The Media & Photography Issue With Morgan Fogarty

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@TheMorganFogarty PG. 26

t abl e of cont ent


Ph ot ogr aph y by:

Laurence Logan


Ph ot ogr aph y by:

Antoinne Duane Jones

Ph ot ogr aph y by:

Roger Benskin

Ph ot ogr apah y by

nat nat han han pear pear cy cy Ph ot ogr aph y by:

Isil Dohnke


o ur SUPER 6 Pho t o g r apher s t o wo r k wit h


Ph ot ogr aph y by:

Jaimi & Dave Hunt

@level21Mag @Level21Magazine

your hol iday par t y f ashion guide

10. 14. 17.

The INsiders Publisher & Chief Executive Officer Tempestt Harris (CEO) Chief Operating Officer/ Editor In Chief Maresa Scott (COO) Chief Financial Officer Shukura Porter Creative Director Michael Lopez Administrative Staff Sales Executive Ashley Lindo Sales Michelle Mitchell Ashley Lindo Graphic Design Layout Designer Antoine Boderick Fashion Stylist Jerry Thompson Jekia Benson Style and Wardrobe Contributor Jekia Benson Makeup Artist Alexis Washington April Hill Writers Writer Desi Helm Contributing writer Marage Blakeney Contributing writer Chris Pointe Writer Intern Hakeem Shabazz- Norris Blogger/ Journalist Intern Mary Lucas Photography Photography Intern- Cameron English Antoinne Duane Jones Laurence Logan-The T.Z Studio Todd Youngblood Glen Byrd- Photo X Words Videography Toussaint StudiosEmmanuel Toussaint Corporate Public Relations Wribits Digital Level21 Media LLC. Yumpu Wribits

Dave & Jaime Hunt Photography

1 1 A M -2 A M ASK ABOUT OUR D A M E R A FA M ILY C O M B O P H O N E : (704) 376-7147

Next Page. Super 6ix Photogr apher s To Work with If you want high quality shoots for the holidays, family or industr wor r ies Level21 got you!

Photo B


Bombing W ith

Written by Marage Blakeney

Photo Bombing W ith

Photogr apher

Laurence Logan The phrase ?photo bombing? according to Techopedia denotes the action when a ?third party interferes with a photo in a way that shifts the focus from the original subject(s)?. Based on this definition, Laurence Logan is disrupting the status quo within the Charlotte, North Carolina market by shifting the focus of selecting a photographer based on one?s natural talent rather than the number of social media followers. He is determined to bring awareness that clients should not choose a photographer based on popularity. He has discovered that many people ?equate (the number of) followers with skill? if you have 20,000 followers you must be amazing at what you do and should be paid? even though, the one with the less followers can produce a better image?. Laurence grew up in south side Chicago. He was influenced by his family members who choose to be role models within the education and military fields. Although his parents were not together, they fostered a shared purpose to harness Laurence?s creativity. They encouraged his artist path by providing experimental outlets through ?martial arts, culinary, drawing, or dance?. However, Laurence had to overcome the challenges of being bullied by his peers for his weight and being an African-American. He found an innovative solace through photography that proved to be a game changer for him. Laurence was fascinated by Chicago?s architecture and the ?array of textures, lines, colors in the buildings, and the way the light would bounce off one surface but wrap around another ?.

?I t is difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet.?

His fascination led to the beginning of his commercial and

For more information about Laurence ?Ziyah? Logan,

editorial photography career. In 2013, Laurence went onto

please visit his website at .

?graduate from Johnson C. Smith University, with a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies?. The Japanese philosopher, Miyamoto Musashi, once said that ?It is difficult to understand the universe if you only study one planet?. Similar to Musashi?s worldview, Laurence considers himself to be a lifelong student that is determined to discover more about art and technology to improve the quality of his work. Lauren is definitely ?photo bombing? the industry with his unique approach to art. He plans to ?get a large warehouse space and divide it up into multiple themed rooms for photography and film productions?. He hosts a live stream every Tuesday nights at 6pm on Twitch. His photography business is expanding in numerous ways to showcase his talents. He has an online art store that features various merchandise, such as coffee mugs, phone cases, and tote bags. Laurence is also known as ?Ziyah?, which is short for ?Ta'Ziyah?. This word means ?passionate soul? in the Ghana language. True to his name, Laurence is passionate about his craft and his life?s mission to ?studying the marriage between art and technology?. As a world traveler, Laurence is using his drive, passion, and inspiration to ensure that his clients receive the money shot.

