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(Re: Give or Take, Issue 475)
Chany Spira’s new serial rocks! Her writing just draws you in. She describes society in action with such wit. I love it!
(Re: Eggcellent Question, Inbox, Issue 475)
I’m responding to the reader who asked what to do with egg yolks in recipes that call for whites. Most cakes that call for whites to form a snow incorporate the yolks into the batter later, with the other ingredients. I made the Club Soda Cake and it came out super!
Rivky S.
(Re: Eggcellent Question, Inbox, Issue 475)
To use up egg yolks: Mix three egg yolks with a spoonful of sugar, half a spoonful of oil, and a little salt, and use as an egg wash for challah. You can freeze until ready to use.
(Re: Stargazing 101, Issue 474)
In your article about navigating by the stars, you mentioned the Yidden in the Midbar. In the Midbar, they did not need any navigation tools — not even the stars. They were always led by the ananei hakavod A Reader
The Platinum Collection by Rosé is a line of premium synthetic wigs. Specializing with their real-life colors and natural body movement and feel, each piece of the Platinum Collection provides the touch that elevates your style while giving you the quality backing that only Rosé delivers.
Boro Park: C.F. Zaidman
(Re: Bedtime: the Teen Version, Issue 474)
I was quite surprised to read that none of the panelists are of the opinion that a bedtime should be set for teenagers. Teens, let me tell you: I had a firm bedtime in place straight through twelfth grade, and it was before eleven o’clock.
I was born in the 21st century so I’m not nearly old enough to have teens of my own, but I’m forever grateful for the chinuch my parents imparted. Bedtime was non-negotiable all through our school years. We were always well-rested and able to enjoy the day, pay attention in class and work hard. Parents are there to be mechanech — to teach — and not just to be great role models; for that, you might as well dorm. After grade school, we were encouraged to go to sleep at a normal time, but were not given a specific bedtime. Knowing that my father, who got up for vasikin, wouldn’t go to sleep as long as someone was up in the house, helped get us into bed at a decent hour.
Dear parents: A schoolgirl is typically home by five or six o’clock. What in the world is she so busy with for more than six hours each night? Please be smart and do what is right — not what is easy. (Here I must add that I fully agree that with a child who is struggling with Yiddishkeit, this is not the battle to pick.)
Much hatzlacha to all parents out there!
(Re: Kindel Conundrum, Inbox, Issue 474)
To Rivky S. and others who can relate to the kindel conundrum,
As a kindel lover and baker, I can relate to the occasional bitter aftertaste. A soft or shriveled lemon may ruin your pastry, but I don’t know if that is the case here. Walnuts have a paper thin coating called pellicle that
is likely the culprit. As the walnuts age, this pellicle browns and increases in bitterness. Therefore, I always make sure to buy good quality nuts for my kindel, and freeze them for storage (since that slows the aging). Compare the sell by dates on the ground nuts when you buy them, and I hope your next batch is an improvement!
Seasoned Kindel Baker and Taster
(Re: The Brides at Brody’s, Issue 473)
This article brought back such fond memories! It feels like yesterday, but in reality was more like two decades ago, when I was that glorious bride being given the royal treatment at Brody’s. Everything you wrote was so true. I especially recall the devoted care I got from Mrs. Yachet Freund. When she placed that crown and veil on my head, I was transformed. Her attention to every detail and calm expertise made it a really memorable experience, and I’ve heard the same from many of my acquaintances. May they have much hatzlacha in continuing to beautify Yiddishe kallahs. Name Withheld
(Re: Making It Work When Your Husband Works, Inbox, Issue 472)
To the mother who doesn’t have her husband’s help: I was happy to read your letter because I am in the same situation. I am a mother, baruch Hashem, who sometimes has her husband’s help and sometimes doesn’t — and when I don’t, it’s really hard. I, too, would love to hear from other mothers how they do it.
I think that women who work full time and have their husband’s help when the kids are home, as hard as that may be, might still have it easier than those who have no help with the little ones (even if they’re not working).
Here are some tips that might be of help:
• Inviting neighbors or other
kids to play with your kids is a huge help. It may leave you with a big mess, but it’s totally worth it.
• When the weather is nice, I try to stay outside with the kids as long as I can.
• Supper must be made before the kids come home — completely done, from start to finish, including frying.
• I put my two-year-old to bed at 6:45, and only after that do I do homework with my older ones.
• Positive thinking. Thoughts like, “I’m becoming a slave to my kids,” or, “I’m not being mechanech my kids properly” put me in a bad mood, so I try to be aware of those thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
Teachers should be more considerate when assigning homework, and not set bedtimes; it’s not their place.
Another point: Lately I have been trying to compliment mothers, because we really need it. Mothers, with or without help, work so hard, and they almost never receive
compliments — and in fact are judged quickly and harshly by everyone around them.
I’d like to conclude that the statement “happy kids, happy mother” does not have to be true. You can be happy even if your kids are not. Happiness is a choice and a mitzvah, and should not depend on anything. If anything, it should be the other way around: If the mother is happy, then the kids have a much greater chance at being happy.
Much hatzlacha to all Yiddishe mothers. You’re doing a great job!
A Yiddishe Mother
(Re: A Sweet Solution, Inbox, Issue 472)
Regarding nosh wrappers with words on them that can’t be opened on Shabbos, I open all packages before Shabbos and put the nosh in containers to keep it fresh.
We don’t own a car.
We clean our car on Erev Pesach only.
The cleanliness of my car is a very, very touchy subject.
We clean the car all the time, and work hard to keep it clean.
We clean the car whenever it’s necessary, plus Erev Pesach.
We clean our car whenever necessary, and especially after major use like a family vacation. – A Reader
Kids, stop leaving your wrappers and tissues in the car! –A Frustrated Mom
We ordered special rubber mats that have some depth from Amazon for the front and back floors in the car for $65. We remove these from the car and deposit all the dirt directly into the garbage can. It’s worth every penny. – A Reader
I keep a shopping bag hanging on the front seat handle as a garbage bag. The kids know to pass their snack bags and tissues up to the garbage bag instead of throwing them down. This prevents a buildup, which means the car almost never needs a real cleaning job. It does still need a thorough Pesach cleaning, though, since crumbs do fall to the floor. – A Reader
Clean my car? Oh, you mean the mobile trash can I drive around? I clean it every time I slam on the brakes and everything slides to the front seat. As for keeping it clean, I rely on a highly advanced system called “denial” — I don’t look down! – Esty
Rented cars are the best thing — no need to clean. –A Reader
My husband’s car is always clean. He has a no-eating-in-the-car rule, and he makes sure to take out every last tissue after each drive. – A Reader
I wish my car would be clean! With a toddler in the backseat, it’s always full of crumbs. I try to clean it around twice a year, but it usually happens only on Erev Pesach, or when I have guests in the car. – S.L.
We bought a handheld wireless vacuum cleaner for the car (Amazon). It’s very simple to use and makes cleaning up after driving with the kids so much easier. – R.W.
My husband didn’t appreciate my repeated comments about the cleanliness of the car, until one day he said, “I don’t interfere with your domestic hangups, so you don’t mind my mobility hangups. I don’t care if the car doesn’t look like it gets a Pesach cleaning every week.” That was the last time I made a comment about the car. – A Reader
Thank you, Hashem, for the rain — it’s the best natural cleaning solution. As for the interior, the problem is that every time we use the car, we leave a few souvenirs inside. So yes, the inside is a mess. – A Reader
My husband cleans the car before I go anywhere with him. He knows that his wife won’t be too happy otherwise. – A Reader
Whenever I get into the passenger seat of my husband’s car, I know I will be cleaning it throughout the trip and leave with a bag full of garbage. The size of this bag depends on when I was in the car last. – A Reader
We clean our car whenever we have to take guests for a ride and we’re too embarrassed to invite them inside. – M.F.
Since my husband is the car owner, the car gets cleaned on Erev Pesach only. –A Reader
I don’t have any strict rules or anything, but I am pretty on top of my teens to try to be careful when they eat. – B.S.
Please submit your answer by Tuesday night, December 10, for a chance to see it in print!
Email or text pov@themonseyview.com Fax 845-600-8483 Voicemail: 845-600-8484 ext. 811
To receive the POV question in your inbox every week, send an email to pov@themonseyview.com with the word “subscribe” in the subject line.
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When Lavan asked Yaakov what salary he wanted in exchange for his work, Yaakov made it clear that he wanted to marry Rochel, Lavan’s younger daughter. Why did Yaakov want to marry Rochel and not Leah?
The Chizkuni writes that Yaakov was afraid to marry Leah. Chazal say that everybody knew that since Rivka had two sons and Lavan had two daughters, the older son would marry the older daughter and the younger son would marry the younger daughter. Yaakov saw how outraged Eisav was that he had taken the bechorah and the brachos. What would Eisav do to him if he also “took away” his wife?
Yet, the pasuk testifies that Leah’s eyes were tender from her incessant crying that she not be forced to marry Eisav. What was she thinking? She knew she was destined for Eisav; marrying Yaakov seemed an impossibility. It was certainly not in the plan for Yaakov to marry both sisters!
WHEN THE CHAZON ISH, ZT”L, saw the sefer Shaarei Tevunah, written by the Steipler Gaon, zt”l, when he was still a bochur, he knew he’d found a suitable chasan for his sister. A gaon and masmid of this caliber was a great catch — not a prospect he would pass up so quickly.
The shidduch was suggested, and it was arranged for the prospective chasan and kallah to meet in a home near Vilna. The Steipler was scheduled to take a night train from his yeshivah in Bialystok to Vilna.
The Steipler, who was accustomed to learning 36 hours straight on a regular basis, decided to stretch his learn-
ing schedule even longer, and reserve those hours aboard the train to catch some sleep. By the time he boarded the train, the Steipler was seriously tired. He looked around for an empty corner where he could sit down and rest his head — but became concerned that the fabric in the seat upholstery might contain shatnez
The Steipler refused to sit down, and stood the entire trip.
You can imagine how exhausted he was when he arrived at his meeting. He hadn’t slept in 60 hours! Besides, a childhood sickness had left the Steipler a bit hard of hearing, and he had to strain himself to take part in the conversation.
To the girl’s dismay, soon after they began to speak, the bochur began to nod off. She could tell he was fighting sleep, but sleep seemed to be victorious.
Not surprisingly, she came out of the meeting uninterested in seeing him again. “The boy doesn’t hear, and he fell asleep in front of my face!” she told her brother emphatically.
But the Chazon Ish wisely replied, “He might not hear well, but everyone will hear about him, and everyone will listen to him!”
When she heard those words, she was convinced.
By the time he boarded the train, the Steipler was seriously tired. He looked around for an empty corner where he could sit down and rest his head
At Jus by Julie, I manage UberEats orders. Each order I pack is a small triumph, a step towards independence.
When I’m not working, I cherish moments with friends, especially at Yachad. It’s more than a community; it’s a family that values every individual.
My life is vibrant, busy, and meaningful.
She came out of the meeting uninterested in seeing him again. “The boy doesn’t hear and he fell asleep in front of my face!” she told her brother
And look at the legacy she merited: She became the rebbetzin of the great Steipler Gaon and mother of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, zt”l
* * * * *
It was common practice generations ago. A wealthy man entered the yeshiva of Volkovisk and asked the Rosh Yeshivah, Rav Binyamin Diskin, to suggest a top bochur for his daughter.
Rav Binyamin pointed out his prize talmid, Rav Yitzchok Elchonon Spektor. The prospective father-in-law didn’t rely on the Rosh Yeshiva’s recommendation alone; he invited the boy to his home, where two talmidei chachamim would speak with him in learning. He was curious to hear how they would categorize the boy.
Young Yitzchok Elchonon entered the luxurious home and sat at a large table with the two giants in Torah. A lively conversation ensued. The men threw questions at the bachur, and Yitzchok Elchonon replied with great sharpness. It was clear he had a deep, rich and breathtaking understanding of his learning. The give and take grew heated, and all three parties tossed sevaras back and forth in a genuine rischa d’Oraisa
Meanwhile, the girl and her mother stood in the doorway, observing the scene. They saw a bochur who was loudly arguing his points, and was completely immersed in conversation, to the exclusion of all else. He was “flying,” and appeared to be totally unaware of his surroundings. They decided that this boy was not for her.
What a missed opportunity. Years proved the young bochur’s greatness, as he grew to become the Rav of Kovno and posek hador. The girl lost the opportunity to be the wife of a gadol
* * * * *
As a yeshiva bochur, Rav Yitzchok Elchonon Spektor used to eat “teg ” at a certain wealthy individual’s home. The man was financially successful and could afford to serve a satisfying meal.
In time, the man married off his daughter, and when Rav Yitzchok Elchonon would come for dinner, the son-in-law would be sitting there with him. The young man, who had joined his father-in-law’s business, noticed that this was not a regular bochur; he was an astute fellow.
“Why should you rely on someone else’s table?” the sonin-law asked one day. “You could continue to learn in yeshiva, but come work for us as an accountant for two hours a day. You’ll receive a nice salary and be self-supporting.”
Although Rav Yitzchok Elchonon was not interested, the
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comments kept coming, and he soon felt uncomfortable joining this family during mealtime. The home had become a place of nisayon for him. He stopped coming, and ate with other, poorer families, where he received but a morsel of bread.
Rav Yitzchok Elchonon continued to learn in yeshiva, with little to satisfy his hunger, but lots of food for thought.
Decades later, when Rav Yitzchok Elchonon was the renowned gadol hador, he once visited Vilna. A steady stream of Yidden came to seek his counsel and receive his blessings.
