The Murray State News

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Students, professors share study tips for finals week

The Murray State News

May 3, 2013

Vol. 88, No. 31

Officers report gun threat Staff Report Public Safety released a warning to all Murray State students through email at nearly 2 a.m. Wednesday: “On April 30, 2013 at approximately 10 p.m., four unknown black males approached a student in front of Regents College. One of the suspects pointed a pistol at a student before fleeing the area. The suspects did not make any demands and no shots were fired. No one was injured.” The incident was not reported to the Murray State Police Department for approximately one and half hours after the incident occurred. One of the suspects was described as wearing a red ball cap, a red jacket and sunglasses. No further descriptions of the suspects have been given at this time. Suspects were last seen running south through the Regents Residential College parking lot toward Cutchin Field. Police say no demands were made and no shots were fired. Mary Kate Pummer, junior from Mayfield, Ky., said she is not satisfied and is concerned with the response of Public Safety Tuesday night. She said she was in the library when the incident occurred and was told by friends in the dorms that they were told to stay inside. She said no one at the library made mention of what was happening and most students were unaware. “Ultimately I do not feel very safe on this campus anymore,” Pummer said. “I know Public Safety did not want to cause panic, but I have a right as a student to be informed of what happens on campus, especially when it concerns my safety.” No further information has been released by Public Safety.

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Constantine Curris speaks to the press in 1982 on his position at Murray State.

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President Randy Dunn speaks at a University function in the Curris Center.

A president’s past } “The viciousness with which some people dealt with the situation was appalling.” Constantine Curris, from The News 1982

Lexy Gross || Editor-in-Chief

He could not say he was shocked when only four members of the Board of Regents voted to renew his contract as president. He survived conflict, questions of legal proceedings and bad press. He endured a time on campus of tension and turmoil. Constantine Curris could not say he was not prepared to leave Murray State and step down as president in 1982. “I understand that it was politics,” Curris told The News in ’82. “It had nothing to do with my performance as president.” Curris left Murray State after an

attempt by the board to fire him in an executive session away from the eyes of the public. The Regents, along with several local lawyers, gathered more than 20 charges against the president to oust him. After 18 months of court cases, agreements and executive sessions, the board allowed Curris to serve out his time at Murray State. At a meeting before the June 30, 1982, deadline, the board chose not to renew Curris’ contract with a 5-4-1 vote. Soon after, Gov. John Brown Jr. asked the state-appointed Regents to resign, and installed a new board and chair. Despite the arrival of new Re-

gents, Curris released a statement to the governor saying he would not ask the board for a contract extension. He informed the press that he would begin searching for a new position elsewhere. Curris told The News in October of 1982 that conflict between the board and president arose because the Regents were politically focused in their decisions. “I have defended myself and I have responded to things done by the board, but I have never tried to go out and do to the board what they did to me,” Curris said. “The viciousness with which some people dealt with the situation was appalling.” Curris went on to serve as pres-

ident at the University of Northern Iowa and Clemson University, and president of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. In 2009, Gov. Steve Beshear appointed Curris to stand as chair of the Murray State Board of Regents.

ANOTHER NONRENEWAL Three years following his appointment, Curris was considering the performance of President Randy Dunn, and deciding with the board whether or not to renew his contract. The board created an ad hoc committee to discuss the contract and provide a report to


Ben Manhanke Assistant News Editor

In their meeting on April 18, the Council on Postsecondary Education approved a three-percent cap on tuition increases for in-state undergraduate students in Kentucky’s public colleges and universities. Council President Bob King said given the challenging economic environment students face, the council felt it was appropriate that tuition increases be as minimal as possible for the 2013-14 academic year. This cap represents the smallest average increase for Kentucky pubic institutions in 15 years. However, while the low ceiling created by the CPE offers students a reprieve from higher annual tuition increases, it has created an estimated budget shortfall of approximately $30 million in school-generated funds. King said tuition and fee revenue

will cover only about half of the estimated $61.4 million increase in fixed costs. To fix this shortfall King said he hopes Kentucky’s elected officials will reinvest in higher education. "Our campuses are doing their part to constrain costs without sacrificing academic quality," he said. "It is clear that if Kentucky wants a healthy and vibrant economy, it can only do so with a welleducated workforce.” Western Kentucky President Gary Ransdell and Morehead State President Wayne Andrews spoke out against the low tuition cap at the council’s meeting. Ransdell said the budget shortfall will force WKU to make further budget cuts of $1.4 million. He said

Evan Watson/The News

WKU already balanced their budget, assuming the cap would be placed at five perc e n t again as was it

price of in-state tuition at Murray State

CPE approves tuition cap

years the CPE has set a tuition cap

Lori Allen/The News

NEW FIELD: The softball field, under construction since November of 2012, is finished and ready for the team. The new location is convenient for players since it is near the other athletic facilities on campus. Allen Ward, director of athletics, said the visibility of the field will be vital for the softball program.





Public Safety disappoints students with untimely alerts, 4A

Outstanding senior man, woman Students prepare for life withnamed, 6A out college sports, 1B


CALVERT THEATER One of the last Kentucky drivein theaters , 5B



PRESIDENT From Page 1 the Regents on the University’s growth during Dunn’s term. The committee originally decided to discuss the findings with the board at the March 15, 2013 meeting, and then vote at the next. However, the report was circulated to the Regents two days before the March meeting and was never publicly discussed. At the March 15 meeting, a motion was made to vote on the renewal of Dunn’s contract. The proposal of a vote was never mentioned in the meeting agenda, only the approval of minutes for the ad hoc committee’s meeting in February. Dunn said he did not see the ad hoc committee report until after the vote was made not to renew his contract. In a meet-

The News

ing with faculty and staff, Dunn addressed the report, calling it selective and inappropriately gathered. The report, obtained by The News through an open records request, contained several pieces of information evaluating Dunn in financial, academic and behavioral aspects. Several letters from alumni were also attached, some approving and some disapproving of Dunn’s performance. The final section of the report addressed a communication problem between Dunn and the board, particularly the chair. Dunn implied he never got the chance to defend himself to the members of the board on the supposed problem with communication. “Disagreement does not equal disrespect,” Dunn said. Curris, during his time as president, expressed similar problems with communication and transparency.

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President Randy Dunn plays the trombone with students in Racer Band.

TUITION From Page 1 placed last year. “As the CPE staff analysis shows, a three percent increase in tuition does not cover increases in fixed costs,” Ransdell said. “Our faculty, our staff and our students are in agreement on these principles: raise tuition five percent, protect jobs,

In ’82, Chair Ron Christopher gave Curris the opportunity to resign before any charges were found against him, several months before the decision was made not to renew his contract. Curris alleged that five members of the board, including the chair, had either personally participated in or were knowledgeable of the undertaking to wrongfully, unlawfully and unconstitutionally remove him. “The resolution implied, if not in fact resolved that a fair opportunity would not be given to defend myself,” Curris said. He then filed suit with attorney William Logan against the Board of Regents.

ANOTHER LEGAL ISSUE Prior to the original vote by the board in ’82 to oust Curris, five Regents met, ate lunch and discussed University business, as confessed by Regents to Logan. Right before the meeting, the Student Regent checked the Murray State legal library for information on firing the president of a public University. At the time, Curris displayed his distrust for the board and the politics in which they secretly participated. Curris and the current Board of Regents have now been found guilty by the attorney general for holding a meeting of quorum without taking minutes, at a Regent’s house the night before the March 15 meeting. Curris and other Regents said Dunn’s performance and other University matters were discussed at that social gathering. The next day, the Board voted 7-4 not to renew Dunn’s contract. Lexington, Ky., attorney Jim Deckard filed a complaint with

avoid another year of cuts and start a new year in July with an efficient and a balanced budget.” In an interview with WKMS, President Randy Dunn said he planned Murray State’s budget expecting to utilize a four-percent tuition increase for the upcoming academic year, but now he must also revise the budget draft recommendations made to the Board of Regents March 15. He said the three percent cap will constrain his ability to meet fixed costs, provide competitive salaries to

May 3, 2013

Curris, asking him to void any action of the meeting after what he considered was an illegal gathering of the board. Curris denied his request, and Deckard filed a formal complaint with the attorney general. After the attorney general released his opinion, finding the board in violation of two Kentucky Open Meetings Act laws, Deckard said he would sue the board if it did not void the actions of the meeting. If Deckard sues, the case will be taken to Calloway County Circuit Court. As coverage of the illegal meeting by major news outlets and organizations spread, several Murray State alumni have come forward in support of Dunn. Richard Hurt, a medical doctor for the Mayo Clinic, told the board in a letter he would pay for Dunn’s legal fees to sue them and withdraw his donations from the University if they did not reconsider his contract. “(Hurt) has a passion for the University and justice, and seeing things done the right way,” Dunn said. “He’s upset about what he saw happen here with my nonrenewal.” Richard Hurt is the brother of Harold Hurt, one of the attorneys who represented the Board of Regents in ’82 in the attempt to oust Curris. At the time, Curris would not sign off to pay the board attorneys, as their services were never approved by Attorney General Steve Beshear. Beshear refused to approve the services because the board already had legal representation, and the University president was required to sign off for the payment of counsel as well. Dunn said it is too early to tell what action will be taken legally, but he acknowledged the issue is

faculty and staff and further hamper Murray State’s ability to maintain its high quality education. Dunn said he will be working in the coming days to revise the budget draft to accommodate this cap. Justin Moser, freshman from St. Louis said as a student, he was glad the council voted for such a low tuition increase cap, but was worried about what it could mean for the University’s faculty and staff. “This is really good news for me and other students in Kentucky,”

*For a limited time only

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Constantine Curris is shown in 1981, shortly after the Board of Regents attempted to oust him from his presidential position at Murray State. not at its end. He said with time, after the conflict ends, a positive feeling will return to the Murray State campus. After Curris made the decision to not pursue a contract renewal with the new group of Regents in ’82, he spoke on a similar note. He described a warm glow returning to campus after more than two years of a dark period in Murray

Moser said, “but because it could mean job cuts and the reduction of

Since it could mean job cuts and the reduction of certain services Murray State provides, I have mixed feelings” –Justin Moser Freshman from St. Louis

State’s history. Curris told The News in ‘82 of three goals he had throughout the conflict: “To fight for my reputation and good name; to thwart the political and unprincipled efforts to remove me from the presidency; and to work to restore a progressive climate on campus that would again attract and retain quality faculty, staff and students.”

certain services Murray State provides, I have mixed feelings.” Gov. Steve Beshear commended the council on its tuition cap and said the council’s vote will help keep a college education within reach for more Kentucky families. "Students and families across the state are struggling to keep up with ever-increasing tuition and fee payments for college,” Beshear said. “Today's vote shows the council recognizes the challenge of paying for education.”