Antoinne Duane Jones T

Written by: Marage Blakeney

he famous Spanish artist, Joan Miro, once said, ?You can

look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at a picture for a second and think of it all your life.? As a testament to this quote, Antoinne ?Duane? Jones is creating impressionable masterpieces captured on film. As a matter of fact, his noteworthy aesthetic garnered him the prestigious award of being named as 2017?s ?Atlanta?s Hottest Photographer ? by The Atlanta Hottest Awards Association (TAHAA). Duane is a native of Youngstown, Ohio. Although he was raised in the Mid-West, his innovative and positive influence has reached further than any geographical location. Prior to his transition into the photography industry, Duane was a high school marketing teacher for six years. As an educator, he desired to help teens to understand the importance of

"Each one, teach one"


& The Big Picture being loyal, not cutting corners and grinding? within their professional and personal lives. However, Duane understood that success requires not only sacrifice, but also passion. He has transformed his sacrifices and passion into a viable business that goes beyond just photography. His talent and ingenuity as a marketer, speaker, advertiser, brand consultant, fashion & event producer, and writer helped him transform his brand beyond photographs. Duane has created an cutting edge business called, ?Antoinne Duane Jones Media (ADJM)?. His media group is focused on consumer and commercial clients to help them achieve their goals through not only pictures, but also, image consulting, brand marketing, social media marketing, and so much more. As a proud and loving father of three beautiful children, he desired to instill in them the advantages of making great choices and owning their own businesses. In fact, every one of his children are required to earn their keep by working in some capacity because he is ?going to have entrepreneurs in his household?. Duane is using this same philosophy to help local children within the community. With his ?each one, teach one? ideology, he has created a community organization called, ?FitKidFresh?. The collaborative effort of FitKidFresh is ?dedicated to the betterment of both physical AND mental fitness for children ages from five to seventeen (5-17)?. Duane is embracing the quote that says, ?Life is like a camera. Just focus on what?s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don?t work out, just take another shot?. His natural talent, strategic efforts, and business savvy afforded him the opportunity to branch out into niche markets and under-served communities. He has worked with numerous clients including Level21 and EmPower Media Group, a digital marketing social media consultant firm. Duane has partnered with the ?Majority Greek? to showcase fraternity and sorority members as ?strong pillars of community? through photos. Interestingly, he is creating a name for himself within the cosplay/comic book community by producing intriguing superhero snapshots. His specialized ?Kustom Couture Photos? brand focuses on capturing memorable stills for clients within the pageantry, cheer & dance, fashion, fitness, and music fields. In 2019, ADJM will host its second annual ?Plus One Model Retreat? specifically tailored for curvy and big & tall models. Also, Duane has been nominated by TAHAA?s for the 2018?s ?Hottest Photographer ? and the ?Rising Superstar ? awards. Duane is definitely getting the big picture and more!

For m or e det ails on An t oin n e Du an e Jon es an d h is f ascin at in g w or k , please visit : w w t oin n edu an ejon an d/ or con n ect w it h h im on social m edia on In st agr am (@an t oin n edu an ejon es) an d Facebook (adu an e.jon es)

Photography by Antoinne Duane Jones

The Tr uth Through The Eyes Of Roger Benskin It?snot enough for Roger Benskin tojust totakepictures. ?You havetotruly want ?it?and bewilling togrow and learn if you want tosucceed.?saystheBarbados native, whorecently visited Paristointroducenew modelstothebusinessof fashion, whilebranding hiscompany Shutter Legends. Whether traveling theworld or working in studio, when Roger hasa camera at hiseyehecontinuestogrow and perfect hiscraft. Wehad thehonor of a Q & A with theCharlottebased photographer for insight on hispersonal lifeand hisphotography expertise.

