The Murray State News

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Page 6 Racer volleyball sets sights on California for their NCAA opener against UCLA


December 1, 2016 | Vol. 91, No. 13

Selling on the Sabbath

Marijuana’s place in the bluegrass Ashley Traylor Staff writer

Kelli O’Toole/The News

Matthew Parks || Staff writer

Murray City Council passed a resolution on November 15 allowing the sale and service of alcohol in the city of Murray from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. on Sundays. The proposal was voted on initially in a special meeting on Nov. 17, and then again in the meeting on Nov. 22. In both sessions, the proposal passed 7 - 5. Votes against the resolution came from city councilors Jeremy Bell, Johnny Bohannon, Linda Cherry, Danny Hudspeth and Butch Sergeant. Councilman Bohannon attempted to amend the proposal by voting to amend the hours on Sunday alcohol sales from 6-7am, rather than the previously proposed hours of 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jason Pitt-

man, one of the city councilman in favor of Sunday alcohol sales, said such a motion would “probably restrict the economic benefits of [Sunday sales] to the city of Murray and to potential developments coming to the city.” The council voted down the amendment, which allowed them to go on and approve the originally proposed Sunday alcohol sales hours. “I think it will open up some economic revenue streams here in Murray,” Pittman said. “I think the city of Murray is going to realize the additional tax revenue to put towards the bottom line is strictly a benefit.” Murray city policy states that newly-approved ordinances go into effect at the time the mayor’s office posts them in the local newspaper, therefore, Sunday alco-

see ALCOHOL, page 2

I think the city of Murray is going to realize the additional tax revenue to put towards the bottom line is strictly a benefit.

- Jason Pittman, city councilman

Legislation to legalize medical marijuana was introduced in Kentucky this year, but was adjourned without action. After the presidential election on Nov. 8, many states voted to legalize marijuana, for medical or recreational uses. The states of California, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts legalized marijuana for sale and consumption. In total, 28 states, the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico legalized marijuana for medical uses, according the National Conference of State Legislatures. Kentucky’s Clara Madeline Gilliam Act allows for marijuana to be administered by a public university or school of medicine when used for clinical trials. Jared Rosenberger, program director of sociology, studied data on who supports marijuana usage and said the most recent data shows 61 percent of Americans support the legalization of marijuana, but levels of support vary for different groups of people. Young adults between the age of 18-29 show 82 percent support for marijuana legalization. He said 70 percent of Democrats support it, but only 47 percent of Republicans. “Kentucky, being a very red state, I think we have a

Lighting the way to a cure

Bella Utley

Contributing writer

From Nov. 15 to Nov. 24 an executive board member of the Up Til’ Dawn organization volunteered to use his candle business, Lotus and Light Candle Co., to benefit the fundraising. Renn Lovett, senior from Memphis, Tennessee, is a nursing student and said he never expected to run a business. He started the business with his girlfriend, after the couple started making candles as a hobby in spring 2015, and they now co-own the business. A fall collection of candles was used for the fundraiser, but in the future Lovett said he wouldn’t be opposed to setting aside a separate line of candles specifically for St. Jude. As for the 2016 Up

Til’ Dawn fundraiser, $5 from each purchase went toward the organization. He said he hopes because of this fundraiser, the company will gain more of a customer base. He said mostly family and friends have supported the business thus far, which is what the couple hoped for, but they still want to expand. “I would like to use the company for other philanthropy and fundraising events,” Lovett said. “I am apart of Sigma Phi Epsilon and wanted to fundraise for our philanthropy, but we didn’t have the website running yet.” Lovett said he is passionate about St. Jude because he grew up in Memphis, where the hospital is located. Once he began the nursing program at Murray State and started patient contact, he said he felt even more drawn to work to-

ward being a physician at St. Jude. “It’s always been in my life, but I didn’t realize I wanted to do something with that until I got to college,” Lovett said. He said they haven’t set any huge goals or expectations for the business, but seeing the exponential growth of the process so far gives him hope that it will continue to grow. “Hopefully we can start shipping out across the country and have products in little coffee shops and boutiques,” Lovett said. The couple uses soy wax and concentrated oils for the candles and blends some fragrances on their own. For more information, visit the company’s Facebook page, Lotus and Light Candle Company, or send them an email at

Staff writer

Seniors Kimberly Taylor and Dakota Moore were named the Outstanding Seniors for December 2016 Commencement. Every year Murray State recognizes two members of the graduating class as outstanding seniors. These students are considered to have gone above and beyond in their academic and personal endeavors during their time at Murray State. Taylor, outstanding senior woman, is an accounting major with a finance option, from Goshen, Kentucky. Taylor said her long-term goal is to start and manage her own bakery business, which she believes she will have the skills to do with her undergraduate degree.


She said she was pleasantly surprised to receive the distinction and she is grateful and honored to accept it. “Being the outstanding senior is actually a little bittersweet for me,” Taylor said. “Although it is clearly an honor that I am grateful to receive, it also signals that my time at Murray State is winding down. It signifies a transition from one phase of my life to another, and I couldn’t think of a better way to make that transition.” In her speech to the graduating class, Taylor said she will focus on the importance of confidence in challenging situations and using the past to create a more hopeful future by viewing past experiences not as regretful, but as a catalyst for future success. Taylor said she credits her success to her incredibly supportive department, which

pushed her to challenge herself both in and out of the classroom. She said Murray State allowed her to broaden her horizons in all aspects of life.

Murray State may be small compared to other universities, but they’ve got the biggest heart. “I definitely wouldn’t have been able to accomplish what I have without my family, friends and the faculty here at Murray State,” Taylor said. “I am truly blessed to have all of them in my life and can’t express my gratitude enough for everything they’ve done for me. Murray State may be small compared to other uni-


Marijuana use by adolescents has grown as more states decriminalize marijuana, according to a study by the American College of Pediatricians. The study showed that legalization encourages young people to try marijuana, and this experimentation can lead to involvement in cigarette or alcohol use and drug abuse. Yousef Yang, assistant professor of sociology, said 12 percent of students under 18 enrolled in school already use marijuana because of the social pressures. “Especially young people, schoolers, they use that as a socializing tool,” Yang said. “If they offer you marijuana, it’s for you to fit in.” Over the long term, there might be a small increase in world consumption of marijuana, he said. Regarding college-aged students, Rosenberger said he does not know how big of a shift in marijuana usage there would be. “I think many college students would still avoid the

see MARIJUANA, page 2

Emily Williams

Contributing writer

Jenny Rohl/The News

Lovett started his company with his girlfriend in 2015.

versities, but they’ve got the biggest heart.” The outstanding senior man is Dakota Moore, an agriculture major with a horticulture option, from Smyrna, Tennessee. Moore plans to attend Murray State for graduate school to earn his master’s degree in agriculture and gain the skills and experience needed to someday run his own greenhouse. Moore said the award came as a surprise, but he is glad he could make his family proud by receiving the honor. During his time at Murray State, Moore has spent a great deal of time working at the Arboretum, where he said he was given the opportunity to do hands-on work in his field. “I’ve gotten a lot more real job experience there than from classes,” Moore said. “If I had gone to another university, I might not have had the same chances to be involved in the

- Kimberly Taylor, one of Fall 2016’s Outstanding Seniors

The Effects of Legalization of Marijuana

Todd named finalist

Murray State names Outstanding Seniors Matthew Parks

very long way to go before this is taken up as a serious issue,” Rosenberger said. “I think there has been a lot of talk about it, but I think Kentucky is one of the few states solid in not taking up this issue too soon.”


day-to-day operations of what I actually want to do.” Moore is a member of the Honors College at Murray State, and he received the Outstanding Horticulture Club Member award in 2015 and 2016. He is also a recipient of the Murray Woman’s Club Horticulture Scholarship. Moore’s extracurricular activities at Murray State include membership in the Hutson School of Agriculture’s Leadership Council, the Horticulture Judging Team and the Soil Judging Team. Other honors include first-place presentations at the South Region of the American Society for Horticulture Science Association event and several Calloway County Fair horticulture awards. “I love what I do,” Moore said. “I don’t really have a reason for why I’m passionate about plants, but it’s something I’ve really grown into.”


The online feedback forum for James Madison University’s provost search ended Monday. Tim Todd, dean of the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business, was named a finalist for the provost position at James Madison University. According to an email sent to faculty and staff at James Madison, the Provost Search Committee narrowed down their search to three finalists. “James Madison is a tremendous university, but so is Murray State and I am truly honored to have been here for the past two decades,” Todd said. Todd said the position at James Madison is similar to the provost position here. He

see PROVOST, page 2

CORRECTION On Thursday, Nov. 17, The Murray State News incorrectly referred to the International Cultural Exchange Program as the Intercultural Exchange Program. Also, a student was interviewed about the program, though the program had no record of her involvement this semester. The News regrets the error.



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ALCOHOL From Page 1 hol sales will be in effect come the first Sunday in December. During the meeting, city council tabled a vote on the ongoing payroll tax situation, a topic that has raised concerns over economic impact on Murray residents and has led to some members of the community creating a petition against it, with more than 2,400 signatures. During the city meeting Mayor Jack Rose and several city council members said they have received hundreds of emails from upset Murray residents, as well as letters of protest and documents from Jerry Penner, Murray-Calloway County Hospital CEO, and Bob Davies, Murray State president. While there are still no actual figures as to the exact terms of the proposal or what percentage would be levied - Rose said he wants to establish a vote to

MARIJUANA From Page 1 use of marijuana for the same reasons they avoid the use of marijuana now,” Rosenberger said.

Marijuana Withdrawals

Yang said marijuana can be an addictive substance, just like any substance can be. He said one can experience withdrawal symptoms, if marijuana was used extensively and intensively for an extended period of time. The study by the American College of Pediatricians found withdrawal symptoms for long-term users of marijuana include irritability, sleeplessness, and anxiety.

Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana can be

PROVOST From Page 1 said the chief academic officer at James Madison will represent all of academics to internal and external stakeholders, students, families, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, citizens, legislatures and the general public. “The role is to serve as both an activist and catalyst in advancing the academic fabric of the institution,” Todd said. Michael Bokeno, chairman

The News

move forward with discussion of the tax before narrowing down the details, it has still been met with much resistance. Tuesday’s meeting was intended to act as a simple “updown” vote as to whether the council would move forward with discussion of the tax or discard the idea altogether. However, after much heated discussion among the council and speeches from two Murray residents, Wesley Bolin, city council member, called for a vote to table discussion of the tax until the new year. The call to table the vote passed 11 to 1, with the only dissenting vote coming from Linda

Cherry. Bolin said he proposed to table the vote in order to give the council, as well as the general public, more time to investigate the tax and examine all the information on the table. He said he believed giving both parties more time to absorb the information would

be beneficial and reduce the hostility surrounding the topic, as well as giving more time to generate ideas and solutions. “I don’t think anyone in the community is well served by quick or rapid action,” Bolin said. “We’ve had a lot of new information coming in quickly… so I think it would be in our best interest to table the action tonight until the new year and the new council. A little education will do a lot of service to this discussion.” Rose said that since the vote was delayed he will likely put together a committee within the council to better develop a solution for replacing city stickers as a source of tax revenue. The next city council meeting will be held on Dec. 14, but the payroll tax will not be discussed further until the new year.

Legal marijuana and crime Colorado passed marijuana for recreational uses in 2012. According to the Denver Post, crimes rates in Colorado are higher, but the increase in crime is not related to the legalization of recreational marijuana. In 2012, there were 172 cases tied to marijuana and in 2015, there were 183 cases, according to the Denver Post. According to these statistics, marijuana makes up one percent of the crime rate. Rosenberger said less than one percent of the state and federal prison population is imprisoned for marijuana possession. Like any law, marijuana laws are expensive to enforce, he said, and millions of arrests are made for it. Kentucky is not a state working on legalizing marijuana, according to the Marijuana Policy Project, the bill to legalize and regulate marijuana died. used to relieve pain and suffering, according to the Drug Policy’s website. It reduces the symptoms of cancer, AIDS and glaucoma. Yang said almost all drugs were once used for a medical purpose.

“The tricky part is drugs can be used for medicinal purposes, but just like any of your regular medication, if used improperly, it may harm your body,” he said. “It may harm your mental well-being.”

of the Organizational Communication Department at Murray State said in his experience with working with Todd, he found that he is outgoing, friendly and helpful. “No question is beyond his latitude of acceptance and it is impossible to ask him a stupid question,” Bokeno said. Bokeno said he believes Todd would be a good fit for the position at James Madison. “You can only be a good dean for so long before I imagine you run out of significant challenges,” Bokeno said. Don Chamberlin, chairman of the Accounting Department

at Murray State, said Todd is a very strong leader and positive individual who leads by example. “He is a dean who looks for a way to say yes,” Chamberlin said. Chamberlin said Todd is extremely supportive of those who work for him and he believes Murray State’s loss would be James Madison’s gain if Todd were to accept the provost position at the university. “There aren’t too many people that you will always hear good things about, but Tim is one of them,” Chamberlin said.

Happy Holidays

December 1, 2016

Kelli O’Toole/The News

Natural Gas Public Awareness Program Notice to Residents

Everyone in our community is familiar with our local gas department, but some may not realize that natural gas utilities receive their gas from natural gas pipeline systems. The purpose for these underground energy portals is to safely transport this vital fuel to heat homes and power businesses and vital service institutions. The transportation of natural gas through these pipelines is one of the safest methods for transporting energy, although accidents can occur. One of the ways accidents occur is when someone digs near a gas pipe and cuts the line. The Kentucky One-Call system is an organization to prevent these types of accidents. Dialing 811 and providing information to the operator will ensure that local utilities, including gas utilities, will mark their lines. Another way accidents occur is when leaks from pipelines, appliances or other gas-related equipment occur. Natural gas is a colorless, odorless fuel that is lighter than air. Because it is odorless, a harmless odorant, usually smelling like rotten eggs, is added to the gas so that the presence of gas may be detected.

If a leak is detected: How to detect leaks: 1. Smelling gas (odorant) near a meter or pipeline, sometimes after excavation work 2. A hissing or roaring sound caused by escaping gas 3. Dead or discolored vegetation in an otherwise green environment 4. Blowing dirt, grass or leaves 5. Steady bubbling in a wet, flooded area or other water environment 6. A fire in or near an appliance or gas pipe 7. Unusual noise at an appliance 8. Unusual behavior of the flame at an appliance burner

1. Leave the vicinity immediately (without making calls or operating light switches) 2. Evacuate others in the vicinity 3. Turn off and abandon cars or equipment in the vicinity 4. Do not start a car or other equipment in the vicinity 5. Do not operate any electrical or electronic equipment in the vicinity 6. Do not light a match or use another source of ignition 7. Do not smoke 8. Warn others to stay away from the area 9. Stay away from open flames 10. Wait for maintenance, emergency or utility personnel to put out flames

To report a leak, call the Murray State University Police department at (270) 8092222. In keeping the public safe from the potential hazards of natural gas, such as fire or explosion caused by leaks, Murray Natural Gas Department is required to perform an annual corrosion control survey. The distribution piping that is made of steel requires a survey to ensure that the pipe is not rusting or being damaged by the soil. A leak survey is also performed to find leaks in piping and related equipment. Additionally, the maintenance staff and contractors also make periodic checks for gas leaks and monitor each gas meter. To obtain further information about natural gas, you may contact Murray Natural Gas, at 270-762-0336

The News


December 1, 2016 News Editor: Abby Siegel Assistant Editor: Alicia Steele Phone: 270-809-4468 Twitter: MurrayStateNews


2:02 a.m. The Murray Police Department advised of information in reference to an off-campus incident. Officers and Student Affairs were notified and an information report was taken. 8:55 a.m. Public Safety received a fire trouble alarm at Hester Residential College from the alarm center computer. The Central Heating and Cooling Plant was notified.

Nov. 24

3:42 p.m. Public Safety received an attempt to locate in reference to a vehicle possibly involved in a theft. Officers were notified. 9:54 p.m. Public Safety received a sprinkler tamper, fire trouble and three invalid alarms from the Equine Center on the alarm center computer. The Central Heating and Cooling Plant was notified.

Nov. 25

10:39 a.m. An officer conducted a traffic stop on Poplar Street and Irvan Street. A citation was issued for no registration plate and no registration receipt. 5:55 p.m. A caller requested a welfare check of a person off-campus. Officers were notified and the caller was transferred to a law enforcement department in the person’s jurisdiction.

Nov. 26

3:53 p.m. The Murray Police Department reported a person trespassing at Pullen Farm. Officers were notified. 9:53 p.m. A caller reported threatening behavior by another person. Officers were notified and a report was taken for menacing.

Nov. 27

7:03 p.m. Officers assisted the Murray Police Department with locating and detaining a suspect at Walmart. An information report was taken. 10:00 p.m. A caller reported a Murray State policy violation at Hart Residential College. Officers were notified.

Nov. 28

1:51 p.m. A caller reported receiving unwanted text messages in Hart Residential College. Officers were notified and an information report was taken. 6:49 p.m. The Murray Police Department requested assistance with a motor vehicle collision at McDonald’s. Officers were notified and a collision report was taken.

Nov. 29

1:29 a.m. A caller reported the smell of marijuana in Regents Residential College. Officers were notified and a citation was issued for possession of marijuana. 11:23 a.m. A caller reported receiving counterfeit currency at the Curris Center. Officers were notified and the currency was determined to be genuine. No crime was committed. Racer assists – 0 Motorist assists – 2 Arrests - 0

Alicia Steele, Assistant News Editor, compiles Police Beat with materials provided by Public Safety and Emergency Management. Not all dispatched calls are listed.

Love Police Beat? You can check it out every week online, too, on

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Students promote #RacersCare Lindsey Coleman|| Staff writer


This holiday season Murray State is encouraging Racers to show kindness and positivity in the community through the #RacersCare campaign. “We recognize that this time of the year can be particularly stressful and challenging for many, but a simple act of kindness—even a smile—can brighten someone’s day,” Adrienne King, vice president of University Advancement, said. King said the branding, marketing and communication team brainstormed holiday campaign ideas in August and decided a kindness campaign would be great way to include everyone. She said the best part of the #RacersCare campaign is that it’s open to anyone. “We’ve already had several campus units and student organizations participate. We’ll be showcasing many of these stories over the next couple of weeks, but we’d love to have even more,” King said. “No act of kindness is too small or too large.” Though the campaign only formally runs from Nov. 16 to Dec. 9, King said Murray State encourages all members of the Racer family to continue being kind, giving back and showing how much Racers truly care. Last year, Murray State had a Racer holiday celebration with a different campaign. The #RacerHolidays campaign included a giving challenge to raise scholarship money and highlighted diversity at Murray State by featuring holiday videos.

Photo contributed by Emily Cook

Alpha Gamma Delta members collect canned goods at Kroger. King said the videos were a way to showcase family traditions from many countries including South Korea, Pakistan, Czech Republic and the United States. “The videos highlighted the diversity of each individual story, but more importantly, the collective sense of family and celebration among the campus community,” King said. To share #RacersCare stories, use the hashtag #RacersCare or email the story to To follow the campaign’s progress, visit

The #RacersCare page is filling up with several stories. Sororities and fraternities have held canned food drives, community members have paid for student meals and students have volunteered with a mentoring program in Calloway County. The Alpha Gamma Delta sorority had 30 girls who gave back to Need Line, Calloway County’s local food pantry. On Nov. 17, Alpha Gam held a food drive at the entrance of Kroger. Emily Cook, sophomore from Lexington, Kentucky, and Alpha Gam’s Gamma-Experience Coordinator, said the food drive was so successful that they were able to raise four grocery carts full of food in less than two hours. “Everyone who donated was so sweet and really understood the need for food this community has,” Cook said. She said she enjoyed contributing to not only Alpha Gam’s service, but also to Murray State’s community service as well. The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity also contributes to Need Line. In a span of almost two weeks, they collected 120 cans of food. Cam Kelly, freshman from Murray and member of Sig Ep, said he took part in the canned food drive. “One of the reasons I joined Sig Ep is because I knew how involved in the community they are,” Kelly said. “Especially since I’ve lived here, it’s awesome to give back.”