One elderly Yid came by. He had an offer. “Hashem has blessed me with great wealth,” he said, “but I know my years are numbered, and my money won’t accompany me to the Next World. I’d like to give half my fortune to the rav, in exchange for half the rav’s Torah!”
Rav Yitzchok Elchonon looked the Yid in his eye. He recognized him as the man at whose table he used to eat as a bochur. “You’re a little late,” he replied. “Years ago, when I was a young bochur, you could have merited half the s’char of my learning, had you made your home a suitable place for me. As the Gemara explains, if a person supports and enables one to learn, the two divide the reward, Yissacher-Zevulun style. Now, I’m afraid it’s too late…”
* * * * *
Leah Imeinu knew what was right. She knew that she stood no chance at marrying Yaakov. Yet she also clearly knew that she did not want Eisav. She davened, poured out her heart, and with the power of her clarity and unwavering hope, the course of nature changed in her favor. She merited marrying Yaakov and mothering the majority of the Shivtei Kah. She saw the truth and would not bend, and Hashem helped her, even though it had seemed impossible.
In life, opportunities often arise for us to do just this. With a clear hashkafah of what’s right, we can choose to make the right move, and be zoche to netzach netzachim
A passenger was once sitting in a taxi on the highway. As they neared the exit they were meant to take, the man noticed that there was heavy traffic in their lane, while the lane near them was empty. As their car sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic, the cars in the other lane were zooming by.
“Excuse me,” he said to the driver. “I think you should move over to the left. Let’s get going!”
“Fool!” the driver replied. “If we want to get to our destination, we must stay right here, even though the traffic isn’t moving. The other lane is going somewhere else altogether.”
It’s the same with avodas Hashem. Sometimes it seems there’s traffic in our lives. We start to wonder why we’re stuck in this lane. The other route seems easy and geshmak! It’s important to keep the destination in front of our mind. Does this route lead to the right place?
The renowned mashgiach of Mir, Rav Yeruchem Levovitz, zt”l, drew a lesson from a train. A train can take one very far, very quickly. But it only works if the passenger arrives in time to board the train, and boards the right train. If he comes to the platform one minute late, he’ll miss it. We, too, can get very far, if we make the right decision, at the right time.
Thousands of men turned out at the first-ever Skver Business Expo, which took place on November 28 at Rockland Community College.
The day-long expo delivered on its promise of creating a marketplace for success, drawing over 200 vendors — some based nearby, others flying in from out of town. A wide range of businesses were featured at the event, showcasing those who earn their livelihoods in fields including construction, media, marketing, food, kashrus, insurance, landscaping, plumbing, heating, mortgages, and financial services, among others.
Participants, carrying yellow tote bags sponsored by Handy Equip, seemed eager to take advantage of the opportunity to connect with Skverer entrepreneurs, a crucial step in building a robust local economy and building lasting relationships. Rockland County Executive Ed Day was one of the many who turned out for the event, as well as New Square Mayor Izzy Spitzer, Rockland County Sheriff Louis Falco, Rockland County District Attorney Tom Walsh, Assemblyman-elect Aron Wieder, Spring Valley Deputy Executive Mayor Sruly Eisenbach, and Congressman Mike Lawler’s district director, Rafi Silverberg. Senator Bill Weber, who was also present at the expo, presented Adler’s Insurance with an award recognizing their long-standing commitment and contributions to area residents.
“A successful day at Skver Expo!” wrote Culinary Depot in a message. “We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who visited, including the valued family members who supported us. You made the event exceptional.”
Four months after it closed its doors for good, The Hive is open for business once again, albeit with a slightly different business model.
Now operating as The Hive Discount, the supermarket is targeting shoppers looking to stretch their grocery dollars. While the store looks very much the same as it did in its original model, the budget-friendly vibe is obvious as well, with some aisles featuring warehouse-style shelving, and others made up of long rows of neatly piled boxes of sale merchandise. Signs on the walls drive the point home with one reading, “More bags for your buck,” while another showed an upside-down shopping bag, with the tagline “A new direction that makes cents.”
I’m a princess!
I’m a polar bear!
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As previously reported in The Monsey View, The Hive shut its doors permanently in August, one year to the day after it had first opened, amid financial difficulties. The store was bought out within days by Evergreen.
Safety was the name of the game last week in New York, with Governor Kathy Hochul taking to the podium to share news of a pair of initiatives to protect state residents.
Hochul announced on November 25 that the federal government is dedicating $220 million in funding to support counterterrorism and emergency preparedness in New York. Provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through its fiscal year 2024 Homeland Security Grant Program, the funding will be used in programs that involve planning and organizing, as well as those that will be used for equipment, training and exercise activities under the management of the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services in conjunction with local stakeholders.
Of the funding, $635,907 has been earmarked for Rockland County.
“New York State boasts the strongest and most capable emergency preparedness forces in the nation, and thanks to this federal funding, we are making sure we have the best resources available to protect our communities,” said Hochul. “Through the partnership between federal, state and local government, we are putting the safety of New Yorkers at the center of our efforts — ensuring that whatever threats come our way, we will be prepared to meet them.”
Under the new legislation, removal of any article of clothing would constitute aggravated harassment in the second degree.
“Religious freedom is one of the most fundamental rights we must protect,” said State Senator Nathalia Fernandez. “No one should ever fear harassment or violence simply for expressing their faith or wearing religious attire. This legislation sends a powerful message that hate has no place in New York, and we are committed to safeguarding the dignity and safety of all our residents.”
With left-leaning Americans seeing President-elect Donald Trump’s quest to deport immigrants as an untenable situation, one local elected official has suggested that New York join with neighboring liberal states to become Canada’s newest province.
Saying that Trump’s policies run counter to New York’s progressive values, State Senator Liz Krueger recommended that New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Vermont all secede from the United States. Canada seemed like a solid choice to Krueger, who explained that its progressive ideology will be more palatable to New Yorkers.
Krueger has been critical of Trump’s plans to deport immigrants and to withhold federal funding from states that refuse to comply with his proposals. With New York contributing more than $360 billion in tax dollars to the federal government each year, Krueger believes that withholding such a sizable amount of money could have Trump reconsidering his plans.
by Mindy
Just one day later, Hochul signed three bills into law that were also intended to promote safety, including one that makes it a crime to remove, or threaten to remove, any article of religious attire from another person. While the law’s main intent seemed to be protecting Muslim women attired in hijabs, it also specifies “similar harassment for Jewish individuals,” citing “a recent rise in anti-semitism.”
Still, the idea of folding New York into Canada comes as a last resort for Krueger.
“Why do I have to leave this country?” asked Krueger. “I love this country. But if Trump wins a second term, it’s not actually my fault or the fault of people in New York. I thought I’d suggest to Canada that, instead of us all trying to illegally cross the border at night, they let us become a new southeast province.”
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Recap: Perela meets Tziri for lunch and is totally sold on the China trip.
Roiza missed the little pleasures she used to take for granted, like choosing whether or not she wanted to open the door. Now, whoever wanted could enter her room, and they were even considered polite for knocking. For fifty years of marriage and three years of widowhood, she’d taken doors for granted.
Roiza heard one knock… a second knock... and then the turn of the doorknob.
She wasn’t in the mood of visitors now, but she wasn’t in charge. She didn’t even have the luxury of turning to the wall and pretending to sleep; they would send a social worker in a jiffy, thinking she was depressed.
She turned to the wall.
Maybe she was depressed? Or maybe it was a good sign that her thoughts weren’t consumed by the excruciating pain, and she could think about the vort she was missing?
Roiza lay still, refusing to turn around. Whoever the visitor was, she was definitely not family. All of her family members were in a basement hall in Boro Park, which surely featured some low-hanging chandeliers, and they were eating broccoli salad, cake and oily kugel. They were all celebrating. Except for her.
The unidentified visitor puttered around in the room. Roiza heard her moving the little table on wheels, schlepping a chair, and rustling some shopping bags.
Then she heard her whispering on the phone. “Mr. Handler, your mother is sleeping. I’m getting the WellTab set up meanwhile.”
Roiza recognized her visitor’s voice. It was Kaily’s friend, the one who drove her home from the l’chaim
“Hmmm… I think it’s working. Let me see.”
She heard Yiddy’s voice through the phone, asking something.
“Yeees! I see the kallah! I see Kaily! Good! Can you move it so we see the chasan?” She was no longer whispering.
Despite herself, Roiza turned over, wincing as her hip hit the mattress.
Mira’s back was to her. Roiza looked around her miniscule hospital room. It was set up, well, not exactly like a vort, but definitely for a party. There were mazel tov balloons, similar to those at the l’chaim, and was that her favorite strawberry shortcake?
“Mira?” Roiza exclaimed, momentarily forgetting that she was pretending to be asleep.
“Mrs. Handler! Mazel Tov!” Mira dropped a platter and hurried over to hug her. Roiza couldn’t help being warmed.
“Okay, let’s get ready.” Mira proceeded to remove a tube of lipstick from her purse, along with some brushes and makeup. “The entire crowd is waiting to greet you,” she said, “and we’ll make sure you look your very best for the simcha.”
Mira fiddled with the bed controls until Roiza was
reclining, as if in a spa chair. Then she expertly — Roiza hoped — made up Roiza’s face while she kept up a steady stream of small talk.
“So, as soon as we’re ready, we’ll start vintching mazel tovs. Your family is waiting! And with a gown like this hospital gown, you’ll steal the show!”
“Poh, poh, keneina hora,” Roiza responded. “Can I see what I look like?”
Mira removed a handheld mirror from her bag. “Here you go, prima donna!”
The prima donna chuckled.
“Why? It’s good, isn’t it?”
Roiza stared at her face. She looked like Perela had looked when she’d once gotten into her makeup bag as a kid.
“It is,” she assured Mira. “It’s so… young.”
Mira beamed. From a wig box in the corner, she proudly removed Roiza’s sheitel. “Freshly done,” she said.
Okay, this was serious. With her sheitel on, Roiza looked into the mirror again. Finally, she felt human.
“Everyone, watch!”
All her kids at the vort watched as Roiza finally managed to reach the cake.
Roiza clutched her heart with her free hand — if a hand with an IV line was considered free — as the cake exploded. Bits of whip and strawberry cream stuck to her hospital gown.
“What in the world?!”
“A balloon!” Mira said, her eyes dancing wickedly.
Her kids were laughing uproariously, and even the kallah joined them on the screen.
“Now… let’s go greet the crowd!”
Mira fished for a device from the loaded table, and within seconds, the screen came to life: Kaily in her classy navy dress, Bina in a majestic white party dress and so many of her family and friends.
“What’s this?” she asked incredulously.
“One of the modern wonders of the world,” Mira enthused. “Isn’t it wonderful?”
Kaily’s face filled the screen. She waved. “Hi, Mommy! Mazel tov! I can’t believe this worked out!” She wiped a tear.
Roiza nodded bravely. Her kids were good. They’d obviously worked really hard for this.
“Is Mira treating you well? And is that lipstick? Or is the coloring off on the screen?”
Roiza smiled. “Absolutely. And the color is off. It’s way pinker than you think.”
“It’s time to slice the cake!” Mira handed a knife to Roiza. Her fingers trembled as she navigated it carefully toward the cake. Mira trilled,
“Mira, you’re nuts!” Kaily cried. “Don’t worry,” Mira soothed. “I have another one right here!”
She promptly produced an identical cake. “I know you don’t trust me, so I’ll cut it open.”
Roiza couldn’t help laughing. This Mira was exactly what the doctor ordered.
After a while, her family drifted away from the screen to greet more guests, and Roiza had her fill of strawberries and whip.
Mira tidied the room a bit and sat down to face Roiza.
“Mrs. Handler, doesn’t Kaily look gorgeous?” she asked.
“She does,” Roiza sighed. “She does. I wish I could be there…”
“I know,” Mira said, her eyes turning intense.
Roiza sat up straighter. “Not even for myself… but for her.”
“I know,” Mira repeated. “It’s hard making a simcha on your own.”
Roiza placed a shaky arm on Mira’s hand. “Even at my age. It’s so, so hard.”
Mira seemed to hesitate a moment. She mashed the remnants of
her cake with a plastic fork.
“Mrs. Handler…” She looked at Roiza. “It’s hard at any age. I’ve been alone for fifteen years. I’ve raised my children, married them off, baruch Hashem. And I’m still lonely.” She paused, and then added, “I… I met someone recently.”
“Wow!” Roiza whispered. “Good for you! You’ll have a wonderful new life. Of course, as long as you don’t put balloons into his cakes.”
Mira smiled weakly. “But I can’t do it to Kaily. To all the women in our group. We’ve been together in this forever! We’ve done all these Shabbatons and trips. I feel like I’m betraying her.”
“Chas v’shalom! Kaily is not like that, you know that! She’ll be so happy for you!”
Mira shook her head. “Right. But she’ll also feel abandoned.”
Roiza looked at her resolutely. “So let’s do something about it. If you can get married, so can she.” * * * * *
“Sruly, I want you to know that I’m proud of you for going,” Kaily said as nonchalantly as such a sentence could be said.
Sruly nodded. He scanned the dresser, opened some drawers, and finally located his passport.
“I know it’s not easy,” she forged on. Sruly opened the zipper to the front pocket of his hand luggage and stuck the passport inside.
It was the understatement of the century. Naftali was difficult in the best of times. This was in no way a pleasure trip.
“I think I’m literally taking two shirts and some basics.” Sruly continued his side of the conversation. “Then I only need a carry-on, and I don’t have to worry about schlepping a suitcase when I get there.” He looked up. “You know, Ma, he isn’t doing too well.”
Kaily nodded. The last time the boys had visited, they spoke about it incessantly. His extreme obesity, his worsening depression and the resulting diabetes. Later, they reported that his feet and eyesight had been affected.
