Level21 magazine Music Meets Fashion

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CONTRIBUTORS Anitra Scott~(Operations)Stephanie Majewski~(Marketing)~Sharteira Wilkerson~Journalist/Event Coordinator)~Intern-Marage Blakeney (Journalist)-Shannon(Co-Editor)~Desiree Helm(Writer)~Monica Jones(NYC Contributor) The House of LeMond-(LeMond Modeling)-Creative Director --Kristin Spear: Editor-Jerry Thompson-Executive Assistant -Antoinne Duane Jones-Photographer-Laurence Logan-The.TZ.Studio-Photographer. Emmanuel Toussaint-Toussaint Studios-Videography/ Teresa Hopson: Blog /Writer(Intern)Tasha McClarrin-ContributorWriter-Davita Collins-Writer Contributor-Maranda Moore: Admin Assistant Creative Direction-Gabe Harrison (Evolve+ Rebel) Tempestt Harris-CEO Maresa Scott COO/Editor Chief

Th e Fash ion M eet s M u sic Issu e Hope you en joy t h e gr eat m u sic,f ash ion , aw esom e f eat u r e design er -Evolve+ Rebel.Get in spir ed by t h e Win slow editors note

Dyn ast y an d u n der st an d w h o r eally m at t er s.-Level21

Model: Jennifer Michelle HMUA: Shajarazade Rodriguez | VogaBEauty Stylist: Derria Underwood | Style Me Derria Venue: Magnolia Emporium

4.- The.TZ.Studio Producer:

L& aurel The Love In By Teresa Hopson

Nashville, Tennessee has a reputation for producing great music and great musicians; so anytime I hear a band say they hail from Nashville, I feel predisposed to believe they?re awesome. Such was the case with Laurel & the Love In; a five member rock/blues fusion band, that found one another in 2015. Lead singer Laurel Sorenson and background vocalist, Veronica Selby met in college, and began performing together in 2014; but had a revolving door of members until they solidified the group with Ian Kendall (guitar), Michael Rasile (drums), and John Lattimer (bass). After listening to Laurel & the Love In, its clear that even though the band is fresh and contemporary- they have retro influences. Sorenson?s vocals bring to mind hints of Amy Winehouse and Janis Joplin; but she still brings her own unique stamp to every song.


LET' S TALK What is your favorite song you've ever written? My favorite song changes daily. It changes with each show and with each response from listeners. I am most proud of the songs that make an impact. Right now, that would have to be Big Bad Wolf because it makes people laugh, but it?s about a really serious issue. What?s the back story and inspiration behind that song? It?s about the fear that comes with being a chick at a party and realizing that you?re being preyed upon. I?ve caught some serious s? for the lyrical content of the song, but I?m proud of the language it provides for women to take back the power from those who have objectified us, while still having a good time. How did you all decide on the name of your band? Ronnie and I had gone through a lot of terrible names with members of our old band. When Ian joined we were still going by my name because we couldn?t agree on anything. I?m pretty sure the Love-in was the result of opening up books on my shelf and saying the first thing you pointed to on any given page. I think it was from Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. At first it felt weird, but as all of the current members joined, we grew into it and it is exactly who we are, just a group of people who really like hanging together. What artists inspire you the most? Most of us were reared on classic rock. We love Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, the Doors, Big Brother and the Holding Company, and It's

Joh n Lat t im er (Bass)

Credits: MUAH - Kenzie Leath of KZ Kreations Stylist - Kenzie Leath Photographer - Eden Lauren Location - Westlight Studios Editorial Title - Share The Love

C arrie U nderwood "I am a Chr istian per son, and I do love the Lor d, and I feel no matter w ho y ou ar e, w hat y ou believe, how y ou live y our life, it's not my place to judge. I don't have that power . I don't w ant that power . It's my place to love and to show God's love to other people, even if they don't live a life like I live. "


RAL PH W I L L I AMS A Litt le Piece of Heaven By :Marage Blakeney


alph Williams is a prolific song writer, choreographer, musician with a three octave range. Ralph has performed for numerous gospel heavy-hitters such as Tamela Mann and Donnie McClurkin. He has appeared on Madison Square Gardens and BET. The Stellar Award nominee is taking the word of God to the next level by creating an innovative fashion line. Recently, I had the honor to pick the mind of this man of God. h at or w h o gives t h e m ost in spir at ion an d w h y? God is my biggest inspiration. He does things for me that no human can ever do. The gifts and the forgiveness that God grants to me are incomparable. God is like no other. His love for me and my love for him is what inspires me to introduce him to other people. I want everyone to experience this love and joy that I have. Wh at w as you r exper ien ce lik e f or you w h en you w er e n om in at ed f or t h e St ellar Aw ar ds? My experience was a one of a kind experience. "In Spite of Me" was on Earnest Pugh's compilation album. When I received the message that we were nominated, my heart fell to the floor and immediately I began to praise God for that opportunity.

