The Murray State News

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Circus returns to Murray State

The Murray State News

April 5, 2013

Vol. 88, No. 27

Student candidates begin campaign Meghann Anderson News Editor

The ad-hoc committee consisted of Curris, ViceChair Marilyn Buchanon and head of the finance committee, Stephen Williams. Dunn’s performance was evaluated in several aspects of the University and its constituencies since his term began in December of 2006. One section of the document, titled Report of the Ad-Hoc Contract Committee to the Murray State University Board of Regents, discussed the relationship between Dunn and the board. The report states: “The board noted the way he handled his candidacy ‘impacted the trust relationship between the board and the president.’ Subsequently, the president has been a candidate for the

Friendly competition describes the political candidacy between the two students vying for Student Government Association president. Junior Meggie Goeke and graduate student and incumbent president Jeremiah Johnson are friends, and now contenders. Campaigning began Monday afternoon and will run until 11:59 p.m., April 16, when the student myGate polls close. Jeanie Morgan, SGA adviser, said it is extremely important for students to get involved in SGA because it is the governing board of the students. “SGA is here to serve the entire student body and it is very important that we have students from all aspects of the student body involved,” Morgan said. “SGA gives students a chance to broaden their horizons and an opportunity to see the inner workings of the University as well as advocate for students.” She said students are given the opportunity to work with people from several areas, including local and state legislators, to create a better environment for students at Murray State.

see CURRIS, 2A


Calvina Liebig/The News

Board Chair Constantine Curris addresses Faculty Senate and Staff Congress on the board’s decision to let President Randy Dunn’s contract expire.

Curris responds to criticism Lexy Gross || Assistant News Editor

“The board members did not sit around the table and say, ‘this is how I’m going to vote.’” –Constantine Curris Chair of the Board of Regents

Deckard awaits OAG opinion on denial appeal Staff Report Lexington, Ky., attorney Jim Deckard is awaiting the opinion of Attorney General Jack Conway on a meeting held by the Board of Regents. Board Chair Constantine Curris said five or six Regents met at the home of Regent Sharon Green, where they drank wine and discussed University business among other subjects. The social event occurred the night before the March 15 meeting, where the board voted 7-4 not to renew President Randy Dunn’s contract. Deckard originally filed a complaint against the board, stating the meeting violated the Kentucky’s open meetings law. In the complaint, Deckard asked the board to address what was discussed and revote on Dunn’s contract. One week later, on March 28, Curris responded to Deckard, denying his request to revote. He did agree, however, to address what was discussed at the next board meeting. Since Curris denied Deckard’s request, the attorney filed a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General on Monday. Deckard said the OAG will determine whether the secret meeting of a quorum was a violation of law. From there, the opinion will be sent to both the board and Deckard. “Then, in (Calloway County) Circuit Court, Dr. Curris and others will testify under oath as to what was discussed in private,” Deckard said. “I expect other board members who weren’t invited to Green’s home will testify as to how that impacted the public meeting. If the quorum is found to be in violation of the law, the court can void any act of the March 15 meeting discussed in private the night before.

Board of Regents Chair Constantine Curris met with faculty and staff Tuesday to dispel misunderstandings related to the nonrenewal of President Randy Dunn’s contract. Members from both groups had expressed disappointment in the board’s March 15 decision. Faculty Senate and Staff Congress formed resolutions in support of Dunn and his contract renewal prior vote. Many faculty and staff focused their concerns Tuesday on a report released by an ad-hoc committee charged with evaluating Dunn’s performance since 2006. The report was circulated by Curris to the board two days before the vote.

City asks University to help fund new truck Rebecca Walter || Staff writer

The City of Murray has sent a request to the Board of Regents asking Murray State to assist in the payment of a new ladder fire truck, which would mainly be used for the larger buildings on the University’s campus. The city’s current ladder truck, owned by Murray State, only has the ability to reach a limit of 70 feet and is not able to reach the top of all buildings on campus, including residential colleges Regents, White, Elizabeth and Hester. The new truck would be fully equipped with a ladder which would be capable of extending up to 100 feet, making it able to reach all buildings on Murray State’s campus, including residential colleges and classroom buildings. Since Murray State is the only location within the city with buildings which exceed four stories, the City Council sent a proposal to the Board of Regents requesting for the University to assist in financing the project. According to Matt Mattingly, city administrator, the average 70-foot ladder fire truck can cost upward of $650,000. Factor in the costs for the extra 30 feet on the new truck, and expenses can end up totaling $900,000. Murray State has been requested to help finance $250,000 needed to fund the project. The ladder truck currently owned by Murray State has not been replaced since 1994 and has experienced several mechanical problems within the past three years. Issues have included hydraulics going out, pumping systems shutting down, the water system failing and problems fitting the current fire truck into smaller spaces. “The current truck has simply passed its life expectancy,” Mattingly said. The new ladder truck will be able to ma-

Lori Allen/The News

The current ladder truck used by Murray State has been in used since 1994, and a new one could cost the city and University nearly $900,000. neuver in spaces as small as 10-12 feet, improving on the current truck which needs between 17-18 feet to set up and operate in an efficient manner. According to Matthew Tinsley, assistant chief of fire administration, the maneuverability of the new truck will be beneficial for students of Murray State in manners of safety. “In the event of an emergency, the new truck will be able to access students who are unable to get out of the building, as well as reach a better location on the buildings to best be able to put out a fire,” Tinsley said. Don Robertson, vice president of Student Affairs, said the University is willing to do whatever is necessary to guarantee the safety of students and those on campus. “The last thing I want is to have something happen on campus and (Murray) not have a




Professors discuss several new Staff asks students to take a classes for the fall semester, 3A stand, 4A


truck that can, if need be, reach students at a higher height,” Robertson said. “That is why it is an important issue that needs to be settled as quickly as possible.” If the project is approved by the City Council, the new ladder truck will have to be custom built to fit all requirements and may take up to a year to be completed. The Board of Regent’s Building and Grounds Committee, who is in charge of making the final decision on Murray State’s part in the new truck’s payment, has postponed further discussion to a later date. The committee plans on comparing information of Murray State’s sister institutions before making the final decision. Murray City Council will continue the discussion, including the University in its plan to purchase the new truck.



Team wins fourth consecutive match at SEMO, 1B

Alumnus lives to tell story of survival, 6B

The News



April 5, 2013

President Dunn’s contract Dec. 14 quarterly board meeting, ad hoc committee created

Feb. 13 ad-hoc committee meets, discusses creation of report

Feb. March 14, afternoon selected regents meet at Sharon Green’s for a social event

March 15 board meets, votes 7-4 not to renew Dunn’s contract, Youngstown application due March 13 Regents receive evaluation from committee

From Page 1 April 2 Curris talks to faculty, staff

March 28 Curris denies Deckard’s request



April 1 Deckard March 14, morning files complaint Regents meet to with OAG March 21 Deckard discuss budget files complaint recommendations against board for social event

CURRIS From Page 1 presidency of Missouri State University and Commissioner of Education for the State of Florida. In neither instance was the board or its chairman notified of that candidacy before public awareness.” During the faculty and staff meeting Tuesday afternoon, Chris Mitchell, associate professor of humanities and fine arts, asked Curris why applying at other universities is considered a breach of trust by the board. “Let me take off my hat as the chair of the board, as someone who’s been a part of higher education and University president,” Curris said. “In higher education that rarely occurs and should not occur.” Wednesday afternoon, an announcement was made from Youngstown State University in Youngstown, Ohio, that Dunn was named a semi-finalist in their presidential search. Steve White, associate professor of biology, said the situation would make any faculty nervous about the future of their career, as he believes many faculty and staff have applied at other locations without notifying their superiors. When discussing the ad-hoc report in the meeting, White also criticized the group of statistics used, saying they lacked consistency and the years between 2006 and 2012 were poorly represented. “I found it pretty inaccurate for that kind of a decision,” White said. “Nothing from that could be seen as objective.” Under academic standing, Murray State is compared statistically to other schools, using the National Survey of Student Engagement. Kevin Benfield, president of Faculty Senate, asked Curris to explain why only five of the survey questions from NSSE were used in the report. The survey, according to Benfield, consists of more than 90 questions total. Curris said the ad-hoc committee simply received the information and it was in no way manipulated. He said the committee desired to represent the data in an easily readable form that would reflect where the


April 11 OAG office will have opinion to board, Deckard

May April 3 – Youngstown State University announces Dunn as a semi-finalist for their presidential search

University currently stands. When Staff Congress President John Young asked Curris if the budget recommendations from the president’s office would be supported when Dunn leaves, he replied with a focus on Murray State students. “There was a category of recommendations, which individually could be justified,” Curris said. “But when you put them all together, several of these recommendations came down hard on students.” Curris discussed the effects of national budget cuts on work study programs, educational grants and healthcare for students. He also said there will be a tuition increase, possibly of around 3.5 percent. In terms of the recommendations from the budget planning and review committees at Murray State, Curris said he estimated an impact of more than $1 million lost toward student support. He said these changes would translate immediately into another increase in student debt. Another point faculty and staff consistently addressed was the immediacy of the vote. Benfield, White and several other members asked Curris why the board never met to discuss what was in the ad-hoc committee report before voting. Initially, the board planned to discuss its findings in a separate meeting before voting on the contract in May. According to Dunn’s contract, the vote could be made anytime before June 30, 2013. Curris said a motion had to be filed for the board to meet in executive session to discuss Dunn’s contract. He said it was his assumption the board did not file a motion because of an opinion released by the attorney general saying a specific Kentucky school board could not go into executive session to discuss the reappointment of a superintendent. Curris said Regent Susan Guess wrote to him the night before the meeting, saying she had sufficient information to vote on Dunn’s contract the next day. Several other Regents agreed with Guess, and only one wanted to discuss the findings with Dunn before voting, according to Curris. “I think delay further alienates people,” Curris said, addressing Benfield. “Didn’t (Faculty Senate) say last year they wanted clarity on the president’s status?” Said Benfield: “Well, there was our clarity.”

