Kids issue Dec.2016/Jan.2017 Brooke Hummel

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CONTENT cont r ibut or s


Anitra Scott- Operations Manager/ Stephanie Majewski~(Marketing)~Shartiera Wilkerson~(Journalist/Event Coordinator)~Marage Blakeney (Journalist)~Shannon Rawley~(Co-Editor)~Desiree Helm~(Writer)~Monica Jones~(NYC Contributor) Jerry Thompson~(Executive Assistant)

M eet Ent r epr eneur Aub r ee D ean

Cover Art: Ty Statz Photographer(NYC) JAM Photographey Photographer: Isil Dohnke Photography Photographer: Todd Youngblood Photographer: Laurence Logan (The.TZ.Studio) Photographer/Video: Emmanuel Toussaint (Toussaint Studios) Writers: Tasha McClarrin~(Writer/Contributor)~DaVita Collins~(Children's Contributor/Writer)~Anitra Scott~(Writer/Contributor) Administrative Assistant: Maranda Moore Creative Director: Kenya Redd (Red Angel Media) Public Relations: Pac PR Contributor: BNR Records Tempestt Harris: CEO Maresa Scott: COO/Editor Chief

Con ten ts


Living w it h H I V f r o m m y f at her


Viral Babies

The M cClur e Tw ins



28 64

A Note Fr om the Editor s: Season?s Gr eet in gs! As w e en t er in t o t h e h oliday season , f or ou r pu blicat ion's secon d year in a r ow w e celebr at e ou r f u t u r e w it h a k ids f ash ion edit ion . Alt h ou gh som e of u s m ay h ave exper ien ced a ch allen gin g year in 2016, ou r n ext gen er at ion exem plif ies t h e ch ar act er ist ics of in spir at ion an d det er m in at ion . Th is m agazin e issu e is a r em in der t h at all h ope is n ot lost . In t h is issu e, you n g ar t ist s, en t r epr en eu r s, act or s an d m odels af f or d u s w it h an oppor t u n it y t o discover t h eir per son alit ies, in spir at ion s, an d aspir at ion s. Also, w e w ill divu lge in t o t h e in t r icacies associat ed w it h t h e n ew gen er at ion of celebr it ies su ch as Willow Sm it h , Jaden Sm it h , an d Br ook e Hu m m el. We w ill get a glan ce in t o w h at lif e m ay look lik e f or ou r you t h 20 year s f r om t oday. If t h is is you r f ir st t im e pick in g u p a Level21 issu e, please u n der st an d t h at w e st an d on ou r com m it m en t t o posit ivit y! It is ou r in t en t ion an d vision t o in spir e ou r r eader s w it h u plif t in g st or ies an d cr eat ive t h em es t h at w ill k eep you w an t in g m or e! We desir e t h at you en joy t h is issu e as m u ch as w e en joyed pu t t in g it t oget h er . Ou r ph ilosoph y an d expect at ion ech oes Soph ia Lor en?s sen t im en t t h at st at es, ?Th er e is a f ou n t ain of you t h : it is you r m in d, you r t alen t s, t h e cr eat ivit y you br in g t o you r lif e an d t h e lives of people you love. Wh en you lear n t o t ap t h is sou r ce, you w ill t r u ly h ave def eat ed age?. We sin cer ely w ish ever yon e a pr osper ou s an d saf e h oliday season . Best w ish es, Tem pest t Har r is, CEO M ar esa Scot t , COO/ Edit or & Ch ief

CAROUSEL & BAZAAR Car ou sel & Bazaar debu t gir ls collect ion . Set design , st ylin g an d ph ot ogr aph y ? Cu r at ed. Car ou sel & Bazaar is a n am e you w ill soon be h ear in g a lot m or e of . Th e in san ely soph ist icat ed an d dist in ct ive t ailor in g, cu t s, accessor ies an d u se of pop color w ill h ave m ot h er s of lit t le gir ls (an d t h ose of lit t le boys alik e) dr eam in g of ou t f it t in g deligh t f u l lit t le gir ls in t h is debu t collect ion . Th e f ash ion f or w ar d collect ion an d dist in ct ive cam paign im ager y (t r u ly it s per f ect ion ) w ill n o dou bt qu ick ly gar n er Car ou sel & Bazaar a cu lt -lik e f ollow in g.

Carousel & Bazaar debut girls collection. Set design, styling and photography ? Curated by

DanielleMiller Danielle Miller

is a multi-talented 9-year old

who has a passion for writing her own music, dancing and singing. She also likes to play Minecraft, and make YouTube videos. Danielle enjoys drawing, playing basketball and spending time with her family. Her present goals are to make good grades and to land a big model/actress gig. Her goals for the future are to become a teacher or a singer or even both! Danielle aims to make an impact in the world by helping others, while fulfilling her dream to climb Mount Everest screaming 'I did it' once she reaches the summit!

Photography:Todd Youngblood MUA: Monique Stevens

Photographer: Jami Davis MUA: Ashli Danielle

Nor th West r ocks Ba lma in a s she hea ds out for her ba ller ina cla ss.

Lov e Is The Ul t imat e


M any people use glue as an adhesive agent to mend broken objects. However, there is not a stronger ?epoxy? to reconstruct families than love. This is the ultimate bond that can strengthen any family ties. According to, ?majority of families have shifted from Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consetetur sadipscing elitr. the original biologically bonded mother, father and child. We are now a nation in which the majority of families are divorced. Most go on to remarry or form living together relationships.? Therefore, many households consist of blended or modern families that include stepchildren and/or adopted kids to complete their unique living arrangements. In fact, some couples have adopted children as an alternative to provide a loving home to orphans or foster youths. American Adoption revealed that, ?21 percent of private adoptions are transracial? and ?88 percent of adoptive parents describe themselves as a ?happy? couple, while 83 percent of non-adoptive parents describe themselves as a ?happy? couple." I had the pleasure of speaking with two unique blended families to receive their insights on how they are making their modern families work. Steve and Kristen Groover are a Caucasian couple who have been married for 22 years. They have an adopted daughter from Vietnam named Chloe. She is a precocious nine year old who loves and Star sadipscing Wars. The Lorem ipsum dolor karate sit amet consetetur elitr.Groovers describe

a modern/blended family as ?members coming together from different and non-traditional walks of life to form and maintain a parent/child structure and relationship.? The biggest trait that is required their family to be successful Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conseteturfor sadipscing elitr. is dedication. It is ?the notion that this is your family now

and you want what?s best for everyone in your family.? However, the Groovers have had their share of obstacles. The Groovers stated, that they had to overcome the ?adoption process and cost, questions and opinions from others outside the family, learning and performing the personal grooming needs for a child of a different racial background.? However, the greatest benefit they have received is that they ?have a wonderful, fun family and an interesting story to tell of how it all came together.? Maria and Timothy Tullo are both Italian who have been married for nearly 25 years. They have two adopted children, Anthony Min Soo and Joseph Antonio. Their sons are aged 17 and 13, respectively. Their oldest son is Korean and their youngest son is of African American and Eastern Indian heritage. ?Our definition of a modern/blended family is a family of multi racial/cultures that co-exist together and integrate their beliefs and cultures as well as learn about each culture.? To ensure that their family is successful, the Tullos realized that they ?must be open minded and understanding of each other differences as well as acceptance of the differences.? Similar to the Groovers, the Tullos have also encountered their share of challenges. Some of the obstacles they had to overcome ?are the looks we receive socially, the questions that strangers may ask, or at times the judgements received from a few of our family members.? However, their greatest joy and ?benefit is learning about the different cultures and actually participating in those cultures as a family. Our oldest son is Korean and we enjoyed learning and celebrating his first birthday in the Korean Culture. Our youngest is African American and Eastern Indian, we also celebrated his first birthday in a multi cultural fashion and we enjoy teaching them both about their/each other 's?culture.? Archbishop Desmond Tutu once said, ?You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.? The Groovers wish to offer the following advice to blended families, ?There will be hardships large and small but make up your mind that this is the path you?re taking through life and you will find ways to make it work for you and everyone in your blended family.? In addition the Tullos stated, ?always keep an open mind and don't be afraid to share your story. I would tell them that you are unique and blessed to be exposed to such diversity and to be a true melting pot of love, culture, knowledge and open hearts!!!? Elmer ?s glue cannot fix everything. However, love can definitely bond unique blended families. By: Marage Blakeney

By: Marage Blakeney


But ..I Wanna Gr ow t oo!

mi and Justin McClure are the proud parents of three year old identical twins, Ava and Alexis. The mirror image sisters are taking over the Internet and social media networks. They are viral sensations whose adorable memes such as, ?I wanna grow?, have been recognized by Good Morning America, Inside Edition, and celebrities. As a matter of fact, multi-platinum hip hop artist Nas, gave them a shout out on his Instagram page as did actor and R&B artist Tyrese. Recently, I had the opportunity to receive some winning lessons from Ami and Justin regarding their outlook on life and their energetic twins. Ami and Justin met in New York City, by happenstance. Justin noticed Ami?s beauty and her ?big booty?. However, Ami was being harassed by another gentleman because of her physical attributes. Justin observing the situation quickly sprung into the ?protective knight in shining amour ?.

