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December 5, 2019 | Vol. 94, No. 13
From dreamer to determined DACA student speaks out Daniella Tebib News Editor dtebib@murraystate.edu The Supreme Court began hearing arguments on Nov. 12 regarding its constitutionality, so The News sat down with Celeste Siqueiros, a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipient, to see how her life would be affected. Celeste Siqueiros was previously interviewed by The News
on September 2017 when DACA was originally under attack by the Trump administration. She drew attention from many when she published a blog online about what is means to be a DACA student in the United States. However, since then, her attitude has evolved from dreamer to determined. Siqueiros now denounces the term “dreamer” because she believes everyone deserves to have access and equal opportunities
in the United States regardless of their citizenship status. Two years later, DACA is still intact, but this doesn’t provide a sense of security for undocumented immigrants. The program was originally enacted by the Obama administration in 2012. The Trump administration now wants DACA to be terminated whether or not it is found constitutional. The Supreme Court will hear arguments from both sides and make a decision in 2020.
“DACA was a temporary stopgap measure that, on its face, could be rescinded at any time,” Solicitor General Noel Francisco said. “And the department’s reasonable concerns about its legality and its general opposition to broad nonenforcement policies provided more than a reasonable basis for ending it.” Meanwhile, Siqueiros said she no longer worries herself
see DACA page 3
Megan Reynolds/The News
News Opinion Sports Features
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Finals week approaches
Some professors refrain from putting in grades
Racers track looking to defend 2019 OVC Title
Librarians recognized for research
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December 5, 2019
Citizens Police Academy Force demonstration and graduation
Addison Watson Staff Writer awatson25@murraystate.edu The Murray Police Department wrapped up the fall Citizens Police Academy on Monday, Nov. 25, w h e re a t t e n d e e s we re shown the var ious versions of use-of-force. The class was instructe d by M a j . C h r i s S c o t t and Det. Andrew Wiggins. Topics discussed ranged from officer perception, excessive force, less-lethal weapons and deadly force.
Theft was reported in Winslow Dining Hall after a manager at Winslow reported approximately 1000 forks missing. The investigation was suspended pending other evidence.
empty-hand control, OC Spray (pepper spray) or Taser, physical strength, ASP baton and in worstcase scenarios officers resort to their firearms. T he statistics suggest t h a t m o s t p e o p l e a re placed into custody with little to no use of force. According to Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn in response to the shootings in Ferguson, Missouri in 2012, there were 12,197,000 arrests in the United States and only 410 of those resulted in the use of deadly force. “ N ow t h a t i s , I t h i n k , t h re e - t h o u s a n d t h s o f a percent,” Flynn said. “So, it’s still an extraordinarily rare event.” Det. Wiggins said the Murray PD’s data is close to national averages. “Our numbers are very in line with the national averages when it comes to use-of-force,” Wiggins said. Maj. Scott and Det. Wiggins said the department is able to use as minimal force as necessary at all times due to officer presence, de-escalation of situations and continually
Addison Watson/The News The Citizens Police Academy attendees graduated from the program on Nov. 25.
i m p rov i n g c o m m u n i t y relations. Scott also mentioned that with all of the bad publicity f acing law enf o rc e m e n t , t h e re a re a l w a y s t wo s i d e s t o a story. “You have to shoot to s t o p t h e t h re a t ,” S c o t t said. “The media doesn’t look at that, they’re trying to sell a news story.” He later said every set of circumstances is different and you can’t compare one to another. Sgt. Brant Shutt, public affairs officer, also chimed in saying the department d o e s n ’t w a n t t o s h o o t anyone. “It’s definitely our last resort,” Shutt said. “Then people begin to say that c o p s a re g e t t i n g t r i g ger-happy, and that just isn’t the case.” The Taser Arguably the most highly-talked about use-offorce was the deployment of the Taser. The departm e n t u s e s a Ta s e r t h a t they have had for roughly ten years. They are looking to upgrade to a newer version soon. The Taser is a product by AXON, who also markets cameras and software for law enforcement and other professionals. In order for the Taser to work, both probes which a re a t t a c h e d t o m e t a l wires need to penetrate the skin to complete an electrical circuit. Initially, 50,000 volts push the electricity into the skin but the voltage drops to safe levels upon contact.
see POLICE page 4
Sexual absue was reported in the residential colleges after unwanted sexual contact occurred on Nov. 19. No criminal complaint was received.
Possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia was reported in Hester College. A citation was issued.
Harassing communications were reported in Elizabeth College after a subject received a harassing text from an unknown number. The investigation was suspended pending other information.
Theft was reported at Hart College after a door number was stolen on Nov. 20. The investigation is still open.
Subject left the scene of an accident after two other subjects were grazed by a vehicle. The investigation is still open.
12/3 11/24 11/23 11/22
Addison Watson/The News Officers rely on various tools to successfully perform their duties.
11/21 11/20
Sexual abuse was reported in Regents College after unwanted physical contact between acquaintances occurred on Sept. 1. Prosecution was declined.
Various Levels of Force The instructors explained some statistics from the Mur ray PD f or the fiscal year 2017-18. Out of 20,639 calls for service in 2017, meaning police officers were asked to respond to a specific location, 803 of those calls resulted in an arrest. Useof-force only occurred two times, meaning 0.24 percent of arrests required the use of force. I n 2 0 1 8 t h e re we re 22,660 calls for service, and 950 of those calls resulted in an arrest. Use-offorce only occurred four times, meaning 0.4 percent of arrests required the use of force. On a broader spectrum of the statistics provided, in 2017, 0.009 percent of all calls required the use of force, and in 2018, 0.01 p e rc e n t o f a l l c a l l s re quired the use of force. There is a ladder of organization that the department uses to justify when the appropriate level of force is used. Typically, the department responds with one level of force higher than they are being targeted with when making an arrest or responding to a call. The department’s leve l s o f f o rc e i n c re a s e s i n t h e f o l l ow i n g o rd e r : verbal persuasion, soft
Possession of marijuana was reported in the parking lot of Springer College after a subject was found in a vehicle. A citation was issued.
Theft was reported in Lee Clark College after property was stolen on Nov. 22. The investigation is still open.