Voting will begin Monday morning and end Wednesday afternoon. Votes will be submitted and counted through student myGate accounts. Johnson, who has been SGA president for the past two years, said he is running for re-election because he feels he has improvements and work to do within SGA. “Over the upcoming year, the state will be looking at budgetary issues across the Commonwealth and figuring out exactly where those state appropriations will go,” Johnson said. “Through my experience with SGA here at Murray State and the Kentucky Board of Student Body Presidents, I have learned that we need to have a strong voice in Frankfort to push for funding for higher education in Kentucky and someone to really voice the concerns of Murray State students at the state level. “If re-elected, I would bring my spirit of collaboration into SGA, allowing for more diverse programming as well as a better representation of our entire student body, from undergraduate all the way up to our doctorate of nurse Johnson practitioner students, as well as our students online, abroad or at the satellite campuses.” Johnson said he thinks the position will change some, due to the various uncertainties across campus relating to the current events with President Randy Dunn’s contract and the search for a new provost. Johnson said he also hopes to improve SGA involvement with local and state government. “Through this position we need to push for lobbying groups of senators and students to travel to Frankfort and the local city/county government, to keep the pressure on our lawmakers about issues affecting our students,” he said. Johnson said the SGA President and Student Regent have to be ready to lead SGA and the entire student body into the future, while navigating tuition increases, state budget shortfalls and various politics of any given action. Goeke, junior from St. Louis, said what drew her to the president position was being able to represent the student body on important issues and

to give back to an institution that has given her so much. “I believe that as SGA President, it is important to be the face of the organization and to lead, but also to serve and accept responsibility as it comes,” Goeke said. “I am confident in my decision-making skills, but I have also learned that sometimes the best leader knows how Goeke to sit back, listen and let others take the reins.” “My desire is for SGA to transform into sought-after positions in which the members really invest in the events and goings on in the University,” Goeke said. “Respecting every member is crucial, but it is also important to hold SGA members to a higher standard.” Students who participate in Greek life make up approximately 85 percent of student senate. Senators represent the different educational departments, residential colleges and other student organizations. There are usually at least two senators to represent each of these constituencies. Goeke said the SGA president and Student Regent position will become more of an important position in leadership and consistency throughout all of the changes that will be occurring in the upcoming year. “With a new provost and a new president, it is crucial for the SGA president to remain an arbiter of the student voice,” Goeke said. Goeke has been an SGA senator in the past and has held several different chair positions. As University Affairs chair, she was on the planning committee for Take Back the Night, organized blood drives and has been in charge of several funds for SGA. She is also a Summer Orientation counselor for the Office of Recruitment and a member of Alpha Sigma Alpha. “Electing an SGA president isn’t a popularity contest,” Goeke said. “It’s an important part of your privilege as a student. You’re electing someone to speak on your behalf and to have your best interest always in the forefront of their decision.” Other candidates for the top positions in SGA are vice president Julia Hilkey and AJ Glaser for vice president. The only candidate for secretary is Michael Dobbs and the candidates for treasurer are Brian Clarkson, Aida de la Fuente, Trenton Little and Ava Jackie.

%HVW RI 0XUUD\ The Murray State News is compiling its annual best-of Murray State special section, ‘Best of Murray.’ Cast your votes here and return the completed ballot to 111 Wilson Hall by noon April 5.

Best faculty member: Best student athlete: _________________________ _________________________ Best staff member: Best pizza: _________________________ _________________________ Best Greek organization: Best Mexican food: _________________________ _________________________ Best bar: _________________________ Best place to work Best sandwich shop: Best live music/ local band: _________________________ on campus: _________________________ _________________________ Best coffee shop: Best place to take a date: _________________________ Best campus tradition: _________________________ _________________________ Best Asian food: Best place to get your hair cut: _________________________ Best place to study: _________________________ _________________________ Best place for breakfast: _________________________ Best place to live on campus: Best place to live off campus: _________________________ _________________________ Best place to get ice cream/ Best place to worship: Best public restroom: frozen yogurt: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Best packaged alcohol store: Best place to cure a hangover: Best bookstore: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Best clothing store: Best place to nap on campus: Best healthcare provider: _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ All votes are write-in. One ballot per student. At least 20 categories have to be filled out for the ballot to be counted. Duplications, (including photocopies) will be disqualified. Please write clearly and legibly. Return to the news office, 111 Wilson Hall by noon April 5.



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The News

News 3A Students explore scheduling possibilities

April 5, 2013

Police Beat March 28 1: 25 p.m. Murray State Police issued a written warning for disregarding a stop sign at The Olive. 3:20 p.m. A caller at the Oakley Applied Science Building reported a person had made threats of self harm. The Murray State Police were notified and a report was taken.

March 29 12:31 a.m. A Murray State Police officer reported an alcohol violation at the 15th Street parking lot and a report was taken. 7:06 p.m. Murray State Police issued a citation to Jee Hyun Lim, sophomore of Murray, Ky., for careless driving.

March 30 12:17 a.m. A caller reported smelling marijuana in Regents Residential College. The Murray State Police were notified and a report was taken. 3:57 p.m. A caller reported theft of property in Hart Residential College. A report was taken for second degree burglary.

March 31 11:55 a.m. An animal complaint was reported at White Residential College. The Murray State Police were notified. 10:48 p.m. A caller reported being stuck in an elevator at Hart Residential College. The Murray State Police and Central Plant were notified.

April 1 11: 17 a.m. A caller reported a non-injury accident at the 15th Street parking lot. The Murray State Police were notified and a report was taken.

10:17 p.m. A caller reported smelling marijuana in Elizabeth Residential College. The Murray State Police were notified and a report was taken.

April 2 8: 3 5 p.m. The Murray State Police issued a written warning for failure to illuminate headlamps at the Howton Agriculture Building. 8:51 p.m. A caller reported a suspicious vehicle in the 15th Street parking lot. The Murray State Police and the Murray Police were notified, but the vehicle was gone upon arrival.

April 3 8: 53 a.m. Murray State Police issued a citation to Marissa N. Kail of Murray, Ky., for disregarding a stop sign outside Regents Residential College. 9: 34 a.m. A caller reported damage to their vehicle in Regents Residential College’s parking lot. The Murray State Police were notified and a self-accident report was taken.

Call of Fame 1 0 : 3 4 a. m . A caller reported locking their keys in their vehicle. The Murray State Police were notified and an information report was taken.

Motorists assists – 0 Racer escorts – 3 Arrests – 0

Lexy Gross, Assistant News Editor, compiles Po lice Beat with materials provided by Public Safety. Not all dispatched calls are listed.

Alex Berg || Staff writer

Although some may disagree, the beginning of April is no joke for college students as it marks the beginning of the end of the spring semester. Advisers have already begun to schedule meetings with students in preparation for the upcoming fall semester, initiating the scramble to get the best classes available. As registration for the fall semester begins on Monday, several students are urged to not only meet with their advisers for class consultation, but to make sure they are financially prepared for the coming semester. According to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, the scholarship deadline for traditional students was Jan. 15, while non-traditional students still have until June 1. Although the office has been accepting government and private loans since January, it will continue to do so up to the first week of August. Despite the several months students are given to prepare for the financial burden of applying for the next semester, there are still students who fail to meet the deadline and as a result have their schedule purged. The Murray State Bursar’s office said students have until 4:30 p.m. on Aug. 5 to meet all of their financial requirements or their schedules will be purged. In the fall of 2012, 750 students were purged from their schedule, 89 of which were at the end of the first week. Students who are unable to meet the deadline, however, are urged to sign up for a payment plan which will be available on July 22. The payment plan costs $30 and will allow the student to make a series of four monthly payments throughout the semester. In light of the coming fall semester, several academic departments are either introducing new classes or making revisions and additions to existing programs. Robert Lochte, chair of the de-

Michelle Grimaud/The News

Kathy Girgis, sophomore from Louisville, Ky., studies the class listing on myGate while thinking about her options for next semester. Students can start registering for classes next week. partment of journalism and mass communications, said the department will be introducing a new journalism minor to the program which will be available this fall. “I hope it will be of interest to students in several areas,” Lochte said. “There are several professional and technical areas here at the University where people are interested in what’s going on and you need trained journalists to explain it to them.” This new minor is an opportunity to attract students from other fields of study such as engineering, nursing or computer science. The College of Humanities and Fine Arts will be implementing new classes as it welcomes a new professor to the history department. Aaron Irvin will be teaching HIS 354: Ancient Near East, and HIS 362: Ancient Egypt. Both courses will cover the culture, art, history and religion of each civilization. The department of English and philosophy will not be introducing any new classes for

the fall; however it will be experimenting with current classes and fields of study. HUM 211, a survey of literature and philosophy which every student striving for a Bachelor of Arts degree is required to take, will be taught differently from the traditional, 35-student oncampus classroom. Staci Stone, chair of the English department, said the class will be divided into four sections, two of which will be taught as large lecture classes of 70 students. The other two sections will be taught by Stone in a hybrid format. “A hybrid means a mixture of face-to-face and online,” Stone said. “I am teaching two sections of HUM 211 in which I will be spending one hour and 15 minutes with my students, once a week and then the rest of the work will be replaced by active learning techniques that students will do on their own and in groups but in an online format. For those students who are self motivated, who like web courses or

have thought about what it would be like, this is a good class for those students.” The philosophy department will also be experimenting as it will be releasing three new tracks within the philosophy major. Rory Goggins, assistant professor of Humanities and Fine Arts, said the department will be implementing a religious thought track, a political thought track and an aesthetics and media writing track to the current philosophy major. “What we are trying to do with that is basically give students new options,” Goggins said. “We wanted to create what is essentially a philosophy major but with these interdisciplinary elements in it that would be more geared toward a student who has something more specific in mind.” With several new and revised options for students to choose from, along with the upcoming registration date, many professors are encouraging students to speak with their advisers soon.

