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“This is silly. This is stupid. Oh…this is pointless. Is this thing even on? Testing, testing. Oh, the light is on.” Throat clearing.
“Okay. Dear diary. No. Dear journal. Hm…Dearest voice recorder.” Mirthless chuckle.
“Doc Steinberg… well, my therapist said I should keep a journal, but since I hate writing, I should get a voice recorder. $19.99 on Amazon, and here you are. I’m talking to you. But I’m talking to myself. I’m talking to my future self? Whatever.”
“Where do I start? I’m Alter Lazer Dovid Buxbaum. Luzie if you're my friend, Laze if you're my sister, Lazy if you’re my brother, Lazer’l for Bubby and Zeidy. And Lazer for the parents. The year is 2024, and I’m 19 years old.”
Static. Deep sigh. Silence.
“I’m 19, but I feel like I’m 100.” Silence.
“Woah, where did that come from? Am I wise now?” Silence.
“All right, let me get through the painful part. This is why we’re here anyway. Argh, this is hard. Steinberg said I must talk about it. But I don’t want to talk about it with him for the hundredth time, so here we are. Listen carefully, voice recorder, because I’m only going to say this once.”
Deep breath.
“What happened…It started…Okay. Okay. I wasn’t driving fast. Let me just say that. I wasn’t looking at a text, I wasn’t spacing out. I was looking straight ahead. There was nothing…The kid came out of nowhere. Literally nowhere.”
“And it happened fast…so, so fast. One second…clear road and the next…there she was… and then…”
Long silence. Ragged breath. Throat clearing.
“The kid is fine. The kid is fine. She’s fine, she’s fine, she’s fine. Me and Ta visited her last week. Sowwy that I ran into the stweet, she said to me. Her hand and face are still covered in ace bandages and whatnot but she’ll be fine.”
“But I can’t drive anymore.” Silence.
“And the dreams…” Labored breathing.
“I can’t sleep.”
“I can’t anything. I see it again and again and again. Morning and night and shachris and night seder. I see her running in front of the car and…boom. Over and over. It’s like a reel I can’t stop. Where’s the pause button? I need to pause my brain.”
Soft sobs.
“How do I…how do I pause my brain?”
Our experts weigh in:
Flashbacks are involuntary memories of a traumatic event that can cause significant emotional distress.
• In this story, the therapist uses Prolonged Exposure (PE) to help the individual process the trauma by gradually confronting their memories and feelings.
• Other evidence-based therapies for trauma include EMDR, IFS, and Somatic Experiencing.
Everyone has a story.
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Opening Date: Sunday August 18
Starting on Tu B'Av - the day mesugal for shidduchim - 40 Yidden will daven for one another for 40 days to bring zivugim.
Who know what it feels like, because they’re waiting, too.
That each individual of the group will be davening with all their heart, splitting the Heavens for one another.
Tehillim Kollel shluchim will recite the entire sefer Tehillim and daven for your zivug at the tzion of Reb Yonason ben Uzielthe place known to bring shidduchim.
(Re: Highs and Lows, Inbox, Issue 460)
I, too, read the POV about grocery expenses in amazement. I wondered: Were those numbers accurate? Did the people submitting them actually look through their receipts, or just mentally guesstimate a number?
Had you asked me a few months ago what I think I spend on groceries, I probably would have given numbers similar to the respondents whose answers you printed. But recently my husband actually took out a few months’ worth of receipts and added them up, and the number was shocking. I think the people who responded with low numbers simply have no clue what they’re really spending.
I would love to hear from them!
(Re: Highs and Lows, Inbox, Issue 460)
Name Withheld
To the lady with the overfilled cart, who wants to understand how we can spend so little on groceries, here’s the answer: We’re a family of three, and my weekly grocery order costs about $150. This number is accurate; I checked my receipts from the past few weeks before I submitted my response to the POV survey. I agree with you that some people are probably spending way more than they realize or claim, but this is my actual total. I keep costs low by shopping in a very wellpriced grocery store. Also, I get WIC benefits, which offsets some of the cost. Last, I don’t buy cleaning supplies, paper goods or similar household items in local groceries, so those expenses are not included in my total.
Wishing all of Klal Yisroel parnassah b’revach, A Local Shopper
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(Re: Highs and Lows, Inbox, Issue 460)
To the lady with the overfilled cart, I feel for you, but these low numbers can be possible. Here are some tips:
1. Buy whatever’s on special. The savings really adds up. Create your meals around those items.
2. Compare prices. Many times, the same product can be a lot cheaper if you choose a different brand.
3. Try to avoid buying prepared foods; they’re usually very expensive. Some examples are sandwiches, bakery items and cut-up vegetables.
Hope this helps!
Another Lady With a Full Cart, Who Spends Less
(Re: News, Issue 460)
In regard to the new coffin-free El Al service, please note that the coffinfree flight actually flies daily, except for Thursday.
Yonasan P.
(Re: POV, Issue 460)
It was fun to read about what people keep in their pocketbooks! One woman wrote that she keeps a water bottle in her bag. I hope that she has a straw in there, too. Growing up, we knew drinking out of a bottle was impolite, and no self-respecting person would be caught doing so. Somehow, today it has become acceptable, but I don’t think people realize what it looks like when they take a swig out of a bottle in public.
(Re: POV, Issue 460)
This week I had the privilege of hearing a beautiful speech by a rebbetzin on the subject of tznius. She told the story of a time when a plague was raging in Yerushalayim, killing many young people. The Yidden approached Rav Shmuel Salant, zt”l, and asked what they could do to stop
the mageifah. Rav Shmuel told the delegation that the reason people were dying was because the women of Yerushalayim had started to wear belts. The women took it upon themselves no longer to wear belts on their dresses, and the plague stopped.
The rebbetzin drew a parallel between the belts in Yerushalayim to the crossbody bags of today, which also pose an issue with tznius by making clothing too fitted. She pleaded that we refrain from using crossbody bags, and that it will be a huge zechus and bring refuah
How sad it was for me to open your beautiful magazine and see so many people writing that they wear crossbody bags. I felt that it was my duty to share this message and hopefully inspire others to take that extra measure to protect tznius
A Loyal Reader
SAFETY AND HALACHA (Re: Safely Locked Away, Inbox, Issue 460)
Dear Trauma Healing Coach,
First of all, thank you for the work you do for the klal. The zechus is great! You wrote in your letter that the halachos of yichud were put in place specifically for the safety of women. While this may be a “perk,” so to speak, the true and fundamental reason for the issur of yichud is to prevent additional issurim
I am a teacher, and I remember a conversation in the teachers’ room, where we discussed that the issur of yichud does not apply to regular elevators (with the exception of manual/ freight elevators, express elevators and elevator rides in amusement parks).
“Why?” I asked. “Anybody could pull the stop knob between floors, and who knows what could happen then?”
The teacher who teaches hilchos yichud responded, “While it’s not yichud, this doesn’t mean you should neglect your safety. If the people in the elevator make you uncomfortable, certainly do not enter the elevator with them.”
Thank you and much hatzlacha in all your work, C. Horowitz
(Re: Wash, Dry, Fold and Repeat – Issue 459)
Thank you so much for your fabulous magazine! I look forward to reading it every Wednesday.
Your laundry issue was so fun and enlightening to read. I was wondering if you could do a top loader versus front loader debate, similar to the Bosch mixer versus KitchenAid debate you printed a while ago. I’ve heard people claim that a front loader can’t compare to the way a top loader cleans — but other people claim it’s just a myth. And is it true that front loaders break down much sooner? I would love to gain more insight on the topic.
Thank you!
(Re: Upgrade Your Laundry Room – and Your Life, Issue 459)
I read your magazine every week from cover to cover and enjoy every page. I loved the laundry issue! I‘m very lucky to have a very small but functional laundry room. When I was looking for space to hang wet laundry, I felt very stuck, because there’s no room for anything on the walls or the floor. But the room happens to have a very high ceiling, and I found a brilliant solution in Walmart. This row of rods is installed near the ceiling and can be lowered with a pulley. You hang the wet laundry over the rods, and then pull them back up to the ceiling. I’ve been using it for about a year, and it’s amazing! It’s easy to install on your own and easy to use. The product is manufactured by Grace Impex. (I did try the one on the wall that you featured, but after using it for a few months, it fell off the wall; apparently the wet laundry was too heavy.)
From a Yiddishe Mama in Her Laundry Room
(Re: Mastering the Mountain, Issue 459)
It was very interesting to read about all the different ways people manage laundry, but I was disappointed by the negative tone in the article. As the mother of a large family, I too have mountains of laundry to wash and fold every week — but laundry is a blessing. Baruch Hashem, I have so many wonderful children who generate all this laundry! Handling their clothes is a time for a special tefillah that each of
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them grow and flourish in Torah and yiras Shamayim Laundry care is a zechus! Thank you, Hashem, for this laundry.
Name Withheld
(Re: Camp Memories, Issue 458)
Thank you for your feature on Camp Bais Yaakov. Just the name of the camp tugs at my heart and evokes the fondest memories. I was a katantana at CBY in 1980, when I was six years old. I loved every minute there, and when Mrs. Glazer, the beloved camp nurse, checked the red pimples on my stomach and pronounced “chicken pox,” I was devastated that I would have to go home. When I got home, I cried to my parents, asking why they brought me home from camp. Didn’t they realize I was missing that night’s campfire? And that my counselors had a day off and they always brought back those little packets of jelly beans they picked up at Julie’s down the road?
I remember racing my friends out of the dining room, sliding down the long slide all the way to our bunkhouse. And who can forget “pool day”? We spent the entire day at the pool field, tanning, writing letters, eating lunch, swimming and more. I remember feeling so special when Rabbi Newhouse began the famous Shalom Alechem chain around the dining room Friday night and had us little campers get first place in line right behind him.
My five older sisters and I spent many summers on those famous campgrounds, carrying the Camp Bais Yaakov banner with pride. At the end of summer 1984, on the night of the banquet, Rabbi Newhouse awarded two families with a special “Mishpacha Award” — a free Shabbos at the then famous Simcha by the Sea hotel, a hotel run by the Newhouse family in Seagate. How proud we were that our mishpacha was chosen to receive the award. Some of us sisters took our children back years later to show them the place that we fondly called “our home away from home”!
(Re: Make Parsha a Priority, Inbox, Issue 455)
I’ve been following the back-and-forth about mothers learning parsha, and I noticed that all the letter-writers, on both sides, focused on parsha as the Torah topic they are or aren’t learning. There definitely are different opinions about a woman’s role in limud Torah, with both sides being Divrei Elokim Chaim. However, there is one area within limud Torah that everyone agrees women must know, and that is halacha. Once an interest has been sparked on the topic of women learning, maybe we can capitalize on it? It seems like The Monsey View is for many women a source of inspiration and divrei Torah. Maybe the magazine can start a halacha column? It would truly be zikui harabim.
Yes! My daughter is excited to receive Shabbos packages; it’s worth every penny! A typical package includes two challahs, dips, baked goodies, peanut chew, nosh, and of course, The Monsey View – Esther
I try to send a package to camp whenever possible.
Toby Feder
I usually send a big bag of fresh popcorn to my son in camp, one that’s big enough to share with his friends. – A Reader
I don’t send packages to my daughter in camp because I don’t want to feed into the pressure that other parents will feel as a result. Camp is expensive as it is, and while, baruch Hashem, we can afford to send her packages, I know there are many who can’t and feel very pressured about it. My daughter understands this and is satisfied with our frequent letters. – A Reader
We don’t send packages because we don’t have extra time to prepare them. – Family W.
I send necessities when needed, plus one extra package per half. My kids take a box filled with nosh to camp, so the one package I send is a treat. In the special package, I include homemade baked goods, candy, cute camp-themed items (pillowcase, socks, pens), and family photos. – R.R.
We don’t send packages to camp because we think it’s unnecessary. – Dini
I usually do not send any packages, and when I do, it’s generally things like Tylenol PM. I occasionally send nosh. I once sent gel for peyos, and another time, kugel for Shabbos (on Monday!). Of course, I put a letter on the box saying, I love you!
From Totty. – A Reader
I send packages to my children in camp. Packages typically include kokosh cake, gifts, heartfelt letters, and sometimes sourdough challah, dips and nosh.
– Yitty Rosenberg
I try to send a package every week, depending on whether I find a ride to camp. My package usually includes hotout-of-the-oven sourdough bread, dips, special Shabbos treats, some snacks, and most importantly, a loving note! – E. Feig
I send packages to my son to help him maintain his connection to home. I send a package every Erev Shabbos, which includes chicken soup, nosh, various Shabbos foods, money and a letter. My son takes medication every day, and since I didn’t want to send the full supply in the beginning of the summer, I send along enough pills to last him one week with each package.