He quickly whispered to Ami an exit strategy to escape her harasser. He instructed Ami to walk together really fast to a safe distance. This one heroic and ingenious act of kindness eventually led to Justin marrying his beautiful maiden on July 12, 2015.

?I t is ha r d to say what is in their futur e because our daughter s a r e only thr ee yea r s old?.

In 2013, Ami who is a successful financial accountant/controller became very ill. For almost nine weeks, she would battle bouts of vomiting. Upon going to her physician, Justin and Ami were shocked with the ultrasound prognosis. They discovered that they were having not one, but two bundles of joy. Although Ami was relieved to have an answer to her mystery illness, Justin and she quickly had to make adjustments to accommodate their new family arrangement. Ami and Justin decided to name their daughters Ava and Alexis, because their mother ?s name began with the letter ?A?. As a joint effort, Justin generated their girls middle names. Their father knew that he wanted to use the letter ?Z? and ?V? for their middle names. Therefore, Justin chose the ?Zaina? (which is translated as beauty and grace) for Ava?s extended name. Alexis?middle name is ?Valora? which is the Latin term for

feel that Justin and Ami are exploiting their young children. Even some Internet trolls have tried to negatively target their family based on their race. Despite the few haters and distractions, the McClure?s have not been compensated for their viral success. Their YouTube channel views have been the only form of monetary compensations thus far. They focus on spreading a positive message to the world because the world is often filled with so much hate. Love and happiness conquers all. brave and courageous. As West Orange, New Jersey residents, the McClure?s are very well adjusted and creative. The active identical twins, Ava and Alexis, love to do anything that involves ?wild ruckus? such as running and riding their bikes. Justin, who is a photographer, loves capturing the memories of their adorable family. Therefore, the McClure?s?created a personal blog to secure their precious moments. Very early in Ava?s and Alexis?growth development, Justin and Ami realized that their children were very humorous with strong opinions. Therefore, Ami and Justin wanted to share their family's experiences with the world through their own YouTube channel to bring a little bit of joy to the world. The videos of the twin?s responses are not rehearsed. Their parents wanted the girls to discover the world for themselves and develop their own intellectual answers through a series of conversational questions. Their parents desire that the twins devise their own opinions, instead of Ami and Justin forcing their own opinions on them . Although the McClure?s have received 98% of positive reception, they have not been exempt from various challenges. Ami and Justin are an interracial couple. Ami was born in Nigeria and Justin is from an Irish heritage. However, some opponents

receive fewer viewers than the social media site. However, they are open to new offers that afford good content and maintain the value of their family dynamics. In Justin?s words, ?What will happen, will happen?. As for now, Ami stated that, ?It is hard to say what is in their future because our daughters are only three years old?. However, Although other people may notice Justin?s racial difference, Ami does not for Justin and Ami the ultimate goal is setting Ava and Alexis up for success really care and they do not bring up because they are successful. Ami and the racial topic in their daily Justin are focusing on laying a strong conversation, unless Justin makes foundation for the twins and ?corny comments or jokes?. Eventually providing them with the choices that when Ava and Alexis become older, are the most optimal fit for their their parents?will have discussions daughters. The McClure?s twins are with their girls about their biracial making a double impact on social heritage and how critical it is to be media and the world. Ava and Alexis psychologically progressive and are continuing to allow their own little realize that this world is filled with culturally diverse individuals. Ava and light to shine, despite any distractions. If you want to witness Alexis are unwittingly unaware of what happens when wonder twin their viral success. In fact, they are powers activate, please subscribe to unaware of their social media celebrity presence. Oftentimes many the McClure Twins YouTube channel. They will definitely encourage you to people desire to take pictures with want to grow, too! the twins on routine excursions. Therefore, their parents explain to their daughters that many people love their Internet pictures and consider them as sweet and adorable. Even though the twins are experiencing this publicity, Ami and Justin are determined to keep a normalized life for Ava and Alexis. They want to set them up for success whether the girls do choose to have a career in show business or not. Although, the McClure?s cannot divulge any offers from television or online channels, they are grateful for the opportunities. Justin stated that they are happy for their YouTube channel because some TV shows

Meet AubreeDean

By: Desiree Helm Wise beyond her years, 11-year-old North Carolina native Aubree Dean has accomplished something most adults have only dreamed of.

Like most girls her age, Aubree is into fashion, pop music and reading the latest teen book. She loves watching her favorite shows on Disney, and hanging out with her friends on the weekends. To most people, Aubree may seem like the typical preteen girl. However, behind the smiles and ponytails beats the heart of a true business owner. At only 11 years old, Aubree Dean is the founder and owner of Aubree Salads on The Go. Level 21 took some time to learn more about Aubree and her business. You could hear the excitement in her voice as Aubree was eager to share her world with our readers. Not many kids can say they own their own business. What made you want to start one? Aubree: Last spring my school was going on a trip to Washington, DC to attend the Junior National Conference. I really wanted to go, but knew I would need to raise money to pay for it. I had made mason jar salads for my parents before and thought it would be a great idea to sell salads to raise money for the trip. My salads were so good that people asked me to continue making them after the Fund-raiser was over. Tell us about your business. Aubree: We make healthy salads for people to eat on the go. Even though people are busy, you should still be able to eat healthy. Do you like having a business? Aubree: I like it, but sometimes it?s pretty hard. Some days I have to get up early before school to make salads and I don't really like that. But I keep going because I know it takes hard work to make your dreams come true. It must be hard to be a good student and keep up with your business. How do you manage it all? Aubree: My parents really help me. I tell everyone that you have to have the right people supporting you. We make over 80 salads a week and we have 3 varieties that we sell. We even deliver them on Mondays. That takes a lot. My parents help me keep up with everything. I could not do it without them. So out of curiosity, what does a girl your age do with all the money you earn? Aubree: 10% of everything we make gets donated to the Alzheimers Association. My grandmother has Alzheimers and I want to help them find a cure. My mom lets me shop with some of it, but most of it goes towards my college fund. How do you motivate yourself and others when things get hard? Aubree: I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. I tell myself that all the time. I tell other people that too. I love God and he gives us the power to do anything. And with that profound statement, we learned that Aubree is walking in her purpose and set on success. Besides dreaming of one day being an Olympic Gold swim star, Aubree plans to expand her business so she can help more people have healthy lunch options. She really wants to make a difference in the lives of others. She is part of the next generation of entrepreneurs, leading the way for others kids to become empowered too. You can tell by the glee and giggles in her voice that she truly enjoys being an entrepreneur and is happy with all that is happening in her life. For more information about Aubree Dean or to order a salad you can visit her website at

Clara Bow by Ma Belle Mademoiselle, stripe jacket by La Miniatura, sweatshirt by Eva & Oli, floral skirt by Wolf, shimmer dress by Rita, blouse by Pale Cloud, tassel boots by Anais Model: Laneya Grace

Kennedy Floyd Ken n edy Floyd

is an artistic 6 year old! She enjoys reading, has a singing talent and also is classically trained in ballet. Kennedy makes sure she is camera ready! She's quite photogenic and absolutely loves being in front on the camera; whether it's smiling for a picture or playing a role, she is more than willing and able to complete the job! Kennedy also gives back to her community. She is a proud member of the Girl Scouts Organization and has the pleasure of representing DeAbreu Agency. Kennedy has future goals of being an actress and psychologist! Photography: Todd Youngblood MUA: Monique Stevens

