Men’s basketball rallies for win against EIU
The Murray State News
January 18, 2013
Vol. 88, No. 17
Gun control subject of local discussion Lexy Gross || Assistant News Editor
resident Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden revealed a gun control proposal package Wednesday after several weeks of heated debates. Along with a new prohibition of automatic and semi-automatic rifles, restrictions will be applied to large magazines and strict background checks will be required to purchase firearms. After 20 students and six adults were killed in Newtown, Conn., a month ago, gun control debates have been at an ever-steady rise. Public universities nationwide have joined the discussion and voiced their positions to the vice president. Biden asked the National Campus Leadership Council to gather informed opinions from students. Murray State’s Student Government Association was one of several groups asked to give its perspective. NCLC released a memo of the most prevalent student ideas related to new gun control policies after collecting all answers from their national questionnaire. The memo includes positions from 16 different college campuses. The NCLC student consensus focuses on mental well-being and cam-
pus preparedness. Students also consistently said it is up to the faculty of individual universities to determine their own gun policies. Bonnie Higginson, vice president of Academic Affairs, said Murray State has done an excellent job of becoming more prepared for emergency situations.
without any complications. Along with new firearm policies at universities, students believe background checks to purchase firearms should become more rigorous. In the state of Kentucky, a civilian is not required to acquire a permit, register or license any
“It’s a shame these conversations start after such tragic events,” Higginson said. “They always need to take place.” Last summer, the Kentucky Supreme Court passed a ruling stating Kentucky education institutions are required by law to allow students, faculty and staff to keep concealed weapons in their cars. The court also ruled institutions should regulate concealed weapons according to their individual concerns anywhere else on campus. Michael Bruzynski, a junior from Stratford, Conn., said he believes there is no reason for students to carry firearms on campus. “You don’t need a gun in the dorms,” Bruzynski said. “If it’s just in your car and no one can see it, it’s not posing a threat.” The school has suggested students keep their firearms concealed and out of public view in their vehicles. So far, the policy has continued
shotgun or handgun. However, civilians are required to take a course and go through a background check to carry a concealed firearm. A simple one-time course may not be enough to educate individuals on the subject of gun safety, according to Tyler Straub, senior from Louisville, Ky. Straub insists students should be proficient in their knowledge of firearms, whether they own one or not. Straub said many individuals are waiting to ban certain firearms because they do not understand their functions. “What in your eyes makes an assault rifle?” Straub said. The dictionary definition of an as-
sault rifle claims it is a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use. Straub noted many times these high-capacity weapons are used to target fast-moving game and are not only used for military purposes. Many competitive gun clubs use high-caliber weapons with a clip containing as many as 25 shots.
In recent discussions, Biden and his panel of advisors have discussed a ban on clips containing more than 10 rounds. Straub said he disagrees, 1215 rounds would be ideal for civilian purposes. “Under the stress and inexperience a person may face in a break-in, they may not have time to reload if there are multiple attackers,” Straub said. “However, 20-25 shots shouldn’t be necessary.” While Straub is an avid hunter of
several different types of game, many students are not comfortable with the current way individuals can buy firearms. Jordan Allen, a senior from Russellville, Ky., said he does not believe certain high-capacity guns should be manufactured. “Civilian weapons belong in the hands of civilians,” Allen said. “Unless you’re in a war zone you don’t need an assault rifle.” Allen said he believes individuals can arm themselves with non-lethal weapons, such as a Taser or pepper spray. He claims using a lethal weapon against a person abolishes the offender’s right to justice. Allen also said officials and the public have a definite misunderstanding of the role mental health can play in the arms control debate. “Even those that can’t afford larger institutions should be able to consult with a mental health professional,” he said. Allen said even though the University provides counseling for students, there is not enough emphasis on its effectiveness. Currently, Murray State provides university counseling services, which includes the counseling center, the testing center and the Women’s Center. Also, students can report concerns about other individuals on campus through the stu-
see GUN, 3A
Beshear welcomes second parts manufacturer to Murray, region Ben Manhanke || Staff writer