“I wonder if anyone takes care of him,” Sruly continued. “Except for Chaim.”
So Chaim was busy with his father? The same father who was incapable of being a father to him.
“I didn’t know,” she said slowly.
Sruly glanced at her. “Does it bother you?” he asked.
Kaily shook her head. Of course it didn’t bother her. She was proud of him. That’s what she’d strived for. Kids who were healthy enough to do what they had to regardless if it was easy or not.
“Chas v’shalom. Of course Chaim should help him. Who else should?”
Naftali had one sister, and his parents were no longer
alive. From the occasional reports, she knew he was at the mercy of kind neighbors.
Sruly nodded. “So I’ll be back Friday morning, and I’ll be here for Shabbos.”
“Good! I hope we’ll have some vort pictures by then. By the way, did you tell Bina about this visit?”
Sruly struggled with the zipper, then proceeded to sit on the suitcase to condense the pile a bit more. Finally, he zipped it shut with a satisfying grunt.
“Sure,” he said. “She was the one to push me to go.” His eyes shone as he spoke of his kallah. Kaily’s heart expanded. Bina was such a special girl, Sruly was such a special boy, Chaim was a real tzaddik. So why did she feel so… unsettled?
“With the way he’s feeling, I’m not even sure he can come to the chasunah…”
“Uh-huh.” Kaily hoped she conveyed encouragement.
Her phone vibrated. A text from Perela.
Kaily, I have to be home soon. Can you make sure to be by Mommy in half an hour? And the dr wants to speak to you.
Sure she could. She could do all the right things. Encourage Sruly to fly to his father, train Chaim to do kibbud av though it was hard. She could sit at her mother’s bedside and take care of all the medical stuff. She could create magnificent Shabbatons and trips. She could give and give and give. She’d been doing it as far back as she remembered.
But one thing she couldn’t do. She couldn’t deal with the feeling that was becoming more and more prominent. That little selfish niggle: What about me?
MONROE: 541 Rt. 17m Monroe, NY 10950
MONSEY: 233 Lafayette Ave Suffern, NY 11205
WILLIAMSBURG: 223 Spencer Street Brooklyn, NY 11901
BROOKLYN: 615 Avenue L (off Ocean Pkwy) Brooklyn, NY 11230
Recap: Rachel convinces the Roluks to sabotage the train and jump off.
Rachel hit the ground and rolled into a ditch, followed by Maria and Stephan. Rachel was the first to look up. Everyone was okay.
As one, they turned their heads to watch the train. It began to pick up speed…
They could not tear their eyes away.
Meanwhile, in the front, Ivan Roluk was having doubts. He could not see if his family had jumped off the train. Maybe they got scared and didn’t jump in the end, he thought. Maybe this was a really bad idea.
On one level, he knew that the time to debate the issue had passed. He knew this part of the tracks leading into Lublin like the back of his hand, and less than a few seconds away was a sharp bend.
Ivan looked behind him. The 20 train cars filled with over a thousand wounded Nazis snaked behind the engine car like a meandering river. Slowing down was normal procedure for a train coming upon a sharp bend, of course.
He looked back again. Had they jumped out of the caboose?
Suddenly, he heard a door open. What was that? It sounded like the door connecting the engine car to the first passenger car, which was occupied by high-ranking Nazi officers. Was one of them coming up front?
The moment of truth had arrived.
Ivan took a deep breath and thrust the throttle forward.
The train jerked ahead, and Ivan looked out the window. There was the bend! Had he waited too long? If so, the train wouldn’t tip over. And even if he had timed it right, would he be able to roll clear of the capsizing train?
There was no more time to think. There was no more time for fear. It truly was now or never. He leaned out the open side door…. and jumped!
He rolled down the gravel incline on the side of the tracks and into a grass ditch. Then he turned to watch the train.
It rolled along… and rolled… and rolled…
Suddenly, the great monster tipped, and there was a
Roluk was having doubts. He could not see if his family had jumped off the train. Maybe they got scared and didn’t jump in the end
thunderous crash. One by one, all 20 cars of the train flopped over on their sides, tumbling off the tracks. Then there was an explosion. The entire train was on fire!
Far away, Mrs. Roluk, Rachel and Stephan heard the explosion. It was hard to imagine how anyone could survive. They looked pensively toward the billowing smoke, Maria most of all. Was her husband all right? Did he make it?
Minutes passed. Still no sign of Ivan.
A few more minutes passed. Suddenly, there was Ivan, walking along the ditch!
Ivan looked at Rachel. The Jewish girl’s crazy plan had worked.
As he crouched with them in the ditch, he looked at his handiwork — the burning train — and let out a sigh of relief.
Tears streamed down Rachel’s cheeks. They were free of the Germans.
At least for now.
* * * * *
The danger was far from over. War was raging in Lublin and the surrounding countryside. Moreover, Mr. and Mrs. Roluk did not know Polish. The Poles generally hated the Russians. Who knew what they would do if they found out their true identities?
They also feared approaching the Russians because front-line soldiers were known to be brutal, triggerhappy and reckless; they killed on a whim. Young or old, man or woman, civilian or soldier — it did not matter. They could kill anyone they encountered.
Luckily, Rachel and Stephan spoke perfect Polish. They ventured toward the outskirts of Lublin while Mr. and Mrs. Roluk stayed in the ditch.
After a short while, Rachel and Stephan found a woman and started speaking to her in Polish. The
woman had no idea that she was speaking to a Jew and a Russian.
“We just escaped from the Germans and have no place to stay,” Rachel said. “Can you help us?”
“Yes,” she said, happy to help some Poles. “I have no room in my house, but next to it, I have a slaughterhouse. All of my animals were long ago taken by the Germans. If you want to stay there, you can. The floor is concrete. But you can lock yourself inside and stay there until things calm down.”
“Can we get our parents?”
Rachel and Stephan returned to the ditch and told Maria and Ivan that they had found a house to stay in temporarily.
* * * * *
The Roluks and Rachel stayed inside that slaughterhouse for a week. During that time, the Germans and Russians were locked in one of the fiercest battles of the war, the Battle of Lublin.
Artillery and armor fired incessantly. Tanks clashed in the open. Planes bombed defenses day and night. The city was devastated. An inferno of flame and gunfire engulfed the Nazi defenders. The final, desperate job was performed by the Russian infantry. Russian soldiers stormed Lublin, street by street, shooting everyone not in a Russian uniform. The fighting was house to house, hand to hand. It was a fight to the finish.
Finally, one day, the bombing and gunfire stopped. The battle was over. But although the Roluks heard the silence, they weren’t sure who won.
Tentatively, Rachel ventured outside with Stephan. Not far from the backyard of the slaughterhouse was a wooded area. They heard some commotion and quietly made their way through thick bushes. In a clearing beyond the thicket they saw
None of the Polish women knew or even suspected that the young girl sitting right there with them was herself Jewish
thousands of German prisoners of war under guard, looking exhausted, dirty, depressed. Beaten.
The Russians won! They had captured Lublin!
The next morning, Rachel and Stephan snuck through the woods to the same wooded area. The German prisoners were still there, but now they were surrounded by a barbed wire fence. The Russians had confiscated their boots, uniforms and whatever valuables they had hidden.
Rachel and Stephan knew what that meant. Soon the Russians would do to the Nazis what they had done to others.
One evening, Rachel was sitting with the woman who owned the slaughterhouse and some of her friends. They spoke about war, their loved ones and the future. At one point in the conversation, Rachel heard one of the women say, “Do you smell that horrible smell?”
“Yes,” the woman said, “it smells like burning human flesh. It must be all the dead.”
“No,” another woman suddenly interjected. “It’s the Jews.”
Rachel was not sure she had heard correctly.
“The Jews?” one of the other women asked.
None of the Polish women knew or even suspected that the young girl sitting right there with them was herself Jewish.
The woman continued, “There’s a camp called Majdanek a few miles from here on the outskirts of the city. It’s surrounded by barbed wire. They send Jews there, gas them to death, and then burn them in ovens.”
Rachel sat there in shock, but did not dare say anything. It was the first she had heard of such things. It was impossible to believe. How could it be?
The next day, Rachel said to Mr. Roluk, “I heard last night that there’s a place not far from here where they’ve been killing Jews. I have to go see it. Please come with me.”
“No, I’m not going there.”
“I beg you. Please.”
“Please don’t ask me to,” Ivan replied.
“I can’t go by myself. But I have to go. I have to see it with my own eyes. If you don’t take me there, I’ll go myself.”
Mr. Roluk soon realized that she was serious. With a deep sigh, he agreed to go with her.
A version of this story is available under the title Nothing Bad Ever Happens, published by Menucha Publishers.
Extended till: December 8th
We are back with more easy chicken dinner recipes — because that’s what makes our world go round. Enjoy these easy and flavorful ways of nourishing yourselves and your families.
The title says it all.
4–6 chicken bottoms
Salt and pepper, to taste
4 T. apricot jam
4 T. ketchup
2 T. honey
2 T. onion soup mix
3 T. red wine (or half red wine vinegar and half water)
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Arrange the chicken in a 9x13” pan, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
3. Place all remaining ingredients in a medium container, and shake vigorously until combined.
4. Pour the sauce over the chicken.
5. Cover the pan tightly, and bake for 2½ hours. Uncover, and bake for an additional 15 to 30 minutes.
This recipe is as simple as ripping open a package of chicken bottoms. No, you do not need to oil, and there’s no need to season the chicken. The only ingredient in this recipe is the chicken itself, which somehow, quite magically turns soft on the inside and golden on the outside in one hour. Don’t believe me; try it, and see for yourself.
4–6 chicken bottoms
1. Place chicken bottoms face down (with or without the skin, both ways work) on a lined Betty Crocker.
2. Cook for approximately 50 minutes, then flip the chicken and cook for an additional 10 minutes.
This easy recipe yields delicious and extremely moist chicken that hits the spot just about whenever.
4–6 chicken bottoms
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
4–6 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper, to taste
Honey for drizzling, optional
1. Preheat the oven to 350°.
2. Pulse the garlic and peppers in a food processor for a few seconds until a chunky sauce is formed.
3. Arrange the chicken bottoms in a pan, and sprinkle generously with salt and pepper.
4. Slather the pepper sauce all over the chicken. Drizzle with honey.
5. Cover the pan tightly, and bake for 2½ hours. Uncover, and bake for an additional 30 minutes.
Week 1 of 4
We all miss Leah Stern, a”h. For many years, Leah was an integral part of The Monsey View team and the face of our food section. Through her practical and delicious recipes, as well as her simple guidance, our readers grew to know and love Leah, and it was the flavors and aromas of her creations that filled homes and nourished families across town.
Over the next few weeks, and before any special occasion, we will revisit some of her timeless recipes for homemakers to use and enjoy.
These crunchy chicken bottoms are deliciously simple. Using homemade breadcrumbs gives any dish a special flavor.
6 chicken bottoms, deskinned ¼ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup water
2 garlic cloves, crushed
¼ tsp. paprika
1½ cups breadcrumbs
¼ cup sesame seeds
1. Combine mayonnaise, water, garlic and paprika in a large bag. Place chicken into bag and coat well.
2. Combine crumbs and sesame seeds in a separate bag. Put two pieces of chicken into the bag at a time and shake to coat.
3. Place chicken bottoms into a 9x13” pan. Pour extra dressing over bottoms.
4. Bake, covered, at 350° for 2½ hours.
5. Remove cover and bake for an additional 15 to 20 minutes.
NAME: Dini Farkas
AGE: 35
WORKS: from home
OCCUPATION: accountant
Esther King: Remember the breakfast challenge in The Monsey View last year? Do you want to participate in an exercise challenge? Good prize. :)
Dini: Oh boy. Exercise is even harder. What’s the challenge and what’s the prize?
Esther K: Choose a 30-minute exercise routine, perform it three times a week for four weeks, and write about the experience.
Esther K: Please say yes! I’ll also do it, and we’ll be exercise chavrusas!
Esther K: So?
Dini: If I don’t even have time to answer an email, how will I have time to exercise… and write about it?
I want to exercise — in theory. I really like the idea of it — the self-care, the health benefits, the endorphins, the energy surge. But… I really don’t like to exercise. I find it boring even when it’s challenging. My mind can’t stop thinking about everything else I need to be doing. I don’t like when my muscles ache. And did I mention that there’s just no time? I’m not a morning person or a night person; I’m a strictly middle-of-the-day person. But I have six kids, a job, and a home to manage, baruch Hashem, all of which keep me busy well past the middle of the day.
However, as a not very fit woman on the cusp of middle age, with a genetic and dietary predisposition to osteoporosis, I should embrace the challenge.
The first night, I try some floor exercises with equipment I already own. But soon I find myself bumping into kids and making sure nobody drops a dumbbell on a sibling’s toe. While this certainly calls for a necessary measure of vigilance, it does nothing to contribute to the efficacy of my exercise regimen.
The second night is more or less a repeat of the first, except it’s different kids dropping different pieces of equipment onto siblings’ toes.
Session 3 never happens, which makes me realize that if this is going to work, I just need to make it happen in the simplest way possible — no equipment, no learning curve. Just do it. (See, I’m a poster child for Nike already.)
Bonus points: My older kids express an interest in exercising with me. If we can find space and time without the younger kids, this is a double win, although definitely a long shot.
Week two happens almost by mistake — a huge bonus for my exercise avoidant self. Exercising over Yom Tov? You must be joking. But really, when you stop to think about it, frum women don’t stop exercising. The hours we spend bending, cleaning, running up and down stairs, chopping, lifting and stretching — and almost all of it weight bearing (although I should practice balancing babies on my right side also) — should make frum women the fittest species on the planet.
Despite expecting to write off the week of Yom Tov in terms of formal exercise, it happens anyway.
