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January 23, 2020 | Vol. 94, No. 15
Online graduate programs added Addison Watson Staff Writer awatson25@murraystate.edu Levi Brandenburg Contributing Writer lbrandenburg1@murraystate.edu
Photo Courtesy of Orville Herndon The University outsources custodial services and grounds departments.
Universit y outsources custodial services and grounds departments Daniella Tebib News Editor dtebib@murraystate.edu The Board of Regents voted on Dec. 13, 2019, to outsource the custodial services and grounds departments to the company SSC. The University notified the company of the contract on Dec. 18, 2019, which will take effect on April 13. The initial contract will be five and onefourth years, with five optional one-year renewals. The motion passed with 10 votes in favor and one opposed. The motion included five recommendations presented by Vice President of Finance Jackie Dudley. To select a suitable company, an evaluation committee was created to review proposals and narrow down the options. Members of the committee include several on-campus faces, from students to facility staff members. “We’ve tried to compile a really cross-section team to look at these because everybody looks at these services in a different way,” Dudley said in the meeting. “We all have a different view.” Prior to voting, Dudley said outsourcing the departments
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Murray State will launch online graduate programs in five areas of study in fall 2020. The University has come to an agreement with Academic Partnerships, an online program management company based in Dallas, Texas, that builds and markets online graduate programs for higher education institutions. Five of Murray State’s online programs being marketed by Academic Partnerships will allow graduate students to enroll from well outside the University’s service region. Of the five programs, four are based in the Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business, and one is in the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. The programs are public relations, business analytics, cybersecurity, information systems and public administration. The graduate program for cybersecurity will replace the current program for telecommunications management.
All five programs will allow students to earn a master’s degree on either an 18-month track or a two-year track, depending on how the degree tracks are created. The University agreed to a seven-year contract with Academic Partnerships, with the option to end the contract at any time the University wishes. Melony Shemberger, faculty regent and associate professor of journalism and mass communication, said she believes that in conjunction with Academic Partnerships, the University will be more competitive and have another steady revenue stream. Shemberger, who teaches in the public relations graduate program, also said Academic Partnerships is working with campus offices to integrate its services with the University to advance the graduate student enrollment. Prospective students will not see the face of Academic Partnerships, but rather the face of the University. The programs will feature eight-week course terms and have multiple entry points throughout the academic year,
is beneficial and necessary for several reasons. “We need this for the recruitment of students, retention of students, maintenance of our facilities and grounds and the safety on campus is tied to a lot of custodial and ground services that we have,” Dudley said in the meeting. Dudley also said she believes, based on the review of proposals, that the University will save between $400,000 and $1 million by outsourcing the custodial services and grounds departments. “This change will save the university several million dollars over the course of the contract due to current pension system rates of 49.47%, proposed to increase to 93.01% on July 1, 2020,” said Shawn Touney, director of communication. Several surrounding universities have outsourced their custodial work f or years, including Western Kentucky University, Eastern Kentucky University, Morehead State University, University of Kentucky and University of Louisville. During the meeting, multiple regents spoke in favor of outsourcing.
“Murray State University does not want to continue to be managing trailers, mowers, weedeaters, construction equipment, gas, diesel and trying to keep the latest tech and maintenance equip,” Regent Don Tharpe said in the meeting. “Whereas if you subcontract that out, they’ll have the newest best sub-zero turn mower out there cutting that grass, and you don’t have to worry about it. To me that’s one area where we can save a lot of money.” Trey Book, student regent and Student Government Association president, spoke on behalf of the student body to thank the committee for ensuring student opportunities would continue to be available. “I want to say thank you to the committee for making sure these companies are still going to employ students,” Book said in the meeting. “These positions are very important to students as well. And thank you for making sure they not only employ them, but that there’s room for advancement and learning in these trades.”
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Lauren Morgan/The News Five online graduate programs will be launched in fall 2020.