D r Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Make your vote count. Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. To find polling locations and other voter information visit the Moultrie News at www.moultrienews.com. MAYOR Joe Bustos Age: A very active, young 63 If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? As long as the people of Mount Pleasant are will ing to have me. Political experience: Served on Mount Pleasant Town Council for nine years. Chairman of the Planning Committee, Water Supply Committee, Fire Committee, Bids and Purchases Committee. Mount Pleasant Representative on CARTA and exofficio Water Commissioner on Mount Pleasant Waterworks. Member of the Commission for Children and Youth in Peachtree City, Ga. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? Life experiences: Masters Degree in Administration, retired active duty Army Officer (Lieuten ant Colonel), served as an officer on the Charleston City Police Depart ment for five years, married for 42 years to Kathy Comar Bustos, two adult children and one grandchild who attends Jennie Moore Elemen tary School How do you think Mount Pleasant will benefit with your style of leadership coupled to the current format of our municipal government? Hav ing been a military officer with a Masters Degree in Administration and a member of Mount Pleasant Town Council for nine years, I have learned the art of governing is the art of compromise. Our goal should be inclusive government. We should not feel the need to overpower our opponents. Do you think that our munic ipality has out grown its cur rent format? As the fourth largest municipality in South Carolina sur rounded by the first and third larg est municipalities, Mount Pleasant is at a definite disadvantage having a weak mayor form of government.
Linda G. Page Age: 54 Political experience: Current Town Council Member, ViceChairman of the Charleston Regional Transpor tation Authority. If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? The term is four years, politicians are elected. I believe this is the will of the voters. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? Successful business owner; single mother; served on several local boards and committees; Past President S.C. Auctioneers Associa tion. How do you think Mount Pleasant will benefit with your style of leadership coupled to the current format of our mu nicipal government? Do you think that our municipality has out grown its current format? We are a strong council form of government and I am prepared to work with our town administrator, Eric Demoura, and the elected council. I believe the voters should decide if it’s time for a change in government. Have you been a passenger
However, as an incumbent mayor, I would recuse myself from any vote that would increase my authority or my salary. Have you been a passenger on public t ransit east of the Coo per recently and what would you do to improve it in the Town Bustos of Mount Pleas ant? When I represented Mount Pleasant on the CARTA Board, I had the privilege of riding our local tran sit routes and assisting in the de sign of CARTA’s system. I think the citizens of Mount Pleasant would be well served by an expanded feeder system that would shuttle riders from residential communities to the major commercial CARTA stops. In addition upgrading the existing bus shelters would make a significant improvement in ridership. If elected, what one thing would you work to change, remove or replace as soon as you take office? Sunshine. I am a firm believer in open government. I believe the citizens of Mount Pleas ant deserve the right to participate at all levels of our government. Ex ecutive session is a tool that Mount Pleasant Town Council should use only if the FOI criteria has been met. These conditions should in clude, personnel matters and law suits. Public policy should never be discussed or voted on in secret. What is the biggest issue fac ing the town right now and how will you address it? The most important issue is finding and maintaining the balance between growth and infrastructure capac ity. We need to encourage economic development in order to create jobs in Mount Pleasant without overex tending our roads and schools. It is important to maintain the quality of life that we all enjoy in our town and enable our citizens to both live and work in the community we have all worked so hard to create. on Public Transit east of the Cooper recently and what would you do to improve it in the Town of Mount Pleas ant? I have been on both routes and I know the system very well. I serve as vice chairman of CARTA and we need to work with employers and citi zens to promote our routes. We must also work to have Page at least a bench at every stop and shelters where appli cable. We need to get support from developers to include transit in their plans. We need to identify future park and ride and a transit hub. If elected, what one thing would you work to change, remove or replace as soon as you take office? I would work to remove any obstacles that impede our citizens from working cohe sively with our town government. What is the biggest issue fac ing the town right now and how will you address it? The stress created by the rapid growth of our town and the negative impact on our schools, transportation and infrastructure.
Carl Carroll did not respond to repeated requests for participation.
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BLACK 012908
George Freeman Age: 64 Political experience: No pre vious elected office. If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? Two or three terms. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? WORK EXPERIENCE: Four years military service (USAF); Computer Software Development Project Manager; Realtor; Vice Chair Charleston County Planning Commission EDUCATION: B.S. in Mathemat ics and Master’s Degree in Manage ment ORGANIZATIONS: PAST: Com munityBased Environmental Protection Group; Six Mile Neigh borhood Association (President); CHATS Transportation Plan Advi sory Group; East Cooper Planning Council; BerkeleyCharleston Dorchester Council of Government (COG); Charleston County Trans portation Advisory Board PRESENT: Greenbelt Advisory Board; COG Regional Land Use Plan Committee; Seven Mile Com munity Action Group for Encour
Ken Glasson Age: 50 Political experience: Senior ranking member of the Mount Pleasant Town Council (2006 present) If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? I am pre pared to continue serving Mount Pleasant as mayor for two terms. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? Unlike my opponents, there will be no need for “onthejob training.” As the senior ranking member on council – not only do I know the current issues the town faces, but I also have a work ing knowledge of their history and their potential future effects. As the top candidate with the most CEO experience, I have led orga nizations and staff much larger than the town. As a Lt. Col. In the Marine Corps, I have 30 years of experience leading in high stress situations. As a successful small business owner of two businesses which I started, I have the under standing of what the town can do better in support of starting busi nesses and existing businesses to grow. As the only top candidate with a Bachelor’s Degree and a MBA, I have the educational back ground to meet our economic chal lenges. Our internal town proce dures require senior staff in Mount Pleasant to have a minimum of at least a four year college degree. My education and training gives me the appropriate skillset to lead the staff properly. How do you think Mount Pleasant will benefit with your style of leadership cou pled to the current format of our municipal government? Do you think that our municipality has out grown its current format? My leadership style was formed during my years of service in the Marine Corps, progressed while earning my MBA, and advanced while owning and operating my small businesses and serving on town council. It ensures that the talent and skillset of each individ ual within the town’s government is utilized and united to accom plish common goals. Thus, it will work well with the “strong council, weak mayor” form of government
agement (CAGE) How do you think Mount Pleasant w ill b e n e f i t w i t h you r st yle of leadership cou pled to the cur rent format of our municipal gover n ment? My style of leader ship fits the strong Freeman council weak may or form of government because my negotiation skill as a realtor is a ne cessity for a mayor in this format.
council to build a downtown busi ness district near Towne Centre. Once the Bridgeside Development at Patriots Point and improvements to Coleman Boulevard are complet ed, it should create a demand for mass transit between Patriots Point and Towne Centre. To help protect our quality of life, I would encour age CARTA to use electric vehicles or to use alternative fuels.