1966: first class to donate to scholarship Lindsey Coleman|| Staff writer

Fifty years after graduating, in honor of its Golden Anniversary Reunion, the Murray State class of 1966 donated $4,500 to the Century Club Legacy Scholarship and became the first graduating class to donate to the fund. Katie Payne, associate director of Alumni Relations, said a Golden Reunion committee meets each year to discuss what they want to do during their reunion. The committee is comprised of the class alumni. “They understood the traditions of this place so well,” Payne said. “We really had a distinguished committee altogether – a group of people that understood this place.” She said the class of 1966 felt it was important to give back and impact the student body at Murray State, and she said the class of 1966 is hopeful that future classes will see the importance of giving back to students as well. “We have a group of people that love this place and are so excited to come back and celebrate 50 years of having graduated,” Payne said. “That is probably one of the greatest honors of my job – is getting to meet with these people multiple times and hear about campus 50 years ago.” Anyone who is a family mem-

ber of a Murray State graduate can apply for the Century Club Legacy Scholarship. Carrie McGinnis, director of Alumni Relations, said 12 students were awarded the scholarship last year. The Century Club Legacy Scholarship fund was established by the Alumni Association in 1967, and the scholarship itself will reach its 50th anniversary next year. A few of last year’s recipients had dinner with the alumni during Homecoming weekend this year. McGinnis said seeing the generations bridged is a blessing for her. “Being the director of alumni for this institution is made easy by the fact that there’s such huge Racer pride intrinsically entrenched in the student body and the alumni,” McGinnis said. “To see them get back together after 50 years and still have so much excitement and pride – it’s really awesome. And then to want to do something for the current generation of students – that’s really cool.” The $4,500 donation from the class of 1966 will be added to the existing scholarship fund. McGinnis said this gives the Alumni Association the opportunity to award more scholarships in the future. Bill Rayburn, former Alumni Relations director and member of the graduating class of 1966, said he had

Professor named Teacher of the Year Michelle Hawks

Contributing writer

Jacqueline Hansen, Chairwoman of the Early Childhood and Elementary Education Department, was named College Teacher of the Year by the Kentucky Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts (KCTE). Hansen, who has worked at Murray State since 2000, said the award was a complete surprise. She said though she doesn’t know who nominated her for the award, she is very humbled and grateful to receive the honor. The award is also a reflection of what she said she calls “the team” of professors within the department. According to KCTE, a teacher from each level—elementary, middle school, high Hansen school and college—is selected annually. These teachers must “have a passion for English education and demonstrate a willingness to go above and beyond in the classroom.” David Whaley, dean of the College of Education and Human Services, said Hansen was “very deserving” of the award. He said the award is about her work with the Kentucky Reading Project and the work she does with literacy, which is something KCTE focuses on. According to its website, the Kentucky Reading Project, a professional development initiative of the

Collaborative Center for Literacy Development, is a two-week summer institute in which current elementary school teachers are trained in the latest strategies in teaching students how to read, write and communicate effectively. There are four follow-up sessions during the year and at least one coaching visit to each teacher. Hansen is the director of the Kentucky Reading Project for Murray State and co-teaches the program with Christina Grant, a assistant professor of elementary education, and Holly Bloodworth, a literacy teacher at Murray Elementary School. Bloodworth was named Kentucky Teacher of the Year in 2014. “I’ve been really focused on developing children’s literacy,” Hansen said. “I think since birth.” Part of Hansen’s – and KCTE’s – mission is to expand and promote literacy across all subject areas, not just in reading and writing. Hansen, who began her career in education as an elementary school teacher, said she came to the collegiate level in hopes of inspiring people to love teaching as much as she does. “I think the children in America deserve nothing less than the best prepared teachers we could possibly have,” Hansen said. “Life’s just too short, and their time is just too precious.” She said it’s important for teachers to not only grow the minds of children, but also a belief in themselves so that they can become positive members of society. “I do believe that if you can help one child on their life journey, you’ve done really well,” Hansen said.

Photo contributed by Carrie McGinnis

The class of 1966 becomes the first graduating class to donate to the Century Club Legacy Scholarship. a great time and learned a lot when he was a student at Murray State. He said his experiences at the university have guided him through life. Since Rayburn lives in Murray, he said he feels fortunate to be able to give both money and time back to Murray State. He gave his time recently to be a part of the planning committee for the Golden Reunion, which chose to give the scholarship gift. “In the last several years, there’s been a big emphasis on money, and with the increasing cost of a college education these days, it’s very important,” Rayburn said.

Rayburn said when the class of 1966 committee met to plan Homecoming weekend and discuss a gift to the university, their discussions all went back to scholarships. “I think the scholarship was the way to go, and I think everybody felt good about that,” Rayburn said. He said every little bit of money counts, especially when a group donates to a scholarship fund and can make a significant difference like the class of 1966 did. “It’s a way to perpetuate the place and make it better. I don’t care how good it was or how good it is, it can always be better,” Rayburn said.

Author shares her book and culture Abby Siegel|| News Editor

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, founder of and author of The New York Times Editor’s Pick, “Muslim Girl: A Coming of Age,” spoke Nov. 21 at Murray State on issues impacting Muslim American women. Faculty Hall Room 208 was full of students, professors and community members listening to Al-Khatahtbeh share passages from her book that focused on “one Muslim woman’s walk of life post 9/11” and discuss issues like Islamophobia and the political climate. One passage focused on her childhood, recalling when she denied identifying with her religion on the school bus when asked by a friend. Another passage focused on the first time she was called a racial slur at age 9. As a Muslim, Blake Parker, junior from Lexington, Kentucky, said he was unable to relate to Al-Khatahtbeh’s experiences as a Muslim, but he was able to relate to her experiences as a black person. “When she asked the crowd when was the first time you were called your first racial slur, I said 11,” Parker said. “It hit me that, although I haven’t experienced anti-Muslim bigotry, I have felt anti-black bigotry.” Parker said he attended the event because he had heard of Al-Khatahtbeh on social media and had read some of her articles online.

“I thought it was refreshing because living in the United States you get the idea that these Muslim women are veiled and quiet reserved women,” Parker said. “But Amani is someone who speaks her mind and is very, very open about how she feels and is able to articulate herself in a fashion that is understandable for everyone.” Christy Huck, junior from Louisville, Kentucky, said Al-Khatahtbeh’s talk was an eye-opener. “For me, growing up a white, privileged person, I’ve never encountered that kind of thing,” Huck said. Al-Khatahtbeh discussed bullying she experienced throughout school and how important it is for teachers to address it, as many of her teachers and guidance counselors neglected to. With future plans to be an educator, Huck said she found that the talk shined light on the importance of the classroom culture. “It gave me tools and ways to implement love and diversity,” Huck said. “It makes me want to be more understanding and kind toward everybody.” Al-Khatahtbeh said her purpose in writing her book was for Muslim women to be able to see their identity in literature as it is rare for a Muslim woman to walk into a bookstore and see themselves as characters in books. With her book, Al-Khatahtbeh said Muslim women can recognize their identity in “neon letters” as they are printed on the cover.

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December 1, 2016

The News


Opinion Editor: Hallie Beard Phone: 270-809-5873


Our View

Connor Jaschen Editor-in-Chief • 270-809-6877

Abby Siegel News Editor • 270-809-4468

Hallie Beard Opinion Editor • 270-809-5873

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The News 2609 University Station Murray State University Murray, Kentucky 42071-3301 Fax: 270-809-3175

Sunday service

The News strives to be the university community’s source for information. Our goal is to present that information in a fair and unbiased manner and provide a free and open forum for expression and debate. The News is a designated public forum. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The paper offers a hands-on learning environment for students interested in journalism. The campus press should be free from censorship and advance approval of copy and its editors should develop their editorial and news policies. The News is prepared and edited by students and is an official publication of Murray State University. The first copy is free. Additional copies are available for 25 cents at 111 Wilson Hall.



The staff editorial is the majority opinion of The Murray State News Editorial Board.

