April 30, 2020 | Vol. 94, No. 28
Board of Regents discusses stimulus package and budget updates
Photo courtesy of Murray State’s Youtube Channel The Board of Regents held a special meeting via Zoom on Friday, April 24.
Daniella Tebib News Editor dtebib@murraystate.edu
flex plans with a 7-2 vote. Shemberger and Book also opposed this motion. The increase is compliant with the Sodexo contract agreement.
The Board of Regents held a special Federal Stimulus Package Update meeting on Friday, April 24, to discuss tuition, housing and dining rates, the federal Jackie Dudley, vice president of finance, stimulus package, the updated budget, ensaid the University received notice that rollment efforts and state legislation. $3.135 million out of the $6.2 million from the federal stimulus package for stuTuition, Housing, Dining Rates dents was posted to its bank account on Update Friday, April 24. The University is working on its guideThe board unanimously approved the authorization of the tuition rates for the lines about how these funds will be allocat2020-21 academic year with no increase in ed to students. Dudley said while guidelines from the federal government are tuition or mandatory fees. While tuition rates will not be increased, fairly flexible, the Department of Educahousing and dining rates will see an in- tion has made several suggestions. Dudley crease. The board approved a 0.5 percent said the Department of Education prefers increase for housing rates with 7-2 vote. for the aid to go to students who are eliFaculty Regent Melony Shemberger and gible for the Pell Grant and have specifstudent Regent Trey Book opposed the ic guidelines for what the money can be motion. The revenue will generate an addi- used for, including expenditures related to tional $73,509 to be used for facilities, fur- COVID-19 such as food, shelter, health niture, bedding and deferred maintenance. care, child care and technological needs. President Bob Jackson said about 34 The board also approved a 3.09 percent increase in meal plans, but no increase in percent of Murray State’s students are
eligible for the Pell Grant. The University will also look at students who have lost their jobs and who were eligible for the Pell Grant in Fall 2019, but not in Spring 2020. Jackson also said not every student will get aid from the federal stimulus package. To provide funding to students, the University is working on a type of application that a committee will assess for students to apply through by the beginning of May. Dudley said the University is looking to set a priority deadline for applications for the end of the academic year for the first wave of checks, but the dates have not been finalized. Fiscal Year 2019-20 Budget Update Dudley said the University is expected to lose almost $7.4 million because of loss of operations, revenues and expenditures. However, because of the pandemic, Dudley said the University is expecting to save about $2.6 million compared to the $1.1 million the University had in the balance last year. The positive balance will be put towards the $7.4 million shortfall.
The University will also be receiving $3.135 million from the federal stimulus package to offset any costs related to COVID-19. Dudley said with the $2.6 million, the federal stimulus package and other funds, they still expect to be around $1.6 million below the budget. Because of the shortfall, the University plans to tap into its rainy day fund and reserves to offset the costs. Because of COVID-19, the University chose the option of prorating student accounts according to the exact number of days students were not on campus. Credits were issued to student accounts, and federal financial aid dollars were refunded to students accordingly. S cholarship credits from Murray State have also been applied to some housing and dining fees, resulting in a return of $500,000 with a net impact of housing and dining credits of $4 million, heavily impacting fiscal year 2020.
see REGENTS page 2
Parker pleads guilty to 2018 Marshall County High School shooting Addison Watson Staff Writer awatson25@murraystate.edu The families affected by the 2018 Marshall County High School shooting received some closure as Gabriel Parker entered into a plea agreement. Parker pleaded guilty to two counts of murder and eight counts of first-degree assault. Six of the assault charges were amended to second-degree assault. Originally, all the assault charges were first-degree. The other eight assault charges were not amended and stand as charged. Parker’s guilty plea for the assault charges is expected to come with up to 70 years of prison time, not including his plea for the two murder charges. Each murder charge is expected to grant him life in prison. Parker’s defense attorney Tom Griffiths said the sentences run together into a life in prison plea deal because
Kentucky doesn’t do life plus a number of years. The News spoke to Dennis Foust, commonwealth attorney, who confirmed the details regarding Parker’s guilty plea. Griffiths said Parker agreed to the plea deal because he felt it was the appropriate thing to do. “Gabe entered a plea today not because it was easy for him but because it was the right thing to do,” Griffiths said. “It was the right thing for him, for the victims’ family.” G r i f fi t h s s a i d Pa rk e r n e ve r e ntered a plea of not guilty in previous proceedings. “He was always accepting responsibility for what he has done,” Griffiths said. Today’s hearing was originally scheduled to discuss whether the trial should be delayed further because of complications involving COVID-19, but Parker instead wanted to accept the commonwealth’s plea agreement.
On Jan. 23, 2018, 15-year-old Gabriel Parker entered Marshall County High School where he opened fire, killing two of his classmates, Preston Cope and Bailey Holt, and injuring 14 other students. Four of the students were critically injured. In a video posted on the Louisville Courier-Journal’s website in 2018, Marshall County Sheriff ’s Department Captain Matt Hillbrecht gave a possible motive for the shooting. Hillbrecht said Parker told him he was an atheist and his life had no purpose or meaning, and other people’s lives also had no purpose. He also said he wondered what prison life was like. Parker has been held in the Christian County, Kentucky, jail since the shooting, where the trial was supposed to take place. Judge Jamie Jameson said sentencing for Parker will be held June 12 at 1 p.m. Griffiths said Parker will be eligible for the possibility of parole in 20 years.
Photo courtesy of Dave Thompson/The Paducah Sun