Alcohol intoxication in a public place was reported in Richmond Hall after a subject was reported intoxicated.
Theft was reported in Lee Clark College after property was stolen on Nov. 22. The investigation is still open.
Police Beat is compiled with material from the Murray State Crime and Fire Log. Not all dispatched calls are listed. Colton Colglazier/The News
December 5, 2019
From Page 1 with the prospect of the revocation of DACA. Instead, she focuses her attention on her education at Murray State and her future in the chemistry field. “I don’t care what anyone thinks now,” Siqueiros said. “I used to think I had to keep up this little ‘dreamer’ narrative, but now I couldn’t care less. I honestly hate politics because they don’t actually understand anything that goes on in everyday life.” Siqueiros grew up in Murray after immigrating from Mexico at the age of five. Siqueiros has been a DACA recipient since she was 15, and her brother received it shortly before her. As DACA recipients, Siqueiros and her brother have been able to work, receive driver’s licenses and earn good credit. The program is open to those who were brought to the United States before the age of 16, have lived in the United States for at least five years and have no criminal record. However, the program does not provide a path to citizenship. In addition, DACA recipients are not eligible for federal financial aid, she cannot leave the country without encountering the chance of not being able to re-enter and she must apply for renewal every two years to be reconsidered at the expense of $500.
While DACA does not provide a pathway to citizenship, if the program was revoked, DACA students would risk the possibility of deportation and wouldn’t have the opportunity to work legally. Siqueiros said she hopes legislators develop a more permanent piece of legislation for undocumented immigrants and to focus on other issues at hand. “Right now DACA is just temporary,” Siqueiros said. “It can be taken away, we can be denied and it will just end. You have to become a resident first, and then become a citizen and there’s not really an option for us to do that right now.” While Siqueiros was able to secure scholarships because of her academics, she would also like to see the University offer more resources for undocumented students. “When I graduated high school, I didn’t know anything,” Siqueiros said. “I didn’t know if I was going to get any scholarships, or if I was going to be able to apply, it was just really difficult to navigate it by ourselves… I feel like there aren’t really any resources here at Murray State that allow us to be vocal. I feel like there isn’t that big of a student population that are undocumented… I think the University should offer more resources to help us find scholarships and things like that.” S.G. Carthell, executive director of the Office of Multicultural Initiatives, Student
Leadership and Inclusive Excellence, said the office doesn’t provide sources specifically for DACA students, but programs are open to every student enrolled at Murray State. “DACA students are at a disadvantage when it comes to financial aid and paying f or school because they don’t have that resource,” Carthell said. “There are also issues and things they [DACA students] have to deal with, and we all have issues, but some of us are blessed that we don’t have to worry about a Supreme Court ruling changing our entire world, so I’m proud of any student who carries this process and still goes through everyday. I believe ultimately students just want to be students.” Siqueiros said she sometimes still f eels like she doesn’t belong on campus, but she thinks it’s something most first-generation immigrants feel. The goal of OMI is to br idge that gap f or students. According to the OMI’s mission statement, “the overarching goal for OMI is to close the gap in educational achievement by bringing retention and graduation rates for multicultural students, specifically African American and Hispanic students in parity with those of the student body as a whole.” Carthell said they spend a lot of time to ensure everyone feels welcome in the community.
Megan Reynolds/The News Celeste Siqueiros has been a DACA recipient since she was 15 years old.
“T here’s always going to be those times when it’s challenging, but people should know where they can get their help,” Carthell said. “The biggest thing is students knowing where this office is and what support we provide for students, like all of our special clubs to create a critical mass for students… Critical mass is important spaces that you can identify with. It’s also important to learn how to communicate and to cross-culturally function and that’s something all students have to learn, so that’s why I feel Emerging Scholars Institute is a good program for students to get involved regardless of where you come from and your ethnicity.”
Regardless of who you are, Carthell encourages people to live by the principles laid out by the OMI. “We’re hoping this gets infused into the community to enable a student who may be a DACA student,” Carthell said. “The whole point of [DACA] was because you had kids who were brought here when they were small children. When you’re brought somewhere when you’re two or three years old and now yo u ’re 2 0 , a re yo u f ro m M u r ray o r a re yo u f ro m Germany?” Carthell also wants students to know they can visit OMI in Room 101 Curris Center if they are in need of resources or help.
Universit y Studies undergoes revision Camryn Clift Contributing Writer cclift@murraystate.edu If the proposed University Studies Revision is fully approved, students could be taking as few as 32 credit hours for their general education courses. In fall 2017, the Murray State administration formed the University Studies Rev i ew a n d R e n ewa l Ta s k Force f or the purpose of reassessing the University Studies course requirem e n t s a l re a dy i n p l a c e, according to the University Studies Review and Renewal web page of Murray State’s website. Mur ray State’s general education curriculum is labeled as “University Studies.” This term encompasses the variety of liberal arts courses every student is required to take that are designed to ensure that graduates of the University are informed and active citizens. Renae Duncan, psychology professor and former associate provost, has been the chair of the workgroup for the three years the members
have been working on this project. “It was last revised about 15 years ago,” Duncan said. “And so we decided it was time to update the program.” According to the University Studies Review and Renewal web page, there were 12 members of the workgroup that came together to work on the University Studies changes. Duncan said each academic college of the University had at least one representative on the Review and Renewal workgroup. The main change of note is the reduction of course hours required for University Studies. The proposed curriculum has a minimum of 32 University Studies credit hours, according to the Recommended University Studies Program on Murray State’s website. However, Duncan said the total credit hours required for graduation will remain the same, for accreditation purposes. As f or the newly freed credit hours created by this change, Duncan said that those hours are being
placed under the care of the respective academic departments. “Every single program is going to have to figure out what they’re going to do with those hours,” Duncan said. The members of the Rev i ew a n d R e n ewa l Ta s k Force utilized a variety of sources while developing the revised coursework. Duncan said they surveyed f aculty, students, alumni and staff; reviewed literature on what businesses and employers are looking for in graduates; reviewed literature on best practices in general education and liberal arts education; analyzed practices of peer institutions; and attended general education conferences on the latest trends and theory in general education courses. S eve ra l d ra f t ve r s i o n s were presented to groups around campus, and the workgroup conducted forums for faculty, staff and students in order to receive community feedback to aid the revision process, Duncan said.