Murray is just like any other college town: full of wild youth who spend the weekends loading up on Natty Light or emptying the taps at Mr. J’s Bar and Grill. Except on Sundays, that is – any other day of the week is all right for buying a bottle of wine, but Sunday? Forget about it. Even if you’re a law-abiding, 21+ adult who drinks responsibly and doesn’t rage at bars or house parties, you’re out of luck on the Sabbath day. You’re not out of luck for long, though. Things are changing in this small college town, and we’re getting scandalously progressive. The city of Murray approved the sale of alcohol on Sundays, and a wave of fraternal cheers could be heard echoing through the Quad as alumni practiced their delivery of the line, “Back in my day, you had to wait until Monday to get a drink around here.” In the last few years, Murray The News welcomes commentaries and letters to the editor. Submissions should be 600 words or less, and contributors should include phone numbers for verification. Please include hometown, classification and title or relationship to the university. The News reserves the right to edit for style, length and content. No anonymous contributions will be accepted. All contributions should be turned in by noon on Monday of each week via email to Contributions to The News are the opinion of the author and not that of The Murray State News.

has seen quite a bit of change in terms of alcohol restrictions. It was only in 2012 that the city went ‘wet,’ and in 2013, the council voted to allow bars to stay open until 1:30 a.m. instead of midnight. Not to mention, our neighbor Marshall County just recently approved alcohol sales. Murray’s plunge into wet territory has proven a good move on several levels. In the dry days, students would have to drive to Paducah, Kentucky or Paris, Tennessee to purchase alcohol – it doesn’t take a genius to realize that forcing 18-22 year olds known for irresponsible drinking habits to drive before and after attaining alcohol is a terrible idea. Allowing students to purchase alcohol in restaurants and liquor stores close to home makes for a much safer environment and less chances of DUIs. In addition, the change has spurred a noticeable increase

in businesses. Liquor stores and new restaurants have popped up all over town, meaning more employment opportunities and more revenue for the city. Unfortunately, Murray State is still a dry campus, and administration hasn’t bought into the payday that would be selling beer at sporting events. That could be a potential next step, but for now, being able to purchase alcohol while grocery shopping on the last day of the weekend is probably the best holiday present a Murray State student could ask for. Selling alcohol on Sundays might not have a significant effect on bars – hopefully our students aren’t pounding shots as a nightcap before their 8 a.m. classes – but it will most likely help liquor stores increase sales and employment. On top of improving local business operations, the new approval will likely encourage

new developments in Murray. Students have been itching to find out if rumors about a future Buffalo Wild Wings are true, and while we don’t have that answer yet, we bet less alcohol restrictions will help that buffalo find its place and settle in. Elders of Murray might disapprove of the new legislation, but ultimately, it doesn’t affect the drinking habits of Murray State students. If students planned to drink on Sundays, they would time their purchase to ensure that plan goes through. Not being allowed to pay for their drinks on Sunday is only an annoyance for someone who can just as easily make a purchase on Saturday night. Essentially, this development is an economic one – it will make the city of Murray richer and make students poorer for one more day of the week. Isn’t that the greatest holiday present any city administration could ask for?

Making Headway

Be your own person Dylan Doyle || Contributing writer Once upon a time, at a Murray State Honor’s Day long passed, I was a high school senior sitting in a college classroom, listening to a group of students from the Honors Program talk about the college experience. We heard all of the typical advice–go to class, talk to your professors during their office hours–but the words of one girl have stayed with me for years now. She was short with a black pixie haircut, and that’s all I remember about her. I wish I knew her name, her major or any other information about her. All I have is the profound advice that she gave to a room full of prospective students who were about to start their first solo journey into the real world. “You need seven hours of sleep and at least two meals a day. You need to hydrate and exercise. No one is going to do it for you. Remember that you are a person.” One of the most important lesson you learn in college is that you are a person. You are not a robot cranking out passing grades and projects and mechanically working through sleep deprivation and hunger. Those of you who have been around the

block a few semesters know what I am talking about. Every fall and spring, a new class of freshman appears on campus thinking they can be supersoldier students, taking 19 or more credit hours while juggling clubs, sports, Greek life and what-have-you. It never works for very long, and it’s often these students who rack up frequent flyer miles at Health Services. No one is going to do it for you. Your friends are awesome, your family is awesome, your roommate is awesome (but in fact, for most of you, at least two of these things are not true), but they are not you. They do not have the same vested interest in your well-being as you do, and you should not expect them to. This is not to say your support system is unimportant, of course. Whom you choose to surround yourself with also directly impacts your college career. However, no one will advocate as hard for your needs as you. There’s a reason your parents are always saying things like “Take care of yourself.” We are coming down to the end of another semester. Statistically, it is very likely that some of you will not return next spring, often because you ran your physical and mental health into the ground. College is hard, but it

is impossible if you don’t have anyone in your corner. Your most powerful ally, and often your greatest enemy, is yourself. Let me give you a heads-up on the most painful and crucial lesson you will learn during your time at university. It’s something you have to learn from experience, but remember these words so you will be able to recognize it when it happens. People come into your life, and people leave. Sometimes you leave them, for good or bad reasons. Your family will change, and your friends will change. One day you will wake up, and your significant other will be gone. It’s the sad fact of life. Nothing stays the same. Call it pessimism if you wish, but a future full of self-care seems pretty bright to me. At the end of the day, you have to be able to count on yourself. You will find that your friendships, your relationships with family and your romantic life all fall into place if you have a solid foundation to build them on. Caring about others more than yourself is not humility, and being at the center of your own universe is not vanity. In the immortal words of Cristina Yang, they are not the sun. You are. You have to be your own person.


Hallie Beard Opinion Editor





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Dylan Doyle Junior from Marion, KY

John Muenzberg Lecturer of philosophy

Robert Valentine Senior lecturer of advertising

Rachel Wood Junior from Birmingham, AL

The News


December 1, 2016

Page 5

Letter to the editor

Letter from Jorge Vega Diaz:

In the last three years, I’ve been at Murray State either as a student or as part of its staff. I have seen the school acting as a unit to protest the funding cuts made by the government, to defend our freedom of speech even when it is not the most agreeable or even to express that Racer passion through supporting Homecoming or any sport events. However, that unity seems not to work when it comes to solving housing issues for the residents in College Courts. Then, it is all about passing responsibilities from one person or department to another or pointing to someone else to get something fixed. I am paying the university for a place to live and I expect to get back the same kind of commitment and responsibility I have when I pay my bills on time to avoid suffering the consequences of not doing it. However, what I have seen is a “funnel

Some Things Considered

Family talk

strategy” put in place in which the students are put through the narrow section of the funnel if they do not comply with their duties and can actually face legal actions if they fail to follow the requirements, while the school freely rests in the wide section of it without fulfilling its responsibilities to provide a decent place to live. Just to give you a couple of examples of that disconnection that seems to be within certain departments in school, I can tell you that during two and half years living at College Courts, my toilet never had a toilet seat because the work order was apparently misplaced, not taken correctly or lost. The excuse at the Housing Office was always the same: the maintenance department has so much to do. (Really? Even during the summertime?). Last weekend, we had the worst internet crash in College Courts and all the Housing Office did was point out somebody else (IT department) to fix it, but that never happened. Not just me,

Jeers to ... Manholes

Look, we get it: you vape. Big deal. That smoke (or steam?) is ugly, hot and annoying, and we’re done seeing it outside of Waterfield Library. No more manholes!

but residents from other buildings had to leave their places to do homework. So I guess it is just about time the school get its sense of unity together and start acting more responsibly in regard to providing a more livable environment because we are paying for it, after all. As I see it, Murray State providing housing services is not different from any non-campus contractual agreement between a tenant and a landlord.

Write to us!

See page 4 for details on writing letters to the editor.

Is it a mirage? A magic trick? A cruel joke? No – Route 121 is actually finished! No more pesky construction cones or makeshift lanes, finally. A dream come true!

Cheers to ... 121

CHEERS & JEERS Cheers to ... December

Baby, it’s cold outside, and the time has come: everyone can stop complaining about ‘‘skipping Thanksgiving’’ and start feeling justified listening to Christmas music!

We’re all glad to get out of here and go see our families, but finals week will never be a cheer. The next two weeks will be filled with caffeine and printing costs. Jeers to ... Finals Yippee.

Cheers & Jeers is written by The Murray State News’ Opinion Editor. Questions, comments or concerns should be addressed to The Fine Print

Wrapping up, moving on Robert Valentine|| Contributing writer There’s an old story about a young reporter who goes to visit a successful and famous banker. After a quick review of the highlights of an illustrious career, the young journalist gets down to the meat of the meeting, and asks, “How is it, sir, that you have been able to encounter so much success in your business dealings?” The old man leans in and says, with a knowing smile, “Two words for you, young man: good decisions.” The lad is hot on the trail of the secret to success! He follows up with another question, to wit: “Ah! Of course! And how is it, sir, that you have been able to make such good decisions?” The old boy leans back in his chair and instantly produces the answer: “One word for you, my boy: experience!” The reporter can sense a scoop and diligently follows up with: “And from whence did you acquire all this invaluable experience, sir?” The ancient sage leans in and, in a conspiratorial whisper, confides: “Two words for you, m’lad: bad decisions.” And so it is with us, is it not? Here we are at

the end of another semester. For some of us, it was the first such term; for others it was eighth or ninth, and for still others who now stand on the other side of the lectern, it may be the 40th or even 80th. Yet, for all us, the challenge is the same: make sense of what just happened since that August day when we all walked into the classroom with a clean slate, high hopes and the knowledge that Friday was only a few days away. Make sense of all that talking, reading, writing, testing — all of it. Add into the mix making sense of all those pleasant evenings spent with friends, of new skills learned and new limitations encountered. Make sense of romantic breakups, unanticipated friendships, chilling realizations and presidential elections. Go ahead: make sense of it all. Put it in a cardboard box and bind it up with a pink bow; write it in a journal and file it with your most treasured mementos. Figure out what will stay with you and what you have to leave behind. After all, you just spent a third of a year gathering data, experiencing life and going boldly where you never thought you might go. You don’t want to forget that experience. And, for some of us, the experience we had

was the result of a bad decision or two. Or three. It happens. For some of us, the experience is something we would like to forget. Whether it was a science course, a broken heart or a lost championship on the field, we’d like to erase it from memory and expunge it from the record books. Burn the photos, shred the papers and make it as if it never was: an empty space in memory where once there was pain and failure. Well, you can’t and you shouldn’t. Just as we take joy in new friendships and worthy achievements, so we must take heart from things that went awry. Just as we take confidence from success, we can take knowledge and self-awareness from loss and defeat. Don’t forget: remember. Remember, analyze, decide and resolve. If failure in class came from too much time at play, realize and reform. If success and joy came from trying new things once feared, try some more. You are the proud possessor of some hard-won experience, no matter what kind of experience it is. It’s yours, now. What can come of it beside remorse and regret? Two words for you, my friend: good decisions.