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April 5, 2013

The News


Opinion Editor: Devin Griggs Phone: 809-5873 Twitter: MSUNewsOpinion

A Professor’s Journal

A life-changing experience With no apologies, I put to you the great truth that books will change your life. Just before Spring Break, a history major came by my office door to ask about any primary Duane Bolin or secondary Professor of sources on Teddy Roosevelt. The History student, Tyler Adams, from Mayfield, Ky., already had a handle on the major collections. Indeed, almost everything I threw out had already been perused by this diligent student. Tyler had already read all three volumes of the magnificent Edmund Morris biographical trilogy on TR, Roosevelt’s own autobiography, his own works of history and biography and even his poignant “letters to children.” He had examined the Roosevelt papers – his public speeches and correspondence. About the only thing I could suggest was Alfred Thayer Mahan’s book on “The Significance of Sea Power on History,” – a work that made such a powerful impact on Roosevelt’s thinking on the importance of the American navy and David McCollough’s Morning’s on Horseback, a lovely book, but one that covers much the same terrain as Morris’s first volume, “The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt,” and an older biography of TR, written by Henry Pringle. After Spring Break, Tyler came back by my office, thanked me for the suggestions and told me that he was able to use them for his research paper. This was quite a contrast to the conversation I had with another student who, although a senior, had never stepped foot in the library here. I suggested a book this student might like to read. The student looked at me as if I came from another planet. “I don’t read books,” he said. “Oh, I think you will really like this one,” I said. Finally, he asked, “Well, where could I find this book?” “I have a dog-eared copy at home,” I said, “but you could go to Waterfield Library and check it out.” Then came the shocking reply. “I’ve never been to the library. How do you get there?” When I was six years old, my father took me with him to his seminary library. We entered the doors of that great library, greeted by a bust of John Spurgeon – my father told me – and the musty smell of books overcame me. My father held my hand, and from that moment the safety, the security, a day with my dad and the wonderful smell of those books would forever be intertwined. My father took me through the entire process. He had a list of books he needed for an assignment in his seminary class. For a 6-year-old boy, this was better than any scavenger hunt. Like magic, the books appeared on the shelves, according to the call numbers, just where they were supposed to appear. My father let me pull each book from the shelf. We took the stack of books to the circulation desk and, again, like magic, a nice lady stamped the books expertly, and then we got to take the books home. I wanted to take that deprived student directly to Waterfield Library, but, alas, I had a class. I pointed him in the right direction. I have not seen him since. I hope he found his way. If he did, he could be transformed. Like me, he might never be the same.

Our View

Students shouldn’t let board off hook The staff editorial is the majority opinion of The Murray State News Editorial Board.

Last week, we called on the faculty, students, staff and the regional community to take a stand against the possibility that the Murray State Board of Regents acted illegally in coming to a conclusion as to whether President Randy Dunn should have his contract renewed. We called on students to get up, get active and get angry. We asked for the moral authority that we all have when we stand up for our rights to be represented. We didn’t specify how – that was left up to the students, the faculty, the staff and the community itself. When Board Chair Constantine Curris entertained questions from faculty and staff Tuesday night, he probably didn’t expect the grilling that he got from many of those in attendance with questions concerning the vote on President Dunn’s contract. Faculty members went a step further, recently, with the announcement that some members of the faculty were looking to establish a local affiliate of the American Association of University Professors union as another outlet for faculty voices to be heard on campus and within the administration. Conspicuously absent from discussions about challenging the decision, or about holding the board’s feet to the fire over a possible violation of Kentucky’s open meetings law has been, at every step of the way, the student population. After the initial announcement that Dunn’s contract would not be renewed, an outpouring of student support for Dunn emerged in comments on and on social media outlets. This, combined with student bewilderment as to why Student Regent Jeremiah Johnson voted against the renewal of Dunn’s contract, has not turned into much of anything since the initial announcement. Students did not picket Curris’ forum with the faculty and staff Tuesday night.

Join us in giving a ringing welcome to the 2013-14 editorial board of The Murray State News!

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The News

Students have not picketed anything, nor have students written letters in protest, nor have students organized a campaign for a revote on Dunn’s contract. If students want Dunn to remain president of this University, they certainly haven’t done much to show it. If students let the board off the hook, if they allow a possible violation of the law by this board go unchecked, they open the doors for this kind of behavior to become normalized. No wrongdoing has been proven as of yet, and that is again important to note, but the shady atmosphere surrounding the process is, in and of itself, grounds for alarm. If the board cannot be completely honest about the number of members present at the closed-door social gathering and what those members discussed with the student body, the faculty, the staff and our community, how can we trust the board to be honest with us on a daily basis? Should this be allowed normalization by the Board of Regents’ actions? We are not calling for prosecutions; we are calling for answers and we are asking that the board come clean and opt for another vote, one untainted by the mere possibility of scandal. We believe that President Dunn at least deserves that, regardless of the outcome of such a vote. Students have every right to be angry, but they have no excuse to be uninvolved. If the faculty, staff and community leaders can protest these actions, so can we. It’s time for we, the students to get to work in building real shared governance at Murray State rather than the lip service that gets paid to it on a regular basis.

Without further aideu ...

Write to us!

Editor-in-Chief • 809-6877

2609 University Station Murray State University Murray, Kentucky 42071-3301 email: Fax: 809-3175

Evan Watson/The News

Meghann Anderson News Editor • 809-4468

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Devin Griggs Opinion Editor • 809-5873

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The News welcomes commentaries and letters to the editor. Letters should be 300 words or less. Contributors should include phone numbers for verification. Please include hometown, classification and title or relationship to the University. Commentaries should be between 600 to 800 words. The News reserves the right to edit for style, length and content. No anonymous contributions will be accepted. All contributions should be turned in by noon on Tuesday of each week via email at Contributions to The News are the opinion of the author and not that of The Murray State News.

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From the front: XXXXXXXXXX/The News

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The News strives to be the University community’s source for information. Our goal is to present that information in a fair and unbiased manner and provide a free and open forum for expression and debate. The News is a designated public forum. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The paper offers a hands-on learning environment for students interested in journalism. The campus press should be free from censorship and advance approval of copy, and its editors should develop their editorial and news policies. The News is prepared and edited by students and is an official publication of Murray State University. The first copy is free. Additional copies are available for 25 cents at 111 Wilson Hall.

The News


April 5, 2013


Letters to the Editor

Born in the U.S.A.

Paid sick days a must I was appointed to the Murray State University Board of Regents in 2004 and served for six years. Dr. Randy Dunn was selected as president of Murray State in 2006 during my time of service. Several board members voted against Dunn as president of Murray State, and I was one of them. I believed that the best interest of Murray State was not being considered and that our board was lacking in wisdom and transparency. He was certainly not the choice of the faculty, and there were unconventional means used by some members of the board during the selection process. I met with Dunn after his arrival, and we discussed integrity and character. I promised my support if I believed he was doing what was in the best interest of Murray State. Immediately after my first Board of Regents meeting, I realized with shock and disappointment that the board I was a member of, along with a previous administration, was motivated by politics, personal vendettas and hidden agendas. My questions were not acceptable. I was told by three different board members that I could be “ostracized by this board,” if I continued to ask questions. I was ashamed of this way of doing business and wanted our new president to lead by example. I was honored to represent fellow Kentucky taxpayers, and felt responsible to them to use my time and ability to move Murray State forward. President Dunn assured me that he intended to earn the respect of the Murray State community. We did not always agree, but I believe Dunn has always had the best interest of Murray State in the forefront, not himself or any faction. He has earned the respect from the University community, as evidenced by public support for him during these past weeks. Because of recent actions, it is clear that this board is slipping back into old ways of conducting business. Personal agendas have no place in a statesupported institution. Our students, faculty and staff deserve better. The nonrenewal of Dunn’s contract has led me to review how Murray State has fared under the leadership of Dunn. I learned from my father many years ago to “check the record.” I have checked Dunn’s record, and it is excellent. During Dunn’s presidency, the enrollment decline has been reversed, yielding student growth of 8.1 percent over the last four years. We are at our all time highest enrollment at 10,832 students. Online enrollment increased 108.8 percent between fall 2007 and the fall 2012 semesters. Murray State boasts the second highest graduation rate for public universities in the Commonwealth, second only to the University of Kentucky. Murray State has experienced record fundraising. The Hold Thy Banner High-Campaign for the Students of Murray State University exceeded the goal of $60 million within the public three-year timeframe, raising in excess of $71 million. Almost half of these dollars have been committed to student scholarships. Murray State also received the largest naming gift in its history of $3 million for the CFSB Center. Murray State has been ranked 22 consecutive years by US News and World Report as a top tier university in academic quality. Dunn has shown strong commitment to our geographical region as evidenced by a letter of support written in February 2013 by 27 area public school superintendents in support of his presidency. Murray State’s Regional Outreach Program, initiated in 2008, has provided grants to organizations and individuals broadly enriching educational outcomes to students in the west Kentucky region. Programs include Junior Achievement, Science Guy, Opera in the Schools, Construction Career Day and Shakespeare in the Schools. In addition, the Racer Academy provides high school students dual enrollment/dual-credit opportunities across our region and state.

Cheers & Jeers Cheers & Jeers is written by the Opinion Editor. Questions, concerns or comments should be addressed to

Dunn has led Murray State to join with Paducah leadership to provide a regional campus that not only better serves students in the McCracken County area, but addresses critical educational needs which have long been identified. Murray State was the first public institution in the world to be recognized as a Safe Community by the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on Community Safety, in December 2012. Murray State has been selected for three years as a Great College to Work For by The Chronicle of Higher Education, including designation for “Confidence in Senior Leadership,” in the second year listing (2011). The President’s Commission on Diversity and Inclusion developed Murray State’s Diversity Plan in response to policy changes at the state level. The University’s Affirmative Action Plan was revised under President Dunn’s leadership for the first time in more than 20 years. These are a few of the significant accomplishments that have transpired at Murray State under the leadership of Dunn. These listed accomplishments have happened not only because we have an intelligent president with vision and integrity. They have occurred in large part because of Dunn’s shared governance policy. The success of Dunn’s leadership style has been evidenced by the support of the Faculty Senate and Staff Congress. During my time on the board, it was my belief (and still is) that our faculty and staff are the foundation of our institution. Dr. Dunn’s leadership has created an environment that is conducive for the University community to work together to meet the needs of all students. The Staff Congress, the elected-governing body of the staff, wrote a letter of support and recommendation for Dunn 11 months into his presidency in 2007. In 2012, another resolution was passed expressing its support of the president and recognizing his support of the staff. The Staff Congress voted in March 2013 to issue a proclamation supporting the extension of Dr. Dunn’s contract. A unanimously approved resolution was submitted to the Board of Regents in November 2012 from the Murray State Faculty Senate. It stated, “The Faculty Senate has confidence in Dunn’s leadership; and therefore be it resolved that the Faculty Senate respectfully requests the board to clarify Dunn’s future employment status with the University.” There was an additional resolution passed March 5, 2013, thanking Dunn for involving faculty in the successful budget review, which identified nearly $6 million in savings. I want to thank faculty and staff members for speaking against what they believe to be an injustice to Murray State and its students. They are aware that the words they write and speak could have financial or other repercussions for them in years to come. I thank and respect the four board members who voted to renew the contract of a president with an outstanding record.