S o f a r, t h e A c a d e m i c Council has approved the f inal version of the University Studies curriculum proposed by the task force, Duncan said. If the Board of Regents approves the revisions as well, the new University Studies requirements will go into effect in Fall 2021. Duncan said only those incoming undergraduate students that fall under the 2021-22 and later academic bulletins, and any student that changes their academic bulletin to those years, will be affected by the changes made. The complete academic bulletin with the revised University Studies courses will most likely be posted in April 2021, Duncan said. This new and streamlined University Studies curricu l u m m i g h t b r i n g m o re changes to other academic standards of the University as well. Warren Edminster, director of the Honors College and professor of English, expressed the possibility of changes to the honors curriculum if the final version of
the revised University Studies were to be approved. “It’s going to require us to reevaluate the Honors curriculum and consider some possible changes,” Edminster said. “We’ll just have to reconsider, and think about, you know, what is going to lead to the best education of our students and what is going to be realistic for our students to do.” The members of the Review and Renewal workgroup put forth great effort to ensure this change was undertaken in the proper manner. “It was taken very seriously,” Duncan said. “So that’s why we took so much time, we wanted to make sure that it was done well, that it was still providing, despite streamlining, still providing a solid gen ed liberal arts exposure to students, to help them experience new things and think about the world in different ways and think critically about themselves and the world. And so it was done with great care, great diligence, and we did it right. It was done well.”
Finals week approaches
Newburgh, Indiana said. Levi Brandenburg “I studied for a week and Contributing Writer lbrandenburg1@murraystate.edu crammed before the test, and I still barely passed.” Angie Trzepacz, director Breanna Harris of University Counseling Contributing Writer bharris17@murraystate.edu Services, said cramming is not only not effective, but is also adds to students’ Sarah Yeckering stress. Contributing Writer “T he best way to pre syeckering@murraystate.edu pare for finals is to start Murray State offers aca- from the beginning of the demic and mental health semester: attend all class re s o u rc e s f o r s t u d e n t s sessions, take notes, read to utilize as f inals week over your notes after each class and possibly rewrite approaches. Finals week takes place t h e m , m a k e f l a s h c a rd s from Dec. 7 to Dec. 13. To when appropriate, set up help students prepare ac- group study sessions with ademically, Waterfield Li- some of your classmates, brary will begin staying etc,” Trzepacz said. “The open for 24 hours starting worst way to prepare for finals is to wait until the end Monday, Dec. 9. Jeff Wylie, assistant pro- of the semester and try to do fessor of social work, said an overnight cram session to students should figure out learn all the material for the what their best method of whole semester.” However, some students studying is. “ M y n u m b e r o n e t i p aren’t able to focus on finals is to set aside chunks of because they have several time to study and build in assignments due the week breaks where you do fun before finals. “Honestly, I’m not too worthings f or 15 to 20 minu t e s a n d t h e n ge t b a c k ried about finals this semesto your studying,” Wylie ter,” Harding said. “The probsaid. “Study in the way you lem is that, right now when I lear n - visual or tactile should be studying, I have learners both need to see assignments and work to do. it, maybe re-write notes or I have three writing assigndo mind-maps or doodles ments and a project all due t o h e l p yo u re m e m b e r. during dead week. It compliAuditor y lear ners need cates things.” Trzepacz said one of the to study ‘out loud.’ I used to walk up and down the best things students can do halls of the dorm reciting in stressful situations is focus or reading my notes. An- on self-care. “Mental health and physother good tip is to teach it to someone else. We re- ical health are closely remember up to 95 percent lated and can impact each of what we teach to oth- other significantly, and both ers, so it you know it well of them can impact your enough to teach it, you functioning,” Trzepacz said. “Even if you feel like you will be in good shape.” As finals week can take don’t have enough time for it, a lot of time and work, stu- it is important to make time dents can struggle with for sleeping, eating, exercist h e i r m e n t a l h e a l t h a s ing and relaxing. If you are tired, hungry or tense, you well. According to a survey can’t focus and concentrate by MentalHelp in 2016, as well, so find time for those based on more than 1000 activities in your schedule.” Cara Braido, mental health students and more than 2.9 million tweets from specialist said, students c o l l e g e c a m p u s e s , 3 1 should also ensure they are percent of college stu- getting enough sleep. “Eight to 10 hours of sleep dents said finals season was the biggest source is recommended for young of their stress during the adults, however for most college students, this is not semester. One common way many realistic,” Braido said. “So, students prepare for finals students should be getting i s by c ra m m i n g wh e re at least six hours of sleep a t h ey s t u dy eve r y t h i n g night.” The Counseling Center is f ro m a s e m e s t e r - l o n g class in only short period open during finals, and an on-call counselor is availof time. “Last semester, in my able from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. p hy s i c s c l a s s , I h a d t o Monday through Friday if get a 50 to pass,” Zach s t u d e n t s a re i n n e e d o f H a r d i n g , j u n i o r f r o m help.
News December 5, 2019 Fall Final Exam Schedule Exam Time
Exam Day
Regular Meeting Time
Saturday Classes
Same as Regular Class Time
8:30 a.m.( MWF) 11 a.m. -12:15 p.m. (TR) 2 p.m. (MWF) Monday Evening
8 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Same as Regular
9:30 a.m. ( MWF) 11:30 a.m. (TR) 12:30-1:45 p.m. (TR) Tuesday Evening
8 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Same as Regular
9:30-10:45 a.m. (TR) 12:30 p.m. (MWF) 2-3:15 p.m. (TR) Wednesday Evening
8 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Same as Regular
8-9:15 a.m. (TR) 10:30 a.m. (MWF) 1:30 p.m. (TR) Thursday Evening
8 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. Same as Regular
7:30 a.m. (MWF) 3:30-4:45 p.m. (TR) 3:30 p.m. (MWF)
8 a.m. 8 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Brooklyn Burnett/The News
From Page 2
The electricity contracts the muscles to extreme immobility causing a person to be immobile and ideally unable to resist arrest. On occasion, a person who is on a narcotic may not be affected by the probes and can continue to fight through the shock. In this situation, a higher level of force will be used. The Taser, like any other less-lethal weapon has its problems from time to time. The probes can have a hard time penetrating loose or thick clothing and can struggle to make good muscle contact when being deployed on obese subjects. The Taser was deployed on a cardboard cutout to show how it is used. When the Taser is shot, small confetti deploys from the cartridge with serial numbers written on each piece. The number can be tracked to the cartridge where the number is compared to the bill of sale. This is a safe way to keep Tasers out of the wrong hands. My Experience Being Tased Upon the deployment of the Taser for demonstrative purposes, I volunteered to be Tased. After watching the demonstration, I became increasingly nervous. I opted to lay on the floor before the Taser was deployed on me. Instead of having the probes shot into my skin, alligator clamps were attached to me.