By Hallie Beard, Opinion Editor As an adult, holiday parties can be cruel and unusual punishment. On top of the exhausting cooking, cleaning and decorating efforts, there’s the dreadful aspect of interacting with distant family members and having to summarize your life to them. For a twentysomething, the questions “Do you have a boyfriend?” or “What will you do after graduation?” can seem like the equivalent of asking,“What good are you as a person, anyway?”An honest answer would probably send you into an hour-long existential crisis and end with you crying or laughing hysterically over a piece of apple pie. Instead, you give them stock answers and are left feeling like a robotic fraud who doesn’t value family. Well folks, I have a thought about how to fix the pains of relative talk at these required gatherings. It will take a lot of work, but it might be more interesting than forcing yourself to repeat the same one-liners about your life. Here’s the task: talk to your family members. Not small talk, not pre-fab answers you give to all acquaintances and distant relatives. Instead, get a computer, a notepad, recorder or video camera and make a relative tell you a story about themselves, about the family, about their place in the family tree. I realize this sounds like the plot to a bad Lifetime movie. But, family history is important, and in the tech-obsessed age we’re in, we – the trendy millennials who can’t get off our smart phones – have the power to record and save our family history better than anyone else. Gone is the family Bible with stained and fading illegible handwritten records. We can put our family tree in the all-knowing Cloud if we want. Most likely, the interactions you fear most are the ones with elderly relatives who seem to have no interest in your very cosmopolitan life. Those relatives, though, are the ones who are headed to the grave before anyone else. I’m not making light of death – losing family members is hard, no matter how distant the relationship. So forcing yourself to have an intentional, purposeful story session with one of those relatives might make it easier for you to endure the quiet hot-chocolate sipping on the couch. Maybe you don’t dread conversations with family, but your gatherings are chock-full of elderlies who repeat stories all the time. Well, here’s an easy fix: make them feel useful by recording the story. It doesn’t matter if you’ve heard it a thousand times – they’ll enjoy getting to tell it again and know it’s going down on paper. And, unless they have a serious memory condition, knowing it’s being recorded might prevent them from repeating it again. If this task seems too large for you, or it would be a violation of your Grinch-like holiday character, assign it to someone else. Got siblings? Divide the responsibilities amongst yourself. Youngest kid is the camera man, middle child is the interviewer and oldest is the stenographer. This idea might sound more painful than regular holiday festivities, but it’s worth a shot. So many people love the idea of genealogy and will dream of having enough time and money to get scientific results back from Ancestry. com, but they’ll never consider actually hearing the verbal anecdotes. Stories change; I guarantee if you ask five family members about one unclear story, you’ll get five different answers on when it happened, where, who was involved, how it was resolved and why it mattered. That’s interesting, and a better time-passer than a tense game of “let’s all make eye contact uncomfortably when someone brings up the election.’’ Happy holidays from mine to yours. Get cracking on that family history book!

Comic Getting nowhere by Selena McPherson

Page 6

December 1, 2016

The News


Sports Editor: Sarah Combs Phone: 270-809-4481 Twitter: MSUSportsNews ­­


Season Team Statistics


1631 kills

SET 1552 assists SERVE

156 aces


2033 digs

BLOCKING 165.5 total blocks Sept 27 Defeated Austin Peay 3-0 in “The battle of the border”

Aug 27 Defeated Youngstown state to win the Fort Wayne Invitational and began season 3-0

Nov 12 Defeated SIUE in five sets to win third straight OVC Regular season champions Retired INgram’s jersey

Chalice Keith/The News

Nov 19 Defeated SIUE in five sets to win OVC Tournament and clinch automatic bid to NCAA Tournament


Season Team Statistics


Jenny Rohl/The News

1612 kills

SET 1531 assists SERVE

109 aces


1994 digs

Dec 2 Faces UCLA in first round of NCAA Tournament

BLOCKING 271 total blocks For the Racers trip to UCLA, See Page 7

The News


December 1, 2016

Page 7

Racers sink buzzer beater, fall to SIU in overtime Sarah Combs Sports Editor

Jenny Rohl/The News

Junior guard Jonathan Stark pulls up against Saluki defender in Southern Illinois.

Murray State fell to the Southern Illinois Salukis in a 89-85 buzzer beater that sent the game into a overtime. The Racers jumped out to a 13-4 lead within the first five minutes of the game with junior forward Terrell Miller leading the floor in scoring with eight points. The Salukis responded out of the media timeout with back-to-back 3-point plays and shifted the momentum to the other end of the scoreboard. The Salukis were able to close the gap 25-24 just under the eight-minute mark. Freshman forward Brion Sanchious sent a message in the second half, throwing down a dunk just above the 17-minute mark, extending Murray State’s lead 41-45. Both teams traded baskets over a two-minute span, neither able to pair together a basket and defensive stop. The Racers were able to make a defensive stop with the clock winding down in the second half and took it to the offensive end where Miller created two points from the free-throw line bringing the Racers back within a two possession game, 66-62 Southern Illinois. With a little more than three minutes to play in the second half, junior guard

Jonathan Stark evened the score with a pull up jumper. Salukis’ senior guard Mike Rodriguez answered with a long 3, but senior guard Demarcus Croaker didn’t miss out on the fun, knocking down a 3-pointer to pull the Racers back to an even score 69-69, Southern Illinois in possession.

I thought Jonathan made a great play, he drove, drew some help then kicked it to Bryce who stepped up and knocked down the three.

-Head Coach Matt McMahon

Junior guard Bryce Jones came into the game off the bench subbing for Miller who fouled out. With 5.7 seconds left on the clock, McGhee inbounded the ball to Stark, who went coast to coast and kicked it to Jones sitting in the corner. Jones nailed the 3 from the corner to tie the game 77-77 and extend into overtime. “I thought Jonathan made a great play,” McMahon said. “He drove, drew some help

then kicked it to Bryce who stepped up and knocked down the three.” Overtime minutes came down to free throws and turnovers. In bonus, shooting an automatic two, both teams saw the line and even though the Racers pulled it within a single possession basketball game, careless turnovers after defensive stops kept them from being able to take the lead. “We got two stops,” McMahon said. “Stops were hard to come by in this game and we got two then we turned them over immediately, threw them right back to SIU and I thought that really hurt us.” A tip-in from Salukis player Sean O’Brien extended the lead to 87-85, then a foul put the Salukis back on the line, draining two that sealed the fourpoint win with 0.8 seconds left on the clock. “I thought it was a heck of a college basketball game,” McMahon said. “I was disappointed because we weren’t able to come out on top. And credit to SIU they made the plays there in the overtime period really put us in some tough spots with their ball screen executed very well. I’m proud of our guys for their fight, they hung in there and kept extending the game, but disappointed that I wasn’t able to help them get the result we were looking for.”

Racers prepare for NCAA Not all heroes wear jerseys Bryan Edwards Staff writer

The Murray State women’s volleyball team gathered at Mister B’s Pizza and Wings on Sunday in anticipation to see who the OVC Tournament Champions would square off against in the first round of the NCAA Tournament. The NCAA broadcast a selection show on ESPNU to see who would play in this year’s 64-team tournament. Thirty-two teams are guaranteed a spot in the tournament for winning their respective conference tournaments, while the selection committee determines which teams are deemed worthy to receive a bid. After an hour of waiting, it was revealed that the Racers will be traveling to Los Angeles for their first round match against the No. 10 Bruins of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Head Coach David Schwepker said he believes the schedule the team has played this season prepared them for the tournament. “We’ve played Oregon, Illinois and a really good Southern Illinois Carbondale team this season,” Schwepker said. “We wanted to play some bigger teams in the non-con-

ference schedule so that if we made the NCAA Tournament, we wouldn’t be shellshocked and would know what we are getting ourselves into.” Murray State and UCLA have both played Oregon this season. Murray State lost to the Ducks in straight sets while the Bruins defeated the Ducks in both of their meetings this season. Schwepker said he didn’t expect to be sent all the way to California for the tournament but was also excited for the opportunity. “UCLA was really the least expected team in my eyes after the top 16 teams were announced,” Schwepker said. “I initially thought we’d play teams like Missouri or North Carolina, but when UCLA popped up, I had no thought of us possibly playing against them, but I’m happy and excited to go out and get a chance to play against them.” The team had their first practice on Sunday since winning their second OVC Tournament and securing the automatic bid to the tournament. “We had a short practice after I gave them last week off so they could heal and spend time with family,” Schwepker said. “I told them that the pressure was on us during the OVC Tournament because we

were the top team in the conference and were expected to win, but in the NCAA Tournament, nobody expects us to do anything and all of the pressure is on the other team so we are going to play our game and have fun.” UCLA comes in as the 10th seed of the tournament, with a 24-6 season record, and in second place in Pac-12 play this season. The Bruins attack is led by junior outside hitter Reily Buechler, who finished this season with a team high 362 kills, 10th in the Pac-12, and senior libero and defensive specialist Taylor Formico, who finished the year with 573 digs, and was 32nd in the NCAA with 5.03 digs per set. “UCLA is a really good team,” Schwepker said. “I haven’t been able to watch them this season, but I know that they are a great team.” Murray State hasn’t seen a volleyball match in California since 1990, when the Racers under Coach Oscar Segovia traveled to San Diego to participate in a non-conference tournament. This will be their first-ever game against UCLA. The Racers and No. 10 UCLA will clash in the first round of the NCAA tournament at 10 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 2 in Los Angeles inside the historic Edwin W. Pauley Pavilion.

Bryan Edwards Staff writer

The Murray State men’s and women’s basketball teams practice and play for weeks throughout the academic year, but it’s not just the players and coaches putting in countless hours of work throughout the season. Every year, the coaching staff on both teams will hire students at Murray State to be the teams’ managers. Women’s basketball Head Coach Rob Cross said the managers are in the locker rooms before anybody else shows up. “The managers on the team do everything,” Cross said. “They come in an hour before practice and lay everything out for our players, they’ll participate in team practices and will stay after the practice is over so they can make sure our players have clean uniforms to wear at the next practice or for game day.” The team managers are responsible for making sure the teams not only have clean uniforms to play in during practice or a game, but also help the players during practice and with anything else that is needed by the coaching staff.