"Lor em sit ipsum dolor sit a met at ver o eos et." -Quote Author

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Sw imming w it h t he Shar k s


adison Star, 12, and Mallory Iyana, 10, are entrepreneurs who are making a huge splash in the beauty industry. They are the visionaries and creators of a tween (ages 5-12) body spray and lotion product line entitled, ?Angels and Tomboys?. The product line is a natural handmade ?paraben free, patent pending, vegan friendly formula that contains several great vitamins to preserve young skin. With their mother ?s, Vera, assistance the girls took a chance to swim with the sharks (thankfully not the ones that live in the ocean). Madison and Mallory took their idea and products to pitch it the investors of Shark Tank. As a fun fact, their ?mom named the company Angels and Tomboys as a reflection of our unique and complex personalities and interests.The girls love to say "We're just like every girl in the world because ALL girls are created equally different. Plus, we can all agree that every Angel has a bit of Tomboy in her.? Recently, I had the pleasure with speaking their mother and the miniature entrepreneurs.

that younger kids could enjoy and feel good about themselves. How did you com e u p w it h t h e idea f or you r pr odu ct ? After being bored senseless with our body care products, we had this cool idea to make everyday products that girls use fun. We came up with fun names, characters and unique fragrances for these products and pitched the idea to our mom. She loved it and the rest is history in the making. Wh at w as you r exper ien ce lik e on ?Sh ar k Tan k ?? It was very exciting and hard work. We initially thought that we were going to land Lori Greiner as our investor because she is all about girl power. Although she did not invest in our line, she provided us with great feedback and tips to help our business grow. We come to the show with our excitement and confidence. We knew we were coming home with a shark, and it paid off. Actually, we landed two sharks, Mark Cuban and Daymond John who believed in our business.

Wh er e ar e you f r om an d h ow did you get st ar t ed? We are from Memphis, Tennessee. Our product line was started because our mother ?s perfumes from Victoria Secret were too grown. We wanted scents and lotions

"Ever y A ng el has a bit of Tomboy in her "

"As a pa r ent, we must ma ke huge sa cr ifices a nd commitments for our childr en." Wh at w as it lik e t o also be on " Th e Real Day t im e" ? They were very nice and playful. Everyone loved the product line. In fact, Adrienne Bailon (one of the talk show?s co-hosts) uses our products everyday.

Our classmates are amazed. Whenever, we would bring a bottle of lotion to school it would be gone the next day. They really love our body sprays and lotions. Our advice to other young entrepreneurs is to go for it and don?t worry about anything else. Just do it.

Madison?s and Mallory?s biggest supporter and cheerleader is their mother, Vaira Iyadunni. She understood the importance of We will be appearing on the The Ellen allowing her children the DeGeneres Show and Steve Harvey opportunity to create, grow, and Show. Also, the cast of ?The Real? discover their gifts and talents. Vera asked that we return for a follow-up has encouraged her girls to make appearance. an impact on the world through their product line and philanthropy. Wh er e do you see you r selves in Each year the girls have a theme 10 year s? birthday party where shoes, In 10 years, we see ourselves with a clothing, and other items are global and world-wide business and donated to those less fortunate. I operation. We would like to have was very interested in speaking entire personal hygiene stores around with her about cultivating these the world. young geniuses.

Ar e t h er e an y ot h er t elevision appear an ces in st or e f or you ?

How do you r classm at es f eel abou t you r su ccess an d w h at advice w ou ld you give t o ot h er ch ild en t r epr en eu r s?

Wh at m ade you f eel you r gir ls w er e able t o st ar t a pr odu ct lin e? My girls exhibited a great deal of responsibility. They understood the

commitment. Although it was going to be a lot of work for me as a parent, I knew that my girls were dedicated and loyal. They also knew how critical is it to prioritize because they were involved in extracurricular activities prior to creating the product line. How do you f eel w h en you see t h em f ollow in g t h eir dr eam s? I am very proud of them. As a parent, it is my duty to ensure that Madison and Mallory do not get discouraged. Timing is everything. As long as we stay encouraged and have faith, it will all work out for the good. Ar e t h er e an y w ar n in gs or advice f or ot h er par en t s, abou t t h e in du st r y f or par en t s w it h k ids m ak in g st r ides in t h e in du st r y? As a parent, we must make huge sacrifices and commitments for our children. They must establish a strong relationship with children and remember to remain your kids? mother and friend. You must also keep a personal watch as a coach and mentor to ensure that negative people, places, and things do not destroy your children?s dreams. I

"We Knew we wer e coming home with a Sha r k, a nd it pa id off." believe that you must stay prayed up and be a ?bulldog?to protect your children. Viara, Madison, and Mallory have had their work cut out for them. Since their appearance on Shark Tank, they have been slammed with email orders and other publicity engagements. In fact, the Angels and Tomboys limited edition body lotions and sprays were placed in the swag bags for the American Music Awards (AMAs) attendees. The following AMA limited editions fragrances will be available for purchase on their website: Lemonade, Purple Rain, and Rockin?Blueberry. These scents are special tributes to Beyonce, Prince, and Elvis. There is also another 2016 holiday fragrance available entitled,?Candy Crush? as a special dedication to their grandmother. Madison and Mallory swam with the sharks and returned as more than conquerors. They are all about the business! For more details on Angels and Tomboys or to place an order, please visit

-Quote Author

each one,t each one t he boys t o men f oundat ion By: Anitra Scott

A Step in the Right Dir ection There are so many negative views for males, specifically for minority youth here in the United States. Each of us must think of a way to step up, and lend a helping hand and assist our youth. But, what can one person do to make a difference? In many cases, one person can make a world of difference in the mind of a child in need of guidance. Christopher Fowler, who founded the Boys to Men Foundation in 2009 of Charlotte, North Carolina, has dedicated over two decades of his time to our youth. I asked what he had in mind when he formed such a profound organization. ?I wanted to create a mentor group that would make young men more productive. There are many mentor groups that have sports like basketball and football. I have coached basketball and worked with young men as a coach. But I want to prepare the young men I work with for the future. I want them to understand the proper ways to maintain once they start a job and even obtain a job. Playing a sport is not the only answer for some. Everyone is not as successful in sports. We provide mentoring, tutoring, conflict management along with home and school visits. We work hard to help our mentees develop leadership skills as well as self respect.? The

leverages the cultural context that it takes an entire community to raise a child. In this aspect a child has the best opportunity to become a prolific adult if the entire community takes an active role in the rearing of the child. This quote from the Igbo and Yuroba Nigerian proverb conveys the belief of many organizations dedicated to young adults, specifically the Boys to Men Foundation. But what if ?the village? turns a deaf ear, or could care less? What can be done then? Perhaps this issue contributes to the constant overcrowding of jails and high crimes. If we see a problem and recognize the one thing that makes a difference, then perhaps we can stop the trend. We certainly need to devote more of our time to our young people which may help in more ways than one. It?s ironic as I think back, the need for mentoring for most males hold true. I watched my brother as he developed odds can be against many youth in into manhood. As I recall the crowd communities with very little my brother started out with in leadership. It is unfortunate that some comparison to the crowd he ended up adolescent males reach elementary, with, I am thankful. Certainly for the middle and most certainly high school swim coach and Taekwondo coaches and become a ?statistic?. However, and all mentors in his ?circle? provided BTM (Boys to Men Foundation) have a better route for him. This allowed partnered with the juvenile justice my brother, to this day, to be a great system to assist boys ages 7-17 beat husband, father and an ?upstanding? the odds and become productive citizen. Our parents taught him well, young men. It?s never an easy task to yet it took others to remind and raise children which is why many refer to, ?It takes a village?, the proverb that

reinforce. It is definitely important to have as many positive influences as possible. A circle of ?positives? without a doubt warded off the ?negatives?. Thus far since 2009, the Boys to Men Foundation has provided assistance to over 400 young men, with hundreds of volunteer mentors lending a helping hand. Many of the mentees in the organization have graduated high school, attended colleges and even provided assistance to other adolescents who also experienced negative encounters. This is definitely ?A step in the right direction?, as noted to be the signature quote for the Boys to Men Foundation. I asked Mr. Fowler what programs the organization provides for young men? ?We have many groups in our organization that help young people such as the ?Young Men Society?, we work with at risk kids on all grade levels. ?Conversation with a Young Brother ?, which engages youth involved in juvenile justice system.

