A Handbook for the 1:1 Chromebook Program
the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be.
Vision Statement
The vision of the 1:1 program at The Moriah School is based on a desire to inspire and engage students imbued with purpose and fueled by rigorous and relevant curriculum.We envision an environment where students will grow their creativity individually and as an integral part of a team of learners in their classroom. The Moriah School will provide a student-centric environment where teachers will develop a culture of critical thinkers working collaboratively and sometimes globally to achieve understanding and knowledge. Driven by their passion and purpose, teachers will inspire their students to succeed as global achievers, creative individuals and critical thinkers. This begins with the power of engagement in each child’s hands.
Overview The Moriah School views the successful student as one that uses a balance of electronic resources to succeed in their learning experiences. To that end we will provide an environment that supports student’s exploration of information through electronic means as well as “traditional” educational methods. With the privilege of using our electronic resources comes the responsibility for both parents and the student. This handbook is a means to explore those responsibilities. In this manual parents and students together can explore the policies and guidelines for using the assigned Chromebook at school. The Moriah School Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is submitted here for your review. Behaviors and disciplines are discussed to ensure a clear understanding of expectations.
Guidelines The Moriah School families understand that: • All students are allowed access to Chromebooks as an electronic resource at The Moriah School. • All users that accept a Chromebook must comply at all times with The Moriah School Acceptable Use Policies as described in this handbook. • Chromebooks are on loan to the students and remain the property of The Moriah School. • All users are accountable to school, local, state and federal laws. • All uses of the Chromebook and the network must support education. • All rules and guidelines are in effect before, after and during school hours for all The Moriah School Chromebooks on and off school property. • The term Chromebook refers to the Chromebook, power cords and school provided case. Each is a piece of equipment issued as an educational resource. The conditions surrounding the use of student Chromebooks are the same as a textbook. • Students are expected to maintain the equipment in good condition.
Guidelines • Students are expected to report any damage to their Chromebook right away. This means no later than the next day using the included damage report. A simple reporting form is available at http://moriahit.com • Students that identify or know about a security problem are expected to convey the details to their teacher without discussing it with other students. • Students are encouraged and expected to notify a staff member immediately if they come across information, images or messages that are inappropriate, dangerous, threatening, or make them feel uncomfortable. • All users are expected to follow existing copyright laws and educational fair use policies (enclosed). • Any failure to comply with any of these guidelines will result in discipline that may include exclusion from honor roll.
Responsibilities Sign the Student/Parent Chromebook Agreement Parent and Student will become familiar with: • Acceptable Use Policy Guidelines • Student/Parent Handbook • Internet Safety • Insurance Information
Accept Liability The parent/student are responsible for the cost of repair or replacement if the Chromebook is: • Not returned • Intentionally damaged • Stolen and NOT reported
Monitor Student Use Parents agree to monitor student use at home and away from school. The best way to keep students safe and on task is to have the parent involved. Some suggestions to help include: • Investigate and apply parental controls available through your Internet Service Provider (Verizon, Comcast) • Develop a set of rules/expectations for Chromebook use at home • Only allow Chromebook use in common rooms of the home • Demonstrate a genuine interest in what your student is doing on their Chromebook. Ask questions often.
Responsibilities General Guidelines All use of technology must: • Support learning • Follow local, state, and federal laws • Be school appropriate
Security Reminders • Do not share logins or passwords • Exception: students are asked to share passwords with parents or guardians • Do not develop programs to harass others, hack, bring in viruses, or change others’ files • Follow internet safety guidelines
Activities Requiring Teacher Permission • Sending e-mail • Downloading programs, music, games and videos • Playing games • Sending text/chat messages and any form of SMS
While at School • Never pile anything on top of your Chromebook or leave it at the bottom of your locker. • Keep your Chromebook in its case at all times. • Never leave your Chromebook unattended for any reason. • Follow all directions given by your teacher. • Zip the case of your Chromebook before standing up from your desk.