Cheers to ... frozen yogurt, the most delicious alternative to ice cream, ever. Can we keep pretending it’s good for us, please?

Cheers to ... our new editorial board members! Spring is the season for renewal, and we’re renewing our commitment to excellent journalism with new faces. Good luck everyone!

Jeers to ... the ASPCA. Not because of the work you do (which is great!) but because your commercials make us want to cry every second we sit through one of them.

Jeers to ... the Indian Winter we seem to be having. Is it spring yet, or can we keep wearing scarves, sweaters and snowboots? If this is what climate change is all about, we wouldn’t like another.

C h e e r s t o . . . ba s e ba l l ! A m e r i c a ’s pa s t i m e i s ba c k i n f u l l sw i n g (pun i n te d e d ) m a rk i n g t h e u n o ff i c i a l b e g i n n i n g o f s u m m e r. A n d n o l o c ko ut , e i ther!

Vickie Travis non-student from Murray, Ky.

Jeers to ... the Tennessee legislator who wrote a bill that would cut welfare for kids who do badly in school. Sick.

Cheers to ... faculty members looking to organize a union on campus. Keep on keepin’ on, guys and gals.

Jeers to ... s p r i n g a l l e rg i e s . It ’s n i ce t h a t t h e we a t h e r i s s t a r t i n g to wa r m u p but we (sort of ) could really live without all the mucus. Seriously.

Parki ng Jo b of t h e Week

Comics Grift Town

Photo courtesy of Joseph Davis

A car straddles two handicap parking spots in the parking lot of Cracker Barrell.

Eighty-six percent of Americans support it. Ninetyfour percent of liberals and 81 percent of conservatives view it as a basic right. San Francisco, Portland, Devin Griggs New York City Opinion Editor and the state of Connecticut all require it. But today more than 4 in 10 private-sector workers and more than 80 percent of low-wage workers do not have access to paid sick days, including three out of four food service and hotel workers. I hadn’t planned on writing this column. I already had one ready to be sent to the presses when this topic came up in a big way and hit me very close to home. Tuesday night I started having a bit of irritation in my left eye which I wrote off as an allergic reaction to the pollen now saturating the air. But it got worse from there. While I was designing my pages for this edition of The News, my other eye, too, began to get a little irritated. Thursday morning I decided to make a visit to Primary Care, where I learned that I had pink eye. As I’ve talked about in detail in previous columns, in addition to my post at The News, I also work part time in the fast-food industry, and that’s where I was on Tuesday night when this irritation started. The possibility that I could have infected anyone, be they my coworkers or a customer, is terrifying and I sincerely hope that I was not yet at a contagious stage. Three out of four food-service workers and hotel workers don’t have access to paid sick leave, and that’s a thought that should scare all of us. 60 percent of restaurant workers report having cooked, prepared and served food while sick. I will admit to being one of those persons, because getting sent home at my other job on account of sickness is easier said than done. I am not proud of it, but when the choice you’re offered is between making enough money to put food on the table and gas in the tank, most workers (myself included) choose the latter because they just can’t afford to take a day off, especially when they’re only making $7.25 an hour. It gets even scarier when you look at some of the numbers of those who have been infected due to a lack of paid sick leave. Women Employed, an advocacy group for working women, estimates that an additional 5 million people were infected with the flu in 2009 because of a lack of paid sick leave. Approximately 3,433 Americans died from the flu in 2009. How many died because we don’t let sick workers have a paid day off? Business has been at the forefront in opposition to these policies because they argue that they hamper productivity. Not so, say the experts, who argue that paid sick leave increases productivity and reduces turnover, thus saving vital time and money for industry. Many workers who take time off to recover from illness find themselves without a job when they return. Is that the kind of country we want to live in? One in which a day of sickness means months in the unemployment line?

Devin Griggs is vice president of finances for the Murray State College Democrats. By Casey Vandergrift

Hillary in Heaven by Greg Knipp


The News April 5, 2013

April 5, 2013

Section B

The News


Sports Editor: Jaci Kohn Assistant Editor: Carly Besser Phone: 809-4481 Twitter: MSUNewsSports


Full Court Press

Prohm searches for new players to fill graduates’ open roster positions

The dumbest rule in sports

Jonathan Ferris || Staff writer

As the winningest senior class in Murray State basketball history prepares to shake President Randy Dunn’s hand just more than a month from now, Head Coach Steve Prohm and his staff are hard at work attempting to fill the large shoes soon to be left behind. Assuming no current players transfer or leave the program, and soonto-be junior guard Zay Jackson returns from his season-long suspension, the Racers had five open spots to fill with freshmen, transfers or junior college players. Prohm has already filled three of the spots with freshmen Cameron Payne and Jarvis Williams and incoming sophomore transfer T.J. Sapp. Another spot may soon be taken by junior college transfer Jonathan AugustinFairell, a 6-foot-6-inch center out of Indian River State College in Fort Pierce, Fla., who verbally committed to the Racers last weekend. If Fairell does sign with Murray State this leaves Prohm with just one more spot to fill. It will likely be a guard, as Prohm said earlier he would like to have eight guards and five forwards going into next season. The

commitment of Fairell gives Prohm his desired fifth forward, and leaves the Racers with one more spot to add an eighth and final guard. As the familiar faces of years past continue to be replaced by young upand-comers, The News will take a moment to familiarize you with some of the new faces you’ll see on the court next season wearing the blue and gold. Cameron Payne – Guard A 6-foot-2-inch guard out of Lausanne Collegiate School in Memphis, Tenn., Payne signed with the Racers in November and will be a freshman at Murray State in the fall. The highlight of the recruiting class, Payne averaged 22 points and four assists per game during his junior year. As a senior he led his class to the division 2A Tennessee State Championship and was awarded the Tennessee Mr. Basketball award. Payne is a proven scorer who can hit outside shots and plays at an extremely quick tempo. Payne will fight for a spot in the starting lineup or off the bench, and will work to help replace the void left by Isaiah Canaan’s departure.

Taylor McStoots/The News


The Men’s basketball team huddles during a break in the game against Southeast Missouri on March 2. Six seniors will graduate leaving big holes in the roster.

‘Breds struggle against Southern Illinois Jaci Kohn || Sports Editor

The ‘Breds are gearing up to take on Eastern Illinois Friday for game one of a three-game series. The ‘Breds have been struggling as of late coming off of a 7-2 loss to Southern Illinois on Tuesday. They are currently in a four-game losing streak after getting swept by Austin Peay before the loss to SIU. Head Coach Rob McDonald said the key to getting out of the slump is to have their power hitters to perform at their peaks. “We have got some guys who are not swinging the bat as well as they are capable,” he said. “When the guys that are our best hitters are not hitting it as well as they can, then obviously it adversely affects us.” In the game Tuesday, many strong hitters did not

record any hits. Senior Mike Kozlowski, who a few games ago hit for the cycle, went 0-3; designated hitter, senior Brandon Eggenschwiler, who put up the team’s first home run of the season went 0-3 and freshman Taylor Mathews, who started out the season putting up consistent hits went 0-5. In all the team only put up six hits for the game. Elliott The ‘Breds also struggled to get base runners home once they got on base. Eleven runners were stranded during Tuesday’s game. During the fourth through seventh innings, two runners were left on base during each inning. Senior Brandon Elliott said he does not think there

is any particular reason why this happened. “I think lately we haven’t been connecting on all cylinders,” he said. “You could see the last three weeks before this, we have been playing pretty well. We are going through a rough patch right now, but I think we will figure it out by this weekend.” Going through a losing streak can take its toll on a team. However, Elliott is not worried because of veteran and senior guys on the team that have been through the ups and downs. “If we as seniors, not just myself but all of us, can take it upon each other to pick up everybody on the team,” he said. “We have all been through the ups and downs, this is a down point but it can only go up from here. I think we have a good team and we are


For the love of tennis, women defeat SEMO 7-0 Saturday Carly Besser || Assistant Sports Editor

With the OVC tournament just three weeks away, the tennis team proved itself as a strong opponent when it defeated Southeast Missouri 7-0 Saturday. The Racers (7-7, 4-1 OVC) hosted the meet at home and swept all six singles matches. The team also finished strong in doubles play with a final record 2-3, with victories in the first and third. The first match was played by doubles team senior Ashley Canty and sophomore Carolyn Huerth, who went on to finish with a final score of 8-4. “All of our conference Patton matches have turned out to be a good win,” said Head Coach Olga Elkin. “We started coming out really strong. We do our business and it’s working well.” The freshmen solidified their competitive drive when duo Erin Patton and Suzaan Stolz dominated the court to add another 8-1 victory. “It’s good to see how well the freshmen are doing because it gets difficult for them,” Elkin said. “They have to play collegiate teams so it’s really tough

see SEMO, 2B

Photo courtesy of Ricky Martin/Murray Ledger & Times

3-POINT CONTEST: Senior Isaiah Canaan participated in the 2013 State Farm College Slam Dunk & 3-Point Championships in Atlanta, Ga., in the 3-point portion of the contest. Eight athletes competed and were given 60 seconds to shoot up to 25 shots. Canaan scored 10 points in round one, which was not enough to move on to the the semifinals round. Virgina Commonwealth University’s Troy Daniels won the championship scoring 16 in the first round, 23 in the second and 17 in the third.




