or text 845-517-9356
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Professional piano lessons for your daughter or yourself by Mrs. Gruner. Maple area. 845-459-7240.
Is your daughter afraid of water? Trying to get into the deep? Or wants to perfect her swimming skills? Call zissy- 845-587-0269 very reasonable prices, 10 years experience
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•• One account managing position - minimum 1-2 years of QB experience required
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People who are:
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The successful candidate will receive a competitive salary commensurate with their experience and qualifications. This is a fantastic full-time opportunity for a motivated and organized individual.
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3 beautiful velvet & lace dresses for sisters or nieces of bride. Sizes 3, 4 & 5. Please call 845-426-0553
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Sister of bride gowns for sale 8455026491
Two beautiful light blue gowns for sale, size 2 and 4. Please call 845-548-1264
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
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Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
Bracelet Maple/Monsey Blvd 845-587-6355
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Vibrant baby lock serger for $500. Call 914-523-6591
Paint parties for any occasion. Canvas and glass painting. Please call to inquire about our special summer rates. Call Devory at (845) 517-8684.
Nice house 4 bedroom 2 full bath, flat big property $4200 Please call 18455452446
The whole generation was sustained by him…” These were the words of HaGaon Rav Moshe Shterbuch, shlit”a, Raavad of the Eidah HaChareidis at the levaya of Rav Moshe Wolfson in Yerushalayim.
Rav Moshe Wolfson, mashgiach of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and Rav of Khal Emunas Yisroel, was niftar Motzei Shabbos, 17 Sivan, at the age of 99. His passing leaves a tremendous void.
The renowned mechanech Reb Aron Arye Eisenberg asserted, “Almost one hundred years old, and he was one piece of avodas Hashem without a hefsek! Although he had chashuve parents, he was not born in a rebbishe or rabbonishe home… With his own hands and his extraordinary derech of being mevakesh Hashem without ever being mafsik, every day was a fresh opportunity to serve Hashem with fresh kochos.”
The Mashgiach was a symbol for any mevakesh: If you seek Hashem with your entire heart, you will succeed.
Rav Wolfson was born in New York on 23 Teves, 5685/January, 1925. His father was Reb Shmuel Yehudah, an Alexander chassid originally from Poland.
In his youth, he learned in Yeshiva Torah Vodaas under the guidance of Harav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz, zt”l, whom he referred to as his rebbi muvhak in Torah. As a bochur, he was very close to Rav Shaul Yedidya of Mozhitz, zy”a, and many other tzaddikim, including the Satmar Rav, the Stoliner Rebbe and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zy”a. He also considered himself to be a chassid of the Skverer Rebbe, zy”a, with whom he was extremely close, and he followed the Rebbe’s every word.
This hiskashrus to tzaddikim continued throughout his life. He would attend, with great humility, tischen of rebbes young enough to be his sons.
After his chasunah, Rav Wolfson lived in Williamsburg, where he davened in the Polish shtiebel. Later, he davened in the Stoliner shul, where he also attended chaburos during the week. The chaburos centered on tales of tzaddikim and hadracha in avodas Hashem and were given by the elder chassidim.
Rav Wolfson described these chaburos as the “ikar Yiddishkeit.” It was there that he developed a feeling for the fiery Stoliner nusach which he later instituted in his beis medrash as the nusach for the weekday davening
The Mashgiach served as a rebbi in Torah Vodaas for several years, until Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, zt”l, asked him to take on the position of mashgiach in the beis medrash.
In later years, Rav Wolfson commented, “It hit me like thunder from a clear blue sky — I should be mashgiach?” He explained that the word implied a gaon who had the ability to maintain order throughout the entire beis medrash, which in this case numbered 300 bochurim. In his great humility, he didn’t consider himself fit for this position.
Rav Yaakov tried to persuade him to accept, asserting that he would succeed, and would not relent despite Rav Wolfson’s refusal.
Rav Moshe decided to present the question to the Skverer Rebbe, zy”a, sure that the Rebbe would oppose the idea.
The Skverer Rebbe told him, “If you would want [to take the position], I would tell you not to. But since you don’t want it, I say that you should!”