If elected, what one thing would you work to change, remove or replace as soon as you take office? The one thing I would change is to place an urgent priority on recruiting product Do you think that our mu producing businesses and higher nicipality has out grown its paying jobs to the town. current format? I do not think the current format or the reverse What is the biggest issue fac matters. The individuals elected to ing the town right now and office should be our main concern. how will you address it? The I do think that we have out grown biggest issue facing the town right the atlarge method of electing our now is which candidates we elect officials and suggest that we change to lead our town for the next four to singlemember district elections. years. We need leaders who under stand the importance of maintain Have you been a passenger ing a balance between land devel on public transit east of the opment and our transportation Cooper recently and what system. We also need leaders who would you do to improve it in understand that we can no longer the Town of Mount Pleasant? I depend on the construction of new have not been a passenger on public homes as our main tax revenue. I transit east of the Cooper recently. am addressing this issue by offer To improve public transit in Mount ing my service to the town. Pleasant, I would encourage town
Mount Pleasant has. It will allow me, as mayor, the ability to work in conjunction with council, senior st a f f, busine ss leaders and com munity leaders to devise and exe cute a plan to grow Mount Pleasant’s e c onomy, pr o vide low property taxes, maintain Glasson the town’s charm and strengthen our community. Lastly, the growth of our town does not justify a growth in the size or a change in the structure of our government. We have the pieces and protocols in place for Mount Pleasant to continue being a great town. With the right leadership, I know we can make Mount Pleasant an ever better town to work, live and raise our families. Have you been a passenger on public transit east of the Cooper recently and what would you do to improve it in the Town of Mount Pleas ant? Yes, I have been a passenger on public transit east of the Cooper recently. I also rode public trans portation regularly growing up. It provided me and my mother, a single parent, transportation to school and work. As councilman, I have spent a significant amount of time meeting with all of our local school principals. The most con veyed concern they shared is giv ing our children greater opportu nities than we had to achieve suc cess. Having utilized public transit growing up, I truly understand the necessity of having a reliable pub lic transit system and how such a system can literally move people forward from their current situa tion to a better life. As mayor, I will work to increase the number of covered waiting stations through publicprivate partnerships. I will also advocate for more consistent routes, so our neighbors can get to work or class more easily. In par ticular, I will advocate for a new, express route from Wando High School to Trident Technical Col lege and increased service to and from the Oakland Market. If elected, what one thing would you work to change, remove or replace as soon as you take office? I want to make doing business in Mount Pleas ant easier. To do this, we must
streamline processes, particularly in permitting. The lag time alone in approving construction projects impedes new businesses from lo cating here and current businesses in expanding. Builders and devel opers have a harder time doing business in Mount Pleasant than in other Lowcountry municipali ties because it takes, on average, five months longer to build a house here (due to permitting and in spection processes). Not only does this drive up cost for the builder, but it also forces the builder to in crease their price to the consumer. As mayor, I will start by assess ing each department, finding and streamlining processes and de partments when able, and cutting the duplication. I know that town staff is not only well educated, but also hardworking. I believe that streamlining processes and de partments will allow these great workers opportunities to achieve new successes for our town and her residents. I will also utilize the expertise of the diverse coun cil (welleducated and experienced accountants, attorneys, bankers, and small business owners) and senior staff to develop a “Bring Business to Mount Pleasant” plan. My goal with said plan is to high light and address each phase of new business development in our town, so we can make doing busi ness here easier. What is the biggest issue facing the town right now and how will you address it? There are three major issues the town currently faces: intelligent economic growth, fiscal respon sibility, and tax/fee reduction. As the only top candidate who has supported the Coleman Economic Growth plan from the beginning, I know that the town government can and must lead in making Mount Pleasant a more desir able place to do business. While recruiting new job creators and enhancing our infrastructure, we must maintain the high quality of life our residents enjoy and visi tors desire. Unlike other candidates, I have not flipflopped or vacillated on important issues related to eco nomic growth. When I make a decision, I stand by it. As mayor, I will work to grow our tax base so we can reduce taxes and fees when able, while providing exceptional core government services.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
TOWN COUNCIL Ben Bryson Age: 48 Political experience: Never held elected office; Currently serve on the Mount Pleasant Board of Zoning Appeals and the Charles ton County Board of Assessment Appeals I f e l e c t e d , how long are you prepared to serve? I am prepared and would be honored to serve Bryson my neighbors in Mount Pleasant for two terms, should they elect me twice. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? From owning and operat ing a small business in the Town of Mount Pleasant, I know ex actly how town government can get out of the way and free small businesses to grow our economy. More importantly, in my opinion, I know that Mount Pleasant needs to do a better job recruiting new businesses to the town. My service on the town’s Work force Housing Advisory Commit tee and the Board of Zoning Ap peals gives me a true understand ing of the interworkings of town government. For the latter and for my service on the Charleston County Board of Assessment Ap peals, I have a proven record as a taxpayerwatchdog always voting against tax increases. Furthermore, my attendance at 80 percent of all town council meetings and 60 percent of all committee meetings over the last four years is significantly greater than that of any other candidates (and some current council mem bers). Lastly, my business and per sonal commitments afford me the opportunity to have the necessary time to serve effectively as a town councilman. New candidates How would you vote on top issues? As councilman, I would vote with the taxpayer and the taxpayers’
money in the forefront of each vote. As I have done on the two govern ment boards I serve, where I have always voted against tax increases, I would fight for our neighbors as a true, fiscally conservative watch dog. On infrastructure and capital improvement projects, I would vote and advocate the ordering of said projects according to busi ness and economic development and improvement to the residents’ quality of life. I would vote and advocate for fis cal responsibility to ensure reliable revenue sources to properly fund future infrastructure projects and the exceptional core government services we currently enjoy. And, I would vote and advocate for doing business within Mount Pleasant easier for small business es. As a small business owner and board member of numerous busi ness organizations, I understand how taxes, fees and regulations particularly on the municipal level hold businesses back. I will work strongly to not only make doing business in Mount Pleasant easier, but also to promote this improvement to existing and new businesses.
not integrating more bicycle and trail systems into the recently com pleted road projects. When elected and if Charleston County gets the necessary funding source to com plete, I would support completing such systems to increase the qual ity of life we currently enjoy. Will you be vocal towards the Charleston County School District in making decisions that affect our community di rectly? As councilman, I will be a vocal leader and fighter, should it be necessary, for our children and families, particularly as it relates to providing them the necessary resources and facilities for educa tion. I will work with other town officials and staff to ensure that the Charleston County School District completes the new Jennie Moore and Laing Middle School campus on Hamlin Road. I will also work with the town to advocate that the school district works to make the 20 acre site in Carolina Park ready for a new elementary school.