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The News


May 3, 2013 News Editor: Meghann Anderson Assistant Editor: Ben Manhanke Phone: 809-4468 Twitter: MurrayStateNews

Taylor named YNL program director

Police Beat

Meghann Anderson News Editor

April 25

April 29

1 1 : 4 4 a. m . A caller reported the theft of a bike at Roy Stewart Stadium. Officers were notified and took a report. 1 1 : 58 a. m. A caller in the Oakley Applied Science Building reported an individual wanting to harm themselves. Officers were notified and a citation was issued for endangering students.

1:36 p.m. A caller reported damage to a vehicle in Dorm Circle. Officers were notified and a report was taken for third-degree criminal mischief. 11:20 p.m. A caller reported an intoxicated person outside Regents College. Officers were notified and an arrest was made for alcohol intoxication.

April 26 1 2 :4 4 p.m. A caller at Elizabeth College reported a medical emergency. Officers, Murray Ambulance and Student Affairs were notified. 1 0 : 4 6 p. m . A caller reported a suspicious person near the 400 block of College Courts. Officers were notified, but when they arrived everything appeared normal.

April 27 1 2 : 3 3 a. m . A caller reported damage to Murray State property. Offices were notified and officers took a report. 1 1 : 47 a .m . A caller reported a motor vehicle accident outside James H. Richmond College. Officers were notified and took a report.

1 1 :4 6 a. m. The Murray Police Department reported a verbal dispute in the 200 block of Campus Courts. Officers were notified and took a report. 8 : 4 3 p.m . A caller reported the smell of marijuana in Franklin College. Officers were notified and took a report.

Originating from the south side of Chicago, Ill., and moving from Austin, Texas, Kenny Taylor has landed in Murray. Taylor, who is the new Youth and Nonprofit Leadership program director, said he is excited to begin at Murray State. “I'm guessing there will be some changes on the horizon that may include a revamp to course offerings, further developing the brand of the program to positively affect recruitment and continuing to build strong relationships in the community that students can take advantage of,” Taylor said. He said he is looking forward to working with the strong team already in place, and partnering with the YNL faculty and staff to ensure he knows the details of the history of the program, fa-

April 30 8:44 p.m. Officers issued a written warning for failure to yield at a crosswalk outside James H. Richmond College. 11:02 p.m. A caller reported a person was threatened at Lee Clark College. Officers were notified and a report was taken.

May 1

miliarize himself with present day activities and discuss longrange plans. He worked for Big Brothers Big Sisters for 12 years and has been a lecturer for Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas. Kelly Rogers, chair of the department of wellness and therapeutic sciences, said the YNL staff is delighted to have Taylor join the community leadership and human services team. “He has a wealth of experience in nonprofit leadership and organizational development,” Rogers said. “Kenny’s professional service ranges from The Salvation Army and Boys & Girls Clubs in Louisville, to a 12-year career with Big Brothers Big Sisters, where he progressed from a part-time social work assistant role to CEO of their affiliate in Austin, Texas.” Bob Long, associate professor, said he is very impressed with Taylor and delighted he is joining their team.

Michelle Grimaud/The News

DITCH MITCH: Students gather in the Barkley Room of the Curris Center Wednesday night to discuss a petition calling on University officials to cancel Sen. Mitch McConnell’s commencement address on May 11. Students are seen here recording a parody video about McConnell.

Staff Congress votes to fill annual positions

4:22 a.m. A caller reported a non-injury collision in the 16th Street parking lot. Officers were notified and a report was taken. 4:33 p.m. A caller reported a theft of property in the Arthur J. Bauernfiend Business Building. Officers took a report was taken.

Alex Berg || Staff writer

Every year the Murray State Staff Congress elects a number of non-teaching employees to represent the University in various specific categories. Voting, which increased from last year, was open to those eligible last week. Like the last two years, Staff Congress gathered the votes online. Staff Congress has statistically proven to have a higher voting rate when it hold elections online. This year, of the 1,073 eligible voters, 317 voted in the election. A better turnout when compared to votes taken by paper ballot. Prior to 2010, Staff Congress used paper ballots and had lower turnouts than with the electronic ballots. The highest number of voters the elections had in those three years was 215, in 2009. The 317 voted to fill positions in three different categories. Those categories were: secretarial/clerical, general/Facilities Management and executive/managerial/professional. In the secretarial category, two staff

Call of Fame April 30 - 7:16 p.m. A caller reported a missing juvenile near the Curris Center. Officers were notified and the juvenile was located.

April 28


Motorists assists – 2 Racer escorts – 8 Arrests – 1

Ben Manhanke, Assistant News Editor, compiles Police Beat with materials provided by Public Safety. Not all dispatched calls are listed.

members, Debbie Griffin and Debbie Plummer, received the most votes and were elected. Griffin received 73 votes, Plummer received 70. Plummer, who has served on Staff Congress for nine years, said working for Staff Congress has always been one of her favorite things about the University. “I love working on Staff Congress,” Plummer said. “I think it is important that staff have a voice, and if I can help bring that voice to Staff Congress, it makes me feel good about working here at Murray State.” Two staff members were also elected to the general/Facilities Management category. Joseph Wilson and Lisa Winchester were each elected by 21 votes. The executive/managerial/professional category elected two staff members as well; however, they were elected via write-in votes. Chad Wortham was elected with 17 votes and Brian Purcell was elected with 12. Write-ins were required in this category because no one originally filed as a candidate. Around 53 people received write-in votes, and their eligibility for the position

was verified by Human Resources. The 317 who voted within their categories were also asked to vote for an atlarge candidate. Four candidates were elected in this category: James Barnett with 205 votes, Drew Perry with 247, Stephanie Totty with 210 and Dwaine Willoughby with 193. The candidate who received the most votes, Drew Perry, has worked in information systems at Murray State for the past seven years, but this will be his first year as a member of Staff Congress. Perry, who has also received a bachelors’ and masters degree at the University, said he wants to help Murray State as much as it has helped him throughout the years. “I've always cared about the University,” Perry said. “But since choosing Murray State as my career home, I view the choices made today as a blueprint for tomorrow and wish to help Murray State as much as it has helped me.” Staff Congress officials vote to elect a president on June 19. John Young, the current president, said it is his intention to seek re-election at the end of June.

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Mark Welch President's Office

Brenda Sheets Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

Stephen White Biological Sciences

Tim Miller Accounting - Emeritus

Note: This ad presents the personal convictions of the individuals listed; the ad does not represent or support any view or position of Murray State University or any academic department. The ad does represent and acknowledge the diversity of academic contributions to Murray State University by men and women of various race, ethnic group and cultural background who share the Christian faith.


May 3, 2013

The News


Opinion Editor: Devin Griggs Phone: 809-5873 Twitter: MSUNewsOpinion

Our View

Public Safety has duty to inform The staff editorial is the majority opinion of The Murray State News Editorial Board.

The News 2609 University Station Murray State University Murray, Kentucky 42071-3301 Fax: 809-3175 Lexy Gross Editor-in-Chief • 809-6877 Meghann Anderson News Editor • 809-4468 Devin Griggs Opinion Editor • 809-5873 Savannah Sawyer Features Editor • 809-5871 Ryan Richardson Sports Editor • 809-4481 Chris Wilcox Chief Copy Editor • 809-5876 Jared Jeseo Online Editor • 809-5877 Janie Stenberg Advertising Manager • 809-4478 Wes Yonts Advertising Production • 809-5874 Lori Allen Photography Editor • 809-5878 Kyser Lough Interim Adviser • 809-3937

Write to us! The News welcomes commentaries and letters to the editor. Letters should be 300 words or less. Contributors should include phone numbers for verification. Please include hometown, classification and title or relationship to the University. Commentaries should be between 600 to 800 words. The News reserves the right to edit for style, length and content. No anonymous contributions will be accepted. All contributions should be turned in by noon on Tuesday of each week via email at Contributions to The News are the opinion of the author and not that of The Murray State News.

The News strives to be the University community’s source for information. Our goal is to present that information in a fair and unbiased manner and provide a free and open forum for expression and debate. The News is a designated public forum. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The paper offers a hands-on learning environment for students interested in journalism. The campus press should be free from censorship and advance approval of copy, and its editors should develop their editorial and news policies. The News is prepared and edited by students and is an official publication of Murray State University. The first copy is free. Additional copies are available for 25 cents at 111 Wilson Hall.

Evan Watson/The News

A shot wasn’t heard ‘round the world Tuesday night, but it might as well have been. At approximately 10 p.m. four unknown black males approached a student outside Regents Residential College and pointed a gun at the student before fleeing the area. No one was hurt, and no shots were fired. But if you were sitting in the library, minding your own business as you studied for finals, you wouldn’t even know that there were potentially four men, one of them armed, on the run in Murray. Actually, you wouldn’t know that, period, until after midnight, when Public Safety made known what rumor on campus had already attested to. The News repeatedly contacted Public Safety to find out if the rumors were true on the night the incident happened. Public Safety first responded that there were conflicting reports on the matter and that more information would be made available as they were able to gather it. A second call was met with claims by Public Safety

that they were unaware of any situation on campus. In the midst of a potentially lifethreatening situation, Public Safety stonewalled the press and provided no warning nor any answers to students about what was happening on campus. We were given no Public Safety alert in the form of a text message. We were not made aware of any goings on anywhere on campus at all. If anything constitutes a neglect of duty on the part of Public Safety, this is it. We are all well aware that we live in a dangerous world. Being in the “Friendliest Small Town” in the country doesn’t change that. Being located in a small town didn’t protect the students of Heath High School. It didn’t save those who were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School. If such violence is to be visited upon our campus, there’s no reason to think that similar outcomes are not possible, if this is the kind of response Public Safety has to offer. The what ifs of that night are all too terrible to imagine. We were

Letter to the Editor

one trigger pull away from tragedy. One shot away from being another school shooting statistic in the great ol’ USA. Public Safety cannot, of course, stop all incidents and there is no way for them to anticipate events like what happened on Tuesday night. We applaud Public Safety and our Murray State Police for the work that they do, yet we cannot refrain from criticizing the way the incident was handled. The sole purpose of Public Safety is to keep students safe. If Public Safety cannot do that, if it cannot even communicate with the student population to make sure that those students are safe, how can we rely on it in times of greater need or when information would prevent needless injury, or even death? Why is it that Murray State Public Safety can issue a text-message warning about a tornado in the area, but not about an armed man (or men) walking about campus? Furthermore, why conceal what happened or delay the reporting? There are instances wherein

A Professor’s Journal

Dylan, McConnell, Murray

Mary Kate Pummer Junior from Mayfield, Ky.