?Turn Around?, works with students who are consistently suspended and ?Entrepreneurs?, which provides students with financial and business knowledge. These groups have helped many of the young men score better grades, complete community service hours, and contributed to a higher rate of completion for the programs we provide?. I was curious to know what is in the works with the community, and if there were businesses who have partnered with the organization to assist with the ?Entrepreneurs? aspect of the foundation. ?We have recently completed a partnership with Hendrick Automotive in Charlotte. There are three dealerships in one at this location: Audi, Mercedes Benz and BMW. Our mentees have the opportunity to ?shadow? staff and work alongside them in various areas. Our youth worked 10-30 hours a week this past summer. They have become skilled workers. Hendricks Automotive will

offer a range of apprenticeships. There will be an opportunity for the students to gain employment once they began the process to become skilled workers.? I was really excited to hear such a prestigious company provided the opportunity to assist the young men who are mentees of the BTW. Just knowing the history of, Hendrick automotive, the nation?s largest privately held dealership group which originated in the south, most would agree this is a perfect start for these young men. This automotive group is truly appropriate especially when the Hendrick?s retail profit billions of dollars in sales alone with additional millions in service and maintenance. The automotive group originates from one young man, Rick Hendrick, who started his journey in 1976 at the age of 26 years old. This is truly a motivating location for apprenticeship for young men. I spoke with one of the salesmen Jonothon Moody who had the opportunity to work with a mentee. ?It was great working with the young men. They are intuitive. We instill all positive aspects on reaching their goals. We discussed college and different avenues. Reminding them to work hard and the need to be professional and having the proper attitude which must match professional attire, they are great to work with?. Mr. Fowler agreed. ?Yes, the staff at the dealership was thrilled to work with our young men. They were very impressed with our group, so much that they asked us to continue throughout the school year ?. This is awesome for the mentees. They have a chance to work at all three dealerships at Hendrick BMW, Audi and Mercedes Benz. So you know they will play the ?that?s my car ? game. The game some of us played in our youth as we were passengers in our parents? cars or sitting on the front porch. Those were the days. So, give us some insight on the man behind this great foundation please. ?Well, I was in need of assistance in my adolescent years, so I felt the need to help others. I became educated on the need to help others, and received my Education Degree from Medgar Evers College where I started the Black and Latino Initiative

Program. I?ve been an elementary school teacher for the past 24 years. I have counseled teens at the YMCA, was part of the Big Brother program for 5 years, in addition to participating in the PAL program. I am currently a teacher in Mecklenburg County here in Charlotte and was given the pleasure of being nominated for the Kelly and Michael Live 2015 Teacher of the Year." I was the 2015-2016 Highland Renaissance

Our Young M en: I f we tea ch them well, then per ha ps, they ca n lea d the Way! Teacher of the Year. But, I want to recognize that our organization has helped so many young men. We have a mentee of the year, Seth Buford. The Mayors Mentoring Alliance and United Way in 2016 acknowledged him and our organization for having a mentor of the year, Jevon Patterson. We were recognized for Best Mentor Practice, Best Educational Program, and People?s Choice Award?. Well, there you have it. My thoughts are in the words of Whitney Houston, ?I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way?. Thanks for being a much needed support for our male youth Mr. Christopher Fowler, and the mentors of Boys to Men Foundation: Arthur Middleton, Javar Christian, Fred Phelan, James Brown, Shawn Carrington, Jevon Patterson, and Kenton Waring. For more information, donations, or to become a mentor please visit their web site at

a n i l Ange &

El i zabe t


Photography: Isil Dohnke MUA: Sergio Apaez Velasco

An gelin a P. An gler o Angelina P. Anglero is a gutsy 7-year old! She is skillful at Tae Kwon Do, which requires a lot of patience and discipline to master. Angelina?s favorite subject is reading, and while she is not concentrating on her studies, she enjoys dancing. She is socially aware and has already begun giving back to her community. Angelina would like a career in a few fields. When she becomes an adult, she dreams of being an astronaut, computer programmer and architect!

Elizabet h ?Rosie? An gler o Elizabeth Anglero is a 6-year-old humanitarian who loves animals! She also goes by the name ?Rosie?. Rosie?s favorite subject is math, and she takes pleasure in singing. In her spare time, she visits the local shelter to help feed the homeless, what a kind deed! Like her sister, Angelina, Rosie is also a Tae Kwon Do student. Having plenty to be passionate about, she is quite the fashionista. When she grows up, Rosie aspires to become a veterinarian.

PAar is Johnson Risin g St ar By: Anitra Scott

Yes, the ?picture?was quite clear in a dance studio located in the ?Queen City? of Charlotte, North Carolina. Paris Johnson is the 11 year old sensation born and raised in a small town of North Carolina. She is one of the newest young divas entering the music business, in which she is very busy paving her way in the industry. Paris Johnson is certainly a ?force? all on her own. We caught up with Paris and a few of her dancers, Inchantis Stroud, Sienna Duys, and Mylie Stone, practicing for her latest video. Jeremy McConaughey, the choreographer, was pleased with this team of young ladies. The song titled, ?Dance Until You Drop?, is Paris?current project with producer, J. Stylz. The young ladies were hard at work under the bright lights. Perfection was an understatement. Precision was quite evident, as the singing and dance team moved about on the solid wood floor dressed in their stylish dance gear. There was nothing short of excellence as I watched each young lady perform with Paris. The execution of the coolest ?hip hop? moves was in play. There was no sweat for these ladies as they ?wowed? me. Practice does make perfect. Dancing is such a transmittable art so much that others like me seem to want to join in and learn the steps, the choreography. There is something about dancing. It is a release of happiness. I was amazed at the level of talent Paris has. So, I asked which famous artists inspired her. ?One of my favorite artists is Rihanna. I like her because her voice is so unique. My favorite song is ?Work?. I like her fast ?up-beat island style?. I also like the dances and moves of Beyonce?, her choreography is amazing. The artists I grew to enjoy through my parents are Mary J. Blige, and James Brown. I like fast music. I actually performed ?Just Fine? by Mary J. Blige at the Apollo a couple years ago?. When did your parents discover your talent, and where was your first performance? ?When I was younger we were outside decorating around Christmas, and I was singing a song that I made up. My mom listened to me and was surprised at my voice. She said, ?You can sing? I did not know you could sing like that?. Then she called my dad over to listen. After they

started practicing with a voice trainer. I have been singing since I was about three years old. I am 11 now, so I have been singing for eight years. I started singing in church. Then as I enhanced, I started singing at concerts and competitions and other places?. Many of us mimic the songs and dances of artists both past and present. However, we forget that there is a lot of sweat and tears behind the scenes we don?t see. Artists in fact experience quite a bit as they perfect their talent. It is not always easy for performers. There is a high volume of travel and performances required to be accepted in the industry. It

can sometimes be quite a task for most artists. For this reason, I have that much more respect for these artist no matter the age. I asked Paris what she would say to any performer starting in the music industry. ?I would say never give up even if it gets hard. The more you try the easier it will get, over time. I say work hard because performing as an artist takes a lot of work. I have been doing this for eight years and it has not always been easy. My dad says always give 110% because even if you slack off by 10%, your outcome will be at 100%. He tells me that everyday?. The maturity level of these young ladies was astounding. Paris informed me of her need to keep a great relationship with her dance team and how they support each other during performances. They all certainly have a great support system and know the need to keep those who support them closest. The support of family and friends is very important. I asked Paris if she had a best friend. With no hesitation she stated her best friend Khaliya, was like the ultimate

"J u J u o n t hat b eat !" fan, supports her and is always eager to see the next video and or photo shoot. The dance team working with Paris is simply amazing. The feel of happiness filled the room. I could tell this was nothing short of fun for each young lady. Talent, aptitude and more flair is inevitable for this group. These young ladies have participated in numerous dance competitions, acting, dancing and much more. They have set high standards for themselves. Each of them certainly possesses a high quality of skill level. I could see why they were chosen to work with Paris. There is so much talent in this unit. Inchantis Stroud, age 12, started dancing at age nine. She was chosen and recruited by J. Stylz himself. She enjoys the dancing choreography of Michael Jackson and Beyonce. Her ultimate goal is to complete as many live performances as possible. She is no stranger to the dance floor. Sienna Duys, age 11, has been dancing for several years, since age two. The Carolina Panthers have been graced with her dancing skills. She says ?Always try your best?. She has competed in numerous dance competitions. Mylie Stone, age nine, has been dancing since age two. She enjoys

performances by Taylor Swift and JoJo Siwa, another young performer. She is scheduled to participate in quite a few up and coming dance competitions. She is also an actress. These young ladies are certainly no strangers to hard work. As they follow the guidance of Jeremy McConaughey, who has been a choreographer for over a decade. Indeed the young ladies have what it takes to be a successful performer with Paris Johnson. Jeremy, Paris?s choreographer, stated: ?The dance team actually pushes me. I learn from them as they set examples as they are not afraid to be themselves. They exude a specific amount of talent and energy. It?s a collaborative effort and a great learning experience as I work with these young performers?. Paris Johnson is indeed one of the newest, bright stars that we will see pretty soon. J. Stylz and Jeremy have so much planned for her future. We

A y eee " ad d y d o y Yo u so n


are certainly looking forward to the completion of all up and coming projects scheduled for Paris. We are definitely applauding you Paris and your dance team, and can?t wait to see more of you as you blossom into stardom!

