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Racers top Gamecocks to maintain lead of OVC West. Read more on 1B.

The News will release a Valentine’s Day special section.

The Murray State News TheNews.org

Jan. 31, 2014

Contract with TVA set guidelines for power outages Lexy Gross || Editor-in-Chief cgross2@murraystate.edu

11,500 kilowatts - the amount of power Tennessee Valley Authority can suspend within five minutes of picking up the phone to call Murray State. In a 4-year-old contract, TVA outlines the conditions of a “5 MR Agreement” with the University. The contract was signed in 2010 by former Vice President of Finances and Administrative Services Tom Denton, who retired in 2013. The contract states that zero kilowatts of Murray State’s power is considered “protected demand.” It also lays the grounds of how much credit the University would receive for signing such an agreement. Jackie Dudley, interim vice president of Finances and Administrative Services, said Murray State has received cumulative credits of $1.3 million since the contract was signed. “Prior to a contract extension or new contract, I would expect the University to closely review the cost savings, the probability of significant power outages and the impact of such an outage on our students and campus,” Dudley said. Dudley and Interim President Tim Miller said the contract was not reviewed by the Board of Regents. However, Dudley said she isn’t sure if any informal communication was made on the subject. She said the vice president of Finances and Administrative Services has the power to sign operational agreements. Dudley did not say if the University president reviewed the contract.

Vol. 88, No. 19

Seeing through the

“Contracts which are not routine are reviewed by legal counsel and authorized by the president before signing,” Dudley said. When the contract was signed in 2010, Randy Dunn was president at Murray State. Dudley said other universities have similar contracts in place to save on utility costs. The contract states: “Such availability of 5 MR may be suspended at any time that TVA determines, in its sole judgement, that such a suspension is necessary or appropriate to address the reliability of the TVA system or the reliability of any portion of the TVA system.” The suspension must happen within five minutes of notification from TVA, or Murray State could be charged. If the University cut off power, but only between 10,350 and 11,500 kW in a suspension, Murray State would be charged $36 per kW, according to the contract. If the University cut off less than 10,350 kW, TVA would charge $60 per kW. If Murray State didn’t comply with TVA at all within the five-minute period, the University would be charged $690,000. The contract also states that the “company assumes all risk of loss, injury or damage to company resulting from such interruptions or curtailments.”

Meghann Anderson News Editor manderson22@murraystate.edu

With a fan blowing smoke out the window, five students huddled in a circle, passing a glass pipe in one of the residential colleges. While smoking any substance in a residential college is against Murray State policy, some students break the rule. Since August 2013, Public Safety and Emergency Management has received six reports of marijuana possession. Four of the cases came from within

Check out TheNews.org for the full TVA contract.

see SMOKE, 2A

Ben Manhanke

fiscal budget, a combination of fixed costs such as healthcare, retirement and annual pension contributions to the state and newly and soon to be enacted initiatives such as the opening of the new Paducah Regional Campus and the promotion of several adjunct professors to full-time positions. Beshear’s proposal would cut 2.5 and would add an estimated $1.2 million to these costs and an additional $1.1 million would carry over

Kate Russell/The News

from last year’s budget. Jackie Dudley, interim vice president of Finance and Administrative Services and member of a preliminary budget task force, said recommendations to consolidate and reallocate funds was delivered to Interim President Tim Miller for his consideration. Dudley said much of how many cuts need to be made internally is

Undeclared: Students await A stamp of budget cuts, indecision possible funding Fraternities, sororities pick new members in spring Assistant News Editor


After enacting close to $5 million in cuts to Murray State’s budget last year, the University will incur nearly identical cuts this year following the acceptance of Gov. Beshear’s proposed budget. Murray State will be responsible for finding approximately $2.7 million to balance the 2013-2014

see BUDGET, 2A

Amanda Grau || Staff writer agrau1@murraystate.edu

Rebecca Walter || Staff writer rwalter@murraystate.edu

Spring recruitment was in full swing as Greek organizations on campus began to welcome new members into their chapters this week. Re’Nita Avery-Meriwether, director of Student Life and the Curris Center, said spring recruitment has been successful this spring. “There were a lot of students interested in joining Greek organizations this semester,” AveryMeriwether said. She said the sorority spring recruitment numbers increased this year and the fraternity numbers evened out. The recruitment process for sororities began Jan. 23 with an open house that let potential new members mingle with women from the six sororities. The women were broken into

groups to go around and talk to each organization individually. More than 60 potential new members attended the open house. Natalie Brewer, director of sorority recruitment, said spring recruitment is more laid back and relaxed than formal recruitment in the fall. “I came in the spring myself and I see the advantages that it can have,” Brewer said. “You are able to get your foot in the door, see how to handle school and find out if you are ready to become involved more.” Brewer said one exciting thing about this semester’s recruitment is the addition of Kappa Delta to campus. Kappa Delta took part in recruitment this semester after being reinstated on campus last semester. Each of the six Panhellenic sororities were able to accept new members this semester. This was

Picking a major can be a challenging hurdle for students transitioning from high school to university life. Audrey Kellett, sophomore from Murray, understands the struggle of finding a major. “I had a lot of things I wanted to do, and had no idea how to pick,” Kellett said. “I wanted to dip my toes into a lot of different waters.” Approximately 300 students at Murray State share a similar idea with Kellett and have not declared a major. Each year, about 150 freshmen register as undeclared. Seventy percent of students will switch their majors at least once through their college careers. Olympia Stewart, academic adviser for all 300 undeclared students, said there are five myths associated with coming into college undeclared. First, that the best way to find out about a major is to take courses in that specific subject. Undeclared majors have the opportunity to explore majors they

due to total being raised from 90 to 137 members for each sorority. The total number of bids accepted will not be known until the second week of February when all organizations have given out their bids. Approximately 35 men who were interested in joining Greek Life attended the open house at the Curris Center Jan. 22. Michael Dobbs, Interfraternity Council president, said spring rush is similar to fall rush for the fraternities. He said the only difference this year was that the potential new members were broken up into groups to see every fraternity. The spring rush process is a few days shorter than in the fall. Throughout the week fraternities hosted different events such as chili cookouts, skeet shooting Megan Godby/The News

see GREEK, 2A Eric Schall, senior from Nashville, Tenn., participates in IFC bid day.




Stop smoking marijuana in your Former Board of Regents memdorm rooms, 4A ber runs against incumbent, 6A





Women’s tennis opens spring season with 6-1 win, 1B

Five simple appetizers for game day, 5B

The News



January 31, 2014



From Page 1

From Page 1

a residential college and two were from vehicle stops. Five of these cases resulted in seven offenders cited to court and one case resulted in an offender being referred to disciplinary action. There were 20 calls for the smell of marijuana where officers were unable to locate the source. Seventeen of the calls were within a residential college and three of the calls were for the smell coming from vehicles in parking lots on campus. MARIJUANA USAGE Judy Lyle, interim associate director for Health Services, said in the 2012 National College Health Assessment at Murray State, approximately 9 percent of students who responded to the survey admitted to using marijuana within the last 30 days, with 2 percent of those students using all 30 days. There was a perception among the students taking the survey that use of marijuana among Murray State students was much too high - that at least 80 percent used marijuana more than once in the last 30 days. Audrey Kellet, junior from Murray, said this discrepancy is due to the perceived negative stigmas that accompany marijuana use, and although the survey was anonymous, she said students still might be afraid to admit using the drug. Kellet said she knows people who smoke marijuana in the residential colleges and their main motivation for doing so was convenience and the cold weather. “I personally don’t think people should smoke weed in the residential colleges, just like I don’t think people should smoke cigarettes in the residential colleges,” she said. “It’s not considerate.”

UNDECLARED From Page 1 have an interest in by taking introductory level courses before making that final decision, but she said holding out wastes time. Stewart said while taking those classes, the students are gathering credits that may or may not be used for credit once they declare a major. This can put students semesters behind and additional semesters add up in subsequent costs. Stewart said the second myth is that undeclared students are safe because they can get their general requirements out of the way. In reality, some majors may have specific prerequisites for later classes. Third, picking a major means picking a career. Unless a student chooses an area such as nursing, most majors open a wide variety of job opportunities. Fourth, choosing one major means the rest are no longer an option. A

Kate Russell/The News

A student lights a glass pipe, used to smoke marijuana, in one of the residential colleges on campus. PUNISHMENT Mike Young, associate vice president of Student Affairs, said if a student is caught smoking in the residential colleges they could have to perform community service hours, be on disciplinary probation or deferred suspension from living in the residence halls. In Kentucky, the punishment for possession of up to eight ounces of marijuana can result in a maximum sentence of 45 days in jail and a maximum fine of $250. The sale or trafficking marijuana within 1,000 yards of a school is considered a felony which is punishable by 1 to 5 years in prison and a fine of $1,000-$10,000. Possession of drug paraphernalia is a Class A misde-

minor, which is required by most programs, can allow a student to study two separate subjects. Graduate school is also an option since graduate degrees do not have to be done in the same field as the undergraduate degree earned. Finally, Stewart said, myth number five is the assumption that a major will determine what a person does for the rest of their life. According to Penn State’s undeclared majors website, most people work in careers unrelated to their majors within 10 years of graduating. Even within a certain field, jobs change and evolve and people will make moves to different specialized jobs. Murray State policy states students must declare a major after reaching 45 credit hours and if they do not, a hold is placed on their account. If a student is nearing the deadline and still unsure, Murray State offers several different methods of helping students decide. Stewart recommends undeclared majors, or any student concerned about choosing a major, to speak to an academic adviser and go to Career Services to talk to a counselor.

meanor, which is punishable by a maximum sentence of one year imprisonment and a maximum fine of $500. Robert Bringhurst, captain of operations for Murray State Public Safety, said marijuana is the most common illicit drug used in the U.S. He said studies show marijuana use can lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and personality disturbances. “A recent analysis of data from several studies found that marijuana use more than doubles a driver’s risk of being in an accident,” Bringhurst said. “The combination of marijuana and alcohol is worse than either substance alone with respect to driving impairment.”

Megan Godby/The News

Members of Kappa Delta welcome new members at their spring bid day celebration.