One was placed on the right side of my back, and the other on my hip. If being shot with the probes, the duration of the shock is five seconds.With the alligator clamps connected, the duration can be lowered. I opted for two seconds. When the shock was initiated, my muscles immediately shut down and contracted causing excruciating pain to travel throughout my body. I had no mobility and couldn’t function in any way. I remember thinking that all I wanted was for the pain to stop and no other thoughts were running through my head. Needless to say, the Taser is very effective when used properly which law enforcement can rely on. In addition to apprehending criminals, the Taser has other uses as well. By showing the Taser, often times a subject will be persuaded to stop resisting arrest. The Taser has also been used to stop dogs from attacking officers and innocent civilians. Graduation As the night came to a close, Chief of Police Jeff Liles spoke to the class, thanking attendees for their attendance and their support of the department. “I tell all of my officers that I am the face of the department,” Liles said. “[The officers] do all of the work.” Liles ended his speech telling the attendees that they are a part of the Murray Police family now and always will be. He said if any attendees
missed a class or want to participate in another Citizens Police Academy, they are welcome to in the spring. Attendees were given a t-shirt and a graduation diploma before leaving, along with ride-along forms to fill out so that they would be able to ride with a police officer when they want to. “You all are now a part of the family here,” Liles said. “We appreciate your support of the things we do.” Note From the Writer
After attending the Murray Police Department Citizens Academy, the citizens of Murray should have nothing but the utmost respect for the department, the officers, and the people who help it to run efficiently. It is highly encouraged that anyone who has kept up with my series of articles to attend an upcoming class. The next class will be held in the spring, but a date has not been determined yet. Citizens interested can obtain an application from the departments website online. The amount of knowledge gained from the police department is unforgettable. On behalf of The News, thank you to the department for allowing the continuous coverage of the citizens academy.
Addison Watson is a staff writer for The Murray State News. As part of his assignment, he is attending the Citizens Police Academy at the Murray Police Department to write this series of stories.You can find all of his articles in the series at TheNews.org.
December 5, 2019
University president hosts celebration of giving
President Bob Jackson and his wife Karen hosted a reception on Dec. 4 to celebrate the giving season. Guests enjoyed live music, refreshments and Murray State history. A silent auction was held to encourage giving to the University. David Wallace and Megan Reynolds/TheNews
December 5, 2019
The staff editorial is the majority opinion of The Murray State News Editorial Board.
Canvas Chaos
Some professors refrain from putting in grades
Many professors do not use Canvas, and it creates unnecessary stress for students. As the semester draws to a close, finals week isn’t the only disaster looming over students’ heads. Finals will seal students’ grades next week, and many of them won’t know their grades until it’s already too late. According to the Fiscal Year 201819 Summary Budget, this year Murray State paid over $47,000 so that faculty and students can access Canvas. Because students pay tuition and fees to the University, they are at least partially responsible for these costs. Professors who do not utilize Canvas services to their full potential waste University funds and student fees. The platform’s main purposes are to make uploading assignments and updating grades easier on the instructor. Students benefit by staying organized, checking due dates and keeping up with their grades. Although it isn’t necessary, professors have the option to build entire courses on Canvas. It’s incredibly straightforward and easier to use than other popular platforms, such as Blackboard. Conveniently, it’s accessible on multiple smart devices. But when Canvas isn’t used, nobody benefits. It’s understandable if professors dislike the Internet or do not wish to use it for everything. But if there was one
Dustin Wilcox/The News
example of its necessity to improve courses and how they are taught, Canvas is it. It might be the issue that professors find themselves unable to navigate the platform, in which case the University must conduct training workshops on using the software. Murray State should incentivize its use, as well as the training workshops offered to learn how to utilize it. One of Canvas’ most important uses is for professors to calculate students’ grades, and for students to be able to check them. Unless a professor uses another platform, students cannot mon-
itor how well they’re doing in class. Being unable to access their grades makes students anxious and can put them in an unhealthy learning environment. Even if just to bring peace of mind, professors should make the effort to keep students informed of their standing. Canvas is also beneficial for its feature that lets students enter a “what if” scores to weigh their possible final grade. The opportunity to do this helps students total their grades and reduce anxiety. Some professors withhold grades as a means of intimidation so that students
put in more effort. Holding grades back won’t improve a bad student’s work ethic. They will instead maintain the same amount of effort they applied throughout the semester. This practice punishes students who need a gauge of their scores to succeed. Cadense Utterback It’s not fair to take classes in higher education while being unable to check our progress. And it’s only fair for us to decide which classes require more attention than others. Every student has different interests and skills that will make some courses more difficult than others. Some courses are simply harder than the rest. At the end of the semester, these require more effort for them than others. Students have to balance their efforts, as they can only commit to so much at a time. If students are in the dark about their grades, they can’t rebalance their time and energy into the courses with which they struggle. Faculty put forth a great deal of effort to prepare lectures and course content. With all that, it can be hard for them to put in grades. However, the course syllabus is a contract between students and professors. There are certain expectations of each of us, and through Canvas they can be more easily fulfilled. Assignments and deadlines weigh heavily on students for the entire semester, so please put grades into Canvas.