M other Daughter Spotlight Beyonce' And Blue I vy r ocking flor a ls in Pa r is. They ha d fun in flir ty Gucci !

Photo: Courtesy of Voque



t this year 's Met Gala Ball in May, AndrĂŠ Leon Talley welcomed Willow and Jaden Smith to the red carpet introducing the siblings to the world, as the "future of fashion". However, they are known for more than their fashion sense. Willow and Jaden have seemingly fused performance, art, design, and fashion into one masterful work of ingenuity.

may leave some people perplexed and questioning the state of the future. According to the duo will the future make us all -Dare we say it... "ONE??

This is a legitimate and valid question considering the fact that Jaden opted to wear a dress on several occasions. This is a direct correlation to the fact that several Hollywood parents have As very innovative and creative young decided to allow their children appear individuals, they have often challenged in public in gender neutral clothing. Celebrities such as Angelina Jolie and social norms and perceived Brad Pit felt that their kids should boundaries. Subsequently, Willow and choose their gender. This belief has Jaden frequently muddle the lines of prompted many individuals to the gender and its associated practices. ponder over the question, does Therefore, their actions and decisions

clothing decisions really impact the DNA makeup of a boy or girl. In fact Lindsey Wixson once said that, ?I dress myself, not to impress, but for comfort and for style?. Therefore, many people view fashion as ?fluid? and an expression of one?s style and comfort. However, some opponents may argue that it?s a form of social engineering. James Delingpole published an article confirming this very point. In the his article he stated that, ?No matter how hard you try to bring your kids up in a gender-neutral way ? even if you refuse point blank to dress them in stereotypical blue or pink romper suits ? those XX and XY chromosomes will win out in the end. Give a girl a doll and she will cuddle it and nurture it. Give a boy a doll and he will either torture and dismember it or use it as a hand grenade. Is this really such a bad thing? Well, you could argue that if more were done to check boys?destructive instincts we might have less war and if more were done to discourage girls?child-rearing tendencies we might have more women in the workplace and a narrower gender pay gap. Or you might find as I do something rather sinister and Brave-New-World-ish in this attempt at social engineering. What if there is a sound biological reason for the way men and women are programmed to think and behave in different ways? What indeed if the future of our species depends on it? To a degree I think it does.? Many new age psychologists will argue that most children do not know what they want to be and that society forces it upon them with its pinks and blues. However, Jaden and his dad did not see eye to eye on his son's desire to wear a skirt. Will Smith stated to BBC Radio regarding his son?s clothing choices, ?OK. You cannot wear a skirt. He (Jaden) said to me, ?Dad, it?s fine. It?s going to be so hot all the kids will be wearing it.?I said, ?No, the kids are not going to do it because their parents will have sense enough to not let them do it.?But he?s confident in who he is and who he wants to be.? Besides Jaden's clear direction on youth fashion, more importantly, he cares deeply about the environment.

Jaden An d Th e En vir on m en t Jaden?s biggest focus is on the world?s water supply. Many people may have seen Jaden Smith photographed several times this year holding bottles of water up to his ear, for no ?apparent? reason. However, some people simply just shrugged it off because they have acknowledged the fact that Jaden walks to the beat of his own drum. Jaden?s stated to New York Magazine that he was a part of a viral marketing campaign for environmentally friendly water bottle company, ?Just Water ?. Smith says, "People in Atlanta rap music videos put money to their ear. I just put it to my ear because I love rap music, but I

Her Ph ilosoph y According to Willow, beauty doesn?t exist. Beauty is a contrived notion created by humans. wanna put out a different message.?

"Lor em sit ipsum dolor sit a met at ver o eos et."

Jaden helped launch the company. His innovative idea was sparked after a surfing trip, in which he noticed large amounts of plastic pollution. Offering an eco-friendly packaging alternative (sold for a reasonable 99 cents a bottle) Just Water avoids plastic pollution and other harmful bi-products of petroleum-based plastics (including CO2 emissions). His father, Will Smith, is also a huge supporter, explaining ?primarily we want to do something that is good for the world, that starts to move in a direction, even if it?s just consciousness ? even if it?s just people start paying attention. I feel totally connected to water," Jaden Smith added. "I love water. I feel like it?s one of the most spiritual and interesting elements on Earth. If you freeze anything on Earth, it will get smaller, but water expands when you freeze it. It?s the only thing that expands when you freeze it! It?s literally the only thing. Even in some trees, water will flow up the bark of the tree and go against gravity. Water does so many things that are just unnatural and not normal." Jaden?s sister, Willow, is known as one of today's out of this world fashionistas. She first burst onto the musical scene as an artist who enjoyed ?whipping her hair back and forth,?. In addition, she normalized consciousness to an entire generation of her followers. She stated to ?Interview Magazine?that, ?I know so many kids who literally are, like, Instagram-famous. They have done nothing but post pictures on Instagram. And they have followings,? Willow said. ?And then there?s people, like me and Jaden, who want to utilize social media to elevate the consciousness of those people who feel like all they want from social media is to be famous.?

Willow has stated that, ?Life can feel like a divine collaboration. Imagination can save you from the harsh realities of the world, and that can help some of the time. But it?s more productive to create or seek out experiences that help you accept the duality of life. I try my hardest to create situations that make me want to celebrate existence as a whole, instead of suppression, or blinding yourself to negativity. ?Fantasy?and ?reality?are the same. To break the barrier and walk between the worlds of the reality that we know and the world of thought and imagination, the only thing you will ever need the capacity to see beyond the limitations you have placed on yourself. To move with courage beyond the blind spot. There is no ?how.? You just do it and never go backward.? Although, we may never reach Willow's evolving level of consciousness, we do love the direction that fashion has taken her. The Chanel Campaign Willow Smith is the star in Chanel?s latest FW16 campaign. Accordingly, as the face of the label?s new eyewear delivery (the shoot was manned by icon Karl Lagerfeld) the campaign showcases Willow in a series of black and white photos, of course donning Chanel?s FW16 eyewear styles. Following in the footsteps of Cara Delevingne, (who was featured in last season?s campaign) the 16-year-old has gracefully embodied the brand's direction for a new generation. In fact the Chanel?s house applauded her by saying, ?a multifaceted artist, AuthorWillow writer-composer-singer-Quote and actress, Smith is the embodiment of her generation?s spirit.? Although Willow Smith has been wearing Chanel for a number of years, her relationship became official in March when, after attending its

Autumn/Winter 2016 (AW16) ready to wear show; she became one of its ambassadors.

Th e Fu t u r e Via the ?Interview Magazine?, Pharell Williams, ask them who their biggest influences were and they replied: WILLOW: My parents. Growing up, all I saw was my parents trying to be the best people they could be, and people coming to them for wisdom, coming to them for guidance, and them not putting themselves on a pedestal, but literally being face-to-face with these people and saying, "I'm no better than you, but the fact that you're coming to me to reach some sort of enlightenment or to shine a light on something, that makes me feel love and gratitude for you." They always give back what people give to them. And sometimes they keep giving and giving and giving. And some people don't feel like they need to give anything back because it's like, "Oh, if you're famous, you can just keep giving, and it doesn't matter." It's not just about money. It's not just about giving people gifts or whatever. What my parents have given to me is not anything that has to do with money or success or anything that society says people should be focusing on? it's something spiritual that only certain people can grasp and accept. And that's how I act and move in the world today. JADEN: I 100 percent agree with Willow on that one. My parents are definitely my biggest role models. And that's where me and Willow both pull all of our inspiration from to change the world. It all comes from a concept of affecting the world in a positive way and leaving it better than it was than when we came. I feel like that enters into all types of different areas because there are so many different outlets that life has to offer for us. That goes into technology, into music. That goes into science, into spirituality, into education. Where me and Willow come from, a lot of it is trying to make society more efficient, so

that kids don't cry, like, "Why do I have to go to school?" Instead, kids are like, "Yeah! I'm so glad to go to school! I'm a better person than I was yesterday, and I can help people." In the meantime, Jaden plans to go to college, and told GQ: ?I want to set up office at MIT just so I can learn and bring in new technologies into the world.?He explained: ?Me and Willow are scientists, so everything for us is a scientific test upon humanity. And luckily we?re put in a position where we can affect large groups of human beings at one time.?And that?s what I really encourage kids to do, is learn the things that you want to learn, because then not only will school become fun, but it will make your dreams come true.?Jaden insisted that he?s no wild child, but wants to be known as ?one of the craziest?people of all time. Wonder where these two will be in 10 years? Jaden simply replied with ?gone,? while Willow went on to say that she would be ?in the mountains somewhere in a tent cooking a squirrel.?Only time will tell. Just keep watching this dynamic duo. All we can say is the future of kids fashion according to Jaden and Willow should be very interesting! Written by: Jona Kirby and Jonathan Sawyer Source: GQ, Interview Magazine, Blazz,