W 16

Wh at ar e you r f u t u r e goals? I have several goals. I desire to flourish as a singer and music minister. I want to be the best Ralph Williams in God's eyes. I want to walk in everything he has planned for me. However, my ultimate goal is reach the broader community by singing my songs on secular platforms; therefore, introducing more people to God?s love and grace. Wh at is you r f avor it e son g on you r cu r r en t albu m an d w h y? It's hard to choose just because I love the entire body of work. But if choose, it would be "He Cares." This song that was birthed out of me being alone and wanting to commit suicide. When I hear that song, I think about where I was and how God brought me out of that dark place. I had to share that message with the world. Wh y w as it im por t an t f or you t o cr eat e you r f ash ion lin e, Gr ace Appar el? Grace Apparel was important to me because Christians want to wear fashionable clothes while we send a positive word to others. I want to give individuals a chance to leave an inspirational

By :Marage Blakeney

A cting in Faith w ith M aur ice L auchner


By Desiree Helm

hether he is captivating the audience with his presence on screen, or calming the soul with his smooth voice on stage, Maurice Lauchner is a rising star in the entertainment world. We recently caught up with Maurice to learn a little bit more about him and how he is using his faith to thrive and impact the entertainment industry. Born and raised in New York City, Maurice began his career at an early age. Around age 3, he earned the nick name ?Man? from his family because he acted like a little man when he began to whistle everywhere he went. Noticing Maurice had a musical ear, his grandmother soon had him singing at all the family function. How did you get st ar t ed sin gin g an d act in g? Did you alw ays w an t t o be a st ar ?

?I was pretty shy when I was a kid. My grandmother pretty much made me sing. Most times they had to force me. At every barbecue, every reunion, every funeral you could find me entertaining the family. I hated it at the time, but now I am thankful for that because it helped me. Growing up, I wanted to play football but I was overweight and didn?t make the team. From there I decided to use my musical gifts instead. I auditioned for the acclaimed Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts in New York City and was accepted. While there I trained in classical music, sang in the gospel choir and began acting.? Shortly after high school, Maurice landed a recurring role on a soap opera Ryan?s Hope. It was here that he developed a love for acting and first began to trust God with his career. Did you alw ays con sider you r self a believer ? ?Like most kids, I grew up in the church. I was there all the time, but although I was learning about God, I didn?t really have a relationship with him. I was just there. While working on Ryan?s Hope, I began to ask God to help me. I remember really praying to be on the Cosby show. I loved the Cosby show. About 2 months later, my manager set me up with an audition with Barry Moss. As soon as I walked in the door, Barry came around the corner and said you?re the type of guy we?re looking for. I couldn?t believe God had answered my prayers like that. This was when my relationship with God started to change.?


"Can't L ive w ith out you"

Although Maurice had landed a reoccurring role on the Cosby show, it wasn?t for a prominent spotlight like he wanted. As a background actor on the show, Maurice?s character didn?t really stand out. That would soon change in a most unexpected way. Wh en do you f eel lik e you got you r f ir st r eally big br eak ? ?During my time on the Cosby show I was also performing in a play called The Black Nativity. During one of the performances, Phylicia Rashad (who was one of the plays board members) heard me sing, and was like ?Wow, is that Maurice. I didn?t know you could sing like that? Phylicia was so impressed by his singing that she later recommended he perform during the Cosby Show. Bill Cosby approached Maurice and asked him to sing during a special episode titled ?For Men Only?. It was this performance that gave Maurice his much needed notoriety and his career began to take off. Maurice went on to travel with the Harlem Gospel Singers throughout Europe, performed at the BET Awards, singing background for such stars as Andre Crouch and Michael Jackson. Years later Maurice was selected by BeBe Winans to become part of a group that would perform at a party for Maya Angelou. It was at this party that Maurice first met Tyler Perry. Wh at w as it lik e t h e f ir st t im e you m et Tyler Per r y? ?It didn?t go like I wanted it to go. I was so eager to talk to Tyler Perry at the party. As soon as we were finished performing I rushed over to meet him. I caught up to Tyler right as he was leaving the party. I asked him if I