Murray State's Public Safety department did not handle the situation that occurred Tuesday night correctly. A decade ago, alerting students three hours later may have been acceptable, but today it is not. The campus should have been alerted and put on lock down immediately. No one in the library was informed as to what was going on. The library does not even require identification that you are a Murray State student to enter. Anyone can go in and out at all hours of the day, and this week, all hours of the night. I was at the library Tuesday night, and I felt particularly unsafe, having been notified by a friend as to what was going on. When I informed the information desk as to what was happening, they contacted Public Safety, who told them that there was nothing going on. This was clearly not the case, as not even an hour later, Public Safety issued its email. As a student, I am not satisfied and am extremely concerned with the response of Public Safety Tuesday, and do not feel very safe on this campus anymore. Not even two weeks after the report of the “Murray Strangler,” someone points a gun at another student on campus, and the students weren't notified immediately via text message alerts or email. The campus wasn't placed on lock down, and someone was at large and armed. That is not correct procedure by any means.

Cheers & Jeers Cheers & Jeers is written by the Opinion Editor. Questions, concerns or comments should be addressed to

withholding information is essential for public safety, such as in a situation where such information could lead to the escape of a suspect or give too much of their own intelligence away. This was not one of those cases. An armed person potentially wandering around campus at night is something students, especially those who will be spending long hours in the library studying and then walking home at night, need to know. That is not up for debate. What is up for debate is how we can make our campus safer. The text message alert system is an ingenious idea for our always-connected, mobile society, and we applaud Public Safety for its adoption. We just want to see it used more effectively, and instances like this warrant that. There’s also always increasing Racer Escorts or even increasing the number of officers. We must take any action, bear any burden to make our campus safe. In this day and age, we can no longer do nothing.

Duane Bolin Professor of History So the legendary Bob Dylan played to more than 3,000 admirers – young and old – at the CFSB Center last Saturday evening, and he did not disappoint. His cracked 71-year-old vocal chords made it hard to decipher some of the lyrics to songs that may not have been familiar unless fans had purchased or downloaded his latest “Tempest” CD, but here was Dylan, nonetheless, and when he sang “Tangled Up in Blue,” or “All Along the Watchtower” he carried it off as only Dylan can. I thought his voice was finer than when Wesley and I heard him last year with Jeff Finley at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tenn., but maybe it was because Jeff had gotten Evelyn and me second row seats this time and we could see up close and personal as well as hear. For an

older woman sitting several seats down from us, this was her 161st Dylan concert; she planned to attend his concert the next night at the Louisville Palace as well. We heard that every hotel room in Murray was taken Saturday night. In light of the fact that Mitch McConnell is speaking at the Murray State commencement this Saturday, I had hoped that Dylan would sing, “The Times They Are A’Changin’,” but even though he has performed the song 633 times in all, he has not sung it in concert since 2009. I also would like to give a nod to Bob Dylan for helping me to realize through his music what a debt I owe to my children – Wesley and Cammie Jo – and to my students for all that you have taught me this semester. For me, the unforgettable moment in the Murray concert was when Dylan sang “What Good Am I?” Here is a man who has influenced not one generation, but generations of people, around the world. His performances have inspired, his songwriting will endure, his genius is transcendent. Yet, last Saturday night he sang with a strong sense of humility the following lines:

Jeers to ... Public Cheers to ... The Morehead News, Safety for not being the city newspaper near able to get their Kentucky’s other story straight Tues‘MSU’ for giving us day night. No, Puba shoutout in their lic Safety, you don’t April 26 editorial ... have the right to about the Dunn remain silent. contract mess ...

“What good am I if I’m like all the rest If I just turn away, when I see how you’re dressed If I shut myself off so I can’t hear you cry What good am I? What good am I if I know and don’t do If I see and don’t say, if I look right through you If I turn a deaf ear to the thunderin’ sky What good am I? What good am I if I say foolish things And I laugh in the face of what sorrow brings And I just turn my back while you silently die What good am I?” This is the Bob Dylan I will always remember. This is the Bob Dylan I will always cherish. And I will never forget the night that Evelyn and I sat on the second row in the CFSB Center on the campus at Murray State to hear and see a true legend perform. I don’t care if he didn’t sing “Blowin’ in the Wind.” He is still an inspiration to generations of Americans. I just wish Murray State would give Dylan an honorary doctorate instead of an obstructionist politician who has voted against aid for students again and again.

Cheers to ... Finals Week! Wait, what? Oh yeah, we’ll be done the week after next. Time sure does fly when you’re taking out student loans ...

The News


May 3, 2013


Debate continues on McConnell address Lewis: Inappropriate choice By this time next month I will be an official alumni of Murray State. In the four years I have spent here I have come to love and appreciate my time here. I have friends I will not ever forget and an education that will carry me to a bright future (fingers crossed). The day I graduate will be happy and sad. But some University administrators seem to want it to be more disappointing than anything else. The announcement of Sen. Mitch McConnell’s commencement is disturbing to this graduating senior. To me Murray State has always been a place where ideas are shared, public education is valued and compromise is not seen as a weakness. By propping McConnell onto the stage in the CFSB center in May the University is refuting those core lessons I have learned here. Since 2009, McConnell has repeatedly done his best to derail the current Presidential administration, and nothing else. Nothing he has done has benefitted the people of this state or the University. I do not walk the party line with President Barack Obama, but that is another matter. This is about Mitch. Not the Mitch who consistently votes in favor of corporations over the citizens. Not the Mitch who votes consistently against the environment. And not the Mitch who votes consistently to increase American conflicts overseas. This is about education.

Why is Murray State inviting a candidate to speak on campus who is voting to cut back the very education this University offers to thousands of students across the region? In 2006 he voted against funding for key programs like TRIO and GEAR UP. He also voted against increasing Pell Grants to students. In the past he has also voted to expand school voucher programs and currently scores a 20 percent by the National Education Association in his support for Public Schools. The last time I checked Murray State is still a public school. Rising tuition, costs and campus privatization consistently show how vulnerable public higher education institutions are in this time. We celebrate those hardships by inviting this politician onto our campus. The few minutes McConnell is given to speak at this year’s graduation will not take away from the experiences and education I have received at this wonderful University. Nothing can take that away. But for the next commencement I would like to see someone who celebrates the hard work and mission of this institution. That is the Murray State I know and will remember. One not ironically tarnished by our senior Senator.

Guinevere Lewis Senior from Wilmore, Ky.

Where do you stand?

Should Sen. Mitch McConnell speak at graduation? Cast your ballot today on The News’ Facebook page.

Broker: welcome addition As of the writing of this letter, Murray State is still bringing in Mitch McConnell to give the keynote address at the 2013 Spring Commencement exercises. I would like to thank those responsible at Murray State for bringing in a recognized leader like McConnell to speak at this event. We won’t all agree with his politics, but that would be true regardless of who is chosen to speak. To be honest, I would also be thankful if someone like Michelle Obama was speaking at graduation. I personally would not like her political brand, but it would be stimulating to hear someone of her caliber. I would also be embarrassed if the University canceled her invitation because of outside pressure. As such, I am excited about hearing Mitch McConnell, who is one of the most powerful figures in the U.S. government today and from Kentucky to boot, having won five straight Senate races (several by large margins). Despite this, some people are expressing their displeasure with McConnell speaking at

graduation. As best I can tell, it seems their arguments center around having a personal distaste for McConnell’s conservative voting record, which is not a good reason to cancel the speech. I personally have heard many prominent figures speak at Murray State in recent years, and I have not always agreed with everything they stood for (most notably in 2008 when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke). But I applaud Murray State officials for bringing in a variety of public figures over the years to present sometimes controversial ideas. Murray State has been, and I hope will continue to be, a great marketplace of ideas for students to ponder. I’m in favor of Murray State being tolerant and inclusive of all views, even those of conservatives.

Todd Broker Director of the Center for Economic Education

Graphic by Evan Watson/The News

Par king Job of the Semester Our first semester of Parking Job of the Week was an amazing success! This one had the most ‘LIKES’ of any on Facebook for the semester. Stay tuned for more in the fall!


A police car straddles a wheelchair ramp near Dorm Circle.

