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Ne’er Shall I Presume, Abby Nix
Ne’er Shall I Presume I Know
by Abby Nix
Ne’er shall I presume I know, Nor shall I desire so. Nigh lie I and ponder Whatever shall I wonder.
Ah, alas, I shall mind drift. Always, shall I, stay curious.
Bemused, “shall I speak?” Beseech ye, shall I, what lies beneath the widow’s peak? Barter, shall you, this cognitive commodity? “Blaspheme!” Shout they, “What ghastly oddity!” Still, I will ask “Sister, what is that?” Mysterious, find I, blissful ignorance. Moreover, find I, sinful arrogance Much, find I, dismay in such selfishness. Mistakenly, I find, myself dissecting the mind’s abyss. Clarify, will you, this reasoning of old? Create, you will, knowledge to which I’ll hold.
Deceased, do I, want to find myself oblivious? Dauntless, do I, extinguish this flaming wish? Dare, do I, assume your reason? Don’t, or I, will be entrapped in a cerebral prison.
Ne’er shall I presume I know, Nor shall I desire so.