could take a picture with him and during the photo I tried to tell him just how much I wanted to work with him. Only, he had no idea who I was. As soon as we finished the photo our conversation ended and he left without giving me a second thought. It was then that I made up my mind that one day I would be a part of his team.? The years following the party, were very rough for Maurice. He worked off jobs here and there and eventually relocated his family to North Carolina in hope of changing their future. Unfortunately, commuting back and forth from New York to North Carolina began to take a toll on his family and his finances. All the acting gigs had dried up and he was desperate to support his family. Maurice had a wife and 3 kids that were depending on him. Despite the fact that he was grinding hard, he could not get ahead. He recalls paying his rent late every month and even borrowing from his son?s tuition to pay the bills. Maurice was beginning to lose hope when he spoke to a good friend, Tony Grant. Tony had been working for Tyler Perry and had arranged an audition for Maurice for an upcoming production. Tyler Perry?s studio flew Maurice to Atlanta for an audition. Wh at w as you r au dit ion lik e? ?For my audition I sang Great is Thy Faithfulness because I felt God was working on my behalf. After the audition I called my grandfather. My grandfather is the father figure in my life. When he asked me how the audition went I told him that I had left my voice in the carpet I sang so well. Even if they don?t hire me, they will never forget me. I was confident that God did not set everything up for this audition for me to walk away without something.? Maurice landed the part that day. He was cast as the father in the play Madea?s Christmas. That part led to other parts in some of Tyler Perry?s other productions. Eventually he was awarded a part in the Have and Have Nots. Although things went well during each production. There were always times in between the shows that Maurice would struggle financially. Can you t ell u s w h at lif e w as lik e f or you du r in g t h is season ? ?I want people to understand what it?s like when you trust God, but things aren?t happening for you. I remember one time there was about a year and a half between acting rolls. This was a hard time for my family, but it was also a good time. God used the challenges to strengthen us. I learned to trust God with my career and all that I had. I began to rely on him more, and he began to show up majority in my life. He was always there when I needed him, even when I couldn?t see what he was doing. I had to remember what God has promised us all. His Words are his promises to us. Sometimes we can get so consumed with our present situations that we may forget that God has promised to never leave us. I will admit, sometimes I got discouraged. However, having faith in Gods promises is like an attitude adjustment. It adjusts what I am feeling and helps me see that God is always by my side. He never leaves you.? ?It was during the times of struggle that I also learned just how valuable my gifts and

talents were. Loving God, and allowing God to love me helped teach me not to allow anyone else to determine my value. I also have a wonderful wife of 20 years that has stood by my side and interceded for me even when I didn?t deserve it. She often shows me the love of Christ through forgiveness and the example she is to our children. I gained a lot of humility because I understood where my opportunity would come from. I trust God with my life.?

will react and what I will do. There are people that are depending on me to make the right choice. People that are depending on me to be accountable. People that are looking toward me for advice or prayer. Knowing that I stand for God helps me. I am not perfect, but I try to do the best I can by not making wrong choices. Every day people get to see Christ through me. I am a representation of Him. When you realize this, it becomes easier to take a stand and make tough choices.?

Th e m edia n ow is f illed w it h celebr it ies get t in g in t o t r ou ble. Bein g in t h e en t er t ain m en t in du st r y can be pr et t y r ou gh w h en you ar e a m an of God. Wh at advice w ou ld you give t o you n g believer s t h at ar e f ollow in g t h e sam e car eer pat h an d w an t t o r esist get t in g in t o t r ou ble?

It h as been su ch a pleasu r e speak in g w it h you an d h ear in g you r st or y. An y last w or ds f or ou r r eader s?

?No matter how much good you have done in your career; one negative thing can ruin it all. It all comes down to choices. You always have a choice. One thought I live by is that I can do anything I want, but should I do it? When you understand the choice is always yours, and that every choice has a consequence, it is easy to choose the right thing. Where ever I go, people know that I

?Yes. Every day pray and ask God for an opportunity to share your gift. Let God know that you trust him and allow him to provide the abundance? Working to achieve his next goal of landing a role on a television sitcom, in addition to performing Maurice stays busy as a vocal trainer and owner of ?More Faith Makes Scents? an oil and Fragrance Company.His new hit single "Cant Live without you" can now be bought on ITUNES. You can also find Maurice on social media under MauriceCLauchner

" STRONGER TOGETHER" She gave many praises to Hillary Clinton and motivated the crowd. The lineup of women was impressive and definitely set the stage. Deborah Ross, the North Carolina Senate Candidate, came through to state the facts. She took her moment to call out Governor McCrory on his record. Simply stating, Ross made a statement! Committing to the mass that she wanted to rid North Carolina of career politicians. Roy Cooper, the Democratic Candidate for governor reared up the rallying vowing to make North Carolina better with statistical change and promising jobs! Cooper exits the stage and the music instantly became more Presidential! After a few 22-

moments a White House staffer brings the White House seal out and places it on the podium. President Obama and Hillary Clinton grace the stage to Katy Perry?s fight song. Waving to a roaring crowd, the surreal moment was all too much for the Queen City. POTUS and Secretary Clinton had the decibels through the roof. President Obama spoke support, but most of all, his love for North Carolina was prevalent in his speech. Praising the beautiful scenery, college basketball, food and most of all? the people. He set the stage for Secretary Clinton to be warmly embraced. Clinton gave the crowd nothing but truth. This rally was all based on particulars. The moment was ended with President Obama and Hillary shaking hands and greeting the closest attendees. With one quick head nod President Obama alerted the secret service and he was gone. The Presidential moment was stamped with the realization that we were under tight security sunk in.

