The Murray State News

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The Murray State News October 9, 2015

Vol. 90, No. 7

Seven sexual assaults reported, tying 2014 total Abby Siegel

Contributing writer

Jessica Bostick

Assistant News Editor

Murray State students have reported seven sexual assaults since freshman move-in day on Aug. 15, matching the total number of sexual assault complaints in 2014. The number of reported sexual assaults has increased from one in 2012 to three in 2013, then seven in 2014 to seven in the first 52 days of the semester, according to The News’ review of the crime logs maintained by

Public Safety and Emergency Management. Of the seven assaults reported, one arrest was made while in the other six cases the person who reported sexual assaults declined to press charges, according to the crime logs. One of the sexual assaults occurred off campus. Sexual assault, as defined by the Title IX office’s website, “can be verbal, visual or anything that forces a person to join in unwanted sexual contact or attention.” Abigail French, director of the Women’s Center, said she believes the rise in reports might not necessarily mean an increase in assaults taking place. “I believe that a lot of effort

has been made to make the reporting process more accessible and to make students more aware of how to report an assault when it occurs,” French said. “I do not believe these numbers indicate an increase in incidents; rather, they re flect an increase in student knowledge French of how to access services and support.” One in five women is sexually assaulted in college, according to the 2014 First Report of the White House

Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. The report highlights that men can also be victims of the crime. “The change is largely in increased reporting, which in my mind is a positive change because it reflects students may feel more empowered to seek help,” French said. This semester, the Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity and Access has required all students to complete online training regarding reporting sexual assaults and offered additional seminars for many student leaders to attend to ensure that the information is presented and reinforced to all students. For instance, many student lead-

ers had to attend the “Just the Facts: Title IX and Sexual Misconduct” program Sept. 29. “The increased focus on Title IX has driven massive efforts to educate and publicize policies, procedures and resources,” French said. “This information helps students make decisions about whether or not they want to report.” Students also must earn 100 percent on the online quiz to have the hold removed from their student accounts. While some students said the requirement was frustrating, they told The News in interviews that they saw the value of Title IX training. “I think it was good that

we have Title IX training because it makes everyone know what to look for, being responsible as a bystander,” said Abigail Prins, freshman from Fort Campbell, Kentucky.


Miranda Whitworth, freshman from Hardinsburg, Kentucky, said she believes more students might be reporting sexual assaults because they understand the confidentiality rules now and how the university is required to respond when a report has been made. “Most people normally


Smoking policy’s effect hazy New tobacco free regulation seems to reduce, but not eliminate, smoking on campus Alicia Steele Staff writer

Mikayla Marshall Staff writer

Through the first two months of Murray State’s tobacco free policy, some students say they have noticed less smoke but parts of campus remain littered with evidence that people still are lighting up on the grounds. And because enforcement is voluntary and is up to bystanders to speak up, no one has faced penalties for breaking the policy. “It’s not a hit somebody where they are, it’s a more positive aspect that we’re trying to have a healthy and safe environment for everyone involved,” said Renee Fister, senior presidential adviser for strategic initiatives. The rule is aimed at improving “the health and safety” of people on campus by discouraging anyone from using tobacco, as opposed to doling out punishment, Fister said. “To my knowledge, no action has been taken in regard to the compliance aspect of the campus tobacco policy,” she said. Fister served as President Bob Davies’ point person while working with the Board of Regents to craft the tobacco free policy last fall and this spring.

Chalice Keith/The News

Since the official beginning of the tobacco policy implementation began in August, no one has faced penalties for breaking the policy which relies on bystanders to speak up. In February, the board approved the new policy, which bans the use on campus of “any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, hookah, snuff, chew tobacco, bidis, blunts, clove cigarettes or any other preparation of tobacco.” Starting in February, the policy immediately prevented tobacco use within 25 feet of

university buildings and then spread across all campus grounds effective Aug. 5. The policy applies to faculty, staff, students and visitors.


But two months after the policy took hold, cigarette butts still can be found throughout campus. For instance, on Wednesday the

mulch outside of the Business Building North entrance facing the quad was littered with nearly two dozen butts, including five around a small blue sign that says, “Please refrain from personal tobacco use.” Some students, such as Bryanna Kampwerth, freshman from Highland, Illinois, said they still notice other students lighting up while

walking to class and outside classroom buildings. “I don’t think it’s a huge problem, but it’s definitely an issue,” Kampwerth said. “I saw three different people smoking today.” Fister said the administration is aware tobacco use still occurs on the grounds. “I do think there are a few pockets of places where people are going,” she said.

In one case, many international students were continuing to use tobacco products, so Fister said the administration worked with the international department to designate a spot near Woods Hall, where the international programs are based. “If people are just willing to communicate and work through that, it’s good,” she said. Enforcing the policy elsewhere on campus has been trickier. Fister said that if any representative of Murray State sees someone using tobacco on campus, the person should first explain the tobacco policy and ask the tobacco user to comply. If someone is found violating the policy a second time, that representative can report faculty or staff to the supervisor of the building or to Human Resources, and report students to the supervisor of the building or Student Affairs, Fister said. The next step would be for the building supervisor or human resources to go through the MSU Student Life Policies, Rules and Procedures; MSU Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual; or other regulations and policies. “If you violate a policy in the student code of conduct there are certain steps that are included there for help or encouragement to quit doing


SGA passes 16th Street construction resolution Kayla Harrell || Staff writer

The Student Government Association passed a resolution that does not support any of the proposed three alternatives for the future of 16th Street, and asks city and university leaders to go back to the drawing board. The SGA did not suggest an alternative idea for 16th Street in the resolution, which passed unanimously Sept. 30 in its first reading and won final approval Wednesday. The purpose of the proposed 16th Street project is to address the vehicular and pedestrian traffic along N. 16th Street from Main Street to Chestnut Street, according to the City of Murray website. Each day that section of the street will see 11,000 pedestrians and 7,000 cars, President Bob Davies said at an Aug. 26 Board of Regents meeting. Clinton Combs, president



of the Student Government Association, said the resolution was important because it shows students care about the ultimate solution. “We wanted to make sure [the] administration, city and state of Kentucky knew that this is something we are taking seriously, something that we are looking at and making sure that it is done right,” Combs said. The Murray State Council has presented three alternatives for the congestion of 16th Street. The three options are: • Raise the road so students can walk underneath; • Loop the street around the Gene W. Ray Campus on the west side of 16th Street, which includes the Jesse D. Jones Hall and the Biology Building; • Create a wider loop around the Gene W. Ray Campus that would include cutting

see SGA, 2A


Students talk about being involved with Mock Trial in our latest video on

RACER FOOTBALL Follow @MSUSportsNews on Twitter and check out our continuing game coverage on


The Student Government Association has passed a resolution that does not support any of the three proposed alternatives for 16th Street.

We’ve released two tabs for this week’s edition of The News: the Homecoming tab and the All Majors Career Fair tab. Check them out inside!





Students who experience test anxiety are not alone, 6A

How much money is too much money?, 4A

Murray State’s champion team takes to Racer Arena, 1B

Todrick Hall and the YouTube trend, 5B

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