?A multifa ceted a rtist, writer-composer-sing er a nd a ctress, Willow Smith is the emb od iment of her g enera tion?s spirit,? -Cha nel

Cel ebr it y Chef

Zac Kar a

By: Shannon Rawley

Cooking wit h ZaCKar a Y

pur suing goal s whil e gr owing up

oung, driven, and innovative master chef, Zac Kara, is only beginning his career at the age of fourteen, and is well on his way to creating a monumental career. As a teen celebrity chef, Kara has begun developing his career and making connections with some of the food industry's best and most talented cooks. His love for cooking began when he was only 11 years old. ?My mom started to teach me and at first I only made scrambled eggs,? said Kara, when asked about the first dish he learned to make. Although his mom is one of the main people who helped him fall in love with food, he lives in a family full of cooks and bakers who mold him into a better chef. Zac had only been cooking for only a year and a half when he went to an open call for "MasterChef " with hundreds of other kids in Phoenix.

Zac told the Orlando Sentinal in an article that the show "Master Chef " truly inspired him stating ?MasterChef Junior " inspired me, and I fell in love with being in the kitchen, I was kind of nervous to be on TV. My sister and mom encouraged me," he added.

four years old. Cooking is a passion that came along surprisingly and evolved into an enjoyable skill. Although Zac has a newfound love for cooking, he hopes to pursue a future career in both playing tennis and being a chef. When asked if he could give any advice to young people pursuing a dream, Zac expressed the importance of diligence and consistency. He talked about how following your dreams is truly what helps you accomplish them. If you never take the initiative to pursue your own goals, how else will you accomplish them?

As of now, Zac has plans to do much bigger and better things. You can follow Kara watched cooking shows to learn his journey to achieving his dreams his craft, he also began taking online through social media @Zac_Kara. Like culinary school to master his many other people his age, Zac uses techniques. social media as a way to connect with his fans and share his story of success. Zac is a teenager with many different Get ready to see more of Zac Kara in talents. Other than cooking, he has a the future, because he?s just getting passion for playing tennis and has been started. involved with the sport since he was

M odel:Im yiah Wh it e Design er :Tr iple St it ch Diva M UA: Car ly Woler t Ph ot ogr aph y: JAM

M ia D alt on

Mia Dalton is an ambitious 5-year-old with a very bright future. She is also quite the entertainer! Unlike most people more than twice her age, Mia can sing and dance! She also enjoys traveling the world. She has her sights set on one of the most honorable careers one can ever have, while most would never hold this title. Those who have held this position are a very special group of people. If you haven't guessed, Mia wants to hold office as Leader of the Free World, most popularly known as President of the United States.

Photography: Laurence Logan The.TZ.Studio MUA: Monique Stevens

M ek h i Z ah ir L eon- P h ar r M ek h i Zah ir Leon -Ph ar r is an adventurous 9-year-old who has a variety of interests. His curiosity for life?s offerings is not limited to one specific field of study. Also, his artistic side is reflected in his delight for dancing. His favorite subject is math, which will be quite the advantage since he aspires to be an architect. He even has a culinary interest that he would like to express as a world class chef! Mekhi has a backup plan; in case those careers do not pan out, he would like to become a model. Photography: Todd Youngblood MUA: Monique Stevens

K assand r a M und h enk Kassan dr a M u n dh en k (who also goes by ?Kassie?) is a remarkable and caring 14-year old, who enjoys walking by the lake near her home, while, as she quotes, ?picking up litter to save the planet?. She has changed the perceptions of many about those who have special needs, as Kassie lives with Down syndrome. She describes herself as ?just like everyone else, but with a dash of magical?. Her favorite subjects are science and reading. In her spare time, Kassie enjoys riding her pony named Prince, wearing her favorite mermaid tail so she can spin like a mermaid! When she grows up, Kassie aspires to be a model and actress.

E laina B r av er m an Elaina Braverman

is a well-accomplished at 13 years old, with an impressive acting resume! Elaina?s career began when she started participating in pageants, then it evolved into acting. She has starred in a Samsung commercial, and blockbuster hits such as Orange is the New Black, Blind Spot, Before Mars, and Spiderman! Elaina?s favorite subject is math. Also, when she is not on the movie set, she enjoys modeling, playing basketball, and volunteering at ?Pets 4 Luv? Animal Shelter. When she grows up, in addition to modeling and acting, Elaina desires to launch her own pet sitting business.


" My Dad INJECT ED me wit h HIV over Child Support Payment s"

Brryan Jackson B

By: Annetta K.Daily Mail

rryan Jackson?s story began when he was only 11 months old and his father, who had worked in the medical field, insidiously injected him with HIV-tainted blood. Five years later his mother unaware of his father 's heinous actions, doctors diagnosed Bryyan with full-blown AIDS. Jackson arrived at the Missouri Department of Corrections to tell Bryan Stewart just how drastically he had changed his son's life. And he wanted to make sure Stewart, who is serving a life sentence for the horrific crime, would be denied parole.

Jackson?s father was fighting over child support payments with his son?s mother, who had left him earlier that year after he became physically and emotionally abusive. Stewart had become a different person from the man Jackson's mother had fallen in love with when they were both training as medics at a Missouri military facility. When Jackson's mother found out she was pregnant in 1991, Stewart was 'really excited'. But everything changed when he returned from Operation Desert Storm in Saudi Arabia, Jackson told the BBC. Stewart tried to kill his son so that he wouldn't have to keep paying child support, Jackson said. Suddenly Stewart was claiming that Jackson wasn't his child and demanded a DNA test. That's when the abuse began. Jackson's mother left Stewart, but the brutal fights continued. Jackson said his father would tell her: 'Your child's

not going to live beyond the age of five'. Contact between Stewart and Jackson's mother ceased, but when the boy was hospitalized with an asthma attack his father found the perfect opportunity to strike. Investigators later discovered Stewart had been stealing samples of infected blood from the laboratory he worked at and was storing them at his home. He had even joked with coworkers about infecting someone with one of the viruses, saying 'they'd never even know what hit them'. When Stewart visited Jackson on the day he was scheduled to be discharged from the hospital, his mother was surprised. 'He wasn't a very active father, so everyone thought it was strange when he showed up,' Jackson said. Stewart asked Jackson's mother to grab him a drink from the cafeteria. When he was finally alone with his son, Stewart injected the boy with the infected blood. Jackson, who had just been nursed back to health, immediately began to deteriorate. 'My vital signs were all out of whack because it wasn't just HIV blood he had injected me with, it was incompatible with mine,' he said. Jackson was sent home after his vital signs were restored, but his health continued to worsen. Believing they had done everything possible, physicians offered no hope to my family and expected him to die within 5 months after coding twice. Due to complications from the medication from the disease Bryyan also lost 70% of his hearing. Miraculously, he defied the odds and lived on to represent a story of courage, perseverance, forgiveness, and faith. Since the age of

13, Brryan used his story to impact lives world-wide from speaking at Congressional briefings in Washington D.C. to high schools, colleges, juvenile centers, and youth organizations across the nation.

?I see my vast experiences as an avenue to encourage others at every event?. Winner of a TeenNick Halo Award, He was also featured as one of People Magazine's "Heroes Among Us" and ABC World News/Diane Sawyer 's "Person of the Week." Brryan has since gone on to speak internationally to Haiti, Ecuador, England, Kenya, and Canada.

?Facing incredible health and social challenges, my his life has been a continual battle, yet I strive to be a catalyst for offering relatable, accurate conversations along with humor to educate the world on HIV and mental health, inspire others to overcome adversity and empower them to make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. I want every audience to realize that no struggle is too big for hope to conquer and forgiveness changes lives, we just have to shift the perspective and make a choice -Victim? Or VICTORY!?