First, I surprise myself and my non-nature-loving children by announcing a mandatory fall foliage hike on the first day of Chol Hamoed. I promise my teenage daughter that the hike ( yes, you have to come) would not be longer than three miles and would be rated family friendly. It ends up being just about okay enough that she and I end the hike still on speaking terms (just barely), but also challenging enough since anything involving a view and mountain means up Despite the fact that I spend so much of my day on the go and consider myself an active person, watching my seven-yearold literally scamper up the mountain while I need to stop for constant breaks reminds me of how unfit I actually am.
Nevertheless, the view is expansive and spectacular, and it would be a shame to have missed it. The castle ruins with the rich foliage peeking through the old windows make for a unique and fun photo op.
Day 2 is a trip more up my children’s alley: We plan to meet cousins for surrey biking on the boardwalk. I’m not spending Yom Tov with family, so sitting on the boardwalk with my parents and siblings sounds like a lovely, relaxing way to spend the day.
Instead, I spend 55% of the time running back and forth between surrey bikes to negotiate with the crews in each one, 30% of my time walking briskly between the park and beach to check on the various offspring at each location, 8% of my time pedaling (the surrey bikes look idyllic — but pedaling is HARD) and 2% of my time waving to my siblings and parents as I pass them by while doing all the other things I mentioned. I don’t get to talk to anyone, but I do get a workout!
Exercise session number three does not happen (I’m human!), but my sukkah is downstairs. As chief cook and bottle washer, this means lots of stair climbing. Personal trainer doesn’t agree? I’m counting it anyway.
Yom Tov is over, and my colleagues have officially joined the challenge. Misery loves company, and it’s never been truer than in this exercise challenge. Having them on board is fun
I’m deep underwater with overdue work deadlines, so the thought of carving out any time at all for exercise is exceedingly stressful — until I find myself sitting at my desk on the
first day post-Yom Tov and watching my to-do list expand faster than I can churn out the work. It must be my deep and undying commitment to this challenge rising to the fore, because a bizarre thought takes hold and won’t let go: I need a walk.
I don’t like to officially exercise, but I do like a brisk walk. I have a lightweight item to return to Amazing Savings, so after coordinating with my husband that he can pick me up when I’m done (no time to walk round trip), I’m on my way. I’m even multitasking!
It feels great to be outdoors, alone, walking at my own pace. It turns out, I’m great company. Who would have known, given that I rarely have a minute to myself? I drive this route often without ever noticing that it’s a hill, but my calves point out the incline rather vociferously.
I manage to inspire myself so much with my walk that I’m looking for opportunities to fit it in again. And then, bingo, I remember that on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, I pick up only my toddler, with no carpools attached. Shaindel’s morah is the perfect distance; there and back equals a neat little exercise segment.
I do a repeat on Thursday, and I find my whole self relaxing during this time. I’m constantly on the go with older kids needing to be driven places and medium kids who don’t want to walk anywhere ever, so it’s a rarity that I get to walk anywhere on my own with just the baby. I feel carefree and relaxed, almost like a young SAH mother, a lovely change from my usual frenetic pace. I could actually get used to this — until it gets cold, of course.
It’s obvious to me by now that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Shaindel loves the walk, I love the walk, and it fits into my schedule without too many wrinkles, so I’m sticking with it.
Although Wednesday and Thursday are my non-carpool days, I get a head start on Tuesday when the boys have an earlier carpool for election day, so I risk leaving them at home as I head out later on my own to get Shaindel on foot. I feel truly awesome and even a bit smug when I meet my neighbor on my way down the block. Her toddler attends the same playgroup as mine, and she likes my idea. Taking a leisurely stroll to morah on a random weekday has me feeling very “together,” which is quite a pleasant novelty for me.
On Wednesday it’s a welcome surprise to see my neighbor there with her stroller too — I’m officially a trendsetter!
A Thursday pickup by foot would yield a perfect score for this week, but as Murphy would have it, I need to be in the office for the first time in years, and I won’t be back in time for pickup at all. I bank on figuring something out for Friday, despite it being the first short Friday of the year.
I start working on my Shabbos prep at 11 in the morn-
ing and zoom around my kitchen at top speed, hoping to be ready to leave the house at 12:35. My ten-year-old gets home right when I am leaving and chooses to join me even though I warn her that we need to speed — and we do. We make it to morah in record time, only slowing down once we reach the boys’ school and I know that I won’t be the last mother at carpool. I did it!
And thus ends my unceremonious exercise saga. I enjoyed the time I had to myself, and I look forward to incorporating these walks with a friend some of the time, if we can work out the timing. I know that I should be exercising, and this challenge pushed me into finding a way to do it in a way that I could actually live with.
I’ve also become more aware of how truly out of shape I am. I considered myself to be a fairly active person (not in a fitness kind of way, but in a Type A running around and getting loads done type of way). I really thought that all the chasing and lifting kids and stair climbing that I do in the course of a regular day would count for more. In perfect honesty, though, I see from my hike and walks that all of that simply falls short. Exercise that should have been easy for a young, moderately fit individual is more of a workout for me than it should be.
Do I think I’ll keep it up? Sometimes. When the weather is right, and I have the time — sure. But I know I’ll have a really hard time when it gets cold, and I know how easy it is to fall out of a routine. Nevertheless, hope springs eternal, and I’d like to try.
At Acacia Wallcoverings, shoppers are greeted with a blend of exceptional quality, captivating designs, and an unwavering commitment to customer service. Our meticulously crafted wallpapers will elevate your space by bringing colors, patterns, and textures together, leaving its luxury mark in every space.
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NAME: Devorah Schechter
AGE: 35
WORKS: from home
OCCUPATION: graphic designer
I did it!
I know that’s a funny way to start. But that’s how I feel, right now, here on Day 1. I DID IT. Yeeeesss!
By which I mean, I found time to exercise.
I have all the excuses. I mean, explanations. Large family, full-time job. I get up at 6 a.m., I go to sleep around midnight, and I multitask every moment in between.
I know I have to exercise. I’m even the type. I’m careful with what I eat, I’m disciplined about money, I’m organized. But I just don’t have the time to exercise.
I joined the challenge because I wanted to force myself to do it. But now that I have to articulate it, I’m not sure why it’s so important to me.
It could be because of my friend Shainy. Shainy is that friend who’s almost like a sister, who knows all your flaws and tolerates you anyway. We’ve been through everything together. And two years ago Shainy got cancer.
It was a grueling year. But now that the worst is behind her, her hishtadlus has turned to preventive care. And the two things her oncology team keeps telling her are diet and exercise. Apparently exercise is that important to keeping the body in healthy working order.
I thought the challenge was going to be finding time to exercise, but when I told Shainy about it, she asked me how I would keep myself un-bored for 30 minutes on the elliptical every day. She suggested listening to music or to a shiur. But the idea of creating a playlist just felt like work, and a shiur takes too much concentration. The truth is that those things are not activities I usually enjoy. I’m more of a bookworm type.
But I knew she was right. It was going to be very hard to stay motivated on that monotonous machine.
When the time came to actually exercise, I found a solution. Just like I don’t have time to exercise, I don’t have time to read. I propped a book up on the console and read while I ran. The 30 minutes passed in a blink.
And how did I find the time, that first day?
I work from home, so I clocked out for thirty minutes. I had to make up the time at night, but it’s easier to work at night than to exercise at night.
The second day I knew the drill: clock out, run, read. I was a little stressed about the work I had just abandoned, but I would get to everything eventually… right?
I needed to exercise one more day, but it was hard to find that day. When I signed up for this challenge, I was like, okay, the week has seven days, I can handle three
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times a week. But the truth is that Friday and Shabbos don’t count, and Sunday, as any mother of young children knows, is not a day (it’s a year). So that leaves Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Four days, and I need to work out on three of them. Suddenly, it’s feeling a lot less doable.
I clocked out again on Thursday to exercise. Like I said on Day 1, I did it.
But I didn’t feel happy about it, book or no book.
I started Week 2 on Sunday. It’s the power of productive procrastination. Apparently, I would rather exercise than clean up the house.
This week was harder. The honeymoon period was definitely over, and I had finished the book over Shabbos.
This was very depressing, which was ironic, because my sister Chana loves working out. She exercises daily. Obsessively. She can’t miss it, like I can’t miss my coffee. And she says it keeps her happy and productive and undepressed. She claims she gets a dopamine rush just thinking about exercise. Talk about a runner’s high.
Honestly, it sounds great. But I wasn’t feeling it. Thirty minutes of mind-numbing ellipticalling just seemed interminable, especially for someone who has so many other things to do.
In the end I spent the time conducting a delicate and pointed conversation with my teenager who just started driving. Although it sounds like an awkward setting for such a conversation, it actually worked in our favor: We didn’t have to make eye contact, which made both of us more chilled, and the fact that I was huffing and puffing prevented the conversation from getting too intense. I made my point clearly without either of us getting upset. Maybe there is something to this exercise thing after all.
The next day, Monday, I clocked out during my work hours again. This time I got a phone call from a friend. So I spent the time talking again, but the conversation was heavy, and I found that I couldn’t go so fast. Apparently, I can’t walk and talk at the same time.
I’d learned my lesson last week not to leave exercise until Thursday, but on Wednesday, I was drowning in work tasks. I ended up printing out some material I needed to review so I could multitask on the elliptical. Since I’m getting paid for this challenge, that basically meant I was working while I was working.
In the end I got a shidduch phone call, so I didn’t get to look at the printouts. If last week’s theme was reading, this week’s theme was talking on the phone.
I exercised three times. I’m done.
Where’s my sense of satisfaction?
I guess I’ll start off by saying that if the first week I did it… this week, I didn’t.
I exercised only once.
Let me explain. The baby was sick on Monday and Tuesday — that’s two days of holding a pitiful, crying baby around the clock, no night and no day. On Wednesday, I had to take my four-year-old to a doctor’s appointment I had waited literally a year for, and was out of the house until late afternoon. On Thursday I got called to my boys’ school for a meeting to discuss one of my delicious offspring, and to top it all off, my son who’s in an out-of-town yeshiva fractured a tooth and had to be brought back to town for several emergency dental appointments over two days. By Thursday, I had to buy takeout for supper not as a means of self care but just because I hadn’t been home for enough consecutive minutes to cook anything. On the one day that I did manage to exercise,
I was so exhausted afterward that I lay down on my bed and fell asleep. I just want to point out that exercise promotes adrenalin and endorphin production and energizes you. That’s why they say never to exercise too close to bedtime. You’re not supposed to be able to fall asleep after exercising. But that’s how tired I was.
It turns out that when I claimed I had “no time” to exercise… I was telling the truth.
I felt super guilty and like a real failure for missing two exercise sessions last week, so I jumped on the elliptical first thing Sunday morning so I wouldn’t lose my chance. If my 30 minutes included several pauses to run up and down the stairs to attend to my kids, all the better.
I wanted this challenge to end with my saying I loved it, I see I have time for exercising and I am transformed into a consistent exerciser forever. But if that’s going to happen, this has to be the week I figure out how.
Some exciting things that happened this week included an exploding Betty Crocker that required emergency services from the fire department, and a child swallowing a nonedible item that required an emergency visit to an ENT to have it scoped.
I exercised for the second time on Wednesday. Then, determined not to
fail, I exercised again on Friday morning. Shabbos was at 4:17, but Hashem helped me, and I did it.
Now it’s over.
Well, that was anticlimactic.
Looking back at my log, the first week I was aiming for that committedto-health vibe, inspired by my friend Shainy’s experiences. The second week I was trying to be my sister Chana, addicted to her workout and loving every minute.
Neither of those roles really resonated.
Week 3 was all about me — my reality, my limitations, my responsibilities that eventually managed to trump my commitment to this challenge.
But on Week 4 I proved to myself that I’m not a failure, and I’m not a flake. My life contains just way too much flux right now to commit to four weeks of anything that’s not 100% essential.
I hesitate when I write that, because I do think that exercise is important… even essential. But I guess I proved to myself that set-in-stone commitment is not quite the right goal for me right now.
But that thought actually gives me comfort: The challenge was to complete 12 exercise sessions in 30 days, and I did ten of them. That’s pretty good. At the stage of life I’m in, and with all the responsibilities I carry, maybe we can even say it’s pretty impressive.
And in that case, I can end the way I started: I did it!
NAME: Sarah Moeses
AGE: 33
WORKS: out of the house
OCCUPATION: school-based OT
If I had nothing to do every day, I would do exactly that. Nothing. I love doing nothing. It is for people like me that inventions such as having a light switch at your bed were created. And escalators. And electric can openers.
In high school I was inspired to get fit, I went to the gym religiously, and it worked; I became fit. But that was then, and this is now, and now I am not fit. I am so not fit that everything exhausts me. My mornings exhaust me. My work day exhausts me. My life just exhausts me! I haven’t exercised at all since high school (more than fifteen years ago), but I do spend a lot of time running around like a chicken without a head. Although, now that I think about it, my particular chicken feels like a slug.
My first workout for the week was on a Tuesday afternoon. I strapped my two littlest kids into a double stroller and strapped myself into my sneakers. I thought I could sneak in a thirty-minute power walk without much difficulty.
But I was wrong. There was much difficulty. My power walk was done in four-foot intervals, between which I had to stop and pick up dropped pieces of crackers. And stop and back up to pick up a fallen pacifier. And stop to find a sippy cup. And wipe a runny nose. And break up a fight. And what do you know, I got all the way down the block in thirty minutes. We stopped at the playground on the corner, which was empty, and I ran after them on the playground equipment, which was actually a ton of fun. I focused on moving as much as I could to make up for my powerless walk, and we really had a blast. It was so nice to get into their world like that and be a part of their play. And seeing them whiz down the slide is so much more fun from the top of the playground than from down on the bench! My first workout may not have gone as planned, but I still see it as a win.