Do you approve of the 2009 2019 Comprehensive Plan and the vision for our town over the next decade? I gener ally approve of the Comprehen sive Plan. However, I would like to see some sitespecific zoning for workforce housing, so we can attract more economic growth directly from new developers and builders. I would like to see and advocate for more intelligent, infill development.
Political experience: Elected to Mount Pleasant Town Council in 2009. If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? This will be my final term on council if elected.
Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a com prehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great design to an actual funding plan? If Charleston County gets a funding source for transpor tation and a portion comes to Mount Pleasant, will the new leaders commit to a portion of these funds going to the bicycle plan? There was a tre mendous, missed opportunity by
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Elton Carrier Age: 70
What life ex periences do you think vot ers in Mount P l e a s a n t should know ab out you?: Graduate of The Citadel; 40year Mount Pleasant Carrier resident; 38year member and resting elder at Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church. For incumbents, what is your voting record for top is sues: I am a fiscal conservative. I don’t support projects that do not benefit the entire community. I am a protector of our financial reserves for unseen events.
I favor development when it fits the zoning and master plan ob jectives. I favor new big box retail at Carolina Park where the acre age has been provided. I support the 70percent30 percent ratio of residential to multifamily housing units. I believe in improving roads where traffic congestion, access and movement are detrimental to a community. Do you approve of the 2002 2009 Comprehensive Plan and the vision for our town over the next decade? Yes, it was well conceived with community in put and is always subject to adjust ments. The next 10 years will be challenging and the plan will need to be updated as we grow. Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a com prehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great design to an actual funding plan? If Charleston County gets a funding source for transpor tation and a portion comes to Mount Pleasant, will the new leaders commit to a portion of these funds going to the bicycle plan? The town has been instrumental in completing our sec tion of the (Battery 2 Beach) bicycle project. We will do more once Ben Sawyer Boulevard is widened. Un fortunately not all of our connector roads are wide enough to include bike lanes. This will be a priority of mine as we move forward with road improvements as funding becomes available. Will you be vocal towards the Charleston County School District in making decisions that affect our community directly? Yes, one of my goals if elected is to see our council unified in supporting a funding source needed for schools countywide in cluding three new schools in Mount Pleasant, including a new high school in as short a timeframe as possible.
Paul Gawrych Age: 50
Political experience: 12 years on Town Council, Mayor Pro Tem 2009 – 2011. I f e l e c t e d , how long are you prepared to serve? We all have different ideas and life ex periences that we believe will help lead if elected to council. I think Gawrych as long as one can actively serve, be productive and make a difference for all of Mount Pleasant in a nonpartisan, town wide format, several terms are suf ficient. If someone does not like my solutions to problems or my voting records then they should not re elect me. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? I am a lifelong resident of Mount Pleasant, a graduate of Wando and both of my children are. I attended the Promise Keep ers gathering in Washington D.C. in 1996 and it is there where I began my calling to serve my community and have so ever since. I have been happily married to my wife Zoe for 25 years. We lost our first child at birth to a rare birth defect and I had the incredible opportunity 11 years ago to hold my momma’s hand as she passed on to Heaven. For incumbents What is your voting records for top is sues? During my years on council, I worked with three mayors and I believe we met many goals while en hancing our quality of life. We are now seeing the benefits of the wid ening of Highway 17 and the contin ued progress on connecting roads between Highway 17 and Rifle Range Road. Some of these projects took six to seven years of relentless work with local and state officials. We acquired land along Shem Creek which has provided public access to our waterways with a dock and park, and the second phase will be starting soon to continue to con nect all of the docks so one can walk See GAWRYCH, Page 3D
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 GAWRYCH, continued from 2D from end to end on each side. We worked together with the Charles ton County School District with my idea of a Blue Ribbon Commit tee of citizens to improve schools and build new ones as well and this is something I will work to re establish if elected. I established the CRO zoning that protects all of our neighborhoods with golf courses in that the golf course owners must get approval from the town prior to changing the golf course and the surroundings. The most important vote on anything though is to make sure it is in the best interest of all of Mount Pleasant. Case in point, it is well known our town elections have a small voter turnout; as an elected official you must become a very good listener to not only what is being said, but more importantly what is not being said, as again, you must discern what is best for all of our 70,000 plus citizens. New candidates How would you vote on top issues? I bring commonsense solutions to prob lems and everything that comes before me has had and will have the best interest for all of Mount Pleas ant. This same process of common sense solutions has been a success in my personal life and as a small business owner. I will definitely support building more schools and will go to work right away on getting a second high school built. I will also work to finish all of our planned and unplanned interconnecting roads to continue to provide a grid that offers options for traffic flow. Do you approve of the 2009 2019 Comprehensive Plan and the vision for our town over the next decade? I’m supportive of the comprehensive land manage ment plan and our vision for the next decade, however it should be noted it is a plan and it is not something we should obligate future councils to decisions we make today. We must also be mindful of provisions for adjustments to the plan based on the everchanging economy and the needs of the community. Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a com prehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great design to an
actual funding plan? Second part question, if Charleston County gets a funding source for transportation and a por tion comes to Mount Pleasant, will the new leaders commit to a portion of these funds go ing to the bicycle plan. Every one should note the great strides we have made in the past six years with bike lanes (frontage roads off of JDB, Hungryneck, Coleman, Hospital Drive to name a few). We have become a leader in the design of bike lanes, incorporating them and establishing the comprehen sive bicycle and trail system. Several years back I reached out to Charles ton Moves and brought them to the table to have a voice. We have funding in place now to improve the hiker biker trail on Ben Sawyer, to complete the bike lanes on Cole man, which is all part of the Battery to Beach or B2B project, the name of which I came up with. I will most definitely continue to seek funding from Charleston County and the state to steadily enhance our bike and trail system, we are all in this together. Will you be vocal towards the Charleston County School District in making decisions that affect our community di rectly? While on council, I led the way to forming a Blue Ribbon Com mittee made up of parents, business and community leaders and teach ers past and present, to develop strategies and better communica tion to deal with school issues that impact east of the Cooper. I will re commission that group or a smaller version and challenge them to work with the CCSD to develop growth/ building plans so families will know what to expect before they buy their next home. In addition I will encourage this group to make the reality of a second high school their number one priority. My wife, Zoe, has been a public school teacher for more than 20 years and currently teaches at Pinckney Elementary and I hear every day their chal lenges and successes and those of parents trying to maintain a high quality of school that meets the needs of their children.
