3 minute read
by Damian Turner
Happy New Year everyone, and let’s hope it’s better than the last one. I’m loathed to say that it couldn’t get much worse, just in case it does!
I have no doubt the start of 2021 will be just as hard on the majority of us as lockdown and tiers continue to be imposed across the country. I for one will never again take my freedom for granted. It’s been very strange being told I can’t leave the house to see family and friends, and even banned from going out green laning as it isn’t ‘essential’.
I’m sure that a lot of you reading this will be aware of a certain green laning facebook page that’s been causing problems within the 4x4 community of late. Rumour has it that it isn’t moderated, and has become a hive of villainy with a complete disregard for green laning rules of conduct, with off-piste driving almost encouraged amongst many of its members.
I have complete disdain for this behaviour, and I try very hard not to damage lanes. I do get frustrated though with the flack that get aimed at our whole community because of these idiot few.
I have every right to drive our green lanes, I often feel like I'm walking, or should that be driving, on eggshells. Why should I apologise for other people's actions?
The reasons are plenty. There are many organisations who want to ban 4x4s from the country, and sadly there are more than enough 4x4 owners who are willing to give them the ammunition they need.
The problem is that once our lanes are shut, law abiding 4x4 owners will bow out, while the people who caused the problems in the first place will probably continue to cause a mess.
Remember, we’re a minority and minorities don’t have a loud voice and will often get crushed by the many, especially when the many are the loudest and shout in unity.
Check out Lauren’s Radio 4 interview transcript from page 19, how she kept her cool with all those negative questions is beyond me!
Turner's Torque 2
by Karen Lee Turner
Seeing as I will have been a Turner for 20 years this year I thought it was about time that both Turners who make this mag get a chance to write something in Turner's Torque, not just the 'sexy face' of the mag, Damian.

28 years ago my life with a 4x4 enthusiast began, and one of our first dates involved being taken to a Lancashire hillside, for a day of watching Lannies tackling a family vehicle trial organised by Red Rose Land Rover Club. Such romance! I should have known what I was in for then, and run a mile, but the rosy-tinted glasses were in full effect, and I was hooked (to the man, if not the hobby).
Many years of ARC Nationals, cars shows and muddy wellies later, and here we are, the dynamic duo living the mud life to the full - Damian doing most of the writing, and me doing all the stuff to put it into the form you are now reading.
I still like car shows, off-roading comps and the challenges that comes with tackling a fun lane, but have to admit I'm not one of you when it comes to wanting to be out in my vehicle 24/7, meandering country lanes in all weather and rocking up to a field for a spot of wild camping. I have got to the stage that trains and planes, hotels rooms and being served food sounds more appealing (let's just hope that some of that can happen in 2021).
I am also the arty one in the family, and you may have noticed over the past few months, I've now started doing some T-Shirts, art prints and stickers for The Mud Life, and this year I plan on ramping our offerings.
I'm really keen on using quality British businesses where we can, which sometimes means slightly higher prices, but for much better quality products, no customs hassle and planet friendly practices. Hopefully by mid January we will be able to offer mugs, and few other things with some cool designs, that will hopefully be printed by a small business based in Bacup, up here in sunny Lancashire. There will also be an opportunity to do personalised gifts too.
I'd like to sign off by thanking all the lovely people who have already bought T-shirts (we'd love to see photos) and stickers during the Christmas rush, and to all the wonderful people who bought us lovely hot choccies in 2020 over on our Ko-Fi page (which is where you'll find the stickers).