Always on the clock “Don’t be on your phone,” my manager said to me in a hurried fashion. “They’re watching us right now, and I don’t want to have to get yelled at.” So Devin Griggs went a night at Opinion Editor my part-time job a few weeks ago. I hadn’t actually been on my phone, but my manager was giving me, and well, all of my coworkers, a warning to stay off our cell phones because our supervisor was watching our every move. Not from the store floor, but from her home. She’d recently gotten an iPhone and now could watch everything going on in the store from the comfort of her couch. Many of you might shrug your shoulders at this story, or many others like them. “What’s the big deal if you’ve got nothing to hide?” say some, echoing similar arguments that we’ve had in the U.S. since the September 11th attacks concerning government monitoring of phone calls, emails and snail mail. Does it matter? What I mean is, does it matter if you don’t have anything to hide? This country was founded upon the right of private citizens to, well, have a bit of privacy. That’s what the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution is all about – there shall be no unwarranted searches and seizures, and no warrants can be issued for a search or seizure but upon probable cause. While that might have been the case before September 11th, when the Fourth Amendment actually meant something, before the PATRIOT Act and before Bush’s wiretap program, the Fourth Amendment has never meant anything on the job or in any relation to your employer. Once you enter the workplace, you cease to be a citizen and become instead an employee, a person with no rights whatsoever (unless of course, you belong to a labor union). I am exaggerating a bit (you do have the right to $7.25 an hour and overtime pay) but the point is that on the job, you are essentially a subject of your boss. You can’t critize your boss, even if you aren’t on the clock. There have been cases of employees being fired for Facebook posts or posts on Twitter. In other words, freedom of speech, too, as long as it concerns your boss or your job, isn’t a right you really have. Our ancestors disavowed the notion that you shouldn’t be allowed to criticize the king. They fought a war to free the American people from unjust and tyrannical British laws that hampered freedom of speech. We held that no king, nor pope, nor president was above criticizism. In America, not even God Almighty has the right not to be criticized. But in a strange twist of events, middle management does have the right to not be criticized. If the president of the U.S. is not above criticism, why should the manager of a McDonald’s be? The greatest freedom in the world is the freedom of speech. It’s a shame we don’t really have that here in the good ‘ol USA.

Devin Griggs is president of the Murray State College Democrats.

Were-Racer on the Prowl

by Greg Knipp

By Greg Knipp

Photo courtesy of Joey Woods

Born in the U.S.A.

Want to see your comic strip here?


The News is looking for cartoonists for the 2013-14 academic year. If you’re interested, stop by our office in Wilson Hall and fill out an application!

The News



May 3, 2013

Tinch, Werfel named outstanding seniors Rebecca Walter || Staff writer

Calvina Liebig/The News

Thomas Werfel and Kristen Tinch were named the Outstanding Senior Man and Woman for the 2013 spring semester.

Each semester, Murray State honors two students by giving them the titles of Outstanding Senior Man and Woman. This semester, the title have been given to Kristen Tinch and Thomas Werfel. Tinch, an education major from Lewisburg, Ky., said she is humbled and excited to have received the honor of Outstanding Senior Woman and is thankful for all the opportunities she has been granted through Murray State. “I’ve had so many opportunities given to me during my time in college, which have helped me grow as a person,” Tinch said. “The Office of Undergraduate Research is just one example of a program that has been supportive of me and helped me in my future.” She said study abroad is a major reason for her growth during college. Tinch has been active on campus through various organizations and student groups during her time at Murray State. She said she is thankful for her friends, family and educators who have helped her at Murray State. She is a member of the Honors Program and has done undergraduate research with the College of Education. She has also been a member of Racer

Band for five years and served as a copy editor for The Murray State News. As for her future plans, Tinch said she has accepted a position as a high school Spanish teacher in Bowling Green, Ky., at Bowling Green High School. She said her main goal in her teaching career will be to increase global literacy among students and said she plans to attend graduate school in the future. Outstanding Senior Man of the year, Thomas Werfel, physics major from Waverly, Tenn., said his past four years at Murray State have helped shape him into the person he is today. “My time at Murray State has been an incredibly enriching experience,” Werfel said. “I found my future career here, and I was only able to do so because of the opportunities which were offered to me.” He said he has a great deal of respect for his fellow classmates that he is graduating with and is humbled to be chosen as Outstanding Senior Man at Murray State. Werfel has been involved with numerous on-campus activities during his undergraduate career. He is currently a senator for the Student Government Association and a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, where he previously served as chapter president.

He is also a member of the Honors Program and currently serves as a student research assistant in the engineering and physics lab. Werfel said he plans on attending Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn., in the fall to pursue his career in biomedical engineering. He said his ultimate plan for the future is to go on to do medical research. The selection for Outstanding Senior Man and Woman for the spring semester is chosen by the Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. The Residential College Association helps with the fall semester selection. Don Robertson, vice president of Student Affairs, said both individuals selected show great contribution in leadership, academics and service. He said both students are prime examples of what Murray State strives for with its students; strong leadership and good grades. “There were many people that could have been selected,” Robertson said. “These two really are the best and represent their class well. It’s a big honor.” Werfel and Tinch are scheduled to graduate May 11 and both will give speeches at the commencement ceremony, which begins at 10 a.m. at the CFSB Center.

Final Exam Schedule Monday •8 a.m. for 8:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •10:30 a.m. for 11 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday classes •1:30 p.m. for 2:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •Night classes meet at their regular time.



•8 a.m. for 9:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •10:30 a.m. for 11:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •1:30 p.m. for 12:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday classes •Night classes meet at their regular time.

•8 a.m. for 9:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday classes •10:30 a.m. for 12:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •1:30 p.m. for 2 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday classes •Night classes meet at their regular time.

Thursday •8 a.m. for 8 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday classes; 4:30 p.m. Monday Wednesday and Friday classes •10:30 a.m. for 10:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •1:30 p.m. for 1:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes •Night classes meet at their regular time.

Friday •8 a.m. for 7:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes; 3:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday classes •10:30 a.m. for 3:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes

May 3, 2013

Section B

The News

“I wanted to play one year with my brother and try to win a conference championship. Not many people can say they’ve won a conference championship with their brother.” –Patrick Newcomb, senior golfer


Sports Editor: Ryan Richardson Assistant Editor: Taylor Crum Phone: 809-4481 Twitter: MSUSportsNews

Visit for a web exclusive profile on Newcomb and his dream to play in the PGA.


Full Court Press

Find your passion

Not all student-athletes plan on playing at the professional level. In fact, most focus their efforts on academics just as much their sports. As this academic year draws to an end, The News has selected three seniors to profile who have begun preparations for life outside the realm of the sports world. Profiles by Ryan Richardson || Sports Editor

Jonathan Ferris || Staff writer Photos courtesy of Sports Information

Paul Ritzheimer

Shelby Kosmecki

Senior outfielder Paul Ritzheimer has some very different career plans than the majority of his teammates on the Murray State baseball team. A tough out for many pitchers during his three years at Murray State, Ritzheimer will soon give up his leather glove and metal bat for an entirely new profession. Ritzheimer grew up in a small town in southern Illinois. Throughout his childhood, he played various sports and had dreams of being a pro baseball player. “I think any little kid who plays ball wants to be a big league player when they grow up,” he said. “At some point in your career, you have to take a step back and have a reality check though. You’ve got to be realistic with yourself.” In high school, Ritzheimer played baseball, basketball and football. It wasn’t until his senior year, however, that he decided to drop the other sports to focus on baseball. After high school, Ritzheimer played baseball at Kaskaskia College. During his sophomore year, he suffered a season-ending injury, leaving him with a tough decision. Ritzheimer was set to graduate in the spring, but several coaches from programs he was talking to encouraged him to stay and play junior college baseball for another season. Murray State, however, was willing to take a chance. “I figured for my academic purposes it really wasn’t beneficial to go back to junior college,” Ritzheimer said. “Murray State told me they’d still have a spot for me, even though I got hurt the previous year. It wasn’t my only

The transition from being an athlete to a regular student is not always easy to deal with. Senior Lydia Orf digs the change. Orf was recruited out of St. Charles, Mo., to play volleyball at Murray State four years ago. She played soccer growing up, but said she got burned out and switched her focus to volleyball when she got to high school. Orf said she owes her success and ability to play at a higher level to her high school coach. “I definitely wouldn’t be where I am if it wasn’t for a coach that I had in high school,” she said. “She liked to yell at me a lot, but it all paid off. I had her for one year. In that one year, I got a lot better. That’s the year Coach (David) Schwepker actually recruited me.” Growing up, Orf placed most of her attention on sports, but now that graduation draws near, she has begun to focus on her future in the business world. She said learning to balance sports and academics has played a big role in preparing her to be successful. “I think, if anything, it makes your time management skills really good being an athlete because you have to get stuff done,” Orf said. “If

Communication is not always easy. In fact, there are many people in the world who have disorders that make communication difficult. Luckily, people like Shelby Kosmecki major in communications disorders to help ease those individuals’ difficulties. Kosmecki, senior from Somerset, Ky., is not just another Murray State student in search of a degree, though. She has also been a member of the softball team since its foundation four years ago. Her roots in softball date back as long as her education. Kosmecki said her family has supported her the whole way, as they would drive to Indianapolis, Ind., three weekends a month to take her to pitching and hitting lessons. “They were going to do whatever it took for me to be great,” Kosmecki said. “They want the best for me. They really instilled skills in me that helped me to get to where I am today.” While in high school, Kosmecki played travel softball during the summers to face even better competition. Those summer leagues helped her find a home at Murray State. A big factor in her choice to come to Murray State was helping start the softball program. “It was awesome to be a part of,” Kosmecki said. “We feel like we started something because we’ve done well, so we feel like we’ve made a good starting ground and laid a foundation for something that’s going to become great.” It has not always been easy, though. She said being a student-athlete is often difficult. Kos-


see ORF, 2B


Racers split with Arkansas

Lydia Orf

Staff Report The ‘Breds played a two-game series away against Arkansas-Pine Bluff this week in which the two teams split the series, both claiming a win. The first win went to the Pine Bluff Golden Lions on Tuesday with a score of 8-7. It was a disappointing loss for the ‘Breds as they were up 7-5 in the bottom of the ninth. With bases loaded and no outs, the Golden Lions scored two runs on a pass ball at the plate. An intentional walk and a base hit loaded the bases one more time, and a

walk gave the Golden Lions their winning run. The ‘Breds had a second chance at a win Wednesday and succeeded. Senior Alex Gordon and freshman lefty Sheldon Baxter pitched for the ‘Breds. Gordon allowed three runs on seven hits in 5.1 innings. Baxter came in to relieve Gordon and only allowed one hit in 3.2 innings. The ‘Breds rocked the plate in the second inning as redshirt freshman Taylor Matthews and junior Ty Stetson scored off an infield grounder hit by senior Brandon Elliot.

In the sixth, freshman Dalton West drove in two runs after hitting a single up the middle. After advancing to second base on a throwing error, West then ran home when the Golden Lions’ shortstop let a ground ball slip between his legs. The Golden Lions started to make a comeback with two more runs, but it wasn’t enough. The ‘Breds took home the win defeating the Golden Lions 6-3. Today the ‘Breds will face the South East Missouri State Redhawks in a three-game weekend series on Reagan field at 3 p.m.