motive supplier, iwis, will be creating a U.S. manufacturing operation in Murray, investing $12.5 million and In a conference held Wednesday in creating 75 new jobs. the Murray Room of the CFSB center, “The good news keeps coming here Gov. Steve Beshear announced yet anin Murray, with yet another new comother German automotive company pany choosing to locate in this comwill soon be callmunity and the ing Murray home. “The keeps coming Commonwealth,” Kemmerich Beshear said. Metal Engineer- here in Murray with yet another new “(Kemmerich) is ing, a wellthe type company choosing to locate in this exactly known German of company we automotive sup- community and the Commonwealth.” want to locate plier, will be eshere in Calloway – Gov. Steve Beshear tablishing not County. It adds just a manufacturing operation in depth to our already rich and vibrant Murray, but the company also plans automotive industry … it also repreon making Calloway County the losents further growth in foreign direct cation of its U.S. headquarters. investment in the Commonwealth.” The news of this venture comes Both Kemmerich’s and iwis’s future just two months after Beshear reendeavors in Murray were made posvealed that a separate German autosible by the governor’s trip to Ger-
many and France last summer, this excursion also yielded the expansion of the L’Oreal plant in Boone County. Kemmerich will be investing $12.5 million and will be creating an estimated 120 full-time area jobs. Thomas Bergen, CEO of Kemmerich, said the 120 jobs promised was a “reasonable estimate”, and that in fact, many more than 120 jobs may actually be made available to the region. “We chose Murray after a lengthy search throughout the United States,” Bergen said. “Three key factors were important to us: cost of production, workforce and logistics. We see that Murray offers lower costs of production, a highly flexible and qualified workforce and a favorable location.” The location of Murray was particularly enticing to Bergen. He said the
BPR teams turn in early budget reports
by the president or the board. Bonnie Higginson, vice president of Academic Affairs, said a majority of the work the teams were doing was in an effort to make up the state-made $2,289,600 deficit to the University budget. Higginson said the teams, established earlier in the year by Dunn, have had success in finding ways to increase revenues, reduce expenditures, increase efficiencies and streamline dollars. “We are going to have to find money to address the financial deficit,” she said. “We are looking to hopefully increase revenue and minimize cuts, but revenue generation does not happen over night. The budget is not going to be fixed immediately. It will take time.” The budget teams will turn in the official recommendations Feb. 22 and following submission, Higginson said Jacobs and each of the four vice presidents will work alongside Dunn, analyzing the budget evaluations.
good news
Chris Wilcox || Chief Copy Editor
After a semester of financial evaluations, the nine academic and three non-collegiate budget planning and review teams have turned in preliminary reports to the Board of Regents and President Randy Dunn. Josh Jacobs, chief of staff, said the team’s presentations to the board went smoothly at the Dec. 14 meeting. The budget teams submitted reports outlining its process and Jacobs said several provided thematic areas the teams were evaluating. “Each of the teams has taken on the responsibility in a slightly different
manner and as a result each is at different points of the review and recommendation process,” he said. The final drafts are due to the president Feb. 22. Public forums will be scheduled following the proposals and Dunn’s recommendations will be presented to the Regents at their March 15 meeting. Each team is responsible for its own recommendations, but according to a statement Jacobs made at the beginning of the review process, there has been no set number established
see BUDGET, 3A
Austin Ramsey/The News
Torrey Perkins, freshman from Huntsville, Ala., pauses on her way out of Hester Residential College Wednesday evening. Hester is in line for renovations similar to those that gutted Elizabeth College almost a year ago. The University is now looking to the Kentucky General Assembly to approve the $9.9 million project.
Murray State awaits agency bond approval Meghann Anderson || News Editor
Gov. Steve Beshear announced earlier this month a plan approving the issuance of bonds by Kentucky’s public universities for campus improvements, which would be supported by university revenues. The agency bonds are at no cost to taxpayers and are issued by the individual universities. Murray State would receive $9.9 million for Hester Residential College dormitory renovations, $590,000 for the College Courts sprinkler system upgrade and $4.9 million for other assorted facility improvements. The improvements at Hester will include replacing the current electrical, HVAC and plumbing systems, lavatory improvements, along with flooring, ceiling and lighting upgrades.
The renovations, which will take approximately 14 months, could begin as early as July 1. The $590,000 fire safety renovation to College Courts could begin in July 2013 and would take approximately one year. The other assorted projects should accommodate housing needs by June 30, 2014. Beshear The planned projects include roof replacements at Hart Residential College and College Courts as well as hot water heater replacements, exterior repairs and renovations to College Courts. Five
see BONDS, 3A
Waterfield says he loves local region, University, 6A
Director responds to jeer from fall semester, 5A
Team suffers 7th loss at home after disappointing half, 2B
Film meets positive national acclaim, editor’s praise, 7B