Last week, I sent something very cute. He’d complained that four out of eight boys in his room have teddy bears, so we went out and got a cute teddy bear for him. – M.G.W.
I send packages around twice a summer. It’s warm regards from home and an expression of my love. I try to send homemade challah, baked goodies and fresh fruit. – Family R.
I don’t send official packages to my kids in camp. After all the weeks of shopping and filling up huge nosh boxes, it’s finally time to send them off with a big hug along with the confidence that they’ll be just fine. And guess what? The parents’ vibes rub off on the children.
In the beginning of this camp season, on Erev Shabbos, I received an automated call from my child’s camp. The director was imploring to please refrain from sending Shabbos packages to camp, along with very valid explanations about why the camp was enforcing it.
I don’t buy into the hysteria that you must send packages to your children in camp. Let the camp experience give them some strength and confidence that they are managing just fine on their own, and that their parents’ love is limitless, regardless of whether they send packages. This confidence is worth a lot more than any package that will come their way.
As an aside, when an opportunity for a ride to camp does come up that works out very easily for me, I try to send some baked goods their way. It’s completely unexpected and very appreciated. – Tobi Rapaport
I know this is a very controversial topic for parents with children in camp, and I totally get it. However, if you think that your child can’t be in camp for two months without your tomato dip, then I think both you and your child are weak and spoiled. It’s a disservice to your child. The independence that is encouraged by the camp experience is totally lost by this practice. The skill of being self-sufficient won’t develop if every wish is fulfilled by their parents. However, if you’re sending something urgent (medication, for example), you can use this opportunity to send along a letter and some treats. The skill of doing without is underrated as instant gratification sadly seems like the way to go today. – An Avid Reader
I’m too young to answer this question, but back in the day, my mother brought packages only when she came to visit me on visiting day. The packages contained a nosh box refill of my favorites. – A Reader
Yes, I send packages to camp. I feel that it keeps my connection with my children strong! I know some camps have no longer allow any packages in. I don’t think it’s an all-or-nothing situation. Parents have to do what feels right. Send packages if you please, but not from a place of peer pressure. Send less often if it feels too overwhelming, but remember: You don’t want your kid to be one of the only ones who don’t receive a package because “her mother is against it.” It’s unfair.
I send one or two homemade items (bilkalech, dips, cookies) and necessities they ask for, such as batteries. Naturally, the package also includes some love notes from home. I try to send something more special twice a summer, like a gift or a beautiful photo collage. It also helps that the drop-off location is only two blocks from my house and there is no charge to send packages. – R.R.
Please submit your answer by Tuesday night, August 20, for a chance to see it in print!
Email or text pov@themonseyview.com Fax 845-600-8483
Voicemail: 845-600-8484 ext. 811
To receive the POV question in your inbox every week, send an email to pov@themonseyview.com with the word “subscribe” in the subject line.
MONDAY-THURSDAY 11AM-4PM Official Opening Date: Monday Sep 2
With all our Heart
Y. Levenstein
In Parshas Va’eschanan, we find the first parsha of Krias Shema, which describes the mitzvah of ahavas Hashem. On the word “ v’ahavta,” Rashi explains, “we should perform mitzvos out of love of Hashem.”
The pasuk continues, “ B’chol levavecha” — with all your heart, “u’vchol nafshecha” — even if it comes with mesirus nefesh, “u’vchol me’odecha” — with all your means.
Then the pasuk goes on to describe the mitzvah of tefillin, which includes the parshiyos of Shema.
Read on for a remarkably powerful story of a Yid who was mekayem the mitzvah of tefillin with outstanding mesirus nefesh and a true love of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.
The following story was shared by a frum bank manager in Eretz Yisroel.
I WORK AT A BANK. One morning, an elderly man who looked every bit the part of a disheveled, neglected beggar walked in and asked if he could rent a safe box in the bank. He paid the rent for an entire year upfront. I gave him his key.
From that day on, every single morning when I arrived at work at 8:30 a.m., the old man was standing outside the door waiting for me. I would lead him to the safe room, unlock the box with my bank key, and then he would turn his key in the lock. He stayed there exactly one minute, and then left.
At 1:00 in the afternoon, shortly before our branch closed for lunch, the old man would come back. I would lead him into the safe, and after a minute, he would leave.
This behavior puzzled me.
What did the poor man keep in his safe, and why did he come every day to take it out and then return it? I must say I found him annoying, but a job is a job. There was no way I could hold him back from depositing or withdrawing whatever he wanted from the box that was rightfully his.
One afternoon, the bank announced it would be closed the following day due to a strike. I used my morning off to take care of some errands out of the house. When I returned home, my wife let me know that someone was looking for me urgently. He had called several times already. Just then, the phone rang. It was my elderly client on the line.
“Please come down to the bank now,” he asked. “I must take something out of my box.”
“In case you haven’t heard,” I replied, “there’s a bank strike today. The bank is closed.”
“I know,” said the man. “But I must take something out.”
I patiently explained to him that it was simply impossible. The bank was closed. The old man asked if he could come down to my house to speak with me, and that’s when I lost it. All of my pent-up annoyance at the unkempt fellow who took my time day in, day out, suddenly exploded.
“What do you have in that safe box that’s so important?” I demanded. “Why should I go out of my way because you want to go collecting?”
Without a word, the man hung up the phone.
About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at my door. Who was standing there if not the little old collector? Baruch Hashem, I managed to keep my cool, but firmly explained that there was nothing doing. The bank was closed.
“But I just need to go in for two minutes!” he pleaded.
What did the poor man keep in his safe, and why did he come every day to take it out and then return it?
When he saw I would not budge, the man said, “I want to tell you my story — a story I’ve never shared with a soul. Afterward, you can decide what to do.”
My curiosity got the best of me, and I agreed to listen.
* * * * *
Chaim* was a Holocaust survivor. At one point, he had been in a transit camp together with the Satmar Rav, zy”a. Although he wasn’t a Satmar chassid, he was taken by the kedusha the Rebbe exuded, and always tried to get close to him.
One day, the shammas mentioned to Chaim that the Rebbe was very perturbed. His tefillin had gotten lost, and they had been looking for several hours for someone who had a pair of tefillin to lend. Tefillin were hard to come by in the camps, but Chaim was fortunate enough to have a pair of his own, which he hid and protected with all his might. He offered to lend the tefillin to the Rebbe, and ran to his hiding spot to bring them. The shammas arranged a time for them to meet so he could return the tefillin, but somehow, the meeting never happened. I’ll get the tefillin back first thing tomorrow, Chaim thought to himself.
But that evening, the SS came and led Chaim and several other inmates away for forced labor. After two weeks, the group was brought back to the camp. They were welcomed excitedly by their fellow inmates who had thought they would never be seen alive again.
Some boys told Chaim that a messenger of the Satmar Rav had come looking for him several times. “He looked very anxious, and he said he had an important package to give you. We told him that you were likely no longer among the living…”
By that time, the Satmar Rav wasn’t in the camp anymore either. He had been taken to the train which was due to transport him to Switzerland. Before the train departed, the Rebbe wanted to send the tefillin back to the camp, but he was afraid to entrust the holy artifact to the hands of the irreligious Jews around him. Who knew if they would treat the tefillin with its due respect and actually give it to Chaim, or another frum Yid in the event he was no longer alive? The Rebbe decided the tefillin were safer with him. He held on to them and made sure to use the tefillin as a zechus for their owner.
With lots of nissim, Chaim survived the war. In 1948, he managed to get to Eretz Yisroel. A sole survivor, he was lost and forlorn, a neshamah alone in this world. He spent lots of time in and out of an institution for emotionally affected individuals.
One day, in 1953, Chaim received a letter from New York. The return address listed the Rebbe of Satmar, and inside was a question: Was he by any chance the person who had lent the Rebbe tefillin in the camps?
Chaim wrote back in the affirmative. A few days later, a messenger of the Rebbe visited him personally and said the Rebbe had invited him to his home in New York; he should come at the earliest opportunity.
Over the next little while, messengers from the Rebbe visited Chaim several times. The visits invigorated his dejected spirits with a new sense of purpose. In time, Chaim managed to get a ticket and fly to America.
He was welcomed like royalty in the Satmar court. The Rebbe displayed extreme warmth and handed over the sacred pair of tefillin. The two cried together.
The Rebbe suggested that Chaim remain in New York, and he would care for all of his needs. Chaim preferred going back
He was welcomed like royalty in the Satmar court. The Rebbe displayed extreme warmth, and handed over the sacred pair of tefillin
to Eretz Yisroel, even though he had nobody there at all. He moved into a tiny apartment and supported himself by collecting donations. From time to time, Satmar chassidim would visit him on behalf of the Rebbe. They were the only people he had in this world. When the Rebbe passed away, Chaim was sure his relationship with Satmar would end, but amazingly, it did not. Several devoted chassidim maintained the connection, occasionally visiting the lonely bachelor.
Chaim’s most precious thing in life was that pair of tefillin that had survived the camps with his mesirus nefesh and was infused with the kedusha of the Rebbe’s use.
One night, thieves broke into Chaim’s tiny apartment and stole the cash he had collected. More disappointing than the loss of his hard-earned coins was the fear he suddenly felt. Maybe one day someone will steal his tefillin!
That was why Chaim decided to rent a safe box at the bank. And that was why he came down every day, without fail. He would pick up his tefillin and go daven, and just before the bank closed, he would bring it back for safekeeping overnight.
* * * * *
The old man finished his tale and begged, “Now, please! Take me to the bank. It’s already 12 o’clock, and I haven’t yet donned tefillin today!”
I didn’t need anymore convincing. I walked with Chaim to the bank and watched as he took out his little package. For the first time, I noticed that there was nothing else inside the safe box. “If you’re already coming down to the bank each day, why don’t you keep your money here too?” I asked.
“My money isn’t mine,” he replied simply. “I use it to buy tefillin for poor immigrant children.”
I was blown away by the greatness of a Yid — especially one whom I had regarded as simple and incompetent. I felt sorry that I had never judged him favorably or tried to appreciate this special person, who was alive thanks to the mitzvah of tefillin, and who lived for the sake of tefillin
From that day on, I treated “the tefillin man,” as I liked to call him, with utmost
respect. We sometimes engaged in conversation that lasted long after the bank closed for the day, and from time to time, I invited him over for a Shabbos seudah
One day, Chaim didn’t arrive at the bank. I ran to his house to check up on him, and found him unconscious. I called Hatzolah and accompanied him to the hospital where he was diagnosed as having suffered a stroke. After several days, Chaim passed away.
I had no idea how to arrange a levaya, and decided to reach out to the Satmar chassidim whom I knew Chaim had contact with. Soon, there was a car with loudspeakers driving around Yerushalayim, announcing the levaya of a meis mitzvah
Many people came to the levaya. One of the Satmar chassidim stood up to eulogize Chaim, even though he hardly knew much about him. Personally, I am very shy and never spoke in public, but on the spur of the moment, I stood up and said I wanted to speak.
“Everyone knew Chaim as a poor old collector,” I began. “But I knew him as ‘the tefillin man.’”
I went on to tell the enraptured audience Chaim’s story. Everyone cried.
I arranged for a minyan during shivah and began to work on a matzeivah. I thought I would ask the Satmar chassidim for contributions, but before I had a chance, I received a letter from Chaim’s lawyer. Chaim had written a will! He designated an envelope in his drawer to me. Inside it was the key to his safe box, his bank account information, and a letter in which he thanked me for our relationship and asked me to use money from his account for his matzeivah. Any remaining funds would be mine to keep.
I ordered a beautiful matzeivah, engraved with his name and title, The Tefillin Man.
Then I took the money that remained and used it to buy tefillin for poor bar mitzvah bochurim. With much emotion, I opened his safe box and removed the precious tefillin — now mine to keep.
I expanded Chaim’s organization, and to date, we sponsor about thirty pairs of tefillin every month for poor families. Now, I have become “the tefillin man.”
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It’s a story that every mother knows.
We want our children to succeed and have the very best of everything.
We want to give them a solid foundation of life skills as they journey into the world.
But with the plethora of books, hotlines, courses, and methods, it starts to feel like a wild goose chase. Will any of them be effective? How do we know which one is right for us?
For those children who need to boost their skills, which intervention do we choose? OT, PT, speech? Play therapy, art, music, sand? There are amazing services out there, but don’t you wish you had clarity and guidance on how to best help your child?
Cognify is built on a fundamental shift of mindset.
Instead of targeting each missing skill with its
own therapy method, Cognify focuses on the child as a person. By going back to basics, and supporting healthy brain development, mothers have often found that their child naturally develops in their areas of weakness, which in turn jumpstarts their whole development.