Timm W. Gipe Age: 66 years old
BLACK 012908
Political experience: Served o n M o u n t Pleasant Town Council from 1981 to 1983 If elected, how long are you pre pared to serve? I intend to serve out the full four Gipe year term when elected by the voters of Mount Pleasant. I will reevaluate my ability to serve af ter this upcoming term. I do not intend to serve more than eight years (two terms). What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? As a former councilman, local realtor, former president of the The Charleston Trident Associa tion of Realtors, former president of The Charleston Citadel Club, former president of the South Carolina Saltwater Sport Fishing Association and former president of The Metro Exchange Club. New candidates How would you vote on top is sues? I would support measures to update aging infrastructure projects, continue to keep our town safe, promote business and economic development and accommodate new growth in a responsible manner. This means I would vote in favor of new trans portation projects, recreational facilities development and com pleting plans for rebuilding our town hall. I would vote to keep fees and taxes low while looking to annex existing areas to diver sify our town’s tax base. Do you approve of t he 20092019 Comprehensive Plan and the vision for our town over the next decade? The comprehensive plan covers many different issues relating to the town and I agree with most of it. As a member of council I would like to work with residents on a case by case basis as these mea sures come before council. We have a town administrator that is second to none in Eric DeMoura and a planning department that
is nationally accredited. They know exactly what they are do ing and I would work tirelessly to be a voice for residents and communicate needs and address challenges with the members of the town staff on their behalf. There are challenges that will arise over the next four years that will need to be addressed as we continue to grow but communi cation between the folks at town hall and our residents is the most important part of what makes a great town. Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a com prehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great design to an actual funding plan? If Charleston County gets a funding source for trans portation and a portion comes to Mount Pleasant, will the new leaders commit to a portion of these funds going to the bicycle plan. I know that there is a plan in place specifically when we are updating and building new roads to incorporate those spaces and bike lanes for residents who ride. I am willing to work with the town’s staff and other members of council to assist in finding grants that are available. I think the best way is to work with the Deptartment of Transportation when we are building these roads and work with county council for funding measures when they are available. I know that I would be in favor of these funding measures. Any thing we can do to alleviate the burden of traffic on our main thoroughfares and highways will be better for us in the long run. We are growing and with that growth comes high traffic volume during prime commuting hours. If someone wants to ride their bike, I want to make sure they have that opportunity without being on a main road with auto mobiles if possible. Will you be vocal towards t he C h a rle s ton C ou nt y School District in making decisions that affect our community directly? I will look to build on existing relation ships and voice the concerns of
MOULTRIE NEWS.3D citizens directly with our school board administration. I would like to work with the members of council and the mayor in or der to promote and see a second high school built for the area east of the Cooper for our next genera tion of students. We are currently overcrowded due to growth in our area and it is our responsibility as involved citizens to help make this possibility a reality to con tinue to have the best schools in the state.
Anthony Kowbeidu Age: 49 Political experience: None Community Involvement: East Cooper Community Out reach; Helping Hands; Pastor inCharge St. Andrew’s Church plant in Goose Creek; Lowry Community Service Leadership Award; William A. Griffin Schol arship Award to study in the Holy Land; Alpha Kappa Mu Honor Society;, Save Our Sons and Daughters;, Detroit, Mich. Out standing Peace Work; Outstand ing Young American – Man of the Year; All American Scholarship. Professional A f f iliations: Diocesan Lead er sh ip: Mem ber of Standing C ommit tee of the Diocese of the Carolinas; Member of the Visiting Com m i t t e e , T h e Kowbeidu School of Theol ogy, The University of the South; Member of the Commission of Ministry; Board Member, York Place, The Episcopal Home for Children,; Diocesan Council If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? Two terms maximum What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? I oversee local and interna tional ministries at St. Andrew’s See KOWBEIDU, Page 4D
4D.MOULTRIE NEWS KOWBEIDU, continued from Church in Mount Pleasant. As such, I have worked with both local community organizations and international institutions. I have worked to be the voice of the voiceless, those whom often times are forgotten. I have a track record of championing the cause of the people. If I am elected, I will work even harder for the town and all of its residents. I am convinced that my experience and involvement in the commu nity have prepared me for this task. New candidates How would you vote on top is sues? I will vote in favor of the trans portation project (the resurfacing of our roads). I will vote in favor of quality and positive growth of the town. I will work in favor of keeping our municipal fees right about the same as they are. Do you approve of t he 20092019 Comprehensive Plan and the vision of our town over the next decade? I approve of the Comprehensive Plan and the vision for our town over the next decade. Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a com prehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great design to an actual funding plan? Yes, the capital improvement budget has addressed the bicycle and trail system. Yes, I will vote in favor of com mitting a portion of these funds to the bicycle plan. Will you be vocal towards t he C h a rle s ton C ou nt y School District in making decisions that affect our community directly? As a father of two children who could be affected by these decisions, I will be very vocal.