Junior business administration major Kyle Morris is currently a manager on the men’s basketball team and said the managerial staff puts the scouting report together to help the coaches prepare for their next opponents. “We do a lot of film work,” Morris said. “We are responsible for getting film on all of the coaches’ computers so they can show the players how to handle certain situations to help get the best performance on the court.”

We are extremely fortunate to have a managerial staff of hungry, driven guys that want to become coaches in the future. -Head Coach Matt McMahon

Men’s Head Coach Matt McMahon said he believes the student manager positions can be a gateway to becoming a basketball coach. “We are extremely fortunate to have a managerial staff of hungry, driven guys that want to become coaches

in the future,” McMahon said. “They’re involved in recruiting, video exchange and scouting; they participate in practice with the players and we’re glad to have some hard working and dedicated people on our staff.” When the managers are finished with the detail work before their team’s game, the managers from the Racers’ staff and the opposing team’s staff will get together and play a couple games against one another. Team manager and senior business administration major Blake Wetherington helped create a Twitter account for the managing staff. “We decided to make an account after we played the Tennessee Tech staff,” Wetherington said. “We play best-of-seven matches and after we went up 2-0, they brought out one of the assistant coaches who happened to have played for them and he scored over 1,000 points in his time, so we made the account to joke around about it.” Both Morris and Wetherington want to eventually take their experience as managers into the front office or onto the sidelines as a head coach but are currently focused on helping the team to the best of their abilities.

Cream of the crop: Rifle has 7 shooters with national scores Blake Sandlin Contributing writer

Coming off of a third place finish in last year’s NCAA Rifle Championships, Murray State’s rifle team has shown no signs of complacency in their shooting this season, to which their recent record-breaking shooting can attest. Over the past four weeks of competition, the Racers have managed to break four team records. The team has set an NCAA record in smallbore, two Murray State air rifle records and a new program high aggregate score. Even individual players have contributed to the team’s record setting streak, as Ivan

Roe, junior from Manhattan, Montana, set a program high in aggregate and smallbore and Alathea Sellars, sophomore from Puryear, Tennessee, set a program high in air rifle. Head Coach Alan Lollar credits his team’s success to their focus and consistency in the training room rolling over to benefit them in the heat of a match. “I’ve had people remark before about the focus of our team when they come into train,” Lollar said. “They come in and take care of business and they’re intent on what they’re doing. I think that’s how you’re able to set records.” Roe believes that his team’s

shooting has forced teams that were at one time skeptical of Murray State to take them seriously. “Last year we did pretty much what we’re doing this year except we weren’t as consistent and people maybe thought it was beginner’s luck,” Roe said. “But this year, we’ve done it repeatedly, on the road too. That makes teams take us seriously.” Lollar hopes that potential recruits can recognize what the school has been able to do and it can be used as a recruiting tool. “I hope it shows that we have a quality program that believes in our process and our system, and that recruits are able to come here, and with our help,

make themselves better,” Lollar said.” The team’s success has propelled seven of the nine players into the top 35 aggregate scores in the country. The Racer’s top performers, Ivan Roe, Mackenzie Martin, Ben Estes, Alathea Sellars, Barbara Schlapfer, Bobby Broadstreet and Meike Drewell all round out the top 35 of shooters. Even the top-ranked team in the country, Texas Christian, only has five of their players in the top 35. Roe is currently holding onto the second highest aggregate score in the country with a 1,181.857 behind West Virginia Olympic gold medalist Ginny Thrasher, who holds a 1,185.8.

Despite having talent of this magnitude on his roster, Lollar doesn’t believe that it makes his job any easier. In fact, it pushes him to be better. “I feel like if they give they do their best and they do well, I have to work hard to try and support them,” Lollar said. “It doesn’t necessarily make it any easier, but it does make it a lot of fun. Roe says he has watched his team grow for the past three years at Murray State and has seen the team improve drastically. “My freshman year it was nice to see someone on the team have an aggregate for a match above 1,170,” Roe said. “Now we have seven people out of our nine who have

above an 1,170 consistently so it’s a big improvement.” Lollar praised his team’s ability to continue to shoot consistently throughout the year and break records, but stressed his main focus is having his team ready come tournament time. “These records aren’t low,” Lollar said. “To keep doing that shows that we’re getting better and we’re not leveling off. The next step is continuing this process and then carrying that into the championship.” The second-ranked Racers will continue that process Jan. 14. The team still has two more matches before they begin postseason play where the OVC Tournament begins in February.

The News


December 1, 2016









Austin Gordon/The News

Page 8

The history of the Racers’ bare rafters Collin Morris Staff writer

Murray State has a shallow history of jersey retirements; with only 13 retired numbers across all seven number-bearing sports, the athletic programs have a history of being conservative in awarding the honor. Men’s basketball, a program established in 1922, has retired the most numbers of all Murray State athletics, with nine total retirements.

The first set of jerseys to be hung in a set of Murray State rafters came in the 1950s, when NBA draft picks Bennie Purcell, Garrett Beshear and Howie Crittenden had their respective 21, 16 and 19 jerseys retired. Thirty-three years later, in 1989, shooting guard Jeff Martin’s number-15 jersey was retired the same year he was drafted by the Los Angeles Clippers. Martin still holds the Racers’ all-time career scoring and career field goals made records, amongst other miscellaneous

records. The next players to follow Martin were teammates Paul King (30) and Popeye Jones (54). King can be found towards the middle of most Murray State records lists. He is also the only player to have had his jersey number retired but not be inducted into the Murray State Hall of Fame. Jones holds the first place mantle in all-time career rebounds and fourth in career scoring. Jones was an NBA journeyman, playing for seven different teams. He is also

currently on staff as an assistant coach for the Indiana Pacers. In the 2000s, Murray State chose to reach back to the 1940s with their retroactive decision to retire the numbers of Joe Fulks (26) and Johnny Reagan (20). Fulks was an NBA All-Star and is the only Murray State alumnus to be a member of the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. Murray State made its last jersey retirement to date with Marcus Brown’s No. 5 in 2010. Brown can be found on most

Bryan Edwards Staff writer

Heart doesn’t triumph over height Staff writer

Early in the 2016-2017 men’s basketball season, Racer fans have had the opportunity to see the rare three-guard lineup, but with three skilled peMiller, Jr. rimeter players in the upperclassmen trio of Bryce Jones, Jonathan Stark and Damarcus Croaker, it was only inevitable. The three players combined average more than half of the

team’s total points per game and have accounted for more assists than the rest of the roster combined. Despite the unconventional assortment in the starting five, the guards have found a way to coexist in the only way possible – versatility. However, even after ironing out its backcourt and small forward position (or lack thereof), the Racers still find themselves with an unresolved dilemma in a shallow frontcourt. The team has found some relief from junior forward Terrell Miller Jr., who came to western Kentucky after transferring from Southwest Mississippi Junior College. Miller leads all big men in scoring and rebounds with averages of 12 points per game and 7 rebounds per game.

sey worn by Michelle Wenning, who ranks fifth all-time on the Murray State women’s career scoring list. The two final jersey numbers to be honored belonged to two legendary Murray State football quarterbacks. Larry Tillman led the Racers to their greatest regular season record ever with their 7-2-1 season in 1968 before having his No. 10 jersey retired. The other jersey, 11, was worn by former OVC Offensive Player of the Year, Michael Proctor.

Racers fall to Bucs

Racer Basketball Collin Morris

of the program’s record lists, but his most notable accomplishments were finishing first all-time in career steals and third all-time in career scoring. He would go on to be drafted by the Portland Trailblazers in 1996. Of the remaining six retired numbers, four belong to Murray State’s women’s basketball team. Sheila Smith’s No. 24 was retired after a career highlighted by her record-setting career field goals. Smith is joined in the rafters by the No. 34 jer-

Outside of the aforementioned guard trio, Miller also leads all other players in both minutes and scoring. Unfortunately for the Racers, Miller plays a stretch-four style on offensive and lacks the gritty, low-post presence the Racers are desperately missing on defense. Of the three other remaining frontcourt players, only sophomore forward Brion Sanchious breaks the 20 minutes-pergame mark. And, in those minutes, Sanchious averages only 3 points and 4 rebounds pergame. The young player also still seems to be filling his lanky frame and does not provide a post force, though he does have the potential to be become one with additional strength and conditioning throughout his

years as an upperclassmen. The team’s fissure has been palpable not just on the roster, but in-game and on paper as well. The Racers currently sit at 227th of 351 teams in rebounds per game in the NCAA, and seventh of twelve teams in the OVC. Even more notably, the Racers have also achieved a mere 3-3 start to the season after being named the preseason OVC West favorites by coaches and media members around the league. Racer fans can only hope the team’s solid guard play and well-oiled offensive can will it to postseason success in 2017 and look to the future for player development or recruitment to breed further success.