Cognify is the brainchild of Mrs. Malky Meisels, an experienced teacher and one-on-one child educator. A protégé of the renowned Mrs. Merzbach,
who developed the popular Brainstorm method, Mrs. Meisels’s goal is to bring these tools and tricks to mothers throughout our community.
Countless mothers, teachers, and educators have seen the results of the Brainstorm Method firsthand. Developed by Mrs. Merzbach after thorough education and research, it combines aspects of OT, PT, speech, the Brain Gym method, reflex integration, and more. The result is a program of specialized, fun and doable exercises for children, which boost brain development, addressing problems at the source.
Instead of targeting each missing skill with its own therapy method, Cognify focuses on the child as a person
By giving mothers a valuable toolbox of ideas and exercises, mothers are empowered to identify what their child needs, and incorporate those tools into their daily routines
The Brainstorm Method has helped many children with language acquisition, reading and phonetic awareness, social issues, emotional development, focus and concentration, behavioral issues, fears and phobias, and other challenges. This program has been helpful for children with special needs but is also very much geared for typical children with everyday challenges. Mrs. Merzbach has trained many people and continues to guide them as they support the children they work with. Thousands of children and their success stories speak for themselves.
As a one-on-one educator, and even as a friend and neighbor, Mrs. Meisels was constantly consulted for advice. After recommending targeted exercises for the children in question, she saw great feedback, and was amazed at the transformative effect one simple exercise could have.
Cognify developed organically from there, born out of a desire to make these tools accessible for every mother. As she explains, “These are simple ideas that every mother can use.” Mrs. Meisels sat down with her mentor, Mrs. Merzbach, and together they designed the Cognify course for optimal brain development. This is also a way to make the Brainstorm method accessible to mothers, teachers, and tutors in a shorter and more affordable way.
After a soft launch to a select group of participants, Cognify is now open to mothers for the very first time. The course is designed for mothers of typically developing children who can use a boost in their skills, or who want to know what to do if their children will one day need a boost. It is also a preventative measure, a way of ensuring that we raise our children with developed life skills.
By giving mothers a valuable toolbox of ideas and exercises, mothers are empowered to identify what their child needs, and incorporate those tools into their daily routines. Instead of having to constantly seek outside guidance, mothers will gain the ability to support their childrens’ brain development on their own. In many cases, this will prevent minor issues from snowballing, requiring therapy and interventions. (It should be noted that some issues require personalized and professional guidance.)
The course is given in Yiddish, and is divided into five in-person,
Moishy Klein* came home and told his mother, “My rebbi is sensory.” Confused, Mrs. Klein asked, “How would you know?” Moishy answered, “I see that he is always happy and friendly.” Sensory, sense of humor… it’s all the same to him. On a more serious note, those are both attributes that can be channeled positively.
Yossi was already two and a half, but not speaking at all – not even “mama” or “tata.” His concerned mother consulted Mrs. Meisels, who advised one specific exercise daily. Within a week, Yossi was communicating fluently.
Ari was a confident boy and on the ball, but in the presence of his overbearing cousin Shloimy, he just could not be himself. Ari’s mother happened to start these exercises at this time, and the next Shabbos when Ari and Shloimy met, the relationship was much more balanced, with Ari being much more comfortable and assertive.
Simi, who is trained in these exercises, commented that she does so many of them with her baby automatically as they go through the day, without even realizing.
Shifra makes sure to do a few minutes of the exercises before going to run errands, which leaves her grounded and calm, able to focus and accomplish with a clear mind.
Rabbi Stein was a melamed at a cheder for children with special needs. His wife, who took the course, gave him one quick exercise to do with his talmidim daily. He was astounded at the transformation in the boys, who were much calmer and more focused.
hands-on sessions of 90 minutes, including Q&A. As a bonus, participants will have the opportunity to submit questions to Mrs. Merzbach, who will lead a class to answer those questions. Participants will receive clear notes with illustrations and instructions so they can choose what to incorporate according to their homes and personalities.
The launch date is August 20th, located in the Premishlan Shul, and the course is endorsed by Rav Yehoshua Leifer, Rav of Premishlan. The cost is $650. Mothers who sign up together with a friend get $50 off. Registration deadline is Sunday August 17th.
The Monsey View readers can mention The Monsey View for a $100 discount.
The Brain Connection
Brain Balance
Reflex Integration
Stress Relief Exercises
Sensory Integration
Crossing Midline
And more!
Q: I’m so busy! My life is way too hectic to be busy doing exercises with the kids!
A: Even if you don’t have time for the exercises on a daily basis, awareness is already a game changer. But if you do try a few exercises, you will likely see that the resulting improvement frees up your time and energy from the big and small issues that no longer crop up. In addition, you will learn many tips that don’t take any time to implement.
Q: I have a large family ka”h, and each child needs something else.
A: These exercises boost brain development, which will automatically lead to improvement in the necessary areas. This way, you can take care of every child at once.
Q: B”H my kids are doing well in school and socially. What do I need this for?
A: Cognify can benefit even children who are completely successful. Skills can always be further developed and fine-tuned. An added advantage is that any issues that may arise are dealt with before they snowball into actual problems.
Q: What methods does Cognify incorporate?
A: Cognify is based on the Brainstorm Method, which was developed with aspects of OT, PT, speech, the Brain Gym method, reflex integration, and more. In addition, Mrs. Meisels incorporated additional knowledge, as well as practical tips and guidelines for mothers.
Q: Who stands behind Cognify?
A: Cognify was developed in conjunction with the well-known Mrs. Merzbach, and has a haskamah from Rav Yehoshua Leifer, Rav of Premishlan.
Q: How do I know which exercises are right for my child?
A: There are certain exercises recommended as a starting point for most children. Start with an easier exercise and build up slowly. Most children will find it fun and doable and will develop favorites over time. Course participants will gain clarity to identify which exercises boost which skills.
Q: Is there a payment plan available?
A: Yes. Please reach out to Cognify to discuss payment details.
Mrs. Malky Meisels of Monsey NY, an experienced teacher and one-on-one educator, trained under Mrs. Merzbach and designed the Cognify course based on the foundations of the Brainstorm method, with additional approaches. For information, testimonials, and registration, call the Cognify hotline at 845-322-6677.
The Cognify course is designed for mothers of healthy children to boost their cognitive, social, emotional and language skills. We will address everyday challenges such as sensory issues, fears and concentration to help each child reach their potential effectively.
Comprehensive development through targeted physical exercises
Get your questions answered after each session.
Exclusive insights and Q & A with Mrs. Merzbach.
It is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that we mourn the passing of our dear friend
ל’’ז Project Ohr Executive Director, Division of Monsey Health Center.
Rabbi Hammer left an indelible mark on all those who had the privilege of working with him. His unparalleled dedication and unwavering passion for helping others set him apart as a truly exceptional leader.
May his family find strength and comfort in the time of mourning.
Hoffman, President and CEO
Imagine Sicily, its lush citrus groves, rolling hills, and coastal breeze, a willowleaf mandarin ablaze under an unforgiving sky. Now, Stop Imagining.
Quintessentially Sicilian Sip after Sip
A potential shooting spree using Orbeez gel balls was stopped before it could even start last Motzei Shabbos, with multiple people contacting Chaverim of Rockland to report what appeared to be suspicious behavior.
Three males were spotted at the corner of Blauvelt Road and Manor Drive carrying some kind of guns, possibly toy guns, prompting area residents to report the suspicious behavior. After receiving several calls about the gun-toting individuals, Chaverim contacted the Ramapo Police Department and sent several volunteers to the scene.
According to reports, the individuals in question were confirmed to be carrying Orbeez guns and had been firing the gel balls into the air, but sources said that they had planned on shooting people in the area.
At least two of the suspects were confirmed to be under eighteen, with two hailing from Brooklyn and the third from New Jersey. While a search of their car yielded multiple Orbeez guns, none of the three were arrested because they hadn’t actually shot anyone with the gel balls.
All three individuals were issued warnings by police, who escorted them out of Rockland County. Anyone who may have been hit by the gel balls is asked to contact Ramapo police at 845357-2400 or Chaverim at 845-371-6333.
Rocklanders did their part to combat the summer slump that is prevalent at blood banks, responding vigorously to a competition that pitted each of the county’s five towns against each other to see who could donate the most blood.
One hundred eleven units of blood were collected over the blood drive, which was the brainchild of Senator Bill Weber and kicked off on July 30, with Ramapo residents heading to Finkelstein Memorial Library to roll up their sleeves and donate. The next four days saw blood drives taking place in Orangetown, Stony Point, Clarkstown and Haverstraw.
Clarkstown won the competition, with 30 units of blood donated, and also took first place in the number of
first-time donors, with eighteen giving blood for the first time. Ramapo came in fourth in both categories, with eighteen units of blood donated and eleven first-time donors.
The American Red Cross expects that the blood collected during the blood drive will be used to help 333 people. Weber told Rockland Daily that he hopes the blood drive will become a yearly competition.
“The event was vital as blood continues to be a precious commodity, and building up the American Red Cross blood bank is even more critical in the summer,” said Weber. “I appreciate every individual who stepped up to the plate to make a difference, not only for their town, but for the person whose life they might very well have saved through their altruistic actions.”
Officials of the Sullivan County Town of Forestburgh found themselves facing serious criticism at a recent town meeting, with multiple representatives of Agudath Israel of America slamming the board for passing laws allegedly designed to keep Orthodox Jews from moving in.
The town, located south of Monticello, had given a Texasbased developer its full “shovel-ready approval” to build the Lost Lake Resort community of 2,000 homes on the 3.3-square-mile parcel of land more than ten years ago. But Forestburgh began denying permits and rejecting applications after a Chasidic group bought the property in July 2020 — a move that some believe was motivated by a desire to discourage Jews from buying
property in the town. A law passed by Forestburgh, requiring a five-acre minimum lot size for any houses of worship in the area’s residential districts, seemed to further underscore that theory, with the town requiring a lot size of only an acre and a half for a theater in its commercial district.
Agudah board of trustees member Chaskel Bennett testified at the August 1 town board meeting. He noted that the United States Constitution guarantees the right to religious worship, and that he has never seen a five-acre requirement placed on houses of worship in any of the many places he has visited throughout the country.
“At a time of alarming and unprecedented anti-Semitism, many observers watching this unfortunate situation in Forestburgh can only conclude that the law is being weaponized to discriminate against a community that has faced this kind of government-sanctioned discrimination before,” said Bennett.
“We know discrimination when we see it.”
Also testifying at the hearing were New Jersey Assemblyman Rabbi Avi Schnall, the former director of the Agudah’s office in the Garden State, and Agudah’s director of New York State government relations, Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, who spoke about the right of every Orthodox Jew to live and raise their families in the location of their choosing.
“Like other cases of government-sponsored discrimination, we have been involved with the Forestburgh situation almost from the beginning,” said Rabbi Silber. “This is a continuation of a lengthy fight for fairness and equity that, sadly, needs to be waged.”
Forestburgh is already facing two lawsuits that were filed by the Lost Lake Resort developer, with the United States Justice Department also submitting a statement of interest in the case. The New York State attorney general has instructed Forestburgh that it is required to comply with all religious discrimination laws at both the state and local levels.
■ We are here, ready to help, in time of need, or if you feel unsafe and want professional help, do not hesitate to call, we are here to service the community with all its needs.
■ In addition, if you are passing by and you hear an alarm sounding, or you smell a strong odor of fire, smoke, gas etc. call for help and wait on scene until help arrives, so that you can show the members the location. In the past, this has saved countless houses and possessions.
■ When calling for help for any sort of emergency, state right away the address or location and the reason you are calling, try to keep it as short and to the point as possible (for example: my oven is burning, a room is on fire ch’’v, the roof is on fire, someone is trapped r’’l etc.) and not just say “it’s burning”.
■ When stating the address make sure to give over all the applicable details, such as apartment number / floor, side of the building, and the way to get to the apartment, (long driveway, it looks like another address, its by the corner or the entrance is on a different street etc.) by a longer street it’s advisable to give the cross streets.
■ It is very important that the number on the house is visible so that emergency responders can respond efficiently, if the number lights up at night is even better. The difference between the address being visible or not can actually save lives.
■ It is very advisable, especially when it’s difficult to find the location, to send someone out to direct the volunteers where to go.
■ An adult should always be the one to call for help, don’t let a child, aide or housekeeper make the call, even on Shabbos, this has caused lots of complications, and it can make the call take longer, and sometimes it can create misunderstandings whether with the reason of calling or with the location, an adult is always allowed to call even on Shabbos according to our rabbonim shlit’’a.
■ A great Hiddur for Shmiras Shabbos is to have the emergency numbers saved in speed dial to minimize chillul Shabbos (this should not withhold someone from calling if it hasn’t been done before Shabbos).
Recap: Disguised as a Polish girl, Rachel obtains food for the Blums.