Gary K. Santos Age: 54 Political experience: 13 Years on Mount Pleasant Town
Council. Elected in 1996 and re elected in 2000 and 2004. Re sponsible for enacting ordinanc es, resolutions and policies for the town’s departments including, but not limited to, fire depart ment, police department, recre ation department, public services department, le gal department, pl a n n i ng a nd d e v e l o p m e n t d e p a r t m e n t , administrative services depart ment, judicial department, bids and purchases department and Santos personnel de partment; review and approve the following: annual budgets, capital improvements projects, comprehensive plan including the transportation elements and land use elements, master plan for recreation, annexation requests, building codes and im pact assessments, etc. Committees: past chairman or member of personnel com mittee, fire committee, bids and purchases committee, police, ju dicial and legal committee, rec reation committee, planning and development committee, trans portation committee, water sup ply committee, public services committee, budget committee of council and economic devel opment advisory board. member of the Blue Ribbon Committee on Growth 1999. Coached in the rec reation department for 35 years. If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? Two terms unless the citizens request that I serve longer. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? As a member of Mount Pleasant Town Council, I helped commit $160 million in fund ing for capital projects in part nership with state and federal agencies. I was instrumental in the development of funding for more than $20 million in rec reation capital projects and the implementation of over a dozen of new recreation programs. I secured the land under the Ar thur Ravenel Bridge for the new
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Waterfront Memorial Park and was named the 2005 Local Gov ernment Official of the Year for the State of South Carolina by the South Carolina Parks and Recreation Association, the 2005 Recreation Advocate of the Year by the Charleston Metro Sports Council and a 2011 Volunteer of the Year by the Mount Pleasant Recreation Department. I have a degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Leadership Development from Trident Tech nical College. I am a graduate and former graduate assistant of multiple Dale Carnegie Courses, a board member and vice presi dent of the Charleston Port and Seafarers Society, an ecumenical society that works with churches, businesses and citizens to assist local and international seafarers who are sometimes away from their homes and families for up to six months at a time. New candidates How would you vote on top is sues? I am an optimist. Howev er, I do not believe that traffic will get any better than it is now in Mount Pleasant due to decisions made by the previous town coun cil. By making Johnnie Dodds Boulevard five lanes at Bowman Road instead of six as initially designed, it slows traffic down in this area of Johnnie Dodds. In 10 years, it will be a choking point for traffic going north on Johnnie Dodds. Additionally, increasing the density on Coleman Boule vard with development of the new 65foot tall building “The Boule vard” and with raised medians, on street parking and additional areas of Coleman Boulevard that are now zoned for 75foot build ings, traffic has already begun to slow and back up on Coleman. I was the only Town Council Mem ber and current candidate who voted against the Coleman Bou levard Redevelopment Plan due to these issues as well as other is sues including, but not limited to, limiting citizens access to busi nesses on Coleman Boulevard. If elected, I will immediately call for a citizens committee to review these transportation issues in order to come up with some rec ommendations to address these issues. School overcrowding is certain
ly a major issue. I was a member of the original Blue Ribbon Com mittee that studied our growth is sues and how it adversely affected the schools. After the committee made its recommendations to town council, the Charleston County School District was able to build brand new schools in cluding, but not limited to, Mont Pleasant Academy, Moultrie Middle, Cario Middle, Laurel Hill Primary and Whitsides Elemen tary schools. If elected, I will use my experience on this commit tee to work with the Charleston County School District to build another school in the northern part of Mount Pleasant to relieve the overcrowding and begin plan ning for a second High School. We need a second senior center in the northern part of Mount Pleasant. As chairman of the town’s recreation committee, I was involved in every meet ing relating to the development and building of our new senior center. As our senior popula tion continues to grow, we need to build another senior center in the northern part of town to serve the citizens in that area. When I left town council in 2009, our recreation department had continuously won various awards including, but not limited to, the number one recreation de partment in the state. However, since that time, our recreation de partment has not won that award again. If elected, I will work ag gressively to regain our status as the number one recreation de partment in the state and work to establish various recreation programs that serve all of the citi zens of Mount Pleasant including, but not limited Masters (seniors) programs, Adult programs and Children’s programs. Do you approve of t he 20092019 Comprehensive Plan and the vision of our town over the next decade? I was on town council when the 20092019 Comprehensive Plan was established. Town staff did an excellent job putting this document together and I do ap prove of it. However, as this is a living, breathing document, it is subject to change as the town grows. However, I believe that there should only be important
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 reasons to consider any change and would be against any changes unless it was critical to the devel opment of the town. Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a com prehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great design to an actual funding plan? If Charleston County gets a funding source for trans portation and a portion comes to Mount Pleasant, will the new leaders commit to a portion of these funds going to the bicycle plan. As a bicyclist, I enjoy the fitness and health benefits that bicycling of fers. I would certainly support a funding plan for bicycling. I would also support, if Charleston County is successful, that a por tion of the transportation funds go toward the bicycle plan and would encourage our citizens to enjoy the benefits that bicycling has to offer as well. Will you be vocal towards t he C h a rle s ton C ou nt y School District in making decisions that affect our community directly? Yes. I was vocal back in 1999 toward the Charleston County School District. We pushed hard for new schools and were able to get mul tiple schools built to relieve over crowding. If elected, I will again work hard to get the Charles ton County School District to begin building a new school in the northern part of Mt. Pleas ant to help relieve the overcrowd schools as well as review all of the schools to see if there are any that need expansion as well.
Mark Smith Political experience: East Cooper Republican Club, Presi dent; South Carolina Advisory Council on Aging, appointed by Lt. Governor Glenn McConnell Community Involvement and Professional Affilia tions: East Cooper Republican Club, President; Lowcountry Food Bank, Immediate Past See SMITH, Page 5D
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 SMITH, continued from 4D Chairman of the Board; Rotary Club of Charleston, past president and member; Water Mission In ternational, Two International Mission Trips; Alzheimer’s As sociation of South Carolina, past vice president and Longtime Board Member; Lowcountry Se nior Network, member; Camp Happy Days and Special Times, former board member; S.C. Ag ing in Place Council, chairman; Charleston Southern University, Board of Visitors; South Carolina Advisory Council on Aging, ap pointed by Lt. Governor Glenn McConnell I f e l e c t e d , how long are you prepared to serve? I be lieve there is a n a t u r a l t e r m limit vehicle in place that I fully support and take Smith an active role in, it is called elections – where the voters decide whether or not you are still an effective representa tive on their behalf. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about you? Owning a small business and serving in the Mount Pleasant community have given me some valuable insight and experi ence that will help guide me as a member of the Mount Pleas ant Town Council. As a small business owner, I understand
firsthand the challenges facing companies that want to grow here in the Lowcountry. And as the coowner and vice presi dent of McAlisterSmith Funeral Homes and Palmetto Cremation Society, I understand the hard work that goes into earning a paycheck. My employees work hard and pay enough in taxes. If elected, I am committed to help ing make sure the town council is working with small businesses, rather than against them. Second, my wife Elayne and I, like all Mount Pleasant families, want the very best for our chil dren. I believe decisions made by elected officials should always be made with respect to the impact on families. In raising our boys, we have seen the benefits the Mount Pleasant school system has pro vided to our children. As part of this experience, I have also seen the importance of having a strong community dedicated, right here in Mount Pleasant, comprised of small local businesses as well as long time Mount Pleasant families and new families, to fostering a sense of community for my family. And we have all benefited from the safe streets and neighbor hoods that we are able to raise our children in. Finally, I would also add that through my leader ship positions with many local nonprofits throughout our com munity, I have not only realized and appreciated the value of the dollar but also gained an acute awareness and understanding of how to do much more with less.
The norm while serving as chair man of the Lowcountry Food Bank was to constantly find creative and innovative ways to continue or often times expand needed services like feeding at risk hungry children, families and seniors services while fund ing and revenue sources were constantly being cut. As Mount Pleasant continues to grow, recognizing and under standing these positives and op portunities while also acknowl edging the challenges growth poses on these benefits, will be critical in addressing Mount Pleasant’s future. I have seen, and my family and business have enjoyed, the great quality of life provided by Mount Pleasant.