?I am a gif t an d I h ave a gif t . I m u st sh ar e m y gif t s w it h t h e w or ld?. Recently, I had the pleasure of meeting Joy K. Alston, the creator, of Kimyon?s International Hair Care Products. This phenomenal woman has established a 12 product bio-mineral hair care line that includes shampoos, conditioners, and styling products for all hair types and ethnicities. Joy credits her paternal grandmother, Gertrude Alston, with bestowing

Credits: MUA and Stylist: Jasmine LeMay Hair: Nadaka Hasan Photographer: The.TZ.Studio-Laurence Logan


WhoReallyMatters? luelives O R#A LL LIV ES #B l a c k l iv e s #B By: Marage Blakeney

According to www.theguardian.com, African American men ?were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015?. Unfortunately, the Guardian study revealed that 1,134 young black men were tragically killed last year. The research further disclosed that ?African American males between the ages of 15 and 34 comprised more than 15% of all deaths logged this year by an ongoing investigation into the use of deadly force by police. Their rate of police-involved deaths was five times higher than for white men of the same age?. Given these statistics, many individuals have become outraged by racial profiling, police brutality, and injustice. Therefore, some people are using social media as a platform to publicly vocalize their thoughts and concerns against these atrocities. In 2013, hashtag #BlackLivesMatter was created as a direct response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the murder of Trayvon Martin. Since this time, the hashtag grew from a mere ?trending topic or discussion? to an entire movement called, ?Black Lives Movement (BLM)?. Recently, many musical celebrities such as Pink, Snoop Dogg, Beyonce and Jay Z have aligned themselves with this movement using their power and influence to speak out against the loss of lives by the hands of police officers. Grammy award


of police officers. Grammy award singer, Pink stated on Twitter ?To anyone who has an issue with me saying black lives matter, please unfollow as fast as you can, also black lives matter ?. On July 25, Charlotte Hornets owner and Hall of Famer, Michael Jordan donated $1 million to the Institute for Community ?Police Relations and $1 million to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, as his personal contribution to this important issue. However, some proponents question the motive of #BlackLivesMatter. These individuals believe that the trending topic and movement has become divisive. Many people wonder why race should even be included in the hashtag. ?Should not all lives matter, not just black ones? is the burning question posed to the supporters of BLM. Therefore, #AllLivesMatter was created with the intention that all lives are considered as sacred and valuable. Musical stars such as, Jennifer Lopez, Chris Brown, Kevin Gates, and Fetty Wap began to use their Twitter accounts to support this effort. Initially, rap artist Fetty Wap tweeted, ?My kids are mixed? #AllLivesMatter ?. During an interview, Kevin Gates stated that, ?#AllLivesMatter and picking up a sign won?t change anything?. He further added that he does not support BLM because ?we kill each other? when you stand for something, you gotta stand for it all

the way, not halfway? referring to black on black crime. However, Jennifer Lopez and Fetty Wap later deleted their initial tweets surrounding this hashtag after receiving substantial objections. Fetty apologized to his social media followers by stating, ?I apologized a to a thousand ppl (people) because I didn't fully understand the hashtag I'm really sorry to those who I offended ? on my life I would never disrespect nobody family I ain't better than no one I just was speakin for my kids not knowing the full meaning I can take criticism, but I'm man enough to apologize?. Many individuals are confused by the negativity surrounding BLM hashtag, using the example?Would you scream all cancer matters at a breast cancer walk?. An article listed on www.complex.com explains why #AllLivesMatter may garner such criticism, ?We should all matter. While it might sound noble, it misses the point. There is a difference between focus and exclusion, and the aggressive retort that All Lives Matter ignores the racial injustices in America out of which Black Lives Matter was born.? Recently, Unitarian Universalist minister, Daniel Schatz, addressed an open letter as a response to a congregant that was outraged over ?the signage that is outside of (his) church stating that ?Black Lives Matter ??. Interestingly, within his rebuttal, Daniel as a Caucasian male stated, ?Our society has a long history of treating some people as less valuable than others. Study after study has