The Murray State women’s basketball team faced off against Eastern Tennessee State in the final game of its road trip. After jumping out to an early lead, struggles from the 3-point line prevented the Racers from mounting a comeback as they fell to the Buccaneers 79-60. Head Coach Robb Cross said the Buccaneers adjusted well after the first half. “In the first half we were really able to get open looks because of our defense,” Cross said. “In the other three quarters, ETSU threw us off of our game and held onto the ball, broke the press and were able to get scores off of that.” After scoring 25 points on 59 percent shooting in the first quarter, the Racers struggled for the remainder of the game, only scoring 35 points in the

last three quarters shooting 29 percent. The Racers also shot 5-of-28 from behind the 3-point line, totaling a season low 18 percent. Three Racers scored in double figures including sophomore forward Abria Gulledge, who led the Racers with 18 points on 44 percent shooting, and junior forward Ke’Shunan James, who recorded 14 points on 29 percent shooting and grabbed seven rebounds. While leading the game 5250, Eastern Tennessee State went on a 17-0 run over a five-minute span to extend the lead to 69-50. Eastern Tennessee State shot 49 percent (31-of-63) and had two players reach 20 points in the contest. The Racers’ record is 4-3 after their second-straight loss of the year but will look to end their two-game skid at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 4 against the University of Evansville Purple Aces at the CFSB Center. Jenny Rohl/The News

Preseason OVC West favorites start season in last place Quinnen Taylor || Staff writer

With six games played in the season, the Murray State men’s basketball team has come away with two home wins, two losses at away sites and a 1-1 record at neutral sites. Before the game against Southern Illinois, McMahon Head Coach Matt McMahon said he’s pleased with how his team has played offensively but believes the team needs to improve in other areas of the game. “I think we have a talented group,”

McMahon said. “I think we’ve proven we have a pretty efficient offensive team. I just keep coming back to the defensive end of the floor, and rebounding is another important area where we need to show a lot of improvement as we enter December.” The team started its season with two consecutive home victories. First, the Racers played an exhibition game against Berry College, resulting in a final score of 116-71. Murray State began its regular season with an opener on Nov. 11 against Illinois State. The Racers battled in a close game against the Redbirds that finished with a 3-point buzzer beater from junior guard Jonathan Stark to give them a 73-70 edge. Murray State’s next game came against Middle Tennessee, a team that

U.S. 641 N. Murray 270-753-9622 Circus Skate Murray, KY

upset No. 2 seeded Michigan State in the second round of the 2016 NCAA Tournament.

For us, nobody is entitled to anything.

- Head Coach Matt McMahon

The Blue Raiders led after the first half, 41-39, until the Racers shifted the momentum for a 49-47 advantage after a jumper from senior guard Bryce Jones. However, Middle Tennessee got up by as much as 11 points towards the end of the second half until Murray State chipped the deficit to just four points with 3:32 left on the clock. The Racers fell to the Blue Raiders with a final score of 87-81 for their first loss of the season.

Murray State later competed in Bowling Green State’s Bill Frack Tournament in Bowling Green, Ohio, coming away with a 1-2 result. The Racers won their tournament opener with a victory over the Green Bay Phoenix, 93-77. Murray State ended the contest having put together a 50point second half. Stark finished the contest with 21 points, while freshman forward Gilbert Thomas Jr. and sophomore guard Jerami Grace added 12 points each. Murray State also failed in its last two games against the University of Missouri Kansas City Kangaroos, 85-74, and the Bowling Green State Falcons, 78-77. After playing in the tournament in Bowling Green, the Racers faced Alabama A&M. Murray State came away with a 91-54 victory, with five players in

double figures, the team then narrowly lost to Southern Illinois by a score of 89-85, extending its record to 3-4 on the year. Jonathan Stark had a career high 29 points in that game. McMahon said every practice determines what part each player will have for the upcoming matchups. “I think the players respond the same every day,” McMahon said. “For us, nobody is entitled to anything. Every day’s a tryout out there on the practice floor. Our last five practices have been extremely competitive. Guys are really working hard to establish the roles on the team. We’re a long way from having set roles on our team.” Murray State’s next contest will be at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 3 at the CFSB Center against the Titans of University of Detroit Mercy.

Happy Holidays

Features Editor: Gisselle Hernandez Assistant Features Editor: Brianna Willis Phone: 270-809-5871 Twitter: MSUNewsFeatures

15 Features ­

The year in

Brianna Willis

Assistant Features Editor

RIP to the headphone jack. Apple released their iPhone 7 and consumers went wild. How dare they remove our beloved headphone jack! How can people charge their phone and listen to music at the same time ruining their battery anymore! Not to fret, bluetooth headphones exist. On top of that, they provide you the equipment to listen to your headphones in peace.

This year we finally said goodbye to beloved Bernie Sanders. He's not dead, he just finally conceded the election to Hillary Clinton. A rough time for the Bernie or Bust and Feel the Bern crowd, here's to the internet's beloved political grandpa.

This year we saw the release of new Netflix Originals such as “Chewing Gum,” “Luke Cage,” “Black Mirror” season 3, and many more. Binge-watching was taken a whole new level this year thanks to Netflix.

This year we lost too many celebrities. From David Bowie to Prince, to most recently Fidel Castro legends have started passing at alarming rates. We hope 2017 slows its roll and stops taking some of the most iconic people the world has to offer.

Well folks, Trump did it. He won the presidential nomination. Citizens everywhere watched in anticipation on election night as votes were counted and predictions were made. Some celebrated, some mourned, but either way you slice it, he is going to be the next president.

The hottest year on record, 2016 and global warming did not come to play games. Mother Earth is truly struggling and her temperatures showed that it is time to start taking how we interact with the environment seriously. Let's hope that 2017 brings cooler weather in October like it was intended.

Good old America. A year full of protests and freedom of speech arguments, people have started showing their "true colors." No matter what issue you took a stand on this year, it is apparent there were a lot to choose from.

What will Kanye West do next. 2016 was a year full of highs and lows for the rapper and his wife. From exposing Taylor Swift on Snapchat for lying about knowing of a song Kanye wrote to being robbed in Paris and virtually disappearing from social media, Kim had a hard time. Similarly, Kanye hit a high with his Saint Pablo tour, and then a low with his hospitalization and cancellation of the remaining tour dates.

Gucci Mane was released from prison! Beloved rapper turned meme now back to beloved rapper, Gucci Mane was released from prison and released his newest album Woptober in October. Clever. The Ice Cream Cone man was even rumored to be a clone because his iconic ice cream cone tattoo was not visible and apparently removed post release. He also got engaged. Congratulations!

Welcome back to Stars Hollow pop-culture fans. Gilmore Girls returned along with caffeine-induced witty banter and emotional moments that pull on any die-hard fans' heart strings.

Who knew that the Chicago Cubs would actually win a world series after 108 years of consistent loss. Cubs fans celebrated and cried and the world watched in awe and shock. Congratulations to the Cubs, hopefully it won't be another 108 years.

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The News

Bees have been struggling for a while now, dying at alarming rates. This year seven species of Hawaiian bees were officially placed on the endangered species list. All bees aren't endangered, but a threat against one is a threat against all. Save the bees!

The Walking Dead fans finally learned who was "Lucille" by Negan this new season. No spoilers, but let's just say audience members were shocked and the tears were never ending. May they rest in peace.


Don't you just wish the world could hit reset on the entirety of 2016? Mistakes were made, resolutions were forgotten, people died and many tears were shed into pillows. A giant eraser is the perfect object to sum up how many people feel about the year.

Beyonce did it again with the visual album. She released her latest album “Lemonade,” with stunning cinematography and poignant lyrics referring to alleged cheating by her husband and rapper Jay-Z as well as a cohesive narrative of the treatment of black women in the United States. #SheAintSorry

Exam stress: How not to die on dead week The week before finals doesn’t have to live up to its name, leaving you feeling dead inside. Here are some tips on how to combat that pre-exam stress. Melissa Bergmann Contributing writer

Stress during finals week is unavoidable. Your GPA and every borderline grade you currently have in your classes, is riding on this one test. Students reading this article may be taking a break from thinking of all the studying they need to do, and there’s a slight ringing in their ears from stress that they probably should be concerned about. Here are a couple of things, though, that usually put the stress ear-ringing at ease.


Some fellow “freshman 15” gainers will agree it is not the best to condone stress eating, but there are good ways to go about it! Snacking on foods like granola or apples will give you the protein boost you need to keep studying, and the crunch will help alleviate some stress. You can pretend every crunch is the head of that group member who didn’t pull their weight in your last group project.


It’s been proven that laughing helps relieve stress, so take a study break and watch some Netflix! Some fan favorites to binge-watch are “The Office” and “How I Met Your Mother.” It is guaranteed Michael Scott will have you laughing so hard you forget all about the fact that you got a 40 percent on your last calculus exam!


Sometimes the best therapy is just to let it all out. Find someone who can put up with your complaining, and just let loose over some coffee. Maybe offer to buy their coffee as a reward for dealing with you. When you’ve finally told them every detail of how you “Totally should’ve gotten that 72 percent rounded up to a 90 percent because you tried really hard,” go study together and let them get some complaining done too.


Most students' in-class daydreams consists of being at home on Christmas break with your favorite furry friend in your lap. Although finals are keeping you from fulfilling that daydream, a trip to the Humane Society of Calloway County is full of lots of dogs and cats who are just waiting to get some love! Taking a short study break to play with some animals who could use the love and attention is a win for everyone involved.


Finals week doesn’t have to be all bad! When you’ve finally completed that last exam, and all of your studying is done, reward yourself! Go out for sushi, get your nails done, get a nice “meal” at J’s! Do whatever it is that makes you happy and congratulate yourself on a job well done.

So pet a puppy, eat some granola, and laugh until your sides hurt; all at the same time or separately, your choice. No matter how you choose to alleviate your stress, just keep in mind that you WILL survive this week. Good luck, and may the curve be ever in your favor.

Photos by McKenna Dosier/The News

December 1, 2016


Ultimate holiday playlist Nick Erickson || Staff writer

Let’s face it: it is almost 2017. Most people are familiar with the traditional Christmas tunes that are force-fed down the throats of consumers. Whether it be from car radio airplay or JCPenny intercoms, people are definitely aware of the bitter cold outside, how grandma got ran over a reindeer and how Rudolph was ostracized from the pack because of his nose. To those who feel like the oversaturation of Christmas music is effectively killing their spirit, do not fear. Here is a list of Christmas-oriented tracks, both covers and originals, that’ll offer more than simply a little holiday cheer.


“All I Can Give You” by Jason Lancaster. Former frontman and multi-instrumentalist of rock band Go Radio, Jason Lancaster, pours his heart out on this track. Featured on Fearless Records' “Punk Goes Christmas” compilation in 2013, his smooth voice is backed by pounding piano lines. Lancaster confesses to his lover that rather a material possession this Christmas, he has written this song for her in hopes to show her how much he treasures her. “All I can give is this Christmas song to you, I just hope that you’ll sing whenever your heart skips a beat when you’re thinking of me,” he sings. This track is a take on the idea of love and the spirit of giving, and its stripped-down production makes the emotion feels all the more sincere.