Tell u s abou t you r f am ily an d u pbr in gin g. Most of my immediate family lives in the Charlotte area. My dad and grandmother still live in Barbados and my mom, and brother live in Harrisburg, NC. Growing up, education was stressed by my parents; both my brother and I did well in school. Discipline as an integral part of growing up in the islands. Even though some may think some of what we had to deal with may have been a little excessive, it set my brother and I on the paths were are on today. When we moved to Brooklyn, mom was a stickler for keeping us out of

Roger Benskin Website: Facebook: Shutter Legends Photography Instagram: @shutterlegends Twitter: @shutterlegendsEmail:

trouble. Looking past the discipline, my parents encouraged and supported us in whatever activities we wanted to do. Pretty much anything my brother was doing, I wanted to do it as well. He was in the church choir; I joined the choir. He played tennis; I got into tennis. He graduated salutatorian from high school; I graduated valedictorian. We both did well for ourselves. I have to give credit to my parents, teachers and tennis coach for setting us on the right path. Wh er e ar e you f r om an d h ow does it af f ect you r ph ot ogr aph y aest h et ic? I was born on the Caribbean island of Barbados & lived there until the age of 10. At 10, I moved to LEVEL21 M AGAZINE-PG.17

Brooklyn, NY. Quite a contrast between places but

are things that I wish many Charlotte

while there are so many differences, there are also

photographers would do.

many similarities. Both Barbados and BKNY today

Working around the world with industry

are not what they once were. When folks visit

professionals, I?ve learned I need to constantly stay

Barbados for vacation, they typically stay and visit

on top of my game. There is so much competition

the more tourist friendly locations; beaches,

in the Photography world. Everyone has a camera

downtown,Harrison?s Cave, The Flower Forest, etc.

these days so everyone is a ?Photographer.? You

They don?t really get to see the

have to truly want ?it? and be willing to grow and

heart of island life. They don?t get to see the

learn if you want to succeed. This is what I would

everyday struggles of the typical Barbadian. The

love to see my fellow Charlotte photographers do

same thing stands for Brooklyn. Today, Brooklyn is


flourishing, the old is being replaced with the new;

Just as there are many ?Do?s" I would like to see;

so much progress is being made. When I lived in

there are also some ?Don?ts"

Brooklyn, Manhattan was the place to be. Brooklyn was just Brooklyn, but we made the best of it. Having lived in both places; seeing the ups, downs, good and the bad; it has helped me to be able to see the beauty in things. A few photographers love to use filters but I prefer to keep my images as

1.TFPs (Trade for Prints): are ok every once in a while but I find it?s done a little too frequently here. People tend to expect it all of the time when it?s such a commodity. 2.Flashes / Strobes at Fashion Shows: Industry wide,

natural as possible so people can see the true story;

that is deeply frowned upon for a few major

the passion,raw emotion, and natural beauty. That

reasons; It can be a danger to models, it?s an

is why you will hardly see any major ?retouching? of

inconvenience to the audience and it can severely

my images, especially people, unless specifically

impact their fellow Photographer ?s images.

requested by a client.

"I have actually seen seasoned photographers

Wh at t ype of Ph ot ogr aph er w ou ld you classif y

basically throw other photographers out of a New

you r self as?

York Fashion Week Show for using a flash.

If I had to classify myself, I would say I am a General

3.Don?t be afraid to ask for help/critique from

Purpose Professional Photographer with an

seasoned Photographers: I have done it and I still do

emphasis on Fashion. The only genre I typically do

it to this day. This is one of the ways I continue to

not work with is newborn photography.