My second and third workouts were more conventional. On Wednesday night, at 8:30 p.m., I borrowed my son’s Bluetooth earbuds, plugged myself into his playlist, and power walked right out my front door. I flew through my neighborhood in the dark, with my music blasting in my ears, and it felt amazing. I walked with long, fast strides, and I live in a hilly area, so I worked up a sweat very quickly. I surprised myself and finished my walk with a jog for the last three minutes. I came home exhilarated. That runners’ high you hear about? It’s REAL.
Thursday night I intended to do a repeat, but one of my kids was sick so that didn’t happen. So on Motzei Shabbos, I went down to the basement and walked for 30 minutes.
It turns out that I immensely enjoyed exercising this week. I was prepared to be very sore the days after my workouts, but I really was... not. As crazy as it sounds, I can’t wait to do it again!
This week I failed.
I mean, I tried. I really did. But I am realizing more and more that the excuse we all give for not exercising, I don’t have time, is not an excuse. It’s for real.
On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, I fully intended to exercise at some point between 7:15, when my two littles go to bed, and 9:30, when my two big ones are quiet. But one of them was sick, so 7:15 bedtime did not happen. And 9:15 bedtime happened, but I was just so exhausted that when it happened, I happened right along with it. I woke up at 11:30 with a few dead limbs and a big crick in my neck.
On Wednesday, instead of waiting until everyone was sleeping, I waited only until the two littles were sleeping. I handed the homework reins to my husband and put my sneakers on so I could sneak down to my basement. (Get it?) I walked for 30 minutes, and once again, I felt amazing.
My kids were a little surprised to see me like that, with my face so red, when I got back upstairs. But I was so proud that I had pulled it off.
Thursday evening was complicated because my husband is not around until midnight on Thursdays. I tried. But my baby kept waking up and it just wasn’t possible.
On Friday I had the day off from work, so I was sure I could find 30 minutes to work out. Except I wasn’t factoring in that this was the first early Shabbos (4:26 p.m.!), and I was hosting 8 sleeping guests. I definitely burned serious calories preparing those eight beds, but I still felt so guilty for not exercising formally.
Then came Motzei Shabbos. It was now or never. Guess if it was never. I was so bone-tired from Shabbos that after moving all of the beds and mattresses back to their original places, I fell right asleep on top of them and didn’t get up until the morning.
As sad as I was for not having three official workouts this week, I feel like I validated all of us who claim we don’t have time for exercise. We really don’t. So maybe I accomplished something, after all. You’re welcome!
After last week’s failure, I promised myself I’d do better this time. I would not push this off until the last minute, I’d work out at a reasonable hour, and I would get three official workouts in.
Well, for all my good intentions, on Sunday night, I once again fell asleep while putting my kids to sleep. I dragged myself out of my son’s bed at 10:45. I was beyond groggy. I was be-
yond angry. I. Did. Not. Want. To. Do. This.
But, with my eyes still closed, I changed my clothes. I put on my sneakers. And I went downstairs to the basement. At 10:55 p.m., I started my 30 minutes of walking. I admit, I woke up very quickly once I started walking. And then I saw a message from my husband.
11:01 Husband: Baby is crying 11:01 Me: She okay?
11:02 Husband: She wants a bottle
11:02 Husband: Will she throw up?
11:02 Husband: Wait, I think I got her back to sleep
11:02 Husband: I take it back
11:03 [Picture of baby with wide open eyes and angry eyebrows]
11:03 Husband: Does your exercise need to be in a row?
11:04 Me: ?
11:04 Husband: Like, all of the minutes. Do they need to be in a row? Can you make her a bottle? If I leave she’ll scream
11:04 Me: Coming
I made the bottle, while trying to keep my heart rate up. Bouncing on my toes, stomping my feet. Lifting my
knees. Took the stairs two at a time. But by the time I got back to the basement I had definitely lost some momentum. I did not let myself feel defeated, and picked up where I left off.
11:11 Husband: Was the bottle cold? She’s not drinking it
11:11 Me: Idk, maybe a little colder than normal?
11:12 Husband: She didn’t drink it and she’s not happy
11:12 Husband: Also you didn’t answer me about the row
11:13 Me: I don’t know about the row. That wasn’t mentioned in the rules. I’d rather not stop. But I’ll come if you need me
My exercise was not in a row. I don’t know what the opposite of “row” is, but that was the shape of my exercise. And on top of that, I could not fall asleep for hours after I went to bed. If I didn’t already know it, I do now: Exercising so late at night is a bad idea.
I pushed off my second workout until Wednesday night, when I learned from my mistake and abandoned my husband during homework so I could work out at a reasonable hour. I’m not sure how well that worked out for him, but I very much enjoyed the me-time at an hour where my thoughts were still coherent and my steps were still coordinated.
My last workout of the week was on Motzei Shabbos. We’d been away for Shabbos, and I was so tired I truly did not even have the energy to put on sneakers, let alone actually exercise. But I had cheated last week, and I couldn’t get away with that again. I literally was not awake enough to do any kind of formal routine, so I turned on a timer and marched the circle between my kitchen, living room and dining room for 30 minutes. I did not work up a sweat, and I did get a little dizzy, but when the timer beeped, my muscles definitely had that post-workout feel. So it totally counts.
This week I kind of took the lazy way out and did my living room-dining room-kitchen circle brisk walk on three separate nights. Turns out, this is the most practical form of exercise for me, even if it took me four weeks to figure that out. I didn’t even put on my sneakers. I just got right to it, so it literally took 30 minutes from start to finish. I learned my lesson and made sure not to do it too late, so I wouldn’t have a hard time falling asleep. So in that sense, the week was a success.
Yay! Also, I did it! I finished four whole weeks of exercising! And with four weeks behind me, I have a few insights and epiphanies to share.
The number one realization for me was that on an average day, I am way more active than I ever gave myself credit for. So many times, while doing everyday tasks, I thought to myself, In case I don’t do a real workout tonight, THIS can count. I was much more conscious of how much I was moving, and I really do move a lot. Not just at work, but at home: the constant bending, lifting, picking up, going up and down the stairs… I was so wrong about being sedentary. I guess I just wish I could be sedentary!
My second realization was that I really, truly, honestly, do not have time for this. Not at this stage in my life, anyway. Working out at midnight is not the answer. And getting up before my kids is not the answer either. So that leaves no blank time in my day for formal exercising.
Realization number three was kind of nice. I really enjoyed the actual exercise. That feeling of pushing my muscles to the limit was exhilarating. I always thought I hated exercise, so this was a surprise outcome of this challenge.
So, when I’m at a stage of life that is conducive to fitting exercise into my schedule, I’ll know to be excited.
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What is Brain Boosters?
We live in a generation where Hashem in His infinite wisdom has bestowed upon us a wealth of knowledge and chuchma. With hundreds of practitioners around the globe focusing on different modalities, it is often hard to choose which form of hishtadlus is right for you. The goal of “Brain Boosters” is to make some of this valuable information and techniques available to you in an affordable, accessible manner. We work hand in hand with professionals to ensure the quality, safety, and practicality of our workouts.
What will we gain from the workout?
Many are familiar with the importance and the power bsiyatta dishmaya of physio-neuro exercise. To fully understand the science behind it, a long scientific explanation would be necessary. But what is important for you to know is that when exercises like these are done, we can be'ezras Hashem, build healthy brain connections, connect the right and left sides of the brain, and form new neuralnetworks. Because the brain is the control center for all functions, this is a great hishtadlus to boost general development and advancement.
One must not be struggling in a specific area in order to benefit from this workout. Watch your kids going up a level, be it physically, academically, socially, or emotionally. Past customers report seeing visible changes in focus, concentration, fears /anxiety, bedwetting, moods, emotional regulation, learning abilities, sensory issues, and even auditory processing.
And now some technical details:
The 6-minute workout is intended to be done as a daily family or individual activity. The tracks are sung by a boy, and a Yiddish and English version is included. A non-music track is included too. Each package contains a USB with the tracks, practice sheets and wall signs, and a booklet with clear pictures, updated step-by-step instructions, and a fun motivational chart.
The family price is $100. Discounts for bulk orders are available. A tremendous amount of work, time, and money was invested in this program, and we trust that you will adhere to our copyright guidelines. This workout may be used by your own family only and may not be copied or shared with anyone else. Using this in a group, classroom, or any other setting besides your own home is prohibited. To hear about our group, mentor, and school options, feel free to reach out to us.
Really? So many changes from a little bit of exercise?
No! Only Hashem himself can change, help, and cure. Nothing we do has the power to change or enhance things. But we have the mitzva of hishtadlus and when we understand how Hashem created the brain as the control tower of all functions, we can then understand how it is possible to see change in so many different aspects, if bashert for us to. So if if you feel this is the right hishtadlus for you, jump right in, and let Hashem take care of the results...
2 weeks after starting the CD, two of my older kids stopped bedwetting completely.
the results, I already recommended it to so many people.
Mrs. Fruend, Monsey
My kids were thrilled and figured out the exercise all
Mrs.themselves.by Weinberger
I watched my son completely transform in so many aspects. No words! Anonymous
My kids never wanted to hear about doing exercise, and now they are the ones begging me to put on the CD. Mrs.MonseyRosenfeld,
My daughter’s teacher said that I can cancel all the extra help, as she drastically improved. Mrs. Fried
Yiddish/English Track on USB
Clear step-by-step instructions & pictures
Option of Visual
Sefira track included For kids of all ages
Price: $100
Customer feedback includes: Decreased anxiety, sensory issues, ADHD, and bedwetting, Better focus and learning, stronger core, spatial awareness, and more.
If you’re like me, getting out of the house to exercise is even harder than the actual exercise. With a home gym, you get the advantages of working out in the comfort of your own home. A home gym never closes, it’s always safe, it’s private, and it can even save you money.
You don’t need a huge space to create a functional, pleasant place to exercise. While a large empty space can definitely make the job easier, a corner of the basement (or even a bedroom) can be transformed into just the right spot with a few carefully curated pieces of equipment and storage units. There’s really no need to splurge on lots of expensive equipment; a few essential pieces can really pack a punch and have multiple uses for different kinds of workouts, keeping costs down and your room uncluttered. Finally, it’s also important to make the room feel inviting and motivating. Some simple add-ons will make a big difference in creating a space with just the right vibe.
While there’s no need to splurge on all the latest gadgets, there are some essential products that should be included in every home gym.
Perfect for stretching, Pilates and bodyweight exercises, a good-quality mat is a must. There are several factors to consider, such as material, thickness, texture and durability. A PVC mat is a good economical option that offers good cushioning and support.
These are affordable and highly effective for toning muscles, enhancing flexibility and even improving posture. They offer variable resistance, meaning that the tension increases as the band stretches, providing constant muscle activation and a more challenging workout. Resistance bands are also jointfriendly and lowimpact, making them ideal for functional strength.
A stability ball is great for core exercises. It also improves balance, posture and flexibility while providing a low-impact option for toning and strengthening.
A chin-up bar is an excel lent addition to a home gym because it can be suspended in a doorway and doesn’t require professional installa tion. It targets multiple upper body muscles, including the back, shoulders and arms, providing an effective strength-building workout. It’s space-efficient and versatile by allowing for various exercises like pull-ups, chin-ups and hanging leg raises, making it a great tool for overall upper body development.
Jump ropes and a weighted hula hoop are both fun, effective cardio workouts that improve endurance, coordination and balance. Both are space-efficient and affordable, offering a great way to burn calories, tone muscles and enhance agility, making them perfect for quick, highintensity workouts or warming up before other exercises.
If you’re more advanced and into strength training, adjustable
These are versatile for a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups. Kettlebells have a unique handle that allows for swinging motions and dynamic, full-body exercises, making them ideal for functional strength and conditioning. Dumbbells, on the other hand, have a fixed weight at each end and are better suited for controlled, isolated exercises target ing specific muscle groups. While both tools are effective for strength training, kettlebells emphasize power, balance and endurance, while dumbbells are for building muscle strength and stability.
weights are a great add-on. They save space and money by replacing multiple sets of dumbbells with one compact, versatile option. They allow for easy progression in your workouts, enabling you to increase resistance as you build strength without needing to invest in additional equipment. Their flexibility also makes them suitable for a wide range of exercises, from light toning to heavy lifting, catering to different fitness levels and goals.
If you had to choose one large piece of equipment, what should it be? Mostly, this depends on you and your specific goals and needs. Treadmills have long dominated as the most popular piece of home gym equipment, because they’re highly effective for cardio workouts and offer various levels of intensity, from a slow walk to a fast run. Treadmills also offer a more natural cardio experience compared to the elliptical trainer or stationary bike.
A full healing program for physical and emotional Issues such as Stomach, Indigestion, Headaches, Dizziness, Backache issues, Skin, Arthritis, Eating disorders, Viruses and Bacteria, Veins, Weakness, Insomnia (difficult sleeping), and many other issues.
EMOTIONAL ISSUES: Depression, Panic/Anxiety, Fear of People, Extreme Shyness, Fear of Tests, Scary Dreams, Fear of Being alone, Fear of Strangers, Fear of Sickness, Fear of Night, OCD, And much more.
And many other issues that rob your peace of mind. Here are examples of people that overcame their problems and many others.
I suffered from Panic/Anxiety and couldn’t function. Mrs. Erblich has helped me, and I live peacefully now.
I suffered from indigestion and went to many doctors. Chaia Erblich helped me.
My back pain didn’t allow me to live a normal life. Chaia Helped.
I have been suffering from depression for as long back as I can remember. I must say I’m literally a different person now.