Ivan Roluk marveled at the changing scenery. A moment ago, his train had been rattling along the tracks through a thick tunnel of tall, green pine trees… and now it had emerged in a barren, charred field with dead bodies strewn about.
He pulled the train to a stop. The steam engine let out an exasperated hiss.
Immediately, the quiet was shattered by the sounds of German soldiers running about and barking orders. He watched as dozens of soldiers carried wounded comrades on stretchers to the empty cars behind the engine.
Roluk took out a cigarette.
Ivan took a long puff from his cigarette. The images of those days flowed through his mind.
It was a day similar to this one. A deceptively blue sky. The sweet smell of spring in the air. Flowers blossoming. And death everywhere.
It reminded him of his early days in Moscow, shortly after the Communist Revolution in 1917. Maria, his wife, worked as a nurse in the Kremlin for none other than the great communist leader, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. It was a day similar to this one. A deceptively blue sky. The sweet smell of spring in the air. Flowers blossoming. And death everywhere.
Soldiers disembark from a train, shouting orders in Russian. Wounded soldiers are removed from stretchers. Doctors and nurses, like Maria, perform quick examinations and direct the wounded toward pre-assigned areas.
Then there is an explosion… and gunshots.
Ivan watches from the train with horror as smoke envelopes
It mattered less to him who won the war — the Germans or the Russians — than that he, his wife and their son remained safe
the area where he had last seen Maria. Oh, G-d, no!
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He runs in the direction he had last seen her, terrified of what he might find. Many of the wounded on the stretchers are now dead. Bullets are whizzing by, but he does not care. All that matters is Maria. What is his life without her?
Then he sees it — the bloodied white uniform of a nurse lying facedown on the ground. His heart sinks. He reaches out to turn over the body…
Suddenly, from behind him, he hears a familiar voice. “Ivan!” It is Maria. She emerges from the smoke, coughing, her white dress dirtied — but she is alive.
After that close call, Ivan and Maria Roluk decided to leave Moscow. It was not clear which side would win, Lenin’s Red Army or the anti-communist White Army. Either way, it was extremely dangerous to be so close to the action. As a “machinist,” the descriptor given to people who could drive and repair trains, Ivan would be able to find work easily enough. But even if he couldn’t, they decided to settle as far away as possible. That’s what brought them to Ludmir, in the Ukraine.
Now, here they were, many years later, transplanted Russians living among Ukrainians conscripted by the Germans.
Ivan watched the Germans load wounded soldiers onto the train. He had no love for the Germans, but as long as they valued his expertise, he felt relatively safe. The truth was that he was no fan of the Communists either. He had seen what they could do. Of course, the Nazis were worse — especially when it came to the Jews. But it mattered less to him who won the war — the Germans or the Russians — than that he, his wife and their son remained safe. And they were, as long as he did his job. Which is exactly what he planned to do. Do his job and not stir up trouble. If he was lucky, they just might make it through the war alive.
* * * * *
Maria Roluk had an aristocratic air about her. She did not dress like a peasant. She wore boots with laces, for instance, which was very stylish in those days. When she and her husband, Ivan, escaped Moscow in 1917, they were able to take some money with them and use it to buy a house in Ludmir, as well as about two acres of land for farming not far from their house. It was not uncommon for people to own a house as well as a small parcel of land on the outskirts of the town. On one acre they grew wheat, and the other acre was for potatoes. There were no hired workers.
Ivan and Maria lived off the land, like most people in Ludmir, and on the wages Ivan received from the Germans for his services
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Everyone had to do their own work on their own land.
Ivan and Maria lived off the land, like most people in Ludmir, and on the wages Ivan received from the Germans for his services.
Spring came, and the weather turned nice. This meant that Mrs. Roluk needed to tend to her two acres of land, which was about a half-hour walk from home. May was the month to plant wheat, so Mrs. Roluk grabbed a sack of seeds and headed for the fields. As she walked down the rows of dug-up earth, she removed the seeds from the sack and tossed them into the ground. It took about a half a day to seed the entire acre, and the remainder of the day to cover the open earth with soil.
In June, it was time to plant potatoes. The seeds of potatoes are the little eyes that grow on their surface. Each potato has many such seeds. Working with a pile of potatoes, Maria would cut a little chunk of potato around each eye and deposit it in a sack. The next day, she headed to the fields with a full sack of potato seeds. Once there, she made a little hole in the ground with her finger, put one potato chunk inside, and covered it. It took her all day to plant one sack of potato seeds.
The industrious Mrs. Roluk also had a bee farm. In July, it was time to collect honey from the bees, which had been diligently gathering pollen from flowers since April. During the winter months, Ivan had constructed specially made wooden frames for the bees to build their hives. Now the frames were full of wax and honey.
Ivan put on a special net that covered his face as well as a special uniform with gloves to cover the rest of his body. He pulled out the frames one by one and put them in a wooden trough, which was a long receptacle normally used for washing clothes. During the day, when most of the bees vacated the hive in search of more pollen, Mr. Roluk would light a torch to shoo away the remaining bees and extract the honey from the hive. Maria used to love to watch him do this.
There were so many honey frames that it took almost a whole month of work to extract all of the honey. It was a good business. People would buy jars of honey not only for its own sake, as food, but also as a preservative. They would put cherries, plums, spinach, onions and other vegetables in bottles and then fill it with honey. This would preserve the fruit or vegetables so it would last through the entire winter.
So although the ground under their feet burned with the war, the Roluks were all right.
Putting an elevated dessert on the Shabbos table doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s a set of simple desserts that will delight the eye and refresh the palate.
An ice pop that’s bright, refreshing and chockfull of summer vibes. Use ripe, but not overripe, watermelon to yield the best texture.
1.5 lb. watermelon, cubed Juice of one lemon
¼ cup brown sugar
½ cup water
2–3 sprigs fresh mint leaves
1. Freeze the watermelon cubes in advance.
2. Place frozen watermelon cubes, brown sugar, water and lemon juice into a food processor bowl, and blend until smooth.
3. Add the mint leaves, and pulse once or twice until the mint is chopped.
4. Pour mixture into ice pop molds. Add popsicle sticks and freeze.
Here’s one for all dairy lovers! Below you’ll find two versions of homemade dairy ice cream. One is easier to make, and the other one is made from pure ingredients and yields a superior, smoother ice cream. Both taste authentic, creamy and all-around lux.
3 cups milk
1 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
1. Put the milk and sugar into a small pot.
2. Heat over a low flame until the sugar dissolves.
3. Bring the mix to a simmer over medium-low heat. Do not stir once the mixture starts to simmer; the sugar can crack and crystalize. Gently simmer for approximately 35 to 40 minutes, or until the milk has darkened to a creamy color, thickened and has reduced by half. If there are sugary bits clinging to the rim of your pot, don’t stir them into your condensed milk, this can also crack the mixture.
4. When ready, remove from heat and pour into a jar to cool. Allow the condensed milk to cool completely before covering and refrigerating.
5. Measure out 10 oz. of the sweetened condensed milk. (Reserve the rest for a different use.) Mix with vanilla and salt, and set aside.
6. In a mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Don’t overmix.
7. Add one cup of heavy cream to the sweetened condensed milk, and mix to combine. Add this mixture to the remaining heavy cream, and fold by hand until incorporated. Place in a container and freeze. Scoop to serve as you would regular ice cream.
10 oz. Baker’s Choice sweetened milk cream
2 cups heavy cream
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract Pinch of salt
1. Mix milk cream with vanilla and salt. Set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Don’t overmix.
3. Add one cup of heavy cream to the sweetened milk cream, and mix to combine. Add this mixture to the remaining heavy cream, and fold by hand until incorporated.
4. Place in a container and freeze. Scoop to serve as you would regular ice cream.
Plate these flavorful pops with some cubed fruit for a perfect ending to a summer seudah
8 oz. frozen passion fruit, thawed
2 cups hot water
⅓–½ cup sugar
2 T. lime juice
1. In a large container, dissolve the sugar in the hot water.
2. Add remaining ingredients to the container, and mix to combine.
3. Freeze overnight.
4. Remove from the freezer, and thaw for about an hour.
5. Blend in a food processor.
6. Divide mixture into ice pop molds.
7. Insert popsicle sticks and freeze.
Memento diffuser available to gift for all hostesses.
Preparing for a simcha is exhausting; let us handle your hostess packages.
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
¾ cup oil
1 Tbsp. Bakers Choice Vanilla Sugar
1 ½ tsp. Bakers Choice Baking Powder
2 ¾ cups flour
1 Bakers Choice Nougat Schmeer
4 oz. Bakers Choice White Chips
4 oz. Bakers Choice
Nougat Chips plus 2 oz. for garnish
DIRECTIONS: Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).
Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, beat the eggs and sugar together until fluffy. Add the oil and continue to beat until well combined. Stir in the nougat schmeer until the mixture is smooth.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the flour and baking powder. Gradually add to the wet mixture, stirring until combined.
Fold in the white chocolate chips and nougat chips by hand.
Divide the dough into three equal portions. Shape each portion into a log, approximately 3 inches wide and 12 inches long, and place on prepared baking sheets.
Bake for 35 minutes and let cool for 10 minutes. Cut logs into 1-inch slices. Bake for an additional 8 minutes.
Melt 2 oz. of nougat chips and drizzle over the cooled biscotti.
Motzei Shabbos Nachamu in Skulen. The mere mention of this melaveh malkah conjures up feelings of simcha and deep emotion, and brings the tunes of stirring Skulener niggunim to one’s lips.
The seudas hoda’ah that takes place is well known, but few are aware of what it actually commemorates. Here we take a closer look at the events that preceded Shabbos Nachamu 5719 (1959), and how this Shabbos became a Yom Tov in the court of Skulen.
The Holocaust had just ended. The Nazis, ym”s, with the aid of the Romanians who had aligned with them at the onset of the war, had facilitated the deportation of scores of Romanian Yidden. They were also responsible for the persecution and massacre of 260,000 Jews in Romaniancontrolled territories.
Like many war-torn European countries in the aftermath of World War II, Romania saw hundreds of refugee children wandering about, orphaned of their parents and without any family.
With the physical perils of war behind them, these young children now faced terrible spiritual danger. This was especially the case with the many of them who had been left in the care of non-Jewish neighbors for the duration of the war. Even those who did manage to leave the
gentile families who’d housed them had nowhere to go.
The local authorities took responsibility for any unclaimed children and did as they saw fit with them, putting Jewish children at great risk of being placed in gentile orphanages, where they would be lost to Yiddishkeit.
The Skulener Rebbe, Rav Eliezer Zusya Portugal, zy”a, with the help of his son Rav Yisroel Avraham, zy”a, took upon himself the task of saving orphaned children from a spiritual death. They did everything they could to seek out and be mekarev these precious neshamos, and help return them to their roots.
An incredible story illustrates the lengths the Rebbe would go, and the creativity of his efforts, to save the post-war children.
A young girl once arrived at the home of the Skulener Rebbe before Pesach after having been hidden in the home of a nonJew during the war.
In the Portugal home, Pesach preparations were in full swing, but the girl refused to acknowledge that Yom Tov was coming. The family reminded her about Pesach, but seeing that she was adamant in her denial of it, they tried to get to the root of her insistence. Finally, she blurted out, “Pesach only comes after Purim. And we didn’t have Purim yet…!”
Purim had obviously not been celebrated in the gentile home she had stayed in.
The next day, Purim was announced in the Portugal home. All Pesach work was put on hold. The girls baked hamantaschen and other goodies, the children frolicked about in costumes, and the day was concluded with a festive seudas Purim When “Purim” passed, the family continued cleaning and cooking for Pesach.
This girl grew up to become the matriarch of a large frum family. Sixty years later, at her levayah, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all ehrliche Torah Yidden, were evidence of the far reach of the Skulener Rebbe.
The Rebbe, Rav Eliezer Zusya, possessed a tremendous ko’ach to sense a Yiddish neshamah in a crowd, and did everything possible to save them. The Potoker Rav, Rav Shlomo Zalman Horowitz, zt”l, relayed the following episode.
He was once walking with Rav Eliezer Zusya on the street, and a group of gentile children offered to polish their shoes for a few coins. Walking past them, the Rebbe gazed at their faces, and immediately intuited that one of them was a Jewish child. He engaged the child in conversation, asking about his family and background, until the boy started reminiscing about his early childhood, before his life had been savagely interrupted by the war.
The Rebbe asked about his current life, whether he had a comfortable home and enough to eat, and the boy answered in the negative. The Rebbe invited the child to his home. There, he said, he wouldn’t need to polish shoes to earn his keep and would receive ample nourishment.
The child agreed happily, and he became one of the bnei bayis of the Skulener Rebbe. He eventually moved to Eretz Yisroel where he established an erliche Yiddishe home.