Wh at is you r t ake on Ph ot ogr aph y in Ch ar lot t e

At the end of the day, there?s more than enough

com par ed t o t h e in du st r y st an dar ds you h ave

business out there for everyone & I want to see my

exper ien ce w it h ?

fellow Charlotte photographers succeed. Not only

We have some really talented Photographers here in the Charlotte area (shout out to Mr. Glenn Roberson). Now with that being said my next statements may sounds negative but should not be

is it good for them, it?s good for the profession and the business side as well. My channels of communication are always open to anyone who has a question or needs help with their work.

perceived in that context. One of the things I

Wh at ar e you r f u t u r e goals in bu sin ess? An y

believe that helps my photography standout are my

n ew pr oject s?

OCPD tendencies. I am a perfectionist when it

Well, I would love to be able to be able to shoot

comes to many things, photography being one. I am

photography full-time. Currently, I am traveling the

constantly learning, evolving and improving.These

world when I can, establishing relationships so that I can someday make that dream a reality. I am

working to setup shoots with agencies in London and Paris along with other agencies here in the US. I have a Model Agency called RBZ Model Management. My goal is to work to get models ready for larger agency representation, typically in the European & Asian markets. For more advanced models, I also do direct scouting for a few European Agencies. One of the avenues I?ve used to accomplish this is called the European Model Showcase. The Showcase happens once a year & it provides an opportunity for models around the world to meet with European & Asian Agencies for a chance at representation. Models who are interested can reach out to me at We look forward to more work and watching you mentor new and upcoming talent around the world.

Designer: Rocky Gathercole Location: NYFW Arts Hearts Fashion - Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York , NY Photographer: Shutter Legends Photography

Designer: Mister Triple X Location: NYFW - Arts Hearts Fashion Angel Orensanz Foundation, New York , NY Photographer: Shutter Legends Photography

Model: Emily Poole Agency: LModelz Location: Paris, France Photographer: Shutter Legends Photography

Model: Hannah Rose Peltier Location: Paris, France Photographer: Shutter Legends Photography


W ritten By: Hakeem Shabazz-Norris

Isil Dohnke: A Photography Gem M

eet Isil Dohnke - A Turkish-born photographer that has been capturing the beautiful moments of life for some time now. Isil Dohnke is a portraiture, wedding, and editorial photographer that uses her exposure and knowledge of different cultures to better connect with her clients on a level that most photographers can?t reach. See, Isil is the literal defintion of a walking melting pot. By being born and raised in Turkey, then moving to the United States over 10 years ago, and marrying a German native, it has given her the chance to learn different cultures and has taught her different ways of not only working with customers but seeing the beauty in the things she captures.

?My Turkish upbringing wasoneof warmnessand hospitality towardsothers, whilemy connection totheGerman culturehasgiven mea renewed senseof structureand composition, and living in America for thepast 10 yearshas refreshed my senseof flexibility and has enabled metoengageand capture spontaneousmoments,?said Isil as she continues to capture the beautiful imagery that truly represents what?s in front of the camera.

"I had t ot al cr eat iv e f r eedom" You can check out her work at:

Isil is a talented photographer, but wedding photography is where she stands strong. Being able to capture the true essence of love between the two individuals getting married, is what makes Isil stand out from the crowd. Her use of natural lighting, not only in wedding shoots but portrait and editorial shots as well, is a clear sign that she is a photographer who uses every meager detail to her advantage. Isil notes that one of her favorite shoots was an editorial/ cover shoot for Carolina Bride Magazine. ?I had total creativefreedom and wasabletofulfill my vision?. Isil plans on expanding her career in photography by shooting weddings outside of the country in countries including Germany, Turkey, and France. She also plans on opening a photo studio to expand her studio portraits in the near future. She also hinted on a personal tattoo project but kept it under wraps when asked to talk about it.