I had so much anxiety that I couldn’t function. After working with Chaia Erblich, B’ezras HASHEM, I’m doing well. I’m not hiding from people now. I finally found myself.
I was afraid to go to bed because I would lay there for hours unable to sleep Chaia Erblich helped me and I now cherish every moment that I sleep peacefully
My life was ruined by a sever case of OCD. I just gave up on myself. Mrs. Erblich helped significantly. She was my shaliach. And I thank Hashem and Mrs. Erblich for that.
For the past thirty-five years Mrs. Erblich, thanks to Hashem, has helped hundreds of people to get back to good Health. She is still practicing and hopes to help many more people who are suffering.
To stay motivated and enjoy your workouts, it’s important to make the space inviting and comfortable.
Having the right flooring can make all the difference to your home gym. Interlocking rubber tiles are shock absorbing, pro vide good traction during exercise, are durable, and are easy on your joints. It also protects your floor from damage due to heavy equipment or a dropped dumbbell!
Set up a sound system or use Bluetooth speakers to create motivating playlists. Depending on the size of your space, and the proximity to the rest of your living space, consider a wall mounted sound system, or a small portable bluetooth speaker.
Bright, natural light is ideal, but if that’s not an option, invest in goodquality lighting to keep the space uplifting.
Adding a mirror can help you maintain proper form and technique during exercises. A mirror also has the added bonus of making the space appear larger, in case your “home gym” is really just a “gym corner.” Installing strip lighting around the mirror is cheap and easy and can add a sleek, modern feel to the whole room. Strip lighting can usually be set to different colors. Adjust according to your mood!
Include items that make the space feel welcoming: a few plants, motivational quotes on the walls, or something funky to liven up the area. Make your home gym as unique as you are.
Don’t forget the storage units to keep everything organized, intact and looking pretty, all while maximizing the space. Wall-mounted racks or pegboards keep the floor clear and are great for storing weights, kettlebells, resistance bands or yoga mats. Storage cubbies or shelving units are also a good option for stashing shoes, towels and other accessories. Cute baskets placed strategically can hold irregular shaped equipment and small items like resistance bands, jump rope and other accessories.
Hydrating is so important during (and after) working out. Consider a mini fridge to keep drinks cold, or a small water cooler if you have the space.
Ultimately, the most important part of your home gym is using it! Set up a routine that works with your schedule, and stay committed. In the best case, your family will be so inspired that they’ll join the fun! Track your progress, celebrate milestones, and adjust your setup as needed to keep things fresh. With the right environment and equipment, your home gym can become a space that not only enhances your fitness but also boosts your confidence and overall well-being. Have fun!
Have you ever wondered...
...Why the Marriage Workshop of Rebbetzin Shaindy Bilgrei became so popular worldwide?
...Why the Marriage Workshop created so much publicity?
...Why Gedoilei Yisroel who reviewed the shiurim recommend it so highly for every Yiddishe woman?
...Why the Gaon and Gadol HaRav Yisroel Dovid Shlesinger, shlita, recommends advertising this Workshop in his name?
...Why the foundations clarified in this workshop has become the basis for all hadracha in Marriage by teachers and therapists who heard it?
Have you heard about the miraculous story of how this Workshop began?
For more information, registration and to hear a FREE DEMO, please call: US: 518-752-0440 E.Israel: 08-631 2857 England: 44 330 777 2785
Or contact the secretary between 2 – 3 pm NY time at 845-364-7125.
The Workshop has the Hashgocho of the Gaon Harav Yisroel Kahen shlita under the auspices of the Mara D'asra of Kiryat Sefer HaGaon Harav Meir Kessler shlita, and is highly recommended by the following Rabbonim:
The Gaon Harav Eliyahu Dov Wachtfogel shlita - The Gaon Harav Moshe Mordechai Karp shlita
The Gaon Harav Amram Opman shlita - The Gaon Harav Yehoshua Eichenstein shlita
The Gaon Harav Akiva Ullman shlita - The Gaon Harav Yisroel Ganz shlita - The Sassover Rebbe
The Gaon Harav Yosef Dovid Teitelbaum shlita - The Gaon Harav Yisroel Dovid Shlesinger shlita With a special letter from the Gaon Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsh shlita
To receive the written haskomas send your request to: workshop5778@gmail.com
If your only experience with the taste of basil comes from using frozen cubes — or worse yet, the dried basil that comes in spice jars — there’s an explosion of new tastes you have yet to experience. There’s simply no comparing freshly cut herbs to anything you can buy in a store. And aside from the exquisite deliciousness they add to food, fresh herbs pack a powerful nutritional punch.
Wait, what about bugs? That’s usually the first question people ask me when they hear that I grow my own herbs. And yes, bugs are definitely a big problem when it comes to growing herbs or leafy greens. I once bought a cute little basil plant at ShopRite and proudly placed it on my counter near the window, dreaming of all the scrumptious pesto recipes I would rustle up. The next day, my dreams of homemade Italian cuisine were all in the trash, along with my sad little basil plant. Turns out, the plant was infested, and the area around the plant was crawling with tiny gray bugs.
But fear not! There is a way to have fresh herbs on hand without worrying about bugs, and that is with the magic of hydroponics. Hydroponics is the method of growing herbs, vegetables or anything, really, in a soil-free environment. You see, bugs don’t only need nice, juicy plants to snack on. They also need somewhere to lay their eggs, and their favorite place to nest is in soil, where the newly-hatched insects (called larvae) can feast on roots or dead plant matter until they grow large enough to burrow out and set up residence on your precious plant. The most common pests to afflict indoor plants are aphids, thrips and fungus gnats. Fungus gnats are especially harmful, since by the time you see little flies running around on your plant, you likely have a whole colony merrily feasting on your plant roots, eventually killing it. However, although hydroponics makes bug infestation less likely, it’s not 100% guaranteed. You still need to be vigilant and
check the leaves for bugs.
So how does hydroponics keep bugs out? For plants to thrive, they need three things: sunlight, water and nutrients. The traditional way for plants to get nutrients is via soil. Hydroponic farming replaces soil with a liquid nutrient solution, which the hungry roots drink as they dangle inside. By replacing soil with nutrient solution, bugs don’t have that cozy home to lay their eggs in.
There are many hydroponic systems on the market today that make growing herbs very easy, and they range from a cheap Chinese-made model to custom-built greenhouses with circulating water systems that match your kitchen cabinets and cost thousands of dollars. Which one is right for you? I
started out with the most popular one available today: the AeroGarden.
I scored the AeroGarden when it was on sale, and excitedly got planting. The lovely thing about the AeroGarden is that it takes all the guesswork out of planting. It comes with six (or more, depending on the model) pre-seeded foam plugs, which is where your plants get started when they germinate. It has a special UV light that mimics the full spectrum of sunlight, and comes with a bottle of nutrient solution. The machine also has indicator lights that flash when you need to add water or nutrients. Easy peasy!
Within a few days of planting your herbs, or whatever it is you are planting, you should see little baby shoots coming up, which will grow taller and fuller as they reach for the lights. It’s tremendously rewarding to see those plants coming up, and the company claims that plants that are grown hydroponically grow quicker and fuller. The unit also contains a pump, which aerates the water so that oxygen circulates freely among the roots, preventing root rot and algae growth.
The AeroGarden is really a great little system. You don’t need any sunlight; you can stick it in a dank basement or garage, and it will be just as happy. The problem is, once you’ve been bitten by the plant bug and you’ve become a full fledged “herb mommy,” you just want more and more, and having only six little slots just won’t cut it.
This brings me to the next great innovation in hydroponic planting: LECA balls. Although it sounds fancy, it’s just an acronym for Light Expanded Clay Aggregate. These are simply
little clay balls, which are supposed to retain water well and never become moldy or spoiled. They are used instead of soil and provide a “hold” for your plant to sit in as the roots dangle above your nutrient solution. You will need to have some sort of combination pot for them, one with holes to hold the LECA balls and plant, and another for your water. To care for plants growing on LECA balls, simply replace the water with a fresh supply about once a week, and add more nutrient solution each week as well.
Once you are confident enough in your herb growing skills, you can try propagating cuttings. That is just a fancy term for cutting off part of the “mother” plant, placing it in water until it develops new roots, and then replanting it in a new pot. This is much faster than growing a plant from seed, and you can have a new plant in just a few weeks. Not all plants propagate easily, though, and you are more likely to see success from tender plants such as basil or mint than woodier varieties such as rosemary.
So which herbs will you plant? Everyone has their favorites. Mine are basil (of course), mint, parsley and cilantro. There are hundreds of other herbs, each one boasting its own pungent flavor.
Basil is really the king of all herbs. It’s relatively easy to grow and adds a perfume-like, heady flavor to anything you add it to. Basil plays a much-loved role in Italian cuisine, lending its distinct flavor to pizzas and pasta sauces.
There are hundreds of varieties, but the most popular one is sweet or Genovese basil. Basil has become an absolute must at our Shabbos table, lending its delicious flavor to a variety of dips. It’s great with pasta, fish or chicken, and when chopped into salads, especially tomato salad. In terms of nutrition, basil is high in antioxidants and vitamin K.
Dill is one of the most popular herbs, known for giving dill pickles their distinct “dilly” flavor. Their beautiful, feathery fronds add incredible flavor to soups, mushroom-barley and potato soups in particular.
This herb took off like a rocket in the AeroGarden, germinating the first and growing taller than the grow lights! Of course, we made a batch of pickles with our first harvest, and they were absolutely delicious.
Dill is particularly high in vitamin A, vitamin C, folate and riboflavin. It is also a good source of minerals like calcium and potassium.
Cilantro is a staple in Mexican cooking. The herb is actually the leaves of the coriander plant, which is sold as a spice and is popular in Asian and Indian cuisine. It has a mild yet distinct celery-like flavor, and is excellent in salsas and fresh salads.
Chives can be a little more difficult to get started. Chives have a mild onion flavor and are commonly used as food garnish in its chopped form. It pairs well with soft cheeses and spreads.
Thyme is a very “herby” herb, with a strong taste similar to oregano, and is typically added to soups and stews for a strong, earthy flavor. Thyme is particularly rich in vitamins A and C, and helps maintain good skin and healthy vision.
The most popular varieties of mint are spearmint and peppermint. Spearmint is milder and sweeter, and peppermint is prized for its stronger, medicinal taste. Both are used for a variety of soothing teas and tinctures, or as seasoning for fresh vegetables. Mint is also a good source of vitamin A.
Parsley generally comes in two varieties: flat-leaf/Italian parsley, and the curly leaf variety. Flat-leaf parsley has a more intense, aromatic flavor, while curly parsley is more commonly used for garnishes.
Most people are familiar with the flavor of parsley, and it adds a nice fresh flavor punch to soups and salads. It is high in vitamin A, vitamin C and iron.
There are so many herb varieties, and it’s fun to experiment. Some herbs are prized for their flavor, such as basil, mint and thyme, and others are primarily grown for their medicinal value, such as peppermint, chamomile and echinacea. Don’t be afraid to experiment, as seed packets are inexpensive and easily available.
If your herbs are growing out of hand, you can harvest them and store them for later. Never cut off more than two thirds of the plant, so it has enough leaves left to absorb sunlight and grow more leaves. You can keep them fresh by simply placing the cut ends into a cup of water, like cut flowers, or wrapping them in moist paper towels, and keeping them in a bag in the
Italians know their seasonings, and one of their gifts to the world is pesto, a fragrant condiment with basil in the starring role. Traditional pesto calls for pine nuts and parmesan cheese, but I like to keep mine pareve and nutfree. This is a basic pesto that keeps really well in the refrigerator. We add some of it to mayonnaise for a delicious, gorgeously green pesto dip for Shabbos. If you want something really extra special, spread some on toast with cheese, and bake till the cheese bubbles. You’re welcome.
1–2 cups basil leaves
4 cloves garlic
¼–½ cup oil (avoid olive oil if you’re going to keep it in the refrigerator, since it solidifies)
Salt to taste
Place ingredients into a food processor (or into a glass measuring cup, if you’ll be using an immersion blender). Start with a smaller amount of oil, and add more while processing until pesto is creamy and smooth. Make sure that the basil is completely submerged in the oil when storing to ensure that it retains its bright green color.
refrigerator. If you don’t think you’ll be able to use them within a week, you can freeze them.
If you don’t see yourself as the kind of gourmet cook who cooks with fresh herbs, it’s still worth growing herbs just for their sheer gorgeousness. Basil has the prettiest leaves, and they instantly fancy up fish and cheese platters as well as appetizers and even sandwiches. Elevate any drink with a perky sprig of mint. Mix some dill into cream cheese to instantly transform plain cream cheese into a gourmet treat. Or pour some hot water over mint leaves and let steep for a refreshing, throat-soothing cup of mint tea. Herbs just make everything taste better, and turn the simplest, everyday recipes into gourmet dishes.
This salad/condiment has many names, but whatever you call it, whether it’s salsa, Pico de Gallo or Salata Hara (Arabic Hot Salad), it’s super delicious and a welcome addition to your Shabbos dips repertoire.
½ of a small onion
1 jalapeno pepper (remove ribs and seeds if you like it milder)
Juice of half a lime or lemon
5 tomatoes
Couple of sprigs of cilantro
Salt to taste
1 clove garlic (optional)
¼ tsp. cumin (optional)
Pinch of sugar (optional)
Pulse a few times in the food processor until finely chopped but not mushy.
This ultra refreshing drink is a hot-weather staple, and if you grow your own mint, it’s more delicious than anything you can buy. Make this slushy treat for your kids when they come home from school, and you’ll attain instant best-Mommy status.