For quite some time, the Rebbe ran an orphanage that provided for hundreds of war orphans. However, due to the torment they suffered at the hands of the local
The Rebbe invited the child to his home. There, he said, he wouldn’t need to polish shoes to earn his keep and would receive ample nourishment
communist authorities who tried to disturb their holy activities, they had to leave Czernowitz.
They settled in Bucharest, but alas, the persecution followed them there as well.
Aside from adopting and taking care of the many war orphans in Bucharest, Rav Eliezer Zusya also supported Jewish families whose breadwinners had been imprisoned by the communists. This was particularly dangerous, since the mere association with “criminals” could easily lead to his imprisonment. However, the Rebbe was not deterred by this threat and continued to do all he could to help his fellow Yidden.
He frequently traveled around Romania, spending Shabbosos in small communities in order to share encouragement and chizuk with his soul-stirring niggunim and inspiring talks, shining the light of the Torah into the dark communist abyss.
Initially, the government refrained from arresting the Rebbe, concerned about condemnation from the free world. However, when they saw that no amount of harassment would stop him from spreading Yiddishkeit, they accused the Rebbe of trying to undermine the government via his activities.
By means of violence and torture, the Romanian authorities tried to get the Rebbe to admit to being an American spy, and to implicate other Yidden who helped him.
After many harsh investigations, on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, 5719 (1959), the Rebbe and his son were arrested.
The authorities arrived at the home of Rav Yisroel Avraham first, claiming that he needed to come with them for 24 hours for another investigation.
Rav Yisroel Avraham and his family, keenly aware of the terrible suspicion he was under, parted tearfully from one another. “I beg you to daven that you should see me
alive again,” he said before he was taken away.
He took his tefillin and sefer Kedushas Levi with him, but both items were confiscated immediately upon his arrival in prison.
The only thing Rav Yisroel Avraham had with him was a large alef that was sewn into his jacket as a name tag featuring his second initial. He used this alef to constantly encourage himself that everything is from Hashem, Who is described as the “Alufo shel olam,” which connotes that Hashem controls everything that happens in the world.
A few hours after his son was taken, Rav Eliezer Zusia was arrested under the same circumstances.
One of the accusations pressed against them was the claim that they were spying for America, but it was abundantly clear that their real crime was spreading Yiddishkeit.
One of the accusations pressed against them was the claim that they were spying for America, but it was abundantly clear that their real crime was spreading Yiddishkeit
Father and son did not see each other for the entire duration of their time in prison. Each of them was individually subjected to the same afflictions and both composed niggunim during this time.
The incarceration of the Rebbe Rav Eliezer Zusya and his son Rav Yisroel Avraham wasn’t a matter of being locked in prison for several months; it was a ge-
hinnom that renewed itself daily.
One of the tactics the jailers used was covering the prisoners’ faces whenever they were moved from one room to another for interrogation, with the goal of preventing them from seeing daylight, thereby robbing them of their sense of day and night.
On one occasion, the reshaim ruthlessly beat Rav Yisroel Avraham to the extent that he wasn’t sure he was going to make it. He begged them to stop the torture because he wanted to say something.
Convinced that he wanted to confess to his “crimes,” they paused the afflictions. However, all Rav Yisroel Avraham wanted was to request that his captors return his body to his family so he could merit kever Yisroel
“Even your ashes will not be returned to your family,” came the swift reply.
Amid all this horrible torture, this saintly pair nearly forgot that there was a world outside of prison. But they never forgot Hashem, and their thoughts did not deviate from Him for even a moment.
The torture the Rebbes suffered in prison is indescribable. What’s even harder to fathom is how these two tzaddikim were able to compose niggunim under such circumstances.
Both father and son later admitted that there is no logical answer to explain it. Hashem alone sent niggunim to them so they would have this chizuk to hold on to.
Once, when the Rebbe was punched in the face, he composed the lively niggun, “Ha’ira panecha al avdecha hoshi’eini b’chasdecha.” The word panecha alluded to the punch in his face, and this niggun essentially became a prayer to Hashem for salvation.
Among many others, the slow and soulful niggun “Odeh Hashem me’od b’fi” and the lebediger “Ki l’cha tov lehodos” were also composed in prison.
When the Rebbe was in prison years earlier, in 1950, he found himself on Rosh Hashanah without a shofar. It was then that he composed the famous niggun “Nichsafa v’gam kolsa nafshi.”
Reb Hersh Bronstein, famous for his clandestine trips behind the Iron Curtain, heard about the fate of the Skulener Rebbes from the Potoker Rav and was determined to do something about it. He traveled to Romania under the guise of a tourist in order to investigate the matter from up close.
He began a massive wave of askanus to help rescue the two Rebbes, which ended up involving many rabbanim including the Satmar Rav, zt”l, Rav Aharon Kotler, zt”l, the Kopycshnitzer Rebbe zt”l, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, zt”l
This in itself was also a tremendous risk, since the involvement of American rabbanim and politicians only supported the communists’ suspicions that the Skulener Rebbes were indeed American spies.
Both father and son later admitted that there is no logical answer to explain it. Hashem alone sent niggunim to them so they would have this chizuk to hold on to
That year, Tisha B’Av fell on Thursday. The reshaim took the Rebbe Rav Eliezer Zusya and beat him with horrific brutality. The next day, they appeared again.
The Rebbe was in the middle of reciting Hodu of Mincha of Erev Shabbos and had to stop when his captors arrived.
He assumed that he was being taken for another round of torture, but to his surprise, when the blindfold was removed, he noticed that he was in a different room from the one normally used for torture sessions.
The first thing his captors did was hand him his tallis and tefillin Then they informed him that after a review of his case, their superiors had come to the conclusion that the Rebbe could be released due to his advanced age.
(The true reason for his release was the overwhelming pressure the communists were under from America and other countries, as is evident from the many documents sent at the time.)
All the Rebbe needed to do was to sign release documents, and he could be on his way.
To the shock of everyone present, the Rebbe responded that since he had already started davening Mincha of Erev Shabbos, he was not permitted to sign any documents. This was his own stringency, since it was still well before nightfall. Also, saying Hodu is not considered being mekabel Shabbos, and therefore does not bind one to the prohibitions of melacha
Indeed, the Rebbe later said that he had definitely been allowed to sign, and that his response may have even been dangerous. But years later, he thanked Hashem that he didn’t lose his equilibrium and responded as he did, saying, “I was in prison for such a long time for crimes I had not committed. Wasn’t it worth sitting there a little longer l’kavod Shabbos?”
After refusing to sign, the
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Rebbe was returned to his room, viciously beaten, and told, “Keep your religion, and you’ll never be released!”
Despite this threat, his captors returned on Monday. The Rebbe signed the papers and was released.
Although there was a lot of hishtdalus done for the Rebbes on various fronts, Rav Eliezer Zusya attributed the zechus of his actual release from prison to his mesirus nefesh for Shabbos.
Upon the arrival of the Rebbes Rav Eliezer Zusya and Rav Yisroel Avraham in America, Shabbos Nachamu became a Shabbos full of shevach v’hoda’ah to Hashem, concluding with a festive melaveh malkah that Skulener chassidim refer to as the highlight of the year.
While many guests join for Shabbos, the main event takes place on Motzei Shabbos and is accompanied with live music and great festivity. Stories aren’t told on Shabbos itself, so as not to discuss anything painful to mar the simcha of Shabbos.
A tisch is conducted in Skulen every week at melaveh malkah, but the Shabbos Nachamu tisch is a memorable event. Stories of the nissim experienced by the forebearers of the Skulener dynasty are related and songs of hoda’ah are sung with fervor. Two Skulen songs especially associated with the seudas hoda’ah are “Odcha Hashem Elokai” and “Ki l’cha tov l’hodos.”
For many years, the Shabbos Nachamu melaveh malkah, led by the Noam Eliezer, Rav Eliezer Zusya, zy”a, took place in the Woodbourne Firehouse, and later, in the Skulener bungalow colony in Woodridge. After the petirah of Rav Eliezer Zusya, his son Rav Yisroel Avraham, zy”a, maintained the commemoration, and it continues today with his sons, the Skulener Rebbes, shlit”a
While the melavah malkah in the 1960s started out as a small-scale seudas hoda’ah attended by those close to the Rebbe, over time, the event attendees swelled until they numbered in the thousands. Today it has become a grand-scale celebration of gratitude and joy.
And thus, the same light that shone in communist Romania continues to illuminate the lives of Yidden in America, until we will be zoche very soon to ohr chadash al Tzion ta’ir.
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Go get it. SizGit!
In the year 3390, Koresh, king of Persia, issued a decree that shocked Jewish world. After decades of galus following the destruction of the First Beis Hamikdash, Yidden could return to Eretz Yisroel!
The news electrified the nation. Tens of thousands left their homes and went up to Yerushalayim.
But soon the happiness faded. The stream of Yidden moving to Eretz Yisroel grew smaller and smaller. Those who arrived in Yerushalayim found the city in ruins, its walls broken down. The enemies all around attacked them and made life miserable. Living in Yerushalayim soon became unbearable.
guest, he could not help noticing how worn his clothes were and how troubled he looked.
The dream of the return to Tzion was on the brink of collapse.
Far from their suffering brothers, the Yidden in galus were well-off and had leaders like Nechemiah, who held a powerful position in the Persian government.
One day, as Nechemiah sat in his study learning Torah, there was a knock on his door. His assistant opened it and announced, “Someone has just arrived from Eretz Yisroel and urgently requests to speak with you.”
“What is his name?”
“Send him in.”
As Nechemiah graciously seated his
“How may I be of service to you?” Nechemiah asked.
The visitor fell to his knees and crawled toward Nechemiah’s feet, sobbing.
“Please, my friend,” Nechemiah told him. “Rise.”
Chanani raised his head and, with tears in his eyes, implored, “How can I rise when our people are brought low and our land is overrun by enemies?”
“I heard rumors,” Nechemiah said, “but how bad is it?”
“Whatever you may have heard, it’s worse than you can imagine. Every day, our people are killed, sold into slavery and mistreated. It’s so bad that some have even become informers and traitors.”
“I suspected it was bad in the open country where the Bnei Yehudah have no walls to protect them, but even in Yerushalayim?”
“Yes, even there. Some of the ancient wall remains, but the makeshift gates we put up have been burned down. There are breaches and holes all along the wall, allowing thieves and terrorists to enter it at will and plunder the people.”
Nechemiah’s face grew dark.
A man of action, Nechemiah didn’t need to hear more. He immediately called in his assistant. “Please see to it that this man is given food, drink and new clothes. I must prepare to meet the king.”
The men departed, and the door was closed. Alone, Nechemiah fell to the floor and cried out to Hashem with heartfelt prayers.
Nechemiah held the official title of mashkeh lamelech, royal cup-bearer. That sounds like he was the one who brought the king his cup — not much of a job. But the man who gave the king his cup was actually one of his most trusted advisors because it was his responsibility to make sure the king’s drink wasn’t poisoned. Today, he might have had a title like National Security Advisor. Nechemiah, as the cup-bearer, was a person of great influence and power.
Nechemiah came before the king as usual, but his troubled expression made the king suspicious.
“Why do you look troubled?” the king asked. “You know I’m a man who speaks his mind. Frankly, I’m worried you might have bad intentions toward me.”
Nechemiah became so terrified that he was afraid to respond, but he strengthened himself and answered, “Why shouldn’t I look troubled when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in waste, its gates burned by fire?”
Nechemiah mustered up his courage and continued, “If it pleases the king, send me to Yehudah [as the Jewish-settled area of Eretz Yisroel was called then], to the city where my ancestors are buried, so I can rebuild it.”
In the ancient world, if the king didn’t like an idea like that, you were killed immediately. Nechemiah had taken a great risk by making this request. Yet the king agreed. Not only that, but he gave Nechemiah an army and permission to use it as he saw fit.
When Yidden had returned to Eretz Yisroel after the initial decree of King Koresh, their enemies were not too concerned. But when Nechemiah came, he brought the might of the Persian army, ready to do battle.
And battle he did — physically, politically and spiritually.
Three days after Nechemiah arrived, he slipped out at night to assess the state of the wall. What he saw pained him to the core. The entire area around the wall was full of fallen stones and ruins. He was barely able to pass through.
Without a wall, it would be impossible to survive, but rebuilding the wall seemed an impossible task. It would involve clearing heaps of rubble, gathering stones, and completing heavy construction work. It would take not only a lot of hard work, but time — and time was a luxury the would-be builders did not have. At any moment, the neighboring enemies might discover the plan and
fight it.
Undaunted and brimming with emunah, Nechemiah gathered the people of Yerushalayim and spoke from his heart.