Rav Wolfson often recounted the Gemara stating that someone who is appointed to any position of power is so ordained min haShamayim and has siyata d’Shmaya with a special hashgacha pratis. Indeed, Rav Wolfson saw that siyata d’Shmaya
His son-in-law, Rav Motel Silber, shlit”a, Rav of K’hal Toldos Yehudah D’Talmidei Stutchin, related during his hesped that the Mashgiach would give a shmuess every week, and the topic was always emunah. That was the foundation, and everything revolved around it. He noted that many people have the Mashgiach to thank for their Yiddishkeit; this clear emunah, twinned with the warmth and kedusha of chassidus, left an everlasting impression on his talmidim.
In the summers, Rav Wolfson led a chaburah of bochurim in Camp Torah Vodaas. They belonged to a chevras masmidim, and they wanted their own minyan
The Mashgiach davened with them slowly and with great hislahavus. When the summer was over and they returned home, they wanted to hold on to the uplifting tefillos. That’s when the idea was born: Why not maintain the minyan all year?
And they did. Although the Mashgiach still lived in Williamsburg at the time, the kehillah was founded in Boro Park under his guidance and takanos. The name Emunas Yisroel was chosen in reference to two tzaddikim: Rebbe Yisroel, the Ba’al Shem Tov, zy”a, and Rebbe Yisroel, the Kozhnitzer Magid, zy”a, because the first time the Mashgiach and bochurim davened together in Boro Park was on Erev Sukkos, the yarhtzeit of the Kozhnitzer Maggid.
It was only two years later that the Mashgiach himself moved to Boro Park. In his great humility, he never called himself “Rav” or “Rebbe,” rather retaining the title “Mashgiach” all his life.
Emunas Yisroel was refreshingly different. Everything was always low-key and humble, just like its manhig. There was no commercialized publicity or calculated positioning. Yet more and more people were drawn to the magnetic atmosphere that Rav Wolfson created, and the minyan outgrew progressively larger locations. The purity of Torah, tefillah, yiras Shamayim and chassidus drew people from near and far.
The beis medrash was the first heichal haTorah in Boro Park, a place where people could come and learn all day long, amidst a kol Torah that emanated all hours of the day or night.
A Boro Park resident, a Satmar chassid, recalls, “I used to come from 12th Avenue during bein hazmanim to learn there — that was the place.”
Due to the pressures of parnassah and other responsibilities, in many places it had become the style of the
hamon am to daven quickly during the week. Only on Shabbos, with nowhere to run, was the pace of davening slower.
Emunas Yisroel changed that. A talmid recalled how the Mashgiach would often relate the words of the Baal HaTanya, zy”a, who writes in his Igeres HaKodesh that Shacharis should take an hour and a half.
When the Toldos Aharon Rebbe, zy”a, sent his children to New York to raise money for his mosdos, he told them that during the week, they must make sure to daven only in Emunas Yisroel.
There was an individual from outside Boro Park who was marrying off a son. On the day of the wedding, the father of the chasan sought an auspicious place to daven with his son, the chasan, at this meaningful time. He brought his son to Boro Park just to daven Shacharis in Emunas Yisroel, finding there the atmosphere he was seeking at this special moment.
Shabbos and Yomim Tovim were the highlights of the year. At those times, the Mashgiach’s shining face had an extra glow. It bestowed the kedushas hazman on all of those present, whether at the sheves achim on Friday night or at seuda shlishis, which lasted until long after the zman motzaei Shabbos.
A visitor from outside Boro Park attended the hakafos one Sukkos with his son, and together they watched the Mashgiach dance. “My son told me, ‘He looks like a malach,’” the man recalls.
“I had no connection whatsoever to Emunas Yisroel,” related another Yid. “But for years, I would attend the rikudim of the simchas beis hashoevah. I’d been to many similar events at other places, but nothing compared to the atmosphere there, so I went back every year. Just as it drew me, I saw many others from different kehillos who came to Emunas Yisroel to experience the meaning of ‘v’samachta bachagecha.’’”
May the Mashgiach be a meilitz yosher for all of his talmidim and all of Klal Yisroel.
NO. 26