½ cup fresh lemon juice
½ cup fresh mint leaves
⅓–½ cup sugar, to taste
⅔ cup water
4 cups ice
Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender (make sure your blender has ice-crushing capabilities) until all mint is incorporated and mixture is slushy with a lovely mint green color.
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I had just finished working with a client at his home office when I met Moshe.
Actually, to be completely accurate, Moshe met me. Accosted me, really. And he had an advantage; all he was holding was his car keys, while my arms were full of bulky workout equipment that I was taking to my car.
“What are those?”
I looked up. The guy standing nearby was tall and trim, his tone challenging.
“These?” I followed his gaze. “These are weights.”
“Weights?” he repeated, stepping toward me for a better look. “Why do you have weights? Are you some sort of exercise guy?”
“Yes, exactly.” I shifted the dumbbell into the other hand so I could shake his. “My name is Tzviki. And you are…?”
“Moshe. I live here,” he said, pointing to the house next door. “But as you can see, I don’t need to exercise.” He folded his arms across his chest and grinned. “I’m not fat.”
I didn’t want to argue with someone I had just met, but I couldn’t help but correct him. “You’re right that you don’t need exercise for weight loss. In any case, exercise isn’t a great weight loss tool. But everyone needs to exercise.”
Now he looked surprised. “Really? Why would you exercise, if not to lose weight?”
I put down the weights. “Exercise is just doing hishtadlus, making an effort to take care of the body Hashem has gifted us with.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“I’m serious,” I said. “Your body needs movement, just like it needs food and sleep.”
He rolled his eyes. “And if you don’t exercise? Then what?”
“If you don’t engage in movement, your ability to move slowly diminishes. And your body is one machine. If you don’t maintain the machine, all of its functions become impaired. That’s why people who exercise feel amazing; it creates health and strength in the entire body and all of its functions. But if you don’t use it, you lose it. ”
Moshe drew his eyebrows together. “You make it sound like I do nothing but sit around all day. Seriously, I don’t stop moving from morning to night. Run to daven, run home, drop off the kids, drive my wife to work, drive myself to work, get in the car, out of the car, climb up and down the stairs all day long. I don’t need exercise.” He said it like it was a bad word.
I nodded. “So you think you walk for 30 minutes a day?”
“I — what?”
“Well, technically, if you walk for 30 minutes a
day, that counts as being active. But even then, it’s not fully adequate; you need to focus both on cardio and strength.”
Moshe looked like he was going to explode. “Come on! Don’t throw jargon at me. I live my life just like everyone else. I’m not even overweight. I have a family, I own a business, I daven three times a day. I run around like a chicken without a head trying to get everything done, and you’re telling me I have to exercise?”
Now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows.
“And furthermore,” Moshe continued, “I don’t believe a word you say. ‘The whole machine works better,’” he mimicked.
I didn’t know what this guy’s issue was, but I couldn’t resist.
“Moshe, I’ll make you a deal,” I said. “I’ll give you five free sessions. And then you’ll tell me if I was right.”
He stared at me. “I don’t have time for this.”
“Nu, come on,” I said. “It’s not a big deal. I have a client on this block anyway, that’s why I’m here. I’ll give you a free session in your own house for five weeks. And then you’ll tell me what you think.”
I picked up the dumbbells and loaded them into the trunk, giving Moshe space to think.
“Fine,” he burst out. “Five weeks. Let’s see what you can do.”
He gave me his number, got into his car, and roared off. I grinned. Moshe might be a little prickly. But I was pretty sure I knew who the winner would be.
Tzviki Smith is the owner of Smith System, which helps busy Jewish business owners bring fitness into their lives with personalized training at their home or office. He can be reached at 845-671-9945.
Your core is the group of muscles around your abdomen and back that are attached to your pelvis and spine. The job of your core muscles is to keep your body stable and balanced, and protect your spine. When you use your core, it acts like a belt to support your spine and midsection. As most of your day is spent sitting and moving with poor posture, core strengthening exercise is crucial.
Here’s a great way to activate your core:
• Lie down on your back.
• Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.
• Take a deep breath and make the hand on your stomach rise up.
• Once your stomach is full of air, slowly let the breath out completely.
• After you’ve exhaled, pull your stomach in and hold it there.
At first, you might not feel anything, but with practice, you will start to feel your core muscles working.
Twenty-five percent of your bones are in your feet. A human has 26 bones in each foot alone! The longest and strongest bone is the femur; it runs from hip to knee.
Wanting to express someone making a complete change is expressed with a shift of 180 degrees — not 360 degrees, as many mistakenly say. When you do a 360, you’re completing a full circle that lands you back at your starting point. A 180-degree turn, however, makes you change your position to the other side.
Use the following letters to list 5 words, each using 7 letters and up. Only the center letter must be used, and letters can be repeated. Bonus points for pangrams (words that use all seven letters).
In Parsha Beshalach, in Az Yashir, there are five consecutive words that start with an
To parry (verb) is to evade something (especially a question) by using a clever response. (The word also means to evade an attack or assault.)
Some teenagers are especially skilled at the art of parrying, don’t you think?
There’s actually a way to measure how spicy your food is. The Scoville Scale expresses the level of heat in food by measuring its capsaicin, which is the chemical compound that causes spicy heat. The spiciness is measured in SHU (Scoville heat units). For reference, a bell pepper has 0 SHU, a jalapeno pepper 2,500-8,000 SHU and a cayenne pepper 30,000-50,000 SHU. The hottest food, the Carolina Reaper (another type of pepper), has 2.2 million SHU, and pepper spray measures at 2 million SHU.
We welcome town trivia, historical facts and photos, and Torah-themed riddle submissions. We’d also love to hear if you have additional answers to our puzzles! Email comments@themonseyview.com to add your very own bits of wits. Please include your name and contact information.
1. Gather round the table to play a family game of Boggle, using this Boggle board.
2. Once you have a winner, fill out the form below in its entirety
3. Email the form to comments@ themonseyview.com or fax to 845600-8483 by Sunday at midnight.
4. Two winners will be drawn each week, each of whom will win a pastrami sandwich and a can of soda!
Find words on the board containing four letters or more. Letters of a word must be connected in a chain (each letter should be adjacent to the next either vertically, horizontally or diagonally), and each letter can only be used once in a given word.
The following are not allowed in Boggle: Adding “s” to a word • Proper nouns • Abbreviations • Contractions • Acronyms
4-letter words: 2 points | 5-letter words: 3 points | 6-letter words: 5 points | 7-letter words: 7 points | 8-letter words: 9 points | 9+ letters: 12 points
Each Boggle board hides a word of nine letters or more!
Family name: ___________________________________________________________________ Phone:
Full mailing address: _________________________________________________________
Full name of winner: _________________________________________________________
Amount of points: ____________________________________________________________
Full names of competing players:
List some words only the winner found:
Filling in lines with shades of color is an age-old activity that is as soothing as it is enjoyable. Grab a pack of color pencils or gel pens to find out why coloring isn’t only for children!
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You can do it all… if you get enough sleep. The Monsey View’s bedtime contest is back!
The challenge:
Go to bed by 11 p.m., at least five nights a week for three consecutive weeks. BEGINNING NOVEMBER 24.
Who is welcome to join:
Post-graduate girls and women
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• CFO, 5+ years forecasting and budgeting experience, knowledge of grant management and compliance for not-for-profit organization, CPA degree required, 225k+, Monsey
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• Controller for established private school, manage the financial operations, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Proven success in budgeting, and cost control principles w/ analytical and problem-solving skills, 200k, Monsey
• Director of Finance & Payroll Compliance, 3+ yrs. experience in finance, accounting, payroll tax compliance and managing multi-state payroll tax filings, 175k - 225k, Monroe
• Construction Site Manager, oversee ground-up commercial and residential projects. Full ownership of project management, with a focus on cost savings, efficiency, and strong relationship-building. 5+ years’ experience managing new construction projects required, 175k - 225k, Monroe
• Real Estate Asset Manager, 3+ yrs. experience required, construction experience a plus, driving distance to Monsey, 150k+, Monsey
• Real Estate Asset Manager, 3+ yrs. experience required, construction experience a plus, travel required, 150k+, Monsey
• Accountant, 2+ yrs. nursing home industry experience required w/ bank reporting and dealing with lenders, 150k, Monsey
• HR Director, manage Indeed accounts and staffing of Nursing home facilities, relevant experience required, 120k – 150k, Monsey
• NetSuite Administrator, be familiar with NetSuite settings, configurations, and customizations, as well as having the ability to integrate NetSuite with other systems, full-time, 120k+, Monsey, [Hybrid 1-2 days a week]
• Bookkeeper, Manufacturing / cost accounting experience required, transaction entries & bookkeeping, month-end Reporting & close, analyzing and reporting on inventory, labor, and material costs, 100k - 120k, Parsippany, NJ
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• CAD Documentation Specialist, full-time position, be detail-oriented professional with a focus on CAD documentation accuracy and efficiency in supporting cross-functional engineering and production teams, 100k, Newark, NJ
• Buyer, 2+ yrs. experience w/ kitchen equipment supplies, negotiate prices, strong communication, analytical and procurement skills, 100k, Monsey
• Payroll Administrator for Real Estate office, 2+ yrs. relevant experience, 100k + full benefits, Monsey
• Warehouse Manager, oversee daily warehouse operations, manage a team of 40+ associates responsible for receiving, packing, and picking orders. Be highly organized and process-driven leader with excellent communication / implementation skills, relevant experience required, 95k - 115k, Newark NJ
• E-Catalog Content Manager, experience in catalog management, product data processing, or similar roles, 85k - 110k, Newark
• Hands-On Property Manager, overseeing daily operations of commercial/residential properties located in Bronx, NYC area. Manage maintenance, repairs, coordinate w/ vendors, handling tenant relations. 75k – 100k, office based in Monsey
• Senior Bookkeeper, Multi-Family Real Estate office, ensure the smooth and accurate management of financial operations for multiple entities. Be detail-oriented and organized. 85k - 100k, Monsey
• HCBS Intake Coordinator, 3+ years w/ HCBS program and compliance, 95k, Monsey
• Internal Communications and Marketing Specialist, 3+ yrs. experience in internal communications and marketing, Exceptional writing, editing, and communication skills, Strong organizational skills and ability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment, 80k - 90k, Monsey
• Hands-On Property Manager, manage a team of maintenance workers on the road, coordinate and respond to building inspections and violations, identify maintenance and repair needs, strong construction/ plumbing knowledge, be computer savvy [experience w/ property management software] 80k - 95k, Monsey
• HCBS Quality Assurance Compliance Director, HCBS experience required, female office, 80k – 90k, Monsey
• Construction Project Manager, 2+ yrs. commercial construction experience required, travel to Tri-state area, 90k+, office based in Monsey
• E-commerce Catalog Listing Manager, maintain, optimize listing performance, running deals, etc. 70k – 90k, Montgomery NY
• Logistics Project Coordinator, logistics and freight management experience required, including working directly with shipping companies, 75k – 85k, Newark NJ
• Office Admin position for Article 16 OPWDD Clinic, 75k –85k, Monsey
• Real Estate Title Coordinator, 1+ yrs. experience required, 70k – 80k, Monsey
• COMHAB/Respite Team Leader, Full-time position, Female office, Supervisory experience required, 70k – 80k, Monsey
• Estimator for Commercial / Residential Real Estate company, read plans, write up estimates, present budgets, email proposals, be detailed, organized, enjoy working with numbers, experience in estimating a plus, 75k+, Monroe
• Store Manager for Hardware Store, 70k plus commissions, Passaic, NJ
• Paralegal, full-time position, 70k+, Monsey
• Junior Accountant, Real Estate Management company, hands-on experience working with general ledgers, journal entries, credits/debits, and P&L statements, Familiarity with tax returns and Financial Statements; experience with accounting software, 65k – 75k, Monsey
• Junior Bookkeeper, male office, be familiar w/ QuickBooks, tech-savvy, quick learner and a team-player, 65k- 75k, Monsey
• Product Development & Marketing Specialist, Judaica/ gifts line, Research & develop new products, manage social media & create content, design marketing materials & product packaging, 2+ years of experience in product development, social media, and graphic design, 50k – 60k
• Financial tracker, for Nursing home facilities back-office, be attention to-detail, great communication skills and enjoy working w/ numbers, male office, 55k – 65k, Monsey
• Showroom Operations Project Manager for Architecture firm, Oversee operations, equipment upkeep, customer relations, scheduling clients, 52k, Monsey
• Licensed Social Worker for local agency, male population, $65/hr. - $90/hr., based on experience, Monsey
• Leading Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Brokerage firm, seeks motivated and ambitious individuals to join their team as Real Estate Finance Advisors, develop relationships with real estate owners and developers to arrange financing. Learn to analyze and underwrite deals, 40k plus commissions, Monsey
• Bookkeeper, 2+ yrs. experience required, $30 - $35/hr., Monsey
• QA Coordinator, Female office, Part-time - Friday required, Excellent reading/ writing skills required. $30/hr. Monsey
• Full-time Customer service positions available. $25 - $30/ hr. Monsey
• Fiscal Intermediary Coordinator, 6+ hours daily MondayThursday, Friday a must. Prior office experience required. $30-$35, Monsey
• Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Service Coordinator, relevant experience required, $35/hr.+, Monsey
• AP Rep, AR Liaison, Payroll Rep positions. $25 - $35/hr., Monsey
• Female Care Manager - BA or Equivalent degree required, relevant experience preferred, part-time or full-time $30/ hr.+, Monsey
• Assistant for Project Manager, multi-task, attention todetail, excellent computer skills, full-time position, $28/ hr. Monsey
• Secretary, Real Estate office, full-time position, be organized, multi-tasking, detail-oriented and Microsoft Office proficient, $25 - $30/hr., New City
• IT Help Desk Technician, CompTIA A+ certification required. Preferred certifications - Network+, Security +, Microsoft AZ-900, $25 - $30/hr., room for growth, Monsey
• Front desk secretary, Part-time/Full-time, $25/hr., Monsey
• Loan Processor, full-time position, manage and facilitate the loan application process from reviewing loan applications thru coordinating closings, Microsoft Office/ Excel fluent, be detail-oriented, analytical w/ basic math skills, $25/hr. + commissions, Monsey
• Warehouse Inventory Quality Control/Packer, inspect items for damage or defects, verify items are accurate and match orders/pack items securely and ensure shipments, $25/hr., Monsey
• OUTSIDE SALESMAN position, construction service industry, prior experience in sales preferred, Basic computer skills. Excellent communication skills, build client relationships, negotiate contracts, close deals, salary plus commissions based on experience, Monsey
• INSIDE SALES position, Energy rebate programs, 3+ years sales experienced required. Excellent communication skills, salary plus commissions based on experience, Monsey
Seeking a Yiddish speaking staff to teach emotional regulation and social skills through positive interactions, role-playing, and problem-solving techniques to a 7-year-old boy. Teaching experience preferred.