Photography by Isil Dohnke

Photography by Isil Dohnke

Who Is


ogar ty or gan

Written By Marage Blakeney



Th e Edit or ial ( Ph ot osh oot ) Team : CEO & Creative Director: Tempestt Harris/ / / / Photography: Laurence Logan @thetzstudio/ / / / Videographer: Cameron English @camondacam18/ / / / Correspondent : Yamaris Polanco @yamarisz/ / / / Wardrobe Stylist: Jekia Benson @jekiathestylist/ / / / Hair Director : Jonathan Phillipe @Cavalier_Cosmo/ / / / Makeup: Kali Fletcher @kalifletcher/ / / / Hair & Makeup Assistant: Ruben Alonzo @RubenEAlonzo/ / / / Location: Fuzion Force Entertainment Academy @fuzionforce/ / / / Wardrobe: Five 13 Studios @five13studio/ / / / Morgan?s Bottom Tule Skirt : RCB Fashion @rcbfashion


consume the news in your personal, daily life. If you don't have a voracious news appetite, this likely isn't the profession for you. Ask yourself how much you love to read, write and research. Ask yourself if you're willing to work terrible hours for terrible pay in small towns, far away from your family and friends. And either come to the industry with a thick skin, or learn to develop a thick skin fast. I know this sounds harsh, but it's the reality of the tv news business?.

he Women?s Media Center ?s ?Divided 2017: The Media Gender Gap? report revealed that ?in the broadcast news sector alone, work by women anchors, field reporters and correspondents actually declined, falling to 25.2 percent of reports in 2016 from 32 percent when the WMC published its 2015 ?Divided? report?. However, Morgan is determined to shatter this harsh reality by creating awarding winning and thought-provoking stories. As of matter of fact, Morgan was named Morgan is a transplant to Charlotte, ?one of the 50 Most Influential North Carolina from Lancaster, PA, Women by The Mecklenburg Times? by way of Maryland. She graduated in 2015 and received the from Pennsylvania State University ?Community Service Media Award by with a Bachelor ?s degree in Keystone Substance Abuse Services Broadcast Journalism in 2003. She for her two part-feature ?Gone Too attributes her current Soon: Heroin Deaths in Charlotte? in accomplishments to her great 2017. Morgan?s journalistic skills has education she received at Penn garnered her the esteemed State. recognition as ?favorite anchor ? and ?best TV anchor ? throughout her "T r y t o u n d e r s t a n d career as a news anchor on the t h a t s o c ia l m e d ia is t h e h ig h l ig h t r e e l Emmy award winning, WCCB and no t a r e al l o o k a t a n y o n e 's News-Charlotte. Much of Morgan?s success is accredited to her personal dedication and the power of internships. She notes that although internships are often unpaid, ?the experience is priceless?. Morgan encourages individuals interested in considering in getting into the TV news industry that they, ?work alongside reporters and photographers and producers and assignment desk editors and production staff and everyone. Attend editorial meetings. I don't mean for a day or two. I mean an entire summer or a couple months during the winter. You'll learn in the internship whether you really want to do this work. It is not glamorous. Ask yourself how much you

Morgan recalls that her ?Journalism classes were thoughtful and interesting and gave me a great academic experience. But still, it was my college internships that really sealed the deal for me?. Her work as a production intern on ?America?s Most Wanted? and a news intern for ?Hearst Television afforded her the opportunity to work for WHAG in Hagerstown, MD, and a internship with WGAL in Lancaster, PA. Soon after she snagged the job with WCCB in Charlotte. ?I came here for that job. I never expected to fall in love with Charlotte. I thought I'd be here for one contract, and then move onto the next job. But here I am almost 15 years later! I can't think of

a city I'd rather work and live and raise my family in?. Morgan, her husband and their two children share their home with three dogs and two cats; Two French bulldogs, Winston and Etta , (a Doberman) Rachel and two cats Bob and Sullivan.(All Rescues) Having a family and a demanding job can be hectic and stressful at times. However, Morgan reveals to level21 that, ?It's a constant give and take. I send my kids off to school in the morning and then I got to work in the afternoon. We have an editorial meeting at 2:15pm every day. We spend about 45 minutes talking about the news that has happened so far, that day, and then we work together to decide what we think the biggest stories are, and the ones our audience cares about the most. We assign reporters and anchors to those stories, and then we spend the next several hours working on gathering interviews, fact checking, shooting video, and writing reports. Around 7:30, we start the final push toward the 10pm hour of live TV. Around 8:30, Drew Bollea (my co-anchor) and I start intensively reading the show, making edits, asking producers if we should re-arrange story order, etc. I also prep the Edge the same way, and have a separate meeting in the afternoon with that show producer to discuss content, too. Drew and I are on-set around 9:50 and the show starts at 10pm and our day's work is put to the test?. Her dedication to providing quality news stories is a testament to her professional and personal work ethic. As a prominent TV personality, sometimes the biggest critics are the ?armchair anchors? who critique