#B l a c k l iv e s


S E V I L l #A l confirmed that in equivalent situations, African Americans and Latinos are treated with deadly force far more often than White people, and authorities held less accountable. A lack of accountability in the use of force combined with unconscious bias is too often a deadly combination ? and one that could place police officers, as well as the public, in great danger. To say that Black lives matter is not to say that other lives do not; indeed, it is quite the reverse? it is to recognize that all lives do matter, and to acknowledge that African Americans are often targeted unfairly? and that our society is not yet so advanced as to have become truly color blind?. In December 2014, Blue Lives Matter was created as a pro-police movement. This group comprised of active and retired law enforcement officers wanted to ensure that individuals do not deem officers as ?public enemy number one? by negative press and social media. After the shooting in Dallas where five officers were killed, #BlueLivesMatter gained momentum on social media with limited criticism. Some people are devastated by this hashtag. They are outraged by the fact that bad police officers are getting away with murder with no consequences and/or repercussions. Someone has lost a beloved individual and the cops are getting off ?scot-free?. ?Why are bad police officers not being punished for murder ? , ?where is the justice in these matters? and ?will I be killed if I am pulled over by the cops? are some of the poignant questions racing through many people?s minds and hearts. The reality is that there are many superior officers who go beyond the call of duty to ensure that all citizens are safe and unharmed. Recently, on the Rickey Smiley Morning Show, the host applauded the work being done by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) under the direction

of African American Chief of Police, Kerr Putney to retain good officers with a ?heart to serve? and improve community relations. One of CMPD?s black female commanders, Major Sherie Pearsall, spoke candidly at Sacred Souls Community Church to congregants in direct response to the tragic loss of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the five Dallas officers killed during an intentional peaceful Black Lives Matter protest. Major Pearsall stated that it is very difficult to be an African American, lesbian, female officer with a black teenage son. However, she noted that, ?the scared, racist, uncommitted, unconcerned, dangerous police officer is the "EXCEPTION" and NOT the RULE and therefore should not be allowed to police our citizens. We must ALL work together to ensure that these types of individuals do not occupy space within our ranks. This means that it is incumbent upon US (the community and police) to create and cultivate processes that weed out ?bad seeds? and WE must report ?bad seeds? and collectively hold one another accountable. I have the pleasure of working with and seeing the "RULE" in action everyday? who give selflessly of themselves by operating under the "spirit" of the law and not necessarily the letter of the law. They are the officers who attend community meetings, pray with the downtrodden, repair door locks of crime victims, and cry when members of their community experience a loss. You know who they are because they have been intentional in creating substantive human connections and bonds in the communities they serve. For them, service, caring, discernment, and love of people are the RULE!? Major Pearsall encouraged citizens to develop positive relationships with neighborhood officers and advocate for more virtuous people to consider becoming officers, especially people of color.

Anita Roddick once said that, ?if you think you?re too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito in the room?. We can all make a difference, even if you are not a celebrity. Social media is a great tool to generate candid discussions. However, we must take further actions to amplify our collective voices. Here are a few ways that some community leaders have recommended to do to reduce police brutality and increase public awareness against injustice: Mandate once a month Gatherings of Police and Community. Fine Officers for racial profiling. No law abiding tax payer should be harassed by their public servants due to premeditated biases. Any Officer doing so should be Fined and removed off the streets for both Re-training and Federal Psychiatric evaluation. Clean Shield Agency (CSA): Officers and citizens can anonymously report ?dirty cops? without repercussions or concern of backlash. Federally mandated body/dash cameras on all law enforcement uniforms and cars. Cameras cannot be turned off by the Officer. In reality, there is no ?side? to pick. The intent of all of the hashtags mean the same thing. Everyone matters. However, people tend to focus on what means the most to them and their lives or situations. The best thing to do is stand against inequality no matter what hashtag is listed in front of it. Everyone?s life is valuable, regardless of a person's background, gender, orientation, ethnicity, or profession. We should all strive to live our lives by the first two lines of Saint Francis?prayer that states ?make me an instrument of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love?. In the spirit of and Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, ?be the change you wish to see in the world? because ?injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere?. Please feel free to visit the National Crime Prevention Council (www.ncpc.org) and Institute for Community Police Relations (www.iacp.org) for more details on to how to improve police and community relations.

PRESS A Jessie St o r


s the saying goes ?everything happens for a reason?. This rings especially true for recording artist Jessie Storey. So appropriately named, her music denotes that she indeed has a story, which she so boldly and proudly shares with her fans. The ups and downs in her life put to lyrics demonstrate that she is proud of every aspect of her life and has transformed tragedy into triumph. Jessie has endured dramatic changes in her career, suffered the loss of her husband, and moved her family hundreds of miles away in search for new beginnings and opportunity. I was privy to interview Jessie so she could give us a further glimpse into her musical journey and continue to be an inspiration through her charitable foundations.

HER W ORDS Where are you from originally?