Team Jesus wins intramural Men’s tennis continues to look New movement helps poverty in championship, 3B Murray, 5B for elusive first win, 4B


All football players know they will be roughed up during a tackle, just like all baseball infielders can assume they will get a few cleats in the Ryan shin when a Richardson runner slides into the bag. Online Editor So, it is only logical for basketball players to expect to receive a few elbows to the face when an opponent swings their arms. That is why the Flagrant 1 foul is the dumbest rule in sports. It is detrimental to NCAA basketball. I get that the point is to eliminate concussions and other injuries caused when players swing their elbows to earn some space. The original intentions of the rule are respectable, but I constantly wonder if anyone thought of the consequences. The negative effects far outweigh the supposed improvements to the game. Let’s start from the beginning. According to the new definition, a Flagrant 1 foul essentially occurs when a player swings an elbow and makes illegal contact with an opponent above the shoulders. The problem with this is it is very hard to distinguish what contact is illegal and what contact is acceptable. Sure, the officials are veterans, but judgment calls do not get easier over time. The referees are not the problem. It is the rule itself. The rule is vague in definition yet severe in penalty, as the offended team gets two free throws and possession of the ball. In some cases, even the most routine basketball plays are now illegal. Take, for example, a play during the NCAA tournament. During a drive to the basket, a Pittsburgh offensive player’s elbow hit a Wichita State defender in the face. Honestly, it was the defender’s fault – he had nearly fallen down when the player drove by, so his face was unusually low – but either way, it was a routine basketball play. No ordinary foul was committed, and especially not a Flagrant 1. But, I do not place any fault on the officials. They are only trying to enforce this nonsense rule, which leads to another aspect that maddens me. In case you have not watched basketball, it is a pretty fast-paced sport. A single call can change the outcome of the game. When officials suspect a Flagrant 1, they all head over to the TV monitor to watch the play again. This would not be a problem, except it takes several minutes for each review, and potentially affects who comes out with the win. Teams lose momentum. Players cool down. Coaches heat up. Fans lose interest and cheer less. The entire atmosphere changes, all because of a poorly worded rule. As a former basketball player, I feel 100 percent comfortable saying this rule is 100 percent stupid. I have been hit in the head more times than I can count by a random elbow flying through the air. But guess what? I expected that to happen. I mean, it is freaking basketball. It is a contact sport. There will always be some incidental contact. Players know it. Coaches know it. Fans know it. So, the NCAA needs to get rid of the rule. Trust the officials to do their jobs. They know how to call a foul and keep the game safe. Trust the athletes to take care of themselves and not intentionally hurt others. Let them play ball. Let them have fun. Isn’t that the what the game is about, anyway?

MANEUVER MURRAY Second annual trivia, obstacle race this Saturday, 5B



RECRUITMENT From Page 1 “We’re really excited to get Cameron into the Racer Basketball family,” Prohm told the Sports Information Department. “Cameron has been a priority since day one. He’s crafty and has a high skill level. Defensively he’s long and with the way we want to play, he’ll fit in really well and have a chance to have an impact as a freshman.” Jarvis Williams – Forward Standing at 6 foot 8 inches, Williams will help make up for the

The News

loss of senior big men Ed Daniel, Brandon Garrett and Latreze Mushatt. Spending the last two seasons at Gordon State College in Barnesville, Ga., Williams was named a Junior College All-American after his freshman year and averaged a double-double with 20 points and 10.4 rebounds this season as a sophomore. After briefly committing to the University of Alabama-Birmingham (UAB), Williams signed with the Racers in November. He will be a junior in the fall and will bring some muchneeded experience to what will be an extremely young Racer team. “We’re losing Ed Daniel after this season, so we wanted to bring in an experienced guy like Jarvis,” Prohm told the

April 5, 2013

Sports Information Department. “He brings the same kind of intangibles that Ed possesses. He’s a great athlete, with a great motor who is a shot-blocker and can score around the basket.” T.J. Sapp – Guard Heavily recruited by Murray State out of high school, T.J. Sapp eventually committed to Clemson in the spring of 2011. After playing in all of the Tigers’ games as a freshman, and making six starts as a sophomore, Sapp decided it was time for a change of scenery after receiving less playing time than desired. After visiting both Wyoming and Murray State, Sapp became a Racer in January and enrolled in classes and began practicing with the team.

Eligible to play after final exams end in December, Sapp will likely have a chance to crack the starting lineup just in time for the Racers’ conference schedule to begin next winter. The 6-foot-3-inch guard will likely fill the role vacated by Stacy Wilson, and looks to form an exciting duo with fellow junior guard Zay Jackson in the Racers’ backcourt next December. “I can honestly say it feels great to be a part of Murray State,” Sapp said. “It’s a great environment and the people really embrace the program. It feels great just to be a part of a school that is a basketball school. It feels good to feel like you are really important to the whole city and the whole school.”

Jonathan Augustin-Fairell Forward Though not officially signed, Fairell verbally committed to Murray State last weekend, transferring from Indian River State College. As a sophomore this season, Fairell was fourth in the nation in rebounding with 11.8 per game, while leading his team in scoring with an average of 17.7 points and shooting an impressive 67 percent from the field. Standing at 6 foot 6 inches, Fairell is similar to senior Latreze Mushatt, and could fill his role as a smaller versatile forward. Joining the Racers as a junior in the fall, Fairell will join Williams as the lone upper-classman forward.

SEMO From Page 1 both physically and mentally.” In the singles division, Canty returned to pick up another victory. Junior Carla Suga followed with her own win in flight two, along with freshman Megan Blue, who won flight three. Blue’s performance added to her perfect streak of 5-0 in conference play. The three singles powerhouses have all combined to win three straight in a row for the Racers. The team is now preparing to take on Belmont in Nashville, Tenn. The match will mark its first meet against the Bruins of the season. The Racers last faced Belmont in the 2010-11 season, finishing with a 4-3 victory. “I don’t think it’s a setback that we haven’t play them in so long,” Elkin said. “We go into any match with little known about the other team, so we’re always going in fresh. ” Both teams are evenly matched, with the same 7-7 regular season record, but the Bruins come weak in conference play, with a 3-3 record in comparison to Murray State’s 4-1. Belmont comes in strong in doubles play. In its last meet against SIU Edwardsville, the Bruins took their first points when they finished 2-3 in doubles. Strong duos like seniors Carolyn Caire and Natalia Nunes prove to be a formidable match up, both in experience and performance. The two went on to finish 8-3. The roster features five seniors

Lori Allen/The News

Junior Brandon Eggenschwiler touches first and looks toward second. The ’Breds have had some trouble as of late, losing their last four games against Austin Peay and Southern Illinois.

STRUGGLE From Page 1

Photo courtesy of Sports Information

Senior Ashley Canty focuses on an incoming pass. Canty picked up wins in both singles and doubles in the matches against Southeast Missouri. opposed to Murray State’s one, making the Bruins a team used to seasons of competition. Junior Carla Suga said the team needs to work on doubles play to make sure they are ready for Belmont. “You always need to practice,”

she said. “But you also have to come with more energy. It’s not all about just playing well. You also have to make sure you bring a mental game to the matches.” The Racers will travel to Nashville, Tenn., to take on Belmont Saturday at 10 a.m.

going to respond quickly.” Elliott said Coach McDonald has been telling them to keep just to keep working on the little things. “In the beginning of the season we were clicking,” he said. “We lost a few at the beginning of the season and then we went on a stretch where we were continuously winning and now we are losing a few in a row. But practice isn’t really any different, a tweak here in somebody’s swing, a tweak there in somebody’s swing.” The conference series against the EIU Panthers should test this. EIU has also

been struggling as of late. The Panthers are 0-8 in conference play and were in a four-game losing streak before defeating Illinois State 20-2 on Wednesday. The ‘Breds are 6-6 in conference match ups. However, Murray State does not have a good track record against EIU. In the last three years the ‘Breds have only beat them once in seven games. Last season the Panthers swept them. Elliott said the team needs to focus more on doing the little things right and they practice the little things everyday, like moving runners from second to third. “We are all trying to do it but you are not always going to get the same result,” he said. “We want quick results but if we can just do the little things right, I think in the next few weeks we are going to be a hard team to beat.”

*For a limited time only

The News


April 5, 2013



Team Jesus takes home championship title Taylor Crum || Contributing writer

Team Jesus and Lizo fought for the championship title in men’s intramural volleyball at Racer Arena Monday night. The competition was fierce. Not only were both teams equipped with talented volleyball players, but both teams also came out with the heart to win. At the start of the first game, the two teams were neck and neck. Team Jesus came out with strong sets and hard hitters. The team’s players were scrappy on the floor, diving for balls and running full force at shanked hits. Team Jesus also knew exactly where to place the ball to get points. Unlike Team Jesus, Lizo started to produce sloppy sets, making it hard for the team to get a good hit. Uncontrolled blocking at the net also hurt Lizo’s score. However, the team continued to fight. Lizo team member Andy Siebert saved his team multiple times with aggressive play and strong serves. However, Siebert’s hard work was not enough. Team Jesus took the first game of the match with a score of 25-22. Just like the first game, the two teams were neck and neck at the start of the second game. Lizo, however, was the team with the upper hand this time. Team Jesus began to play messily while Lizo played strong defense and stayed ahead most of the game. With a score of 17-13, Lizo’s confidence boosted, but that didn’t stop the team from fighting back. Playing more aggressively and coming back with a tied score of 18-18, the men of Team Jesus would not back down. The two teams remained close in score the rest of the game, making it 24-22 in favor of the defending champions. With a mistake on Lizo’s side, the game ended in Team Jesus’s favor with a score of 25-22 once again. This left the victory and

Torrey Perkins/The News

Team Jesus sets up to return a Lizo spike. This is the third year the team earned the intramural championship title. championship title to Team Jesus. A team of eight friends, the team is no stranger to winning championships. Previously known as the Christ Ambassadors team, this is the third year Team Jesus has been crowned the men’s intramural volleyball champions. Team member and a dominant player for the team, Chad Koenegstein shared the key to his team’s success. “We have good chemistry, and we’re all best friends,” Koenegstein said. “We don’t ever really compete. We’re just having fun.” Koenegstein said Team Jesus does not formally practice. He said practices mostly consist of the eight players meeting up for a ca-

sual, fun game two to three times a week. Although Team Jesus plays to have fun, Koenegstein said there is one thing on which he and his teammates could improve on. “Passing,” Koenegstein said. “We aren’t very good passers.” Koenegstein said he is hanging up his volleyball shoes because he is graduating. However, Koenegstein also said intramural volleyball can expect to see the men of Team Jesus competing again next year. “They won most of their games without me anyway,” Koenegstein said. “They will be even better next year.”