GREEK From Page 1 and dodgeball tournaments to help get better acquainted with new members. Thirty-five bids were accepted from new members Monday, Dobbs said. Dobbs said by getting involved in

different organizations such as Greek Life, students are able to become more connected to other students and the campus as a whole. “Greeks organizations or any student organization can help you find a group of people that share similar interests with you,” Dobbs said. “There is connections, networking and most importantly a place to belong on campus.”

going to depend on what tuition raises the Council on Postsecondary Education will set for universities this year. A 3 percent increase in tuition, she said, would provide funds for more than 50 percent of needed funds. But she said with no mandate from the CPE at this point, it’s difficult to gauge the exact deficit that will remain to be paid after tuition is set. “We’re in a balancing act trying to determine what we think the CPE might set as the cap and what may be realistic for our students to pay,” Dudley said. “Institutionally, we’re looking at reallocating at least a minimum of $2 million through cuts, reallocations and internal revenue.” The CPE will hold meetings in February and April where they will discuss and set their cap on tuition for the state. Dudley said the budget will be balanced by July 1. She said Miller, the Board of Regents and herself are adamant in their decision to not use one-time money again this year to aid in this process. Despite the impending cuts on top of the belt-tightening that took place last year, Dudley said this year’s cuts will be made without changing the face of Murray State or the academic quality and services available to students. In terms of Academic Affairs, she said they are looking more at the infrastructure and administration, and students will not see a noticeable difference in the classroom next semester. Jay Morgan, vice president of Academic Affairs, echoed Dudley’s and the University’s commitment to its student’s learning and said in terms of recommending places to make cuts, he won’t touch the classrooms if not absolutely necessary. Morgan said trying to hold up to campus academics is Murray State’s core mission and so he will be examining merging and consolidating offices and postponing hires in his department, affecting teaching and learning at the University only minimally. He said you can’t continue to consecutively cut college and higher learning funding multiple years in a row, otherwise you risk beginning to erode the foundations of Kentucky’s universities and colleges. Miller and the Board of Regents will likely begin to examine and discuss budget cuts in March before the decision is ultimately finalized by the Board of Regents.

BETTER than the SUPER BOWL! The Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos will meet in the Super Bowl this Sunday. Some players have talked openly about their faith. Offensive tackle Russell Okung put it this way, “Jesus is everything.” He added, “And the great thing about Jesus is He'll meet you right where you're at. It's free. You don't have to earn it. You don't have to work for it. He gives it because He loves us and He is full of grace.” Free safety Chris Maragos said, “To understand where we've reached, which is in the world's view quote-unquote 'the pinnacle,' you

really see how empty that is. Having Jesus in my life, you really see how important that is because you see that He is everything.” Jesus said, “I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” – John 8:12. God is reaching out to men and women through His son Jesus Christ. To find out more about God’s relevance in your life we encourage you to listen to the thoughts of some NFL players. Go to ChristianFacultyRacers.net and click on ‘Better than the Super Bowl.’

CHRISTIAN FACULTY RACERS We are a group of professors, lecturers and administrators united by our common experience that Jesus Christ provides intellectually and spiritually satisfying answers to life’s most important questions. We are available to students, faculty and staff who might like to discuss such questions with us. For more information about the Christian Faculty Network, please visit our website: ChristianFacultyRacers.net. Debbie Bell English & Philosophy

Dwayne Driskill Hutson School of Agriculture

Teresa Betts Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

Steve Dublin Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

James Duane Bolin History Todd Broker Economics & Finance Floyd Carpenter Accounting James Clinger Political Science & Sociology Tom Denton Finance & Adminstrative Services - Emeritus

David Durr Economics & Finance David Eaton Economics & Finance Warren Edminster Honors Program Scott Erickson Music Robin Esau Community Leadership & Human Services David Ferguson Agricultural Sciences Renee Fister Mathematics & Statistics

Katy Garth Nursing Joyce Gordon Management, Marketing & Business Admin. Dannie Harrison College of Business Emeritus James Hereford Science, Engineering & Technology Terry Holmes Management, Marketing & Business Admin. Timothy Johnston Management, Marketing & Business Admin. Joetta Kelly Health Sciences & HumanServices

Stefan Linnhoff Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

Joshua Ridley Engineering & Physics

Glynn Mangold Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

Joy Roach Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

James Mantooth Student Affairs

Murphy Smith Accounting Tommy Stambaugh Accounting Olympia Stewart Center for Academic Advisng

Winfield Rose Political Science & Sociology

Ted Thiede Engineering & Physics

Gilbert Mathis Economics & Finance Emeritus

Holly Rudolph Accounting

Lou Davidson Tillson Organizational Communication

Tim Miller Accounting - Emeritus

Brenda Sheets Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

Katie Mantooth Career Services

Steve Prohm Men's Basketball Kevin Revell Chemistry

Kathy Smith Management, Marketing & Business Admin.

Roger Weis Community Leadership & Human Services Mark Welch President's Office Stephen White Biological Sciences Emeritus

Note: This ad presents the personal convictions of the individuals listed; the ad does not represent or support any view or position of Murray State University or any academic department. The ad does represent and acknowledge the diversity of academic contributions to Murray State University by men and women of various race, ethnic group and cultural background who share the Christian faith.

The News


January 31, 2014 News Editor: Meghann Anderson Assistant Editor: Ben Manhanke Phone: 809-4468 Twitter: MurrayStateNews

Expo Center attracts students, events

Police Beat Jan. 23

Jan. 27

2:59 a.m. A fire trouble alarm was activated in Woods Hall. Officers were notified and the report was referred to the Central Heating and Cooling Plant. 11:05 a.m. An officer conducted a traffic stop on 15th Street. A citation was issued for driving with a suspended license and disregarding a stop sign.

Jan. 24 8:38 p.m. A caller reported a suspicious vehicle parked in Dorm Circle. Officers were notified. A report was taken 9:43 p.m. A caller from Franklin Residential College reported a medical emergency. Officers and the Murray Ambulance Service were notified. A report was taken.

Jan. 25 3:10 a.m. A caller requested a welfare check on a student in Elizabeth Residential College. Officers were notified and a report was taken for possession of alcohol by a minor. 11:48 a.m. A caller reported a medical emergency at the William “Bill” Cherry Agricultural Exposition Center. Officers and Murray Ambulance Service were notified. A report was taken.

Jan. 26 12:06 a.m. A caller reported a motor vehicle accident in The Olive’s parking lot. Officers were notified. A report was taken. 10:36 p.m. A fire trouble alarm was activated in Blackburn Science Building. Officers were notified and the report was referred to the Central Heating and Cooling Plant.


5:19 p.m. A caller reported a alarm going off in the direction of College Courts. Officers were notified and an information report was taken. 5:50 p.m. Officers reported observing a suspicious person near Sparks Hall. A report was taken.

Jan. 28 12:04 a.m. A caller reported being stuck in the elevator in Hart Residential College. Officers were notified. A report was taken. 11:15 a.m. A caller reported a disruptive student in the Wellness Center. An information report was taken.

Jan. 29 4:39 p.m. A caller in Franklin reported the smell of marijuana. Officers were notified. A report was taken. 11 :46 p.m. A caller in Regents Residential College reported being harassed. Officers were notified. A report was taken.

Call of Fame Jan 23 - 3:19 p.m. A caller in the Oakley Applied Science Building reported receiving suspicious phone calls. Officers were notified and a report was taken. Motorists assists – 5 Racer escorts – 4 Arrests – 0

Ben Manhanke, Assistant News Editor, compiles Police Beat with materials provided by Public Safety and Emergency Management. Not all dispatched calls are listed.

Alex Mahrenholz || Staff writer amahrenholz@murraystate.edu

A short distance from campus stand the William “Bill” Cherry Exposition Center. The building, which some students have never visited, serves the University community in ways many do not know. Becky Ballard, director and lecturer of the William “Bill” Cherry Agricultural Exposition Center said the Expo Center is a hidden advantages of Murray State. “Many students aren’t aware that the Expo Center is out here, let alone that it is affiliated with the University,” Ballard said. Something Ballard hopes students and community members will get involved in during February is laser tag, which will hold its inaugural tournament Feb. 20-23. Ballard said overall event attendance has been lower this year than in the past. “Because we are the host in a lot of our events and we don’t sponsor the event ourselves, it’s difficult to control advertising and try to draw in a larger crowd,” she said. The Mid America Arenacross, featuring stunts and races performed on dirt bikes and ATV’s, will take place at the Expo Center in early February. The Expo Center also offers open riding nights to anyone who wants to work with their horses without being subjected to weather. Ballard hopes to be able to market this service to the large number of horse owners in the nearby areas. Feb. 14-15, the Expo Center will also

University to develop relationship in China

Torrey Perkins/The News

The William “Bill” Cherry Agricultural Exposition Center hosts a variety of events for the community. host Bull Blowout featuring bull riding, barrel racing, calf scrambles and mutton busting for small children. Ballard said one of her major goals as the newly installed director for the Expo Center is to generate the funds needed to perform a variety of maintenance tasks for the building. She said the page list of maintenence tasks is long and adds up to a considerable amount of money. Ballard said this time of the year, right before the holidays until the middle of

Ben Manhanke || Assistant News Editor bmanhanke@murraystate.edu

Following this fall’s announcement that Qingdao Agricultural University will become Murray State’s new sister university, a group of University members will travel to China this summer to further this relationship and develop academic programming there. The 10-day trip, beginning May 15, is the result of years of negotiations and planning between QAU and Murray State, who have traded off visiting each other’s universities. Murray State visited the QAU campus last May. Luis Canales, director of the Institute for International Studies, said these trips primarily facilitated the professional development of the visiting professors. He said they hope during the upcoming trip Murray State faculty and staff will be exposed to different ways of doing things so they can see that there is not only the American way of doing things. Ted Brown, dean of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts, who will be co-leading the trip to QAU, said faculty and staff will not only

March, is what they call the busy season for the Expo Center. She said she tries to book things in the cooler months so people can still enjoy entertainment usually found outdoors when the weather is too cold for those events to take place. Said Ballard: “We’ve added some new events this year to try and compensate for the lack of attendance in other events at the expo center.” have the opportunity to learn from this new trip, but also begin the formative stage of developing new study abroad opportunities. “Many programs at Murray State parallel programs they have over at QAU so we’re hoping to figure out different ways to work together,” he said. “Teachers from here going over there, teachers from there coming over here and more importantly students visiting and studying at the other institution.” Brown said he wants to look at whether Murray State can advance in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages program by allowing faculty to teach English at QAU. Six students will be traveling with the Murray State ambassadors to China where they will take basic Chinese language classes. Brown said establishing a study abroad program with QAU faces difficulties different than with establishing other study abroad programs including both China’s very different academic calendar year and the fact that English is not as commonly spoken there. Despite these difficulties he said they could have a study abroad program set up in one to two years.

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January 31, 2014

The News


Opinion Editor: Carly Besser Phone: 809-5873

Our View

Marijuana in dorms compromises on-campus living The staff editorial is the majority opinion of The Murray State News Editorial Board.