“You yourself see what a bad state we’re in,” he told them. “You see how low we’ve fallen. We’re the children of kings and prophets and sages and great warriors. And now Yerushalayim lies in waste, its gates burned. But let’s not despair. Together we will rebuild the wall of Yerushalayim and no longer be a disgrace. Who will join me?”
The people responded in unison with a great shout. For the first time in a long while, they felt real hope. With Nechemiah in charge, they knew that Hashem would be with them, and anything was possible.
The entire plan now depended on the inhabitants of Yerushalayim. Many of them were simple people — peddlers, farmers with small farms, and shop owners with families and busy lives. Now they had to drop everything and work.
And that’s exactly what they did.
The first to volunteer were the Kohen Gadol Elyashiv and his brothers. They took up the job of rebuilding the Sheep Gate, an important gate protecting the city. They put up its doors and gave it kedushah in a moving ceremony with trumpets and shofars.
Yehudim living out-
Nechemiah’s mission made the leaders of the neighboring nations very angry. They were strongly opposed to the rebuilding of the wall around Yerushalayim. It had surrounded and protected Yerushalayim since the days of Dovid Hamelech and his son Shlomo Hamelech, but had been destroyed a few decades earlier by Nevuchadnetzar, king of Bavel. The enemies liked it that way. It allowed them to do whatever they wanted to the defenseless Yidden. Although much of the wall had been destroyed, the parts that remained still offered some protection, especially when the Yidden who resettled there built gates and repaired some of the biggest gaps in the wall.
side Yerushalayim also joined. The men of Yericho came to build the next part of the wall. There were 40 sections of wall that required rebuilding or repair. Different families were assigned different sections.
The materials the builders used were gathered from the ruins and were not of the best quality. But the wall they built would survive for more than 400 years!
At first, the Yehudim’s enemies laughed at the building project.
One of the most influential enemy leaders was a man named Sanballat. He commanded an army of 180,000 soldiers living in the part of Eretz Yisroel known as Shomron.
He told his army not to worry. “What are these feeble Yehudim doing? Can they revive broken, burned stones from the garbage heaps?”
Another powerful enemy was Tovia the Ammoni. He also made fun of Nechemiah’s attempts. “Whatever they build will be so weak that even a fox will be able to break through!” He let out a raucous laugh. Those with him laughed too.
But a few days later, their laughter turned to panic. Half the wall was already standing!
Shocked at how fast the work was going, Sanballat and his friends decided to do something about it. They didn’t dare attack openly. After all, Nechemiah was there with permission of the Persian empire. If they attacked him, they feared that a much bigger Persian army would be sent their way.
Instead, they decided to mount a surprise attack.
There were Yehudim living among the enemy and even serving in their army. They felt they had no choice. There was no Torah government, and the only way to live with the gentiles who had taken over the land was to join them one way or another.
Even though these Yehudim were in the enemy army, they felt a strong connection to their brethren, and some of them were brave enough to secretly get word to Nechemiah about the upcoming attack.
When Nechemiah heard about it, he
knew that the situation had become much more dangerous. The first thing he did was daven
Then he appealed to the Yehudim once more and gave them chizuk. “Don’t fear these enemies! Remember Hashem, Who is great, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives, and your homes!”
Nechemiah himself took the lead of the fighting force. He told the people that wherever he went, a shofar blower would be next to him. “Whenever you hear the sound of the shofar,” he said, “stop what you’re doing and gather for further instructions.”
Then he added something they would never forget: “Hashem will fight for us!’”
Not only did he organize the Yehudim, but he gave them the most important thing they would need to succeed against such tremendous odds: emunah
Despite the danger, the work on the wall continued.
Its builders were both construction workers and warriors. While some were building, others were next to them, standing with swords at the ready. When the builders needed a break, they changed places with the warriors and took up swords, ready to fight. The next day they switched places again.
Seeing armed men at every entrance, the enemies realized they had lost the element of surprise, so they decided on a different strategy. They would attack the driving force behind the entire project:
Assassins were dispatched toward Yerushalayim in the dark of night.
Several lamps burned bright as Nechemiah learned Torah in his private study that evening. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
“Sir, I must speak with you.” It was Shemaya, one of his advisors.
“Enter,” Nechemiah replied.
“Sir, there are assassins on their way to the city right now, plotting to kill you.”
“How do you know this?”
“Informers in the enemy army,” Shemaya said with urgency. “There’s no time to waste. We don’t know exactly where they’re coming from. I fear the guards are not enough to stop them. We must get you to a safe area right now.”
“Where do you suggest?” Nechemiah asked.
“The only safe place I can think of is behind the locked doors of the Beis Hamikdash.”
“Are you suggesting that I hide inside the Heichal itself?” Nechemiah asked.
“I know it’s unusual, but the city walls are still unfinished, and behind the doors of the Heichal itself is the safest place I can think of.”
Nechemiah sensed something fishy. First, someone who went into the Heichal without Hashem’s command was chayiv misah. Second, if Nechemiah showed fear, then the people he led would lose faith in him.
Suddenly, the truth struck Nechemiah: Shemaya had been hired by Tovia and Sanballat! Their goal was to humiliate him by leading him to the cowardly behavior of taking flight, or by causing him to commit the terrible sin of entering the Beis
A map of Yerushalayim from the times of Nechemiah
Hamikdash, incurring death at the hands of Heaven.
Nechemiah strengthened himself and refused to fall for the trick. He doubled the guards on duty and davened that Hashem protect him.
The night passed, and the assassins never arrived.
Having outsmarted their enemies, the Yidden continued the building project at super speed until the wall was completed in record time. On 25 Elul, the anniversary of the Creation of the world and just 52 days after the building began, the wall stood completed. Dozens of families, whose names are recorded forever as an everlasting merit, had taken part in the historic work.
Even after the wall was completed, Tovia regularly sent intimidating letters to Nechemiah. Sadly, some Yehudim sided with Tovia against their brethren. Either they didn’t have strong emunah, or they had become so much like the gentiles that they sided with their own enemies. Nechemiah took the threats seriously and was forced to post guards around the city.
For the next twelve years, Nechemiah continued rebuilding Yerushalayim. But he didn’t stop with merely building the physical walls. His sefer of Navi closes by recording how he acted fearlessly to set up spiritual walls. That included ridding the Beis Hamikdash of the presence and influence of the wicked Tovia, and banishing a member of the Kohen Gadol’s family for having married a daughter of Sanballat. He also waged a battle against the violation of Shabbos and intermarriage.
Thanks to Nechemiah’s efforts, Yerushalayim once again rose as the center of life for Bnei Yisroel.
Why was Nechemiah chosen to reestablish Yerushalayim? Who was he?
Nechemia was a descendant of Dovid Hamelech. Some say that Nechemiah was Zerubavel. Who was Zerubavel?
He led the returnees after Koresh issued the electrifying decree allowing the Yidden to return to their homeland and to rebuild the Beis Hamikdash. According to the Malbim (Chaggai 1:1), had the people been worthy at that time, Zerubavel would have been Mashiach!
Of course, even though Zerubavel-Nechemiah did not become Mashiach, he was by no means a failure. His efforts weren’t wasted. The name by which we know Nechemiah means “comforter” or “consoler.” In that sense, he fulfilled the famous words of the Yeshaya Hanavi, “Nachamu, nachamu, ami,” which were said to give Klal Yisroel strength for its long and bitter exile.
Nechemiah has comforted us because he showed us that the seed of Dovid Hamelech was never lost and is waiting to be replanted one day in the future, may it be soon in our days.
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I love a beautifully set Shabbos table. I love elegant tableware and centerpieces.
I also have some realities to contend with.
My meal participants are mostly little children who make a mess and consistently convert “breakables” to “broken.” I don’t have an endless amount of money to spend on all the things I love. (We call it having a rich man’s taste and a poor man’s budget.)
My love for a good bargain always has me on the lookout for pretty tableware at discount shops and outlets, or any place where good-quality housewares are found.
At one point, my collection of delightful finds — hued glassware, an assortment of pretty napkins, chargers in different colors, and a few sets of velvet chair covers — grew robust enough for me to realize that I have quite the selection of pretty tableware.
Now our family has a new Erev Shabbos routine: One or some of my children accompany me on my Shabbos shopping trip, where they choose the “color of the week.” They select a small bouquet of flowers and then match napkins, some beverages, and often some pretty disposables to it (because late Friday nights and disposables pair super well). Then, at home, we choose chargers, glassware and vases that bring it all together, and we plan our Shabbos tablescape.
It became such an exciting ritual that as the days lead to Shabbos, the kids eagerly ask, “So what color should we do this Shabbos? Are we going to have the pink Schweppes lemon soda?” or “Can we do yellow this week because Tatty loves pineapple-flavored Smirnoff?” or “Hey, can I come to the grocery this week to choose the napkins? Let’s do white and gold! We still have that glass water bottle with the gold from the siyum.”
This weekly family project adds so much spirit and excitement and even calm to my Erev Shabbos routine, because once the color scheme is chosen, guess what? There’s usually at least one person excited to set the table on Friday. And sometimes it’s this mother, who enjoys the Shabbos table most of all.
Featured in the next few pages are mood boards for tablescapes in different color schemes. And while I was a little more daring with the featured selections (nobody is breaking those printed pages, right?), they’re just here as a springboard for inspiration. It’s not about using the items featured, but about seeing how beautifully the colors come together.
At home I am very child-friendly. For starters, I love incorporating disposables. They work well when less stress is called for, and the colors and styles available spark my imagination. I also use inexpensive glasses, because breaking them is par for the course. Melamine chargers are another favorite. There are so many pretty ones, and they are inexpensive, easy to carry and wash, and pretty break-resistant. Finally, our beverages of choice are usually sodas, sparkling grape juice, and the occasional Bartenura (for blue tablescapes) or Rosé (for pink). And artesian water. Yes, the ones that are upward of five George Washingtons apiece. L’kavod Shabbos kodesh!
In 1963, the U.S. postal service introduced zip codes that divided the country into numerical zones to speed up the delivery of mail. Zip is an acronym for Zone Improvement Plan, but many claim it’s not an acronym, but a backronym (an acronym deliberately formed so it should spell out a particular word); as per this version of the story, the USPS wanted to indicate how quickly the mail would “zip” from point A to point B.
The Glenwood Dairy, featured in Issue 457, was part of the landholdings of the Heidgerd family in Monsey. The farm was owned by Diedrich A. Heidgerd (18431908). It was located along Maple Avenue, east of Route 306, and extended along Monsey Boulevard. The photograph was taken circa 1910 when the farm was owned by the son, Diedrich G. Heidgerd.
Thank you to Rabbi A. Braun for obtaining this information from the Rockland Historical Society.
One of the most commonly mispronounced English words is ophthalmologist Many use the p sound instead of the correct f sound in the first syllable. [äfthə(l)-’mä-lə-jist.] The enunciation of the first l is yours to keep or drop.
Use the following letters to list 5 words, each using 7 letters and up. Only the center letter must be used, and letters can be repeated. Bonus points for pangrams (words that use all seven letters).
Name a common English phrase for each item on the list that includes a word associated with this week’s theme.
Theme: Colors
1. Happy, pleased, flattered
2. Neither here nor there
3. Has the nicest garden
4. What you’d encounter at government offices
5. Go ahead!
6. A glossed-over version of the truth
7. Get really angry
8. Sore from bruising
9. Spotted in the act
10. An embarrassment to one’s kin
Feckless is an adjective describing someone or an action that is lacking strength of character, efficiency or responsibility.
An example would be: Feckless leadership makes an entire infrastructure crumble, or we can do without the feckless efforts.
Humans can’t walk in a straight line when blindfolded. You must look at something to be able to do so. Try it!
Please include your name and contact information. WHAT DO YOU KNOW?
We welcome town trivia, historical facts and photos, and Torah-themed riddle submissions. We’d also love to hear if you have additional answers to our puzzles! Email comments@themonseyview.com to add your very own bits of wits.
Thank you to the hundreds of readers who sent in beautifully colored pages! Keep coloring!
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
Family name:
Full mailing address:
Full name of winner: _________________________________________________________
Amount of points:
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
SOME WORDS ONLY THE WINNER FOUND: font, then, bite, tone
FAMILY NAME: Brull, 845-xxx-2346
Filling in lines with shades of color is an
Grab a pack of color pencils or gel pens to find out why coloring isn’t only for children!
This charming home boasts a fantastic location with easy access to local amenities. Featuring three spacious bedrooms, a bright living room, a cozy family room, and a beautifully updated kitchen, this property offers comfort and style. The walk-out basement with a separate entrance is perfect for generating additional income or creating an in-law suite. Situated on a nearly one-acre flat lot, the expansive yard provides plenty of space for outdoor activities and future expansion.