By: Desiree Helm





Cyber bullying became a real issue in Brooke's life.

etting to know the effervescent Brooke Hummel, it's not hard to understand why this emerging pop star is causing a buzz in the entertainment industry. Armed with her music and her faith, Brooke is poised to win the battle against cyber bullying.

Not just another pretty young face, there is a serious story behind the message and music of 17 year Brooke Hummel. Her sparkly voice, contagious laughter and positive attitude are a delight to all she encounters. It was a pleasure to discover just why Brooke is poised to change the way that people think of young women in the pop industry. Music has been a staple in Brooke's life for as long as she can remember. From an early age, Brooke learned to love music and began singing in her church choir at age 10. Residing now in Tampa, Florida, Brooke grew up in a loving home with her parents and siblings. It was there that her parents taught her to love and respect others, be proud of who she was, and to always reach for her dreams. These were concepts that were ingrained in everything she did. However, when she entered high school her freshman year she encountered an attitude that was contrary to everything she had ever been taught.

" People can really change the way you think, they try to really emotionally break you down. They were telling me things like you're not good, your dreams won't come true, even to kill myself. It was hard. I went home and had my cries, and turned to my mom. It was a long recovery road."

The once chipper voice that brightened the interview, now turned somber as Brooke recalls what life was like for her during her early teen years. "Coming into freshman year I was really nervous. I was in the spotlight because I did music and so I stood out from everyone around me. I wasn?t like the other kids at school. My parents had always taught me that being different was good. But instead, the other kids treated me like the red headed step child because I was different. Nobody wanted anything to do with me" It was hard to maintain her joy in this kind of environment. People were constantly trying to break her down.

From this hard season in her life, a mission and vision was born in Brooke's heart. While she was struggling with being bullied, and the depression she suffered as a result, Brooke had a hard time finding resources for teens her age. There wasn't much out there to help her deal with the things she was undergoing. When she began to get better, she was led to create a space where teens could come together and share their experiences to help each other heal. She also realized that she wanted to use her gift of song to help others overcome and to get people talking about the real dangers and consequences of bullying. Soon "Stop Block Tell" was born, a site for teens by teens, along with BNR records to bring awareness to the plight of cyber bullying. Brooke would go on to become the face of their anti-cyber bullying movement.

"I want everyone that is being bullied to know they are not alone. I want them to know they are loved, they are strong and that they are worthy of whatever dream they have. Until I went through it, I had no idea how bad bullying really was. I am not happy that I was bullied, but I know that I can use my experience to not just help others but hopefully prevent others from being bullied in the first place."

involved in her church and even makes time to teach yoga on the beach. It is clear that Brooke has turned a corner. Her new EP "The Brook Hummel EP" is a large source of the joy that has returned to her life. The featured new single "Cruel" was written by Brooke along with writer/producer D-Major to bring awareness to the emotional problems many teens face as a result of bullying and people are beginning to take notice. It's emotional lyrics and poignant video add to the strength of her voice and the message she wants relayed to the world; that everyone deserves to be loved and that no one deserves to be bullied.

Determined not to dwell on the pains of the past, the enthusiasm in Brooke's voice returns as the conversation shifts to her life now and her new EP. In addition to touring, writing and


I want ev er yone t hat is being bul l ied t o know t hey ar e not al one.

Gaining over 2 million plays on Soundcloud in over a month, Brooke's music is receiving great feedback from her fans and music bloggers around the country. With over 124k Twitter followers and 13k followers on Instagram, it's hard for Brooke's talent to go unnoticed. The new EP is the story of Brooke's life. More specifically it's lyrics tell the tale of the summer of youth. All the songs reflect either something that has happened in her summer of "16" or things she felt in that moment. Whether it's an upbeat dance track or emotional ballad Brooke's EP has something for everyone; old, young and in between. With her rising fame, Brooke has managed to stay grounded by staying true to her faith and being appreciative for the blessings she has received with her music. My family and my team are good for

keeping me in check. I expect them to hold me accountable, to be the best I can be every day. Whether good or bad, whether I am feeling sad or happy I want to keep things real. I want to always be real with my music. I want people to always see the real me so they can relate to my music. I love my music and what I am doing. Recently I was at a youth event for the ?Stop Block Tell? campaign. We were visiting a school when I was asked to perform my song Cruel. I looked out at my audience and noticed some girls singing along. I could not believe that they knew the words to my song. I felt like I was making an impact. That was when I realized that this was what I should be doing with the rest of my life. I want every teen, especially young girls, to know how valuable they are. I want them to know that they can fight insecurity and that they don?t have to believe the things that every other


people say about them. I want to use my music to help others learn to love themselves.? Loving the road life, Brooke is always on the go. She is currently on tour with the ?Stop Block Tell? campaign and you can find Brooke either speaking at a youth event or volunteering in the community. Still finding time to do what she loves best, work on her music. She is currently in the process of recording covers and has taken on writing all the songs for her next album. Wise beyond her years and equipped with a heart to serve, Brooke is proving that the next generation of musicians are determined to make a positive impact on the world. For more information on Brooke Hummel you can follow her on Twitter @BrookeBNR or on Instagram @BNRBrookeHummel. Keep up with Brooke! Cruel music video- Cruisin music video-

"I want every teen, especially young girls, to know how valuable they are."-Brooke Hummel Phone: 980- 833- 7863

Twin sensations

Ken syen an d Kasyen

Reed-Williams are 8-year olds who model for The Princess Kingdom Clothing (TPK) line, founded by Shanara White. They enjoy traveling with their TPK sisters for different events, which allows them to wear pretty tutus and fly sneakers. They also enjoy reading, riding their bikes, playing dolls, and playing Roblox! Their mother makes sure they give back to community by volunteering at a local nursing home to visit the elderly. Kensyen and Kasyen really want to be famous and make lots of money!!! They plan to achieve this by having their very own TV sitcom. They really dream of being guests on the Ellen DeGeneres show because they are big fans of her show!

& n e y s n e K Kasyen!!

Photography: Laurence Logan The.TZ.Studio MUA: Monique Stevens Designer: The Princess Kingdom- Shanae White

Photography: Laurence Logan The.TZ.Studio MUA: Monique Stevens

Maryann Hatfield Maryann is a high-powered 3 year old, who loves Treasure Troll Dolls. She attends the prestigious St Francis de Salles School. In her spare time, Maryann enjoys modeling and dancing, and gymnastics and soccer are her favorite sports. She won a ?look-a-like? contest on NBC show First Look, during Oscar Week in January, where she played the role of Ashley Roberts! That was when her desire to grow up and be on television began. Maryann also aspires to be a model.


St udent Gr eat ness

About that life! By: Marage Blakeney

Many young student athletes face various challenges that their other classmates may not endure. In addition to keeping up with their academic classes, they must learn time management, perseverance, commitment, and dedication at an early age. In fact a blog listed on suggest that opponents ?believe that sport participation decreases grades because young athletes are over burdened with practices and games. As a result, they don?t have time to focus on schoolwork.? However, reveals that, "high school athletes are more likely than non-athletes to attend college and get degrees; team captains, MVPs (Most Valuable Player) achieve in school at even higher rates (US Dept. of Education, 2005). The benefits extend to the workplace. A survey of 400 female corporate executives found 94% played a sport and that 61% say that has contributed to their career success." Haywood Hale Brown, once said that, "Sports do not build character they reveal it." Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting four young individuals whose characters?reveal that they are beating the odds of being honor students and excelling in sports. Aamaiya Ijames is nine years old and is a fourth grader at Kannapolis Charter Academy. She is a cheerleader, member of the drill team, and runs the 400/200

meter dash for the Salisbury Speedsters (an Amateur Athletic Union 'AAU' track team). Following her mother 's passion for track competitions, Aamaiya is determined to beat her opponents and get better at the 400 meter dash. In fact, she has set personal goals to monitor her progress. She has completed the 200 meter race in less than 30 seconds. The A/B honor roll student is able to maintain her academic high scores by prioritizing. She completes her class and homework first and then focuses on her sport practices and run in her spare time. By being a young student-athlete, Aamaiya has learned to never give up and if you try you can succeed. It is also important to remember that if you believe in it, you can do it. Aamaiya receives a lot of inspiration from Olympian, Allyson Felix, who is making a name for herself in the track and field sport industry. Ricky Horton is a 15 year old basketball shooting guard position and a linebacker football player exualted athlete at Zebulon B. Vance High School. Similar to Aamaiya's story, Ricky is following in his father 's footsteps. His father played basketball, football, and baseball in his younger years. Therefore, sports has been a vital part of Ricky's social and physical development. He has been playing football and basketball all of his life, since 5 years old. Ricky had to learn to overcome the challenge of keeping his

always having a positive attitude. Zay really admires James Harding because he plays the same position that he does at school and he is a great scorer. Zay plans on attending Ohio State University to receive his college degree.