Megan Reynolds Daniella Tebib Claire Smith Gage Johnson Cady Stribling Editor-in-Chief News Editor Features Editor Sports Editor Opinion Editor mreynolds12@murraystate.edu dtebib@murraystate.edu csmith110@murraystate.edu gjohnson17@murraystate.edu cstribling1@murraystate.edu
Editorial Board
Bryce Anglin David Wallace Production Manager Chief Copy Editor zanglin@murraystate.edu dwallace15@murraystate.edu Kalea Anderson Elizabeth Erwin Chief Videographer Public Relations Manager kanderson29@murraystate.edu eerwin1@murraystate.edu
The News welcomes commentaries and letters to the editor. Submissions should be 600 words or less, and contributors should include phone numbers for verification. Please include hometown, classification and title or relationship to the University. The News reserves the right to edit for style, length and content. No anonymous contributions will be accepted. All contributions should be turned in by noon on Monday of each week via email to mreynolds12@murraystate.edu.
Connor Dame Brock Kirk Ad Sales Manager Photo Editor cdame2@murraystate.edu jkirk11@murraystate.edu John O’Neill Dr. Stephanie Anderson Online Manager Faculty Adviser joneill4@murraystate.edu sanderson37@murraystate.edu
Contributions to The News are the opinion of the author and not that of The Murray State News. The News is a designated public forum. Student editors have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The paper offers a hands-on learning environment for students interested in journalism. The campus press should be free from censorship and advance approval of copy and its editors should develop their editorial and news policies.
Contact Us 2609 University Station Murray State University Murray, Kentucky 42071-3301 TheNews.org
The News strives to be the University community’s source for information. Our goal is to present that information in a fair and unbiased manner and provide a free and open forum for expression and debate. The News is prepared and edited by students and is an official publication of Murray State University. The first copy is free. Additional copies are available for 25 cents at 111 Wilson Hall.
December 5, 2019
Racers track looking to defend 2019 OVC Title Jon Dunning Staff Writer jdunning1@murraystate.edu After winning the OVC Outdoor Championship last season, the Murray State Women’s track and field team will start its 2019-20 season at Southern Illinois University on Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Saluki Fast Start in Carbondale, Illinois. This event will mark the start of the indoor season. Following winter break, the Racers will travel for three meets in January and two in February before the indoor season concludes with the OVC Indoor Championships at the Birmingham Complex in Birmingham, Alabama. The championships begin on Wednesday, Feb. 26, and end Thursday, Feb. 27. Murray State will host the Margaret Simmons Invite on Friday, March 13, to begin the outdoor season. The Racers will hit the road twice for meets in March, four times in April and once in May before they return home to defend their title when Murray State hosts the OVC Outdoor Championship beginning on Thursday, May 14, and concluding on Saturday, May 16. Murray State Head Coach Adam Kiesler is confident
Photo courtesy of Racer Athletics The Murray State track coaching staff discusses the gameplan for an upcoming meet.
in his team’s preparation throughout the fall for the upcoming season. “This fall, I think we’ve done a very good job,” Kiesler said. “I think they’ve done a very good job of understanding the expectations that we kind of set forth from last year and previous years.”
Some of the best players from last year’s team graduated, leaving a gap for new and returning players to fill. Kiesler believes this year’s athletes are up to the challenge. “The freshman class that we added definitely added depth, not just to the bottom of the roster, but
all throughout the roster,” Kiesler said. “Some of the kids who have been there and done that before have done a good job of preparing them for what’s to come in the spring. We do have five captains, but the leadership doesn’t stop with those five. There are some people who aren’t captains that lead
in their own way. So, each kid really has somebody to kind of gravitate toward to understand what it took last year and what it’s going to take again this year.” Still, Kiesler wants fans to understand that this team is different from the one that won last year. “I think that it will be fun to see how we handle expectation after winning a championship for the first time in 27 years, but I also want people out there to understand that this is not the exact same team as it was,” Kiesler said. “We are still Murray State track and field, but again, you graduate people and you bring people in, so we kind of do have a different personality than before...I think this team is going to be pretty exciting to watch.” One thing from last year hasn’t changed, however, and that is the team’s desire to be successful. “We try to win all the time,” Kiesler said. “We don’t make any bones about that. We’re not here to do anything else but win.” The Racers begin their quest for back-to-back OVC Championships when they open up their season on Saturday, Dec. 7, at the Saluki Fast Start.
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Fall turns to spring
December 5, 2019
Racers’ fall softball season comes to a close Simon Elfrink Staff Writer selfrink@murraystate.edu
The Racers hung up the cleats for the year after a fall season full of growth and development. Despite a lack of overwhelming success in terms of wins, Head Coach Kara Amundson expressed her excitement for this year’s newcomers. Of the 21 players, nine are either incoming freshmen or transfer student-athletes. “I think this fall was a little bit different for us in terms of personnel,” Amundson said. “I think in terms of growing and developing as a team, that was where our focus became.” The main goal as the season progressed, Amundson said, was to integrate the newcomers into the Murray State program. With the abundance of new players, Amundson had no shortage of players to cycle through defensive positions to help find their niches. To Amundson, the strongpoint of the team this fall season was the dominance and depth of her pitching staff. “They all are in a really good spot,” Amundson said. “I thought they were all really competitive this fall.” Among these pitchers is
sophomore Hannah James, who Amundson said “will see plenty of innings again this year.” James, last season’s OVC Freshman of theYear, pitched 157.2 innings in her debut season, with a 2.58 ERA with 12 wins and K/BB ratio of 4.14. The large proportion of newcomers, Amundson said, contributed to a lackluster defensive aspect in the fall season. “I think when the young kids first get here they’re trying to prove themselves,” Amundson said. “They start to put pressure on themselves.” Going forward, Amundson is not too concerned about the development of her team’s defense. As far as she is concerned, the newcomers have already made great strides in securing that aspect of the game. “I think as they kind of settled into a routine and settled in to what the game at the college level looks like, we started to clean some of that up,” Amundson said. While the newcomers get their footing, Amundson is confident in her upperclassmen, especially junior Sarah Gilmore, who will begin her third year starting at shortstop for the Racers. Besides being an anchor the Racers can build a defense around, Gilmore had a dominant
Gage Johnson/The News Sophomore pitcher Hannah James starts her windup at Racer Field
sophomore year at the plate, hitting .279 and driving in 28 runs. Despite the numerous newcomers, Amundson had a lot
of faith in her upperclassmen, who she said has stepped up and started to show themselves as leaders. The Racers will pick up
practices once again in January, where conditioning will be the main focus as they prepare for the upcoming 56game season.