“Carol of the Bells” by August Burns Red. From the get-go, the conventional pulse of both tubular and sleigh bells insinuate this would be another traditional cover of the Christmas classic. However, the Pennsylvanian metalcore band August Burns Red shows off their true nature with ferocity in this solely instrumental track. The complexity of drummer Matt Greiner’s patterns shift the atmosphere into heavy territory. Guitarists John Benjamin and Brent Rambler successfully replicate the infamous melodies of the original composition, while adding their own incredible flair. This is arguably the most intense and aggressive anyone could make a Christmas song, and it is sure to liven up the annual fireplace get-togethers. Graphic courtesy of Austin Gordon/The News


“It’s Christmas Time Again” by Backstreet Boys. The legendary boy band of the late ’90s might not be as prominent as they once were, but let their mesmerizing 2012 single “It’s Christmas Time Again” not go unnoticed. One of their catchiest numbers in years, this track features the most beautiful fivepiece harmonies anyone could ask for. A soft guitar and bell intro swiftly changes to a pulsating drum beat, making this track almost as easy to dance to with friends as it would be to carol to. Blare this from car speakers at maximum volume this Christmas to incite both joy and nostalgia in the neighborhood.


“ C h r i s t mas Without You” by OneRepublic. With the good tidings of Christmastime comes bouts of inevitable melancholy. For some it’s merely the weather, for others like OneRepublic’s singer Ryan Tedder, it stems from being apart from loved ones on the holiday itself. On the band’s 2011 single “‘Christmas Without You,’ Tedder sings of his distraught of being away from his baby on Christmas because of touring and other obligations, and his longing to head home. Sorrow piano arpeggios, thudding bassline and Tedder’s soaring falsetto in the chorus brings a drastic atmosphere shift from the norm and is perfect for anyone who needs a break from the abundance of cheer and smiles around them this holiday.

December 1, 2016

Dorm Decor: Holiday edition

Graphic courtesy of Austin Gordon/The News

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The News


“Christmas In Harlem” by Kanye West. Notorious rapper Kanye West’s 2010 Christmas-themed endeavor is often swept under the rug. Sydni Anderson However, anyone with a sweet tooth Contributing writer for a rich R&B vibe can find pleasure in giving “Christmas In Harlem” a spin. Featured singer Teyana Taylor offers us a lush vocal hook over a beat and some key- Christmas is approaching and with each day bringing Murray State students closer to the holidays (and winter boards, paving the way for West to sing of how break), Christmas spirit is making an appearance on campus. In Hester Residential College, residential advisers decorated the lobby with an ornamented Christmas tree, wrapped presents and paper snowflakes for a happy he is to spend the holiday with his lover, program called Hester Holidays. They put Santa hats on portraits and sprayed fake snow on windows. and how he plans to live a little. Rapping of evIn Hollis C. Franklin Residential College, students decorated their doors with holiday wrapping and erything from eggnog consumption to dressing seasonal doormats and in James H. Richmond Residential College, one RA adorned up as Santa, West makes sure to bring his party her floor with garland. mentality to the masses as Christmas is both a time for loved ones and a time for celebration.

Photos by Sydni Anderson/The News

The News


December 1, 2016

Pop Culture Corner

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Editor’s Pick: Holiday movie edition Connor Jaschen Editor-in-Chief

Abby Siegel News Editor

Hallie Beard Opinion Editor

A series of revivals on Netflix As your Facebook feed and Twitter timeline have most likely already been informing you, Netflix continues to spark viewer interest and feedback by hosting revivals/reunions of popular TV series from the past. Here are a couple to look out for.

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Gisselle Hernandez Features Editor

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Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life Making its debut the day after Thanksgiving this year, the Gilmore Girls revival united and excited those hardcore Gilmore fans who have been counting down the days until they could gather in the name of Lorelai Gilmore with a coffee (or three) in hand for their revival watch party. But even those who weren’t familiar with the series before the Netflix revival are finding it hard to dodge the surge of excitement surfacing on social media. The series, which consists of four 90-minute mini movies is a continuation of the plot that was brought to a halt in 2007. Each of the four mini-movies are assigned a season of the year and give us yet another glimpse into these fast-thinking, faster-talking, coffee-drinking Gilmores.

Austin Gordon Online Editor

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Staff writer Sometimes inspiration is

Fuller House The Fuller House gang is scheduled to be back on Netflix for their second season of a revival on Dec. 9. The series that drew just as much, if not more, attention as the classic show from the ‘90s continues to hold the same family-oriented feel with the familiar, lovable cast of stars.

Kelsey Watznauer Chief Copy Editor

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Brianna Willis Assistant Features Editor

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McKenna Dosier Photography Editor

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Aaron Peck Chief Videographer

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‘Haven’t Been Myself’ stirs emotion Nick Erickson

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hard to come by for artists. Many use heartache to fuel their creative process, but few do it as effortlessly as Lexington, Kentucky, natives Too Close To Touch. The rock quintet’s newest endeavor “Haven’t Been Myself” is as raw and emotional as music can possibly get, touching base on every subject matter from unrequited love to the death of a sibling. Vocalist Keaton Pierce, an alumni of Murray State, has poured every ounce of his soul into the lyrics he sings on this record. After the release of 2014’s “Nerve Endings,” Pierce and his bandmates went through their own personal ordeals, and this record is his chance to encapsulate those emo-

tions, channeling his feelings in a way clear for anyone to relate to. From the muted strums and soft singing that kick off “Sympathy” to its bombastic chorus, this track is a force to be reckoned with, as Pierce sings of empty support from his loved one over pounding drums. “Don’t you dare say I’m gonna make it, ‘cause I don’t believe a word you say,” Pierce sings. Guitarists Mason Marble and Thomas Kidd shine on “Miss Your Face,” which features some of the rawest, gritty singing on the record, transitioning from a soft build of ambiance to Pierce spilling his heart out to an estranged lover over acoustic guitars. “Would it be easier to turn away from all the things we’ve made? Too afraid, and I can’t take it,” Pierce sings. The lax-paced “The Art of

Eye Contact” details a story of meaningless intimacy. This track is a stand-out on the record due to its pace and reliance on electronic beats and subtle, reverb-laden guitar strums. Those being a softer track, the bridge features a gut-wrenching, honest punch that rivals others on the album. “What A Shame” starts with dark synthesized beats and piano, then kicks into gear with the full ensemble. Pierce sings of his struggle to admit he is in a wrong state of mind after a relationship’s demise. His voice trembles throughout, over the wall of distorted, melancholic guitars raiding listeners’ ears. The bridge, which highlights impressive guitar fretwork, also features some of the most vulnerable lyrics on the album. “This is a cry for help I don’t show,” Pierce sings. Closer “Eiley” serves as a

eulogy to Pierce’s 3-year-old sister who died in December 2015. As a mixture of somber guitars and aggressive drums back him up, Pierce questions why his sister was taken and begs God to take him instead. His voice cracks and he breaks down crying during the song’s bridge, which fades back into the strongest chorus on the album. “Haven’t Been Myself” is one of the darkest, yet most beautiful records of the year. Pierce’s lyricism is both poetic and easy to comprehend. His vocal range is unmatched in today’s music scene, and the instrumentals on this record offer a great array of dynamics. Too Close To Touch has grown exponentially the last two years, and now they are more cohesive and emotionally-charged than ever. Prepare to feel.

Just So You Know


As finals week c r e e p s upon us, we prepare to depart this rollercoaster of a semester (aren’t they all). AlGisselle Hernandez though I’d Features Editor like to bid it goodbye by bellowing my farewell from the rooftops, one last column with me lecturing you on the usual will have to suffice. I don’t graduate until next semester, and I might not be experiencing senioritis too much as yet, but I have many friends who are. It’s terrifying to look at – your sleep-deprived senior friend who spends their last school days curling into a ball, rocking back and forth murmuring something about “no jobs in this economy” as they stare off into some dark future unseen to you. It’s really hard to deal with something like that in front of you; so I deal with it the only way I know how: offer an awkward pat on the back (it doesn’t do much, but it stops the rocking, at least.) But in all seriousness, we know change can be pretty scary. Especially after Winslow’s menu changes being the only thing you had to worry about for the last four years of your life. Whatever comes after this semester, whether graduating and moving back home or to your country, pursuing grad school, finding a job or just enjoying your Winter Break, they all go towards the next phase of your life. Focusing on possibly failing in that next phase won’t do you any favors because, inevitably, you will. I’ve felt helpless when friends approach, asking advice on how to deal with the reality and changes that loom overheard and how they can avoid them. I think by now, you’re smart enough to realize you can’t. Of course, that doesn’t make it easier to accept certain things. Like you might not walk on this campus again, might not see the same close friends anymore or might not come home to that familiar dorm room after a stressful class. But there will be more places that will become familiar to you and more faces you’ll look forward to seeing every day, whether at a new school, new job or even when you take a new class. As you venture off into your next adventure, even if you’re coming back to Murray in the spring, it’ll no doubt be different than what you’re used to. That doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Humans like conformity, but not only do new experiences help you grow, but it makes life interesting as well. So here’s to all of you fretting over whether you might totally fail at adulting, or think it won’t get any better than your days in college. Appreciate the now, but I urge you to go on and make your life even more interesting.

Soundbyte “Fidel Castro is dead!” -Donald Trump, stating the obvious

Out this week

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Read It

“Talking As Fast As I Can” by Lauren Graham

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See It

“I Am Bolt”

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Hear It

“Awaken, My Love!” by Childish Gambino

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Rent It

“The BFG”

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Play It

“Final Fantasy XV”

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The News

December 1, 2016

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