day l i o H y t r a P #1 k o o L

Tulle Skirt can be found in Charlotte, NC at RCB Fashion @rcbfashion

from their private living rooms. However, Morgan contemplates legitimate concerns from viewers as an opportunity to ?take the time to try to understand, to reflect, and to respond?. She realizes that anonymous feedback through social media does not yield positive results. In a similar vein, she wants young people to ?Try to understand that social media is highlight reel and not a real look at anyone's life. Find a mentor, and seek guidance and advice from them often. What you see on TV and in magazines and movies and social media about what "beauty" is and how "beauty" looks and what being "beautiful" is - that is not the standard. You are the standard in your life. Tune out the noise and listen to your own instinct about what is right for you. Once you are listening to yourself, find your voice. And then use your voice. Speak directly. If you don't like something, say it. If you like something, say that, too. I still work on this every day?.

Twitter: @MorganFogarty

On and off screen, Morgan is a kind and down to earth person. Just like many of us, she spends time with her family and friends. ?I order wayyyyy more food than I can eat at restaurants. I need to get better with this. I want a couple bites of, like, everything on the menu and then I'm done. It's a weird habit?. Family seemed to bring her great joy to speak about; So, we ask about any family holiday traditions. She commented, ?My mom's birthday is on Christmas, so we always celebrate Christmas in the AM, and her birthday at night. It's a long day of celebration, and we do it every year ?. Morgan is truly a staple for news and community in Charlotte for 15 years; now focusing her latest efforts on diversity and challenging the status quo in a society that today is very divided. We look forward to everything coming up in 2019. Keep up with Morgan via social media @themorganforgarty or for more information about Morgan Fogarty, please visit

LEVEL21TV Season 2 More with Morgan Fogarty & Yamaris Polanco Channel 21 & Youtube (CLT)

Invited To A Holiday Par ty?

y a d i l H o r ty Pa 2 # k o o L

gan e r o M Thr e s R ocky l ooks eas ghout thr ou i ssue! thi s

Now What?

e r a s n i S equ ove for the m ol i day any har ty! P

All three "Holiday Party Looks" can be found in Charlotte, NC at Five13Studio:

day i l o H P ar ty 3 # L ook

Written by: Mary Lucas



Nathan Pearcy?s passion for photography has landed him on the map, shooting diverse & high profile clients. His vision, beautiful & raw, sets him apart from a lot of photographers because he doesn?t hide away from showing the truth.


athan was born in Asheville, NC but raised in Atlanta, GA. The south

didn?t influence his ideas, the content he creates nor his style of photography. But, he went to a school that was in an artistic environment. Nathan?s biggest influences are Loretta Houston, Mike Ruiz, and Derek Blanks. Nathan hasn?t met any of these artists but when asked if he could meet one of them his response was he?d love to meet ?Mike Ruiz!?Nathan expressed immense appreciation for Mike?s eye for color. His motto ?Capturing memories and recollecting excitement into a still photo? came from his days at Sears. He was working with a client who had lost their house, and with it, a space full of pictures she had been storing. Nathan believes that ?pictures will capture anything you want to remember at that time?. Nathan describes the demographic he usually appeals to as ?eclectic?.