The News 2609 University Station Murray State University Murray, Kentucky 42071-3301 msu.thenews@murraystate.edu Fax: 809-3175

TheNews.org Evan Watson/The News

Lexy Gross Editor-in-Chief • 809-6877 cgross2@murraystate.edu Me g h a n n A n d e rs o n News Editor • 809-4468 manderson22@murraystate.edu Ca r l y B e s s e r Opinion Editor • 809-5873 cbesser@murraystate.edu H u n ter H arrell Features Editor • 809-5871 hharrell@murraystate.edu R y a n R i c h a rd s o n Sports Editor • 809-4481 mrichardson5@murraystate.edu K a y la Ma c A ll is te r Chief Copy Editor • 809-5876 kmacallister@murraystate.edu Jared Jeseo Online Editor • 809-5877 jjeseo@murraystate.edu J a n i e S t e n b e rg Advertising Manager • 809-4478 jstenberg1@murraystate.edu Sarah B eitel -Stark s Advertising Production • 809-5874 sbeitel@murraystate.edu Ka te Ru sse ll Photography Editor • 809-5878 krussell13@murraystate.edu J o e H e d ge s Adviser • 809-3937 jhedges@murraystate.edu

Write to us! The News welcomes commentaries and letters to the editor. Letters should be 300 words or less. Contributors should include phone numbers for verification. Please include hometown, classification and title or relationship to the University. Commentaries should be between 600 to 800 words. The News reserves the right to edit for style, length and content. No anonymous contributions will be accepted. All contributions should be turned in by noon on Tuesday of each week via email at letters@thenews.org. Contributions to The News are the opinion of the author and not that of The Murray State News.

The News strives to be the University community’s source for information. Our goal is to present that information in a fair and unbiased manner and provide a free and open forum for expression and debate. The News is a designated public forum. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The paper offers a hands-on learning environment for students interested in journalism. The campus press should be free from censorship and advance approval of copy, and its editors should develop their editorial and news policies. The News is prepared and edited by students and is an official publication of Murray State University. The first copy is free. Additional copies are available for 25 cents at 111 Wilson Hall.

Over the past decade, America’s feelings toward the legalization of marijuana have dramatically shifted. Public opinion on its medical benefits and economic value have resulted in people being more in favor of marijuana as a legal vice, and attitudes are more relaxed about people who smoke recreationally. These ideas translate to students on Murray State’s campus, but many of them are not in compliance with University policy or the law. Calls regarding marijuana smoking in the residential colleges have become routine for Public Safety and Emergency Management and Murray State Police. Because of the small rooms and shared ventilation systems, Residential Colleges are not the most ideal place to smoke. Students commonly make the mistake of trying to smoke and they are starting to get caught in higher volumes. This is inconsiderate to neighbors, who have to walk through the halls and smell the smoke. For some, the smell is offensive. Deciding to light up in a residential college room compromises everyone else on the floor who is not smoking marijuana. The ventilation systems are uniform throughout the entire building, so smells can migrate to other floors. Murray State’s problems with marijuana violations on campus run parallel with the deci-

sion to make smoking cigarettes in restaurants illegal. Some people simply do not like to sit in secondhand smoke and should not have to. Can the same not be said about students living in the dorms? To further conceal marijuana, residents have been known to take the batteries out of smoke detectors to prevent them from reacting to the smoke. Disabling a device that’s meant to protect us from fires is not only tampering with University property, but it also puts students in a bad position when a real hazard occurs. It is also is a nuisance for resident advisers, who routinely have to confiscate marijuana and keep order on their floors. The Murray State Police Department receives weekly calls from people complaining about marijuana being smelled in the residential colleges. When students are caught with drugs in their rooms, officers have the discretion to give expensive citations, which could require multiple court dates and jail time. The Drug-Free Campus/Drug-Free Workplace Policy states that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances is prohibited in University buildings. Murray State enforces these infractions along the Kentucky Revised Statutes, which

considers the possession of marijuana as a class B misdemeanor. It is up to us to decide if smoking marijuana in the comfort of residential college rooms is worth the legal trouble and the money we lose to our justice system. Students are also subject to punishment from the Housing office and the head of the residential college. Multiple offenses can result in being kicked out while still having to pay housing fees. No matter what the social attitudes of marijuana are changing to, the University still strictly upholds its policies and enforces Kentucky State Law on the legality of marijuana. As college students, it is part of us to want to speak out against regulations that we don’t agree with. When a policy on campus upsets us, we protest and voice our concerns. However, we do need to stay within the scope of the law no matter where our personal beliefs about the legalization of marijuana may stand. While smoking marijuana is now more socially acceptable than ever, it is common courtesy and an acknowledgement of the consequences that should stop us from partaking in University buildings. It may be attractive for us to smoke marijuana in our room, but opportunities for trouble will come that placing a wet towel under the door or a dousing of Febreze cannot fix.

Dispatches from the New Enlightenment

Volcanic activity has scientif ic explanation Eyjafjallajӧkull. Say that fast 10 times. OK just once. I’m clueless how to pronounce it and I’m quite sure my Englishized attempt at pronunciation is probably wrong. But the geology, the volcanology behind this Icelandic William volcano that erupted in Zingrone April 2010 isn’t wrong. Some of you may Associate professor remember that the ash of psychology cloud from this monthlong volcanic eruption disrupted air travel over much of Europe. Vulcanologists (those folks who study volcanoes, not Spock’s home planet), considered this eruption to be a modest event on the geologic scale. They were more concerned at the time if Eyjaf’s (my abbreviation, my sincere apologies to all Icelandic readers who take offense at my butchering of their language) spectacular spewing might trigger a neighboring volcano to come alive with consequences. Larger volcanoes can leave enough ash in the atmosphere to significantly alter the amount of sunlight warming the earth and change the weather dramatically for years. We are reminded that we live on the very thin and relatively solid crust of the earth that is comparatively cool compared to the seething, molten interior that makes up 99 percent of our earth and that cooks at more than 1,000 degrees Celsius. Our atmosphere is even thinner. It is equivalent in thickness to that of the moisture on your eyeball as compared to the spherical size of the earth. Phenomenal.

We know these things. They are not made up. They are not mere conjectures, not the product of armchair speculations, nor gifts from above given in some cultures’ “revealed” scripture. This is knowledge, born of scientific inquiry: observation and experimentation guided by theory, of the world we find ourselves in. Little eruptions can have devastating local impact, larger ones. Temporary global impact and super-volcanoes can affect large swaths of the planet and its weather for many years. Thankfully, at present, no known super-volcanoes are active. The last one to erupt, Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia, blew out 75,000 years ago. The consensus is that it didn’t trigger the glaciation that was in process at the time but may have accelerated or at least exacerbated the cooling effects with the amount of ash and noxious gasses ejected. There is even some speculation that this eruption may have affected human evolution as there is genetic evidence of a “bottleneck” in the human population-dropping to lows of 2,000 to 20,000 or so individuals around 70,000 years ago. The evidence for the bottleneck looks pretty solid with or without the influence of the Toba super-volcano eruption, but then of course, all of this science, the volcanology, the geology, the climatology … all of it is hopelessly misguided and incorrect by orders of magnitude in the dating because according to our old friends Ken Ham and Ray Comfort, armed with Biblical geneaologies the earth can only be 6-10,000 years old. If Toba erupted, it was only a few thousand years ago and all of the corroborating evidence from dozens of disciplines and thousands of scientists that also require and indicate a 70,000 year time frame are just

hopelessly deluded. Science can put a Rover on Mars, put a smartphone in your hand, discover the Higgs boson, attack leukemia with genetically modified immune system cells, map the genomes of more than 1,000 species … but it can’t possibly get the dating of the Earth, the sun, the solar system, the volcanoes or fossils and human ancestors ... or anything else right, because the Creationist peddlers know better. Sorry, boys. You lose. All this stuff is as for real as your smartphone. We lose if we let you continue lying to the American public and school students without a strident and continual challenge. Creationism lost the recentTexas textbook battle and has lost every court case in recent years. We know the age of the Earth and the solar system (roughly 4.5 billion years), we have pretty good approximation for how many billions of years the sun and other stars have and will continue to burn. We know this stuff. And we just recently extracted DNA from a 400,000 year-old hominid from an excavation in Spain. Incredible. No lie. No denial. Just good corroborated, replicated, advancing science that isn’t going away, isn’t backing down because someone wants to hide absurd claims behind the wall of faith. And you don’t have to go Iceland or Sumatra to learn about volcanism, we have our own super-volcano right here in our backyard, our favorite backyard: Yellowstone. It hasn’t erupted in 640,000 years, the last in a series of major eruptions dating to 1.3 and 2.1 million years ago. Google it, Wiki it, you can read for hours what we know. Read the original research, you can read for days, weeks, maybe. Look up Toba, the age of the earth, human evolution, volcanism, the genetic bottleneck … all of it. You won’t read any lies.

The News


January 31, 2014

5A Did she really say that?

Letters to the Editor Governor Beshear is absolutely right. As he shared in his annual state of the Commonwealth speech earlier this month, Kentucky must "create a seamless, cradle-to-career education system that is better preparing our students for this complex world." It is this long-term strategy that will lift the standard of living and quality of life of our fellow citizens. Beshear called for a renewed financial commitment from the state including the pursuit of new revenues. He focused on the considerable needs of our public K-12 system, which has seen zero growth in its basic funding formula since 2008. But the Commonwealth's future will not be significantly enhanced if our citizens' education stops with a high school diploma. To truly achieve his vision of a stronger Kentucky - “a place where every person who needs a job has one, where every child has the opportunity to be successful and where every family enjoys financial security and a high quality of life” - Kentucky also must recommit to its system of public higher education. Since the start of the recession in 2008, state funding per student (adjusted for inflation) at our public col-

leges and universities has declined more than 30 percent. State support for our public colleges and universities, in inflation-adjusted dollars, is lower today than it was nearly two decades ago in 1997, (coincidentally the same year Kentucky passed the Postsecondary Education Improvement Act which promised significant and sustained investment in our postsecondary system). This, despite educating nearly 20 percent more students. In 1999, 67 percent of higher education support came from public resources, while the rest came from students and their families. Today, those percentages have flipped, with the state now picking up only 38 percent of the cost of public postsecondary education. This is the principal cause of increasing tuition levels. Financial aid resources for our neediest students are increasingly inadequate. Last year alone, 70,000 students who qualified for need-based aid went without any. To meet these financial challenges facing our students and our institutions, our campuses developed comprehensive efforts to identify savings, generate new revenues, expand pub-

Why you shouldn’t click ‘post’ lic-private partnerships and focus intensively on the progress and success of our students and our communities. Those efforts have paid off, as enumerated below, but there is only so much that can be accomplished with declining state resources. More students are earning degrees, especially in STEM and healthcare disciplines. More community and technical college students are transferring on to baccalaureate programs. Grants and scholarships provided by our institutions have more than doubled since 2004. We have increased our online course offerings. University-generated research, which drives new technologies and strengthens business and industry, continues to grow. Based on the average income of our graduates, the return on their investment takes between 2.5 and three years. Few, if any, other investments pay off that quickly. The benefits, however, go substantially beyond the financial well-being of our graduates. Great leaders succeeded in enacting laws that created public support for higher education. The land grant college laws (Lincoln in 1862) and the G.I. Bill (Roosevelt in 1944) established that public

subsidy of higher education was vital to the growth of the nation by making higher education accessible to talented people of ordinary means. Those laws have been the foundation of the remarkable growth and prosperity that has made our nation the envy of the world. That vision, however, is eroding as public support for public higher education continues to decline. Talent to drive our businesses, serve our daily needs and support our communities will be in short supply, fueling a downward spiral in the quality of our lives and our prosperity. So, as the Commonwealth recommits itself to funding education, we need to support all of public education, from, as the governor says: "cradle to career."

