The Murray State News

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Into the OVC

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90 years of excellence

April 20, 2017 | Vol. 91, No. 26

Battling anxiety A look at mental illness on campus

Jenny Rohl/The News

Abby Siegel || News Editor

Lindsey Coleman || Staff writer

“I would shake in fear on nearly a daily basis because I didn’t trust anyone,” said Abbey Avis, sophomore from Evansville, Indiana. “I always hated myself for that because I felt so pathetic, like I was weak or something.” Avis said she struggled with anxiety since she was 8-years-old. Multiple major events in her life caused Avis to be crippled by fear. She said she would avoid driving after being involved in a wreck, and she couldn’t trust anyone after being in abusive relationships. “I think that is the hardest part about anxiety for me – being misunderstood,” Avis said. “I’m often told things like, ‘Just don’t worry about it’ or ‘You aren’t even being rational,’ but anxiety is something that isn’t easily controlled but rather faced.”

According to the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, anxiety is the most predominant and increasing concern among college students, followed by depression, relationship concerns, suicidal ideation, self injury and alcohol abuse. Angie Trzepacz, University Counseling Services director, said depression is the No. 1 issue for Murray State students at the center, but anxiety closely follows. “At Murray State, many of our clients list both anxiety and depression as their presenting issues, but when asked to identify their primary concern, over the past few years, 35 percent of incoming clients have indicated depression and 30 percent have indicated anxiety,” Trzepacz said. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 75 percent of all individuals with an anxiety disorder will experience symptoms before age 22, and people with generalized anxiety disorder may experience symptoms of prolonged worry, restlessness, fatigue, muscle

Ashley Traylor Staff writer

Destinee Marking

Staff writer


just watch out for everyone in general and to always be kind no matter what kind of a day we are having.” Phillips said students often recognize they need help when they “run out of options” or can’t cope with what’s happening. “I think anxiety is a normal thing – it’s learning how to handle it,” Phillips said. Avis said despite a negative stigma about seeking counseling, it can be one of the bravest decisions someone experiencing anxiety can make. “Anxiety can do a lot of things, but it doesn’t ever define you,” Avis said. She said she refuses to let anxiety take over her life. As a middle schooler, she was referred to as “mute,” but now, she performs spoken word. “Anxiety is terrifying, but it doesn’t have to be crippling,” Avis said. “I’m terrified to death of everything, but I keep making steps towards what I am afraid of because I don’t want it to control me.”

The News’ shoe collection kicks off for local charity

Soldier celebrates early grad President Bob Davies held an early commencement ceremony for a Murray State student who will be absent from graduation because she will soon be deployed. “It was my honor and privilege to conduct a special graduation for Murray State University senior Ashtan Williams and her family,” Davies said. “Ashtan will be deployed to Afghanistan with the U.S. Navy on the day of graduation but will have earned her degree in geosciences from the finest place we know.” Ashtan Williams, senior from Marion, Kentucky, has served in the Navy for eight years. Williams said she decided to join the Navy to pay for her college education, as well as to be a role model. “I thought it would make

tension and sleep problems. Channing Phillips, counselor at University Counseling Services, said many Murray State students come in with symptoms of anxiety, and counselors at the center teach them ways to handle it, including self-soothing or relaxing. “I think it’s good for some people to seek out that help,” Phillips said. “We try to advocate and help individuals learn how to cope so they know how to handle it before it gets to the point where it’s affecting them… when they feel like they’re giving in or giving up.” Avis said she didn’t realize she needed help with her anxiety until she came to Murray State. As her friendships grew and her involvement at the Baptist Campus Ministry increased, she said she found ways to cope with her anxiety. “I have never felt so loved in my life, and everyone here has really changed my perspective on my own anxiety,” Avis said. “I’ve never really had that before, and I think that’s the best thing we can do for those with anxiety, to

Lori Allen/The News

Ashtan Williams, senior from Marion, Kentucky, took part in a special graduation ceremony. me a good example for my brother who is one year younger than me,” Williams said. Williams has missed school for reasons related to her service in the past. She said her professors were always helpful and understanding. Since she will not be walking at graduation, Williams said she reached out to the President’s Office and asked for pictures of her to be taken in her cap and gown. “I honestly hadn’t expected so much,” Williams said. “They were so kind about it.” Williams’ parents, fiance,

her fiance’s parents and brother were all able to attend the occasion. After her last day of school on April 21, Williams said she will then spend five weeks in training before being deployed. Williams is in an abnormal situation, and she said this is not how she imagined her senior year of college. “It’s been very different for me, because I thought I’d be spending this semester looking for a job,” Williams said. Robin Zhang, professor and

see GRAD, page 2


Although Today Show weatherman Al Roker did not choose to visit Murray State as part of the Rokerthon 3 contest, The Murray State News is collecting shoes to donate to family resource centers with the Murray Independent and Calloway County family resource centers, as well as Soles4Soles. To enter Rokerthon 3: Storming Into The Madness, each university submitted a one-minute video and a suggestion of what Guinness World Record Roker should break at the university. If Roker had come to Murray State, a shoe drive would have been held to set the record for the most shoes donated to a philanthropic cause. Stephanie Elder Anderson, instructor of journalism, and Leigh Wright, assistant


professor of journalism, said they wanted to continue with the shoe collection to benefit the community because it is the “Racer” thing to do. Donation drop-off boxes will be set up in each residential college, as well as Waterfield Library and the Curris Center. The News will be collecting shoes April 27 through May 12. “I think it shows the great pride and tradition of Murray State that the students would be willing to continue with the shoe collection despite not having been chosen for Rokerthon,” Elder Anderson said. “The Murray State community has such big hearts and always so giving.” Wright said she hopes the community will donate new or gently-used shoes to benefit those who do not have a pair of shoes to “wear to school” or “walk to the store.” “I think it shows our students truly do care about the campus and community, and

we do want to put our best foot forward to help others,” Wright said. John Morris, senior from Nashville, Tennessee, and Emily Hancock, sophomore from Bumpus Mills, Tennessee, are creating a promotional video for the collection. Despite Roker not choosing Murray State, Hancock said it says a lot about the community to collect shoes for those who need them. “Seeing how our community is still coming together to carry out the collection of shoes is heartwarming,” Hancock said. “We truly carry the name ‘Friendliest Small Town in America’ very well.” Morris said Murray has many genuine people who come together to support a positive cause, and he is proud of the university for trying to bring Roker here. “Murray State has a lot of unique things about it and



see SHOES, page 2

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