Joseph Wrenn Age: 43 Political experience: None If elected, how long are you prepared to serve? I would not serve more than two terms as we have many capable and qualified people in our com munity who also can contribute on town council. We are a bet ter community when everyone is involved and all demograph ics have a seat at the table. In my view, we should have term limits on local, state and fed eral government positions to help allev iate any potential abuses of power or corruption. What life experience(s) do you think voters in Mount Pleasant should know about
you? As a 17 year resident who has school age children and ow n s a sm a l l business here, I represent the typical profile of many Mount Pleasant resi dents. I want to be our voice on Mount Pleasant Town Council. Wrenn New candi dates How would you vote on top issues? Higher Taxes No; New schools Yes; Hun gry Neck Boulevard to extend to Porcher Bluff Road Yes; Wid ening of Highway 41 Yes; Long term economic stability plan to include recruiting new busi nesses Yes. Creation of Second Senior Center — Yes. Do you approve of t he 20092019 Comprehensive Plan and the vision for our town over the next decade? The Comprehensive Plan is col laboration of some of the most respected individuals in our community who have the best of Mount Pleasant at heart. I agree with the plan and to encompass strategies for our rapid growth. Will you be vocal toward t he C h a rle s ton C ou nt y School Distr ic t in ma k ing decisions that affect our community directly? I am the only candidate (and, if elected, on council) who has elementary public schoolage children. My w ife is a pub lic school teacher at Jennie
Moore Elementary. So educa tion is a matter very personal to our family and is the top is sue of our campaign. We must alleviate schoolovercrowding and be proactive with the CC SD for a second high school in Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleas ant schools are incredible and an economic engine to our com munity. We must give our teach ers, students and engaged par ents the resources to continue this success. Mount Pleasant has been a leader in the design of a comprehensive bicycle and trail system. Are there any plans to go from a great de sign to an actual funding plan? If Charleston Coun ty gets a funding source for transportation and a portion comes to Mount Pleasant, will the new lead ers commit to a portion of these funds going to the bi cycle plan. My public service includes six years on the board of the Mount Pleasant Land Conservancy where trails, parks and preserving our natural re sources has been a passion. Also, I have been involved in numerous activities and leagues through the Mount Pleasant Recreation Department and believe it is one of the best in the state. One of the leading indicators of great communities is outdoor activities so anything active and outside. We must help install bike lanes before road development rather than after the fact.
!":%58%("),"'3%".("3)&"/6%&4.$"/4;," and tree ordinance committee
Age: 53 Political experience: !"#$%&'%("')"*)+,'"-$%./.,'"0)1," Council 2009 !"23.45%("'3%"6+7$4&"/%584&%/9"5%&5% ation and water supply committees !":%58%("),"'5.,/6)5'.'4),".,("6$., ning committees
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Declining water sales, due to changes in plumbing codes re quiring low flow fixtures and, locally because of all the rain, water sales by utilities are de clining even with increases in customer base. How do you sta bilize the revenue stream neces
sary to fund the water and waste water services as cost go up and revenues go down? Through diver sification of our revenue stream. Ad ditionally, our staff and commission are working hard to keep costs down.
do you think MPW should be doing about renewing aging in frastructure? We are doing this through our asset management pro gram by reinvesting in our old systems every year.
Renewing aging infrastruc ture; MPW system began in 1935, much of the infrastructure has exceeded its useful life. What
It has been noted by the leader ship in the water industry that consumers do not fully appreci See BURN, Page 6D
6D.MOULTRIE NEWS BURN, continued from 5D ate the value of water, espe cially given the fact that most rates do not recover the true cost of water and wastewa ter services. How would you respond to that concern? The average household water bill in Mount Pleasant is less than $2 per day. What a bargain. I’m not sure about yours, but my home television/computer bill is much, much more. Comparing the two, I would hope our customers real ize the value of water in Mount Pleasant.
Alys Campaigne Age: 43 Political experience: No previous elected office. D e c l i n i n g water sa les, due to chang es in plumb ing codes re qu i r i ng low f low fixtures a nd, loc a l ly because of all the rain, wa Campaign ter sa le s by utilities are declining even with increases in customer base. How do you stabilize the revenue stream neces sary to fund the water and wastewater services as as costs go up and revenues go down? These are issues that wa ter utilities all around the coun try are facing. I have a masters degree in urban planning and over two decades of experience working on public policy at the state, federal, and municipal lev els. I would use my experience and draw on what other munici palities are doing to address the challenge of revenue instability while keeping rates affordable. With needs so great it makes sense to be creative and learn from others as part of our deci sion making process. A variety of tools are available to deal with variability of reve nues, including revenue stabili zation funds, raising fixed charg es relative to usage charges and
providing new services such as service line insurance and con tracted lab work. The first step to stabilizing rev enue is good forecasting. We need to include efficiency projections as part of demand forecasting so that our underlying revenue as sumptions are sound. Historical trends don’t always remain relevant in the future, especially in a town experienc ing rapid growth and change like Mount Pleasant. In our region, water service rates are not driven by the cost of purchasing water itself, but by the cost of the pipes and machin ery needed to purify and trans port clean water supplies to and from our homes and businesses. Renewal and replacement of wastewater infrastructure is one of the biggest expenses for MPW. It is in the short run that de creasing consumption reduces revenues needed to keep pipes and systems operating so that water supplies aren’t compro mised. We don’t want to dis courage consumer conservation; fresh water supplies are precious and in the long run efficiency is good business. Another contributor to cost in stability is the fact that line relo cations required for major road projects are not paid for out of transportation funds. When those projects are bun dled and fasttracked, as recently happened in Mount Pleasant, MPW is faced with enormous costs. As a commissioner, I would work with state and coun ty leaders to better coordinate forthcoming road projects and push hard to have road projects, not ratepayers, cover relocation costs. Renew ing ag ing inf ra structure; MPW system be gan in 1935, much of the in frastructure has exceeded its useful life. What do you think MPW should be do ing about renewing aging infrastructure? The cost of renewing aging infrastructure is a major national challenge. MPW has a 10 year capital improve ment plan that allocates funds to upgrades based on capacity and condition. This plan needs to be carefully
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reviewed and regularly updated so that maintenance and replace ment can be anticipated, budget ed for, and phased in over time. As stated above, careful fore casting and use of revenue stabi lization funds are also important for managing the renewal and replacement budget. Condition assessment tools are being rapidly modernized. MPW should continue to look to new advances in costeffective assess ment approaches such as remote monitoring and wireless pipe in spections. MPW also may need to explore how impact fees are structured in infill areas. While I support the growthpaysforgrowth approach, planned density and growth in commercial corridors along Coleman Boulevard and other areas puts stress on the oldest part of our water system. In some cases, impact fees may be appropriately budgeted to pay not only for new lines but for capacity improvements and repairs necessary to accommo date new tie ins. Finally, MPW should explore the potential of publicprivate partnerships to offer creative ways to finance upgrades. It has been noted by the leadership in the water in dustry that consumers do not fully appreciate the val ue of water, especially given the fact that most rates do not recover the true cost of water and wastewater ser vices. How would you re spond to that concern? MPW has a good public education pro gram but more can be done to inform consumers about what is involved in delivering water ser vices and the health implications of their water choices. MPW can make more visible the extensive network of infra structure needed to provide wa ter and wastewater services. Its educ at iona l programs should be aggressively marketed to business and civic groups, and include virtual tours and FAQs in print and social media. Some cit ies such as Seattle and Paris have even created underground water system tours that have become visitor and resident destinations. I also would support a series of
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public meetings to get more in put on MPW’s current rate struc ture so that customers are more aware of service costs and needs. There are numerous revenue sources that fund operations: there are impact fees from de velopers, base facility charges, usage charges and occasional special assessments on our resi dential bills. It is confusing. I would press for more transparency and clarity about what ratepayers are pay ing for using a public process to reevaluates how we structure our fees and plan for the future.