Sue Patrick Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education

A Professor’s Journal

A Kentuckian in the city of dreaming spires In the days approaching my second trip to England, I thought about how out-of-place I would be, a middle-aged man from a small town in western Kentucky visiting Oxford, “the city of dreaming spires.” Not a world traveler, I was very anxious, of course, about just getting Duane Bolin there, the flight changes, Professor of the full body searches at security and then the right history coach from Gatwick Airport to Oxford. All of the travel connections, though, went off without a hitch, and I found myself safe and secure on a National Express coach, wheeling on the left side of the roads through the snowy English countryside. The English landscape of rolling hills always reminds me of western Kentucky. I had heard that the land on which the Oxford colleges were built is “as flat as a pancake,” but the approach to Oxford is really quite hilly. I arrived at the Gloucester Green bus terminal and negotiated the four blocks walk to Regent’s Park College with three bags in tow. The folks at Regent’s Park greeted me warmly, with a Kentucky sort of welcome, rather than with the famous English reserve. I settled in my flat, unpacked and went out to explore. I remembered almost everything from the trip to Oxford that I had taken in December 2004, and

Cheers and Jeers Cheers & Je e rs i s w r i tte n by t he O p i ni o n Ed itor. Questions, concerns or comments should be addressed to cbesser@murraystate.edu.


so much in Oxford was very much the same. Just to the north of the Regent’s Park Quad is the Eagle and Child Pub. Just to the south is a Kentucky Fried Chicken. Coffee shops and bookstores abound, although my favorite used book shop on High Street had closed down.

The folks at Regent’s Park greeted me warmly, with a Kentucky sort of welcome, rather than with the famous English reserve. - Duane Bolin, professor of history At Murray State we have our award-winning The Murray State News. In Oxford, I picked up a copy of The Oxford Student, with headlines such as “University Still `Neglecting’ Ethnic Minority Student Intake,” and “Museums Face Budget Cuts.” I also read The Times of London with its page after page of sports coverage. England’s love of sports is another similarity to Kentucky, although instead of basketball, football and baseball; the sports pages were filled with articles and statistics about soccer, rugby and cricket. In fact, just as I am writing about

Adolph Rupp and the “religion“ of basketball in Kentucky, Dr. Robert Ellis, the president of Regent’s Park, is conducting research on rugby and the intersection of sport and faith. Dr. James C. Klotter, Kentucky’s state historian and Georgetown College professor, spoke at Regent’s Park during a recent term on the concept of southern honor, so the Kentucky/Oxford tie remains strong. During a meal at High Table, the conversation among the dons and staff seated around me turned to Kentucky. We discussed the Queen’s fifth visit to the Bluegrass in 2007 to attend the Kentucky Derby. Queen Elizabeth II had made visits to Kentucky in 1984, 1986, 1989 and 1991, and was often hosted by Will Farish, the owner of Lane’s End Farm and the former ambassador to England. Several of the dons at Regent’s Park had visited Kentucky as well, always visiting the Kentucky Horse Park among other attractions. We discussed the rock fences of the Bluegrass and the identical rock fences evident in the countryside of Oxfordshire. I told them that in Kentucky we pay our taxes to the county sheriff, a practice of which they were all too familiar. The dons also knew about county magistrates. It was as if we were talking about Robin Hood and Nottingham Forest. All in all, the rich English heritage in Kentucky helped me to feel right at home in Oxford. I know that my Oxford sojourns have helped enrich my history of Kentucky classes. I can’t wait to return.

Cheers to ... Professors that are still nice enough to give us study guides. We appreciate it. Despite what professors believe, it’s hard to look at a giant wall of text and know exactly what we have to remember.

Jeers to ... The new flower boxes built outside of Wilson Hall. Plants along sidewalks are fine, but on the road? Who decided this was something we needed to spend money on? A lot of us come close to hitting them with our cars because they’re directly in the way.

Jeers to ... The people constantly getting caught smoking marijuana in University buildings. After seeing all of your neighbors get caught, how can you possibly think you are going to be the lucky one to get away? We suggest you find a new spot to do your business.

Cheers to ... The Super Bowl coming up Sunday. Nothing is more American than gridiron football. Bust out those hot wings, grab a beer and invite your buddies over. The Super Bowl is a religion!

The concept of mystery is what attracts us to other people. We don’t tell someone on the first date that we still live with our moms, or that we hate our ex who Carly Besser cheated. Why Opinion Editor do we do it on social media? It astounds me how people feel that sharing the most intimate parts of their lives online is professionally appropriate. Paragraphs about how a relationship went bad or how much they hate someone can be common on almost any news feed. As much as you think so, that picture of you doing that sweet keg stand is not as cool as you think it is. It almost makes it seem like our personas online are a digital soap opera. Social media was originally meant to connect with friends and make new ones in the process, but so many people are using it for the wrong reasons. The permanency of what we post online is real, which is why it is possible to look at the Facebook status you wrote in eighth grade and cringe. If we can see what we wrote almost a decade ago, chances are high that it will still be there waiting for us 20 years from now. It will also rear itself when a potential employer peruses your profile and has second thoughts about hiring you. It happens. Teachers do not just say to clean up your Facebook for no reason, and companies are not satisfied by just looking at your LinkedIn profile. They certainly know better. Besides just losing out on a job, there is the other fact that nobody cares. Honestly, they don’t want to see your generic opinions about things like marijuana legalization. Airing out dirty laundry online is showcasing your issues to hundreds, if not thousands of people. Broadcasting these things ruins the concept of getting to know someone. People can meet you for the first time and know more than your mother does. Having such a large audience should influence some of us to think twice. It affects public opinion of ourselves. A good example is horror story that is Anthony Weiner’s political career. His sexual conquests online destroyed his chances of winning the election for mayor of New York. The students at Arizona State, who made racist jokes on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, were exposed on a national level and suspended. As a technological generation, it was our first priority to hide our profiles from our parents, migrating to different social media sites to post whatever we wanted out of their sight. Now, we have a much bigger issue. People lose jobs, lose relationships and can even go to jail for what they choose to post. I’m not writing this as someone who knew better all along. I had my own issues with having profiles online that needed some spring cleaning. A lot of us did. It just comes with growing and gearing up toward life as someone with a career, which is an aspiration we all have at this University. As college students, especially, we should regard ourselves as future professionals and people of character. It is disappointing to see such a disregard for our public image. cbesser@murraystate.edu

Cartoon Time With Tater By Tate Kinney

The News



January 31, 2014

Rose vs. Wells in the mayoral election Newcomer Rose wants to improve city

Incumbent Wells seeks 2nd term

Kate Russell/The News

Jack Rose sits in his on-campus office and prepares lesson plans and reviews paperwork for the city. Alex McLaughlin || Staff writer

ment of educational studies, is the only candidate challenging incumbent Mayor Bill Wells in the election. Rose has been involved in the Murray community for several years. He has seen 23 total years of employment at Murray State and


Tuesday marked the deadline to file candidacy for the office of mayor in Murray. Jack Rose, professor in the depart-

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is set to retire in July. With the responsibilities of professorship behind him, Rose feels he will be able to focus all his energy into the role of mayor. “When I made the decision to retire, it gave me more time to look at the race for mayor,” Rose said. “I want to focus entirely on improving Murray.” Rose said despite Murray’s many advances, he thinks there is room for improvement. “There is a lot of revenue going into the city,” he said. “But the residents and business owners of Murray who have talked to me aren’t satisfied with business operations in Murray. I think I can help current business owners and prospective business owners succeed.” Although initially reluctant to run, Rose said he feels he has the knowledge and experience to capitalize on these improvements. “These folks are interested in good, quality government,” he said. “I think I can provide the leadership that will take Murray in the right direction.” Rose said that although he is retiring from Murray State, in the event that he is elected as mayor, his door will still be open to students.

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#1 Con C Concern cern cern

Kate Russell/The News

Mayor Bill Wells sits in his office earlier this week organizing paperwork for his next meeting. Alex McLaughlin || Staff writer cmclaughlin@murraystate.edu

Mayor Bill Wells is eager to potentially take up office for a second term. Students who have attended Murray State since 2011, understand the city has changed in a short amount of time. January 1, 2011 marked the date current Mayor Bill Wells first took office. This year, Wells will look to be re-elected to build on the work he has done during his first term in office. He served on the Murray City Council for 20 years before seeking the opportunity to become mayor of Murray. Wells has also held other positions in the Murray community, such as principal of Murray High School and president of the Murray Rotary Club. Wells’ first term has been marked by his personal involvement in the Murray community. Wells has focused on creating a better environment for Murray residents to live in. “It is important to make sure that the city, the county and the University get along well together,” Wells said. “If you have what is best for the citizens of Calloway County and the students in mind, we will be in good shape. That is really important to me.” Two instances Wells is most proud of occurred on July, 17 2012. The first event was Murray being named the friendliest town in the U.S. The second

event was the lifting of the ordinance that banned packaged liquor from being sold in Murray. Wells said that regulation of the alcohol has been tricky, but is happy with the transition from a dry city to a wet city. Murray has seen many economic benefits since the implementation of the new liquor law. Wells wants to use the revenue gained from the new liquor law on projects that will improve the Murray Community. Another change that has directly affected students which Wells has seen while in office is the implementation of city stickers for students. “You’ve got to understand that we don’t have a payroll tax,” Wells said. “We thought rather than have a payroll tax, implementing a $35 city sticker would be less of a pain for students to deal with financially.” Since Wells has been in office, four miles of sidewalk have been installed in Murray, which accrued costs nearing $1 million. There are also plans for the installation of a Marriott hotel in Murray. This project will bring 100 construction jobs to the city of Murray, plus the opportunities provided by the completion of the waste water treatment plant. Wells hopes to see the completion of this project while in office. “We have a lot of positive things going on,” Wells said. “It is a big motivation for me to run for Mayor again.”