Price: 839,000 for more info text: 347.857.8159
For any issues such as:
• Garbage pickup issues
• Street light outages
• Construction concerns
• Unauthorized road closures
• Road hazards like potholes, etc.
please don't hesitate to contact our community liaison, and your concern will be resolved in the most e ective manner.
please don't hesitate to concern will be resolved
Mr. Yossi Margareten
He can be reached at: 845.357.5100 ext. 433 | Margarettenj@ramapo.org
SUNDAY AUG 18 12:30 - 2:30
OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AUG 18 12:30 - 2:00
HONDA PILOT LE 2012 FOR SAL. 130k genuine miles. Warranty in place for another 2 years. Asking $8500 OBO. 914-261-4580
For sale: 2014 Nissan Sentra SV, 120,000 miles. Car has just passed inspection, 2 new tires, and remote starter installed. Selling for 6,850$ Call or text Menachem: 845826-4610
Looking to sell a natural color bebe organic set, size 3 mths, with matching bonnet and blanket, beautiful for vachnacht. Please call 347 382 0905
5.8 Acre Farm for sale by owner in Rockland County with Multi Family income. Asking price 5.8 Mil. Barns, Stables and other structures. Located in Clarkstown. See FarmRockland.com
Doona Stroller, multiple colors avail.cll/txt 1-201-6144045
Traditional 5 piece D&W brand new looking bedroom furniture for sale. Please call/ text 8458262799
Neocate $46.99 per can. Kendamil Similac L’Mehadrin in stock!!
We buy off any formula for a good price and trade as well. Call for other types of formulas. New! Option of shipping case of 6 Kendamil directly to you from England. Formula Trade 347.369.4886
2 nice size rooms plus a kitchenette for rent, also an option for an office (Wifi Included). Jill area. Not long term. Call 845-826-6076
Hi ranch in Wesley hills for rent. 5 bedroom 3 full bath house will be avail. For September section 8 OK call 347.385.7482
Beautiful spacious extended house 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, on deadend quiet street. (potential to make into 5 bedrooms). 347-403-9933
5 Bdrm apt on Elm St Top floor Avail Oct. Sec 8. Call or text 347-971-1989
Beautiful Spacious Colonial, 5-7 bedroom, 4 bathroom, all appliances, 2 car garage, inground private pool, great family neighborhood, near many shuls, central air, $3,900. Call 845-290-1630
Newly renovated 2 bedroom apartment available for rent on Route 306 Call/Text: 845545-4500 if no answer leave a message.
Beautiful 1 bedroom furnished apartment for rent. Old Nyack/Brewer. Call 347-512-6561
Private house in Chestnut Ridge for rent as of Oct. 1, 3 beds tons of living space on a beautiful property. L.M. 845-533-6239
Newly renovated One bedroom apt, separate structure above ground available for rent in Dexter park. For more info Please TEXT 8453047090
3 bedroom 3 baths huge play room, huge enclosed deck, with heated pool, trampoline, swings, available for rent. Short- or long-term, starting Sept. 845-238-7723
New 4 bedroom house, all amenities included. Near Kosher food, Shul and Eiruv. $190 per night. Also available for Sukkos. Call 347-786-0810
Newly renovated offices for rent on LENORE AVE. please call 845 533 2427
1000 SF ground floor space + 15 parking spots available for rent call/Text 845.203.1120
3 offices + a big room + a double garage for rent (845) 579-5351
Wesley Hills Walkout, 400 square feet, 2 rooms plus bathroom. Available August 15, 718986-3368
Looking for private office space in the Wesley Hills / Forshay area? Private, quiet, clean 250 square ft space available! Kitchenette, patio area, private bathroom and designated parking area. Text 845-418-5916 for more info. Available immediately!
Looking to get away for a Shabbos? Kingston, NY is the place. More info at ChabadUlsterCounty.org/ Accommodations or 845331-1176
Brand new single offices for rent starting at 580 on Old Turnpike Road. Utilities and internet included. Please text 917-622-8489
Luxurious 3 bedroom lake house villa in Case Grande Arizona. Private pool fully stocked kosher kitchen. 520.251.4459
Beautiful 3 bedroom 3 bath villa with inground heated pool and hot tub available in North Miami, Price per night $289. Pictures available. Special discount for a week+. Call/Text 845327-7153
For the best Real Estate deals, Call: Mrs. Debby Schwartz 203.667.2785
Monsey 5 BDRM House available Aug 15-Aug 25 845.517.8409
Wellington M, 2 Bedroom apt. Ground Floor FOR SALE. Call: 347.760.0639
2-bedroom, 2-baths with private heated pool and spa. From $325 per night. Call/ Text: 917-382-4810, email: 1752nmb@gmail.com
Carriage Club North, beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath, ground floor, for rent. Call: 347.499.0031
New Pristine Cathedral Ceiling House in Linden. 5 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. Stocked Playroom. Patio Seating. Swing set. Trampoline. All Shab Amenities. 5 min to shul. Located near grocery. Heated pool sep hours avail nearby/ option to rent. SHABBOS NACHAMU AVAIL. Call/text 718-989-1406.
Collins Ave. Beautiful ocean view. 1 bedroom apt. for rent. 347.760.0570
Looking for afternoon babysitter in Chestnut Ridge. 718-928-5834
Looking for a full-time Bookkeeper/Secretary, Female office located next to Bates area. QuickBooks knowledge is a must. Please send your resume to office@ akoyabookkeeping.com
ABA Riders is looking to hire a BCBA. Well-paid, flexible hours. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736/info @ abariders.com.
B.Y.E. seeking qualified afternoon co-teachers, permanent subs, and experienced Title 1 reading mentors. Email resume to resumes@ baisyaakovelementary.org
Seeking warm, capable PM teacher and full time assistants for the coming school year. Wonderful working environment. Email resume to hr@basmikroh.org
is seeking Junior High English Teacher, ELA/ Math Remedial Teachers, Permanent Substitutes, Co-teachers and Teachers Assistants for the ‘24’25 school year. Join our supportive, warm environment and help our students thrive! Please send resume to Hr@basmikroh. org
Cheder in Monsey is looking for experienced 5th Grade English Teacher (male). *Supportive Environment *Excellent discipline program in place *Detailed and easy to follow curriculum *Curriculum coaching and prep help provided *Competitive Pay. For more information or to apply please call: 718-4502538
• Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - SaaS Startup, strong background in SaaS, exceptional leadership skills, track record of scaling startups, and experience with private equity exits and investor communication, 225k+, Monsey
• New Jersey Licensed Nursing Home Administrator for Skilled Nursing Facility, 200k, near Monsey
• Senior Buyer, Procurement Specialist, 3+ years of strategic procurement roles. Exceptional communication and negotiation skills, w/ a fearless approach to reaching out to companies and negotiating terms. Strong analytical skills, capable of analyzing a project and determining the optimal options for procurement, 150k - 200k, Newark NJ
• Controller, Logistics/ Freight Forwarding company. 3+ yrs. relevant experience, Strategic Implementation, Financial Oversight, Technology and IT supervision, Compliance and Risk Management, Operational Leadership, 150k - 180k, near Monsey
• Forecasting Manager, Proven experience in data analytics, forecasting, and inventory management, 150k, 3 days in NYC, 2 days remote
• Controller, Non-Profit company, 3+ yrs. relevant experience, 150k, Monsey
• Accountant, 2+ yrs. nursing home industry experience required w/ bank reporting and dealing with lenders, 150k, Monsey
• Real Estate Asset Manager, 3+ yrs. experience required, construction experience a plus, travel required, 150k, Monsey
• Buyer, Private Label, 3+ yrs. experience, 120k –150k, Monsey
• Clinical Director, Clinical experience in mental health required. Supervise, recruit and support clinicians and DSS’s. LMSW/LCSW credentials, 150k, Monsey
• In-house Counsel, Real Estate Management and Acquisition company, 5+ years of experience w/ real estate/landlord-tenant
based case law, rent due, collections, and holdover lease signing, 130k – 150k, Monsey
• Director of Patient Services, RN License required, home care experience, compliance and DPS with management experience, 130k –150k, full benefits package, Monsey
• Property Manager, 3+ yrs. LIHTC experience required, 120k -150k, Monsey
• Full Stack Developer, produce scale-able software solutions, healthcare industry, 3 days in Bronx, 2 days remote, 130k
• Procurement Manager, 3+ yrs. experience with indirect procurement, 130k+, Newark, NJ
• Director of Operations, 2+ yrs. operations, finance, and management experience, 125k+, Monsey
• Construction Estimator/ Material Purchaser, construction estimating w/ estimating software experience required, 80k - 120k, Monsey
• Property Manager, 2+ years relevant experience, Maintenance/Renovations, Violations, Tenant/Rental compliance, Evictions, Permits and Vacancies, 100k, Monsey
• Accountant, Real Estate Management and Acquisition company, 100k, Monsey
• Software Developer, 2+ years with C# & Angular/ Flutter, 100k+, Monsey
• Hands-on Mechanic, Programmable Logic Controllers a plus, 100k+ w/ full benefits, Bayonne NJ
• Payroll Administrator, 2+ yrs. experience, 100k + full benefits, Monsey
• Payroll Representative, male office, 2+ years in the nursing home industry, detail-oriented, strong communication / analytical skills, proficient in Excel, Outlook, and Word, $85k110k, Monsey
• HR – Employee Relations/ Training & Development, 2+ yrs. experience, 75k+, Monsey
• Talent acquisition Specialist, full-time position, 2+ yrs. experience, 75k+, Monsey
• Operations/Office Manager, Real Estate services company, hands-on backend and front-office operations, prior relevant office experience required, 75k+, Monsey
• Bookkeeper/ Office Admin, Full-time position, Rent Manager experience preferred, 70k+, Monsey
• Paralegal, full-time position, 70k+, Monsey
• Insurance Underwriter, female office, collect data from clients, approach carriers to shop out best policy quotes, 70k+, Monsey
• Full-time Case Liaison Manager, female office, 2+ yrs. experience, 65k, Monsey
• Assistant Property Manager, have excellent communication skills, ability to prioritize tasks, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. No experience necessary, travel daily to the Bronx, 55k+, office based in Monsey
• Accounts Receivable Tracker, male office, no prior experience required; will provide training. Be energetic, good communication skills, and able to multitask, $55k – 65k, Monsey
• Customer Service/Scheduling/Inside Sales position, male office, 52k, Monsey
• Assistant Warehouse Manager, 50k, Edison NJ
• Field RN, 1 year of RN experience and be willing to do home visits in the Greater Monsey area, $50 - $60/hr.
• Marketing Coordinator, lead design and marketing initiatives, including graphics, emails, social media, and trade shows. Inoffice position, $40/hr. Monsey
• Marketing Coordinator, Homecare company, relevant marketing experience required, Inoffice position, $40/hr. Monsey
• Junior Accountant/Bookkeeper, Bookkeeping, tax preparation and other accounting related tasks, $35/hr. Monsey
• QA Coordinator, Female office, Part-timeFriday required, Excellent reading/ writing skills required. $30/hr. Monsey
• Full-time Customer service positions available. $25 - $30/hr. Monsey
• Admin Assistant, multi-task, tech-savvy, excellent phone/ communication skills. Parttime or Full-time, $30/hr., Monsey
• Part-time Bookkeeper, 3+ years bookkeeping experience required, $30/hr., Monsey
• AP Rep, AR Liaison, Payroll Rep positions. $25 - $35/hr., Monsey
• Service Coordinator, entry level, excellent phone/ communication skills, no experience needed, full-time position, $25/hr. Monsey
• Software Implementation Specialist, female office, full-time position, Implement, Support Usage and Create documentation for company software, Database/Microsoft Office/technical writing skills required, $30$35/hr., Monsey
• Coordinator, female office, interpersonal/ organizational/communication skills, multitasking, basic computer knowledge, Monday - Thursday 10am-4pm, Friday 10am-1pm, $30
Yeshiva of Spring Valley Girls General Studies Department
Seeking the following Staff for the 24-25 school year: •Pre 1A and 1st Grade Teacher •Lower grade assistants. Monday – Thursday 12:50 – 4:00pm. Competitive salary, warm, supportive environment. Email resume: treitzer@yeshivaspringvalley. org and call (845)356-1400 #223
Seeking General Studies Teacher. Supportive environment, very competitive salary, incredible boys! M-Th, 1-4pm. Please email resume to rgilden@ cliftoncheder.org.
B.Y.E. seeking elementary reading specialist, experience required. Email resume to rfaivelson@ baisyaakovelementary.org
Local Yeshiva is looking for an afternoon teacher. Past experience a plus. Great and on time pay. Please send resume’ to yshivads@gmail. com or call 347-541-4417 and leave a msg.