Former Racer Cameron Payne to play in CBA Josh Embry Contributing Writer jembry3@murraystate.edu
Former Murray State point guard Cameron Payne has recently signed a contract to play overseas for the Shanxi Zhongyu of the Chinese Basketball Association. Payne will make the trip overseas to play outside of the NBA for the first time after signing his contract on Wednesday, Nov. 13, to play with the Shanxi Loongs in the CBA. Payne played for Murray State from 2013 to 2015, with career averages of 18.5 ppg, 3.7 rpg and 5.7 apg. Payne played a pivotal role in the 2014-15 Racers’ 29-6 record and their appearance in the National Invitation Tournament, where the Racers won two games. Though he was drafted 14th overall in the 2015 NBA Draft, Payne hasn’t found sustained success in the NBA. He was drafted by the Oklahoma City Thunder and played 57 games in his inaugural season, with averages of 5.0 ppg, 1.5 rpg and 1.9 apg.
Payne appeared to be more comfortable with the NBA’s pace and style of play in his second season, when he played approximately four more minutes per game than he did in his rookie season. His point, rebound and assist averages also increased in the 20 games he played for Oklahoma City. Payne’s play was not the only valuable thing he contributed to the team. His pregame dance rituals with his teammates, especially with former MVP Russell Westbrook, sparked national attention in the sports world. Nonetheless, just prior to the February trade deadline, Payne was traded to the Chicago Bulls in a five-man trade that sent notable players such as Doug McDermott and Taj Gibson to the Thunder. Following his arrival at Chicago, injuries limited Payne to only 11 games that spring, resulting in a slight drop in his averages. Further foot and calf injuries plagued Payne in his time at Chicago. He played in only 67 of 246 games in the next two seasons, with com-
bined averages of 7.3 ppg, 2.3 rpg, and 3.6 apg. In January of the 2018-19 season, the Bulls waived Payne. The Cleveland Cavaliers then signed him to two 10-day contracts, where he played in nine games. Cleveland did not renew his second 10-day contract, resulting in him becoming a
free agent. After a strong showing for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA Summer League, Payne signed a two-year deal with the defending NBA champions, the Toronto Raptors, in late July. However, with point guards Kyle Lowry and Fred VanVleet already on the roster,
Payne was released by Toronto during its final cuts in October. Payne has yet to play in a game for Shanxi, although he will have a chance in the coming months. If Payne plays well for Shanxi, he will have a good chance to return to the NBA. Only time will tell if this will be the case.
Photo courtesy of Racer Athletics Cameron Payne celebrates after a big play at the CFSB Center.
December 5, 2019
Missouri State stifles Racers’ comeback Gage Johnson Sports Editor
With Murray State men’s basketball up 66-65 with 28 seconds to play, senior guard Keandre Cook hit a contested three from deep, ultimately becoming the dagger en route to a 71-69 victory for Missouri State University. The Racers found themselves within reach after Cook’s three, trailing 68-66. However, after coming in for senior forward Anthony Smith after he fouled out, senior forward Darnell Cowart drove into the lane looking to draw a foul, missing the attempted layup and falling into the Bears’ hands to cap off an intense second half. While the second half was full of offense, it was a slow grind to get there with a defensive showcase from both teams in the first half. It wasn’t until the 10:36 mark that Missouri State cracked double digits, taking an 11-8 lead over the Racers. Both teams struggled to convert from deep with 25% clips from beyond the arc in the half, but it was the Bears who were able to find the net a little more with 40% shooting from the field. Despite the Racers shooting 29.7% in the half to go
along with no assists, the Racers found themselves within reach, trailing 25-22 going into the locker room. With a much-improved offensive display in the second half—shooting 44% from the field—the Racers clawed their way back to their first lead of the game since 11-8 in the first half. A 12-2 run capped off by a bucket from senior guard Jaiveon Eaves gave Murray State a 42-40 lead with 11 minutes to go in the ballgame. From then on the game went down to the wire, but a 15-point second-half perfor-
mance from Cook and 50% shooting for Missouri State in the half was too much for the Racers to overcome. Sophomore guard Tevin Brown led all scorers with 19 points on 5-for-17 shooting, going 3-for-6 from three and 6-for-7 at the charity stripe. Eaves followed with 14 points and six rebounds, while Smith nabbed a 12-point and 10-rebound double-double. Freshman forward Demond Robinson also impressed, securing some minutes in crunch time by affecting shots around the rim with two blocks to go
along with six points and a rebound. Head Coach Matt McMahon said that Robinson’s effort over the past few games is what has started to give the freshman forward some big minutes for the Racers. “I thought he was fantastic tonight,” McMahon said. “He’s earned a lot of playing time with his effort here lately. I thought he just played hard. He made the touches tough for Prim—I mean, Prim was the No. 2 JUCO player in America last year. He’s starting to learn what we’re trying to do of-
Photo courtesy of Racer Athletics Sophomore guard Tevin Brown surveys the floor against Missouri State
fensively and that’s going to enable his role to continue to increase.” Prior to the game it was announced that freshman guard Chico Carter Jr. suffered a fractured bone in his hand last week during the Gulf Coast Showcase. No timetable was given for his return. McMahon said he is disappointed as Carter Jr. had gotten off to a solid start in his freshman year, playing in all seven games and earning two starting nods while averaging 8.4 ppg. However, McMahon wishes the freshman guard a speedy recovery and is excited about his future at Murray State. Meanwhile, McMahon let it be known that this will not be an excuse for the team and that he and the team still have high expectations going forward and on Saturday night. “We’ve got some guys out, but the standard doesn’t change,” McMahon said. “I hope we can really rally behind our team, have a great crowd in the CFSB Center on Saturday and find a way to win a big game for us.” The Racers will return home when they are set for a 7 p.m. tip-off against Middle Tennessee State University on Saturday, Dec. 7, at the CFSB Center.