Season ends for team, not Newcomb Kelly Farrell || Staff writer

Men’s golf wrapped up its season with a fifth place finish at the OVC Tournament last week. The Racers completed a rain-shortened tournament to end with a score of 584 and a few strokes shy of a top-three finish. Officials canceled the final day of the tournament due to heavy rain, so the Racers couldn’t attempt to improve their score. Austin Peay won the OVC tournament over runner-up Jacksonville State with a score of 568. “I was disappointed, but I felt like we played okay,” Head Coach Eddie Hunt said. “I wish we could have played the third round. This was the second rainout in three years.” Hunt said he thought the team could have scored at least a few places higher to get into the top three with a third round. “We were down 16 strokes, but we couldn’t play in the conditions,” Hunt said. “It was definitely a rainout. It’s unfortunate, but there is nothing we could do about it.” Senior Patrick Newcomb said he agreed with Hunt regarding the tournament and weather conditions. “Golf’s just a funny game,” Newcomb said. “Have

it one day and the next it’s gone. As a team, we just didn’t have it. Hats off to Austin Peay.” Seniors Tyler Brown and Hunter York earned 44th and 47th place with scores of 153 and 154. Freshmen Preston French and Jared Gosser finished with a tie in 29th place with a final score of 149. “Some freshmen made some real progress,” Hunt said. “Preston shot a 68 and Jared shot a 70.” Coach Hunt said French and Gosser played well in the tournament and show promise for next season. French earned a place on the All-OVC Newcomer team for his performance this year. “I think, overall, we had a good year,” Hunt said. “Hunter York made All-Conference, which is worth noting, and of course (Newcomb) did as well.” Newcomb also weighed in on Murray State’s season. He said his teammates worked and played hard. “We started off well in the fall,” he said. “Going into the spring, we could never play on the same page.” Newcomb won the medal for best individual play in a bright spot for the Racers. He placed first in a field of 55 opponents with a score of 139. Newcomb also won OVC Golfer of the Year for the second year in a row. “It means a lot. You want to be the best player in

see FIFTH, 2B

Photo courtesy of Sports Information

Freshman Jared Gosser tied for 29th place individually in the OVC Golf Championship last weekend.

After my second wreck and several scars, I decided it was time to stop riding motorcycles. It wasn’t worth it to me. My heart Ryan wasn’t in it. Sports, on the Richardson Sports Editor other hand, are a totally different story. Even after a broken leg, a broken nose on three separate occasions and more bruises, cuts and sprained ankles than I can remember, I have never once wanted to quit sports. Blood and tears are just part of the game. It is something athletes have to learn to deal with from the very beginning. When something happens, we suck it up, rub some dirt on it and play a little bit harder. It does not necessarily make us tougher than others, or even better. It just proves we are in it for the love of the game. It is not just a recreation to us. It is a way of life. It is a passion. Everyone needs a passion. It is how we, as humans, survive. A passion drives us, molds us, defines us. Whether it is sports or something entirely different, it is important to find something you love, something you can dedicate your life to. In the end, that is what life is all about. When we die, we have no control over what happens. Maybe there is a Heaven and Hell, or maybe we have a soul that floats in some sort of limbo, or maybe there is nothing at all, no existence or meaning. Maybe we just turn to dust in the wind, forgotten by the world. But while we’re living, we do control our lives. We can be passionate. We can be happy. We have to go beyond just finding a passion, though. We have to pursue it. We have to live it. For athletes, it’s easy. Practice every day. Work out. Play more games. Then do it all again. For others, though, it may be tougher. You might have to spend nearly 20 years in school to learn everything you need to know. You may have to do dirty work that you hate for years until you get a chance to move to that corner office window. Challenges will come your way. In sports, injuries are one of the biggest obstacles to overcome. Instead of letting injuries defeat them, athletes learn to embrace the danger that comes with each play. For me, there is a rush that floods my veins with each breath I take that no drug could ever provide. I would never trade that feeling for anything. Those feelings of pure ecstacy are why athletes keep coming back. No matter what challenges may come, athletes have a passion that always brings them back. That is how every person should be. You simply cannot let the challenges slow you down. You have to keep on fighting. So what if you got rejected from a job? Find a different one, and prove to them why they made a mistake not hiring you. If someone closes a door on you, there are two options. You can either find another way in, or you break the door down. Giving up is just not an option. If you are passionate about something, you have to find a way to keep going. Sure, you will struggle. You will most likely not succeed at first. In fact, you will probably become quite familiar with failure. But if you truly love something, it will be worth it. Despite all the hard moments, you will enjoy the ride. There will be highs and lows. It will probably lead to the best and worst moments of your life. But it will be worth it. Find your passion. I’ve found mine.






Track and field team ready for OVC Championships, 3B

Old foes face off in intramural soccer championship, 4B

Softball team hosts game to raise Bob Dylan plays to full audience in CFSB center, 7B breast cancer awareness, 6B




RITZHEIMER From Page 1 option, but it was my best option, and I was happy with it.� Since then, Ritzheimer has proven to be one of the ‘Breds’ leading offensive producers. He has started 141 games in his nearly three seasons at Murray State, while hitting for a .311 batting average in 2011 and .299 in 2012. Hitting, however, hasn’t been the only thing Ritzheimer has been up to during the past three years. Preparing to graduate with a degree in geographic information systems, Ritzheimer plans to follow in the footsteps of his father, who works for the government as a cartographer. In other words, he makes maps. While creating maps is probably not the first thing most people would associate with college baseball players, Ritzheimer said he believes growing up in sports has helped to prepare him for his eventual career. “Sports helps you learn to be a teammate,� Ritzheimer said. “You learn to help others, support others and communicate with people.� With graduation a little more than a

week away, Ritzheimer shares the concerns of many soon-to-be Murray State alumni. “In this economy, I think anyone’s plan is to hopefully find a job,� Ritzheimer said. “I’d like to work where my dad works, but if it doesn’t work out, I’ve got a few opportunities with some other companies. Anything I can be successful at, I’m going to push myself to try and do.� While his future is uncertain, Ritzheimer said he is thankful for the memories and the friends he has made at Murray State. “The people you meet, that’s what you’re going to remember,� Ritzheimer said. “You might not say, yeah we were the best team in the OVC, or we were the most successful, but it’s more about the people you meet and the memories you make with those people.� Although Murray State baseball fans won’t be watching the star outfielder in the minor leagues next spring, Ritzheimer said he probably will not be able to stay away from the game he loves forever. Ritzheimer said there might still be some baseball in his future. “You can’t play a sport for this long and have this many memories,� Ritzheimer said. “it would be really tough to just give it up.�

From Page 1 you don’t, you fail.� On top of classes and volleyball, Orf was an intern in the athletics department as an I-Racer. Through her position, she has helped with gameday operations and marketing. She has helped with promotions on the floor and video board, distributing flyers and writing game scripts. Luckily for her, that is exactly the career she wants to pursue. About one month ago, Orf was accepted to an internship at Clemson in South Carolina. There, she will oversee all video board production, and she’ll be in charge of the marketing for one sport. She said her experiences at Murray State helped her get the job. “When I’ve been through an interview process to find a job after college, I’ve said one of my strengths is I can be an individual,� Orf said. “I know how to be an individual, but I also know how to work on a team. You have to know how to work together.�

From Page 1

Photo courtesy of Sports Information

Freshman Preston French was named to the 2013 All-OVC Newcomer Team for the Racers.

From Page 1

the conference,� Newcomb said. “The hard work has paid off.� Hunt said Newcomb’s win in the OVC is tremendous and hard to do. “He won the conference championship,� Hunt said. “Whoever wins gets into the NCAA regional. That’s a great opportunity. I think he can go

up against anybody.� Newcomb addressed his NCAA regional tournament berth with positivity and anticipation. “I’m excited,� Newcomb said. “It’s just the regionals; if you get through that it’s nationals. I think my game is good enough.� Hunt also said he thinks Murray State will have the youngest golf team in recent years, but current players like Gosser and French could be leaders next season.

May 3, 2013




The News

mecki said the spring semester of her freshmen year was the hardest semester for her. She said it was hard to balance the transitions into college life with the first softball season, especially when games were played on the road. “I feel like having to juggle academics and athletics at the same time is just so hard,� she said. “It’s so much harder than just being a student. You have so many more pressures on you.� Kosmecki said she has dealt well with those pressures and considers herself successful both in her sport and academically. Her educational successes are not done yet, though. Kosmecki has been accepted to the graduate program for communication disorders at Murray State. This program typically only accepts 20 students from a pool of more than 100 applications. She said she thinks softball helped strengthen her application. “I feel like being an athlete and being a student at the same time really helped set me apart,� she said. “It made me different. I feel like I’m ready to go

I know how to be an individual, but I also know how to work on a team. You have to know how to work together.� –Lydia Orf Senior volleyball player

Her days of playing the game may be over, but Orf plans to stay involved with college athletics. Even after her internships and graduate school, she plans to make a marketing career in college athletics. “I like college sports,� she said. “It’s the atmosphere. You can’t beat it. Professional sports – it’s just different. I definitely could see myself staying in college sports.� For now, though, Orf is enjoying a semester as just a student. As an experienced student athlete, she said she wishes students did not assume athletes do not do work. There are times it may seem easy, but they do face added challenges during their seasons. “It’s not just being an athlete all the time like people see,� Orf said. “You’re juggling everything at once. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it’s not.�

After a year as an intern, Orf has the opportunity to keep the internship for one more year. However, she might decide to attend graduate school and obtain a graduate assistantship. Looking back, Orf said volleyball played just as much of a role in preparing her for the real world as her classes did. “I think sports teach you a lot of things,� she said. “They teach you how to work as a team. They teach you to have work ethic. I’ve changed and grown a lot over four years, and I am appreciative of everything I’ve been given here because it’s helped.� Orf said she cherishes the memories she made in volleyball during road trips with her teammates, but she values what she learned in the classroom more because those things will last after college and be useful.

