1 minute read
Capturing the Attention of NATIONAL MEDIA
“Hudson Valley named one of the “World’s 100 Greatest Places.”
“How A New Generation is Turning the Hudson Valley into the New Napa.”
“Kingston leads the U.S. in Rising Home Prices with NYC Exodus.”
“…the new arrivals are transforming the region.”
“In the Berkshires, a New Generation is Putting Down Roots.”
“Why is everyone decamping to Hudson?”
Unreliable & underserved internet service drives strategic business decision to meet the market where it builds revenue—primarily in print—until digital becomes ubiquitous. targeted Circulation 25,000 Copies total readership 70,000 distribution 550 Locations
COMPLIMENTARY distribution via branded racks at strategic locations, from favorite town retailers to farm stands and stops en route upstate.
EXPANDED availability for purchase at key feeder markets, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Westchester and Hoboken