"When the timing is right God will make it happen."-Jessie

Brooklyn, NY, and raised in Queens, NY. I am considered a Nuyorican, which is term used to describe a Puerto Rican residing in New York. At what point did you know you wanted to pursue a singing career? My mom predicted that I would have a singing career. As a little girl, I used to sing along with TV commercials. Then, as an 11 year old, I did a demo at a singing booth at Six Flags Great Adventure theme park in New Jersey. I sang Whitney Houston?s ?Saving All my Love.? Shortly after, I recorded a demo using a song I wrote, called ?All my love.? Growing up, what artists did you draw inspiration from? Coming from many cultures it was hard to pick one. Michael Jackson, Prince, Teena Marie, Chaka Khan, Mary J. Blige and New Edition all inspired me, to name a few. 30




A REAL MUSICIAN with style. It?s great to be noticed as an individual. During his interview he had a vibrant look in black. He was wearing his black baseball cap with a white lettering patch, black tee, black hooded jacket with a silver zipper and beige cowboy boots covered by his black jeans. Swag, on top of swag, with his awesome eye catching ring we can?t forget to mention. All styles and dress are appealing when it comes to comfort and even fashion. This artist switches his look and each style is appealing. Music and fashion are impressionable for individuals everywhere. JAHKOY is scheduled to go on tour this summer all over the world. In addition, he?s performing at the Billboard Hot 100 Music Festival Aug 20th in New York. This is certainly a ?calendar marker ?. Get your tickets early! Some of JAHKOY?s music includes ?Odd Future?, ?Poison?, ?Still in Love?, ?Wine? & ?All of You?. Stay tuned in. There?s so much more to come for

JAHKOY! By:Anitra Scott



nRootz is inspired by the word Enroot whose dictionary meaning is ?to fix by roots?. Z is suffixed to bring it an universal appeal.

Clothe?s fabric, appearance and colors will remind us of Indian culture but designs will cover love and appetite for global community.

"Great Fashion For all"

Designer:Enrootz Hair: Hair By Nadaka -Nadaka Hasan MUA: Evolving Faces-Alexis Washington Models: Victoria Bell, Abigal Allen, Thaiara Harris Photographer: Antoinne Duane Jones


?Success doesn?t always come over night, yet overnight anyone can take a glance and see your success?

Design er : Ch ic Sh ic


trumpet or his producing skills on albums performed by Beyonce?, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre?, Kanye West, Mary Mary, Kendrick Lamar, Kiesha Cole, Avant, Kelly Price, Musiq Soul Child, Aloe Blacc, David Banner, Kiki Sheard, J. Dilla, Shantee Moore, Spensha Baker, MTV Real World/Road Rules, Heavy D., Gary Bartz, Xzibit, and Gary Thomas. There are so many more in the works. Dontae has toured many countries and all over the United States. You may have seen Dontae Winslow and his custom ?red bell? trumpet as he toured most recently with Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Queen Latifah, Jill Scott, Common, D?Angelo, Christina Aguilera, Lauren Hill or even Snoop Dog. If you missed the opportunity, no worries there are more tours to come. In addition to radio and sound tracks, we must not leave out television for Mr. Winslow. His great work includes composing for Robert Townsend?s ?The Hive?. Also, performing the theme music for the hit series of Tyler Perry?s ?The Haves and the Have Nots?. The journey has only begun for this artist.

Baltimore?s own, born and raised and received quite well, Dontae Winslow knows what it?s like to truly work hard. ?Success doesn?t always come over night, yet overnight anyone can take a glance and see your success?, is what I say. In addition, I must also affirm to Mr. Winslow, as a native of Baltimore I too tip my hat to you! Mr. Winslow is such a humble individual who stated he counts his blessings daily. As I conducted our interview, I was able to see the vivid California rays of sun shine so bright behind Mr. Winslow. This was truly ironic. Indeed this was my indicator that he is most certainly a superlative individual. I must also add a ?snazzy? dresser as well. As the bright sun beamed on the Russian custom

turquoise and ruby ring and his King style bangle, which Mr. Winslow stated was designed by the Maasai people of Kenya in East Africa, I was totally engaged. The awesome character of the style and dress of Mr. Winslow is simply captivating. I asked Dontae about his style and dress and what inspires him as a jazz artist/trumpeter. ?Jazz and fashion goes hand and hand. In the 20?s, 30?s, 40?s, 50?s, or 60?s even, many looked to jazz artists for style. Remember Cab Calloway, the slick language, his style and dress. Fashion is not always dressing formal. It?s about looking like a star everywhere you go. People want the entire experience. ?P- Funk? had their own style, it was different but no one will forget them. They are known for their look. Wynton Marsalis came out in the 80?s and started wearing suits again like those in the 60?s and such. During the Ochello festival I wore a 70?s look. I love wearing things that?s different. My personality and my wife inspire my wardrobe. Everything I wear is usually different, nothing of regular style. Combo of my instrument places emphasis on my style. The rings and bracelets and color give a lot of

(Performing with Queen Latifah)

?It?s not that I have a specific style, it?s just that I have style?. -Dontae Winslow

Up Al l A w it h Ja so n Jet Pl a ne

s cool as the country he hails from, Icelandic native Jason Jet, is poised to take the Indi Soul Music scene to new heights.