January 31, 2014

The News


Sports Editor: Ryan Richardson Assistant Editor: Nick Dolan Phone: 809-4481 Twitter: MSUSportsNews

Rifle wins on road, set for last event


# of times Murray State rifle has won a match at home, compared to zero losses

Racers hold on, lead OVC West Jonathan Ferris Staff writer

Nick Dolan


Assistant Sports Editor ndolan@murraystate.edu

It was another day at the office for the Racers as they took down Morehead State in round one of their dual match in Lexington, Ky. The team also hosted its fifth Withrow Invitational. In the match against Morehead State, the team defeated the Eagles 4,633-4,557 for its seventh win of the season. Sophomore Tessa Howald took the top spot in air rifle and third in smallbore with scores of 594 and 575, respectively. Junior Kelsey Emme led the Racers in smallbore with a 581, good for second overall. Emme shot 578 in air rifle. Several other team members placed highly in both disciplines. “We did some good things,” Head Coach Alan Lollar said about the team’s performance against Morehead State. “We shot about normal and it was a good trip and a good win.” Though most of the team traveled to compete in the match, the Racers also had three shooters compete individually in the Withrow Invitational held at Pat Spurgin Rifle Range. Sophomore Hannah Harris shot two season bests in the competition, leading all individual shooters in smallbore at 576, while also finishing seventh overall in air rifle with the same score. “I guess everything just felt right,” Harris said. “I’ve been training really hard the last couple weeks and I knew my scores were getting up there. I’m just glad my hard work finally paid off.” She said coming back to competition so quickly after the break was not easy, but she and the team have adjusted well. “I know for myself I’m feeling pretty good," she said. “I know it was a little rough coming right back from break, but now I’m getting back in the groove of things and it’s really going well.” Freshman Sam Harris and junior Marisca Mozeleski also took part in the invitational, both finishing inside the top 10 in both disciplines. Mozeleski shot a season best in air rifle with a 578 and took fourth in smallbore at 569. Harris shot a 564 in smallbore and 581 in air rifle. The Racers have their final match Saturday against Nebraska in Lexington, Ky., before hosting the OVC Championships Feb. 8.

Section B

Junior forward Jarvis Williams put an exclamation point on the first half of the OVC season with a massive flying dunk in the closing seconds of Saturday’s game against Jacksonville State. Junior guard T.J. Sapp ripped the ball away from Jacksonville State junior

Darion Rackley with 20 seconds to play and immediately found Williams, who emphatically slammed it home to seal Murray State’s 73-65 victory. “(Jacksonville State) makes you be really disciplined on the defensive end and take care of the ball,” Head Coach Steve Prohm said. “If you’re not locked in you’ll get beat.

see LEAD, 2B

Photo by Fumi Nakamura, illustration by Ryan Richardson/The News

Junior forward Jarvis Williams shoots a free throw in the win over Jacksonville State Saturday. The Racers have a three-game lead of the OVC West.

Women roll in opener Tom Via || Staff writer tvia@murraystate.edu

Lori Allen/The News

Freshman Verginie Tchakarova returns the ball in the match Sunday.

Women’s tennis opened its spring season with a 6-1 victory Sunday against Lindsey Wilson. Though the results seem to show a dominating performance by the Racers, Head Coach Olga Elkin said it was a much closer match. “We definitely had a little bit of nerves coming out, and the score does not really show how close the match really was,” Elkin said. In the top singles draw, junior Andrea Eskauriatza faced Lindsey Wilson’s best player. In the opening set, Eskauriatza fell behind early. “It turned out to be a lot harder than I expected,” she said. “I got lost for a few seconds and started to question if I should

change my game.” Eskauriatza settled down but dropped the first set 7-5. Eskauriatza said after that she got more comfortable. “I started playing my shots, which gave me more confidence,” she said. “She had a great serve but things changed in the second set.” Eskauriatza made a turnaround and did not drop a single game in the second set. Eskauriatza had trouble with her serve, but was able to overcome it and take the match with a 10-7 final set victory. “Andrea got a different nervous than I had ever seen, and that had me nervous because she wasn’t yelling like usual,” Elkin said. “She overcame it and finished very strong even though it wasn’t like her usual tiebreakers.” Nationally ranked freshman Eleonore Tchakarova helped the Racers from the

No. 3 draw. Tchakarova overcame early nerves before settling down to take the 6-1, 6-1 win. “She was a little nervous at the beginning and wasn’t really hitting through her shot, but then took care of it,” Elkin said. Freshman Verginie Tchakarova played nearly as well as her sister from the No. 5 position. After winning a tight first set 64, Tchakarova gained momentum and won the match in the final set 6-1. “Once (Verginie) realized that she was going to win, she got a lot more comfortable and she played her shots like normal,” Elkin said. One of the closer matches of the day took place in the No. 4 draw spot with sophomore Megan Blue. In one of the longer matches of the

see OPENER, 2B







Jeffery Moss wants second chance at OVC title, 3B

Women struggle to find consistency in conference, 4B

Students weigh pros, cons of living arrangements, 5B

3 Hearts Yoga provides healthy drinks, relaxation, 5B




Men’s Basketball OVC Standings

From Page 1 They played a terrific game and really forced us to raise our level at times. It’s really a great win for us.” Murray State struggled with the Gamecocks’ pace throughout the first half. The Racers found themselves trailing by as many as eight points. Strong play from Williams and junior forward Jonathan Fairell allowed the Racers to narrow the gap as the first half wound down. Senior guard Dexter Fields hit a heavily contested 3 as time expired to send the Racers into the locker room with a 33-32 lead. “We really didn’t get off to a great start,” Prohm said. “We got down in a hole a little bit. We were able to really do a great job in the last four minutes of the half. Dexter’s shot was really huge going into halftime to go up one.” The Racers dominated the boards and picked up the tempo in the second half. Murray State earned a 40-25 advantage in the rebounding department, which proved to be the key in the team’s hard-fought victory. Though foul trouble kept him on the bench for much of the second half, freshman guard Cameron Payne came up big down the stretch. In the game’s final minute, Payne drove and rose up over his defender to drain a soft floater to extend the Murray State lead to five. The Gamecocks never recovered. “That was a tough floater,” Prohm said. “That was a gutsy shot. (Payne) is all flash and you’ve got to live with it some. The floater was a big time shot. It’s just a good player making a really good play.” The Racers now find themselves positioned well at the halfway mark with their

East 8-1 5-3 5-3 4-5 3-4 1- 8

Belmont Eastern Kentucky Morehead State Jacksonville State Tennessee Tech Tennessee State

West Murray State S I UE Eastern Illinois Austin Peay Southeast Missouri UT Martin

7-1 4-4 4-5 3-4 3-5 2-6

*Standings as of Jan. 30 at 1 p.m. lone conference loss thus far coming on the road against Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Murray State has built up a three-game lead in the Western division and is one game behind rival Belmont for the top overall spot in the OVC. Murray State’s road trip begins tonight in Clarksville, Tenn., as the team attempts to complete a season sweep of West division rival Austin Peay State. The Racers and Governors are set to square off at 8 p.m. in Clarksville.

The News January 31, 2014

OPENER From Page 1 competition, Blue won in straight sets 6-4, 6-3. “Megan is a grinder and will stay on the court for hours,” Elkin said. “The rest of the team likes to go for the winners, but Megan finds a way to get the points needed.” With the first match behind them, Murray State focuses on one of its most difficult opponents on its schedule. The Racers travel to Arkansas State Saturday. IN the fall season, Murray State competed in the Arkansas State Invitational, where Murray State brought home three championships. Having faced an opponent already this season, Andrea believes she won’t be nervous in the next match. “I already won my first match of the season so the nerves should be gone,” she said. “I should be more relaxed. She is really good but as long as I’m relaxed, I will play good.” Elkin’s confidence for Eskauriatza could play a huge role this weekend as the Racers look to defeat Arkansas State for the first time since 1988. “Andrea is clutch,” Elkin said. “If the match is tied 3-3, I would want Andrea out there.”

Track sets records at Eastern Illinois Staff Report

Jenny Rohl/The News

Sophomore Mariah Hale practices the weight toss at home.

The track team continued its fast start by placing in the top 10 in some events and setting several personal records at the John Craft Invitational hosted by Eastern Illinois. Senior Carolyne Tanui set a personal record when she took fourth in the 3,000 meter run in 10:24.29. Sophomore Alicyn Hester also ran her fastest time ever in the same event, finishing in 10:36.25. Junior Brittany Bohn set her own record in the 600 meter with a time of 1:37.61. In the indoor mile, sophomore Emma Gilmore recorded her fastest run in 5:16.89. Several other Racers finished within the top five positions of various events, including the weight throw, the pentathlon, jumps and sprints. The next meet for the team is Saturday and Sunday when it travels to Cookeville, Tenn., to compete at the Tennessee State Invitational.

Graphic by Evan Watson/The News

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The News January 31, 2014



Moss enjoys bigger role, wants chance at OVC title

Jonathan Ferris || Staff writer jferris2@murraystate.edu

Fumi Nakamura/Contributing photographer

Sophomore guard Jeffrey Moss (31) wants a second chance at winning an OVC Championship.