Nathan was asked to describe his demographic in 3-4 words. He stated youthful, simplistic, joyful and memorable. And of course having diverse and high profile clients is a plus! Nathan would love to shoot individuals like Meagan Good, The Obama Family, Ciara, Nicki Minaj, and Janet Jackson, with Janet and Nicki being his top two selections! Nathan aspires to live in the Big Apple if only money wasn?t the only thing holding him back. We here at Level 21 believe in having big dreams and aspirations, so we hope that you are able to make it to the Big Apple and grow your craft even more!



a ph o t o gr aph y du o

Written by: Mary Lucas


ave you ever thought about what it was like to work as a photography team?Dave & Jaime have been working as a team for a while & gave Level21 some insight into what it?s like to work with someone so closely!

Dave and Jaime both grew up in environments where photography was important. The emphasis that was placed on photography growing up helped mold and develop Dave and Jaime?s passion for it. Dave and Jaime both grew up near Minneapolis, Minnesota. After they were married, they moved around a few times before settling in North Carolina in 2015. W hen asked why they shoot models together Dave?s response was ?It can behugely beneficial tohaveanother set of eyeson set whounderstandsthegear you'reusing and knowswhat you'retrying toachieve. Whether it'ssomething very simplelikeholding a reflector, or something more involved likehelping dial in lighting setupsor catching something weird with a backdrop or a stray hair you might not havenoticed. I think we'veboth saved each other countless hoursof having tofix thingsin Photoshop just becausethere's somuch going on during a shoot that you can sometimes misssomething small that you end up having togoback and fix later?. ?Photography can alsobea very time-consuming thing. All of thetimespent arranging theshoot, and then all thetime processing photosadd up. Having someonewhounderstands all thetimeyou'respending messaging with peopleabout a shoot, and then all thetimeyou'respending working on photosafter theshoot meansthat your partner understands how you'respending your time- and islikely spending their timethesameway. It'sbeen amazing tohavethiscreative passion with someonewhoalsohappenstobemy favorite person and best friend?


a ph o t o gr aph y du o



"But a lot of it really doescomedown tophotography being something weboth enjoy, and after being married 20 yearswestill areeach other's, favoriteperson. It'sdifficult tofind something better than doing something you lovewith someoneyou love?. W hen asked about the influence technology plays in photography Dave stated: ?Thereareamazing peoplestill doamazing thingswith filmand other analog technology, sowhen I talk about technology I alwaysfeel likeI need tobequick tomakesurepeopleunderstand I'm not trying toslight someonewhoisdoing thingsin any kind of old-school way. Part of thisisvery personal becauseI'vealwaysbeen something of a futurist fascinated by new technology, new possibilities, new waysof doing thingsthat disrupt theold ways. I'm theguy who'swatching sciencefiction movies, not theguy who'swatching theHistory Channel?. ?All that said, I'm way toofascinated by technology tonot embraceit asmuch asI can. Figuring out what your gear can doand what softwarecan do, and then figuring out how tousethosethingstomeet somekind of creativevision that you'venever achieved before- that'sreally theheart of what I mean when I talk about theimportanceof technology. Somuch hasalready been doneand isbeing created now that it'sdifficult tobetruly original, but technology isoneof thosethingsthat can help set you apart and alsohelp you grow and expressyourself in new ways?. W ith David and Jaime?s eye for photography, there is no doubt in my mind that they?ll continue to capture the interest of technology savvy and vintage admirers alike. The love and respect that they have for each other is seen in their craft and will definitely make an impression on future clients. You can contact Dave and Jaime davehuntphotography / @jaimelynnhuntphoto



Th e Edit or ial ( Ph ot osh oot ) Team : CEO & Creative Director: Tempestt Harris////Photography: Laurence Logan @thetzstudio//// Videographer: Cameron English @camondacam18////Correspondent : Yamaris Polanco @yamarisz////Wardrobe Stylist: Jekia Benson @jekiathestylist////Hair Director : Jonathan Phillipe @Cavalier_Cosmo////Makeup: Kali Fletcher @kalifletcher////Hair & Makeup Assistant: Ruben Alonzo @RubenEAlonzo////Location: Fuzion Force Entertainment Academy @fuzionforce////Wardrobe: Five 13 Studios @five13studio////Morgan?s Bottom Tu Tu Skirt : RCB Fashion @rcbfashion


Photography by Isil Dohnke


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