on and get my master’s. I’m set up for that, and I’m going to be able to handle the pressures of that.� Kosmecki already has plans beyond graduate school. After seeing a presentation on a woman with dementia, she said she knew she wanted to work in a nursing home as a speech pathologist. “You’re obviously not going to help them get better because dementia is a degenerative disease,� Kosmecki said. “But you can help make life functional for them. You can find what they like and make them happy while they can be happy. I think that’s awesome.� Her degree will give her many options, but Kosmecki already knows the career she wants to pursue. She wants to specialize in neurogenic communication disorders for people who have suffered from strokes or major brain injuries. Eventually, she wants to become a rehabilitation coordinator. “It’s an evolving field, so it’s not like I’m going to be doing the same thing every day,� Kosmecki said. “I’m going to be able to continue my education and just grow and learn a lot more throughout my life, and that’s what I wanted.� She said softball and her education have both proven valuable, and these two aspects of her life have worked seamlessly together to help her pre-

pare for a future she will love. Through softball, Kosmecki has learned time management, professionalism, dedication and the importance of teamwork in the process of making lifelong friendships. As she has taken her classes, Kosmecki has developed relationships with instructors who have worked in the field she plans to enter, allowing her to learn and find mentors. She said this will help her in the transition from college to the real world. With the end of her softball career drawing near, Kosmecki said she is too competitive to give up softball for good. She has made a deal to throw batting practice next year, as well as attend as many games as possible. When she reflects on her time at Murray State, Kosmecki has a hard time choosing whether she values softball or her education more because both have taught her so much and made her the person she is today. No matter what, though, she said she feels she has been successful in every aspect, not just athletics. “My career is going to last me forever, but I wouldn’t trade softball for anything,� Kosmecki said. “It’s a love that you can’t explain. I definitely value my education. I want to have a good career, and I feel like I’ve set myself up the best I can for that.�

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The News


May 3, 2013 Upon Further Review

The dream game

There are only two remaining teams in this state that have never lost to the University of Kentucky men’s basketball program. Those two schools are Steven Peake Alice Loyd College and Contributing Murray State. writer Both of these teams hold an astounding record of 0-0 against the Wildcats. UK’s non-conference schedule was released on Wednesday and to the surprise of no one, Murray State was absent from the list of teams UK will play for the 111th straight year. The closest the two teams have ever gotten to facing off against each other was the 2012 NCAA Tournament. Overall, the Wildcats are 35-0 against teams who are currently in the OVC. The defending OVC Champions, the Belmont Bruins, will be the eighth OVC team Kentucky will have faced in the program’s history. So why Belmont, Eastern Kentucky, Morehead State, Austin Peay, Tennessee State, Tennessee Tech, UT Martin and Jacksonville State but not Murray State? I am not naive enough to believe that the reason is because Kentucky is afraid of losing. Although, they would have a lot to lose, would it be any more embarrassing for them than their past losses to VMI, Gardner Webb and Robert Morris? I think UK could sell Murray State as a marquee game. Murray State carries a lot of prestige. As we know, ESPN ranked Murray State as one of the top 30 programs of all time. Plus, the Racers currently have a longer streak of winning seasons than “the Commonwealth’s University.” So, Coach Calipari and Coach Prohm, do what you have to do and give the fans throughout the state something they’ve never seen: Murray State vs. Kentucky.


Racers rally late, fall short twice Staff Report

Kate Russell/The News

Senior catcher Ellyn Troup prepares to tag out a runner during the Racers loss Wednesday.

The Murray State softball team lost both of its games against Memphis Wednesday at Central Park. During both games, the Racers were down 5-1 in the last inning. Both times, they scored 3 runs and fell one point short to Memphis. In the first game, Memphis scored early in the top of the first on a passed ball. Murray State tied the game in the bottom of the second on a home run by sophomore Casey Castile. Memphis had a big third inning, scoring two runs on a throwing error and another run on a wild pitch. In the top of the sixth, Memphis added another run off a home run to increase their lead 5-1. Two home runs in the last inning put the Racers with a run, but a strikeout ended the game with Memphis ahead 5-4.

In the second game, Murray State was first on the board. It was not until the fourth inning that Memphis tied the game with a solo home run. In the eighth inning, Memphis earned a few base hits to gain a 5-1 lead. In the bottom of the eighth, senior Ellyn Troup knocked in two runs to make the score 5-3. During the next at bat, junior Leslie Bridges singled to score Troup and put the Racers down by one. The Racers rally ended there, and they once again fell short 5-4. This was Murray State’s last non-conference series of the season. The Racers will take on OVC foe Austin Peay Saturday and Sunday in their final conference series of the season. The first two games will be a doubleheader in Murray at 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday. The third game will be at 1 p.m. on Sunday. The Racers are currently 12-10 in conference play.

Old foes face off in soccer Taylor Crum || Assistant Sports Editor

Team Jesus and Lizo faced off in an intramural championship game for the second time this semester Tuesday night. Both made it to the championship game during the intramural volleyball season. This time, Team Jesus and Lizo went head-to-head for the men’s soccer championship title. Both teams were stacked with talent. Aggression and impressive plays kept the game interesting. Team Jesus fought hard, but Lizo had the upper hand, dominating the scoreboard by two goals. Team Jesus put in another goal but couldn’t tie it up before the halftime whistle blew. Lizo took the game at the half with a score of 3-2. In the second half, Team Jesus fought to improve its score and eventually tied the game. With a comeback kick, Team Jesus scored another goal and took over the scoreboard with a score of 4-3. At the end of the game, it was Team Jesus with another championship under its belt. What may have clutched the win for Team Jesus is the undeniable on-field chemistry between twin brothers, David and Dustin Herron. The brothers played for Team Jesus during the intramural volleyball season, both being assets to the team and helping claim the championship title. It was no different in this sport when the Herron brothers dominated the game, staying quick

on their feet and keeping their intensity high throughout the game. The Herron brothers said facing Lizo in a championship game for the second time this semester was a pleasure for Team Jesus. “I feel like there is some unsaid rivalry between us and Lizo,” Dustin said. “But the guys on the team are really cool, so that just allowed the game to be real competitive.” That competitive rivalry was unquestionable on the field as the Herron brothers admitted it was one of the toughest games of the season for them and their teammates. “We hadn’t been down by two goals the whole season,” Dustin said. Despite a successful record, the brothers said the season hasn’t been easy due to the lack of substitutes for the team. However, they said they noticed some great things that happened on the field against Lizo. “We really capitalized on the opportunities that we had,” David said. “(Lizo) had a better passing game than we did, but we used the talents we had.” David admitted to not having practiced as a team the whole season, but said they are a group of friends playing for fun. “It’s just good competition, and we like to represent Christ any way we can,” David said. Unfortunately, the brotherly duo won’t see the field next year when Dustin graduates, but brother David joked saying Team Jesus is in need of recruits for next season.

Murray State Baseball Today vs. SEMO Saturday vs. SEMO Sunday vs. SEMO Murray State Softball Saturday vs. Austin Peay Sunday vs. Austin Peay St. Louis Cardinals Today @ Milwaukee Saturday @ Milwaukee Sunday @ Milwaukee

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The News



May 3, 2013

Track season nears end with OVCs Carly Besser || Staff writer

Charlie Riedel/AP

Exercise rider Marvin Abrego rides Kentucky Derby hopeful Java's War for a workout at Churchill Downs Tuesday, April 30, 2013, in Louisville, Ky.

2013 Kentucky Derby 1 – Black Onyx 2 – Oxbow 3 – Revolutionary 4 – Golden Soul 5 – Normandy Invasion 6 – Mylute 7 – Giant Fish 8 – Goldencents 9 – Overanalyze 10 – Palace Malice

11 – Lines of Battle 12 – Itsmyluckday 13 – Falling Sky 14 – Verrazano 15 – Charming Kitten 16 – Orb 17 – Will Take Charge 18 – Frac Daddy 19 – Java’s War 20 – Vyjack

*The numbers listed above represent the post, while the name represents the horse racing in the Derby.

The Murray State track and field team competed at the Drake Relays last week, where thousands of fans came from around the country to see talented athletes selected under strict requirements. Of the many runners, hurdle jumpers and field contenders to compete at Drake Relays, five were from Murray State. Head Coach Jenny Severns said she is thankful the team could get experience against more challenging competition. “Not only is it an opportunity that does not come often for Murray State athletes, but it isn’t common for any athlete anywhere,” she said. All-American Alexis Love finished seventh in the university/college division 100-meter dash with a time of 11.83 seconds, earning her the seventh-best time in school history. Her run Saturday was slightly faster than the preliminary time of 12.08 she set Friday. Sophomore discus thrower Tonia Pratt, a standout in field, placed 15th in her event when she recorded a throw of 154 feet. The toss is currently the third-highest mark in Murray State history. Sharda Bettis ran the 100-meter hurdles, an event in which she currently holds the school record. Bettis placed sixth in her heat with a time of 14.8. Together, Bettis and Shaw, freshman sprinter Hannah McAllister and sophomore hurdle jumper LaShea Shaw formed a 4x100 team but failed to finish the race. Severns said there were multiple elements as to why the Racers did not run as well as they have been in the spring season. “Everyone had to race against the wind,” she said. “It was a crazy headwind. It affects hurdles most. It was less than ideal, but every runner had to compete in the same conditions. We just didn’t handle it as well as we could have.”


Kate Russell/The News

With the OVC Outdoor Championships drawing near, the track and field team did not let a rainy day slow them down. Though they have been breaking school and personal records in many recent meets, the Racers failed to be as much of a presence in the Drake Relays. Despite the performance, Severns said she was glad the results came in a regular season meet and not the OVC tournament. The Drake Relays primarily served as a learning experience. “We didn’t leave Drake with nothing,” she said. “I think they needed to get out there and see what it is like to compete in conditions like that. This will definitely give them a leg up. It was a more intense meet than the first round of the OVCs is.” Shifting its focus to the OVCs has been the main objective for the Racers this spring. They have stepped up workouts and practices to prepare for the competition.