P o we l l so o n h ea d e d to N F L co m b i n e

Staff Report It may be only a matter of time before Murray State and its fans can boast about another Racer athlete reaching the professional ranks. Walter Powell, senior star wide receiver/return specialist, earned an invite to the NFL Scouting Combine Feb. 22-25 in Indianapolis, Ind. He is scheduled to work out Feb. 23. The 6-foot, 187 pound senior and St. Louis, Mo., native is rated the 65th best wide receiver and 510th overall player in

As the clock ticked down in overtime of the OVC Championship game last March, 19-year-old Jeffery Moss found himself in one of the biggest moments of his life. The tall, lanky freshman was staring into the eyes of Belmont guard Kerron Johnson – a seasoned senior determined to finish his career with a fourth championship. When the Bruins’ point guard made his move with five seconds to go, Moss was with him – through the top of the key, down the lane and all the way to the basket. Johnson then stopped short of the rim and took a step back, giving him just enough room to drain the championship-winning basket which haunts Moss to this day. “I still think about it now,” Moss said. “Every time I hit the floor it’s in the back of my mind. I feel like I took it the hardest because the winning basket was scored on me. I thought about it all summer, all preseason and I still think about it every day.” Long before the battle with Belmont, however, Moss was a multi-sport star at Bob Jones High School in Madison, Ala. Not only did he lead the men’s basketball team to a state title in 2011, but Moss was also the quarterback for the Patriots’ football team which regularly ranked in the top five in the state. As he began receiving interest from numerous colleges for his skills in both sports, Moss was faced with the difficult task of choosing between basketball and football. It was Murray State Head Coach Steve Prohm who made the decision easier for Moss. “From the first day I met Coach (Prohm), he made me feel like I was a part of the Murray State family,” Moss said. When I came up here on my visits I met a lot of great people and I enjoyed my time here. I just felt really comfortable and I knew I needed to come here and play basketball.” Once Moss arrived on campus, it did not take long for the young freshman to make a name for himself. He sank his first shot – a deep 3 in the season opener – en route to an 11-point performance in his debut. Throughout the season, Moss proved to be a valuable asset off the bench. He led all freshmen in nearly every statistic, averaging 21.4 minutes and 4.4 points per game. When Johnson’s overtime basket ended the Racers’ season, it also ended the careers of star seniors Ed Daniel and Isaiah Canaan, leaving a gaping

the nation, according to CBSSports.com Powell will rely on agents Mook Williams and Brian Mclaughlin of Symmetry Reps to help him get ready for the NFL Draft May 8-10. This season, Powell appeared in 10 games, catching 66 passes for 837 yards and 13 touchdowns. He also averaged 11.6 yards on punt returns and 31.5 yards on kick returns. Powell leaves Murray State as the alltime leader in receiving yards, touchdowns and 100-yard games, and he is second in all-time catches.

hole in the Racers’ lineup. Moss’ role dramatically increased in his sophomore season. “When I went home for the summer I was really excited about my role for this upcoming season and it made me work out really hard,” Moss said. “When I came back up here for the summer I just worked even harder to try and take that next step and become a better player.” When Moss returned in the fall he found himself in the Racers’ starting lineup. It was not all smooth sailing, however, as Murray State got off to a 2-5 start. Moss had his own struggles, too, slumping through the beginning of conference play. Through the first five OVC games, Moss averaged 12.4 points per game and shot 19 percent from 3-point range. “Those weeks were tough but we never got down about it,” Moss said. “We all knew to just take it in stride and that we’d use it as motivation later. I knew I just had to keep at it and work hard and my own game would get to where it needed to be.” He broke the slump in dramatic fashion Jan. 23 against Tennessee Tech, sinking his first four shots from 3-point range. Moss finished with a career high 31 points and shot 7-9 from beyond the arc. In the last three conference games, Moss has improved his performance, averaging 21.3 points per game while shooting a blazing 67 percent from the field. Moss is now the team’s second-leading scorer on the season, averaging more than 13 points per game. “I’m basically living out my dream right now,” Moss said. “I’m just trying to have fun and savor every minute of it.” As the Racers prepare for the season’s final eight games, they find themselves with a secure three-game lead in the OVC West. Though many questioned this team during its rough start, Moss and the Racers seem to be improving when it matters most. “I can’t wait,” Moss said. “I’m anxious to see what our future holds. We’re getting better every day and we’re shooting for our goals. We’re an exciting team and I’m excited to be a part of it.” With Murray State and Belmont once again sitting atop the mid-season conference standings, it appears as if the two teams are destined for another championship showdown. While nothing is certain, Moss admitted he’d like to get another shot at the Bruins for the title. It’s not a thirst for revenge, however, that fuels Moss. This year, he’s got something to prove. Said Moss: “I hope I’m in that same position again this year because I know I’ll be able to make that stop this time around.”

Career Stats

Walter Powell

Rec. yards Touchdowns Catches 100-yd games

2,650 29 208 10

Bisercic makes most of time in Murray Mallory Tucker || Staff writer mtucker11@murraystate.edu

Whether it is coincidence, fate or something else, whatever brought Katarina Bisercic to Murray State for the same rifle season that the University is hosting the NCAA rifle championships is something special. Bisercic alone is someone special. The 21-year-old shooter is a junior at her university in Serbia, but she has been labeled a freshman for the duration of her time as a foreign exchange student at Murray. Bisercic is on scholarship from an organization called World Learning, which selected Murray State for her based on her major (occupational safety and health) and hobbies (rifle). Although Bisercic did not choose Murray State, she feels that it is a great fit for her time here. She said she favors many things about being in the U.S., including the education. “I like the professors here, and I like the whole concept of teaching and everything – it’s so much different,” she said. “It’s not easier, but you learn more. I actually learned more from this semester and a half than I have the past two years.” In addition to learning, she said shooting conditions are better in the U.S. Her rifle career in Serbia makes that hard to believe. Bisercic has been a part of four different teams that each took first place in national competition. Her success followed her to Murray State. Here, Bisercic has led the team with top finishes throughout the season, but she has had to make adjustments.

In Serbia, the rifle season is divided into two parts, with air rifle in the fall and winter and smallbore in the spring and summer. Additionally, women shoot 40 shots in Serbia, compared to 60shot matches in the U.S. Changes in education and shooting aren’t the only adjustments, though. Bisercic is also adjusting to a new culture. “It’s so much different,” she said. “People are so much nicer.

Everybody asks you ‘How are you, how’s your day?’ and are seeing me for the first time in my life. Back home, we are polite, but only toward the people that we know. You don’t do that.” In addition to her time in Murray, Bisercic had the opportunity over Winter break to travel the country with many of World Learning’s other exchange students. She said Chicago was her favorite city, and she said if she ever comes back to America, she wants to go there. As of now, though, she has no plans to come back to the states once her year is up.

“When I go back home I have to stay there for two years so that I can contribute to my society,” Bisercic said. “And of course so I can finish my degree there. But I can’t wait until I get back home because I miss my family so much. On the other hand, I know I’m going to miss it here.” Bisercic is not alone in her love of rifle, as her family shoots as well. Both of her older sisters shoot, and her father is a national record holder for the large caliber in Serbia. Although Bisercic was raised around the sport, she said she never felt pressure from her father or sisters to get into rifle. “I started shooting when I was 12 years old,” she said. “I wanted to go into some sports, and because I was pretty much too old for any other sport, I decided to go shooting, and it turned out OK.”

Photo by Jenny Rohl, illustration by Ryan Richardson/The News

Freshman Katarina Bisercic lies in the prone shooting position. She finished in the top five in a match against Morehead State Monday.

She progressed quickly and started shooting internationally by the time she was 13. Since Bisercic competed in the same division as her sisters, she often took advice and support from them. Even with her father’s great success in the sport, she has never seen him shoot in a competitive setting. He has also never seen her in a match. “I’ve never watched my dad compete, actually, and he never watched me compete, because I always thought that there would be extra pressure if he came and watched me,” she said. “I never wanted him to come and see me shoot. I allowed him to come to my practices, but he’s never seen real competitions. He watches online of course, but never live on the range.” The next big event for Bisercic is at Murray State when the Racers host the NCAA Rifle Championships for the ninth time March 14 and 15. Bisercic hopes that the Racers qualify to shoot on their home turf. “This is our home range,” she said. “We practice here every day. We know every single step here. I think it’s going to be easier from that side, but also when you host the final tournament of the season, I guess it’s expected for us to have a little bit of pressure.” Whether it is coincidence or fate, Head Coach Alan Lollar describes it as happy fit. “I am really happy she’s here,” Lollar said. “She came in and immediately became a part of our team. She’s a good teammate and a good person. We’re just looking forward to a good finish.”

Women struggle to find footing Sports


Tom Via || Staff writer tvia@murraystate.edu

Jenny Rohl/The News

Senior forward Jessica Winfrey prepares to shoot over a Tennessee Tech defender.

The women’s basketball team has yet to find its stride in OVC play, as the team lost 81-65 Monday to Tennessee Tech. Though they led by two points late in the first half, the Racers started to fall behind before halftime. A late run by the Golden Eagles gave Tennessee Tech a double-digit halftime lead, draining energy from Murray State. “It was a major difference,� Racer Head Coach Rob Cross said. “We came out in the second half and had no energy at all offensively or defensively.� Hot shooting by the Golden Eagles allowed them to jump out to a big lead in the opening minutes of the game. Murray State battled back immediately and got within a basket with the help of back-to-back 3-pointers from freshmen guards Julia Fox and Taylor Porter. From there, the teams traded baskets evenly over the next few minutes. Finally, a layup from freshman guard Janssen Starks gave Murray State its first lead of the game. It was short-lived, though, as Tennessee Tech broke open the game, scoring 11 points while holding the Racers to a single bucket. “We fought and we were right there and then (Tennessee Tech) goes on that run to end the half,� Cross said. “Maybe it had an impact psychologically.� The second half was a continuation of the end of the first, as the Racers’ offense was in a slump. Without the Racers scoring, Tennessee Tech opened the half on a 17-4 run to lead 58-38 within five minutes. Down 77-55 with three minutes remaining, the Racers’ offense started clicking, and the Racers trimmed the lead to 12. However, the deficit proved too large to overcome, and a 3-pointer by Tennessee Tech ended the comeback, leaving the Racers with their fourth home-court loss. The Racers were led by Porter’s career-

Women’s Basketball OVC Standings

East Eastern Kentucky Tennessee State Tennessee Tech Belmont Jacksonville State Morehead State

5-2 5-3 5-3 5- 4 5- 5 3-5

West UT Martin Austin Peay Southeast Missouri Eastern Illinois SIUE Murray State

9-0 4-4 3-4 3-6 2-7 1-7

*Standings as of Jan. 30 at 1 p.m. high 18 points. Starks added 15 points, and the two guards combined for eight assists. “As a combo, that was probably their best game they had played,� Cross said. “Porter is starting to understand and eliminate some of the mistakes that she was making (early in the season).� The game serves as the midpoint for the Racers’ conference schedule. With three players out for the season due to injuries, Cross said the team must focus on the importance of every play. “Every possession matters and your career is short,� Cross said. “It is hard to get that across with a player until her senior year, but the game can be taken away from you in a snap.� The Racers return to action Feb. 10 on the road against Tennessee State.