After relocating to America, Jason graduated from Charlotte's Northwest Highschool of the Arts. After graduation, Jason went on to study Recording Arts at Full Sail University in Florida. While in Florida, Jason gained his first real experience in the music industry by landing a gig as the keyboard player for a band called BopGun based out of Orlando. Showing his true capacity for music, Jason began singing background vocals and working on production as well. Soon Jet was standing out from the crowd until eventually he began a solo career and formed a band of his own. Jet has been the recipient of numerous awards, including a Carolina Music Award and a NY Urban Music award (previous honorees include superstar Nicki Minaj). Following the success of his first album, many industry insiders dubbed Jet and his smooth tenor voice as the next artist to watch. Jason Jet is flying high after his sophomore release. The project entitled "The Great Escape" is centered around the concept of self-realization and he hopes it will breath life into another wise complacent music industry. Perfect for the summer, the first single from the EP, ?Up All Night? will leave you feeling free and having you longing to dance the night away. Jet?s style goes beyond traditional pop, R&B and dance music. His sound can be explained as his own toe-tapping blend of ?electro soul.? ?My relationships always influence my music,? explains Jet when asked about his musical

Up Al l

AnthonyHamilton's Hamiltone's,TakeOver!


" You Are Never Too Fly To Pray" -Anthony Hamilton

rammy Award winner Anthony Hamilton, Charlotte North Carolina native, has successfully worked hard in the music industry over the years. He has collaborated with numerous artists. However, most recently, Mr. Hamilton has been providing a tremendous amount of spotlight on his group, the Hamiltones. This group has labeled themselves as a quartet. We believe they are a quartet with a ?twist?. This fantastic four are the millennium version of a quartet making just about any genre their own as they harmonize together in sync. Watching them perform is a ?must see? and listening to them perform has the drive that can ?take us to church?. The beat, the foot stomping, the hand clapping is nothing short of an enjoyed ?service?. In addition, the Hamiltones have the ability to make any song a Hamiltones? original. You may have heard them sing songs like ?Put Some Respeck on It?, Anthony Hamilton and the Hamiltones cover Drake?s

TySt at z B

t he

hit maker By:Davita Collins

orn and bred in Charlotte, North Carolina, Ty Statz, whose given name is Antoine Boderick, started demonstrating his lyrical skills by engaging in school cafeteria rap battles. The catchy rhymes he used in these competitions earned him the moniker ?The Punchline King?. Eventually, he transitioned his talents into ghostwriting and launching his own career as an independent artist. Ty Statz continued to formulate his lyrics and learn the business so he may not only establish himself, but also create a niche that will ensure his longevity in the ?game?. What distinguished Ty from his peers is his expertise in sound engineering, production and graphic design. Additionally, his distinctive music style

2016 can be described a fusion of 90?s Hip Hop, Pop and R&B. His innovational style coupled with his plethora of competencies crowned him ?The Hitmaker ?. The term ?hit? derived from Ty?s ability to combine clever lyrics with contagious hooks to create songs that leave a lasting effect on the listener. Hit singles are now defined as popular songs, which we now associate the phrase to mean today.

Designer: Evolve and Rebel Styling:Level21 Mag Photographer: The.TZ.Studio-Laurence Logan

He continued to garner local success, hosting or headlining events in Charlotte. Ty expanded his brand into making guest appearances, and establishing his presence on video shoots. Adding Record Label Executive to his resume, he launched his own record label called Chillz Entertainment. He has masterminded hits such as ?Bout Dat Life? featuring Future and JC, and ?Look Up?, featuring Gucci Mane, and ?Taking Off ?. Recently, Ty Statz presses on to expand his brand

By:Davita Collins


. ?If you feel like it?s a gift that you?re called to do, don?t let anything take that away from you? -Jerry Crayton

L etsTalkMusic Jerry Crayton chats with us about his life and passion for music.By:Shannon Rawley


love for music began for artist Jerry Crayton as young as five years old when his great-grandmother decided to teach him how to play an old-fashioned pump organ. Since then, Crayton?s love for music has flourished over the years. Growing up in the small town of Mission, North Carolina, he was known for singing in his church's choir and even began writing music closer to his teenage years. He was raised by musicians which played a part in Crayton?s appreciation for music and gave him a different perspective on the life of an artist. When it comes to his work, it?s hard to put Crayton?s musical style in just one category. His genre of music ranges from an 80?s themed sound to more of a reggae vibe giving his fans a unique variety not seen in many artist. Crayton works to make sure that the music he creates is uplifting and inspirational for his listeners. ?There?s so much negativity coming out on the TV?s and radios, I want whatever I put out to be positive,? said Crayton when describing his music.