Responsibilities Care of your Chromebook at Home • The power cord can remain at home since charging takes place at home. • The Chromebook should be on a stable surface not near the edges of anything. It is recommended you leave the Chromebook in it’s case with the cover up while charging. • Charge your Chromebook fully EVERY night. • ALWAYS use the Chromebook in a common room of the home. • Store the Chromebook on a desk or table - never on the floor. • Protect the Chromebook from extreme heat or cold, food and drinks, small children and especially pets.
Absolutely Prohibited Actions • Putting stickers or additional markings on the Chromebook, case or cord. • Defacing the Chromebook equipment in anyway. If any of the prohibited actions occur the student will be billed the cost of repair or replacement.
Attending to Details E-mail for Students Students will be using Google Apps for their e-mail. The effective use of e-mail is an important 21st Century communication tool for students as well as the standard communication tool in career and higher education settings.
The Camera The Chromebook camera is intended for educational purposes only, under the direction of a teacher. For example, cameras may be used for recording videos or taking pictures to include in a project. Parents should refer to the Parent Responsibility section of this document for suggestions on monitoring student use of technology in the home.
Listening to Music Listening to music on your Chromebook is not allowed during school hours - this includes recess - without the permission of a teacher. Permission will be given only when media is used to complete a school assignment.
Watching Movies Watching movies on your Chromebook is not allowed during school hours - this includes recess - without the permission of a teacher. Permission will be given only for media used to complete a school assignment.
Gaming Online gaming is not allowed during school hours unless you have received permission from your classroom teacher. Any games MUST be in support of education.
Copyright and Plagiarism Students will be taught and are expected to follow all copyright laws. Duplication and/or distribution of materials for educational purposes is permitted when such duplication would fall within the Fair Use Doctrine of the US Copyright Law (Title 17, USC)
Discipline Being a good digital citizen is an important part of the Chromebook 1:1 initiative at The Moriah School [TMS]. Using behaviors that are not in keeping with our Brit Midot, or considered unacceptable classroom behaviors (like passing notes) are still not acceptable behaviors in their electronic forms (using SMS while in class). These are traditionally the behaviors we discourage in a classroom and generally result in some sort of discipline.
Unacceptable behaviors • Unauthorized downloading or installing software • Attempts to defeat or bypass the schools Internet filters • Modifications to Chromebook security
Progressive Discipline The discipline policy of the school extends to the 1:1 program. Progressive steps as follows: • Warning • In-class consequences • School based consequences Including reduced citizenship grade • Parental notification Including exclusion from honor roll • Administrative Referral • Suspension For low-level infractions, classroom interventions will be the first level of discipline. This includes, but is not limited to verbal warnings, seating changes and teacher contact with home.
Discipline Consequences TMS may remove a user’s access to the network without notice at any time if the user is engaged in any unauthorized activity.
Examples of Unacceptable Use: • Unauthorized downloading or installing of any software. • Accessing or exploring online locations or materials that do not support the curriculum and/or are inappropriate for school assignments. • Vandalizing the Chromebook in anyway. • Gaining unauthorized access on the network or anywhere. • Revealing the home address or phone number of one’s self or another person. • Invading the privacy of any individual, including recording by video or photograph another’s image without their express consent. • Using another’s password or allowing another to use your password. • Coaching, helping, observing or joining in any unauthorized activity on the Chromebook. • Participating in cyber-bullying or using objectionable language in public or private messages. • Obtaining copies of or modifying files, data or passwords belonging to other users on the network. • Attempting to access sites that are blocked by The Moriah School. • Downloading music, games, images, videos, or other media without the permission of a teacher.
Chromebook Security Chromebook Security The Moriah School is using a balanced approach to Chromebook security. The first line of defense is that the Chromebooks are managed through our Google Apps for Education Admin Panel. Student Chromebooks are set to safe search at all time. The school cannot access a student’s camera except to turn the service on or off or in the event of theft. Our filtering service, GoGuardian allows us to put your child’s Chromebook in Stolen mode and if the Chromebook is opened it immediately takes pictures from the built-in camera. The second level of security is the school’s Internet filtering provided through the school’s SonicWall NSA3500