grades up. Fortunately, he has utilize the assistance of tutors and learning the importance of finishing all of his school work first before sport practices and games. His dedication has paid off. Ricky was selected as his school's Junior Army Team for football and named the basketball MVP for his middle school. He even received several AAU basketball championship medals. At a young age, Ricky has a new appreciation of professional ethics that include hard work, commitment, and to remember that he does not have the luxury of slacking off for frivolous reasons. Ricky intentionally studies the techniques of Kevin Durant. Ricky believes that Durant is very underrated and some people do not see his ultimate potential. Ricky desires to attend Duke University and major in engineering and math. Zaeontae ?Zay?Robinson is a 15 year old basketball and track star at Myers Park High School. Zay is a shooting guard on his basketball team and runs the 800 meters race for his track team. His athletic family lineage that includes his mother, uncles, and cousins have played various sports such as track/field and basketball. One of Zay?s biggest challenges is having time to complete his homework, while maintaining a 3.5 grade point average (GPA), However, Zay has received two MVP honors in middle school for track and basketball. Zay also has learned the importance of creating a realistic schedule that encompasses study time, homework, and practice. School must come first in his entire routine. The role of being a student athlete has taught him the importance of never giving up and

Carson Wynn is a 17 year old defensive/center back respected soccer player at York Comprehensive High School. Carson wanted to play soccer because he felt like it was a fun sport and his siblings were former student athletes. As a senior honor student with a 3.6 GPA, Carson has had his own share of personal challenges. He had to navigate techniques that would afford him the opportunity to leverage more soccer playing time on the field and balance his time for school and sports. Carson was able to overcome these obstacles by doing his homework first and going to class early to complete his school assignments. His team was awarded the 5th place on the statewide soccer championship. He was also selected to play on an academy (similar to a national collegiate level) team. Carson attests that sport participation has helped him to be humble, become a responsible leader, accountable, and helped identify what he did wrong and how to fix it. Carson gains valuable insights and position techniques from Vincent Kompany (Belgium soccer player for Manchester City). Carson stated that Kompany is the best soccer player in the world. Once Carson graduates this year, he plans to attend Southeastern University. All of these exceptional young student-athletes believe that academics should come first. Education is instrumental in their definition of

becoming an overall successful leader and athlete. They have defied the odds and negative/derogatory connotation of the phase ?dumb jocks?. In fact the young rising superstars have the following advice to other youth who may be considering participating in sports: "Keep your grades up and keep striving for your goals in life because dreams do come true. Believe in yourself and know that you can do it." (Aamaiya) "Don?t let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do. Stay positive and surround yourself with the right people." (Ricky) "Always put school first. Without good grades, you cannot play sports. Create a schedule to help with time management." (Zay) "Always trust the process. Never give up. Trust God and yourself in everything. Be accountable for your actions and your destiny." (Carson) With the guidance of their families, communities, teachers, and coaches, many student athletes are very proficient in dealing with the hustle and flow of life. They understand responsibility, the importance of team dynamics, creative thought process and accountability. The Child Trends report entitled ?Participation in School Athletics? reveal that ?participation in athletics has a positive association with academic achievement. Studies have shown that high school athletes have higher grades than non-athletes, lower absentee levels, a significantly smaller percentage of discipline referrals, lower percentages of dropouts, and higher graduation rates.? As Billie Jean King once stated, ?Champions keep playing until they get it right?. That is the true meaning of being about that life and become winners both on and off the field!

Th e Tale of 2 K ings.. Zyon Hailey is an act ive 9 year - old w h o en joys spor t s. His f avor it es ar e f oot ball an d bask et ball. Zyon even h as m oves f or t h e dan ce f loor ! Not on ly does h e dan ce bu t h e also loves f ash ion , alw ays m ak in g su r e h e is st ylish w h ile of f t h e cou r t . Wh en h e gr ow s u p h e aspir es t o be a pr of ession al f oot ball player . As a back u p plan , h e'd lik e t o join t h e S.W.A.T. (Special Weapon s an d Tact ics), w h ich is an elit e u n it in law en f or cem en t .

Nasir Hailey is a 3 year -old w h o loves h an gin g an d bein g ar ou n d h is big br ot h er Zyon ! Nasir ador es h is older br ot h er an d look s u p t o h im f or in spir at ion . So, it w ou ld on ly be n at u r al f or h im t o also en joy t h e sam e h obbies Zyon does! So, Nasir also plays f oot ball an d bask et ball, an d w an t s t o play pr of ession ally w h en h e gr ow s u p, or join law en f or cem en t . Wh en h e's n ot playin g eit h er spor t , h e lik es sh ow casin g h is dan ce m oves. Nasir 's m ot h er descr ibes h im as "en er get ic, an d pr obably on e of t h e sm ar t est , an d coolest t oddler s sh e's ever k n ow n ."

Z yon & N asir Photography: Todd Youngblood MUA: Monique Stevens

Photography:T odd Youngblood MUA: Monique Stevens

Photography: Laurence Logan The.TZ.Studio MUA: Monique Stevens


Ch ase Ph illips is an amazing 6

year old who already has a special interest in the world of Information Technology!! In his spare time he makes YouTube videos and he conquers his favorite video game Minecraft. This game can be quite complex and one must utilize his or her problem-solving skills in order to advance each level. Chase is also quite tech savvy, such a feat considering how quickly our technology evolves! He is already gravitating towards engineering, which is a very challenging field. Chase is highly advanced for his age, having a keen interest computer coding!



is an earnest 11-year old who has taken a keen interest in the Arts. She adores dancing, acting and singing! Sienna is currently a backup dancer for Paris Johnson, a singer who is also featured in this issue! Whenever she is not practicing any of her crafts, she enjoys writing. Her favorite sport is swimming, which is one of the most strenuous exercises ever! Sienna has her sights set to dance professionally or become an actress when she grows up.

Photography: Isil Dohnke MUA: Sergio Apaez Velasco

Khy ' lee A nt hony Romeo Kh y ?lee An t h on y Rom eo

is a 4-year-old go-getter! He is thrilled to be attending kindergarten next year to further his education. Whenever he isn?t learning, Khy?lee enjoys spending his time outdoors. His hobbies include playing basketball, football, walking and playing in the park. Khy?lee has a solution for many of the world?s issues and would like to do whatever he can to solve them. When Khy?lee grows up, he aspires to be a superhero.

Milan D. Powel M ilan D. Pow ell is a multi-passionate 6-year-old who balances a variety of interests! She relishes reading, acting, and modeling! Milan has also tapped into her athletic side and plays soccer! One of her favorite hobbies is to collect race cars. Milan aspires to become a model and actress. She also plans to take her love for animals to a new level by furthering her education to become a Veterinarian. IG:@Milan_Drew

Photography :Laurence Logan The.TZ.Studio MUA: Monique Stevens

Sebast ian Sant ang elo


is very cultured at 8

years old! Advanced Math is his favorite subject, so much so, that he is rewarded with extra math problems once he completes his other homework! During his free time, Sebastian reads graphic novels, playing with Legos, Minecraft and hockey, and enjoys learning about sharks and spiders. He sings alongside his sister, Sienna, in the National Children?s Choir where they also participate in the Children?s ministries at church. Sebastian has also performed in Sound of Music Junior. When he grows up, Sebastian would like to be an inventor!


Sienna is a graceful 9 year old! She does not have a favorite subject in school, because she enjoys them all equally! Not only does she like going to see musical theater, but she also performs! She is quite talented, having singing roles in Annie Junior and Sound of Music Junior. Also, Sienna enjoys a variety of sports, such as swimming, basketball, hockey and roller-skating. In her spare time, she plays piano, guitar, and the saxophone. When she grows up, she aspires to be a Broadway star, performing on stages across the globe. dui. Curabitur at augue vitae turpis placerat vehicula in vitae est. Integer hendrerit sapien finibus finibus luctus. Aenean at finibus purus, at aliquet mauris.

Sienna Sant ang elo JAM PHOTOGRAPHY

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