Rick Crosby Age: 60
P o l i t i c a l E x per ienc e: Served 15 years on Mount Pleas ant Waterworks C o m m i s s i o n , Currently vice chairman
Declining water sa les, due to changes in plumb ing codes requiring low f low fixtures and, locally because of all the rain, wa ter sales by utilities are de clining even with increases in customer base. How do you stabilize the revenue stream necessary to fund the water and wastewater services as cost go up and revenues go dow n? With 95 percent of current revenue being generated from monthly water bills, we are continuing to explore ways to find additional services to expand our balance of revenue without having to in crease monthly water bills. I am most proud of our commission prioritizing and implement ing our rate stabilization fund. This fund allows us to roll over unused revenues at the end of each fiscal year to help stabilize future budgets. This Revenue Stabilization Fund has given us the ability to have balanced the budget as a commission every year I have served. Currently, we have the lowest rates in the county while providing the best quality of water and service to
our town. Renew ing ag ing inf ra str uct ure; MPW system began in 1935, much of the infrastructure has exceed ed its useful life. What do you think MPW should be doing about renewing ag ing infrastructure? In most of the older parts of our system, primarily the Old Village, we have been repairing the old water and waste water systems for several years now. That reinvestment of $15 mil lion is nearly complete. For the rest of the system, our Asset Management Program moni tors the condition of the system and our engineering depart ment plans projects to renew aging infrastructure before it fails. It has been noted by the leadership in the water in dustry that consumers do not fully appreciate the val ue of water, especially giv en the fact that most rates do not recover the true cost of water and wastewater services. How would you respond to that concern? The cost of water services are ver y low compared to other utility services such as your electricity, cable and telephone bills each month. I believe that residents often take their ser vices for granted because our water system is so reliable. On average, we provide water and waste water services to Mount Pleasant residents for less than $2 per day. That means we de liver more than 1,300 pounds of fresh, clean water to custom ers homes and take it all away again when its used through our waste water system at the end of the day. The service is appreciated more in a time of need like a natural disaster. We on the commission work to prov ide the cleanest and highest quality of water while keeping low rates for custom ers and balancing our budget. That is why I am humbly asking residents for their vote to send me back to the commission on Nov. 5. See RODENBERG, Page 7D
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Dolph Rodenberg Age: 60 Political Experience: I served on Town Council in Mount Pleasant from 1992 to 1996. Dur ing this period of time, I also served as chairman of the finance committee as well as liaison to MPW. During my business career, I gained experience while working for an engineering firm in Charles ton, during which I worked with Berkeley County Water and Sew er Authority, North Charleston Sewer District, and CPW. While working with these organizations, I gained an extensive knowledge about infrastructure and mainte nance of water and sewer systems. I started a company in 2001 cen tered around an invention (named The Energy Detective (TED)) that was devised to help people con serve energy. TED is an electricity monitoring system that projects monthly bills and provides real time readings to help consumers reduce energy usage. Declining water sales, due to changes in plumbing codes requiring low f low
fixtures and, locally because of all the rain, water sales by utilities are declining even with increases i n c u s tomer base. How do you stabilize t h e r e v e nu e stream neces sar y to f und the water and w a s t e w a t e r Rodenberg services as as costs go up and revenues go down? In order to positively impact the revenue stream, you must either increase sales or de crease expenses. One thing that should be considered is reduc ing the cost for water for Mount Pleasant. I know that CPW has an extremely low rate for water and if Mount Pleasant can bring in a third tap to access CPW’s water supply, that would be one way to lower the cost of processed water for Mount Pleasant residents. No matter what is done from a regulation standpoint, Mount Pleasant Waterworks needs to be in compliance with those regula tions. If the required regulations impact the cost of water, then certainly those costs need to be
absorbed somehow; whether the cost is passed directly to the cus tomer or we configure a way to postpone the actual requirement or possibly determine a way to work around it. Government regulations are requirements that every community must deal with. Renewing aging infrastruc ture; MPW system began in 1935, much of the infrastruc ture has exceeded its use ful life. What do you think MPW should be doing about renewing aging infrastruc ture? The town obviously has a list of the infrastructure as it was put in, including its age, location, and composition when built. This can be approached by using the “First in, first out” inventory management system, but this also may not be the most efficient or costeffective route to take. I’m certain that MPW keeps logs of locations where water and waste water lines are problematic. Water and sewer lines that are in soils that create deterioration are prob lematic and need to be addressed first. Without conducting a formal study, I would suggest to approach problems on an “as needed” basis. Economic Development in
Mount Pleasant is crucial, espe cially if you have a downturn in water usage because of certain sit uations, such as restrictive water nozzles on showerheads. So any thing we can do to promote use of water and waste water would be good for the economy and town. Mount Pleasant Waterworks sewer lines and water lines that are being relocated because of highway department improve ments can be addressed with the smallest impact on Mount Pleasant simply by putting the water and sewer lines in the right of way of the Highway Department during the engi neering process, which would mean that the if the Highway Department is relocating a road or putting in a new intersection, it becomes the Highway Depart ment’s responsibility to redirect the water and sewer lines. The cost of relocating water and sewer lines would be the responsibility of the Highway Department and not MPW. Part of successfully running a water and sewer business is by having experienced and knowl edgeable personnel that are famil iar with the current infrastruc ture in place. The biggest diffi
MOULTRIE NEWS.7D culty for new employees would be the learning curve involved in learning the infrastructure. Wa ter/Wastewater is a highly techni cal field and engineering schools are graduating very educated stu dents that are up to speed on the latest technology. In order to help ease the learning curve, I would suggest bringing in interns and letting them work directly with current engineering staff. It has been noted by the leadership in the water in dustry that consumers do not fully appreciate the value of water, especially given the fact that most rates do not re cover the true cost of water and wastewater services. How would you respond to that concern? Public knowl edge: Unfortunately, the general consumer does not understand the amount of effort it takes to produce a gallon of clean water or what it takes to properly han dle the waste water generated. I would love to work on educating the public on the true cost of pro ducing water and helping them realize that water is not just a commodity that is produced with little effort.