L i zo B e a r n s s e co n d b i g v i c to r y Nick Dolan || Assistant Sports Editor ndolan@murraystate.edu

Lizo B’s men’s intramural basketball team cruised to its second consecutive double-digit win to start the season with a 26-point route of Clark B. The team used a commanding defensive effort through most of the first half and into the second half Tuesday to earn a 51-25 victory. Lizo B racked up 17 points to start the game while holding its opponent scoreless through the first seven and a half minutes of play. Clark B narrowed the gap with an 11-4 run over the last six minutes of the first half, but Lizo B maintained a 27-16 lead at the break. Though the team showed signs of a comeback late in the first half, Clark B could not muster the same effort in the second half. Lizo B only allowed eight points in the second frame, extending its lead to 26 behind solid outings from seniors Jordan Ludovissie and Ray Guthrie. Ludovissie led all scorers with 14

points and said the team is hitting its stride as it moves through the season. “We had a lot of rotation (defensively),� Ludovissie said about his team’s effort in the second half. “We were all on the same page. I just attribute it to the hard work of the team. There’s a lot of heart on this team. I’m really proud to be a part of it.� Though Ludovissie was the leading scorer for his team, he struggled from beyond the arc, missing all but one of his 3point attempts. However, Guthrie said there is no cause for concern. “You know, Jordan will bounce back,� he said. “He’s a great team player. We all have confidence in him and I know he’ll come back better next game.� The win is Lizo B’s second straight victory of more than 25 points, as it started the season with a 30-point win. Guthrie said it can be attributed to the team’s hard work during the week. “We’re feeling pretty confident,� he said. “I mean, I owe it all to our amazing coach. He keeps pushing us in practice and it’s paying off for us.�

Kate Russell/The News

Freshman Michael Mann (33) attempts a short jumper in the loss to Lizo B.

The News January 31, 2014 From the Sidelines

Confidence is key I want to talk about someone you probably haven’t heard much about lately. Just kidding, it’s Richard Sherman. He’s been everywhere in the media lately. After the SeaMallory hawks’ NFC championship Tucker win Jan. 19, most Staff writer of the country saw his controversial interview with Erin Andrews, and even more of the country had a comment on it. Most people had negative reactions, but I loved every second of it, and I still do. People laughed at first, but soon an offensive term rose to the surface: thug. Although he is straight out of Compton, Calif., Sherman is anything but a thug. He was salutatorian of the class of 2006 at Dominguez High School with a GPA of 4.2. He then continued his education at Stanford, where he majored in communication. And guess what? He was a talker then, too. So he wins a huge game, and people act like he should be able to easily control his emotions right there, straight off the field. Do you expect a professional football player to compose his thoughts for an eloquent speech right after winning a game of such importance? No, of course you don’t! That’s why the cameras are there to begin with. Fireworks are cool, and Gatorade showers are great, but the cameras are there to catch that moment when a player says something extraordinary. Why is Erin Andrews on the sidelines rather than in the studio? She’s there to pry these moments out of people, though in this case Sherman didn’t take much prying. There’s no value left in the theory that Sherman was taunting Michael Crabtree after the game – Sherman had on a microphone and is clearly heard complimenting Crabtree on his game. Crabtree is also clearly seen shoving Sherman’s face. I’d be angry, and I’m guessing most other people would be, too. So here’s the big question. Is Sherman really the best corner in the NFL as he says? Yes, he is. After being drafted 154th in the 2011 NFL Draft, he now leads all players with 14 interceptions and 47 passes defended. Sherman is not only a phenomenal athlete, he’s also an interesting person – I’d go so far as to even call him a good one. In college he was a member of Phi Beta Sigma fraternity, and started working on his master’s degree during his last year of eligibility at Stanford. In 2013 he also launched Blanket Coverage, The Richard Sherman Family Foundation, which helps provide school supplies and clothing for underprivileged children. Love him or hate him, he’s more famous now than he was, and all of America will be watching him very closely come Sunday. mtucker11@murraystate.edu

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January 31, 2014


The News


Features Editor: Hunter Harrell Assistant Features Editor: Breanna Sill Phone: 809-5871 Twitter: MSUNewsFeatures

Super Bowl fan munchies Compiled by McKenzie Willet and Hunter Harrell

Touchdowns, tackles and celebratory handshakes. Whether students watch the Super Bowl for the game or the commercials, food options are an important factor for any Super Bowl gathering. Whether you are entertaining a few friends or a cramped apartment full of people, here are some helpful recipes to ensure everyone is feeling satisfied by kick-off.

Katrina Yarbrough || Staff writer kyarbrough2@murraystate.edu


Traditional: Glazed boneless wings

Guests can choose from regular or boneless chicken wings and celery sticks for serving options. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit, place wings on a baking sheet and glaze with favorite BBQ sauce or a special mixture of honey, soy sauce and BBQ sauce. Place in the oven, and in 25-30 minutes wings come out blazing hot and ready. Guests may also dip wings in blue cheese or ranch.


S o m e t h i n g fo r e v e r y o n e : P i g s i n a b l a n k e t Mini beef weenies wrapped in small portions of crescent rolls is an onthe-go take of the traditional game-day hotdog. Simply wrap the mini weenies in the crescent roll dough while preheating the oven to 375 degrees. For added flavor, throw on a slice of cheese. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until bread rises. Guests may find ketchup and mustard appealing for dipping.


Healthy: Veggie pizza

For a healthier option, spread two cans of crescent rolls into a 9 by 13 inch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes for a crispy crust. Whip up a batch of sauce using one cup of cream cheese, one cup of mayo and one package of dry ranch dressing mix. Spread across crust and add desired vegetables to the top such as carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and onions. Chill until game time.


Sweet tooth: Cookie Bars Get the best of both worlds with chocolate chip cookie bars. There are many ingredients, and the sweet tooth at the party will appreciate the extra effort. Combine two sticks of butter, 3/4 cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of brown sugar and one teaspoon of vanilla until creamy. Add in two large eggs and beat well. Add one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda. Gradually add two cups of flour and stir in chocolate chips. Pour in a greased pan and bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes.

Grab a bag of Doritos or tortilla chips and commence dipping into a cheesy heaven. With a package of velveeta cheese cut into cubes and a jar of Rotel undrained tomatoes and green chillies, all the guesswork is gone. Combine the two in a bowl and microwave for five minutes, stirring occasionally until cheese is melted.

Evan Watson/The News

5. Classic: Chips and salsa

Off or on campus? Students discuss housing options Moving out can be bitter sweet. However, with the right knowledge of different living arrangements, it can be an unforgettable experience for any college student. Residential colleges are available to apply for at the beginning of the fall for the academic year. There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing a residential college and deciding if a roommate is the right decision to have or to stay in a private room. There are also apartments that can be rented month-tomonth. This raises the question of which option is the best option. When it comes to how many rooms to choose from, a residential college is usually limited to a one-room with a roommate while apartments can be up to three or four rooms. This choice will be one main factor when it comes to the price a student will pay. Usually, on-campus rooms range from $2000-$5000 per academic year and can be paid for by student loans and financial aid, according to the Murray State financial aid website page. One option for an apartment is at Campus Evolution Villages where John Gale, senior from Caruthersville, Mo is a staff member. Gale said that the standard apartment has a shared living room, individual rooms with their own bathrooms, a kitchen, a laundry room and each student pays between $395$409 a month. Students rent by the bed so they are only responsible for their part of the rent and do not need to worry about a late payment from a roommate. Financial aid and student loans do not cover these payments. Earning money is a luxury both housing options offer to their students. Residential colleges offer the chance to become a residential advisor, a person who will be in charge of their side of the different halls and makes sure the students there are getting their needs met and are communicated with. Another option is becoming a rover, who is someone who roams the halls and makes sure the residential college rules are being followed and everything is in place. At Campus Evolutions North, students are also hired as staff and by paying rent by the first of every month, students will be signed up to win a free $100 Visa gift card, according to Gale. “All of our policies are in place for the safety of the students,” said David Petrie, senior and residential advisor from Belleville, Ill. “For instance, all students must check in their guests in order to keep out intruders as well as a strict no alcohol policy for obvious reasons.” Rules can play an important part when making a living decision. As a college student, one may think that some rules intended for safety reasons are not important. An apartment may be the option to consider if this is the case. Usually, according to Gale, the rules are basic common courtesy while the residential colleges require a guest policy, an alcohol policy and a roommate contract to ensure the safety and well being of each student. Accommodations can be tailored to individual needs that include health and physical reasons. Private rooms are available for stu-

see LIVING, 6B


3 Hearts Yoga juice bar offers students stree-free atmosphere Breanna Sill || Assistant Features Editor bsill@murraystate.edu

Murray has a new hotspot for students and community members who have caught the yoga bug and are looking for a place to start a healthy new habit. 3 Hearts Yoga opened in town almost three months ago and has had an outpouring of support from people throughout Murray who are looking to find a sense of calm and peace. The yoga studio also offers customers the chance to cool down after a workout by stopping by its convenient inhouse juice bar. “I got into juicing for my own health after going through open heart surgery when I was 23,” said Marcy Snodgrass, owner of 3 Hearts Yoga. “So that is what got me on my journey of yoga and health and I just wanted to be able to share that with as many people as I can.” Snodgrass said the idea for the studio came to her and two friends after the three of them spent time traveling to different yoga retreats together. The name of the store is also a reflection of the three women’s friendship. “There are three of us friends that actually all just came up with some ideas and we all three live in different cities,” she said. “Eventually we will have three 3 Hearts Yoga studios in three different places around the country.” For Snodgrass, opening a yoga studio with a juice bar attached made perfect sense, considering, in her opinion, that the two go hand in hand naturally.People who come into the studio looking for either one are usually always looking for something to improve their health.

A favorite question Snodgrass always finds herself being asked is whether she is moving toward or away from health. “I always say toward health,” she said. “I think these just so easily go together. Yoga students love juice and the juice bar has brought in yoga students, so the two just really complement each other well.” The studio offers different sessions of yoga daily from Hot Yoga to Yoga Basics to Rock and Roll, Rise and Shine classes in the early morning. While the Wellness Center on campus offers yoga classes as well, Snodgrass said students have a chance to get into a different atmosphere and get away from campus for a while. “I hope this would teach students to be able to go anywhere, to any city, and walk into a studio and do yoga and feel comfortable,” she said. “We want to provide people with that basic exercise that you can do for the rest of your life.” Snodgrass is an instructor, along with a former student, of all the classes offered at the studio and said she got started into yoga when she needed something to decrease her stress level. At the time, her job required her to travel frequently and she then made a commitment to attend a yoga class and visit a juice bar in every city she traveled to. Students can be benefitted by partaking in a yoga class to help them stay grounded and get focused Snodgrass said. And it is also an easy way to spend time with friends while getting in an extra workout. “Finals week is a great time for students to come in and take a class,” Snodgrass said. “With all the stress students are put under it’s a great way for them to find some peace and improve on their concentration and memory.”