Racers fall to EIU, prepare for Eastern Kentucky Megan Kavy || Staff writer

Lori Allen/The News

Sophomore outfielder Casey Castile goes in to catch a ground ball during practice. This weekend will be the first time the Racers have played four games in two days this season.

on i t a oci s s nt A e rnm e v Go t n de St u

The Murray State softball team will play against Eastern Kentucky and Morehead State this weekend. The Racers will play a doubleheader Saturday against EKU and doubleheaders Sunday against Morehead State. This will be the first time this season the Racers have played four games in two days. “It’s going to be interesting to see how we handle that,” Head Coach Kara Amundson said. She said she believes these games are important, especially since they are conference games. Murray State lost all three games against Eastern Illinois March 29-30. The team was hoping to take the series and jump ahead in the conference. Eastern Illinois narrowly defeated the Racers in the first game. Murray State was unable to score, and Eastern Illinois scored in the bottom of the sixth to win 1-0. In the second game, Eastern Illinois took an early 1-0 lead in the first inning. Murray State came back in the second inning to score one run by freshman Brianne Sanders to tie the game. The Racers took the lead in the third inning after sopho-

more Casey Castile singled to score sophomore Mo Ramsey. In the fourth inning, Eastern Illinois scored two more runs to take back the lead, 3-2. Murray State continued fighting in the fifth inning. Ramsey scored again on an error made by the Eastern Illinois catcher. Sophomore Alexa Becker advanced to third on a wild pitch, and scored after a single by junior Leslie Bridges. Murray State was unable to come back and lost the second game 7-4 after competing hard. In the final game of the series, Murray State was only able to score one run. It came in the fifth inning when Bridges doubled to score Becker. Eastern Illinois scored one run in the third inning and three runs in the sixth inning to win 4-1. Despite the team’s tough losses last weekend, Amundson is not discouraged. “We have all the capability in the world to come out of this series in a good spot,” she said. Amundson said she knows these challenging games will be a battle from start to finish but are not impossible for the Racers. The first game of the weekend will be Saturday at 12 p.m. against EKU at Central Park.

the n i or r 111. m .co Cent e a g sus urris m . w ice, C w t w nt of f a ine eme l n le o nvolv b a il tI a n v e e a St ud Judicial Board: r a r s o 10 members, must be ion t er f t a c n li Junior by fall semester, 2.5 gpa Ce app Applications due Friday, April 19 at 4 p.m. in the CSI office.


Elections/Ways & Means - 1 position, 2.5 gpa Publications & Public Relations, 1 position, 2.5 gpa University Affairs - 1 position, 2.5 gpa Judicial Board Chair - 1 position, 2.5 gpa SGA Webmaster - 1 position, 2.5 gpa

Commuter/Non-Traditional Students, 2.5 gpa Concerts, 2.5 gpa Homecoming/Murray Madness, 2.5 gpa Innovative Acts, 2.5 gpa Lectures, 2.5 gpa Membership, 2.5 gpa Miss MSU Scholarship Pageant, 2.5 gpa Diversity (2 positions), 2.5 gpa Publicity (3 positions), 2.5 gpa Showcasing, 2.5 gpa Sound and Production, 2.5 gpa

Applications due Friday, April 19 at 4 p.m. in the CSI office.

Applications due Friday, April 19 at 4 p.m. in the CSI office.

Senate Chair:

The News



April 5, 2013


Racers sign 11 for next year Laura Kovarik || Staff writer


Tim Vonder Haar @VonderHawk When you out a club and you see a fine girl do the creep. Baseball

Emily Schmahl @eschmahl11 Coughed so hard my pill came back up and is stuck in my throat #help Volleyball

Tyler Rambo @TRam15 One of my brothers scared to talk to girls at 19 ill never snitch tho lmao Men’s Basketball Kate Russell/The News

Senior defenders Sonja Murphy and Janelle Cunningham race after the ball at practice. The team currently has 11 new players signed on the 2013-14 roster. she’s committed and she wants to do well.” Along with welcoming new players to the team, the Racers will have senior Rebecca Bjorkvall back on the field with them. Bjorkvall is currently recovering from a torn ACL injury. She is hoping to get the green light in May and return to playing in the fall. She is a transfer student from Lindsey Wilson College.

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6 new Tweets

Racheal Foxley @rachealfoxley Truly just got April fooled!! #sucker

Mental toughness and leadership development are the main focus as the Racers women’s soccer team prepares for a game against University of Evansville today. This marks the second game of the Racers’ spring season. Coming off a tournament title win at the Murray State Indoor Tournament in Mayfield, Ky., March 2. Head Coach Beth Acreman said she is looking to see how her team is coming along. This is the Racers’ first 11 vs. 11 game this season. Coming off a win, the team is confident and looking forward to taking on the Purple Aces. As the season has progressed the team has been emphasizing leadership in its players. “The girls are working really hard in the weight room,” Acreman said. “In the spring, there’s only so much you can do with numbers in terms of training big.” She said the foundation of any successful team relies upon its staffing and player leadership. Acreman and her staff have been working diligently to instill these values in all their players. Leadership councils, leadership meetings and different exercises help with team building. As of March 27, the team has signed 11 new players for the fall. The newest addition to the team is Alexa Hosey from the University of Southern Florida. Hosey redshirted at USF and was also selected to US National Team youth pool. “Alexa Hosey is an aggressive forward, everything I’ve seen of her has been positive,” Acreman said. “She’s a hard worker,



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“I love all the team spirit you have with soccer,” Bjorkvall said. “I think it’s important that our team works on strengthening our leadership and teamwork.” A tough upcoming spring lineup includes three 11 vs. 11 games against Western Kentucky, Morehead State and University of Evansville. The Racers will return to action against UT Martin April 13.

Samuel Small II @_sam52 Reevaluate yourself if you spend more time talking the talk than actually walking the walk Football

Tessa Elkins @t1elk How many emails does one have to send until they receive a response from any coach? .... I'm currently on the 16th school. Volleyball


Men seek first win at Belmont Saturday Kelly Farrell || Contributing writer

Men’s tennis is coming off their April 3 matches against University of Kentucky to face Belmont University tomorrow. The team starts play against Belmont at 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Wildwood Club in Nashville, Tenn. The Racers are searching for some momentum to lead them into the final stretch of the season. There are five matches left before the OVC tournament in Paducah, Ky. Murray State is currently suffering a losing streak with a record of 0-14. “I think we’ll be competitive,” Head Coach Mel Purcell said. “We’ll have to see what happens.” Coach Purcell said the match against Belmont is important in regards to the rest of the Racers’ season. The team needs to string a few wins together in their upcoming matches for a much better chance at participating and qualifying for the OVC tournament. Murray State lost to Austin Peay 0-7 April 2, before playing UK to extend the losing streak. “It was a pretty tough match,” junior Adam Taylor said. “I didn’t take the opportunities I had.” “Our backs are against the wall. If we can a get a couple of wins,” Coach Purcell said. “We’re just looking at one match at a time.” Taylor agrees with Coach Purcell’s outlook about Murray State’s prospects about the remainder of the season. “It’ll be a tough one. We didn’t start off as well as we’d liked,” Taylor said. “There’s always a chance right?” “We’ll probably have to win the next four matches to have a chance to compete in tournament play,” Coach Purcell said. Coach Purcell expressed what he wanted to see from his players heading into Murray State’s competition against the non-conference team UK. He acknowledged the strength of the team and that he hoped that they prepared

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Men’s Baseball Murray State. vs. Eastern Illinois 1 p.m. Charleston, Ill.

Photo courtesy of Sports Information

Junior Adam Taylor readies himself to hit the ball to his opponent at a recent home match. The team is now 0-14 on the season after losing to Austin Peay Tuesday and UK Wednesday. the Racers for their conference matchups against teams like Belmont and later Tennessee State. “We’re going to play singles first,” Coach Purcell said. “I just want our guys to play hard.” Coach Purcell said doubles are the weakness of the team and that they have struggled since the season started Jan. 18 against the University of Louisville. Coach Purcell said the second and third teams have not found much luck, either. “We haven’t been strong. Singles start first,” Coach Purcell said. “Our No. 1 has been pretty good.” Murray State dropped their 15th en-

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gagement in a row with the team’s 0-6 loss April 4 to eighth-ranked UK in Lexington, Ky. Taylor dropped at No. 1 in his singles’ matches against 24th-ranked UK player Tom Jomby in two sets of 6-4. Tyler Jeffers lost at No. 2 6-2 and 7-5. Ryan Kennedy lost at No. 3 in two sets of 6-2 and Mac McLean lost at four 6-0 and 6-2. Nicholas Mitric lost at No. 5 in two sets of 6-0 and Aleks Mitric lost at No. 6 8-0. After Kentucky swept the singles against the Racers, doubles were not played. Murray State seeks their first win against Belmont tomorrow at 1 p.m..

April 5, 2013



The News

“Entertainment news sure to spice up your lunch conversation”

WATER COOLER Information and photos from The Associated Press Compiled by Savannah Sawyer


One cup of coffee...

Features Editor: Anna Taylor Assistant Features Editor: Savannah Sawyer Phone: 809-5871 Twitter: MSUNewsFeatures

y a r r u M s t c affe t n e m e v o Coffee m

p or two extra cu n a r fo ce be conin advan then can er in h ic h w r , e m rit of coffee er custo || Staff w by anoth . The coffee is Harrell .edu r d e e t m n u u s e H ate m murrayst a later ti r, meaning the need at hharrell@ fo a id o a g p n a ly ything, mplete dness c o in c k t lose an t the o f o d n t s in c e h a o e ll d b a s a u m s e bo gh As e id busine mer who meone. This is th Movement. to s . y u a c w e g th lon ing so and offee ee is help lumna from pended C a type of pays ff u o S c e a h tr T a ex ement is a boycott of ent raves, The mov Paige G und the movem , not n o to ti c k a fo c a rd y., it-forwa to give b Kevil, K ident. is a way ly by acc It elf one . te e le e p ff o m c o c ut it mys o . b y a e it t v n u o u o rnet, M m d n e m “I fou the Inte at the co d Coffe g e d in a s n e e w p o id s br rov ies th The Su day just ffort to p those ossibilit kes an e ed the p a to v mentam l lo le a t e p I n e m d im m an ith its ky age or a c w r e lu e d to v e m e b o b n ays I wa te warm could c s said. “ thing our t not alw xury. e h v a ig r m G o wh ome e lu tion,” is was s ng to to have th dition began in ow if th enough be willi n a k tr ld e u o th , w y ll y a it in n Orig Italy. commu s, 6B southern ich tran h w ee cafes of s ,” o s e a p s is o S ,” ee “Caffe ded coff e pays “suspen on e m o s lates to h whic in t n e m e mov

‘NEMO’ SEQUEL HOOKS DEGENERES The Disney and Pixar Animation unit made an announcement Tuesday there will be a sequel to the 2003 hit, “Finding Nemo.” The sequel to the film is titled “Finding Dory.” Ellen DeGeneres, who voiced Dory in the original flick, has signed on to reprise her role in the sequel set to be released Nov. 25, 2015.