office about receiving a Saturday postmark. You Must be Registered by Octo Apply in person by the deadline. ber 6th to vote in the November 6th Check with your county voter reg General Election. istration office for Saturday hours. Online applications must be submitted on or before the deadline to be valid for any specific election. Online voter registration does not “turn off” at the deadline. Applica tions submitted after the deadline will be processed but will not be valid for that particular election. Fax and email applications must be received by the voter registration office by the deadline to be valid for a particular election. Applications received after the deadline will be processed but will not be valid for that particular election. Mailin applications must be postmarked by the deadline. Most registration deadlines fall on a Sat urday. Check with your local post
Who Can Register? In order to vote, South Carolina law requires one must first register to vote at least 30 days prior to the election. To be eligible to register in South Carolina you MUST: be a United States citizen be at least eighteen years old on or before the next election be a resident of South Carolina, this county and precinct not be under a court order declar ing you mentally incompetent not be confined in any public prison resulting from a conviction of a crime
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have never been convicted of a registration card in order to view Students felony or offense against the elec your information. Students may register to vote tion laws OR if previously convicted, Check Your Voter Registration have served the entire sentence, in Update Your Voter Registration where they reside while attend ing college. cluding probation or parole, or have Information received a pardon for the conviction. If you have a S.C. Driver’s License Many college students who live or DMV ID card, you can update on campus receive their mail at There is no length of residency your address using the online vot a campus post office box. These requirement in South Carolina in er registration application. If you students must register at the order to register to vote. You can haven’t updated your DMV address, physical address of their dormi tory. The student’s P.O. Box can be register at any time. you must do that first: provided for mailing and contact You must be registered at least 30 purposes. days prior to any election in order Voter Registration Drives to vote in that election. Registration Update your address If you are planning a voter reg by mail applications must be post marked at least 30 days prior to that If your voter registration informa istration drive at an institution of particular election to be eligible. tion has changed (name, address, higher learning, please make sure etc.), and you still live within the you have the National Voter Reg same county, you may update your istration Application for students Check Your info voter registration information us who maintain their residency ing this form. If you have moved to outside of South Carolina. For a Note: When checking your voter a different county, you will need to list of addresses of Election Com registration information, you must reregister in your new county (see missions throughout the country please see the Election Assistance provide your name, county and date at scvotes.org). Commission web site. of birth as it appears on your voter
Get a photo I.D.
Any person who is convicted of a felony or an offense against the elec tion laws is not qualified to register or to vote, unless the disqualifica tion has been removed by service of the sentence, or unless sooner pardoned. Service of sentence in cludes completion of any prison/jail time, probation, parole, and payment of restitution. Federal and state courts provide the SEC with lists of persons convicted of felonies or crimes against the election laws. Those persons are deleted from the state’s list of active, registered vot ers. The SEC notifies each voter whose name is deleted from the list. Voters have 20 days from the date the notice is mailed to appeal. Appeals must be made to the SEC. Once a person who was convicted of a felony or offense against the elec tion laws serves his sentence; he may register to vote. To register, the appli cant must submit a new voter regis tration application to his county voter registration office. To participate in any particular election, the applicant must submit the application prior to the 30day voter registration deadline for that election. In applying, the reg istrant is swearing under penalty of perjury that he is qualified to register, including having completed his entire sentence. County voter registration boards must be satisfied that the ap plicant meets the qualifications; and in some cases, could require a person who has lost his voting rights due to conviction to provide some proof that he has completed his sentence.
If you do not currently have one of the Photo IDs above, you can make your voting experience as fast and easy as possible by getting one free of charge: Registered voters can get a voter reg istration card with a photo from their county voter registration and elec tions office by simply providing their date of birth and the last four digits of their Social Security Number. Click here to learn how to register to vote. Get a DMV ID card at a local DMV office. Check with DMV or scdmvon line.com for required documents. If you have a reasonable impedi ment to obtaining Photo ID, you may vote a provisional ballot after show ing your nonphoto voter registration card. A reasonable impediment is any valid reason, beyond your control, which created an obstacle to obtain ing Photo ID. Some examples include:
Election website Photo ID requirements: Beginning January 1, 2013, you will be asked to show one of the following Photo IDs at your polling place: S.C. Driver’s License ID Card issued by S.C. Depart ment of Motor Vehicles S.C. Voter Registration Card with Photo Federal Military ID U.S. Passport
Religious objection to being pho tographed Disability or illness Work schedule Lack of transportation Lack of birth certificate Family responsibilities Election within short time frame of implementation of Photo ID law (January 1, 2013) Any other obstacle you find rea sonable To vote under the reasonable im pediment exception: !"#$%&%'(")*+$",+$$%'(-"'*'./0*(*" registration card at the polling place !"123'"4'"45526472("&(4(2'3"80)")*+" could not obtain a Photo ID !"94&("4"/$*72&2*'4:";4::*("(04(" will be counted unless the county election commission has reason to believe your affidavit is false. !"<5")*+"6*"=>?"047%"#0*(*"<@"4'6" do NOT have a reasonable impedi ment to obtaining one, or you sim ply forgot to bring it with you to the polls, you may still vote a provision al ballot. However, for your vote to be counted, you must provide one of the Photo IDs to the county election commission prior to certification of the election (usually Thursday or Friday after the election). via scvotes.org
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Municipal Candidates Mount Pleasant Mayor Joe Bustos Carl Carroll Jr George Freeman Ken Glasson Linda Page Mount Pleasant Town Council Anthony Kowbeidu Ben Bryson Elton Carrier Gary Santos Joseph Wren Mark Smith Paul Gawrych Timm Gipe Mount Pleasant Waterworks Commission Alyssondra Campaigne Dolph Rodenberg John Burn Rick Crosby
Awendaw Mayor Joe Bowers Miriam C. Green Awendaw Town Council Bettye J. Simmons Bryan McNeal Jr. LeeAnn Reigart Tim Penninger IOP Mayor Dick Cronin Ryan Buckhannon IOP Council Barbara Bergwerf Marty Bettelli Patrick Harrington Sandy Ferencz IOP Water and Sewer Commission Curtis Helfrich Dana Love