Jenny Rohl/The News

3 Hearts Yoga displays a sign showing different blends available daily in the studio’s in-house juice bar.

The News


6B “Entertainment news sure to spice up your lunch conversation”


Trainers whip students into shape Brandon Cash || Staff writer bcash1@murraystate.edu

WATER COOLER Information and photos from The Associated Press Compiled by Breanna Sill

BIEBER PLEADS NOT GUILTY TO CHARGES IN FLORIDA Justin Bieber pled not guilty to charges of DUI, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license Wednesday after his arrest last week. The star has an arraignment hearing set for Feb. 14, but under Florida law it does not require him to be present.

Megan Godby/The News

Rachel Robinson is being shown new workout techniques by trainer, Phil Schunks.

Deciding to exercise more often is a popular New Year’s resolution, but it’s not always easy following through. Last semester, the Wellness Center began giving students the opportunity to work out with a personal trainer. Sara Bynum, assistant manager of the Wellness Center, thought it would be a great idea that would help students and members reach their fitness goals, as well as help them feel more comfortable using the gym. “We are always trying to add new classes and programs to help us grow and accommodate our members’ needs,” Bynum said. “Almost every gym you go to, there is personal training offered. So why not start a personal training program here?” All the trainers are students who have been certified to train. However, the students do not have to have a specific major to be certified. “When someone is interested in personal training, we want them to feel as comfortable as possible,” Bynum said. “So on our personal training request form they can mark whether they prefer a male or female trainer.” Once the student is assigned a per-


From Page 5B

Nominees for the 2014 Academy of Country Music Awards were released Wednesday. Miranda Lambert and Tim McGraw lead the pack with seven nominations each, followed by Keith Urban with six. Taylor Swift, Kacey Musgraves, Blake Shelton and Florida Georgia Line are all nominated five times each. The ACM Awards will air April 6 from Las Vegas.

Soundbyte “I want to tell Blue that look, Daddy got you a gold sippy cup”

–Jay Z via Grammy acceptance speech Jan. 26

dents who wish to live alone in the dorms as well as the apartments. Residential advisors are available at all times to offer assistance to any student with or without a special need. Campus Evolutions is a stop for Racer Routes so that students have a ride to the campus whereas dorm residents can just walk anywhere they need to go. Is living on campus a better option for first year students in order to gain the proper experience or is an apartment just what they need? There are pros and cons with both options and the information can be given by staff members, residents of each place or the college website. Financial matters and personal conditions play large parts in the decision-making. Both Gale and Petrie recommend living in the residential colleges for at least a semester. “Students have their entire lives to live off campus in an apartment,” Petrie said. “The incredible opportunities (including potential friends and fun events) outweigh any minor restrictions that come from living in a residential college.”

d Tweets e r u t Fea of the week A compilation of Tweets that made us laugh, cry or scratch our heads.

This week’s topic: #Grammys

sonal trainer, they work together to set specific fitness goals, find out what the students want to do and what they want to get out of it. The personal trainers offer different types of classes including a TRX class which is a type of suspension training that utilizes major and minor muscle groups to stabilize body weight. Because of the cold weather students may find it hard to go to the gym, but the personal trainers try their best to motivate their students to come in and meet their goals. This way the personal trainers can focus on the students. “It’s nice to see how popular my classes have become, especially during the cold weather,” said Phillip Shruck, personal trainer and junior from Benton, Ky. “People still come in and it’s great to watch them get stronger and better as they progress.” Personal training for students is $20 an hour and for non-student members it is $25 an hour. Anyone interested in personal training needs to fill out a personal trainer request form to be set up for their first session. Said Bynum: “We wanted to give (students) the opportunity to grow and help to meet their personal goals.” Compiled by Madison Wepfer

lashback riday



January 31, 2014

1. Heath Ledger “The Dark Knight”

Flashback to 2008 when Amy Winehouse made a clean sweep at the 50th Grammy Awards, Beijing hosted the 29th Summer Olympics and Barack Obama was elected the first black president of the United States. This week’s flashback is all about the five greatest actors of 2008. Their unforgettable performances on the silver screen are worth flashing back to.

4. Brad Pitt “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”

3. Sean Penn “Milk”

2. Dev Patel “Slumdog Millionaire”

5. Robert Downey Jr. “Iron Man”

Andy Brown


@LawsonAndy “Performance of the night surely had to be @Imaginedragons #GRAMMYS” 27 Jan 14 4:21 a.m.

@Kingsleyyy “I don't know if Pink is a singer anymore or a pelican. #Grammys” 26 Jan 14 10:22 p.m.

Rob Benedict

Cody Alan

@RobBenedict “Loved the "one love" segment and Macklemore but god help me I just can't figure out what Ryan Lewis does... #Grammys” 27 Jan 14 1:39 a.m.

@cmtcody “The 2 Daft Punk robots are actually Milli Vanilli. #Grammys” 26 Jan 14 9:40 p.m.


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The News


January 31, 2014

WHAT’S HAPPENIN’? TODAY • All day Jackpot, William "Bill" Cherry Agricultural Exposition Center • 7:30 p.m. Cinema International: "The Loneliest Planet," Curris Center Theater


• All day Jackpot, Expo Center • All day A Visit with the Eagles, Kenlake State Resort Park • 7:30 p.m. Cinema International: "The Loneliest Planet," Curris Center Theater


• 8 a.m. Peaceful Spirit Yoga, Carr Health • 8 a.m. MSU Presidential Lecture Series: Bill Nye the Science Guy, CFSB Center

• All Day Jackpot, Expo Center • All day A Visit with the Eagles, Kenlake State Resort Park

7B Advice You Didn’t Ask For


• 4:30 p.m. Full Body 30 with Stefan, Wellness Center • 6 p.m. Power Hour Circuit with Kaleb, Wellness Center


• 5:30 p.m. W Cycling with E Lynn, Wellness D Center • 6:30 p.m. N Yoga 1 Beginner E with Therese St. Wellness S Paul, Center D A Y

THURSDAY • 4 p.m. Adventures: Life and Its Experiences Series, Freed Curd Auditorium • 7:30 p.m. MSU Reading Series: Natalie Diaz, Clara Eagle Gallery

Movie Review

Photo courtesy of comicbook.com Aaron Eckhart’s character, Frankenstein, finds himself caught in a war between two immortal clans in new release “I, Frankenstein.”

‘I, Frankenstein’ revives old plot New release includes familiar story, actionpacked scenes Katrina Yarbrough Staff writer kyarbrough2@murraystate.edu

It’s alive! Whether it’s date night or a time for some personal relaxation, a movie with goodlooking actors and a large amount of action-oriented scenes will certainly get

your blood flowing. Among this year’s new releases, “I, Frankenstein,” is a film that will fulfill any empty space when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. The cast included Aaron Eckhart, from “Olympus Has Fallen,” Miranda Otto from “The Lord of The Rings,” Bill Nighy from “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows: Part 1” and a handful of lesser known actors to bring it all to life. In high school, most teachers require their students to read “Frankenstein.” Now, there’s a new movie. Unfortunately, if someone wanted to really learn the story of “Frankenstein,” I

Nothing lasts forever

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wouldn’t suggest throwing the book under the bed and popping in the film. Although, many references to the book made it into the film. Specifically, memorable lines such as “it’s alive.” The basic plot of the movie was the trial of good versus evil. There is Frankenstein, portrayed as an actual human being instead of a large green monster as the original depiction goes, and there is the man with a scientist trying to recreate the process to build an army. Besides the feud between Frankenstein and the man, there is a war between gar-

goyles and demons. The war should be invisible to humans but it’s hard to see how that’s even possible. With any superhero movie, I’ve learned that there’s a fine line between creating a masterpiece and creating a corny imitation with an overabundance of fighting to mask the inability to really capture the story. In this case, it’s about 5050. Frankenstein isn’t really a superhero as much as he is a classic. There were enough battle scenes to balance out the very obvious corny parts that just give you a strange uncomfortable feeling. Storylines and character

development are important subject matters that any viewer of the film will learn to overlook, especially because it’s not an extremely long film and the actors aren’t well-known. It’s risky business to produce a title with a cast of people you’ve never seen before. But don’t worry, students. The film makes up for the cheesiness with well-done graphics of demon destruction and gargoyle ascendance. You don’t have to read the book to know what’s happening at all times, and if certain parts don’t interest you, sit back and just admire the effects and the faces.

The truth behind the phrase “nothing lasts forever” chills me to the bone. “Nothing lasts forever” is one of those sayings that a friend can bring up in a Hunter conversation and Harrell the room inFeatures Editor stantly turns still, waiting for someone to break the awkward silence with a more upbeat conversation. In that moment, I am the one who sits back and waits for someone else to break the silence while I reminisce on the undeniable truth. Part of the reason why this phrase bothers me so much is I need to know what the future holds. I need to be in control of the situations at hand. But somehow I am not immune to the cold truth: nothing lasts forever. When plans are wrecked and goals seem out of reach, I easily get discouraged and wonder what my next move will be. Despite these concerns, I have learned a few things in my time such as, I can’t control anything, except myself. Most importantly I have learned that losing sight of a certain goal is not the end of something, but rather the beginning. It’s a fresh start and a new reality. I’ve always been a believer in the idea that you cannot know what happiness feels like if you have never felt sadness. It is the same in which you cannot honestly know what is out there for you without losing everything. Sometimes losing sight of your goal is actually opening up an opportunity for something greater. In order to truly be open to new opportunities, you have to let go of the goal that might be consuming you. If you never let go, you will never know what you are missing out on. Nothing lasts forever, but that isn’t a bad thing. Everything changes at some point, but what matters is that you always remember and carry on. You pick up the pieces and try to find your place in this world. Most of all, I believe that when you finally do find your place, it will last a long time. It may change over time, but knowing your place in the world will always keep you fulfilled. With that certainty, some things are forever. hharrell@murraystate.edu

See It

Rent It

Hear It

Read It

“That Awkward Moment”

“Dallas Buyers Club”

“After the Disco” Broken Bells

“Cress” (The Lunar Chronicles) Marissa Meyer

Play It Talisman Prologue (Collector’s Edition)


! ? F#



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Out This Week


The News January 31, 2014

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