Looking for female drivers for a new organization in Monsey for teens at risk. Call 845-558-5896
YSV Boys still has some openings! •Lower grade title teachers. Great working environment and great support! •4th Grade General Studies Teacher. •8th Grade Math Teacher. Great working environment and great support! Please send your resume to gss@ yesivaspringvalley.org
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
Construction office looking to hire a full-time secretary and project manager. Preferable knowledge of QuickBooks. Please email your resume to officejobs4832@gmail.com
Seeking to hire a full time female secretary for a customer service position, Great pay awaits the perfect candidate. Apply Now Deals@371wheels.com.
Join our unique therapy center near Monsey as a parttime office employee! Seeking a detail-oriented individual with prior office experience and strong communication skills to oversee daily operations. Email resume to: job.office.therapy@gmail. com
Monsey office is looking to hire a P T/FT candidate to assist in our Purchasing department. Must be responsible, organized and possess good communication skills. Offering competitive salary & benefits, in friendly atmosphere. Email MonseyPurchasing@Gmail. com
Heimishe office in Monsey looking to hire for multiple full-time positions. Please email resume: cs@ affordabledws.com
Busy salon seeking a dynamic front desk manager: Do you excel in communication, thrive in a fast-paced office environment, and possess outstanding interpersonal skills? If you are a master of organization, a wizard of communication, and a people person at heart, we want you to be a part of our team! Pls email your resume to jobs@ tranees.com
Seeking 2 part time secretaries to work side by side. AAA Lead Professionals. Email resume moshe@ aaaleadpro.com
BY High school seeks A.M. secretary from 8:45 am. Candidate will have previous office experience, be computer proficient, detail oriented, quick learner. Email resume to admin@ bysmiriam.org
Join our IT team! Seeking a detail-oriented Service Coordinator/Dispatcher to manage service requests, schedule engineers, and ensure client satisfaction. Requirements: Strong client relations, Basic IT knowledge, Multitasking ability. **Apply Now!** Send your resume to [jobs@itconinc.com]
Seeking Baal Koray every shabbos or when available, 45 min walk south of Chestnut Ridge. Good pay. Text 201.749.2890
We are seeking to add additional experienced recruiters to our team who want to level up in the industry by doing recruiting, career coaching, and HR consulting for our clients. **Compensation:** Paid Hourly + Commission. **Contact:** Email TopCareerNY@gmail.com
BCBA Seeking female BCBA in the Monsey area. Competitive salary, excellent support, and lots of room for growth for the right candidate. Please email your resume to info@escalateaba. com
Monsey Based Real Estate Consulting Firm seeking a strong administrative professional with the ability to excel in a fast-paced environment. Must present professional demeanor on the phone and email with strong multi-tasking abilities. Candidate must be a great communicator with a desire to be on a team of people who collaborate and work well together. Please send resume to hiring@markhertzco.com
Upscale jewelry store in monsey is looking to hire a part time energetic sales lady. Sunday’s included. Please email resume: jewelrypersonal@gmail.Com
Local Home organizing store is seeking a saleslady with a passion for Home organizing. Must speak Yiddish. Hours: MondayThursday 2:30-6:30 and Sunday 12-6:45. Call 845-459-3950 lv msg
Looking to hire a full time bookkeeper for a property management office. Bookkeeping experience preferred. Email your resume to office@positivehousing.com
Stop wasting your time going through all the jobs classifieds. Simply email your resume to Info@ SwiftStaffingGroup.com to explore your options & maximize your career. Or Call/Text/ WhatsApp 732-800-7633 Strictly confidential & completely free.
Great opportunity to manage your own business from home. No experience needed, no computer necessary. Huge potential to grow big. Call: 438.529.1216
Become part of our team in a specialized education setting. Competitive pay! Outstanding training! Great environment! Positions open for Assistant / Aides. Part time positions available. Email: resumes@ ohreducation.org - Call: 845.352.3307 ext:138
Dreaming of your very own SUCCESSFUL business? Lack time and money? Look no further. Call or text Malky@845-540-3648
An Organization is looking for a Head Coordinator as a volunteer to be on top of all coordinators in each location. Need to have internet access. Call /Text 929-430-4047
Local spring valley office seeking female professional, motivated and detail oriented afternoon part time secretary. Must have familiarity in quickbooks & excel. Very pleasant & heimishe atmosphere. Please email resume to hiringnow259@gmail.Com
Do something productive and meaningful while tackling your household chores and earn income at the same time. Listen in for more info 605-313-4101 access code 6036621# then 1#. When done text SIGN UP to 718-812-6162 or call and we’ll get you started!
Seeking detail-oriented female for a full-time role. Strong communication skills and a passion for product knowledge required. Send your resume to hiring@ hstile.com.
SV Insurance office seeking organized motivated individual with great office skills. FT Pref. Prev Insurance experience is key . Email resume to growth4you@gmail.com
Deliver exceptional service by managing IT support requests, prioritizing tasks, and handling customer calls. Requires strong organizational skills, and a passion for top-notch customer service. Apply Today: Send your resume to (jobs@itconinc.com)
Ritas of Monsey is looking to hire an in store manager. Responsibilities include making ice, managing inventory, overseeing staff and store cleanliness and making sure the store runs smooth and efficiently. 25-30 hours per week with flexible scheduling. Must be able to work some Motzei Shabbosim and Sundays. Please email ritasofmonsey@gmail.com or what’s app 8454066785.
Learn to make your own sourdough from scratch! 2hr class. All supplies included. 249$ call or text 845-517-9356
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
Large heated pool in New City. Private bathroom and changing rooms. $65 hr weekdays. $75 hr Fridays and Sundays. 845 538 6411
Basic computer course for girls. Private one on one lessons. Call or Text 8452629629
Enjoy a beautiful, large heated pool in Montebello for just $100 an hour. Call 347-971-1102 now to book your spot.
We rent out wireless wi-fi, laptops, clarinets, violins. Prices are between $13-$25 per week. Clarinet and violin comes with free MP3 lessons in Yiddish or English. We also offer private keyboard lessons on the phone. Call hotline 718-435-1923
Complete your look! Adult & kids petticoats for rent, Beautiful floral wreath & crown headpieces for rent, Adorable kids jewelry, and more! Call 845-5020153 leave msg or 845746-7248
In The Comfort of Home- *Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Get your Beautiful, Fast, SEO-Friendly Website done in 14 days, guaranteed. Email efraim@rapidquill.com
Lifeguard available for daytime hours between 9:30 and 2. Call/ text 845-6428608
Professional and natural makeup artist available for all occasions. Soft & Gentle! Will travel to you. Fantastic Pricing! Call Rochel for pictures 845-538-7159
Sick of hiring bookkeepers that make too many mistakes? Then you need us! Offsite bookkeeping services by experienced CFO’s, and CPA’s. Financial reports, bank recs, AP/AR, & tax preparation, 845-379-4688
We specialize in custom Photo Albums, Chosson, Wedding, etc. Also professional Photo Editing, many years of experience. Special rate for photographers. Call: 347.563.5153
Massage Therapy By Yossi. We will bring the massage to you. Call or text 347-7220068
Reading tutor specializing in older boys (9-13) struggling with basics despite help. Two years experience in Satmar UTA. MS.ED. $40 per 1/2 hour. 929-444-8803.
Buy by the case & save. Baby & Regular Salmon. Hashgucha Volove Rav. Free delivery to your home. Call Eli: 917.680.4375
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim will remove Ayin Horah over the phone. Call till 5:00 PM: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
TREAT YOUR TODDLER Teacher Rivky’s playgroup reopening in September. Hours 10-3. Extended 9:153:45. Experienced teacher, exciting curriculum, great location (near shopping & offices). Transportation available. 845-828-0364
3-4 year old Montessori group has 2 slots for girls left starting September. No transportation. For more information call Morah Chaya 8452760828 morahchayar@gmail. com
Empower Kids ABA is hiring for the upcoming school year.
• Positions available in center and school setting
• Warm, collaborative and enjoyable working environment.
•Training and constant support provided.
•Pay increase with skill
E: gitty@empowerkidaba.org P: 845-218-8069 x 404 Join Empower Kids and have a rewarding career!
Join Empower Kids and have a rewarding career! Empower Kids ABA is hiring for the upcoming school year.
• Positions available in center and school setting
• Warm, collaborative and enjoyable working environment.
• Training and constant support provided.
• Pay increase with skill E: gitty@empowerkidaba.org P: 845-218-8069 x 404
12:30-4:15 SLOT
Limited slots still available for afternoon playgroup in Chestnut Ridge (Dexter Park), 18-24 months, experienced Morah, Mon-Thu 12:30-4:15, Call/text 248-825-1648
Mikimi looking for volunteers to visit sick patients please call 3474890628
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Gorgeous light colored gown for sale. Size 4-6. 8455385693
Beautiful off white lace gown for rent for married sister of bride size 2. Call 845-746-7248
Beautiful white gow n for married sister of bride, for sale. Size 2-4 845-200-4326
Beautiful ivory gown for rent size Small/ Medium. Text 845-826-2185
Sister of bride gowns for sale 8455026491
2 white gowns to rent or sell childrens size 4 & 6 call 7189388597
White maternity gown size large to sell for great price call 7183098716
Magnificent satin off white young adult gown, size 4-6. Stunning off white satin designer gown for ages 6-8. Also, off white wool Shul firen Couture off the Rack dress sz 6-8. Call/text 845-6597989
Looking to sell a size 2-4 white gown for sister of the bride, please call 347 628 9586
Beautiful brand name pink/ blush color dress size 4-6 . call or text 3476317346
Elliptical. Missing the wire. 9178857344
4 door China closet 8456593883
White/blue two piece girls towel robe, black girls bathing suit with picture on front, girls blue cover up 845.290.9409
Lululemon pouch with valuable stuff inside. 3545124
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email:
monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
Small container of cash Erev Pesach on Blauvelt 845-3561822
New pair of shoes on TOR bus few weeks ago 845-425-9709
Creative Problem Solving Job Opportunity. Software company located in Monsey looking to hire a full time low code/no code developer. Great Communications skills required. Great opportunity for the right candidate, beginners welcome! email resume: hr@dashline.tech
Looking for a girl to take a 16 year old high functioning girl swimming twice a week. Opwdd rates. Please call: 845 426 2199 Extension: 1740
English speaking 2 yr old group in Chestnut Ridge has slots available. Warm atmosphere, spacious facilities and lots of TLC for your child! Call/ text 845 641 0996
Get your daughter ready for the upcoming school year, an experienced teacher available to tutor your child. 845-825-6502
Cheder seeks a vibrant afternoon English Rebbi for sixth grade for the upcoming school year. Curriculum and support provided. Great pay. Short hours. Please call 845-558-6699 or email ykapplicants@gmail.com.
ABA Riders is looking for a part time secretary to work in Pomona. Contact Rikki 347-930-9736
HOURS: 1:20-4:20
Full-time: 10 am to 4 pm Monday to Thursday, Friday: 10-1. Chesed 24/7 has a unique, full-time position for a mature woman, with Excellent Communication skills, organizational skills, and phone skills. For consideration, please send your resume to: positions238@gmail.com
Haircuts $18, Hairstyling $30-45. Call or text Esty Reiss 845-521-5418
Seeking an experienced supervisor in our HCBS department. Candidate should have at a minimum 2-3 years of experience in HCBS. Manage other coordinators, with leadership skills. For consideration send your resume to positions238@gmail.com
Looking for someone to do homework with an eight year old boy from 4:15-5:15 in his house, Brewer area. Pay-15.00-16.00 hr. please call 845-426-2199 Ext:1740
We are seeking a woman, who is available to work full-time Monday -Friday 26 -40 hours, in our HR department. Responsibilities will include Onboarding employees. For consideration, please send your resume to positions238@gmail.com
Construction Company is looking to hire a motivated sales man. Pls send resume to gitty1057@gmail.com
Great position available for female with managing experience Leah@ hireexteam.com
Software company located in Monsey looking to hire a full time experienced project manager. Job includes managing multiple projects concurrently. Great Communications skills required. Great opportunity to join a dynamic growing software team and make a significant impact. email resume: hr@dashline.tech
Construction Company in Suffern is looking for a full time secretary that has excellent communication and organizational skills, ability to multitask and work in a fast-paced environment, strong attention to detail and accuracy. QuickBooks knowledge a must. Please send your resume to:secretary7853@gmail.con
Cheder seeks a warm, devoted kindergarten full day co-teacher for the upcoming school year. That will work alongside an experienced Morah, and share teaching responsibility. Masters degree a plus. Supportive work environment. Please call 845-558-6699 or email ykapplicants@gmail.com
Experienced physical therapist now offering
TOUCH sessions at a 50% introductory rate. (Limit first 5 clients/ 3 sessions each). TT is a somatic intervention for regulation and healing. Please call/ text 7184902815.
Great Opportunity! Manage your own business from home. No experience needed. No computer necessary (optional). Huge potential to grow big. 347-452-8205