Late steal and layup pushes Racers past Aces Nick Kendall Staff Writer nkendall1@murraystate.edu
Tied at 59 with four seconds, sophomore forward Alexis Burpo snagged a loose ball, taking off to the other end to find sophomore guard Macey Turley for a game-winning layup with one second left to claim a 61-59 win. The win extends the Murray State women’s basketball team’s winning streak to four games, moving its record to 5-2. After a strong first quarter performance where they outscored the Purple Aces 22-11, the Racers went flat in the second and third quarters but never lost the lead. The Racers dominated the game for the most part. Even with a less than ideal shooting night— going 19-for-60— the team only trailed for 56 seconds and their largest deficit was only two points. The lead changed multiple times in the fourth quarter. Evansville took the lead with 43 seconds left to go, but Murray State went down
the court on the next possession and redshirt freshman forward Macie Gibson grabbed the rebound and got the putback for the tie. Evansville’s sophomore guard Anna Newman looked to drive and score the game-winner, but sophomore guard Macey Turley knocked the ball out of her hand and into the hands of Racer sophomore forward Alexis Burpo and the rest was history.. Burpo rushed down the court and found Turley who swerved past the defense and banked in the game-winning layup for the Racers. Having coached them for multiple years at Murray High School before coming to Murray State, Head Coach Rechelle Turner has been used to good plays like that from Turley and Burpo for years. “I’ve seen Burpo and Turley make that play on the fast break a thousand times,” Turner said. “As soon as I saw that Burpo had the ball in her hand and I saw Macy up front, I thought ‘good things are going to
Photo courtesy of Racer Athletics Sophomore guard Lex Mayes drives towardsthe basket against Evansville
happen here.’” Turley finished the game with 19 points, six assists and six rebounds, whileBurpo scored eight points, along with four assists and 10 rebounds. The Racers are now 5-2 on
the season and Turner sees more great things to come from her team. “‘We over me’ has never been more powerful than it is right now,” Turner said. “I’m just super proud of the effort and the attitude and
the mindset, and the confidence should continue to grow with this team.” Murray State will head back home for a showdown against Indiana State University on Saturday, Dec. 7, at 5 p.m. at the CFSB Center.
December 5, 2019
Librarians recognized for research Dionte Berry Contributing Writer dberry11@murraystate.edu
R e c e n t l y, t wo o f M u r ray State’s librar ians received accolades for their wo rk i n e d u c a t i o n a n d research. Dana Statton Thompson, research and instruction librarian and assistant professor, received an education award in Leuven, Belgium, at the conference of the International Visual Literacy Association. She received the award for her research on current visual literacy initiatives, as well as for the creation of an online open access bibliography called “Recommended Reads for Visual Literacy.” As a research and instructional librarian, Thompson’s job entails tasks such as ordering books for the online and physical university librar ies, doing research, teaching, doing instructional sessions for students and helping faculty members. It may be a lot, but Thompson enjoys her job. It was not her first career, however. “ I wo r k e d i n t h e re a l wo rl d f o r a l i t t l e d o i n g marketing and advertising for a real estate company in Baton Rouge and knew it wouldn’t last, so I re-enrolled in school for a mast e r s i n l i b ra r y s c i e n c e,” Thompson said. She chose library science because it was a combination of the things she enjoyed and was good at. “Library Sciences comb i n e d eve r y t h i n g I w a s good at: helping people find what they need, doing research and serving others,” Thompson said. Even though being a lib ra r i a n w a s n ’t h e r f i r s t career path, she f eels as though it is the right path for her.
“Being able to teach is very important to me. I like being able to reach my students in a classroom setting,” Thompson said. Her dedication and love for her job brought her all the way to Leuven, Belgium, where the conference was held. This was her third time going to the conference, but it was the first time she travelled internationally for it. T hompson received an educational award which is given to those who have taken different approaches toward educating others about visual literacy. Beyond the conf erence, Thompson explored parts of Europe. “I was able to go to Amsterdam and visit the Rijksmuseum, and we also got to go to the Rene Magritte Museum in Brussels,” T hompson said. “I got to see a bunch of sights that I wasn’t sure I would ever get to travel and see.” N o w b a c k i n M u r r a y, T h o m p s o n w i l l c o n t i nu e sharing her visual literacy research and those interested can check out a bibliography called “Recommended Reads for Visual Literacy” on Visualliteracytoday.org. For students that are interested in visual literacy, Thompson teaches a course, INF 101: Research in the Age of Information. Her colleague, A.J. Boston, who was also recognized, wo rk s a s M u r ray S t a t e ’s scholarly communication librarian. Boston is an assistant professor who runs the Murray State Digital Repository and is the coordinator for the Office of Research and Creative Activity. Boston started at Murray State as the interim liaison for the College of Business before hearing about the new position of scholarly communication librarian, which drew his interest.
He decided to apply, and i s n ow ex c e l l i n g i n h i s field. He was named as a Lib ra r y P u bl i s h i n g C o a lition Fellow for 2019 to 2021. Only two are chos e n w o r l d b i a n n u a l l y, making it an outstanding accolade. The LPC is an inter national body that focuses on community building nationally and inter nat i o n a l ly b e t we e n t h o s e that are associated with library publishing. As an LPC f ellow, Boston does service for the L P C, a n d , i n re t u r n , h e h a s a c c e s s t o v a s t re search materials. Kati Wynat/The News “As a fellow I get all the resources and benefits of Dana Statton Thompson pictured in her office 213A at Waterfield Library. belonging to the LPC community and in exchange I write blog posts, and I will help out on committees such as the annual forum planning committee and I will sit in on regular meetings,” Boston said. Boston is part of only the second set of fellows to be selected because this practice is fairly new. After the first set of fellowships were finished, the LPC sent out proposals for new fellows. B o s t o n wa s s e l e c t e d largely due to his involvement in Mur ray State’s research and publishing sectors. “A big reason why I was Kati Wynat/The News able to get this fellowship is due to the work I’ve done A.J. Boston pitcured in his office 214 at Waterfield Library. with journals that we host on to do research and creative “This fellowship is allowing campus,” Boston said. ventures, guided by faculty me to better serve the MurA major part of Boston’s at Murray State, which val- ray State community and job as a scholarly commu- ues students who are willing those work relations I have nication librarian is working to go the extra mile,” Boston with faculty members,” Boswith faculty members to help said. ton said. them publish or make their Like T hompson, Boston It is great for Murray State work more available to the has a busy job, but he en- to have dedicated f aculpublic. joys it because he is able to ty members likeThompson His other position as coor- offer students nontraditional and Boston who enjoy their dinator for ORCA had also learning experiences. jobs and are willing to help made him stand out. “The With his fellowship, Bos- students and fellow faculoffice sponsors a number of ton plans to apply what he ty members achieve their opportunities for students is learning to Murray State. goals.