Monday and Wednesday from 5-6pm
Spring Valley area
Respite Service
Seeking staff to work with a 7year-old bed bound boy. Staff will need to provide support with muscle-strengthening exercises and cognitive/sensory engagement, to improve strength and offer visual stimulation.
Sunday and Monday from 6-8pm
Chestnut Ridge Area
Respite Service
Seeking staff to work with a 10year-old boy to help him manage anxiety and boost self-esteem. Staff would need to engage him through a shared love of sports, particularly tennis.
Sunday from 11 AM – 1 PM
Additional Hours After School
New City Area
Caregive r Service
Seeking staff to provide support and training for anxiety management, social communications and emotional expression. Assist with transitions, improve social skills and encourage coping strategies. Teaching , ABA experience, or college student majoring in education, speech/language pathology, OT or psychosocial sciences preferred.
Sunday and Monday 1.5 hours after 5PM
Caregiver Service
Regina Area
Local Home organizing store is seeking a saleslady with a passion for Home organizing. Must speak Yiddish. Hours: MondayThursday 2:30-6:30 and Sunday 12-6:45. Call 845-459-3950 lv msg
Seeking a detail-oriented team player to communicate with hospitals. Must have excellent communication skills, attention to detail, teamwork, and adaptability. Full-Time 9 AM - 5 PM | Office near Monsey. Please email your resume to jobs@ drgclaims.com with the Subject “Doc Coordinator”
Have Commercial Insurance Experience? Seeking female candidates with commercial insurance experience. Option of working part time. Excellent pay. Great work environment. Email: Goldy@ theprimestaffing.com
Join a local Amazon company as the head of our Creative Team! We’re looking for a Creative leader with strong managerial skills. Amazon experience is a plus. — Great heimish office environment. Bring your creativity and leadership to our team—apply today! Email: monseyjob123@ gmail.com
Music ‘n Motion, a preschool music program, is looking to hire a female music teacher. Qualifications : musical, lively, warm personality, great with children, responsible and dedicated. Responsibilities include: monthly preparation, and giving over the interactive music lesson in each classroom. email gela@ mnmotion.com or call 929322-4202 ext 202
Part-time & Full-time jobs available. Email TopPartTimeJobs@ gmail.com
We are seeking an energetic Outside saleswoman for a successful service-based business. Huge potential! (Driver’s license and some work experience required.) call/text 845-234-4627
Local kitchen company looking for full time employee to work on layouts and pricing. Experience a must 718-930-2918
Have your BA? Want to use it in a solid leadership position? Great opportunity for someone with the right experience. Please reach out and send your resume inorder to learn more. rivky@ theprimestaffing.com
Accounting firm in Suffern seeking an admin assistant. All women’s office. Willing to train. Great environment! Option for FT or PT. Send resume to ckohn@ bernathandrosenberg.com
Looking for a dynamic and rewarding job? Join our team and make a positive impact! An amazing Home Care Agency is looking for fulltime employees. We have a friendly and supportive work environment, competitive pay and benefits package. Send your resume to: hiring@hamaspikcare.org
Looking for someone special to get together with a sweet, caring young single woman any days from SundaysThursdays and anytime during the hours of 5/6 pm to 8/9 pm. Activities include going out into the community for recreational activities, shopping and errands, etc. $22-$25/hr DOE. Please call845.425.0887 ext.217
Looking to hire a fulltime competent project manager with experience in software development. Reach out to 845.822.1713/ applywinwinhires.com
Do you have teaching experience or leadership skills? An Early Head Start program in Monsey is looking for a female curriculum advisor. Great pay and flexible Schedule! Bachelor degree required. Please email your resume to matty@ theprimestaffing.com
Are you looking for an office position that is fulfilling, dynamic and has growth potential? contact me today at rikki@theprimestaffing. com
Are you experienced in the early education field? Do you have leadership skills and are ready to take upon a great part time ( 24 hours a week) job? Seeking an education director! Must have BA. email resume to Chany@ theprimestaffing.com 8459251588
Would you like to do something meaningful while earning a nice salary? A very special organization is currently looking to hire a fundraiser/ Administrator The ideal candidate is someone with solid sales experience. Please reach out and send your resume inorder to learn more. rivky@ theprimestaffing.com
For treating me to the most amazing playgroup.
2 slots available. 845-8280364. West St/Rt. 59 area. Transportation and extended hours available.
Assembly of all types of furniture & Furniture Repairs -Installation of Blinds,Shades,Shelves,RodsServicing Monsey Area Chaim- 347 416 1027
Is your child still in the same place after all that tutoring?Join Arrowsmith, a research based program that strengthens the brain and eliminates learning disabilities. Call Mrs Feuer 914-260-6449
NEW Keyboard/piano player now offering group sing-along sessions in schools and other group settings. Please feel free to contact Shira! 845 624 9865 *References Available*
Get your flawless glamorous look! Please call/text Surie 8455177128
--In The Comfort of Home-*Swedish *Deep Tissue *Lymph *Craniosacral Therapy Call Sarah: 845596-1373
Get your Beautiful, Fast, SEO-Friendly Website done in 14 days, guaranteed. Email efraim@rapidquill.com
The renowned Rebetzin Aidel Miller from Yerushalayim will remove Ayin Horah over the phone. Call till 5:00 PM: 718.689.1902 or 516.300.1490
Complete your look! Adult & kids petticoats for rent, Beautiful floral wreath & crown headpieces for rent, Adorable kids jewelry, and more! Call 845-5020153 leave msg or 845746-7248
We specialize in custom Photo Albums, Chosson, Wedding, etc. Also professional Photo Editing, many years of experience. Special rate for photographers. Call: 347.563.5153
12 years experience. Wide selection. Call/text: 845-5387986
Experienced physical therapist now offering TRANSFORMING TOUCH sessions at a 50% introductory rate. (Limit first 5 clients/ 3 sessions each ). TT is a somatic intervention for regulation and healing. Please call/ text 7184902815.
Botox, Fillers, Peels, HydraFacial, Thread Lift, IV-Vitamin Drip, Permanent Makeup. Home visits available for select services. Call 845-300-8586
Wednesdays 10am-1:30 pm. Ride provided to/from New Hempstead. Experienced guide. Beautiful destinations in Harriman. Must be able to walk 4 miles. $25/1st time. Call/text Malka 917-363-5269.
Buy by the case & save. Baby & Regular Salmon. Hashgucha Volove Rav. Free delivery to your home. Call Eli: 516-270-6755
Find Life & Business Solutions in just 1 hour! Coaching women & Couples. Call Hotline 845-400-2202 #1#2 E.Danziger
Affordable newborn photography $100 a session. Call or text today at 845-3237825
Win! Start “Living” ! Depressed? Stuttering? Beat it! Easily and Quickly. Avi Weinberg 845-558-4027. Under 18 parental consent
Struggling to make a parnassah? Feeling blocked, not seeing bracha? Turn to a mesorah tried and true, We’ll help remove what’s blocking you! Ayin BeAyin – trusted with haskamos. 718-400AYIN – Join today for just $72.
we fix knitted & crochet
Gartlech & make beautiful professional fringes. We also teach how to knit & crochet. call: 917-414-3281
Now Accepting Applications!
Exciting news! Our new dormitory and night program for special needs young adults (18+) is now accepting applications for our Program. Contact us at (718) 637 7984 to learn more. Empowering special needs young adults to shine!
We now offer Haircube Synthetic Wigs for $149 including the cut!!! Many beautiful colors in stock! Wash and set!!! Specialising in synthetic wigs: crimps and defrizzing. Month of December: $40. Call/ text: 845-263-0943
Looking for a nice private place for a Beshow? A few locations available in the Monsey area. No charge. Call 845-426-5484 or 845-7467251
Beautiful Taupe Gown for sale. size 16. 845.502.6491
Magnificent designer black sister of the bride gown for sale or rent. Please call 845-
Gorgeous gowns for sale: Olive Green size 2-4, Hunter Green size 0-2, Grey size 4-6, Blush size 4-6, Ivory size 4, Grey/ Taupe Winter size 12, Ivory kids size 12-14. 845.502.6491
Georgeous selection of maternity gowns affordable prices all sizes...New! Also accepting gowns on consignment. Please call/ text 8458622799
Gorgeous hunter green, sister of the bride gowns for sale. Please call 845-356-6935, if no answer leave a message
Looking to sell a size 2-4 white gown for sister of the bride, please call 347 628 9586
2 white gowns to rent or sell childrens size 4 & 6 call 7189388597
Beautiful ivory gown for rent size Small/Medium. Text 845-826-2185
Beautiful white gown for married sister of bride, for sale. Size 2-4 845-200-4326
White maternity gown size large to sell for great price call 7183098716
Lost something? Found something? The Daily Return: Call/text: 845-538-0193, Email: monseydailyreturn@gmail. com
new men’s beaver hat a few months ago 3472321969
Black wool woman’s coat & baby blanket in Atrium by coatroom 845-238-6691 lv msg
Women’s black shoes in YSV hall coatroom 845-238-6691 lv msg
Camera on Chol Hamoed at Lee Turkey farm 718-3003605
Gold ring in Monsey or Skver 845-537-1169
diamond necklace on
Blue Yarmulka with silver rim New County area 845426-2184
Tehillim with name Chaim Berger in Nyack Taxi 845356-2314
Girl’s earring in Vilchovitz hall 845-426-0554
Received mail for Friedman 25 Nissan Ct (looks important) 845-664-5452
Black briefcase with Slichos with name Yechiel Chaim Halberstam 845-540-8687
Hanging on my door a gift bag with book with note inside (18 Westside) 845-3522868
Child’s earring (bow) on Westside 11/25, 845-352-2868
Diamond ring 845-642-2287
SD card 64GB Mountain Mall Monticello 845-445-5328
Tan & black cape on railroad tracks on Sukkos 845-6413119
Briefase with a toy in Elm st park 347-585-1218
Girl or Womens Coat/Jacket Paiken Beis Medrish 347585-1218
2 pink pacifier with clips, totes umbrella and new bugaboo plastic 659-9482
China closet, beds and more due to moving. Located in Gibbers 845-641-0080
Old seforim approx 1949 in good condition 3711765
Alfamino can baby formula powder 3711765
Beautiful master dresser & armoire 845-274-5304
9 foot DR table with ten chairs, two door china closet and matching buffet in used condition 845-425-2705.
Stemware, glasses, glass/ crystal bowls, glass odds & ends. Box under the front steps. Help yourself. 10 Rita Ave, 642-6409
Many Yiddish/English magazines (mostly children’s) 845-356-1358
Egg boxes for moving great condition 845-238-6691 lv msg
Beautiful 6 door china closet in excellent condition 9174745959
Yiddish magazines 845-2386691 lv msg
Couch & bunkbeds 845-6081963
A workspace you’ll love! Office desks available for rent in a woman’s office. Internet Provided. Only $250 per month. Great environment. Conference room available upon request. Call 845-3041299
Organization in Monsey is seeking a responsible and dedicated Married Woman for a 10 to 5
secretarial position, available immediately . Candidates should be fluent in Yiddish and English, able to multitask, excellent organizational skills and knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel & QuickBooks. Send resume to info@ mikvaht.org.
WANTED- Looking to hire a dedicated and qualified mentor to join our team in the afternoon. Candidate needs to be title approved to work as a push-in mentor
in the classroom. Great opportunity for the right individual. Please send resume to englishdept@ bnosbinahm.org
3 bedroom top of high ranch, new kitchen , New Hempstead area. tracey@ firstchoicemanagementny. com
Master bedroom and 3 unit
seforim shank, beautiful dining room with 6 chairs. If interested please call 845248-5949
Spacious and spotless 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apartment for rent. Newly furnished, brand new appliances. 36th Street corner Collins Avnue. Available for December and February.
ב"קעי לגי לארשי חמשי
I’m still wet at night. Sometimes during the day, too, but I promise, no one knows! My back is super ticklish, I like to wear my clothes low on my hips or very tight on my waist. My mother says I am not in touch with my emotions.
IwenttoOntheBall,andmyOT wassoamazing!Shetreatedme
Now I am dry all day and night, just like my younger sister. I no longer need charts and I look nice and neat the whole day through.
When he’s intensely focused on spinning a favorite toy, you think it’s just an obsession that can fade. However, repetitive movements or intense fixations can be signs of something more. Stimming isn’t just a habit—it’s often how kids cope with sensory overload or express emotions they can’t put into words. Recognizing these signs early can lead to the support he needs to thrive.