April 1, 2021 | Vol. 95, No. 22
Traditional Homecoming returns for fall 2021
Gov. Beshear veto Senate Bill 48
Baum kicks four field goals to keep Racers undefeated
Students react to non-instructional days
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Exclusive update
Friend says Townsend knew Sotomayor prior to murder Cady Stribling News Editor cstribling@murraystate.edu Sarah Townsend’s best friend sat down with The News for an inter view in which he revealed that she knew her alleged killer, Julius S otomayor pr ior to her disappearance on March 25. Townsend’s body was found in a ditch near the Cherry Corner area in Calloway County on Friday morning, March 26. Preliminary autopsy results showed she died of multiple gunshot wounds. Julius Sotomayor, 22, of Dexter, Kentucky, was arrested on Saturday, March 27, and charged with murder, tampering with evidence and theft by unlawful taking (auto). Sotomayor is currently being held in the Calloway County Jail on a $1 million bond. The news of Townsend’s death rattled the campus community, as it came just a few weeks after a murder-suicide at a private property near Elizabeth Residential College. Local law enforcement officers would not confirm the relationship between Townsend and Sotomayor, but her best friend, Al Lloyd, senior advertising major said it was not a random murder. L loyd said the night before Townsend’s body was found he had planned to cook dinner at her apartment but decided against it because he had a lot of homework. “ I was suspicious the night before because she did ask me to come over to her apartment, but I rejected because I had so muc h home work to do and I didn’t get that homework done till 4 or 5 that Friday morning,” Lloyd said. “ When she stopped talking to me last around midnight, that’s when I looked at the Snap Map and noticed she was in a ver y, ver y weird location.” Lloyd said the location was a weird spot for her to be in, but he brushed it off as Townsend hanging out with a friend. Regardless, Lloyd messaged Townsend and asked how her organic chemistry homework was going, but d i d n’t g e t a re s p o n s e. A b o u t an hour later at 1 a.m., Lloyd looked at her Snap Map again and it showed the same location, so he sent her another message but still did not get a reply. “I just brushed it off and remembered it as a yellow flag and I’ ll come back to it tomorrow,”
Photo courtesy of Al Lloyd Al Lloyd, senior advertising major, was best friends with Sarah Townsend, 21. A GoFundMe can be found on the Murray State News’ website.
Lloyd said. “And that Friday, I just went through the whole day of thinking everything was fine. I didn’t think anything of her at all, nothing bad. I was even wearing her shoes that I still got right now because I was supposed to return them to her.” Lloyd said he had a normal Friday and even talked to a study abroad ambassador because he and Townsend were thinking of places to study abroad together. It was around 6 or 7 p.m. when a resident adviser asked Lloyd if he’d seen Townsend since she hadn’t shown for her desk shift at College Courts. Once Lloyd heard this, he said he checked Snap Maps and no longer saw her whereabouts but decided to screenshot the weird location to send to her mother. Townsend ’s mother later put out a missing person alert on Facebook. Lloyd said he thought the situation was ser ious bec ause S ar ah ne ver went anywhere without telling her mother. A s h o r t t i m e l a t e r, a c o worker showed L loyd a ne ws
Julius Sotomayor was arrested for murder, tampering with evidence and theft after the body of Murray State senior Sarah Townsend was found in a ditch near the Cherry Corner area. Sotomayor is currently in the Calloway County Jail on a $1 million bond.
article about a body being found in the Cherr y Corner area. “She told me details of the article then came and showed me the article,” Lloyd said. “I saw S arah’s crocs and that ’s when I cr ied and c al led that number to give [police] the details. Her crocs were one of her most d i s t i n c t i v e f e a t u re s e v e r b e cause she was a crocs person.”
Lloyd said he then went to the Murray State police station and talked with Kentucky State Police to give the information he knew. Although police presented the case to him as a missing person, Lloyd said he had suspicions that police were inquiring
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