“So far, I feel very prepared after the workouts I have been doing,” senior distance runner Carolyne Tanui said. “I have been doing such long runs because I want to get faster in time.” Tanui is currently preparing to run the 5K and 10K events. Last season, she placed sixth in the OVC Outdoor Championships 10K event, breaking her personal record with a time of 39 minutes, 51 seconds. Tanui said she believes her entire team will do well this weekend. “I am very confident in them and myself,” she said. “I think we are very ready.” The Racers are competing this weekend in Charleston, Ill., at the OVC Outdoor Championships. It is the final competition before the NCAA Outdoor Championships, which will be held June 5-8.

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May 3, 2013


The News


Features Editor: Savannah Sawyer Assistant Features Editor: Shannon MacAllister Phone: 809-5871 Twitter: MSUNewsFeatures


Local drive-in offers unique experience Faces & Places is a weekly series that profiles the people and places of Murray and the surrounding areas. Every person and every place has a story. Let us tell it.

Anna Taylor || Staff writer

Out of the eight drive-in theaters remaining in Kentucky, one of them is located in Marshall County’s own Calvert City, Ky, just a 40-minute drive from Murray. The Calvert Drive-In was built in 1953 by the grandparents of John Harrington, who is now the current manager of the drive-in.

“It has always been in the family,” Harrington said. “This is our 60th consecutive season. There have been several different family members manage the drive-in. I manage it now. We’ve got four generations of family involved in it.” Having an outdoor theater has not always been easy for the Harrington family, though. The family has seen the drive-in survive even the toughest of times for both Hollywood and movie theaters. “1958 was a hard year for drive-ins,” Harrington said. “There was a lot of politics in Hollywood and politics in general. Drive-ins had a really bad name for playing B-rate movies and

playing rough stuff. In the late ‘50s/early ‘60s when TVs really started becoming popular, people could stay at home and catch up on the news. Back in the ‘30s and ‘40s, people would go to the theaters to see what was going on in the war, and there were a lot of news-reels. TVs started to hurt (driveins and theaters).” Regardless of the changing times and technology, the Calvert Drive-In stuck around. “We just kept hanging in there,” he said. “We had a niche for good hamburgers, so that kind of helped. At some point in time, there were five drive-in theaters in Marshall County

alone. We’re the only one left in western Kentucky now. The next closest one is in Beaver Dam.” Harrington said the outdoor theater has gone through a variety of changes over the recent years. From building a new screen in 2003 to remodeling the concession area in 2007, the Harrington family have given their business an upgrade. This year, however, was perhaps their most important upgrade. “We upgraded to digital projection,” he said. “Instead of 8,000 or 12,000 feet of film, we’ve got a hard drive now.”

see DRIVE-IN, 6B

Graphic by Evan Watson

Murray area offers summer activites

With Summer Break a week away, students who live nearby and students sticking around for summer courses are beginning to think about things to do in the area. With the right activities, a summer in Murray can be fun. Here are five of the many places that can keep students busy enjoying the summer.


In June, the Murray-Calloway County fair comes to town. If you babysit over the summer months, this could be a great place to take the kids for the day, or even for just a fun family outing. The fair is scheduled for June 1014. The Murray-Calloway County Fair Association said the admission is $10, which will give patrons access to rides, parking, shows and events.


For those looking to clean out their closets and boxes of junk, a 400-milelong yard sale will be hitting U.S. Highway 68 between June 6 and 9. Prior to the sale in Benton, Ky., there will be a drag boat race on Kentucky Lake. This is a four day event of antiques, yard sales, craft booths and other special events. Bring those oddities that have been sitting in the back of the car, and set up shop or drive through the


sale and pick up some cheap items to spruce up the apartment or dorm. Since Murray is so close to surrounding lakes, a trip to Land Between the Lakes or Kentucky Lake to spend the day would be great for those looking to get some sun. Several campsites and fishing areas are easily accessible. Not far from the lake, Belew’s Dairy Bar is a good place to stop, eat and grab some good ice cream. Belew’s is a drive-in restaurant that someone could easily eat at for under $10. It is right off Kentucky Lake in the town of Aurora, Ky. “Belew’s is a fun atmosphere where everyone coming off the lake after a long day can enjoy some ice cream,” said Amanda Harrell, sophomore from Benton, Ky., “It’s a great place to go in the summer and sit outside to hang out with friends. It’s always busy but always worth the wait.”


Later, from June 28-29, Freedom Fest arrives in Murray. Freedom Fest has been a long-standing traditional celebration with concerts and a giant fireworks display. The Cruisers of Paducah will be at the Murray Bank Family Night this year, as well as Clarence Dobbins, who will be

see SUMMER, 6B

What You Need: ❖ Old pair of jeans ❖ Sharp scissors ❖ Pen ❖ Needle ❖ Blue-jean thread

Photo courtesy of

Kelsey Randolph || Staff writer

7 steps to create custom cut-offs Shannon MacAllister


Assistant Features Editor

1. Identify the pair of jeans to be remade, put them on. 2. Using a pen, mark about two inches below the desired end length to allow excess to straighten the cuts and cuff if desired. 3. Remove the now-marked jeans and place them on a flat surface. Remove all creases in the fabric and be sure it is laying flat on the surface. 4. Using the scissors, cut through only the top of the jeans, creating a straight, smooth cut. Now repeat on the back of the same leg of the jeans, lining up the cut with the front.

With summer’s arrival and the days of freedom on the forefront of every student’s mind, many find themselves searching for the perfect pair of shorts for the summer. Some are too long, others too short, some cost too much, while others aren’t sold in the right size; the tortures of unsuccessful shopping are endless. So avoid the malls this summer, give the wallet a break, embrace the DIY trend and make a custom pair of cut-off shorts.

5. Fold the evenly cut shorts leg over the still uncut leg of jeans. Line the shorts up, using them as a guide for the other leg’s length. Cut each layer at a time until all of the excess jeans have been cut. 6. Straighten out edges and cut off excess fabric. 7. If a cuff is desired, fold the bottom of the jeans up to desired cuff width and press with an iron. Then, using a needle and thread, sew the cuff into place using small stitches in the front and larger stitches on the inside, where they will be concealed. Tie off the thread, and the cuff has been secured.

Students, professors offer study tips, tricks Hunter Harrell || Staff writer

It’s that time of the year again when students stock up on latenight snacks and spend countless hours in the library preparing for their multiple exams. There are many tips and tricks to aid students in the process of cramming for the tests, such as receiving a good night’s rest and making flash cards. However, using the resources available to students is oftentimes the most effective way to ace that

final exam. Of course, notes and textbooks are the primary studying materials. Using the professor’s notes ensures the right material is being studied. Also, by reading through the textbook chapters, students learn to think critically and apply the lessons to everyday life. “Don’t highlight the bold words because they are already highlighted,” said Jana Hackathorn, psychology professor. “Highlight the key concepts attached to the bold word.” She also explained notes taken should not be rewritten, but reor-

ganized instead. “Reorganize your notes,” Hackathorn said. “Mindless rewriting is bad, but reorganizing your notes is good. It forces you to think about the topic.” In addition to notes taken during the class, utilize the presentations, handouts and other materials many professors post on Blackboard. Questions from exams often come from the materials presented in class and later posted on Blackboard. Many professors also present students with the opportunity to attend a review either in class or in

the evenings before finals week in order to prepare. Attending these reviews could be the difference in a student’s confidence to pass or fail. While the raw materials used all semester are great tools for studying, it always helps to have an extra brain or two. Find out about the study groups available on campus and attend. Sometimes what one student comprehends well is what another student may struggle with. Studying with others aids in avoiding distractions and guarantees sharing

knowledge. Hackathorn, however, said study groups can be a waste of time if not run properly. “Study groups are waste of time if you don’t run them like a business,” she said. “They are not a gossip fest or a catch-up-with-friends meeting.” Hackathorn said she recommends each member of the group be responsible for a part or chapter and teach the concept to the rest of the group. Some students agree two is al-

see FINALS, 6B

The News




“Entertainment news sure to spice up your lunch conversation”

WATER COOLER Information and photos from The Associated Press Compiled by Savannah Sawyer

STONE AND FIRTH SIGN ON TO NEW FILM Director Woody Allen announced Tuesday he will be filming a new comedy this summer. The leading roles will be played by Emma Stone and Colin Firth. The filming will take place in France. This is the second time he has filmed a movie there. As of now, there is not a title to the upcoming flick.

Harrington said this is what the industry is calling for and, ultimately, it is a much easier process. He said not having to mess with the film eliminates about 15 hours of manual labor each week. “They say by the end of this year there will be no 35 millimeter films,” Harrington said. “I’ve already seen several drive-ins pull out of business this year because of that. It’s very expensive to do.” As far as the movies go, the Calvert Drive-In keeps everything family-friendly. Playing only G, PG and PG-13 movies, families and groups are its main customers. “We try to keep a safe, clean atmosphere for the family,” Harrington said. “That’s the focus, because they can bring their pet or spread out in front of their car and just have a good time.” Aside from playing two films for the price of one, the Calvert

Drive-In has food options that are unique to most theaters. “Our pizza is all homemade; it’s a recipe I’ve worked on for over 20 years,” Harrington said. “Our hamburgers are cooked just like granny made them back in the ‘60s. We cook it all right on the spot. You can see your food being prepared right there in front of you.” Harrington said they also have a lot of people who call in and place orders just for the food alone. “Affordable entertainment would be the standard over any other movie theater,” he said. “You can get a coke, popcorn, hot dog and candy for $3.40. You can’t even get a coke for that at a regular indoor theater.” While the drive-in is not open year-round, it does remain open for the majority of the year. With its season beginning in March and lasting through November, Harrington is aiming for the year-round goal. Currently, the theater is open only on weekends, the drive-in will be open daily once the Marshall County school district is on summer vacation, Harrington said.


Softball team brings awareness to breast cancer

From Page 5B

Kelsey Randolph

DRIVE-IN From Page 5B

Staff writer

‘IDOL’ NO LONGER MOST POPULAR TELEVISED COMPETITION Singing competition “American Idol,” which is now in its 12th season, is no longer the top competition show. Both “The Voice” and “Dancing With The Stars” are now receiving more viewers than “American Idol.”

Quoteable “It’s like Sons of Anarchy in here … and none of the young, hot characters.”