Skate away the end of the semester Georga Leigh Moore Contributing Writer gmoore8@murraystate.edu
D ow n t ow n M u r ray w i l l h o s t t h e f i r s t eve r p o p up ice skating rink at this year’s Main Street Merriment to kick off the holiday season. The ice skating rink is being sponsored by The Murray Bank and will be available to the public on Dec. 6 to 8. It will be the first ice skating rink to ever come to Murray and will be located on Fifth and Maple streets.
The hours will be from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friday; 9 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. on Saturday; and 2:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday. Since the rink will only be available to the public for a short time, online registration is encouraged. People may register and pay online at http:// www.murraymainstreet.org/ skating-rink.html. Besides ice skating, Friday night will also feature M a i n S t re e t M e r r i m e n t . Main Street Merriment is an annual town-wide event to celebrate the start of the
holiday season in the downtown square. Local businesses will be hosting different stations for children or adults to visit like letter writing to Santa, cookie decorating, reindeer food, apple cider and carriage rides. The square and its businesses will be decorated for the holidays welcoming visitors. This event is on the Friday night that the ice-skating rink opens. Tim Stark, the vice president of marketing f or The Murray Bank, is maki n g s u re t h a t l o c a l s a n d
students alike are aware of the upcoming event sponsored by the bank. “The ice-skating rink is obviously going to be the big attraction,” Stark said. “ B u t M a i n S t re e t M e r r i ment on Friday night is going to be a big night and I know that a lot of the local downtown businesses have jumped on board.” Kayla Speis, the director of marketing and communications at the Murray Conventions and Visitors Bureau, has been heavily promoting the event and
online registration to ensure that each person secures skate time. People are also welcome to register on site. She believes ice skating will be popular with parents due to the nostalgia factor and being able to share the experience with their children. “It will be a great way to enhance the Christmas event as a whole,” Speis said. “And also, to add an additional activity for family and friends to enjoy the holiday season and make those memories.”
December 5, 2019
Friday, Dec. 6: Holiday Ice Skating Rink
@ 2 p.m to 8 p.m. at Main Street Merriment
President’s Office Town and Gown Holiday Open House @ 4:30 p.m. at Oakhurst
Town and Gown Concert @ 7 p.m. in Lovett Auditorium
Mackenzie O’Donley/The News Students cuddle with some furry friends during monthly pet therapy in the Oakley Applied Science Building.
Pet therapy helps students destress
Grant Dillard Staff Writer gdillard@murraystate.edu
Seeing how finals week is fast-approaching, any form of comfort or stress relief is welcomed by students. Pet therapy is one of the more effective and comfortable means of doing so. Pet therapy got its start locally in 1975 when the Humane Society of Calloway County was formed, with many of the program’s volunteers being children who joined the Pets Are Wonderful Society and took puppies from the animal shelter to the local nursing home to visit the residents. The program evolved from there to become what it is today. “Pet therapy involves all sorts of animals,” Terry Derting, mammalogy professor and pet therapy associate, said. “We currently have pet therapy dogs, a few therapy cats, a therapy pig, a horse and a rooster. Any animal that is controlled and safe around people and other animals is eligible as a therapy animal.” The Humane Society’s first visit to Murray State was on Oct. 6, 2006. The program was initially held at Waterfield Library and has since relocated. “We were moved to Alexander Hall for a few years and now are more centrally located at the [Oakley]
Applied Sciences Building,” Derting said. Currently, the society’s pet therapy teams are certified with the Alliance of Therapy Dogs, with each dog and handler having passed a rigorous test ensuring that the therapy animal and handler are safe around humans and other animals. Each team is also insured by their certifying organization. The number of faculty and students who participate varies due to location or time in the semester. Ultimately, Derting describes pet therapy as an attractive event for students and many faculty and staff. “During our monthly pet therapy event, 10 to 25 students and a smaller number of faculty typically stop by,” Derting said. “When the pet therapy teams are invited to a residential college, especially around the end of the semester, we have had as many as 70+ students visit.” The group conducts a regular pet therapy event on campus at the Oakley Applied Sciences Building on the first Tuesday of each month from noon to 1 p.m. They also make visits to other locations on campus whenever invited, including specific classes, residential colleges and fraternity/sorority events. Most of their invitations to specific events occur during times of increased student stress,
specifically around midterms and final exams. The overall motivation of pet therapy is to help people who need any kind of emotional support. “Scientific evidence from a variety of research studies documents specific responses that occur when humans interact with therapy animals,” Derting said. “The responses include lowered blood pressure and heart rate, and reduced perceived stress and anxiety. These health benefits are important because most of the persons with whom our therapy teams interact are under acute and/or chronic stress. Even short-term reduction of stress is of benefit physiologically and psychologically.” Regardless of the circumstances or situation, therapy animals provide unconditional friendship to those who want it, providing comfort, joy and humor to patients, staff, students, faculty and many others. Senior student Julie Tindell from Irvington, Kentucky, also sees the benefits that pet therapy gives to students during hard times in the semester. “I absolutely love animals and pet therapy is very calming,” Tindell said. “I think it’s a great service offered to students during stressful periods of time throughout the semester. It’s a great break from studying and I enjoy it very much.”
Saturday, Dec. 7: Hanging of the Green
@ 1 p.m. in the Curris Center
Holiday Ice Skating Rink
@ 9 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. at Main Street Merriment
Rotary Light Up Murray Christmas Parade @ 5 p.m. on Main Street
Sunday, Dec. 8: Holiday Ice Skating Rink
@ 2:15 p.m to 4:30 p.m. at Main Street Merriment
If you would like to see your event featured in the Calendar of Events, email the features editor at csmith110@murraystate.edu. Colton Colglazier/The News
December 5, 2019