But there was a time where things didn?t look so positive for the musician. After being born premature, doctors didn?t think that he?d make it out of the hospital. His mother began to pray ?God if you let me have him, I?ll give him back to you?. After much prayer and faith, Crayton soon returned to good health and ever since has dedicated his talent to spreading positivity. ?I believe people are born with gifts, and we all have different types of gifts,? said Crayton when explaining his future plans with music. Ever since he was born, Jerry Crayton knew that he had a special purpose and he later discovered that it was making music. Despite life?s

challenges, music has been one thing in his life that never fails. Crayton?s latest album was named after his song, ?Swimming in a Sea of Violets?. Made in as little as a half an hour, this unique song is one that stood out to both Crayton and his team and was worthy of becoming the title track for his new album. Like other work that he?s put out before, this album will offer a different sound and add a bit of variety to Crayton?s music. When asked what advice he?d give to anyone pursuing a career in music, he stressed how important it is to never give up. ?If you feel like it?s a gift that you?re called to do, don?t let anything take that away from you? said Crayton. After having experience on tour and making music in cities like Nashville, Tennessee, he knows how discouraging things can get, especially in the music industry. Jerry will have a new album in September available on iTunes,Spotify, and Amazon. Look for videos and release party coming soon! Photographer: Antoinne Duane Jones

'I n or d er to be i r r ep l aceabl e on e m u st alw ay s be d i f f er en t .' - Coco Ch an el

"I l i ke m y m on ey r i gh t w h er e I can see i t: h an gi n g i n m y cl oset." - Car r i e B r ad sh aw


ersonal Assistant to the stars, Rian Parish is stepping out from behind the scenes to become one of television?s brightest new stars. Hailing from the ?Peach State? this Georgia native is as savvy as she is sweet when it comes to navigating her way thru the entertainment industry. Her sparkling personality, passion, and fervent work ethic makes her the go-to girl for getting things done in Hollywood.

?Believe it or not, I actually got my start doing hair. I always knew that I wanted to work in the entertainment industry and knew doing hair would be my way in. I started out styling hair for music videos. I was doing a great job and it eventually landed me my first gig as an assistant for the Rough Riders. From that original job, I began networking my way through the business and have been going strong for 8 years now.?

the fact that it goes into our world. It allows people to see what goes on behind the scenes. People like me are the reason that a lot of things happen for celebrities. It allows people to walk in my shoes. At the end of the day it?s not all glamour, it?s a lot of hard work.? Right now you work for Big Tigger. What?s it like being his assistant?

?It?s a great learning experience for me. He is more like a mentor than a Behind every great star, is an Tell us something about your new boss. I get to learn from someone assistant helping them get it all show. already walking the path I am trying done. How did you get your start as a ?I am so excited about the show. It to follow. Eventually I would like to Celebrity Assistant? has been more than I expected. I love see myself doing more media

Go DJ!

We caught up with local favorite, DJLarry Jones from FUBU Radio By:Shannon Rawley

After making his way to the Queen City in the late early 90?s, DJLarry Jones began his career in the music industry. Born and raised in New York City, he developed a growing passion for music. But he wasn?t always your favorite DJ. He got his start as a music producer working for celebrities like Lil Romeo and Master P. Later on, DJLarry realized that a career in radio was more fitting for his personality. ?Producing business was alright but it just wasn?t what I wanted to do at the time,? he said. What he enjoyed so much about the radio was being able to be himself and the freedom that comes with being on air. ?I like it better because, you can be yourself, you know? I like that I can create a personality and become that person on air ?, said DJLarry. As far as future plans, you can expect to see DJLarry getting more involved in our local community. He?s serious about doing something bigger than himself and having a lasting impact on the youth. He?s planning to put together a back to school drive for kids before school begins this fall as a way to give back and be a positive role model for his listeners. ?I want do a drive for children. I want to do a big back to school bash with music and food. That?ll be my goal, I want to do that once a year to give back to the kids. I don?t want anything back, I want to give back,? said DJLarry. For now, he plans to use his platform on the radio to make positive change in the community such as the back to school kids drive. The official launch for his current station, FUBU Radio, is set for some time this year. ?My main focus right now is FUBU Radio,? said DJLarry Jones when asked about plans for him in the near future. With all the things he has going on, be expecting big things from DJLarry Jones.

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www.Level21M ag.com

Photographer: Laurence Logan Model: Kelly Bocanegra | K2 Models HMUA: Kim Lipscomb | Beautiful Reflektions Styling: Michael Lopez Creative Direction: Michael Lopez & Laurence LoganProducer: The.TZ.Studio

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