COFFEE act of kindness

s New The

on/ Wats Evan

FALLON TO TAKE OVER FOR LENO Over the past several weeks, rumors have been flying whether or not Jimmy Fallon, current host of “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” will take over for current “Tonight Show” host, Jay Leno. After the duo addressed the rumors Monday with a parody song of “Tonight” from “The West Side Story,” NBC made an announcement Wednesday Fallon will be replacing Leno. There is still no word as to who will be replacing Fallon for “Late Night.”

MTV ‘BUCKWILD’ STAR FOUND DEAD MTV has halted filming of the second season of “Buckwild” Monday after learning one of the main stars was found dead. Shain Gandee was found dead in a sports utility vehicle along with the bodies of his uncle and an unidentified man. Authorities said the men died of carbon-monoxide poisoning.

Spring fever: get outdoors, get going Shannon MacAllister Staff writer

Students yearn for spring as the cold weather continues on long past its alloted time. As they wait, students are making plans for how to fill the much anticipated longer, warmer days. There are a plethora fun outdoor campus activities just around the corner, students are ready to bask in the sunlight and fresh air. It is time to start making springtime plans, and a time to get ready for fun in the sun.


Enjoy Campus Activities

Spring is a time of community, and a time filled with activities to partake in with fellow Murray State students. With the warmer weather comes an onslaught of outdoor entertainment that promises to be fun for everyone. An example of this is All Campus Sing. It is hosted by Sigma Alpha Iota, the Inernational Women’s Music Fraternity. All Campus Sing promotes music appreciation throughout the campus and community. Held on the steps of Lovett Auditorium, the event brings together Greek organizations and residential organi-

Competition features tasks, trivia in annual citywide race

zations alike to compete in hours of singing and dancing fun. Audience members may sit on the lawn in the Quad to watch participants sing and dance their hearts out all while enjoying the spring sunshine.


Join in the Merriment

As the season progresses, spring gathers sunshine enthusiasts together to create fun-filled afternoons. Ultimate Frisbee and Capture the Flag are two of the many games that can be found being played in the Quad, which allows students to join in the merriment, stretch their legs

Shannon MacAllister || Staff writer

Murray State students look forward to the annual Maneuver Murray race that brings students, faculty and community members alike together for what promises to be a fun-filled day Saturday. Maneuver Murray, which is created and managed by the Wesley Foundation, resembles the Amazing Race in that competitors must complete a set number of tasks as quickly as possible to win. The clues require competitors to solve puzzles, manage physical feats and overcome mental obstacles as best as they possibly can. The event takes place all over Murray after starting at the Wesley Foundation on Payne Street. Competitors will start at the foundation at 11:00 a.m. and be given until 2:00 p.m. to complete at

and have fun with fellow students. As weather begins to improve, students should take advantage of the warmth and join in on the fun, or even create a game of their own.


Relive your Childhood

When the wind blows and homework calls, take a break, go outside and relive your childhood. Murray State students have found that often times the most relaxing things are those things that had been. Grab a friend and some refresh-

see SPRING, 6B

least 11 of 12 tasks. For every task left incomplete, 20 minutes will be added to the team’s final time. The competition has many on-campus organizations like the Honors Program Student Council urging teams to give the contest a go. “I’m really excited for Maneuver Murray because I love my team,” said Paige Beuligmann, freshman Honor’s Program Student Council member from Carterville, Ill. “It should be a great time for everybody involved.” The competition does allow the use of cell phones, laptops and GPS, but forbids the use of personal vehicles or accepting rides. Competitors may use public transportation, bikes, their own legs or nontraditional methods to get to each location so long as they stay within contest rules.


Faces&Places MORRIS EXPECTING FIRST CHILD Us Weekly magazine reported Wednesday that dancer turned actress and star of Glee, Heather Morris, is expecting her first child with long-time boyfriend Taylor Hubbell. The long-term couple have been dating on another since they met in high school. “I want to marry Taylor and have kids with him,” Morris told Fitness magazine in 2011. “I love acting, but if it affects my relationship, then I won’t continue.”

Quoteable “In this life now, you kill or you die. Or you die and you kill.”

–The Governor from Sunday’s season finale of “The Walking Dead” on AMC

Change of scenery: Martin exits stage left Faces & Places is a weekly series that profiles the people and places of Murray. Every person and every place has a story. Let us tell it.

Savannah Sawyer Assistant Features Editor

New York, Boston, Oklahoma City, Phoenix and Carbondale, what’s a man to choose? Michael Martin, senior from Florissant, Mo., is set to graduate in May and has been offered acceptance to multiple graduate musical theater performance programs. “I have been accepted to the graduate musical theater performance programs at Oklahoma City University, Boston Conservatory, New York University, Arizona State University and Southern Illinois University Carbondale,” Martin said. “I am currently looking over the offers from

each program. I have to make my final decision by April 15.” Martin has been performing in stage productions since the age of 12. “I was in my first stage production in the seventh grade,” Martin said. “I played Oliver Hix in ‘The Music Man.’” Performing was something Martin loved to do in his free time. It was not until he was in high school when he realized what it is he really loved to do. “I first started performing in choir in elementary school, and my love of music blossomed from there,” he said. “It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I started to take performing seriously.” Since then, Martin has been in 15 major theater productions including “The Nutcracker,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Into the Woods,” “Grease”

see MARTIN, 6B

Photo courtesy of Michael Martin

Michael Martin, senior from Florissant, Mo., has been performing since the age of 12.

The News




SPRING From Page 5B ments and head outside to relive some childhood memories. Use what is available with string, soap and water to create huge bubbles on campus, or grab a five-dollar kite for hours of homework procrastination on the weekends. Enjoy the springtime and the free time and have some fun. “Flying kites is really relaxing and fun,” said Rebecca Johns, sophomore from Crete, Ill. “It’s a great way to go outside and enjoy the beautiful day. You only need a little wind.”

COFFEE From Page 5B support.” Since then, Graves created the Suspended Coffee of Murray Facebook page and has asked local businesses in Murray to join in and participate. Graves said she believes the movement will benefit not only community members but the businesses in town as well. “It comes at no cost to (the businesses),” Graves said. “If anything, it just fosters this idea that we are the friendliest small town in America.” So far, the non-profit business 5th and Main Coffees, has pledged to offer suspended coffees. “My husband and I received an invitation from the Suspended Coffee of Murray Facebook page,” said Karen Welch, manager of 5th and Main Coffees. “Since we are a non-profit Chris-

Be Outdoorsy


Just Relax

Only 20 minutes away from a huge nature preserve, Murray provides the unique opportunity to enjoy the outdoors lakeside. Use the good weather as an excuse to venture off campus and explore what the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area offers. Go camping, backpack a trail, lie by the lake or just enjoy the sunlight. “I love spring because it provides many opportunities to go outside and be active,” said Torrey Perkins, freshman from Harvest, Ala. “Here at Murray, you can go to the Land Between the Lakes and camp, swim or go horseback riding. If you want, you can grab a blanket and a book to lay in the sun.”

As the semester is starting to wind down and finals are creeping toward us, take time out of your busy schedule to relax in the sun and relieve some stress. Find a bench, a blanket or a particularly inviting patch of grass, lie down and just relax. Take a book or a magazine along for easy reading to help ease the mind. Take the time to enjoy the weather and forget about the tests. “In the spring, it’s really nice to just be outside,” said Lindsey Powers, freshman from Cincinnati, Ohio. “I love to sit on the benches with friends or just walk around the loop so I can enjoy the weather outside.”

tian bookstore and coffee shop, the movement, which is reminiscent of pay-it-forward, hit an area we hold dear in our hearts.” Welch said after speaking with the baristas, she decided it would be a good idea if they kept up with the coffees purchased. In addition, the shop has decided to extend the movement to include their pastries, teas and chocolates. If it is on the menu, it is available to be suspended for another consumer. “We have decided to keep a log of the date and product bought and mark it off as it is used,” she said. “As long as it doesn’t become a hassle, we will continue it as long as we can.” Both Graves and Welch said they believe the movement will give the community a boost. “I think it will be an opportunity for us to care for one another and remember how lucky we are,” Graves said. “This gives everyone a chance to touch lives more directly and to be grateful for that opportunity.”

Students who would like to get involved can tell local businesses about the movement or go to a business which supports the movement and buy an extra coffee for another person. “(People will participate) because it’s a simple act of kindness where people know exactly where their money is going when they participate,” Graves said. “What matters in life is that you do something every day out of love, and this is a great way to do it.” Many places in America that are picking up the trend claim it could just cause customers to take advantage of the suspended products before buying extra to suspend. Graves acknowledged this aspect and argued in support of the movement. “I realize there's been talk that this movement could be taken advantage of because people might ask for a suspended item even if they don't really need it,” Graves said. “Well, none of us really need coffee, but we need the kindness.”

April 5, 2013

MARTIN From Page 5B and “Oklahoma.” During is time at Murray State, he performed in 10 productions. “My favorite role would have to be the baker in ‘Into The Woods’ by Stephen Sondheim here at Murray State,” Martin said. “If you love musical theater, you have to love Stephen Sondheim's musicals. Personally, I love the complexity of his characters and music.” Martin has been working at developing himself into a better actor and performer in hopes of one day landing his dream role. “My dream role would be to play Coalhouse Walker in the musical ‘Ragtime,’” Martin said. “Coalhouse is a very prideful African American male who fights for what is right, no matter the consequence; I think that's very admirable. Also, the music is fantastic.”