–Mindy “The Mindy Project” April 30 episode on FOX

May 3, 2013

performing on the court square. Family Day will be held June 29 in Central Park and will center on the Fireworks starting at 9:30 p.m. “I went as a child and saw my first concert there,” said Allison Rogers, freshman from Murray. “It’s not as big as it used to be but the fireworks are always fun.”


With several movies coming out this summer, including Universal’s “Despicable Me 2,” Disney’s “Epic,” Marvel’s “Iron Man 3” and Sony’s Picture Animation “Smurfs 2,” it’s a great season to go to the drive-in movie theater. Calvert Drive-In is open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday starting at 5 p.m. Double features cost $7, and children under 12 years old get in free. “The drive-in is really neat because it is one of the few left,” said Jeffrey Rowland, sophomore from Iuka, Ky. “It is also very family-oriented, and they have some of the best burgers in western Kentucky.”

To raise awareness for breast cancer, the Murray State softball team will be hosting a Strike Out Cancer Pink Out game. This isn’t the first and won’t be the last Pink Out game. It is a double-header starting at 2 p.m. against Austin Peay on May 5. The location will be announced at a later date as the new softball field is still under construction. Sarah Anderson, senior from Louisville, Ky., said this game is not just a normal game for her. Her

Photo courtesy of Calvert Drive-In

Pictured above is the first ever crew that worked at the Calvert Drive-In in 1953, when the outdoor theater first opened. The theater has been owned by the Harrington family its entire existence.

mother has just hit her five-year mark since being diagnosed with breast cancer. Anderson said this is a huge accomplishment for her mother, and she will honor her by playing on the field and proudly wearing pink. “This game is important because my mom has been my inspiration ever since she was diagnosed,” Anderson said, “I know nothing I go through in life will be as difficult as what my mother went through. It is important that we go out and play our best and not only win for us, but win for everyone who has dealt with breast cancer or been

FINALS From Page 5B ways better than one when it comes to studying. “When I study with other people, I focus instead of being on Facebook or my phone,” said Breanna Sill, freshman from Golconda, Ill. “Having

“It is important that we go out and play our best and not only win for us, but win for everyone who has dealt with breast cancer or been involved with any type of cancer.” –Sarah Anderson Senior from Louisville, Ky. involved with any type of cancer.” Anderson said she thinks it’s important to have these Pink Out games to show the community the importance of raising awareness. “If every sports team could support some type of cancer awareness, that would be awesome,”

other people around makes me pay more attention to the material.” When all else fails, students can always seek out a professor’s office hours. Professors, after all, make the tests and can explain any material students are uneasy about. Speaking with the professors can ease the pre-exam nerves as well. Time management is key to studying for finals. Know the dates and times of each exam and plan studying accordingly.

Anderson said. The team is encouraging the community to attend the game and wear pink to spread the word about breast cancer. During the Racer basketball season, there is also a Pink Out, where students and attendees are encouraged to wear pink.

Also, students should not be afraid to approach each class differently. It is difficult to study for a math test, with many problems worked on scratch paper, the same way students study definitions for psychology. Students should remember to use their resources wisely which in turn will keep them calm through dead week and the following weekend. These tips will ensure a less stressful and more successful final exam week.


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The News


May 3, 2013

WHAT’S HAPPENIN’? TODAY • 5 p.m. Harry Potter Week, Hart Cafe • 3 p.m. Baseball vs. Southeast Missouri • All day Women’s track and field OVC Outdoor Championships


• 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Kentucky Turtle Derby, Land Between the Lakes, Nature Station • 12 p.m. Softball vs. Austin Peay • 2 p.m. Baseball vs. Southeast Missouri

SUNDAY •All day Downtown Farmer’s Market, Paducah, Ky. •2-3 p.m. Murray High School Spring Concert, Lovett Auditorium •7 p.m. Discover the Dinosaurs, Paducah-McCracken County Convention & Expo Center, Paducah, Ky.

7B Subject To Change

If you would like an event to appear here or on, email us at Please submit events by noon Wednesday for consideration.

• 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Man Up Monday, Free HIV/STD Testing, Health Services • 2:30-4:30 p.m. Man Up Monday, Free HIV/STD Testing, Health Services


• 4:30 p.m. Zumba, Energy Fitness, Paducah, Ky. • 5:30-8 p.m. Active Parenting Now, Calloway County Extension Office • 7-8 p.m. VFW Post 6291 Meeting, National Guard Armory

• 8 a.m.12:30 p.m. AARP Safe Driving Class, Murray-Calloway Center for Health and Wellness • 12 p.m. Pet Therapy, Curris Center Rocking Chair Lounge



THURSDAY • 8:15 a.m. Yoga Basics, Energy Fitness, Paducah, Ky.

Concert Review

Dylan rocks CFSB Center Savannah Sawyer Features Editor

Students and community members filled the stands of the CFSB Center Saturday to listen to Bob Dylan. When you think about it, going to a concert is a really cool thing. You get to meet people from far and wide and others who could be your neighbors. You could be completely different people from opposite ends of the spectrum, but you have this one thing connecting you. For the crowd at the CFSB Center Saturday night, that thing connecting them all was Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan is known for the people he performs with on tour and the bands he has been with throughout his career. First, it was Bob Dylan and The Band. Later, The Band detached itself from Dylan and made a music career all their own. Dylan was also known for his role in the Traveling Wilburys, a rock super group that included some of the best in the business, such as Tom Petty, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Jim Keltner and George Harrison. He has had great opening acts such as Ben Harper, Wilco and My Morning Jacket. Needless to say, the crowd and I, were all excited to find out who he would bring along with him this time. The Wild Feathers opened the show, which was a great choice on Dylan’s part. It was the perfect complement to his somber performance. Unlike Dylan’s set, The Wild Feathers’ set was upbeat and the perfect opening to such a legend. The band hails from Nashville, Tenn., but I think it is safe to say it does not have a big following here in Murray, until Saturday night that is. Its set didn’t last long, only a half hour or so, but it sure was exciting. Then came the waiting game. The

SET LIST 1. “Things Have Changed” 2. “Love Sick” 3. “High Water (For Charley Patton) “ 4. “Soon after Midnight” 5. “Early Roman Kings “ 6. “Tangled Up in Blue “ 7. “Pay in Blood “ 8. “Visions of Johanna “ 9. “Spirit on the Water “ 10. “Beyond Here Lies Nothin’ “ 11. “Blind Willie McTell “ 12. “What Good Am I? “ 13. “Summer Days “ 14. “Scarlet Town “ 15. “All Along the Watchtower “


Lori Allen/The News

16. “Ballad of a Thin Man “

Fans take shelter inside from the pouring rain at the CFSB Center as they wait to be let into the Bob Dylan concert Saturday night.

time in between performers where instruments are being interchanged for the next musician. One of my biggest pet peeves at concerts is waiting for the set changes between musicians. It has to be done, but I am always so anxious to see the person I came to see. Luckily for me, it didn’t take the stage crew long, and I was soon graced by the presence of a living legend. Dylan’s performance was simply unique. He sounded almost exactly the same as he does on record. I’m a Dylan fan, but I am not his biggest fan. While I did not know all of the songs he played, it was still entertaining to be able to sit and listen. In my mind and in my experience,

there are two types of concerts. One is where you are jammed in with a bunch of other people where you stand the entire time, typically singing along until you can no longer speak. The other is just sitting and listening to the musician performing in front of you. One option is not necessarily better than the other. Dylan’s concert was option number two. Everyone who was in attendance sat back, relaxed and enjoyed the show. The only thing I didn’t like about the concert was that he did not say two words to the audience. Literally, he said nothing. It didn’t really surprise me, though He has always been quite coy, to my understanding. With that thought being pushed

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After much deliberation, the title of my column will be Subject to Change. No, that does not mean I have yet to decide on a name; that is the name. Shannon Accept it, hate it, MacAllister do as you please. Assistant It is your mind, Features Editor after all. As this is the first of a hopefully long line of columns to come, I’m sure you are bracing yourself for impact, seemingly quivering in your shoes as you wait for the inevitably long, drawn out and heartfilled monologue as to why this title spoke to me. Well, you’re welcome, there is no story, and if there was, it would not be worth telling. Life is subject to change, and so is this column. What is worth mentioning however, is the sad, sorrowful tale of woe that is Suzy Lee Weiss. If you have managed to miss the notorious high school senior’s offensive, flippant and entitled letter to the editor, published in the Wall Street Journal, you have quite the shock coming. Suzy, a high school senior from Pittsburgh, after being wrongfully, or so she thinks, rejected from her top Ivy League college choices, decided that tweeting her woes, or putting them on Facebook, was just not enough. No, Suzy decides instead that it would be a good idea to offend thousands of people by whining about her rejection in a national publication, trying and failing to blame her lack of acceptance on her lack of diversity. As she says in her letter, Suzy represents about as much diversity as a saltine cracker, not a problem in and of itself, but when she continues to lament about how her lack of diversity is the reason for her rejection along with her unwavering honesty by not creating fake charities, she steps on a few million toes. With statements like, “I would have gladly worn a headdress to school. Show me to any closet, and I would've happily come out of it” and “If it were up to me, I would've been any of the diversities: Navajo, Pacific Islander, anything,” Suzy does spectacular work in offending nearly every minority group she can bring to mind. So let Suzy serve as a reminder to us all as she now serves one of the single most hated internet personas. As the semester reaches its breaking point and stress is at an all-time high, don’t be a Suzy. Do not blame your problems on others, or play the victim. Be mindful of what you say, post and tweet while under stress. You never know how quickly you can burn a million bridges and step on a million toes.


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aside, the overall concert was a complete joy. Dylan played a 16-song set list, including one encore song. What was great about his set was the fact he played both new and old songs. Usually, when artists are touring for an album they just released, they tend to play tracks that are only from that album. He did a great job of varying the songs he played from some of the 35 total albums he has released. Dylan is music. He has written some of the best pieces of music out there including “All Along the Watching Tower,” “Rainy Day Woman” and “Like a Rolling Stone.” It was an honor to even be sitting in his presence.

Stomping a few million toes


The News May 3, 2013

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