While musical performance is Martin’s absolute dream, he also would love to use his experience someday to teach others what he has learned throughout his career. Currently, he is student teaching. “Two years ago, I began teaching voice lessons to high school and middle school students in the community, and I have loved every minute of it,” Martin said. “While I love performing, and plan to make that my career after graduate school, I want to teach voice at the collegiate level someday.” Martin says he’s excited to take the next steps in his musical theater career but wouldn’t be anywhere without the help of the music department at Murray State. “While I'm excited to be moving on to this next step in my career, I’m sincerely going to miss this wonderful music department,” he said. “The voice faculty is amazing, and they really care for their students. Their unrelenting support and guidance has truly changed my life for the better, and I'm forever grateful.”

MANEUVER From Page 5B Any teams caught violating the rules will be disqualified. “When our group was talking about different ways we could get around town I did mention that we could use my horse,” Beuligmaan said. “I mean it’s way cooler than walking and they never said we couldn’t! I think it’s a real option.” Practicality won out, however, and Beuligmaan said the group will be riding bikes around Murray as they do their best to maneuver Murray. “I don’t know that we really have a strategy,” Beuligmaan said. “I think we are just going to ride around on our bikes and try not to get lost. Does that count (as a strategy)?” The contest promises to be a unique Saturday while allowing students to get to know the city of Murray much better. Each team is rearing and ready to go as they get ready to maneuver Murray.

Photos courtesy of Jason Koger

Jason Koger, 2002 Murray State graduate from Utica, Ky., lost his arms as the result of a tragic all terrain vehicle accident and lives to tell his story. His handicap has not altered his lifestyle.

Alumnus loses arms in accident, lives to tell story Hunter Harrell

University Medical Hospital Burn Center. After three days, Koger awoke to the new reality of life without either of his hands. The accident had burned his arms so badly they had to be amputated just below the elbow. However, after six surgeries, 12 days after his accident Koger was able to return back to his home. For a while, Koger adjusted to life without his hands. His first day home, he taught himself how to drive and dress himself all over again. “I was determined to do everything I could before (the accident),” Koger said. Prior to the accident, Koger worked with his father in their family construction business. In his free time, he enjoyed

Staff writer

Growing up on the family farm in Utica, Ky., afternoon all terrain vehicle rides were a normal occurrence. However, fallen power lines were not. On March 1, 2008, Jason Koger, agriculture engineering major and 2002 graduate of Murray State, drove over a live power line behind his home. Approximately 7,200 volts of electricity coursed through Koger’s body. His cousin, who was riding with him, called for help. The afternoon ended with an ambulance ride to the local hospital where Koger was put into a medically-induced coma and transported to the Vanderbilt

hunting, spending time with family and working on cars. After the accident, he vowed not to let the obstacle get in the way of his life. In fact, just a month after returning home from the hospital, Koger went hunting and brought home his first turkey of the season. He said he was determined to have a positive attitude much like he had prior to his accident. He said he wanted to get his life back on track. “None of my hobbies have changed at all,” Koger said. After almost two months, Koger was fitted for his first prosthetic for his left arm. Two months later, he was fitted for the right prosthetic. Koger relies on two kinds of prosthesis. The first is a body-

powered arm with hooks on the end for hunting and outdoor work. The second is known as iLimb ultra hands, which gives a more lifelike appearance and movement. Koger is the first person in the world to use two iLimb ultra hands for prosthetics. According to Koger, his life has changed unexpectedly because of the publicity. “I hate when people stare at me instead of talking to me,” he said. “I’m comfortable talking about the accident and sharing my story with everyone. In fact, my brother-in-law got me a shirt as a joke that said ‘Look Ma No Hands.’” Koger said he started meeting many celebrities because they admired his positive attitude and willingness to try

everything he could do with his hands before the accident. He has been on CNN, Jana Waller’s hunting show “Skull Bound TV” and appeared in “Hawaii 5-0.” Koger also speaks with other amputees and volunteers at Vanderbilt University Medical Hospital. “I just want to inspire people to never give up,” Koger said. “I think everyone goes through struggles but there is always an easy or lazy way out, but either way you have to move on. It is so much easier (to heal) with a strong community and friends.” Now, five years after the accident, Koger lives a normal and inspiring life raising his family of three children with his wife Jenny in his farm



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home near Owensboro, Ky. He plans to visit a student in Murray who recently lost her arm in a car accident to encourage and teach her how to adapt to the new lifestyle. In addition, he will speak to many agriculture classes about agricultural safety. Within the next month, Koger will also be receiving new top-of-the-line prosthesis to replace his iLimb ultra hands. However, the exact name of the prosthesis have not been released yet. Overall, he still attributes his success to his positive attitude and determination. Said Koger: “I have always pushed myself to the limits. I like to try things that other people might not try to do, and I often succeed.”

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The News


April 5, 2013

WHAT’S HAPPENIN’? TODAY • 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Lawnmower Clean Up/Fix Up, Howton Agricultural Engineering Building • 7 p.m. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, CFSB Center


• 7 a.m. Sucker Punch Century Ride, Gear Up Cycles in Murray • 7:30-10:30 a.m. Mutt Strut 5K and Dog Walk, 15th and Olive streets • 1 p.m., 5 p.m. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, CFSB Center

SUNDAY • Noon Racer Softball vs. Morehead State, Central Park • 1 p.m. Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, CFSB Center • 2:15-3:15 p.m. House Hunters: Animal Edition, Nature Station at Land Between the Lakes

7B Liner Notes

If you would like an event to appear here or on, email us at Please submit events by noon Wednesday for consideration.

• 4-10 p.m. Gatti’s Pizza rebate night for NeedLine, Mr. Gatti’s



• 5-6 p.m. Leadership Connection Workshop: Networking, Curris Center Stables • 5-9 p.m. Applebee’s rebate night for NeedLine, Applebee’s • 8 p.m. The Post Racial Comedy Tour, Curris Center Ballroom

• Noon SGA sponsors Pet Therapy, Curris Center Rocking Chair Lounge • 3 p.m. ‘Breds Baseball vs. Evansville, Reagan Field • 3 p.m. Racers Softball vs. Bethel, Central Park


History lesson


• 5 p.m. “Pray the Devil Back to Hell,” Curris Center Theater • 7 p.m. Let’s Move program, Oakley Applied Science second floor dining room

Movie Review

‘The Croods’ shares life-changing adventure Anna Taylor || Features Editor

The Croods do not get out much. That is, not until their home is destroyed by an avalanche and they are forced into the wild. In DreamWorks Animation’s family film, "The Croods," a paleolithic family is faced with new challenges and creatures as they learn how to survive without depending on their cave for shelter. In the film, we meet Eep, a disobedient teenage daughter longing to explore what life has to offer, her overprotective father Grug and their four other family members Ugga, Gran, Thunk and baby Sandy. We also meet outsider Guy, who meets Eep and warns her about the end of the world. When the Croods’ cave gets smashed by what they believe is Guy’s so-called end of the world, they must leave to find a new home. During their trip, Eep calls after Guy with a horn he gave her to rescue the family from a dangerous flock of birds. Guy uses his self-taught survival skills to save them and ends up becoming a part of their group because of his knowledge and ideas. Grug becomes skeptical of Guy because he is now seen as a protector to his family. Guy shows the Croods that it is okay to take risks, which is some-

thing Grug has never agreed with. Grug has always limited his family’s time outside of their cave. During this new experience, Guy teaches the Croods some of his survival tricks and introduces them to things they have never heard of such as water, jokes and having a brain. After seeing how smart and helpful Guy is, Grug eventually realizes that hiding in a cave, or elsewhere, is cowardly. By the end of the film, he decides that taking chances, and looking on the bright side, are worth the risk. The Crood’s first family trip ends up a success. The film is a fun comedy full of rich color and loving characters. Viewers will love the reactions the Croods have on their first outside adventure. The character that really changes throughout the movie is Grug, during his battle with fear and his need to keep his family safe. The only downside for the feature film is that the storyline gets a little lost in the middle of the film, which could cause a lack of viewer interest. In the trailer, and at the beginning of the film, we are under the impression the story will follow the life of Eep. The film is actually more focused on Grug. “The Croods” leaves viewers with the message that when you live in fear, you are not really living at all, and it is okay to take risks.

AP photo

Eep, voiced by Emma Stone, longs for an adventure while standing on a ledge.

Facts & Tidbits Movie: “The Croods” Director: Kirk De Micco, Chris Sanders Stars: Voices of Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds and Nicolas Cage Released: March 22, 2013 Genre: Animation, Comedy Review Rundown: Entertainment Weekly: C+ Random Fact: After the credits, three prehistoric mice come on screen and play music.

Excellent Good OK Fair Poor

Some people never realize how much of a history lesson music can be. When I look back on the past year and a half when I first became Features Anna Editor - I can Taylor see a change in Features Editor the music being released. Though it’s not a drastic change, there is still a noticeable difference between Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know” and Justin Timberlake’s “Suit & Tie,” but maybe that’s a bad example. Let’s go back a little further. The year is 2009, and I’m a high school senior. What do I hear on the radio? Beyonce’s “Halo,” young Justin Bieber’s “One Time” and Jamie Foxx’s “Blame It.” It was an okay year for music. Going back further, now it is the year 2003. I’m just beginning middle school, and some pretty weird things are happening in my life, and every other sixth grader’s. I hear Evanescence, Good Charlotte and G-Unit on the radio. That is a year I wouldn’t want to relive in music. Or in anything else, really. Now, let’s look at the year 1991, the year I was born. The radio was playing Bryan Adams, Michael Bolton and Color Me Badd. The love ballads were going strong that year. For the year 1983, which was the year my oldest sister was born, the music heard on the radio was Duran Duran, Michael Jackson and Hall & Oats. The 70s gave us Elton John, Chicago and The Carpenters, and the 60s gave us Ray Charles, Nat ‘King’ Cole and The Beatles. We can keep going back decades until we get into rituals and chants and the origins of music. Though some of the changes in music have been the result of advances in technology and changes in language, it’s fun to see how different our interests in music is today from past years. Sometimes I wonder what Mozart would think about today’s popular music. I doubt he would approve.


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Traveling circus group Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey presented their “Fully Charged: Gold Edition� show Thursday at the CFSB Center. The show featured a high-wire act, exotic animals, juggling clowns, a knifethrowing thrill and more. There are repeat performances at 7 p.m. tonight, 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturday and 1 p.m. on Sunday. Photos by Lori Allen/The News

The News April 5, 2013

Ring Circus

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